#face scarves covid
elizabethrobertajones · 8 months
was going to go to a charity knitting event to make hats and scarves but my brother went to an international conference and now the whole household has Symptoms and I do not want to make a homeless person a lovely scarf and then they wrap it all snug around their face and immediately get covid
anyway if you have a few quid, do something nice while I wait things out before quietly donating some knit goods another, less infectious day
Warming Up The Homeless | (wuth.org)
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A Taste of Heaven Part 9
I have Covid and my life is a bit of a mess, this series might go on hiatus if I keep running into writer's block.
Part 8
Series Masterlist
Contains: Fluff, smut (oral sex F receiving, fingering P in V, bondage) angst.
1,864 words
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After years of study and effort, you finally secure your dream job, as one of the head curators at the best museum in New York. After inheriting a huge brownstone you're looking for a roommate when your best friend Ubbe comes up with a suggestion, his younger brother Hvitserk. Better yet, you're a food historian and he's a three Michelin star chef.
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"What are we going to do? This wasn't us?" Hvitserk shrugged, "nothing, not until we know more. I know we all wanted to see him rot but maybe this is for the best. No one has to go through the trauma of testifying, y/n can get back to a normal life."
Ivar nodded, "yeah, you're right. You two seem to be really happy." Hvitserk nodded, "she's great, I don't think I've been this happy in a really long time. We're going to write a cookbook together." Ivar slapped his back, "that's real good news brother."
Before you could say more, you can around the corner with cats in hand. "Since you're staying here tonight, do you mind taking them? They've been fed and used their tray so all you have to do is be there to cuddle." Ivar smiled, "why not, Ubbe keeps saying how cute they are."
"They are very cute and they will try to suffocate you with their fluffy bellies so be careful." Ivar laughed, "will do. Goodnight you guys, I'll bring them back in the morning." Ivar walked off with cats and tow and you and Hvitserk walked to the bedroom with his arm around you.
"Now that we're alone."
Hvitserk smiled and placed a hand on your cheek, pulling you in for a kiss. He rubbed your nose with his while he pushed you towards the bed, your knees buckling as they met the edge. He hovered over you as his hands pushed up your sleep shirt and you helped him pull it off your body.
"Can I tie you up?" You nodded, "sure you can." Hvitserk smirked and ran off to find something, coming back soon after with some satin scarfs from your closet. He ran his hand up your arm, over your neck and to your face.
"You want this?" You smiled, "one hundred percent, you have verbal consent." He grabbed your wrists and wrapped the scarves around them, making sure that they weren't too tight then he walked you over to the bed.
"I'm not going to tie you down, but I want you to keep your hands over your head, can you do that for me?" You nodded, "yeah, I can." His fingers brushed your forearms as you rested them on the pillows.
"You're so good for me." He kissed across your chest, nuzzling his face into your skin as his hand drifted down and slid into your sleep pants, you gasped as his finger glanced over your slit, the touch was barely there. "More please." He smiled, "you need to be more patient, it's more enjoyable if you draw it out."
You shook your head "easy for you to say, you're not the one being denied." He chuckled, "you don't think this is hard for me too, I want to give you want you want." You smiled, "then why don't you."
He nipped your shoulder, "careful now." You tilted your head, "I'll be good, I promise." Hvitserk kissed down your body then pulled off your sleep pants and panties at the same time. He lifted your leg onto his shoulders and kissed your inner thigh, going from leg to leg as he reached your core.
One hand came to wrap around your leg and his head dipped, his tongue darting out to lick your clit. One of his hands ran up your thigh and he circled two fingers around your entrance, with a nod from you, he slid them inside you.
"Shit that feels good." He chuckled against you, crooking his fingers to rub your G-spot, just as you were about to fall over the edge, he stopped. "Hvitserk, you're being mean." He chucked again and didn't respond, continuing like nothing happened. Without thinking, you moved your hands off the pillow and pushed his head towards you.
He lifted his head, "I thought I asked you to keep you hands above your head?" You smiled, "well Mr head chef, you should know the difference between a request and an order."
To your surpise, he started to laugh, "I'll give that to you, I can always appreciate when someone finds a loophole." You tilted your head, "you're not unimpressed with my behaviour?" He shook his head, "your intelligence and ability to think on your feet will always be impressive."
He went back to his earlier task, perfectly fine with your hands resting on his head. He didn't stop as you reached the edge this time, gripping your leg lovingly as you fell over it. He kissed back up your body to your lips and you could taste yourself on his mouth, "do you want more?"
"Yes please." He hovered over you, resting his weight on one hand while he lined his cock up with the other, he bumped the head at your entrance and you smiled, Hvitserk leaning down to kiss you as he slid inside you.
"I love you so much." His voice was tight, "I love you too." You wrapped your legs around his waist and bucked up to meet his thrusts, "harder please." He smiled, "I can do that." He sped up, one of his hands coming to rub your clit while the other pushed his upper body up so he could look at you.
"You're so pretty." You smiled, "you're too sweet to me." He nuzzled his face into your neck as the fingers on your clit sped up. His hips were slamming into yours as he sucked on your neck, leaving a line of love bites from collar bone to collar bone.
"Hvitserk, I'm close." He grunted, "me too." You latched your teeth into his shoulder as you contracted around him, Hvitserk following you into bliss. He dropped on top of you, breathing heavily against your skin.
"That was great." He smiled, "yeah, it was." He rolled off you and pulled you with him and you buried your face into his chest. "You doing ok?" You nodded, "yeah, it's been a long few days." He smiled softly, "I'm sorry about Hicks, he should have spent the rest of his life inside." You shrugged, "not much I can do about it. It's better for Bob anyway, he can focus on healing."
Hvitserk ran his hand down your arm, "we should get some sleep, you'll be talking to cops all day tomorrow. " You nodded, "good nigh Vitty, I love you."
"Love you too y/n."
"Morning." You rubbed your face, "good morning, sleep well?" He nodded and looked around, "Ivar still has the cats." You shook your head, "I'll go knock on his door, check if he's still alive." Hvitserk laughed, "they may have smothered him in his sleep." You got up and put your fluffy robe on, walking to Ivar's room next door.
Knock knock
"Come in." When you opened the door, Ivar was laying with the kittens on his chest, "you can't have them back, their mine now." You laughed, "well you can pick up their poop them." He cringed, "no thanks, I'll just come by for cuddles, I know the alarm code."
"Ok then. Hvitserk is getting breakfast, you're about to be left for wet food." They seemly heard the opening of the can from the kitchen and jumped off Ivar.
"Told you so."
The first wave of cops arrived soon after breakfast, they were cold and rude. "What do you know about Mr Hicks getting stabbed?" You crossed your arms over your chest, "only what the news told me." They look over at Hvitserk and his brother, "what about you two?"
Ivar huffed, "what y/n said, we know as much as she does. You guys can leave now, it's been a long few days for all of us and we want to make sure our friend stays safe." They left soon after but not before saying they'd be back soon.
More showed up through the day, then Hicks' lawyer called your work phone, "we need to find a time to talk, none of us this to go through civil court, let's talk about this at a time that suits all of us and come up with a solution. You shook your head, "no, Harlod will update you on our terms, do not contact me again."
"I can't believe they pulled that, it can't be legal." It was late afternoon by the time the calls and visits stopped, just as you were about to head over to Ivar's place to get him some things for the next few days, there was a knock at the door. When you went to answer it, there was a box on the doorstep.
"Maybe you shouldn't open that?" Hvitserk was already calling the cops and Ivar was rushing you out of the house while Hvitserk got the kittens. The bomb squad arrived not long after, but found nothing. "You're fine to open it, we'll stay here just in case." Two offices waited next to you as you opened the package, wrapped in brown paper and a small box with a note attached to it.
"Don't go talking now, you know what happened to the last guy."
Looks were shared around the room, "if you give us permission, we can open it for you." You handed the small box to one of the offices who opened it in the sink while wearing a pair of gloves, inside the box was a cut off human finger.
"Oh my God, I know that tat." It was one of the men who broke into the museum, he was one of the ones that got out of bail because he was going to corporate.
"That's it, you're staying with mum and dad until this gets sorted." There was no point in arguing, "fine, I'll go pack."
"I can't believe you slept on a queen as a little kid." You looked around Hvitserk's childhood bedroom as you unpacked your things, "every man in this huge, mum just didn't want to buy me another bed." The walls were covered in posters and there were various teenage boy things along the walls.
"I always pictured you as a Sharon Stone guy, this is Ellen Ripley." He smiled, "hell yeah, nothing hotter than a badass." You huffed, "at least you've got a nice view. I'm not too happy about sleeping right next to your parents but we'll manage."
He pulled you into his arms, "don't worry, the walls are soundproof.' You threw your arms up in the air, "of course they are. Are there any other fun additions to your childhood mansion?"
"And this?" You pointed to the shelves of trophies, "I was really into MMA as a teenager, I stopped when I realised it would ruin my hands." You smiled and wrapped in your arms, "I'm lucky you did, it would suck if you get CTE." He swallowed, "I'm not sure how long we'll be here, but we can stay as long as well need. If you want more privacy, we can go to another end of the house."
You shook your head, "this is fine, I'm totally going to asks your mums for as many stories as I can."
He cringed, "I hope not, they'll be jumping at the chance."
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marketwire · 1 month
Headwear Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Headwear Market Overview:
Headwear Market size is estimated to reach $46.1 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 6.7% during the forecast period 2023-2030. Growing fashion consciousness, rising awareness about sun protection, and increasing customization options for headwear products are propelling the Headwear Market growth.
Additionally, the growth of e-commerce has made it easier for consumers to buy headwear online, driving the growth of the Headwear Market. Online retailers offer a wide range of headwear products at competitive prices, making it more convenient for consumers to shop for headwear. These factors positively influence the Headwear industry outlook during the forecast period.
COVID-19 / Ukraine Crisis - Impact Analysis: 
The COVID-19 pandemic had a mixed impact on the Headwear Market. The closure of outdoor and sport-related activities resulted in a decline in the demand for headwear used in these activities. However, the pandemic led to changes in consumer behavior and lifestyle, which boosted the demand for other types of headwear. During the pandemic, the protective headwear market grew in importance as people become more aware of personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has led to the disruption of supply chains in the area, affecting the production and delivery of headwear products. Moreover, companies that rely on suppliers from the region are expected to face delays or shortages in their inventory, hampering their ability to meet customer demand. The conflict is also likely to result in a change in demand for military-style headwear. If such headwear products are associated with the conflict, the market may see a decrease in demand for such products.
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Key Takeaways:
Headwear Market in Europe to Exhibit Fastest Growth : Geographically, in the global Headwear market share, the European market is analyzed to grow with the highest CAGR of 7.3% during the forecast period 2023-2030. There are several factors that continue to fuel the market. As the climate in Europe becomes more extreme with more frequent and severe weather events, the demand for protective headwear products continues to soar. Headwear products such as beanies, hats or scarves are extremely useful during colder months. A March 2023 report by Reuters suggests that Europe needs to prepare for much colder winter, which involves high demand for warm clothes and headwear.
Beanies Segment to Grow the Fastest : In the Headwear Market analysis, the beanies segment is estimated to grow with the highest CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period. Beanies are not just a stylish headwear option, but they are also significantly comfortable and practical. They can be worn in a variety of climates and can keep an individual's head warm in extreme cold. Since it can be made from a variety of materials (wool, fleece, cotton and more), some varieties of beanies can even be worn during summer days to protect one's head from the sun. The affordability of the product also adds to the growing demand for this headwear segment.
Offline Distribution Channel Held the Largest Share : According to the Headwear Market forecast, the offline segment held 61.1% share of the  headwear market in 2022, making it the largest distribution channel for the market. Since people are more likely to try on headwear before they buy, the offline channels made more sales than their online counterparts. Also, people are more likely to buy headwear as an accessory when they are buying other items. These factors contributed to the dominance of the offline distribution channels for headwear market in 2022.
Increasing Demand for Sports and Outdoor Activities : The increasing demand for sports and outdoor activities has significantly impacted the headwear market. As people become more health-conscious and fitness-oriented, there is a growing awareness of the importance of headwear in outdoor activities such as biking, running, hiking, skiing, and more. Headwear, including caps, headbands, and beanies, is no longer considered merely for protection but has transformed into a fashion statement, especially among millennials seeking the athleisure look. This shift in consumer behavior has led to a surge in demand for trendy and stylish headwear, prompting major companies to launch innovative designs to attract customers. Furthermore, the rapid urbanization of the global population has improved fashion sensibility, acting as a driving factor for the market's growth. As the sports and outdoor industry continues to thrive and evolve, the headwear market is poised for further growth, offering diverse opportunities for manufacturers and retailers to cater to the needs of active consumers 
Growing Fashion Consciousness : Headwear has become an important fashion accessory, and people are now wearing hats and caps to enhance their personal style. The trend of wearing hats for fashion purposes is gaining popularity among the youth, which is driving the growth of the headwear market. The Spring 2023 collections by major designers focused on headwear a lot more this time, suggesting a growing trend of using hats and other headwear options for fashion.
Changing Consumer Preferences to Hamper the Market Growth : Consumer preferences and fashion trends can change quickly, which can impact the demand for headwear products. Companies need to stay ahead of these trends and adjust their product offerings accordingly to meet changing consumer demands. This factor impedes the Headwear market growth.
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Key Market Players:
Product/Service launches, approvals, patents and events, acquisitions, partnerships and collaborations are key strategies adopted by players in the Headwear Market. The top 10 companies in this industry are listed below:
New Era Cap Co., Inc. (47 Brand, EK)
Nike, Inc. (Jordan, Hurley)
Adidas AG (Reebok, Originals)
Under Armour, Inc. (UA Golf, UA Hunt)
Puma SE (Cobra Golf, Tretorn)
Carhartt, Inc. (Carhartt Force, Carhartt Legacy)
The North Face, Inc. (Apex Flex, Summit Series)
Columbia Sportswear Co. (PFG, Trail Summit)
Patagonia, Inc. (Provisions, Black Hole)
The Burton Corporation (AK, Mine77)
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modakee01 · 9 months
Stunning Bracelets
Discover affordable and trendy women's fashion at Modakee. Shop online for stylish tops, stunning bracelets, accessories, jeans, skirts, activewear, shoes, scarves, watches, and plus-size fashion.Stunning Bracelets
About Company:-
Welcome to Modakee! We are more than just a clothing brand - we are a family-owned business that was born out of a desire to inspire and empower women through fashion.
Modakee was founded by a stay-at-home mom of two girls, who had a passion for fashion and a dream of starting her own business. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, life changed for her family and she was faced with a choice - stay home and wait for things to go back to normal or pursue her dreams and start a new venture.
With the support of her husband and children, Modakee came alive. The brand name was inspired by her daughters, whose names both start with "Mo" and "Da", and the mission was to create a collection of clothing that would make women feel confident and beautiful, regardless of their shape or size.
At Modakee, we believe that fashion is a form of self-expression and we strive to offer a range of styles that cater to diverse tastes and preferences. We take pride in the quality of our clothing and our commitment to sustainability and ethical business practices.
Click here for more info- https://modakee.com/
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alliedcreation · 1 year
Silk Market Size is Predicted to Rise $34.1 Billion by 2031 | Textile Sub-segment is Projected to Grow with Highest CAGR
The report provides a detailed analysis of the top investment pockets, top winning strategies, drivers & opportunities, market size & estimations, competitive landscape, and changing market trends.
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The silk market was valued at $15.6 billion in 2021, and is estimated to reach $34.1 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 8.2% from 2022 to 2031.
The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the global silk market trends by thoroughly studying different aspects of the market including major segments, market statistics, silk market share, market dynamics, regional market outlook, investment opportunities, and top players working towards the growth of the market. The report also sheds light on the silk market analysis in terms of present scenario and upcoming trends & developments that are contributing to the growth of the market.
Moreover, restraints and challenges that hold power to obstruct the market growth are also profiled in the report along with the Porter’s five forces analysis of the market to elucidate factors such as competitive landscape, bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, threats of new players, and emergence of substitutes in the market. Additionally, the analysis of silk market forecast will help the industry players in analyzing the growth potential and gaining complete insights on growth opportunities.
Textile is the fastest growing application of silk. The textile business, which is continually growing and altering in terms of supply and demand, includes silk as a significant element. Due to its luster, plush feel, light weight, durability, and strength, silk is a popular material for textiles. It is utilized in a wide range of textiles, including cushions, wall hangings, draperies, upholstery, wedding gowns, gowns, blouses, scarves, and neckties. Silk is also quite comfortable to wear, especially in hot weather. Its low conductivity keeps warm air near to the skin during chilly conditions.
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The rapidly increasing demand for silk protein in sectors such as cosmetics and personal care, textile, pharmaceutical, and nutraceuticals is the main factor fueling the expansion of the global silk market. Oligopeptides and other advantageous ingredients, like the plentiful amino acids found in silk protein, are being quickly incorporated into the formulation of cosmetic products such as body lotion, shampoo, creams, and serum are expected to see an increase in demand from manufacturers of cosmetics and medical industry during the forecast years.
The global silk market is segmented based on type, end user, and region. By type, it is classified into mulberry silk, tussar silk, eri silk, and others. By end user, it is classified into textile and cosmetic & medical. By region, the market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
The upstream and downstream silk industries are going through a severe crisis. Businesses in various nations have faced more difficulties with epidemic prevention, return to work, ordering, and markets. However, changes in silk marketing channels and consumption habits are also being brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic.
The key players profiled in the silk market report include Anhui Silk Co. Ltd., AMSilk GmbH, Ento Genetics inc., Bolt Threads, Sichuan Nanchong Liuhe (Group) Corp., China Silk Group Co. Ltd, Zhejiang Jiaxin Silk Co., Ltd, Xuzhou Shengkun Silk Manufacturing Co., Ltd, Spiber Technologies, and Libas Textiles Ltd.
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Highlights of the Report:
○ The report provides exclusive and comprehensive analysis of the global silk market trends along with the silk market forecast ○ The report elucidates the silk market opportunities along with key drivers, and restraints of the market. It is a compilation of detailed information, inputs from industry participants and industry experts across the value chain, and quantitative and qualitative assessment by industry analysts. ○ Porter’s five forces analysis helps analyze the potential of the buyers & suppliers and the competitive scenario of the market for strategy building ○ The report entailing the silk market analysis maps the qualitative sway of various industry factors on market segments as well as geographies ○ In-depth analysis of the silk market segmentation assists to determine the prevailing market opportunities.
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The Evolving Trends in the USA Clothing Industry
The industry of clothing manufacturers in USA has undergone significant transformations in recent years, driven by changing consumer preferences and advancements in technology. In this blog, we will explore the evolving trends shaping the industry and the impact they have on manufacturers. From sustainable and ethical practices to customization and the rise of direct-to-consumer brands, let’s delve into the key trends revolutionizing the USA clothing manufacturers industry.
Overview of the USA Clothing Manufacturers Industry
The USA clothing manufacturing industry is a significant sector within the country’s broader textile and apparel industry. It encompasses the production of various types of clothing, including apparel for men, women, and children, as well as accessories such as hats, scarves, and gloves. The industry involves a range of activities, including designing, fabric sourcing, cutting, sewing, and finishing garments.
Market Size and Importance: The United States has a well-established clothing manufacturing industry, although it has faced significant challenges in recent decades due to global competition and outsourcing. However, there has been a growing trend of “reshoring” or bringing back some manufacturing operations to the United States, driven by factors such as rising labor costs overseas, demand for faster production turnaround times, and a desire for more local and sustainable sourcing.
Key Players: The industry comprises a mix of large-scale manufacturers, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and independent designers and brands. Some prominent American clothing manufacturers include Hanesbrands, Levi Strauss & Co., VF Corporation, Ralph Lauren Corporation, and Fruit of the Loom.
Manufacturing Processes: Clothing manufacturers typically engage in various stages of the production process. This includes designing and pattern-making, fabric and material sourcing, sample creation, grading, and marker making for efficient cutting, sewing and assembly, quality control, and packaging. Many manufacturers also offer additional services such as screen printing, embroidery, and labeling.
Specializations: The industry caters to diverse segments of the clothing market, including casual wear, sportswear, formal wear, outerwear, intimate apparel, and more. Some manufacturers specialize in specific product categories or materials, such as denim, activewear, sustainable fashion, or luxury clothing.
Technology and Automation: Advancements in technology have had a significant impact on clothing manufacturing processes. Automation and computerized systems have improved efficiency, accuracy, and speed in tasks like cutting, sewing, and inventory management. Additionally, digital design tools and 3D modelling software enable designers to create and visualize garments before physical production.
Sustainability and Ethical Manufacturing: The clothing industry has faced scrutiny regarding environmental impact and labor practices. As a response, many apparel manufacturers in the USA have embraced sustainability initiatives, including the use of eco-friendly materials, reducing waste through recycling and upcycling, and implementing fair labor practices.
Supply Chain and Sourcing: The sourcing of materials and fabrics can vary widely depending on the manufacturer. While some manufacturers source domestically, others rely on global supply chains, importing fabrics and components from various countries. However, there has been a growing emphasis on domestic sourcing to support local businesses and reduce reliance on overseas production.
Challenges: The USA clothing manufacturing industry faces several challenges, including global competition, cost pressures, fast fashion trends, and changing consumer preferences. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted global supply chains and highlighted the need for resilience and adaptability within the industry.
Despite these challenges, the US clothing manufacturing industry continues to play a vital role in the country’s economy, providing employment opportunities and contributing to the fashion landscape. The industry’s future will likely be shaped by factors such as automation, sustainability practices, and shifts in consumer behavior and preferences.
Traditional Manufacturing Practices
Historically, the industry of apparel manufacturers in USA relied on traditional manufacturing practices. This involved labor-intensive processes, often leading to high production costs and longer lead times. While these practices enabled quality craftsmanship and ensured strict quality control, they faced challenges in meeting the demands of a rapidly evolving market.
Traditional manufacturing practices in the USA have played a vital role in shaping the country’s industrial landscape and contributing to its economic growth over the years. Rooted in the country’s rich history of innovation and entrepreneurship, these practices encompass a wide range of industries, including automotive, aerospace, electronics, textiles, and more. One hallmark of traditional manufacturing in the USA is its emphasis on precision engineering and high-quality craftsmanship. Skilled artisans and technicians have honed their expertise to create products that are not only functional but also durable and reliable.
The traditional manufacturing sector in the USA has long relied on assembly line production methods, where products are fabricated step-by-step with careful attention to detail. This approach has enabled mass production, resulting in increased productivity and cost efficiency. Furthermore, this method has fostered a culture of specialization, with different workers focusing on specific tasks to optimize efficiency and quality. From machining and casting to welding and assembly, each stage of the production process is executed with precision and expertise.
Another key aspect of traditional manufacturing in the USA is its commitment to innovation and technological advancement. American manufacturers have consistently embraced new technologies, such as computer-aided design (CAD) and computer numerical control (CNC) machining, to streamline production processes and enhance product quality. Automation and robotics have also been integrated into traditional manufacturing practices, allowing for greater efficiency, accuracy, and safety.
Traditional manufacturing practices in the USA have also placed a strong emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility. Many manufacturers have implemented eco-friendly initiatives, such as waste reduction, energy efficiency, and the use of recyclable materials. This commitment to sustainable manufacturing practices not only reduces the industry’s environmental footprint but also aligns with consumer demands for greener and more socially responsible products.
Furthermore, the traditional manufacturing sector in the USA has been instrumental in driving job creation and economic development. It has provided employment opportunities for millions of Americans, helping to support local communities and contribute to the country’s overall prosperity. Additionally, the sector has fostered a robust supply chain ecosystem, with small and medium-sized enterprises playing a crucial role in supporting larger manufacturers.
Shift Towards Sustainable and Ethical Manufacturing
In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards sustainable and ethical manufacturing practices in the USA clothing industry. Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental and social impact of their purchases. As a result, clothing manufacturers are adopting eco-friendly materials, implementing fair labor practices, and establishing transparent supply chains. This shift reflects a growing awareness and demand for responsible fashion choices.
In recent years, there has been a notable shift towards sustainable and ethical manufacturing practices in the denim and clothing industry as a whole. Both denim manufacturers and sustainable clothing manufacturers have recognized the need to address environmental concerns and improve labor conditions throughout the supply chain. Here’s an overview of these trends:
Denim Manufacturers
Sustainable Materials: Denim manufacturers are increasingly using sustainable materials in their production processes. This includes organic cotton, recycled denim, and innovative fibers like TENCEL™ Lyocell and REFIBRA™, which are derived from responsibly sourced wood pulp.
Water and Energy Conservation: Denim manufacturing traditionally involves significant water consumption and energy usage. However, many manufacturers are implementing water and energy conservation measures. These include adopting efficient dyeing and finishing techniques, recycling water, and investing in renewable energy sources.
Chemical Management: Denim manufacturing involves the use of various chemicals. Sustainable denim manufacturers are focusing on reducing the use of hazardous chemicals and implementing safer alternatives. They may adhere to international standards such as the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) program.
Supply Chain Transparency: The Industry of denim manufacturers in USA is striving to increase transparency in their supply chains. This involves tracing the origins of raw materials, ensuring ethical sourcing, and working closely with suppliers to improve labor conditions and social impact.
Sustainable Clothing Manufacturers
Materials and Fabrics: Sustainable clothing manufacturers prioritize the use of eco-friendly and ethically sourced materials. This includes organic cotton, hemp, linen, bamboo, and recycled fibers. They may also utilize innovative materials made from recycled plastic bottles, fishing nets, or other post-consumer waste. Fair Labor Practices: Sustainable clothing manufacturers emphasize fair labor practices and safe working conditions throughout their supply chains. They often work with certified factories that meet international labor standards and ensure fair wages and workers’ rights. Circular Fashion: Sustainable clothing manufacturers embrace the concept of circular fashion by designing products with durability and recyclability in mind. They encourage clothing recycling, offer take-back programs, and explore innovative recycling technologies to minimize textile waste.
Certification and Standards: Many sustainable clothing manufacturers obtain certifications such as Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) and Fair Trade Certified. These certifications provide assurance to consumers that the products meet specific environmental and social criteria. Local and Domestic Production: Some sustainable clothing manufacturers prioritize local or domestic production to reduce carbon emissions associated with long-distance shipping. By manufacturing closer to their markets, they can also support local economies and minimize supply chain complexity.
It’s important to note that the sustainable and ethical practices within the denim and clothing industry are diverse, and each manufacturer may have different approaches and priorities. However, the overall trend indicates a growing awareness of environmental and social responsibility, leading to positive changes throughout the supply chain.
Technological Advancements in Clothing Manufacturing
Technology has played a transformative role in reshaping the USA and giving few of the best clothing manufacturers in USA. Automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI) have streamlined production processes, improved efficiency, and reduced costs. For instance, automated cutting machines and robotic sewing systems have increased productivity while maintaining high-quality standards. Furthermore, AI-driven data analytics are used to forecast trends and optimize inventory management.
Customization and Personalization
One of the notable trends in the USA clothing manufacturers industry is the rise of customization and personalization. Consumers seek unique and individualized products that align with their preferences. To meet this demand, clothing manufacturers are integrating advanced technologies such as 3D printing and virtual reality (VR). These technologies enable customers to customize garments, ensuring a personalized shopping experience.
Future Trends and Predictions
Looking ahead, the USA clothing manufacturers industry is poised for further innovation and growth. The integration of technology is expected to continue, with advancements in wearable tech and smart fabrics. Additionally, sustainability and ethical practices are projected to become standard across the industry, driven by increased consumer awareness and regulatory measures. The growth of fast fashion alternatives, such as rental and second-hand platforms.
The USA clothing manufacturers industry is undergoing a dynamic transformation and many of the sportswear manufacturers and activewear manufacturers have come up and they all are driven by evolving consumer preferences and technological advancements. Sustainability and ethical manufacturing practices are becoming increasingly important, with manufacturers adopting eco-friendly materials, fair labor practices, and transparent supply chains. The denim and clothing industry, in particular, has witnessed a significant shift towards sustainable practices, focusing on materials, water and energy conservation, chemical management, and supply chain transparency. Moreover, technological advancements, such as automation, robotics, and AI, are revolutionizing production processes, enhancing efficiency, and enabling customization and personalization options for consumers. As the industry moves forward, the integration of wearable tech and smart fabrics is expected, along with the continued growth of alternative fashion concepts like rental and second-hand platforms. Overall, the USA clothing manufacturers industry is adapting to meet the changing demands of consumers while embracing sustainability, innovation, and personalized experiences. By combining these elements, the industry is well-positioned for a future of responsible and customer-centric fashion.
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bills-bible-basics · 1 year
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Coronavirus: Face Masks or Bandanas? https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-face-masks-or-bandanas/ Let me start out by saying right up front that I am not a health expert, medical professional, or anything of that nature. Just like most of you who will be reading this blog commentary, I am just a regular guy who tries to use a little bit of common sense, practicality and pragmatism as I survive the current COVID-19 pandemic. So, because I don't have any credentials to support my position, you can either accept or reject the comments which follow, as you feel led. It is entirely up to you. Having said that, I don't mean to alarm anyone, but as I mentioned in a previous blog post a number of days ago, quite frankly, a number of people -- myself included -- were quite flabbergasted when President Donald Trump and various health officials began suggesting that regular people -- meaning not the elitists -- should resort to using scarves and bandanas to protect themselves from the coronavirus pathogens, instead of using more robust face masks and respirators. Now, it seems to me that with all of the information they now have in their possession regarding SARS-CoV-2 -- which is the actual virus which causes the COVID-19 disease -- they know perfectly well that such clothing items are really just about useless, and provide very minimal protection against COVID-19, due to the small size of the droplets which are expelled when one coughs, sneezes or talks. And there are other factors to consider as well, which I mention in some of my other BBB Blog posts, such as in "Helpful Tips Regarding Using Face Masks and Respirators", which you will find listed below. In fact, I view it as being both irresponsible and deceptive for the president and others to have even suggested that we resort to using such items, because it will give people a false sense of security. In other words, they will think that they are safe because they have a scarf or a bandana wrapped around their face, and this is just not so. Aside from the fact that such items are probably too porous to stop the tiny droplets and the virus which clings to them, what also failed to be mentioned is the fact that if one does not remove such items properly, they could end up getting the virus on their fingertips, and their fingers could then wind up in their mouth, nose or eyes before they have been properly washed. Equally mind-boggling is the fact that President Trump would make the announcement regarding the American public now being advised to use face masks, and then turn right around and in the same breath, basically contradict himself, and go against the advice of his own medical team, by repeatedly stressing that wearing a mask is voluntary, and stating that he does not intend to wear one himself. Wow! How confusing is that? What an example! He expects us to follow advice which even he is not willing to follow? What kind of confusing message is that sending? Well, at least Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx had the wisdom and the decency to tell folks that wearing a face mask or respirator is NOT a substitute for social distancing. In other words, BOTH should be implemented simultaneously for maximum protection. While the USA got off to a slow start in its fight against the coronavirus -- no, I won't delve into that issue again -- as many of my American friends will already know, millions of face masks are now being manufactured in the USA. I suspect that it is for this reason that the Trump administration is now saying that the American public should be using them. But let me reiterate again: Do NOT listen to President Trump regarding this issue. He is out of his league regarding this issue and speaking nonsense. As I mention in another blog post, the people we SHOULD be listening to right now are the health officials, doctors, nurses, scientists, etc., who have the proper backgrounds for dealing with this plague. We should NOT be taking the medical advice that comes from politicians.
This fight needs to be led by the health experts who are in the know. Before leaving behind the previous points, let me make one more important point which I believe validates my argument. Even though health professionals are using N95 and FFP3 face masks, not to mention other protective equipment including plastic shields, protective suits, shoes, gloves, etc., as you probably already know, some of them are STILL becoming infected, and even dying. Now, tell me something. In light of that troubling fact, how can we the public possibly expect or believe that a scarf or bandana loosely wrapped around our face is really going to protect us from this deadly pathogen which is very aggressive, and which spreads so quickly? Are our leaders taking us for fools? Apparently so. Have I made my point? Having stated all of the above, I do understand that at this late date, some of my readers may be in a situation where they do not have any face masks. If that is the case, and if scarves and bandanas are all you have available, well then, as they say, you have simply got to make do with what you've got. But let me say this: Everyone who is reading this BBB Blog post has a computer, tablet or cellphone, right? So my recommendation is that you go to Amazon, or to some other reputable website, and immediately order yourself some N95 or FFP3 respirators. As I have mentioned before, N95 is an American rating which means that a face mask offers 95% protection from certain airborne particles, including the coronavirus. On the other hand, I believe that FFP3 is a class that is used by European nations. FFP3 face masks offer up to 99% protection from such airborne particles. Now please understand that it won't be easy. Many sellers will already be out of stock, and you will probably have to search for a while before you find one which not only still has masks, but who is willing to ship them to your region of the world. Additionally, and sad to say, you may encounter unscrupulous online sellers who charge an arm and a leg for the masks. So please be very careful, and keep searching until you find some. In my case, a brother-in-the-Lord ordered a 5-pack of FFP3 respirators for me in March. They arrived from Israel on March 18th. It was $170.00 for the five-pack. Yes, rather expensive, right? But I am told that Israel makes very good products. I think it is also important to advise you to NOT purchase face masks -- or anything else for that matter -- from any sellers you see on Facebook. If there is one thing you need to know, it is that scammers are out in full force right now because of this pandemic. These people will profit from your fear if you let them. In some cases, you will either never receive your purchased product, or else you will receive an inferior product which does not match what was advertised. Many of these bogus sellers disappear overnight. My friends, I speak from experience. As I mention in my BBB Blog post called "Beware of the Vector Robot Scam", I was scammed by a Facebook seller a number of months ago. This leads me to my next point. Thankfully, I was able to recover my money from the Vector Robot scam, and I will now tell you why I was able to do this. If you have to purchase your face masks from a seller other than Amazon or some other reputable website, then try to find one that accepts PayPal. That way, you are protected, and PayPal will reimburse you if something goes wrong. If your item does not arrive within a specified amount of time, or never arrives at all, or arrives damaged, or does not meet your specifications, or if you sense that something else is not right regarding the seller, PayPal will investigate once you submit a claim. They will give the seller a specified amount of time to respond to the claim, and then they will reimburse you if the issue is not satisfactorily resolved. As I said, that is exactly what happened to me with my Vector Robot purchase. But returning to the face masks, sadly, the one drawback with many of these masks is that they are not reusable.
That is in fact why health professionals require so many of them. Once they become damp, and permeated with particles, it is time to discard them. From what I have read, this usually means in a matter of a few hours. Now, while this is just my personal opinion, in a tight situation, it may be possible to sterilize a used mask by setting it out in the Sun for a while; or by soaking it in a light bleach-water solution; and maybe even by microwaving it for a very brief amount of time. If you try the latter, please be very careful, particularly if the mask contains elastic. As a matter of record, when I saw my personal physician in March, he informed me that he tried the microwave solution, and his mask ended up catching on fire. I have no idea how long he microwaved it for. Before concluding this commentary, let me say the following: In my opinion, we ALL have the right to full protection against COVID-19, regardless of our social status, and regardless of whether or not we are health professionals. Yes, I fully understand that health professionals should take priority. After all, they are our front line soldiers in this battle against SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, I highly respect them, and I appreciate the great sacrifice which they are all making, even placing their own lives at risk, for the benefit of us all. And for the record, both my daughter and son-in-law work in medical facilities, which have become ground zero all around the world at this present time. Yet, at the same time, as I have mentioned before, I also believe -- as the Holy Scriptures teach us -- that it is a national government's responsibility to take proper care of its people; particularly its elderly, sick, poor and disadvantaged. When ancient Israel failed to do this, God rebuked them time and time again, as I point out in some of my articles, such as "What About the Poor?". In this case, it means manufacturing enough high-quality face masks so that every single citizen is adequately protected against this viral threat. If, for example, the American government can spend trillions of dollars on its war machine, and billions of dollars on supporting foreign governments, surely it can take care of its own people, who should come first. As the Apostle Paul wrote: "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." 1 Timothy 5:8, KJV Finally, and most important of all, whatever you do, do not allow fear to overcome you. Continue to TRUST the Lord to see you through this current scourge, and He will. Don't allow the fear-mongers and conspiracy theorists to rob you of the Lord's peace. Cling to Scriptural promises such as the following: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7, KJV "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." Isaiah 26:3, KJV "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." Isaiah 41:10, KJV "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27, KJV For those of you who may have possibly missed some of my previous coronavirus-related writings, following is a list of everything I have written to date regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. I believe that you will find a lot of useful, factual, instructive and Scriptural information in this material. Please feel free to share this list on your own timelines, pages, in your Facebook groups, and on any other social networks where you happen to participate. Thank you so very much, and God bless you! Bill's Bible Basics Coronavirus Information Center: Bill's Bible Basics Coronavirus Information Center Bill's Bible Basics Articles: BBB Article: "Coronavirus: Just the Facts, Ma'am":
https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-1.html BBB Article: "COVID-19, Financial Assistance and Christian Love": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/covid-19-financial-assistance-christian-love-1.html BBB Article: "Coronavirus: Defiant Christians, Stay Home!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-defiant-christians-stay-home-1.html BBB Article: "COVID-19: Exposure Logging and Contact Tracing: Is It Safe?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/COVID-19-ExposureLogging-ContactTracing-1.html Bill's Bible Basics Blog Posts: BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Latest Statistics - Bill's Bible Basics Blog": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-latest-statistics-bills-bible-basics-blog/ BBB Blog Post: "Stop Joking About the Coronavirus": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/stop-joking-about-the-coronavirus/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: God Will Silence the Fools": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-god-will-silence-the-fools/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Be Still and Know That I Am God": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-be-still-and-know-that-i-am-god/ BBB Blog Post: "Is COVID-19 the New Normal? : Don't Freak Out! Trust the Lord!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/is-covid-19-the-new-normal-dont-freak-out-trust-the-lord/ BBB Blog Post: "Helpful Tips Regarding Using Face Masks and Respirators": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/helpful-tips-regarding-using-face-masks-and-respirators/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Why Do You Condemn Your Brethren?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-coronavirus-why-do-you-condemn-your-brethren/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Are You Distracted?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-are-you-distracted/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Wake Up, Already!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-wake-up-already/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: 40 Bible Verse Lists Regarding God's Love, Patience, Wrath, Judgments and Repentance": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-40-bible-verse-lists-regarding-gods-love-patience-wrath-judgments-and-repentance/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Where is Your Common Sense?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-where-is-your-common-sense/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: More Useful Information": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-more-useful-information/ BBB Blog Post: "The Doctor Anthony Fauci Debate: My View": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/the-doctor-anthony-fauci-debate-my-view/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: How to Respond to the Pandemic": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-how-to-respond-to-the-pandemic/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Face Masks or Bandanas?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-face-masks-or-bandanas/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus and Beards and Mustaches": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-and-beards-and-mustaches/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Do You Need A Psychiatric Evaluation?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-do-you-need-a-psychiatric-evaluation/ BBB Blog Post: "COVID-19: Attention iOS Users! This May Be of Interest to You if You Use the "Maps" App!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-attention-ios-users-this-may-be-of-interest-to-you-if-you-use-the-maps-app/ BBB Blog Post: "Apple iOS 13.7 Introduces COVID-19 Exposure Notifications With No Need For 3rd Party App": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/apple-ios-13-7-introduces-covid-19-exposure-notifications-with-no-need-for-3rd-party-app/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Are Vaccine Passports Inevitable?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-are-vaccine-passports-inevitable/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Don't Be So Harsh!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-coronavirus-dont-be-so-harsh/
Bill's Bible Basics Poetry: BBB Poem: "Coronavirus Kooks": https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/coronavirus-kooks.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-face-masks-or-bandanas/?feed_id=63981&_unique_id=645b4705d5b1c&Coronavirus%3A%20Face%20Masks%20or%20Bandanas%3F
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garmentappareldony · 1 year
Regulations on wearing medical masks instead of homemade cloth masks in European countries
How European Countries Mandate Medical-Grade Masks Over Homemade Cloth Face Coverings?
Given the fact that the covid pandemic has spread all over the European countries, the EU leaders are considering restrictive measures to reduce the number of infections And for that reason, some European countries start to have medical-grade masks mandatory as the most effective solution for slowing the disease spreading down.
French is followed by Germany, where the government has required all people within the country to wear a mask FFP2 or FFP1 in workplaces, public transport, or shops. This decision comes as the consequence of Bavaria state’s more stringent rule that enforces people to wear N95 respirators for surgical grade. This mask is believed to filter almost all air particles on public transport or stores.
According to the Chancellor of German – Angela Merkel, the quick spread of coronavirus variants that first appear in Brazil, Africa, and the UK is why German need stricter requirements.
For Austria, from January 25, citizens will have to wear an FFP2 mask in stores and on public transport.
At the recent summit, the EU leaders discussed the requirement of tougher restrictions on travel limitation and quick testing framework; however, the issue on what mask must be the best choice is out of the subject.
A new warning from the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention is that the new covid variants might cause many more deaths and hospitalizations in all of Europe. And for that, each country must apply all essential measures like physical distancing, contact tracing, or quarantine right away.
The ECDC also recommends that people wear face masks for outdoor or indoor activities, even though it does not clarify which face-covering type is the best.
In another location where the easy spreading mutation of covid might lead to the third deadly wave- Britain, the medical-grade face masks are not a strict rule except for the requirement of face coverings in store, public transportation, and some indoor activities.
The guidance from the UK is that bandanas or scarves are also appropriate for covering the face though scientists consider this method is effective to block droplets from the wearer.
Some Research On Medical-Grade Masks And Homemade Cloth Face Coverings
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With the development of easily transmissible variants, scientists recommend the most effective method to reduce the spread is the limitation of viral exposure.
Besides the measures for public health, the medical-grade masks (Dony Mask, for instance) must be the top solution.
Unlike surgical or fabric masks that keep users from large droplets when coughing, sneezing, or speaking, FFP masks can filter both the inflow, outflow air and protect those wearing it from aerosols or small droplets. When correctly worn, FFP2 can protect them from 94% of all particles in the air.
The intense weave in surgical masks delivers a pretty higher protection than a homemade cloth mask. Still, some scientists believe the efficacy of a mask is also based on the amount and type of fabric used for the mask that can impact their safety rating.
The cloth masks guidance in the first wave in the covid 19 pandemic is still limited. The fear of lacking medical masks for frontline doctors or nurses is now a subject of review, especially when the medical mask supplies have increased for now.
However, as the supply chain’s disruptions are still questionable, some governments still think cloth masks a better choice than having no masks.
The health council of French, on the other hand, argued the cloth masks do not offer sufficient protection for the new variants.
Some scientific researches show that medical-grade masks can be effectively protected and prevent virus spreading. More specifically, in June, the medical Lancet newspaper announced a study that compares the rates of transmission in 16 countries. In this study, N95s and respirator masks seem to be more useful to protect users from transmission than cotton or surgical masks.
In August, another study from Duke University compares 14 different commonly used face masks. It showed N95 as the most effective version and followed by the three-layer masks for surgery. The use of neck fleeces or knitted masks might even raise the chance of transmission from droplets.
What Does The WHO Says?
For now, the World Health Organization guidance still states the surgical or medical face coverings should only be for people with covid symptoms, people in their contact, patients with underlying conditions, people above 60 years old, and healthcare workers. Otherwise, the normal fabric masks with about three layers are enough to keep people safe.
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wilderbeestgnu · 1 year
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Outdoor Fashion Wear “WilderBeest Tube Bandana / Face-Mask”. #facemask #faceshield #scarf #scarfs #scarffashion #scarfstyle #scarves #scarfshop #fashion #bandana #bandanas #bandanastyle #wildlife #hunting #hunter #deerhunter #deerhunting #deerhuntingseason #deerhunt #coronavirus #corona #covid19 #covid_19 #covi̇d19 #covid #covıd https://www.instagram.com/p/CoxCl8jrMhz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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financialsmatter · 2 years
About That Medical Tyranny Siege…
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Yesterday we wrote about how 2 years ago we were under a siege of medical tyranny. And how convenient it was for the Boyz to report up to the minute on Covid Deaths, but couldn’t do the same for the elections. Sad to say, the siege of medical tyranny hasn’t gone away. And although we’ve seen ample proof of medical fraud, admissions of guilt, lack of testing for transmission and OUTRIGHT LIES – just to name a few of the crimes – regarding the entire CoronaHoax, the vermin behind this medical tyranny remain unapologetic. Consequentially, it’s still alive and well…And it’s lurking in the shadows waiting for the right moment to raise its ugly head again. Adding insult to this mass murder and global injury, they’re begging for amnesty. READ: Pandemic Amnesty or Admission of Guilt?  November 3, 2022. But instead of ranting on I want to illustrate a point by reprinting a post from April 6, 2020 that’s truer today than it was 2 years ago titled Biggest Mass Manipulation of All Times. Why Medical Tyranny As my wife and I strolled through Walmart over the weekend, I was stunned to see the majority of shoppers wearing face masks and gloves. These weren’t ordinary face masks and surgical gloves.  It seems Walmart shoppers are very creative. Many wore face masks made out of socks, underwear, bras, panties, head scarves, and even woolen hats.  My wife scolded me for my incessant snickering…saying I was being insensitive.  I reminded her that these “worried citizens” – who are following orders to “be cautious” – are the same ones who throw their disposable gloves on the ground in the parking lot. I noticed how most of the shopping bandits increased their distance from me as we casually walked down the aisles.  Then at the check-out lines – which were very small – I realized how socially unacceptable my behavior was by not complying with the bright blue “Social Distancing” squares painted on the floor…six feet apart. The scornful looks I received, from behind the masks, told me that eventually the frightened masses will report people like me to the police for not practicing Social Engineering Distancing. All kidding aside, this is scary AND dangerous behavior. It’s part of the Biggest Mass Manipulation of All Time. It’s truly mind boggling how rapidly the vast majority of the population has cowered in fear to the dictates of “Big Brother.” What in the world is everyone so afraid of? While this is happening, the boyz in the “Club” are laughing all the way to the bank. This entire pandemic madness seems to be predicated on the idea that disease and death are somehow avoidable. They’re NOT avoidable. We’re freaking out that a virus – which began in the 2018-19 flu season – has somehow managed to upset our perfect balance with nature. Afterall, TEN TIMES more people die every year from the regular flu…but that doesn’t count…because it’s not new. It’s just that this current bout of hysteria seems almost anti-human; as if we should be able to transcend our mortal humanity. Instead of worrying about death, you should worry about why Bill Gates pledged $100 Million for Dr. Fartaruci to play with through The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease – which is a total conflict of interest – implying that Dr. Fart is Gate’s puppet. Think we’re making this up? Go ahead and fact check it and you’ll see how the Gate’s Foundation also gave Fauci’s Foundation an additional $13.5 Million. Hopefully, someone will file a class-action suit against the Gates Foundation.   So, as we move into 2023 look for more Medical Tyranny to raise its ugly head, in addition of more civil unrest. And at the same time learn how to prosper AND thrive in these Turbulent Times (HERE). Share this with a friend…especially if they’ve been harmed by Medical Tyranny. They’ll thank YOU later. We’re Not Just About Finance. But we use finance to give you hope. FYI ***********************************   In Case You Missed it… Invest with confidence. Sincerely, James Vincent The Reverend of Finance Copyright © 2022 It's Not Just About Finance, LLC, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Read the full article
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tonkiable · 2 years
Army of two masks gallery
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This photograph is considered public domain and has been cleared for release. Masks are based on instructions from University of Florida Health, two layers of tightly woven cotton fabric. Justin Farrer, a parachute rigger from the 19th Special Forces Group cuts fabric masks to protect Utah National Guard Soldiers during the Covid-19 Pandemic Apon Camp Williams. This article first appeared last year.CAMP WILLIAMS, Utah - Spc. He regularly writes about military small arms, and is the author of several books on military headgear including A Gallery of Military Headdress, which is available on. Peter Suciu is a Michigan-based writer who has contributed to more than four dozen magazines, newspapers and websites. More information will be provided about these discussions in 2021 after Senior Leader decisions are made the Army noted. Additionally, the AUB discussed additional clothing articles, including items for new and expecting mothers. Form, fit, and function evaluations are expected to occur in Q3 of FY21. Prototypes of the APFU-M are in development and the Army is working with the United States Air Force and United States Marine Corps on their respective past maternity uniform efforts in order to expedite pattern development. These include an Improved Hot Weather Combat Uniform-Female (IHWCU-F), which is expected to be added to the clothing bag in Q4 FY21 and available for purchase in Q2 FY22 a Hot Weather Combat Boot-Improved (HW ACB-I), expected to transition to DLA Troop Support for new contracting action in Q2 of FY21 and available for purchase by FY24 Black Athletic Socks, estimated to be available in the clothing bag in Q2 of FY22 and the Army Physical Fitness Uniform-Maternity (APFU-M). Leaders were asked to use their “best judgment” regarding the color cloth and design of face masks, while soldiers were instructed to replace items that became soiled, damaged or difficult to breathe through.īeyond the face masks, the AUB also received updates on the implementation status of four other uniform changes from the 151st AUB, which took place in June 2020. Any fabrics used for face coverings are required to be subdued and conform to the uniform. The guidelines also stated that the soldiers may not wear masks that have “PRINTED WORDING, PROFANITY, RACIST, DEMEANING OR DEROGATORY LOGOS, SCRIPT OR IMAGERY.” Moreover, soldiers are not allowed to cut up clothing materials such as the Army Combat Uniforms to use for face masks as those materials may have been treated with chemicals. THE ITEM MUST ALSO BE SECURED OR FASTENED TO THE FACE IN A MANNER THAT ALLOWS THE SOLDIER TO BREATHE WHILE ALSO PREVENTING DISEASE EXPOSURE OR CONTAMINATION.” TO PROTECT THE FACIAL AREA, THE CLOTH ITEM MUST COVER THE MOUTH AND NOSE AND EXTEND TO THE CHIN OR BELOW AS WELL AS TO THE SIDES OF THE FACE. Army guidelines for face coverings stated, “SOLDIERS ARE AUTHORIZED TO WEAR THE NECK GAITER AND OTHER CLOTH ITEMS, SUCH AS BANDANAS AND SCARVES, AS FACE MASKS. Whereas it can normally take 18 to 24 months for the DLA to make an item available for order once the technical description, design and components are approved and slated-the CCFC, from inception to issuance, is slated to take less than a year. The Army noted that the CCFC was designed, developed and produced along an expedited timeline.
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longdirectory · 2 years
Photo gun soe
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There have been more than 614,000 confirmed cases and more than 28,000 deaths so far worldwide, putting public health systems and emergency services under immense pressure. The governors of 24 states have issued orders shutting down most businesses. population will be officially urged to stay home as the country grapples with the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus. Developed by the British Special Operations Executive (SOE). "In settings where facemasks are not available, HCP (health care professionals) might use homemade masks (e.g., bandana, scarf) for care of patients with COVID-19 as a last resort," the CDC writes under the entry for "When No Facemasks Are Available, Options Include."īy the end of this week, more than 50% of the U.S. silenced pistol being fired has been characterized as being no louder than the snapping of a finger. He captioned the picture: "Oh.you know, just gonna walk to the store and grab some milk and dog food.maybe a bag of nuts? hospitals in the United States face a surge of coronavirus patients, there is a national shortage of N95 masks, which are essential for protecting health care workers and controlling the epidemic.Īs a last resort, the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention said that health care providers could consider using "homemade masks" - such as bandanas or scarves - to care for coronavirus patients. Our inventory includes hundreds of new and used handgun options chambered in 9mm, from popular brands like Glock, Taurus, Sig Sauer, Springfield. GUNS N' ROSES bassist Duff McKagan has taken to his Instagram to share a photo of him and his wife wearing bandanas over their faces as a precautionary measure against the spread of the new coronavirus. Shop 's selection of 9mm handguns for sale.
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We are fast approaching year two living under the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic. Although vaccines will hopefully bring about a lot of changes and maybe even a return to a more normal way of life, until the infection rates go down, we are still living in a world that revolves around face masks and social distancing.
It is very easy to get face masks, covid-19-friendly and face coverings these days because everyone needs them. While many people are happy enough to wear any face covering as long as it provides enough protection, there are others out there (perhaps even you if that is what drew you to this post), that are looking for something more stylish. And why not?
They are an essential part of our day-to-day attire that we all need, so it is only reasonable that we want to put our own stamp on them and choose a stylish option like we would when choosing other essential items like our clothes. That is why many people forgo the more conventional form of face mask and instead use scarves.
Are Scarves as Face Masks Safe (Or Even Legal)?
The subject of what constitutes a face mask or face covering is one that there is a lot of misunderstanding about. The fact is that there are no legal requirements about what a face mask should or shouldn’t consist of because they are not considered medical devices.
Where there are rules about the general public wearing face masks, it is less about what they are made of and how they are manufactured and more that they are wearing them in the first place. As a general rule of thumb, they should consist of at least two layers of fabric or material and should cover your mouth and nose completely. But other than that, there are no legal stipulations.
Which means that yes, you can wear scarves as face masks. UK retailers, restaurants, and other places you are likely going to want to visit are not legally allowed to stop you from entering their establishments simply because you are not wearing a conventional face mask.
A Chance for Some Individuality
Therefore, if you were looking to put your own stamp on what you wear down to the face covering, rather than wearing those masks you see all over the place, then you should consider the scarves for sale at Knightsbridge Neckwear. There really is something for everyone.
Whether you are looking for a silk scarf, in either a bold single colour or a paisley pattern or something a bit more sumptuous like velvet, they have many great products available. Of course, if you prefer, they have woollen and cotton scarves too. Even though Knightsbridge Neckwear are primarily focused on selling men’s accessories, you can even pick up something nice for that special lady in your life in the form of a women’s lambswool scarf.
So instead of wearing uncomfortable and ill-fitting face masks, scarves and Covid-19-restistant face coverings are designed as one-size-fits-all, you can wear one of their amazing scarves. Covid-19 does not appear to be going anywhere anytime soon, so we should all learn to live with it and adapt accordingly.
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modakee01 · 9 months
Online Tops Collection
Discover affordable and trendy women's fashion at Modakee. Shop online for stylish tops, stunning bracelets, accessories, jeans, skirts, activewear, shoes, scarves, watches, and plus-size fashion.Online Tops Collection
About Company:-
Welcome to Modakee! We are more than just a clothing brand - we are a family-owned business that was born out of a desire to inspire and empower women through fashion.
Modakee was founded by a stay-at-home mom of two girls, who had a passion for fashion and a dream of starting her own business. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, life changed for her family and she was faced with a choice - stay home and wait for things to go back to normal or pursue her dreams and start a new venture.
With the support of her husband and children, Modakee came alive. The brand name was inspired by her daughters, whose names both start with "Mo" and "Da", and the mission was to create a collection of clothing that would make women feel confident and beautiful, regardless of their shape or size.
At Modakee, we believe that fashion is a form of self-expression and we strive to offer a range of styles that cater to diverse tastes and preferences. We take pride in the quality of our clothing and our commitment to sustainability and ethical business practices.
Click here for more info- https://modakee.com/
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Hey, if anyone is planning to go to a protest, please, please, please remember to wear a mask. Don’t let protests spread infection.
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news24fresh · 4 years
From scarves to masks: White House’s Dr Deborah Birx seeks to make Covid-19 a fashion pivot
From scarves to masks: White House’s Dr Deborah Birx seeks to make Covid-19 a fashion pivot
US coronavirus official Dr Deborah Birx, who has attracted a cult following for wearing colourful scarves, is now on another fashion mission – to convince Americans that wearing face masks is not only sensible but stylish too.
Dr Deborah Birx is best-known for her calm, composed yet authoritative briefings at the daily White House press conferences, but she also became a pop culture…
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