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fliightliieutenant · 3 years ago
hospital themed starters
@facedtogether said: “ i’m not leaving this room. ”
"I know."
It had been a while since Jeff had been so tired. The IV in his arm didn't bother him, or the casts and braces, or the uncomfortable hospital bed- all of those things were things he was used to. But EDI was here, and the war was over.
They could finally breathe. Even if he was currently breathing with a machine nearby making sure his multiple broken ribs didn't make that process too painful for him.
Of course, he had enough painkillers in his system he wasn't sure that would hurt anyway.
"I'm glad you're here, though. When the ship started going down, I just kinda... I started worrying we'd fucked it all up, you know?"
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smashedagainstashuttle · 3 years ago
Answered / @facedtogether asked: [ REMARK ] : after someone passes a remark on what a cute couple the seemingly platonic sender and receiver are, the sender casts a meaningful glance at the receiver, expecting them to say something about it first.
Ever since EDI was walking around independently on their free time she'd become more than enthusiastic about learning how people functioned socially. Sometimes the questions were pretty awkward or weird but it was interesting to see how she evolved.
Docked on the Citadel Kaidan was talking with Jeff in the docking bay waiting for the rest of the team to return when EDI walked towards them seeming like she'd have some question or the like, she usually did when they made a stop there. But she smiled looking at them, "I think you two make a very cute couple."
The two had never spoken about them to others even if they'd been together quite some time already, and coming to think of it EDI had seen and heard everything between them ever since they boarded the SR-2. Kaidan was stunned, not because he was embarrassed or unsure, but because there had to be some sort of process on how EDI came to that conclusion, only god knows what sort of questions she's been asking around. Looking at Jeff Kaidan was hoping for a rescue, a witty remark or a sassy comment from him but he was looking at Kaidan clearly expecting him to say something.
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Tilting his head a little Kaidan clicked his tongue, just to get a few more seconds to think of what to say. "Well, I don't know about cute, EDI. I'm thinking more like a strikingly handsome couple."
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vakariiian · 3 years ago
misc sentence starters
@facedtogether said: “  you don’t have to talk, we can just sit together.  I'm better at the later anyway. ”
There were very few people Garrus would willingly let his guard down in front of. Even Shepard, as much as he trusted and respected the commander, very rarely got to see how he really felt behind years of learning to push himself to the brink and beyond.
But the turian hadn't been in the best shape as of late, and while he couldn't risk even a second of showing that weakness in front of Shepard - who needed him at 100% - there was at least one person on board this spirits-forsaken ship that he trusted enough to let his guard down in front of.
Which was how Jeff wound up with Garrus sinking into the co-pilot seat to his right. His mandibles twitched, he winced, and then he churred softly.
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"Thanks, Joker." One hand came up to tug the edge of the bandages covering a large portion of his face. "Hell of a fight down there."
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mysteriene · 3 years ago
⌦ @facedtogether​ · Joker sent › ❛ don’t allow the world to take your kindness. ❜
               The reticence is implausibly haunting; Liara misses the creaks, lurches, and vibrations of the Normandy. It is deafening to linger around—forewarned of their forlorn situation, of the lack of intelligence, knowledge, news. Such turbulence causes distress—Liara finds little solace in her sleep, rigged with nightmares and memories; she doesn’t know whether she wants to be awake, or asleep——which one was better? Her humour is sharp, bitter, her lack of socializing proved to be a means of concern; Dr. Chakwas comes to frequent the Shadow Broker’s quarters, for a check-up, to talk, only to see how Liara is cooping—lost in to blank screens and minimal technology to work with. The Asari pulls that mask over her, like a blanket; a façade to ignore the heartache that screams in her head. There is a need for answers. She believes, she knows whatever happened—it worked. It had to. They lost EDI, now just a husk left. What occurred on the crucible? There has been no communication, and not a single sighting of the Reapers; perhaps she should take it. It is, what it is. Liara finds it disheartening to be left in the dark.
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               ‘ Don’t allow the world to take your kindness. ’
               It is an extraordinarily simple statement, but it draws Liara’s attention away from her terminals. She knows that voice—more than most. Exasperated, royal eyes turn towards a well-known visage of their pilot; to Joker, Liara has a familiar, downtrodden look that paired with her exhaustion. A smile crosses her lips, faint and solemn. Their gaze is a recognition of melancholy, when there should be a chance of hope—it's an ache, that constricts her heart beyond much reason.
               “Joker,” it is the alias of her choosing; there weren’t many moments that Liara called him Jeff. Her sigh is quaint, an attempt to invoke a hushed, humoured tone. It did not work as well as the Asari intended. Beryl eyes avert their gaze—Liara to purse her lips in consideration. “I suppose, insisting that I am fine, will have little effect on you.” It is a jest, as much as it is a serious; she hurts, they both know it. But Joker is not without his own struggles too; how Liara has tried to bring EDI back to consciousness. She sat with Tali, searching for possible solutions but her usefulness ran dry without the proper resources. “I know it is hard, for all of us... I haven’t been fair, or very courteous to others.” Heartbreak had always resorted to self-preservation for Liara. The laughter that falls now is true, but harsh��judging herself for her reclusive actions. Her attention is brought back to the pilot. “How are you doing?” It’s not much of conversation, but it’s a start; maybe, Liara can find an answer to the statement Joker hand entered with.
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jshepard · 3 years ago
@facedtogether​​  for  joker.  a  post - war  hospital  visit.​
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the  view  through  the  windows  of  his  room  wasn’t  a  pretty  sight...  but  maybe  he  preferred  the  rubble  of  london  than  a  nice  room  in  huerta  memorial.  assuming  the  citadel  was  spared,  that  is.  rubble  and  debris  and  the  husks  of  fallen  reapers  were  the  only  thing  you  could  see  for  miles. 
his  bones  ached  and  his  wounds  burned,  but  he  never  mentioned  that  to  the  nurse.  he  would  live.  there  were  other  patients  who  needed  the  extra  help  and  attention...  john  was  just  thankful  to  be  alive,  to  live  and  tell  the  story  of  how  he  almost  bit  the  bullet  to  those  who  didn’t  find  him  a  mess  in  some  ruins  just  outside  the  city.  
at  least  he  fared  better  than  he  did  during  his  first  brush  with  death.
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the  door  squeaks  open  and  john  turns  his  attention  from  the  window  to  the  man  who  just  walked  in.  or  limped  in,  if  you  preferred  to  get  specific.      ❝     joker,     ❞     he  says,  clearing  his  throat  a  bit,  the  dust  and  ash  and  soot  from  fallen  and  destroyed  buildings  still  burned  his  throat.  he  smiled,  nevertheless.      ❝     thought  you’d  be  busy  up  with  the  normandy.     ❞
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systems-alliance-pilot · 3 years ago
It still hadn’t really set in yet, the reality of it all. The Normandy and a number of her crew were gone...as was her Captain. 
The Alliance had taken so long to arrive that Owen’s attitude towards his superiors had been as cold as whatever fucked-up planet they’d found them on. He was in no mood to be professional, especially when the higher ups seemed so eager to hide the sacrifice of his friends. But they didn’t matter: not right now anyway, he could be angry again in a couple hours.
The lock turned green and the door opened as Owen approached, beret in one hand as the other ran through his hair. He’d expected to see a recovering pilot, which he did, but he hadn’t expected to see a smaller version of the patient sat beside him.
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scientistxsalarian · 4 years ago
// Hiii. You've been down the ouat rp hole as well?! I've played as the blue fairy & august for a few years back in the days.
//what a small! Rp world! I love it. I live for it. I used to have a Henry blog, a Regina blog, and an Emma blog. I...also had a very short lived Grumpy blog just because I could xD
I wonder if we ever crossed paths!
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elusivehumanity · 4 years ago
"You said my brother would be here... Where is he? When can I see him?" (Hilary Moreau)
"Here in the subjective sense. He works for me." Did work for him. "But he's out doing his job; I'll make sure you get to talk to him soon. In the meantime, make yourself at home. You'll be safe here. Just don't wander around. It's a military base. There's a war. Stay in your room and I'll make sure you have everything you need."
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fliightliieutenant · 3 years ago
something wild, pt. 1.
@facedtogether said: you have nothing to be embarrassed about. nothing.
“You say that a lot, but it doesn’t change the fact that I am. I appreciate the pep talk, though.”
Embarrassment was one way to put it. He didn’t often just lay in his cot all day, letting EDI handle piloting- everyone always noticed when he wasn’t at the helm. Normally, he could put bad days on the backburner, only lay in his cot and stare at the ceiling for a while when most of the crew was sleeping. The skeleton crew didn’t notice as much. Like this? People talked. That was what he hated.
But there was nothing to be done about it now, and he gave EDI’s hand as reassuring a pat as he could manage. If nothing else, at least he had the best possible company... and having her physically present was far different from the long nights spent rambling at her voice when pain kept him awake.
What he really wanted now, however, was to avoid the subject.
“Can’t complain about the company, either way! I get a few hours laying here until the meds kick in, and since you don’t gotta be in the chair while running the piloting suite, we can spend some... more or less quality time together.”
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afraidofchange · 4 years ago
"I've heard what happened." Coming out of the Normandy's med bay, the admiral approached her after his personal debriefing with Shepard. "If you want to talk." Hackett gave his old friend a concerned look as he offered Karin to come aboard his ship. Informing the medic about that Shepard was about to turn himself in for the Alpha Relay incident.
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  “Steven,” With both a sense of relief and uncertainty both, the ship’s doctor rises from her chair. They’d made it back from the collector base with Dr. Solus’ escort, alive and mostly well save for dehydration, hunger, and of course, shock given the circumstances. Even her own hands still shake, and the image of being stuck in those tubes for what felt like weeks lives behind her eyes every time she closes them. Still, Hackett’s presence - and his offer - ground her. 
“My only worry, Admiral, is taking care of the crew. Mr. Moreau, in particular, but... they may still well need me for the time being. I wouldn’t want to leave them without... without adequate care.”
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mysteriene · 4 years ago
@facedtogether​ sent: “Hundreds of thousand of colonists, left to drift out here forever.” (Agent feron at your service)
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               Sorrow adorns Liara’s heart, listening to Feron’s voice; she had sent him away, to seek the safety for others. She has no time to get sentimental. The loss could have been averted—lessened, if only the Leadership was stern in Shepard’s revelation. No, they were much too focused on their own actions with the destruction of a Star System. So many souls, were lost then too. . . Perhaps there were excuses, perhaps there were red lines not to cross—but any sense of keeping peace was long over, when the Reapers poured through a Mass Relay. They were even given more time, by the Commander Liara had been attacked on two fronts, Reapers and Cerberus—crashing her Broker Ship into Hagalaz. Desperation, dread was settling in—this was real. There was no escaping reality; extinction is imminent, the death beyond count in mere minutes. It is one of the worst possible outcomes—but what could she do?
               “I need you to do your job,” it is a callous declaration, but it is laced with the repentance Liara reveals rarely. She needs to see this through, sending Feron far out into the Earth Systems while she conducted her own investigation. The Asari shields her eyes from sight, collecting herself; it had to happen now, why not a few years? Or is it, better this way? To give Shepard a window than stew in Alliance Prison. Too many thoughts, too much static; Beryl eyes focus in on the Drell’s face, a sigh to cascade from parted lips. “I need to move.” It is something she tells herself, vocally, to assert herself to this cause. There’s far too much at stake, and everyone is in need of hope—no matter how fragmentary it is. It is why she sent her agent to TipTree, to secure the safety of family. Liara needed Feron, her trusted companion, for this task—no other could possibly take it. “Please, be discrete.” She knows his capacities, far more secretive than herself—at least, in a physical sense.
               “Oh, and Feron, please come back alive.” It is a silly notion, a silly order; but it’s a faint humour, to help cut the rising severity of their predicament.
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jshepard · 3 years ago
       *   Q.     @facedtogether​.      ❝ Every time you order us to face impossible odds, I have to remind myself that I volunteered for this. ❞
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john  smiles,  something  almost  unnoticeable.  he  knows,  despite  joker’s  attitude  sometimes,  he  wouldn’t  trade  this  for  anything  in  the  world...  and  that  wasn’t  exaggerating.  he  crosses  his  arms,  takes  a  step  back,  and  his  smile  almost  grows  in  size.  a  hand  comes  gently  to  the  pilots’  shoulder,  a  very  careful  squeeze.      ❝     wouldn’t  have  anybody  else  take  the  normandy’s  controls,  y’know.     ❞     and  he  knows  joker  knows.  but  it  didn’t  hurt  to  remind  him.
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systems-alliance-pilot · 4 years ago
Bars were as much a part of a soldier’s life as any battlefield: whether celebrating or mourning, parting ways or reuniting, military men and women could always find a reason to visit their favourite watering hole. Today was no different.
Owen scanned the room as he entered, seeing many familiar faces but not finding the specific one he was hoping to. I know you’re here. He moved further into bar, greeting former squad mates as he passed through the crowd. After a few minutes of reminiscing - and a couple more drinks than he’d expected - he soon caught glimpse of the man he was looking for. 
“You know, when I heard that someone had stolen the Alliance’s newest ship and took her for a little run-out, I somehow knew it were you.” Owen smirked and pushed Joker’s cap down over his face before sitting beside him. “How mad were they?”
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scientistxsalarian · 4 years ago
@facedtogether wants a joker starter
"Ah, Joker. Think I've found alternative treatment to weekly visit at medbay. Simply requires replacement of legs with cybernetic counterparts and partial symbiotic relationship with native micro parasite found on Demeter. Must be noted no clinical trials have been established on method but outlook positive…" Fingers tap on his chin, smile spreading. 
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"Though unable to treat side effect of hearing occasional, explosive outburst of animal noises while sleeping. Might need adjustments. Would not suggest treatment until tests. Unless...enjoy explosive animal noises. Grunt appeared excited at notion." 
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elusivehumanity · 4 years ago
❛  i’m  still  trying  to  find  my  identity .  ❜ (EDI)
"I gave you one. You should have kept it."
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fliightliieutenant · 3 years ago
Have a Hug Nonverbal Starters
@facedtogether said: A comforting hug.
It had been the worse news he'd received in a while. Tiptree being hit was the worst case scenario, and no word from his beloved sister was wearing thin on the the pilot. This whole mess had been bad enough, his sleeping habits slipping, Edi taking over more and more of the piloting duties as he started to feel himself breaking.
He was tired, exhausted even. He had argued with Shepard, which he'd never done before, even at their worst. And now everything just felt heavy.
But when Edi had hugged him as gently as she could manage, mindful as she ever was, he slumped against her, head on her shoulder, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to ignore all of the awful, anxious thoughts rolling through his head.
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"...thanks, Edi."
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