#fake french accent and everything
exdeputysonso · 3 months
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Brad Dourif as Maurice 'Frenchy' Devereaux | Ponderosa (2001)
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orteil42 · 9 months
some undifferentiated thoughts about my Starfield playthrough as i have them. i am a game developer with a strong interest in procedural generation and i've enjoyed a bunch of other bethesda games so this might get pretty mean sorry
(this is a long one)
starfield dialogue is already exhausting me "oh you must've been living under a moon rock ;)" get it! because they're in space! this would've been too corny for the Jetsons
there's a kind of cheap dusting of space theme over everything. the food isn't salmon but alien salmon. it's not seaweed but alien seaweed. cooking alien stir-fry. come on
cannot get over how clumsily the theming is handled. books, board games, weapon names revolve heavily around space. these people have been living on alien planets for hundreds of years yet have this unending sense of novelty about it. the game takes itself completely seriously but feels like it's attempting to parody itself
a woman is speaking to me in french. her accent is about as believable as her haircut
these are some of the worst reflection maps i've ever seen
next to nothing is interactive. you can sit in chairs and sleep in beds and that is about it. can't even drink from people's toilets. disgraceful
game helpfully crashes 5 seconds after i decide i should get some sleep. very handy!
my character has not said a single thing since i started playing. not one peep. this is an unmitigated improvement over Fallout 4 i'm so glad honestly
the more i poke around the big city the more the NPC quips feel like something out of gen-1 pokemon. can't get enough of this coffee :) this city is where it's at :) spacesuits are comfy and easy to wear
very strange sense of altered reality from the quest dialogue too. has anyone at bethesda met a person before? i move on to some mission that has me scanning wildlife on a faraway planet hoping this will, somehow, feel less alien than human conversation
just as with No Man's Sky, every planet is uniformly dotted with equidistantly-placed points of interest that you slowly make your way to (no vehicles besides your jetpack) which always turn out to be some cave or building identical to those you've cleared before
unlike with No Man's Sky, the seamless exploration is faked and the biodiversity is nil. you do get an impressive amount of raw loading screens however
the prefab bases and power stations found everywhere on planets seem to have very sparse, very specific slots for spawning consumables, which results in encountering some giant industrial installation in the middle of nowhere with, i don't know, a loaf of whole-grain sandwich bread just casually sitting next to it all proper. there is no breathable atmosphere here. who is eating this
planetary traversal is a CHORE. i am saying this as someone who loved Death Stranding
heinous "hold to confirm" buttons sprinkled in various flow-breaking places throughout the interface
enemy AI is abominable. nobody is pathing their way to get my ass. "must've been the wind" taken to the next level. an infant playing peekaboo has more object permanence
hoisting yourself up on ledges when jumping is…nice
companions randomly nowhere to be found. persists through multiple fast-travels and loading screens until, just as randomly, they pop back up
storage space is now limited! unlike in Fallout 4 and virtually every other bethesda game, your containers now hold a finite item capacity. god forbid we let the player have fun
baffling inventory UI. i imagine there's a mod out there that completely overhauls it the way SkyUI did for Skyrim. this should not be needed! how are your UIs getting worse a decade later!
scanning the precious few species inhabiting some dusty planet; one of them is this arching red root i've already seen several times before. my job done in this biome, i travel (read: teleport with a loading screen) to the polar region to find some other species. the first one i catalogue is the exact same red root again but this time it's named "boreas root" todd howard is a genius
some alien horror comes at me full fangs out. i hop on a pebble. obscenely, i am safe
procedural terrain generation beyond dull, impossibly unimaginative. these people have not had one critical thought on what makes a procedural world interesting. beginning to feel validated in my belief that only i should be trusted with proc gen. along with perhaps tarn adams
jokes aside this is making me feel genuinely insane. there have been excellent procedural generation techniques that produce compelling explorable maps for decades now. bethesda absolutely has the budget and know-how to do miles better than this yet somehow they just…do not? the same way Pokemon has decided to just no longer bother with their mainline games despite being the highest-grossing media franchise in history? hello? what is for real going on
some of the most cynical breadcrumbing i've seen in years. approaching some random cave and this person in space gear, who in the vast immensity of the infinite cosmos just happens to be snapping pictures right here, tells me more-or-less verbatim "if you like this place, you should see this other place" [other random cave has been added to your map.]
i do not like how good this makes No Man's Sky's gameplay look. it depresses me how much i have to hand it to No Man's Sky for at least not fucking up this bad. please stop making me wish i was playing No Man's Sky instead this is grotesque
i think i've exhausted my interest and patience for this game at the moment. i'll get back to the main story at some point and try some other systems ie. crafting and base-building to see if there's any engagement to be found but so far, my god. my god
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mypimpademia · 1 year
— The Teacher (pt. 2)
Single dad! Gojo x Fem! Preschool teacher! Reader
Synopsis: Little Megumi wonders if you’re his new mom, and Gojo finds himself wondering the same thing.
TW: None
Note: click/tap here for part 1! or Click/tap here for part 3! I forgot to mention it in the first part, but ig it was kinda implied, Gojo is 29 in this not a teen like he was in canon. Gojo is also very briefly implied to get around
⇶ Satoru stuck to his promise of taking you out
⇶ He left Megumi with Utahime for the night, and made sure that everything was perfect for you
⇶ Truthfully, he went a little overboard out of his own anxiety
⇶ Booked reservations for one of the nicest restaurants in town, deep cleaned his house (just in case), got his already clean car detailed, bought a new suit despite having many hardly-worn ones in his closet, stalked your socials for hints at what you might like, and more that he’d be far too embarrassed to ever admit to
⇶ Satoru picked you up from your house at 6 pm, knocking on your door with a giant bouquet of flowers in hand
“You look incredible.”
Those were the only words Satoru could come up with when he saw you.
He always thinks you look incredible, but seeing you all dressed up outside of your usual work attire was a nice change of pace, and you looked effortlessly beautiful.
“Thank you, Toru,” you beamed. “You look pretty,” you told him, scanning over his tall figure, clad in a deep blue suit.
‘Toru’, ‘pretty’. He nearly passed out on your porch.
Satoru smiled, clearing his throat in an effort to gather his bearings as he fought back the deep blush that was crawling up his face.
“For you, mon chéri,” he said, in a corny fake French accent, presenting the large bouquet of flowers to you.
They were neatly wrapped in a brown paper, and tied off with a white bow. From just the look of it, you could tell they were expensive.
“These are my favorite,” you gasped, taking them from him. “How’d you know?”
He stalked your instagram and found a post from a year ago where you said you loved them.
“Lucky guess,” Satoru smiled. “Y’ready to go?”
⇶ He led you to his shiny black sports car, opening up the door for you to get in
⇶ It even smelled expensive, and the fresh scent of car shampoo was still lingering. You could tell he had it cleaned just for this, but didn’t say anything
⇶ When you got to the restaurant, out of place was an understatement for how you felt
⇶ You were just happy you decided to dress nicer than you had originally planned
⇶ Looking around, the restaurant was beautifully decorated, and the people dining were dressed just as beautiful
⇶ The more time you spent with Satoru, the more that you realized you knew next to nothing about him
⇶ Where does he get all this money from? What does he do for a living? Who is he, really? And what’s up with the sunglasses?
⇶ You will admit, the mystery only made him all the more attractive, but you had a newfound determination to peel back his layers
⇶ But your first date might not be the best time for that, so you were willing to let things unfold naturally for now
⇶ Satoru insisted that you ordered whatever you want off the menu because he was paying, and ignored your protests
⇶ You hopped around different topics of conversation throughout dinner, and you did eventually make it to the subject of work
⇶ Satoru asked you what exactly made you want to teach preschool, or teach at all, and watched your eyes light up
⇶ Teaching was undoubtably a job you need to have a passion for, and you had more than enough passion for it
⇶ You told him that you’ve always had an interest in teaching, and loved kids and thought they were precious, sacred even, and that their early years are the best part to watch and be a part of
⇶ Satoru’s heart was getting ready to leap out of his chest just watching you talk about something you love so much
‘She’d make a great mom for Megs…’
⇶ The thought surprised even him, Satoru wasn’t sure if it was genuine or intrusive, but it had him glancing at your features and around him to make sure he hadn’t accidentally said it aloud
⇶ He told you that all the kids were lucky to have you, and that seeing you take care of Megumi and all those kids with ease made him feel like his worries from adopting were pointless
⇶ He glazed over the adoption part so easily, you almost missed it
⇶ Sure, you were more than well aware that Satoru was a single father, and when you saw that his last name was different from Megumi’s, you just assumed it was his mothers last name
“It is his mothers last name, but he’s not at all my biological kid. I adopted him from… a friend.”
⇶ You had removed a layer from Satoru, only to find how thin it was in comparison to the amount he had left
⇶ The revelation answered some of the questions you had, and left you with even more at the same time
⇶ Just based on the hesitation he showed, you knew better than to press any further, and changed the subject
⇶ The rest of dinner went smoothly, and you and Satoru once again went back and forth about the bill before he was calling the waiter back to take his card
⇶ On the drive back, Satoru asked if you wanted to see Megumi since Utahime’s house was in the same direction as yours
⇶ You said yes, because of course you wanted to see Megumi, and because it was getting harder and harder for you to say no to Satoru
⇶ When you arrived at Utahime’s, Megumi lept at you before he even said hello to Satoru
⇶ Satoru feigned being hurt by the action, but Megumi still payed him no mind, directing all his attention to you
⇶ Satoru thanked Utahime for watching Megumi, and you overheard her saying something about not dumping his kid on her again
⇶ Megumi had you sit in the backseat with him, and told you about all the stuff he did at Utahime’s
⇶ All the sudden, he asked why you and Satoru were all dressed up
“Did you guys go on a date?”
You and Satoru shared a questioning look through the rear view mirror, one that asked ‘Should we tell him?’.
“Sure did little man!” Satoru told him, but Megumi didn’t seem too surprised by his answer.
“Oh, Dad goes on a lot of those,” Megumi said, before going back to playing with the plastic dinosaur in his lap.
Satoru was rethinking all his life choices in that moment. He gulped back the saliva that had pooled in his mouth, already going over how exactly he could explain that to you later on.
To his surprise, he heard you laugh at Megumi’s comment.
“But I’m your favorite, right?” You asked the boy, playfully nudging him. He turned to you with big wide eyes and smiled.
⇶ Dropping you off at your house, Satoru thanked you for letting him take you out, and haphazardly tried to apologize for Megumi’s little comment and explain himself
⇶ You told him it was fine, and thanked him for the night, hugging him and planting a kiss on his cheek
⇶ Satoru froze up at the action, but managed to say bye to you as he collected himself and you disappeared into your house
⇶ When he and Megumi got back home, Satoru made a point to explain to Megumi why he couldn’t just throw out information like that to people, especially you
⇶ While putting on the boys pajamas in the dimly lit dinosaur themed room, Megumi yawned out a question
“Hey, dad,”
He spoke through a yawn while rubbing his eye with his fist. Satoru hummed back in acknowledgment, straining out the bottom of the little boy’s pajama shirt
“Is Ms. L/n gonna be my mom?” Megumi asked, looking at Satoru with low, sleepy eyes.
Satoru thought back to the statement that popped into his head during dinner. You would make a great mom for him.
“Um,” Satoru started, tucking Megumi underneath his comforter. “I dunno yet.”
He was honest. He didn’t know if what he was feeling for you was real or if he was just in over his head.
“I hope she is,” Megumi muttered, huffing out as his breathing turned into soft snores.
“Me too, Megs.”
Taglist: @megurulvr @miirene @planetlunaa @kazuminari @goldenglow149 + @torusmochi
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Thank you for reading, comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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athena-studios · 3 months
ָ࣪ 𓏲⋆.ָ࣪ 𓏲⋆.ָ࣪ 𓏲⋆.
Simon Riley + preteen!daughter
tw: none(?)
a/n: im basically writing what i wanna read. honorary mention to @chaosandmarigolds for giving a bit o' help:) pretty long, don't know how many words but probably around 1k?
this idea has been in my head for AGES now, so glad i finally wrote it💗
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Simon's girlfriend died. the 141 knew that. his girlfriend died that night along with the rest of his family. except for his one singular gem that he treasures the most. you, his daughter that the killers that night did not see nor hear because you were at the neighbor's house. that was when you were 5 years old, since then, Simon has done everything in his power to protect you. even as far as not telling anyone but Laswell about you.
you're now 12 years old. having gone through alot already, you're more mature and sassy than most of your peers. which leads you to this situation...
you were on the couch with your laptop open when you hear a knock. you walk to the door and open it to be greeted with three bulky men, one looking seemingly older than the other two.
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the one on the middle has a...Fishers hat? he also has a beard, which is, what you assume, makes him appear older. "this dude could be a grandpa..." you thought.
the one to your left has a weird mohawk. yeah, thats all you can say about him. the one on the other side looks more tolerable, but his cap does wanna make you laugh your ass in front of him for it.
"Hi, who are you?" the grandp— the one in the middle asks. "I'm sorry, shouldn't i be asking you that? there are three, large, bulky men on my doorstep. none of which who are familiar to me." you replied, in your sassy voice, ofcourse.
your dad told you not to talk to strangers, they're strangers, aren't they?
"sorry—I'm Johnny, but i prefer to be called soap. this is John and Kyle. now can we know what yer name is, bonnie?" Johnny speaks up. you scoff. "fine. its y/n. y/n riley. that's all I'm telling you. and what the hell kinda name is soap?"
at that, the three of them glance at eachother in both shock and confusion. "what?" you ask. "your last name's Riley?" Gaz asks. "yeah, what about it?" you cross your arms, getting slightly defensive.
behind their back, you see your dad's truck pull up the driveway, the three men in front of you also noticing. you speed-walk to your dad and point to the three men. "Dad, these guys are tryin' to kidnap me." you say nonchalantly. he looks behind you and sees his captain and his two sergeants. "honey, they weren't tryna kidnap you. those guys are my teammates." he says as he walks to the trunk of the car and hands you two grocery bags. "now, bring these inside and I'll talk to 'em. 'kay?" he pats you head as you nod, walking back to the house.
"so, simon. when were ya gon' tell us ye got a daughter?" soap's scottish accent rings out. they glance at simon's balaclava-less face, because they don't usually see him without that damn balaclava, but also because they await a response from him. "to keep her safe...only Laswell knows abou' her. she's the only thing i have left. my treasure." simon clears his throat to ease the silence. "so, why are you guys 'ere anyway?" simon asks.
"i actually came here to ask for advice, and then i saw soap already standing at your door, saying something about a teatime catch-up? but anyway, he called price over, faking that your pipe was broken. and when he came up, we knocked on your door and y/n answered it." as gaz finishes his explanation, you walk back out the door. "so...are you all gonna come in or not? because i didn't stop binge watching heartstopper on netflix for nothing." you say as you chew on a french fry Simon had got for you, per your request.
they all walk in, and take a seat on the couch, Simon quickly preparing drinks for them. as Simon takes a seat next to you, Price speaks up. "so y/n, how old are you?"
"I'm 12." you answer blatantly. "y/n, be nice." your dad whispers to you. "you got any hobbies?" Soap tries to make conversation.
you playfully glare at your dad before answering soap. "i like to play the guitar, i like to paint, and crochet sometimes." you answer again, trying to put a less boring tone to your voice.
it goes like this for a few minutes, everyone just exchanging laughs and conversation. maybe they're not so bad after all...
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jazziejax · 4 months
𝐈. 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
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Pairings- Priest!Art Donaldson x Reader, Priest!Patrick Zwieg x Reader
Summary- Odessa and Antoinette get a creepy letter in the mail
Warnings- religious talk, swearing, inside thoughts, not well written…
Jazzie’s Notes!- I just wanna preface this with saying that I don’t really know how to write this style of writing. I have to learn to write well in first person, but then if I do that, I would have to switch person to person all the time. Let if know if this is good or not, don’t be afraid to give feedback. Also, this isn’t meant to offensive to a religious group, I am religious myself. Sorry for any spelling errors!!!
Word Count- 5,313
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Antoinette’s life was far from perfect. She lived in a crappy apartment in a sketchy part of New York with barely any money to afford to live. But she tended to find the bright side of most things. She shared said apartment with her best friend, and she always dreamed of living in New York. Plus, her job was a cute diner with a surprisingly stylish apron. She felt like one of those girls in the rom-com movies. Life could be worse.
“Hi, what can I help you guys with today?” The chipper voice of the young lady said as she pulled the notepad out of her blue apron pocket. She looked expectedly around the group that sat at the diner booth.
“Uh, can we get two French toast meals with the strawberry and whipped cream on them, no bacon or eggs on one of them? And two chocolate chip pancake meals with no whipped cream, just the bananas and blueberries. Four milkshakes, one chocolate with no cherry no whipped cream, one strawberry with the cherry and whipped cream, one vanilla with just the whipped cream, and another chocolate with the cherry and the whipped cream.” Said a blonde woman in one go, before looking up to smile at the waiter.
What a…hearty breakfast. Is it even breakfast time?
The girl squinted, caught off guard by everything that was thrown at her so fast, and didn’t write anything down past the ‘no eggs no bacon’ part. “Um, okay, yeah. I totally have all of that. I’m just gonna repeat it back to make sure it’s correct.” The curly-haired waiter smiled, looking down at the small amount of words scribbled on the yellow paper. Before she could even start talking, the blonde girl spoke up again.
“Oh, no need.” She smiled sweetly, which was obviously fake and condescending by the way she then waved the girl off before continuing the conversation she was in with her friends. Antoinette's eyes darted from one person to the next, utter shock but not surprised at how they all just continued to ignore her presence. She offered a small smile, whispering a small “Okay.” Before walking off to tell Lonny what she remembered of the order.
Which also didn’t go in her favor.
“Why the hell didn’t you write it down?” The older man asked, his New York accent thick on his tongue as she looked down at the small piece of paper the girl handed him.
I totally didn’t even think of that.
“I tried, she was going too fast and wouldn’t let me stay any longer to get it correct.” The girl whined. “I can tell you what I remember from my brain.”
My brain, what am I, seven years old? I need to expand my vocabulary.
“I don’t need what you have in your brain, I need the order on paper! I’m running a restaurant here, curly fry, not a school!” The grump yelled, before moving around the kitchen to continue to cook. Antoinette just stood there, arms stiff at her sides as her eyes drifted towards the open box where the orders got dropped off to see the more than half-empty restaurant. Her brows furrowed inwards only a smidge as she looked back over at her boss.
“Lonny, they’re the only people here.” She stated. All she got in response was the slam of the man’s fist against the metal table out of frustration. Not caring, or rather not paying attention, Antoinette continued. “I mean, them and the homeless guy that sleeps in the booth at the very back. And the occasional person with a laptop to charge.” She shrugged.
Lonny then turned, glaring from afar at the girl who was at least a foot taller than him. Granted, he was a short man.
“You’re lucky I like you curlyfry.” The man grumbled. “Now write down what you can remember then get back to work.” He hissed, turning to the batter he had before him. Antoinette was almost tempted to ask, what work? but refrained from making the situation worse. “Okay.” Was all she said before starting to scribble what she caught of the order on the paper.
My handwriting is atrocious, I need to work on that. Ooh, that’s a big word. Maybe my vocabulary isn’t so terrible. Hey, they do say bad handwriting is a sign of intelligence.
“Also, can you go kick out that homeless guy?” Lonny started, talking to the girl over his shoulder.
“Why can’t you?” She immediately asked, not even thinking over the statement. The older man threw his head back, letting out a deep sigh. “Because I’m working. Ya know, the thing you don’t do.”
Antoinette softly gasped in offense, placing a hand over her heart. “I work. I’m getting this order to you right now.” She said, tripping g the paper from the bit pad and sliding it over to the order station. “Plus, Joey’s gonna be here any second for my shift to end. Although a little late. He can handle it though.”
“Yeah, but I asked you, and I want it done now.” The man spat, never once looking back at the girl as he continued to make the dough for his bread at the cooking station.
“Well, I can’t because I have to wait.” She said, starting to take off her apron. Lonny screamed in annoyance, turning to face his employee. “What did I tell you about that word?!” He screamed desperation and anger in his tone.
“That it’s only used by stinky European teenage boys.” Antoinette related like a mantra at this point. “So stop it!” He yelled as she then tried to walk out of the kitchen, actually having to pee. “And what did I tell you about telling me when you have to pee.”
“I just thought you should know!” Antoinette yelled back through the closing kitchen door. She sighed, starting to continue her way to the bathroom before briefly pausing when she realized the table from earlier was now looking at her in irritation and confusion.
Great, they probably heard me talking about having to pee.
She smiled at them, her dimples being the cherry on top of her adorable face. “Your food will be out shortly.” She said as she encapsulated one hand in the other, voice now calm in contrast to her previous yelling. She went to walk about before stopping once more. “Hopefully.” She said before continuing, taking her apron off in the process and laying it on a hook in the back where her bag and coat were.
She wakes in the dingey bathroom, pulling down her pants and squatting over the bowl. Finally, in some semblance of peace, she had the same thoughts she had every time she used the bathroom at the diner.
My calves have to be extremely strong after doing this for four years. Can they hear me? Gosh, I hope they can’t hear me. I think I’d kill myself. Well no, I wouldn’t because that’s a sin.
Finished, the file looked over next to her for the toilet paper, seeing the roll bare but the sake of two thin sheets stuck to the adhesive. “Aw, man. No paper.” She said to herself. She then tried forward, scouring her mind for a solution to such a predicament. Here she was, leaning forward with her rosary handing in her face, squatted over the toilet seat with urine dripping from her privates.
Today couldn’t be any worse.
Just then, the door shot open and slammed into the girl's head. Antoinette yelped at the harsh contact, not even paying attention to the scream let out by the man above her as she focused on her now throbbing head and tried not to fall into the toilet bowl. “Dammit, Antoinette, lock the door next time.” The man groaned. Antoinette held her head as if her hand would bring some sort of red to the area.
“Ok, Joey can you go grab me some toilet paper? We’re out.” She said, trying to focus on how embarrassing this whole ordeal was.
“Uh, yeah, give me a sec.” He said through the door before drifting away.
Antoinette sighed, her head flopping down as she was once again left in that weird position, now even more embarrassed that someone saw her and that she was hit in the head. And it was her coworker.
Lord. I’m sorry but I must die today.
Joey then came back with a new roll of tissue, handing it to the girl through a crack in the bathroom door, even though he could see the girl in the small bathroom mirror. A few seconds after a flush and the sink running, Antoinette emerged with an awkward smile on her face to see Joey standing in front of the bathroom door.
“Hi.” Was all she said, looking everywhere but his eyes.
“Hey.” The taller olive-skinned man said back. They stood in front of each other for a few moments in silence.
“You should go—“
“Sorry about—“
They stared at the same time, pausing before awkwardly laughing.
“I was gonna say sorry about your head. I kinda just barged in.” Joey continued, smiling down at the girl in front of him.
“It’s fine, I was sitting there very awkwardly. Squatting rather.” She stared, brushing it off. “I was saying that you should head on in there and…do whatever you were going to do.” She shrugged. She could feel her heatwave pick up just being in his presence. And the longer she looked at him in those sultry brown eyes, the feeling of a hot pool started to rumble in her lower stomach. She might’ve been a virgin, but she wasn’t stupid.
Well, not entirely.
She knew she found Joey attractive, but the feeling she got when she stood too close to him was not okay in her book. It triggered her fight or flight, but instead of running away or throwing fists at him, she wanted to jump into his arms.
Yeah, I can’t do this. It’s time to leave.
“Well, it was nice speaking to you Joey, have a nice day. Oh, and Lonny wants you to remove the homeless guy from the booth in the back.” She spat out in a hurry as she grabbed her bag from the hook, along with her coat, and walked back to the front. She passed the table on her way out, seeing that they were now eating. “Oh, you guys got your food. Great.” She said with a small customer service smile as she continued walking.
“Yeah, our order is actually wrong—.” The woman from before couldn’t get out much more before Antoinette was cutting her off.
“Sorry, I’m off the clock. Bye.” She cheesed on her last words and walked out of the door, a bell ringing above her head. She scurried to the alley on the side of the building, to see her bike still double-chained to a random pipe in the next building over. It was basically a little game at this point to come around the corner and see if her bike was still there. Sighing in relief, she rushed over to the baby blue bike with a wicker basket in the front. She unclasped her key from her wrist and unlocked the heavy-duty chains she bought with her last few dollars when she moved to New York. This elderly couple had given her the bike when they saw the girl walking in the rain, saying it was their daughter’s old bike. But since the girl was lost and confused in a very nice neighborhood, she had to buy some chains so she didn’t get jacked before she could get to enjoy its labor.
The girl opened the basket in the front of her bike to place her chains into when she paused at the sight of something wrapped in the large bin. The thing was moving underneath the black cloth and Antoinette was just frozen. She glanced around at the alley to see if anyone was watching her but spotted not a single soul. Sighing, the girl reached out and pulled back the back fabric, being sure to keep her head as far away as she could whilst also being able to see within the basket. Seeing that whatever it was didn’t violently react to her movements, she eased forward to see a tuft of sandy white hair.
What in tarnation is this?
Now confused, the girl leaned forward and pulled the cloth back more to see two small kittens in her backseat, one was this sanely blonde color, the darker part of its body being its nose area and its tail. The other kitten was a mix of colors, mainly orange and black with white spots here and there. Antoinette’s heart immediately melted at the sight of the two kittens.
“Awww!” The girl said, pouting at the creatures who lay in her basket. Well, one creature lay while the other moved around in the basket as best as it could. “Well, aren’t you two just the cutest?” The girl gushed as she lifted the blanket with them two in it to place the chains at the bottom of the basket. Once placing them back down, she looked at the cats, who eventually acknowledged the woman above them with tiny meows, as if they were speaking to her speaking voice. Antoinette nearly cried as she continued to fawn over the cute little animals.
“Yeah, you two are coming home with me.” She said as she mounted her bike and washed her way out of the alley. “Des is just gonna love you two!” She said excitedly, closing the top of her basket and riding off into the New York City streets.
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“Why the hell are there kittens in the kitchen?” The light skin girl said as she walked into the small flat and hung her keys and coat near the door before turning to her right to see two kittens in the kitchen licking at a bowl of milk on the corner. Antoinette smiled at the girl as the light from her laptop reflected off her large glasses.
“Hello, Odessa.” The girl said formally laying one hand on top of another as she sat straighter in her seat. The lighter girl furrowed her brows, eyeing her friend across from her in the small kitchen.
“What do you have to say?” The girl demanded out of her rather than asked, already tired from a long work day and knowing Antoinette had something up her sleeve.
She’s sneaky for a catholic…Well, aren’t they all? According to history.
“Well, to answer your previous question, these cats are here because some holy being left them in my basket on my bike.” She started. She could see Odessa was about to speak again but she interrupted before she could. “And before you say anything discouraging, I’d just like to say I did some extensive research. The multicolored one is a calico kitten, and did you know that approximately one calico in 3,000 is male? And guess what? He’s male!” The girl with glasses said, faking her shock again to add to the dramatic value in front of Odessa. The leather-clad girl just leaned against the kitchen archway with her arms folded, face stoic. Seeing that Antoinette was waiting for some sort of reaction before she continued, the woman slightly opened her mouth to let out a small gasp, glancing over at the kitten near her feet.
Antoinette smiled before continuing. “And that quiet and mysterious beauty is a ragdoll kitten. They have an above-average life span, fully grown at 4 years old, quiet by nature, as you can tell. And they are one of the largest cat breeds out there, which is also kind of confusing because you’re supposed to mix other breeds to get a ragdoll cat.” She said, trailing off at the end as she looked at her laptop in confusion, those two facts not making much sense in her mind. Shaking off the thought, the spec-wearing girl looked over at her cooler friend, who just stared at her. Antoinette put on her best smile.
Well, not her best. She was sort of anxious about the whole situation so the smile was kind of awkward, the girl showing all of her adult teeth while her eyes waited on an answer, her brows giving away her concern.
After a moment of silence, the two just looking at one another, Odessa cracked first.
“We can’t keep the cats.” That was all she said before all hell broke loose.
“But, I did so much research on them! I could probably work as a veterinarian with all the knowledge I know now.” The girl in pink whined.
Odessa just started, moving to put her hands in the pockets of her leather pants, the tattoos on her arms showing.
“It was basically a sign from God- well the universe that I’m meant to keep them. They just appeared in my basket, begging for my care.” She continued, changing her words when she saw the girl's brow spike at the mention of the guy up above. That still didn’t get a reaction out of the girl, Odessa just moved across the small kitchen and past the tiny table to the fridge. Antoinette followed her moments within her seat, desperation etched into her face.
“I mean, it won’t cost us much. I can use the bin we use for our socks as their litter box and just use sand from the cigarette pot downstairs.” I’m grasping at freaking straws here.
Odessa turned around once she had the beer in her hands and used the counter to pop the lid off. “And for now we can just give them milk, ya know since we always have some that go bad and we’re lactose intolerant anyway.” She continued, taking her glasses off her face to look at her friend.
Odessa cringed at her words, and leaned against the counter now, which was only about three feet away from the other girl. “That sounds like a terrible life for these poor kittens, Antoinette. And us.” She said before taking a swig of her beer. “We can’t afford them.”
“I mean, it's not like we’re poor. We can take care of them.”
“We have a box television in the year 2023…” Odessa started, “And it’s not even in our living room, it’s in the kitchen and it’s the size of a basketball.” She finished, pointing over to the small television on the corner of the table that softly played reruns of old television shows with the antenna that aimed at the small kitchen window. “We don’t even have fucking cable.”
“Language,” Antoinette muttered. “I mean, at least we get to watch Sex & The City and Living Single for free.” She smiled over at Odessa, who gave her a simple stare. “We can’t afford them, Bennie.” She said softly.
Antoinette then deflated, shoulders sagging as she leaned back in the old wooden chair. She had lost all hope as soon as the girl said that name, Odessa only calling her that when she was serious about something. Mainly because Odessa hated nicknames. “Okay, I’ll find them somewhere tomorrow.” She softly whined before putting her head in her hands. Odessa pursed her lips in sadness, patting the girl on the shoulder for comfort before making her way out of the kitchen. It only took her about three steps before she was in what most would call a living room, but Odessa liked to call it her room. Since it essentially was her room.
The far wall was made of brick, with a green couch in front of it that let out into her bed and a small back circle table in the middle, on top of an ugly carpet.
The girl sighed as she turned and dropped down onto the couch, letting her back hit the seat cushions. The old ceiling light hurt her eyes and made her already terrible hangover headache worse, so she threw her arms over her eye, placing her face in her elbow. Getting home late last night from one of her small concerts, she liked to call them, at the bar she worked at, she got a little too wasted. It was a recurring theme for her honestly.
Get up, go to work at the bar, wait till 10 to start performing, do that until about 2 am, get drunk afterward and either go home with whoever she decides to lay with that night or go to her humble abode. She didn’t perform every night, but when she did, that was usually the routine. And now she was suffering the consequences of getting drunk and staying up until 5 am when she had to work only hours later. At least she didn’t perform tonight, now she could stay in longer since it was only 6.
Her head becoming too much, the girl sat up from the couch to head to the bathroom to see if she could salvage some pain pills. But before she could, the sight of a pile of letters caught her eye. Reaching over, she grabbed the small pile to sort through.
Bill, bill, bill, creepy letter, postcards, bill, rent, perfume samples…What the hell?…
Odessa paused at the sight of the letter, the off-white paper wax-sealed with a red stamp. She squinted, looking at the seal to see if she knew the symbol from somewhere. Looking at it in just the wax form, she couldn’t quite make it out but she knew it looked familiar. Standing up, she kept her eyes on the letter as she walked back to the kitchen.
“Did you see this creepy ass letter in the mail?” She asked, standing the the archway and turning the letter to face Antoinette, who had her head propped on her chin as she sadly looked at places where she could drop the kittens off. Speaking of kittens, they now lay in the girls’ lap, curled into one another in almost a yin and yang symbol.
Antoinette looked up, squinting at the girl who was blurry since she didn’t have on her glasses. Odessa walked forward, placing the letter in front of her roommate.
Placing her spec on, Antoinette inspected the letter more, immediately recognizing the symbol. She furrowed her brows, glancing up at the even more confused Odessa. Gliding her long bare nails under the wax seal, she popped the envelope open and pulled out the letter. “Ohh, handwritten.” She said to herself as she looked at the unfolded paper.
She was silent as she read through the letter, causing Odessa to just stand before her and wait for the girl to speak. She watched Antoinette read the letter, her face going through a mix of emotions. First, her brows raised in surprise in the beginning as she hummed in contempt. Then her eyes widened as she continued before she got to the end of the letter and gasped.
“What is it?! You’re making my blood pressure rise.” Odessa said, watching the girl intensely.
“It’s from Saint Mary’s.” She started, not looking up to see Odessa cringe at the words. “They said a lot has changed in the last four years. Mother Agnes died, and they refurbished the church and built it. And they even have new staff, but the community is failing. They sent letters to all the kids that grew up in the foster home to see if they’d come to work there to improve their quality of life. Pay and free housing included.” She finished, looking up at the girl before her.
Neither of them could look each other in the eyes at the news, both of them still processing everything. Mainly the information about Mother Agnes dying. There was a sense of relief as if the girls had been haunted by everything that woman did to them. And in a sense, they were. They’ve endured too much pain at the hands of Mother Agnes. So much pain that they had to live with their whole lives, and leaving there didn’t help as much as they thought it would. They just now had a place to express such feelings out loud. Although they never did. Conditioning at its finest. Just thinking about their youth made Odessa want to break down and cry after so many years of pushing those memories away. And Antoinette…she could have a panic attack just being back at such a place.
After a moment of silence, Antoinette read over the letter again and again while Odessa just started in thought, someone finally spoke.
“We should do it.” She said softly, not looking up in fear of Odessa’s reaction.
“And why the hell would we do that?” The other girl asked harshly, offended that Antoinette even thought of such a possibility.
“Because it could help.” She answered softly. “We could use the money.”
“We have money. You and I both work.”
“You said it yourself, Des,” Antoinette said looking up, her hands slightly shaking as she played with the letter in her hands. The thought of going back wasn’t doing her psyche any good, but she felt as if this was a good opportunity. Maybe this could be good for us. “We don’t have the money.”
“I said that about your cats. Me and you are living just fine.” Odessa spat, her words harsh as she looked down at the darker-skinned girl. Antoinette subtly flinched at her tone, looking back down at the letter in her hands. Odessa saw her small movements and immediately felt bad, she wasn’t making the situation any better.
“It could be good for us.” Antoinette started again, not looking up this time. “We could go there and help out. Make it a better place than it was when we were there. Be nicer to the children so they…don’t end up like us.” She said. Her words hung in the air for a moment. “I mean, what other place is gonna offer us free housing and a job?”
“We go back just so we can be in debt to those people?” Odessa stated, ignoring what the girl previously said about helping the children. “So they can treat us like some charity case? Like they did when we were foster children?” She continued to ask, staring at the top of Antoinette’s head since she refused to lift her eyes from the wax she was ripping off the paper envelope. “I’m not going through that again, not for some people who didn’t give a damn about us then.”
“There’s new people.”
“Yeah, and who do you think taught them what they know?” She asked, folding her arms. There was a thick silence between them.
Antoinette nodded, never looking up. “You're right.” She closed her old laptop and adjusted the kittens into her arms. She then tucked her laptop under her arm and stood up. “I’m gonna go to bed now, good night.” She said softly, walking past Odessa and into the small room on the other side of the living room. Odessa sighed, placing her head into her head as she heard the girl's door softly close from her place in the kitchen.
Antoinette didn’t come out of her room after that, but Odessa could hear her shuffling around in the very small space. She now lay on her bed couch, looking over at the skinny door every time she heard the slightest moment from the room. She would wait to see if the girl would come out in the middle of the night like she always did to ask her random questions, say a random fact, or go to the kitchen to get some water and get caught up in the small television. But none of that ever came.
As soon as Odessa thought sleep was about to finally meet her halfway, she got caught in the words Antoinette said earlier. About helping the children.
Now, Odessa was far from a children's type of person. She was far from a people person, honestly, but she had to make a living somehow. So, for the life of her, she couldn’t understand why she was so affected by the girl's words as soon as they left her mouth. But deep down, she knew why. And so did Antoinette.
Even in the foster home, Odessa would always protect the younger kids from punishment. Taking all their lashing so she didn’t have to hear the cries of children being hurt. Antoinette is one of those kids when the others would blame things on her. And she would take their pain with no words since the age of fourteen. She never vocally expressed the pain she felt emotionally, mentally, and definitely not physically. That mentality infuriated Mother Agnes to the point she would single the girl out and beat the girl harder to see if she could make her break. But Odessa only let tears slip when she was alone.
Now Antoinette didn’t know the severity her words would have on Odessa’s mind, so she couldn’t blame the girl. But she knew that the girl was right. Odessa would do anything in her power to make sure no other kids ended up like her. She would do anything to not hear the cries of pain from children who busted and wanted to be accepted and loved.
And with that thought, she got up from the bed and walked over to Antoinette’s room. She opened the small door that led to the tiny room to see the girl’s back facing the door, looking out the window at the city as she lay in bed and petted the two cats.
“I changed my mind.” She said softly.
Antoinette glanced over her shoulder. “About the cats?” She started. “Nah, I think you’re right. I don’t think I can care for them properly.” She said sadly, turning to look back out of the window.
“No, not about the cats,” Odessa stated.
There was a pause between the two, Antoinette processing the girl's words. She then sat up in her bed and turned to face the girl at her door, five feet away from her. “What made you change your mind?” She asked softly.
“You were right. About everything.” She shrugged, biting her lip. She was anxious about the whole situation. Coming to such a conclusion about her feelings and the thought of going back to the town brought more bad memories than good. But also to how her best friend would react. But that was all washed away when she saw the girl smile.
“Can I bring the cats?” She asked, pointing to the sleeping kittens in her bed. Odessa giggled, looking at the pleading smile on her friend's face.
“Yeah, sure. I mean, they’ll have more space to grow. Its a better life than here.” She said shrugging.
Antoinette then gasped. “Oh! Now I can get one of those cute wax melt sets so I can’t write back to them.” She smiled excitedly. “Oh, this is gonna be so great!”
Odessa smiled at the girl's excitement. “Now get some sleep, we have some things to sort out before we head up.” That was all she said before she closed the door behind her and made her way back to bed. She let out one final sigh before closing her eyes and letting sleep take her away.
Antoinette smiled at the door as it closed before looking down at the animals at her side. “Ya see, prayers do get answered, guys.” She said, holding up her right hand that was wrapped in her rosary, showing it to the sleeping cats. “Oh, you guys can’t hear me. Or understand me. Or understand religion. I need to go to bed.” She hugged before plopping down onto her pillow with an anxious smile and closing her eyes.
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Let me know if you guys like the story and if you’d liked to be added to the taglist!!!
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Hello everybody. Long time no see, but it's been one of those months, you know. This was something I've been thinking about for a while, but I only finished it because of @nico-di-genova. So this is for you honey.
As always thanks to everyone for reading. Enjoy 💜
Everything was going great. Fernando was at a party, where people were drinking and having fun. All around him, the younger drivers were finally decompressing, enjoying the alcohol, the food and the company.
At the center of the sea of people, there was the brightest star of the night.
Lance had finally won a race, and he was celebrating as loudly as he could, sandwiched between Esteban and Mick.
He envied the joy written all over their faces, and how close they were.
He loved the sport, even after his fake retirement, even after all those years, but there was something about maiden wins that still no other win could recreate.
Jóder, soy tan viejo was thinking Nando, when someone tapped his shoulder.
"I think it's late enough, no?" asked Pierre, and it really was getting late, and the trio seemed to be losing energy.
"Yeah, sounds about right. How about we split them? I'm taking Mick, and you take your teammates?" said Lewis, already stepping towards the boys.
Pierre started following him, muttering some curses that would have made blush a sailor. Nando snorted at the scene, and looked as the Brit took the German, while the French men started bickering.
The Canadian was looking around, confused after losing his partners in crime, but then he turned towards Fernando and smiled, slowly making his way towards the Spanish.
"Hola Lancito. Want to go?" asked Nando, seeing the younger man swinging slightly on his feet.
"I lost Estie and Mickie. Où sont-ils?"
Half drunk out of his mind, and he was still worried about his friends. Lance's loyalty really knew no bounds.
"They're ok, with Lewis and Pierre. I will take you home." and with that, he placed his hand on the younger's lower back.
The reaction was immediate. Lance's whole body shivered and pressed against his side, lowering his head on the shorter man's shoulder.
"Too loud. Je veux du silence"
"Oui mon amour. Let's go somewhere quiet" his French was heavily accented, but Lance seemed satisfied enough.
Nando guided the other man to his car, and drove them to their shared hotel, while Lance napped with his face against the window and his neck in a weird position.
When they arrived, Fernando struggled a little to wake the other enough to put him vertically in the elevator and walk to his room. At the door, Lance refused to lean against the doorframe, and settled only when he was hugging Fernando. "Warm" was the only word he said.
"Lance, I need the key"  Fernando spoke softly.
"Poche" just answered the taller man, with no visible intention to loosen the embrace.
Fernando tried to be respectful, and to not feel the solid curve pressed against his hand. He soon found the key in his back pocket, and opened the door.
Once they were both in, he quickly realised that Lance would not move further, so he just put him on the bed, and went to take a glass and fill it with water.
Returning to the bedroom, he found Lance half naked.
"Where are your pants?" he asked, voice an octave too high, almost dropping the glass, before setting it on a nightstand.
"Lost them. Too hot" he shrugged.
Then, even more bafflingly, he started giggling.
"What is now?" he asked, fondly looking as Lance tried to take off his shirt without opening a single button. He succeeded, but his hair was now a fluffy mess.
"You remind me of Nano"
The use of his nickname surprised Fernando. The younger man refused using it, always sticking with his full name. Then the absurdity of it all hit him, and he started giggling as well.
"Ah, sì? How so?"
He was getting curious, sue him.
"It's your voice. It's soft and warm. Would listen for hours"
Fernando wasn't expecting this answer, but it melted his heart anyway.
"Mhhh. Then want a bedtime story?"
Any more time spent with Lance was a gift and a surprise wrapped in wonder. He was not going to deny himself this experience, even only for blackmail reasons. Jokingly, he was done with mind games and tricks. He would never do them again, especially not against Lance.
"Nah. A secret"
"A secret, mh? Let's trade. You tell me, I tell you" if Fernando was going to indulge him, at least it was going to be funny.
"Ça va...Ah, oui, daccord, j'en ai un. I like him so much" and then started giggling again.
Fernando felt like all of his body had gone stone cold, and couldn't move a muscle. He couldn't believe what the other told him. But before he could say anything, Lance nestled in the sheets, and softly said while closing his eyes:
"I like him soooooo much, even if he doesn't feel the same. It's ok, don't think I'd deserve him. What we have, it's special. It is enough"
And with this, he was done for the day.
And he wasn't the only one. Fernando felt like he was going to explode, too many thoughts in his head and words on his tongue, with no one to talk to. He could feel his hair turning gray.
But a single look to that peaceful face, and his heart stopped beating erratically. Everything was going to be alright. They could face this together.
This and more, hopefully.
They were going to solve this tangled mess, but first they both needed to rest.
So he left a note for Lance, simply writing "Call me in the morning. -FA" on a piece of paper and leaving it on top of Lance's phone, where he was sure the other man would see it, and then he left the room, dreaming of his own bed and a restful night of sleep.
He was never going to win another GP ever again, if the results were the pounding headache and the rancid taste in his mouth.
He slowly opened his eyes, careful of the half opened blinds, and looked around.
Thanks to some sort of divine intervention, he had made it to the hotel safe and sound.
He got up and went to the bathroom, peeing, washing his face and brushing his teeth.
When he came back to the bedroom, he started looking for his phone. He almost missed it, but then noticed it was just half covered by a yellow post-it. It simply said "Call me in the morning. -FA".
Ok, so he probably would have to thank Fernando for making it to his bed unscathed. He tried to think about the night before, especially trying to remember his interaction with the Spanish driver.
At first, he couldn't remember anything out of the ordinary, then it hit him.
An echo of his own giggle, soft brown eyes, the whisper of a "like him so much".
Oh, no.
Oh no.
He had done it. He confessed, and now Fernando was going to be overly amused about it. Or overly nice, and Lance didn't know what was worse.
Rejection was always a bitch, but basically having to live with your unrequited crush for 24 week-ends? That was going to be a nightmare to go through for all parts involved.
Or maybe just for Lance, with his stupid feelings and his too-hopeful heart.
Ugh, Lance just didn't know what to do.
On one hand, he wanted to call Fernando and be done with all of this. On the other, he wanted to pretend nothing happened, and everything was fine and normal and good.
He sighed, because deep down he knew he was going to have to talk with Fernando, if he liked it or not.
Ok, let's analyze. He knows I like him, and still wants to talk to me. So, he is going to reject me kindly, at least. Ok, we can totally take it like champs. Basic rule still applied: no tears in front of him. It should be quick and painless. Ok, we can do this.
So he took his time in the shower, and ordered a healthy if slightly generous breakfast.
When he was done, he brushed his teeth, wore his comfort hoodie and left his room in a controlled chaos.
One mess at a time: first his love life, then his room.
He knew that Fernando's room was the one across from his, so he didn't even bother calling. He simply knocked.
When the door opened, Lance was sure he had hit his head badly the night before. Maybe the possible concussion and heavy hepatic failure led him to an early grave.
But if death meant he could get to see a still semi-wet Nando, covered just by a tiny towel low on his hips, well, he lived a rich and full life, if a little short.
He could feel himself staring, but also couldn't take his eyes off the view.
He just waited for the self-combustion to take him.
Then he heard a light chuckle, and a hand gently gripped his sleeve, pulling him inside.
When the subject of his awe turned his back on him, walking to the adjacent kitchenette, his brain seemed to be back online.
He shook his head and closed the door behind himself like a particularly stupid rabbit that voluntarily enters the den of a particularly fascinating fox.
Fernando must have known how nervous he was feeling, because he gave him a glass of water and led him to the couch.
"Wait here, I'll be right back" said the Spanish man, leaving Lance alone, stunned and with the glass still in his hand.
You're being ridiculous, grow a pair and just talk like the adult you supposedly are, a voice in his head that sounded like his sister's gently scolded him.
He drank the water while waiting, and felt slightly better.
When Fernando re-entered the room, calm and collected and clothed, Lance waited until he was seated before looking him in the eyes and starting speaking.
"Thank you for last night. For bringing me here safely, I mean"
Not the smoother transition ever, but Fernando had to be used to how stilted he sounded, and would appreciate it anyway.
"No need to. We are friends, no?" he asked with something in his eyes that Lance couldn't describe, but that made him want to talk more.
"About that... I also wanted to say sorry if I said something weird yesterday"
See Chloe? He was actually talking about things that embarrassed him instead of forever avoiding them. Well, not really being super specific, but small progress was still progress.
"Hmm... And what are you referring to?"
The bastard was actually going to make him say the words. Well, in for a penny...
"That I like you"
Lance could feel his cheeks heating up and could no longer stand Fernando's gaze, so he moved his eyes until he was watching a particularly boring patch of carpet.
"Lance, look at me"
It only took those four words, spoken in a tone so gentle and warm to bring Lance's eyes back to Fernando's.
"Why are you apologizing? Did you lie?" he asked softly.
"No" he half shouted, and then flinched because of the reaction. "No, I do like you" he said, exhaling.
"Then what are you apologizing for?"
Fernando could be soft when he wanted, but that didn't stop him from being stubborn.
"I didn't want to offend you" and also didn't want you to really know, because it's embarrassing and you deserve better and I can't be normal about this nor you.
He didn't say the words, but Fernando must have been able to hear them anyway, because he responded firmly.
"You didn't"
That lifted a huge weight from Lance's shoulders. Maybe this partnership could still be saved.
"Ok. Good, I'm glad" he was being awkward and subtly twisting his fingers. But nothing escaped Fernando's attention.
Seeing how the younger man was spiralling in his own thoughts, he didn't hesitate, reaching out to him and taking a hold of his hands.
"There is no need to be nervous. Just tell me again, tell me properly"
Lance could see in his eyes the want and the patience and something else.
They were in this together, he suddenly realised.
You are not alone anymore, said his mental Chloe.
He inhaled as much air as he could, held it and then exhaled. He found the strength he needed in a pair of brown eyes that were already looking in his own.
"I've been wanting to tell you for so long. I like you. I like how you drive, how you give feedback on the car and how you are always, no matter what, the best. But that's just racing stuff. I like how you compliment me, how you never made me feel less than, or just a spoiled kid, how you make me feel. But those are selfish reasons. I like how kind you are with kids, how ready you are to help any of the other drivers. But most importantly, I like you, Fernando Alonso, two times world champion, menace on and off track, mentor and teammate and friend and so much more. I like you, Nando"
He barely finished talking that there was a pair of lips on his own, soft and warm and gentle.
He realised he closed his eyes only when he opened them, and in front was Fernando, bright and shining and perfect in every way that mattered. To Lance, at least.
"You made me wait a long time, no? Let's not waste anymore" he said before diving in a second kiss that was hot and passionate and demanding.
Fernando broke the kiss and stood up, starting to walk, and Lance could only follow the man leading him towards his bed, and towards a life together.
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I made a song (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
"I'm just the Mad Hatter" by ME, MYSEEEEELF
The song is about Jervis, (hehe you thought what? ) and some of his dark thoughts and madness. If you don't really understand the meaning of the sentences, tell you he's mad, very ill.
Each time I listen to the instrumental, I shiver as it looks like the soundtrack of the Ziggurats in Little Big Planet (super game btw).
Oh also I made the cover too, the painting is posted somewhere in this blog.
Tell me if you recognise that FRENCH accent 🥖
Cold between the walls of that cage
The only noises heard are rage
Cheshire's laughs fills the air
Fine to use me for his affair
Maybe I'm a puppet for their own sake?
Friends who betrayed, mates are faked
Enjoy playing without giving a break
Mind devices abused, people I used
Life is cruel at all
I've just been an asshole
The voices are just mean
I should have never been
A poor man deserving his fate
And being the most hated mate
I wish I was again a child
Before I just lost my mind
Blame myself everything
My hat is controlling
Surrender your mind
You're just all mine
Come in the dream
A Wonderland far from this place
A peaceful realm
Far from the bat and just near your face
Then rest in peace together
Maybe I'm just the Mad Hatter
Jervis Tetch is gone forever
The hatter just waits for his turn
I hope my slow death will be fun!
Maybe I'm just the Mad Hatter
Jervis Tetch is gone forever
The Hatter waits for his turn
Hope this slow death will be fun!
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incandesang · 1 year
i wrote an (incomplete) list of everything wrong with lestat de lioncourt. take this knowing it is a work in progress.
- mommy issues
- daddy issues
- 18th century aristocrat
- religion hops like trisha paytas (thank u anne. i will not become catholic u will not defeat me)
- french
- was a misogynist until the 20th century
- wanted to be a priest
- theatre kid
- cries to get attention
- won’t shut the fuck up about the fact he killed a whole pack of wolves when he was in his teens. that was 200 years ago please try to accomplish something else cool
- his accent is fake. he just puts on a parisian french accent. he’s from the fucking sticks he did not speak parisian french until he was 19 and then only lived in paris for like 2 years max. his accent is FAKE.
- doesn’t stick to his own morals and then makes excuses abt it
- once ate an old lady and had a crisis so bad that he almost died
- canonically op bc anne wanted him to be her mary sue babygirl
- blond cis man
- SERIOUS self esteem issues that he has to get everyone involved with
- has an existential crisis that nearly kills him at least once a decade
- rock star outfits weren’t slutty enough (thanks ANNE.)
- hasn’t had a sense of identity since 1780!!
- too committed to the bit actually
- absolutely fucking delusional (so i can fuck whoever i want 🤨 of COURSE 🤡 of course. 😤of course. 😨as long as you come home to me 😃 of COURSE 🥲)
- got murdered by a five year old at one point
- sees any hot miserable guy and thinks that’s his soulmate INSTANTLY
- had two glasses of wine on a date and then proceeded to scream cry about the inevitable heat death of the universe
- doesn’t know what a fork is???
- canonically into public humiliation and degradation. u cannot bully lestat at all it will just turn him on
- drank the blood of christ
- went down on his girlfriend on her period (hysterically crying the whole time he did it) while his friends watched (she didn’t orgasm. he was having too much of a crisis to actually give her a good time)
- ate a used pad.
- i JuSt LoVe BeiNg caLLeD A sLuT i DoN’t KnOw whY i JuSt dO
- set louis’ house on fire (all these people do is burn each other’s shit please just talk like adults)
- has no hobbies other than ‘get into dumb trouble’
- dated the world’s first terf
- is, according to the world’s first terf, a culmination of everything that is wrong with men
- described his dick with ‘priapus at a gate’ when he wanted to subtly brag abt how big his dick was. right after being told he was the culmination of everything wrong with men
- was confused when human dicks weren’t always erect (are vampires ALWAYS hard?? if anne wasn’t dead i’d ask her but alas)
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wosowrites · 2 years
Collision Madness ( Mapi Leon x Reader )
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Warnings: ⚠️mentions of blood, swearing, slight smut implication, teeny bit of playful grop!ng⚠️
A/N: this is my first ever fic! I hope you enjoy it :)
Prompt: In which Mapi and the reader are secretly dating, and both play for Barcelona. During a game against Real Madrid, the reader gets into a nasty collision with the goal post after being pushed into it during a corner. Mapi gets extremely protective and angry, earning herself a red card.
"Earth to y/n!" The barcelona captain says to her star striker, waving her hand in front of y/n’s face. The canadian stays zoned out, watching closely one of the two doors in the locker room. The one she was staring at intensely being the door leading to the medical examiner’s room.
"Y/n…" a certain tattooed blonde says gently, placing her hand on the younger girls back. This grabs the girls attention, making her neck snap towards Mapi. "Hmm? Shit. I’m sorry, I just- I feel weird." Y/n admits to her team, who share worried glances. "Pre game nerves are normal y/l/n, but it’s just a regular season game. We’ve got this ladies." Alexia says, thinking little of the strikers strange mood. "Yeah. You’re right. Let’s go get 'em, eh?" Y/n says, standing up and trying to shake off her un easy feeling.
Her canadian accent had slipped out unknowingly, the accent Mapi secretly loved so much. "Let’s get them!" Lucy echoed. The girls all cheered and started to leave the changing room. However y/n hung back, and Mapi, who had noticed the lack of her girl beside her, doubled back and walked back into the changing room. "You don’t look too god, mi amor." Mapi said, whispering the pet name too make sure nobody over heard. "That’s not too nice, León. I’ll show you just how good I look when we’re out on that field. And if you’re good, maybe tonight?" Y/n said, fake confidence pouring out of her.
Mapi blushed furiously at the younger girls comment, willing herself to be good. Y/n’s fake courage had managed to trick Mapi, because all the number four defender had on her mind now, was the night to come. While the striker, wearing the number 29, felt as though something was about to go horrifically wrong.
"Keira!" Y/n yelled out to the midfielder, finding herself perfectly placed in the box with only a defender and the Real Madrid keeper around her. The lioness looked up, and sent a wonder ball towards her striker. Y/n jumped, hoping to get a head on it, but the defender flicked it away, and out for a corner.
"Maudit!" Y/n sweared in french, the Canadian pouring out of her for the second time today. "No sweat y/n/n," Alexia said, tapping her on the back. "Let’s get this one in!" The captain added. Y/n positioned herself in front of the keeper, doing her job as a striker. Just as she saw Keira kick the ball, she felt a pair of gloved hands on her back, pushing her forward. Hard.
Everything happened quickly, first the sensation of hands on her back, then the feeling of her head smashing against the white goal post. She felt her body hit the ground, then the warm, thick blood, falling down her face, getting caught in her hair, on her eyelashes, clouding the vision in her right eye. It didn’t cloud her hearing though, and what she could hear was loud, angry insults being screamed. Coming from the one and only, María Pilar León.
Y/n felt tears pool in her eyes, hearing the more calming voice of Lucy Bronze, Ingrid Engen, Keira Walsh, and Alexia Putellas in her ear. She couldn’t help it. Her whole life she’s hated blood, and in this moment, it felt as though it was all over her, and all she wanted was her girlfriend, but Mapi was too busy yelling to even check on y/n. "Get it off, get it off." Y/n moaned in pain. "Shh shh, it’s okay. The medics are here." Alexia said gently, seemingly ushering people away from the bloody striker. "I want Maps, tell her to stop or she’ll get sent off." Y/n groaned, feeling the pressure of a towel on her cut.
Alexia looked over, only to see the ref pull out a red, and the look of anger on Mapi’s face turning into realization that she had just got sent off the field instead of going to go see her injured girlfriend who was lying on the floor, tears and blood coating her face. "It’s too late for that…" Ale said, turning her attention back to y/n. "What? God she’s so stupid, Lex." Y/n said angrily, rolling her eyes as more tears streamed out of them. "She just loves you." Alexia said gently. "She’s my girlfriend. She should have come seen me."
It had just slipped out. Mapi and y/n had only been dating for six months, and they weren’t ready to tell anyone. They both agreed on that. But in y/n’s dazed and pained state, the words had slipped out. However Alexia had no time to question the use of y/n’s words because soon enough, the medics had finished to wrap her head in gauze, and the canadian striker was being lifted to her feet by the medical team. Camp Nou roared with applause for their beloved number 29. But y/n had eyes only for the blonde defender that had just disappeared into the tunnel.
Y/n got pats on the back from both her team, and the Real Madrid girls, even getting a few apologies from them, trying to excuse their keeper. But she didn’t care, she just wanted to be with Mapi. Somehow, she wanted to comfort her girlfriend, even though the world was spinning and her jersey was crimson with blood, Mapi León was forever the only thing on y/n y/l/n’s mind.
When the striker was off the field, Jonatan came over to her. "Their keeper is mad, she only got a yellow for that? You could have been knocked out clean." He said, eyeing Misa angrily. "Mhm." Y/n said simply, looking towards the tunnel. Jonatan then adresses the medics. "You’ll do a concussion check?" He asked. The medics responded that yes, they would, but y/n had long forgotten them, and was instead heading towards the tunnel. "Will you guys give me 10 minutes? I need to talk to María" Y/n said. Jonatan and the medics nodded, and the canadian international hurriedly headed towards the changing rooms.
"Maps?" Y/n said tentatively, pushing open the door gently. Surely enough. Mapi was sitting at her cubby, her head between her hands. But at the sight of her girlfriend, the defender jumped to her feet. At first Mapi looked mad, as though she was about to start yelling again. But then her eyes welled up and she rushed towards y/n.
Mapi and y/n’s lips locked. The defenders hands roaming all over her girlfriends body. Suddenly, y/n felt overjoyed that she had asked the medical team for ten minutes alone with Mapi. But as y/n slipped her hands under her girlfriends shirt, moaning slightly at the feeling of her toned abs, Mapi pulled away. "Baby…" Y/n whimpered.
"I want too. A lot. But not right now. I need to apologize." Mapi started saying. "I don’t want you to apologize, I want you to kiss me. Look at me-" Y/n said, pointing to her bandaged forehead. "-Kiss it better?"
"Yes. But no. I should have gone straight to you mi amor. But I got scared, I saw you like that on the grass and it was like an alarm went off in my brain and suddenly I was on defence mode and- and I’m sorry." Mapi ranted. "I don’t want to loose you."
"Hey, hey don’t talk about loosing me. I’m right here." Y/n said, grabbing the spaniards hand and placing it over her heart. "I’m not going anywhere."
Mapi and y/n shared the moment for a couple seconds, before the defenders hand slipped down and squeezed her breast lightly. "Mapi!" Y/n laughed, pressing her body against the blonde and kissing her quickly. "I need to get checked by the medics. Oh and, by the way, i accidentally told Ale you’re my girlfriend. I love you! Bye!"
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crazyufokid · 9 months
Invader Zim Headcanons (will add to this in rbs like i did with my episode ideas post)
- Gaz is a video game streamer and Gir loves watching her.
- Speaking of which, he goes by GIR-IZ-DA-DOOMYEST online and has a channel where he uploads,, strange,, videos. They were mistaken for an arg at one point by the internet and Dib almost got invested in it until realizing it's just Gir being weird.
- After his old man disguise was compromised after Attack of the Saucer Morons, Zim's new human adult disguise for far earth travel is that of a stylish woman with a big hat (he does a fake french accent for it too).
- Although Zim is VERY envious of Skoodge being the first to conquer a planet, he also secretly admires him for it a little. But he'd never admit it tho, not even to himself.
- Sometimes when Dib can't sleep he bounces/flails in his bed (just like meeeee <3).
- Skoodge also has a french person disguise to match Zim's, he's got a mustache and everything.
- Dib likes making lengthy video essays but they get like, 15 views tops. And that's being generous.
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valcubust-writes · 1 year
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Read the Demo here! / art account is @valcubust​ / Da Spotify
2027, A voice transcript found on a recording device:
"...can be killed with fire, testing done in..." A french accent. "September of 2025. If I am counting correct."
. . .
"Now, with more testing I can hopefully learn more about them. Learn advantages. Sending someone out to rile them up. Will check in later."
...End transcript.
You're alive.
One survivor amongst thousands of dead. The actual death toll (if there was ever a record of it) is unavailable now. The world ended in 2026.
Now, four-hundred and twenty-three days later, you're here. In the outskirts of Scarswater, Ohio; you live in what used to be a small farming community. Once full of life and a bustling economy, but even before The End, the area had been steadily gentrified. Dead fields, closed businesses, and now, a beautiful wasteland of parking lots and unused plazas.  
Whatever caused it is unknown. Of course, you could ask everyone you know and they would all have their own ideas about what happened.
All that you know for certain is that in January of 2026, everything stopped working. Cellphones, computers, televisions... all electronics went on the fritz before shutting down entirely. After that, people started disappearing. Animals, too. And then went the crops, mass death of acres and acres of valuable foods and materials. All gone within six months. Mass hysteria ensued, people got scared, started hoarding goods. Everyone and their mother had a gun pointed right at the road, just in case anyone got any funny ideas.
And all of that was before the bizarre sightings.
The... things. Gooey, tar-like. They absorb, and absorb, and absorb.
You wondered, for a bit, how they could eat so much. But that thought has long passed. They have no limits, no voices, no care in the world except consume. How long until they finally consume you, too?
Play as a nonbinary, male, or female character; straight, bisexual, or gay.
Custom Pronouns (I'm considering adding duo pronouns as well. like, she/they etc.).
Choice for a ‘common’ name or something bizarre. In which characters will definitely recognize that you have named yourself something batshit.
Asexual routes (this is very important to me)!
A mildly customizable backstory
Several love interests
Miles/Mindy (He/they, She/they): A surprisingly bashful stranger with a farmer's tan, M has the means to keep to themself alive and safe, so why are they bothering to make sure you make it, too? Circumstances have thrown the two of you together, whether or not they stick around is up to you.
Audria (They/them): Goofy and a little out of touch, Audria is a certified genius, not that it matters anymore. The key to your protection — and your group's — is them. They often head out of the camp to scavenge, and  know how to keep a car running. Audria is one of the few people still around who knows anything about electronics. They often seem preoccupied with something important, but Audria always makes time for you.
Calvin/Carissa (He/him, She/her): The unofficial leader of your group — not that they'd want to claim the title — C is in charge of food collection, distribution, and growing. They have a chill attitude about life, and a whole mess of conspiracies. Still, you wonder what's hidden behind all of the easy smiles.
Lola (She/her): Lola is an unfriendly, hot mess. You've never met someone so flighty in your life. She is distrustful and stubborn, and you suspect even the name she told you might be fake. It might be hard to get to know her.
Sandy (She/her, He/him, They/them (genderfluid)): Sandy is a transfer from the West Coast. during a yearly visit to family, they got caught up in an unfamiliar setting. Sandy floats about life, taking very little seriously. They remain fickle in just about every category in their life; they have an easygoing attitude and a tendency to make everything into a joke.
Bea, Preston, Courtney
Bea (She/her): Bea is soft and caring. Not just to you, but the other people in your group as well. Being the only person around with any knowledge about healthcare, she is charge of medical.
Preston (He/him): Preston is a proper hill-billy, not the most likeable of people, but you can't deny he's a good shot. Preston keeps watch and hunts for the group.
Courtney (She/her): The younger sister to C, Courtney juggles many tasks, usually helping out with what others are doing. She always wants to go with you when you leave.
The rest will join later!:)
 Definitely some bad language, and slang that might not immediately understood by everyone. I’ll most likely include a glossary if it is too ‘Ohio’ of me.
A warning that there is definitely going to be reference to death and hardship (often), as well as active death among background/side characters.
I’m still waffling over a couple of the names I’ve chosen, but for now I think I’m satisfied with them. We shall see!
General warning for horror elements, there’s for sure going to be body horror in the future, and as well as I can write grotesque imagery.
Mentions/explicit depictions of drugs/alcohol/addictions/guns
content/trigger warnings for gender and body dysphoria, plus mild transphobia ( NOT EXPLICIT, it is implied, referencing a point in time in the past )
This setting is (obviously) very specific to me, as I’ve always wanted to tell a story about the type of scenery I see often. I’ve gotten to see a fun mix of rural yet urban in the area I live in that I haven’t seen someone really tackle before.
I’m also super busy, so writing will come pretty slow for me.
Important note: This story may be enjoyed by people who have the same tastes as me, but it’s mostly being written for myself! I love my characters dearly and it absolutely tickles me to see them finally coming to life in text. But it’s very sculpted to my preferences. This story is for me, and it is about my experiences and those I know closely. Give or take a few monsters.
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
The wild thing about the Fantine/Tholomyes chapters is that —they’re sort of an allegory for the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy?
Fantine is the child of the French Revolution, born during the reign of the Directory. She doesn’t even have a legal name— she’s an “anonymous” Jane Doe stand-in for all the common people who were born during the Revolution and relying on it to improve their future.
Though she had emerged from the most unfathomable depths of social shadow, she bore on her brow the sign of the anonymous and the unknown. She was born at M. sur M. Of what parents? Who can say? She had never known father or mother. She was called Fantine. Why Fantine? She had never borne any other name. At the epoch of her birth the Directory still existed. She had no family name; she had no family; no baptismal name; the Church no longer existed.
Tholomyes, meanwhile, is compared to the restored monarchy. He’s described as the group’s leader,
one felt the force of government in him; there was dictation in his joviality; his principal ornament was a pair of trousers of elephant-leg pattern of nankeen, with straps of braided copper wire; he carried a stout rattan worth two hundred francs in his hand, and, as he treated himself to everything
and is once described as speaking with
with the accent of a man who had recovered his empire….
I feel like Tholomyès’s descriptions might also echo contemporary parodies of Louis XVIII? He looks old/ugly but is dressed in clothes so lavish they make him appear ridiculous. In his incoherent speeches to the group, he encourages “moderation.” Being too moderate/not extreme enough was a common criticism of King Louis XVIII, who was too conservative to be supported by liberals/republicans but also wasn’t conservative enough to appease ultra-royalists.
Tholomyès is also a law student, and will later become a court Justice known for being “rigid”/severe— making him an active enforcer of the King’s laws.
Throughout the chapters the effects of the Bourbon restoration are even talked about explicitly in ways that parallel the description of the couples.
We get all these rosy descriptions of how the couples are In Love and everything is Wonderful and Nothing is Wrong and everyone is Happy and Everything is Fine… but there’s something wrong about it. Something feels off. The “love” feels hollow and fake, like a shallow facade. It feels like something bad is about to happen. Things are clearly not fine. And that feeling of wrongness only builds and becomes more obvious as the story continues.
Then, juxtaposed with the descriptions of the lovers, the story is interrupted by similarly rosy descriptions of the Restoration. The opening chapter (“the Year 1817”) lists all the things happening during the Restoration in the way Hugo later lists all the amusements the lovers entertain themselves with. Then we get a chapter interrupting the flow of the story to address the monarchy specifically. The chapter begins by saying Everything is fine. Everyone is happy. Everyone loves the monarchy. Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect under the Bourbons. Parisians don’t want to rebel anymore, they just want to laze around amusing themselves like bored cats.
Everything was radiant. It was a time of undisputed peace and profound royalist security; it was the epoch when a special and private report of Chief of Police Anglès to the King, on the subject of the suburbs of Paris, terminated with these lines:—
“Taking all things into consideration, Sire, there is nothing to be feared from these people. They are as heedless and as indolent as cats. The populace is restless in the provinces; it is not in Paris. These are very pretty men, Sire. It would take all of two of them to make one of your grenadiers. There is nothing to be feared on the part of the populace of Paris the capital. It is remarkable that the stature of this population should have diminished in the last fifty years; and the populace of the suburbs is still more puny than at the time of the Revolution. It is not dangerous. In short, it is an amiable rabble.”
But Hugo can’t keep that pretense up for long and it becomes a tirade about how Things Are Not Fine, lots of people hate the Bourbons, and people will be rioting in the streets soon.
Prefects of the police do not deem it possible that a cat can transform itself into a lion; that does happen, however, and in that lies the miracle wrought by the populace of Paris. Moreover, the cat so despised by Count Anglès possessed the esteem of the republics of old. In their eyes it was liberty incarnate; and as though to serve as pendant to the Minerva Aptera of the Piræus, there stood on the public square in Corinth the colossal bronze figure of a cat. The ingenuous police of the Restoration beheld the populace of Paris in too “rose-colored” a light; it is not so much of “an amiable rabble” as it is thought. The Parisian is to the Frenchman what the Athenian was to the Greek: no one sleeps more soundly than he, no one is more frankly frivolous and lazy than he, no one can better assume the air of forgetfulness; let him not be trusted nevertheless; he is ready for any sort of cool deed; but when there is glory at the end of it, he is worthy of admiration in every sort of fury. Give him a pike, he will produce the 10th of August; give him a gun, you will have Austerlitz. He is Napoleon’s stay and Danton’s resource. Is it a question of country, he enlists; is it a question of liberty, he tears up the pavements. Beware! his hair filled with wrath, is epic; his blouse drapes itself like the folds of a chlamys. Take care! he will make of the first Rue Grenétat which comes to hand Caudine Forks. When the hour strikes, this man of the faubourgs will grow in stature; this little man will arise, and his gaze will be terrible, and his breath will become a tempest, and there will issue forth from that slender chest enough wind to disarrange the folds of the Alps. It is, thanks to the suburban man of Paris, that the Revolution, mixed with arms, conquers Europe. He sings; it is his delight. Proportion his song to his nature, and you will see! As long as he has for refrain nothing but la Carmagnole, he only overthrows Louis XVI.; make him sing the Marseillaise, and he will free the world.
It’s clear from the beginning that Tholomyes will betray and abandon Fantine, in the same way the return of the monarchy betrayed and abandoned the poor and vulnerable people who were born into the world of the Revolution.
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allsassnoclass · 4 months
HELL YEAH!!! can i get uhhhh #9, an I'm so proud of you kiss? pairing, fandom, etc is all up to you :) ill read it even if im not in the fandom go fkn crazy ily xoxo
hi @clumsyclifford!!! alrighty let's throw some fake college sports players in here.
jerejean: I'm so proud of you kiss
Jeremy goes to find Jean after a few minutes, weaving through the crowd of his teammates and the Foxes until he reaches the edge of their party's sphere, out in the sand where the light from the bonfire has no hope of reaching. He stumbles over Neil and Andrew, drawn hypnotically to the bright cherry of the cigarette they're sharing, but neither of them question where he's going or make any attempt at conversation. Neil simply tilts his head to the left with a knowing look, and Jeremy nods in thanks once he spots the shadowy figure sitting yards away in the darkness, looking out at the waves.
Jean doesn't look up as Jeremy approaches, chin resting on his knees as he looks distantly out at the ocean, where the horizon line blends too deep in the darkness to discern what is sea and what is sky anymore. Jeremy flops gracelessly down next to him, kicking up sand and checking to be sure Jean isn't shying away. He relaxes when he doesn't. Jean still doesn't do well with isolation, but he's an introvert at heart and needs his space. After the events of today, Jeremy isn't surprised that he retreated down the beach to be alone, but he also knows that it's the kind of alone that Jeremy is welcome to interrupt.
It makes his chest fill with warmth, being one of the people that Jean doesn't need energy to be around. It's a privilege that he doesn't take lightly, especially when so few people in Jean's life have been safe. For him to have found a group of people to love and be loved by in return is no small feat, and it's something that they've gradually cultivated together in the past year.
For a moment, Jeremy thinks about the first time he saw Jean in person outside of a court, watching the shell of a man cautiously approach him at LAX with only a few t-shirts, a tattoo, and years of abuse to his name. He would never have predicted that they'd be here now, only a few weeks shy of a year later. Jean has grown in ways too numerous to list, but Jeremy has changed, too. It's a mutual metamorphosis, made more important for the way that they've grown in harmony with each other, filling in each other's gaps while leaving room for the other person to stretch and flourish.
Of course, one other difference is that they're NCAA champions now. It isn't a new title for Jean, but Jeremy suspects that this one feels sweeter, more earned.
This is a win that Jean should feel proud of, one untainted by the shadow of black wings and bruises. A championship that has nothing to do with the number that used to be tattooed on his face and everything to do with the person he has decided to become.
"What are you thinking about?"
Jeremy tilts his head towards the quiet, lilting sound of Jean's words. His accent has lessened slightly over the year, either due to less necessity to use his French without Kevin around or being surrounded by people who never stop talking in loud California drawls, but it still colors his words like a swash of blue in a sunrise.
Jean never wants to return to France, but sometimes Jeremy wonders if he would enjoy visiting Canada or Haiti, somewhere that he could use a version of his native language without ghosts following him.
Jeremy blinks, bringing himself back to the present rather than some unnamed future with the two of them wandering around Montreal.
"I was thinking about our win," he says when he can remember what Jean's original question was. Jean huffs, but the sound is fond. Jeremy can't see much in the darkness, but he can picture Jean's expression perfectly. He's not smiling, but he's softer, relaxed and open enough that Jeremy can read his intention.
"How does it feel to be a champion?" Jean asks.
"Amazing," Jeremy sighs, tipping his head back and remembering every hour of practice and hard-fought game that brought them here. Despite the backlash from his decision to cut down the line last year and all of the negative press surrounding Jean's transfer, they made it all the way to the championships and came out on top. It was a battle in more ways than one, but it was absolutely worth it for the look on Kevin Day's face when Cat stole the ball from him using a technique that Jean taught her, then slammed the ball down the court for Jeremy to catch and score.
The team as a whole has grown exponentially. Jeremy has never pushed himself harder, and it wasn't all sunshine and smiles on the court this year. Still, they held it together, and as turbulent throwing a former Raven into their midst was, Jeremy has never regretted the decision to bring Jean to them.
"It's sweeter because I could do it with you," Jeremy says.
He glances at Jean out of the corner of his eye. He doesn't duck his head bashfully, and he doesn't freeze awkwardly the way he used to when Jeremy would drop a sappy but sincere compliment months ago. He simply lets the sentiment wash over him, keeping his focus on Jeremy.
"I'm glad you are happy," he says. Jeremy reaches for his hand, fingertips dragging along his forearm and wrist until Jean turns to thread their fingers together.
"What about you?" Jeremy asks. "How does it feel to be a champion this time?"
Jean takes time to consider his answer. Jeremy listens to the distant sounds of their teammates and friends over by the fire and the gentle sounds of waves hitting the shore while he waits. A breeze gently shifts his hair, light and crisp enough that he nearly shivers.
"I didn't think it would mean this much to me," Jean says quietly. Jeremy squeezes his hand once, then relaxes, giving Jean the space he needs. "I knew that winning with the Trojans would feel different, but the Ravens won because we were expected to. You and I won because we deserved to this time. Because we fought harder and wanted it more."
"And you did it all without a red card, even though Neil was being annoying," Jeremy says.
"It felt good to beat him," Jean grins. "That was very satisfying."
No one felt like it would be a good idea to make Jean block Kevin, not with everything he's told them about scrimmages in the Nest. While he played with Neil at Evermore as well, it was never while Neil was playing striker, and Neil only features in a fraction of the traumatic memories that Jean has recounted. Jean has been doing great in his sessions with Betsy and has grown a lot in his recovery over the past year, but no one wanted to risk prompting a flashback during the championship game, when the eyes of the entire public and Ichirou Moriyama would be on him.
Jean seemed to enjoy playing against Neil, anyway. Jeremy still doesn't understand their relationship and probably never will, but it was one of Jean's best games. Neil ran him ragged, but both of them seemed satisfied with their individual performances, and Jeremy overheard Jean tell him to have a winning day while stealing the ball at one point.
It's taken a long time for Jean to be able to have fun on the court. Healing is slow and non-linear, Jeremy knows that better than most. The progress that is visible, though, is much more gratifying because of it.
Jeremy looks at Jean, tracing his outline in the blue shadows. He takes in the relaxed slope of his shoulders, the enticing tilt of his head, the self-satisfied smile that Jeremy can barely see gracing his lips in this light. He looks like he belongs on this beach, relishing in his win with dozens of people who love him only a few yards away, holding hands with someone who adores him.
It's amazing, what a difference one year can make. Jeremy's chest feels warm and full, ready to burst.
"Hey," he says, squeezing Jean's hand. Jean turns towards him with a questioning noise. Jeremy tugs on his t-shirt, coaxing him forward until he can lean up to press their lips together. Jean responds once he catches on to Jeremy's intention, relaxing against him and sliding his free hand around Jeremy's waist. Jeremy presses forward, trying to transfer as much of the feeling in his chest to Jean as he can. He curls his hand around Jean's shoulder, partially to draw him closer and partially for his own stability. Jean sighs against him, and Jeremy can't help but smile into the kiss.
When they part a few moments later, Jeremy watches the way that Jean's eyes take a moment to flutter open.
"What was that for?" Jean asks. Jeremy smiles and brushes his thumb against Jean's cheek, right over the small heart tattooed there.
"I'm really proud of you," he smiles. Jean ducks his head, leaning into Jeremy's palm. "You've come a long way."
Jean wraps his hand around Jeremy's, pressing it against his chest.
"I couldn't have done it without you, Jeremy."
Jeremy doesn't think he'll ever get used to the way his name sounds in Jean's mouth, his accent curving around it and voice soft as music.
"Still," Jeremy says. "I'm really proud of you, Jean-Yves."
Jean ducks his head again, but Jeremy can't have that. He reaches for Jean's jaw again. Jean knows him well enough to evade and kiss him instead, the perfect distraction. Jeremy is happy to let him get away with it, because that was his end goal anyway.
They stay on the beach together for a long time. When their friends eventually find them, Jeremy watches the way that Jean lights up as Cat tackles him in a hug and he playfully banters with Kevin, two things that would've been impossible a year ago. Jeremy keeps hold of his hand, both of them on top of the world with no plans on coming down.
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Who Made Me a Villain (6)
[Masterlist] [Ao3]
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)(Part 5) This is a Halloween special as a treat. ------
Clark Kent, a mild mannered reporter, was drinking his coffee. Just like any other average Joe while editing Lois Lane’s latest scoop so there were no spelling mistakes and grammar errors.
Then, his super hearing picked up Lois’s heartbeat speedup. There was an ear-piercing scream that had him jumping out of his seat.
“Woah, Kent, what’s wrong?” A concerned colleague asked.
“Indigestion. Bathroom. Real quick.” Clark threw out the first excuse that came to mind before speeding down to the nearest bathroom. Being careful to keep it to human speed.
He had just finished changing into Superman when his phone rang, the caller ID showing Lois’s name.
“Who are you and what do you want?” Superman demanded.
“Name’s Rebel. And don’t worry your darling, I need her alive to do something I want.”
The voice sounded young and female. Superman went through his mental list of supervillains, trying to figure out who took Lois.
“Rebel…” Superman repeated, trying to put a face to the name. Then, he remembered Batman grumbling about Robin sending a picture of him covered in neon green paint and feathers to the Young Justice unofficial group chat who all were happy to show their mentors. It took everything for Superman not to burst out laughing when Kon had shown him the picture. The one responsible for Batman’s misfortune had been no other than Rebel.
“Aren’t you supposed to be Gotham, Rebel?” Superman asked as he flew towards where he knew Lois was.
“Ah. So the great Captain America has heard of me.”
Superman stopped in mid-air, purely due to confusion because Rebel sounded so confident that it was his name.
“Excuse me what?”
The French accent didn’t really help but make Clark think of those terrible Hollywood bad guys.
“You are excused. As I was saying, Captain, your beloved love is fine. I just need her to do this one little thing for me. Then, she’ll be free to go.”
“What do you want from me?” Superman asked again.
“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Captain America, the world does not revolve around you. You aren’t the high and mighty god everyone thinks you are. I just need Mrs. Lane’s help in releasing a certain truth.”
“You will let her go right now!” Superman said.
He was narrowing on his wife’s location.
“I just told you that I will do that after I am done.” Rebel replied.
Superman arrived at the location but,
“This can’t be right.”
Rebel giggled over the phone. “Plot twist! Gotta love them.”
Superman was currently floating above Stryker's Island Penitentiary where the worst offenders of Metropolis were kept.
He scanned the buildings but couldn’t locate Lois.
“What did you do to her?”
“Chill, Captain. She’s fine. I just did something so you went after a fake heartbeat while I hid Lois.”
The fact that she tricked him using a complicated method that sounded like something Bruce would come up with had Superman raising his guard up. She was not an opponent to be underestimated.
“I am not going to repeat myself. What did you do to her?”
“Urgh. Can’t you overlook this little thing just this once?” Rebel complained, not concerned about the fact that she was provoking a man who could bend metal like it was rubber. “I am just stealing her for a few hours and then you can have her back. I even swear that she will be in the condition you last saw her in.”
“No. Give Lois back. Now.”
Rebel huffed. “You aren’t going to make this easy, huh? Then… beep.”
Superman was confused for a second when she made that sound with her voice.
Then, an explosion rocked the island below Superman. Instantly, the place was swarming with freed prisoners and guards trying to put them back.
“That should keep you busy. After all, the people of Metropolis need to be kept safe from the vicious criminals. Lois and I would probably be done with our girls’ day out by the time you are done. Au revoir.”
The phone hung up.
Trapped between the decision to save his wife and his city, Superman went to save the day.
“Man, your husband was a pain to deal with.” Rebel said after she hung up on Superman.
She turned back to Lois who was sitting unbound on a sofa with her recorder, notepad and pencil out. In front of her was a delicious spread of cakes, pastries and cookies with a mouth-watering scent which Lois tried her best to ignore.
“You kidnapped me and blew up a prison. I don’t think he would be happy to see you.” Lois pointed out. “This isn’t about him.” Rebel dismissed. “This is about you, helping me expose one of the biggest cover ups in history.”
“What makes you think I would help you?”
“What if I told you that four years ago. There was a supervillain in Paris that used negative emotions to turn people into monsters and the mayor had made sure news of it never got out.”
Lois snorted. “I don’t write fantasy, kid. I only write the truth.”
Rebel slapped down a bunch of newspapers dated from four years ago to the most recent one and a lot of documents.
“Here’s evidence. I promise that they aren’t faked. You can even use your phone to search all of this up if you still don’t believe me.”
Lois grabbed the one that was oldest and the front page talked about some stone golems wrecking the city. She read through it. Then, she looked at another paper dated a week later and read the front page talking about evil butterflies.
Fifteen minutes later and some google searches, Lois put down her phone and the newspapers.
She gave Rebel a professional smile. “Now… about that scoop you were going to give me.”
She watched Rebel’s eyes lit up.
Hours later…
Superman landed on the roof of the Daily Planet where Lois stood safe and sound. He scanned her with his x-ray vision and felt relieved to see that she was fine.
“Lois, are you okay?” Clark asked with worry as he hugged her.
“I’m fine. Honestly, it was the best kidnapping I've ever been in.” Lois replied, hugging back.
“Thanks for the compliment, Ms. Lane.” The unwanted spectator to their reunion said.
Rebel cheerfully waved from where she was on her bike as Superman glared at her.
“I am going to-”
“That’s my cue to leave.” Rebel cut off his threat as she took out a lead box. “Really lucky I stole this off the Big Bat the other day.”
Superman immediately backed away when the box was opened, revealing a glowing green rock.
“Bye, Captain America.”
Rebel tossed it onto the ground and sped off on her bike.
It took a moment for Superman to remember that they were on a roof and that Rebel was insane.
He watched Rebel drop down as gravity took hold. Superman immediately flew after her, only to find that she had disappeared in between the seconds his eyes were off her.
His brain finally caught up and Superman realised that he wasn’t feeling any effect of Kryptonite.
He turned around to see that the box was still open. Cautiously, Lois picked it up and closed it.
“You okay, Clark?” She asked.
“Can you give me the box, Lois?”
She nodded with confusion and slowly handed it over.
Clark slowly opened the lead box and laughed in disbelief. Inside was just some clear plastic crystals with a glowing green light underneath.
“Superman.” Batman nodded in acknowledgement. “Why are you here?”
“I need you to run some tests on Lois’s blood. She had a run in with one of your Rogues. She said that she feels fine. But I want to be sure.” Superman answered. He handed Batman the vial of blood. He accepted it and put it in his pocket.
“I will do that as soon as I get back to the Cave. Who was it that she encountered?”
Batman stiffened at the mention of her name. “I see. What did she do to Lois?”
“Gave an interview I suppose. Lois was immediately on research binge about something that happened in France afterwards. She also had a few of the food Rebel laid out because she was hungry and I quote ‘they were the most delicious pastries ever’. She insisted that she was fine but I wanted to be sure.”
Batman’s frown deepened at that answer.
“Is something wrong?” Superman asked anxiously. This was the mother of his child and the love of his life that was in danger here.
“Lois is most probably fine but I will still run the test to ease your mind. I know Rebel won’t do something to the food unless it was for a prank. Even then, it’s nothing toxic or lethal.” Batman answered.
The answer didn’t reassure Superman.
“She blew up Stryker's Island, Batman.”
He couldn’t understand why Batman seemed so unbothered that such a dangerous villain was running around freely and causing chaos wherever she went.
“She regularly does it to Arkham.”
“Bruce. She lured me into a trap with a fake heartbeat of Lois. She fooled me into thinking she had kryptonite. She rode off the roof of the Daily Planet on her bike and disappeared into thin air. And Rao knows why she keeps calling me Captain America!” Superman ranted.
He took a deep breath to calm down before asking his question. “Rebel is clearly dangerous so why aren’t you taking her as a serious threat?”
Batman stared at him. Clark knew that this was his decision making face.
“You said that Lois was looking into something that happened in France.”
Superman nodded. “Yeah. Is Rebel related to it?”
Batman sighed. It was filled with regret and shame.
Superman knew that this was not good news.
“I was going to bring this up at the next League meeting but Rebel appeared to be getting impatient.” Batman started.
“What happened in France?”
“We, as the League, had made a huge oversight. There was a major problem in Paris for many years. A villain who could turn people into monsters had the city hostage. Rebel intends on making sure that we rectify our mistake.” Batman started.
He told Superman everything. About how Rebel brought the issue to his attention. What her plans were. Her past.
“Bruce, are you sure? She could be lying.” Superman said.
“I did my research. It’s all true. There is too much evidence to be faked. Some parts are still being investigated but it is largely the truth.”
Superman looked solemn. He couldn’t understand how something like this never fell on his radar. Batman had to rely on reports and technology to get his information. He was just a man after all. It would be easy for something like this to slip past his radar, especially how tightly controlled the information was.
Clark had super-hearing and this news about Paris had completely blindsided him.
“How could we have missed something so big for so long?” He muttered.
“Too many factors prevented news about it from reaching us. The past is done. What we can do is prepare so nothing like won’t ever happen again.” Batman said firmly.
Superman agreed. They had to do better.
“First, we have to catch a moth.”
It wasn’t the threat of Rebel unleashing her plans on the world that had him motivated to capture Hawkmoth. It was the determination to atone for his ignorance while a city suffered hell on a daily basis.
October 30th, Halloween Eve…
Spoiler looked through the binoculars to spy on the group of men moving a crate gently into a warehouse. Plastered in stickers that said ‘Fragile’, the crate was an object of interest for the vigilantes. 
“I got eyes on the target, O.” Spoiler reported. “They are moving it into warehouse number 32. East side of the Gotham Docks.”
“Hear that, Robin?” Oracle asked.
“Got it.” Robin replied as he ran towards the location.
“Oh. I see you, Robin.” Spoiler said.
“Eyes on the target, Spoiler.” Oracle admonished her.
“Sorry, O.”
“Hey. Can you tell me what you Bats are doing here?” A mechanical voice came from Spoiler’s left. 
It was lucky that Spoiler didn’t immediately scream and instead tried to punch the new arrival. He caught her attack easily with his one hand.
“Red Hood.” Spoiler greeted once she recognised who it was.
“I am asking again. What are you Bats doing here?”
“Spoiler, you okay?” Robin’s worried voice came over the comms.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just Red Hood.” Spoiler replied.
Looking back at Red Hood, she said, “I will tell you if you tell me what you are doing here.”
“I think we are both after the same thing.” Red Hood said, tilting his head in the direction of the warehouse.
“Black Mask’s mysterious package.” Spoiler nodded.
“It’s actually Rebel’s.” Red Hood explained. “Black Mask’s men intercepted the delivery and she asked for my help to get it back.”
“Do you know what’s inside?”
“She said it was supposed to be a fun Halloween surprise.”
“So it’s harmless.”
Red Hood shrugged. “All I know is that I should not be within a mile of it when the clock strikes midnight tonight.”
“We have five hours then.” Oracle’s voice came through Spoiler’s comms and inside Red Hood’s helmet.
“Jesus, don’t just hack into people’s helmets.” Jason complained.
“Well, we don’t have extra comms on hand.” she retorted.
“Hood, did Rebel tell you anything else about the package?” Robin asked.
“Just that it’s set to be unleashed the minute it is Halloween. Oh and don’t open it. I think it’s some kind of special bomb.”
“You didn’t ask?” “It’s Rebel. What harm can she do? It’s probably some kind of high quality glitter bomb.” Red Hood replied casually.
“You have no idea how destructive she has gotten lately.” Oracle said. “Last month, she blew up Stryker's Island. That was after she had kidnapped Lois.”
“Is she trying to go after Superman?”
“She wanted Lois to spread her ‘take down Hawkmoth’ agenda.”
“Hawkmoth? Never heard of him. Who the hell is that?” Red Hood asked.
“Rebel’s personal vendetta.” Spoiler answered.
“Sorry to cut this short, guys but Black Mask is coming.” Robin said. “We can fill you in on what happened later”
“Truce?” Red Hood offered. “I still owe Roman a beating.”
“No killing, Hood.” Oracle set as her condition.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
Red Hood loaded his guns and jumped into the fray with Spoiler in her purple glory following.
Robin spotted Black Mask running into the warehouse. He slammed the goon he was fighting against the ground as hard as he could. 
“Somebody go and stop Black Mask! He’s going into the warehouse.” Robin said to everyone before he picked up his dropped staff and went back to fighting.
They were outnumbered and a few of the goons were trained from what Robin could tell.
“Oracle, what’s the ETA on back up?”
“Hang in there, Robin. Batman and Batgirl’s ETA is under one minute.”
“Good. Let’s hope that someone can stop Black Mask before we find out what Rebel’s Pandora box holds.”
Red Hood ran towards the warehouse as soon as he heard the report from Robin.
He had a score to settle with the other crime lord.
“Sionis, where are you?” Red Hood bellowed into the warehouse.
His helmet picked up the sound of someone running and Red Hood sprinted in the direction of the sound.
It became a chase and a gunfight with the two crime lords exchanging gunfire and one trying to lose the other in the maze that was the warehouse. Black Mask used every trick he had to throw Red Hood off his track.
However, it was fruitless as Red Hood continued to chase him like a bloodhound.
As desperation seized him, Black Mask picked up a crowbar that was lying around and ran towards the box he had stolen from that upstart Rebel.
Rumour has it that it is a weapon she had made for the Bats. Intended to drive them mad.
Red Hood rounded around the corner, just in time to see Black Mask pry the box open.
The lid was off. 
Last Month in Metropolis. A day before Lois’s kidnapping…
A young woman sauntered through the hallways of Stryker's Island Penitentiary. Then, she stopped in front of the cell she was looking for.
“Hello, Toyman.”
“Rebel.” Toyman greeted back. “What a pleasure to see you again.”
“I would like to contract you to make a few things for me.” Rebel went straight to the point.
Toyman gave her an interested look. “What would be in it for me?”
“Would getting you out of this place give me a discount?” Rebel asked.
Toyman smiled. “I suppose that might be possible. I’m a generous man after all. But that still doesn’t answer what you want me to make.”
Rebel chuckled. “It’s September. It’s practically nearly Halloween. And I really really want to make it a memorable one. Especially for the heroes in my city. I would like to commission a few toys. Here’s a list.”
She handed it to him.
Toyman hummed as he read it over. This could be a good deal. He would get his freedom and just make a few dolls with a bit of profit.
“How many would you like to make?”
“As much as you can before the deadline which is a few days before Halloween. Say the twenty-eight? Would that be possible? I would pay a set price for each one you can finish.” Rebel said.
“Can you back it up? I am not saying that you are not trustworthy but...” Toyman didn’t manage to finish before Rebel took out a wad of cash, all in hundred dollar bills.
She took half of it and handed it to Toyman through the bars.
“This is for the materials. Once I get you out of here, we are going to make a legal contract to discuss the finer details.”
“It is going to be an honour to work with you.” Toyman said.
Rebel grinned under her mask. “It’s nice doing business with you, Toyman.”
“So when do I get started?”
“Tomorrow afternoon-ish. That’s when something would happen and you escape in the chaos.” 
“How would I know it happened?”
“You will know. And try not to get caught by the guy who wears the ‘S’. A second breakout might not be easy to plan.”
After she left, Toyman felt giddy at the taste of freedom and to make so many new toys.
Black Mask reached into the box and took its content out.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?” Black Mask said in angry disbelief as he held a doll in his hands.
Red Hood took that opportunity to tackle the man and handcuff him.
In his curiosity, Red Hood glanced into the box and saw that the box just contained dolls.
There was your typical Raggedy Ann, clowns, ventriloquist dummies, string puppets, those collector’s dolls with the pretty frilled dresses, a few Barbie dolls and some plushies that resembled some of the Bat vigilantes.
“Hood. Come in, Hood.” Batman’s voice came from his comms.
“Cool your jets, Batman. I got Black Mask. He managed to open the box but it’s just dolls inside. Rebel probably tried to scare us into not opening the box because they’re for a prank and it would ruin the surprise.”
“Good to hear.” Batman said with a hint of relief.
Tim curiously picked up the Robin plushie and inspected it.
The Bats had taken the box of dolls with them to the Batcave to later give back to Rebel.
“The quality is so good. The details are amazing and so accurate. Wonder who made it.” Tim wondered curiously before he discovered initials stitched in the inner lining of the cape of the toy.
“W.S.J” Tim read out as he traced the letters. There was a niggling thought at the back of his head that he should look into who the mysterious toymaker was.
Meanwhile, Steph was tentatively holding the Raggedy Ann doll and telling Jason about the true story behind the Annabelle movies.
“Did you know that the real Annabelle doesn’t actually look like the doll in the movies?” Steph said as she held up the Raggedy Ann to Jason, “It was actually a Raggedy Ann doll that looked just like this one.”
Jason frowned as he gave the doll a slightly wary look. “It doesn’t look creepy at all.”
“That’s what makes it so unsettling. Something innocent hiding its sinister nature.” Steph explained.
Damain frowned as he picked up one of the collector’s dolls. “I don’t see what is creepy about some toys.”
“It’s the terror of something that should be lifeless moving around. Something that should be harmless becomes something dangerous.” Jason mused.
“But why dolls? I don’t think a piece of porcelain dressed in lace could scare anyone. I would be sc…alarmed if Father’s dinosaur came to life but not these.” Damian said as he held up one of the dolls.
“You should try watching some horror movies.” Jason told Damian.
Cass picked up a ballerina string puppet she had found and showed it to Bruce with a questioning look.
“It’s a string puppet. Have you seen Pinocchio yet?”
“No.” Cass replied as she shook her head.
“Remind me at our next movie night. So the strings make the puppet move. Here look.” Bruce took the puppet from Cass and expertly manipulated the strings so the ballerina waved and walked a bit before breaking out a few ballet moves. Cass clapped with wonder at the end of his performance.
“Teach me?” Cass asked.
“Sure.” Bruce promised.
Next, Cass took out the ventriloquist dummy and inspected it.
“Scarface?” She asked.
“Yes. It’s a ventriloquist dummy just like Scarface. How it works is that the ventriloquist holds the dummy and throws his voice so it looks like it is the dummy that’s talking instead of the ventriloquist.”
“Show me.”
Bruce obliged as he slipped his hand into the dummy and the dummy started to move its mouth.
“Hello, Cass, nice to meet you.” said the Dummy as it held out its hand.
Cass shook its hand. “Hello.”
She asked Bruce, “Can I try?”
“Of course.” Bruce said as he gave her back the dummy.
Cass breathed in and out a few times and then raised the dummy up.
“Hello. Nice to meet you.” Cass’s voice came from the dummy this time.
Bruce smiled as he ruffled her hair. “You’re good at this.”
“Thank you.” said the Dummy.
“If you are all done playing, it’s time you all went to bed.” Alfred said as he brought in his famous after patrol snacks; cucumber sandwiches. “After a shower.”
Jason put the Raggedy Ann doll back into the box.
“Well, it’s late and I need to get back home.” Jason said as he walked towards his bike.
“You can stay the night, Master Jason.” Alfred said. “I have taken the liberty of cleaning your room.”
“Thank you, Alfred but…” Jason trailed off, not knowing how to convey that he didn’t want to stay in the Manor despite his truce tonight with Bruce but also not wanting to offend the butler/grandfather-figure.
“I understand, Master Jason. Perhaps another time.” Alfred said in his wise way.
“Thank you, Alfred.” This time, there was a look of gratitude in Jason’s eyes.
The morning after was a busy and bustling day but there was something not right in the Wayne Manor.
Tim woke up from having fallen asleep while working on trying to find the maker of the dolls. His laptop had turned itself off sometime during the night. He stretched and yawned.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he spied the Robin plushie sitting on his bed.
“That’s strange. I could have sworn that I left you in the box last night.” Tim said, scratching his head. He picked the plushie up and examined it again in the morning light.
It was more accurate than Tim had initially found. In fact, it was like it was an exact likeness of him. Which was a very scary thought. He wondered how Toyman knew that he had a mole on his arm near his elbow and the birthmark on the side of his hips. Tim theorised that Rebel must be a very good stalker.
He put the plushie back on bed and headed down for breakfast. Tim didn’t see the plushie morphed its uniform into the outfit that Tim was wearing.
Tim walked down to the kitchen and sat down.
He thanked Alfred who set down a delicious plate of pancakes in front of him.
“Morning, Steph.” Tim said to the blonde who was dressed in a purple cowgirl outfit and a white Stetson hat.
“Morning, Tim.”
“Who are you supposed to be anyways?” He asked.
“Barbie but with the Stephanie twist.” She replied.
“Ah. Gotcha.” Tim said after he finished his mouthful of pancake. “You look so realistic by the way.”
Bruce entered the kitchen and sat down with a groan, his hand massaging his neck.
“You okay, B?” “Just feeling a bit stiff. I’m not as young as I used to be.” Bruce replied with a grimace.
Slowly, the other occupants of the house trickled in and the kitchen was filled with the Waynes and Steph dug into their breakfast.
Dick came all the way from Bludhaven to help out on what is annually one of the worst nights of the year in Gotham. At least one Rouge would have plans for Halloween.
To break this peaceful moment would be one Jason Tood who angrily stomped into the kitchen, clutching a Raggedy Ann doll.
“Didn’t we agree on leaving me alone? That includes not finding out where my safehouses are.” Jason said.
He held up the doll and asked, “Which one of you left this at my place this morning as a prank?”
Several confused faces stared back at him.
“Was it you?” Jason pointed at Steph and demanded.
She put her hands up in surrender. “It wasn’t me. I was busy studying for the test I have today. Ask Bruce. He can tell you that he helped me with flashcards.”
“Then, was it you, Tim?”
Tim blinked at Jason. His mind took a few seconds to answer because Tim was not a morning person.
He shook his head.
“No. I was looking into who made these dolls.” Tim answered.
“The dolls all have the initial W.S.J. and they were all incredibly detailed. I also wanted to know why Rebel would need them. The maker turned out to be no one other than…” Tim dramatically paused: “Toyman.”
“Suddenly, I feel like we should have burned that box when we could.” Steph said to break the silence.
They should have.
“So how bad is it?” Dick asked Zatanna, anxious about what curse had befallen his family.
They had gone down to the Batcave to get rid of the box. Only to find it empty. It led to hours of searching for them. Except Tim never came back from his room to retrieve the Robin plushie.
Dick went to check on Tim only to find that he had turned into the plushie.
Imagine finding your brother missing and suddenly the mini plushie replica of your brother started moving and talking. It immediately went onto the top ten weirdest and scariest list of things Dick had experienced.
Then, the next to go was Steph who slowly became plastic. Her face was stuck in a smile while her skin hardened into shiny plastic. She was in class when it happened and they had to go pick her up.
Cass found the dummy but it got attached to her hand and started to speak on its own in Cass’s voice. Cass herself was unable to utter a word.
The stiffness that Bruce had complained about was the fact that he was slowly turning into wood and almost invisible strings controlling his every move.
The final terror was the Raggedy Ann doll that suddenly gained life and proceeded to hunt Jason down for sport. No matter how far Jason managed to get away from the doll and Dick’s best efforts to keep the doll contained, it still managed to escape to go after Jason.
Somehow, Dick, Alfred and Damian were the only ones unaffected by the ‘curse’. They managed to figure out why when Babara told them that Black Mask and his men were attacked by the missing dolls and some of them were experiencing the same things as the Bats and about Jason’s warning from Rebel before everything went down.
Desperate, Dick asked Superman to track down Toyman and asked him how to reverse the effect only to find out that he only made the dolls. The curse was someone else's doing. 
Which was why they had called Zatanna to see if she could reverse it.
“Well, there’s the good news and the bad news.” she announced. “Good news is that it is reversible and the curse only lasts for a day. I recommend to just wait it out because the reversing would take longer than the deadline. The curse is too complicated to simply undo.”
“So that’s the bad news?” “No. The bad news is that I recognised a bit of the spellwork. It is a bit similar to how my father would do it so chances are that whoever did this is a student of my father. The thing is I know most of my father’s students and what is bad is that I don’t recognise the magical signature of who put this curse on the dolls.”
Puppet Bruce jerked his head at the information that Zatanna had given them. Dick noticed.
“Paris.” Bruce managed to get past with his wooden lips.
“Paris? Are you talking about the Miraculous?”
“Wait, you think one of the Miraculous heroes is involved in this?”
Zatanna gasped. “I remember Batman telling me that Ladybug was a student of my father. I looked into his old journals and he mentioned a student named Marinette during his stay in Paris.”
“Marinette. Marinette. Why does it sound so familiar?” Dick tried to recall where he had heard that name before.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Damian answered for him. “It’s Rebel’s legal name.”
Just like that, pieces of the puzzle fell into place.
“Rebel used to be Ladybug.”
The revelation felt bitter on Dick’s tongue. He had seen the videos of Ladybug in action. He would say that she was inexperienced but she was compassionate and willing to lend a hand to anyone in need. He thought that it was nice of her to forgive her enemy instead of causing pain on the man who had caused her so much grief.
He couldn’t believe he saw the similarities between the two girls sooner.
Rebel was cunning and sharp enough to always stay a step ahead of them. Her planning and paranoia on par with the Batman himself. Useful skills to have as a hero.
Then again, Rebel couldn’t be more different from Ladybug. She was more cynical and petty. Rebel caused chaos wherever she goes instead of cleaning up the mess. She saw everything as a game and never took anything seriously. 
Dick wondered what it was that pushed Rebel over the edge. The line drawn between heroism and villainy. Then he remembered how Rebel was sent to Gotham in the first place.
“Damn. Rebel has really good valid reason to fuck that Hawkmoth guy up.” Jason said. “In fact, I am surprised she hasn’t razed Paris to ashes yet.”
“Can you imagine?” Zatanna said, having been briefed a bit on the Paris situation and had heard about Rebel’s kidnapping of Lois, “The city you gave so much to save, branding you as a criminal and sending you to one of the worst places on Earth.”
“People have turned to crime for less.” Damian pointed out.
“But Rebel used to be a hero. One of us essentially. It’s just sad that we had to meet her as people on opposite sides.” Dick said.
“It only shows her lack of will.” Damian said.
“I think Rebel had reached her breaking point and honestly, I might too if I face it all alone like she did.”
The Cave was in a sombre silence for the hero that once was Ladybug. Dick remembered something Bruce once said about Two-Face and Harvey Dent.
‘You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain.’
The next day, just as Zatanna said, the spell wore off and everyone was human again and able to freely talk again. Other than some nightmares about the experience for a month or so, they were fine.
The Batfamily had a meeting about the new revelation that they had discovered last night.
“Bruce, tell us the truth. Did you know from the beginning?” Tim asked. “I only had suspicions but Zatanna confirmed them with her father’s journal.” Bruce answered. “This changes nothing.”
“It does, Bruce. You failed another young hero.” Jason said, his tone sharp and accusing. “Not even one of the ‘sidekicks’. You turned your back on the One Main Hero who had been there since the beginning and saw through it to the end. She didn’t get the happy ending she deserved. Instead, she was rewarded for her sacrifices by being sent to fucking Arkam Asylum in one of the most dangerous city in the world.”
“Todd, stop projecting. The way I see it, Rebel had seen the errors of her way and intended to fix her mistake regarding Hawkmoth. She should have locked him up when she had her chance.” Damian shot back.
“Boys, settle down. The fact of the matter is that whether Rebel used to be Ladybug or not, Hawkmoth needs to be arrested before Rebel does something more sinister than what she did yesterday.”
“Wasn’t it an accident?” Steph asked.
“According to Toyman, we had always been the intended recipients of that particular gift.” Dick answered. “It was dumb luck that Black Mask opened it while most of you were in the area.”
“After this latest incident, the League and I have decided that Rebel must be contained.” Bruce announced.
Jason jumped out of his seat. “Bruce, she’s just a kid!”
“But she’s a formidable threat. Who knows what else she might do if she is left unchecked and she doesn’t like the progress on the Hawkmoth investigation.”
Jason growled and then left.
Bruce told everyone that they should catch Rebel if they saw her before he ended the meeting.
Rebel stood in front of a half-finished mural, a spray can in hand.
“So we finally met, my dear daughter.” The voice belonged to the man who starred in Gotham’s nightmare.
Rebel didn’t bother to turn around and simply looked at him from over her shoulder.
“Which one are you?” She asked.
“I’m sorry?”
Rebel went back to spray-painting as she explained, “I know that there are at least three of you running around Gotham. I want to know which one you are.”
Joker laughed. A genuine laugh instead of the mad one he usually makes.
“You really do live up to your reputation, Rebel. I can tell that you are a real wildcard.” Joker said excitedly.
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
“Very well then. I am the Joker. The original one. Not the copycats I made because I was bored. And Rebel, I am your father.”
----- (Part 7)
Taglist:  @toodaloo-kangaroo, @iloontjeboontje, @buginetye, @angelwreckedd, @anoires-blog, @ever-since-i-was-young, @shutupandactuallylisten, @its-maemain, @vel-vee, @kashlyn, @officiallydarkgeek, @jayjayspixiepop, @cmouse, @transheso, @thecrazyfantrolls, @just-a-random-girl-loves-anime, @maddiesupdates, @the-dumber-scaramouche,
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getlancered · 4 months
welcome to my 1 million turnabout bigtop headcanons
russell berry:
actual personality description because in the game he just kind of dies. stoic, generally serious man. bit of a blank slate to talk to. secretly TERRIFIED of confrontation, will do just about anything he can to avoid every problem in his life. this is not to be confused with avoiding responsibility, because he is the bossiest motherfucker around besides maybe trilo. runs the circus with an iron fist. no problems to fix if you never let them happen in the first place!
british weirdo
actually pretty connected in the entertainment industry
when he’s not wearing a suit he usually wears sweaters
takes first impressions so so seriously
DEAD wife that hes still not over
her death is unrelated to the circus because i think he wouldve shut that down in one singular second if it was
the circus was a passion project of her and moe’s, but russell was the only one competent enough with money and people that he ended up basically running it. neither of them wanted to do the technicalities
he wont consider his sexuality because he only loves his dead wife
nickname comes from highschool and the shit he used to get into, fabricated an identity to some stranger after vandalizing their house and it just stuck
took “class clown” a little too seriously
used to be an actual stand up comedian but being a party clown is just wayyyy easier
manchild. very silly and not serious all the time. completely aware of it by the way and encourages whimsy in the world
most insufferable case of hyperactive ADHD in the world
cannot sit normally anywhere ever
has many little odd hobbies
owns a bunch of really stupid graphic/text tshirts that do not apply to him in the slightest
likes to carry around those little plastic toys with the metal ball and a maze that u tilt around to solve. also those little water games where u push the button to try and get the rings on the hook. do u guys know what im talking about
can and will juggle any 3 items he can get his hands on
clings to russell all the time. follows him around. absolutely hates being alone so russell is his solution
gay as fuck for russell berry. this is not a secret. at all.
helped russell out with regina quite a bit, esp after his wife died
fine at confrontation unless it is of his own emotional issues
max galactia’s #1 hater
regina berry:
british loser too but fakes a french accent because it’s cuter and more posh
very good at imitating accents!
absolutely not mentally 16. very ditzy and carefree and childish
is not at all prepared for genuine reality because she was raised and surrounded her entire life by the members of the circus
very athletic!
has personalities for each of her animals and talks to/treats them like people
her mom died when she was 6, this is where her belief of dead people being stars comes from because russell genuinely could not tell her the truth
also why she wasn’t that upset about her lion or bat
closest to acro in the circus and still considers them to be best friends despite acro genuinely despising her
automatically assumes everyone is her friend unless they do or say something that shows otherwise
moe calls her “tiger” because she got facepaint as a kid and kept it on for days while acting like a tiger
amazing gift-giver
crow girl. drawn to anything and everything sparkly
enjoys those really elaborate lego sets
ft my backstory headcanon for how he entered the circus because its never established
trilo is ben’s non-loser persona essentially
ben has had severe social anxiety since childhood
^ where the stutter comes from
met moe as a teenager at his little sisters birthday party, was genuinely curious about how he can just go up on a stage in such a ridiculous get-up. talk to people. be social. he did not get it
when russell started the circus, he wanted to join and gtfo from his house
probably the neglected child to his little sister i think
joined the circus shortly after regina was born and was kind of the de facto babysitter so he considers regina his actual little sister (LIKE A NORMAL PERSON.)
trilo was created for regina when she was born. ben was kind of like a babysitter to her and made up a gag with this puppet and slapstick comedy to keep baby regina entertained. the whole circus loved it and trilo stuck!
what was once a coping mechanism became a depedancy. the only people he can speak to without trilo are the circus members
because he and the circus treats trilo like a completely separate being for his act and for regina, he never worked up the nerve to talk to people. there was no practice there because trilo isn’t him
doesn’t absolutely despise max because max is essentially like if moe was less obnoxious. flamboyant and outgoing and actually helpful!
great impressionist
max galactica:
entered the entertainment industry as a teenager after being scouted in high-school
genuinely does not give two shits about what other people think about him because he knows theyre all wrong. self-centered asshole
BAAAD anger issues. frequently smashes plates over dinner arguments. raises his voice quickly
only person spared from his eternal rage is regina berry
not getting his way makes him like genuinely upset
loves to threaten to quit to make everyone do what he wants
probably some sort of personality disorder
in a beautiful world he goes to therapy
he does actually genuinely want them to all be better performers but he’s literally terrible at showing it LMAO
lover of really obnoxious and clearly fabricated reality TV
massive drama whore. gossiper like no other.
the worst cook you’ve ever met in your life
drag queen!
into loser men (benjamin woodman)
would both kill and die for every single member of the circus
including regina. not the kind of person to ever hold such a deep grudge so this is a first for him and he has very mixed feelings about it all
he gets physical therapy and his life is better ♥️
very emotional but great at regulating his feelings and self reflection. also great poker face!
terrible at accepting anyones act of kindness no matter how big or small. feels like he always has to pay everything back
tends to hide himself away if he is genuinely upset enough to the point of not being able to hide it
extremely observant person. in both behaviors and physical settings. always knows what to look for and what is out of place
very blunt but not. rude. just sort of speaks his thoughts and feelings. either honest about what he feels or dead silent
terrible liar
“will listen to anything” music kind of guy
actually quite prideful but like. in a healthy way.
tanktop wearer duh this we know but just generally a hater towards long sleeved shirts
decent artist! fun little hobby for him
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inevitably-johnlocked · 9 months
Christmas and New Year's Eve 2023 Pt 1: New Bookmarks and WiPs
Happy holidays everyone! Let's get into the holiday spirit with some new Christmas fics I've recently added to my Bookmarks and MFL lists! LOTS of stories, so this list is split up into two lists! PLEASE check out the lists below for past bookmarks and MFLs! If you have a WORK IN PROGRESS that you'd like added to this list, PLEASE add them in the replies/reblogs and I'll add them to subsequent posts of this list!
The second list posting shortly is my MFL list, so if you have a finished fic you'd like me to add to the lists, please add them to the next post!
Thank you so much!! <3 Merry Christmas!!
See also:
Christmas Fics (Dec. 2017)
Christmas: Oblivious That One or The Other is In a Relationship
Christmas 2019 Part 1 (All Bookmarks XMas and New Years)
Christmas 2019 Part 2 (Marked for Later)
G / T / K+ Rated Christmas Fics (Dec. 2018) (Updated Dec 2021)
Community Recs: Christmas 2020 (Updated Dec 2021)
Christmas Trees / Decorating
Christmas-Time Love Confessions
New Year’s Fics (Jan 2023)
Christmas 2023 Pt 2: Marked for Later
Santa Knows by Itsallfine (T, 1,719 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas Party, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Fluff, Matchmaking, POV Sherlock, Pining Sherlock) – Sherlock and John both get exactly what they want from the Yard's secret Santa exchange. Pure holiday fluff.
The Way to Start the New Year by glass_rose_paperweight (G, 4,251 w., 1 Ch. || New Year's Eve, Fluff, Pining John) – On New Year's Eve, Sherlock drags John to America for a case, much to John's frustration. However, a mistake in booking looks like it might lead to an even worse New Year's Even than John originally thought ... or, maybe it's just what the boys need.
This Year by DiscordantWords (T, 6,283 w., 2 Ch. || TEH Divergence / No Mary, New Year’s Eve, John’s A Mess, Jealous John, Awkward Conversations, Trapped in a Closet, Estranged After Return, John POV, Semi-Reunion, Angry John, First Kiss, Reconciliation, Clueless Sherlock, Happy Ending) – Last year, Sherlock Holmes showed up at the Landmark with a fake moustache and a bad French accent and threw John's entire life into disarray with two words: "Not dead." This year, there are more surprises in store.
Wonderful, Etcetera. by VictoryCandescence (T, 16,955 w., 3 Ch. || Wonderful Life AU || Alternate Timelines, Brotherhood, Homophobia, Suicidal Ideations, Mentions of Drug Use, Friendship, Different TRF, Sherlock’s Past, Victor Trevor is Past Boyfriend, Depression, Hallucination?, Love Confessions, Christmas, First Kiss) – Sherlock thinks everyone would be better off if he had never existed, including and especially himself. When he finds himself in a world in which his wish has been granted, he begins to think perhaps even he could be wrong – but it takes an unlikely chaperone to make him not only observe, but understand.
Deck the Halls by itsalwaysyou_jw (T, 31,018 w., 24 Ch. || Advent Fic / Multiple One-Shots, Assorted Tags) – One Johnlock ficlet for every day leading up to Christmas. Who is ready for pining, first kisses, established Johnlock, and everything in between? This collection of stand-alone ficlets will have it all. 
Not Broken, Just Bent by Schmiezi (E, 87,585 w., 43 Ch. || Pining, Love Confessions, Rape/Sexual Assault, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Villain!Mary, Suicidal Ideations, Main Character Death, Sherlock First Person POV, Parentlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Love Making, Possessiveness, Depression, PTSD, Kidnapping, Virgin Sherlock, Eventual Happy Ending) – "For a second, I allow myself to remember teaching John how to waltz. There is a special room in my mind palace for it. A big one, with a proper parquet dance floor. For a second, I go there. I remember holding him, closer than the World Dance Council asks for, excusing it with the fact that we are training for a wedding, not for a competition. For a second, I feel his hand on mine again, smell his sweat, hear the song we used. For a second, I allow myself to love him deeply. For a second, only a second, that love reflects on my face." Fix-it for S3, starting at the end of TSoT. Evil Mary.
Bakers with Benefits by Raina_at (E, 88,130 w., 14 Ch. || Great British Bake Off AU || Strangers to Lovers, Switchlock, Friends with Benefits, Mentions of Alcoholism / Past Drug Use, Banter, Flirting, Fluff, Light Angst, Semi-Public Sex, Past Sherlock/Victor, Mutual Pining, POV Sherlock, Obsessive Sherlock, John’s Bum) – Sherlock Holmes has a successful YouTube baking channel, but what he really wants is his own bakery. When an old friend sends him a call for the very first Great British Bake Off, he seizes the opportunity to finally win a sponsor for his bakery. Here's the plan: Win Bake Off, get the bakery, don't fall in love with the handsome Army doctor at the neighbouring station. Easy.
The Lost Special: Family Matters (As Do Relationships) by ShirleyCarlton (M, 144,688 w., 40 Ch. || S4 Fix It Fic / Meta Fic, Unreliable Narrator, John’s Mind Bungalow, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending, Demisexual Sherlock, Holmes Family, John Whump, Gay Mycroft, Misunderstandings, Drug Addiction, Parenting, TFP is a Nightmare, Virgin Sherlock, Slow Burn, Minor Character Death, Switchlock, John’s Past, Sherlock’s Past, Eurus, Love Confessions) –Sherrinford is not really the name of some high security prison. That was just a figment of John’s frantic coma dream. And Eurus is not actually Sherlock’s sister. That’s just something random she said to John before shooting him. Sherlock and John were never actually estranged. That was just their act to cover up what really happened to Mary – or Rosamund Moran, as her real name has turned out to be. Sherlock does have a secret sibling, though, and his name is Sherrinford. After finally eliminating Moran – though in a rather dramatically different way than they had envisioned – and exposing the truth about Eurus, John encourages Sherlock to delve into his past and to find out whether the reasons to keep Sherrinford away from Sherlock were the right ones, and to discover what really happened in 1981. Along the way, Sherlock and John gradually, finally, stop keeping each other at a distance, and eventually become a proper family of their own.
Christmas with You by hey_there_buddy (NR, 3,258+ w., 11/? Ch. || WiP || Christmas, Marriage Proposal, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Established Relationship, Waltzing, Morning Kisses) – Sherlock wants to propose John and he came up with his own idea.
From the First Time That I Saw You by BookGirlWithLove (E, 6,813+ w., 4/16 Ch. || WiP || Actor John AU || Christmas, Meet Cute) – Sherlock Holmes very rarely paid any attention to popular culture. He didn’t listen to the radio or watch telly. He seldom watched films. Unless that film had a certain actor in it. A certain actor who, while he might not be on everyone’s favourite list, was most certainly on Sherlock’s. In fact, he was the only celebrity to ever give Sherlock pause, which said a lot. That actor was John Watson. Who was currently standing in Sherlock’s sitting room, awkwardly holding two bottles of wine.
Christmas in Honeycutt by helloliriels (T, 25,768+ w., 12/16 Ch. || WIP || Christmas in Connecticut AU / WWII AU || Kidnapping, Spies / Secret Agents, Codes & Ciphers, Past Relationships, Developing Relationship, Fake Marriage, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending) – John's publisher asks if his family could entertain a war hero at their idyllic estate in Somerset for Christmas. Only ... John doesn't have a wife ... or a daughter. Or an estate. He has a bedsit. In London. And some wounds of his own to recover from ... but he can't tell his publisher that or he'll get fired … What's a writer to do? Cracking Codes. Super Spies. Sherlock in Disguise. A wild Christmas romance set in the countryside! Just what the doctor ordered! Part 6 of the Liriels Chaptered Fics series
The Prince of Hearts by prettysailorsoldier (M, 46,206+ w., 12/? Ch. || Modern Royalty AU || WiP || Matchmaker Sherlock, Prince John, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Sexual Tension, Mutual Pining, Christmas, Fluff) – Sherlock Holmes is making big waves in London as the head of a thriving matchmaking firm, his unconventional approach earning him the title 'The Chemist'. To Sherlock, love is in the data, a collection of variables plugged into equations to calculate the perfect match, but, when the royal family of the small country of Galerre hires him to find a spouse for the crown prince, he will find that some matters of the heart are not so easily solved.
Since First I Saw Your Face by Stavia_Scott_Grayson (M, 398,966+ w., 19/22 Ch. || WiP || ACD Canon / 1884 Victorian AU || Friends to Lovers, Pining, UST/URT, POV Sherlock, Christmas, Developing Relationship, Turkish Baths, Victorian Attitudes, Sussex Holiday, Cocaine, Holmes’ Childhood, Cold Cases, References to Canon) – During the Great Hiatus, Holmes, studying in Tibet, reflects on his first meeting with Dr John Watson.
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