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orcinus-veterinarius · 2 years ago
idk if you’d find this interesting but i think you might so i’ll share it. i hope it’s not bothering you! but i’ve learned a lot about cetacean captivity from following you and it’s made me interesting it getting other professional opinions on the matter. today i went to visit the sydney sea life aquarium in australia and the aquarists were patient enough to let me pick their brains a bit, specifically about the toki situation. interestingly enough, sealife’s parent company is explicitly anti cetacean captivity, enough so that they run a sea pen for two belugas in iceland that originally came from an aquarium that they acquired in shanghai. the marine biologist that let me bother her with my dumb questions is one of the trainers for their dugong so she has a fair bit of experience with marine mammals and she told me that her personal opinion is that toki doesn’t have the immune system for wild release and most likely isn’t going to survive a year. so a lot of the same stuff you’ve said. idk, i just thought it was interesting that even professionals who are generally anti cetacean cap (or who work for organizations that are) don’t think that it’s a good idea. sorry if you don’t really care or if this is obvious lol i just thought of you after talking with her :) as thanks for reading my long winded ask, here’s a picture of the dugong, pig, during a training session!
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Hi Pig! What a cutie!
@local-hellhound-steals-spaghetti acutally used to work at this aquarium, so she can probably speak on it better than I can. I posted about the beluga sanctuary here, but basically, my opinions on SEA LIFE are *rolls eyes*. As far as aquariums go, they're fine. Their US locations are AZA accredited, but they're pretty middle-of-the-road in my opinion. I've only been to one location and wasn't overly impressed.
I also don't like the idea that fish are somehow less important and less deserving of exceptional welfare than more charismatic species like cetaceans. Sharks in particular need a lot of specialized care. But SEA LIFE is more than happy to put them in shopping malls (I don't know about the one you visited, but all their US locations are literally in malls) and publicly slander other far superior aquariums for housing cetaceans.
Of course, this is all directed at Merlin Entertainment managment, not the aquarists and trainers on the ground, who sound like they know their stuff!
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iwoszareba · 2 months ago
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actually, i think they would be good friends
@fairylightfairlybright version without the poll. i'm happy you like this little doodle 💕
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athousandmilesofsky · 2 months ago
Hi! I don't know if you'll see this but I wanted to ask if you would consider moving the demo for A Thousand Miles of Sky over to a different hosting site since dashingdon is sadly shutting down. Even if the story isn't being worked on anymore, I and others still love to revisit the demo and it would be really sad if it was lost forever. Thanks, and I hope that you're doing well!
Hi @fairylightfairlybright, thank you for the excellent question and well wishes! I'm in the process of moving the demo to the new site, once I've tested it to make sure everything is hooked up right, I'll post a link here and update the original post with the new link.
It really means a lot to me that you're still interested in the game, even though I haven't updated it in years. I can't make any promises about any future updates, but this game is always on my mind and I hope to return to it soon.
Thanks again for the ask!
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devotion-that-corrupts · 10 months ago
thanks for tagging me @corffiser :)
tagged to do this picrew & reveal the last song i listened to.
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(this is for sure real me i prommy & the song is vivienne mort's г.г.п.т.к.н. aka годі говорити про того, кого нема)
some no pressure tags: @ithinkthiswasabadidea, @grin-unsettling, @oedipushansen, @fairylightfairlybright & anyone else who might want to do this!
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parkerlyn · 2 years ago
hi! quick q about our new canonically nb fey pal; when it comes to pronouns, does oisein use he/they interchangeably, or do they switch between preferences ie one day preferring he/him and the next day preferring they/them? just curious, and sorry if this has been asked before! i just really enjoy seeing enby characters and the unique way each one of them relates to their gender (or lack thereof) and their body, it’s very interesting for me as a person who is still exploring their own gender fuckery. thank you for writing this and writing oisein, i’m very excited to see this story unfold! <3
Oisein uses he/they interchangeably! C: When I write them now I mix the two depending on what feels right. Sometimes there's a longer streak of they or he, but generally it's interchangeable. Like most things, Oisein has no regard for gender so he doesn't mind either way 😌 asdjfkalj
I hope your journey of exploring your own gender is a wonderful one, and thank you for the message! 🧡
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carrsuniverse · 3 years ago
hearts for drew my beloved please <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
"I just got off work, meet me at the diner and I'll buy you dinner, freak."
"Hey you. I got you. I'm here. You're okay."
"After all this time?! You knew! You knew how I felt and you didn't say a word! Go fuck yourself, MC."
"Come over, I have extra food and I know you're hungry, you freak."
"God, I've been dreaming about this for years. My hands on your body... Fuck you're gorgeous when you come."
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finelythreadedsky · 4 years ago
hey! so i was going through some of your tags and on a post about circe you mention in the tags that you have an interpretation that circe and calypso hold odysseus captive bc they want penelope to come rescue him? that’s awesome??? could you talk some more about that pls i wanna hear more that sounds so interesting! :)
forgot about that but it is an absolutely off the wall idea that has no grounding in the text. more of a concept for an odyssey adaptation/odyssey-inspired work i guess? that probably came out of my reaction to madeline miller’s circe (verdict: pretty good book but how on earth did she not realize that she’d written circe and penelope as soulmates?). honestly i would love to see a semi-tongue-in-cheek story where penelope gets fed up and goes looking for odysseus, leaving telemachus in charge on ithaca where he clearly belongs (he was never meant to go off in search of news, telemachus just wants to live his little life and herd his goats and get these people out of his house). and penelope is more efficient at tracking odysseus down than telemachus, because she’s not bound up in the aristocratic male network of hospitality and the obligations of visiting people and staying with them and exchanging gifts, so she finds odysseus with circe (or calypso) and boom. there we go. odysseus can leave and go to ithaca or wander more and do some foundational myth stuff or he can stay and they end up as a power triad, whatever. circe, especially the way madeline miller dealt with her, is so well-matched to odysseus, and penelope is ALSO so well-matched to odysseus, but they’re also very much not just doubles of each other so if you cut out the middleman (odysseus)... anyway it is pathetic that madeline miller went with the telegony narrative that circe marries telemachus and penelope marries telegonus when OBVIOUSLY circe and penelope are supposed to end up together.
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utilitycaster · 5 years ago
fairylightfairlybright replied to your post “was there actually a caleb is a werewolf theory??”
i remember this omg! i big part of it was that he asked a few times what time of the month/moon cycle it was, looking back it was probs liam flexing on matt with the specific time keeping but at the time the fandom thought it was suspicious! that was fun
You know, I had absolutely no recollection of this, so I tried the transcript search on it and at least according to that, Liam did not at any point say the word ‘moon’ nor the word ‘cycle’ during the first few arcs of campaign 2. He says “month” in the context of discussing the Keen Mind feat once during the first few episodes, in episode 10. The transcript search is imperfect because it’s not going to catch all the side conversations/talking over each other, but you’d think if this were a running theme it would have been picked up at least once.
I have to wonder if maybe he asked at some point if there was enough light to see at night because humans don’t have dark vision, and because there was already a werewolf theory, this got twisted into “Caleb wants to know what phase of the moon it is.” Or if Liam just appeared interested when Matt mentioned the moon during those episodes, which Matt did do several times (which I would write off as normal DM scene setting + relevant to the humans in the group for vision purposes + possibly relevant to Molly as a worshipper of the Moonweaver), and this got blown out of proportion into “Caleb is tracking phases of the moon” and then later morphed into “Caleb asked about the moon”.
Anyway this is absolutely fascinating to me - I don’t like conspiracy theories, but I do find it really interesting who believes them and why, and what happens cognitively to fill in the logical gaps most of them hold. I kind of want to see if Caleb being interested in the moon was ever cited as evidence back when the theory was active.
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your-turn-to-role · 5 years ago
spectrum by florence + the machine is my go to endgame vm song i love it 🎶
it’s a good song, yeah!
[When we first came here We were cold and we were clear With no colors on our skin We were light and paper-thin]
[And when we first came here We were cold and we were clear With no colors on our skin 'Till you let the spectrum in]
[And when we come for you We dressed up all in blue With the ocean in our arms Kissing eyes and kissing palms]
[When it's time to pray We dressed up all in gray With metal on our tongues And silver in our lungs]
[Say my name And every color illuminates We are shining And we'll never be afraid again]
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orime-stories · 2 years ago
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I posted 3,133 times in 2022
172 posts created (5%)
2,961 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,061 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#final fantasy xiv - 674 posts
#nature - 472 posts
#green - 470 posts
#blue - 237 posts
#heavensward - 234 posts
#gold - 222 posts
#dungeons and dragons - 215 posts
#a realm reborn - 187 posts
#humans - 172 posts
#story telling - 170 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but in times where we would genuinely like to change minds it's good to be aware of the things that are most likely to facilitate that goal
My Top Posts in 2022:
Day 21 - Uncanny Valley
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The Fortemps family were staunch believers in the Ishgardian sense of dignity. (Most of them at least, but Emmanellain was a man that existed in a world entirely his own, it seemed.) Count Edmont and Lord Artoirel’s faces rarely strayed from their stern nobleman’s masks, expressing their gladness for her presence and their desire for her to feel welcome in their home by courteous words alone. But when she first came to Ishgard, such stoic respect was not a language she understood.
It took time for her to learn their ways, and they hers. And for her to truly feel the bonds of kinship stirring and then strengthening between them. To better express herself in measured phrases that kept some portion of herself at a slight distance. But she also found them reaching forward to meet her in her efforts, permitting and even instigating more open conversations, candidly admitting their concerns and reliefs with her. And gradually, those stoic masks began to soften at the edges. Gradually, she even came to know their smiles, finally seeing the language she knew best reflected back at her.
A victory that was bittersweet, as it was when they smiled that they most closely resembled him.
For the Junelezen Challenge 2022
Previous Entries: Introduction / Calamity / A Realm Reborn / History Repeating / Eorzea Defended / Dreams of Ice / Warrior of Light / Heavensward / Floor the Horde / Gaol Break / Orthodox Mayhem / Five Minutes of Fate / Stormblood / Crimson Footprints / Solar Cycle / Lunar Cycle / More Heroes / Shadowbringers / Between Two Worlds / Paradise Found
27 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
Day 10 - Gaol Break
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“My friend!” Haurchefant beamed as she entered his hall. “To what do I owe the unexpected pleasure?”
“I was nearby—”
“And you thought to valiantly rescue me from this dreary report I am supposed to be compiling! How very kind of you!”
“My Lord...” Yaelle groaned in frustrated resignation as he carelessly stuffed the offending papers into a drawer and then hurried out of his seat and to Aurelle’s side.
“Oh never mind all that — it shall get done, and it shall get done on a day that I do not have such a distinguished guest. Now,” he turned his attention back to Aurelle. “Might you consent to joining me on a bracing stroll through these frozen wastes of ours?” He offered her his arm with an easy smile, as though he had just suggested a wander through some picturesque gardens instead. “There shall be hot chocolate by way of reimbursement later,” he then added.
“That sounds lovely,” she beamed back. “All of it.”
For the Junelezen Challenge 2022
Previous Entries: Introduction / Calamity / A Realm Reborn / History Repeating / Eorzea Defended / Dreams of Ice / Warrior of Light / Heavensward / Floor the Horde
28 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
Aurelle Silmontier Fic Masterlist
Final Fantasy XIV
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AO3 collection here, spotify playlist here, tumblr links I’ll keep updated below the cut! Feel free to dip in and out of stuff as you fancy, each piece should hopefully hold up on its own.
A Realm Reborn
FFXIV Write 2021 Writing Challenge - Introduction to Aurelle’s character
The Nervous Warrior - Aymeric meeting Aurelle for the first time (Aymeric POV)
The Steps of Faith - Aurelle taking a moment of strength from Aymeric before returning to the battle on the Steps of Faith
Before the Dawn - Taking refuge with Haurchefant after things go bad in Ul’dah
The Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly - Aurelle checking in with Aymeric upon reaching Ishgard
Divine Intervention - Aurelle takes part in a trial by combat to prove the Scions’ innocence
A Fancy Dinner - Aymeric invites Aurelle round for dinner (aka their first date but they don’t realise they’re dating yet)
The Lovely Woman - Aymeric reflecting on the dinner he shared with Aurelle (aka pining despite his best efforts) (Aymeric POV)
Ferocity and Fear - Aurelle’s intial impressions of Estinien and Ysayle
Trepidation and Hope - Aymeric preparing the city for attack and appreciating Aurelle’s visits (Aymeric POV)
Trust - Their second dinner date (but they still don’t realise they’re dating yet)
Wandering Minds - Considering their feelings for each other alone in their rooms at night (Mixed POV) (Explicit)
Camaraderie - Aurelle musing on how close her, Alphinaud, Ysayle and Estinien are growing despite themselves
Friendly Concern - Estinien interrogates Aymeric about what’s going on between him and Aurelle (Aymeric POV)
A Last Glimpse - Aurelle checks in with Aymeric one last time before a climactic battle
Noble Bloodlines - Aurelle shares dinner with House Fortemps and the Scions but something seems to be bothering Haurchefant
Impossible Dreams - Aurelle enjoys some evening drinks at Aymeric’s and the pair finally realise what’s going on and do something about it
A Secret to Keep - Aurelle and Aymeric have a discussion on where to go from here
Surrender - Aymeric musing on his newly begun romance with Aurelle after they’ve parted for the night (Aymeric POV)
The Masked Dragoon - Estinien interrogates Aurelle about what’s going on between her and Aymeric
Into the Aery - Aurelle and Estinien take down a great threat to Ishgard together
The Song Begins - Aurelle, Estinien and Ysayle take a moment to process some revelations
Junelezen 2021 Screenshot and Writing Challenge - Snapshots of Aurelle’s relationships with different people and places
28 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
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Heavensward Drink - Eorzea Cafe
30 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Day 1 - Introduction
And so it was that I came to know Aurelle Silmontier, Eorzea’s recently named Warrior of Light. Her plain, midnight blue robes marked her as one of Gridania’s conjurers—shapers of nature itself, whose powers manifest in accordance with an ancient pact kept with the elemental guardians of the Twelveswood. Her borrowed coat marked her as one that had come to our city hastily, unprepared for the bitter cold of our post-calamity climate. And her downcast eyes and faltering voice marked her as one mired by a great many anxieties and doubts.
But beneath all that, we were soon to learn, lay a noble and courageous heart. Never faltering as she walked the treacherous path that had been placed beneath her feet—one that would see our great city delivered from a doom we could not have forseen nor stood against alone.
Despite the tangled web of politics, misplaced faith and cold suspicion she was met with, still she fought for us.
Still she soldiered on—as into our homes, and into our hearts, she came.
—From the memoirs of Count Edmont de Fortemps Heavensward
32 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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orcinus-veterinarius · 2 years ago
the thing that really gets me about this toki situation is that the transport and the sea pen are going to cost so much money, and for what? for her to die from stress? that money could be put to much better use building her a bigger and more comfortable pool and providing her with the best food, care, and veterinarians as possible to make her final years as comfortable as they can. it’s infuriating.
Exactly. I was talking with @local-hellhound-steals-spaghetti about how the $15-20 million pledged by the philanthropists would be better spent improving the Seaquarium. It's quite an outdated facility, and hundreds of other animals also call it home. It's kind of insane that such a huge amount of money is being poured into a single animal (who will likely not survive) simply because she's the most charismatic, when it could be used to benefit her as well as so many others. Plus, the Seaquarium is in the AZA's Pathway to Membership program. Imagine how much more quickly they could achieve that with that kind of money.
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arielseaworth · 3 years ago
For mutuals you want to get to know better:
I was tagged by @xoxoctic thank you 💕
Tagging @dk65 @spottswood @donttellmooooooom @zip001 @fairylightfairlybright
Favorite color: Green
Currently reading: Die a Little by Megan Abbott and Silverview by John le Carré
Last series: Dali and Cocky Prince
Last movie: A Christmas Eve rewatch of The Muppet Christmas Carol
Sweet, Savory or Spicy: Savory
Currently working on: This fic I planned wayyy back in May 😅
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oldcoyote · 1 year ago
fairylightfairlybright replied to your post:
check out the sad bastards cookbook on itch.io, it has some good tips for adding veggies to stuff like instant noodles, it’s a good way to start adding healthy stuff if you’re low on spoons. good luck!
ooh, thank you! that sounds right up my alley
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devotion-that-corrupts · 1 year ago
10 Characters / 10 Fandoms / 10 Tags
pick 10 characters from 10 fandoms and tag 10 people. thank you for tagging me @ithinkthiswasabadidea :)
apparently you don't have to comment on them. HOWEVER, i love talking about my interests, and you've given me an excuse to do it, so let's go!
(not in any particular order, i love them all.)
constantin d'orsay (greedfall) baby boy. has done nothing wrong ever in his entire life. seeing him activates my knight instinct. i would fight lord and lady d'orsay for him. i would fight the high king guy for him. i would fight god for him. if he is wrong i would reshape reality to make him right. all of this to say, i love him a normal amount.
viego (league of legends / ruination / runeterra) if i had a nickel for every time a character i love was born a second son of a ruler and so was never intended to lead, yet became an heir after his brother's death, was supposed to die because of poison, had only one person he cared about deeply, in something between eternal love and obsession caused immense destruction for the sake of that person (who has never asked for any of this), had some sort of transformation during which his hair turned from fair/blond to platinum, his eye color changed, and there appeared some weird magic-related thing on his head symbolizing his becoming a villain (or, rather, making it clear that he was wrong all along), then i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. ok, now for a more normal explanation. bringing your kingdom & then entire realm to ruin for your wife? in grief, in hopeless attempt to revive her? i love this! i love it when love turns people evil.
camilla hect (the locked tomb) i don't have coherent thoughts about her. i simply adore her with my whole heart. here's to camilla hect, yet another of devotion's casualties!!!
gale dekarios aka gale of waterdeep (baldur's gate 3) i will kill mystra.
gabrielle de lioncourt (the vampire chronicles) there is much to analyze about her background and her relationships, esp with lestat, and i am most definitely unfit for this. let me just say that if i were a vampire, i would also ditch humanity and explore some jungle instead. and probably wear men's clothes.
millions knives (trigun) unhinged codependent siblings… <3
fang runin (the poppy war) my darling girl who fell in love with the war, and nobody told her it ended. i think she should get to burn the world down, as a treat.
breezepelt (warrior cats) i am including him because he is my og blorbo. 10-year old me really looked at the worst guy ever and said yeah that's the one. my love for writing about dysfunctional families and defying religion could probably be traced back to him.
constance blackwood (we have always lived in the castle) i NEED to teleport into the world of this book and ask constance her perspective. because she knew it, i mean, she knew what must have actually happened the whole time. i wonder what she felt after the accident, and if/how her view changed since then. i wonder what she thought of her parents, and of merricat, and of the life they came to lead. we get some of it from the dialogue and interactions ofc, but it doesn't stop me from contemplating all of this.
august (the wicker king) guard dog of a boy. 'I like following him. Following orders. Doing whatever he wants.' 'I’m always going to want to be at your heels, fighting for you. Hurting myself because you tell me to.' i hope belonging to someone else brings him peace.
anyways, i had to open the book to find these quotes, and now i want to reread it all over again. let me just tag some mutuals and then i'm gonna go read.
(no pressure!) (also you don't have to elaborate on them) @kuramirocket @grin-unsettling @boygirltwins @fairylightfairlybright @drizzit @msnormandy @darkvisionvamp @gardenbastard @cjflint @pups-2-dust & anyone else who wants to :)
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orcinus-veterinarius · 2 years ago
did you hear about what’s going on at the dallas zoo? one of the clouded leopards is missing, and they’re saying it’s possible she was stolen. i hope she wasn’t, and that she’s found soon, but it’s a scary thought that people are breaking into zoos and taking rare animals. i feel so bad for her keepers :(
I did… the good news is Nova was found safe earlier today and is currently in the care of the zoo’s veterinary staff!
Thank goodness she’s okay and wasn’t stolen, but yeah, police suspect foul play. The wire mesh used in cat habitats isn’t something that just randomly gets a hole in it. Hopefully they catch whoever put this beautiful animal in danger.
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orcinus-veterinarius · 4 years ago
ok ok so fave aquarium?? look up the one on sentosa in singapore. it’s gorgeous and my favourite place in the entire city, when we were allowed out by the covid wardens in between lockdowns it was so peaceful and quiet without all the tourists and it’s so great, but the best part is absolutely the massive ocean tank with their three rescued (two cannot be released back into the wild due to injury and one was born in captivity i believe) giant ocean mantas. there’s an adjacent dolphin exhibit which is absolute shit (wild caught dolphins, relatively tiny and enrichment free pool, letting tourists swim with them and interact with them) and i’m very :/ about that but everything else about the place is brilliant imo. it makes me more excited to study marine biology every time i visit 🐠🐟🐡🐙
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Oh wow! This place looks spectacular! Reminds me of the Ocean Voyager exhibit at the Georgia Aquarium in the US. Giant manta rays are really sometime else 😍 I’d love to visit here someday!
That’s really unfortunate about the dolphins, particularly the wild captures. Completely unnecessary.
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