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tis the damn season ; art donaldson
cw; drinking, smut!!, art and reader are really kinda pathetic <3
if i wanted to know who you were hanging with
while i was gone i would have asked you
it's the kind of cold, fogs up windshield glass
but i felt it when i passed you
there’s an ache in you put there by the ache in me
but if it’s all the same to you, it’s the same to me
five years ago
“hey, stranger,” you can practically hear art’s smile through the phone, “how was your day?” you roll onto your back, phone clutched in your hand like a vice, “it was alright. just cramming for finals,” you sigh softly, “hows stanford?” “god, it’s incredible,” he laughs, “i wish you were here. you’d love it, baby. it’s like a movie,” you hum in response, ignoring the ache in your chest that had made its home there the day he flew out, “how’s training going? do you have any matches soon?” “oh, it’s great!” there’s that smile again, “i’ve got a match tomorrow, actually, so i should probably go soon. it’s at 7 am,”
“that’s good,” you smile to yourself, “do you feel good about it?” “yeah, i think so. coach says i’m gearing up to do really well this season,” he says proudly, and your chest aches again at the thought of missing it. “i’m sure you will,” you try to keep your voice even, “well i’ll let you get some sleep, i love you,” “love you more,” he murmurs, “goodnight, baby,”
art texts you the next morning to inform you he ‘killed’ his match, attaching a poorly taken photo of him grinning ear to ear, gold metal ribbon around his neck. it’s little crumbs like this that keep you sane, keep you feeling close to him, ever since he left. ‘knew you’d win! you’re so cute. call later?’ you reply, your cheeks pink as if you’re texting a crush rather than your boyfriend of two years. ‘course i will’ he replies, and you’re already counting down the minutes until the nighttime routine you’d grown accustomed to.
at nine oclock, you lay across your dorm bed, eyes practically glued to your phone screen as you wait on art’s nightly call. by nine thirty, you’re mildly annoyed, and by ten, you’re worried. you pick up the phone, pressing call on his contact, biting the inside of your cheek as you listen to the phone ring. he picks up after a moment, the music in the background nearly drowning out his voice, “hello?”
“hey,” you try your hardest not to let your irritation bleed into your tone, “did you forget to call?” “fuck, baby. i’m so sorry,” you hear shuffling, and the music gets slightly quieter, “patrick invited me to this party since we won this morning, it totally slipped my mind,” “it’s fine,” you tell him slightly too quickly, “just have fun, kay? i’ll talk to you tomorrow,” “wait- are you sure?” he sounds confused, and you wonder if its the alcohol or the change in your tone that’s thrown him off.
“yeah, of course,” you hope your voice sounds as light as you intend it to, “we can talk tomorrow night, it’s okay. have fun,” “okay, i guess,” he sounds so hesitant you start to think he might just leave the party, “well goodnight then. i love you,” “night. love you too,” you hang up before you can talk yourself into begging him to stay on the phone. the next night, he calls at six oclock sharp, and you can tell the entire phone call that he’s eager not to upset you.
he’d always been that way. he’d do something, just one tiny mistake, and spend days apologizing or being extra sweet to fix it. you’d lost count over the years of just how many grand gestures he’d made, of how many times he’d professed his love for you for no reason other than to get back in your good graces; not that he’d ever left.
you and art were cheesily in love, so high school in the way that you couldn’t keep your hands off of eachother, couldn’t go a day without speaking. you were practically sewn at the hip from sophomore to senior year, even applying to colleges together. when he got his offer from the stanford athletics department, you didn’t think much of it. he seemed flattered, of course, but you never thought he’d actually go.
he loved boston, he loved his family, he loved you, so it made no sense when he came over one afternoon, admission letter in hand, and a wide smile on his lips. “i accepted their offer!” he’d told you, ever so proud, “they gave me basically a full ride, as long as i stay on the team and keep my grades up. can you believe that?”
you could believe it, of course. everyone knew how wildly talented art was, from such a young age. he’d started playing tennis at his parents country club when he was just a kid, and eventually worked his way up to attending a tennis academy not far from your high school. he had promise, drive, ambition, and a naivety just subtle enough to make him an excellent candidate to be pushed too far by coaches.
you’d known, then, that things would change between you. everyone told you nothing would happen, you two were meant to be, but you could feel it. he’d be across the country, practicing incessantly, playing matches, attending parties thrown by teammates you’d never meet. and you’d be home, working for a degree that might help you make a name for yourself.
over the course of a few months after that party, the calls grew less and less frequent. by summer, you were lucky to hear from art more than once a week. you knew he was busy, of course, and tried to ignore the way bitterness coated your tongue with every word you said to him on your brief calls. you tried to ignore the way he talked about all the friends he’d made, friends that you didn’t know at all, and tried to ignore the way he barely sent you photos anymore.
the one thing getting you through was the promise of summer break with art. two short months together, to pretend everything was back to normal, that you weren’t living completely separate lives. you woke up at six am sharp the day of his flight home, eagerness keeping you from sleep, and picked up your phone to call and see when he’d be landing. he answered after four rings, his voice raspy from sleep, “hello?”
“good morning!” you replied cheerily, “when’s your flight?” “oh, hey baby,” you heard some shuffling before he returned to the phone, “uhm, i actually was just gonna call you about that,” “is everything okay?” your cheery tone slipped, dread festering in your stomach before you could even place why. “yeah, of course. i just meant to tell you, coach wants me to do some training over the summer. he thought it would be best if i stayed here, just for this first year, for some extra drills and stuff,”
you sat silently, tears pricking your eyes, as you listened to his excuse. “so what, then? you’ll be home for a month shorter, or?” “i won’t be able to make it home at all this year, honey. i’m so sorry, but you can come stay with me, yeah? i’ll buy your ticket, it’ll be just like we planned,” your heart broke even further at how optimistic he sounded, as if he hadn’t just shattered your expectations of the summer, of your reunion. “i have work, art,” you said quietly, “you know that. i have to make up for being off through the school year,”
“you don’t need that job, baby. come on, come see me,” “no, art!” you argued, your brows pinched in frustration, “i do need this job, actually. some of us don’t have trust funds, believe it or not. jesus,” your words came out sharper than you intended, all the hurt and anger from the last several months finally revealing itself. “i’m sorry,” he said after a moment, “this is really important to me. this is my shot, yknow? i can’t mess this up,”
“yeah,” your voice was bitter, but you truly did understand, “i get it. stay there, it’s for the best,” “i’ll come home next summer, okay? it won’t be like this every year,” he sounded like he was pleading with you, and it took all your control not to snap at the irony of it. “art, i think it’s best we don’t keep trying to make this work. you need to focus on your tennis and school and i need to focus on mine, and let’s just call it even, okay? we had a really good run,”
“a good run?” he repeated incredulously, “are you trying to break up with me?” “i am, yeah,” you hoped you sounded confident in your answer, “i just don’t think it’s a good idea for us to draw this out any longer than we need to,” “what the fuck? where is this coming from? is this about the summer?” he sounded so genuinely confused, so lost, and it only angered you further. “it’s just not working, art. everyone warned us long distance wasn’t a good idea,”
“baby, please,” he was practically begging, a slight whine in his voice that you knew all too well. “no, i’m sorry, okay? but it’s done,” “you can’t just-” “bye, art,” you hung up before you could talk yourself out of it, letting yourself cry as hard as you’d wanted to for months now. you curled up in bed, sobs wracking your body, and mourned the relationship with a boy you’d once thought you’d marry.
you thought he’d text or call, tried to prepare yourself to reject him again, but the contact never came. he listened, for once. art donaldson had completely slipped out of your life, without a trace.
three years later, you graduated top of your class, landed your dream job in journalism, and moved to an apartment in the city. you tried your best not to keep up with art’s achievements, but it was difficult when he won nearly ever tournament he stepped foot into. he made all the sports headlines, and you turned your head at each of them, hoping to convince yourself you never even knew him.
i parked my car right between the methodist
and the school that used to be ours
the holidays linger like a bad perfume
you can run, but only so far
i escaped it too, remember how you watched me leave
but if that’s okay with you, it’s okay with me
you returned home for the holidays, driving down from the inner city to your parents home on the outskirts of boston. about three miles out, you’re lost in thought, music playing through your speakers and snow dusting your windshield. you’re jolted when you hit a deep pothole, cursing under your breath when your tire pressure light kicks on.
you pull over into the closest parking lot, grabbing your coat and stepping out of the car to survey the damage. “fuck me,” you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration when you see the tire’s gone flat. you’re in the middle of trying to pry your spare out of the trunk when headlights illuminate the area around you, and you hear a car crunching over the snow.
“you alright, miss?” a man calls, his voice sharp in your ears against the quiet of the evening. “just got a flat, i’m taking care of it,” you reply, not bothering to look back over your shoulder as you yank your spare free finally. “it isn’t safe to drive on a spare in this weather,” he tells you, and the slight crack of his tone raises the hair on your arms, the familiarity seeping through you deeper than the cold breeze.
you turn, finally facing the stranger, your breath in your throat. there he stands, his blonde hair peeking out underneath the hood of his puffer coat, his cheeks tinged pink from the wind. “art?” you exhale, your heart suddenly racing in your chest, “what are you doing here?”
“oh,” he looks as startled as you feel, his blue eyes widening ever so slightly, “i was just passing by on my way to my parent’s, i saw a car and thought you’d need help,” “i’ve got it,” you say too quickly, “i’ll call my dad to pick me up, don’t worry about it. thanks, though,”
“i can take you,” he offers, gesturing to his car parked just feet away, still running, “it’s on the way, anyway. i don’t mind,” “i think i’ll just call my dad,” you argue, “you can go, okay? i got this-” “please just let me take you home,” his tone sounds like you’d be doing him a favor, not the other way around, “come on, i’ll help you get your stuff, i’ll fix your tire tomorrow,”
you never could say no to his puppy dog eyes, even after all these years. so there you sit, shivering in art’s too nice car, trying not to look at him as he drives you home like he had so many times before. “it’s good to see you,” he says finally, breaking the silence, and you hum in response, unable to muster up any real conversation.
“i moved back,” he says after a few more minutes as he turns the corner to a main road, “i don’t live here, but it’s not far. i live in the city near the university,” “congratulations,” you mumble, trying to keep your tone dismissive, anything to lessen the nostalgia you’re surely both feeling.
“hey,” he sounds as if he’s pleading, and you allow yourself one glance to his side of the car, taking in the way he’s biting the inside of his cheek, the sadness in his eyes. “yes?” “i just wanted to say it’s good to see you,” he says softly, “i mean, what’re the odds, yknow? we’re both back home and i just happened to see you. it’s like fate,”
“yeah,” you agree quietly, “fate, sure,”
so we could call it even
you could call me babe for the weekend
'tis the damn season, write this down
i'm stayin' at my parents' house
and the road not taken looks real good now
and it always leads to you in my hometown
he pulls into your parent’s drive, keeping the car running but leaning back in his seat to look over at you. “you look good,” he says after a moment, “not that you looked bad before, obviously, it’s just, you’re beautiful-” “shut up, art,” you cut off his rambling, “it was sweet of you to drive me, but thats all this was, okay? this isn’t fate. it’s just a coincidence,”
“even if it is just a coincidence, i’m still happy to see you,” he says quietly, “is that not okay? i missed you,” “shut up,” you repeat, “you didn’t miss me, that’s- this whole thing is ridiculous, okay? enjoy your holiday, art,” “wait! can’t we just talk? i mean, even if its not tonight, we could catch up,” he pleads, eyes wide and borderline frantic. you shake your head, opening your door and pausing to glance back at him, “merry christmas, art. please don’t call,” you go inside trying your best to pretend nothing happened, dodging questions about the car in the driveway and greeting your family. the look on art’s face as you closed the car door keeps you from any real christmas spirit.
you wake the next morning to a text from an unsaved number, your brows furrowed as you open the notification. ‘i know you said you don’t wanna hear from me, but i just wanted to say i’m sorry and it was really nice to see you. wanted to give you a fair warning, your parents invited my family to their christmas party tonight.’
you groan, tossing your phone on the bed and getting in the shower, ignoring the butterflies nerves, in your stomach at the idea of seeing art that night. by six that evening, you’re slightly tipsy off of spiked eggnog, trying your best to ignore him from across the room. he’s there, blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes and a stupid christmas sweater that reminds you far too much of the first holiday you spent together.
you hate the way he mingles with your family so easily, like nothing ever happened. the way he laughs at your dads jokes, the way he’s sipping wine with class he must’ve learned at stanford. the way he keeps looking your way, smiling tenderly, the way he eventually approaches you with all the hesitation of a high school crush.
“you look beautiful,” is the first thing he says to you, sounding almost pained by it. “thank you,” you hope you sound cordial, hope he doesn’t pick up on the way your hands shake around your glass, the way your cheeks are already pink. you tell yourself it’s the alcohol and not the scent of the cologne he’d been wearing all those years ago, the last time you’d seen him.
he looks around, gesturing to the decorations, “good party,” “we don’t have to do this small talk shit,” you say after a moment, “it’s in the past, alright? let’s just get through the party and we’ll all go back to normal,” “don’t you see i don’t just want to get through the party? i’m trying to talk to you here, okay? i missed you, i just wanna catch up,” the pleading is back in his tone, accompanied by his trademark puppy dog eyes, and you find yourself following him onto your parent’s balcony with no hint of the hesitation you’d been full of earlier in the night.
“i saw you on tv,” he tells you after a few minutes of small talk, sipping his drink and glancing at you, the wind rustling his too perfect hair. “yeah?” you smile ever so slightly, “what for?” “it was a news station, i saw it at the airport. you were reporting on the protests in new york,” he smiles back, and your chest aches at the sight. “i’m not usually on tv, i just write the stories, but it was cool. glad to know it’s getting good airport coverage,” you joke, “i’ve seen you on tv a few times myself. wimbledon and all,”
“yeah?” his smile widens, “and what’d you think?” you pause, and you’re not sure if its the eggnog, the nostalgia, or his vulnerable expression, but you find yourself being honest. “i thought you were incredible,” you say softly, “the way you play is just amazing, art. always has been,” “thank you,” you choose to ignore the crack in his voice, “you have no idea how much that means, to hear you say that. that you still even think that,”
“congratulations,” you smile around the rim of your glass, “you’ve won every competition i’ve even heard of. that’s a big deal,” “none of that matters,” he waves a dismissive hand, “i don’t wanna talk about tennis. i wanna hear about you,” “my life is pretty boring,” you shrug, “i write columns and go home and think about work. that’s really all,” “you’re not- are you seeing someone? i figured you’d be married or something,”
“no,” you laugh like its ridiculous, because truthfully, it is. you’d loved him so much that it made the idea of trying to love someone else seem pointless. in the back of your mind, you’d always thought you needed to let it go, to move on, but you never found the time or the willpower. forgetting him and learning someone else was a move you were never prepared to make. “me neither,” his voice snaps you from your thoughts, “not since-”
“i’m sorry i broke up with you,” you blurt out, “it was shitty of me to do it over the phone like that, and i’m sorry,” “oh,” he blinks, looking slightly caught off guard, “no, i mean, it was my fault. i get it, looking back. i’m sorry i didn’t fight harder,” “you were a really good boyfriend,” you say quietly, blinking away hot tears, “like, the perfect boyfriend. it was just too much, being away from you, and i felt like it was just a matter of time before it ended anyway,”
“i never planned on leaving you,” he says softly, “i hope you know that. i loved you more than anything in the world, and i know we were just kids, but i really, really fucking loved you. more than tennis, more than stanford, more than any of that shit. i didn’t care about my future if you weren’t in it, but then you removed yourself from it and i figured i could at least just keep going,”
“i know,” you nod, because you genuinely do know. you know he loved you, how much he cared about your relationship. a moment passes, and you can feel his eyes on you, your heart picking up and a fresh flush prickling your skin. “you are so fucking beautiful,” he murmurs, and before you can think better of your decision, you’ve set your drink down and turned to him, all your logic gone out the window.
“this is a bad idea,” you tell him, but you’ve already taken a step closer, “and i’m only in town for a bit,” another step, “but i missed you so fucking much, art,” “come show me how much you missed me,” he smiles, his eyes almost as dark as the sky around you, “let’s make up for lost time, yeah?”
you kiss him in an instant, and everything else seems to fall away as you feel his lips on yours for the first time in years. he tastes like sparkling wine and chapstick and everything you love about the holidays, about home. he kisses you with the same desperation he’d always had back then, his hands digging into your hips and pulling you flush against him.
the reality of the evening starts to sink back in as hands progress lower, and you pull away, panting softly against his lips, “cant fuck you in my parents house,” “aw, come on, it’ll be just like old times,” he murmurs teasingly, trailing his lips down your neck. “art,” you whine, “we can’t,” “they’re all busy with the party,” he murmurs as he nips below your ear gently, “do you want me to stop?” “no,” you answer easily, “let’s just- can we go to my room? someone’s gonna see us out here,”
you end up in your old bedroom, sprawled out on the comforter kissing art with a feverish desperation. “missed you so fucking much,” he groans as you unbutton his pants, slipping your hand into his boxers, “god, thought about you all the time,” “yeah?” you smile against his lips, “thought about me all the way in california?” “fuck- yeah, i did,” he bucks his hips into your hand, his cheeks pink, “everyday, every night,”
you hum, satisfied, trailing your kisses down his chest and sliding down the bed, “where you going?” he asks, his brows furrowed. “you don’t want my mouth?” you ask, gazing up at him as you push his boxers down, “no,” he smiles hazily, “no, baby. missed you too much for that, just c’mere. let me fuck you,”
you nearly cry at that, the warmth flooding your chest at his words despite the overall nature of what the two of you are doing. you kiss him again, leaned over him, and he pulls you up into his lap, scooting up to prop himself up against the headboard.
“come here,” he mumbles between kisses, positioning your legs to straddle him, “do you wanna do this?” “‘course i wanna do this,” you nod, and he pushes the skirt over your dress up around your hips, running his thumb over the skin, “you’re so beautiful,”
“stop lookin at me like that,” you mumble, feeling entirely too entranced by the expression on his face, “kiss me,” he’s nothing if not obedient, his lips on yours immediately, kissing you with fervor. you reach between the two of you, sitting up briefly to toss your underwear somewhere, wrapping your hand around him once more to line him up. “god,” he groans softly, tipping his head back as you slide down on his cock, your eyes closed in bliss, “fuck, you’re so wet, god,”
you bury your face in his neck, trying your best to be quiet as you adjust to his size, rocking your hips slowly, “art,” you moan breathlessly, and before you know it he’s cradling your head, pulling you in closer and fucking up into you. you bite down on his shoulder gently, hoping to suppress the noises leaving you, “god, not gonna last,” he all but whimpers, “you feel so fucking good,”
you just moan in response as he hits all the right spots, your thighs shaking slightly as he fucks you, “fuck, baby- oh my fucking god,” he groans, pulling you off of him gently, “didn’t wanna finish inside you,” he pants, eyes closed as he steadies his breathing, “let me,” you say softly, taking him in your mouth, moaning around him at the taste of yourself on his skin.
“oh, fuck me,” he moans, hands tightening in your hair and bucking his hips slightly. he’s filling your mouth soon after, your name falling from his lips like a curse as he cums down your throat, panting and whining hoarsely. you wipe your mouth, sitting up to kiss him again, surprised when he pulls you up closer. “sit on my face,” he mumbles against your lips, “let me make you cum, please,”
“i’m okay,” you start to argue, but he’s shaking his head, looking at you with the sweetest expression, “just let me make you feel good,” you let him lead you, as he lays back on the bed and pulls you up onto him, your thighs on either side of his head.
he laps at you desperately, and you have to clutch the headboard to keep from collapsing against him as you rock your hips, borderline grinding against his mouth. “art,” you moan, one hand on the headboard and one in his hair, “fuck, you’re so good,”
this only encourages him, and he slides a hand under you, pushing gently on your hips to make you rock against his face once more. you whimper at that, digging your teeth into your bottom lip as you feel yourself getting closer. “art,” you gasp, “gonna-“
your vision is spotty as you come undone, his needy mouth never slowing as he works you through it, sucking at your clit until your legs nearly give out. “too much,” you whine, pulling at his hair to deter him. he hums against you, licking one last, slow stripe against you before helping you down, looking up at you with dilated pupils and a spit-slick mouth.
you wipe his face gently with your duvet, smiling slightly down at him, “that was-“ “you were so good,” he praises, “can’t believe how much i missed that,” he pulls the blanket over your legs, and your chest aches at the tenderness of the action. “you shouldn’t stay,” you say softly, hoping it doesn’t come across as hurtful, “i don’t want my parents to see, yknow,”
“yeah,” he nods, but he looks slightly hurt, like he’s taken aback, “yeah, good point. i’ll call you?” “yes, please,” you nod, watching as he pulls his clothes back on, “i’ll talk to you tomorrow, yeah?” “yeah,” he nods, fastening his belt, “uh, goodnight, then,” “night, art,” you smile sleepily, and he lets himself out without returning a smile of his own.
time flies, messy as the mud on your truck tires
now i’m missing your smile, hear me out
we could just ride around
and the road not taken looks really good now
and it always leads to you in my hometown
the next day, you send him a quick text, slightly worried he’d thought you’d just dismissed him. ‘wanna get coffee today? i leave tomorrow’
‘sure’ he replies, and you’re sure then that he’s hurt, but you hope to rectify it, ‘great! starbucks on third at eleven?’ ‘okay. see you there’ he sends back, and you pull on a sweater and leggings, going to spend some time with your parents before heading out to the coffee shop.
he’s sitting in a window seat when you arrive, much more casual than he had been the night before. he’s in a stanford hoodie and joggers, and you think of him away at college, how at home he’d probably been there. you shake the thought away, walking over to his table, “hey,” you smile, sliding into the booth across him. “hey,” he smiles slightly, “so you leave tomorrow?”
“oh, yeah,” you nod, “gotta get back to work. how long are you in town for?” “told you i moved back,” he says, looking slightly irritated, and you feel a pang of guilt, “yeah, sorry, it completely slipped my mind. so you’re just-“ “what is this, exactly?” he cuts you off, brows furrowed, “i mean, im glad last night happened, but is that just it? you’re gonna shoo me away and go home like nothing happened?”
“what?” you falter, caught off guard, “art, no, i just have to go back home, it’s not like i’m discarding you,” “you sure are acting like it,” he grumbles, “what, then? are we gonna try and make this work?” “make this work?” you repeat, “what, exactly? i figured it was just because we’re both back home, i don’t-“ “what? so what, then, just a one time thing? that’s kinda fucked up to not tell someone,” he snaps, and you hate yourself in the moment, all the memories of the way you’d been so short when you’d broken up with him resurfacing.
“maybe it’s better if it’s just for the weekend,” you say quietly, “i mean, we’re both busy, and this was just by chance,” “bullshit,” he shakes his head, “if you don’t wanna be with me, that’s fine. alright? genuinely, no hard feelings. but don’t give me that ‘we’re both busy shit. what’s the real reason you won’t try again?”
“we both are busy,” you say defensively, “i just don’t- i’d hate for either of us to get hurt again, that’s all,” “i get it, i do, but we’ll never know if we don’t try,” he says softly, “i never wanted to hurt you before, okay? i’ve pictured so many routes for my life and you were always in them,” “we’re different people now, art,” you say carefully, trying to keep your tone even, “you don’t know if we’re still even compatible, and we never know what could happen,” “will you stop doing that? you don’t have to be so calculated about everything. it’s not gonna kill us to try, right? we’ve changed, sure, and we’re at different places in life, but we’re the same people. we’re still the people we were when we were in love,”
“that was a long time ago,” you say quietly, tears pricking your eyes, “i just don’t wanna make a mistake and get us both hurt,” “i’m fine with being hurt by you. don’t you see that? i have loved you since we were sixteen years old. we can get to know each other again, we can take it slow, i’m not asking you to marry me here. just give it a chance, please?” the sincerity in his tone breaks you, and you’re nodding before you can talk yourself out of it. “yeah,” you sniffle, “yeah, i’d like that so much. i’m sorry, i’m just scared, and i didn’t think we’d ever get another chance,” you ramble. “i know you’re scared,” he says softly, taking your hand in his over the table, “we’re gonna take it slow, alright? we’ll be alright,” “yeah,” you nod, tracing his knuckles with your thumb, “we’ll be alright,”
#art x reader#spotify#challengers#challengers 2024#art donaldson fic#art#art donaldson smut#art donaldson#artdonaldson#challengers smut#mike faist smut#mike faist#donaldson#faist#mike faist fic#art donaldson x reader#art donaldson x you#art x you#self insert#Spotify
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Girl in New York

pairings - art donaldson/reader | challengers au! |
“__” = Y/N
masterslist | next chapter

sypnosis - men would call you a siren, and women would call you a bitch. but all he knows is that you’re his.
warnings - future smut
word count - 1.5k
authors note - this fic will be having a part two. its completely out my comfort zone, and i wanted to experiment my skills as a writer to create a character super complex. any hate will be deleted and blocked. reminder that this is purely fiction!

© elliotsblunt 2024. do not repost, modify, or translate.

His pink lips glistened with beads of sweat that resembled diamonds. Unknowingly licking your own—your thighs clenched as his girlfriend pecked his cheek. You didn’t know why, but having the attention of every man in the vicinity made you feel as if you were worth something. The pain on girls’ faces after seeing their man’s arms wrapped around your figure always made you….
…….bite back a smile.
Your current subject was taken. It was perfect. A challenge never bored you—but only encouraged your habits.
Art Donaldson was on every girl’s agenda at the moment. Whenever you went to your local gym, he was playing on the tv screen at every treadmill with hunger in their eyes. These suburban women go crazy for a pretty boy with nice eyes and a fit bod. And the fact that you’ve never seen him smile, is a plus. He wasn’t a pushover.
He was a challenge.
The blonde haired girl got on her tiptoes, wrapping her tiny arms around Art’s shiny neck. You could see his defined muscles slightly bulge beneath his completely soaked t-shirt, making him look absolutely delicious. He offered her a smile, mumbled something, and she nodded before going to the snack bar.
Taking this as your chance, you dug into your purse and pulled out a cherry sucker from a few days ago. Plucking it into your mouth, you hummed at the sweet tart like taste—carrying your long legs that were hugged tightly by a pair of tiny workout shorts towards the tennis player. He had been tying his shoe when you paused before him.
You cocked out your hip, clearing your throat. His eyes slowly trailed up your figure, jaw clenching as they finally met yours. “Cute girlfriend of yours. Looks pretty young, though….” you sigh afterwards, swirling your tongue over the top of the pop. Art’s eyes slightly widened at the sight, gulping. “I’m _ _! What’s your name, pretty boy?”
You already knew it. As soon as he had shown up on your tv screen.
His eyes were bluer in person, if possible. It was as if there were thousands of diamonds carved into his eyes as the sun set on them. Sun-kissed skin had a thin gloss of sweat from his tournament, his broad shoulders quickly going up and down as he breathed heavily. He was considerably taller than you. He had to look down at you.
“Uh…Donaldson. Art…Donaldson.”
Bending over a tad, making sure your large breasts slightly spill out your bra—you smile innocently. Your lips release the suction on the lollipop with a loud pop! “Pleasure! I was wondering if you offer private lessons?”
Shamelessly, his eyes darted over your hardened nipples. His tongue poked out and slid across his puffy bottom lip, “I um, I charge 20 bucks an hour.”
“Deal. But I’m sure we can come up with a way to give me a discount,” you winked, pulling out your phone from your bra. You heard his breathing turn ragged as you handed him it. “Put your number in. I’ll let you know when I can start.”
His teeth sunk into his lower lip, narrowing his eyes at you. “Just meet me here next Tuesday same time. Make sure to bring cash,” he muttered, looking away from you. Your brow rose at his sudden dryness—but realized you probably intimated him with your forwardness. And to make matters worse, his air headed girlfriend had returned with a boba drink in her hand.
“Art, who’s this? A friend?”
“_ _ Smith. And no—we aren’t friends. I’m only a customer, a happy one at that.” Excusing yourself, you made sure to not even glance at her. You sent a brow towards Art, his eyes filled with a storm.
“See you soon, Mr. Donaldson.”

When next Tuesday rolled around—to say you were ecstatic was an understatement. Your black tennis skirt stopped right at the bottom of your ass, a black skin tight jacket hugging your breasts tightly. The side of your heel hit the bottom of your racket as your hair swayed in its ponytail. A smirk grew onto your lips as you spotted Art, waiting for you at the court.
Pulling your glasses down, you noted how his intense eyes burned holes into your body. “Hello, again. Your girlfriend here?”
“Why does that matter?” His tone was cold—a challenge. Every second seemed to get better and better.
He looked scrumptious. There was a hickey poking out from beneath the collar of his white tennis shirt. His girlfriend probably left it there so you wouldn’t try anything—to mark her dominance per se. But the problem with that is, you don’t respect anybody’s property. What’s yours….
……..is yours.
Your brow raises. “I’m getting the impression you don’t like me to much.”
He scoffs, “I know what type of girl you are. Not interested.”
You didn’t realize this was an assessment.
“I’m unaware of what—“
“I have a girlfriend for fucksake, and you’re dressed like—like—“
You innocently round your eyes at him, deciding to play it off as if you’re hurt by his words. But he didn’t actually know the real you—he was just trying to paint a picture for his own benefit. He was scared of what you were capable of. Which meant he was cracking.
“I didn’t come here to be slut shamed,” you shrug, taking a step back. “I’ve been watching your tournaments on tv for a few months now, and thought you were beyond talented. I tried my best not to act too starstruck and got carried away.”
His eyes soften.
“But I’ll leave—“
“Look, I’m sorry. Let’s just forget about this and start over.” He ran a hand through his hair, then leaving it on the back of his neck.
You bit back a smirk.
There were pleading undertones laced in his words, feeling guilty for judging your outfit and questioning your morality. You knew this time to come off less forward, figuring out he liked submissive women instead. Women who go with what he wants, who let him control the situations.
“Understood. Shall we get started?” You offer, in which he chuckles and agrees.
For the duration of two hours, Art accessed your abilities. He complimented you multiple times on how quick you were. Although he was significantly faster when it came to hitting the ball—you knew he didn’t expect you to be at least a little good. After the session, Art when to retrieve the both of you water as you grabbed the cash from your purse.
You should’ve paid him triple just for how good his butt looked in those shorts.
“Thanks,” Art handed you your matte black hydroflask—snatching you from your thoughts. He watched you take a couple swigs from it, a drop of water rolling down between the crack of your breasts.
He licked his lips before chuckling, hoping you didn’t catch him stare. “You hate the color black, huh?”
Looking down at your hydro, you laughed before holding out the cash for him. “It’s my favorite color. Besides, it goes with everything.”
“Hm,” his eyes fall to your hand offering the cash. Instead of taking both 50 dollar bills—he takes one and sends you a smirk.
“You get a half off discount for me being a dick. One time offer.”
You nod and chew on your bottom lip as he swallows thickly. “Perhaps I can at least buy you a smoothie or something. It’s pretty hot,” you offer, adding a suggestive tone to the end of your sentence. Noticing a hard tent forming in his pants, Art steps back, clearing his throat.
“I can’t today. I’ll see you on Thursday—same time.” He mutters, turning around and offering a sheepish smile before walking away. You wondered if he was going to rub one out in his car, or fuck his girlfriend and imagining it was your pussy he was driving into.
The thought made a pool begin to seep through your panties.
The tip of his cock poking out between his fisted palm, leaking with drops of creamy pre-cum. A mouth of pure ecstasy pulling at his features as his mouth hangs open, gripping his center console as he finishes all over the interior of his car.
Or fucking his girl from behind, imagining your bouncy ass rippling with every thrust. His fingers tugging at your strands, reaching the deepest spot inside your dripping pussy. He would think of you—not her. He would….
……cum for you.

Patrick, your cousin, had been visiting from East Boston and staying at your family’s house. He was passionate about tennis, just like you, and pretty much taught you everything you know. That’s why you were so skilled. Learning from Art was simply to get into his pants.
And of course, he wanted to crash your tennis class with Art. Said some bullshit about Art and him meeting at a summer tennis camp—whatever. You were plotting on snatching Art from his perky titted girlfriend—but with Patrick there, it may be a bit hard.
“For fucks sake, I said no!” You shout before lighting a cigarette, painting your big toe a glittery cherry color you bought at the drug-store. You heard your neighbor slam their window shut before Patrick slides open the screen door and comes out to the backyard where you were. After taking a puff, you blow the smoke into his face. “Love you, cuzzo. But you’re cockblocking me here.”
Patrick snatched the cigarette from you, taking a frustrated hit of his own. “Didn’t you say he had a girlfriend?”
You receive a glare, causing you to roll your eyes and snatch the cigarette back from him. “Fine. Whatever. You can come.”
He gasps before hugging you, causing you to scoff and push him off you. It would be cool for him to reunite with his old friend, but this was so not the time for that. Patrick got on your nerves but you had love for the dude. It’s always been hard to say no to him. It was despicable.
You took another hit. The rancid stench filled your senses, smoke swirling around your figure. After finishing your last toe—Patrick pulled up a chair and sits on it backwards. “You like this dude or what?”
A laugh couldn’t leave your lips after. Who does he think you are?
You haven’t truly dated a guy since you were seventeen. Ever since your ex, you didn’t grow feelings for another individual. And it had nothing to do with him—you just outgrew relationships. It was fun to have options. Especially when those options, were already taken.
Men with girlfriends are harder to obtain. They had settled already, and it takes a lot for them to trust you. But once there’s a clear understanding you don’t genuinely care for them…and only what’s in between their legs—
That’s when the real fun begins.
“Hell no. He’s hot. That’s it.”
Patrick lights another cigarette, nodding before blowing out the white ropes of smoke. “Ah. I see. You wanna fuck his brains out.”
“Back when I met him, he was dating this cute tiny little thing. What was her name? Tracy? Tara? Tam—Tiffany!”
Your smirk twitched, taking another hit of your cigarette. It was almost finished at this point. “Is she blonde?”
He looks over at you, sending a brow. “You know her?”
“I’ve seen her prancing around.”
“He told me she’s controlling and shit. Wonder if that’s still true,” he pops open the cooler and pulls out a beer, tilting his head back and taking a swig. You suddenly perk up at his words as he swallows the fermented alcohol harshly.
“Heard they took therapy classes together.”
You pressed a finger on your chin, giving him a mischievous look. “They’ve been together for a while now…huh?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
It was going to feel all the much better to steal him.
#mike faist#faist#art donaldson#donaldson#art donaldson smut#mike faist smut#challengers#challengers fanfic#challengers fic#faist smut#smut#challengers smut#patrick#patrick zweig#zweig smut#Patrick zweig smut#mike faist fic#mike faist fanfic#patrick zweig challengers
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Mike Faist wearing beaded "Turnip" brooch by Loewe at the Met Gala, 2024.
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#mike faist#mike faist is sexy af#faist#connor murphy#west side story 2021#dear even hanson#panic amazon#riff west side story#morris delancey#newsies#the atlantic city story#challengers#mike faist tattoo artist#art and tashi#art donaldson#challengers movie#challengers 2024#challengers 2023#the bikeriders#pinball the movie#iciwid#jack twist#london theatre#sohoplace#soho place#so hot and sexy#columbus ohio#Ohio boy
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josh o'connor and mike faist behind the scenes of challengers (2024) dir. luca guadagnino
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CHALLENGERS (2024) dir. Luca Guadagnino
Fuckin' snake! Honestly, I'm proud of you. I'd be doing the same thing.
#challengers#challengers edit#challengersedit#challengers movie#art donaldson#patrick zweig#mike faist#josh o'connor#filmedit#filmgifs#movieedit#moviegifs#myedit#m: challengers
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ZENDAYA, JOSH O'CONNOR and MIKE FAIST in CHALLENGERS (2024, dir. Luca Guadagnino)
#challengers#challengersedit#josh o'connor#mike faist#zendaya#*#filmedit#lgbtedit#challengers movie#useraurore#patrick zweig#art donaldson#tashi duncan#filmgifs#film#challengers spoilers#userzo
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Do you have twt links of the girl ridding the guy and the guy being a moaning mess ???
most are just guided masturbation, hope you enjoy regardless!
one | two | three | four|five| six |seven |eight | nine| ten |eleven| twelve | thirteen |fourteen |fifteen
#euaphora#toji smut#geto smut#jjk smut#spencer reid smut#armin x reader#x reader#fem reader#twt links#john egbert#dave lizewski smut#jake gyllenhaal smut#jjk smau#bleach smut#kpop smut#callum turner smut#michal mrazik#scream smut#ethan landry smut#miguel smut#milo manheim smut#ross lynch x reader#cole walter x reader#mike faist x reader#chad meeks x reader#adam brody x reader#tokyo rev x reader#tokyo rev smut#genshin x reader#genshin smut
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CHALLENGERS (2024) dir. luca guadagnino
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Challengers dir. Luca Guadagnino (2024)
#challengers#josh o'connor#mike faist#challengersedit#filmedit#lgbt#these are ehhh quality but this moment#i can't get over it#spoilers#mine
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This is a sickening side profile my god
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Cock shame, pussy to the world
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Girl in New York | 2

pairings - art donaldson/reader | challengers au! |
“_ _" = Y/N
next chapter| masterslist | last chapter

sypnosis - things with Art begin to pick up.
warnings - future smut, angst, cheating, smut next chapter omg
word count - 2k

© elliotsblunt 2024. do not repost, modify or translate.

Art and Patrick had seemed to get along too well.
With your arms crossed, clearly irritated, Art and your cousin were reminiscing old times. As soon as the two reconnected, they hadn’t stop talking since. Chuckling and playing with each others balls. All the same. Standing in the sun made you thirsty, so instead of being ignored, you picked up the dignity on the ground you had left and went to buy a water bottle from the stand.
Rolling your eyes behind your sunglasses, you mentally cursed out your cousin. He was a social butterfly—so he knew practically everybody somehow. And when he ended up in a convo, it would at least half an hour for reality to him himself. But at the same time, he was a fantastic smoking buddy.
“What can I get you?” A boy with pretty brown eyes sends you a charming smile. Your fingers drum against the counter, biting on your bottom lip. A smirk is held back as you notice his eyes flicker to your breasts, grateful you decided to wear a low cut black crop top.
“Hi….” you pull down your sunglasses, spotting his name tag. His name was printed in bold red letters, which matched his red polo uniform top.
“…Chris. Just a water is fine,” you say in a slight flirty tone, pulling your phone out from your purse. It was too hot to put inside your bra, and it would’ve been all sweaty and gross. “Do you accept Apple Pay?”
He shakes his head, “It’s on the house. Here,” he hands you the water, winking. You send him a grateful smile.
“Thanks, handsome. A face like yours deserves a tip.”
“Your number sounds good too,” he flirts back, causing you to giggle. You noticed a tattoo hidden behind his ear, an arrow with vines growing around it. And to match the vibe, a stud on the left side of his nose.
You hum, “Hm. Always had a thing for bad boys. Gimme your phone.”
It was almost hilarious how quickly he pulled out his cell from his back jeans pocket. You had to place a hand over your mouth to refrain from laughing, quickly putting your number into his phone. As you were typing the final digits, you look away from the phone to see your cousin.
“Jesus Christ….stop thotting it up and let’s play ball,” Patrick groans as he approaches you two, Art following behind him. Apparently they were finished conversating, but that wasn’t what stood out to you. What did was the fact that Art was staring down the kid Chase…Chad—whatever his name was.
His usually crystal clear eyes were brewing up a storm, a gray hue taking over his orbs. His lips were in a firm line, and when you handed his phone back to him and blew him a kiss, Art’s upper lip twitched. It was subtle—but you noticed. You noticed everything.

Screwing open your water bottle, you took a sip as Patrick nudged Art on the shoulder. “_ _ told me you’re still with Tiff,” he states as the three of you walk back into the court. “How are things going with her? Still a raging bitch?”
Art chuckles, shaking his head as he took a particularly large gulp from his hydro flask. You watched with attentive eyes as he screwed his cap back on, “I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just call my girlfriend a bitch. And we’re doing fine—thanks.”
“Sorry, man.” Patrick sheepishly smiles, “Why don’t you come to this outing with us on Sunday night. It’s downtown at some club. Bring your girlfriend and we’ll meet you guys there.”
Way to go, Pat. Sounds like he wasn’t a cockblock after all. But it did scare you a bit when you noticed the pondering look on Art’s face. His features were tight, his pearly white teeth catching his lower lip. It almost looked cute—how conflicted he was almost made you anxious.
Patrick sensed his second thoughts. “How about this. 1 V 1. If I win, your ass better show up.”
Like you said, it was hard for anyone to say no to Patrick.
Art glanced at you, and when you only sent him a smirk, he released a deep sigh before giving in.
Pat had to leave in the middle of practice. Something came up with work—he was a dj for this club back in East Boston. He always loved music, and was jotting down lyrics, so it made sense he was working in that field.
Wiping your forehead with your personal towel, you watched as Art lifted his shirt over his head and dried his abs. Your mouth almost fell open, his slick muscles contracting as fresh air hit them. His upper body was tan, but as it grew closer to his lower region, the skin turned into an untouched milky section of flesh. Yellow fibers of hair trailed down beneath his shorts, making you poke out your tongue and lick your lips hungrily.
His blonde strands fell over his eyes. “You’re getting better.”
“I have a good teacher,” you tease, but he didn’t smile, snorting instead. “How many students do you have.”
“Just you and another girl.”
Another girl? Interesting. “Is she pretty?”
“I have a girlfriend, _ _.”
“And she’s where? C’mon, you can tell me,” you cooed, putting back on your shades. Popping another lollipop into your mouth, this time blueberry flavor, his eyes flickered to your lips.
“Do you think she’s pretty?”
He opened his mouth to speak, but as your tongue swirled around the top of the candy ball—he cleared his throat instead. You batted your lashes as you hummed at his silence.
“She’s cute, I guess.” He muttered, not even hiding the fact he was looking at your lips as if he had was starved.
You tilted your head, eyes flying down to his crotch. Behind his dark blue shorts was a bulge forming. It dented against the fabric. “That guy I talked to—he was super cute. Might bring him to the party,” you thought aloud, making him stiffen his shoulders. “What do you think of him?”
He looked away from you, jaw clenched.
“Not my business.”
“All I’m asking for is an opinion.”
“It’s not like we’re friends,” he snapped coldly, sending you narrowed eyes. Ice had taken over those once clear orbs, and it felt like he had grown distant within a second. You swallowed thickly as he snatched snatched bag off the chair.
“I have to go. Later.”
What’s his deal?

“I just don’t understand you, _ _. We paid for these classes and now you’re failing them because of these stupid tennis lessons.” Your mother then released an exasperated sigh, rubbing her forehead as your father throws down your latest report card. He continued, “Two B’s and one C. You used to be a straight A student!”
You furrowed your brows, hating those words. Your gut dropped. “Dad, please. I’ll get my gra—“
“You’re going to be a surgeon, not a tennis player.” Your mother pointed a stern finger at you. This is the angriest you had ever seen her. Usually she would be the one to call down your father, but this time, they were both hounding you. When it came to grades, they stressed because they prioritized money for school. Your school.
Your father had came from his home country when he was a teenager on a visa, and grew a business in the end. He worked very hard to supply you with the food and shelter you needed, and it was a miracle public school was free. But as you got older, his business flourished, and he could put more of his income towards your nursing classes.
To become a nurse was always his idea. Ever since you had been born, he pinned that title on you. Your mother agreed because she learned it made you a lot of money.
“This isn’t fair. It’s once a week.”
“And so are your in person classes, and they’re on Tuesdays.”
“Let me ask him if I can change the day,” you begged your parents, putting a sweet tone behind your voice. Your father wasn’t budging—but your mother nodded and held your father’s hand as if to say it’s fine. But he didn’t want to let you off that easily.
“If he can’t change the day, cancel the lessons.”
His words nerve wrecked you. But it should’ve been fine. The only problem was—you didn’t have his number.
“Hey, Pat. Give me Art’s number.”
You heard him laugh through the phone, “Hey to you too, bitch. And stalker much?”
Rolling your eyes, you continued styling your hair whilst looking in the mirror. The speaker on your phone broke out for a second before you responded. “I need to ask him something. It can’t wait until next week. Just—please.”
“He didn’t give it to you?”
“What are you? His personal body guard? Give me the damn number, Pat.”
“Ugh, fine. I’ll text it to you rn.”
You smiled in triumph, unplugging the bedazzled black straightener before snatching your cell from the counter. Without letting Pat know you’d call him later, you simply hung up on him, clicking the contact he sent. After pressing the call button—it proceeded to ring. Then his voice sounded.
“….Hello?” Ugh. It was his girlfriend.
This was going to be weird. “Uh, hey. Is Art around?”
“He ’s in the shower. I can give him a message.”
Whatever. “Cool. Unless he can change our usual Wednesday and Thursday schedule��my dad wants me to cancel my lessons. So I need his response like ASAP.”
“Of course I can tell him. Who is this?”
“_ _ Smith.”
There was a silence, and then her voice rang in the phone. “I’ll let him know.”
The phone clicked.
In the incoming week, you received a text from him.
Hey, it’s Art. I’m sorry but I can’t readjust my schedule. It was nice working with you. Let me know if you’re ever interested in working with me again!
It looks like he really didn’t like you.
It wasn’t surprising, but for some odd reason—this one hurt a little. And instead of pushing you to chase him a bit more, you retracted away all together. He had made it clear he wasn’t interested in you at all. At this point, to keep pining after him would shatter all shards of dignity you have left.
Today was Sunday. You contemplated on even going, but Patrick would literally decapitate you. It’s his last night out and you promised to go out with him at least once when his trip rolled around. But you weren’t in the mood to party. You didn’t feel sexy enough.
This was all supposed to be a fun game. And now it’s turning into a nightmare.
You really didn’t think he meant it when he said you two weren’t friends. Was he trying to keep a professional relationship for the sake of his girlfriend? You didn’t imagine the friendly moments between the two of you. The fleeting glances, hidden stares. Lingering touches when passing the hydros.
Blowing out the cigarette, you leaned on Pat’s shoulder as he wrote lyrics down on his notepad. He slightly hummed to his own melody. “You’re fucking indie ass is going back in two days. I fucking hate you,” you mutter, causing him to gasp before laughing out loud. “Can I go inside your suitcase? I wanna leave here soooo bad Patty cakes.”
“I fucking hate that nickname, but love that top on you.” He gestured to the cropped forest green sweater you were wearing. It balanced perfectly well with your high-waisted leather black skirt.
“Is it giving slutty?”
#art donaldson smut#art donaldson#donaldson#tashi donaldson#patrick zweig challengers#challengers fanfic#challengers fic#challengers smut#challengers#mike faist smut#mike faist fanfic#mike faist fic#mike faist#faist smut#faist
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"The Bikeriders" de Jeff Nichols - inspiré du livre de photographies éponyme de Danny Lyon (1968) - avec Austin Butler, Jodie Comer, Tom Hardy, Mike Faist, Damon Herriman, Michael Shannon, Norman Reedus, Boyd Holbrook, Beau Knapp, Emory Cohen et Toby Wallace, juin 2024.
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I spy a Mike
#mike faist#connor murphy#west side story 2021#dear even hanson#panic amazon#riff west side story#morris delancey#newsies#the atlantic city story#challengers#brokeback mountain#challengers 2023#challengers movie#challengers 2024#the bikeriders#jack twist#iciwid#pinball the movie#art donaldson#faist#soho theatre
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bitches be like "we need more evil women in media" and they cant even handle tashi duncan from challengers (2024)
#challengers#challengers spoilers#seeing too many people say the movie would be a 10/10 without tashi#SHE IS THE MF MOVIE#tashi duncan#art donaldson#patrick zweig#zendaya#mike faist#josh oconnor#whole time she isnt even evil like that fr like please you dont understand#omg bro#josh o connor#josh o'connor#shes actually just a girl who had everything taken from her#yall just aint locked in 🤷♀️#tashi donaldson#challengers movie#challengers (2024)#luca guadagnino
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