#fairondale fic
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bookishjules · 1 year ago
thank you for tag @amchara !! <3 i loved reading through your answers :)
How many works do you have on ao3?
13, but most of them are drabbles
What’s your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus, The Shadowhunter Chronicles
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Percy to the Rescue
Here Without You
Napkins and Notebooks
A Different Kind of Adventure
Your Lyrics have Arrived
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
It may take awhile, but if a comment is worthy of or necessitates a response, I will absolutely respond to it, yes <3
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Acceptance, but really it's so short that the whole thing is just an angsty ending for malec
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably A Different Kind of Adventure. Percabeth figuring out life together brings me a special kind of joy.
Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I hadn't, but one of my wips may or may not include smut... like I'm writing it, but we'll see if I have the confidence to publish it, you know? I honestly could not tell you what kind, though, given that I am quite new at this.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not currently?? but I have in the past. I wrote one in high school that was simultaneously next gen Percy Jackson and Harry Potter, where percabeth's kid gets into Hogwarts in the same year as Albus and Scorpius and Rose.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think I'm really prolific or known enough for that to have happened yet lol
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, sir
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't, but it seems like it would be fun! Honestly, it's probably just a matter of time lbr (@221bornottobe i'm looking at you)
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Percabeth <3 ( but also sizzy)
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
IVY!!! my beloved accursed fic that pulled me deep into my fairondale obsession despite originating as a ghostwriter endgame fic. If I ever do finish it, it will be as a very different fic than the one i began two years ago, which means that this story I had in my head will itself never be finished.
What are your writing strengths?
Can I crowd source this answer? Honestly, I'm not sure (this feels like a cop-out answer, but honestly I just have a hard time knowing what I'm good at)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Endings!!!! As you may be able to tell by the fact that my longest finished fic is under 2k.. I have been told by writing professors that I have weak endings, and now they scare me to write. Also.. spilling too much of what's in the pov character's head, I think. They work through things internally that may be better as a show-don't-tell thing, but my instinct is always to explain. There are other things, I'm sure..
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it can really help a fic when some dialogue or words are in another language, when it fits, obviously. Other than that, I don't really have any thoughts!
First fandom you wrote for?
Honestly, I think it might have been Ella Enchanted. Either that or Percy Jackson. I would have been 14. Before that, any writing was pretty much original, I think.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
Here Without You, hands down. It's not finished yet, but it's been my entire heart this whole year. It's made me feel more confident with writing fics that are a bit more long form (which I needed), it's helped me process things for myself and for Leo, and it's really everything I needed for his storyline. .. Though, I will say, runner up has to go to The Chronicles of Lena and Jules, the PJO self-insert fanfic that I wrote during chemistry class in 10th grade about my best friend and I, and that I would hand her installments of every day as we passed in the hall.. not because of the quality or the storyline, but for the mems <3
Tagging: @potato-jem @captain-jackson @berylgrace @timelesslords and whoever else wants to join in! (also @iminlovewithpercyjackson and @221bornottobe ik you both only have one fic up on ao3, so I didn't initially tag you, but feel free to go for it anyway :))
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abigneignenn · 5 years ago
Do you ever think about the fact that Matthew Fairchild said, "Humanity is drawn to light, not darkness," and Lucie Herondale's name is derived from the latin Lucia, which means 'light', while Cordelia's nickname Layla is derived from the Arabic word leila ('night, dark')? Because I do🤔
(Also all matthewxcordelia shippers, please don't hate! It's meant as a funny post.)
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imherongraystairstrash · 5 years ago
TSC Fanfiction Master Post (imherongraystairstrash)
ONE OF THESE DAYS  I WILL ORGANIZE THIS DISASTER!! Maybe I should start by naming my fics for once. 
I put some commentary cuz why not. 
Jemma Fanfic- This ones my first ever fic (aww), so it’s short and probably really bad and I haven’t edited it because I be cringing at it. 
“Hold still” (prompt)
Kit And Kieran:
Bonding over being related
When Worlds Collide (series)
Matthew and Lucie (part 1, part 2 and part 3)- This one was before Chog came out. I don’t ship Fairondale anymore, but hopefully, if you do, you’ll enjoy it!
Cecily and Gabriel—My first of many Gabrily fanfictions
(Ao3 link)
Gabrily wedding
(Ao3 link)
“I’m crazy about you” (prompt)
(Ao3 link)
Gabrily + Family Fluff:
Christopher and Gabriel—I’m such trash for this family
(Ao3 link)
Anna and Kit— Again, I’m trash
(Ao3 link)
Gabrily (with young Anna and Christopher)—Because you know I can’t not post on Babe-riel’s birthday (haha, I’m so funny)
(Ao3 link)
Christopher and Cecily— This is one of my favorites (shh, don’t tell the others) 
(Ao3 link)
Gabrily and little Anna and Kit — Because I love writing them so muchh!
(Ao3 link)
Gift of The Angel — I finally stopped being so lazy and gave my fic a name! Except now I have to tell you what it’s about... It’s Anna’s birth!
(Ao3 link)
Carry Him In Thy Heart— People really liked “Gift of The Angel” and wanted one for Christopher as well, so this is that fic (I wanted to stay with the name theme, so the title is the meaning of the name “Christopher”)
(Ao3 link) 
Late nights
Defender of Men— Alexander Lightwood birth story (there’s some tid gang fluff in it too)
Part 1
Part 2
(Ao3 link)
Will defending Anna— There’s some Cecily and Gabriel scenes too, but it’s mostly Anna
(Ao3 link)
Iblis Problems— Gabrily finding out about the Iblis demon 
(Ao3 link)
August—Finding out Kit needs glasses
(Ao3 link)
Baby Jamie + Wessa—Cuz I love themmmm
(Read on Ao3)
Hurt Wessa— Because feels
(Link to Ao3)
Cast Away the Shadows— A continuation (of some sorts) of the Anna and Kit story, but following the Herondales
(Read on Ao3)
Wessa Baby—An AU where Wessa have another daughter
Wessa Baby AU —A continuation to the previous one, just a few years later
I love you even though I haven't met you yet
The Broken Hearts part 1—Teen!Ella Herondale, Alex Lightwood, the Fairchild daughters (who better be canon bc if Cassie wrote them out, I will rebel), and the Carstairs kid. Cuz why not. 
Part 2  
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
 Sophideon Wedding—Ugh, I have to more Sophideon. They’re too cute for this world (Read on AO3)
Lightwood-Collins— Basically, the Lightwoods being reunited after Chog.
(Read on Ao3)
Finding hope— 3 part fic about baby Thomas and his birth (it’s not graphic, though because I’ve never given birth to a child, so (thankfully) I wouldn’t know how to go about writing that experience) 
Part 1 
Part 2
Part 3
(Ao3 link [if you prefer to read it there])
Christmas Fluff!—Because why not?
Find The Way Home
Part 1
Part 2
Puzzles—Were you actually surprised that it was fluff?? Bc let me tell you, it is literally 99.9% of what I write
Out of the Old—Lightwood-Collin family (banter? I think)
Will De-Age:
(Hottie/Fairwell and some pre-tid family fluff
Part I
Part II
Part III
Hottie/ Fairwell (Henry and Charlotte)
“I did it to protect you” (Prompt)—This is before they professed their love for each other :)
Forgiveness—Fairwell + Matthew and Charlotte
New Beginnings— Will tells Charlotte and Henry about his curse
love you to the moon to saturn—Matthew's birth (NOT GRAPHIC)
“It’s called Netflix and Chill for a reason” (prompt)
Thomastair &lt;3: 
“You look Awful” (prompt) — BEWARE! There is angst!!
Camping Fluff 
(Ao3 link)
“Here take my sweater coat” (prompt)— More angst because I’m a teenager and I’m sleep deprived
Jucie/Ghost-writer/Blackdale/Lucie x Jesse:
“I’d rather be here” & “I was worried about you” (Prompt)— COI SPOILERS!!
At least i have you
The Merry Thieves:
Basically, it’s a Matthew fic, but the Merry thieves are a big part of it
Sophie and Will:
“I can’t do this without you” (Prompt)
Gabriel And Will:
“I did it to protect you” (Prompt)
Matthew and Lucie:
“I Need Help” (prompt)
Lucie and Alastair:
“You look Awful”— This one’s one of my favorites because I love them so much
Gideon and Will
 “I don’t think so”
Thomas and Cecily Lightwood:
Butterflies— Cecily helping Thomas grieve
(Read on Ao3)
Charlotte + Henry and Will Herondale:
New Beginnings— Will tells Charlotte and Henry about his curse
Thomas and Christopher:
Read on Ao3
Babs, Genie, Anna and Charles:
When we were young
Tessa Gray:
Until we meet again— Sad fic about everybody DY*NG, and Tessa having to say goodbye to her family (has a nice ending though)
Anna defending James and Kit
Valentine's day-tid gang
You can DM me if you want to be tagged when I publish new stories or if you want me to tag you for a specific ship/series!
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zoyalinas-nazyalensky · 4 years ago
Someone write more fairondale fics I've been through the 12 on ao3 too many times now
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taco-taco-belle · 5 years ago
💌 you're the reason i posted my fairondale fic❤️ i was dissatisfied and thought about abandoning it, but then you sent me a message and it was a HUGE motivation boost😂
🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much! I’m so glad I messaged you then! Because it turned out better than anything I could’ve ever written! You’re an amazing writer! And I can’t wait for the next part! You guys should follow her her writing is so good!!!❤️❤️❤️
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purplebass · 5 years ago
Hi!!your fics are great ,are you working on some now?
Hi anon! Thank you 🥺
I have a few requests I’m writing but I don’t know in which order I’ll post. I like to pick the one that inspires me the most and write it hehe
So far I have these WIPs (writing them down so I won’t forget either XD)
2 Jordelia
3 Thomastair
2 Merry Thieves
2 Gabrily
2 Fairondale
1 Christopher Lightwood
1 Will, James and Lucie
2 Wessa
1 Matthew Fairchild
1 Multi-character (the second part of my one shot called “Holograms”)
16 Fics (I didn’t even realize omg 😱). I probably have more ideas in my mind that I may write out of the blue and unplanned, because inspiration often strikes at the weirdest moments. My brain is like this:
Tumblr media
More requests are always welcome, of course, but I need time to work on them because I’m studying as well. Even though I’d rather write fanfics 😅🌼
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heronchildlove · 5 years ago
I love heronchild and your stories so much!! And my second favourite ship is fairondale, and I wanted to ask how do you feel about them?
Hi, nonnie, thank you so much for liking my stories, that means a lot! <3
And Fairondale is my second favourite ship, too, I love them so much! The way Matthew was all blushy and insecure while talking to Lucie in Cast Long Shadows and him buttoning up his coat around her so tenderly in that ChoG snippet, it made my heart flutter so much, they are so precious 😭
If you’d like me to write a fic about them or anything else, you can always send non-heronchild prompts to my personal @nandawrites ! ^^
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cristinablackthornkingson · 5 years ago
Hello! I love your short stories so much. I saw that Matthew and Lucie are togheter in the one about Anna and Ariadne. Can I have hope for a fairondale fic in the future. Maybe with Lucie realizing that her feelings about Matthew are not only friendship. Or anything, really, I just want something about them to warm my heart...
Hi! I’m so glad you enjoy my stories! Yes there absolutely is hope for a Fairondale fic in the future, I’ve already written a two prater for them, though it’s not my best work (I believe it’s number #28 if you or anyone else would like to check it out, link in my bio) and I definitely would love to write another one for them, they’re one of my favorite possible couples in TLH!
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daddyblackthorn · 6 years ago
34 & 62 for faironchild ;) or is it heronchild?
it is FAIRONDALE and I'm dedicating this to our other shippers @luciexfairchild and @thorndale
34: Vacation fic, 62: Love Confessor (Character A confessing their love for Character B to Character C)
Lucie Herondale did not expect this impromptu visit to Wales, but here she was. Accompanying her was her brother, his parabatai, and her own parabatai. The others had gone off on their own, leaving Lucie to sit alone in her hiding spot.
It was an old Beech tree, a place she had found immediate comfort in when she had noted her aunt's carved initials in the trunk. Within minutes, she was out of her gown and shimmeying into her training gear and strapping her notebook to her back and climbing up the tree. She settled into a branch comfortably and set to writing.
She stayed like that for hours until she heard voices. Familiar to her as her own, yet... they were arguing? She peared down at the ground, her eyebrows lifting as Cordelia and Matthew walked into her line of vision.
"Matthew, you must tell her." Cordelia's voice was firm, a clear indicator that her parabatai was upset, "I can not lie to Lucie. It goes against everything we swore."
But Matthew's was desperate, "She can't. James would have my head and Lucie..." His blond head was bowed, and Lucie's heart clenched to see him so distraught though she leaned forward as her curiosity got the better of her.
"She is my entire heart, Cordelia. How can I tell her that and expect her to feel the same after all the terrible things that I have done?"
Lucie jerked back in surprise, the air whooshing out of her lungs. She couldn't have put a name to the feeling that was rolling through her. Her stomach was twisting, her face was heated. She was so distracted that she didn't catch her Cordelia's reply. Matthew? In love with her?
Her mind rolled over the idea and all the memories they shared of just the two of them . Matthew's intense eyes as he fastened his coat over her shoulders, Matthew gently adjusting her grip as she was learning to fence, Matthew's curious glances over her shoulder to see her writing. He had never asked to see, though she always waited for him to. The sudden changes in him as he partied more and withdrew further into himself.
She couldn't imagine her world without Matthew. She had had a crush on him when she was younger, though age and friendship had put the thought far from her mind. The weight of it all settled on her and it was in that moment that Lucie decided that vacation in Wales was definitely leading up to be more interesting than she had expected.
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bookishjules · 2 years ago
.. just listened to high infidelity while thinking about my fairondale/ghostwriter fic ... might need to start writing that again. shit.
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abigneignenn · 5 years ago
i'm guessing this didn't go through. could you please say a bit more about your modern au fairondale fic? it's so good and you are an incredible writer. you don't have to give a snippet, just some info?
Hey, thank you for your ask!❤️ I'm so happy that you like this au, because I'm enjoying it a lot. (Or, it can be the fact that I can't write about old eras for shit, but we don't talk about that😂)
1. I'm planning on making 7 or 8 chapters, and each one is a different age range. For example, the first one is 10-11, while the last will be 20-21? but it still isn't definite.
2. The merry thieves are one year ahead of Lucie and Cordelia (who appears in third chapter).
3. I want to incorporate the original story as much as possible, so that means that you'll get many references and quotes from the book. (and Matthew's addiction. I'm sorry in advance!)
4. In this universe Lucie and Matthew are best friends. Lucie is still close friends with Cordelia, while Matthew is a member of merry thieves, but their bond is different, and this fact acknowledged by others.
5. Oh, fun fact, I got inspiration for fairondale first meeting from a viral tumblr post. Although, now I can't find it anywhere :(
6. I have finished outline, though I can't post it because it will spoil everything😂
+ Bonus, I can give a little excerpt for my fairondale prompt which is also going to be modern au. Unfortunately, I thought that I'd be able to post it today, but something went wrong. But you can kick me if I don't post it tomorrow.
“Matthew Fairchild,” Lucie grits with a frown on her lovely face, appearing in front of him. “Did you even hear what I said?”
He most certainly did not. "Of course! Lulu, your voice is a salve for my ears that had to endure the incessant whining of your brother for the past few hours. Cordelia finally got the guts to ask James out, the ‘oh-so-great’ Jesse Blackthorn is your study partner, you suck at history-”
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abigneignenn · 5 years ago
Haha, I've been listening to the same five songs on loop for the three days, and it's such a huge source of inspiration for fairondale fic, they just suit them so good? So here's some lyrics that are on the next level.
"You'll tell me if I'm acting like a fool, I know that you're not something to lose, now"
"I had all my motives, I didn't know they wouldn't mix with your emotions / You're my best friend, I'll love you forever"
– Compass and You Get Me So High by The Neighbourhood
I mean👀...
"I know that, Matthew, like you know that you are my best friend and I'll love you forever-"
"No, no," he vigorously shakes his head. "You don't understand, do you? I'm-"
"I'm the one who burned us down, But it's not what I meant, Sorry that I hurt you / It's so excruciating to see you low, Just wanna lift you up and not let you go"
"And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends / That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend"
- Afterglow and Cornelia Street by Taylor Swift
Btw, her last album is really good! And I now that all my snippets sound like only angst, but there are fluffy moments! ...somewhere?
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abigneignenn · 5 years ago
omg I feel so late did you change your theme?? I love it so much. and if we’re talking about other things on your blog that I love, your FAIRONDALE?? damn. I cannot stop re reading that fic 😆💞💞💞
Oh my god, thank you so much!! It literally means the world, bc your writing is fire! I'm not sure yet, but I may drop thomastair small one-shot tomorrow? Because Cassie's excerpt blew my mind. Also I only changed my theme today, so you're right on time!❤️😂
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abigneignenn · 5 years ago
so I’m impatient and was wondering how your fairondale modern au fic was going?
Hey, Anon! Well, it's certainly going somewhere. These couple past days I was focusing on my drawing (which I'm probably going to post tomorrow?) and again I'm sorry for such a long wait! It's still surprising for me that some people loved my writing and I'll try to update before August! Thank you for your ask and patience!❤️
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abigneignenn · 5 years ago
Hi I just came by to tell that I just read your fairondale fic and it's really great. Hope you're gonna update it soon xx
Thank you, anon! I'm glad you liked it❤️ So, my finals end on july 7 and after that I'll try to update regularly.
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abigneignenn · 5 years ago
I love your fairondale fics! Will you be updating or posting any more soon?!
Hey, Anon! Thank you so much, and to answer you question, yes to both! I have a prompt for my celebration and my cursed fic that needs updating😂 I'm not abandoning it:)
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