#fairground organs
asksoldieron · 1 year
X-1: Meet the Cast, and the Roll-A-Dance, and this here new, modified engagement function!
If there's a lot of engagement on this, this post is liable to get real long, beware before you expand. (This accidentally went live on the wrong blog for a sec, I bet I'll do that a lot!)
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Welcome to the Engagement Lounge, for Meet the Roll-A-Dance (X-1) an extra! Short comments can go in the replies, but there's a character limit. Longer ones will need a reblog. Remember to @asksoldieron if you're reblogging someone else's reblog, so I can see it too!
This was a cute way to reintroduce the cast and transition into the timeskip after finishing up Tin Soldier and taking a long break. Erik's almost twelve in this one. When we see him again, he'll be nineteen, but he doesn't know it yet.
Barnaby's gone and there are a few new main characters who aren't there yet, but the plot goes on! If you wanted to check and see if you like this world, these people, and how I write about 'em, this is a good place to start.
I posted this February 17th, after being more-or-less absent for a year, as proof of life! Tin Soldier's actual anniversary is on April 9th. Technically, I started Tin Soldier very late on the 8th, but the clock switched over while I was putting the pilot up. I tried to stick to 12:01 AM from then on, but I screwed up a few times. (I simplified the time codes and cleaned up some mistakes after moving the site. Shh! Don't tell!) We'll call October 3rd Soldier On's birthday. Three excuses to put up extra content and party!
This one has a lot of band organ music in it, which I love. Those things make old school digital music. Music boxes are even older, and I love them too, but band organs are way more fun to watch.
On the way up from the States, I got to visit the Musee Mechanique in San Francisco and see a lot of both, and player-pianos, too! They had a BIG band organ behind glass that played the Beatles. I was in heaven.
I also got to see a transitional machine. Band organs and player pianos run ye olde MIDI files on punched paper rolls. Music boxes have a metal roll with itty-bitty bumps that plucks a tiny metal harp. How did we get from one to the other? A punched roll made of either very tough paper or wood that physically lifted the keys that play the instruments as it scrolled! Each key had a hook on it that would catch the holes in the roll and strike a note or an instrument. From metal harp to wooden keys to a pneumatic pump system that blows air through the holes!
Unlike the DDR we know, Roll-A-Dances have a mechanical dance pad instead of a digital one. They're slower, with nothing faster than 1/8 steps, so you don't foul the typewriter-like keys. I bet the early ones had the pneumatic input hooked up to the dance pad, and that would've been even slower. The one the household is playing with has a bellows in there, and needs magic and electricity. It's faster, but it's finicky!
We'll see the Roll-A-Dance again. Milo just loves it. You can't tell from his expression, but I gave you his joy in the coloured "light". I decided Milo should not be required to smile for you readers at home to know he's happy.
My music references, available on YouTube, are: A fairground organ playing ABBA; A fairground organ playing Bohemian Rhapsody; and of course you know Toccata. Butterfly and Captain Jack are DDR references, but they - and the other songs - are not, to the best of my knowledge, available in organ form. Yet. They do have Caramelldansen! Band organs give less than a shit about copyright and I agree with them!
[Back to the Site?]
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9w1ft · 2 years
Now that the eye theory is popular does it ever bother you that some people who talk about it on other platforms act like it’s their own original idea?
I would want credit if I were you!
🙈 ive seen a tiktok where they not only presented it like their idea but they used screenshots from my blog and spoke out paragraphs that i wrote! and gave no credit! yikes! the second hand embarrassment…
that said, technically it’s not my idea, i am simply the number one champion of the theory and author of the original post explaining it on behalf of the lovely person who first had the idea, @swift-79 . i guess i’ve wrote about it extensively as well.
but yeah. idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😂 at the end of the day i sleep well knowing taylor and karlie know where it came from :)
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eyenaku · 1 year
i want this video tattooed onto the inside of my brain idk it fills me with. suchjoy
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 1 year
Object Show OC!
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One of my besties got me into object shows and I really enjoyed Inanimate Insanity and ONE so I HAD to make this boi
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iovebarca · 5 months
hiii I love your fanfics!! Could I request one with gavi where he takes you to la feria de Sevilla. And she isn’t from Spain so he shows her around la Féria and teaches her how to dance and maybe also he is starstruck seeing her in the flamenco dress. Pleaseee
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La Feria De Seville - Pablo Gavi
WC: 700+
warnings: incorrect grammar (probably), my first language isn't english so if you notice any mistakes please tell me, fluff!
Quick explanation of La Feria De Seville:
The Feria de Seville started in 1846 as a livestock fair. It was organized by two councillors, Basque José María Ybarra and Catalan Narciso Bonaplata. The fair was held at the Prado de San Sebastian, on the outskirts of the city. Over time, the festival evolved into the lively and colorful event that it is today.
The fair generally begins two weeks after the Semana Santa, or Easter Holy Week. It officially begins at midnight on Saturday, and runs 7 days, ending on the following Saturday
send me requests!! ❤️
As you step off the bustling streets of Seville, Spain, into the vibrant chaos of La Feria de Seville, Pablo takes your hand, his eyes sparkling with excitement. You can feel the energy pulsating through the air, the sound of flamenco music mingling with the chatter of the crowd. This is a world unlike any other, and Pablo is your guide.
"Welcome to La Feria, mi amor," he says, his voice warm with affection.
You follow Pablo through the maze of colorful tents and bustling crowds, your senses overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of the festival. Everywhere you look, there are people laughing, dancing, and indulging in the joy of the moment.
Pablo leads you to a clearing in the center of the fairgrounds, where a makeshift dance floor has been set up beneath a canopy of twinkling lights. Without hesitation, he pulls you into his arms, his movements fluid and confident as he guides you through the steps of the traditional Sevillanas dance.
At first, you stumble and falter, your feet awkward and unsure. But with Pablo's patient guidance, you soon find your rhythm, your body moving in harmony with his. Together, you whirl and spin across the dance floor, lost in the magic of the moment.
As the night wears on, Pablo takes you on a whirlwind tour of La Feria, introducing you to his friends and family, and sharing with you the rich history and traditions of the festival. You listen intently, hanging on his every word, captivated by the passion and pride in his voice.
Pablo's sister, Aurora, appears beside you with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Come, mi amiga," she says, her voice filled with excitement. "I have something for you."
Curious, you follow Aurora through the throngs of people, until you reach a small tent adorned with colorful fabrics and sparkling trinkets. Inside, she rummages through a pile of dresses until she emerges triumphant, holding out a flamenco dress with a flourish.
"It's for you," Aurora declares, her smile infectious. "Try it on."
You hesitate, feeling a rush of nerves at the thought of wearing such a beautiful garment. But Aurora's encouragement is infectious, and before you know it, you find yourself slipping into the dress, the fabric cool against your skin as it cascades down your body in a riot of ruffles and lace.
As you step out of the dressing tent, Aurora's eyes widen in delight, her applause mingling with the cheers of the crowd. "You look stunning!" she exclaims, her voice ringing out over the music. "Like a true Sevillana!"
Pablo appears at your side, his gaze soft with admiration as he takes in the sight of you in the flamenco dress. "You are even more beautiful than I imagined," he whispers, his words sending a shiver down your spine.
As the night at La Feria de Sevilla begins to wind down, Pablo suggests taking a stroll along the banks of the Guadalquivir River. The air is filled with the sweet scent of orange blossoms, and the distant sound of music drifts through the night, creating a dreamlike atmosphere.
Hand in hand, you follow Pablo as he leads you away from the fairgrounds and towards the river, the cobblestone streets bathed in the soft glow of lanterns. The twinkling lights reflected in the waters of the Guadalquivir create a mesmerizing sight, casting a magical spell over the night.
As you walk, you share intimate conversations about your hopes, dreams, and aspirations, each word spoken with a tenderness that fills the air with warmth. Pablo listens attentively as you speak, his eyes fixed on yours with an intensity that makes your heart skip a beat.
With a tender smile, Pablo takes your hands in his, his gaze filled with warmth and affection.
"I love you," Pablo whispers, his voice barely more than a breath against your skin.
Tears well up in your eyes at his confession, overwhelmed by the depth of emotion in his words. Without hesitation, you throw your arms around him, pulling him close as you press your lips to his in a sweet, lingering kiss.
In that moment, surrounded by the magic of La Feria and the soft embrace of the night, you know that you have found something truly special—a love that transcends time and distance, a love that fills your heart to overflowing.
"I love you too, Pablo," you whisper against his lips, your voice filled with tenderness and joy. "More than words can say."
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chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfics - Outsider POV
Words: 952
Lily had reluctantly agreed to go on a blind, double date with Remus, Benjy, the guy Remus was seeing, and James, Benjy’s colleague. The fact that it was at the funfair was a big selling point, even if just for the nostalgia with Remus. They hadn’t been since the summer before university, when they’d drank too much strawberry wine and it had been very difficult to hold back the neon pink vomit until they were off the waltzers.
Lily wasn’t a huge fan of Benjy’s, he was alright, she just found him dull. Too normal for Remus, somehow. Nevertheless, she was prepared to make small talk with one of his friends for an evening for her best friend.
James was, as it turned out, objectively, very attractive, with dark brown eyes and untameable hair. Plus he was funny and charming in ways that Benjy really wasn’t. She had half a mind to ask if he’d got a different friend for Remus.
The four of them were having a good time, to be fair. Maybe Benjy was lightening up a bit. They went on the waltzers, the Wall of Death, and the dodgems. They’d stopped for candy floss when Remus noticed the cutest cuddly toy dog on one of the games. Benjy immediately declared that he’d win it for him. James met Lily’s gaze and she swore that he rolled his eyes.
£35 and almost twenty minutes later, Benjy was no closer to winning anything, let alone the cute dog. Remus had told him several times that it was fine and they should just go and ride the Miami or play the arcade but Benjy was having none of it. Remus turned to look at them and shrugged.
It was at this moment that another man stepped up to the stall and exchanged his money for darts, while Benjy was pulling out more money. James’ face did something strange when he saw the man and she was suddenly intrigued by this admittedly very attractive stranger. He was wearing a leather jacket and his long black hair was pulled into a messy bun which only served to accentuate his cheekbones. She didn’t even need to look at Remus to see his reaction, because if Remus had a type, this man was it.
He paused for a moment, before looking at Remus and asking ‘It’s that dog you want, yeah?’, and Remus could only nod, stunned, as the man threw each dart and popped a balloon with all three. The fairground worker frowned at him before grabbing the fluffy black dog and handing it to him. He passed it over to Remus, “Here you go, darling.”
“Are you sure?” Remus’ cheeks were pink and Benjy looked mutinous.
“Yeah, felt like you’d be there a while otherwise.”
“We’d already been here a while!” Lily said before covering her mouth apologetically.
“Thank you,” Remus took the dog and held it in the crook of his arm. “That was seriously impressive,” Lily swore she heard James suppress a snort.
“I would have got it soon!” Benjy snapped. “I’d almost got it.”
“Oh yeah, for sure.” The stranger smiled, “Just wanted to help. Misspent youth coming in handy and all that.”
“We all appreciate it,” James said. His face was still doing the weird thing, grimacing but with a twinkle in his eyes. “We should probably get going though.”
“Of course. Have a good night.” The stranger let his eyes linger on Remus for a few seconds before he turned and walked back into the crowds.
“Who the fuck does that?” Benjy growled. “Are you going to keep that?” He asked Remus.
“Well, it would be wasteful not to, right?” He chuckled, “I can’t believe a stranger would do that, that’s so nice.”
Benjy sighed audibly, “You could probably catch up with him if you wanted.”
“Oooh bad move, Benj,” Lily said under her breath.
“Lily, let’s go grab us all a drink. We’ll be back in a minute, guys.” James grabbed her hand and practically dragged her away towards the bar. When they were out of earshot, he looked a little sheepish. “Hey, are you and Benjy close?”
“We get along ok for Remus I guess, but other than that, nope. Why?” She looked up at him.
“Because uh, the guy that came and won that dog for Remus is my brother. Well, best friend, basically my brother. Long story.” He ran a hand through his tousled hair. “I didn’t invite him or anything, he just showed up and…”
Lily started to laugh and James felt his stomach do a little flip. “He’s your brother?!” She wiped a tear from her eye, “Oh my god, I don’t even know what to do with that. The way that we were all so uncomfortable about competitive Benj that we somehow manifested your brother to put us out of our misery is the fucking funniest… Thank you James’ brother.”
“He’s a fucking menace, but he’s wonderful.” James shrugged, “I know I probably shouldn’t say but your Remus is just his ty-”
Remus appeared behind Lily, without Benjy. “James, Benjy said to tell you that if you want a lift home you need to go now.”
“Nah, I’m good,” James said, sneakily pouring some vodka into the coke he’d bought them all. “Unless you’d rather just hang out the two of you, of course.”
Lily made eye contact with Remus and smiled. “Nah, stay with us. We’re more fun than Benjy anyway. See if your brother wants to join us if you like.”
“You have a brother?” Remus asked.
“Yeah, I think you’ll really like him.” James grinned as he saw Sirius round the corner of the dodgems and head towards them.
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dcdreamblog · 3 months
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@terriwriting That's actually a great question. I assume you're thinking of "The Phantom of the Fair" Very mysterious that one. Though he's known as "The First Supervillain" in many respects his actual story is unclear even to this day. I can share what I know though.
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This is probably the clearest photo ever taken of the man, from very early on the morning of April 30th, 1939 taken by a photographer from the New York Globe-Leader. The photographer assumed it was some kind of statue only "it" vanished when he went to take a second picture. No one was prepared for what would occur during the opening ceremony conducted by then mayor Fiorello La Guardia
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Another photo, this time from the Planet capturing the moment where the Phantom dropped in on La Guardia, causing a panic in the crowd and taking the microphone The Phantom spoke the now famous works "Men and women of New York City—this World's Fair is now declared officially haunted by the Phantom of the Fair!" before vanishing back into the rooftops despite the best efforts of the NYPD
Now you would THINK that he would instantly be marked for arrest but World's Fairs aren't cheap so Mayor La Guardia, in his infinite wisdom, treated the guy like a publicity stunt for the next several days.
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A photo of the Phantom taken on the evening of May 3rd, 1939 as a spotlight is pointed up at the building. No attempt is made to apprehend the Phantom It wasn't until the visit of the UK's King George VI and Queen Elizabeth that the Phantom made a move. Somehow "reprogramming" the mechanical marvel Elektro in the other room and sending it to attack the royal couple.
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The police escort was caught totally flat footed and the royal couple was nearly smashed beneath the robot's heavy iron boot until...
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The appearance of two strange men. One in an inhuman gas mask and the other in a blood red cloak. Courtesy of the Gazette Up until that point "The Sandman" and "The Crimson Avenger" were considered myths, legend, yellow journalism crafted by a New York in the midst of the Great Depression and an organized crime spike. A modern day Spring Heeled Jack. But there they were. Their fight with the rampaging Elektro and the Phantom lasted for upwards of two hours across the interiors and rooftops of the Fair's central buildings. In the end the broken robot was left sprawled across the dance floor of the central hall and the Phantom was nowhere to be found.
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Now this one, taken after the defeat of the Phantom by a photographer from the Planet is one of my favorite shots in history. Beneath this picture, a reporter would coin the term "Mystery Man" and it is at that very moment that the age of the superhero is born. The Sandman and The Crimson Avenger had made themselves known as not just specters in the dark but honest to god crime fighters known the world over. This is the photograph that christened an era. Within the next year we would move from "Yellow Journalism" to the foundation of the Justice Society. As for the Phantom, no one really knows what happened to him. but there are two popular theories. The historically attested theory and the one that was unquestioned for the longest time is that The Phantom was a Nazi saboteur attempting to assassinate King George VI on American soul to alienate the two nations and remove a powerful symbol against fascism (possibly attempting to secure the throne for Edward VIII who was more sympathetic to the German cause) In the early 90s however historian Matt Wagner put forward a theory connecting the Phantom to a man named Gerald Zimmerman as the suspect in a series of anti-queer hate crimes that occurred near the fairgrounds in the days leading up to the Fair itself. The crimes, as one can expect of anti-gay killings investigated in the 1930s, were never conclusively solved but circumstantial evidence and modern psychological analysis of the Phantom and Zimmerman gives the theory some legs. As a historian myself, I can't make conclusive proof one way or another. Rest assured the Fairground has LONG since been scoured for every single scrap of proof that might grant us insight one way or the other Perhaps the Phantom was one last Penny Dreadful style unsolved mystery to open the door to a newer age. When these "Mystery Men" would, for once and always, step out of the shadows as the world sat balanced on a knife's edge.
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leirin · 8 months
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✨🎶Sparks Fairground Organ🎶✨
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indigofyrebird · 2 months
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For @just-here-with-my-thoughts and their very sweet, very funny, very romantic fic "Fairground Date" ❤️
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noogit9000 · 9 months
The Mask Collector
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@eyenaku I had a vision
Happy Mask Salesman (Majora’s Mask) except he’s real and it’s Naku and she hand makes them.
The masks are stowed with a mini fairground organ and a (circus) tent. I took a little inspiration from the celestial wards guys for the accents and details and such on the organ.
Also ya can’t be running loose without jingling so lots of bells, you absolute fool (pun)
I totally stole the outfit from an intro post though
Anyway that’s the whole explanation have a nice day
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girlfromthecrypt · 7 months
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I'm very, very excited. Also, I love that Tumblr shows you your followers in graphs. It does something to my brain.
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On to the WIP: the second chapter is halfway done! At this point, the story is still mostly fluff and character-driven slice of life. So far, the MC has...
customized their appearance
met their team (the ROs)
explored the campsite with an RO of their choice
organized repairs and cleaning efforts around Camp Solace
customized their apartment
attended a meeting with their boss, their co-workers and the ROs
had a text conversation with an RO of their choice
chosen a party/leisure outfit
A big part of Chapter 2 takes place at a fairground where the MC can have two more bonding moments with any of the ROs. It's been a blast to write and the characters are having a great time!
They should enjoy it while it lasts...
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 years
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Gnarly and his Wurlitzer 146a Band organ. I wanted the organ to resemble the "Make a Friend" machine from Chapter 1
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What if we kissed in the Maize Maze?
Ok so I wanted to start posting my Soulmates AU for Raindrop month, but writing for my Medieval one is going waay better than planned and it's confusing me to have 2 separate backstories in my head at once, so while I still have *checks calendar* 5 DAYS, here's a little stand-alone ficlet!
What if we kissed in the Maize Maze? A Midwest Emo Ghouls AU ficlet
Rating: T Content: fluff, literally that's it just fluff Words: 615
Lots of love to @alwaysjustmina for organizing this month again this year, I love any excuse to write about our soggy boys!! 🌦️🖤
hello @revengeghoulette, here is your summons as promised!! 🫡
Read below, or on AO3!
Haymaking season was coming to an end, and Swiss, Mountain and all the ghouls who pitched in to help were looking forward to a well-deserved break. To celebrate the end of the season, Swiss had built a maze out of hay bales for the children and kits of the town, as well as some of the more enthusiastic adults.
The whole community had come together to put on a party at the ghouls' farm. Mountain and his colleagues from the hardware store had built fairground games, Dew had dragged the church's speakers down on a trailer and was playing records Mist had brought from her shop. Aurora's cafe had a small pop-up, and Cirrus had brought a vat of apple cider, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, for the younger guests. Cumulus was in her element, her little face-painting stall attracting such a sizeable queue that Sunshine had jumped in to help out. Phantom was taking his new role as Youth Pastor – and more recently Sunday School teacher – very seriously, replacing her in supervising a very intense game of tag. While Mountain minded the hay maze, Swiss was giving rides on the haycart he had hitched to the back of his tractor, driving the children and kits up and down the field in the warm afternoon sunshine.
After closing time, once the families had gone home, the ghouls had the place to themselves without getting in the way of the fun of the younger members of the community. Rain and Dew were the last ones left inside the maze. Aurora and Mist had quickly disappeared somewhere together, Sunny, Cirrus and Cumulus were deep into their mission of finishing off the cider now that their responsibilities were over, the three of them covered in rainbow paint and body glitter.
Dewdrop and Rain walked hand in hand through the maze, quietly drinking in each other’s company in the balmy evening air. Making it to the centre of the maze they sat down on a bale, surrounded by golden walls on all sides as the amber glow of sunset spread across the sky. Dew leaned his head on Rain’s shoulder, utterly content in the moment.
“It’s beautiful.” Rain commented, as they watched the play of colours around them. “Just like you.”
Dew turned his face to bury it in Rain’s neck, bashful.
“You are, and I’m so proud of you, taking over from Aeth like you did. You’re doing such a great job, love! Look at how the town and harvest are flourishing. I’m honoured to call you my husband.”
Never one to take compliments well, Dew redirected Rain’s affections by capturing his lips in a searing kiss. The pair lost themselves in each other, the cooling temperatures went unnoticed past the warmth of their bodies, the slight prickliness of the hay nothing compared to the soft slide of their lips.
By the time they came up for air, Dew having squirmed his way into Rain’s lap, the sky was glowing a deep russet colour. From outside the maze, they could hear the sounds of the others packing up to leave.
“Alright lovebirds, time to come out or I’ll send the dogs in!” they heard Swiss call. The pair only giggled, Rain placing feather-light kisses across Dew’s cheekbones while he blushed the colour of the sky.
“You don’t have a dog!” Dew hollered back as he struggled to hold in his giggles.
“Hi Dewy.” deadpanned Mountain.
Eventually, Dew and Rain managed to find their way out of the maze, neither wanting to be found and carried out by the giant earth ghoul.
“Nice straw hat, Rain.” smirked Swiss, “although normally you weave it into itself, not directly into your hair!”
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jinxitx · 1 month
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A nibbly ski ball machine I just HAD to draw from the @generalmacnamara blog. :)
CONCEPT: a watcher world type fairground but nibbly themed. Instead of money, you stand on the big ‘STAND HERE’ sign, and it turns your internal organs into ski balls, which you willingly feed into nibbly’s mouths by playing the game until you either pass out or have nothing left to give. (The order in which it decides which organs go when is random. Could be liver, lung, heart, or heart, appendix, uterus.)
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tia-amorosa · 2 months
Sunset Died - Michael & Peter
Trip for two (Part 4)
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The trip is something special for Michael. What he had always experienced with his father, he was now experiencing with Peter. And slowly their hunger started to kick in. "I'm curious to see how this combination tastes. Garlic, paprika and tomato…"/ "Believe me, it tastes fantastic together. And the good thing is, we'll both stink…"/ "hehe, definitely".
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After the first bite, Peter wasn't quite so enthusiastic. "mh…hm, maybe we should have fished somewhere first"/ "And where? All the lakes here have practically been filled in"/ "hmm…"/ "See… Oh man, I miss our beach. We really had a lot of fun there"/ "Yes… And there was good fish"… Even though he wasn't necessarily thrilled with the taste of the roasted vegetables, Peter ate everything anyway, after all, he was hungry too.
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After dinner, Michael didn't want to lie down in the tent straight away. Instead, he lay down on the blanket in front of the tent and looked up at the night sky. Peter joined him a short time later "Are you OK?"/ "mhm. It's so quiet out here. Even though there are no more cars in the city, everything is still somehow… loud."/ "It is. There's hammering, drilling, people are trying to get their houses warm for the winter".
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"Do you think everything will be a bit more normal here again one day? I mean… I've got used to all the walking, it's not wrong that there are no more cars, but… there's just so much missing. In summer it was always nice to be on the beach or at the fairground…"/ "mhm. Now we have to provide entertainment here ourselves".
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"I'm not just talking about entertainment. We used to be able to just go into a store with our pocket money and buy whatever we wanted. A magazine, or lemonade". Peter thought for a moment and smiled. "Or a bag of potato chips, man, that would be great now"/ "hnhn, yes, or cookies…"/ "hehe. No, they should first make sure that we all have a working heating system. You know… I think there's something going on in the background…" Peter's voice became more serious.
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"Do you think…they're deliberately not giving us any help here? It's been almost a year now… They should have asked about us a long time ago. I mean… Three people came back, they found a way back here…"/ "Exactly… Actually, someone from the military or some other aid organization should have turned up here a long time ago".
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"Do you think they've forgotten us? Or think we're all dead?"/ "It's possible. Certainly not forgotten… But you've experienced what happened here yourself. Maybe no one wants to look… but I still have the feeling that someone here knows exactly what's going on."
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"I think … that the Altos know something. I mean… Have they ever helped us in all this time? We kids in particular should have been given better support. I don't know what I would have done if Xander hadn't turned up on our doorstep one day…" Peter nodded in agreement. "Yeah, even if he screws up now and then, he takes care of you guys…hmm, do you think he might know something?".
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"I don't know, I don't talk to him about his work and I don't think he would tell me anything. Besides, he's often pretty exhausted when he gets home, so I don't want to bug him…"/"hhh, oh man. ". Peter rubbed his eyes, he'd been up a long time and it was quite late. "Let's go to sleep now, shall we? " / "mhm."
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While Peter and Michael are already in their sleeping bags, Xander is a little surprised that evening. "hm. You do realize that this is my bed, don't you?"/ "I know that. But if Michael's not there, I don't want to sleep alone in the room"/ "ah… OK, then… Shall I read you something again? But the three little pigs are not for the night, that's an explicit instruction from your brother"/"hm, then another story…".
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A children's book, appropriate, but not quite age-appropriate. Bella has long since outgrown the level of knowledge she gains from this book. She knows that herself and she's sure Xander knows that too. But it's something light, something that doesn't strain the mind too much, but also tires you out at some point because of all the colorful pictures. "Well, and that was triangles, circles and lots of other shapes."
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After the girl fell asleep, Xander was in his own thoughts. "I got used to you guys really fast. Maybe… I should go check on her after all? I'm off tomorrow… Finally. And I haven't had a chance to check downstairs to see what's going on. Nick has the key. But a locked door isn't necessarily an obstacle, hnhn. Sleep well, girl".
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End of this Part
@greenplumbboblover ☺
poses partly by @justanothersimsblog (I don't know if I have chosen the right simblr to mark, unfortunately your Sims 3 Poses download page is not accessible?)…
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dcdreamblog · 2 months
What became of Gernsback, the All Star Squadron's robit butler, I hope he's okay :D
Oh this is one of my favorite parts, and I can actually pick up from my last story. So, Background! "Gernsback" was made out of the remains of the Elektro robot that was something of a star at the 1939 World's Fair but after the Phantom of the Fair's reprogramming and a battle with the Sandman and the Crimson Avenger he was a little...
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Totally and utterly smashed. While we don't have direct sources saying so, our best guess is that he was just left on site for the next couple of years in the middle of the wrecked ballroom where his assassination attempt against George VI has been foiled. It explains how he was discovered by Robert Crane, the original Robotman, when the fairgrounds were given to the All Star Squadron as a base...
Those of you who are familiar with this era of history know Robert Crane is a VERY enigmatic figure
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(A file photo of Crane as Robotman, very much the clearest photo of him as part of the Squadron's 1944 yearbook) To the point that it wasn't until recently the name "Robert Crane" was known. For most of his career he was known under the false name of Paul Dennis and he purposefully retired into obscurity after the end of his career.
One thing that IS known about him...
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Is that he was a NOTORIOUS tinker. (Photo taken from the Squadron's 1940 yearbook, this time a candid shot with Johnny Quick's name on the back. Its the only picture of Robotman in the candid photos of any of the Squadron's 5 yearbooks and implied by Quick's name and caption on the photo, it was taken without Crane's knowledge) Said caption being: "tin man being antisocial again but he's good to have around, even if he does prefer scrap to people." For several months he fiddled with the pieces of the robot and was able to rebuild and upgrade it in various fashions. Because the All Star Squadron didn't have any civilian staff he eventually set the machine as a combination doorman/butler/security alarm...
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(Liberty Belle and Gernsback from the Squadron's 1940 yearbook. "Sometimes he's the best conversation around here" in Liberty Belle's handwriting written beneath) The robot's "artificial intelligence" if it could be said to have one was VERY basic. Limited to answering knocks at the door (as in hearing a knock and physically opening the door), prompting for a security passcode and fetching small items around the base Robotman rechristened the robotic butler "Gernsback" presumably after science fiction editor Huge Gernsback. Which is one of the few insights we have into Crane's personal life/preferences He served the Squadron for the rest of the war until the organization was shuttered after the war, after most of its members retired or dropped from the public eye in the aftermath of the Red Scare and the disbanding of the JSA Gernsback was left on site undisturbed for several decades. Now you may remember me saying I give tours of the national park that's been made of site now. Let me show you one of my favorite parts of my job...
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He's out doorman, lol. I walk past him every time that I bring in a tour group where I get to make a big show of introducing him to the group and speaking the passcode to let us in. (We still have to use the passcode because we can't figure out how to turn the security system off ^^") Don't ask what happened to his legs, we don't know. Safe to say though we keep him in perfect working order and shiny for the visitors. He'll live out his golden years as a freshly polished centerpiece. In case anyone was worried.
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