#faffing about with no mods
azuhrasims · 1 year
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Nancy, what?! We’re only friends because of Social Bunny! I hardly know you in real life! This is weird. Please stop.
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Happy Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day!!!
For FFWAD, Renegade Bindery runs an event where we bind copies of fics for their authors, and I was super excited to participate and help mod for the event this year.
I had the great pleasure of binding A Great and Gruesome Height for @moku-youbi this year. I had initially bound a copy for myself sometime last year, but had done so in the early days of my fanbinding experience and oh boy, there were so so many flaws with the construction of that book.
I was so excited to be able to update it and make a nicer, fancier copy for the author.
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I decided to go with colibri graphite instead of white this time - i had a terrible experience with the white cloth and I was very excited to do this version entirely in black. For the usage of the thread design on the cover - i used a thinner, less waxed linen thread this time and kept up the tension of the thread as I was stitching the design on the cover, and it looks much better now.
I have also gotten significantly better at doing endbands - and the crowning glory of this bind are its venomous snake endbands (not entirely intentional, but I AM GOING WITH THE VIBES WITH THIS ONE). they look really fucking great with this bind, I love them so so much. I used Crepaldi endpapers from hollanders (with a design that felt very reminiscent of a blood film so i was very excited to use it) and I foiled some of the chapter headings for the additional added-on fics at the end.
All in all, I think the bind turned out well and i faffed about minimally with it, so I was proud to be able to give this copy to an author as an example of my work. I was definitely very thrilled that the author enjoyed the copy and as always, I am absolutely enthused to be able to preserve someone's beautifully written work in a physical form.
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sihmie · 5 days
realising that nraas story progression was the cause of literally all my lag and switching to simler90's gameplay core mod has made playing the sims 3 so much more enjoyable i think i've finally put together a permanent mod folder and i can stop faffing about with stuff - hopefully will get round to producing a master list of everything i use to help others with a similar play style
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benpaddon · 5 months
I've spent the last few days faffing about with mods for Fallout: New Vegas, a process which has somehow become more convoluted and complicated in the five-or-so years since I last tried.
Everything seems to have shifted over to something called Fallout Mod Manager which, despite my best efforts, doesn't seem to bloody work. The New Vegas Script Extender also seems broken, and throws up an error message whenever I try to use it. Lovely.
Vortex is somehow worse than it used to be, refusing to load any mods because it believes they were installed on an entirely different drive from the game. Which, haha, isn't actually true.
So... sod it. I'm going into New Vegas on my PC, vanilla. It's fine. I don't need HDR lighting or better textures or any of the other tweaks. I have the game, the DLC, the original version of the JSawyer patch, and I'll figure it out from there.
Christ. What the Hell happened to the Fallout modding space to make it so impenetrable to newcomers and returning oldies?
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sapphim · 11 months
told myself I was going to finish all the import fixes and get the updated version of the mod published FIRST, BEFORE I would start tackling the problem of letting people change their vault variables without resorting to save game editing—because, you know, a lot of potential for things to go wrong there—but then I was struck with a bolt of inspiration and realized how exactly I should handle it, and now guess who's ~~faffing about in my fucking code when I told myself I wouldn't be~~
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miniar · 11 months
Patch #4 is out, the patch notes look like they are written by a human that fondly remembers ye olde Sims patch notes.
Some much desired updates have been implemented and I'm very pleased.
Except... my auto-loot aura that is a very large quality of life improvement for my neurodivergent NEED TO OPEN EVERY CRATE impulse is no longer working... so...
... I guess I'll do normal hyuman activities today.... like... get groceries... and maybe even shower... Who knows... I might go absolutely buck wild and load up a different game, like FFXIV or something... or better yet... ACTUALLY WORK ON SOME CROCHET I ACTUALLY NEED TO DO!...
Who knows...
All I know is I realize now how big a difference my autoloot aura does... and I don't think I can carry on without it.
I'm on... like... my 5th full run...
I've finished the game as dark urge twice, once as a tiny bard, and once as Gale. I was having some localized crashing issues due to mod conflicts and so I've played to about 70% completion with three other characters until I wizened up and fixed it properly.
Currently I'm playing as Lae'zel, and I'm trying to do her justice, none of this faffing about, chasing side quests and bullshit. The Mission Comes First.
As a result, after being finally served a helping of humility, at the start of act two I'm now turning around to backtrack to look for the drow so I can take her instrument.
I've only recruited one companion and I have not saved anyone from anything.
It is feeling a little like a semi-speedrun and I'm having a time choosing not to do the things.
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belladovah · 11 months
Hiya! This is definitely a silly question, but I'm a bit confused as to how exactly you use apthack/reduced deposits, halved apartment rent, and Apartments at Uni together. I know you take certain ones out/put certain ones in during Uni, but which ones are used during Uni and which ones outside of Uni? Do you need the edited (i.e., Claim Suite BHAV deleted) and unedited version of aparments in Uni to do this? Thank you and sorry if this is silly! <3
Hello, its not a silly question at all, I assume this is based on my mod list which I've just gone back and read and I'm struggling to even understand what I meant myself😂 To be honest, its been a very long time since I've tried using apartments in university so I'm not completely sure. I think those workarounds I was suggesting at the time was mainly to preserve the rent being cheaper in the university hood than it is in the main hood and come to think of it now, I'm not so sure that would be something I'd be bothered about anymore. So, I really like the deposit feature added by apthack and wanted to preserve that (by not letting the claim suite part of apartments in uni overwrite it), but since it can be a bit expensive, I currently use the mixed option of No or reduced apthack apartment deposit, as well as halved apartment rent at all times. I think if I were to try using the apartments in uni mod now, I would simply add it to my game, let it load after apthack but delete the Claim Suite BHAVs and leave it like that, which would effectively just use the same deposit and rent price as the main neighborhood. I think a suggestion I was trying to get at is that you could use a version of apartments in uni without the claim suite bhavs for when your student sims actually buy the apartment, but then use the unedited version once they've bought it and you're playing with them, to get the benefits of both having to pay the deposit initially but then getting the reduced rent rate, and then either take it out or put the edited version back in when not playing with them, seems like a lot of effort though lol. Or alternatively what you could do is keep the edited version at all times and only put the halved apartment rent mod in your game when playing with students in an apartment but then take it out when playing apartments in the main hood, simulating cheaper rent for students. Again, seems like a lot of faffing and a lot to remember. I hope that clarifies things, sorry it not!
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coldau · 6 months
I'm playing Beyond Reach, a skyrim mod, as a backstory for my character who I just restarted after a whole lot of faffing about doing nothing and getting my mods straight.
This mod honestly is so... nostalgic feeling? I've NEVER played it before, but gods it really reminds me of Dragon Age Origins vibe wise. Something unsettling in a fantasy world. It's the condensed essence of all the fade parts and the darkspawn parts in vibe.
It's dark and gritty and I feel like your character is going to come out of it traumatized as hell.
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vitaminwaterreviews · 10 months
IU - Modern Times
Let’s start off with the average because I want to see how this compares to Pink Tape. Average of 8.4 both with and without Voicemail. Pink Tape was 8.3, but it’s actually 10. But yeah, by the average quality of the songs, this was definitely the best kpop album I’ve ever listened to, there is no doubt about that.
First, I’m amazed by the quality of the production. Everything was so clean - the vocals, the instrumentals, just absolutely gorgeous production. SM in 2013 was still faffing around with whatever their old sound used to be, meanwhile Loen was not fucking around with IU’s music. And speaking of instrumentals, the genre choice was brilliant. Who would’ve thought that this 20 year old girl would be able to pull off jazz so well? Maybe I need to do an IU deep dive to see what her earlier stuff was like.
The features were fantastic, too. I was super impressed by the talent of Choi Baek-ho and Yang Hee-eun, neither of whom I’d heard of before, both of whom are absolutely incredible singers. But more importantly, they fit their respective songs so well! Hearing IU harmonize with such great vocalists was definitely one of the highlights of the album. The Jonghyun feature wasn’t as vocally demanding, but it was still such a pretty song. I didn’t even realize that Gain was a separate vocalist until I checked the credits; maybe that’s a good thing, because it means their vocals blended well? Either way, it happened to be on my least favorite song on the album, so she was kind of screwed over there.
This album wasn’t an experience in the same way that Pink Tape was, but it was full of some ridiculously high-quality songs. It certainly made me appreciate IU as a vocalist even more than I already did. I’m so glad I finally got around to this album.
Love IU’s music so much, but I only know a few songs! So let’s give this one a listen, I hear it’s pretty good.
Love of B
Haha what
Okay, I think I’m on board with this sound
It sounds very … tavern
I can’t tell if she actually sounds younger or if I’m just imagining it
This song is super stripped back. Her vocals are super super clean, no doubling or harmonies or effects. Kind of a bold choice
Love the scatting
Haha that outro
Everybody has secrets
Oh okay, now we’re all quiet and sultry
It’s a lot faster, more upbeat
Super latin
This style of percussion and the violins, honestly not a sound I’ve always enjoyed
7/10, it’s a Good song, not totally my type
Between the lips (50cm)
Now we’re like, classy restaurant jazz
Haha this is super sensual, I think I like it
Wow that was Such a cool moment
Super intense and now we’re quiet again
The Red Shoes
MV time
EIGHT MINUTES?? Welp, here we go, impress me
Moody piano, moody scenes
Who’s this filmmaking gentleman, I wonder?
Is that IU? Jesus she looks like a kid
Nah, just younger than I’m used to seeing her
Haha okay, proper big band vibes here
oMG she outs on the red shoes and now its all Colorful
It is genuinely disconcerting how young she looks though. Kinda like … Jessica? Nayeon? I dunno
Why does this kind of remind me of the Lilac MV?
Yo the shoes themselves are dancing that’s wild dude
I dunno if i buy the song itself tbh, it feels kind of-
She looked EXAcTLY like Jessica right there for a second lol
Haha the shoes are making her dance, that’s such a cool effect actually
Great acting on her part
Yo are they gonna make her jump?
Oh no they’re just gonna make her disappear into the black and white world of film again
Lol a credits roll? I mean fair enough, this was a Proper MV with a plot and actors and shit
They credited MR SHOES haha
9/10, the song was alright but the MV was SO excellent, what a fun experience. One of my all time favorite MV’s, no doubt
Modern Times
This is the literal title track, but it is not the title track
Oh my god the clarinet
The background harmonies
This album is actually SO good, like the default sound of this album is so good
It sounds like a person from the 1940s’ conception of Modern Times haha
Or maybe just someone from Paris
Haha the background vocals are so cute
Why do I feel like this part should be in cut time?
8/10, solid song, the background vocals are so good
Bad Day
Ballad time?
Lyrics and music by IU, that’s neat
Super super simple so far, just piano and vocals
Here’s a violin
Here’s something lower than a violin
Is there a woodwind back there? Hard to hear
And now the beat comes in
Wow this is actually Super good
Her voice is so pretty
Wow, this song is all over the place and I really appreciate that
9/10, really really good song. I won’t listen to it much but What a good song
Like the Harry Potter spell?
Electric piano
Super Latin
Actually this whole album feels like music we’d play in Jazz band haha
Dude this horn riff is popping off
Does it sound like she’s saying “Maria” to anyone else here?
9/10 wtf dude
Walk with Me, Girl
Oh he’s a SINGER alright then
This is so good, I’m laughing. Kinda like Toy in Pink Tape haha
Not crying yet though
I know I’m not typing much, it’s because I’m vibing too hard
9/10, what a talented vocalist
Strings, are we classical now?
Nope, no we aren’t
Her voice is so good
Kinda getting Disney vibes from this for some reason?
What are they singing here? Spotify just has an eighth note
A Gloomy Clock
Jonghyun, you’re our inspiration~
This doesn’t feel nearly as jazzy, that synth is kinda messing with the vibe for me
Mmm but now that it’s a duet and the synth is gone it’s way prettier
Oh my god Jonghyun’s background vocals are everything
Oh my god her voice, who IS this
Why did kpop just stop being interesting?
The duet here is SO pretty wow
And now we’re fast again
I vibe with this, this is an interlude? An outro? Not sure which one it is, because there’s also a bonus track
Oh she does sing, that’s neat
Voice Mail (Korean Ver.)
I certainly don’t know the Japanese version so I guess I’ll listen to this too
The vibe of this song is Totally different to the rest of the album haha
That guitar is so electric
This feels more like a ballad and less like a jazz ballad
Mmm nice and warm tones now
Well, nobody can ever say IU is a bad vocalist, her “ah”s are so good
8/10 I guess, not my favorite but she’s just So good
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supreme commander mods download PC U0V!
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Browse Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. What is the best place to find and download mods? There's no nexus page and the moddb page is full of projects that have never been released. Stand-alone mod for Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (not lore-friendly, just for fun). MB; 10; Users install mods in the appropriate place in their Supreme Commander file (D:\Supreme Commander\gamedata For example) installation, and then enable them. Forged Alliance Forever. The Community Driven Lobby for. Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. Currently hosting players and running games. Download. Inicio Discusiones Workshop Mercado Retransmisiones. Cambiar idioma. Instalar Steam. Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. JuggernautOfWar Ver perfil Ver mensajes. What is the best place to find and download mods? There's no nexus page and the moddb page is full of projects that have never been released. So what are some great mods for Forged Alliance and where can I find out more about them? Mostrando 1 - 8 de 8 comentarios. Electroma Ver perfil Ver mensajes. The Hoff Ver perfil Ver mensajes. I downloaded FAF. I prefer to just play against the AI. Can I just download the mods and launch the game through Steam as normal or do I need to use the FAF interface in anyway? Tried playing with BlackOps preset and it didn't work. Tried manually installing the mods and playing on the default FAF preset and then my commander was invisible. I definitely prefer to just download and install mods the old fashioned way and use the ingame mod manager. Additionally, FAF doesn't even give you any information about what a mod does. There's no changelogs for the mods I could find anywhere, and I had no idea what kind of changes BlackOps even made because there's no documentation with the download. Where can I browse mods outside of FAF? Also, I just hate having external clients for my games. I like everything to be integrated. Chris, you can play against the AI in FAF as you would against normal players, if you use steam, none of the mods will be there since they are installed differently and loaded separately from the steam version. Publicado originalmente por Chris :. Publicado originalmente por JuggernautOfWar :. Greenblade Ver perfil Ver mensajes. Cheers for the assistance guys :. Publicado el: 22 AGO a las Mensajes: 8. Todos los derechos reservados. Algunos datos geoespaciales de este sitio web se obtienen de geonames.
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azuhrasims · 1 year
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Welp, little Starling aged into an infant without my consent. Somehow, briefly, we have both a toddler and an infant at the same time and I am NOT AMUSED with my Robin’s choices right now!
That said, holy crap the toddler blowing a raspberry on the infants tummy is the cutest thing ever!
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noblemmorg · 2 years
Minecraft crafting dead seaport map download
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Minecraft crafting dead seaport map download movie#
Minecraft crafting dead seaport map download mod#
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Minecraft crafting dead seaport map download mod#
This is a really cool game, it is a new take on Minecraft and Minecraft zombies! Have fun with this one! Downloads for Crafting Dead Mod 1.8.1, 1.8, 1.7. Breaking Legs system – Got to slow them down somehow!.New Melee Weapons – New weapins = COOL!.GUI’s on main menu for support – Support is always a good thing!.Smart zombies – Yes, aparently there is some brain work in there.Thirst system – You will get thirsty and need to drink water.Custom Loot – You can find band aids, water, and cool weapons!.Strructures – Some are safe, some not so safe. The Crafting Dead Online - Life 1 - Minecraft - The Crafting Dead Online - Life 1 - Minecraft HD, MPp4 Mp3.Weapons – Guns, swords, knives, hands, get creative!.27-04-14 added TERMINUS, Railroad to Terminus, Bigspot mall, more roads and fun. Zombies – Not your normal zombies here! 02-05-14 added Pine Vista Country club tot the map, Crash crafting dead fixt.Biomes – The military base can spawn in any biome depending on your map.The map goes from Hershels house, all the way to the prison with various quests in between, thats of course if you can even stay alive. Now some things I know are not accurate, but most of it I really tried to get perfect.
Minecraft crafting dead seaport map download tv#
It can be hard to find them but when you do you are set! It has chests, beds, and most importantly safety! Really Cool Features I really enjoy the TV show the 'The Walking Dead' and I decided to make an adventure map based around it. There is an army base that will be at different locations on different maps. If it is too high try to take more cover to stay out of sight. It lets you know how visible you are to the zombies. This helps you not to make too much noise so to attract the zombies. The ear shows a level of how much noise you are making. Search for your favourite type of multiplayer server here, whether its Towny, Factions, MiniGames, Hunger Games or just pure vanilla minecraft servers. It has a cool feature on the right of the screen that shows you an ear and an eye. They are more gray and while still a cartoon look, they do look more like what a zombie is supposed to look like. There is of course zombies in this mod but they are not the normal green zombies you are used to in Minecraft. If you are among the normal billions of people in the world you love it! What a genius idea to mix Minecraft and Walking Dead! The only down fall I see to this is that you can't play as your favorite characters, but that really doesn't take anything away from this awesome game.
Minecraft crafting dead seaport map download movie#
Obtain an RBl syringe (by correct clicking on a walker with an empty syringe) and you can craft Infected Times.ĭad edited by A FANDOM consumer Overview: idk Chat:Dad new comment by A FANDOM consumer Remark: dadad Father developed by A FANDOM consumer New web page: dad dadad Summary: faf Crafting Dead Assist Wiki modified by Noreplyz Overview: Reverting vandalism Included picture: Crafting Dead Assist Wiki modified by A FANDOM consumer Summary: banging nothing right here spouse: Crafting Deceased Assist Wiki edited by A FANDOM consumer Overview: banging nothing here mate: Crafting Deceased Help Wiki edited by A FANDOM user Summary: paki cunt.įind video clips about your subject by exploring Fandoms Movie Collection.If you don't live under a rock you have heard about the Walking Dead t.v. Theres a wide range of Meals and Drinking water which goes from Cereal to Canine Food To Fruits for meals, And for Drinking water the runs are usually from Water To Soda pops To Jumps To Tea and FIasks, But they arént all easy to find. Under that one will be the Backpack Slot place Backpacks or Weapon Bags into it Press T to rapidly get into the Back pack.Īnd Under that one is usually the Vest Slot, Push Sixth is v to rapidly get into the Vest. Under that can be the Helmet Slot machine, you can possibly guess what you put in that one.
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Crafting Dead Minecraft Seaport Map Mods And TheĬrafting Dead Minecraft Seaport Map Mods And TheĪfter that you have The Suit slot or Shield Slot place Clothes like Dark outfits into it.
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esgreys · 2 years
Farming simulator 17 follow me
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#Farming simulator 17 follow me mod
Time settings in this game still confuse me a lot. It's a concept that takes a moment to get the old noggin around. The time speed acceleration in this game is not a "normal games speed acceleration". And I can't express this enough, the game speed was set to 1. Two of the larger fields were ready for planting and the 3rd (smaller field) was ready for harvest. In retrospect my last save had been left in a good place. 3 fields, 1 harvester(and header), 3 tractors(2 attachments and 1 trailer). In game I re-acquainted myself with the equipment and fields, being the starter farm that didn't take long.
#Farming simulator 17 follow me mod
While I did look up some game mods (GPS mod / Follow me) and the Lone Oak Farm, I decided to play out the 'beginner level' without them and get my head back into the 'base' game.Ī bit more research from discussions & a closer look at ' A beginners guide to Farming Simulator 17' helped. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing so when I do mention stuff I'm gonna try to give context. I'm sure to have missed some really obvious stuff for sure. I'm going to be as basic as I can in describing my experience, to both help any reader who has no idea of the game and because I really am a 'noob'. It didn't click with me but I still found it interesting and worthy of further attempts. Initially I played the (short) tutorial, did some "getting started" research( here, here and here) and did a bit of faffing about. When push came to shove, an older game at a sale price, I took the plunge. Being into ETS 2 I had always enjoyed his FS 17 gameplay/roleplay content as well So it wasn't a stretch to contemplate playing FS'17 myself. I'd been watching a youtuber( Daggerwin) for a long time, he does ETS and FS video's. I picked up Farming Simulator 17 during a sale last October-ish I think that was about the launch time of the most recent version (FS'19).
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bstu · 3 years
No College Time Progression On Community Lots
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I really enjoy the idea of the college experience in TS2. However, it really seems like it was tailored for the partygoing type of college-attending Sims, with plenty of time in each semester for faffing about and socializing, while your introverted knowledge Sims get stuck with the short end of the stick. Meanwhile, the player gets tired of playing too for what is essentially the length of an Adult lifespan.
Since I've installed shorter Semester mods, I then found I had the opposite problem - in a wants-based playstyle no Sim had enough time to both socialize and pass!
My solution is imo what should have been there to begin with, and suits my own playstyle the best.
More details and download faoin gearradh. 
This mod will prevent the college timer from progressing on community college lots and allow it to progress on all residential lots. This lets your students crash nightclubs and cafés as long as they want, or, if you want your Sims to get the college experience over with - stay home! This also allows for roleplaying out active classes on community lots without a massive time penalty which is also something I wanted to do. It comes with an additional benefit of not desynchronising your Sim with your other students if only one Sim leaves for a community lot.
This is actually Pescado's collegeclock turned into a global controller, edited, given a unique GUID and stripped of other functions. I'm lazy and do not have the foresight/desire to put it down everywhere myself. That said, it will detect if you *have* put down Pescado's clock on a community lot and if you have, it will stop freezing time and Pescado's clock's settings will take precedence. Therefore you can set up some college community lots to not have college progression frozen if you wish. Also, this mod is compatible with both college length-altering mods linked above.
Download at Simfileshare
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neproxrezi · 2 years
after much faffing about i've decided on a shirt to mod in for my playthrough
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
Mod Miles, I think your art style looks reeeeally good and I like it! And... it's an honor that you went out of your way to draw for my previous ask ☺🙏 I myself love drawing AA characters so seeing a variety of art styles is refreshing. But it gives me a thought: If s/o also drew them and saved their art works in their electronic devices... then sentient characters would certainly see them! Yandere sentient homies would simp so hard there'd be no escape for s/o 👁 (Suzume Anon).
Aaaah thank you!!!!!!!! I appreciate it a lot :D
I was just faffing about a little bit really but it was good fun to do! Drawing AA characters is so fun!!!
:O that's such a cool idea!!! The sentient characters would DEFINITELY start trying to one up each other based on how many saved photos S/O has of each character.
(In my case uh....*cough cough* Miles Edgeworth wins, I have a good 200 saved images of him in my phone)
If S/O happened to be an artist, then each character would absolutely lose their mind if S/O drew them, they'd be so flattered but if S/O drew anyone else it would frustrate them to no end!
Cue sentient character wars, may the best fictional character win
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