#faba pokémon
lonelyflowering · 10 months
some genderbend. I have 4 more girls as a bonus, but I’ll finish them later
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gleaming-glasses · 30 days
Lusamine stuff
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spittyfishy · 1 month
If the Pokemon world had their own "Remnants of Despair", who do you think would be in it. (Junko somehow made a portal there or something.)
Buckle up fellas this is gonna be a long one
Ooo okay that’s a super interesting thing to think about! There’s a lot of things to consider when picking remnants in this sort of context (fighting tooth and nail against the instinct to just bonk my favs with the villain au bat but I shall resist!)
I think it’s important take how the Pokémon world works into account, like having Junko just physically torture someone into despair (think Chisa) wouldn’t fly, Pokémon’s ratings as a franchised wouldn’t allow it. So I’ve only picked characters who already had something that Junko could pull on to manipulate them into despair. I also tried to get at least one person from every region! I'm not 100% certain about some of these, so I’d definitely love to hear other people’s thoughts! (And let’s see if anyone can guess which character I had the most thoughts for lol)
Chloe: I think I’ve talked about Chloe’s villain au potential before, but at least during the early part of the Journeys anime she fairly closed off and distant, her dad paid more attention to Goh and Ash then to her, and there were loads of instances where he put his Pokémon work above her needs and family plans.
Jessibelle: Listen, Jessie and James are too whimsical for something like this but Jessibelle was already a physically abusive gold digger lol so I’m sure Junko would have something to work with there.
Silver: Not only is his dad a globally wanted criminal, but he also abandoned Silver when he went into hiding (I think that’s the backstory at least), and Silver has a lot of dialogue about treating Pokémon only as tools. If being a strong trainer didn’t get Giovanni’s attention, then maybe being a Remnant would.
Clair: Okay I’m going to be honest, I realized there weren’t enough girls on the list and threw Clair on last minute, but she also is super annoying in the Johto games lol. Like come on I won the battle just give me the badge!!
Courtney: So in the Pokémon Masters phone game there’s a bit where Courtney is shown to really believe in the Team Magma cause and really hates Team Aqua even after everything had been resolved at the end of ORAS, so I think Junko could get her that way. Have Courtney convinced that it’s her duty to keep Team Magma’s ideals alive even if the rest of the team forgot them.
Cyrus: Cyrus failed. All that effort to create his perfect world, catching the lake spirits, scaling Mount Corinette, he got so close— Just to have it all come crashing down at the last moment. His life’s work destroyed by some kid! He already had little to no patience for humanity, so thanks to Junko’s influence fine, he’ll make this world so unbearable to live in that people will beg him to create his perfect world at last.
Saturn: Saturn will follow Cyrus anywhere, both Pokémon Masters and the Chronicles of Arceus movie showed that if the Commanders are put in a situation without Cyrus they will go to any lengths to get him back. Saturn's devotion runs deep, so if Cyrus says despair is the answer then that’s what it’ll be.
Roxy: I’ve got nothing to justify this one with other then Junko wanted an Ibuki replacement to preform silly little despair concerts and I needed someone to rep Unova.
Sycamore: I’m not the first person to say Sycamore and Lysander were in love if not in a full blown relationship when everything went down in Kalos. But Lysander died, crushed under the weapon he’d risked everything to restore. The longer Sycamore goes without him the more he notices the flaws in humanity Lysander was talking about. People are selfish and greedy, look at the state of the world! Professors in Paldea nearly caused an ecological nightmare! The president of the Galar region Pokémon league almost plunged the world into eternal darkness! Not to mention what the morons over in Hoenn tried to do. If even people that were supposed to be trustworthy were causing this much chaos then there was no hope for the rest of humanity. If he could just get Lysander back, just see him one more time— tell him he’d been right, Sycamore was sorry for not seeing it sooner, that he missed him, and that if he could go back he’d have never given those kids the Pokémon that he was ultimately defeated by. If he could just get him back— if there was just some way— like if there was a big, giant, ancient machine that was capable of bringing back the dead still sitting in pieces in Geosenge Town…
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Faba: Is anyone really surprised? Faba is a little weasel of a man and will jump ship to whoever currently holds the most power. He could be a Branch Chief again! Or even better, if he does a good enough job maybe Junko will give him the whole Aether Foundation as a reward! (She won’t, but the possibility would always be held over his head to keep him in line)
Hau: Okay but hear me out— in the Ultra games specifically Hau has a few interactions with Guzma where he taunts him about being in his grandpa’s shadow and never being able to prove himself as a strong trainer. Gladion’s dialogue reinforces this, that Hau is always too busy goofing off and never takes anything seriously. If Hau’s just stuck there, his friends surpacing him, his rivals surpacing him, the mantle of Kahuna an unattainable goal constantly hovering over him, all those expectations and the realization he’s never going to meet any of them— it might become too much to deal with.
Rose: He was only trying to help! Why couldn’t anyone see that? Galar needed Eternatus and the dynamax particles it could make, Rose had been saving the world! They were all so ungrateful, locking him in jail for saving them, who do they think they are? He made this region into what it is today! Everyone relies on Macro Cosmos, and he ran the entire Pokémon league on top of that! That Leon would be nothing without him! It was a region of ungrateful brats. But even so, he’ll still keep working to ‘help’ them all again, you’re welcome.
Oleana: *holds up photos of Oleana and of Peko* Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures. They’re the same picture.
Raihan: He had to beat him. If he just trained harder, more sandstorms, bigger dragons, if he wanted it more. Leon couldn’t be invincible, he couldn’t be, and Raihan would prove it. Turn all of Galar to a battle ground if he needed, but he was going to take down that champion once and for all.
Kieran: Again, no one’s surprised. Just take BB league champion Kieran and turn him up to 11, and boom. Remnant Kieran. He’s still on a hunt for a legendary Pokémon, if he can just find one of those then he’ll be strong enough to defeat anyone right!
Bonus, all the Team Star bosses: I’m thinking they’d be like the equivalent of the Warriors of Hope, not really part of the Remnants group but still very much in despair. I mean come on, a group of bullied teens like that, Junko would have a field day.
And there we go! 15 Remnants plus five Warriors of Hope! I thoroughly enjoyed this ask, I know some of the concepts were much more fleshed out then others, I almost went with Misty and Brock for Kanto (his parents abandoned him to raise all his younger siblings while being the city gym leader, and Misty was so stuck in her sister's shadow she ran away from home) but I just couldn’t do that to two of my childhood faves. (Pierce and Gladion also almost made the list).
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spooky-salesman · 6 months
Top 10.5 characters I think would be REALLY funny to see get isakied in Legends za
1. Lysandre - the fucking comedic potential. The FUCKING POTENTIAL not only that but the STORY POTENTIAL
0.5) Sycamore- they go together maybe, like a packaged deal- OR HE COMES TO THE FUTURE FOR LYS- (gets shot)
2) Ghetsis - look me in the eye and tell me seeing a crazy old dude in the future wouldn’t be diabolically funny.
3) Guzma - I saw a post about it and now I can’t stop thinking about it. Fucking gangster gets sent to ultra future.
4) Wallace - he can serve cunt in the current timeline AND in the future ?!?
5)Cynthia - it’s like that Spanish Inquisition meme. Nobody expects the worlds toughest trainer!
6)Faba - he would be SO PISSED. HE WOULD BE SO PISSED. This man is a walking purse dog as well.
7) either just Liza, or just Tate- feels mean. But also we’ve already separated one pair of twins why not target the other?
8)Giovanni - Gamefreak is a Kanto fanatic, there might be a inch of a chance he appears. Once again we have to roll up our sleeves and go “HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TEACH YOU THIS LESSON OLD MAN!”
9) Misty - I don’t know why, just . Feels right to maybe see her.
10) Emmet - it’s predictable that he’d probably end up in the future, just. Feels right putting him on this list.
- Maxie + Archie (they won’t stop fist fighting -)
- Aaron
-Turo or Sada
- another protagonist! (Nate, Red, Crystal, etc)
-Leon! (Ah fuck he got lost again-)
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wooglebear · 4 months
Everything's Better with Triplets AU
Aka, a full rundown of my ideal Black and White anime, now as its own post on the Main Tag(tm).
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-The first five episodes go the same as canon, but episode 6 has a twist.
-When Cilan decides to go on the journey, his brothers Chili and Cress decide to go, because they don't want to see their brother get up to shenanigans
-This annoys the Rocket Trio ("oh god, now there are FIVE twerps!")
-Cress and Chili's presence makes a bigger difference than one might think. There is a reason this AU is called Everything's Better With Triplets, after all
-For example, their presence effectively means that the events of any episode with Striation Gym as the focus don't happen.
-Cress and Chili get their aprons back, because they deserve it!
-My goal is to give Cress and his brother actual arcs and roles while keeping their core characters the same
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-My version of Cress is basically my own headcanons (he can read auras) mashed up with elements of Cress in the anime, Cress in the Adventures manga, and the version of Cress we saw from Pokémon Black and White
-Cress can read auras perfectly, to the point that he can understand what his Pokemon are saying; this, in turn, has allowed him to come up with some pretty good battle strategies
-this will be relevant later when Team Plasma arrives
-Cress gets possessed by the Yamask in that one episode because… why not?
-Let's just say Cress took the aspects of Cilan's anime arc related to Burgundy, while Chili has a crush on Georgia
-In addition to his canonical Panpour, Cress gets a Floatzel, a Combee, a Lillipup, and a Manaphy (though this particular catch wouldn't be on purpose). However, said Floatzel ends up being killed via stuff in Elesa's gym. Thankfully, Cress replaces the Floatzel with a baltoy.
-Speaking of Cress's Floatzel, it… talks. It sounds like Sean Astin. He nicknames it Cash.
-Chili also gets his canonical Heatmor, but also gets a Cubchoo and a Litwick to mess with Cress due to his brother developing a phobia of the Litwick line during "Scare At the Litwick Mansion!". In Alola, he even catches a depressed-sounding Wimpod (which can talk) and an Alolan Sandshrew.
-Also, Cress grows a bit of trust issues. Because it wouldn’t be an AU of mine if someone didn’t have at least some angst, not even the water type gym leader is safe from me
-He also has a number one fan. None other than Faba from Sun and Moon. Yup, didn't see that coming?
-i imagine him as someone who's come from Alola to do research on someone (Cress).
-This Faba is basically an unholy mashup of both versions of him. Much like in the anime and USUM, he is a nasty piece of work without alien toxins. Don't worry, he isn't going to be a one-to-one carbon copy of his anime and USUM incarnations. Because I and many others don't like how Faba was depicted in the first few episodes of the anime, completely destroying any arc that he might have had in the post game of Sun and Moon, let's just say he gets his want for respect back.
-Also, his appearance would be similar to that one picture in the Sun and Moon anime of young Aether
-Faba is the reason why Cress tells Chili to tear off his sleeves.
-Cress and Faba then have a subplot where Cress tries to tell Cilan and Chili about his "fan" but gets interrupted by smth more and more ridiculous every time, until the episode where Faba steals Cress's body.
-Cilan adds a talking maractus and a Solosis to his team, because... why not? And then in Alola, he catches an Alolan Raichu.
-Not much changes with Iris and Ash.
-Team Plasma are closer to their Black 2 and White 2 characterization, but Ghetsis still wants to rule Unova with an iron fist.
--Ghetsis does get arrested at the end
-Also, there's a FOURTH triplet in this AU, called Crispin. Yup, that Crispin.
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-He's their younger brother
-He used to cook for their restaurant. Used
-He ran away after he saw the Shadow Triad and had a freak out
-Team Plasma took him in
-He was raised as a member of Team Plasma
-His Team Plasma name is Major Blanc.
-He shoots his brothers with paintballs like a maniac
-He thinks Cilan, Cress, and Chili are secretly the Shadow Triad!
-He even has a bandolier
-Ghetsis's former right-hand man.
-As Major Blanc, he wears a gas mask. For clothing, he's wearing what looks like a standard uniform of a Canadian army commander, complete with the hat and dark uniform, emblazoned with the emblem of Team Plasma on the left. Over his hands he wears white gloves, and whatever his feet look like are obscured by boots as well.
-As Crispin, he probably looks mostly the same as he does in canon SV! Well since this AU more than supports the headcanon of Crispin being related to Cilan/Chili/Cress, he wears their waiter uniform, but with a peach bow tie. He tears off one of his uniform's sleeves so that he can look different
-As Major Blanc, Crispin has Cubone, a Banette nicknamed Chrysocollas, Dusclops, Chandelure and Zorua. When he eventually shows his true colors, he ditches his Pokemon in favor of a conkledurr, a heracross and keeps the Banette as a symbol that he is restraining himself but is free to act like a villain because everyone knows the truth about him. In Alola, Cress even convinces him to catch a passimian, shiny scizor, and alolan exeggutor.
-The brothers didn't get along at first, given that Crispin was a former member of Team Plasma. And because of this they would often bicker with each other. However, after a while, the brothers warmed up to each other
-I’d imagine he'd be voiced by Tom Wilson
-In Alola, Crispin gets recruited by the Aether Foundation! Too bad a certain someone has a rule that interns must be heard and not seen instead of the other way around. so Crisp just kinda slinks around Aether in the shadows a while until Cress eventually stumbles upon him one way or another
-His outfit as an intern is basically the standard Aether uniform, but with his bow tie.
-He wouldn't look like this for the entire Sun and Moon anime, though. He changes back into his waiter uniform in episode 64 of SM (yes, that episode about Ash and the Passimians is going to be skipped and replaced with one about Cress)
-Crispin is basically the sixth Ranger of the gang!
-and it wouldn't just be Unova these four brothers would be travelling with Ash in. They're going to be in the Sun and Moon anime. The triplets are gonna get a makeover in those seasons
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-In Alola, Cress gets an Alolan Grimer (which evolves into an alolan muk later on). Contrasting with Cilan's Alolan Raichu and Chili's Alolan Sandshrew (later Alolan Sandslash).
-During the magical girl episode, inside of Lillie and Mallow and Lana, the triplets get chosen!
-Cress has a bit of a running gag where he face plants in the dirt
-During the haunted house episode, Chili ends up with Mallow's group, Cilan ends up watching the puppet show with Ash, and Cress gets stuck by the wayside with Lana
-Becomes friends with Lana. They bond over their shared love for water types and Cress is surprisingly adept at giving Lana advice.
-Plumiera debuts earlier this time. She debuts after the Mother Beast arc of the anime, during the Ultra Beasts Arc.
-Plumiera is even worse here than in the anime and games combined. She's basically canon Plumiera, if her bad qualities were amped up and the positives were removed.
-when Plumiera shows up, Chili and Crispin compete to ally with her (Crispin even develops a crush on her), and Cilan develops a rivalry with her.
-And hoooooo boy, would Cress cause all kinds of an uproar towards her.
-Plumiera's first battle with Cress basically destroyed any semblance of standing she has with Cress and Cilan. The latter, especially, has a long standing grudge against poison type Pokemon (his grass types are weak to them) and won’t hesitate to call Plumiera out on it when she’s around.
-Team Rocket and Plumiera end up forming an alliance later on. She isn’t a permanent fixture of the group. Too bad Plumiera is also trying to steal Pikachu, developing even more of a fixation on the mouse Pokemon than Jessie, James and Meowth.
-Plumiera is hellbent on seriously injuring or killing Cress.
-Many of her later battles with Cress incorporated her attempting to kill him right in front of his brothers and acting like there’s nothing personal about it much to Cilan and Chili's horror.
-Crispin still has his crush on Plumiera, even after she tried to kill Cress in their first battle and that knowledge was made known to Cilan, essentially driving her off from Cilan and Cress
-In one of their later battles, Cress gives one heck of a zinger to Plumiera.
Cress: You pigtailed demon! You're not a person! You're horrible! You're an irredeemable monster!
-Plumiera does get her comeuppance when Chili performs Inferno Overdrive, burning half of her pigtails off. Cress points out that her mile long pigtails wouldve gotten her ass yoinked from behind and killed long ago.
-Cress is part of the Ultra Guardians in this AU. His uniform's highlights are silver.
-His ride Pokémon is a Mega Gyarados.
-I feel like the idea of ​​Cilan knowing that Cress is part of the Ultra Guardians but Chili not knowing would be fun.
-Sadly, this means that Plumiera would find out about this and blackmail Cilan into an alliance.
-Cilan does not become a full fledged Team Skull member, but he's just under her thumb. Anyway, this is a horribly one-sided alliance.
-Cilan wants to leave the alliance but is unable to due to the fear of her wrath.
-Plumiera, knowing that Cress is part of the Ultra Guardians, intervenes if they start losing. She wants to take him to the "house", if she fails to injure or kill him.
-Chili finds out (later in the anime), and so does Crispin. And while Jessie, James and Meowth do find out the Ultra Guardians are a thing, they have NO CLUE that Cress is apart of them for a good while and (thanks to Faba) they eventially start realizing that Cress is a member of the Ultra Power Rangers, which throws them for a loop for a good while of the story.
-It's gotten to the point where Cress wishes where the UB battles were actually serious and there was no Team Rocket mucking it up.
-In the Necrozma Arc, Cilan, Crispin and Chili tag along with Faba and Kukui
-Cilan names three of his Pokemon after flowers. Chili names every Pokemon save for his Pansear after different gemstones (Ruby, Pearl, Jade…)
-Cress isn't the type to nickname his Pokemon, but nicknames his Floatzel Cash Networth and his Alolan Grimer Seashell.
-Crispin as Major Blanc does not believe in nicknaming supremancy, save for his Banette. Reformed Crispin nicknames most of his pokemon after playing card suits.
Cilan, Chili and Cress's teams (* designates Evolution):
Cilan: Pansage, Crustle, Stunfisk, Sakura the Maractus, Rose the Solosis*, Minty the Alolan Raichu
Cress: Panpour, Cash Networth the Floatzel, Lillipup*, Combee*, Manaphy, Alolan Grimer*, Baltoy*
Chili: Pansear*, Ruby the Heatmor, Sapphire the Cubchoo*, Pearl the Litwick*, Jade the Alolan Sandshrew*, Amethyst the Wimpod*
-Cress uses French, or words that at least sound French, sometimes. Revealing that off camera during all three seasons of the Pokemon XY anime, he briefly studied in the Kalos region, given that it is inspired by France (cut to Cress on the floor of the Santalune Gym frantically trying to finish his biology homework while Lysandre tries to obliterate Kalos)
-Hobbs, Lillie's butler, takes Crispin as a protégée after seeing his skills in baking. This was because the opportunity is so good. i mean, Crispin is a former member of Team Plasma and he is in need of a decent/solid adult figure in his life!
-Cress starts having nightmares about Ghetsis, Colress, Faba and Plumiera. He then starts having nightmares about a horrible alternate timeline where Ghetsis is ruling Unova with an iron fist.
-In at least one of these nightmares, Unova was destroyed.
-Cilan does try to help Cress get over these nightmares, but it goes sideways in some way
Feel free to ask about this AU!
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hypno-kisser · 19 days
Intro blog!
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💫 stars in my eyes~ hold me tight~ why am i crying? oh fuck that's right! you got what you wanted~ oh fuck that's right 💫
hello! I'm Jayson! 💫 i'm 17, genderfluid, any pronouns, this is my side blog where i roleplay and just have fun with my nerdy pokémon side!
I also talk about my pokémon partners! we're a big polycule! currently we're formed by:
Atila/Jayson/Wuni, me
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it's me! I work under Team Rocket do to the high payment, and being an artits is hard nowdays, I usally help grunts get disguises with Petrel and my Pokémons likes do do a bit of crime, I was born in Johto, and i recently moved to Alola! i still work under Team Rocket by i also do freelance work to the Aether Foundation.
Jayson the Hypno (he/him)
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My oldest partner, Jayson is quite a father figure for the group, he's caring, calm and like to make everyone feel safe, usually hypnotizes me to fall asleep and eats my nightmares, always watches us over bed, He's a bit timid, but once he knows you he can open a bit. He's from Johto
Lilly the Lilligant (any pronouns)
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Lilly is the newest addition to our poly, she's quite energetic and very naive, loves dacing and being the ray of sunshine for everyone! She's from Alola
Ichigo the Shiny Hypno (she/they)
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Ichigo is similar to lilly, that she likes to be very jolly and happy, she's quite young compared to the others but no doubt she's an sweetheart, She's from Alola
Skully the Dusknoir (he/it)
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Skully is very quiet and keeps for itself, but that dosen't mean he ain't a big softie on the inside! we all know the bigger the more to love! He dosen't tell anyone, but when he was younger he loved doing contest! to this day he keeps a collection of ribbons! He's from Orre
Wuni the Gengar (he/they)
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Wuni is very adamant lil guy, can't hear rules and already wants to break it! he loves piercings and shiny things like pearls and gold nuggets also he loves the cold, usally turns off heaters. He's from Johto
Snowy the Shiny Froslass (any pronouns)
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Snowy is a very calm natured pokémon, they're a very caring pokémon, similar to Jayson He acts like an parental figure to the group, same as Wuni he usally like to makes the place colder. She's from Alola
All of them have tera type dark, do to my job of working with Team Rocket, I don't really care for their goals, i mostly stay because of the high payment and me having a huge crush on the admin Petrel, he usually helps me with my disguises and he acts more nice to me compared to other grunts, do i have a chance?
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But since I moved to Alola, since i fell like the region is more of a home to me, I study a bit of taking care of pokémon, and the Aether Foundation was really popular in the region, sometimes i do freelance work on there by helping with the heath of the pokémon there my gay ass also have a crush on the admin Faba He's a bit of a snob, but our Hypnos do well togheter, so he likes that about me, I love hearing him talk about his job, i don't know, i fell dumb
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Why do i like old man with beards 😵‍💫💫
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violetjedisylveon · 4 months
Moonlily Pokémer AU Masterpost
because I saw cute mermay fanart and have no self control.
The Moon Who Lives Under The Sea (Ao3 link)
The Moon Finds A Flower (chap 1)
The Flower Wakes (chap 2)
Character designs/info:
Moon! Mer and human form
Other art:
Other Stuff:
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always-devon · 20 days
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so we remember that episode where faba shrunk ash, lillie, and sophocles, right?
i really think kukui should have torn into him for that, but alas, pokemon is a kids show. oh well. guess i’ll do it myself.
starring my personal headcanon that if kukui gets angry enough or angry for a certain reason he will go OFF and absolutely wreck anybody who pissed him off. ends their entire career with words.
but later he feels regret and goes and cries in his lab about it (/silly)
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angidrawingstuff · 4 months
Since Faba loves Masked Royal and Lilac (my OC) got to meet Eri during her Paldea Adventures and became best friends with her, I thought it would be very cute if they went to watch a wrestling match between the two and cheer for their Idols together happily 🥹💜💚
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The hardest part of the drawing was definitely Masked Royals signature.
Without Crowd Version:
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cohapon · 1 year
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I was so happy to see Faba in a previous Pokémon MASTERS event that I drew him 🫛.
I have a strong image of him being disliked by many people, but I love sly adults like him.
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nethermation · 9 months
Aah so sorry for my inactivity here. I'm most active on Instagram ><
I noticed there is some peppe here that like chonk Fabas too XD and that makes me so happy aaah he is so beautiful!!
Here is some recent art, some made by me and some by friends or commissions from other artists ❤️
1st Charlouise
2nd Cielupps
3 - 5th Nethermation (mine)
6th foxly.residence
7th DeutscherFisch / deutscher_fisch
8th Zipper_panik / lilly_ovo
9th Yeno_owo
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matts-twin-sister · 2 years
Ended up memeing the rainbow rocket art cuz I only just realised how not normal some of them (Maxie specifically) look
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gleaming-glasses · 1 year
I sorta feel like Pokémon’s villain lineup has the same energy as Disney’s princess lineup it’s literally some of their most marketable characters standing next to each other vaguely looking at you while standing in a void
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Idk I don’t think I’m wrong
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spittyfishy · 6 days
Can you think of any other weird interactions between the Pokemon Remnants and the Danganronpa ones? I can see Kieran and Akane HATING each other. Also, Rose and Celeste as frenemies or something. Maybe add them to the Remnant ask thing or something!
I’m not really sure about crossover interactions, I feel like the Pokémon remnants aren’t really developed enough for that lol (and certainly not to be added to the remnant ask thing I’ve got over a hundred unanswered asks of those I definitely would want to do first) but in the mean time, Faba!
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little-bit · 2 years
Have some Faba headcanons!
Faba Headcanons
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* This man is a very work oriented man he doesn’t really socialize very much with coworkers and overall not really a people person. It’s a miracle he actually found someone who caught his interest outside of his work.
* He doesn’t go out in public much but will indulge his love in a small date or maybe a nice picnic away from people- definitely the picnic. He’s not big on public displays of affection, but if his love initiates he will give in. Maybe a hug here or there, and some hand holding, but that’s all that he’s willing to do in public.
* It’s a miracle he met someone that stole his interest from his work. When the beast incident occurred he met his love that he fell in love with upon sight(which he still doesn’t understand how it happened, but he’s thankful)It started with him staring before he got the confidence to speak up,then he gave his love compliments which then ended with phone numbers being exchanged depending on which device his love is using.
* his dedication to his work meets its match when he starts committing more time to his love. He becomes elated if his love takes an interest in his work and he will proceed to teach/brag about his work. He gets even more elated if his love praises him about his work.(This results in a much more inflated ego for him)
* Overall good husband material if his love can put up with his dedication to his work/ego trip. I feel like he’s a good man overall.
*Gif credit to google and Pokémon
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wooglebear · 3 months
Rainbow Fever! Or: Team Rainbow Rocket in the EBWT AU
This is for the AU I posted about, but have been fleshing out for a while! i develloped a bit for the Team RR arc to go with it!
That's right! I’ll show you how I’d include Team Rainbow Rocket for the AU, or rather, how I’d make them worse, plus making them appear in the anime as a bonus.
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Team Rainbow Rocket was one of the best Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon stuff. But WOW did the writers do them dirty in the anime. They. Did. Not. Even. SHOW! UP!
Here’s how I’d give them a bit more of an impact in the Everything's Better with Triplets AU.
I do not own all fanart used in this
Setting up the Rainbow Arc
Giovanni is gonna have his USUM design in this anime. He and Giovanni are the same person here.
The members of Team RR are gonna have the most changes.
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since this AU's characterization of Ghetsis is characterized more like his b2w2 counterpart, Maxie and Archie are closer to their ORAS characterization here. And they have their ORAS designs.
In this AU, Archie and Team Aqua are more stupid, disorganized and ambitious with little regard for reality and the repercussions of their actions, while Maxie and Team Magma are more level-headed and logical. Maxie is more logical in that sense, almost like he's a babysitter to Archie and tries to keep him in line since Archie has no regard for anything other than his own goals.
Also, Maxie is hella gay and is dating Archie. So he's a babysitter and a boyfriend.
As for Cyrus and Lysandre, i might have to revise certain aspects regarding their basic background/backstory to better fit into the au?
Faba is also a member of Team RR. But full time, this time. Faba hates Team RR for being borderline sociopaths, and he refuses to go along with any of their plans. But Giovanni says it wouldn't really matter since Faba is not included in their ranks.
Also, Major Blanc is back. And apart of their ranks.
Fed up with recurring nightmares about both Team Plasma and the Aether Foundation, Crispin runs away from home, only to get captured by Team Rainbow Rocket. They make him into Major Blanc again, and subject all of Crispin's Pokemon to the Shadow Pokémon process.
Also, they have 2 new members - Courtney and Tabitha. Yup, I'm bringing back Courtney and Tabitha.
These two were also dragged along with Maxie, but it isn't on purpose.
They tag along with Maxie.
Courtney, Maxie's right-hand woman, is just as psychotic-yet-childlike as she was in ORAS. Tabitha is basically the same haughty, smug person, but now a bit ditzy (yup, Tabitha is non-binary in the anime).
this kind of makes Maxie and his Admins a bit of a parallel to the TRio dynamic.
their dynamic in a nutshell is just: "Surrender to us now..." "...or someone is going to die." "Of fun!"
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Major Blanc's dynamic with Team Magma is that Maxie quickly deems him an annoyance but keeps him around for his unorthodox thinking.
This brings the Terrible Trio of Maxie, Courtney and Tabitha's numbers up to four, but Major Blanc's clearly a wildcard who’ll flip on him if it’s convenient.
Rainbow Fever - Part 1
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(This two parter comes around later in Ultra Legends, to the point of it coming before "the Sun, Moon and Everyone's Dreams!")
-The episode opens with Crispin having a nightmare about Team Plasma.
-Once he wakes up, Crispin talks to Cress about his nightmares
-Cress decides he has stress
-Cue the theme!
-At the Pokémon school, Crispin complains about having nightmares about Aether Foundation, which Ash, Lillie, Mallow, Lana, Kiawe, and Sophocles get on his case for.
-Crispin walks off with Cilan, unaware that they are being watched…
-Cut to none other than Giovanni watching them, and people show up. None other than Archie, Maxie, Cyrus, Lysandre, Courtney, Tabitha, Ghetsis and Faba!
-Giovanni asks what they think of Ash's classmates, and they predict they will be abysmal.
-Ghetsis then says they bring "someone" back, which everyone but Faba agrees with.
-Maxie compliments Giovanni's strategy.
-Crispin is more untalkative by the minute. His friends try to help, but everything they do only makes things worse.
-Then Cress accidentally upsets Crispin, who tells him he's done with these nightmares, and he runs off, crying.
-Crispin runs into the woods and is attacked by Team Rainbow Rocket Grunts.
-Cilan notices Crispin is gone.
-Then the triplets go to Wicke, she reports either Crispin or Faba are nowhere to be found.
-At her office, Lusamine hears knocking on the door. The person is Gladion, who asks if they have found Faba. Lusamine denies, so Gladion leaves. Lusamine stops Gladion, wishing to talk with him, who claims he does not have the time, since Faba could do his mischief. Lusamine explains they are searching for Faba, but Gladion ignores her and leaves.
-Team Rainbow Rocket have tied Crispin up. Suddenly, Faba comes across them, and demands that they let Crispin go. Giovanni refuses and says they are going to bring back Major Blanc
-Archie, Maxie, Cyrus, Lysandre, Tabitha, Courtney, and Ghetsis raise their hands, while Faba refuses to.
-The votes are 7-1, so Giovanni just goes by default.
-They make Major Blanc a thing again, and everyone just wants Major Blanc there while Faba wants an intern. In the scuffle, half of Major Blanc's uniform is torn, so they sew half a Aether uniform onto it.
-Maxie tells Major Blanc that they should dispose of his Pokemon. When Major Blanc refuses, Giovanni orders him held down and procures a "how to make Shadow Pokemon" manual from the library.
-Meanwhile, Cilan interrogates Kiawe, Ash, Lana, Lillie, Mallow, Sophocles, and Professor Kukui, and Burnet and learns that Crispin is gone.
-After piecing everything together, Cilan comes to the horrifying conclusion that Crispin was kidnapped!
-Meanwhile, Giovanni tells Cyrus, Lysandre, and Ghetsis to kidnap Ash's friends, Archie to cause drama, and Maxie, Tabitha, Courtney and Major Blanc to kidnap Ash himself.
-He gives them Netguns and Maxie the electric net
-Team Rocket are attempting to sell Malasadas near the school when they spot the trio. They know Maxie, but don't know who the heck the other two are. Maxie introduces them as Courtney and Tabitha
-While Meowth finds it difficult to believe that someone like Courtney is Maxie's right hand, James and Jessie become furious, realizing they are apparently going to be undermined by this new trio.
-After Team Rocket rips off their work uniforms and chants their motto, Maxie says they do better mottos than them.
-Then they does a parody of Team Rocket's very first motto.
-Near the Pokémon school, Mallow, Kiawe, Lana and Sophocles are hanging out. Just then, Lysandre flies in on a glider.
-He tells them he wants them. Kiawe threatens to use Inferno Overdrive on him, to which Lysandre just fires his net gun at the four of them.
-The Magma Quartet start brainstorming for ideas, and Major Blanc says they steal Pikachu first. They should dig a hole for Pikachu to fall in.
-They do so, and Maxie starts gloating about his plan. He, Tabitha and Courtney burst out laughing.
-Unfortunately, Maxie, Courtney, and Tabitha are all laughing so hard, Major Blanc forgets to steer them away from the hole trap they had set up. The trio falls in. The laughing stops at once.
-Maxie hates that they fell in his own trap.
-Then a cement truck pulls up. Mistaking the hole for a rather nasty pot hole in the middle of the road that he can't seem to fill, the driver fills the hole with wet cement.
-This causes the cement to splatter all over the three people in the hole
-"NO!" Maxie screams, him and the admins now covered in cement
-When they get out of the hole, Maxie is mad that they got covered in concrete ("On one hand, I got to dig a hole. On the other hand..." he gestures to himself, Tabitha and Courtney, "Look at us!", while Courtney and Tabitha decide to go with an alternate plan.
-At Po Town on Ula'ula Island, the grunts are lazing around the Shady House, while Plumeria (with her newly shortened pigtails to reflect her terrible fate in the alola league) is typing on her phone. Gladion is also there. Ghetsis says HELLO, Plumiera craps herself, and Gladion demands who he is.
-Without a word, Ghetsis decides to shoot Gladion with a net gun, too.
-A now cleaned up Maxie, disguised as a bush, uses a sling to throw a candy star. Ash's Pikachu wakes up, and eats the candy. It notices the trail coming to Faba's bush, who exclaims the plan is a success. Team Rocket is at their truck, trying to sell their food. Still, they comment about Faba the creep, and they prefer to work here than for him. Wobbuffet points at the bush, as Team Rocket notices Maxie and Pikachu. Meowth realizes he wants to steal Pikachu, though Jessie is more insulted that he disguised himself, which is something Team Rocket normally does. Regardless, Meowth and James plan on stealing the Pokémon before Maxie does. When at his reach, Maxie uses his net to capture Pikachu. Instead, he finds Wobbuffet in his net, much to his shock.
-Jessie calls Wobbuffet back, and retreats with James and Meowth.
-Meanwhile, Cyrus goes to Lillie's mansion. After talking to Hobbs, Lillie's butler, Cyrus gets a potato sack and throws it over Lillie's head.
-Maxie then goes to Akala Meadow with Major Blanc, Courtney and Tabitha, and is angry that another plan failed. One angry rant later, all four of them end up covered in red berry juice due to Maxie smashing a berry tree with a baseball bat
-As the trio laugh, Major Blanc is just confused. After Maxie absentmindedly, if grumpily, wipes down his glasses, Courtney concludes that the situation calls for "desperate measures".
-Later, the cleaned up quartet goes to Pikachu Valley. Maxie then grabs one of the Pikachu, who gets mad
-Whatever voltage that Pikachu was working at, it was apparently leagues more powerful than Ash's Pikachu.
-Maxie is then seen covered in soot and with frizzy hair.
-"Any other bright ideas?" he coughs out
-Meanwhile, Archie goes to the police as they asked him if he was lost or something but Archie just refuses and sends his Sharpedo after them.
-After more unsuccessful attempts to steal Pikachu, Maxie decides Team Magma really needs to step it up.
-So they attempt to shoot Ash with Major Blanc's paintball gun. Major Blanc refuses to do so, and he shoots Maxie in the foot with paint. Maxie demands that he obey him. "Not anymore," he whispers before opening fire with a cackle
-Burnet goes to the police station as Archie explains that they are on a break. He then sends his Sharpedo atter her as Burnet runs and Archie makes it back to the Resort.
-When they stop running, Maxie is covered from head to toe in multiple colors of paint. As are Courtney and Tabitha. Maxie thinks things can’t get any worse.
-But they can… Much worse!
-They’re then chased by the Bewear who'd normally bother Team Rocket.
-They jump in a river to escape.
-Team Magma ends up panicking because they're about to fall off a waterfall. As they fall off the waterfall, Maxie angrily yells about his hatred for Giovanni.
-Cut to Giovanni baking cakes. Just then, the people he sent out come back. Maxie, Tabitha and Courtney are soaked, paint smeared, filthy wrecks ready to flatten Giovanni with a steamroller if one were available.
-They roast Giovanni for sending them with Major Blanc.
-"You told us Major Blanc would watch over us," Maxie says with a sneer, "but I guess he did the opposite…"
-Team RR places Ash's kidnapped friends in prison-like cages.
-As for Gladion, he's imprisoned as well.
-The episode just ends with Team RR laughing
Rainbow Fever - Part 2
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-According to the recap, the events of the last episode apparently happened LITERALLY a day after "To Z to Shining Z!". Oops.
-Cue the happy theme
-Giovanni holds a meeting with his members, and Maxie whines that being evil is way harder than you’d think, as the last episode.
-Giovanni states if he wonders if Major Blanc betraying them has anything to do with the three boys that Ash has been hanging out with as of late. He shows them a photo of the Striation Triplets, and tell me Team RR won't react the same way they did in this fanart:
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-Anyway, Maxie demands what else Giovanni knows and Giovanni holds a piece of paper and inadvertently blurts out, via his nervousness, that Maxie is gay.
-The other Rainbow Rocket members aren't that surprised though. Maxie tries to cover his tracks, and digs himself into a hole.
-Giovanni concocts a scheme to take down as many people as he and the other Rainbow members can
-Courtney and Tabitha come in, and Maxie greets them.
-"Listen, there's no way that halitosis-riddled Team Rocket is going to win," Maxie says haughtily. "I've got the superior trio, in brains, brawn, and beauty. Team Rocket doesn't hold a candle to us, not in a million years."
-For that last remark, he got a bag of flour thrown on him courtesy of Giovanni, which broke open. The sight amuses Courtney and Tabitha, who break into laughter.
-"It's not funny!" Maxie screams, as he wipes his face down.
-After Maxie gets half the flour off himself, Faba comes in, holding a bowl of cake batter in his hands.
-Faba decides that Team Rainbow Rocket will test Ash's mettle and the triplets’ bonds as a family. Maxie counters that villains are people, too.
-Maxie is irritated by Faba's antics, so he attempts to get Major Blanc to shoot him with paint. But Major Blanc shoots the ground
-Faba throws the bowl. Causing it to sail through the air and splatter cake batter all over Maxie.
-"Oops!" Faba remarks. "Looks like you've got a bit of something on you, Maxie!"
-Maxie vows that he'll get Tabitha and Courtney to hold him and one of his Pokemon next time Faba comes to him. After this, he walks away in indignation.
-Meanwhile, Ash and the triplets watch a TV, hoping to find clues as to Crispin's whereabouts.
-"Attention vermin!"
-Suddenly, Giovanni comes onto the TV and announces they've got Crispin. He then tells them about Team Rainbow Rocket. The central premise of this sinister team is that its members are parallel instances of villainous leaders who were successful with their schemes, like a Cyrus who rewrote reality or a Lysandre who obliterated Kalos. And he tells them to go to the Rainbow Resort to stop them in an event called "The Rainbow Rocket Trials".
-Ash is horrified as Giovanni signs off the TV announcement.
-Cilan says they have to go to the Rainbow Resort.
-Chili gets a paintball gun, and Cress brings a baseball bat. Ash and Cilan bring the Z-crystals.
-They go to the Rainbow Resort.
-But Faba shows up, telling them not to enter.
-Cress roasts him, and he leaves
-The triplets and Ash enter the castle, and the Rainbow Rocket Trials begin.
-Ash fights some Team RR grunts
-am i thinking of a scenario where Team Rainbow Rocket essentially splits Ash and the Triplets up by re-randomizing the floor they’re on, effectively acting like the Mysterious Wind in the PMD games? Yes I am
-Cress and Chili end up in one room and get grabbed by Courtney and Tabitha. Maxie turns around and sees them. Cress introduces himself, and introduces Chili, his brother
-Maxie tells them how he got here, and Cress butts in to give his thoughts. Courtney says they also got pulled away, but it wasn't on purpose if they recall.
-Cress asks where's Maxie's Magma Grunts, and Maxie looks at him, flashing a malicious grin. "they’re gone."
-Meanwhile with their brother Cilan, he and Ash get stuck with Archie.
-I think Cilan would drive Archie up the wall with his incessant gabbling… until he tells them he's going to flood Alola
-Cilan is horrified, and he tells Archie that pirates should be "cool guys, sailing around, enjoying freedom", not murderous brutes.
-Then Cilan and Ash get into a battle with Archie.
-If you're wondering about Cilan's brothers, Cress tells Chili to handle Courtney and Tabitha, while Cress himself battles Maxie.
-His Pokemon make good work of his Crobat, Mightyena, and Camehump. But then Cress has a horrible realization that Maxie has a Groudon.
-Regardless, Cress brings out his vespiquen for the Groudon, and in a case of type moves being skewed, uses his Z-ring for a powerful Savage Spin-Out attack.
-Back with Cilan and Ash, they also come to the same realize that Archie has a Kyorge. Meaning that both are inescapably screwed
-Or so it seemed, until Cilan decides to take command of that situation and save Ash from Kyorge immediately by using a Z-Move (in this case, Bloom Doom) on it.
-Meanwhile with the other triplets…
-"NOOOOO!" Maxie shrieks to the heavens
-He then says that they will dry up Alola anyway
-Cress gets angry, and tells Maxie that he threw his grunts under the bus.
-Maxie nods, happy that he, Tabitha and Courtney are the last remaining Magma members. He also mentions that all of Team Aqua but Archie drowned
-Cress decides to teach Maxie a lesson
-Chili shoots him with his paintball gun several times (and I have the humorous image of that scene in tetocu being recreated with Maxie)
-Then Cress pins him down and proceeds to torment him
- For example, Cress spreads glue all over Maxie and throws leaves onto him.
-He then has Panpour use Mudsport on Maxie
-Then Chili hits Maxie in the chest with Cress's baseball bat.
-Cilan and Ash then run out of Archie's room, and Cress and Chili join up with them
-Just then, Archie shows up, and he flirts with Maxie. Maxie is less covered in glue, mud and leaves, but his clothes are a bit stained and are in need of thorough washing
-Just then Guzma shows up.
-And as Guzma refuses to be part of Team RR’s regime, Maxie tells Team Rainbow Rocket Grunts to take him to the place where everyone else is. Which they do, and the triplets and Ash nope the hell out of there
-The four are on their way to Cyrus, but are caught by Major Blanc. Major Blanc's mind-controlled Pokemon attack them. Thanks to Ash, Chili, Cress and Cilan peforming Gigavolt Havoc, Inferno Overdrive, Hydro Vortex and Bloom Doom respectively, they free Crispin's Pokemon. They turn Major Blanc back into Crispin, and they escape.
-The Cyrus scene would mostly play the same as the original USUM.
-When Cyrus tries to take a look at Rotom, Ash and the brothers get into a fight with him
-The battle is one-sided; all of their Pokemon are no match for Cyrus's. Even Palkia is dealt with thanks to Crispin doing Never Ending Nightmare
-After the fight, Ash falls down a hole in the ground
-Then the brothers run into Lysandre of Team Flare. He tells them that he had just unleashed the Ultimate Weapon to end all foolish life, leaving only Team Flare alive, but he got zapped to this world instead. He attempts to make the brothers turn the Ultimate Weapon on, but they refuse and they get into another one sided battle with him.
-Chili lands the finishing blow with his Beartic's Subzero Slammer
-Then Crispin falls down a hole
-"There is no room for Team Plasma, but with all these other rooms, I think we're good for a while." Cress tells them
-The triplets then ahead towards the room where everyone else is kept
-Or, they would have if they weren't stopped.
-"Well now, what do we have here...? I come out wondering what the commotion is... only to find the door to the center of the castle ajar, and intruders running wild! It seems those team leaders from other worlds are not nearly as useful as I had hoped."
-It's Ghetsis of Team Plasma. He gets into a fight with the three at once
-The battle is long and brutal
-At the end of the battle, Ghetsis tries to get Cress turned into a human kebab, however Cilan pulls out his Uno Reverse Card, Colress roasts him and Ghetsis gets erased from existence
-Cilan and Chili fall down a hole, and Cress follows
-Then Cress confronts Giovanni
-Giovanni sends out his Pokemon, forcing Cress to send out all his
-As Giovanni runs roughshod over Cress's Pokémon, he offers him a choice: either die, or join them. Archie and Maxie both decry what Giovanni has done, and even Cyrus soon turns against Giovanni.
-Cilan and Chili try to help, but the cage prevents them
-This incites Giovanni to declare that brotherly love doesn't exist.
-Cress shouts "No, that's wrong" like a Danganronpa protagonist.
-Cress told Giovanni he loved being a triplet. He punched away Nidoking as he said he loved the way Cilan lets bugs crawl out of his food instead of crushing them like Chili. His Dugtrio jumped at him again as he said he loved how Chili says the dorkiest things when trying to sound cool. Giovanni sent his other Pokemon at Cress, but that didn’t stop him, as he said he loved being a waiter most of all.
-Just then, Faba, who had been lurking in the shadows for most of the episode, gleefully revealed himself as the Aether Foundation's first ever traitor. He tells the triplets that he works with whoever he damn well pleases.
-Team RR give him the stink eye, and Courtney tells Faba that at least she currently has no plans to betray Maxie, given that she's his right hand
-Faba then snaps like a waistband, screaming "Idiots! I specialize in psychic types, which will destroy you! You'll all be ruined! Forgotten! Spending eternity rotting in the Distortion World!"
-Then Giovanni sends out the big, bad Mewtwo.
-Deciding this will be a piece of cake, Cress decides to step it up. However, over the course of this battle, Mewtwo sweeps most of Cress's team.
-Cilan is uncertain of his brother's chances to defeat Giovanni as his Pokémon’s numbers keep decreasing, but Chili gives his brother words of encouragement to face Giovanni alone.
-Realizing how much the triplets have changed since Unova, Giovanni drops his innocent facade and uses Mewtwo to turn Cress into stone.
-That's right: Giovanni's Mewtwo can turn people into stone here.
-As Cress stands motionless, Panpour rushes over to check on his Trainer, but he is unresponsive. Panpour tries one Bubble Beam after another, but his attempts are all in vain. Panpour begins to tear up and cry aloud, fearing his Trainer is now gone. Cress's other Pokémon are also drawn to tears by this, and the cumulative effect brings Cress back to life and frees everyone.
-Cress gets a confidence boost as a result, distracts Giovanni by throwing a bowl of cake batter in his face, and decides that Giovanni could benefit from a little 'fun'.
-Sophocles' Togedemaru and Charjabug use Zing Zap and Discharge, to fuse with Ash's Pikachu's Electroweb. primaina uses sparkling aria, and Tsareena fires Magical Leaf. Turtonator uses Flamethrower, and Snowy adds a Powder Snow to the mix. Crispin has his Passimian use All-Out Pummeling. Gladion's Lycanroc uses Devastating Drake, Chili uses Never Ending Nightmare, Cilan uses Shattered Psyche and Cress uses Acid Downpour.
-By the end of the battle, Mewtwo is unconscious. Faba is in shock, as Cress should have been weakened after he was turned to stone. Cress says wrong, and he's now stronger than ever.
-As he is surrounded by a blue aura, Cress takes Ghetsis's cane and slams it into the ground. Causing blue energy to cover the ground, teleport the parallel leaders (plus Courtney and Tabitha) somewhere and turn the Rainbow Resort is returned to normal (it's basically Lusamine's mansion from the games, except it was retooled to be the Aether Foundation's backup research place instead.)
-Cilan and Chili compliment their brother, and Crispin tells him he did great
-Cress thinks it's nothing, but is glad that the backup Aether place is back to normal.
-"Okay, brothers. We should never speak of the Rainbow Resort and Team Rainbow Rocket again" Crispin tells them
-Cilan nods.
-After the brothers call it a day, we see giovanni already plotting his next move.
-"Those kids have beaten me for the last time, for the last time! They say fight fire with fire. Well, I will create an inferno! An inferno that will bring me dictation! Because we're not quite done with you, Ash Ketchum." He vows.
-While baking chocolate chip cookies later on, Cress pets Panpour in Professor Kukui's house, and tells about how he learned a new Z-Move during the "never-to-be-repeated or spoken-of-again adventure". While Chili and Crispin want Cress to do Acid Downpour again, Cilan doubts that his brother would be angry enough to unleash that move.
-Cue the credits!
Fun Facts
As you saw here, this wouldn't be shot-for-shot line-for-line USUM's post game, just animated. While it's true that whole lines of dialogue and even camera angles from the 2017 game would be remade in this, this would be a two parter, because, let's be honest, there are too many changes to the arc not to do so.
It allowed me to show Team RR capture Ash's friends.
And the ending was changed to make it less ambiguous than USUM
In Japan, the two parter would probably be called "The Treacherous Rainbow Rocket Trials!"
Crispin knows from experience that he doesn't want to be Maxie, and being Maxie means to be manipulative. Crispin wants nothing to do with that, and that's why he helped Cress in the final battle
Team Aqua and Magma are way closer to their ORAS versions, to the point that they’ve probably been getting worse (in the good way) than in canon.
Maxie already exhibited a lack of morals in canon ORAS, so being successful in causing Hoenn to dry up would only ramp those up, despite not treating Tabitha NEARLY as horribly as Faba treats Crispin.
I just wanted to make sure that this version of Cress is neither a gary stu nor a background character.
the first part of this two parter is basically Maxie teaming with Major Messy lmfao
As for Ghetsis being Melvinborg'd? I wanted to give Ghetsis the cruelest end I could imagine, go way beyond the “and he's arrested lol”. Also I wanted Colress to have a moment to stand up and tell Ghetsis to his face that he sucks.
Don't worry, this isn't the last you'll see of Ghetsis, or Team RR for that matter ;)
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