#fall break is happening starting tomorrow which is when i'll start work :-)
chrissdollie · 8 months
dad!matt or dad!chris u choose :)
let me tell youuu-- matt is a girl dad! i guesss i could see him with boys but i cant stop thinking of tough matt with little princesses who dress him up for tea parties 🥹
when they're babies, he's always taking pictures. especially when u dress them up in cute fits with matching head accessories :(
gets pissed off whenever nick or chris (more chris tho) swear infront of his kids !!! he does not give a shit, they could both be babies, but he'd worry about it being their first word lmaoo.
"shit, they're so cute." chris grins, tickling both girls gently. cut to matt smacking his arm aggressively
pretends to fight them LMAOO one of your girls is really tired but refuses to go to sleep, so you pull out the big guns-- your husband. u guys know how he always has beef with the camera? 😭😭 he swings (much more cautiously) at the chunky baby and when she jabs his shoulder, he winces dramatically in pain. this tires her out and she eventually falls asleep right next to her daddy
they won't stop crying one night, you're on the verge of breaking down with them and matt gets out of bed, walks over to the crib, picks both of them up (their sobbing winds down a bit), and kisses your lips. "i'll be back in a few. get some sleep sweetheart." and walks out of the room
you didnt wake up all night. and like your husband promised, he was right next to you in bed, snoring softly.
he has a hard time saying no for sure. its sunday and the kids have school tomorrow but they wanna go out. "daddy can we go to the park?" he shakes his head, "dinner's soon, baby, maybe next weekend" both of your girls pout and shrug without arguing, but still! he has to give in
pushes them to be social. he'll be at the store and ask one of them to ask someone where the tripods are or something. she does it without a problem because matt's teaching them that they don't have to be so nervous like he used to be
now in their pre-teens, they're starting to explore the world of beauty. "daddy." your oldest taps matt's shoulder who's on facetime with nick on the couch. "can you ask mommy if i can use some of her makeup?" she plays with her fingers impatiently. he raises a brow. "you don't wanna ask her?" to which she shakes her head. "she might say no to me, but she'll say yes to you."
he chuckles lightly, "baby, why would she say no to you?" and she just shrugs. "i dunno." her answer made herself realize that there's no reason not to ask. so with confidence, she nods to herself, and skips away to find you
one night, you're braiding their soft hair while humming a song the three of u like. the girls sing the lyrics aloud, causing you to giggle and start singing with them. it's a really girly song by the way, so when matt stumbles into the room and the girls plead him to sing along to 'call me maybe', he looks at you with a goofy look to which you grin. he mocks you dramatically before joining in hehehe
now you think your girls are very mature teenagers. they've both already had the sex and drugs/alcohol talk. anyhow one night, you and matt are getting it on in the bedroom (the door is locked!). you thought you were being quiet, but was proven wrong when you heard both of them giggling to themselves outside of your room. matt hears too and pauses his movements altogether. you whine quietly before he whispers a small "shh" and turns his head to stare at the door. "go to sleep!" he yells, hearing them run away laughing. and he gets right back to work when they're gone, pretending that never happened LMAO
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itsohh · 1 year
141 Leaving their partner to keep them safe
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A/N: G/N reader, this was inspired by Eyes Without a Face by Billy Idol which I've been listening to repeat for like an hour. Such a vibe.
Warnings: Angst
It had been a decision that had kept him up for nights. One her eventually went to Price about. "You have to do what you think is right Gaz. This isn't a decision I can make for you." John has told him, face soft with pity. He didn't envy the position Kyle was in.
So he took you out, gave you the best night he possibly could. On the now dark beach he took your hand, sat down the pair of you on a public chair. The roar of waves in the background. "I wanted to do everything I possibly could with you tonight." He swallowed and let out a deep breath.
"Kyle? Is everything alright." He couldn't look at you, couldn't look at those eyes of yours.
"I won't be able to see you anymore."
"You- huh? What do you mean?"
"I'm breaking up with you. You're a distraction at work, I can't focus when I'm thinking about you." His words had a sliver of truth to them, yes you distracted him sometimes but it was never a problem. It was never something he couldn't control. The real reason had been an attack on a number of SAS operatives' families. Leaked files that had compromised a number of people. Some had died. Kyle hadn't been compromised or had his file leaked but it was still a very real threat.
It has put his entire life into a new perspective.
Eventually he made up his mind. "It's not your fault, I don't think I can be in a relationship at all. It isn't a fit with my life anymore, I'm sorry."
"I... see." You looked over to the ocean. "I thought tonight you were going to… I don't know what I thought tonight was going to be. Not this. I hope your career works out well for you." Your voice went from broken to stoic. Almost emotionless. Kyle wanted to comfort you, to hold you close but he didn't. It wouldn't help you, it would only help him. Kyle knew he had been selfish enough that night.
So Kyle watched as you got up from the public chair. "You can get your stuff from my house tomorrow when I'm at work. I don't want it." From stoic to angry.
"Let me take you home, it's late."
"Piss off Kyle. I'll get an uber. You worry about where you're spending the night." There was an anger that bubbled in your chest, hand clenched. Despite your anger directed to him, it was more at yourself. That you ever thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with you.
Without looking at him you started to walk off, a mutter beneath your breath. "I hate the fucking beach."
A single picture. One you would never know about. It was of you, a smile on your face as you candidly looked to the side. You had been drawing the curtains closed. A picture that you never knew and would never know was taken.
A single picture that had been sent to Ghost.
A single picture that had made him make up his mind.
Ghost had made sure to clean out all evidence of himself from your house while you were out shopping. That day he helped you unpacked. A smile had been plastered from one side of your face to the other. You had been so happy for his return, so happy to see him again. "I don't love you anymore." He had said those words when you sat down on the couch next to him. For a second you thought it was just a cruel joke. But you searched his eyes, searched that masked face of his.
"Nothing more to it." He stood up from the couch and you jumped up after him.
"Is there someone else?"
"No, there's nothing that happened. Don't overthink it. People fall out of love sometimes."
"Can I do something to make you fall back in love? We can get through this, this doesn't have to be the end of the road. Simon if your scared if we are going too fast or-"
"-No. Nothing you say will change this." His movements were rigid, tense as he walked towards the door. Ready to vanish into the night to never be seen again.
"Simon-" Your bottom lip quivered and your eyes were big while you started at the back of his head.
"Don't call me that. Find someone that can love you the way you love me, because I can't."
It had been a month. A month since work had been brought home. Back on your feet, the bruises had faded. Wrapped up on the couch a figure moved in the corner of your eye. "John?" No answer. You frowned and pushed the blankets off your body. The cool air hit your legs and you shuffled towards his figure. You could have sworn you heard the small click of the front door opening. 
"John?" He froze with his hand on the door, a bag slung over his shoulder. "Do you have another mission? I suppose I can't keep you here all the time." You smiled and he nodded. He returned the smile but there was something in his eyes. A sadness, a deep sadness. "Do you know when you will be back?"
"No." His eyes broke eye contact. "Let me go out this in the car and I'll be back to say goodbye." Before you could open your mouth he had pushed open the door and disappeared. 
True to his word he came back to the front door and opened his arms wide, welcoming you into him as he usually did. You hurried your face into his chest and your hands practically clawed into his shirt. A gentle kiss blessed the top of your head. 
Slowly you pulled back from him, eyes glazed as you looked into his. "You're not coming back are you?" 
He froze and his face turned into one of pity. "You always were a smart thing." His head gently started to stroke your hair. 
"Was it something I did John? Is there something that I didn't do? Is there-"
"-Shh shhh, I promise you. It was nothing you did. It's not you. You're perfect, too perfect for me. But I have to focus on work."
"John no please- don't-." You choked on your words, a sob ripped from your as you buried your face back into his chest. 
"I'm so sorry. Shhh shhh. Everything will be okay. You still have your whole life ahead of you."
"But I don't want that without you John please don't leave. I love you please, please, please, I love you so much I'll do anything please John." Your begs were interpreted as he grasped both sides of your face with his hands. His brows were furrowed and tears threatened to spill from his eyes. 
His lips pressed against yours only for a moment. "I love you too sweetheart. Please don't make this harder. I have to do what I have to do."
"John." He let go of you and started to turn but you grabbed his arm. "John please."
His shoulders tensed and his breath frosted in the cold air. John didn't try to pull from you, he didn't say a word yet the request to let go was loud in the air. 
"I love you John. I'll never forget about you."
"Forget about me. Please, it would be kinder."
"John!" You let go of his arm and sunk to your knees, watching him go. 
Graves's words rung in his head. Even after his death, the man still managed to make his life a living hell. "Heard you got a sweetheart back at home McTavish." If he hadn't been in the middle of throwing out the C4 there was a very real possibility that Graves's words would have made him freeze.
"Perhaps when I'm done here I'll go show them what a real man is. A real soldier. Perhaps be their shoulder to cry on. Then the second they get over you- make them mine. Will never think about your sorry ass again."
That final C4 has really made it truly satisfying to wipe whatever smirk that was on his face into smithereens.
The more Soap thought about it though, the more it worried him. If Graves knew you were existed then who else did? What if Shepard wanted to use you against him? What if someone else turned?
He could let that happen to you. At the same time, Johnny was scare. Terrified, he couldn't face breaking your heart. As much as he thought you deserved to be told face to face, he couldn't. "I'm a fucking coward." He hissed to himself, his handwriting messy as he finished scribbling down the piss poor excuse of a break up.
You were so peaceful in your once shared bed. Content. A mood that would drastically change at your wake. When you would find him long gone. Only a note for an excuse. Johnny taped the small note to his pillow and made the bed. You stired a little in the bed but didnt wake from your deep sleep.
In a moment of weakness, Johnny sat down on the bed. He lay down backwards so his head was on your chest. Eyes closed he could almost imagine the way your hands would thread through his hair. He could almost imagine that laughter that he would never hear again. "I love you." A small whiper into the darkness. With a deep breath he slowly moved forward. Still so peaceful asleep, he left, a final glance at the doorway.
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octuscle · 1 month
Teens work out free all Summer
Jakob was done. The day had been exhausting. And somehow he couldn't cope with two or three exhausting days in a row as well as he used to. He was now 27 years old, his 28th birthday was only a few weeks away and the days when Jakob had been described as sporty were long gone. Even during his studies, he had spent less time at the gym or in the swimming pool than when he was at school and the slight tummy bulge with which he had accepted his master's degree and started his career had developed into a veritable paunch. Climbing stairs? Only in an emergency… Walking or cycling? What were cabs for… Jakob was done and he knew why.
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It was trade fair in the city. The last one before the summer break. The hotels were full, you couldn't get a table in the restaurants and there were no cabs to be had either. So Jacob bit the bullet and walked to the nearest bus stop. Sweat was pouring down his forehead. And there he saw this sign: “Teens Workout Free All Summer”. Sure, he was no longer a teen. But he also earned enough money to afford a gym. All he had to do was sign up. Just for the summer. Since he didn't have any school-age children, he didn't have his vacation until mid-September. What was the worst that could happen? He could lose a few kilos and cut a better figure in the late summer sun on the Croatian coast. “I'll sign up first thing tomorrow,” Jacob thought to himself. And then it hit him. "Shit, don't keep putting it off, I'll sign up now. Now and immediately. And if they have a store for gym gear, I'll start training today."
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It was hot in the gym. The place was obviously not air-conditioned. It smelled of sweat and sneakers. It smelled like the changing rooms in the schools gym earlier. Loud music blared from the speakers. The reception and training area merged seamlessly. The monotonous sound of people on treadmills and the groaning of people lifting iron was mixed into the booming music, occasionally interrupted by the sound of dumbbells falling into the rack or onto the floor. This was certainly not the kind of gym Jacob wanted to work out in. He was almost on his way out again when the lad behind the counter approached him. “Hi bro! Are you here for our summer offer?” Jacob said that he was here for a membership, yes. But not for the offer. ‘Why not, bro? My name is Liam, by the way. And you are?’ ‘Jacob,’ Jacob introduced himself. ‘Cool thing, bro! Don't worry, we'll get you in shape here.’ Jacob thought for a moment. Of course he would make a fool of himself here among all the beefcakes, but better here in front of people he didn't know than in some stylish gym where customers, colleagues or neighbors would make fun of him.
Liam was already hammering away at his keyboard. “So, your name is Jake. What's next?” “Jacob,” Jacob corrected. “Goldsmith” “Smith, Jake Smith. Your birthday?” Jacob wanted to correct Liam first, but maybe a pseudonym wasn't wrong. “August 12, 1996.” “Bro, I'll put in August 12, 2006,” Liam said with a wink. “Nobody checks here anyway. And I get a commission when I sign contracts for the summer offer.” Address? Jacob was just about to give his address when he thought to himself that he was here anonymously or under a pseudonym. So he gave the address of his parents' house, where they had all lived when he was at school. His parents had sold everything last year and moved to Provence, but as Liam said, no one would probably check it. “Please be so kind,” said Liam. Jacob looked surprised at a flash of light. And a few seconds later, a plastic card came out of the printer. His membership card, his ticket back to a life where climbing stairs wouldn't lead to panting and sweating. “Because it's your birthday in the summer, you get a water bottle and the water flat rate. Do you also want the protein shake flat rate? It's on special offer today. 20 pounds a month, 50 pounds for June, July and August together.” Jacob nodded and asked if he could also buy something to wear here. “That's my lad,” said Liam with a grin. “Get started right away, no hesitation, very good. No, you can't buy anything, but there's a treasure trove at the back. Just take what you need. I'll let Colin know in the meantime, he can show you around and show you everything.
Slightly disgusted, Jacob went to the corner with the lost-and-found treasure trove. It was obviously a source of odour. But it was surprisingly neat. Shoes, shorts, tank tops… Everything was neatly sorted by size. Only the socks were in a big box. It took Jacob a few minutes to find a pair. And while he was looking, he heard a throat clearing behind him. “So you're Jake, the new guy?” Jacob turned around, startled. Behind him stood a mountain of a man. Probably his age. Maybe a few years older. But someone who had never skipped chest or leg days. Never in his life. He obviously didn't take his personal hygiene that seriously. Colin was smelly. Jacob pulled himself together. “Jake, nice to meet you. You must be Colin.” “You can be sure of that! And now stop making a fashion show out of it.” Colin unerringly grabbed a tank top, shorts, shoes and even a matching pair of socks. And a jockstrap. He stuffed everything into a rucksack. Jacob shuddered. “The changing room is over there. Don't look for girls and boys, it's a lads only place here. Hurry up, we should allow two and a half hours for a training session." Jacob was beginning to feel sure he had made a mistake. Okay, at worst he had lost 50 pounds… But it was a mistake.
There were no cubicles in the changing room, no lockers. Things went on open racks. Shoes and bags on benches or on the floor. There was no one around. Only by the sinks was a lad, maybe 16 years old, showing off his enviably fit body in front of the mirror. Jacob sighed. He'd looked something like that when he was 16. He undressed and put on the unwashed clothes that Colin had stuffed into his bag. He looked in the mirror. He looked silly. He was wearing the washed-out clothes of an obviously much more muscular man… The shorts were too tight. The tank top too loose. The socks had holes in them. But at least the shoes fitted. Jacob sighed. And the torture on the dumbbells began.
Colin hadn't given him puppy protection. Colin had worked out with him as if they were training partners. Of course, he had reduced the weights for Jacob. But when Jacob couldn't do any more, he had shouted at him. Four more, three more, two more… Somehow Jacob had always managed the last repetition. The two of them were the last ones in the gym. Liam had already called it a day. Colin gave Jacob a fist bump. “Good training, mate! You've got bite and talent. You'll be something!“ Jacob would have blushed if his head hadn't been glowing anyway. ‘By the way,’ said Colin. ‘Hot water is turned off after 10 p.m. You can take a cold shower. Or…’ ‘I'll take the ’or',” Jacob chastised and grinned. He went into the changing room and packed his clothes from the office into his rucksack. He walked to the bus stop with the last of his strength. The city was full of fairgoers. Some raised their eyebrows in pique. Yes, he had to stink. But he had to get home now. He didn't care about anything else.
When the alarm clock woke him up at 06:00, he felt like everything was gone. He had fallen asleep sitting on his bed. He had just managed to undress. His office clothes were still in his rucksack. His sports kit was scattered on the floor. And he had slept half-sitting, half-asleep on his bed. In a puddle of sperm. Because he had obviously had at least one wet dream. And his morning wood was already standing at attention again. Jacob started to jerk himself off. Damn, did his cock feel good. Jacob smelled his own cold sweat. He smelled male. And he had a hard-on. He had smegma under his foreskin. Just like when he wasn't so serious about personal hygiene at school. He smelled his hand. Damn, that smelled like youth and manhood… And at that moment he came. He cummed all the way up to his chin, even though he had obviously emptied his balls at least once tonight. Shit, he thought to himself, breathing heavily… The training is paying off. As exhausted as I am, I'm more agile than I've been at any point in the last ten years.
Jacob went into the kitchen and stirred protein powder into his cottage cheese. He didn't question where the protein powder and cottage cheese came from. He drank two bottles of water because he felt completely dehydrated. He wolfed down his breakfast and made himself five more scrambled eggs. And another protein shake. Shit, he was starving. And late. He jumped into the shower. He didn't take a really thorough shower. He didn't shave either. He emptied out his rucksack on the floor and stuffed yesterday's clothes, which were still damp with sweat, into it. His bus was leaving in ten minutes. He had to walk. Cardio was never his thing. He was more of a weightlifting man.
He got lots of compliments in the office. He was told he looked fresh. He was told he'd lost weight. He looked younger. But he also got a few unpleasant questions. What was so smelly here. The old rucksack was standing next to his desk. And it stank. Jacob simply ignored the questions about the rucksack. He felt fit and full of energy. For lunch, he had a salad with three turkey breasts. His colleagues looked at him questioningly. “Mass phase,” he said apologetically, chewing with his mouth full.
Today was leg day. Colin had told him that he should allow three hours for warming up, stretching and maybe a bit of fitness training if he was serious. And Jacob was serious. He finished his work very punctually. Unusual for someone who was always the last one. Yes, he was on the verge of promotion, but his fitness was important to him. As soon as he entered, he pulled the access card out of his wallet. He looked at the photo with a grin. He was 23 on it, that was two years ago. What a slim man he had been then… Liam greeted him with a fist bump. Colin could be heard grunting from the chest press throughout the hall. Jacob greeted his bros as he entered the changing room. It was busy. Of course, most of the people here were still at university, unemployed or tradesmen who had already started work at 06:00 in the morning. There were few armchair farters like him here. But that didn't matter to him. Today, all that mattered was the weight on the leg press. And how much protein he could swallow from his flat rate. Protein and the leg press was a toxic combination. But protein farts didn't bother anyone here. They were part of the workout. And when he finally left the gym with Colin at around 11 p.m., there were a lot of protein farts in the air. Neither Colin nor Jacob had been bothered by that during the final cardio workout. Damn it, how could a beefcake like Colin be so limber!
His morning routine was well established. Alarm clock at 05:30. Sit-ups and press-ups. Breakfast, running gear on, run to the office, shower there, and be at his desk by 08:00. Sitting was the new smoking, he hated it. Jake was 22, he had just finished his bachelor's degree and as a trainee he couldn't afford to make any mistakes. His colleagues knew after a few days that he was a fitness junkie. The carefully labeled Tupperware containers spoke for themselves. Jake had to eat something every two hours. His trainer had told him to. Jake had been an ambitious bodybuilder since the age of 16. His tight ass and broad shoulders showed this even when he was wearing a suit. And many of his female colleagues and even some of his male colleagues appreciated the fact that Jake always wore tight and crisp-fitting suits.
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This afternoon was going to be an ordeal for Jake. He had promised Liam that he would take over the shift from 21:00. If he wanted to work out properly before then, he had to get off work at 5:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m. at the latest. The meeting went on and on. Jake looked nervously at his mobile again and again. At 5:15 p.m., over an hour later than planned, it was finally over. Jake breathed a sigh of relief. And then his boss asked Jake and two colleagues to stay for the minutes and the upcoming tasks. FUCK! He should have accepted Colin's offer and taken over the management of the gym after graduation. But his tutor at university had convinced him that auditing was his future. Holy shit. Now he'd have to skip cardio training.
05:30. Damn, that was early. But Paul, his roommate, was obviously already awake and seemed to be making breakfast in the kitchen. Yes, Jake was actually disciplined. Otherwise you didn't stand a chance when studying at the sports college. But at least sleep until 06:00 for once, he thought to himself… While he did his burpees to wake up. Paul was Liam's little brother. The two had met at the gym last summer. And Liam and Paul had convinced Jake to study sports economics. He had never regretted his decision. If only because sharing a flat with Paul was a cool thing. The two of them constantly motivated each other. And they also fucked each other from time to time. Hey, tighter asses were hard to find on the whole campus! Today was mostly sports on the timetable. Just one statistics lecture. It wasn't worth changing for that. Jake enjoyed riding his road bike to campus in just shorts and a cut-off tank top. And if the clothes weren't freshly washed, they were at least aired out by the breeze. Of course, the business students sitting in the statistics lecture would get upset about the smelly sports economists again. But hey, Jake already knew the game. It wouldn't be the first time one of these Oxford-shirt-wearing snobs would follow him to the toilet after the lecture and lick his hairy armpits. And it wouldn't be the first time he'd take someone home for a shag or join the gym as a new member. The first was fun, the second earned him a small commission.
“Jake, my darling! It's time to get up!” His mother looked into Jake's teenage room. His bed had already been made. Jake stood behind his mother in sweaty running clothes and quietly went “Boo!” His mother winced. Jake deliberately hugged her tightly so that his sweat made her nightgown damp. “Honey, when did you get up? It's the middle of the night!” Jake replied that he still had body fat to lose before his first amateur competition this weekend. He pulled off his wet running jersey and did a double bicep pose. “Jake, more important than losing body fat would be a shower.” his mother laughed. “Fuck, mom, I'm late. And by the time I've ridden my bike to school, I'll be sweaty again anyway.” “Don't talk back, otherwise there'll be no breakfast.” The threat worked. Jake reluctantly trotted into the shower and his mother prepared his ten-egg omelette.
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A poster announcing the national bodybuilding championship hung above the reception desk. With local hero Jake Smith as the favorite in the juniors. You could find those posters everywhere in the neighbourhood. Jake was somehow a local hero. Liam greeted the studio's up-and-coming star with a fist bump. Male rituals. Jake enjoyed that. He wasn't turning 18 for a few days, but here he felt like a full-fledged man. Liam said that ten new members had signed up to the teen-working-out-for-free-in-the-summer promotion last week alone. And eight said they had come to the gym because of Jake's fitness channel. Jake should get in touch with Colin and there would be a special bonus. Hehehe, thought Jake. That could be an extra 50 pounds. Or a shot of extra protein from Colin's cock. With a bit of luck, both. But Jake wasn't greedy. Either would be enough for him.
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Inspiration by @olivierlefou, pic by @ki-kink
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quokkareactions · 1 month
Stray Kids as angst tropes:
Hey, guys! Okay, so I was in the mood for writing some angst, so here you go four angsty Stray Kids drabbles. I still have to work on Seungmin's, which means I'll probably post the other four tomorrow. Until then I hope you enjoy these ones.
You and Chan were walking down the street holding hands and laughing when a girl stopped in her tracks next to you.
"Chan? Is it really you?" she said with a surprised laugh.
The confusion on Chan's face quickly changed into pure happiness when he recognised the girl.
You've never met the girl before but you know exactly who she is. You know that she's the owner of the box of women's clothes on the highest shelf in Chan's closet. You know that she's the reason why Chan's watching Attack on Titan every Tuesday night. You know that he can't say he loves you because of her. And it hurts even if you told him a thousand times that it's okay. He looks at you like you're the prettiest girl in the world, but her... He looks at her like she's his whole world.
"Chan, stop apologising"
"But I didn't know this will happen, we were only supposed to meet to catch up a bit, not to find our unresolved feelings for each other"
"I did"
"What?" he looks at you in confusion.
"I knew this was coming, she was always who you'd choose"
"I'm so sorry, y/n"
"I guess it was my mistake" you let out a bitter laugh.
"No, don't you dare say you're at fault"
"I should've left sooner" now both of your eyes were glossy from tears. "Goodbye, Chan"
You hugged.
"I wish you all the best, y/n"
Ringing. Not even remotely unusual sound for Minho. Especially because his best friend since high school was calling him nonstop for the last few days. He just ignored it for the most parts. He didn't want to talk to her. He had no idea what to say to her after what happened at Friday night. But then the ringing stopped and did not start again like Minho anticipated it to, like it did oh so many times already this weekend. What happened? Did you give up?
He almost felt relieved but then he realized... He knows you too well to believe you gave up. You're too persistent. And boy was he right. The next thing he hears is banging on his door.
"Open the fucking door, Minho, or I swear to god I'm gonna kick it in your face"
With a sigh he opens the door and you storm in.
"Y/n, seeing you is always a delight"
"Cut the crap, Min, I deserve at least an explanation"
"I'm not sure I can give you the explanation you wanna hear"
"Please, what happened? I thought you wanted it too" you whispered.
"We ruined our friendship"
"No, we didn't. Our friendship doesn't have to be ruined just because we start dating, it's not..."
"I don't want to date you! I never have and never will" he cuts in bitterly.
"But... I watched you go out with numerous girls waiting for the day you realize that the right girl was right in front of you the whole time" you trail off, tears now freely falling from your eyes.
"Sleeping with you was the worst mistake of my life" he answers without any emotion what so ever.
"And knowing you was mine. Fuck you, Lee Minho!"
With that you walk out of his apartment and his life. You never wanted to see him again not as a friend, not as a lover and not even as a stranger on the street. You wanted to forget him and the piece of your heart that he took for forever.
It was collecting up in you for long by now. Ever since Changbin and you became official you're getting hate from his fans. And we are talking about regular death threats level of hate. But when your sister got involved too you had enough. You decided to break up with Changbin. It was a hard decision but you had to do it, you couldn't take it anymore. Even though he had a really hard time dealing with the fact.
"Please tell me at least part of it was real" he pleaded
"All of it was real but I can't do this anymore. I'm not strong enough to bear it"
"Don't say it. Don't say goodbye"
"I'm so sorry, Changbin" you choked out, lips trembling, voice cracking and tears collecting on your lashes. "But we were never meant to last"
You left the room and was about to open the front door when he shouted after you.
"If you knew that from the start you should have told me before I fell in love with you"
For him the only indication of you hearing it was the sound of the front door closing right after. That was the last time you saw each other.
You and Hyunjin were madly in love at the start of your relationship and you made sure that everyone knew that. You were probably the cringiest couple alive. You did everything together and you were all over each other all the time. So everything was perfect until your third year anniversary. You had a huge fight and Hyunjin left and spent the night at his friend's. A girl he suddenly started to spend an awful lot of time with. Since then you felt further and further away from each other. You stopped going out together.
You were slipping away from each other and what is better evidence to that than the situation you're in right now. You are standing exhausted and completely soaked by the rain in front of the Café you work in. The Café your boss closed at 19:00. Exactly when he does everyday, exactly when your shift ended and exactly when you asked Hyunjin this morning to pick you up from there. That was an hour ago. Since then the rain is getting more and more intense. You are not  sure anymore whether it's the rain or your tears that's running down your cheek constantly.
At the start of the hour you thought it's him every time a car passed by. You are not hoping anymore. Not even sure why are you still waiting for him, you could've gotten on a bus and you'd already be home.
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kunikinnie · 4 months
a/n: oddly specific prompt as it's based on recent experiences lol lemme indulge (also lowkey a mess but whatever HAHA) warning: some profanity
comforting you after a breakup (and you getting sick in the process)
featuring: Kunikida, Akutagawa x GN!Reader
Kunikida Doppo
He'd drop by your place more often that he should. But it's not that it was uncalled for (although of course he was worried that he was overstepping boundaries). In fact, you were always grateful for his help.
"How are you feeling?"
"A bit better," you'd reply with a weak smile. It was always like this every visit and for every other visit to come. He'd bring you some food, sometimes those which he cooked himself, your favorite snacks, and whatever it is you requested from his previous visit.
While you were glad you had a friend around to brighten up the place in your darkest moments, sometimes the guilt would get to you. Wasn't he spoiling you a bit too much?
Perhaps he was, but to him, this was hardly anything at all. Yes, he was doing it for you, but he was also doing all of these things to ease his own guilt and pain from seeing you like this.
He promised he would always be there for you. It shouldn't have been hard, given how loyal of a friend he was (and given how deeply he had fallen for you) , yet he'd failed at looking out for you when you needed him most.
Maybe if he'd acted sooner, you wouldn't have fallen for that bastard. Maybe if he'd tried a little harder, you wouldn't have to sacrifice so much for a man who would never have done the same for you. Maybe if he'd had been more honest, you would've realized that you were loved - so greatly loved, really - even if that came from a person so unworthy such as himself.
The moment he found out your bouts of illness weren't just unlucky coincidences was the moment everything crashed down for him. There was nothing more painful for him than seeing you in pain, whether it be emotionally or physically. That's why he couldn't take it anymore when everything started going downhill for your health and your relationship.
He's glad that at least the initiative to break up with that scoundrel came from you. However, the temptation to strangle him if Kunikida ever bumped into him always lingered in his mind. Perhaps it was fate that spared both of them the headache; he never ran into him since you two broke up.
How could your ex waste your love and affection like that? Why did he leave you hanging in the air when you needed him most? Why did you have to fall for him anyway?
Of course he didn't want to think of himself as being the better choice as he also has his own weaknesses and issues to work out, but at least Kunikida knew he'd never let you second-guess or tire yourself to death.
He'd never force you to fit his ideal because he's learned to love you for the person you are.
"Thanks so much for all this."
Your smiles alone made all his worries vanish into thin air. Didn't you notice how much brighter they are now? It's the only reward he could ever ask for, even if sooner or later those very smiles would be reserved for someone else.
"I'll come again tomorrow. Just let me know if you need anything."
"Nah, it's fine. Your presence is more than enough."
Words couldn't encapsulate the joy he felt from hearing that. If only he could return those same words with the same level of honesty...
"Aww, he's happy to hear that."
W-was it really that obvious? Then did you also notice-
"Okay, okay I'll stop teasing you. You should go home now, it's late."
"I'll be fine. You should be fine too. Don't forget your meds. Also you can heat up the-"
"Yes, yes, I got it. Don't worry about me too much. I think you should be worrying about Dazai-san's latest case instead-"
Ah, right. Sometimes he wished that his partner would at least spare him half the trouble so that he could visit you more often...
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
He couldn't understand anything of what was happening to you, and to some extent, to himself as well.
He was aware he had no idea nor any intention as to knowing what "love," let alone being in a relationship meant. So when he learned that you had been dating someone else, he had been largely unaffected.
Well, at least that was what he said. It was obvious to anyone close to him that he was, in fact, extremely affected. The mere mention of your name was enough to shake him and sometimes even sour his mood.
But if this so-called "love" was the reason your smiles seemed to be brighter, then he had no right to feel the way he did.
As time passed, he distanced himself from the very thought of you. There was no point in dwelling on something that causes you pain, he claimed. Sure, sometimes you'd bump into each other and he'd feel lighter when you greet each other, and maybe he'd look out for you during missions as he always did, but they were just out of duty as your superior.
Yet the moment he found you one night crying in the middle of the rain, his resolution had been all but forgotten.
He used Rashoumon as an umbrella for the both of you before (awkwardly) asking what had happened. You suddenly hugged him tightly, despite being drenched from the rain, and continued to sob into his shirt.
"I guess he has no place for someone weak like me," you barely managed to say.
That statement puzzled him. You? But you were one of the most capable members the mafia, not just in terms of power and agility, but also in intelligence and strength of character.
It was not until he finally brought you to the hospital (because of course you got a fever from crying in the rain, dumbass) that everything was made clear.
You were diagnosed with a rare disease that had no treatment. Turns out you found a few days ago and were about to tell your partner that night, until he left you (literally) stranded in the middle of the rain for no good reason. He must have been tired of dealing with your symptoms - that was your conclusion.
"And still you refused to seek shelter like the idiot that you are," he said with great annoyance, but with no harshness in his tone. He could understand where you're coming from, of course, but compromising your health as if you were seeking death over something like that irritated him.
But what angered him more was your ex's (he supposed he was already your ex) behavior. To someone like Akutagawa who didn't even claim to truly know what "love" meant, it was disgusting to see someone abandon their lover like that. Worst part was that had to be you.
You having an illness, terminal or not, was not an excuse. If anything, that should have made him more determined to be by your side until the very end, right?
He hadn't realized you had already drifted to sleep. Despite your pale and reddened face and your puffy tear-streaked eyes, seeing you at peace for even just a moment brought him some peace of mind as well.
He was caught in a flurry of thoughts, ranging from wanting to choke your ex to coming to terms with the idea that he himself had fallen in love with you, and even to wishing that he could take your illness instead.
None of those really mattered right now, at least. The one thing that was clear was that you had to recover quickly and fully. If that meant he had to distance himself even further, then so be it. But if him being around would help in any way at all, then he'd swear to never leave your side and nothing - I mean nothing - can deter him from that.
taglist: @stygianoir, @irethepotato, @kisara-16reblogs, @thatdazaikin, @dazaee, @menshusband, @celestair, @bloobewy, @renaxnnas, @kunikida-simp
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actuallyadhd · 1 month
Hello, I know you haven't posted in a while so I understand if you don't reply to this, but I could definitely use some advice.
I haven't gotten round to getting tested for ADHD, but I have a lot of the symptoms. I really struggle to sit still, I often blurt things out and interrupt people, I can't seem to remember basically anything, I get way too emotional over small things, and more.
The thing is, these symptoms seem to be getting progressively worse. I will hear something and then completely forget what I heard minutes after, forget what I'm talking about mid conversation, haven't gone to sleep on time because I've been pacing in my room and throwing a bouncy ball and eventually scrolling on my phone in bed because I can't get to sleep, I'm late a lot more than usual (I have to go out tomorrow and I'm hoping I'll get up on time, alarms don't work).
But the biggest thing is this: I keep stopping and starting things. I have loads of sideblogs I haven't posted on for days because I started them with huge passion and then either got bored or forgot about them (or both.) I've been thinking about starting a new ask blog, but at the same time I know I won't come back to it.
Do you have any advice for how to manage this?
Sent August 1, 2024
It sounds like things are cascading, which can be super overwhelming.
I always start with what I call The Big Four: diet, exercise, sleep, and stress. If any one of these is out of whack, everything gets harder. This is true for non-ADHDers as well, but for us it’s more important because of how our brains work.
So, first, think about how you’ve been eating lately. Are you getting enough protein? Brains run on glucose, so carbs are also necessary, but aiming for whole grains and the like is better for long-term functioning. Are you eating *enough*? As in, do you forget to eat meals? Do you snack a lot, and if you do, are you going for quick sugar hits?
Next up is exercise. Regular movement is important. Taking active breaks when you get distracted can help to reset your brain so you can focus again when you come back. Exercise also adds endorphins, which boost your mood and can help increase energy and focus for longer. These effects build up over time, so you won’t see results right away, but if you can make it happen there will be benefits!
As for sleep, you’ve noted that you’re struggling to fall asleep. That’s a really common thing for ADHDers, and we have loads of suggestions here to help. Some of the best ideas I’ve seen include listening to podcasts or watching ASMR videos, white noise machines or a fan, reading a book (not an e-book unless your e-reader doesn’t use blue light), or doing some kind of a puzzle book in bed.
Stress can be really hard to manage, especially if anything else is off since that adds to your stress. The best way to handle this is to have a set time each day where you do something fun and relaxing.
You may find that this doesn’t quite hit the spot. So I have a couple more things to look into.
First, it’s pretty normal for us to run into problems when our responsibilities increase. More responsibility means more load on our executive functions, so things start falling apart a bit as we struggle to find a way to make everything happen. Change is hard!
Second, our age and hormones can have an impact on things. If you menstruate, estrogen levels have a huge impact on functioning. It is a very important part of the brain’s glucose delivery system, so when estrogen is low so is glucose. (There are other ways glucose gets to the brain, estrogen is just the most efficient.)
As for age, when you hit certain ages (early childhood and puberty are best known) your brain makes a ton of new connections, and that can make a lot of things harder that weren’t before. This is because your brain is dedicating itself to other things, and often those “lost” skills return once it’s done with the stage.
So think about all of these things and consider whether one or more might be affecting you. Once you know what’s going on, it will be easier to figure out how to deal with it.
Followers, do you have any ideas for managing these issues? Please share!
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gingiesworld · 1 year
Hello, how are you doing? I was thinking about a fluff one? Like, Lizzie having a child, four or five years old(she can be a single mom), and she met yn, he works as a choreographer and he was hired to teach Lizzie and the others what they have to do in the movie(you decide which one) and they get close and they get together not long after that. So when Lizzie wanted yn to meet her child, she was scared because her child is so shy and doesn't like to meet new people but when they met the two of them felt a connection when they started to talk about some movies. Maybe a time lapse happening and yn being the father that Lizzie always wanted for her child.
Elizabeth Olsen x M! Reader
Warnings: None but fluff. Maybe some suggestive talk
Dancing Around
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Lizzie was known for her roles in the MCU, her Facebook series and latest was HBO's Love and Death. Now she was starring in a new Romantic movie, escpecially with their being a dance scene.
"Ok, we have brought in a choreographer for the two of you." The director told them both as he entered the studio with a tall man behind him. "I know you have a background in dance Elizabeth, but this is essential for the movie since Y/N here choreographed the sequence." Lizzie just nodded as Y/N smiled at her and her co star. "We also have Janette here to help you Mike." He introduced the woman who was stood beside Y/N. "So please dance. We will be shooting the scene in two weeks."
As he left, Y/N had approached Lizzie with a gentle smile, holding his hand out for her to shake.
"Hi, I'm Y/N Y/L/N." He smiled at her. "I will be your dance partner for two weeks."
"I know." She smirked. "They just introduced you." She spoke referring to the director.
"Well, shall we?" They asked her as she nodded with a shy smile. The two started with the basic steps of the routine. Lizzie couldn't help the smile that etched onto her face as she had his hands on her. The butterflies in her stomach going wild as the two continued before they decided to take a small break.
"So, tell me about yourself?" Lizzie asked him as he smiled.
"Well, I am a choreographer and also I teach dance in a small studio." He told her. "It's just something that I have always loved to do."
"It makes you feel free." Lizzie stated as Y/N nodded in agreement.
"It does. It was my escape, ever since I watched Billy Elliot when I was a kid." He confessed as she smiled at him.
"I used to do ballet when I was younger." Lizzie told him as he smiled at her.
"That explains how you're a natural." He smiled as she blushed. That was how their friendship had started, even when she had to bring her 4 year old son with her to the rehearsals.
"I'm so sorry I'm late." Lizzie rushed out as she held a small boy in her arms. "His father couldn't take him this weekend and I couldn't find a sitter on such short notice."
"That's ok." Y/N smiled at her. "How about we rehearse for an hour and take this one to the arcade? Would you like that?"
"Wess." The boy nodded excitedly. "I'm Logan." He smiled up at Y/N who knelt down to his level.
"Hi Logan, I'm Y/N. Do you mind just sitting over on that chair near the big mirror while your mom and I rehearse?" Y/N asked him softly as Logan nodded and made his way over to where Y/N had directed him.
"You don't have to take him to the arcade." Lizzie spoke quietly as Y/N shook his head.
"I don't mind Lizzie." Y/N smiled as the two got into position. "Besides, it makes him happy and I get to spend more time with you."
"Thank you." Lizzie smiled softly as they moved around the studio.
"You don't need to thank me." Y/N smiled at her. That was just the start of Lizzie falling for the man in front of her. Especially when he didn't object to Logan taking his hand and dragging him to the games he wanted to play. Soon ending up in the car with McDonalds as Y/N drove the two of them home. "I'll pick you up tomorrow so you can get your car from the studio." Y/N told Lizzie who smiled before she noticed the boy in his seat asleep.
"Thank you for today." Lizzie told him. "Logan has really enjoyed it. I haven't seen him smile this much since the divorce."
"I enjoyed myself Lizzie." He told her softly. "Do you want me to help you carry him inside?" Lizzie nodded as the two got out of the car quietly. Lizzie grabbed their bags as Y/N grabbed a sleeping Logan. Following Lizzie to his room and laying him in bed, tucking him in after taking off his shoes. "I'll see you tomorrow." He told Lizzie who just kissed his cheek.
As the months went on and rehearsals had finished, both Lizzie and Y/N remained in touch with each other. Enjoying little dates at the park and the arcade with a very happy Logan.
Lizzie was shocked to see Y/N knock on her door on a night that Logan was at his father's. Even more surprised when Y/N kissed her softly.
"I have wanted to do that for so long." He whispered when he rested his forehead on hers. Without another word, Lizzie grabbed him by the collar and dragged him in side with her lips on his in a needy kiss.
That was the start of their blossoming love. Even whenever Robbie cancelled on Logan, Y/N was always there to make sure he had one hell of a weekend. Taking him to baseball games with Lizzie, the fair, the beach, even spending hours at the arcade with him until he was tired. All of this made Lizzie fall more and more in love with him.
"I love you." Lizzie confessed as Y/N left Logan's room. A wide smile on her face. "Fuck, I love you so much Y/N." She lunged forward and kissed him passionately.
"I love you Elizabeth." He spoke tenderly as he caressed her cheek, gazing into her green eyes. "Being here with you and Logan makes me so fucking happy and I never really want to leave."
"Then don't leave." She whispered as he looked at her with a smile. "Move in with me. With us. It makes perfect sense. Logan loves having you here and so do I. I feel safe with you here."
"Ok." He nodded as he kissed her head. "I'll sort out my lease on monday." He told her softly as the two made their way downstairs.
After months of Y/N living with Lizzie and Logan, the three of them fell into an easy routine. Y/N helped a lot with repairs that needed to be done, he even taught Logan a lot of things over the years. Becoming the father that Robbie ceased to be.
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annisassintchaska · 11 months
It’s Over Now : Lewis Hamilton x Black!Caribbean!Reader
Please note: Both Lewis is 22 & Reader is 20 as the story takes place in 2007.
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Lewis and I have been dating since he was 16 and I was 15 years old. We came a long way as I juggled with supporting him with racing while focusing on my studies, as he tried his best to make it to Formula 1. Over the years, our relationship has been through a lot of milestones that almost ended everything; from me not being able to attend races to him not being able to be there for me when I needed him, yet we managed to pull through.
However, for the past few months, I have come to notice that he has become distant once more, but not just any normal distant; the distant when someone is no longer interested and is just going along with anything. I also noticed how my fingerprint for his phone was deleted so that I no longer had access to the contents and that he stops answering phone calls in my presence, even if it has to do with work. All this adds up to one answer: Another lover had entered the chat.
I stayed up at nights next to him staring off into the dark room as I try to find a calm way address the matter, yet no rational way of what came to mind wouldn't end in a screaming match between us. I cried silently as I watched him peacefully sleep, wishing he would hold me as he used to before she came along. I got up, grabbing my pillow and left for one of the guest rooms to sleep as I had promised to accompany him to his race tomorrow.
The morning sun had hit me just as the smell of tea took over my nose and I got up to get ready. Meeting Lewis downstairs he handed me a plate. "Good morning, babe where'd you run off to last night?" he asked as he placed a light kiss to my forehead. "I went to sleep in a different room because I wanted to watch the television" I responded. We ate in silence and left the house arriving a few minutes before he was due to arrive. Angela came to help as she gave me a hug, yet she signalled something to Lewis that I couldn't quite understand but chose to ignore it.
The day went on easily as the race was exciting with the competition among Lewis and Fernando in which Lewis had won. I was standing at the barricade waiting to hug him when he approached, yet I was surprised when a tall brown-haired woman who looked way older than us, pushed me to the side and enveloped him into her arms tightly. I then knew that she was the one who had taken him from me as I slowly walked towards his driver's room with Toto walking slowly behind me. "I'm sorry Y/n I kind of saw this coming, but I didn't expect it in this way" Toto said as he gave me a comforting hug. "It's okay, I knew this was happening, just not with whom. I'll forever love and support your team Mr. Wolff" I reassured him as I made my way towards the hospitality.
Two hours later, he was done with all the necessary post-race duties, He found me sitting and watching a cartoon. "Hey-" "How long has it been?" I asked cutting him off. he looked at me sadly as his head hung low. "I'm sorry, it's been going on for the past 10 months. I wanted to confess but I just couldn't, knowing it break you" he explained softly as tears started falling from his eyes. "You knew it would break me and yet the best way you could alert me of it was to have her pushing me down and swapping saliva with you in public before my very eyes?" I asked him calmly as I got up and stared into his eyes. "I get it that this is over now, but promise me that you would never treat any other woman the way you just did to me?" I asked and his tears started falling harder as he nodded speechlessly. I hugged him, inhaling his scent for the last time before placing a kiss to his cheek and walking away out of his life as I never made contact with him again. I went back to our previously shared home, picking up my already packed bags and made my way to the airport as I boarded my flight back to my home in the Caribbean, making sure that he never has any type of future contact with me.
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Harry hosts Festivus
with a group of shades thanks to the resurrection stone. I have been working on this story for two years at this point, and I would love to finish it and post it for Dec. 23 (or sooner), but that hasn't worked out so far, so here's a couple snippets. Someday I'll complete it.
He’ll head to the Burrow tomorrow evening to sleep over and spend Christmas with the Weasleys, but tonight – tonight is going to be something a little different. He’d heard of this thing from an American muggle program, Sane-fields or something, and now seems the perfect time to give it a whirl. As night falls, his nerves start to mount, and he may be a bit liberal with the spiked eggnog, the mulled wine, the fire whiskey… Point is, Harry’s smashed and maybe not in the best frame of mind to be making decisions. Not that he’ll let that stop him. So, with a tipsy flourish, he withdraws the Resurrection Stone from a pocket and turns it. And keeps turning it, until the room fills with the shades of all the people he wants here for this. “I got a lot of problems with you people,” Harry announces. “And now, you’re gonna hear about it.”
2. (But he's definitely not Voldemort...)
"Wait, what?" Harry says, flummoxed. "Why are you here?" The man gazes back evenly. "When the master calls, I cannot help but answer." "Shite, sorry about that." Harry winces.  "My schedule's hardly packed these days," he says dryly. "Though I wonder what you were thinking to draw this motley crew to you." "Well, I thought I was thinking of family," Harry says, dragging a hand through his hair and wobbling when he almost pulls himself off-balance. "..."  The assembled spirits look around at each other dubiously. The man's stare takes on an eerie intensity. Dumbledore's eyes begin to twinkle with tears. Harry only notices it’s gotten quieter. "...Conduct your little ritual," the man says, breaking eye contact to stare off into the fireplace. "Right then, let's get this show on the road!" Harry calls, walking back over to flop into his chair. With pride audible in his voice, Dumbledore says, “Harry, my boy, I’m so–”  And that’s as far as he gets. “Nope,” Harry says abruptly. “Nuh-uh, not a chance – not a peep out of you. This is my airing of grievances, which means you all have to listen to me. Especially you,” he adds, pointing a bit unsteadily at a mildly incensed Dumbledore. “Wh–” Dumbledore tries to speak again, only to quiet himself at Harry’s stern look. (Possibly aided by Sirius cracking his knuckles menacingly, though it’s hard to gauge how useful a beatdown would be against a ghost.) Frowning, Dumbledore gestures demonstratively at the man by the wall. “Him? He got to talk because I asked him a question.”
Harry stares off into space for a moment before turning to Sirius and Remus. “Oi, Padfoot, Moony – level with me. Were you two ever, y’know, together?” Remus goes to answer but is stopped short when Sirius drapes a long arm around his shoulders and leans into him. “I’d love to satisfy your curiosity, Prongslet, but as the saying goes: what happens in animagus form, stays in animagus form,” he announces with a roguish wink.  It’s certainly something to watch mortified resignation take over Remus’ face by degrees before he simply buries it in his hands. Lily reaches over and pats him on the shoulder in long-suffering sympathy. Harry wishes he could offer the man a stiff drink. Around his horrified laughter, James chokes out, “That’s not a saying, Padfoot, you bloody slag!” “Well it should be! Like you wouldn’t’ve been up for a little adventure if Lils had been a doe,” Sirius says, elbowing a suddenly blushing, dazed-looking James in the ribs. “Yes, we were together!” Remus cuts in before Sirius can say anything else inflammatory. Alas, Harry thinks, not quickly enough. “And no, I don’t know what I was thinking.” “I reckon you were thinking I’ve got a great–” “–personality!” Remus interrupts loudly. Snape and Lily both turn to give Remus sceptical looks. Sirius looks gleeful. “Really, Moon? That’s what you’re going with?” James mutters. Remus throws his hands up in defeat. "Absolutely, my personality," Sirius says cheerfully. "Gotten a lot of compliments on my huge, throbbing personality over the years." "If you weren't already dead, I would smother you with a throw pillow." Remus sounds sincere.
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zahroreadsthings · 10 months
On the way... 2!
Question: Who will you be sitting next to?
Response: Sol and Dessa my friends Sol and Dessa.
Sol and Dessa are the people you've gotten closest to (you're not counting how close your fist got to anyone's face) so it makes sense to make a beeline for them.
Dessa is holding her jacket over her head against the light rain. Sol lets it fall on him. They're talking about the weather in the most mundane way weather witches can, which is to say they're debating the merits of different methods of dealing with rain.
You wiggle your fingers to get their attention. 'Morning.'
Dessa wiggles her fingers back. Sol starts to direct his argument at you, then stops himself. 'Hi.'
'So, I'll be honest, I forgot to check what's happening today. Do you two...?'
They glance at each other uncertainly. 'We don't know,' Sol says finally, 'We're heading north east, we're supposed to look at some kind of puzzle, and we'll likely be gone for most of the day.'
Dessa shrugs. 'Surely they'll tell us something on the way. The others who don't do weather... are here for a day out or something, I don't know. Maybe they know more than us.'
You don't want to ask strangers about it.
'Oh, and I was talking to my mentor last night. About whether she has any geography notes. She used to travel around a lot, at least according to her old friend. I could see if there's anything new for you, Dessa.'
She grins. 'I'm leaving tomorrow but I would love to see if there's anything new! Beats experimenting on my own.'
As you load up in the wagon you make a mental list of all of the information Dessa's after, then pull out your notebook to have her write in it after it becomes too technical.
When she returns it she turns to talk to Sol about the rain again, and you begin to suspect... no, it's definitely happening... you've made the fatal error of making yourself a third wheel. You occupy yourself by pretending to read your notes.
You're saved when Myrna claps her hands to get everyone's attention. A hush falls over your little group.
'For those who weren't paying attention! There's a... problem area not far from here,' she says. 'It's been acting strange for the past few decades. Sudden changes in weather that don't occur anywhere else, very local wild winds, unpredictable rain, and the like. There's no evidence of anyone doing work there. We've been puzzling this out for years and would appreciate fresh eyes on the situation. If you're not a weather witch... I hope you enjoy your day out.' She shrugs.
You assume you'll need to have a talk to Deema about this.
Roz, who you recognise as the nomadic road witch, claps.
She leans over to you, apparently unable to hold in her excitement, and whispers, 'This place is weird for road witches too. It's on everyone's bucket list.'
'How so?' you whisper back.
'I don't know! That's why it's so exciting.'
The rest of the ride has you jostled on the rough roads. Dessa and Sol occasionally pull you into their conversation but mostly keep to themselves. Reginald is uncharacteristically calm. Roz taps a tune on her knee, but can't keep a tune to save her life.
'Everybody out,' Myrna says unceremoniously when the wagon stops. The sun's almost reached its zenith.
You step on land that's dotted with oddly shaped stones and sparse grass. It looks weird, but you're not sure if it actually *is weird or if you were expecting it to be.
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oillydiya · 8 months
Things Between Us | Cillian Murphy x OC
Chapter 9 : After Goodbye
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New Ross Hotel, Ireland
Cillian traveled from London to a hotel in New Ross. that the team had prepared for him to rest for filming the movie over the next two months. He lay on the bed, exhausted and weak, his eyes staring at the ceiling and thinking about various stories. Happening today and the night before! Damn it! He swears. Cillian couldn't help but feel happy. ' I'm starting to miss you again! ' He muttered to himself.
When thinking about the past He was crazy about Sansa. Even though he had just recently gotten to know and have a deep relationship with her, he felt like this girl from the first time he saw him. The more he became Her first man! That made him fall in love with her to the point that he couldn't withdraw now.
Sigh!!! He sighed, stopping to think about her for a moment.
Cillian began to return to serious mode. Prepare for work tomorrow He picked up the script and reviewed it. To understand the role he was given in a movie in which he acted about. He plays the role of Bill Furlong, a coal merchant exposes the bad things of that church. He had to read and prepare for the character he was given and had to start filming tomorrow morning. Because of this, he had to concentrate on his work very much. Because he is a professional actor
His first day on the job was rough. They continued filming until 2:00 a.m. Return to the hotel and go to bed to rest. Then wake up early and go straight to filming the next day. He works repeatedly. Like this every day! Until the fourth day of filming had passed. It is now six o'clock. Cillian didn't have a scene until 7 p.m. giving him time to rest and making him think of that girl Sansa!
"Crazy!" He cursed angrily. Cillian had completely forgotten her. He didn't call her at all. From the day he and she said goodbye to each other That day he told Sansa before leaving that I'll call you! But he hasn't called or contacted her at all. He felt guilty! Cillian immediately picked up his cell phone and called her.
The first call went through…………. Sansa didn't answer.
The second and third calls ........... She still didn't answer.
The young actor quickly dug through her business card in her bag to see her email address.
To. Sansa Arthur " Hello, Sansa. I'm Cillian. How are you? I miss you so much. If you received this email Please call me back. "
He immediately sent an email.
"Cillian, it's time for your scene." The staff walked in and called out to the older male actor. This caused him to put his cell phone away and return to the scene.
Cillian spent over three hours filming the scene at the bar. The time now is 10 p.m. He returned to the cast room to see if Sansa had called him back. There are no incoming calls. There was only one email showing on his phone screen. He picked it up and read it expectantly.
To. Cillian Murphy " Hello Cillian. I'm fine. I just wanted to let you know. I have decided not to contact you any further. I'm here to review the past. Makes me think How inappropriate are we for each other? You are a very famous person. If someone finds out about us It must be very bad for you, so I think the following: We'd better not meet again. Goodbye, Cillian. I'm glad I sat next to you that day. in that restaurant! "
Cillian read the email twice. With a heart that falls to the ground, He felt confused. and it was like being punched in the tip of the chin. Before he could think of anything else, he was called to the set again! He couldn't concentrate at all. ' Dammit! ' Cillian said the wrong lines several times. Until he loudly cursed in anger at himself!
“Fuck!!” He was irritated and tired.
Until Steve had to come over to talk.
" Hey! What's wrong with you ?! You don't seem distracted. Would you like to take a break first?"
"I feel a little sick, Steve." He responded to a screenwriter friend.
Steve looked down at the clock.
"oh! It's already midnight. We had been filming for twelve hours. It's better to end the group today so you can rest." he told his fellow actors, patting his shoulder.
"Thank you very much. I need a break." Cillian walked out of the scene. Ready to pack up and return to the accommodation immediately.
Cillian lay down. Still wearing the character's outfit like that. ' Let's not meet again!! ' He reviewed the letters.
He sat and decided for a long time what to do next. Should he call her or email her back? But then he thought about it.
'this! What's wrong with him?' Cillian questioned himself. He had never shot a filming set before. Because it doesn't look professional. This is the first time! That he's like this And that made him very upset. The young actor decided to Get up and pick up the script to read and understand it again.
He practiced his lines like that for most of the night. ' He must be a professional.' Cillian thought and fell asleep.
The next day
Today he is ready to continue filming as usual. Cillian concentrated returned to focus and did his best throughout the day. Because it was the last day of filming of the week before he had a break this coming weekend, he was going to have a break...!
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lokiwhitewolf · 1 year
Red Hot Winter- Chapter 15
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MAJOR Trigger warning: Attempted sui****, sex scene- minors dni If you need to, skip until Elijah and Elena leave the compound.
Chapter 15- "Family Politics"
It had been about 4 months since Klaus had to send Hope to live with his sister in England. Rebekah would send her brothers and Hayley videos and pictures of their heir, sometimes even calling Klaus when Hope wouldn't fall asleep at night.
Tonight was one of those nights.
Caroline found Klaus sitting on the rocking chair he built near the crib he and Elijah had put together months ago. The hybrid was on a video call with his sister, seeing his daughter looking at him with her arms stretched wide.
"Hopey, tell your daddy what you said earlier to me love!" Encouraged Rebekah, sitting behind her niece.
"Da..da" Hope mumbled. Klaus's heart was filled with love and a need to protect her. This wasn't how he wanted this to happen, but this was the price he had to pay for being king.
"My littlest wolf…" Said Klaus, tears falling from his face. He desperately wanted to hug her now. "I love you so much, my dear. I will bring you home, and I'll make everything better for you"
Caroline's heart broke for the man she loved. During the months Hope's been away, the Mikaelsons, along with Elena and Caroline had been dealing with the enemies the originals had made along their lives. Klaus was a man on a mission, he wanted the city to be safe for his daughter to return home.
Hayley on the other hand, barely spoke a word since her daughter was taken away. She'd spend the nights awake, but when she did fall asleep, she'd have nightmares of someone killing her daughter and she not being able to do anything about it. Klaus would then wake her up and support her through this process, even offering to compel her to fall asleep.
She wouldn't even drink blood had it not been for his insistence that she drank at least once every few days. The video calls with Rebekah somehow eased her pain, but she couldn't bear being away from her daughter. That's why Klaus, Caroline, Elijah, and Elena were working against the clock to make the city a better and safer place for Hope.
Klaus started to sing a lullaby to his daughter which made her fall asleep.
"See you tomorrow Nik." Said Rebekah.
"Rebekah, don't hesitate to call, and if you or Hope need anything…"
"I know brother." Rebekah hung up.
Klaus put his phone inside his pocket, realizing now that Caroline was there.
"Oh love." He said, wiping away his tears. Caroline sat on his lap, holding his hands.
"Don't Klaus, you don't have to hide your feelings or emotions from me." She said. "You're safe with me."
"I just miss her so much." Said Klaus, finally breaking, holding onto her for dear life. Caroline hugged him back, whispering sweet nothings in his ear, telling him he was a great father she loved him and he had forever to get to know Hope.
In the meantime, Elijah wasn't doing much better. He was inside his room, sitting on his bed, looking at a picture of Hope on his phone.
Elena got out of the shower, wearing a robe, his robe not hers, and sat down next to him. A tear escaped his eye, and that made Elena sit on top of him. Wiping away his tear with her thumb and putting his phone on the nightstand, she said:
"We're gonna bring her back, Elijah."
"I know, I just wish it could be a lot sooner." He said, putting his hands on her waist,
"I love you, Elijah." She said, pecking his lips.
"I love you too my lovely Elena." He said smiling. The sweet moment between Caroline and Klaus and Elijah and Elena was interrupted when they heard Bonnie shouting for help.
The four of them immediately went to her. The witch was desperately massaging Hayley's heart on the compound's floor next to the fountain.
"What happened?" Klaus screamed, immediately getting down to the floor. Elijah found a discarded syringe on the floor. It was the stench of vervain and wolfsbane and it was almost unbearable.
"Oh no Niklaus…" He said. "Vervain and wolfsbane."
"No!" Shouted Klaus. He bit the inside of his wrist and forced fed Hayley his blood. It took more than 10 minutes, but Hayley opened her eyes, taking a huge breath of fresh air. "Little wolf, why would you do this?" He said, his voice breaking, hugging her.
"I want my daughter back!" Begged Hayley, crying her eyes out.
Klaus brought Hayley to his room, laying her on the bed. Caroline gave her a blood bag, which she refused at first but Klaus convinced her to drink it anyway.
After drinking it she slept again. Caroline left the room to check on Bonnie, when she saw Elijah and Elena leaving the compound, holding hands.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"Put an end to this." Said Elijah.
Elena and Elijah showed up at Francesca's house. It was night, and it appeared that the human was not waiting for anyone. Picking up a few rocks from the ground, Elijah threw them against the wooden door.
The vampires walked to the door, seeing Francesca show up with her pack.
"Elijah, Elena." She said, smiling. "I'm sorry for the loss of your niece."
"I'm sure you are." Said Elena. "But you don't get to talk about her."
"I can talk about whoever I want," Francesca said. "And truly wasn't my fault if Klaus doesn't read the spells of his mother."
Elijah looked at the doorframe, smiling.
"You can't come in without an invitation." Said the wolf.
"You and your family have been living inside this house for centuries now, Francesca." He said, smiling. "So when my lovely Elena suggested that we go to the town hall and ask them to make this building a historical landmark, I knew we had to. It would preserve part of the history of the town I helped build."
He took one step inside, being followed by Elena.
"It's not the full moon and my brother had the spell undone by Bonnie Bennet," Elijah said. He went to the wolf and held her by the neck. "You took part in the events that killed my niece." He said, applying more pressure on his hold. "And that makes you guilty as charge." He then snapped her neck, killing her instantly. One of her minions tried to stake Elena, who broke his arm. In quick succession, Elijah killed all of them.
Now there was only one other problem they had to fix: Cassie, the final harvest girl.
Elena and Elijah arrived at the compound a few minutes later. Caroline had taken Klaus out to distract him when Hayley was finally safe.
They got to their shared room, and Elijah took off his suit jacket, ripping his tie off himself. Killing Francesca and her pack did not diminish the feeling he had that something was amiss in his family.
Elena knew how it felt. No killing in the world would bring back the people they loved.
Taking off her clothes, revealing the white set of lingerie he bought for her a few months ago, she slowly unbuttoned his shirt, letting it fall to the floor, his pants and underwear following suit.
Taking him to bed, she laid him down, sitting on top of his body. Elena slowly started to kiss up his body, finally arriving at her destination.
Elijah looked into Elena's eyes filled with love and desire and he passionately kissed her lips.
He takes her in his arms, feeling her soft curves and slowly takes off her white lingerie, his hands brushing against her delicate skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. He takes his time, caressing her body as he goes as she responds to his touch with sighs of pleasure. Their hearts raced as his hands slowly moved along her body and her lingerie began to fall off her. His lips against her own, their tongues entwining to create a passionate dance that sends shivers throughout her entire body.
Her moment of bliss is quickly extinguished as his hands start to roam south, exploring her with a tenderness that leaves her feeling loved and desired beyond belief. No matter how much they may have wanted to, they could never rush this moment, loving each other deeply and savoring every second together.
The sensation was so strong and electric that it caused her to tremble with delight. All the love and emotion they felt for each other was conveyed in this single moment and the intensity of their connection was undeniable.
Elena straddled Elijah and slowly lowered herself onto his arousal. She began to move up and down, her hips rising and falling in perfect rhythm with Elijah's thrusts. Her eyes sparkling with anticipation, she slowly moves up and down, their bodies intertwined in total harmony. She presses her palms against his chest, feeling the heat radiating from within him. She leaned in and kissed him, taking him deeper inside her. His moans of pleasure were the only soundtrack to their intimate moment. Her soft curves swaying to the rhythm of their lovemaking engulfed her in pure pleasure.
As their movements sped up, so did their breathing and they both reached deeper into the pleasure that was overtaking them. Elena clutched onto Elijah's shoulders and with each stroke, they moved closer and closer to their shared pleasure. It felt like all of time was standing still and the pleasure was becoming overwhelming.
Finally, as their breathing and movements intensified, they both reached their climax together and held each other. With a satisfied sigh, Elena collapses against her original. They hold each other close, in blissful afterglow, not being able to let go.
"You promised me you wouldn't let me fall." Said Elena, looking at him. "I'm not going to let you fall either, Elijah."
Elijah's heart might be aching for his family, but this time he had the love of his life with him to hold him back.
Caroline had taken Klaus to the same restaurant he had taken her when she first came to New Orleans to tell him about Katherine's fate. She was able to compel the waiter to give them a secluded table, away from prying eyes. They placed their order, and when the waiter left, she turned to him.
"Remember when you brought me here?" She asked.
"How could I forget love?" He replied, smiling at the memory. "It was the night you agreed to stay with me here."
"I was scared to say yes."
"Why?" He asked, caressing her face.
"I obviously wanted to be with you, and I know you'd always put me first no matter what, but I was afraid of how strong my feelings truly were."
"What about now love?"
"I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid of how much I love you, Klaus."
Klaus gently kissed Caroline, his eyes glimmering with emotion. His heart felt like it was going to burst with the intensity of his feelings for her. His lips tenderly caressed hers, sealing a love he'd never felt before in this life. This kiss was different from any they'd ever experienced. It was filled with pure, unconditional love.
His embrace around her is gentle and protective, yet his kiss is passionate and warm. Caroline can feel the love emanating from Klaus as his heart pounds against her own. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer into the kiss, savoring the moment. His breath is sweet and urging, his touch like no other. His kiss is full of love and adoration; they stay locked together for what seems like time passing endlessly. Caroline's heart races and she can feel herself melting in his embrace, her entire body trembling with emotion. They separated for a few seconds, Caroline seeing Klaus truly smiling for the first time in weeks.
He gently ran his fingers through Caroline's soft curls as he leaned in closer to her. She felt a warmth in her heart as he tenderly cupped her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. His lips were delicate, yet demanding, and as they moved against hers she could feel her whole body relax into the sensation. His rhythmic breathing, punctuated by soft sighs, enveloped her and she wanted the moment to never end. She felt herself sway in the sensation and her eyelids fluttered shut as her lips parted, meeting his in a passionate embrace that felt like the world was fading away around them. She felt the warmth of his embrace, a safe space where they could be completely lost in one another. Before eventually parting, the two exchange smiles, love apparent in their eyes. They pull away slowly, and the lingering taste of their combined love remains on Caroline's lips, embedded in her heart.
The waiter came back with their order, and Klaus couldn't help but imagine how much he wanted to take his queen and his daughter to restaurants, amusement parks, and wherever they wanted to go. Caroline did know that being Klaus's queen, would automatically make her Hope's stepmom, but she honestly didn't mind. Being with him was all that mattered.
After sharing the meal, they left the restaurant, holding hands to come back to the compound. In the middle of the walk, Klaus pulled her against his chest, putting a flower in her hair. She smiled at him.
"Thank you, my love." She said, kissing his face.
"Caroline, thank you." He said.
"What for?"
"For not abandoning me, for being with me in what is arguably one of the worst moments of my life."
She held his face between her hands, his hands going to her waist.
"I love you Niklaus Mikaelson. You're stuck with me, I'm not going anywhere." She said.
He smiled and kissed her again. This was one of the worst periods of his life, but Caroline was beside him, as his queen, and it was all he needed to withstand this.
At the Russo's, Sophie's bar, Cassie meets with Vincent and Kaleb.
"I'd forgotten how it feels like to be this weak mother." Said Vincent.
"At least you're not inside the body of a teenager, my son." Said Cassie. "You're brother seems to love his body."
"Of course I do." Said Kaleb. "It will make me less suspicious and I'm sure Davina will love this body, though is not as handsome as my previous body was."
"Your brother Elijah did me a favor by killing Francesca and her pack, though I certainly did not expect him to be with Elena." Said Cassie.
"It's Elijah, what did you expect Mother?" Said Vincent. "If you hadn't used Tatia's blood to create the vampires, he and Niklaus would kill each other over her."
"Well, at least she is the less annoying doppelganger." Said Kaleb. "I didn't like Katherine that much."
"Correct me if I'm wrong Kol, but wasn't she the one who killed you with her brother?" Said Vincent.
"Weren't you the one who was killed by the town human? You were barely out of your coffin and managed to get yourself murdered at the hands of Matt Donavan out of people." Said Kaleb.
"Enough!" Said Cassie. "With Francesca gone, now I can control the witches and werewolves, and we'll finally be able to grow roots in this lovely town." She finished, looking outside, watching Klaus and Caroline going by the bar, holding hands. "And I'll start by talking to Niklaus."
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sessakag · 2 years
ALSO!!!! When are you coming back to your stories!!!!!???
I am DYING!!
I need to know what happens between Hinata and Sasuke in Secrets!! I know they're about to be in contact with each other a lot with her helping him with his pardon and with the council making him hunt down team taka, like what is going on with that??? How can the smut and plot be this freaking goood??? And Sakura and Lee like omg how freaking toxic!! and please gimme more Dom Naruto, I'm so addicted! I'm as addicted as Hinata!
Then monster! Ino has like root thingys in her brain from Shino is she gonna kill another you know what????(trying not to spoil the story cuz omfg!!) and Hinata's been acting weird, like is she gonna do something to Naruto?? I'm scared! The smut and horror is crazy!!! Idk how to feel most the time in here!
Cure For Love, I cannot wait for another clash between witch Hinata and the other naturals! She kicked ass the first time!! And she was so cute and sweet while she did which is something i never see with Hinata, people always turn her into a Sakura close for some weird reason. I love this world youve created soooo much. The SNS smut is amazing and I'm sooooo looking forward to the SasuHinaNaru smut, you write sex so hot and amazing and realistic that I know it's gonna be everything I've ever wanted!
Omg Butterfly, you gotta post another chapter like tomorrow!!! I don't usually read HS fics but this one is amazing! I wanna see Naruto accidentally fall in love with Hinata because I KNOW that's what gonna happen and its gonna fuck him up soooo bad if she finds out what he did! I'm waiting for it!!
I'm waiting for those one-shots to be stories too!!! The enemies to lovers especially but there were SOOOOO many in there that need full stories!! I really, really want these:
If I were real: this one I loved so much! I want to see how Hinata and Naruto fall in love because Hinata coming to life and not knowing how to be human is awesome!!
A night of firsts: I love accidental pregnancy stories!! and the way her and Naruto drank, got high and had unprotected sex that led to a baby is just asking for sooooo much drama that I need in my life!! I love that one-shot!
Facing the past: Omg the break-up and make up years later!! Please expand!!
Turning point: This one was so freaking shocking to me!! I was sooo not expecting what happened, but Hinata handled it like a fuckin boss! I need to know what she does next!!
Never mine: this was amazing!!! That girl really made a move on Naruto its crazy!! I want to see how she started loving him and all the drama that happened after Hinata walked in on them!
I'll be back sooner rather than later :D I'm really happy you like all my stories! Sorry for the wait, I'm just really enjoying the Sims 4 story telling of my OT3 and their family life, ya know? I still write here and there but I'm just really distracted atm.
I still plan on expanding some of the one-shots from the NH fair, just gotta get round to em :D
Currently, I working on the first two chapters of the enemies to lovers one-shot and the next chapter of Monster. Should have them out in the next couple weeks.
Thanks for your patience!
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dxncingwithastrxnger · 11 months
i knew from the first time, i'd stay for a long time (Inotan)
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A/N: Tada!!! Day 3!!! Super late and since it's past midnight for me, technically not posted in time, but oh well!! I actually really love this one more than I thought I would, tbh, and I actually finished up the majority of this just in the last few hours cause I was determined to get it finished and posted tonight so that I'll have all day to focus on tomorrow's story!! This one is just filled with fluff all the way through, so enjoy!!!
Pairing(s): Inosuke x Tanjiro, Zenitsu x Nezuko (Implied, kinda?)
Prompt: Day 3: Meet-cutes
Summary: Tanjiro's day is full of disasters that leaves his head reeling, but just when he thinks he's officially experienced the worst day of his adult life, something very special happens.
Tag(s): Fluff, like honestly that's the only tag I can think of to add, besides Tanjiro being an absolute disaster himself 💀
Word Count: 2,731
Song Inspiration: I Like Me Better By Lauv
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
[Author Masterlist]
[Read on AO3]
At first, everything was going fine. It was great, even. Tanjiro was going about his day just as he usually does. He wakes up at six, starts a pot of coffee, jumps into the shower, gets dressed, makes breakfast, feeds his new dog, Axel, lets Axel into the backyard for awhile, checks his email, and calls Nezuko. All perfectly normal things for a Wednesday during summer break.
Then, on a call with Nezuko, he calls Axel back inside, puts on his shoes, grabs his wallet and keys, and leaves the house to run some errands. He listens to Nezuko catch him up on everything she’s been up to for the past week, Zenitsu occasionally making comments in the background, and Tanjiro enjoys his day so far.
But it all starts turning to shit when he steps into the grocery store and…immediately trips and falls flat on his face. Groaning in pain and face red from embarrassment, he pushes himself up and grabs his phone, which had slid about a foot away from him, grateful the screen isn’t cracked.
“-jiro? Everything alright?” Nezuko’s asking when he puts the phone back to his ear, brushing dirt off of his knees.
“Yeah, I’m fine, Nez, just tripped and fell. Dropped my phone, too.” He explains with a pout as he walks over to the cart and tugs one out.
Nezuko giggles, the sounds of dishes being washed as she cleans up from the breakfast that Zenitsu had made earlier. “You and your two left feet, brother.”
“Hey, it’s not that bad anymore, okay? I’ve been doing really well at not falling over this week.” He points out stubbornly, forcing himself not to whine like a child.
“Yes, because it’s perfectly normal for someone to keep track of how many times they fall in a day.” Nezuko quips teasingly.
“Tanjiro, don’t make me get out our old fall counter board, we haven’t had to use that since middle school.” He hears Zenitsu call from somewhere nearby Nezuko.
Tanjiro groans again, throwing his head back in exasperation as he pushes the cart towards the back of the store. “Guuuyyysssss!” He whines, unable to help himself. Both of them laugh, finding amusement in his misery. Reaching for a few bags of soba noodles and udon noodles and placing them into his cart, quickly stopping a bowl of pre-made ramen from falling off of the shelf before continuing down the aisle.
“Oh, hey, Tanjiro.” Zenitsu suddenly says in his ear, as if he’s taken the phone from Nezuko. “Have they sent you the email about the new P.E. teacher yet?” He asks.
“Huh?” He raises an eyebrow at the question as he reads the label on a box of crackers. “No, I don’t think so, though it may have just been delayed. I’ll check my email for it again later today, though. Why?”
Zenitsu scoffs. “Apparently the guy’s been in America for the past decade, just moved back to Japan recently. He needs a reminder on how things work in our schools, I guess, and Himejima wants us to be his, like, “buddies”, help him out a bit.”
“Wait, really?” He questions, surprised. “That’s new. Not everyday we get someone who’s been away from Japan that long. Was he born here, do you know?”
“Yeah, he was born here. Don’t know much else though, not like he’s gonna give us the guy’s whole life story or anything.” He hears something on the other end that sounds a lot like sweeping.
“Yeah, I know, I was just curious. Seems like a nice way to make a new friend, though.” Tanjiro hums, adding soy sauce into his cart alongside rice, chocolate mochi, beef, and eggs.
“Yeah, says the guy who’s managed to befriend literally all of our coworkers since we’ve started working there.” His best friend snorts.
“Not all of them.” Tanjiro frowns. “Still haven’t been able to win over Shinizugawa. Either one of them.” He sighs.
“Screw the Shinizugawa brothers, they’re both assholes.” The blonde mutters and Tanjiro can hear the pout in his voice.
“You’re just upset because Sanemi won best teacher over you.” Tanjiro rolled his eyes with a smile.
“He’s the rudest person I’ve ever met, Tanjiro! There’s no way that his students like him that much! Those results were rigged and I’ll accept nothing less!” Zenitsu exclaims indignantly.
He laughs at his friend’s argument, but it quickly dies down when a container of panko slips out of his hand and to the floor, bursting open and spilling all over the place. “Ah, shit!” He curses.
“Tanjiro Kamado, what a dirty word that’s come out of you.” He hears on the other end of the phone, a voice that he vaguely registers as Nezuko again, but he’s only halfway paying attention as an employee comes over, bringing a sign to place over the mess until a broom can be brought over to clean it up.
“I’ll pay for it.” He promises, placing a hand over his phone mic. The employee shakes his head, reassuring him that it’s not necessary no matter how much he insists. He internally sighs. The second disaster in the past hour, not exactly a great start to what he knows is already gonna be a long day.
He takes a moment to speak on the phone again. “Listen, guys, I got some more errands to run and I don’t wanna run out of phone battery, so I’m gonna go. I’ll call again later or tomorrow?” He asks.
“Yeah, of course, Tanji, do what you need to do.” Nezuko reassures him.
“Okay, great. I love you guys.” He says warmly.
“Love you, too!”
“Love you. Give Axel lots of treats for me, okay?”
Tanjiro rolls his eyes. “You’re not supposed to spoil my dog more than me, Zenny.” He points out. All he gets in reply is a laugh and he shakes his head at the man as he hangs up the phone and puts it in his pocket.
The rest of his errand run consists of many more incidents, each one worse than the other. Knocking over a display of boxed snacks, almost accidentally running a red light when it changed too quickly, dropping a few books and grabbing the attention of everyone inside the small bookstore he was browsing, tripping and falling again, this time gaining a few new cracks on his phone. Then, it starts raining in the middle of him walking through a parking lot towards his car, the clouds pouring down on him, a bag of dog food splits open at the pet store and that time, he did pay for it, then his usual lunch place closed early and once he finally made it home, his car decides to inform him that one of his tires has started to lose some of its air.
Pulling into the driveway of his house, he parks and turns it off before throwing his head back and running his hands down his face, moaning out his misery. The universe is truly testing him today. Hopefully, he can still turn it around. He gets out of his car and starts the long process of getting all of his bags of food and other items into his house, thinking the whole time about how much easier the whole thing would be with two people rather than just one.
An hour later, everything now inside and completely put away finally, he stands in the kitchen and looks out the window, enjoying the view. Despite the earlier downpour, it’s still very nice out and the sun has made its way out of the clouds once more. He looks down at Axel, his two year old mixed breed laying on the floor and staring up at him.
He smiles at him fondly. “C’mon, Axel, how does a walk sound?” Tanjiro asks him, patting his thigh and walking towards the front door. Axel immediately perks up and follows him, nails clicking against the floor as he trots out of the kitchen and across the living room. Tanjiro grabs his leash from the hook beside the door and bends down to hook it to his collar, making sure he still has his phone, keys, and wallet on him before stepping out the door and closing and locking it behind him.
Tanjiro hums softly to himself as they walk through his neighborhood and a few blocks farther, going at a steady, easy pace as he makes his way to one of his favorite parks. Axel thoroughly enjoys the walk, panting and trotting along, occasionally barking or yipping as he watches everything around them.
Once reaching the park, they wander around for awhile, Tanjiro smiling softly at all the families and kids running around, watching the animals skitter about, stopping and admiring a few plants and flowers that have started to bloom since he was last there.
He’s been out for about an hour and a half now when, suddenly, Axel starts barking and pulling at his leash roughly, causing Tanjiro to stumble forward as he holds tight to his dog’s leash and tries to keep him in place. “Hey! Axel! Calm!” He orders, though it seems as if Axel didn’t even hear him. He looks around to look for anything that could’ve made him act this way, but he sees nothing out of place from just a few minutes ago. Thankfully, Axel’s reaction doesn’t seem violent, exactly, just excited, but he still needs him to calm down.
Axel tries even harder to get away now, twisting and jumping, gaining the attention of people nearby and Tanjiro starts to panic slightly. “Axel, baby, please, calm down.” He says gently, hoping for a different reaction than before but there isn’t a single change in Axel. And then, right as he reaches out to touch the reddish-brown canine, Axel twists, faces his head downwards, rears back, and suddenly his neck is bare, having managed to slip out of his collar, and Tanjiro is now gasping as his dog starts running full speed across the park.
“No! Axel!!” He shouts, keeping hold of the leash and collar as he sprints after Axel, that small panic he felt before increasing tenfold. He runs as fast as he can after him, praying that there aren't any other dogs around right now. Other people? Axel gets along great with. Other dogs? Not so much. Tanjiro’s learned that the hard way. It’s why they don’t go to dog parks anymore.
Damn this day, damn it all. He curses mentally, completely hating every second that he hasn’t caught up to his dog yet. Every single bad scenario ran through his head, all of them leading to him losing his dog and the pain that rocks through his chest at such a thought makes him grit his teeth.
Finally, finally, he sees Axel coming to a stop. But his relief is quickly wiped away when he realizes that Axel is stopping right in front of another dog. “Shit. Axel!!” He shouts once more, stumbling to a stop right behind him, bending down and placing his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath, never taking his eyes off of his dog.
“Uh, hey, dude, you good?” Someone asks, most likely the owner of the other dog.
“N-no, Axel, h-he’s not-” Tanjiro pauses, straightening up as he realizes. A fight hasn’t broken out yet. Axel hasn’t attacked. He looks at his dog and watches as Axel simply sniffs curiously at the other dog in front of him, which appears to be an all white husky. “...not good with other dogs…” He trails off, watching the interaction with disbelief.
“Well, seems like he likes my Senshi just fine.” The other man says.
Tanjiro finally turns to look at him and is immediately stunned. Standing in front of him is a man a few inches shorter than him with long, black to blue ombre hair pulled up into a loose bun and the brightest green eyes he’s ever seen. The man is wearing a gray, sleeveless, hooded sports vest with blue outlining and accents, the zipper only halfway up, and a pair of loose, blue track pants. He’s got one hand in his vest pocket and the other hanging by his side, holding onto a purple leash. Tanjiro gulps as his eyes trace over the man’s muscular arms, quickly looking back to his face.
“S-Senshi?” He speaks up, looking to the man’s dog and back to him again. “That’s the pup’s name?” He asks curiously.
“Yep!” The man confirms, popping the ‘p’ with a grin. “She’s gorgeous, isn’t she?” He turns to his dog, looking at her with pride. “She’s part husky, part wolf.”
Tanjiro raises an eyebrow at him. “Seriously? That’s awesome.” He says. He looks to Senshi and Axel and watches as the two of them circle each other slowly, before sniffing at each other’s faces, getting so close that their noses are nearly pressed together. “Axel doesn’t usually get along with other dogs, no matter the gender. I’ve never seen him be so nice to one before.” He admits.
He turns back to her owner as he shrugs. “That’s just Senshi, she’s good at making friends.” The man informs him.
“Usually I am as well.” Tanjiro sighs, taking a step forward to bend down and stop Axel’s friend making just long enough to put his collar back on, feeling much more relieved once it’s secure. “I’m Tanjiro. Tanjiro Kamado.” He stands back up and holds his hand out to the black-haired man.
“Inosuke Hashibira.” Inosuke grabs his hand in a firm, strong grip, shaking it once and lingering. If Tanjiro didn’t know any better, he’d say that there’s a hint of flirtation in the other man’s eyes as he continues. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Tanjiro feels warmth in his cheeks as he pulls his hand back, smiling warmly. “The same to you, Inosuke.” His eyes flicker to the dogs who have now started yipping and playfully pawing at each other, chewing his lip thoughtfully. “You know…considering Axel doesn’t usually make friends, it’d be kinda nice if we could have some playdates every once in awhile with the two of them.” He suggests shyly, looking away from the other man. “I-If that’s something that you’d be o-okay with, it’s not like you have to say yes o-or anything like that.” He fidgets with his hands, holding them in front of him.
Inosuke lets out a deep chuckle that fills Tanjiro up with a warmth he’s unfamiliar with, but it’s not unwelcome. “That sounds like a lot of fun. Besides, I just moved back here not that long ago, it’d be nice to have someone to help me get used to how things work around here again.”
That time, there’s no mistaking the flirty tone of his voice and Tanjiro knows his cheeks are pink as he looks back at him. “Well, I am a teacher, so I suppose it wouldn’t be too difficult to reintroduce you to the basics.” Tanjiro flirts back, as rusty as he may be with such a thing.
There’s a sparkle in those green eyes that pull him in, the feeling only increased with every word out of the other man’s mouth. “What a coincidence, I’ll be starting out as a P.E. teacher in the fall at the high school a few blocks away from here.” Inosuke informs him.
Tanjiro’s eyes widen at his words. “Wait, no way, you’re the new P.E. teacher my friend, Zenitsu was telling me about?” He questions. “Him and I are supposed to be your learning buddies once the school year starts back up again!” I tell him. “He was just telling me about that earlier today.” The redhead laughs at the coincidence.
Inosuke’s eyes light up with surprise as well. “Well, damn, look at that.” He laughs lightly, Tanjiro joining in his amusement. “I can’t wait to get a head start on that, then.” He says.
“Yeah?” Tanjiro asks.
Inosuke steps forward, closer to him. “Yeah. We get together, let the pups play. And then you and I, we can spend some time together.” He says, his voice quieter than before. “Get to know each other a little better.”
Tanjiro bites his lip as a giddy grin spreads across his face. “Sounds good to me.” Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.
A/N: What did you think?? Inotan first meeting and getting straight to flirting just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, hehe. But also, since I didn't find a way to mention in the actual story itself, Axel is a mix between a rhodesian ridgeback, an australian cattle dog, and a chow. I used to have a dog with those exact same breeds and he was the sweetest. And to anyone who doesn't know, Senshi is actually "warrior" in Japanese. Seemed like a pretty fitting thing for Inosuke to name his dog, imo. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!!!
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
okay well given that it's almost 11pm i'm definitely not getting more work done today so. i'm gonna recap.
kind of a crummy day for most of the day cause i'm way burntout and stressed over pit and classwork shit. baroque oboe still being a pain in the ass to play in tune and i've had no luck making new reeds; maestro says he's gotten in touch with someone who can help, but i'm still waiting to hear details on that. maybe he'll bring them in sometime next week to lead a sectional. i could definitely use the help but at least we've determined at this point that, worse comes to worse, i can just ditch the baroque oboe for the performances and play the part on modern oboe transposed down a semitone. it's really not a bad transposition and i can at least play in tune that way. at some point i need to arrange rehearsals with my pianist and my trio for my recital but that's not happening until after serse is done with, i swear. i have a truly ridiculous amount of reading to do for honors sem on tuesday (both class assignments and research for my paper, the outline of which is due on tuesday) (i'm not even going to be In Class on tuesday cause that's our dress run for serse but i don't think i can get an extension really). i really tried to put a dent in those readings but i kept hitting walls and made very little progress. i looked over my application materials for the summer internship i'm applying to and had a Bit of a panic when i read that the eligibility requirements exclude graduated seniors enrolled in masters programs from applying...i emailed my academic/career advisor and he said i should apply anyway, that they usually mean you can't be actively taking classes and i don't start those til the fall. (gd i hope i'm not disqualified from applying. this internship is perfect for me and my interview went so well last semester.) i missed the stupid eboard meeting but whatever so did the club president. nothing that needed to happen in that meeting couldn't have been communicated in an email anyway. i got my eggplant sandwich for lunch which was nice (it's soo tasty) although it made my tummy hurt a bit i think i just ate too much. orchestra got cancelled for the evening so i could actually make it to choir rehearsal instead (no rest for the wicked). two sessions, the earlier was actually on oboe for the zelenka and then the later session was a tenor/bass sectional on the rest of our rep, with a break for dinner in between. the evening went okay. i don't do well mentally if i don't get 1. something productive done and 2. social interaction during my day.
more choir rehearsal tomorrow morning. then i'll be spending my whole afternoon doing homework. another sitz on sunday evening. i would love to take a break and watch an opera or musical w some friends and force reset my brain, lord knows i need it, but gd i just don't think i'll have the time.
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I'm back in my hammock. I love my hammock. I miss being next to my James but I am happy right now. For the most part today was really nice. It was a good day.
I slept alright. I remember falling asleep and it was a solid night's rest. I woke up before my alarm. And would get out of bed a few minutes early. James came and made the bed while I got dressed. I really liked my outfit today. I felt pretty. I felt good.
James would walk out with me. And I decided to stop for breakfast even though I really didn't want to eat. I knew I needed too. I decided to get orange juice instead of soda but that was like $3 for some reason. And while it was fine oj, I don't think I'll do that again.
I had a nice drive to camp. I found a new band, called Hot Mulligan, and I've been enjoying them a lot. They have like the perfect 2006 emo sound. It's great. Very nostalgic.
I was a little frustrated when I got to camp. My outlets got overused last night when they tried to play a movie. But they didn't actually fix them. Which is whatever, I was able to fix them. But my issue really was that they unplugged my cord that goes to my fridge!! Rude. Thankfully it was fine but it makes me annoyed when people unplug things and don't put them back.
I went to the office to voice my displeasure. Elizabeth agreed it was very rude and she apologized on behalf of whoever did that. And I decided I would take a walk to calm down.
I went and ate berries. I love wine berries. They are my favorite berry. I enjoyed my walk. And I went to pet Quakers the duck and the goats. Who yelled at me when I walked away. But I was happy to pet them for a while.
I went back to the art building and laid in my outside hammock until Tati got there. I would finish my book today and got started on the new one. Which made me really happy. I had more time to read today and that felt good.
Tati was very helpful today, and she made some fun art with found objects. I have to hold myself back when I was to be weird about supplies. Because she's not wasting things, she's using them and that is fine but I am just feeling possessive for no reason so I am trying to let it go. I'm glad she's making art. That is what I shall focus on even if my brain is like. Fear!! Loss!! Control!! Its unnecessary, everything is fine.
And she was a big help. I was able to just focus on what was happening in the building and did my machine sewing and things were very good. Even if both my morning groups were 15 minutes late, everyone finished their little bad and it made me very happy.
I had my breakfast sandwich for lunch and hung in my hammock. Eventually Trista came to use a hammock. And Ty would join us too. We all chatted for a while. And eventually, sadly, it was time for our groups.
I would have a kid doing tipi wakan today and I felt bad I didn't have as much stuff for him to help with. But the things he helped with were excellent. He did sorting and folding fabric and just those little things that I haven't been doing but needed to be done. And when we had day camp groups he was a big help with the finishing work and putting on buttons and it was nice to have the help. So it wasn't all on Tati.
I would read during my break. And I felt excited to do the metal casting with the boys. I am for sure going to need more metal if I'm gonna do this another week. I am going to go and try to have a conversation about that tomorrow with the office. But once the boys got started they did so good. Like it was so fun. No everyone's worked exactly right, but we are getting the hang of it. Coined shapes work best, and we were able to make some fun little pieces. I love when the boys make things for their girlfriends. It's so cute. But it was just a lot of fun. And everyone did a good job.
After the last day camp group I had my tipi wakan kid work on a shield painting while I went and read my book for a half hour. And then we would finish the day with the horse girls.
I taught a few of them how to widdle and use a knife. So I was able to sign off on their knife skills portion of their tipi wakan paper. And all the girls did really good. Celia would come and join us and we shared photos of the mushroom I found this morning. When I found it it was so round but when she came by later it was all tall and flat!! So strange!
Dinner was pretty good. I was so happy we had vegetable spring rolls and I could have them!! Me and Ty would help with hand out seconds. I had two scoopers for rice and was having fun handing it out.
We got cookies for dessert. I wanted an ice cream but it's fine. I got my cookie and came up here to lay in the dark because my head hurt.
And my eyes still hurts. But it's fine. Ty came up and we talked for a long time and he filled me in on gossip and things going on around camp that I didn't know. He's a sweet boy and I don't like that there has been stuff that's bothered him. He's going to make a proposal to the office about expanding the bird enclosure so that Rocky, the turkey, can be with the other birds. I hope they go for it.
Now I am laying in my hammock. And I am very much ready to sleep. Ty just came by to get his apples he forgot on my table. But now is time for sleep.
I hope tomorrow is good. Maybe I'll get to swim before it starts storming again. It's supposed to start tomorrow night and basically storm all Friday. We'll see what happens. I just hope it's fun.
Sleep well everyone. I hope you are taking care of yourself!!
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