#fable x birdie mae
georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Would you mind giving us some moments between Fable and Birdie Mae? What was their first meeting like? Why did they become friends? What did they get up to together?
So they met when they were wee little babes. Fable is the oldest by three months, and they were built in friends. Beau/Arleigh and Blade/Lo continue to be friends, without sexual escapades. Their daughters always had someone to play with. That's not to say that he ditched Harry. Him and Harry continue to be friends as well.
As far as getting up to, they tend to stay on the farm a lot, but they have fun at Blade and Lo's too.
Biggest and Bestest
Summary: Birdie Mae and Fable are besties
Pairings:  Fable X Birdie Mae
Rating:  😂🥺
Warnings:  Fable, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 980
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
The Turtle Doves Masterlist
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You tap on your baby’s nose, and she gives you a little smile, her dimples indenting in her cheeks, and you hope that this meeting went well. It was the first time for her to see the newest Birdie Mae, and while they were just babies, there was also a hope that they became the best friends.
A friend that they could always turn to, and could grow up together. Not to mention the appeal of the Adler’s farm. Seeing visions of them being able to run through the property, getting dirty, and able to react to the animals.
You and Blade walk up their cute little cabin, almost cottage like at this point. Arleigh’s green thumb evident everywhere. And Beau meets you at the door before you can even knock. The man looking sleepy, but so happy and content. “Birdie Mae doesn’t have quite the fluff that this little squishy girl has. So no squishing on her, Blade.”
“I’m not just randomly squishing on babies. Just my Fable Pearl.”
Arleigh looked at peace in her sun room. Her baby cradled in her arms, and she couldn’t take her eyes off the little thing, even when she said hey. You remember that. Until Blade stole her whenever she was finished eating.
Arleigh’s fingers pet over her soft skin, and you know that her and Beau had waited a long time for this moment. She was going to be the perfect mom. Patient, sweet, kind, so attentive to everyone’s needs, no matter the situation.
“She’s perfect,” Arleigh looks at you for only a second, her eyes red, and a glassy look to them. Her eyes look back at the tiny little baby. You’d seen enough of Arleigh’s baby photos to know she was a spitting image of her mother. Except the eyes.
“How do you not just want to stay awake and look at her the whole time? Like, women’s bodies are amazing. The most perfect thing came from us. Look at our babies. We did this. It’s scary, because the world is, but she’s perfect. I just want to keep her in my arms.”
Lifting the baby she gives her forehead a little kiss. Sniffling she lets out a cracking laugh, “Her has her daddy’s eyes though. Don’t you, pretty girl? Oh, I can’t get enough. I wanted more, but how could you top this?”
“I know the feeling,” Blade says as he walks his infant over to see the baby. “Squishers is so perfect, I don’t think we could do it again. Wook it. Wook at this tiny thing, chonker.”
Fable giggles at her daddy, and sneezes, “Oh goodness, Fable. Dat was a big sneeze. Are you allergic to your bestie?” Arleigh coos at the chunky baby, and Fable finally looks over to them.
“That’s right, you two are forbidden to leave the other behind. Besties for life, you understand?” Blade says and you and Beau can’t help but to laugh at his silliness.
“Blade, you can’t force them to be friends,” Beau sits beside his wife, and caresses the baby’s face. He never asks to hold her, because he can tell Arleigh just can’t get enough.
“Who said anything about force? Squishers is going to be the best for her. And Birdie Mae is going to be the best for Squishers.”
“Oh my god!!” Squish screams as she pulls Birdie Mae along with her. “We’we undew attack!”
She turns back to look at the goose that just so happened to wander onto the farm. Giving a little scream when it opens its mouth. “It’s wike a dinosauw! Why does it have teeth?”
“It has teeth?” Birdie Mae screams and runs even faster. “It’s a monster!”
“A demon! Daddy! Daddy!”
It’s able to bite onto Birdie Mae’s dress, and she screams louder. “Daddy! Mama! Stop it!! Squish, what’re we going to do?”
“Keep wunning!” she turns and smacks at satan’s pet. “Weave us awone! We don’t desewve this! Daddy!”
Blade and Beau come rushing around the corner, spotting their crazy girls, when they spot the Canadian goose chasing after them. The two men sigh, but run to grab them up, and Beau shoos the devil bird away.
“Daddy, I was twaumatized! It bit Birdie Mae. Why does it have teeth?”
“It bit my dress daddy. It really did. We were just having a picnic and he squawked at us. I hate it,” she slams her head down on his chest, and he squeezes her tighter. “And it was a good day.”
“Daddy, I don’t wike the gooses. I don’t wike dem at all. I want you to rid the world of gooses. Dey are tewwibwe.”
“What’s going on?” you and Arleigh walk towards them, a toddler boy on boy your hips.
“I think the turtle doves, just need to be held by their daddy’s. Back up women. You didn’t save them from the terrible, horrendous, monstrous Canadian goose,” Blade gives his daughter a kiss on the head. “And now Beau and I must rid the world of all geese.”
“Gooses daddy.”
“Faby, gooses isn’t a word. It’s geese.”
“Dat don’t make no sense. You said that about mouses, too. Quit changing da ruwes!”
“And you’re a dramatic Drysdale,” you inform your daughter.
“Biwdie Mae, we need to go to Papa’s. We desewve a sundae wif spwinkwes. Daddy? Can we go?”
“They were chased by a demon,” Beau agrees.
“Daddy, I want Papa to make me a sundae, too. He always lets us watch a movie with him in the theater. Can Boppy, Buzzy, and LiLi, Papaw and Pumy go to? I’m…”
“We’we distwaught. That’s weal. It’s not a wie.”
“Okay, we’ll take everyone to the estate. Bunny call your parents, Beau call yours. I’ll warn my father his best friends are coming. Let’s go. Papa will make the biggest and bestest sundaes for you. And I get one with my little space sprinkles.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Do Turtle doves discuss about their following siblings? Fable is very Vocal about wanting a sister, but What about Birdie Mae? Is Fable teaching her weird chicken poop logic to her bestie too?
😩🥺 the Turtle Doves! So Birdie Mae isn't quite as vocal and sassy as Fable. Fable has a lot of Drysdale in her, and Birdie Mae has a lot of Arleigh in her. Just the sweetest little cherub. Plus, it helps that I want to see these two on the farm. Beau and Blade typically stay outside with them, but they pretty much have free range on the farm. There are no neighbors. And when they get neighbors it's Posie and Jax.
The D Word
Summary: Birdie Mae and Fable chat.
Pairings: Fable X Birdie Mae
Rating: 😂
Warnings: chicken poop talk, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 900
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
The Turtle Doves Masterlist
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Birdie Mae takes a stick and digs a bit in the dirt, Remy right next to the girls as they walk the property. Always exploring and always discovering new things. Fable spinning a beautiful tale of their adventures when they return, none of which actually happens, but Birdie Mae just giggles beside her friend.
“Biwdie, do you evew want a sistew?”
Birdie Mae stops her digging to turn and look at her friend. Shrugging her shoulders, before she goes back to digging.
“Me wuv my Eggy, but me want a sistew.”
“Have you, ugh,” she throws a rock over her shoulder, leaving Remy to go retrieve it. “Have you thought about asking your mom and dad.”
“Ahh,” Fable falls backwards in the dirt. Her little arms and legs running up and down and creating dirt angels. “Onwy wike evewy day. I wuv Eggbewt, I weawwy do, but a sistew.”
“What is so great about a sister?”
“Weww…me don’t weawwy know but ders not stwaws in der diapews.”
“A penis,” Fable sits up and gives Birdie Mae an odd look. “That’s what boys have. Like the rooster. A penis. Fennel, a penis. Dad’s heathens a penis.”
“Me don’t wike dat wowd, so when I say stwaw, I’m tawking about da penis,” Fable waits a moment and thinks before looking at Birdie Mae. “My dad has a penis?”
“Mine, too. We have a vagina.”
“A fwont butt,” Birdie Mae just shrugs. “How do you know dis?”
“I live on a farm. See,” she points over to the animals on the farm, and Fable only looks at it odd. “Dad said we can’t have one of each, because they’ll make babies.”
“Da chicken poop thing?” Fable asks scrunching her nose up.
Birdie Mae giggles and lays down flat on the dirt beside Fable, “The what?”
“Chicken poop thing. I can’t say the F word”
“Oh, Squish, you shouldn’t say that word. Mommy got on to daddy one day because he said he was gonna F word her.”
“The chicken poop thing.”
“I seriously have no idea what you’re talking about. Oh, that cloud looks like a rabbit,” her finger points up the sky, and both girls giggle when Remy plops down beside them.
“No what Beau does. He takes the chicken poop and fewt…fewtiwi…I can’t say the F wowd, Biwdie!”
“Oh,” she giggles. Her fingers run through Remy’s hair and she gives the doggie a kiss. “That is a hard word. Fertiliza. So…how do they do the fertiliza?”
“Me don’t know. Daddy does it. Does this chicken poop thing in mama’s fwont butt. He does all the wowk, and she just waffles awound, and popped out Eggy.”
“Huh…do we have to do that?”
“Well, if you want kids. Wucky for you youw gonna have a big big husband.”
“Shh,” she slaps at Fable who only giggles at her. Her dirty fingers covering her mouth. “He…he do you know what he did?” Fable laughs shaking her head. “He screamed down the hallway, ‘I will marry you one day Birdie Mae, and you’ll be Birdie Mae Baizen. He’s too big.”
“My daddy is big. And youws is biggew than youw mama’s me think you’ww be okay. Maybe we shouwd ask youw dad if you have to do the chicken poop thing with Raiden?”
“Raiden is not fertiliza-ing my front butt,” she lets out another giggle before adding, “My vagina. Who are you going to marry?”
“If me can’t mawwy my dad, me don’t want to mawwy anybody. And dats da twuth.”
“Your dad is married. You don’t want them to get the D word?”
“What’s the D word?”
“Divonced, and someone leaves the house.”
“No, mama can stay. Fabwe Peawl Dwysdawe just won’t get mawwied. Come on wets ask Beau if Waiden has to touch youw fwont butt to do da chicken poop thing,” she gets up and starts running towards the cabin, only to have a dirty faced Birdie Mae screaming no after her.
“I don’t want Raiden to touch my vagina!”
Beau and Blade’s faces look at each other when they hear that. “Why is Raiden touching Birdie Mae’s vagina?”
“I don’t think he’s touching it yet. You know he tells everyone he’s marrying Birdie Mae Adler, right?” Beau just shakes his head. “Why does she call it a vagina.”
“Because that’s what it is.”
“Daddy, if Biwdie Mae wants a baby wif Waiden, do he have to do the chicken poop thing to hew fwont butt?”
“Blade?” Blade and Fable both look at Beau, both raising their brows and making the same facial expressions. “Don’t talk about my daughter saying vagina, when your daughter calls it a front butt. And what’s the chicken poop thing?”
“She can’t say fertilizer.”
“I also don’t want you to give mama the D word,” Beau coughs on his laugh, and slaps Blade on the back. “I won’t mawwy you, so don’t weave the house.”
“She means divonced.”
“Oh, you two talk a lot, huh? Mama and I aren’t getting a divorce. Raiden doesn’t need to go anywhere near your private spots. And we don’t have to worry about either of you having kids for a long time, deal?”
“Beau, teww daddy to do da chicken poop thing, and give me a sistew, okay?”
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
i need fluffy nonsense to recover after that one. who’s Squish’s cousin bestie or Ellie and Papa nonsense or anything or the floofs pls my little heart is broken at Able crying over is Posie mama 😭
So Squish does have a bestie, but it’s not exactly her cousin. That’s not to say that she doesn’t play with her cousins. But her absolute best friend for life…Birdie Mae Rain Adler. Oddly enough their parents have um…well, they got real close. And even when they didn’t have extra curricular activities, they remain close friends. Iris would DIE if she knew what those four were doing! Iris Rogers would never!
Why do you think there’s been so much fluff lately! This ordeal is going to get worse in ways, more dramatic, chaotic, and won’t have a conclusion until next week.
Two Turtle Doves
Summary: The Turtle Doves
Pairings: Squish X Birdie
Rating: 🥺🥺
Warnings: Fable and Birdie Mae, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 700
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Papa & Mimi’s Grandbabies Masterlist
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You knew the moment that Arleigh had told you that she, too was expecting that your babies would be the best of friends. With only six weeks in between their due dates, you loved comparing bellies, talking about what you were experiencing, listening to her talk about what was going on with her body, and just overall being giddy about the dual pregnancies.
You and her nearly talked everyday, and even Blade and Beau were talking more. Blade relied heavily on his sister’s pregnancies and what he should do comfort you.
You loved that your man was surrounded by a bunch of women, because he really did know what to do to make sure you were feeling great.
You of course were the first to find out the sex. Calling up Arleigh just to squeal with her about your little red bell pepper. That’s the size that Blade told you she was. The two of you even crying when you told her the name you had decided on.
But six weeks later when Arleigh found out that she was having a girl, it was sealed that Fable Pearl and Birdie Mae Rain would be the best of friends, bosom buddies, sisters, pals, but then Beau said, “Like turtle doves.”
You and Arleigh turn and look at him so fast. Your giggles almost instantaneously stopping. “You know, two turtle doves. They mate for life and represent love, friendship, faithfulness, purity. They’ll be friends for life. The Turtle Doves.”
“You stop Beau Adler,” Arleigh stars to get teary and only halfway annoyed he pulls her onto his shoulder. “Don’t you say anything. I can’t help it. I just cry all the damn time. But…our little turtle doves.”
And that was when Beaumont Franklin Adler dubbed those two little unborn babies, The Turtle Doves
And when it came time for Fable to be born, Arleigh was there. Even getting a reaction from Fable when she held her over the swell of her belly, and Birdie Mae’s nest. And goodness, when Birdie Mae kicked around at Fable sitting on top of her temporary home, you both took it as a sign for their love for one another.
It was no different when Birdie Mae was born. While still an infant, she did try to find Birdie’s hand to hold. Whenever you would hang out together Blade’s squishy girl and Beau’s sweet dove would sleep beside each other, that is when their daddies weren’t trying to hold them.
Your daughter always being of the fluffy variety, while Birdie was a sweet delicate swan like her mother. And the two of them never cried. They would whine, they would pout, but no tears.
When they were old enough to sit up, Fable and Birdie Mae would carry on the sweetest of conversations with each other. Animatedly moving their eyebrows and throwing their hands out while they babbled.
When they started to crawl, Birdie Mae could crawl, while the squishy Fable scooted. Her belly was always getting in the way. But Birdie Mae would turn around with a sweet scrunchy nose smile and wait on her friend.
But when those two started walking, and walking well enough, their hands were always holding each other. Being the sweetest of sweet friends.
If one of them fell and got hurt, it was like the other felt the pain and would sit with them, brushing their hair out of their face. These two when together were inseparable. Preferring to hang out at the farm, and Arleigh and Beau were always getting some kind of animal. Remy following behind the two Turtle Doves while they waddled around.
You knew that the two of them had found their soul mate. Their lifelong friend, and of course you and Arleigh couldn’t help but to be so giggly about it.
“So,” Beau starts, leaning back in his spot, nursing a beer that he brewed, while Arleigh leans over on him. The two girls playing off to the side with Remy. “When are we planning the next one? Let try to do this friendship thing again.”
Blade takes a deep breath, inhaling slowly. “As long as our kids don’t fall in love. I’m fine with planning a second. Or third. Or fourth. Or…”
“I’m out,” you answer.
“Yeah I’m good with two,” Arleigh responds leaving the men pouting. “When your stomach stretches to a watermelon, we’ll talk.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
„I’d take you anywhere you want to go, Songbird. I cant wait to hear you sing” -> did Raiden take Burde anywhere she wanted to go ? 😏😏
Oh!! Raiden and Birdie Mae are the sweetest little things.  They did exclusively date in high school, but Birdie Mae isn’t as experienced as Raiden.  She is taking things at a snail space, and he’s okay with that.  Fable went to NYU and sweet Birdie is navigating school life without her partner in crime, and also the one that would speak for her.  This will be a good experience for Birdie Mae, and we know Raiden would never let anything happen to her
A Cheesy Chick Flick
Summary:  Birdie Mae is questioning her relationship
Pairings:  Raiden X Birdie Mae
Rating:  mild
Warnings:  language, a bit of bullying, talks about sex, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  550
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Raiden Baizen Masterlist
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Birdie Mae walks into her art class ready to showcase her newest work when she hears the quiet murmuring behind her. Keeping her head in front of her, but her eyes sting with tears.
“She’s only with him for his money.”
“I heard she’s baby trapped him. He got a full scholarship and didn’t need it. Wonder if that’s how she was able to afford this school.”
Unable to take anymore she turns around glaring at the two girls, “He would never give you the time of day because you’re disgusting. Raiden is the nicest and most generous person I’ve ever met. And my parents paid for my tuition,” without another word she leaves her piece before running out of the classroom.
Irritated that no matter what, it’s always these stupid accusations about her and Raiden. Unable to stand out on her own merit because he overshadows her.
“Hey. Hey,” Raiden comes up to her, catching her trembling body in his own large one. “Birdie what’s wrong?”
“Nothing doesn’t make your eyes this red. What’s wrong?” he watches her a few minutes wishing she would just tell him something when she looks away.
“I can’t do this anymore.”
“This. Us. You and me. It’s always…”
“What happened?” Birdie Mae shakes her head no, and he pulls her chin up to him. “Let me fix it.”
“You can’t fix everything just because of your last name.”
“It has nothing to do with my last name, and everything to do about some making my girlfriend cry. And clearly it’s enough to think that we…Birdie don’t do this. Please, I…I finally have you in my life, and I can’t lose you.”
“We were kids.”
“My feelings have never changed. I tried. I tried a lot. Keisha, Avani, Fleur, Taylor, Taraj…”
“I get it,” Birdie Mae rolls her eyes. “You’re…they had a piece of you that I haven’t. And…Raiden, I-I…”
“You have a piece of me that no one ever will. And that’s this right here, Burd-Dee,” he taps on his chest and gives her a look over. “If you want sex, all you gotta do is ask.”
“Raiden,” Birdie Mae sighs, pushing her head against his chest. “I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“You’re huge.”
“Yeah, so I’ve been told,” she gives him a little swat to his back, still not lifting her head up to look at him. “Birdie, I’ll wait forever for you. You’re more than a lay.”
“That’s what we should be doing. And…I did not baby trap you.”
Raiden pulls her up to him, and she naturally wraps her legs around him. “How can you baby trap me if you’re a virgin? That’s what got you upset? Stupid jealous girls? They’re just mad that I have no desire to date them. It’s only ever been you.”
“And I’m not after your money.”
“I know. You’re after me because of my piercing blue eyes, long hair, fat ass, broad shoulders, and skinny waist.”
Birdie gives him a little giggle, moving forward to kiss on his nose, “You figured me out.”
“Sweet Birdie Mae gonna corrupt this sweet Baizen boy.”
“Raiden?” he raises his eyebrows looking at her seriously. “Can I stay the night at your place? Your apartment is bigger than my dorm.”
“Is that all you want?”
“I don’t know.”
“Fine, we’ll watch a cheesy chick flick, get to making out, and you tell me how far you wanna go?” she nods her head and he starts carrying her back to the room. “Now, I gotta see this new piece of yours.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
“Okay, we’ll take everyone to the estate. Bunny call your parents, Beau call yours. I’ll warn my father his best friends are coming. Let’s go. Papa will make the biggest and bestest sundaes for you. And I get one with my little space sprinkles.” // Okay, but now I need to see this. 😂 Ransom just eating it all up with a spoon, threatening the geese of the world. - 💫
Okay! But Ransom listening to every traumatizing moment. Like he knows that Squish normally handles herself, but that sweet little Birdie being scared too?? He can't handle it!
Pause the Movie
Summary: it’s sundaes with the grandpas
Pairings: Ransom/Frank/Ari/Curtis X Birdie Mae/Fable
Rating: sprinkles
Warnings:  none, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 400
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
The Turtledoves Masterlist
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“It did not do that,” Ransom says as he pours some melted cookie butter on top of the ice cream. The way that the little girls sitting on his counter top were talking, they needed the works. Sundaes with everything, even a Biscoff.
“Yes, huh, Papa! It chased us. Did you know geeses have teeth? Twaumatized. It bit Biwdie.”
“Papa, it bit my shirt. Not me. But it was scary. It was. Can, can I put on my sprinkles?” Random loves extra grandbabies, and Birdie Mae was particularly sweet. He slides down her sprinkle mix of cows, sheep, different colored green Jimmie’s, lime green pearls, and leaves, and she starts to move to her bowl.
“Wait!” Fable shouts. “Papa has to do the swiwl and the chewwy. Do it Papa, do your stuff,” with a giggle he gives them each a swirl of whipped cream, and a bright red maraschino Cherry on top. “Papa, my spwinkwes, pwease.”
Birdie Mae begins sprinkling on her mix, when he slides down Fable’s pearls of different shades of pink, and neon green and white Jimmie’s, “Papa, do you fink I need special spwinkwes.”
“You do. Yours are full of pearls.”
“No, No, like Mimi’s have coffee cups, and youws is evewyone’s, and Stowy has woses?”
“If you ever want to add anything else, sweetheart, you let the Sprinkle King know, and we’ll make you another mix okay?” she gives him a cute little nod, and he gently places both girls on the floor, handing them their bowls, and Birdie Mae looks up at him.
“Papa, where’s yours?”
“I eat from yours. Come on, let’s start your movie, so you ladies can relax. I believe the others are coming over.”
He sits between the two girls, and they take turns feeding him, and when the other three men stand in the doorway, it’s just not fair.
“You didn’t save any for Boppy?”
“Ransom, I thought you was making everyone sundaes?”
“I guess I could just go ask, Kitten,” Curtis says with a smirk at Ransom.
“No! You are capable of making your own. If I made you a sundae, it would have been melted slow pokes.”
“I heard it was a traumatic day, Birdie,” as soon as Frank sits down, Birdie Mae crawls over into his lap.
“Well, I need to find my mini Ari, then.”
“Ransom, I’m borrowing Beckett. Pause the movie.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Since we are starting to get a look at 3rd gen growing up(which feels so weird to me since I feel like it was yesterday we saw baby blade) can we see some of fable and her so, I think you said he was a lawyer?
I just want to state, I'm not going to fully dive into the third generation yet, we haven't fully told the stories of the first, and even the second. But It's fun to look a bit into the future.
I do NOT think you guys are ready for this! So Fable does marry a lawyer, she's known this lawyer since he could walk. AND they're already featured in a little drabble...for references Fable is twenty-seven, Dean is twenty-seven, and Sam is twenty-four.  Dean is also three years younger than Brooks.
Promptly At Six
Summary:  Someone has a crush on Fable
Pairings:  Fable X Sam
Rating: 😂😂
Warnings:  Fable Pearl Drysdale, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  750
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Fable Drysdale Masterlist
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Sam huffs out air as they drive up the long road to the estate.  Becoming more nervous with each roll of the tires, “Why are you nervous?”
“Why are you not?” Dean just gives him a confident shrug.  Dean looks over to his brother, and slaps him on the shoulder.  “I just haven’t seen her in a few years.  I’m almost done with Stanford.”
“So is Sammy Winchester finally making it back to Boston, because of a sweet little Squish?” Sam rolls his eyes looking out the window, and seeing her childhood home come into view.  “Women, love younger men, too.  And you shot up there. Last time I saw her,” Dean stops when he sees a woman jump out of the car, his eyes staying on her for a bit too long.
“What was that you were saying?” Sam chuckles.  “You gonna tell Brooks you were checking his sister out?  How often do you stalk her social media?  Lucky for you that’s her job, huh?”
“Shut up.  At least I talk to Illiana.  When was the last time you said anything to Fable?”
“She’s older than me!  Illiana is how old?”
“Twenty-two,” Dean answers quickly.  Already getting out of the car so Sam doesn’t make another dumb ass comment about he knows too much about the girl.  “Keep your mouth shut Sammy.  I’ve got a best friend to worry about, you’ve just got a pretty little Drysdale and a sweet Birdie.  Eat lots of turkey.”
Sam peeks out into the hallway, spotting Fable chatting it up with Birdie Mae, and just about loses his cool.  He turns to walk in the other direction, when he hears some giggles, “Sam Winchester,” he takes a deep gulp, turning around to see the beautiful Fable Pearl Drysdale.  “You’ve grown up, huh?”
Birdie Mae gives her friend a cheek kiss before leaving the two of them.  “You gonna talk to me, or are you just gonna follow me around?”
“I-I-I didn’t.”
“You were standing in the hallway, where there’s a mirror right over there, and I could see you,” she points at the mirror that was a perfect angle for her to see his reflection, just staring at her.  “So why were you lurking around in corners?  Dean got you playing those weird games again?” 
“No.  I just...”
“Is there a secret passage you haven’t got to explore yet?  I know one that Brookie and Dean don’t know.  Care to join me, or are you gonna stand there and stutter?  I don’t bite.”
With a nod of his head, Sam follows Fable through a few rooms, before going into her grandfather’s office, “I know there’s one in here.  Ransom always threatened to lock us in there if we went into this passage.  He always scared me.”
“Boo...well, since we’re in here, have a seat,” he waits for her to sit first before he joins her.  “You really look good Samuel.  Grew up a bit, huh?  Legs for days.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“You were looking pretty good back in summer, too.”
“You did, too.”
Fable sits a moment looking at the shy boy, before she sighs in frustration, “Fine.  I’ll let you take me to dinner Saturday night.  I can’t go Friday, because I’m going shopping with my mom, aunts, and a few cousins.  There, you twisted my arm.”
“I’m still in school.”
“Only about a semester, left right?”
“Bachelors, yeah.”
“Hmm,” Fable looks over the man a bit more.  “I’m sure that there’s a law school in Boston.  What’s keeping you at Stanford?”
“So about that date, Saturday?”
“Yes, I like Italian food, but not as much as I like Indian food.  I expect you to pick me up, promptly at six.  Don’t make me wait.  And tell your brother to quit looking Ills up and down.  She’s got a car that she needs repaired, and he needs to insert himself in that.  She’s got a lot of suitors, and quite frankly, I just prefer your brother.”
“Fabes?” Fable looks at her little cousin Daisy as she stands in the doorway.  “Mimi and Papa said to tell you and the tall one that dinner is ready,” she turns around, and swats at the other giants stomach, “Brian, I don’t need to be carried everywhere.”
"You’ve got a weak heart,” he looks at Fable and Sam, smiling and laughing, “She’s got a weak heart.  She only likes reminding me of things like that when she doesn’t get her way.  Like every summer when I cut my hair.”
“I love the curls.”
“Sam, man, just follow her instructions.  She’s already got the reservations at her favorite restaurant.”
“Brian!  I’m gonna murder you!” Fable screams chasing the two out the door, “Come on Sam, you can sit next to me.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Ma’am can you pls give us a little glimpse of Bladey, Lo, and the babies 🥺🥺
Oh goodness...I'm assuming, and hoping you mean Willow Storm and Elswyth Olivina. Squishers got her sister, times two. Squish's main problem seemed to be that she couldn't pronounce their names, so she's dubbed them Willie and Elfie.
I Want All the Babies
Summary: spending time with all the babies
Pairings: Blade X Reader
Rating: 🥹🥹
Warnings:  Fable, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 450
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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Your first baby sits beside her dad, holding onto Willow, while you feed Elswyth. Beckett sitting close to you, still a bit wary of the new babies. Fable pets around Willow’s face softly, before she looks up at her dad, and gives him a quick grin before she looks back at her sister.
“Was me dis smaww?”
“Nope,” Blade answers quickly. “You were extra fluffy. You were never a small baby. Where do you think you got your nickname from?”
Fable shrugs her shoulders and looks back at the baby, “Me don’t know.”
“Your daddy,” you begin. Your fingers pet over Beckett’s, just so he knows, he’s still your baby. “He had this weird obsession with squishing your chunk.”
“What? I would get into my stuttering, and I could squish your thighs or cheeks, and I calmed down. No stuttering.”
“And now me name is Skish or Skishers. What about Eggbewt? Why him named that?”
“You did that,” Blade tells her. Fable looks up at him confused, unsure of how she came up with it. “You asked if mommy was going to lay an egg like Birdie Mae’s chicken.”
“Oh da chicken thing!”
“Yes, you said that I fertilized her egg, and she was gonna lay a baby. So we started calling him, Eggy and Eggbert, and when he was born, you and Papa called him Egghead.”
“Me no Egghead, daddy,” Beckett looks over at Blade shaking his head no. “This my baby?”
“Oh,” you look over to Blade quickly, knowing how sensitive he is with that saying. “Yeah, Beckers. These are you babies.”
“No, dis one. Dat Skish baby. Dis my baby,” his little finger points at Elswyth and he gives her a quick kiss.
“Okay, Elfie is your baby, and Willie is now Fable’s baby. Squishers, you like having baby sisters? Does it make you feel complete?” she looks over at you and gives you a quick smirk. “No! Blade Drysdale, they’re a month old. Don’t you start.”
“Papa and Mimi have five,” you glare at your husband who is fighting to not laugh. “Daddy is wike Papa.”
“Wait a minute. I am not like Papa.”
“Beckews what do you fink?”
“Dis is my baby.”
“Ugh,” Fable leans back on the couch sighing. “Me need to stawt wowking awone.”
“And the next person I hear ask for a fifth, they’re wearing a shirt with Papa’s face on it. No.”
“That’s what mom said, and then eight years after Ree, baby Lucifer.
“You said you didn’t want five kids,” you try and remind him.
“Doesn’t count. I didn’t have Squishers. Now I want all the babies.”
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