juniperpyre · 7 months
i have an idea for a post-apocalyptic fanfic where lily and fabian are lovers marauding the decimated landscape together (maybe with gideon and marlene and dorcas as well) and it's just rly dark and hopeless and the smut is intense.
and then they run into The Marauders (along with regulus and barty, who do not want to be there) and manage to join forces. they have a shared goal: whisperings of an oasis.
lily is the medic of the group bc of her biochem background and gardening knowledge. james was the medic for his group, so they spend a lot of time together. they're attracted to each other immediately, and though it takes a while for them to let down their walls (arrogant james vs perfect lily) once they do the emotional connection is strong
society has crumbled, so if lily wants someone she's not going to wait. she tells fabian how she feels. lily has two boyfriends now. james and fabian end up getting together, too, after some time.
of course, over their journey the lose people. one by one they're picked off. first regulus, then barty snaps and they have to leave him for dead. marlene next, and soon dorcas backtracks to hunt down her killers. peter disappears in the night, but there was no sign of struggle. they keep going.
lily gets pregnant. it could be either man's, they're both happy and scared in varied measures. they keep going. they may be close now. remus thinks someone is tracking them. james thinks remus is paranoid. sirius doesn't say when he thinks.
one night they get into an argument on which way to go. fabian, gideon and sirius are the last truly skilled fighters left. sirius wants to go one way, remus wants to go the other. james trusts sirius the most, at the end of it all, so he sides with sirius. so lily sides with sirius, so fabian and gideon side with sirius.
remus stays, but they're bitter. they go off and skulk, coming back around morning. two days later the group is ambushed. lily is about 8 months along now. fabian and gideon take down the whole group, but they succumb to their wounds hours later. they die protecting lily.
sirius blames remus. james tries to de-escalate. lily has nothing to say.
remus leaves.
lily, james and sirius find the oasis.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
Jonah: Adam can I have a hug?
Adam: fiiiine
Jonah: hug..? :(
Seth: of course kid
They are family ur honor
Yeah :)
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the-evil-pizza · 2 years
fuck, shit. this stupid questline actually made me cry for realsies 
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dejaentends · 1 year
fabily is a lot like jily in the sense that fabian is a himbo that's tall and hot, but also actually very smart, and is like in complete adoration of lily. what she deserves. i actually ship fabian x lily x james bc fabian and james r besties
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fireworksoverhell · 2 months
Other people may see Rosie as "out of place" on this blog what with the other two, but...
I see the logic.
Rosie stepped up as a mom after Lilith went to get the milk.
Now Charlie shares the blog with her dad and her new mother figure!
Is fabily :D
{{Rosie also happens to be my second favorite character and I don't get a chance to write her as much as the others so this is as good a time as any!
But I do agree, Auntie Rosie is a good mother figure for Charlie, she's really grounded. And I could also definitely see her getting along with Lucifer. That man is Also in dire need of life advice!
I do also have OCs on the blog, but they're not part of the branding because OCs get less attention/can be overwhelming sometimes, so they're just vibing in the background tbh
They're a fun trio to have headlining tho and I definitely agree with and approve of the Family Angle.}}
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oleasters · 4 years
spikemuthtoothfairy replied to your post “Oleana adopts Bede”
Oleana has a daughter. Her name is Marjory. She's like a seven and a half foot tall trash child
incorrect Marjory is her kid sister
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lesbiankoby · 5 years
i need to reread so you want to be a wizard because futaba is a really fascinating dairene parallel and would be a POWERHOUSE of a wizard
her book is in her head like the irish wizards though uh futaba has photographic memory.... the intersection of the technological and the ancient
joker and akechi went on ordeal together but only joker made it out. akechis a servant of the lone power now... more a glorified puppet then anything
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volturissideslut · 2 years
Alright alright. So hear me out, DiaLuci but it’s the same vibe as AmeRus (Hetalia) Plz for the love of god do this as a fic
and I'm suuuuper sorry but dialuci is one thing I won't right just because it feels kinda wrong to me because of the foundations of their relationship
side rant and possibly spoilers: I can't see a relationship between diavolo and lucifer mainly because I feel like it would be completely one sided and lucifer would have completely no day inwgat happens
I forgot what lesson it is but when mc Satan levi and luci are sucked into the video game we can see what lucifer is like in a world without diavolo and he seems much less stressed
also his alligence to diavolo is forced as we can see in the scene with lilith dying where he is sacraficing part if himself to save lilith and his family and we see that as a running theme where he keeps it up to keep his fabily doing well
there is a lot of comments made by his brothers that he is in love with Diavolo and they even made the stickers ect but that is because they don't know about the arrangement
there is that scene where he kinda goes against diabolo to help belphie (I think, I could be wrong about that one I haven't been that far back in the game for a while)
amd there are a few more scenes too where we can see deeper into their relationship then most people
and, yes, while over time the relationship between the has gotten more positive there is still that underlining knowledge that it was in fact forced from the beginning and luci cannot really fight back (considering the lengths he went to like locking belphie away)
that's why personally I don't like to write it but if you want I wall gladly write a dia x male mc or luci x male mc
(also I have no clue what Hatalia or AmeRus is so I had to do a quick Google search and it looks cute from the fanart)
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orange-plane-boy · 2 years
Fabily :)
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kibibarel · 5 years
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hghgkgjlkg.....fabily.... ; _____ ;
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iliketowrite1996 · 5 years
Mistakes, Mismatches and Near Misses 3
TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- Heartache, burdens, jealousy secret-keeping, lying
Shuri Udaku is very, very, very rarely wrong about many things. She knows what checmicals mixed with what toher chemicals will have what reactions. She knows that Peter Paker makes an excellent +lab parnet bercause heis helpful and supoortive, not controlling and demeaning. She knows that her cousin Erik would never in a million years let her live it down if she found out about her secret boy band obsession. Yes, Shuri Udaku is well-versed, and knows many a great things about many people and objects and such,.
She knows that Erik has a soft spot for Ramonda. He’s learning to at least tolerate T’Challa, and he likes her, but Auntie Ramonda has his whole heart. The fact that she was willing to make macaroni and cheese on his bitthday- something she’s never made before an had to have Suri look up- really softened up a spot for ehr in Erik’s otherwise pretty cold heart.
She knows that Ramonda considers Erik as another son, and you a another daughter. And Ramonda loves her children so, so much. They are her light, in a way- lightnening up even the darkest moments, such as losing her husband so suddenly.
Shuri knows that she’s pretty much T’Challa’s favorite person. And, not that she’d enver admit, he’s hers. She remebers, how ever vaguely, following him around the palace. Sitting on his lap during fabily events. Proudly showing off every invention, drawing, plan that she’d ever came up with, ready for his approval or ideas.
Shuri is certain of many, many things.
That she is smart, beautiful, and strong enough to stand on her own, but she likes the support behind her and all around her.
That you were too good for that last guy that you dated,a nd that you deserved better.
Yes. She is quite certain of many things.
But, sometimes, life does manage to throw her a curve ball.
Such as when T’Challa confessed that he was in love again, that she already knew the girl, that he’d never been so happy to finally be with this person in the way that he was mean to…
But… only… that person wasn’t you.
Isn’t you, she should say.
It’s Nakia.
Nakia, who is currently showing off her brand new engagment ring as T’Chalala stands by her side, hand on her waist and eyes gleaming and smiling proudly.
But maybe she should explain why she’s so surprised it’s not you standing there in Nakia’s coveted spot, ebxt to the king of Wakanda himself.
Shuri may not be the most emotional person, but she knows her brother. Or, well, she thoguth she did.
She culd see his attraction for you. The hushed whispers and gigglles, lunch dates and such. The way he looked at you. How could she not have thought that he had fallen for you?
And you were no better. You were a bit more subtle in your flirtaiton than T’Challa was, but it was still there.
And, okay, yes. She’d overheard your covnersation where the two fo you agreed to be friendly, but see where it goes. And she’d thoguht it ws going so well- flowers, complimment, discssions where the norm between the two of you, and it finally seemed that T’Challa was on to someone else that wasn’t, well… Nakia.
But she sees that she was wrong. She was oh, so wrong.
Shuri can deal with being wrong. She’s intelligent, but not all kowing. She knows this. She can forgive herself for the mistake…
But not the mismatch.
Because if she never would have hatched that plan to get the two of you together, you never would have had had your heart broken. You wouldntbe standing next to the table with your glass of champagne, staringa t the happy couple a\s everyone congratulates them.
Shuri sets her cup of water down, gliding over to you, abnormally timid for her.
‘’Hey,’’ you smile at your psuedo-yuonge-sister as she approaches you, ‘’What’s up?
‘’I’m sorry. I-I… I am sos oarry. Had I known,’’ she motions over to T’Challa and Shuri, ‘’I never would have… I-’’
‘’Shuri,’’ you set your glass on the table, taking both of her hands in yuors, ‘’None of this in your fault. T’Challa and I are adults, and things simply didn’t work out. I don’t want you blaming yourself for any of this.’’
‘’I know that, but… still. If I had never…’’
‘’Shuri, it was a mistake. We all made it. Now, I know you think that the world revolves around you, but that does not mean that you need to carry the weight of it on your houlders.’’
Shuri smiles at your joke, the first real smile since the news of the engagment brokw.
‘’You are one of a kind.’’
‘’I know,’’ you nudge her gently, ‘’Now go talk to your brother. Congratulate him, Shuri.’’
Shuri nods then, skipping off to speak to her brtoher and his fiancee’.
You’re rihgt. She shouldn’t be carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Because it already feels like you are.
‘’To be fair, you’re too coolf or T,’’ Erik nods toward where T’Challa and Nakia are speaking to M’Baku and his wife.
‘’You’re just sayingt hat becasue you don’t like him,;’’ you roll your eyes.
‘’I’m saying it because it’s true,’’ Erik mends, looking to where M’Baku, Nakia, and T’Challa are all laughing at somethign that M’Baku’s wife said, ‘’Something fishy is going on here.’’
‘’Nothing fishy is going on here, Erik. T’Challa is royalty, and I’m not. He loves Nakia, and I’m not here. We were jut friends. And even though I thought things could have worked out, they didn’t,’’y ou shrug, struglging tos eem nonchalant about the matter.
‘’Whatever you say,’’ Erik sighs, understanding that you no longer wish to discuss this, ‘’But, hey… you’re not as annoying as him. So if you need to talk, I am here for you.’’
‘’Thanks, Erik. I really appreciate that,’’ you smile at him, ‘’Now, go flirt wiht that girl over there. Tony Stark’s imprentice. The girl has been looking at you all night.’’
You adn Erik both glance to where Tony is standing wiht his own fiancee’ and his imprenticce, Monique, who is flipping her box braids over her shoulders.
‘’Don’t mind if I do,’’ he smirks before sliding off to talk to her.
And once again, you’re left alone to look at the couple.
If acceptance really is a road- it is- then it can bea bumpy road. Because you’re looking at T’Challa with his perfect mathc, while you were nithing but a mismatch. And it’s fine. It is. Not everything is meant ot turn out the way we want them to, and that’s fine.
That doesn’t stop it from hurting.
So you decide to say good ngiht to Shuri, Ramonda, and Erik before retreating to your quarters for the night.
There’ you tuck away the secret that you hope only you, Eirk and SHuri know- you are so incredibly in lvoe with T’Challa Udaku, for so menay reasons.
But, little did you know, that he watched you go, sadness laced into the seams of hisown heart.
Because T’Challa has a secret, too.
And only time will reveal what that is.
@ashanti-notthesinger @destinio1 @afraiddreamingandloving @starsshines-blog @airis-paris14 @syreanne @chaneajoyyy @90sinspiredgirl @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx @adrioola21 @supremethunda @thisiskayesworld @mcusocialimagines @priya212  @kumkaniudaku  @airis-paris14 @alexundefined @fonville-designs   @mellowjellow6 @omg-itsnadi @maddiestudentwritergaines @dadinhas-heat @jozigrrl @kaykay0829 @nerd-lovely @babygotl01292003 @oceanscorazon @id-rather-be-an-outsider er @determinednot2fall
DISCLAIMERS- I do not own any Marvel Characters or their fictional worlds, countries, planets, galacxies, cities, etc
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juniperpyre · 8 months
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supercut: a lily evans/fabian prewett oneshot
near the end of Lily's 5th year and Fabian's 7th year they spend a nice afternoon in a secluded part of the Hogwarts grounds. they talk, they laugh, they are a comfort to each other. rated M, 1,830 words
this is a prelude to when I first saw you, the end was soon and a part of my parousiamania series. everything can be read independently
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
jonah and adam conk out on the couch and seth puts a blanket on them while smiling bc. yeah :]
they r a fabily..
Yeah :))
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the-evil-pizza · 1 year
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destinycaught · 5 years
@selfiekiing​ wants to battle:  ✍ hehehehehehhehehehehe
✍ send me this and i’ll draw ur muse in photoshop and whether it’s trash or decent it just depending on my whims | accepting but slow bc u know. im small. 
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Which of ur girl friend is like this #mention #fashion #lipstick #lipcare #beautiful #fabilious (at Bagmati Zone)
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