teknolojihaber · 5 months
Yapay zeka destekli savaş uçağı insan pilotla koordineli uçmayı başardı
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ABD Hava Kuvvetleri, savaş eğitimi senaryolarında yapay zeka destekli F-16 jetlerini test ediyor. Hava Kuvvetleri Bakanı Frank Kendall Perşembe günü tarihi bir test uçuşu gerçekleştirdi. AP'nin bildirdiğine göre, bazı savaş senaryolarında yapay zeka destekli jetler insan pilotlardan daha iyi performans gösteriyor. ABD Hava Kuvvetleri, yapay zeka destekli X-62A VISTA otonom savaş uçağıyla Perşembe günü tarihi bir test uçuşu gerçekleştirdi . ABD Hava Kuvvetleri Sekreteri Frank Kendall'ın kokpitte oturduğu Edwards Hava Kuvvetleri Üssü üzerindeki uçuş, Associated Press'e göre çeşitli muharebe tatbikatları ve hava muharebe senaryolarından geçti . Çıkış, Eylül ayında testlerin başlamasından bu yana yaklaşık iki düzine uçuş gerçekleştiren yapay zeka destekli uçağın bazı senaryolarda insan pilotlardan daha iyi performans göstermeye başladığını bildirdi. AP, Perşembe günü yapılan uçuşta, X-62A VISTA uçağının, insan pilotlu bir F-16 ile "neredeyse burun buruna" gittiğini ve iki uçağın, birbirlerinden 300 metre uzakta, saatte 550 milden fazla hızlarda manevra yaptığını bildirdi. İnsani yardım grupları ölüm kalım kararlarını yapay zeka destekli bir aracın ellerine bırakma konusunda derin endişelerini dile getirirken Kendall, yapay zekanın istesek de istemesek de küresel savaş stratejilerini zaten yeniden yapılandırdığını vurguladı. Kendall indikten sonra AP'ye şunları söyledi: "Buna sahip olmamak bir güvenlik riski. Bu noktada buna sahip olmamız gerekiyor." AP, ABD Hava Kuvvetlerinin yapay zekaya büyük yatırım yaptığını, insanlı gemilerle mümkün olandan daha riskli manevralar gerçekleştirmek için 1000 insansız insansız hava aracından oluşan bir filoya yatırım yaptığını ve 2028'de faaliyete geçeceğini bildirdi. AP, Edwards Hava Kuvvetleri Üssü'ndeki pilotların yapay zeka destekli araçların yakında onların yerini alabileceğini bildiklerini bildirirken, yayın kuruluşu, ABD'nin kendi otonom filosuna sahip olmaması durumunda havacıların yapay zeka yeteneklerine sahip bir düşmanla karşı karşıya gelmekten nefret ettiğini belirtti. . Read the full article
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commander-krios · 1 month
Violet, Violet
Fandom: Andromeda Six Pairing: Damon Reznor/f!Traveler Rating: Gen Summary: There wasn't much on Tilaarin that could catch Damon's eye. It was too bright, too perfect, too rich for his standards. But there was one thing he did like: the violets. They reminded him too much of a certain princess. Words: 1017 Additional Tags: Tilaari Traveler, Humor, Love, Idiots in Love, Friendship, Fluff, Flowers, Not Beta'd
Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial
Read on AO3
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"You look like an idiot."
Alisa's voice came from somewhere behind him, near the gazebo where he was supposed to meet Astrea for their date soon. With a shrug, Damon blatantly ignored his best friend in favor of gathering up the bouquet of blue flowers he'd 'acquired' from the elaborate gardens spread around Tilaarin. He chose them because their gorgeous shade of blue reminded him of Astrea, it was a bit darker than her skin tone but it was soft and smelled good... like her.
"Jealous that Zane doesn't pick flowers for you?" He asked instead of rising to Alisa's bait, facing her with the bundle in hand, making sure not to crush the delicate stems in his hand. 
Alisa snorted, rolling her eyes to the sky. "I don't need flowers when he's gives me everything I want in-"
"Ew, I don't want to know." Damon brushed past her to add the flowers to the small picnic he had set up. It was a simple spread in his opinion, there was only so much he could do with the limited time he had, but it was some of his best recipes: dark chocolate brownies, a hearty quiche stuffed full of vegetables that he'd scrounged up, a few of Bash's best lemon bars, some fresh fruit from one of the food stands he'd stumbled across, not to forget the kebabs he'd grilled just before bringing everything over. 
Maybe he should've asked Astrea what her favorite foods were before doing this. Shit.
"Besides," Alisa continued, watching as he fussed with the containers of food, trying to find a good spot to place the violets so Astrea would immediately see them. "Love is a weird look on you, Reznor. Never thought I'd see the day."
"Laugh about it all you want somewhere else." He snapped, trying not to let his frustration show. Alisa knew him as well as he knew himself, but there were things that even he didn't know that surprised him. This was one of those things. "She'll be here soon and I don't need you ruining something that's supposed to be fun."
Damon could feel Alisa's mismatched gaze burning a hole into his back as he opened the bottle of wine before putting it back in the ice bucket. Astrea was most likely on her way already and Alisa was only being a distraction. 
"I'm not makin' fun of you... much. It's cute... and insanely gross." He glanced at her to see she'd scrunched her nose up in something like disgust.
"Coming from the woman who is sleeping with the man who named his shotgun after her." 
Alisa went to shove him and he ducked the swipe, dancing out of her way with a laugh, finding her frustration even more satisfying than before. At least he knew he wasn't the only one with complicated feelings for a person he never expected to fall for. Alisa and Zane were a weird pairing that somehow worked and he really didn't want to know the details of that.
Alisa curled a hand around his wrist before he realized it, his mind was running a mile a minute lately, and she slipped around behind him, pulling his arm tight against his back, tweaking the muscles in his shoulders and then he was on the ground, pinned beneath a woman probably half his weight soaking wet.
He struggled against her grip but she shoved her knee into his back, right between his shoulder blades, and the sudden pain made him pause. She'd nearly broken his arm before, back when they were children, and she was much faster and more clever now. Probably could even stick a knife between his ribs before he felt it.
A laugh broke the stillness that followed and both he and Alisa glanced up to find Astrea standing at the entrance to the gazebo, golden eyes dancing with amusement at the sight in front of her.
"Damon, are you poking fun at Zane's show of affection?" Astrea raised an eyebrow, brushing a hand through her silver-white hair, the bioluminescence of her Tilaari heritage making her skin glow. "Coming from a man who names every one of his knives for a woman he's known, you have no leg to stand on."
Alisa barked a laugh before rolling off of him, getting to her feet before he could even get his hands beneath him. 
"Hey, you got the honor of the biggest knife I own."
She shook her head, meeting Alisa's eyes with a tired expression. "How did you deal with him for this long?"
"He's your problem now, Princess." With a grin that would spell trouble for him later, Alisa waved a goodbye before slipping into a crowd of rebels who walked by, disappearing as quickly as she'd appeared.
Smiling, Astrea turned back to him, as beautiful as the day he'd met her, all bright smiles and sparkling eyes, and freckles that were like stars scattered across the expanse of space. There was a brief moment, every morning when he woke and saw her sleeping next to him, that he wondered what it was she saw in him. How could she see goodness in a man who murdered for a living?
She moved closer, slipping her arms around his waist, standing on her toes to press a soft kiss to his chin. Their eyes met and she laughed, fingers tickling against his back gently. "We can be each other's problem."
Damon smirked, the corner of his lips curling up at her words. With a finger, he brushed some of her hair behind an ear, tucking a violet there in one motion. She looked at him questioningly, reaching up to touch the delicate bloom.
"What was that for?"
Because I love you.
It was on the tip of his tongue, but instead of the confession tumbling from his mouth, he only gave her a devious look before attacking her with his fingers, tickling her sides until she couldn't breathe. Damon wasn't a coward most days, but with this, he would do it right. And for now, it'd have to wait.
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electrosquash · 2 years
Gah i'm having issues again
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minuutti · 2 years
liar is officially my new favourite song to play. such a pretty chord progression
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sexyrpmemes · 1 month
M X F gifs
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8
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celerydays · 1 year
could you walk us through what notebooks & journals & pens /etc you use - they look so good!
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I would be SO happy to, you have no idea!!
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Alright, let's fucking GOOOO~
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Starting off with my current "workhorse" pens - I have like *checks notes* 36 fountain pens and a bit too many inked up atm, but these are just the ones I'm currently reaching for or have inked up more often than not:
TWSBI Go (F): Kinda ugly! But also kinda cute! It's cheap and works great (I friggin love TWSBI pens tbh) and it has a little hole on the cap where you can attach a lanyard or charms, like I did! Makes it cuter imo and it's kind of my emotional support pen these days.
Opus88 Pocket (EF): This 2022 edition has a little Moon tarot design on the cap so it's pretty much the pen I use exclusively for my witchy/tarot practice journals! A lil bummed the cap doesn't post, especially since its a shorter pocket-sized pen, but not a deal breaker and I still love it.
Pilot Custom 823 (F): My grail pen that I've literally coveted for years and just recently acquired at the DC Pen Show this weekend! It's only been a day but I think it could potentially become my favorite pen. Ever.
Pilot Prera (CM): This is my third Prera lol. I just think they're great and really underrated pens! Also a recent acquisition from the DC Pen Show and this cursive M nib is suuuuper fun to write with.
Pilot Vanishing Point (EF): My favorite pen for planning! Super fine-tipped for writing task lists and schedules and love that it's so convenient/quick-draw with the click mechanism.
(I'm totally a Pilot pen ho, can you tell? asdjflaglsg)
Journals/Planners/Notebooks under cut–
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Sterling Ink B6 Common Planner: For a good chunk of this year, I was in this planner because I honestly love the size and all the layouts. Super practical and flexible as a system. 10/10 would go back. I've used it to plan, as a reading journal, as a tarot log...
But I get the itch to move around so it's been sitting a little unused since like June, oop.
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Leuchtturm A6: I started craving something tiny and minimal so I've been bullet journaling in this pocket notebook for the last month or two and I'm really enjoying it!
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Standard-sized Tomoe River Paper notebook: This is pretty consistent in that I don't change up the system itself, but I'm in and out of it for memory keeping/scrapbook journaling! It's almost always a Tomoe River paper notebook of SOME kind that I usually buy in A5 size to go to FedEx and get it cut down to standard. Though I'm thinking of getting a blank Midori MD A5 to have cut down next time - I've been liking the freedom of blank pages for journaling instead of anything lined or gridded.
I really need to catch up with it tbh, but I love sitting in an explosion of printed photos, stickers, and washi and going ham with the pages.
(I do have a flip through of my January-March 2022 pages on YouTube)
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Midori MD Cotton B6 Slim: I also have this sketchbook that sorta turned into a visual sketch diary of sorts. I fell off a while ago but want to get back into it because it's super fun to work in and to look back on!
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Wide-sized Cosmo Air Light notebook & A5 Filofax Malden: These are my tarot/witchy journals. Grimoires I guess? One is for journaling and all my messier notes while the other is more for reference and ease of organization.
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A5 Leuchtturm: I didn't know if I should include this guy, but I've been writing it in a lot recently so I guess I will lol. This is like truuuly a miscellaneous™ notebook.
I got this A5 notebook back in 2017 to use as my very first bullet journal, then found out that this size is personally waaaay too big for me to use as a bullet journal so I hopped off of it pretty quick. It now sits on my desk because since it's mostly blank I'll just pick it up to use it to write literally A N Y T H I N G.
Most recently, I wrote like 5 pages in one night on notes for a fanfiction piece I was working on (I'm not a writer, this fic is never gonna see the light of day by anyone but me lololol. Hyperfixation is so wild; I've put 80k+ words within just 10 days into it so far and it's been hella therapeutic.)
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That's all, I think!?
It's funny because I actually have a NEW notebook arriving tomorrow that I'm going to try out as a bujo/commonplace/omni journal of sorts?? I might write an update post after I've set that up and see how I like it <3
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spiderywigglerodstuff · 6 months
521;a90F0fcB329Y7a5;9iE851:940^67A6^9C^1p32E4bc81EEa093P00AEF8UDEAa5D18FE00AE55F81EF2CdB58C49310i2Eb598BaD:5F 31=1AE65<<cF:8=d3;<=<a^;b47aa25cDD9;=2b:F24B0CE7cFE=F7b^0AD1FEc0=40;^=:31aF2808C3831F0f0FF388F0FD8FEFC0:8C1PFEF=F^31^FE71^4Co2F0.g11Eb110dBtA=2F2ECo<kF6F<a6=aF0B3FCFF8F00DaF0C^A038bB4049PBE839DC:BB3F^a9s
his name is pogo-stick
Pogo stick is adorable! I brought him in to meet the gang!
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This probably means they are getting along, right?
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commander-krios · 6 months
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Sade Peg’asi and Vexx Serif from the lovely @valkblue 😭 gosh they are perfect ❤️ thank you!
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magicalbuttertarts · 3 days
A6 for Gabe Kidd x Female Reader??
NJPW Masterlist
Smut Prompt List
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Doggy Style (18+)
Gabe Kidd x f/Reader
This has not been proofread. Please enjoy though.
Warnings: Smut under the cut. Doggy style. P in v sex. Creampie. Ass slapping. Hair pulling. Unprotected sex like usual.
Requested by @hooks-martin . Hope you like it.
WC 339
©️ magicalbuttertarts 2024: do not repost or translate my work. This is the only place I post my work.
A6: Doggy Style
The only sounds in the room were his grunts, my gasps and moans, and the sound of his pelvis bouncing off my ass every single time he slammed into my pussy.
Oh, and how fucking wet I am.
I can hear how wet I am, it would be embarrassing if he wasn't fucking me like his life depended on it.
My thoughts were slowly becoming consumed by him and his cock as he fucked me from behind.
His hands gripping my hips as he plowed into my pussy over and over again.
I hid my face in my hands as I couldn't stop myself from chanting his name as he fucked me through each orgasm that he fucked out of me.
"No, no love. Let me hear you." He groaned before he wrapped my hair around his fist and lifted my head from my hands, making me moan out his name, loudly
Which caused him to chuckle as he slapped my ass with the other hand, making me cry out from the slight sting.
"Come on, move that ass." Gabriel demanded and I tried to move back, but all I could do was grind my ass against him, which cause him to let out the filthiest moans I have heard from him.
He let go of my hair as he hunched over me even more, his thrusts so powerful, I would be moving up the bed if he wasn't holding onto my hips as tight as he was.
His head was now between my shoulder blades as he was jackhammering into me.
Then he stilled, his hips flushed against my ass, swearing loudly as he came.
Wrapping his arms around my middle so I couldn't go anywhere as he continued to cum
His body was shaking behind me as he collapsed against my back, laying us on our sides as he kissed my shoulder.
"I don't think I can sit down after that." I semi-joked.
"Good." Was all Gabe said as he bit my earlobe, making me shiver.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @madhatterbri @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Something about you- John 'Soap' MacTavish
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Based on a request:
Dk if I asked this or I'm just filling your askbox up but Criminology Senior Johnny and Nursing Junior Reader. Man's treating you on a date after spilling coffee on your white uniform. Let's just say the treat goes beyond a coffee date :3
F!Reader, fluff, strangers to lovers?, student!Soap, student!reader,
A/N: Soap...is Mr Darcy and Bella Swan???...you'll get why...hehe
A stressful day that turned into some of the best dates you both could've asked for. But it all has a beginning. And a splash of coffee, awkward apologies and mistakes have made life what it is known for now.
"R/N, the grades are up on building A6, another nurse notified you. You had forgotten to walk to the building minutes before the grades were posted for the most important exam of the year. You grabbed your bag and books and ran. You moved through the busy crowds until one thing stopped you. A man in the last year of his degree is so close to obtaining his anticipated right to become the first in his family to go to a higher education. "John, mate, the headmaster, wants you in his office, now." This could mean lots of things, he get into the internship or fail a course? so many outcomes could be possible. He grabbed his bookbag and ran out the door.
A nursing student, and a criminal justice student, meant to cross paths and make a wonderful mess from it all. Shit. "Fuck, shit, I'm sorry," he tries hands you his scarf and hands you his business card. You look at him in confusion but before you can, he leaves running and you look at the time. You forget about the incident and continue running towards the building. To your surprise, you scored in the top three, not so bad for this shit week you've had.
After some conversations with classmates, you look at the time, almost seven at night. Shit. You walk to your car and there he is, leaning over the hood of it, "Excuse me," you try to get his attention but he is busy with something on his phone. You tap his shoulder, "Hey, you muppet, this is my car- wait, you're the guy responsible for my messed up uniform." That is when he turns to you with a small smirk, "And you're the lass who almost made me lose the internship." He straightens up and smiles at you, "I'm John, and you are...?"
"R/N, now...John, please get off my hood," you want to continue and he gives you a smug smile. "Well, lass, seems your vehicle, is rather comfortable, I think I want to lean on it for a while more." You cross your arms over your chest, "Look, you could've ruined MY chance at the internship-"
"Yeah? where's yours?"
"General Hospital."
"Ah, that explains the all-white uniform. Thought you were the new generation of nuns, you know the recruit type."
What began as an annoyance, led to a date by the campus. "And then he confessed to stealing my notebook, to which I scared him and made him believe it was against campus policy." He finished his story with a light laugh and a chuckle from you. "Now, how was your day, I know you started that internship." You smile as he remembers the day was important to you. You and him talk for hours, sharing details of your day, ones he held onto for years to come. Laughter and random outbursts of energy, the same ones he will adore on his gloomy days. Coffee, a biscuit and conversations, ones that lead to late-night study at the library.
He and you, some books, conversations between friends, the pub, running down the hill and being caught by his arms. It was all like those cliche romances. The ones he also expressed to like, two hopeless romantics, afraid they'll never experience that, only to find they have, and will forever. This is all you ever knew and all you'll ever want. Then one late Friday night in spring, he knocked on your door. "My R/N, why aren't you ready?" luggage by his fist and you in your mixed pyjamas, the ones you wore when alone and comfortable. "What are you talking about?" He sighs and walks into your flat. "I decided, since we have some exams later in the year, why not take this week off. I'm not doing shit and neither are you."
You stood there, confused and trying to solve the puzzle he is. He walks into your room, gets your luggage out and packs the clothes he thinks you look best in. "Darling, are you more of a sundress or shorts kind of woman?" he called out and you must interfere. "Johnny, what in the fucks are you on?" He shakes his head, "Hm, i know you like daisy patterned dresses and not this weird shade of pink, so maybe- wait, if i wear a white and you baby blue, you think we'll match?"
He was in his own world, that is for sure. You just sat in bed and watched as he packed your clothes. After all, he was your Ken and loved to come as your accessory, not as an eye-catching piece. "Alright, my R/N, to the road we go."
"What road, it's late and-"
"The weekend, some, you, the sun, the beach, tans and some beer." He grabs your hand and then packs all the stuff in your car.
Hours later, that is how you ended up on a beach, drunk, singing some song you now couldn't remember and wearing a matching outfit with him. You lay in the sand, looking at the stars with him, his hand in yours. Your eyes filled with stars, whilst he was filled with your perfect beauty.
She looks just like a dream The prettiest girl I've ever seen From the cover of a magazine
"It's beautiful isn't it?" you whisper. "The stars," you add.
"The most beautiful," he whispers back, eyes never off you. And that is how you stay. "R/N, I am completely, utterly and irrevocably in love with you," he confesses.
By morning, you and he were at some beach house, his arm around your waist, your face buried in his chest. It was more than just skin-to-skin, this was intimacy. You both lay awake, he draws circles on your back, and you kiss his chest, right over his heart. It was around 2 in the afternoon when he caressed your face. You two hesitate, one leaning in, the other smiling and staring at those starry eyes. It's not sex but rather the feeling of being comfortable, safe, loved and understood by someone you met months ago. This is intimacy.
We stayed up all night and slept 'til noon It's so nice to wake up next to you Let's start the day with breakfast in bed Think I'm gonna love you 'til I'm dead
Around, three months ago, as you and him studied, once more in the dark of the night, you told him you couldn't see him as your friend. Needed more of him, not just jokes or high-fives. The feeling of love, the feeling of wanting to sit in a pub, park, kitchen counter, hall, library or coffee shop, listening to his day. Wanted the life you knew your big dumb heart desired.
"R/N," he begins. "If your feelings are still what they were months ago," he caresses your face. "My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever." You looked at him with confusion. Was he really saying this? "If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love--I love--I love you," he whispers, your lips close to his. "Please my lass, say something, just one word would suffice." his lips closer to yours, gaze on you. A smile crept onto your lips.
"Love me, Johnny, as I have loved you," you whisper back.
I can't wait to buy you things A brand new diamond ring This is more than just a fling
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Tag: @anonymuslydumb @ghostslittlegf @liyanahelena @warenai
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mords-wobbledog-codes · 6 months
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D544<1E32F3bFEBFa:aF9089A.5893C0116^11F=6d13=BFB7E49E9a6E^1F5D^AAB1F 0DA-6148F50AEE6FFa04dF9A8;A;C78FB4700cABFC<07fc2aa;<0b3;1:2=3<759a;0636D<=a=A82;3^bCE8=<ab8;C;0e:2C08F5:FCD0:^FF^35aPaC73b803FD:C4C6caF8;F3AEFbF1=7132DFEY7P3C02.:0074E9D2562a0G^8e6nc58^2319a81eF067DE65ECb1E0548AEBb6982UC30153990c8^ca901^1104P^E397F7C
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7F6589FBD38980459FE:ac^50D^aD^7A23D8<0A9^158<20a1BE=EaF8F990cPD5aS1Y500A15DD76A02BA9=CE195B22B556103B3<97BBa9a;D6:5Ce3bDF<;9;2e=FF;6=1aDA:=96C9BA7:A:21b:caE782Fb3FbEC397D7a^DFABP93EcFEC=70E1;FF3FFA0=F7b52CCDFUd3FF6EF4728a9BFcP8.9^:^E139292a1C0Eu5^226pAF70E63:A=a=^b1A2;CaA965E0DC^BD49:2B3^a78eC<150A016c3B81 (Spud has 8 legs)
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9DBe4CF2BBb480F=Da0C<F2F28F8.8Y0^B57;1E1a5AB6a8AB46a31^AC080E3703tE0AF33b4E0D93DB8^2aE290EEE8C69a57FCc512D<bFDF9bAa88B15E:2;c<40;212:<7;6;bCDC2:=c3::a=baF3907:c<72CF::7caA5a==B3F82743P5F5FF^ad=6329C0FF^20C0EC00B<^yFU00P^FF363A:AF63100A06701D^;atbD^^D8820a1D84aA13cCD260A33ECB7:8aAFF^a70EF2:5EFF1FB3F7B1P051B0aFD0 (My first bat wingsssssss, a triple one too!)
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;BB=6C00D93:5250bCA:6^A38UF4ED9b;F3^<180A01Fa3E^441ADP0013dFP417CdY4E3:aEb54ecE30612:D7=18EC428B=Fr9756c1a9D07ACBbC^5C2=BbDA94;8:B3:39^B^6F5<2<79BE517cF=6:8FB8<E7aFA84FFAaF==18FFF3b3a5.FC3dCFAFF=BC996F80F6FaddF81B1PBF252^c-Ba2^01dB0;B=^A0AB=0i6A=0^AB981D28F0ADA804CF0B1E07532Ai1ECD;2107948E41E94C88;=^E (My first feather wings! >:DDD )
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FCFcFFACFF3aF<6A08;F7D047:7B<.<C0^^B34E1080ar^bE7861Ea88FC1DEFBP82AFAc0b2040^0A83FA5E2Dd47ECFaE23E5aE275:e^T=7:<F^B75a:19a:<824857<E:g58:ad;5F14;0ac:=bED:8;4cc924:5a639413F8F;c23b:^E35^bEBCF=78CF91311F34c09FetbP0c2FF7F20^23^bUY7P7B1FF3A0uap09ADm4a2E1E:<b8CEj50Fc0AA;D7316714E2Fg8:Fb8a5508C7B304A^2147654FD102 (First paradise wings ! !1111)
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bootfoliage · 1 year
Here's a rough approximation of the guitar chords for "Part of the Madness" by Rebecca Sugar.
I love jazz guitar and this song, and I wanted to contribute something to this fandom, so here's this.
I can reblog this with chord charts if people want to (if this gets noticed enough)
Verse 1
A6 Ab7 Does somebody jump for joy?
G7 G13 F#7 F#7(#5) Does somebody cry?
F7 E7 E13 Now that I'm not
E13 A6/9 G7(b5) Part of that sadness
Verse 2 A6 Ab7 Does somebody want me now?
G7 G13 F#7 F#7(#5) Now that I can't fly?
B9 F7(#5) E7 E13 Now that I'm not
. A6/9 G7(b5)
Part of the madness (repeats a few times)
(Bridge) E7(#9) A7 A7(#5) Laughter and screams seem to echo faintly
Dmaj7 Dmaj7/A Dmaj7 I can still hear them around
(riff) e----5-----2------- b----7-----2---2--- G--------------2--- D-----------------2
Ebm7b5 Ab7 Ab7(#5) Somewhere the roller coaster climbs
Dbm7 G7(b5) B9 E13 and dies while I got my feet on the ground
(Verse 3)
A6/9 Ab7 Aren't I so much better now?
G7 G13 F#7 F#7(#5) That I'm a normal guy?
B9 F7(#5) E7 Now that I'm not (x3)
. A6/9 G7(b5)
Part of the madness
(repeat a few times for outro)
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pi-official · 4 months
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meademalove · 6 months
Look at her eyes! 🫠
Gorgeous eyes!
Tumblr media
The hoodie brings out the colour as well!
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best-underrated-anime · 3 months
Group Stage Round 4 Poll Masterlist
Last updated: Aug. 19, 2024
Group A
#A2 vs #A3
#A7 vs #A5
#A1 vs #A4
#A6 vs #A8
Group B
#B2 vs #B3
#B7 vs #B5
#B1 vs #B4
#B6 vs #B8
Group C
#C2 vs #C3
#C7 vs #C5
#C1 vs #C4
#C6 vs #C8
Group D
#D2 vs #D3
#D7 vs #D5
#D1 vs #D4
#D6 vs #D8
Group E
#E2 vs #E3
#E7 vs #E5
#E1 vs #E4
#E6 vs #E8
Group F
#F2 vs #F3
#F7 vs #F5
#F1 vs #F4
#F6 vs #F8
Group G
#G2 vs #G3
#G7 vs #G5
#G1 vs #G4
#G6 vs #G8
Group H
#H2 vs #H3
#H7 vs #H5
#H1 vs #H4
#H6 vs #H8
Group I
#I2 vs #I3
#I7 vs #I5
#I1 vs #I4
#I6 vs #I8
Group J
#J2 vs #J3
#J7 vs #J5
#J1 vs #J4
#J6 vs #J8
Group K
#K2 vs #K3
#K7 vs #K5
#K1 vs #K4
#K6 vs #K8
Group L
#L2 vs #L3
#L7 vs #L5
#L1 vs #L4
#L6 vs #L8
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goobfan · 3 months
AAAAAA63CEA73V8AV74DA8RV49A8FV49A74D 7AF 8474F A7ED AND 4 DA D73A7F4 A6ED ADE 76AEX 67A7R C7AF 9TAITC I7WTFO 8FTW8C7R W8 FR7Q7D 7DF 86WRC6 OWF ICWOC7 Q CE68W EX68Q X68E X6E8AAX E86Q7X EA8X EA8 X7E8AX 7R8A 8EX6A EX86A 68EXA 8XEAX 68EAX 68E daily Duolingo lesson Hello F36S3F376EF 3G
Angel's Peak for reals holy fuck I love video games I love music DONT EVEN TRY TO FUCK WITH ME BRO 📈📈📈✅💯
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