#facebook advertising in brazil
allegrumedia · 10 months
Dominate with Facebook Advertising in Brazil
Allegrumedia.com helps you get the most out of your Facebook Advertising in Brazil. We offer tailored strategies and creative solutions to maximize your ROI and make your brand stand out with an emotional touch.
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hello-nichya-here · 1 year
So I've asked you this in private, but I thought the rest of your followers should see this as your thoughts are quite entertaining.
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What is your opinion on the idea of stuff like this being the only acceptable method of pornography?
*cracks knuckles* Let's get the easiest part out of the way first.
Saying Something Is "Female-Friendly" Is Just Marketing
I'm sorry (not really) to be the one to state the obvious, but at best labeling any kind of pornography as "female friendly" means "most of the people that enjoy this are women" - which is very different from saying "ALL women are into this" or "No guys are ever into this." It's the good old "this cartoon is for boys, that one is for girls."
It's not a radical statement, it's not revolutionary, and it is at best a morally neutral mention of a random statistic that is being used to find the best demography to advertise to and at worst just pointlessly trying to force people into boxes with that they are/are not allowed to enjoy based on their gender.
Don't believe me? Well, too bad because this image you're seeing is literally part of a facebook ad for a porn site. The name of the site and of the artist they were working with can be seen at the top in the uncut version. Like I said, it doesn't matter how "radical" these claims of "this product is made for/by X minority group" pretend to be, at the end of the day it's just marketing.
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"Oh, but people obviously support the message it's sending anyway!" True... but that message is at best filled with poor word choices, and full on terrible at worst.
Consent - Important In Real Life, Meaningless In Fantasy
In the context of this being an ad for a porno site, I think it's safe to say "Consent-based" is just a way of assuring viewers that every actress was fully consenting to every sexual act and was not pressured into anything in any way, which is the bare minimum.
HOWEVER, I've seen plenty of people misunderstand or flat out lie about the "consent-based porn" term means. Like I explained, it is meant to be about the ACTORS consenting - but their "characters" don't need to consent to anything because they are not real. A hardcore CNC fantasy with the actress pretending she doesn't want the sex/is not enjoying it while her co-star pretends to force themselves on her is STILL consent-based if the actress playing the victim role can stop the scene for literally any reason and even walk out completely if that's what she wants.
Unfortunatelly, because kink-shaming is still very much a thing, people act like that is crossing a line and totally counts as legitimate assault - even in videos that the actors before AND after the scene mention how excited they are, how great it was, openly discuss their kinks, etc.
Nobody needs to watch something so extreme if they don't want to, but I have a serious problem with people saying stuff like that shouldn't ever happen. If the people involved in the role-play are doing it WILLINGLY and can back down at any moment, then it isn't in anyway immoral.
Sexual Attraction Is NOT The Same As Respect/Acceptance
Once again, I'm sorry (not really) to be the one who has to tell you guys this, but "representation" in porn is meaningless because:
1 - It doesn't matter how many porn videos there are of any minority group - each individual person picking something to watch will only click on the ones that show people with the body-types and genders they are attracted to, doing stuff they personally find appealing.
2 - "This kind of porn is popular" does not in anyway translate to "this is what society deems morally acceptable". A ton of homophobes LOVE lesbian porn. My country, Brazil, has always had porn with trans people and crossdressers as one of THE most popular trends - yet we are also the country that commits hate crimes against them the most, even when compared to places where being trans or crossdressing is literally a crime that earns you an authomatic death sentence. Incest porn has been obscenely popular everywhere for decades yet most people STILL find the thought of real-life incest absoutely repulsive.
3 - "I am not usually/ever attracted to people of group X" doesn't authomatically mean "I HATE people of group X." Just cause I like red-heads and brunettes, doesn't mean I'll be commiting hate crimes against blondes. If that was how things worked, sex-repulsed asexuals would hate literally all of humanity.
Wanting porn to be inclusive is utterly pointless because sexual attraction is 100% morally neutral. Which brings us to...
What Even Counts As "Objectification"?
Once again, if by "Don't objectify people" we are talking about how "Just because you hired this person to star in a porno, it doesn't mean you can just ignore their consent, comfort and safety for the sake of your fetish" then yeah, that's the bare minimum.
However, if you're saying "don't objectify people" as a way to say "Don't make the video too graphic/obscene/kinky" then we absolutely have a problem here because, my guy, it's porn. It is all about letting us see hot people looking slutty and fucking in great, explict detail.
"Oh, but these sexual acts are humiliating and gross!" To you, maybe. But not to the actors that are very willing to do it. I've had some of my fetishes be called both deeply disturbing and gross AND the most vanilla shit ever. That kind of stuff is 100% subjective, and the only people who can say "I felt disrespected/unsafe/abused" are the actors themselves. Once again, if THEY consented, there's nothing wrong with it regardless of it appealing to you or not.
"Oh, but we'd be wasting an opportunity to educate people/give X group more representation"
If I ever click on a porno and there's a two minute intro with the actors, both belonging to some minority group, talking about how one of them is also historian and the other is a astronomer, I will STILL only care about seeing them fuck even though I love both history and astronomy - not because I don't think they can't possibly know what they're talking about since they are sex workers or because of some kind of bigotry, but because, surprise surprise, I only check out porn sites for the porn. That's what EVERYONE does.
Hell, bad porn can be used to educate people. 50 Shades is awful and a ton of ignorant people think it is 100% accurate to how BDSM actually works. However, this has led to entire groups of people who are actually kinky to discuss REAL BDSM with vanilla people and educate them on how it can be a great thing. And, of course, there's people that enjoy those shitty novels/movies but KNOW they are not accurate representiation of BDSM because they are aware that PORN IS JUST FANTASY, NOT A GUIDE TO HOW SEX SHOULD WORK!
"But it's so shallow to focus only on these people's looks and know literally nothing else about them!"
Yes, and? Being "shallow" isn't always bad, and feeling attracted to someone solely for their looks is not a crime.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a goddamn fanfic writer and I was once the classic "teenager that totally thinks she'd have a chance with that famous rockstar that is old enough to be her dad", I KNOW that the thought of a real connection (emotional, intelectual, etc) CAN be hot - but there's nothing wrong with "These two people whose names I don't even know look hot, I wanna see them fuck, then I'll go take a nap and never think of them again." These porn stars are not crying themselves to sleep because people whose faces they've never even seen don't know anything about them other than how they look without clothes on.
"Female" Pleasure - Yet ANOTHER Hollow Marketing Term!
Seriously, that last one REALLY irritated me because it's one of those things that tries to sound progressive, but are meaningless at best and downright sexist at worst, because it implies:
1 - There must be a strict separation between "female" pleasure and "male" pleasure. A sexual act cannot possibly be enjoyable for both the guy and the girl, and gender prevents men and women from EVER being into the same thing (as a woman that finds more porn that fits my taste in "male-centered" sites than in most "porn for women" sites, this one gets on my nerves).
2 - Pleasuring one's partner cannot possibly be enjoyable - so, say, a girl cannot possibly enjoying giving her boyfriend head, and vice versa.
3 - Sex is a competition and women NEED to win because "female" pleasure is apparently more moral than "male" pleasure (hence the "ALL porn can and should be 'female' friendly")
4 - ALL women are turned on/turned off by the exact same sexual acts, and the level of pleasure they get is always exactly the same. Preferences are not individual and never change over time. (Seriously, a woman directs a sex scene between two actresses, the editor is a woman, and all the viewers are women - which one will speak for her entire gender and decide what "female" pleasure looks like? You see how silly this sounds?)
Sex and sexuality can never be over-simplified like that, and fantasies are just harmless fun.
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Meta tried to discredit Brazilian researchers who identified fraudulent ads in its platforms
Meta's lawyers called researchers from NetLab, a research group affiliated with one of Brazil's top universities, "biased" and "unable to produce technical evidence" after the company was fined for fraudulent ads using the name of a federal government program.
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Meta's external lawyers tried to discredit researchers from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) who reported failures and negligence in ad moderation in its main platforms, Facebook and Instagram, according to government documents obtained by Nucleo.
A research report produced by NetLab, a laboratory that monitors and studies social media, was used by Senacon, a federal watchdog for consumer issues, to first notify and then fine Meta in November 2023.
At the time, the research group showed that the company did not take down more than 1,800 paid advertising posts containing scams that used the name of a popular government program to assist indebted individuals, called Desenrola, even after an official notification months earlier, in July 2023, had demanded the removal of the content.
In response to Senacon's fine, which used the study as its main basis, the platform accused the UFRJ team of being “biased” and not acting “in a technical manner.”
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ace-and-ranty · 1 year
So you know how people will sometimes advertise misc house repair services as “Husband to Hire”? (Or at least they do in Brazil)
Just saw a lady on my neighborhood’s Facebook Group advertising as Wife to Hire, and honestly. Good for her. Yes, I WILL hire a wife to do the tiles in my kitchen, that IS a wife’s work. Go women.
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squideo · 2 years
Advert Alchemy: The Timing
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In this series, Squideo is breaking down the eight key ingredients to turn your advertising content into gold! In the last edition of Advert Alchemy, we examined the importance of music in creating the perfect marketing campaign. This week, we’re looking at the importance of timing. 
How long should your advert last and when should you hit your audience with unique selling points (USPs)? Timing is everything and hitting the right notes at the right time is the difference between your audience visiting your website or pressing mute. 
Time to Shine
The ideal length of your advertisement varies depending on three factors: 
01. Location, Location, Location
Adverts can be shown on multiple platforms, so either focus on one main platform or create multiple versions for maximum optimisation. An advert on Facebook should ideally be 60 seconds, 30 seconds for television, and up to 15 seconds for YouTube. 
02. Countdown 
Do your market research. How long is the average viewer going to watch an advert on the platform of your choice? How long is your target audience going to watch? Don’t make an advert your customers won’t want to watch or you might turn them off your brand altogether. 
03. Cash to Splash
If you’re planning to air an advert on television, remember that the longer your advert runs the more it will cost. The cost of your advert will also depend on the platform you want to broadcast it on, as different channels charge different hosting fees. 
Making Your Time Up
Let’s break down five adverts of different lengths and examine how they use timing to maximise their impact. 
01. Breaking Records
The longest television advert, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, lasted a whopping 14 hours! Shown exclusively in Brazil, it filled a gap between scheduled television much like teleshopping does on British satellite channels. Creating this was no small feat, with production and editing lasting months. 
The brand which produced this gargantuan advert is one you’ll definitely have heard of: Old Spice. Their advertising campaign, created by Procter & Gamble, has been so successful that it led to a 60% increase in sales of Old Spice products after the first advert aired when the initial increase target had only been 15%. 
The Old Spice adverts have been so successful, their campaign has run for over 10 years. It’s accomplishments are down to its fast humour, excellent audience targeting and fantastic casting. From the offset, Old Spice adverts start selling, packing a perfect punch into its longest and shortest ads. 
02. Blink and You’ll Miss It
On the other end of the spectrum are adverts so short it’s entirely possible to miss them: blipverts. 
What’s the point of that you ask? In a world of fast-forwarding, ad-blocking and skip buttons, getting to the point quickly is an artform that’s worth mastering. 
The shortest Superbowl advert to ever run was half a second long. Viewers caught sight of a logo and heard the name. Curiosity was piqued. The Seattle restaurant Ivar’s is known locally for its eccentric advertising campaign, but this stunt took the brand to a new level of national infamy. 
But the record holder for the shortest ever advert goes even further. The adverts for MuchMusic last 1/60th of a second, appearing on screen as a flash of an image. These would be run concurrently during advertisement breaks to ensure viewers took notice. 
03. Epic Odyssey
After hearing about an advert 14 hours long, something 90 seconds or over seems fairly tame. But compared to the average length, this is considered quite the investment. It’s rare for adverts to last longer than 30 seconds, so having something running for 90 seconds plus is certainly attention grabbing. 
These long-form adverts can also be shortened into multiple segments making them very adaptable. On British TV, these long adverts are typically infomercials (think JML) or Christmas placements (John Lewis, Marks & Spencer, Aldi etc.). 
Warburton’s is a British companies that frequently likes to break the 30 second average. Whether it’s Robert de Nero creating a bagel empire, Peter Kay romancing the wholegrain, or The Muppets singing about crumpets, each advert is worthy of the time it takes and proudly showcases the product. 
04. Running on Standard
Most adverts last between 15 and 30 seconds. An interesting way to shake up this average, however, is to create a series of adverts that run on from each other. This gives viewers an incentive to keep watching, which helps reinforce your brand in their memory, without paying for a longer advert which could lose the attention of an audience. The adverts can then be spliced together to create a longer advert to show on YouTube or your website. 
Take a look at this compilation of John Smiths adverts. The brewery used the same group of actors throughout the series of adverts – including the well-known comedian Peter Kay. The plot often ran on from the same location, e.g., a wedding, a restaurant. 
They became so popular with viewers that, when the advert series ended in 2005, there was a public campaign calling for its return. 
05. Topsy Turvy
You can also run what is a called a top and tail advert. These are two adverts in the same television break of 15 seconds each, giving a total length of 30 seconds. These adverts are usually run by show sponsors. 
John Lewis, for example, sponsors Channel 4, specifically their home related content (Homes on 4) like Grand Designs or A Place in the Sun. Their adverts are created to run before and after each commercial break, which is why they decided to use this advert style. 
Have a look at their latest advert. The video below is the full version, which is split before airing on television to follow the top and tail format. 
Content Worth Gold
Get in touch with the Squideo team today to find out how we can improve your advertising strategy with video production, motion graphics, social media management and much more! 
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Ukrainians turn a Russian Su-30SM hunted into souvenir keychains
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 11/14/2022 - 21:32 in Military, War Zones
Ukrainians seeking to help their Armed Forces are doing crowdfunding, selling a Russian Su-30SM Flanker-H fighter slaughtered as souvenir keychains.
The team of aviation enthusiasts of Fuselage Creations is picking up the wreckage of the latest Russian fighter and turning it into key chains. They then sell these keychains all over the world and use that money to finance the purchase of equipment for the Ukrainian armed forces.
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In a message posted on Facebook, Fuselage Creations said that "the result of the failed mission of 'recognition - bombing' is -1 Flanker in the Russian air force, not the last one killed nor the last one we are going to offer".
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The modern aircraft that was shot down is a two-seat Russian Su-30SM tactical bomber that the Ukrainian military says he knocked down in Mykolaiv Oblast. It is a rare aircraft attributed to the Russian Navy, with the tail number RF-33787, the call sign "45 Blue" and manufactured by Irkut.
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According to some reports, such as one of TASS, the Su-30SM, with a mark value of $47 million, is a super maneuverable two-seat fighter, for all climates, of 4++ generation derived from the successful Indian Su-30MKI and the Su-30MKM of Malaysia, which began to be delivered to Russian Forces in 2013.
The Russian-made Su-30SM is developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau mainly for the Russian Air Force and Navy. It is an advanced model of the Su-30MK combat aircraft series. In addition to Kazakhstan and Russia, the armed forces of Algeria, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Uganda, Venezuela and Vietnam have Su-30MK series aircraft.
Tags: Military AviationRussian NavySukhoi Su-30SM FlankerWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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emmajohnson256 · 5 days
GBE Community: Connecting Africa to the Diaspora – Empowering Businesses, Creating Opportunities, Building a Brighter Future
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In a world where economic empowerment can reshape communities and create lasting change, the GBE Community is leading the charge to connect the African diaspora with Africa, America, the UK, Brazil, and the Caribbean. We’re not just a network; we’re a movement dedicated to empowering black-owned businesses, creating job opportunities, and fostering economic growth. If you’re ready to join a transformative movement and be part of something bigger, the GBE Community is the place for you.
The Challenges We Face
In today’s interconnected world, many entrepreneurs and business owners of African descent face several common challenges:
1. Limited Access to Global Networks: Entrepreneurs often struggle to connect with like-minded professionals and business opportunities across continents. Without strong, supportive networks, it’s hard to grow a business or expand into new markets.
2. Underrepresentation in Global Trade: Many black-owned businesses miss out on lucrative export and import opportunities, especially between Africa and its diaspora. Without established networks, scaling a business to an international level becomes difficult.
3. Lack of Financial Support: Securing investments and partnerships is a major hurdle for black-owned enterprises, with many businesses facing financial exclusion or limited funding options.
4. Inconsistent Promotion Channels: Many businesses are unable to advertise their products or events effectively, limiting their visibility and potential for growth.
5. Youth Unemployment and Lack of Entrepreneurial Skills: Young people often lack access to the tools and education needed to build successful careers or start their own businesses.
These challenges can feel overwhelming, but there’s a powerful solution designed to overcome these obstacles and open the doors to opportunity.
The Solution: Join the GBE Community – A New Facebook Group for Global Business Empowerment
The GBE Community is the ultimate platform to bridge the gap between the African diaspora and the continent itself, providing opportunities that are often out of reach. Here’s how the GBE Community helps solve these challenges:
1. Expand Your Network Across Continents
The GBE Community connects you with business professionals, exporters, importers, and entrepreneurs across Africa, America, the UK, Brazil, and the Caribbean. Our platform opens the door to an invaluable network, helping you promote your business and discover new ventures globally.
2. Drive Intra-African Trade
As a member of the GBE Community, you can actively engage in promoting trade within Africa and the diaspora. Whether you're looking to export goods or import products, our network helps you identify partners and build lasting business relationships that fuel growth.
3. Access to Financial Resources and Business Partnerships
We understand that financial support is crucial. That’s why the GBE Community works to connect businesses with potential investors and partnerships. Together, we cultivate opportunities for businesses of all sizes to access the funding they need to thrive.
4. Promote Your Products, Events, and Brand
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, SME, or large business, the GBE Community provides you with a platform to promote your products and services. Advertise your business to an audience eager to support black-owned enterprises, and gain visibility across multiple regions.
5. Support for Youth Education and Empowerment
Through our Millionaires Academy, the GBE Community is committed to empowering the next generation. We offer impactful online courses to teach essential entrepreneurial skills, foster a positive mindset, and equip young people with the tools they need to succeed.
6. Support Non-Toxic, Uplifting Music
The GBE Community believes in promoting music that inspires and uplifts. By supporting non-toxic, wholesome entertainment, we ensure that our platform aligns with values that contribute to positive change within our community. Join us to help promote and enjoy music that enriches and empowers.
Why You Should Join the GBE Community
The GBE Community is more than just a Facebook group—it’s a worldwide network of professionals, business owners, and visionaries working together to create lasting economic impact within our community. Whether you’re looking to grow your business, connect with industry leaders, or support initiatives that uplift the African diaspora, the GBE Community is the platform for you.
Join the GBE Community today and be part of a transformative movement. Together, we will empower black-owned businesses, create new opportunities, and ensure success for every member. Let’s build a brighter future, one connection at a time.
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liam-hartley · 8 days
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Promoting Trade Within Africa: GBE Collective’s Strategic Goals
Are you an entrepreneur of African heritage looking to elevate your business? Do you want to connect with a network that understands your challenges and is committed to your success? Welcome to GBE Collective, where we bridge Africa to the diaspora and empower black-owned enterprises.
Understanding GBE Collective
At GBE Collective, our mission is clear: we aim to empower black-owned businesses, foster job creation, cultivate new business alliances, and retain financial resources within our community. Our global network connects individuals from Africa, America, the UK, Brazil, and the Caribbean, creating a powerful ecosystem for growth.
Objectives of GBE Collective
Empower Black-Owned Businesses:We provide the tools and resources needed for black entrepreneurs to thrive.
Create New Ventures:We help launch new business ventures and create employment opportunities.
Cultivate Strategic Partnerships: Our network facilitates strategic partnerships and investments when feasible.
Common Challenges Faced by Black Entrepreneurs
Even in a globalized world, black entrepreneurs encounter significant hurdles. Here are some common challenges you might relate to:
Lack of Visibility and Promotion
In a crowded marketplace, getting noticed can be daunting. Whether you're launching a product or hosting an event, effective promotion is crucial. Without visibility, even the best ideas can go unnoticed.
Limited Networking Opportunities
Building meaningful connections can be challenging, especially when navigating international markets. You may struggle to meet potential partners, investors, or clients who understand and appreciate your vision.
Difficulty Accessing New Markets
Expanding into new regions or countries requires insider knowledge and robust networks. Without the right connections, breaking into new markets can feel impossible, stunting your growth potential.
Insufficient Support for Startups and SMEs
Starting and growing a business is no easy feat. Access to the right resources and support systems is crucial, yet many entrepreneurs find it hard to find guidance.
Challenges in Securing Strategic Partnerships
Reliable partnerships can be transformative for business growth. However, finding the right partners often requires more than just a good pitch; it necessitates strong connections and support.
How GBE Collective Can Help
Joining GBE Collective, a new Facebook group, opens doors to overcoming these challenges. Here’s how we can support you:
Promote Your Business and Events
GBE Collective provides a platform designed specifically to showcase your business and events to a global audience. Our network amplifies your reach, connecting you with individuals eager to support black-owned enterprises.
Advertise Your Products and Brands
Gain exposure for your products through targeted promotions within the GBE Collective network. We offer various tools and opportunities to help you stand out and attract the right customers.
Explore Fresh Business Prospects
Discover new entrepreneurial opportunities with GBE Collective. Our community serves as a hub for innovation and collaboration, providing the resources you need to explore and seize new prospects.
Connect Exporters and Importers
If you’re looking to enter or expand in African and Caribbean markets, GBE Collective facilitates valuable connections between exporters and importers, streamlining your business dealings and fostering growth.
Foster Trade and Establish Partnerships
Engage in trade and build lasting business relationships with the help of GBE Collective. Our network promotes economic growth and helps establish enduring partnerships that drive success.
Support Startups, SMEs, and Institutions
Whether you’re a startup, an SME, or an NGO, GBE Collective offers vital support and resources tailored to your specific needs. We’re committed to helping you thrive and achieve your goals.
Champion Youth Education Through Millionaires Academy
Enhance your skills and mindset with GBE Collective’s Millionaires Academy. Our online courses equip you with the financial knowledge and positive mindset needed for success.
Join the Movement
By becoming part of the GBE Collective, you’re not just joining a group—you’re entering a powerful network dedicated to your success. We advocate for black-owned businesses, providing you with the opportunity to showcase your enterprise, access vital resources, and connect with like-minded professionals.
Are you ready to transform your business journey? Join us today and help create a thriving business community that bridges Africa to the diaspora. Together, we can forge a lasting economic impact and ensure success for all members.
Connect with us on social media and be part of the GBE Collective—your gateway to global business networking and new opportunities!
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In a world where connections are key, many black entrepreneurs in the diaspora face a common challenge: building strong business networks that span continents. For these entrepreneurs, the path to growth and success is often hindered by a lack of access to global markets, limited visibility, and the struggle to find trustworthy partners who share their vision for progress. But what if there was a place specifically designed to overcome these obstacles and empower black-owned enterprises?
Welcome to GBE Fellowship—the new Facebook group and global business alliance dedicated to Bridging the Diaspora to African Business. GBE Fellowship was created to unite individuals of African descent from around the world—whether in America, the UK, Brazil, the Caribbean, or across Africa—to transform these common challenges into opportunities for collaboration, growth, and shared success.
The Challenges Faced by Black-Owned Enterprises
1. Limited Access to Global Business Networks
   Entrepreneurs of African descent often struggle to expand their business reach due to limited access to global networks. This restriction not only limits their ability to build profitable partnerships but also hinders their visibility in international markets, preventing them from exploring new business avenues.
2. Lack of Strategic Alliances and Resources
   Despite a wealth of talent and ideas, many black-owned enterprises lack the resources and strategic partnerships necessary to thrive. From securing investments to navigating complex trade regulations, having the right connections can make or break the journey to business success.
3. Navigating International Trade Complexities
   For exporters, importers, and other entrepreneurs looking to connect with markets across Africa and the Caribbean, understanding international trade rules, compliance requirements, and local market trends is a daunting task. Without the right guidance and network, expansion can feel like an uphill battle.
4. Visibility and Promotion Challenges
   Getting the word out about your business is vital, but many entrepreneurs struggle with promoting their brands effectively. Finding platforms that cater to a global audience, especially one that values and uplifts black-owned businesses, can be a challenge.
5. Sustaining Economic Growth and Creating Employment
   Creating lasting economic impact within our communities is another challenge. Despite immense potential, many black-owned businesses face hurdles in sustaining financial resources and creating long-term employment opportunities that uplift the entire community.
 The Solution: How GBE Fellowship Empowers Black-Owned Enterprises
GBE Fellowship was established to address these unique challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth, visibility, and economic empowerment. As a new Facebook group and global business network, GBE Fellowship connects entrepreneurs with resources, partnerships, and platforms that fuel success and drive positive change across the diaspora.
1. Expanding Your Business Network through GBE Fellowship
   By joining GBE Fellowship, you gain access to a thriving community of business professionals, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders across Africa, the Caribbean, America, the UK, and Brazil. Whether you’re looking to form strategic alliances, explore new markets, or simply expand your professional network, GBE Fellowship provides the right connections to enhance your business reach and visibility.
2. Promoting Your Brand to a Global Audience
   Promotion is key to business success, and GBE Fellowship offers a powerful platform for advertising your products, services, and events. With a network spanning multiple continents, GBE Fellowship ensures your business gets the attention it deserves, helping you build credibility and attract new customers and partners.
3. Navigating Trade Barriers with GBE Fellowship
   For entrepreneurs looking to enter new markets in Africa and the Caribbean, understanding the landscape is crucial. GBE Fellowship simplifies this process by connecting you with local business partners and providing insights on trade regulations, compliance, and market trends—giving you the confidence to expand your enterprise globally.
4. Creating Strategic Business Alliances
   Finding the right partners is essential for long-term success. At GBE Fellowship, we facilitate introductions to reputable businesses and industry stakeholders who are passionate about advancing black-owned enterprises. These alliances pave the way for collaborative projects, investments, and new business ventures that elevate your enterprise.
5. Sustaining Economic Growth and Empowering the Community
   Our mission extends beyond individual success. GBE Fellowship is committed to creating lasting economic impact within the black community by promoting intra-African trade, supporting startups and SMEs, and championing youth education through initiatives like the Millionaires Academy. By joining GBE Fellowship, you’re not just growing your business—you’re contributing to the financial vitality of the entire community.
6. Empowering the Next Generation through GBE Fellowship’s Millionaires Academy
   GBE Fellowship is not just about business—it’s about building legacies. Through our Millionaires Academy, we equip young people with the financial literacy, entrepreneurial skills, and mindset needed to become the business leaders of tomorrow. By supporting youth education, we’re investing in the future of our community.
A Holistic Approach: Health, Wellness, and Entrepreneurial Success
At GBE Fellowship, we understand that success isn’t just about financial growth—it’s also about personal well-being. We’re committed to promoting health and wellness among our members, believing that a healthy mind and body are essential for entrepreneurial success. From wellness workshops to mental health resources, GBE Fellowship provides support that goes beyond business, helping members thrive both personally and professionally.
Join GBE Fellowship and Elevate Your Business Today
If you’re ready to expand your network, promote your brand, and connect with a powerful community of like-minded entrepreneurs, GBE Fellowship is the platform for you. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of a global alliance committed to empowering black-owned enterprises, driving economic growth, and creating lasting partnerships.
Join us at GBE Fellowship, and let’s build a future where black-owned businesses lead, innovate, and thrive globally!
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abigailharris99 · 17 days
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Are you ready to unlock new opportunities and connect with a vibrant community of entrepreneurs? Welcome to GBE Networkers, where we bridge the gap between the African diaspora and businesses across Africa, America, the UK, Brazil, and the Caribbean. Our mission is clear: to strengthen black-owned businesses, create jobs, and foster meaningful partnerships that keep our economic power within the community.
The Challenges We Face
Many entrepreneurs struggle with limited access to resources, networking opportunities, and markets. Without the right connections, it can be challenging to grow your business, find investors, or promote your products effectively. These barriers can stifle innovation and hinder economic growth, especially within the black community.
GBE Networkers: Your Solution
Enter GBE Networkers, a new Facebook group designed specifically for people of African descent. Here’s how we can help you overcome those challenges:
Promote Your Business and Events: Gain visibility and connect with potential customers.
Advertise Your Products and Brands: Showcase what you offer to a targeted audience.
Explore New Business Opportunities: Discover avenues for growth and collaboration.
Connect Exporters and Importers: Facilitate trade between Africa and the Caribbean.
Establish Long-term Partnerships: Network with like-minded professionals who share your goals.
Support Startups and SMEs: Access resources tailored to your business needs.
By joining GBE Networkers, you’re not just becoming part of a group; you’re stepping into a community committed to mutual support and economic empowerment.
Why Wait?
Now is the time to take action! With GBE Networkers, you’ll access invaluable resources, connect with dynamic entrepreneurs, and participate in exciting networking events that can transform your business. Together, we can create lasting economic impact and drive success for everyone involved.
Join us today and be part of a powerful movement dedicated to elevating businesses in Africa and the diaspora. Let's connect, collaborate, and thrive together!
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for September 2, 2024...
Strange Sounds
You see that women falling? That's you if you ever get injured and can't work…
I really hate the fact that people defend billionaires…
What’s going on in Brazil??? X/Twitter is banned and $9k a day fine for using a VPN…
Meanwhile, Starlink defies order to block X in Brazil… And VPN demand surges…
The guy on the left was arrested and convicted for illegally selling missiles to Iran during the Reagan Administration. The guy on the right is a Fox News 'military analyst' who thinks Iran shouldn't have missiles. They're the same guy…
Hey Colorado! What are you at? A manhunt is underway to find who put up these "hate signs" in Denver…
We should blow up every Amazon truck just to be safe… Smugglers using fake Amazon trucks to shuffle trafficked humans all over US…
Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting a strange noise… idk about you guys, but i would be terrified considering you’re hearing this out in space…https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/TmeWEzc2mLA?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
Sorry guys, I hate ads passionately… In a pitch deck to prospective customers, one of Facebook's alleged marketing partners explained how it listens to users' smartphone microphones and advertises to them accordingly… In leak, Cox Media Group brags about listening to your phone’s microphone to serve ads for stuff you mention…
That judge really likes the movie breakfast club. ‘You want another one?’ … Man sentenced to an additional 558 days for swearing at judge…https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/NUH-OzaKAeY?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
Why is this man who raped and sexually abused his daughters being granted access to his underage sons against their own will?? This isn't just one of his kids saying sexual abuse happened. He sexually abused three of his daughters and one of his sons witnessed it. That should be more than enough to revoke all custody… Former Aurora cop charged with raping daughter remains free as mom is sent to jail…
That horror show is actually increadibly helpful, after floods like these there is a massive boom of mosquitoes… Flooding in Pakistan causes spiders to take to the trees…https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Gsrpt1ufG_k?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
Due to political and economical challenges, the Venezuelan city of Maracaibo lost about half a million of its 2.2 million inhabitants — many of them adults in their late teens to middle age. Will this soon happen in western countries? What happens when half a million people abandon their city…
Putin just can’t be stopped. Yet another former spy found dead under mysterious circumstances… Hvaldimir, a beluga whale who had captured the public’s imagination since 2019 after he was spotted wearing a harness seemingly designed for a camera, was found dead on Saturday in Norway…https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sONPREhCE-4?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
Who was sitting in there? 22 people in a helicopter? Tourist helicopter crashes near volcano in Russia killing 22 passengers…
What in the flat earth is going on here… Lunar Analemma…
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allegrumedia · 10 months
Dominate with Facebook Advertising in Brazil
Allegrumedia.com helps you get the most out of your Facebook Advertising in Brazil. We offer tailored strategies and creative solutions to maximize your ROI and make your brand stand out with an emotional touch.
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nicole14yolo · 2 months
Have You Ever Heard of an AI Beauty Pageant?--AI Girl Generator
The World’s First AI Beauty Pageant, WAICA, kicked off this April, attracting over 1,500 AI creators. Recently, the competition crowned its first-ever "Miss AI." The event drew global participation, with 1,500 AI beauties competing. Judging criteria included beauty, technical skills, and social media influence. The focus was on hands and eyes, common challenges in AI-generated images. Social media influence was assessed based on online following.
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The winner received $5,000 (approx. 6.88 million KRW) and $15,000 (approx. 20.47 million KRW) in commercial benefits, earning the title of the world's first Miss AI.
Fanvue, the organizer of the inaugural Miss AI pageant, stated that the competition aims to expand AI’s influence and help creators monetize their content. Many contestants have indeed become internet celebrities, bringing economic benefits to their creators. Human beauty pageant winners have historically generated significant commercial returns for TV, film, advertising, and media industries. In today’s mobile internet era, even live-streaming someone sleeping can attract payments. So, what kind of business is it to create and manage an AI beauty queen?
Specific content of AI beauty pageant
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Let's start with the technical aspects. The first criterion is the creator's proficiency with AIGC tools, including the effectiveness of prompts, output quality, and details like hands, eyes, and backgrounds. According to public reports, creators primarily use text-to-image models such as OpenAI (DALLE), Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion. Additionally, they incorporate multimodal and voice models to give contestants conversational abilities. For instance, the winner, Kenza Layli, can interact with fans in seven languages on Instagram and TikTok.
Next is appearance. As in traditional beauty pageants, looks are extremely important. Most candidates for "Miss AI" are slim white women, with the top ten winners fitting conventional beauty stereotypes and having high realism. Some less successful entries, though adhering to the golden ratio, appear stiff, often triggering the "uncanny valley" effect.
Interestingly, the competition also adapted human pageant elements like posture, composure (personality), and speech (Q&A) for AI contestants. They were asked questions such as, "If you could have one dream to make the world a better place, what would it be?" Kenza Layli said her goal is to empower women in Morocco and the Middle East through artificial intelligence.
Finally, social media influence is evaluated. WAICA officials assess AI contestants' social media presence based on fan engagement and audience growth. Many AI contestants are managed by tech companies as commercial influencers. For example, Lu do Magalu from Brazil, a major Facebook influencer with millions of followers, appears in product reviews, promos, ads, and music videos, making her one of the most lucrative AIs globally. Kenza Layli, the winner, has over 200,000 followers on Instagram and works primarily as a life coach.
Who Profits from This Beauty Pageant?
The biggest difference between an AI beauty pageant and a human one is the distribution of benefits. Human beauty pageants are highly centralized and authoritative, with human expert judges holding the power and the hosting TV stations, platforms, and sponsors reaping significant commercial rewards, such as traffic and advertising revenue. In contrast, the direct beneficiaries of AI beauty pageants are the general creators. Why does this “benefit decentralization” occur? I believe it is due to three changes in the times:
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Diverse Aesthetics
Public aesthetics are no longer confined to the single standard set by expert judges. With the widespread use of social media and short video platforms, people can easily find influencers who match their personal tastes. Traditional, centralized beauty pageants struggle to please everyone and have lost their authoritative appeal, often sparking controversy. AIGC's open and diverse generative capabilities can cater to various aesthetic preferences. For instance, AI contestants like the cool-girl Lil Miquela or ocean conservation advocate Anne Kerdi break stereotypes, signaling a shift toward a decentralized, personalized aesthetic era in beauty pageants and the entertainment industry as a whole.
Technological Democratization
Technological democratization is a prominent concept in the AI era. It aims to break the monopoly of technology by a few elites or giants, lowering the barriers to access tools, platforms, and resources so more people can participate in developing and using new technologies. Large models and AIGC have ushered in an unprecedented era of "technological democratization," significantly lowering the creativity threshold. Whether or not someone has professional skills in painting or video editing, they can use large models and AIGC tools to bring their ideas to life simply by writing prompts and speaking natural language. For example, the text-to-image and text-to-video tools used by WAICA contestants allow individuals and small teams to create "AI influencers" at a low cost, which was previously hard to achieve.
Human-like AI
Unlike previous virtual idols, "AI influencers" possess higher degrees of human-likeness. This is due to continuous advancements in NLP, voice synthesis, and multimodal technologies. Over the past year, numerous impressive AI models like GPT-4 and others have emerged. These models enable "AI influencers" to not only speak but also interact with humans in real-time, without relying on manual dubbing and post-editing, making them more realistic and immersive. For instance, "Miss AI" champion Kenza Layli shares her daily life with her brother and sister, enriching her character and enhancing emotional connections with her fans.
An AI creator, Furkan Sahin, stated, "When we look at real influencers, they appear perfect, just like AI." From this perspective, AI has significantly unleashed the productivity of beauty, decentralizing creative power and aesthetic benefits to ordinary people. Everyone can create beauty, signaling the end of centralized aesthetic dominance. In the future, customized "AI beauties" tailored to individual preferences might even surpass human idols and stars in market potential.
AI Image Generator
Picit.AI is an AI Powered Vision Create & design platform where you can bloom your inspiration. Here are some specific tutorials:
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1. Enter the website: Open Picit.AI and select the AI image generator.
2. Enter prompt words: Enter relevant prompt words to describe the idea according to your own ideas. After entering, click to generate the waiting result.
3. Result check: In this step, you need to check whether the style, details, elements, etc. of the generated picture meet your needs. If there is anything that needs to be added or changed, it can be modified on the basis of the input.
4. Enjoy your work: After adjustment, you get the artwork that matches your imagination. Next, you can enjoy your works and share them with others or social networking sites.
By following these steps, you can effectively use the artificial intelligence image generator to create a unique and visually attractive artificial intelligence girl tailored to your preferences. Enjoy the creative process and explore the infinite possibilities of art generated by artificial intelligence!
This competition not only shows the application potential of artificial intelligence technology in aesthetic creation, but also provides a platform for global AI creators to display and communicate. With the continuous progress of AI technology, we can foresee that there will be more similar innovation events in the future to further promote the development and application of AI technology. The artificial intelligence beauty pageant makes us rethink the definition of beauty and the boundaries of creation. As Will Monanchi, co-founder of Fanview, said: "This is not just a game, but also an exploration of the creative potential of AI."
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Facebook, Zoom convicted in Brazil of illegal access to user data
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A court in the Brazilian northeastern state of Maranhão ordered Facebook and Zoom to compensate users for illegally harvesting their data. Both companies will have to pay BRL 20 million (just over USD 4 million) in collective damages and BRL 500 in individual compensation to each concerned user. 
In March 2020, Vice’s Motherboard website revealed that the Zoom iOS app was sending user data to Facebook unbeknownst to the user — even if the user didn’t have a Facebook account. 
Zoom had implemented the ‘login from Facebook’ button on its iOS app, which allowed the social media behemoth to access and extract user data from Zoom’s platform. Zoom apologized for allowing swaths of data that “included information about devices such as the mobile OS type and version, the device time zone, device OS, device model and carrier, screen size, processor cores, and disk space.”
The judge in the case found that Facebook and Zoom had violated users’ privacy rights by accessing data points that allowed the companies to direct ads, track and analyze user behavior, track conversion rates, and personalize user app experience. Having access to this type of data can be precious for advertisers.
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trendingreportz · 2 months
Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Market for Commerce Industry - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
AR and VR in Commerce Market Overview
The market for AR and VR in Commerce is forecast to reach $3.2 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 28.4% from 2021 to 2026. The market is driven by increasing popularity of Augmented & Virtual Reality Devices due to better user engagement with high recall rate. The commerce industry saw a huge change when e-commerce concept gained mass adoption. Prominent companies such as Walmart, Blockbuster suffered when people began purchasing products online, and players such as Amazon, eBay and Netflix gathered the majority of market share. Augmented reality and virtual reality could become an extension to e-commerce. For example, recently, IKEA launched an application called “IKEA Place” which allows users to view the furniture products as if they were placed in the user’s home. This would help speed up the purchase decision process. Although this technology is not expected to reach the heights of success as that of e-commerce, it will still be vital going forward.
Report Coverage
The report: “AR and VR in Commerce Market– Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the AR and VR in Commerce Market.
By Type – AR (Software and Services), VR (Software and Services)
By Platform – Head Mounted Display, Head Up Display, Handheld Device, Mobile Devices, Projector and Wall Display.
By End Use Industry – Tourism, Retail, E-Commerce and Advertisement.
By Geography - North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan India, SK, Aus and Others), and RoW (Middle east and Africa).
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Key Takeaways
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality has opened up new avenues for Commerce Industry. V-Commerce (Virtual Commerce, which is Augmented and Virtual Reality integrated Commerce) has brought in quite a remarkable change in the online retail world, as Augmented Reality doesn't require or requires less hardware and requires devices that most people are familiar with such as tablets and smartphones.
Both Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technically elaborates the scope of E-Commerce and took the interaction to a whole new level altogether.
As per IndustryARC research, more than 60% of online shoppers prefer to purchase items that offer Augmented Reality on websites in one way or the other. It’s inarguable fact that both Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality has increased user interaction for many companies and helped them to upsurge their user base. 
AR and VR in Commerce Market Segment Analysis - By Platform
In Platform Segment, mobile phones stood as the fastest growing subset with an estimated CAGR of 35% during the forecast period. MAR (Mobile Augmented Reality) is expected to account for more than 52% of AR Application Market by 2026. The significant focus of companies in developing MAR solutions is expected to drive market growth. Facebook will be providing users an augmented reality experience via advertisements in the application. Users of the application may view fashion goods such as eye glasses and shoes, and try them on virtually. Many other companies have similarly developed solutions focused on the mobile market particularly for E-Commerce application.
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AR and VR in Commerce Market Segment Analysis - By End Use Industry
AR and VR in commerce sector is driven by rising number of AR solutions focused on the E-Commerce market. Augmented Commerce is currently being used by various retailers to sell their products such as IKEA (Furniture), Converse (Shoes), eBay (FMCG), Amazon (FMCG), etc. Augmented Commerce could be used by organizations to allow users to try games, clothes, furniture, cars, etc. before purchase. People could view what a flat would look like (and features like paint and furniture) by walking around through the application, and another application allows users to view the interior and exterior of various cars. Google has made a huge investment in an ecommerce giant that was making use of augmented reality technology to boost its sales. Google has previously invested in companies that are developing upcoming technology such as DeepMind AI. Similar investments are expected from organizations that want to leverage the technology for their operations.
AR and VR in Commerce Market Segment Analysis - By Geography
North America region holds the largest market share in the Artificial Intelligence in Commerce Market at 42% in 2020. However, APAC witnesses highest growth during the forecast period and is expected to reach. Americas Artificial Intelligence in Commerce market is mainly driven by the higher penetration of the AR and VR technology among the tech savvy people.  The key applications including Tourism, E-learning, and E-commerce among others. 
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AR and VR in Commerce Market Drivers
Rising Investment from Market Leaders
The market for AR and VR is rising due to increased investment from market leading players. Facebook integrating augmented reality ads into its application: Facebook will be providing users an augmented reality experience via advertisements in the application. Users of the application may view fashion goods such as eye glasses and shoes, and try them on virtually. 
IKEA introduced an AR app named Place, which enables Apple users to set IKEA furniture in their apartments and preview an interior before buying products. Thanks to this solution potential customers can choose furniture easier.. eBay collaborated with local firm to open virtual stores in Australia. eBay was one of the first movers in the market, when the industry began developing applications for this technology. Amazon is also offering VR experiences in select cities. Amazon is trialling VR with a view to boost their Prime Day sales. Another e-commerce giant, eBay did the same in 2016 in Australia. We can expect these big players raise the awareness of the technology through such events before potential app launches thus driving market awareness and thereby the market.
Rising Focus on Improving Customer Experience
Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality is a perfect mix of technologies to engage a customer. A memorable happy experience often leads to a satisfied customer. AR/VR technologies are likely to give an enriching experience to the customer which increases the chances of customer satisfaction significantly. As this technology is meant to make it easy and memorable for customers and it is likely to have an upper hand in leading to satisfied customers for companies as well. Customer engagement and Interactivity is not only required after onboarding the customer but is important to aware and attract as well. These AR/VR technologies can extensively be used as marketing tools to spread awareness about a product. This enhanced customer experience offered through AR and VR solutions will drive market growth.
AR and VR in Commerce Market Challenges
Lack of Awareness of AR Content
The biggest challenge with AR is the lack of awareness of AR content from consumers. AR and VR content can come in many forms, and this could be a cause for confusion. There’s still not much clarity over whether consumers are aware these tools are available to them, or if they realize they’re engaging with AR or VR when they use them. In a recent research study conducted by GWI in the UK and U.S., we found that over 90% of consumers in these markets are aware of VR, with around 65% saying they’re aware of AR. Awareness of AR hovers between the 70-75% mark among the 16-44 age group, but drops dramatically among 45-54s (56%) and 55-64s (44%). By gender, males (71%) display a notably higher level of awareness of AR compared to women (59%). This has resulted in limited focus on the AR market especially for applications outside gaming.
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Market Landscape
Product launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the AR and VR market in Commerce. Key Companies operating in the market include Amazon, Ikea, Facebook, Sephora, BMW, Harley Davidson, Sotheby and various other companies.
Acquisitions/Technology Launches/Partnerships
Amazon is trialing VR in a few selected cities in India, with a view to boost their Prime Day sales. 
Facebook will be providing users an augmented reality experience via advertisements in the application. Users of the application may view fashion goods such as eye glasses and shoes, and try them on virtually.
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tech-reasearch-blog · 4 months
Digital Advertising Market Key Players Analysis, Opportunities and Growth Forecast to 2031
The most recent research study by The Insight Partners, “Digital Advertising Market - Trends, Size, Share, and Growth to 2031,” offers a detailed market analysis covering market dynamics, growth opportunities, trends, and segmentation. Digital Advertising Market predictions are presented in this report based on revenue size, CAGR, consumption, technologies, trends, and other critical information.
The report highlights market drivers, and restraints in this market while providing an analysis of recent developments and next trends. Comprehensive Digital Advertising market report presents a dashboard of historical and present market performance. Analysis of key companies contributing to the growth of Digital Advertising market share in the projected period.
The study also focuses on the current market scenario and the range of factors that can impact different region’s Digital Advertising markets in the future. The detailed perspective on the competitive landscape and in-depth supply chain analysis under this report assist businesses in identifying shifting industry practices. This report evaluates the current state of the market and anticipated future growth. Furthermore, technological advancements and investment opportunities, financial data, and market economics are perks of this report.
This report further offers insights on drivers, restraints, current trends, and financial prospects to forecast the year. Precision and validity are key qualities of this research, making The Insight Partners a trusted market research company.
Knowing the state of rivals is a strategically right move to outperform them. This report is the right place to explore key strategies, developments, and recent launches by Digital Advertising key market players. This report emphasizes an analysis of business strategies and expected growth opportunities for brands.
Why Buying this Report Could be Your next Strategic Move?
Learn detailed market information, competition, and SWOT analysis.
To ascertain Digital Advertising market growth carefully by evaluating value, volume, and CAGR data at the national level.
To gain knowledge on market dynamics, unrealized growth opportunities, challenges, and main drivers of the market.
Review recent developments and strategic insights taking into consideration new launches, agreements, and mergers.
Know lucrative spaces to invest in the Digital Advertising market globally and regionally.
The report attempts to offer answers on:
What’s the projected growth rate CAGR by the 2031?
How big is the Digital Advertising market anticipated to be throughout the estimated period?
Who are the major market participants in the market?
What are the main restraints ahead of Digital Advertising market players?
Which are the key segments in the market?
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Platform Type
Mobile; Laptop
& Tablets; and Others
Enterprise Size
Large Enterprises and Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises
Advertising Format
Social Media
Search Engine
Email and others
Industry Vertical
Media & Entertainment
Retail & Consumer Goods
Transport & Tourism
IT & Telecom
and Others
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Aol, Inc.
Amazon.Com, Inc.
Other key companies 
Need a Customized Market Research Report?
You can always share any specific requirements that you have, and our team will adjust the scope of research offerings as per your needs.
The following are some customizations our clients frequently ask for:
The Digital Advertising market report can be customized based on specific regions/countries as per the intention of the business
The report production was facilitated as per the need and following the expected time frame
Insights and chapters tailored as per your requirements.
Depending on the preferences we may also accommodate changes in the current scope.
Key Questions Addressed in the Digital Advertising Market Research Include:
What are present Digital Advertising market values, and what can be expected in the upcoming decade?
What are the key segments in the Digital Advertising market?
What is the regional distribution of the Digital Advertising market report?
What are the key players and their recent strategies?
What are the key factors driving Digital Advertising market growth?
What are regulatory concerns and requirements businesses have to compel?
Author’s Bio:
Anna Green
Research Associate at The Insight Partners
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