#blade drysdale x lo
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georgiapeach30513 · 11 months ago
Hi, Jen. It's me again. The Desperate Lives AU Anon... So, the link to the Masterlist works, but the actual Phases may have been aftected too... Could use a little bit more help, please 🥺 sorry to be a bother
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
I kindly request you stop breaking my brain with cuteness, but also maybe a smidge of squish content. 💕
But......Squish will do all that to you!
Squishy Girl
Summary: Blade talks to his Squish
Pairings: Blade Drysdale X Squish Drysdale
Warnings: Squish, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 400
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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Blade holds his squishy girl on his lap. His fingers constantly squishing her cheeks together, just to hear the best and cutest little sound he's ever heard. Her hands scrunched in a tight fist as she wiggles around. "You're my squishy girl aren't ya?" giving her cheeks another squeeze while you still sleep on the bed next to him.
"You and your mama are my favorite things in life my beautiful little Fa..."
"Are you seriously about to use her real name, instead of Squish?" you turn over to see his fingers pause with the squishes. "Blade Drysdale, I never thought I would see the day."
His smiling face looks down at his daughter, giving another squish to those cheeks just to hear her musical laughter reverberate through the bedroom, "You hear that Squish? Your mom has finally decided it's time to change your birth certificate."
"I did not say that."
"She doesn't want me to call you by your whole name."
"Blade Drysdale, I didn't say that!" he continues to coo down to your daughter. His whole face and eyes lit up the more that chubby girl wiggles around.
"Squish Drysdale...or maybe we should call you Squishy Girl Drysdale. See Lo, she likes it," you narrow your eyes at him, but when that screeching giggle comes out of her mouth at seeing your face, you can't help but to lean forward, giving those chunky cheeks the sweetest nibbles.
"Her name is Fab..."
"Squish Drysdale. It's official. Tell her baby, say even Papa calls me Squish. Because she is mine, and my squishy girl."
"You're ridiculous."
"Don't," he puts a single finger up looking at you with a feigned serious expression. "Don't say that. My god we're turning into my parents."
"There's worse people to turn into."
"Squish, your mom just made me very upset. I'm Ransom Drysdale. Lo," he takes a deep and slow breath. Those deep blue eyes moving between yours and your daughter's faces. "Lo, I don't want five kids. Or six. Squish is perfect. I'm okay with just her."
"Aww, but Squish may need a friend."
"Woman! She's not even a year old! No, wait...she's not getting older. Squishy, I will come up with a way to stunt your growth. Stay this cute chubby blob of squishiness okay?" she squeals up at your boyfriend as an answer. Those legs wiggling and moving around so much. "I'm glad we're agreeing on this!"
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
Please write more about big sissy Squish! As much as she loves Eggy, I can just picture her telling Papa that she asked her parents for a sister.
Squish is such a Drysdale! So dramatic and while she loves her bubba, like really loves him, her wants to speak to management about this brother business, because she wanted a sister! And what Squish wants, she usually gets because Blade spoils her.
Making Sisters
Summary:  Fable needs to talk to someone that's in charge
Pairings:  Ransom X Squish
Rating:  explicit
Warnings: Fable talking, Fable is very opinionated, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  550
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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"Papa!” Fable screams running down the hallway of the estate.  Ransom catches the little girl in his arms, and throws her up in the air.  “Papa we bwought bwought the egg!”
“Why do you insist on calling him that?” Ransom laughs, waiting you and his son.
“Because daddy fuw, fuwtiwi, you know da chicken poop thingy.  He do that to mommy’s egg,” Ransom glares at his son as you two make your way through with Beckett.  “And wook, him him has an egg head.  Weww,” she looks at you, and you’re making a face of disapproval.  “Hims egg head has gotten bettew.  Him him wooked funny when he came out of mommy’s butt.”
“Dats, what daddy said.”
“No, I didn’t, I said her belly.”
Fable looks between you and Blade, and walks closer to you, lifting your shirt.  “Whewe’s da howe den?  Me don’t see no howe.  How did the Egg get out den?”
“Dad, do you mind keeping Squish for a bit.  She’s needing a break from Eggy.”
“You’re calling the egg head that too?” 
You look down at your most beautiful little boy, and smile, “It’s kinda stuck now.  Squishy girl, and Eggy boy.”
“Fine, take your cooked egg, and get out of here.  It’s me and you today, Squish.  Mimi, and Luce took your cousins shopping, and Kissy is working.  What do you want to do?”
“Meneed to tawk to someone who who is in chawge.  And you awe da owdest, so dat dats you.  Okay?” Ransom smirks, and nods.  “Me wanted that egg, to be a giwl.”
“Is having a brother that bad?” Fable shrugs her shoulders, and crosses her arms.  “But I see you’re very concerned about the straw in his diaper,” she scrunches her face up in confusion.  “I guess you’re not around for diaper changes.”
“Why wouwd me be?  Dats nasty, yuck!  But Papa, him him needs to be a giwl.  So me got a pwan,” she wiggles her body closer to Papa, giving his beard a little sniff, “You smeww wike Cawtew.”
“Carter smells like me.  That kid...What is your plan Squish?  I can tell that this is really bothering you,” he settles back and watches his granddaughter who has the most serious face.
“Daddy needs to do it again.”
“Do what?”
“Papa, me can’t say dat wowd.  The chicken poop wowd.  Fuwtiwi...don’t make me say it.  Me sound wike a newd,” Ransom laughs deep from his belly and she boops his nose, “Not funny.”
“No, Squishers, I’m sorry, it’s not funny.  So you need your dad to fertilize what?”
She throws her hands up in the air in frustration.  “Mommy’s egg that’s in her fwont butt.  Me need a sistew.”
“Did you just say a front butt?  There’s five hundred of you guys, and I have never heard it called a front butt.  A muffin, a cookie, a toot too, but a front butt?”
“Papa!  Stay wif me.  Me need a sistew.  Make it happen.”
“I heard Kissy has good advice on how to make sisters.”
“Me wiww tawk to him when he gets back.  Now, pway Fwozen,” Ransom shakes his head no.  “Awexa, pway Fwozen,” she settles back on Ransom’s lap with with a satisfied grin.  “If me had a sistew me couwd pway wif hew.  But now you gotta watch Fwozen again.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
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Making early requests for tomorrow from the squish fan account💕💕💕
DA SQUISHERS!! Have I fried your brain yet with the squishy girl?? No, well fine...
Never Been Happier
Summary:  Story meets Blade’s baby
Pairings:  Story Baizen X Blade Drysdale
Rating:  Flood
Warnings:  Soft!Blade, Story tears, Squish, Otto, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  600
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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“Bladey?” Story peeks in your hospital room, alone.  Her eyes searching for her bubba only to find him shirtless, holding tightly to your chunk girl, “Aw, bubs.”
Those big round eyes of hers beam at her Prince Charming brother, unable to speak when she sees him holding onto that tiny squishy girl.  “This...it looks so good on you.”
“She makes me think of you,” he finally steals a glance towards Story, but quickly looks back at Fable.  “Hopefully she won’t be such a pain in my ass.”
“Steven Blade!  You don’t cuss in front of that sweet baby,” her feet carry her closer to Blade before sitting down beside him.  Noting the amount of times that he sniffles.  “I wasn’t a pain in your butt either.”
“You were,” his finger skims down Fable’s cheek, as he takes another sniffle.  His face scrunching up before he’s having to wipe tears away.  “It’s like you all over again.”
“But this time she’s yours.”
“So were you,” he stares over at Story, not leaving their face, and the two have a silent conversation with just their looks.  “You were.  I’d do it all over again for you, Ree.  I get it.”
“What’s that?” she reaches over to grab Fable out of his arms, he holds on just a tiny bit tighter to get a quick kiss to her head, before letting Story cradle the little girl.
“Your weird need to keep having more of them.  I don’t want twenty of them like you have, but I get it,” Story’s eyes fill with tears, slipping a finger into Fable’s fist.  “Are you happy?”
“I’m so happy, Bladey.  Are you?”
“Never been happier.”
“Fable,” Story leans down at her chubby little cheek, “my god you’re beautiful.  Other than me and my boys, I think you got one of the best daddies.  I would know, he was like my second one in ways.  That stupid big daddy of yours is going to go to the end of the world to protect you,” her lip trembles when she finally looks up at Blade.  “Thank you.”
“Thank you for what?”
“Being my Prince Charming.  Now,” she laughs because she hates when she cries.  Her hand fruitlessly wipes away the tears that continue to roll down her face, but still remaining effortlessly beautiful.  “Whew, now, thank you for finally giving me my girl.  I’m going to head on out, you can come by anytime to see her.”
“Give me the squishy girl, Story book,” Story gives Blade another smile, tilting her head, “Goah, I gotta get my buddy in here,” walking away he goes to retrieve the oldest Baizen boy.  The only one that stayed, the rest at the castle with James and Iris.  
Blade returns pushing in a very nervous Otto, his daddy following close behind as well.  His thumb at his mouth as he bites at the skin surrounding his nails.  Looking at his mom holding a little baby girl, before back up at Blade, “Mommy’s gonna steaw hew,” he gives a little giggle before looking up at her eyes.  “Mommy?”
“Come here baby,” you cry as you watch that little boy look at your daughter for the first time.  Being around so many boys, and never a baby girl.  He pets at her skin, giving her the cutest little Otto talks to her.  Story glances up at her husband whispering, “I want one, Baizen.”
Otto leans over the baby whispering in her ear, “I will pwomise you, I’m gonna pwotect you, okay?  You’we my baby now,” Story’s crying face stares up at her big brother, even more tears falling down her face than before.  Turning she stares back at that angel of hers.
"You wanna hold her?” 
“Uncy Bwade can I?” with a nod from Blade, Otto jumps beside his mom, holding those hands out to hold ‘his baby’.
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
Could we see when Kitten first met Lo? ☺️ -🦋
Hey, 🦋anon! Whew...we haven't got to see Kitten acting ridiculous with her Bladey yet. Kitten turns into Ran when it comes to her baby boy. The ONLY girlfriend she has ever met has been Jenny, and that didn't end well. So she's guarded with girls. Keep in mind, Ransom knows Blade's tastes, and all he sees is this sweet young girl that he knows Blade has to be corrupting.
Changing The Subject
Summary: Time to meet the parents
Pairings: Blade Drysdale X Lolita!reader
Rating: It's a hurtful fluff
Warnings: Kitten's baby boy, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1.9K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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"Hey, hey," Blade lifts your chin up to look at him. His hand drifting down the side of your cheek. "They'll love you."
"These are your parents," you remind him. Just in case he forgot. His counter is littered with baked goods that you didn't deem worthy to take to the estate. Now a cheesecake, that he had informed you was his dad's favorite, sits in the oven. You had already smacked at his hand once when he started to open the door.
"Yeah, I'm well aware they're my parents. You've met them though."
You release an exasperated sigh, pulling on the oven mitts, to remove Ransom's cheesecake. Biscoff cookie crumb crust and all. "I've met them as a child and as a babysitter. This is meeting them as..." your voice trails off, because you can't remember Blade ever calling you his girlfriend. Trying to recall if there was ever an indication that you were in fact labeling it. Knowing that you two were exclusive, but labels?
"You can say it. I already told them that I'm bringing my girlfriend today," ever so gently he presses his lips against yours. "It's mom you'll have to worry about," opening your eyes you gawk at him. Giving him a swat to his abs. "I mean, I am the baby boy. Her only baby boy."
"Blade! Why would you tell me that? I should have made her something that she likes," you shuffle around the many desserts, overly paranoid that you've been trying to impress the wrong parent, because you had always heard Ransom was the harder parent. And the fact that your tattooed man is just laughing makes things worse.
"This isn't funny. What would she like? There's no time to make something from fresh. What about a bottle of wine? Bourbon? What?" he answers by giving another soft kiss to your lips, but you're not here for it. "No. You're not getting out of this."
"If dad likes you, it's only a matter of time before mom follows. That's how they operate. He hates my sisters' pick of men, she tells him they're not that bad, and they jump on the bed, and he tolerates them," you narrow your eyes at him highly confused.
"They jump on the bed?"
"It's a code we've had since before I could talk. It means they have sex, just...they jump on the bed, okay? Now, my pretty little Lolita, pack up this cheesecake and let's go see the old man."
You nervously stand too close to Blade walking up the steps to the estate. The last time you were here you were a bit inebriated and under a self discovery of your body, due to the man that has his arm around your waist. Since you're at his parents house you don't get a moment to breathe while you wait on them to open the door. Oh no, he just opens it right up, yelling out a, "Ma! Dad!" before ushering you into the kitchen.
"Go ahead and set the cheesecake down. Dad will try to eat a piece before lunch," he sees your eyes flitting around the room, and he comes closer to you. Another one of those soft kisses presses against your lips, and your relax in his embrace.
"Bladey," his mother answers, staring only a moment of a glance with you. "Long time no see. I'm beginning to see why," she gives you a smile, nodding her head, before she looks at Blade expectantly.
You reach out your own hand, introducing yourself, "Oh, I'm sorry. I uh...I was...was, was distracted."
You give his hand a gentle squeeze, getting him to look at you. Trying to get him to focus on your breaths, knowing that he isn't too far gone. He takes a deep gulp before softly nodding at you. There's a moment of silence as his mom looks between the two of you. Showing a soft kindness that most people would run away from with Blade. Wanting all he has to offer sexually, and none of who he is as a person. But you'll take who is he everyday. You would gladly calm him down anytime he needed you to.
"Bladey, just breathe baby. I'm just your mother, she's just your girlfriend, and your father..." she pauses her eyes lighting up when she sees him. The tenderness he shows her when he kisses the top of her head, and the way the moment they get into a room together, they're both consumed with the other.
You understand the constant talk between Blade and his siblings. Their parents are so entuned with one another. You can literally feel the love they have for each other radiating off of them. Never wanting to ever be too far away from the other. Never looking away for too long. Just completely obsessed with the other.
"I made cheesecake," you grin looking at his dad, whose eyes go wide at the mention. "Blade mentioned how you like that, but also Biscoffs. It's just a New York cheesecake, but the crust is..."
"Biscoffs? All my babies teethed on those, grandkids are now. Kitten can we...?"
"After lunch. Come on, I've got it all set up in the garden. Don't worry, we got heaters surrounding us."
The three of you follow her. You don't miss how even then Ransom is so enthralled by his wife. Sitting down the four of you enjoy a nice lunch. Already feeling a bit more at ease with them, but then something shifts when Blade gets a text from work. "Shit. I, um, this...this, this may have to be wrapped up...up, up sooner than I...I, I, I, I didn't...."
His eyes nearly gloss over, and you pull his hand up to your chest. Opening his palm to listen to your steady beating heart, "Breathe Blade. Breathe with me, in...out," you watch his eyes focus back on your pretty little face. Not even noticing the way his mother had been clutching the arms of her chair. Not realizing that his dad was now the one soothing her. Your only thought is Blade was having a small attack.
"There ya go. If we gotta leave, we gotta leave, okay? We can come back later or another day."
"Right. You just made...made, made a cheese..."
"You know what else I made. I enjoyed it," your free hand pets the side of his face. His breathing finally evens out, and you continue petting his handsome face. Your eyes never leaving those dark blue ones.
His mom finally relaxes. Grabbing Ransom's hand, and using her other to tap his, "Maybe next time you could bake here?" shocked Blade turns to look at her. "Cheesecake has never been my forte and my Captain loves cheesecake. And how smart to use Biscoffs as the crust. How about we get a piece, and then you two can head off?"
Blade looks at her, his eyes becoming cloudy with tears, and you grasp just how important her approval for you was, "Thanks, Ma," he gives her the tiniest whisper. But she notices it. Nodding her head and beckoning you to follow her.
"Thank you."
"It was nothing, Mrs. Drysdale."
"It was everything to me," She gives you a kind smile retrieving some plates. "Blade is a lot of things. He's handsome, kind, smart, giving, funny, a big dork, but very few can handle that part of him. It's something that's plagued him since he was young. I blame myself for his anxiety. I feel I put him through too much as a child. Made him see me go through my own things, and he's too sweet to stay away."
"Mrs. Drysdale," you start not needing her to blame herself, because in your mind, they raised the most amazing man you could think of.
"No, let me finish. I know he's my baby boy, my only boy, and I've never felt like anything or anyone could ever amount to what I feel he deserves. I didn't understand Ransom's feelings for all these boys, until it was him. He's attractive, so he's always had a few chasing him, but they never wanted him. Not really. They just want to look at him. But you...you actually see him. That attack didn't scare you, you did what I would have done and that terrifies me."
"I'm not trying to take your place."
"I know, but in a way you are, and that's as it should be. He's one of my everything's. My family is my everything. He might not be as dramatic as his sisters, or had the difficult life that they've faced, but he's had his obstacles too. Just...can you promise me not to hurt him?"
With tears in her eyes she fully looks at you, and you return her same look. You had felt yourself falling further and further for this man. Scaring yourself that you were too young, and too naïve, but you didn't care. You wanted him, every bit of him. "I know you look at him and he looks so hard with the tattoos and he's...his dad was never that big, but my god if he doesn't have the most tender soul. When you're in his life, you're in it. That boy would do anything to keep the ones he loves safe. He's stepped up for his niece whose father comes and goes as he pleases. He's been the best uncle to Otto, all of them, but he's got the sweetest bond with him, you know this Wo. He would beat someone to death if he thought they were hurting the ones he loves. But he's so soft and tender."
"I know."
"Then protect his heart. He'll protect your life, but you're the one who has to guard his heart. Can you promise me that?"
"Yes. I promise you that," you didn't have to think about your answer. Didn't have to ponder a thing, because you had plans to protect that gentle soul of a man you get to call your boyfriend.
"Let's keep this conversation between us though? He tends to get a bit upset if people are talking about how sensitive he is," you give her a grin, the two of you sniffling, trying to hide how emotional you got.
While outside the more comical side of things are going on. Ransom waits until you and his wife walk through the door before he squints at his son. Blade finally puts his phone away before he looks up at him. His eyes going wide, "God, you're acting like a freak dad. What gives?"
"Freak? Are you serious?" Blade still confused shakes his head rapidly wanting him to elaborate, "You don't...is she...do you hang that girl from the ceiling?" Blade sinks lower in his chair hiding his face. "She's just so cute and sweet. She made me a cheesecake. Please don't tell me..."
"We haven't had sex."
"What?" the two of them stare at each other for a minute. Ransom in pure disbelief while Blade is still beyond embarrassed. "You...what? Why?"
"She's a virgin."
Ransom chuckles at this. The biggest of belly laughs, but he stops when Blade hasn't joined him, "And she knows about your...ropes?"
"Oh my god that is my personal life. She knows I've been with a lot of women. She knows that we're committed to being exclusive. That's what she knows. Okay? And now, drop it. Do you question the girls about their sex life?"
"They don't have sex," Blade cocks up an eyebrow starting to say something, "They. Don't. Have. Sex."
"They. Have. Children."
"We're changing the subject."
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
Ma'am, do you have any spare eggbewt and squishy girl floof 🥺
Wittle Eggbewt and Squishers, these two 🥺 Squishers of course is a mess, and Eggy is just a wee baby (toddler) but hims so sweet, and yes, a mama's boy, but he does his daddy too. Squishers is bound and determined that her is going to get a sister, even if that means she's got to share her daddy a little bit.
A Wot of Wowk
Summary: Fable and Beckett are plotting
Pairings: Blade/Lo X Fable/Beckett
Rating: 😂🥹
Warnings: chicken poop thing, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 700
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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“Go teww hew,” you only barely catch Fable whisper to her little brother. It had been getting way too quiet in their play room, so you had to investigate.
“Ooo,” that chunky boy replies to her. Giving her a smile and waddling away, only a diaper on to play with his toys.
“No, you! Hew wiww wisten to you. You stiww have that cuteness. Me is too owd now. I wowk on daddy. You wowk on mommy.”
“No!” she says dramatically throwing herself back on the floor. “Me going to wowk on daddy you awe mommy’s baby. You get hew.”
His hands pat on his round belly with a giggle. “No baby.”
“Dis is impossibwe. This is why I wowk wif Biwdie. Oh!!” that devious little girl gets a bright idea, and she turns to see you. “Hey mommy.”
“What are you doing?”
“Pwaying wif da Egghead. Can we go see da Adwers.”
“Not today.”
Beckett pats at his belly again giving you that snaggle tooth grin, “Need baby!”
“Reawwy?” she turns to look at him. “I wowk too hawd twying to make you undewstand, and you do? Me and Eggy been tawking, and…” she gives you that crooked grin when Blade walks to stand behind you. “I fink it’s time to wet daddy put in da wowk and do da chicken poop thing in youw fwont butt, and we get anothew baby.”
“Me, too,” Blade laughs giving you a sweet little kiss to your neck. “I’ll take you to Ree’s or Papa and Mimi’s, and I’ll get to work.”
“I’m gonna do nothing,” you give him a playful elbow to his stomach.
“But daddy, do a bettew job and make it a giwl dis time okay?” you start to speak, but she holds up her hand at you, giving a slow breath. “No, I wike Eggy, but I fink we need anothew giwl in dis house. Me need a sistew, so give me one befowe I steaw one! Eggbewt, come on, wets go get a snack, and gib dem some time to fink about dis situation.”
“What did you do to our daughter?”
“She’s four and speaks very colorfully. I don’t see the problem in this,” he tilts his head smiling on you, waiting on a rebuttal. “How about, someone watches the babes, and I make sure that we give our Fable a sister, and if I don’t succeed. I’ll just have to try again.”
“I’m just laying there. You do all the work,” you turn to walk away, needing to pack up some things to take the babes to Mimi and Papa’s.
Blade grabs at your arm and pulls you into his hard chest, “Correction, you’re going to be hanging there.”
Handing over the ultrasound to Beckett he just holds it in his hands, smiling up at you and Blade when Fable grabs it out of his hands, “I wemembew dis, Eggy. Dis is a baby, what is it? Did you do it wight? I wiww be not happy.”
Your smile fades. Not the reaction you had been hoping for. “I mean. Da baby wiww be cute no mattew what’s in der.”
“Well, Faby…Squishers, Eggy…we don’t know yet,” Fable narrows her eyes at her dad. “What we do know is that, daddy did a very good job.”
“Blade, stop it,” you giggle.
“Daddy did such a good job fertilizing mommy, that there’s two babies in there,” Fable looks in between you two, while Beckett still just smiles. You wonder how you’re going to deal with a four-year-old going on forty, a smiley little one and a half year old, and soon two dramatic Drysdale twins.
“I said a sistew! One. Do you know how to count? What if…daddy if you did two boys in mommy,” Blade chokes on spit, and looks away from Fable. “I don’t know what I wiww do. Beckett Jensen is cute and smiwey. What if ders tewwow in der? We gonna be in twoubwe. Eggbewt, time to tawk about dis. You two, got a wot of pwanning to do. Don’t disa…disapp…don’t mess dis up. I waited a wong time for a sistew.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
Ma’am can you pls give us a little glimpse of Bladey, Lo, and the babies 🥺🥺
Oh goodness...I'm assuming, and hoping you mean Willow Storm and Elswyth Olivina. Squishers got her sister, times two. Squish's main problem seemed to be that she couldn't pronounce their names, so she's dubbed them Willie and Elfie.
I Want All the Babies
Summary: spending time with all the babies
Pairings: Blade X Reader
Rating: 🥹🥹
Warnings:  Fable, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 450
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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Your first baby sits beside her dad, holding onto Willow, while you feed Elswyth. Beckett sitting close to you, still a bit wary of the new babies. Fable pets around Willow’s face softly, before she looks up at her dad, and gives him a quick grin before she looks back at her sister.
“Was me dis smaww?”
“Nope,” Blade answers quickly. “You were extra fluffy. You were never a small baby. Where do you think you got your nickname from?”
Fable shrugs her shoulders and looks back at the baby, “Me don’t know.”
“Your daddy,” you begin. Your fingers pet over Beckett’s, just so he knows, he’s still your baby. “He had this weird obsession with squishing your chunk.”
“What? I would get into my stuttering, and I could squish your thighs or cheeks, and I calmed down. No stuttering.”
“And now me name is Skish or Skishers. What about Eggbewt? Why him named that?”
“You did that,” Blade tells her. Fable looks up at him confused, unsure of how she came up with it. “You asked if mommy was going to lay an egg like Birdie Mae’s chicken.”
“Oh da chicken thing!”
“Yes, you said that I fertilized her egg, and she was gonna lay a baby. So we started calling him, Eggy and Eggbert, and when he was born, you and Papa called him Egghead.”
“Me no Egghead, daddy,” Beckett looks over at Blade shaking his head no. “This my baby?”
“Oh,” you look over to Blade quickly, knowing how sensitive he is with that saying. “Yeah, Beckers. These are you babies.”
“No, dis one. Dat Skish baby. Dis my baby,” his little finger points at Elswyth and he gives her a quick kiss.
“Okay, Elfie is your baby, and Willie is now Fable’s baby. Squishers, you like having baby sisters? Does it make you feel complete?” she looks over at you and gives you a quick smirk. “No! Blade Drysdale, they’re a month old. Don’t you start.”
“Papa and Mimi have five,” you glare at your husband who is fighting to not laugh. “Daddy is wike Papa.”
“Wait a minute. I am not like Papa.”
“Beckews what do you fink?”
“Dis is my baby.”
“Ugh,” Fable leans back on the couch sighing. “Me need to stawt wowking awone.”
“And the next person I hear ask for a fifth, they’re wearing a shirt with Papa’s face on it. No.”
“That’s what mom said, and then eight years after Ree, baby Lucifer.
“You said you didn’t want five kids,” you try and remind him.
“Doesn’t count. I didn’t have Squishers. Now I want all the babies.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
Blade and Lo proposal please or their wedding. I miss them and their simple yet intense conversations.
I'll do the proposal for now 😂 the weddings exhaust me because I want them to be perfect, and fit the characters style, and it takes me forever to write them. Plus, the next wedding will be the biggest one...and I'm not ready to write that one. I have mentioned that Blade was a bit late to the proposal game, however, they were married before Eggy was born...
Jefferson Will Design the Dress
Summary: Will…will, will
Pairings: Blade x Reader
Rating: 🥺🥺
Warnings: Blade’s stuttering, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 700
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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“Yep?” Fable asks crawling up on the bar where Blade sits at the stool. Her body turns around to face him, and that chubby little hand caresses his face as she gives a little giggle.
“You know I love your mama right?” he asks softly. Listening to the sound of the water, letting him know you’re still bathing.
“And that there’s no other woman I want to be with other than her,” Fable taps at her chest with both hands, mouth agape as she gawks at him. “No, no, you’re my girl. Mama is my woman.��
“I think it’s time that me and mommy…”
“Baby,” her fingers tap at her belly and she gives him the biggest cheesing grin.
“But,” her little face scrunched up in confusion. “Me want sissy.”
“I know. But me and mommy need to get married. So I’m asking you, if I can marry your mom.”
“No no.”
“What?” Blade asks mocking a bit of anger but is mostly trying to not smile. “Why can’t I marry mommy?”
“Mawwy Skish.”
“I can’t marry my daughter,” her held tilts to the side and she mouths out a why. “Because you’re too little, and you can’t marry people you’re related too.”
“Mawwy mommy.”
“So I have your permission? You are letting me marry your mommy?”
“Yep. Cuse, me gotta poop.”
With a little giggle Blade sets her down in the floor and she runs off to her bathroom with her special toilet seat, while Blade taps his fingers on the bar. Pulling out that box of the custom ring that he had made just for you.
He’s thankful that you wouldn’t want something showy, but private and intimate for this moment. He knows if there was any form of a crowd he would be a stuttering mess, and most likely pass out from not being able to catch his breath.
He’s never felt the way he does about you and Fable. You are his people. A testament that he could still be a kinky little shit, and still be completely devoted to you. Everything since meeting you had been easy. Had been fun, full of surprises, and the time of his life. You had given him something he forgot he wanted. Always wanted someone to love him the way his mom loved his dad. The way he saw you fit in perfectly with his crazy, dramatic, chaotic, and unpredictable family. It was easy. Perfect even.
Seeing you walk out of that bathroom with your wet hair and barely dried skin, already wearing a shirt of his, he drops down to his knees and you stop in your tracks, “Blade, are you okay?”
“Yeah…yeah, yes. Oh no…no, no. I said I wouldn’t do…do, do this.”
Dropping down to your own knees you pull his hand to your heart, “Look at my eyes, and feel my breath. There ya go, just breathe.”
He whispers out your name, trying to ease his breathing and find his words. “Will…will, will, will, will…”
“Blade, breathe. Inhale. Exhale,” slow and steady breaths. That’s all you can think.
“No…no, no, I’ve got this. Will…you…you, you marry…marry, marry, marry me, me, me, me?”
“Lo…Lo, Lo.”
“Yes, Blade. Now please, will you breathe, so I actually get to marry you?” he takes a few staggered breaths, but it isn’t enough. It’s not something you’ve ever tried, but if it calms him, and regulates his breathing, it’s what you’ll do. Leaning forward, you press your lips against his, and he melts in your embrace. Knocking you both down into the floor in a giggling mess.
“Whewe ring?” Fable stomps her foot beside you two. “Whewe at? Do it wong.”
“She’s right, Bladey.”
“Right, Squish, daddy couldn’t breathe,” he pulls out a diamond ring, with a pearl right beside it.
“I don’t want a big wedding. I couldn’t even ask you without sounding like I was about to die. Don’t make me do that.”
“We’ll do whatever you want. Jefferson will design the dress though.”
Blade only shrugs. “I mean, he’s designed everyone’s but Iris’s. And that’s because he was seventeen.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
Can we see blade taking lo to his playroom for the first time please?
Whew...Blade took it so easy on Lo.  We’re talking of months, of just him showing all the ways that you could get off without having sex.  He LOVES teasing her!  Loves making her squirm.  So he was going to make her wait on that room too.  Which he did have a professional cleaner come in, and removed all the used items, bought all new beginner items, and even some new restraints.  He does prefer fine silk ribbon for his beautiful Lolita.
What Do You Think About This One?
Summary: Blade shows you the secret lair
Pairings: Blade X Reader
Rating: 😵🥴
Warnings:  lots of toy and sex talk, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 900
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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"Blade, what’re you doing?” you ask, giggling as he pulls you to that door.  “Don’t.  You stop.”
“Is that what you really want?” you take a long look at him before back to the door.  Starting to walk away, before you look back at him.  “What?”
“That room was for them.  I’m your girlfriend.  It’s like...I’ve accepted that you were a whore, but I don’t want to use that,” Blade gives you a bit of a chuckle.  Shaking his head no, and he runs his thumb across your face.  “Blade, I’m serious.”
“First off, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I just let you use all that stuff?  Secondly, the day I said that we were exclusive, I had professional cleaners come in.  Everything in that room was thrown away,” you raise your eyebrows up, starting to ask, but he beats you.  “Everything.”
“So what’s...in there?”
Blade hisses through his teeth, wrapping both arms around you.  “A lot.  I’m not going to even begin to tell you all that’s in there...it’s a lot.  And if you wanted, it’s something we can explore together.  Lo, I am a very secure man, and I enjoy toys meant for you, just as much as you would.”
“Oh, all kinds of toys.  Vibrating toys, penetrating toys, strap on toys, pinching toys, toys that...”
“I get it.  What else besides toys?”
Grabbing your hand he walks you closer to the door, “Instead of me talking about all that’s in here...why don’t you just come in and look.  If you don’t want to stay, we close the door, and pretend we never saw it, until you’re ready.  Okay?” 
You nod your head, and let him guide you into the secretive room.  A room on the main floor, that only Blade knows how to get into.  Opening the door, he waits while you look around.  Mannequins with custom lingerie, a huge display of different sizes and colors of dildos, every vibrator you could imagine, a wall of different riding crops and whips, swings, reinforced ceilings with varying hooks and pulleys, a Sybian, a table, varying chairs, even a bed.
Overwhelmed you turn and look at him.  “Blade what the fuck?”
“We’re just getting started, and I didn’t want to stunt your creativity.  And how do you know you won’t like it until you try it?” he follows you over to the display of dildos and you pick one up to show him.  “You read some weird shit.  I’m letting the monster fucking come to life.  See that, that’s a tentacle, but this...” he picks up a neon blue one, and you start laughing.  “It has a knot.  This is your Alpha...wait, I’m your Alpha, that’s...he has a knot.”
You giggle out again looking at a few of them.  “What’s this?” you ask picking one up with tubing.
“That...you really liked me spilling in you, so that one can do the same.  See,” opening up a drawer he shows you various different kinds of lube.  “This one mimics cum.  And,” he drags you over to another part, opening up a closet that is covered in ribbons, ropes, and even pearls.  “I really enjoy this type of bondage called Shibari.  Ribbon.  This is fine silk ribbon, and I would create patterns for you.  And...”
Dragging you off to another part of the room, he stops in front of the biggest toy, and one he had teased you about, “Do you know why there’s a chair there?” you shake your head no at him.  “So I can sit there watching you get off on a good ride on the Sybian,” he gives the saddle a quick slap, before looking at you.
“When I tell you, that you look absolutely stunning when you’re cumming, I mean it.  Plus, I would love to see you needy for me.  There’s some fun attachments to this thing...If you wanted to do that, of course.  This,” Blade twirls the two of you around looking at the various toys, and you know there’s still some you haven’t even seen.
“This is our playroom.  I can’t think of much I wouldn’t try, but I want you to be open and honest with me, and I will you.  There’s more lingerie than this, too.  Carter got me in touch with one of the fantasy bra owners...pearls, it has pearls.  But...I know it’s a lot.  All of it new, recycling those boxes was a bitch.  You’re not saying any...any, anything.  And...and, and now I don’t feel...feel, feel so good.”
“Blade,” you whisper, bringing his hand to your heart.  He sighs when he feels it isn’t rushing.  “It’s just a lot right now.  I just...we just started having sex.  I’m not saying no, I just have some questions.”
You take a deep breath and give him the biggest smile, “We’re not gonna start having sex only in here right?” he shakes his head no quickly.  “Because the bed, it kinda scared me.  And...it is, it’s a lot.  Can we maybe discuss some things?  Maybe bring some of it in our bedroom first, or...what would you suggest to ease me in?”
“Well...I’m okay with playing with some,” he points over to the rainbow organized dildos, chuckling, “I wouldn’t suggest the dragon one,” he walks over to pick it up showing you.  “She’s pretty, but...”
“I don’t read dragon smut.”
“Ah, but you do read that monster fucking shit, so I got it all baby.  Look,” he holds up one, and you can’t help but to giggle at how adorable he is.  proud of the collection of monster dicks he bought you, “This is a centaur, and there’s two dicks.  Let’s take it slow.  What do you think about this one?”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
I’m having really bad stomach cramps and I was wondering how blade would react/treat lo on her period?
No originally I was going to start off with some Iris and James loving BUT I needed to do this. I was feeling this was last week, and then I had an attack of my head with a migraine earlier, and I could have used some Blade! Remember this boy is so sensitive, and he grew up with four sisters and a mama. He is fully equipped to know what to do, and listen/watch for what you want!
What Do You Need
Summary: Blade is a smart boy
Pairings: Blade Drysdale X Lolita!reader
Rating: FLOOF
Warnings: supportive Blade, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 450
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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Blade could sense it in your overall demeanor. He could feel the change in your behavior. Heard you in your sleep and how much more fatigued you were. Could tell in the way your eating had changed. He knew better than to mention it.
He'd been around enough women to know that even in a picking way, you could start a war. Learned the hard way when Aster busted his nose with a flying book. Iris had only knocked him down when he picked at her. Story had merely cried uncontrollably, but Lucy? Lucy threatened death upon him. He hadn't gotten a read on you yet. Didn't know what you preferred, so he went with everything.
Chocolate chip cookies and ice cream? Check. A snickers bar and salt and vinegar chips? Check. Mac and cheese? Check. McDonalds fries and a milk shake? Check. He had all the snacks he could ever think of that his mom and sisters loved.
Had the bathroom ready for a long hot bath, filled with a choice of any or all the above of Epsom salts, bath bombs, bath oils, face masks. Plenty of water, an array of different tampons, pads, diva cups, whatever you may need. Seeing how you had only "moved in" with him recently. He'll make sure it's official soon enough.
So when you came in looking so exhausted and on the verge of tears he was ready, "Blade, why are you home?"
"I'm not in the mood," you walk past him and towards the bathroom, and you see the set up full of candles and all the stuff. Into the bedroom and there's a heating pad and new fuzzy socks, a new robe, medicine by the bed. "Blade?"
"Yes, my beautiful little pearl?"
"What is all this?" you ask, nearly in tears. It had been such a long day. You loved working at your brother's shop. Loved most of the people. But on days like today, you hated everything.
"I don't want to overwhelm you. I know you didn't say anything, but I just..."
"Blade..." your voice whines, and he walks closer to you. His hand soothingly rubbing over your stomach. "I don't deserve you."
"Eh! Stop that. I don't deserve you. But not important. What's important is that you're comfortable. I'm not squeamish. Literally, whatever you need. Belly rubs, long hot bath with or without me, chick flicks that make you cry, chocolate, chocolate, or more chocolate, a nap, massaging you from the inside out," he gives you a little smirk.
"Never tried that."
"I know. I'm the only man you've ever been with. Whatever you want, it's yours. So tell me pretty little Lo, what do you need?"
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
I need a part two to the Christmas guest where Lo gets to meet the extended family and ransom and kittens reaction to Lo being able to calm blades anxiety.
But isn’t Lo just the sweetest??  So Kitten’s first time of interacting with Lo is here.  And Lo did have to have a moment to calm Blade.  Blade is going to try and shield her from most of the extended family for a bit.  Christmas can be an overwhelming time for people.
Santa Tell Me
Summary:  You and Blade make a promise
Pairings:  Blade Drysdale X Lolita!reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, smut, oral sex (M&F receiving), face riding, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  3K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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Waking to the sweetest whispers from Ellie and Otto of who needs to wake who up.  “Hew needs to sweep.”
“I need to open presents.  You wake them up, I’ll go get mommy and Beck.”
“But, but what about my mommy and daddy?” 
Ellie leans closer to Otto, whispering a, “Walkie talkies.”
“But wook, Bwade’s wips awe on hew face,” it’s only then that you realize how the two of you are entwined together.  Blade’s face smooshed up against your forehead, while the two children still lay in between you.  “I fink he wuvs hew.”
“Like mommy and Beck?”
“Uh huh, and wike mommy and daddy.  Mimi and Papa.  James and Iwis.  Bwade is in wuv,” the two giggle, and if it wasn’t for the soft inhale and exhale of Blade’s, you would almost wonder if he was still asleep or not.  His breathing too steady.  You feel the bed shift when Otto sits up followed by Ellie.  Blade himself stirs, and he removes his mouth from yours, smacking his lips.  “Uncy Bwade, we need to open pwesents.”
He blinks his eyes hard a few times, before looking at you and back at his niece and nephew.  “We gotta wait on everyone to wake up.”
“We can wake them!  I’ll get mommy and Beck, Otto will call his parents, and wake up Mimi and Papaw, you get Iris and James, and she can get Lucy.  Okay?”
Sitting up Blade wipes at his eyes, giving your nose a little tap, “I believe that it’s Christmas morning Lo.  You ready to wake up?” just to torture the two little ones a bit more you only grunt, flopping over to face the other way.  “Well, she’s the guest, and she’s not ready to wake up,” Blade teases them.
“No, no, no.  Wo, wake up pwease.  Me and Ewwie waited as much as we could.  Pwetty pwease.  I can’t wait anymowe.”
“Lo,” Ellie crawls over your back, her head hanging in front of yours and she sees you giggling.  Her own face shining at you with a bright smile, “You are trying to play with us!  There’s presents to be opened.  Can you get Lucy up?”
“I’ll go wake Lucy up,” you try to wiggle out, but she still giggles over you.  Turning to the side, so you’re on your back, you begin tickling her.  Her laugh fills Blade’s dark bedroom, and you start to tickle Otto for good measure.  Loving the squeaks and shrieks between them.  Blade nearly in a trance just watching you with his niece and nephew.  Falling even harder as you interact with two of his favorite people.  “Okay.  Let’s go wake everyone up.”
Both kids jump of the bed, and Otto grabs his walkie talkies and begins calling his parents on the way.  Before you can get up, Blade pulls you into him, pressing a soft kiss that turns desperate quickly.  Showing you with his tongue just how appreciative he is for you.  “You get another lesson later tonight, Pearl.  Now that I,” his hand glides down your body, and under the elastic of your pajama bottoms, “Yep, now that I’ve got you good and wet, lets go wake up my family for presents.”
Responding only with a playful growl, and a final chaste kiss before the two of you split, and he goes to wake up his sister, and their family.  Walking into Lucy’s room, you see her sprawled out, with nothin on but some cute little black panties.  Lucy’s new permanent artwork on full display, along with some new piercings.  Her phone on a facetime call, but you can’t see his face, only his snores.  “Lucy.  Lucy!”
“Shit, damn.  Uh...” not even caring to cover herself she lifts up her phone, “Hey, I’ll see you later?”
“Of course you will honey bee,” the sleep filled deep voice of the mystery man rattles.
“You saw nothing.”
“I see pierced nipples and tattoos, and some man that you fell asleep with,” trying to copy one of her devious smirks, she rolls her eyes, putting on her matching pajamas.
“Nothing.  Mom wouldn’t care, look at your boyfriend, but dad, well, I’m his angel,” you can’t help but belly laugh at the thought of Lucy being an angel.  She pulls her hair out of her face when that little body squares up at you, pinching your boob.  “I am his angel.”
“A fallen one maybe.  Your halo is broken, and I’m pretty sure your wings caught on fire.  I like the ink though.  It’s...pretty.”
“I’m pretty.”
“No, I meant, it’s delicate.  Lots of filigree and dainty.  That one on your hip looks awfully low.”
“Yeah, he had to stop because the pain and vibrations turned me on,” you scream her name smacking her arm, and about to make a comment about how he was probably so embarrassed.  “So he took me in the bathroom and let me get out my frustrations on his cock.”
“You banged your tattoo artist?”
“Banging.  But you know nothing, about like what you saw.  Come on, those brats are going to be looking for us,” she pulls at your hand and starts walking down to the main living room with the giant tree. 
Everyone already taking their seats, and even Blade taps beside him.  With a little smile, your body skips over to him.  His arms wraps around you to press a sweet kiss on your head, “Mommy, can I sit wif Wo and Bwade?” 
Story is in a mixture of love but also a bit of betrayal.  You had heard his other family was coming to get him later, and you’re sure she wanted to spend time with the little boy.  Her hand going to tap a spot on her chest, but Carter’s hand beats her.  Tapping her chest with his thumb, he gives her hand a squeeze, and let’s out a pitiful, “That’s fine baby, but make sure you show mommy and daddy what you got.”
The rest of the morning a hurried frenzy of kids and babies opening up presents, crawling through boxes and wrapping paper, laughing and cackling at different inside jokes, the warm smiles coming from Mrs. Drysdale, and somehow they even managed to get you presents.  Lucy even whispering in your ear, that they knew you would be here eventually, so everyone came prepared.  
You had never seen Blade more at ease, more animated.  It’s like his family brought out a playful side in him.  A side where he wasn’t constantly thinking about numbers or equations.  “Okay, everyone get dressed.  The Rogers, Jensen’s, Thrombey’s,” everyone groans and gags, but she stares daggers at them, “they’re your family.  I just married into them.  But also the Everett-Levinson’s, so  dressed.  I’ll get everything put in the oven.”
“The rest of your family, huh?” you ask, your head laying on Blade’s belly while his fingers play with your hair.  “What are they like?”
“Well, Bebe is okay.  Joni has calmed down.  Walt and Donna, they’re fine, hold a grudge sometimes against mom and dad.”
He laughs shaking his head, “They’re not like us.  Cold and distant, and their thoughts surround money.  Walt believed the house should at the very least belong to Linda, our Bebe, but he wanted it.  We moved in here before Story was a year old, it was easier,” pressing a kiss to his heart that speeds up as he recollects their move here.  “They want to think I don’t remember, but I do.  Mom wasn’t good.  We had a brother that didn’t make it.  Story was early, so ma was full of anxiety and depressed.  I stayed with her all the time.  But we always came here to help with Grandpa.  He loved mom, he loved seeing us play.  He helped out with Story a lot.  She would just listen to whatever he told her.  She was a good baby, cried if she wasn’t held though.”
“I think she’s still like that.”
“Oh yeah, she loves touching her husband.  But it made sense for Grandpa to give the house to mom and dad.  We lived here.  Took care of him and the house.  Grandpa would visit each of us every night, and sit with us, telling us stories.  God, I miss that old man.  I never saw him angry.  Just calm and wise, but still the Thrombey’s were scared of him.  He told Walt and Bebe what he was doing, Bebe agreed, but Walt was angry.  His son is a douche canoe.  Such a prick.  So full of himself.”
Blade drones on about the odd habits of his extended family.  Even the low down of the Everett-Levinson’s, “I don’t know how they do it, but they make it work.  Still together.”
“Wait.  She’s got two husbands?  And they’re okay?”
“They’re not sharing her,” he laughs, “No, they’re literally one unit.  Like, she’s got two husbands, but they have a husband and a wife.  It’s wild, but it works.  Triplets.  Now, one is engaged to Iris’s brother, but they’re not related.  Just want to throw that out there.  They took another DNA test to be sure.  Didn’t really know each other until later in life.  I think Airy would like you.  He likes women that tame men.”
“Is that what I’m doing?  Taming you?”
“Well, I did bring you around my family.  Those kids are important to me, and nobody meets them,” he pulls you up to his mouth, and you settle down, straddling his body.  “Getting bold, Pearl.  That door is not locked.”
“Don’t act like you’re going to fuck me.”
“Am I not?” pushing his hips forward he twists to lay your back on the bed, his lips kiss down your body until it comes to your jean covered mound.  Pressing one single kiss, and his fingers move to undo your jeans.  Your breathing picks up, and you know that it’s audible even if you were standing outside the door.  Panting and writhing to the point where Blade presses his swollen jeans over yours.  “Is that what you want?”
“Got you moving like a bitch in heat, huh?  Fuck, your so hot.  That pretty pussy wants to be split in half, huh?” excitedly you nod your head, while his body creates the most satisfying friction.  Speeding up his motions.
“Goddamn, I’m glad ya’ll are clothed,” pulling a pillow over your face, you let out a muffled scream when James stands in the door.  “Was just going to tell ya that Jake and Yelena are here.  Put the poor girl out of her misery,” Blade chuckles over you, but pulls away.  
“I think you need to change your pants.”
“I hate you.”
“That’s what it’s like here.  No privacy.  Do you realize how many people are in this house?  And you honestly thought I was going to sink my thick cock in that precious snatch?”
“I mean...” standing up to go to your bag, to find something not utterly ruined by Blade.  “You know, you keep doing this over the clothes stuff, and it’s ruining my wardrobe.”
“Lo, once I actually fuck you, we’re staying at the penthouse for a full week, and you’re not wearing clothes,” you bite your lip and give him a giddy smile.  “For a virgin you sure are a slutty girl aren’t you?”
“Well, I know what those fingers can do.  I know what your tongue is capable of.  And I’ve even had the tiniest taste of your cock, but I’m giving you permission to ruin me.  I don’t want anyone else but you,” with every word you speak, you walk closer to him.  Your hand goes to his neck, and drifts down his body, cupping his crotch with your hands.  “And if my cunt is yours, this...this pretty cock is mine.”
In your own sick and twisted way, it’s the two of you not only being exclusive, but also saying those three little words that means so much, without saying them.  “The minute you claim my pussy with your cock, I'm done for.  No one else will do.  I won’t want anyone else.”
“You’re too young to say that,” he gulps looking down at you.  You can feel his pulse racing through his cock, but you press your lips gently against his.
“I know what I want, Blade.  It’s not just your cock.  I want you, and all of it that comes with it.”
“I want you too.  All of you.”
“You can have it.”
The rest of the day is spent with Blade, shielding you from the oddball family. You could feel the love that they had for one another. And sometimes hear it as one of the non-related members voices bellows out a harsh term of endearment.
They’re a crazy bunch, but definitely ones that would be right by your side if you needed them. Would offer their multitude of services. But the one you were most excited to meet, Jake Jensen. The man that Blade speaks so lovingly about. The one that became more than just an uncle but a second father. His mother’s best friend, that she said saved her life more than once.
“And who is this?” the older man that still acts like a kid asks.
“JJ this is Lo, well,” he gives your full name to Jake who dramatically kisses your hand with a bow.
“Taming the brat, huh?”
“I don’t know about that,” you giggle.
“Listen, he’s a good one. If you’re being introduced to all these obnoxious people, I know what you mean to him. You see all these people,” he gestures around the room, but some you can only hear. “Our family is ride or die. You hurt my adoptive son, you go missing.”
“And are never heard from again.”
“Okay, that’s enough of that.  Don’t need you scaring my girlfriend,” Jake squeals at this admission, holding his hands over his smiling face.
“Does your mom know?”
“Yes, I do.  Now leave these poor babies alone, Jake.  Come here, I gotta show you something,” Blade gives his mom a smile.  Holding even tighter to you.
“She ain’t gotta show him anything.  How’re you feeling?”
“I feel good, Blade.”
“Good.  You got another lesson later.”
Blade’s hand soothingly runs down your face as you kneel down in front of him.  Your eyes already blown wide with lust, just waiting on him.  He looks over to his bedroom door to check to see if it’s locked.  Satisfied those dark blue eyes look back down at you, “Kneeling before your prince, I see.”
“Yes, my lord,” his eyes flutter closed, and he turns his head to the side to pop his neck.  “My lord?” you ask with a smile, “Is there something wrong?”
“Just keep fucking calling me that,” you kiss up his thigh, coming to those thin red boxers before your hands are going to pull him out.  “You going to gag on your prince’s cock?”
“Yes, my lord,” taking him out, you want your mouth to get acclimated.  Licking up his length, swirling your tongue at his tip, giving the little mushroom head some playful sucks.
You roll your eyes up to look at Blade, needing some praise and guidance, “Such a good girl.  Show me how much you can take.  Keep your eyes on me.  Gagging does not turn me off either, my pretty little Pearl,” with a lick to your lips, you watch him as you slowly sink down lower, taking as much of him as possible.  Having to hollow out your cheeks to take more, and like you were promised when you gag, it only makes his cock twitch, and his eyes roll to the back of his head.  Sinking as low as you can take, and just holding it there.  Pulling out only to have the oxygen rush back into your aching lungs, spluttering only causes Blade to twitch even more.
“Fuck, I’m not going to last long.  Just...” you don’t allow him to answer.  Having watched more porn than you ever remember, you bob on his length.  Twisting and pumping your hand at the base.  “Tighter pretty girl.”
Gripping him tighter, your tongue teases at his hole, still watching his every facial change to your movements.  But when you go to play with his balls, and a guttural moan releases from his swollen lips, you know you’ve found the spot.  Working him over and over, not changing your pace, just becoming drunk off his pretty sounds.  And when he shoots his load deep in the back of your throat, you hum at the taste and warmth.  Your tongue licking up any that escapes.  
But Blade can’t stand it anymore.  Those thick arms of his has you launched out of the floor, his body lays back and he has your core right at his face.  Ripping your panties to shreds to see your slick and swollen cunt.  His breath pants up at you, before he slams you on his face.  Your fingers grip tightly to his head, while he tries to remove your top.
Making it easier for him, you remove it yourself.  One hand plays with your tit while the other holds tight to your thigh.  When you release out a frantic mewl, he stops.  You lift off him enough to see his face glistening with your arousal.  “The walls can be thin.  Let’s see how quiet you can be while you ride my face.”
Using his hand he pushes you back on his face, and you just know you’re smothering him, but you don’t care.  His face determined to make you a pile of mush.  Your body rolls over him again and again.  His own tongue now only sitting there while you literally fuck his face.  Your own body writhing over that filthy mouth of his.  
Your face pointing towards the ceiling, biting your lips so hard you taste blood, but you’re quiet.  Blade’s eyes just smile at you riding on top of him, already getting hard at the view of your naked body getting off on his tongue.  “B-B-Blade...FUCK!” you scream unable to hold it in any longer when you gush on his face.  His tongue lapping up every bit of your cum before pushing you off of him.
One look down his body, your fingers go to touch that cock, but he swats you away.  “It’s almost time, Lolita.  But for now, rest.”
“Did I do good?”
“You were perfect.  Such a good girl for me.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
Okay I can just imagine how Ransom would gush over Squishy girl Fable when he’s babysitting her 🥺 My heart would not survive, I fear
Ransom gushes over all his grandbabies. But he does love his Squish. Him and Blade are about the only ones who get the pleasure of holding her squishy chubby self. And like her nickname implies, Blade and Ransom SQUISH her all the time. They squish the legs, those cheeks, the arms, play with her wittle toes. And she even wears a pearl bracelet. But there is something else that Squish loves...
For You
Summary: Squish is not happy with Papa
Pairings: Papa/Mimi X Squish
Rating: Pitiful sweet baby floof
Warnings: Squish tears, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 600
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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Ransom rests a sleeping squishy girl on his shoulder, but even in sleep her fingers rub on his beard. Her hands pet down the course hair, but also give his jaw a little bit of a scratch. Sometimes, not often, but sometimes she even pulls it in her sleep. But Ransom's favorite is when she dives in open mouth first to give him some messy kissies. That man and those dark blue eyes nearly look like a kid as he attacks her with his own set of smooches.
The two of you just sit and stare at that sweet and chunky girl, whenever she's at the estate. You love all your grandbabies, but she is one of the happiest.
Fable always smiles, she always coos and giggles with anyone that talks to her. When she gets especially playful she blows bubbles out of her fat wittle cheeks. The chub on them just jiggling around, and Ransom's whole body vibrates before leaning in for a playful bite of the whole cheek.
Her belly rolls just shake with each laugh she makes, which is why she rarely has more than a diaper on. One of Ransom's favorite games is to count each roll, going on to each little dimple. "Good grief why is she so cute and CHONKY!" you giggle at your husband squishing those chubby cheeks; staring at her like a prized possession.
One day while keeping that sweet thing, you walk around the estate holding onto her, looking for Papa. He had been doing a bit of extra work, so you got to spend some one on one time with the babe. Her voice squeals and chatters every time you say the name Papa, and when he finally hears her, he does his squeal of an answer back.
Her eyes brighten up, and her fists clench tightly close. Those chubby arms and legs wiggling around to the sound of his voice. Ransom turns the corner, making that squeal again; his face covered for a quick round of peekaboo. Fable can't help but to squirm around in your arms, but when he removes those hands and he has a baby smooth face, she turns and looks at you confused.
"C'mere squishy girl," his hands reach over towards him, and she shakes her head no, burying her face in your neck. "Fable Pearl, come see your Papa," that pudgy lip puckers out, and she looks up at you, tears welled in her eyes when she hears her Papa's voice, but no sees him. "Squish?" he asks like a hurt puppy.
That little lip just trembles, and her chubby hands cling onto you, screaming out a pitiful, "No, Mimi."
With one look at your husband, you're not sure who is ready to cry more. He pouts just as much as she does, his voice sweet and soothing, and it only makes her cry more, "Kitten, put it back on."
"Baby we can't."
"Glue it back, rub on it, make it come back. Squish, it's me Papa," she still wails and attempts to get away whenever he gets close to her. "I ruined her. She won't even look at me."
"Why did you shave it off?"
"I wanted you to ride my face. You said you get raw," you blow out an exasperated puff of air at him starting to walk away. "I made you both mad? Kitten! Kitten, you get back here. I shaved it off for you, and...Mrs. Drysdale! I demand you to come back! KITTEN!"
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
jen. now why would you do us like that 😭. i did not need to learn about the choclate fountain.
u can redeem yourself with s’more lo and blady though 👀 can’t get enough of those two
- 🍄
Now now now 🍄anon you asked, you can't go back now. I mean 🤷🏻‍♀️ I thought that the nickname would be enough. You should have just asked about the Champagne Shower Twins. He had help with those two. You could have guessed some of his other dessert menu items, but noooo. Or even asked about his sexual awakening, but no, you had to know about that Chocolate Fountain 😂😂 But since I tortured everyone...it is only fair to give you a cute little taste of those two nerds.
I Trust You
Summary: Playing Mario Kart with played gets spicy
Pairings: Blade Drysdale X Lolita!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Blade Drysdale, dry humping, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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Your whole body shifts and moves around as your Toad passes Blade's Donkey Kong, letting out a satisfied cackle when your koopa shell hits him. "You cheated," he chuckles, his hand trying to reach towards your controller.
"Who is cheating now?" your voice so light hearted, it's not even about trying to beat him it's about the fun you're having. "Blaaade! You're not playing fair!"
You know exactly how to fix his grabby hands, standing up you go to sit in his lap, a school girl laugh exits your lips when he groans. His own remote completely abandoned, and he runs his hands around your sides, settling on your stomach. Those sinful little lips that you can't get enough of connect to your strands of pearls. Pulling them off you with his teeth. A chill runs up your spine and your body shivers with his touch.
"Please don't do that, my pretty little pearl," his voice whispers on your skin. You still aren't ready for sex. Still hadn't done anything but make out, so when you feel a small poke under you, you chirp. "I said don't do that Lolita."
"I hate when you call me that, Lo is just cuter."
"You are mine though right?" his teeth barely nip around your skin and you drop the controller, hearing the shrill voice of Toad's distress when he's hit.
"Are you mine?" you're almost disappointed when he doesn't answer. Almost hurt of the times that you have said yes, you're his, but he's never said anything. Almost questioning if he's really been true to his word.
Blade's strong tatted arms lift you up from your bum to turn you to the side, "Look at me. Fully," biting at your lip you look down at your lap, "Y/N, please, I need to see you," turning your head to look at him, you give him the best smile you can muster. "Turn around."
"I just want you to have my full attention," you finally turn to look at him. Your legs on either side of his. "Get comfortable," it takes a moment, but you fully settle on his lap, and he lifts your chin up to look at him. "Do you not think I'm yours?"
"You haven't said it, I have."
"I am. I am all yours. I don't even have time to think about the other girls. Hold on," he grabs up his phone, going to his contacts he hands it to you. "They were in my phone as Lucy's dessert names," you drift through his phone. Names of contacts, family, friends, no desserts to be found. "I'm serious about you. I'll give you my passcode, whatever you want."
"I'm yours. All of me. I just want you to trust me," you lean forward giving him a tiny little kiss, your eyes rolling back open to look at him.
"I do trust you," you whisper pulling him back to your lips. Trying to show him how much you trust him through your touch. Softly the pads of your fingers roll along his skin. His hands tighten around your ass and pulls you closer to him.
While you whimper in his lips, his hands create a push and pull over his lap. You may be inexperienced, but you know that his movements are mostly a primal need for friction. Blade pulls off your lips, and his hands drop on either side of him, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Blade," your voice barely a murmur. Picking up his hands you place them back on your waist, "I trust you," you roll your own hips over him. Your breathing turning shallow when you see the lust in his eyes, he almost removes his hands again. This time you give him a long filthy roll of your hips, his eyes rolling back in his head, "I trust you."
"We don't..."
You grind down hard on top of him, picking up your pace, "I want to. I'm yours. Now shut up, and let us enjoy this," Blade's smile is full of lust and he bites around your lips, before pulling your forward into him.
Blade is unsure when the last time he did something as innocent as dry humping, or even when something silly felt so good. What's more is the thought of both of you completely trusting the other. Opening the first door of giving another part of yourself to him. A part you haven't given to anyone else.
When his dark blue eyes stare up at you, your eyebrows knitted together, panting on top of him, he takes a moment to watch you get right there. Right on the edge of the most perfect high, "Blade," you pant out.
"Keep going sweet girl. You're almost there. Doing such...such, such a good job. You can do it. Can you do it for me?"
"Yes," you wrap your arms tightly around his neck, and his lips press open mouth kisses up the column of your neck, and hearing that tiny little whine, the squirming of your body, and even the way your legs tremble, causes the most satisfying release he's ever had. You feel his own warmth slightly dampen your covered core.
Leaning back because you so desperately want to see his face, never having felt anything like that. He gives you that crooked smile that you love. A man that normally controls a room, exudes so much authority this smile proves he's a nerd at heart. "Shh," his own chest heaves with his breath, and you're speechless. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I've never..."
"Had an orgasm?" his tone is so soft and understanding, you know that he's not making fun of you, not even when you shake your head no. "I need you to navigate this part of our relationship then," you nod your head quickly. Your breathing only finally steadying out. "And I'll stop us if I feel you're not ready, okay?"
"Okay. I trust you."
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
I just had this thought that if Lo and Squish were ever to wear those matching mommy and me outfits, Blade would absolute melt over how cute both of his girls look.
Oh would most definitely. Lo is into the fashion scene, that's why her fashion can be a bit all over the place. She loves a good classy look, but she always goes with the trends a lot too. And Blade LOVES when her and the children dress in matching outfits!
Mommy Is...
Summary:  Blade loves when you wear mommy and me outfits.
Pairings:  Blade/Reader X Squish
Rating:  heartbreaking...Squish can talk
Warnings: a talking Fable, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  400
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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Blade walks into the living room, and sees you with yet another matching outfit with your daughter.  Always with the matching outfits.  If there’s an outing with just you two, or a family outing, Squish is dressed like you.  
Not only does he think it’s the most adorable thing in the world, but the fact that you enjoy his daughter so much, makes him hungry for another one just like her.  Have a boy he was told.  Looking at you with her, he would one hundred percent be okay with another daughter.
The way that Fable responds to you.  You fully enjoy her, can be playful with her, but she completely respects you, too.  His happy little girl, and his beautiful fiancé.  He’s so thankful for you two.  When Fable gets sight of him, she squeals out a daddy, running over to him and jumping up and down with her hands up in the air.
“Wook it,” she pulls at her little top with a smile.  “I wook wike wike mommy,” Blade can’t help but to give her cheek a nibble, followed by a kiss.  His daughter is so perfect.  He can’t believe she’s this big.  Talking and running around.  Forming sentences.  
“You quit that,” he tells her.
“Daddy, I can’t can’t quit tawking now.  Me is Fabwe Peaw Dwysdawe, me tawks tawks a wot,” he places a hand on her belly, even that is disappearing.  Those jiggling cheeks slimming down, and even her thighs aren’t as fluffy as they once were.
“Lo, make your daughter quit growing,” Squish giggles at her dad, her eyes lighting up with that bubbly laughter.  “Squish, if you don’t quit growing, we’re just going to have to have another chubby baby to take your place, and I don’t know if I want another perfect child.”
“Daddy youw youw siwwy.  Mommy...”
“Okay, let’s head out to lunch,” you interrupt your daughter.  
“Fable Pearl, finish what you were going to say,” he tells your daughter, but his eyes only on you.
“Mommy is...”
“Very hungry.  Let’s go.”
“Why are you so hungry, Lo.  Squishers, you’re going to have to tell me really quick.”
“Mommy is...”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
I kinda miss when blade was pining after lo and using otto as a means to talk to her🥺 you think we could maybe see otto and blade visiting her again? Maybe after aster and becks wedding🥺
Bwade and Wo! Back when he didn't have a Squish taking time from his little dude! So after Aster and Beck's wedding is when Lo kinda laid it out on the line for him. She let him know that she didn't care if he casually dated, but if they were sleeping together, it would only be her!
Don’t Embawwass Youwsewf
Summary:  Blade and Otto go get new suits
Pairings:  Blade/Otto X Lo
Rating:  adorable
Warnings: Otto Baizen, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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"How do I look?” Blade asks, combing back his hair a final time.  Otto glances up at his uncle, and starts fixing his hair different, “Here, buddy, let me help you.”
“So we’we going to see dis Wowita?” Blade snorts but nods his head.  “Is dis why you want me to be fancy?”
“Let me go get my cowogne,” he starts to run out of the bathroom, but Blade grabs his shoulders, “What?”
“In the past I have found that women find that smell to be irresistible.  Maybe you should wear my cologne.”
“Maybe you shouwd weaw mine den.  Youw wogic makes no sense.  I’m iwwesistibwe to women, and youw not.  See, weaw my cowogne.  I’m not changing.  Mama wouwdn’t wike it.”
“Does your brother where the same cologne?” Blade asks following Otto out to where he keeps his cologne at Blade’s house.
“You know Z is a baby wight?”
“You know Story Baizen put cologne on your clothes when you were a baby.  I bought your first bottle.”
“Congratuwations.  Wets go see youw Wowita.  Wait,” he pauses dramatically to turn and look up at Blade, “Do I do the I’m wost bit?”
“What bit do I do den?  Wike I’m cute, you want to hang out with me and my Uncy Bwade?  Ow you want me to just give puppy dog eyes?  Ow am I getting new cwothes?  Daddy wiked my wast outfit, and him is going to stawt going dare.  Wait, maybe I just embawwass you and teww hew youw hopewesswy in wuv wif her.”
“Yeah, don’t do that,” Blade walks out in front, trying to finish this conversation, but Otto doesn’t move.
“But Bwade, it’s aww twue.  You wike da giwl and youw being a pussy and won’t ask her out.”
“Your mom is going to kill you, if she hears that filth coming out of your mouth.”
Otto narrows his finally walking beside Blade, “Keep dat to youwsewf, and I won’t embawwass you.”
Blade nervously walks around the shop, while you finish helping a customer, already refused help from Jefferson.  His eyes keep looking down at the little boy with him, who continues to point over at you, and you try not to laugh.
“Bwade, dats hew,” he points at you, and Blade just pushes his hand down.  “Bwade, dats youw Wowita.”
“Quit calling her that.  It’s creepy.”
“Dats what you caww hew wif Hawwy.”
“Just...” Blade turns back around quickly when he catches you looking at him.  “Call her Lo or something else.”
“Wo.  I wike dat.  Wo.  Bwade’s Wo.  Uncy Bwade’s Wo,” Blade pushes his hand up against Otto’s mouth when you walk over.  “Hewwo...Wo,” he snickers out.
You look down at the little man confused.  Your hand goes to that long strand of pearls of yours, and you move it around your finger, “Um, I was needing help.”
“Well, Mr. Drysdale, what is the occasion.”
“I told you, I’m not Mr. Drysdale.  Please, call me Blade.”
“He’s my Uncy Bwade,” Blade is starting to regret the decision to bring his nephew along with him.  “You awe.  Youw sissy is my mom.  He cawwed hew Stowy when dey wewe wittle.  He’s hew Pwince Chawming and my daddy was da knight in shining awmow, but now dare mawwied, so he’s hew king.  Ow, dats not nice to squeeze hands, Bwade.”
“You said, you wouldn’t embarrass me.”
“Am I embawwassing him, Wo?”
“Who’s Woah?” you look between the two trying not to laugh.
“Aw, now you’re gonna have to apologize to the Prince of Boston.  He can’t say Ls.”
“I can’t.”
“Lo is what he said.”
“Who is Lo?”
“You.  Dats what Bwade towd me to caww it’s short for,” Blade presses his hand up against the little boys mouth.
“About that outfit.  I have to be at a club opening in a few weeks, so I need something dark, mysterious, and sexy,” Otto fake gags behind his mouth.  “I don’t know, maybe a black on black ensemble.”
“Black on black isn’t your thing,” Jefferson responds as he walks past.  “Trust, not many people can pull off brighter and fun suits.  Why not something fun like orange, white, red.”
“Orange?” “Owange?” the two boys ask, both furling up their nose at the suggestion.
“Thanks, Jefferson.  That’s perfect.  Orange.  I’ve already got an idea.  You know the drill, lets get your measurements.”
“Bwade is gonna weaw an owange suit.”
“Don’t worry little man.  I’ve got enough fabric to make you a matching suit.”
“Oh no.  I’m a Baizen.  I weaw dawk colows.”
"Your dad wears pastels all the time,” Blade reminds him.
“Dats casuaw weaw.  Not suits.  I don’t do owange.”
“You could wear the signature pink color of your mom,” you give him a little wink, and he smiles up at you.
“I want a pink suit!  I’m coming in hewe wif my daddy, so we can have matching pink suits.”
“Wow, you traded me for Carter so fast.  Still make him an orange suit.  I think Otto Baizen would be able to get that cute little red head’s number,” Otto shakes his head no.  “Don’t lie, you have a thing for red hair.”
“Dats a secwet.”
“Secret’s safe with me Otto.  Lets get Uncle Blade situated, and I’ll get your suit started, too.  And I’ll start designing a pink suit for you and your dad.  I bet your mom will love it,” you go to ruffle his hair, but he steps up.
“Don’t touch his hair once it’s gelled.  Yeah, Otto, your mom sees your dad in something pink, you might get your sister.  Story really likes pink.”
“I’ve heard,” you point up behind a changing room to see a younger picture of Story and Jefferson at a recital.  
“Dats my mama!  Youw bwothew and my mama danced togethew?” you smile and nod your head.  “Whewe’s dis Jeffewson cat.  I need to talk to him.  Bwade, you’we on youw own.  Don’t embawwass youwself.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
Missing Squishy and Eggy 😔😔😔 do we have some crumbs 🤲🏻🤲🏻 lying around, ma’am 😔🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
Squishy and Eggy!! I know I haven't talked about the main cast a ton this week, but that's because there's so much going on with the secondary cast, and no time haha. So we may be doing a back and forth kinda deal but I can spare a cute little moment of Squishers and her Eggy boy!
Stressing Me Out
Summary:  Your little family
Pairings:  Blade X Reader
Rating:  it’s so fluffy
Warnings: talking Fable, front butts, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  750
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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“No, no, you gotta hold his head up, Squish.”
“Wike wike dis, daddy?” Fable looks up at Blade with the biggest smile on her face. She still hasn’t given up on the wanting of a sister, but she’s learning to tolerate her chubby bubba.
Blade gives her a slow head nod, and smiles back down at the littlest loves in his life. While he doubted whether he would be a good father or not, you knew. You saw the care he gave his nieces and nephews. Having a special bond with each of them.
This is your favorite time. Letting him think you’re still in the shower, when in reality you’re watching your family be so sweet. Too often it’s a crazy, fun, and fast paced love that you guys have. But these moments are special. Moments where you get to see Blade’s soft side. The side that not many get to see or experience. He protects that side; it’s only for his inner circle.
Fable’s fingers pet around Beckett’s face, and you’re made painfully aware why people have more than one child. She’s still small, but there’s this big girl quality to her. She doesn’t sleep in a crib anymore. She used the potty, picked out her own clothes, even decided how she wanted her hair fixed for the day, and daddy is always the one to fix it.
You already see such a change in your Eggy boy. He has facial expressions, and the cutest little laugh, especially if Fable was paying attention to him. He coos up at her, while she sings to him, or will grunt when she gives you a kiss to your cheek.
You’re little bestie did it now just to spite him. With his fists curled up tightly he thrashes around, and grunts, until you pull him up to your face issuing kiss after kiss on him.
Neither you nor Blade knew that you had enough room to love another child, but you were able to. Almost tearful when you think of having to be away from them. You just couldn’t get enough of your sweet family. From your sexy husband, to your beautiful daughter, to that chubby boy that she holds in her hands.
Blade turns to you, giving you a soft smile, so you flash him a little bit of tit, and he bites at his lip, “Squish, your mom’s being mean to me.”
“Teww hew to quit it, and sing da sunshine song wif me.”
“You heard her, wifey. Get over here, and sing You Are My Sunshine with her.”
“I hate when you call me that,” you walk over to the bed, and give him a kiss. Slyly his thumb ghosts over your breast, and you give a little yelp.
“What’s wrong, Lo? A little sensitive.”
“Mommy! Sing wif me!”
Giving Blade a playful elbow, you do the sweet little routine of singing You Are My Sunshine as a family to Eggy. Still one of Blade’s favorite songs. “So since we wike dis Egg. Wets tawk about da next. Kissy said he wiww dis…discuss youw options when you awe weady.”
“Faby, can we just enjoy the egg for a bit longer before you want me to have another baby?”
“Daddy’s da one dat does aww da wowk,” Blade laughs while you narrow your eyes at him. “Him da one dat does da chicken poop thing in youw fwont butt.”
“Oh my gosh! Fable, you can’t talk about chicken poop in my…front butt when you go to school.”
“Dats what happens. Daddy does aww da wowk. So wet him do dat chicken poop wowd and make suwe it’s a giwl. Eggy is enough stwaws.”
“What do you know about straws?” Blade asks her confused.
“I don’t. Papa said him has a stwaw in hims diapew. I don’t want to see that. Ooh! I gotta go. Don’t wait, it’ww be awhiwe. Eggy some of us don’t poop in our pants anymowe.”
You wait until that dramatic little girl runs into her bathroom. Giving her the privacy she needs, “Yep, she’s all Drysdale.”
“I don’t know how to take that.”
“She is all Drysdale. Cute as can be, but man, she’s a handful. That’s all you, Bladey.”
“We could make another,” with wide eyes you turn to look at him. “Not the three years we waited on her at least. I’m getting old.”
“That’s what I get for falling in love with an old man, who has a big cock.”
“Sweetheart, you had never seen a cock before, you wouldn’t know.”
“Well I have now, big dick. Give me my baby, you two are stressing me out.”
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