#fabio carvalho fanfiction
football-and-fanfics 2 years
Forgotten - Fabio Carvalho
Who: Fabio Carvalho Request: let's say, fabio is on his way to training or something and he forgets his wallet/phone/etc and y/n notices and runs behind him before he leaves and is like "hey, you forgot something!" and fabio turns around and kisses them and y/n blushes and holds up the item; "i actually meant this, but thank you" Requested by: anonymous Warnings: none
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Fabio had overslept quite spectacularly. If he hurried he would still make it to training in time, so he was flying about the house. He hurried around, trying to get his shoes on on the run, and wolf down a quick breakfast while getting dressed. "I'm off, see you tonight!" Fabio just called out the goodbye, before sprinting out the door. You meant to answer, but already heard the door shut behind him. You chuckled to yourself at Fabio's absolute determination not to be late to training. It was a perfect example of his drive and dedication to the club and the team.
Suddenly, your eye caught something lying on the kitchen counter. Upon closer inspection you found it were Fabio's phone and wallet. You hadn't heard him drive away yet, so there might still be time to go after him. "Wait!" You rushed out the front door, just as Fabio made to drive away. "You forgot something!" Fabio immediately got out of his car, the cheekiest smile playing on his lips. "Of course, how could I forget?" He waited until you were right in front of him, before cupping your face between his hands and pressing an eager kiss to your lips. "Uh, wow... thanks," you mumbled a little flustered, surprised at this sudden fiery kiss he had given you. "I actually meant this." You held up his phone and wallet. "Oh," Fabio chuckled, "I guess I forgot those, too, but they're not as important as you."
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Tags: @evie-pr, @auawdo, @meteora-fc, @de-geas, @stonesyyyy, @drizzyreese, @hbstre, @liverpoolfanfiction, @sternennebel2001, @scuderiavettcl Liverpool tags: @berrydoughnuttruth, @candlelitutopia PL tags: @ella33 Add me to the tags list, too!
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football-and-fanfics 2 years
Faint - Fabio Carvalho
Who: Fabio Carvalho Request: fabio faints whilst hanging out with the lfc squad. With harvey mainly but also with a couple of other lfc members :) Requested by: anonymous Warnings: mentions of fainting
A/N: this turned out more with Harvey than with the rest of the LFC squad. Hope you don't mind 馃檭
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He really should not have skipped breakfast this morning, that much Fabio painfully realized by now. But when he had overslept and was running spectacularly late for morning training, it seemed like the most logical thing to do.
Somehow, Fabio managed to make it through the entire training on an empty stomach, but when he came back to the dressing room afterwards was when things went wrong.
Fabio already felt the effects of his blood sugar getting low due to not having eaten, but coming back into the warmth of the dressing room after the cold of the training pitch, was the last straw. He suddenly felt very faint. He couldn't get his gaze to focus on anything anymore, and Fabio realized only too well what was going to happen to him.
"Harv..." Fabio reached out for Harvey standing beside him. He needed some support to remain standing, but it already was too late. Fabio fainted, in the middle of the dressing room, frightening all of his teammates.
"Holy shit! Fabio?" Harvey was closest to him, and immediately dropped to his knees beside where Fabio lay unresponsive on the floor. "What happened to him?" Jordan was quick to respond as well. "I don't know," Harvey stammered, helplessly shrugging his shoulders. "Stay with him, I'm getting the doc." Jordan quickly got to his feet and ran off to get some help.
"Fab? Fabio?" Harvey carefully shook Fabio's shoulder. Fabio stirred slightly, and Harvey had never been so relieved to hear a faint groan roll off Fabio's lips. "Come on, mate, talk to me." Harvey kept his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Tell me what's going on." Fabio groggily opened his eyes. "I'm okay." "You blacked out," Harvey scoffed. "I know," Fabio mumbled, "it's because I didn't eat anything yet today."
Right at that moment, Jordan returned with one of the team's doctors. "What happened?" The doctor immediately turned his attention to Fabio still lying on the floor. "I didn't eat anything all morning," Fabio answered, sounding a little embarrassed now, too. "You did the whole training without having eaten anything?" The doctor frowned slightly. "Than it's not hard to conclude that your blood sugar got too low and that's why you fainted. Not the smartest move on your part." "Yeah, I know." Fabio accepted the quiet reprimand without complaint. He knew very well he had only himself to blame for this, but that didn't make him feel any less bad.
The doctor rummaged around is his bag and fished out a packet of Dextro Energy. "Eat a few of these until you start to feel less woozy."
Fabio slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position. "Easy, mate." Harvey had not left Fabio's side all this time. "Careful." "I'm alright," Fabio answered softly. "Not taking any chances on that." Harvey positioned himself behind Fabio, so his friend could lean his back against his chest. "Thank you," Fabio mumbled, leaning back gratefully against Harvey. Now that he sat up, Fabio had to admit he still felt a lot more shaky than he thought.
Fabio slowly chewed on the handful of Dextro's the doctor had handed him. It took a few minutes, but finally he felt himself come somewhat back to life.
"You good, mate?" Harvey asked quietly. "I am," Fabio nodded, "but now I'm mostly hungry." "I'm sure that can be resolved." Harvey moved away from behind Fabio and got to his feet. "Let's have lunch."
Fabio accepted Harvey's outstretched hand to pull him to his feet. As soon as he stood, Harvey pulled Fabio into a hug. "Please, don't ever scare me like that again," Harvey mumbled for only Fabio to hear. Fabio chuckled a little embarrassed for scaring his friend like that, but returned to hug. "I promise I won't do it again."
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Tags: @evie-pr, @auawdo, @meteora-fc, @stonesyyyy, @drizzyreese, @hbstre, @liverpoolfanfiction, @sternennebel2001, @mrswinksy, @themoon-shines PL / LFC tags: @ella33, @candlelitutopia, @percervall
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football-and-fanfics 2 years
Fabio Carvalho masterlist
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These are all the imagines I have written for Fabio Carvalho (links below the cut). Newly posted imagines for him will be added onto here a.s.a.p.
Last updated: 14 February 2023
Imagines posted in 2022:
Forgetting his wallet
Imagines posted in 2023: None yet
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football-and-fanfics 2 years
Two players have been added to my Who I Write For list. They are: Reece James and Fabio Carvalho.
You can now make your requests for them (or for any other of the players I write for馃槈馃槈) through this form
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