#falcon 10X
flyingprivate · 2 years
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The art and science of the Falcon 10X 
Captured by artist Tim Hall for @FlightGlobal
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brandwhorestarscream · 10 months
Cryptoid Seeker SS courting Megatron by bringing him his enemies (injured from capture, not dead. Still fun to hunt).
I imagine seekers having a specific ritual for non-seeker mates. Maybe zooming around, doing general Arial feats, bring their mates the injured enemies as an offering (similar but dulled down version of the seeker to seeker wing offering)?
Btw, the zooming and offering thing is found in Falcons. That, or they bring them Shiney things. But eh.
I also feel like cybermorphs courting would be super stupid. Like a wasps. Like, sitting on the ground, staring right at their desired mate, making a very specific buzzing sound kind of stupid. That, or maybe something like a white pufferfish (who draws weird geometric patterns in the sand to attract a mate). Imagine both. Megs draws a circle thing, sits in the middle, and stares at SS. That'd be hilarious.
Maybe some hidden horror with some mantis like behaviors? But combined with some wasp behavior, resulting in a bite to the neck cables that numbs the mates senses, making them unaware enough not to hold back? That'd be fragged up.
Or even? Some hidden secret that only seekers get affected in a different way than most. Like, they end up with seeker eggs that hold the cybermorphs eggs inside? And when the eggs do the explody thing, the cybermorphs are the squishy inside, having already combined with the seekerling to make this super parasitic version that makes housing one 10x worse.
Sorry for the long rant. I love the cryptiods.
Do not ever apologize for going on long rants, they genuinely make my day so much better 💖 first of all I love everything you've put here, but BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE!
I need to know more about the seekerling-cybermorph crossover. Tell me everything. Like the inside of the eggs, I wanna know every little detail about it. When you say the explodey thing, do you mean the cryptid seekerlings rupturing from their egg sacs early and seeking host in nearby fuel tanks? Cuz that's not always what happens with them, and is in fact an emergency defense mechanism to maximize survival chance. Usually they just carefully break free of their shells when their development is complete. So, tell me about these eggs, squishy cybermorph filling, I need to know! Gimme every. Single. Detail 👀 cuz like. All my mind is envisioning is like. A two layer egg, whetein the baby cybermorph is the center, kinda like the yolk, and an individual baby seekerling is in the outermembrane, and. Obviously that's not what's happening 😅 but super parasitic babies that are 10 times worse? I need to know!!
Also just, hear me out 👀 I love all these courtship ideas, but I'd like to pitch something to make it even funnier. Cybermorphs are very recent development on Cybertron in the grand scheme of things, and have only been around for a handful of generations (probably less than 5). Megatron is from the very first gen, so consider: even he doesn't entirely understand courtship. It's entirely instinctual and the logical part of him doesn't understand these weird urges. Like... what about this weird vibration/frequency he's giving off is attractive? The weird geometry, why is that considered attractive? He's a stranger to his own biology--the entire planet is, really--and secretly he's rather frustrated and embarrassed about it. He tries to match Starscream's energy, but what can he do for someone that can cross the entire planet in only a few megacycles? He can't just leave his hive and go gallavanting around just to impress the potential sire of his future children. Maybe he turns to tactics and battlefield prowess to impress him; it's a good thing too, because Starscream loves some good bloodshed 🤭
I'm also super down for the numbing bite. Cryptid seekers already spit venom, and the cybermorph biology is largely underdeveloped, so honestly either of them could. Maybe Starscream is venomous, Megatron is poisonous XD maybe he produces some kind of intoxicating pheromone that dulls the senses or hypnotizes, as a queen variant 🤔 or maybe it's a toxic, addictive aphrodisiac? Maybe he can produce multiple varieties! Something that releases inhibitions and makes his partner go hard, fast, and uncaring, with fertilization being the only important thing
Regardless. Terrifying parasitic Megatron and Starscream being fuck buddies that coparent? I love it
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georgiapeach30513 · 5 months
I’m excited about more Torres!
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kiwisoap · 2 years
Are the chaps made of squirrel? Or something else? (I saw the answer where you say it is protecting from squirrel, but if your hawk is bringing you dead squirrels perhaps you have an abundance of squirrel leather laying around?)
They're made of kangaroo leather actually! (Squirrel leather is pretty thin and doesn't offer much protection against bites.) A lot of falconers use kangaroo leather for making the majority of their gear, because it's exceptionally strong while being very lightweight. Something like 10x stronger than cowhide of the same thickness? (Though I'll admit that's mostly in its tensile strength, not necessarily its ability to withstand bites lol). If I make another pair though I'll probably make them out of calfskin because it should be able to do the job just as well, and it's a lot cheaper than kangaroo LMAO
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apothecaryassistant · 7 months
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Spent a bunch of time fiddling with the idea of a Urbanmech+ (Heresy, I know.) Looked at the stated role of the Urbie and went: How would I do this better?
So; Urban Pony.
So, to aid under-qualified militia pilots moving accross tarmac, I started with a quad base. Strapping a LB-10X on fullfills the big-gun duties, with two tons of ammo to allow engagement with both hard and soft targets. Next, for anti-riot anti-infantry use, there's a brace of four Small Pulse Lasers keeping it efficient and deadly up-close.
Saving cost compared to the advanced weaponry, the Urban-Pony still mounts an extremely anemic Standard 70 Fusion Engine, matching the 2/3 movement profile of the Urbanmech. However, completely undoing that reliable budget-concious measure is the addition of a Partial Wing. This gives far more flexibility to the 'Mech's jumping, resulting in an odd 2/3/4 profile.
So we have a light mech, exclusively for jumping in cities, with a large gun and anti-infantry abilities.
Unfortunately, as far as C-Bills are concerned, this experiment comes in at 2.2million, a full 700k over the R-60's famed low-budget mark.
A cheaper variant downgrades the LBX to a standard AC-10, and the lasers to six standard Smalls, but still coming in at 1.9mil to the R-60's 1.5mil, the added mobility of the partial wing may not be enough to sway the budget-concious buyer.
...and I couldn't figure out how to do a partial wing for a quad when I did this, it never looked right. The only partial wings I know are all on Jade Falcon stuff like the Eyrie or Jade Hawk, and look great, but on a quad? Eh.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Turkish Air Force receives another updated KC-135R aircraft🇹🇷
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/20/22 - 16:00 in Military
The Turkish Air Force received this week another updated Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker, after completing an update to the Block 45.1 standard in the US.
The aircraft arrived at Incirlik Air Base, headquarters of the 10th Command of the Docking Air Base, in southern Turkey on October 17. The serial number was not confirmed, as it was censored in the image released by the Turkish Ministry of Defense.
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All seven KC-135R in Turkey are being updated, with the last one scheduled for delivery in 2023. The first was delivered on September 5, 2021, after the completion of work at Field Aerospace in Oklahoma City. The modifications are the same for the similar update of the US Air Force (USAF) KC-135R.
The update has a complete remodeling of the flight deck with new LCD displays, radio altimeter, computer module updates, autopilot and a digital flight director. It includes the replacement of 63 parts, including obsolete and high-maintenance analog instruments.
The Turkish update is being led as a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program by the Legacy Jet-Tank Division of the USAF Mobility and Training Aircraft Directorate.
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The Turkish Air Force acquired seven KC-135R aircraft from the United States in 1995. Modernized platforms are expected to provide air refuelling, transportation, medical assistance and command post support for Turkey and its allies for more years.
Tankers are critical components of air forces. They extend the mission resistance and the range of combatants and support aircraft, as well as provide various supports, such as MEDEVAC, command post and transportation.
Tags: Military AviationBoeing KC-135 StratotankerTAF - Turkish Air Force / Turkish Air Force
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SeaGuardian remotely piloted aircraft starts operations for Japan's Coast Guard
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Falcon 10X enters the production phase
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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justinforprez · 4 months
Real Starship costs
I gathered these from a ton of sources on the internet. some are dubious reddit posts sucking Musk's cock
But anyway I want to crunch some numbers on REAL costs
Starship has $30k in helium, $3 mil in methane (at least) and $300k in oxygen (at least) per flight. Not counting other consumables for passengers
It requires 14 flights to get enough fuel to go to the moon plus the first flight for passengers thats $50 mil
$45mil in heat tiles if it was the space shuttle and Space X said it was $12,000 per sq meter or $9.6 mil which is on Nasa's material cost database so I trust it
Thats quite the improvement in 40 years. Not bad. Still crazy
1.25% needed to be replaced per flight but otherwise have a 100 flight lifespan but its probably longer
So thats $120k in tiles per flight
The best engines EVER the RS-25 only lasted UP TO 15 flights and SpaceX have never officially stated how long the engines last but have said reuse up to 10 times and ONE booster managed 21 launches so far but we don't know anything about its engines
Theres roughly $38 mil in engines if SpaceX can be believed and I have no reason to doubt them on engine costs. At 10x reuse thats $3.8 mil per launch.
.Estimated total dev cost will be $10 bil but thats not usually counted but $6bil of that would need to be private investment as per commercial space requirements. Not counting profit if we assume that the vehicles have a lifespan similar to shuttles at 100 launches. I do think that the shuttles development cost of $50 bil was reasonable but with advanced in CAD I think they COULD do it for $10 bil and that 10 bil is from experts.
development plus 4 launches will complete $5 bil in spending
The last shuttle was $1.7 billion. Space X say that the full stack was $150 mil. Experts believe that the Falcon 9 costs about $30 million to build.
The raptors are at least twice as expensive and theres 38 total in the stack. vs 10 on Falcon. So they are about 2x as expensive per kg lifted. So maybe the vehicle. Falcon 9 lifts 1/5 that of starships claimed 100 tons (it only did 50 the first time). So $300 million to build. Thats maybe not exactly fair since tank costs don't space linearly. Bigger tank is not that much more expensive. But thats $3 mil/ launch. I can't spend all night on this.
So far we have $10.75 mil per launch as COST, not price. and we are fully excluding development, operations, tracking, refurbishment (we assume it lasts 100 times at no cost then fully replace), and of course profit.
SpaceX want to go public. Profit will matter.
Musk claims $2-3 mil/launch. Thats not possible.
Falcon 9 has a refurbished cost of $15 mil. So they spend 1/2 the cost on refurbishment for reference. Which is awful by the way and worse than Shuttle which was about 1/4 and still wasn't worth refurbishing.
So without refurb I expect a price of at least $20 mil/launch and more likely $30 mil if they go public. But realistically since it can lift 5x falcon the price would be $300 mil if they had to pay for all that other shit and not compete with their other product.
However if their refurb cost is similar to Shuttle at 1/4 cost per flight thats $75 mil added. So $85 mil cost and likely triple that for the sale price. So $250 mil per launch
Thats cheap. Dirt cheap by the way
Its still VERY cheap to get that much to orbit and I feel that its much more realistic.
I hate these fraudulent, ridiculous lies by Musk. Its still a potentially revolutionary vehicle at that price.
However its TERRIBLE for getting to the Moon or Mars. It they have $85 mil in costs for 15 launches to refill to go to the moon and 20 launches for mars (one way trip) thats $1.275 billion to go to the moon. Which is DIRT CHEAP compared to apollo. Musk could be making these numbers as claims at could actually back them up even if they end up being too optimistic.
Also launching 15 rockets to do one moon trip is fucking nuts by the way and incredible unreliable. given that the real engine life will probably be around 10 to 15 launches. that a whole starship per trip in which case you should just expend the vehicle and make it out of carbon fiber.
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cfsjetsnc · 4 months
Need To Inspect a Cessna For Sale
Almost all business owners today consider investing in a private jet. Not only does it save heaps of time that would otherwise be spent waiting in the airport queues, but baggage restrictions are waived substantially, allowing the flyer to carry all required items at the same time. True, there are options galore for prospective jet owners, but one has to check each available aircraft carefully to make the investment truly worthwhile.  ​ Contacting an experienced aviation broker can be the best possible way to achieve one’s objective. Checking out the Falcon Jet for sale is a distinct possibility, as most brokers remain on the lookout for the right aircraft and model. It suffices to know that the Dassault Falcon Jet is in high demand at present, with multiple models available to the end-user. 
Sure, one may be prepared to wait for the latest model i.e. the Falcon 10X that is about to be in the skies by the end of 2025. Corporations, entrepreneurs, and distinct groups are not averse to purchasing the used Falcon Jet either. It is interesting to note that each model comes with a characteristic plus that inspires and excites the users to try its ownership
Some of the previous models that have retained their popularity and advantages over the competitors include the following:-
· The Falcon 8X: An improvement over the most coveted Flacon 7X, this one flies like a commercial airline, with safety and speed being top-notch. The user can customize the features according to need, making it a personal aircraft well and truly 
· The Falcon 7X: This is a relatively older jet in the Dassault Falcon Jet line. However, it remains the Number 1 choice of directors and CEOs/CFOs across the world. With an impressive flight hours of 500,000, it is in operation in more than 40 nations to date. Termed as the Dassault tri-cruiser, it is the most popular and successful jets so far.
· The Falcon 6X: A tall cabin and wide aircraft design are the signatures of this Falcon that was introduced in 2021. Known for its advanced technology and superb design that heightens the comfort of the passengers, this jet is known to be long haul private jet.
· The Falcon 900LX: This is a long-range carrier that can transport at least 14 passengers in one go. It operates with the help of 3 high-quality jets, and the spacious cabin makes flying intensely comfortable. Deemed as one of the most comfortable jets to use, this Falcon is known for safety and great flexibility.
· The Falcon 2000LXS: This model is excellent for people operating in the aviation business. The spacious and luxurious cabin is super comfortable and can comfortably carry 8 to 12 passengers. The baggage space is more than enough, with the jet capable of holding 14 suitcases simultaneously. It comes with a well-designed kitchen, and the folding seats can offer relaxation like no other. 
Investors engaged in diverse occupations are pleased to invest in the Cessna for sale after having it approved by the aviation broker.
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mrkhan75090 · 11 months
Falcon Review – WhatsApp™ Channels In 60 Seconds
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From my own personal experience, buy the product and you will benefit a lot.
Grab Falcon
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flyingprivate · 1 year
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Falcon 10X !
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kurano · 1 year
※ 仏軍、次期哨戒機の研究開始 A320MPAとFalcon 10X検討
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jeremywebb · 1 year
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The Dassault Falcon 10X! Hell yeah! I'm just a lad, really … 😎🚬
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leoscats · 2 years
Hey, Have you entered this competition to win Giveaway-Who Are Creator of Masterpieces-Festival Gifts Collection yet? If you refer friends you get more chances to win :) https://wn.nr/432UVH
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dzfgrdg · 2 years
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bob23221 · 2 years
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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USAF F-22 fighters are deployed in the Netherlands 🇳🇱
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/20/22 - 18:22 in Military
The United States transferred a new group of combat aircraft to the Netherlands. USAF's fifth-generation F-22 Raptor fighters are part of NATO's aerial shielding mission.
Four F-22 Raptor fighters landed at Leeuwarden Air Base around 1:30 p.m. on October 16, being the first time that the fifth-generation USAF fighters landed in the Netherlands.
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“Dutch and American races will be flying on several joint exercise missions in the near future,” the Dutch Ministry of Defense said. "The goal is to integrate weapons systems. It is also about promoting mutual cooperation and the capacity for unfolding between NATO partners".
USAF F-35 and F-15 fighters should also arrive in the Netherlands in the coming days.
According to the U.S. Air Force command in Europe, the training flights of F-22 aircraft that arrived from bases in the United States were also carried out in conjunction with the Polish F-16s and the Italian Eurofighter Typhoons in Poland.
Recently NATO began nuclear deterrence exercises with U.S. bombers. According to the alliance, active weapons will not be involved in the exercises. The maneuvers began on October 17 and run until October 30 over the territories of Belgium, Great Britain and the North Sea.
Tags: Military AviationF-22 RaptorRNLAF - Royal Netherlands Air Force / Royal Dutch Air ForceUSAF - United States Air Force / US Air Force
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Falcon 10X enters the production phase
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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