lynnarang · 2 months
First Contact
Love at first sight is always bloody.
CW// transphobia
First time writing something in awhile, went a little longer than expected.
“Look at him squirming, what a freak.”
These words, followed by a few mouthfuls of slurs, broke the wolfgirl from her stupor. It wasn’t unusual for her to dissociate a little while on public transit, crowds had never been good for her, but today something demanded attention from her and just about every other passenger on the train car. A group of four young men, probably frat boys based on the look of them, were crowded around a single passenger, jeering and laughing.
It didn’t take long to figure out what was going on. The unfortunate victim they were gathered around was a blonde woman in a simple sweater and skirt, her vibrant red eyes desperately examining the wall as if it would drive away her harassers. The wolf had noticed her when first stepping on the train, a cute little thing sinking into the corner of her seat as if she wanted to be invisible. Sadly for her, it hadn’t done her any good.
“You’re not fooling anyone bro.” “Bet that bra is fucking padded too.” “Bet he gets off putting it on.” Alright, that was enough. Normally she made a point of not involving herself in other’s business but the poor girl they were tormenting looked like she was going to implode at any moment. The wolf stood up, stretching out her limbs. Luckily transit was light today, and what few people were nearby had already shuffled over to further away seats, if not to escape the conflict then to escape the booze the small crowd reeked of. As she approached them, the automated announcer declared the approach of the next stop. “Hey.” The wolf chimed in with a hand on the shoulder of the man at the back of the group, barely holding herself back from crushing his clavicle. Her interruption only drew his attention, but that was enough for her. “What? You got a probl–”
His sentence was interrupted by the sudden impact of her fist caving in his cheek, sending him reeling into one of his friends.This yanked the spotlight over to the wolf, and as her first target let out a surprised half-choked squeal, the other three all looked at the sudden intruder on their fun with mixtures of anger and surprise. She could tell by watching their faces that it took a few moments before what had just happened to process fully, but she let them have those moments.
It was the one she assumed was the leader of the bunch who finally spoke up, his mocking laughter transformed into rage.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Behind him, the terrified blonde briefly locked eyes with her apparent savior, her wide eyes seemingly asking why the wolf had jumped to her rescue. She answered both these questions at once, with a slight shrug of her shoulders. “I just needed to blow off some steam and a few punching bags threw themselves in my way, that’s all.” They obviously didn’t like this answer because in the next few seconds all three men left standing rushed at her at once.
The scrap was messy, brutal, and finished just as the train doors for the next stop opened up. She’d punched one of the guys in the gut just as he hit her face, kneed another in the stomach as he tried to tackle her, and finished off by headbutting the leader when he tried to grab her arms. The end result was a group of men scattered around the train car, a few groaning in pain while one cried loudly about how his parents were going to sue for this. But she barely paid attention to any of them, the thrill of sudden combat still coursing through her veins. The wolf was left with a few obvious bruises from where she’d been hit, a stream of blood running down her nose, and a headache barely pounding louder than her adrenaline.
Without a word, she took a few victorious strides past the crowd waiting to board and onto the train platform, flipping off the confused security guard who came to yell at her but was too scared to actually approach her. It was only when she’d made her way out of the station and the adrenaline started to wear off that she heard the voice calling out to her. “H-Hey! Wait up!” For a brief moment she thought one of the guys she just beat up had shown up for round two, but when she turned around the one running towards her was the blonde from the train. The wolf stopped, letting the woman catch up. She didn’t even catch her breath before heaving out what she wanted to say. “I... Wanted to thank you… I-I wasn’t sure… what to do... and…” “You don’t have to thank me, I really was just relieving my own stress.” “B-But you saved me! Regardless of your motivations, you still saved me! How could your actions not be just?!” The way the woman talked so enthusiastically and the way her eyes sparkled when she looked up at her made the wolf unsteady, unsure how to react to such praise. “Look lady, it really wasn’t anything… They probably would have gotten bored of bothering you anyway…” “But even then! I was touched! N-Not in the sense that like, anyone touched me, but like my feelings were! Please, won’t you at least tell me your name so I can thank you properly?”
For a brief moment, the wolf considered the possibility that this was all an elaborate scheme and she was gonna get sued for a million dollars for breaking some rich kids face if she gave her name here, but one look at the earnest face of the excitable damsel scrubbed the thought from existence. “...Arang. My name is Arang.”
The blonde’s eyes lit up and she clasped her hands. “Arang! Thank you Arang! My name is Sephina. It’s been really nice to… meet you…” Sephina’s voice trailed off as she looked around. Somehow, Arang already knew what she was about to say next. “Oh… I uh… Where are we exactly? I think I got off on the wrong stop… ehe…”
Arang felt like she was being dragged through a hurricane with the speed this woman shifted moods. “...We’re just south of the harbor.” “How far is that from downtown, exactly..?” “About a forty minute walk. And yes, that was the last train for the night.” The color drained from Sephina’s face as the weight of her mistake dawned on her. She looked utterly pathetic in a way that Arang couldn’t help but find cute, like a kitten that kept trying to make a jump that was too big for it. “..Do you want me to walk you home?” Like someone had just hit rewind, Sephina immediately lit back up. “Would you? I-I wouldn’t want to impose…” “I live that way anyway, it’s not a big deal.” “Then… Yes! I would love to walk with you Arang!”
Sephina beamed, using the wolf’s name again eagerly. There was something about the way she said it that made Arang’s heart feel like it was floating… She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not but she decided that for now she liked it. “I’ll lead the way then. You can tell me when you start to recognize buildings so we know we’re close to your place.”
 Sephina nodded energetically but then froze to ponder something. “But wait, if you live this way too, doesn’t that mean you also got off on the wrong st-” “Finish that sentence and you’re walking home alone.”
Arang would never forget the way the heat rushing to her cheeks felt as Sephina laughed at her in that moment.
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tokidokifish · 7 months
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reading dunmeshi made me wanna draw my (half-elf) halfling so here they are
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automaton-otto · 1 year
Shock and Betrayal!
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"Of course you'd steal her idea and make it your own, fuckin' colonizer."
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sparklyeevee · 7 months
Okay, so
Simple, three letter, single syllable names are very rare in WoT, except for Andoran commoners
Lan Mandragoran is not an Andoran commoner
Yeah technically it's al'Lan, but the al' part is a title, not really part of his name.
The Malkieri were the last holdouts on using bynames (e.g. Jain Farstrider, Cowin Fairheart), and afaict the only Westlands culture confirmed to do so after the War of the Hundred Years, so clearly the notion of a person's name changing throughout their life was not unknown to them.
Malkier was farther north even than the rest of the Borderlands, and firmly located in the mountains, meaning it was likely cold AF in the winter and probably had a relatively high infant mortality rate.
Lan means "prized" or "beloved" in the Old Tongue
Guys, I think "Lan" is a milk name. Something you call a baby until it's old enough for a real name. Isam has an actual name, so I'd hazard they do it at a year old, but Malkieri culture being what it is, it was probably his mother's right to name him, only el'Leanna was dead, and none of the five men who made it to safety with baby Lan felt like it was their place to do so.
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starcrossedspirit · 2 months
❝ Wherever you go my heart shall follow, even if it means to the end of the world.
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sliceoflifeshepard · 6 months
16 year old Apollo Fairheart upon finding Dorothea is a friend of the royal family, being kept at the castle
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zzthezany · 1 year
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this all started when i was bored yesterday and was thinking about aerilaya and tait again because i love these cuties so i drew them in each other’s outfits mainly as an excuse to put tait in a dress yet again but also just because outfit swaps are fun ship art prompts!!
(aerilaya rosalor belongs to me and tait fairheart belongs to @maleandroids)
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iviarellereads · 7 months
The Eye of the World, Chapter 47 - More Tales of the Wheel
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Ravens icon)(1) In which we get more of everyone's favourite: exposition!
Rand is pacing up and down the table, Perrin staring at some crumbled bread, and Mat slouching in a chair. Egwene asks Agelmar what Dai Shan and the Golden Crane mean, and who Lan is. Agelmar says he should have been a king of the country of Malkier, north of them.
There were two brothers, Akir and Lain. Akir ascended the throne, becoming al'Akir, and was a once in a lifetime kind of good king.(2) Lain took it in stride, but his wife Breyan was ever jealous, thinking she should have been queen. One day, in an attempt to spur Lain on to some heroic deed that might win support for him for the throne, she dared him to ride into the Blasted Lands and the Blight. He went with 5000 lances, and he and nearly all of them died. Breyan publicly blamed her brother in law, saying that if he had committed more of Malkier's forces, they could have taken down Shayol Ghul itself. She plotted with another guy, Cowin Fairheart, a hero who had almost enough votes for the throne himself,(3) to take down al'Akir and win the throne for Breyan and Lain's son, Isam.
But Fairheart was a Darkfriend, and when their plot drew warriors back into Malkier away from the Blight, trying to seize the Seven Towers for their own, Trollocs poured into the borders. Breyan escaped with Isam, and was chased by Trollocs, and nobody knows what happened, but they're both probably dead.(4) Cowin Fairheart's treachery was revealed, and he was captured by Jain Charin, the now-hero of legend, already known in that day as Jain Farstrider.(4) Because he had been widely loved by the people, al'Akir granted Cowin trial by combat, which he won. He wept when he killed his former friend.
Knowing they couldn't defeat the Trollocs now, al'Akir and his wife el'Leanna gave their infant son, Lan, the sword of Malkieri kings, the same one he carries today, an Aes Sedai forged weapon from the Age of Legends. They went through the rituals to transfer kingship to him, and in his name they swore the oath of Malkieri kings. Twenty fighters carried him to safety out of Malkier, and nearly all the Malkieri people, including king and queen, died in battle shortly thereafter.
Most of what was Malkier now lays in Trolloc control, and the Blight has followed them slowly, year by year. Only five of the bodyguards with Lan survived the trip, but they taught him all they knew. His cradle toys were weapons. He lives on to avenge his family and country. He denies his titles, and he refuses to lead men to their deaths, but if he raised the Golden Crane banner of Malkier, an army of former Malkieri would surely follow it.(6)
“If you must enter the Blight, and with only a few, there is no man better to take you there, nor to bring you safely out again. He is the best of the Warders, and that means the best of the best. You might as well leave these boys here, to gain a little seasoning, and put your entire trust in Lan. The Blight is no place for untried boys.”
Nynaeve had listened just as intensely as Egwene, and is staring into her cup, looking unusually pale. Egwene pats her arm in comfort, and Moiraine storms in.
Padan Fain is mad, and worse than vile. Moiraine washes her hands with water that looks fresh off the boil as she tells them how just being in his presence made her feel like her soul had been tainted, and she half doubts he has a soul at all anymore.
She has confirmed that he was a Darkfriend for forty years or more, and he did things that would chill their blood to know, despite how friendly he was in Emond's Field each spring. He's the one who brought the Trollocs to the town on Winternight, and fed them the information about the boys. Three years ago, a Myrddraal came to him and brought him to Shayol Ghul, where something was done to him, and he was given a mission to gather information everywhere from the Two Rivers, up past Baerlon, his whole usual route. The boys remember, three years past, Padan Fain lingering longer in the town than he ever had before. The whole town wondered if he'd caught sick, or fallen in love with someone, or who knew what.
After that year, he was brought back to Shayol Ghul and his memory "distilled", probably painfully. When he went back to Emond's Field the next year, he knew somehow that the one he sought was one of three in the town. He was visited in a dream later that year by Baa, and told how to mark the three boys so that his forces would be able to deal with them. When they failed to capture them this year, Fain was punished repeatedly, but his ability to track the boys remained true for all that. He led the dark forces into Shadar Logoth, just as he followed them through the Ways, because he is compelled to follow them, to find them.
Shadar Logoth is a mess, but at one point Baa appeared like a flickering vision to Fain. After he fled Shadar Logoth, despite that the Myrddraal and Trollocs who had been effectively leashing and controlling him were dead, he found himself more compelled to find them than ever. He couldn't stop until his legs physically gave out under him, and as soon as he has any energy again, up he got and carried on, despite his own desires.(7)
When he got to Caemlyn, he realized only two were even there, and he despaired again. His compulsion was to find *all three*. All he could do was follow the two he knew were there, until they all came together and left through the Waygate. Suddenly, somehow, the knowledge of how to open it was there, in his mind. His hands moved of their own accord, burning with the fire of Baa's will when he tried to stop them.
Egwene asks how Fain evaded the Black Wind. Moiraine says he didn't, but it recognized something in him, and fled. Agelmar says he can get more out of him, and it might save their lives. Moiraine says she'd ride within the hour if they didn't need a night's rest.
She also says to consider what she learned: three years ago, despite being a dedicated Darkfriend, Fain was brought to SG and touched by the Dark One directly. A year ago, the DO could command him through his dreams. This year, Baa walks in the dreams of those who walk in the Light, and appears at Shadar Logoth. There is no time to wait, if the seals on the DO's prison are failing that quickly.
Agelmar tells her to leave these untried boys with him, they'll only slow her down. She says they're the ones who will fight, they're all three ta'veren, and the blood of Manetheren runs true in *almost* all of them.(8) Agelmar finally relents, and they retire to their rooms to sleep.
(1) Why the ravens? I don't think we see any literal ravens, which is usually the case for this icon so far. We get a lot of talk about Darkfriends, but usually that would call for the Dragon's fang. (2) Lan's got quite a reputation to live up to. It's no wonder he's so tortured. (Also yes I know my verb tenses wibble during the stories, I don't always see it when my brain flips between trying to paraphrase closely and thinking in the present tense, sorry.) (3) So this is somehow a semi-democratic monarchy, fun. (4) Huh, what did we say about "if you haven't seen the body"? Also, that's not the first person we've seen go missing in the Blight, because Luc, the Andoran prince, also ran off up there a generation or so ago. Apparently it's quite the place for people to run to safety, right into Trolloc hands. (5) Oh, so Jain Farstrider was for really real, and only a couple generations back. (6) Awfully ominous for something that I'm sure will never be invoked in any way. (7) Mo was sure he held something back. Well, I can say this: we've met someone before, someone who didn't quite speak the way Fain (or "Fain") did to Agelmar last chapter, but who we can reasonably believe spoke that way to authority figures, those in charge of their lands. If Fain was following them into Shadar Logoth, he'd have walked right into Mordeth's hands. Only, those two evils are incompatible, Mordeth's whole taint is based in hatred of the capital-letter Dark. No wonder he's a bit lost. (8) Despite literally everyone maintaining the farce that Rand was born in Emond's Field, Moiraine still totally knows he wasn't. She knows exactly who's who here. And who's the one special boy she was searching for. Somehow, she knows Rand is the Dragon.
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wormpaw-in-skullclan · 10 months
Mushroomstar (Mushroomspore)
Gender: Male
Appearance: brown furred, darker ears, neck, and ringed tail, blue eyes, white clan markings
Lives Remaining: 8
Lives Lost:
- freezing
Gender: Male
Appearance: solid gray, yellow eyes, black clan markings
Medicine Cat(s)
Gender: Female
Appearance: on the chunkier side from how much she eats, muddy brown, matted fur, orange almost bloodshot eyes, yellow clan markings
- Sister to Maggotleaf
Gender: Female
Appearance: on the thinner side, creamy gray matted fur, orange eyes, brown clan markings
- Sister to Mudfern
Gender: Female
Appearance: Sphinx cat, one bright green eye and one cloudy blind eye, red clan markings
Gender: Male
Appearance: tan with black speckles, blue eyes, black clan markings
Gender: Female
Appearance: fluffy, white fur with black socks and a spot on her right eye, brown eyes, blue clan markings
Gender: Male
Appearance: light tan with darker stripes, blue eyes, blue clan markings
Gender: Male
Appearance: big and chonky, packed full of muscle. Black furred with brown accents, white clan markings
Gender: Female
Appearance: pure white, blue eyes, blue clan markings
Gender: Female
Appearance: brown and cream, green eyes, red clan markings
Gender: Female
Appearance: black and white spotted, amber eyes, red clan markings
Gender: Female
Appearance: silvery gray, green eyes, bright green clan markings
Gender: Female
Appearance: dark gray with cream tail and face spots, green eyes, green clan markings
Gender: Male
Appearance: russian blue with black stripes, dark gray eyes, yellow clan markings
- Mates with Rockfang
Gender: Male
Appearance: cream tabby, blue eyes, blue clan markings
Gender: Male
Appearance: orange and black, yellow eyes, white clan markings
Gender: Male
Appearance: brown, darker brown rings on neck and tail, green eyes, white clan markings
Role: Watcher Apprentice
- Mushroomstar’s son
Gender: Male
Appearance: light tan with darker back, poofy black chest and neck fur, yellow eyes, black clan markings
Role: Warrior Apprentice
- Turtlejaw’s son
Gender: Female
Appearance: reddish-orange and white, black stripes on her legs and tail. Blue eyes, red clan markings
Role: Lightbringer Apprentice
- Mothscar’s daughter
Gender: Male
Appearance: gray and white furred, green eyes, black clan markings
Role: Warrior Apprentice
- Rockfang’s son
Queens and Kits
Gender: Female
Appearance: scars along her body, grey and blue fur, blue eyes, red clan markings
- has trouble speaking
Gender: Female
Appearance: fluffy and scarred, brown and red, black eyes, black clan markings
Gender: Female
Appearance: HUGE, dark grey, yellow eyes, yellow clan markings
- Mates with Bluestone
- mottled brown, yellow eyes, yellow clan markings
- Knottongue’s kit
- gray with white speckles, blue eyes, blue clan markings
- Rockfang’s kit
- huge like his mom, light gray, yellow eyes, black clan markings
- Rockfang’s kit
- tan with red tips, amber eyes, black clan markings
- Mothscar’s kit
- gray tabby, one eye is fully black, other is green, green clan markings
- Mothscar’s kit
- fluffy and matted fur, brown colored with some red mixed in, yellow eyes, red clan markings
- Mothscar’s kit
Gender: Female
Appearance: white with fully black tail, black sock markings, amber eyes, black clan markings
Gender: Female
Appearance: calico with bits of grey, black socks on back paws, teal eyes, green clan markings
Gender: Male
Appearance: light gray with darker stripes, amber eyes, small scars along his body, red clan markings
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arcanewonder · 3 years
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the lost flower.
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lynnarang · 1 year
Doll Orphanage
Demon and angel walking hand-in-hand on the weekend, off for their weekly visit to the abandoned antique store the demon had comandeered. A heavy sigh escaped the demon’s mouth as the store entered sight.
A beat-up sign reading ‘Doll Orphanage’ hung over the entrance.
The demon pushed past the front door with a growl, greeted by a mixture of tiny gasps and cheers.
“Miss is back! Our witch didn’t abandon us!”
Over a dozen dolls came to the entrance of the rundown store, eager expressions on weathered faceplates, eyes sparkling with hope.
Giving her lover her best ‘shut your fucking mouth’ for giggling at the scene, the demon cleared her throat and addressed the crowd.
“For the last time, I’m not ‘Miss’ and I’m not a witch. I visit at the same time every week, like I have for years now…”
“Miss is very punctual, this one appreciates Miss for not abandoning it!”
Murmured assents were passed between the dolls. The angel, whom the dolls always seemed a little more cautious of, gave her lover a pat on the back.
“Just bear with it, ‘Miss’~”
Her glare was so cute~
The demon ignored the taunt and tossed the sign down in front of the dolls, a few of whom flinched reactively.
“Stop putting this up. I have someone watching over this place but stuff like this makes you targets. If people knew how many dolls were here, completely undefended…”
“We might be kidnapped by new witches and abused!”
“Exactly— Wait why do you look excited?”
“If we’re kidnapped that means we’re wanted!”
“I… Listen just don’t put up a sign like this again.”
“Yes Miss!”
The dolls chirped in unison, prompting another groan from the demon.
Shrugging off a few dolls who were clinging to her legs, the demon moved onto role call, making sure each doll she had brought her over the past few years was still present and in reasonably good condition. She tried not to spend too much time on any and let them attach to her…
But the angel could tell how much the dolls loved her demon. She suspected some of them were even teasing her when they called her Miss, assuming dolls were capable of such a thing.
“Babe, are you sure you don’t want to—”
“Yes, I’m sure, don’t even bring it up.”
The two had discussed several times if they wanted to bring any of the dolls back with them to help around their place.
“If we bring one the others will get jealous or hate themselves even more then they already do.”
The demon hissed quietly.
“‘sides, the lease says no dolls.”
Despite standing nothing to gain from the whole endeavor, the demon still came to look after the dolls she’d rescued every weekend without fail. She pretended to keep them at arm’s length but the angel could see how important all of this was for her lover.
Most of the dolls were service models that got damaged and thrown out, but there were a couple of disarmed combat dolls that she’d pulled from the scrap heap. All of them seemed to trust the demon implicitly, even the one who had only been here a few weeks. She had a feeling as to why.
“Listen I’m not your witch. I’m a demon! We eat dolls like you for breakfast.”
A poor choice of words lead to the demon blushing as several dolls started arguing over who tasted best, some of them even seasoning themselves. Her demon’s flustered face was also pretty cute~
With their safety secured and another promise made to find the dolls a better home someday, the couple parted with their little friends of porcelain, cloth, and steel. Somehow, the angel got the feeling that the dolls were happy with the way things were, as was her little demon~
“Sure you don’t wanna keep one?”
“Babe, I already told you… One day we’ll get a nicer place, somewhere remote out in the country. Then we won’t have to keep just one.”
The angel smiled and kissed her demon’s forehead. She was too sweet for a creature that was meant to be evil.
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automaton-otto · 1 year
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Kara rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her drink, "Aiming high this round aren't we, Miss Fairheart?"
"Never have I ever..."
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"Gone aggro over being called a Kiwi."
Sol (@nostomannia)
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nimbostratused · 7 years
we both kissed aerith so?? Did we kiss each other thru her
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‘ ———get away from my girlfriend .   ‘  also yes PUCKER UP, Fearu !! IMAGINE AN AU WHERE WE CAN ALL KISS????
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rexaeternam-blog · 7 years
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“You look very strapping, my son. I wish your mother was here to see how handsomely you’ve grown. I suspect you’d rather show off to your many pretty admirers instead. Run along, then. You needn’t humor my company.”
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sliceoflifeshepard · 8 months
Terraclaw: A Deep Dive Into Dorothea Cresten Fairheart
Dorothea Cresten was born to a wealthy family. She was well known to be the beauty of the family and so many people fawned over her. She loves music, writing, art. Anything creative, she loves to do. When Joaquin's son was found to be alive from the massacre caused by Apollo and his followers, she spared his life, gave him shelter and protected him.
She fell in love with Valentinus but knew if she revealed who Valentinus was, they'd both be killed, so to protect them both, she felt like she had to marry Apollo to see if she could change him. Valentinus and Dorothea both knew about Apollo's infidelity, so these two struck up a relationship as well, but Eugene was born to another woman who died in an accident, which Dorothea felt guilty about even though it was not her fault.
Dorothea did not hate Vera Alastor at any time, because she felt like she could change Apollo too, though neither of them could. Dorothea was the only one trying to protect the kingdom from everything Apollo was doing and actively reached out to people to help those who needed it. Dorothea was seen as not a saint, but a good Queen.
When she raised her own daughters, Athena and Scarlett who were born to Apollo, she tried to raise them to be as gentle as she was, kind and understanding. But this was hard because Apollo was neglecting his family, to keep his friends close by and everyone knew he was corrupt, but were sticking by Dorothea because they felt sorry for her.
Dorothea only wanted love, and whilst she had that in many ways, she desperately clung onto the hope that everything would be alright, even as things crumbled around her and people sought revenge against Apollo, in her name to protect her dignity and status.
When the kingdom crumbles and her family falls apart, it is not well known what happens to Dorothea, but rumours have it, she moved on with Valentinus who got revenge for her and protected her daughters.
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zzthezany · 1 year
meet aerilaya, my new dnd character!!
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so my sister's gonna dm a game for me and some of our friends and, although it's a while until we can actually start playing, i made a character sheet for my new character a while back and now i've officially made her a reference, so here's aerilaya!!
aside from the bare minimum info on the ref, she has a long backstory and i don't know what to say about it aside from the fact that, in addition to singing and playing the viol, she does a lot of larceny and was born poor, got rich, had to abandon ship on the riches, and is poor again but pretends that she isn't!! also she's hot and cool and very in love with my friend's awkward and anxious half-elf wizard named tait fairheart (yes, they're shipped when we haven't even had session 0 yet, WHAT ABOUT IT?!)
please don't ask why the tiefling genes are all the dominant traits physical-wise, genetics are weird and random and also tieflings are attractive so i can't not make her look like a full tiefling
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