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kilfeur · 6 months ago
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J'ai enfin pu terminer le stream de mon ami concernant KH1 et ouais je comprends pourquoi ça a plu autant de joueurs. L'équilibre entre perso final fantasy et Disney est bien respecté. Et j'ai bien aimé que les mondes soient un peu en raccord avec ce que traverse Sora. Par exemple le monde du pays des merveilles est en raccord avec l'absurdité de ce que vit Sora. Ou bien le monde de Winnie qui se rapproche de l'enfance de Sora.
Et le fait que justement voilà que Sora est un peu perdu dans tout ça, par exemple quand il rencontre Leon et les autres. Il parle des pages d'Ansem et moi j'étais genre "Ouah ! Il vient de voir son île disparaître c'est un peu tôt". Même si les phases de Gummi sont un peu chiantes et certaines expressions faciales où j'ai l'impression qu'ils regardent mon âme. Et le fait qu'on ait pas les voix françaises pour moi c'est dommage surtout qu'il y a un de mes comédiens préférés qui double Sora.
J'ai bien aimé la relation entre le trio qui au début, ils ont du mal à se mettre d'accord sur la marche à suivre mais apprennent à s'adapter. Ainsi que celle de Sora et Riku même si Riku est un petit con. Je sais qu'il est manipulé par Maléfique. Mais ça l'empêche d'être un sale petit emmerdeur pour prouver qu'il sauvera Kairi et pas lui surtout quand il a dit à Sora qu'il n'était que le livreur quand il récupère sa Keyblade, ça m'a pas mal énervé. En soit ça donne quelque chose d'intéressant, vu que Riku devait aimer que Sora dépende de lui. Mais que comme il a été choisi par la keyblade, il n'aura plus à dépendre de lui et ça, ça le perturbe. Et Sora qui justement veut prouver sa valeur par rapport Riku. La relation entre Kairi et Sora est sympa, j'aimais bien les apparitions fantomatiques de Kairi. Car ça te fait poser davantage de questions la concernant et que tu t'inquiètes pour elle, jusqu'à apprendre que son coeur est dans le corps de Sora. Et pour la sauver, Sora se sacrifie alors dit comme ça on dirait que c'est une glorification du suicide. Mais je vois ça comme une forme d'amour. On sent que Sora tient à elle et inversement. Surtout qu'au final, ça n'a pas duré longtemps, ce petit suicide.
Bref, je vais pas dire grand chose du gameplay, car j'y ai pas joué mais mon ami oui (Il a mit la difficulté max). Bon sang que c'était galère, surtout le caméléon ou bien certains boss qui devait farmer Sora et les autres pour les vaincre. Et Ansem qui a 10 putain de phases pour le vaincre ! Des enfants jouaient à ça ! Ça prouve que la difficulté a pas mal changé depuis KH1 à aujourd'hui ! J'ai aussi joué à Dream Drop Distance donc je sais que Riku et Sora évoluent (J'avais apprécié le fait qu'on puisse incarner les deux perso avec des gameplay différents concernant les attrapes rêves et l'histoire aussi.)
I finally finished my friend's stream of KH1 and yeah, I can see why so many players liked it. The balance between final fantasy characters and Disney is well respected. And I liked the fact that the worlds are somewhat in line with what Sora is going through. For example, the world of Wonderland fits in with the absurdity of what Sora is going through. Or Winnie's world, which is closer to Sora's childhood.
And the fact that Sora is a little lost in all this, for example when he meets Leon and the others. They're talking about Ansem's pages and I was like “Wow, he's just seen his island disappear, that's a bit early”. Although the Gummi phases are a bit annoying and certain facial expressions where I feel like they're looking into my soul. And the fact that we don't have the French voices is a shame for me, especially as one of my favorite voices actors who voices Sora.
I liked the relationship between the trio, who at first disagree on what to do, but learn to adapt. I also liked Sora and Riku's relationship, even if Riku is a bit of a jerk. I know he's being manipulated by Maleficent. But that doesn't stop him from being a pain in the ass to prove that he'll save Kairi and not him, especially when he tells Sora that he's just the delivery boy when he gets his Keyblade back. In itself, it's interesting, given that Riku must have liked Sora's dependence on him. But now that he's been chosen by the Keyblade, he won't have to depend on him, and that upsets him. And Sora wants to prove his worth to Riku. The relationship between Kairi and Sora is nice, and I liked Kairi's ghostly apparitions. It makes you ask more questions about her and worry about her, until you learn that her heart is in Sora's body. And to save her, Sora sacrifices himself, so when you put it like that, it sounds like a glorification of suicide. But I see it as a form of love. You can feel that Sora cares about her and vice versa. Especially as, in the end, this little suicide didn't last long.
Anyway, I'm not going to say much about the gameplay, because I didn't play it, but my friend did (he set the difficulty to max). God, it was a pain, especially the chameleon or certain bosses who had to farm Sora and the others to defeat them. And Ansem, who had to go through 10 fucking phases to defeat him! Kids used to play that! It just goes to show that difficulty has changed a lot since KH1! I've also played Dream Drop Distance, so I know that Riku and Sora evolve (I liked the fact that you could play as both characters, with different gameplay for dream catchers and the story too).
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lilias42 · 11 months ago
Enfin un peu de temps pour regarder le dernier Nintendo direct ! Bon, qu'est-ce qu'il y a de beau...
Unicorn Overlord... ça a l'air intéressant, la direction graphique est jolie et en plus, y a une démo... allez, pourquoi pas tester, ça ne mange pas de pain... (juste, par pitié, faites que ce ne fasse pas le coup de Triangle Strategy pour le narratif... ce jeu est partie sur des pentes beaucoup trop glissantes à mon gout donc, par pitié, une histoire simple et efficace, ça ira très bien !)
Ensuite, Monsters Hunter Story... le premier sorti sur 3DS... ouais, pourquoi pas vu que le 2 est vraiment très bon mais, vu que je suis en train de le refaire, j'ai un peu peur d'être déçu de faire le premier en second vu que les mécaniques seront moins rôdés... en plus, un des points qui rend l'histoire de ce jeu aussi attachante est que même si l'avatar ne parle pas, ils ont vraiment bossé à fond ses expressions faciales, ce qui permet de comprendre ce qu'iel pense, ses émotions et son lien avec son Rathalos alors, ça risque d'être moins bon si la technique n'est pas mise à jour... enfin, à voir aussi...
Et puis, y a quoi d'autres... jeu à licence... jeu à licence... jeu à licence... pas intéressant... et...
Fantasy Life 2...
Il est revenu dans les annonces ! Il a l'air trop bien et ils ont l'air d'avoir bien renouvelé l'histoire et le gameplay ! C'est quand qu'il sort ? C'est quand ? C'est quand ? C'est quand ? C'est quaaaannnd ???!!!
10 octobre ? Super ! Je sais ce que je ferais en octobre ! J'ai hâte d'y jouer en tout cas !
Super nintendo direct ! Pas grave pour Professeur Layton, on verra ça la prochaine fois, mieux vaut attendre plutôt qu'il sorte dans la précipitation ^^ (et pour pokémon, ce sera le 27 février, en priant très fort pour qu'ils aient amélioré leur technique sans tuer leurs équipes au passage et qu'on va enfin sortir du creux de la vague...)
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evolutionofgreekart · 1 month ago
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Athanadoros, Hagesandros, and Polydoros of Rhodes
Laocoön and his sons
Early first century CE
7’ 10 1/2” High
Rome, Italy
This sculpture famously expresses pain and suffering by making Laocoön and his sons struggle to be released from the serpent’s grip and by the agony in their facial expressions. During the Trojan war, Laocoön attempted to warn the Trajans about the wooden horse that would be “gifted” to them from the Greeks and as punishment, the gods sent a serpent to do harm to him and his sons.
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glamderma · 4 months ago
Revolax Deep Lip Filler: The Ultimate Solution for Fuller, Natural-Looking Lips
In the world of aesthetic enhancements, achieving fuller, natural-looking lips has become a sought-after goal for many. Revolax Deep Lip Filler One of the standout products making waves in this field is the Revolax Deep Lip Filler. Known for its advanced formulation and long-lasting results, Revolax Deep is quickly becoming a go-to choice for both professionals and individuals seeking superior lip augmentation.
What is Revolax Deep Lip Filler?
Revolax Deep is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler specifically designed for deeper lines and facial volume restoration. Its dense, yet smooth consistency makes it ideal for volumizing the lips, creating a plump and youthful appearance without compromising the natural look. The product’s cross-linked hyaluronic acid structure ensures durability, meaning that results can last from 12 to 18 months, depending on individual factors.
Why Choose Revolax Deep for Lip Augmentation?
Natural-Looking Results: One of the biggest concerns with lip fillers is achieving a natural look. Revolax Deep excels in this aspect, offering subtle, yet noticeable volume enhancement that blends seamlessly with your natural features.
Longevity: Unlike other fillers that may require frequent touch-ups, Revolax Deep offers long-lasting results. The advanced cross-linking technology used in the formulation slows down the degradation process, allowing you to enjoy your fuller lips for up to 18 months.
Safe and Effective: Revolax Deep is composed of non-animal derived hyaluronic acid, making it a safe option for most individuals. It is also CE certified, which means it meets European standards for health, safety, and environmental protection.
Minimal Downtime: The application of Revolax Deep typically involves minimal discomfort and downtime. Most individuals can return to their daily activities shortly after the procedure, making it a convenient option for those with busy lifestyles.
Versatility: While Revolax Deep is excellent for lip augmentation, it is also versatile enough to be used for contouring and filling deeper lines and wrinkles on other parts of the face.
How to Use Revolax Deep Lip Filler
Administering Revolax Deep should always be performed by a qualified and experienced professional. The procedure typically involves a series of small injections into the lip area. The process is quick, and most clients report only minor discomfort, thanks to the lidocaine included in the formulation to ease pain during the procedure.
Aftercare Tips
After receiving Revolax Deep Lip Filler, it’s important to follow proper aftercare to ensure the best results:
Avoid Touching the Area: For at least 24 hours post-procedure, avoid touching, pressing, or massaging the treated area.
Stay Hydrated: Hyaluronic acid binds with water to create volume, so staying hydrated can help maintain the results.
Avoid Extreme Temperatures: For the first few days, avoid exposure to extreme heat or cold, which can affect the filler.
Revolax Deep Lip Filler is an exceptional choice for those seeking to enhance their lips with a natural, fuller look. Its long-lasting results, safety profile, and versatility make it a top contender in the world of dermal fillers. Revolax Deep Lip Filler Whether you’re new to lip fillers or looking to switch from another brand, Revolax Deep offers a reliable and effective solution.
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christophe76460 · 7 months ago
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MON RÊVE (4 mai 2024 )
Cela se passait à notre époque et en fait il y avait deux monde séparés où l'on ne pouvait pas passer de l'un à l'autre :
Un monde où les gens vivaient dans une jungle citadine, dans l'anarchie totale : Des débauchés , des meurtriers, dans un désordre inimaginable marqué par la violence, la corruption et la loi du plus fort régnait dans ce lieu d'atrocités permanentes : Le monde de ceux qui étaient devenus fous, incontrôlables, et qu'on laissait aller à leur propre destruction, s'entretuer .
Et puis il y avait un monde entièrement fait de blocs symétriques , à perte de vue, les uns à la suite des autres où se trouvaient la plupart des gens , c'était immense , éclairé de lumières artificielles, avec des couloirs et des numéros partout .
Je me suis trouvée donc dans cette ville blokaus à marcher dans ces couloirs où je me sentais étrangère et perdue ...
J'ai finalement croisé des personnes qui se dépêchaient , elles avaient l'air satisfaites et pressées.
Puis enfin j'ai rencontré un homme de mes connaissances et il m'a abordée en me disant :
"Mais Ghislaine, tu ne vas dans à ton activité n° 456 ( exemple ) , et tu fais partie de quel programme, bâtiment ? "
Je lui est répondu que je ne savais pas ce que je faisais là !
Il m'a dit : " Tu as un numéro, un département, une inscription, une catégorie , un groupe ...!!! "
Puis comme si c'était normal , il me dit :
" Je me dépêche , je vais à mon local n° ( tant ) et je vais me programmer pour la journée !"
Il est parti et je me suis retrouvé seule dans ces corridors déshumanisés à ne pas savoir où aller .
J'ai vu 2 chaises jointes et je me suis assise,
Où étais-je ?
Dans une nouvelle société où tous les besoins et accès aux services étaient équitables mais dans quelles conditions ?
Le prix de sa liberté ! SOUS EMPRISE !
Alors je me suis mise à pleurer et je savais que je n'avais pas choisi ce monde , ni fait aucune inscription, rien .
J'ai posé ma tête sur la seconde chaise qui était dure et soudain , la sensation a changé, j'étais sur des genoux très doux , quelqu'un d'extrêmement aimant me tenait dans ses bras et me caressait les cheveux et c'était JÉSUS ✝️.
Il était venu me sauver , rien ne pouvait plus m'atteindre , je n'appartenais pas à ce monde mais à CHRIST ✝️.
Et je me suis réveillée !
Ma première pensée a été de dire : Merci Seigneur !
Puis dans la journée, j'ai repensé à la signification de ce rêve et il m'a apparu clairement que c'était :
Le monde de la théorie du grand reset ( réinitialisation) où le monde était absolument sous contrôle avec la célèbre phrase de Klaus Schwab :
Malheureusement, nous avançons de plus en plus vers ce monde, où les personnes seront dépouillées de tout, grâce aux nouvelles technologies, aux robots, à la reconnaissance faciale, à la monnaie numérique , l'IA etc : Le monde de l'avènement de l'anti-Christ .
Néron disait : Il faut donner au peuple des jeux et du pain ( sous entendu avoir le contrôle ) , leur fermer les yeux , les oreilles, l'esprit pour éviter une rébellion et les soumettre .
Nous enfants de Dieu, nous avons la Liberté en Christ ✝️ et nous ne sommes soumis qu'à DIEU !
L'Amour parfait bannit la crainte , veillons et prions sans cesse et gardons nos lampes allumées ( remplie de l'onction du Saint Esprit 🔥) .
Le Seigneur est notre Rocher, notre Lieu SAINT et c'est un DIEU PUISSANT !
Je termine avec le Psaume 18 : 7
Dans ma détresse, j'invoque l'Éternel,
Je crie à DIEU,
De son palais , Il entend ma voix
Et mon cri lui parvient à ses oreilles .
Soyez tous bénis, encouragés dans le Nom Puissant et Saint de JÉSUS-CHRIST de NAZARETH ✝️ ❤️ 🔥 Amen ❤️
Ghislaine Wackenier
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rishikaroy95 · 2 years ago
How HiFu and Ultherapy work?
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Right off the bat, there’s the science. There are two kinds of ultrasound utilized in medication: focused energy-centred ultrasound (HIFU), which is utilized mostly for clinical applications, and miniature-centred ultrasound (MFU), which utilizations centred energy to a particular skin layer. Permitting a very much endured situation of focused on, exact and predictable treatment.
Ultherapy utilizes MFU, which is strongly engaged, leaving encompassing regions unaffected. Ultherapy skin tightening is intended to target and convey centred energy to a particular skin layer. One of the greatest disadvantages of other HiFu medicines is that assuming they hit fat cells, they can obliterate them, prompting fat misfortune. This can prompt empty regions on the face, which causes a bigger number of lines and kinks instead of giving the ideal lifting impact.
For what reason is Ultherapy more secure and more viable than HiFu?
An interesting visual guide that permits the professional to see the regions being dealt with — accomplished a custom-fitted ideal outcome for the patient. This implies they can arrive at the pertinent profundities somewhere in the range of 1.5 and 4.5mm underneath the skin which invigorates new collagen and elastin, this conveys ultrasound energy at explicit profundities at every warm coagulation highlighting animate normal collagen and result in facial lifting impact. This makes Ultherapy both a lot more secure and significantly more successful.
HiFu, with no ultrasound screen, is a visually impaired treatment. So even though producers and centres guarantee it can focus on the 4.5mm profundities like Ultherapy does, this isn’t possible securely. In a visually impaired treatment, there is no chance of knowing whether the 4.5mm profundity is the tissue you need to hit, or bone, or something different. This implies you can’t securely treat as profoundly and are less inclined to see the ideal outcomes. What’s more, since the outcomes have not been tried and cleared by the FDA, seemingly, these visually impaired HiFu medicines can’t be demonstrated to work right now, at any rate.”
A second enormous contrast is that Ultherapy in Bangalore is FDA-cleared and EU CE guaranteed and has treated more than 1 million individuals internationally, with north of 4,600 frameworks sold around the world. HiFu that you’ll find in centres here in the UK doesn’t have FDA endorsement. On the off chance that an item doesn’t have FDA endorsement then an item or gadget’s potential dangers offset the advantages of the arranged use. On the off chance that it’s anything but an Ultherapy machine, it may not be clinical-grade gear, so your well-being could be compromised. The best way to be certain is to go to a feel facility which utilizes real Ultherapy gear.
What empowered Ultherapy to get this FDA endorsement?
“To get FDA endorsement, the producers will have needed to attempt broad autonomous clinical testing, and exhibit that the gadget, when utilized accurately and with the right conventions, is protected and conveys results.”
You can figure out more about what FDA endorsement means, and what it’s significant, doing here.
Is Ultherapy safe?
The Ultherapy method has been utilized in more than 1 Million medicines around the world. Each Ultherapy specialist gets broad procedural preparation and instruments so you can feel certain picking Ultherapy. Ultherapy is the main miniature-centered ultrasound innovation that has been explored and cleared by the US Food and Medication Organization, (one of the World’s most rigid administrative bodies for medical services.
Is that Painful?
For Ultherapy to work it needs to warm the profound layers of the skin. Everyone will have various aversions to this intensity and your stylish professional will prompt you on how best to deal with any distress. They might suggest, or endorse, analgesics (pain relievers) before your strategy.
How can I say whether my expert is utilizing veritable Ultherapy?
All experts who have bought the real Ultherapy framework have been given a Testament of Validness (like the one displayed here), which they ought to have the option to show you in their centre.
When will I get the results? How long will they last?
You might see some underlying lift, yet the early outcomes will occur more than 2–3 months and the end-product close to a half year, as the development of new collagen and elastin replaces old tissue designated by the treatment. A solitary Ultherapy skin tightening treatment can give an enduring impact for more than a year in certain individuals.
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wallpaperpaintings · 5 years ago
Understand The Background Of Facial Pain Now | Facial Pain
Understand The Background Of Facial Pain Now | Facial Pain – facial pain | Delightful for you to my website, in this particular time period I am going to demonstrate regarding keyword. Now, this can be a initial picture:
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Diagnosing facial pain | Feature | Pulse Today – facial pain | facial pain
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Ipsilateral Hemiparesis Caused by a Corona Radiata Infarct .. | facial pain
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Atypical Facial Pain » Chalfont Pain Management | Delaware .. | facial pain
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Mycotic Diseases of Pet Birds – Exotic and Laboratory .. | facial pain
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Dacio – Tattoo Parlor – facial pain | facial pain
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Posttraumatic Facial Pain – ScienceDirect – facial pain | facial pain
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Face Pain | Pain in the Face – Symptom Evaluation – facial pain | facial pain
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Face Pain | Pain in the Face – Symptom Evaluation – facial pain | facial pain
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from WordPress https://www.bleumultimedia.com/understand-the-background-of-facial-pain-now-facial-pain/
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ozarkthedog · 2 years ago
I love that half of the CE fandom is having a meltdown over some facial hair while the other half is brainstorming how to write for this character with his new look. The duality of this fandom lol
I haven’t thought anything yet for his Pain Hustlers character. Ghosted on the other hand? I’ve got a little thot itching to be typed lol
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andieperrie18 · 3 years ago
Est-ce que tu m'aimes?
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Inspired by Est-ce que tu m'aimes? (Do you love me?) Maitre Gims 
a/n: Forgive my grammar as English is not my first language and I haven’t
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Love is always a scene looking through rose tinted glass. But it is only a matter of time before the reality behind is brought up.
That's what happened to poor Y/n after getting home early from a business trip with the hopes of surprising her Dick Grayson. But instead of surprising him, he surprised her. In their bedroom laid naked her man and Barbara Gordon, naked and cover sweat and love marks. Their clothes scattered on the wooden floor. What hurt her more was that Dick held the woman's body in his chest. A loving gesture.
Both were deep in sleep. She decides to leave and stay in the nearby hotel not before stopping by a 24 hour mini mart to buy to bottles of beer. Inside a penthouse suite, she drunk her ass off, drowning in her own tears, snot and alcohol.
For a whole month she calls him that she needs stay in the trip for a month longer, she decided to see if it was one time thing but when she sees him taking her every week in their apartment. Yesterday came the last straw after four weeks of monitoring.
Dick was alone and watching television at the living room in the morning eating the pancakes that Barbara cooked for her at the kitchen. She sat beside him with nothing with his shirt and underwear.
His phone ring caught his attention to which he took. Y/n's name popped on the screen followed by a sour taste on his tongue. His gaze immediately turned to Barbara who was already looking at him with a uncomfortable look and edged away from him. He sat up straight answered the call, with the usual loving tone that did gave the woman beside her a pang of pain in her chest.
"Hey baby, I was waiting for you--", "Meet me at the coffee shop near the apartment, now,"
The line went immediately dead before he could ask. He met Barbara's eyes, his shoulder stiffed and he edged over the sofa. Barbara was the first to leave the couch. She immediately got dressed and went to the door and left. Her ride to the down floor felt like forever compared to the ones she had before. The alarm indicating her arrival to the ground floor woke her from the state of trance. She rushed out to the entrance but stopped by the bright sunlight making her try to regain sight by looking around. And her eyes didn't miss Y/n's figure across the apartment entrance at the said café.
She choked on her spit when she found the said woman already staring back at her.
She knows.
They had a stared down for a minute before Barbara decided to break it off from the feeling of rising bile in her stomach. She could still feel Y/n's behind raising her anxiety and guilt the further she walked away.
An hour later, Dick came out of the apartment hurrying towards the coffee shop. He found her sitting by the tables outside the shop. He pulled the same heart melting smile and a small, "Hey,"
"Why didn't you tell me you were already here? I could have pick you at the--"
"I came back a month ago," the revelation slowly made the smile in his face disappear. The realization of the event occurring in front him slowly sunk in. When she told her to meet him at the coffee shop across their apartment not in the airport, her sitting across him, with a facial expression devoid of any emotion of delight of reuniting.
He can’t even look nor meet her gaze that were busy piercing needles towards him.
"How long have you been going behind back with Barbara? Don’t even try on denying it because I saw her come out of the apartment an hour ago," the question came quick that tugged his chest with all the guilt he had accumulated.
"a year and a half,"
A scoff left her throat as her glare turned into disbelief.
"I guess you didn't really love me, to hide this from me for almost a year, Ghad! I was so stupid,"
"I Love Y--", "Don't even say that, because I don't think I could believe anything you would say,"
With that, Y/n bolted out the café, leaving the male alone to wallow in his guilt.
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sohoharlem · 2 years ago
Here’s a rundown on CE gos:
1. Nothing new about Alba except Tara commented “Queen” on one of her posts and then deleted it
2. Chris said he was laser focused on finding a partner and the majority of the world took that as him being single but there are some that think he’s hiding someone
3. A blog on Tumblr received pics and info suggesting that Chris has been seeing a local MA woman for a few months now. Shit ensued with that one
4. Chris’ half sister started following Alba and the rumours picked back up again
5. Reviews are mixed on the goatee look from Pain Hustlers
Lol so basically publicly he’s still as single as he’s ever been and still no gf. Maybe in 2030 he’ll finally come out papping with a nice girl. He pulls off most facial hair looks well. It might not be people’s favorites when he does his stuff for films, but he pulls them off which I find cool lol
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years ago
Great Old One, Chaugnar Faugn
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Image © deviantArt user fed0t, accessed at his gallery here
[Commissioned by @monstersdownthepath​. Chaugnar Faugn is a canonical Great Old One in Pathfinder from the Cthulhu Mythos, specifically the novella “The Horror From the Hills” by Frank Belknap Long. Although I’ve been familiar with good ol’ CF since I got a copy of Call of Cthulhu d20 for Christmas one year, I only just now read “The Horror From The Hills” in order to write this entry. I can see why the story hasn’t been reprinted a ton; it’s basically just “The Call of Cthulhu” with more action and more racism. Yes, more racism than Lovecraft. Let that sink in. Also, I think it’s hilarious how many times Long has his characters describe Chaugnar Faugn as unlike any other mythological entity, and completely unimaginable by mere human minds, when he’s clearly Eldritch Vampire Ganesha.]
Great Old One, Chaugnar Faugn CR 26 CE Aberration This creature is vaguely like a parody of an elephant-headed humanoid, but the resemblances to both elephants and humanoids are only superficial. Tentacles held together with webbing mirror ears, and its twin tusks are translucent and interwoven. Its trunk is impossibly long and ends in a lamprey-like maw.
Chaugnar Faugn, the Horror From the Hills, the Feeder CE male Great Old One of blood, patience and remote landscapes Domains Chaos, Death, Evil, War Subdomains Blood, Entropy, Murder, Tactics Favored Weapon Light pick Unholy Symbol An elephant’s head with a bloody trunk Worshipers evil elves, murderers, nosferatu, those seeking revenge Minions faceless stalkers, morlocks, hill giants
Chagnaur Faugn, the Feeder, was old when the planets were young. He is a being formed from the initial creation of matter in the universe, and has traveled the cosmos in search of blood to drink and death to deal. He is perhaps the first parasite, and is truly one of the greatest. His body and senses stretch into both the Ethereal and Shadow Planes, and he will prey on their denizens as readily as any Material creature. Chaugnar Faugn is capable of flying between worlds, but does so only on rare occasions. He has witnessed the birth and death of at least one biosphere in its totality, and wishes to compare that to other arcs of planetary development.
Chaugnar Faugn prefers swift and precise attacks to destructive rampages, despite his bulk and strength. He spends most of his life in the shape of a stone statue, animating only to drink blood or punish followers who betray his faith. If forced to actually fight, the Feeder tramples enemies, then uses his crystalline tusks (which swivel independently) and mighty claws to finish off opponents. He is gifted in magic, and often transforms his allies into monstrous beasts to fight on his behalf, or simply stops an enemy’s heart with power word: kill.
Chaugnar Faugn’s current appellation, The Horror from the Hills, stems from his preference for remote country. He seeks out dispossessed and marginalized groups and bullies his way into a place of honor in their pantheon, demanding blood sacrifice and murdering them if they do not comply. To mark his chosen, he inflicts a terrible curse on them, granting them animalistic features. The trunk and ears of an elephant are a favorite, as they resemble his own form. Chaugnar Faugn teaches patience, for he has lived for literal eons, and savors the suspense of a revenge drawn out. His worship is popular with long lived and endangered species, such as the nosferatu, and he teaches that if they cannot make more of themselves, they should at least be remembered for the terror they inflict.
Chaugnar Faugn   CR 26 XP 2,457,600 CE Large aberration (great old one) Init +18; Senses darkvision 60 ft., hyperdimensional sight, Perception +38, scent, true seeing Aura cloak of chaos (DC 26), unspeakable (300 ft., Will DC 33) Defense AC 43, touch 31, flat-footed 42 (-1 size, +8 Dex, +12 natural, +10 insight, +4 deflection) hp 615 (30d8+480); fast healing 10 Fort +25, Ref +24, Will +31 Immune ability damage, ability drain, aging, cold, death effects, disease, energy drain, fire, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, and petrifaction; SR 37 Defensive Abilities hyperdimensional body, immortality, improved uncanny dodge Offense Speed 80 ft., swim 80 ft. Melee 2 gores +36 (2d8+15/19-20), 2 claws +36 (2d6+15), bite +36 (1d6+15 plus chew magic plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks blood drain (2d4 Con), curse of Chaugnar Faugn, demanding dreams, insanity (DC 33), mythic (10/day, 1d12), subtle magic, trample (Ref DC 40, 4d6+22) Spell-like Abilities CL 26th, concentration +34 Constant—cloak of chaos (self only, DC 26), true seeing At will—darkness M, gaseous form M, greater command (DC 23), nightmare (DC 23), stone shape M, telekinesis (DC 23) M 3/day—greater dispel magic, horrid wilting (DC 26), quickened mass inflict pain (DC 24), polymorph any object (DC 26), empowered vampiric touch M 1/day—etherealness, shadow walk, power word: kill M, power word: stun M M = Chaugnar Faugn can use the mythic version of this SLA Statistics Str 40, Dex 27, Con 42, Int 26, Wis 30, Cha 27 Base Atk +22; CMB +38 (+40 bull rush, +42 sunder), CMD 60 (62 vs. bull rush, sunder) Feats Acrobatic Steps, Awesome Blow, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Empower SLA (vampiric touch), Greater Sunder, Improved Bull Rush,  Improved Critical (gore), Improved Sunder, Lightning Reflexes, Nimble Moves, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (mass inflict pain), Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical Skills Bluff +33, Climb +36, Intimidate +38, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, geography, nature, religion, planes) +33, Knowledge (history) +36, Perception +38, Sense Motive +35, Spellcraft +36, Stealth +36, Swim +43 Languages Aklo, Aquan, Terran, Undercommon, telepathy 300 ft. SQ no breath, otherworldly insight, starflight, statue form Ecology Environment any Organization unique Treasure double standard Special Abilities Chew Magic (Su) A creature or object bitten by Chaugnar Faugn is subject to a targeted greater dispel magic effect (CL 26th). This effect first affects spells that protect against being grappled, such as freedom of movement, before any other spells. Curse of Chaugnar Faugn (Su) As a standard action, Chaugnar Faugn can cast its curse upon a creature within 120 feet. A creature targeted must succeed a DC 33 Will save to suffer a -6 penalty to an ability score of Chaugnar Faugn’s choice. A creature cursed in this manner has their facial features altered to resemble those of an animal. A creature that succeeds on this save is immune to the Curse of Chaugnar Faugn for the next 24 hours. Chagnaur Faugn can use this ability as a swift action against a creature it is grappling. This is a curse effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Demanding Dreams (Su) When Chaugnar Faugn targets a creature with its nightmare spell-like ability, regardless of whether it passes or fails the save, the creature must succeed a DC 33 Will save or be affected as per a demand spell. A creature that passes its save against the damage from the nightmare gains a +5 bonus on this saving throw. This is a mind-influencing compulsion effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Hyperdimensional Body (Su) Chaugnar Faugn exists in multiple dimensions at once, granting it abilities similar to those of an incorporeal creature. It is immune to damage from non-magical weapons, and takes half damage from all corporeal sources except for force effects and ghost touch weapons. It can move through solid objects as if they were difficult terrain, except that it cannot end its movement in an object. This ability does not function if Chaugnar Faugn is subject to a dimensional anchor or similar effect. Hyperdimensional Sight (Su) Chaugnar Faugn can see into the Ethereal Plane and Shadow Plane at a distance of 60 feet. It can attack creatures on either of these planes normally, although such creatures are treated as having cover against his attacks. Immortality (Ex) If Chaugnar Faugn is slain, he dissolves into a noxious sludge, and incarnates in his statue form on a distant planet over the course of 100 years. He must remain in his statue form for an additional 1011 years before he can return to animation, but can still use his subtle magic in this forced hibernation. Starflight (Su) Chagnaur Faugn can survive in the void of outer space. It flies through space at an incredible speed. Although exact travel times vary, a trip within a single solar system should take 3d20 hours, while a trip beyond should take 3d20 days (or more, at the GM's discretion)—provided it knows the way to its destination. Statue Form (Su) As a standard action, Chaugnar Faugn can assume the form of a statue of Medium, Large or Huge size. He can use his senses normally in this form and communicate using telepathy, but can take no actions except for his subtle magic. He may resume his animate form as a move action. Subtle Magic (Su) Chaugnar Faugn does not detect as magical when in statue form. In addition, he can spend a use of mythic power to use one of its spell-like abilities or the Curse of Chaugnar Faugn while in statue form. If he does so, he cannot deliver a touch attack unless the creature is touching it. When it uses this ability, creatures that witness the spell must succeed an opposed Spellcraft check against Chaugnar Faugn to determine that he is the source of the spell-like ability. Unspeakable Presence (Su) Creatures that succumb to Chaugnar Faugn’s unspeakable presence find themselves literally falling apart. A creature that fails a DC 33 Will save gains vulnerability to bludgeoning, slashing or piercing damage (determined randomly) for as long as it remains in the area of effect. The save DC is Charisma based.
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deinlai · 3 years ago
All you need to know about facial roller and gua sha
Where did it all begin?
What’s the difference between facial roller and gua sha?
How does it work?
How often shoud you use it?
Facial rollers
are popular beauty tools people use for skin care. There are so many different variety of materials,such as jade or quartz those crystals,stainless steel and plastic.Deinlai only use crystal like jade and rose quartz.They have rollers at both of ends of the handle,with one bigger and one smaller.
Gua sha stones
are a tool used to relieve tension, sculpt skin, and increase circulation. They are traditionally made of jade or quartz, but plastic options are also available. They’re available in a variety of shapes, but usually they are somewhat tapered so there is a smaller edge that can be used near the eyes or nose.Gua sha stones and jade rollers are closely related! They both are used to release tension in the face and prevent signs of aging. Jade rollers are gently rolled over the face, rather than “scraped” like stones. Many people chill their jade rollers and use them to de-puff their under eyes in the morning and wake up their face with increased circulation!Gua sha is a technique on its own and it is just one tool amidst many others in the tradtional Chinese Medicine tool kit.The gua sha massage technique is used to unblock and restore the flow of QI in the area to which it has been applied.
Where did it begin?
Historical records on Gua sha date back to the Paleolithic Age.When people fell ill or entered a coma,hands or stones,as well as household materials such as coins or tins,were used to massage parts of their body to help reduce the side effects and symptoms of their illnesses.This is a Chinese word that is pronounced as Gwah-Shah is defined in two parts — “Gua” means “scrape” while ‘Sha’ is said to mean “sand” by some people, while others seem to give it “redness of the skin.” So we could say it is a method of scraping away disease, fever, or some sickness from the body generally. However, other words for the term “Gua Sha” are skin scraping, spooning, coining.
With its origins in treating abscesses in the Warring States period (475-221 BCE) of ancient China, Gua Sha has been a mainstay as folk medicine since antiquity.And it was developed in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 CE) with innovations such as an arched hemp tool and willow branches on the back to treat typhoid fever.And by the Qing dynasty (1644-1912 CE), the method of scraping had become more precise and expanded away from only on the limbs, using copper coins and buffalo horns. Ancient doctors rarely recorded the specific methods, time, and treatment of Gua Sha but in the 20th century, with the work of Jiang Jingbo and later Lu Jiru, Gua sha was reinvigorated, and an adapted, modernized style of Gua Sha therapy within Chinese medicine was promoted.The Gua Sha tool has been adjusted and modernized and made from more refined materials such as jade or rose quartz to massage the appropriately lubricated area of the body surface in upward strokes or in a swift and gentle but vigorous scraping motion to relax stiff muscles while relieving pain and tension, treat certain illnesses, as well as improve blood circulation.
What’s the difference between facial roller and gua sha?
Despite the fundamental similarities, there are also some marked differences between gua sha and face rolling that you need to be aware of,and ultimately,these should help you to decide which is best for you,your skin and your lifestyle.
Ease of Use:the most significant difference is each tool's ease of use! Whilist anybody can use a face roller without worry of causing damage,gua sha requires a more practiced hand,Ideally,the stone must be held at a 30 to 45 degree angle,scraped in one direction,all whilst following your lymphatic flow.Each area of your face requires its own movement to achieve optimum results and ensure that no undue damage is caused.
If Sculpting and Contouring is Your Priority:gua sha treatment penetrates the face deeper than a facial roller would,and its unique shape allows for better sculpting and contouring.Whilst it is more time consuming,the long-term sculpting results are more visible and absolutely worh the effort.
The Shape: as the face roller is designed to be an easy-to-use tool,it comes complete with a handle which makes it much simpler to manipulate than the gua sha stone,The cylindrical shape of the face roller stone also glides effortlessly over your face and neck without much worry about proper angling or regulating pressure.With the gua sha tool,one will need to first learn how to hold the stone,position it properly and then exert the correct amount of pressure when scraping across the face.
Time Needed: face rolling can easily be done in a space of 5 minutes,making it an ideal choice for busy people with hectic lifestyles (most of us really). For gua sha to be done properly,you'll need to designate around 15 to 20 minutes a day to this part of your skincare routine.If you want a quick and effective facial massaging tool,the face roller is for you. On the other hand,if you are looing to give yourself some much deserved pampering,you should treat yourself to a relaxing gua sha massage treatment by a professional.
Choose According To Your Skin Type: you need to consider what your skin's need are. Although gua sha offers a deeper,massaging treatment with a long and rich history to back up its many benefits,it might not be an advisable teatment for people who suffer from acne prone skin,as it could serve to irritate further. The roller is a less aggressive treatment which gently glides upon blemish prone skin without causing irritation.On the other hand,the deeper peneration that the gua sha tool offers is found to be significantly more effective when targeting fine lines,stimulating blood flow and performing manual lymph drainage.
How does it work?
Start with a clean face and prep skin with a facial oil or serum. For the rose quartz roller:
Start in the middle of the face and roll outwards across the cheeks.
Move to the eyebrows and roll upwards across the forehead.
Move below the lower lip and roll downward across the chin.
For the gua sha tool:
Keep the tool flat against the face and begin with the forehead. Scrape in an upwards motion from the eyebrows to the hairline.
Move to the cheeks and scrape in an outwards motion starting from the crease of the nose until the ear.
Move to the jawline and use the end of the gua sha tool with the two curves.
Start from the chin and scrape until the ear. Gently massage the gua sha tool into the ear to release tension.
For the under-eye area, very gently scrape the gua sha from the inner corner of the eye outwards to the temple. Because the area is so sensitive, it is important to only apply light pressure.Both tools work together to enhance your beauty rituals and pair perfectly with a serum or facial oil for better absorption.
How often shoud you use it?
Well, it’s certainly up to the individual and the results she expects. If you are just looking for a fresh feel upon your skin maybe after every two days or a few times a week is fine. If you desire a lovely uplifted skin and more apparent results then it’s better to do Gua Sha every day.  Be gentle in the beginning especially if you are doing the facial Gua Sha. Start with holding the tool at 45-degree angle and stroke it on an upward direction. Continue to the scrapping in repetition for about 1 to 3 minutes. Make sure you cleanse your face (or any other part of the body) well and apply some oil before you start doing Gua Sha.
Your crystals should be wiped down with a dry or moist towelette, being mindful of only wiping down the crystal parts. DO NOT WASH WITH WEATER!
Whether you choose a jade roller or a gua sha tool for your facial massage/lymphatic routine,find the crystal that most speaks to you,slow down and give your skin some love with this step towards and elevated skincare routine.
If you like our article,please share it to your friend.Pin it and @deinlai.Thank you very much!
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ambidextrousarcher · 5 years ago
Buddy we have talked about consent issues with respect to subhadra and arjun but I want to talk about draupadhi. She wasn't even asked before kunti asked the boys to share "the thing" . It's that s form of sexual/maritial assault too. It's very strongly mentioned canonically that she loved arjun. Do you think it was just for arjun to go on a celibacy trip because he didn't share his wife equally or draupadhi to die first because she didn't love them all equally?
I don’t really understand what exactly you mean to ask, but I’ll try to answer to the best of my understanding. 
I strongly suggest you read the canon text to come to a better understanding in your own perspective. But until then, here’s my own perspective.
A woman’s consent is hardly ever asked in marriage in scriptures. (I am not saying it is right, it is just the way it was.) The height of consent is handing her a garland and telling her to garland someone with a suitable background who looks good enough to her. Later, if her husband is an abuser or a marital rapist, she has no choice but to bear it, that was the society back then.
Therefore, I honestly don’t know why you keep bringing Arjun alone into questions like these. He is neither a rapist, nor an abuser. In fact, there is ample proof in canon that his wives were happy with him. May I ask if you feel otherwise? If you do, please consider that neither Draupadi, nor Subhadra (nor Chitrangada or Uloopi, for that matter, say anything regarding their dissatisfaction, in fact, they are stated to be happy as Arjun’s wives, actually, in Uloopi’s case, whatever protest that is there is Arjun’s,)  There are far worse men than he (see: Jaydharath, Dusshasan, Bhishm, Duryodhan, Kichak, and someone else I am not going to name), and I’m honestly hard pressed to think of any better, except maybe Krishn.
Another thing to consider is that in the Mahabharata, a man’s sexual consent is usually given more explicitly than a woman’s, for whatever reason. A man is stated to feel attracted, but a woman’s is stated implicitly, such as through eye contact or smiles, or facial expressions.
I do not defend Kunti, or even Arjun, for all that I love him, I agree that, from a moral perspective (our moral perspective), the ‘sharing’ is wrong, but what is to be taken into consideration are two things: 
1. Draupadi was ‘viryashulka’, the price for marrying her is valour (here, Arjun’s archery and his alone, she DID NOT refuse anyone in the BORI CE), so her consent is moot according to the laws of their society.
2. Draupadi is stated in canon to make eye contact with the five Pandavas even after the sharing thing. She is not indicated to refuse, instead, as stated above, it is implicit consent. 
By our own standards, it is wrong, but we do not know of their society enough to make a judgment. Draupadi is always stated to be happy with things as they were, nor was the sharing considered Adharm, as shown in modern televised adaptations.
As for Arjun’s trip of celibacy, he’s not explicitly said to go on that trip because of any angst related to Draupadi, he does that to honor a promise. A promise that if Draupadi is with one of her husbands, no other should disturb them, on pain of exile. Once, when Draupadi is with Yudhisthir (probably in the armory), Arjun is approached by a Brahmin, whose cows have been stolen. Since Arjun is always the sort of person who would be dutiful if he can, he disturbs Draupadi and Yudhisthir, to get his bow (which is why I think they were in the armory, which also doubled as Yudhisthir’s bedroom, according to BORI), and undertakes exile as a result. Yes, his insistence about keeping his oath in spite of Yudhisthir excusing from it can be interpreted in such a manner, but I choose not to interpret it that way. He undertakes exile as he did he duty and did not shy away from it to save his own skin.
Draupadi dying first because she loved Arjun more is Yudhisthir’s reasoning, I do not think it is the actual reason she dies first. For example, in canon, Arjun is stated to die ‘from grief’ yet Yudhisthir says it is pride Arjun dies of.Yudhisthir says that he loves Bheem more than anyone else, yet he does not die because he does not love his brothers equally, so why should we accept that Draupadi died because of the same?(Yudhisthir himself is hardly perfect, I don’t know why his judgement is accepted as gospel with respect to Arjun and Draupadi, especially.)
 It speaks more about Yudhisthir’s envy for the bond Arjun and Draupadi shared more than it speaks about Arjun and Draupadi themselves. So I don’t think objectification of Draupadi occurs here, at least from Arjun’s side. Yudhisthir is guilty of objectifying her, not Arjun.
I hope I got the intended meaning of your ask correctly. I have stated my own subjective opinion, albeit citing canon as proof for it. Please understand that I am firm in my opinion, although you might disagree.
Thank you for your ask.
I’d also like to thank @ambitiousandcunning and @medhasree for the help they gave in providing context.
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theoppositeofadults · 6 years ago
1. Pfff
It might sound (and look) a bit silly but this word is a staple of French conversation and used in the right way, it will give your spoken French a bit of native attitude.
Pfff often goes hand in hand with a facial expression that exudes boredom or dislike because it is used to convey contempt, disdain and scorn.
The French use it when somebody is saying something they consider to be stupid, ridiculous, pathetic so much so that they are at a loss for a real answer and are reduced to saying pfff.
There isn't an exact translation in English, but it could be compared to sighing loudly when someone is speaking and some might even make a similar noise to the French pfff to go with it.
Here's an example of this noise in use: Pfff, elle n'avait rien d'exceptionnel cette femme. - Pfff, there was nothing exceptional about that woman.
Or, Pfff, c'est n'importe quoi - Pfff, whatever.
Remember that while it is very common, it is still colloquial and is certainly one to avoid using in front of your boss.
2. Aïe
Aïe is a sound you will hear a lot around France and it may be one that moves you to ask the person who utters it if they're ok.
The action that goes with this word is a deep frown or perhaps even a wince of pain, because it is the French equivalent of 'ouch!' or 'ow!' in English.
So for example you might say: Aïe! Je me suis piqué le doigt. - Ow! I pricked my finger.
Or Aïe! Aïe! Aïe! Je viens de me couper. - Ouch! I just cut my finger.
It can also mean 'oh', 'oh dear', 'oh no' or 'oh my'.
In this case, you might say: Aïe! Que se passe-t-il? - Oh my! What's happening?
3. Bah
Bah will make you sound as French as the French, particularly if you deliver it with your eyebrows raised, your hands turned palms upwards and your mouth formed so that both corners are pointed to the floor. Or with your eyes wide open and an expression of complete perplexity.
Bah can mean ‘I know everything' or ‘I know nothing', it all depends on the delivery and context.
Say it quickly and you can sound dismissively confident. However, you can also say it quickly to sound genuinely surprised. It can also be stretched out to demonstrate just how sceptical and incredulous you are. Or indeed how dubious you are. Everything depends on your facial expression.
Baaaah oui.... 'But of course, you are a fool for asking this question'. Or 'I think so….' (showing your hesitation)
Bah oui! 'Yes!' (showing the answer is blatantly obvious)
Bah oui? 'Goodness me! Is that really true?'
4. Ben
This is one of those French words that you're unlikely to be taught in school and it can really throw a spanner into the works when people start using it in informal conversations.
And if your name is 'Ben' then you're even more likely to be confused... particularly when you see it written down.
But the main translation for Ben isn't exactly a word.
The equivalent in English would be 'er' as in the noise you make when hesitating or playing for time at the beginning of a sentence.
For example, Et tu sais à quelle heure revient ton frère? - Ben, j'en sais rien. (And do you know what time your brother got home? - Er, I don't know anything).
If you're surprised it can also mean 'well'.
Or, J'ai gagné €10,000  à un jeu à gratter! - Eh ben, t'en as, de la chance! (I won €10,000 on a scratchcard game! - Well, you're lucky!)
It can also translate to 'of course', such as Et tu vas à l'anniversaire de Pascal samedi? - Ben oui! (And you're coming to Pascal's birthday on Saturday? - Of course!)
You could also say Ben ça alors! to mean 'well, well, well!'
5. Blow a raspberry
Difficult to spell, this is the noise that babies make when they blow out their cheeks, or the noise of someone making a farting sound.
Unlike in British and Americans cultures, though, in French this is not rude, it's simply a way of saying 'I have absolutely no idea'. It can be used as well as or instead of a shrug if you've asked something that is simply impossible to answer.
6. Hein
French speakers pepper informal conversation with hein all the time. It's one of those things that no one teaches in school, but will make you sound a lot more natural when you talk.
Hein is an interjection which is used to pose a question or seek confirmation. It is usually found at the end of a phrase, but also sometimes at the beginning or on its own, and serves a number of different purposes.
Hein?, when it's on its own or at the beginning of a phrase, is very similar to the English ‘huh?' or ‘what?', used to indicate that the speaker has not understood something and would like it to be repeated. As in, Hein? Qu'est-ce que tu as dit? - ‘Huh? What did you say?'
And just like ‘what?', hein? used in this way can also indicate the surprise of the speaker, rather than that they have not heard what the person they are talking with has said: Hein? Tu as déjà fini? - ‘What? You already finished?'
It can also be used to insist on a response, even when the speaker may already suspect that they know the answer: Pourquoi est-ce que vous êtes en retard, hein? Vous êtes réveillé tard ? - ‘Why are you late, huh? Did you wake up late?'
Or to simply solicit the agreement of the listener, like ‘eh?' or ‘right?', especially at the end of the phrase. For example, Ce n'est pas si facile que ça, hein? - ‘It's not so easy, right?'
Finally, hein can be used at the end of a phrase to emphasise what has just been said, as in Laissez-moi tranquille, hein! - Let me be, ok? (In this case, no question is actually being asked).
However hein is used, it's usually in an informal context, and is the kind of filler word you want to avoid in presentations at work or school.
7. Kif-Kif
This informal phrase will help you out when comparing multiple things that are more or less the same, or when you want to make someone believe that that's the case.
Kif-kif means ‘it's all the same', ‘it's equal', or ‘it makes no difference'. This phrase is usually used in informal scenarios to compare two options that are so similar that they are virtually equal.
For example, Si je prends le métro ou le bus, c'est kif-kif, ça va durer une demi-heure (Whether I take the metro or the bus, it's all the same, it's going to take half an hour).
It can also be used to indicate that two parties have contributed equally to something, especially expenses: Tu as payé le dîner? Non, on a payé kif-kif. (Did you pay for dinner? No, we split the bill).
In this case, the term moite-moite or moitié-moitié (half and half) can also be used.
8. Bof
If you're feeling demotivated, indifferent, or want to engage in the traditional French pastime of avoiding being positive (being honest) about things, this is a need to know word.
Plus it's a French classic, right up there with pfff, exaggerated shrugging and oh la la.
Historically it's thought that this word might be linked to the acronym of Boeuf, Oeuf, Fromage. All three foods were rationed during the German war-time occupation in France and black marketeers became known as BOFs. Overtime bof  has lost this unscrupulous association and come to mean something quite different.
Bof is a spoken interjection that translates more as a feeling of disinterest or mild unhappiness than an actual word.  
It's nearly always used as an indifferent or slightly negative response to a question, for example, - Que penses-tu de ce film? – Bof. Pas terrible. (What did you think of the film? – Whatever. It wasn't terrible.)
Similarly bof could also be the response to ‘Don't you think the film is great?' (Tu trouves pas que ce film est génial?) or ‘Do you want to go to the cinema? (Ca te dit d'aller au cinéma?), meaning an apathetic ‘not really' in both cases.
It could also be a slightly depressing reply to ça va? meaning ‘not great', ‘ok', or ‘meh'.
Considering that a normal reply would be ‘fine' or ‘good thanks' (bien, merci) saying you are just ‘alright', ‘ok' or bof actually implies that you feeling a bit miserable.
Finally, if you're going to use this classic French sound you might as well go the whole hog and Frenchify your gestures too; bof is often said with an indifferent expression and dismissive shrug of the shoulders.
9. Oh la la
And let's finish on a French classic. Any caricature of the French involves someone saying Oh là là and the best thing about this cliché is that it's actually true.
Living in France you hear it at least once a day, probably more, and after a while you find yourself saying it almost as much.
There are several meanings for Oh là là and to work out which one you're hearing you'll need to rely on context.
One important thing to note is that unlike in English (when we say 'Ooh la la') when the French use this expression it is never intended to express that someone is sexually attractive.
Here's a look at the different ways it is used.
There is the 'traditional' method, most known to foreigners and often (though not exclusively) used by women, which is the prim and proper Oh là là. This is used to express admiration, almost in the same way we anglophone girls of a certain age use the phrase 'Oh my god'.
For example, you show someone your new ring and they say Oh là là c'est trop jolie! (Oh my god it's so pretty!). It is high, light and happy. This is a good Oh là là.
Then there is the bad Oh là là.  Perhaps predictably, the French often employ the bad Oh là là, used more in the sense 'Oh my god that's freaking annoying'. .
For example: a car burns through a pedestrian crossing nearly knocking you over or just doesn't stop to let you cross the road generally or the cashier at the supermarket tells you je ferme ma caisse, moi (I'm closing my till) even though the queues are huge.
This Oh là là (or even Ho là là) is low, baritone and disapproving, often muttered under your breath.
Then there is the pièce de la résistance (which, incidentally, is not something the French say. Go figure.) - the Oh là là là là là là. Yes, that's right. Six “là”s - no more, no less - in quick succession. This is bad. This is very bad.  Not to be bandied around lightly, this is reserved for those head-in-hands, all hope is lost kind of moments which, again perhaps unsurprisingly, happen in Paris more often than you think.
This is used when the French miss a crucial goal in the (soccer/rugby/other ball sport) or when you get halfway home from CDG and realise the cab driver doesn't take carte blue.
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imperialsea-a · 5 years ago
Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! Reiseri sons yo!
✧ ;   Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild(ren)!  ;; @crystallized-blue & meganedad.
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NAME: Rigel Munakata
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Handsome as all hell, he REALLY takes after Reisi. It shows most in his violet eyes and overall facial structure, especially when he’s got his glasses on (RIP he’s got bad eyesight tho). His hair color, height, and fashion sense, however, fall much closer to Seri! Rigel stands at 5′8″ and dresses with class (sorry Munapapa but you dress like a randomized sim sometimes and we can’t have that going on w ur spawn). As expected, he tends to gravitate towards garments of the blue variety :’D
PERSONALITY: He’s definitely a mini Muna. Like his father, he’s not one to reveal his troubles and can keep himself together under immense pressure, but he’s not as resilient as Reisi– I mean, he IS a normal teen no matter how extraordinary his parents are, so he does slip up and he isn’t a great liar when it comes down to it. He’s also fairly awkward, though not quite to the ‘somewhat unnerving, punch-able bastard’ degree, he’s a good boy. He’s adopted a similar world view to his parents and strives to maintain order in his own way, mainly through diplomacy– lacking the physical prowess of both Seri and Reisi, his intelligence proves the best tool for the job. He has an interest in astronomy and is willing to eat the anko Seri serves to him, but only in small doses.
HISTORY / FUTURE:  Rigel is the firstborn but second eldest of the three Munakata children (the youngest written by crystallized-blue). He’s consistently been at the top of his class through the duration of his education and admires his parents’ resolve, hoping to work somewhere in the government and….. UHH… MORE TBA, BC I’M STILL WORKING OUT THE FAMILY DYNAMIC.
FIRST LOVE: Reading, probably. By his teen years, he’s raided every bookshelf in the Munakata residence. When he was younger, he’d try to read books even when he couldn’t understand their subject matter, often asking his parents for assistance with difficult words.
FACE: Kazuki something-or-other…. from DI(E)CE.
                .  .  .  A  BONUS BABY !
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NAME: Sata Munakata (formerly, Sata Higashi)
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: As an adopted child, he shares no resemblance to his parents; instead, he looks to his late mother Eshima. He has bright brown eyes, a head of messy auburn hair, and stands at 5′5″. Pairing with his carefree, approachable personality, Sata keeps things casual in the wardrobe department, frequenting tees and hoodies with a simple pair of sneakers and jeans. His emotions are easily readable from his expressions.
PERSONALITY: He’s essentially a cuddly teddybear: upbeat, cheerful– the kind of person you know gives those great Studio Ghibli hugs. Like Rigel, he can’t lie to save his life though; Sata looks like he’s in physical pain if he tries. So, he opts to be honest, sometimes a little too honest, but he’s good at putting his feelings into words. He likes working in the kitchen be it cooking or baking (with a preference for the latter) and isn’t exactly the best student where grades are concerned; nonetheless, he tries his best and doesn’t feel bad about being ‘average’ in terms of academics, his dad’s got enough genius for the whole house anyway.
HISTORY / FUTURE: When Sata was a baby, his birth mother, Eshima Higashi, left him at Scepter 4′s doorstep, unable to care for both herself and a child with telekinetic Strain abilities while her relationship fell apart. Soon after, she regretted her decision to leave her child and returned for custody. She was able to raise Sata with the aid of Scepter 4 for a few years, but was later killed in an accident. Following the Slate’s destruction, Reisi and Seri took him in as their own and… y ea h. Details still being worked out, but that’s the gist of it :D;; As for his future, I’d say it’s pretty bright and he aims to go to culinary school.
FIRST LOVE: He tends to crush on people easily and gets over it in a week.
FACE: Rui Miyamoto from Haru Matsu Bokura
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jajamanu · 4 years ago
La caféinomane est debout !   C’est l’heure d’écrire et de savourer ce jeune matin.   C’est aussi le matin ‘Burger’ avec chips de Zuchinis!   Je sais,  je sais.. la cuisine pour moi c’est comme les comptines... Ça vient comme un éclair de *génisse !  
Manu a faim,  ca vient de ‘’kicker’’ comme elle dit!  C'est le signal pour moi, j’entre dans mon rôle de cheftaine (concaténation de chef et quétaine).
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Ramassage svp!  Nous remettons la cuisine en ordre et Manu me fait remarquer que le lave-vaisselle fait un bruit ‘’crémeux’’ .   OK !  c’est intéressant que je me dis et elle élabore sur le son que fait du ‘’crémeux’   Wow, je comprends comment ça sonne le ‘crémeux’ maintenant et elle capture toute mon attention, je veux en savoir plus!  Je lui demande quel bruit fait ton lave-vaisselle toi ?    Et bang !  Du tac au tac elle me réponds doucement:   ‘’il fait une toune de Genesis’   et elle me la fredonne!    WOW !  au moins 2 fois !  Du vrai bonbon :)  ! 
On prends la route avec un p’tit lunch de dépannage, direction la 362, route du fleuve.   Je vous ai dit déjà comment c’est beau Charlevoix !
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Nous avons prévu visiter quelques endroits et c’est partie pour la ferme d’Alpagas.  Manu aime beaucoup les animaux,  tous les animaux... Sauf les ‘bitchs’ Émeu, que je veux aller voir demain.    Oh!  que c’est beau un Alpaga!  Pour vrai c’est charmant et je les aime aussi.   Ils ont été tondus dernièrement, on voit les traces de la tonte encore.   J’aurai aimé en voir un  ‘full’ moutonné de laine en boudin!  Je mets donc ca
ça sur ma liste ‘Google’... La dame à l’accueil nous explique le parcours de la ferme et comment on peut les nourrir en arrachant du gazon au sol et leur tendre.  Pour toucher, elle nous explique que l'animal n’aime pas sur la tête, mais le cou et le dos c’est sans problème.   Bien compris, nous entamons le parcours.  Manu prends en photos TOUS les Alpagas du pacage et parfois de très près, comme si elle préparait un court d’anatomie sur l’Alpaga!    Je nourris ces petits mignons et invite Manu à le faire. Elle fait non avec la tête et une expression faciale qui dit:  Occupée avec ma caméra.  Je lui redit et elle me réponds, y’a pas de **pilouse à ramasser et la dame nous a dit qu’ils n’aiment pas être touchés dans le cou.   Ha ha !  Quand tu me sors tes arguments de couverture !     Elle finit par le faire,  grand sourire toute fière!
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La Miellerie du cratère est fermée aujourd’hui.  Je suis triste, j’en voulais vraiment pour maman,  je ne désespère pas,  nous ferons toutes les boutiques artisanales et marchés locaux sur le chemin.  Finalement, on s’arrête au bord du fleuve pour grignoter et une dernière boutique à la Malbaie.
Retour au bercail, encore des vues  magnifiques.  Un apéro au feu de camp, quelques rigolades et niaiseries difficiles à comprendre,  j’ai passé 1/2 heure avec un abat-jour sur la tête, entre autres!  Mais non, on n’était pas saoules et des comptines sont venues me hanter toute la journée.... mais Manu va finir par capoter et me déclarer en phase intermédiaire de s��nilité.   Donc, je vais passer pour aujourd’hui.    À demain chansonnette, mes mignonettes !   À demain chansonnette, je vous aime en tabarouette!.. À demain... OUPS   désolée... pas capable de résister....
Je cuisine un rigatoni et son pain à l’ail (tradition quand tu m’appelles) mais je l’ai un peu manqué... comment on manque un Rigatoni,  je vais vous expliquer ça un autre jour.   Un bon vin rouge puissant pour bien masquer le tout et pour finir;  Jaja dans le spa en solo, pas de photos !   
* dictionnaire de Jaja :  féminin de génie.   pour vrai c’est une vache adolescente.... pffffttt.
** Dictionnaire de Manu:   synonyme de Gazon, sonne comme Pelouse.
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