#facts & trivia
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 8 months ago
In case anyone doesn’t know why Channing Tatum randomly showed up in “Deadpool & Wolverine” as Gambit:
Way back when the Fox X-Men universe was still in full swing, Tatum signed on to play Gambit in a movie. I believe he signed on after Gambit appeared in “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”. The project was stuck in development hell, then cancelled. So this was Ryan Reynolds’ tribute to the cancelled project and why Gambit believed he was born in the Void.
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thatsbelievable · 1 year ago
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ennas-aesthetic · 2 years ago
If we DO ever get a Good Omens season 3 (and fingers crossed we will) then using the Second Coming as the narrative device to facilitate the final culmination of Good Omens' ideology and message is brilliant, actually.
Because the Second Coming IS NOT another Adam situation. And, contrary to the misconceptions I've seen, It IS NOT about Jesus being born again as a baby, etc, etc.
As in. The SAME Last Judgment Michelangelo painted on the walls of the Sistine Chapel. As in - THE JUDGMENT of the Living and the Dead. THE LAST, FINAL, ETERNAL JUDGMENT.
It's the WHOLE thing Armageddon was leading towards. Book of Revelation speedrun: the world ends, everyone dies, and then they get resurrected again to be judged by JESUS himself. He will flick through the Book of Life (WINK WINK WINK DO YOU SEE HOW LOUDLY I'M WINKING AT YOU???), and if your name is there he will go "oh nice you deserve eternal paradise! :D" and if your name is ERASED from the Book of Life he will go "oh no, sorry, you go to the lake of fire for eternity now D:" (except apparently in Good Omens lore it'd just DOOM YOU TO NON-EXISTENCE FOREVER???)
And if you THINK about it, The Last Judgment is the ultimate manifestation of moral absolutism. No shades of gray, no chances. Just BLACK, and WHITE. Never mind that you're like Wee Morag and Elspeth, who are forced to do "bad" things because of circumstances. It's either you pass Judgment Day, or you burn (or disappear forever.) And the way THINGS are going in the Good Omens universe? I don't think there's ANYONE "good" enough to be "saved." Not Crowley, not Aziraphale. Hell, not even the Archangels themselves.
So it provides a PERFECT opportunity for Aziraphale and Crowley to UPEND that SYSTEM entirely.
I think that's what Crowley and Aziraphale would do in s3: establish a new kind of system in which angels and demons have free will to determine the right (or wrong) choice.
Giving them the APPLE, so to speak.
And then they'll go off to retire in a cottage, together at last.
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simnostalgia · 4 months ago
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Oh! Another Sims 2 object caught out in the wild! It's an IKEA chair from the IKEA stuff pack!
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formulanni · 5 months ago
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I see why you need the thunder!
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Tag list: @st-leclerc @rubywingsracing @saviour-of-lord @three-days-time @the-wall-is-my-goal @albonoooo @ch3rubd0lls @brawngp2009
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flowertab · 7 months ago
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todayontumblr · 2 years ago
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snailkites · 5 months ago
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progress decorating my office space
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retrogamingblog2 · 9 months ago
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The artwork from these three Pokemon cards came from this larger scene illustrated by Naoyo Kimura  
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penumbralwoods · 4 months ago
hello writers. this is your friendly reminder that you do not need to develop every single bit of a character's identity, past, and self in order to make them fleshed out and compelling within a story. sometimes it is worse to do that actually. because now you flushed out all the interesting information with little fun fact tidbits like the fact that they have raven black hair (that's how they got their name) with purple streaks and red tips that reach their mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people say they look like amy lee
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katabay · 2 months ago
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james bond! what a concept! lots to discuss about wrt james bond. imperialist anxieties around legacy and decay, the shift in the movies from imagination of the futuristic to luxury branding as identity, etc. etc. endless topics for discussing in there.
and uhhhhh. so You Only Live Twice is a mess, but it's kind of fun talking about why it's such a mess. however. HOWEVER. Benson's Blast From The Past? ohhhhhhhhhhh the hate-hate relationship I have with that one, I've been frustrated with it for ten years and it's not even fun to talk about why it's frustrating lmao.
that said, James Suzuki has all the same pieces that have me obsessed with Metal Gear's Kazuhira Miller. so. well!! this is hell and I'm stuck in it.
anyway, extremely canon divergent AU or something where James Suzuki doesn't get killed off like a cheap plot device and we get really REALLY gnarly about the family stuff and the US gov't. also there's industrial espionage, insider trading, & a briefcase that everyone wants.
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purpurussy · 24 days ago
this would never have crossed my mind if it weren't for that reddit moment but now I kinda wanna see Phil with a nipple piercing. I also think it would make Dan absolutely feral
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thatsbelievable · 3 months ago
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kingoftieland · 4 months ago
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Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen had NO CLUE HOW TO PLAY CHESS! ♟️
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flowersforthemachines · 17 days ago
Useless Veilguard fact of the day: Day 29
If you put off clearing the Blight at the Crossroads until late in the game, the Caretaker will start pleading with Rook for help.
(the footage below is taken after completing Blood of Arlathan)
Check out the tag for more useless facts: #useless davg fact of the day!
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facts-i-just-made-up · 8 months ago
i need a list of your shortest facts to read off to friends in udder dead pan. most of the recent facts are too long to read off.
My shortest few factoids-
I've never written any short factoids.
I never tried to do one.
Short facts are hard.
Billionaire Howard Hughes once attempted to make a film of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and the production would become one of Hollywood’s greatest disasters, taking the lives of over 90 actors and crew, costing nearly half a billion dollars, destroying an entire island, and almost causing a 3rd world war. A party was held to mark the start of production at one of Hughes’ seaside homes and was sadly marred when a drunken Hughes began shooting into the air with his crossbow and killed an albatross, which fell into the punch bowl, offending several actors, who departed the production. This caused a massive production delay during which Hughes bought up over 50 warehouses (including the world’s largest building at the time) to hold the sets and specially built water tanks until casting was replenished. Two of these warehouses burned down (including the world’s largest building fire at the time), destroying the sets which then had to be rebuilt. By the time Hughes decided to cast unknown actors in the lead roles, ten more major set pieces had rotted away delaying the production further. Finally in October of 1948 the new sets and all actors were in place on the luxurious island of Bikini Atoll. The crew was to arrive at the shooting location on October 26th but was delayed by weather. This turned out to be a good thing as the United States conducted an unannounced nuclear test on October 27th, annihilating the island and the sets completely. The island is still toxic, and Howard Hughes, who owned the island, was compensated only $212 for his losses by the government. Undeterred, Hughes began again with fresh sets, and new actors as the previous group had long since departed by 1950. This time, production finally began and footage was shot. It was never developed however because despite the expenditure of $800,000 on pyrotechnics for the first scenes shot, nobody had thought to temperature-protect the film canisters, which were opened at the lab and found to have melted completely into what amounted to large plastic pucks. Hughes filmed the scene again, at the same cost, and then a third time when he was not satisfied with a background extra’s hair. This new footage too was lost when it was captured by rebellious 1950s teenagers who held it for ransom. They asked only $50 but Hughes refused to pay on principle. The actors and crew were even more upset than Hughes that their work had been for nothing and so began the “Leagues Riots” of 1951. What sets remained were once more burned down, this time in protest. Then the real problems began. By then, the Disney production was under way and Hughes spent millions more to spy on and sabotage the rival production. Several Disney employees fell victims to car bombs, others to arsenic poisoning, and one to auto-erotic asphyxiation, but Hughes was not considered responsible for that particular event. Walt Disney, of course, declared war. The “War Between The Sets” began in 1953 as Hughes forces were driven off by Disney’s hired guns, the Mouseketeers which in those days were a fully armed paramilitary force. This skirmish took seven lives, but it was only the beginning. Hughes used his government contracts to secure two bombers and arms weighing in excess of 500 tons, all of which were dropped on Disney owned installations. Disney’s retaliation was severe. Hughes hotels burned days after, there were so many fires that Vegas and LA were both lit as bright as daylight even at midnight from the blazes. Hughes responded with bombings and drone strikes, with “drone strikes” in 1953 referring to dropping bees on ones enemy. The conflict at one point threatened to spill over into Russia’s Southern American interests, leading the president to demand Hughes back down before turning the cold war into a nuclear conflict. By the time a truce was called, Disney’s film was in theaters and Hughes was ready to call it a loss.
Mice can't fart.
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