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crybabywritersblog · 2 years ago
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“You showed me faith is not blind, I don’t need wings to help me fly. Miracles happen once in a while.. When you believe”
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videoki77 · 8 years ago
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"..Girl of sixteen Whole life ahead of her Slashed her wrists Bored with life Didn't succeed Thank the Lord For small mercies.." #depechemode #kevinsfotografikexperience #photooftoday #bnwphotography #faithandpatience #mercies #lifeingeneral #itsoktoquestionurfaith #faithisnotblind #blasphemousrumours #lyricsoftheday #potd
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highpriestarchery · 11 years ago
Trust is not the opposite of understanding. Without understanding there is no trust. #faithisnotblind #1Jn5v20 #Isa55v11 #Isa32v3
via https://dayone.me/FS8z6R
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thatsrichh · 11 years ago
I'm tired, too.
Sure, we're finite creatures who serve an infinite God. Jadedness and laziness are sometimes an arm's reach away. Especially when we've been going through the motions for a while.
But Jesus took us to the next level. Blood. Sweat. Tears. His work for us on that Cross so many years ago: it makes my present worthwhile and makes my future secure.
Check your heart then, oh one of weary attitude. What you should see, as David did, an undeniable attraction; an irresistible, unquenchable desire to serve HIM, not ourselves.
If the hard work I do in the service of others... if it will but save one life for the name of Christ and the glory of God... Then it is worth it all.
Only then I am most satisfied in God. Give me nothing but Jesus.
Apathy is a bigger threat to faith than atheism. Jesus never gave up on me, and He won't give up on you. Don't throw in the towel and think 'this is the job for someone else to do.' That road leads to failure.
Press on.
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faith-is-not-blind-blog · 12 years ago
Acknowledging Jesus Day to Day
“Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” -Matthew 10:32-33
pretty intense, right? So how many of you have been directly asked whether you’re a Christian or not and denied Christ? Probably not to many of us have. We live in a culture and a country where you don’t have to really worry about severe persecution like Christians in the bible times did.
So does that mean we don’t really have to worry about this verse because it doesn’t apply to us? No, because I would challenge that you have disowned Christ before men. I know I have. Maybe not verbally, but by our actions. Sometimes we have this fear of standing out from the crowd and so we go along with the things the world is doing even though we know that we shouldn’t. Or sometimes it can manifest in an even more selfish manner. Ever had this thought? “I know God says I shouldn’t and I know it’s wrong, but I WANT to _______ “(fill in the blank). In either case we are choosing the world over Christ and therefore disowning him. Do we understand how selfish that really is?! Fear is inherently selfish and the “I WANT” statement is about as obviously selfish as it can get. For the fearful, remember, “perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18) and “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7). Be courageous! For those struggling with selfishness and doing what you want remember that Christ loves you and died for those very things you disown him for that you might be freed from them. Like any relationship, if you continue to choose/do something damaging to the other person, then the relationship will suffer. Repent and turn back to Christ. Choose today whom you will serve (Joshua 24:15).
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faith-is-not-blind-blog · 12 years ago
i'm done with excuses. time to suck it up and get to work. God is my strength and with Him I'll succeed.
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faith-is-not-blind-blog · 12 years ago
David Platt - Why "Accepting Jesus In Your Heart" Is Superstitious & Unbiblical
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faith-is-not-blind-blog · 12 years ago
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faith-is-not-blind-blog · 12 years ago
Louie Giglio - "How Great is Our God"
Please watch this video. It is more than worth your time.
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faith-is-not-blind-blog · 12 years ago
Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalms 37:4
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faith-is-not-blind-blog · 12 years ago
To My Future Wife:
where are you my darling? you are the only thing in my life i truly have trouble waiting for. i'm trying hard. i know you are worth the wait. although, sometimes i just want to fast forward to meeting you.Lord help me trust in your timing.
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faith-is-not-blind-blog · 12 years ago
The more I think about it the more I realize that people will always be able to come up with a reason not to believe in God. Does that mean he doesn't exist because they always have a counter argument? No, it simply provides more evidence that God has given us free will; a choice. It also reminds me of Satan and the fallen's ability to blind people and keep them in darkness.
I urge you guys to pray for your friends who are lost, that they may be found, because there is a consequence to their choice. Pray for them and Love on them!
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faith-is-not-blind-blog · 12 years ago
Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
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faith-is-not-blind-blog · 12 years ago
So many people have so many problems. And I'm confident that if people would just rely on God that their problems would shrink because I've seen His work in my life and in the lives of others.
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faith-is-not-blind-blog · 12 years ago
There are two peasant men. Both receive a gift from a King of a far away land. One man, the fool, refuses to open the gift because he wants nothing to do with the King. The other man, the wise man, receives this gift gladly and opens it. Inside he finds a letter and directions. The letter informs this peasant man that he is invited to come live with the King's family and friends in his magnificent castle. The King further states that everyone in the world has received this same gift and that His friends are those who have opened it and make the journey ahead of them to His Kingdom. Upon hearing this good news the wise man packs what he will need for this long journey and with the King's directions in hand, he starts walking.
On his way he runs into the fool. He asks asks if he too received a gift from the King and the fool replied yes. The wise man was then confused as to why the fool wasn't packing or getting ready to leave because he surely would be if he had opened it. So he asked, "Did you open it?" To which the fool replied that he had not. After a little persuasion the wise man convinced the fool to open his gift. Inside he too had received the same letter and even the correct directions from his home. Yet for some reason the fool did not wish to journey with the wise man. Maybe the fool was still bitter towards the King. Maybe he thought the journey would be too difficult. Maybe he didn't want to leave the comfort of his own home. We don't know for sure why he rejected the gift, just that he did and because he did he missed out on the greatest homecoming party ever.
The wise man continued on to the Kingdom all the while imagining what it would be like when he got there. His journey has not been an easy one. He has worn through some sandals. There were many days that it rained. There were many days he burned in the scorching heat. There were many days he chilled in the cool of night. But the wise man did not lose focus. Though the pain his trip threw at him was great he knew what the King had in store for him was greater.
The wise man has traveled for what has seemed a lifetime and he is at the King's gates. He knocks twice, softly, for his strength has been depleted. The gates swing wide open and the glory of the Kingdom is revealed! The wise man no longer feels tired or weak, but energized and strong. There at the gates to meet the wise man is the King who greets him like a long lost friend, "Welcome my beloved, all that I have is now yours as well."
no metaphor is perfect, but if you understand it reblog/like it. If you don't get it, then ask.
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faith-is-not-blind-blog · 12 years ago
I love you guys so much and I appreciate you following me. I just want to let you know that I am always here for you if you have questions or just need someone to listen. Much love my friends.
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