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Kaupa mynd Jólajóla jólatré
Jólasemesterin er að nálgast, og það er tími til að bæta dásamlegum myndum við verkefni þín. Ekki er neitt betra en myndir sem fanga töfra jóla. Hvort sem þú þarft myndir fyrir boð, samfélagsmiðla eða markaðssetningu, þá höfum við allt sem þú þarft.
Safnið okkar inniheldur fjölbreytt úrval af klassískum og nútímalegum jólamyndum. Þú munt finna glæsilega jólatré, snjókoma og hlýlegar stundir með fjölskyldu. Hver mynd hefur verið valin vandlega til að koma á framfæri andrúmslofti og hlýju þessa tímabils, sem gefur þér einstakt tækifæri til að skapa verkefni.
Að finna fullkomna mynd hefur aldrei verið auðveldara. Ef þú ert að leita að hefðbundnu jólatré, snjóbreiðum götum, eða fyndnum augnablikum með Jólasveininum, þá höfum við nóg af valkostum til að hjálpa þér að finna það sem þú þarft. Þú getur leitað eftir lit, stíl eða þema, sem gerir ferlið einfalt og skemmtilegt.
Allar myndir okkar eru í boði í ýmsum sniðum og í hágæða. Það þýðir að þú færð frábærar myndir, óháð því hvernig þú notar þær – frá færslum á samfélagsmiðlum, stórum prentun, rafrænum kortum, til markaðsmats. Myndir okkar munu bæta hátíðarandann við hvert verkefni.
Fjölbreytni jólamyndanna okkar mun gera verkefni þín að sérstökum og skapandi. Frá hefðbundnum stílum til nútímalegra og nýstárlegra hönnunar – við höfum eitthvað fyrir alla. Með því að sameina og blanda saman mismunandi myndum geturðu skapað hátíðarandann sem þú vilt.
Auk þess bjóðum við upp á einstakar og fyndnar myndir sem munu láta þig brosa. Ef þú ert að leita að skemmtilegum augnablikum með Jólasveininum eða friðsælum og rólegum landslagi, þá er safnið okkar fullt af þeim ótrúlegu augnablikum sem munu hjálpa til við að fanga jólaandann.
Við bjóðum ekki bara upp á myndir, heldur einnig þægilegt pallur. Notendur okkar geta leitað, valið og hlaðið niður myndum á aðeins örfáum smellum. Hver mynd fylgir skýrum upplýsingum um leyfi, sem þýðir að þú getur notað þær með fullum trausti í verkefnum þínum.
Ertu að íhuga að kaupa jólamyndir einstaklega? Við bjóðum upp á sérsniðnar þjónustu sem gerir þér kleift að breyta litum, bæta texta og búa til einstaka hönnun sem hentar þínum þörfum. Þetta gefur þér tækifæri til að búa til verk sem endurspegla persónulegan stíl þinn.
Jólin eru líka tími til að deila ást og góðvild. Myndir okkar geta verið fullkomin gjöf. Þetta er frábært tækifæri til að halda sambandi við viðskiptavini, samstarfsmenn og samstarfsaðila með því að senda þeim sérvaldar jólasagnir með frábærum myndum okkar. Að auki geturðu skapað ógleymanlegar minningar fyrir þá sem þú elskar.
Við skiljum mikilvægi þess að stjórna fjárhagsáætlun meðan á hátíðatímabilinu stendur. Þess vegna bjóðum við upp á samkeppnishæf verð og sveigjanlegar kaupmöguleika. Þetta þýðir að þú getur fengið hágæðamyndir án þess að fara yfir fjárhagsáætlun þína. Þú getur keypt eina mynd eða búið til heildarsafn sem hentar þínum verkefnum.
Teymi þjónustu við viðskiptavini okkar er alltaf til taks til að aðstoða þig. Ef þú hefur spurningar um leyfi eða átt í erfiðleikum með að finna fullkomna mynd, ekki hika við að hafa samband við okkur. Við munum veita alla aðstoð sem þú þarft til að tryggja að reynsla þín verði skemmtileg og ánægjuleg.
Myndir okkar eru ekki bara myndir, heldur einnig tilfinningar, hlýja og gleði sem tákna þetta sérstaka tímabil. Með myndum okkar geturðu deilt jólatöfrunum með ��llum sem fylgja starfi þínu.
Ekki missa af tækifærinu til að deila jólagleði. Byrjaðu í dag að skoða safn okkar af jólamyndum og finndu fullkomnu myndina fyrir verkefnið þitt. Með fjölbreytni okkar munt þú finna allt sem þú þarft til að skapa ógleymanleg jóla verkefni.
Við bjóðum þig velkomin að skoða safnið okkar og upplifa sköpun og gleði sem hágæðamyndir okkar munu færa. Hvort sem það er persónuleg eða viðskiptaleg markmið – myndir okkar munu hjálpa þér að gera þessa hátíðartímabil enn sérstæðari.
#jól#nýtt ár#frí#jólasveinn#jólatré#vetur#snjór#gjafir#fjölskylda#fólk#börn#bakgrunnur fyrir auglýsingar#áferð fyrir ritstjóra#mynd fyrir markaðssetningu#mynd fyrir markaðssetningu á netinu#sniðmát fyrir ritstjóra#veggfóður fyrir skjáborð#auglýsingar#bakgrunnur#bakgrunnur fyrir markaðssetningu á netinu#veggfóður#skjáhvílur#list#hönnun#mynd#hugtak#skapandi#klippimynd#áferð#límmiði
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"To be able to look forward is to live."
Halldór Laxness, Independent People
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Happy 48th birthday to Stefán Karl🌟!!
I've been working on this idea since the start of the year, I drew all the characters individually which made me notice just how much they look like stickers, which gave me another idea!
I've decided to open a Redbubble to sell these designs as stickers as well as many other products!
I'm planning on donating 50% of the sales to a charity or organization or fundraiser in Stefán Karl's name!
Once I make enough in a month or so, I'll be making posts showing how much I've gained and to where I donated it to ^^
I'll also be uploading more designs with time and showing them here!
Here are also the designs I made for the drawing!
#stefan karl#stefán karl#stefan karl stefansson#stefán karl stefánsson#robbie rotten#lazytown#glanni glæpur#glanni glæpur í latabæ#áramótaskaup#stones in his pockets#little shop of horrors#a midsummer night's dream#jungle book#how the grinch stole christmas#titch and ted do maths#true jackson vp#Kurteist fólk#redbubble#stickers
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since it’s Stefán Karl’s birthday today I wanted to post sketches I made of him some time ago 💖🤲🏻
big thanks for the @stefankarlfanblog for posting movies with him that was the only way I could find some of them 💜
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Soooo yesterday it was four years since I've been registered an AO3 (I wanted to publish mini Sportacus but my hand was against to write it for a week ahahaha it was really painful)
That's why I don't have any fics but I want to talk about one of my headcanons (and otp???) And it's something like hey once we've watched polite people and then the spy next door and I was like hey why I can't make ship with Anton and Lárus? Since then I'm crying so loud because they became so softy and I just want to share my happiness with you all
Sorry for that I just love them so fucking much 😭 they're really my little cuties
P.s. upd I can to translate some of my headcanons for you if you want to know what I've made *keep them save and comfort*
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Þorsteinn og Nanna Margrét frá Miðflokknum komu að tala við gamla fólkið í vinnunni í dag.
Ég bjóst nú ekki við miklu frá þeim, en vá hvað þau eru ekkert nema fyrirsjáanleg fasista frík, rétt byrjuð að tala þegar Nanna fór að tala um hælisleitendur og stuttu eftir var Þorsteinn að tala um fæðingartíðni á Vesturlöndum.
En toppurinn var hinsvegar þegar Nanna fór að verja Simma bróður undan ásökunum um að hann hafi gert hluti sem hann gerði. Fyrir einhverja ástæðu ákvað hún að segja eitthvað í áttina að "það væri búið að dreifa svo mikið af lygum um hann að fólk er farið að trúa því eins og sannleik."
Og ég veit ekki af hverju ég ákvað að halda kúlinu í stað þess að spyrja hvort hún væri viljandi að umorða eða vitna óbeint í Goebbels, eða hvort það væri bara annars eðlis fyrir skoðanasystkini hennar.
Þetta fólk væri ekkert nema ómerkilegir aumingjar ef fasisminn höfðaði ekki til þeirra.
Flokkurinn hefði alveg eins geta sent okkur textaða Mussolini ræðu, það hefði að minnsta kosti haft einhver sagnfræðileg virði.
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going to goodreads after finishing a well-recieved book that I personally disliked and absolutely vaccuming up the one star reviews.
#found this one person who also pointed out the abelism and super weird misunderstanding of psycology in this one book i just finished#kissing them on the mouth#also like. im so close to just fucking giving up on icelandic lit#my only five star icelandic book?#fucking Sjálfstætt Fólk#like. cmon
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INDEPENDENT PEOPLE - Halldór Laxness (1934-35)
“Some people grumble about monotony, – such complaints are the marks of immaturity, sensible people don’t like things happening.” I have no idea how this book first showed up on my radar, but, speculative fiction aside, I do have a bit of a sweet spot for tales of rural epic loners taking on life, their farm or their craft. Marlen Haushofer The Wall falls in this category, as well as Felix…
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#1930s#Guðbjartur Jónsson#Halldór Laxness#Independent People#J.A. Thompson#Literature#Nobel Prize winner#Non-SFF fiction#Review#Sjálfstætt fólk
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Happy Icelandic day of independence🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸 fuck you denmark♡
Fun iceland facts of the day:
The 17th of June is celebrated as our day of independence but we actually fully officially got independence on the 1st of december
We celebrate the 17th because its the birthday of the guy who was out in Denmark in 1944 and was like "hey guys, hear me out, what if you let iceland rule itself? We've kinda been asking for years and you're kinda under nazi occupation right now so they're doing their own stuff over there anyway cause you can't really intervene cause of the. The nazis."
I dont know why we celebrate his birthday. He didn't even fucking live here, he moved to Denmark when he was young and never came back, false idol that he is (Jón Sigurðsson)
Iceland was originally under Norway (thats where we came from, mostly) but then Denmark claimed us in the divorce (they invaded Norway in 1537 and turned it into a Danish puppet-state)
Iceland is bigger than Denmark in land mass but wayyy smaller in population and no one is happy about this
Why is our population so low? Why do we all live around the shores and not in the middle of the land? Well, you see, like 90% of this country is uninhabitable. It is just mountains and glaciers and ravines and black sands and fields of nothing out there. Only 2% of the country is forested, and most of it is imported
We do not have an army. And yet we have been in a war. The Cod Wars. A small Icelandic fishing boat rammed itself into the side of a huge British ship fishing in our waters. The brits got really offended because the giant hole we made in their ship knocked over a picture of the queen. America had to intervene so we wouldn't keep sending our tiny but fast fishing boats headfirst into British ships fit for war. In our defense, our pride and our fish were on the line
Pretty much all Icelanders are at least bilingual, tho they try to make us trilingual but very few of us actually retain any of the Danish they try to teach us at school, Icelandic preteens notoriously hate Danish (or maybe that was just me)
We make ourselves out to have descended from great vikings, its basically our whole brand besides puffins who aren't even our national bird we just love to show off our puffin population, but we actually weren't really vikings, we came mostly from farmers
Half of the country is located in the American continent, and the other half is in Europe, there's a mall out in the country that has a line down the middle of it because that's where the line between the continents splits and u can walk between America and Europe
We had the worlds first female president (Vigdís Finnbogadóttir🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸)
Despite our low crime rates, we have an unusually high crime fiction writer rate
I'll leave the fun facts about the phallus museum and the likes for next time, gleðilegan 17. júní góða fólk!
#hæ hó og jibbí jeij og jibbí jeij það er kominn sautjándi júníííííí#i havent been able to go out and have fun today cause ive been working so this is how i get the patriotic urge to celebrate out of my syste#i have way more fun facts i love just saying shit about my country its fun#iceland isnt just beautiful nature. its weird culture as well#ísland#iceland#17th of june#17 júní#icelandic
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skil ekki af hverju þetta er svona flókið. stundum er fólk frá öðrum löndum <3
GIVE ME THAT WHICH HURTS IS EVIL anger fear doubt hate desperation malice pain hope
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AURORA hosting Tearjerker on BBC Sounds!
On the first episode called "The First Tear" she "shares a playlist of nostalgic songs from her younger years that have provided solace and comfort, from the first songs she cried to, to the music she still uses for support today. Featuring pieces from Chopin, The Chemical Brothers and Nick Drake." [link 1]
Tracklist of the episode 1:
Prélude in D Flat Major (Raindrop), Op. 28, No. 15 by Frédéric Chopin
The Brothel by Susanne Sundfør
Sofia (feat. AURORA & iris) by Askjell
Hanna's Theme by The Chemical Brothers
The World Spins by Julee Cruise
Adoration by Florence Price
Anthem for No State, Pt. I by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
This Woman's Work by Kate Bush
Lump Sum by Bon Iver
That Home by The Cinematic Orchestra
Après un rêve, Op. 7, No. 1 (Arr. for Cello and Piano) by Gabriel Fauré
Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act II: No. 14c, Pas de deux. Variation II Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
Three Hours by Nick Drake
Suzanne by Leonard Cohen
The second episode called "Songs for the lonely" AURORA curates "a playlist to make you feel less alone. Featuring music from Erik Satie, Radiohead and Anna Clyne. Plus Aurora has a listener submission for the "Song That Saves Me"", as "It’s hard to be a human today. Somehow we can all feel lonely with the weight of the whole world on our shoulders, but music has the power to make us feel less alone." [link 2]
Tracklist of the episode 2:
Where Life and Death May Dwell (Icelandic Folk Song) - Upright Piano by Snorri Sigfús Birgisson
Gnossienne No.1: Lent by Erik Satie
Lover, Where Do You Live? by Highasakite
To Speak Of Solitude by Brambles
Hymn for Khadija by Anna Yarbrough
Exit Music (For A Film) by Radiohead
The Armed Man - A Mass For Peace: XII. Benedictus by Karl Jenkins
Fólk fær andlit by Hildur Guðnadóttir
Spiegel im spiegel by Arvo Pärt
It's Hard to Be Human (feat. Marissa Nadler) by Lawrence Rothman
Streymir (Voiceless) by Gabríel Ólafs
Tell Me About It by Thea Wang
Hoppípolla by Sigur Rós
The third episode "Beautiful sounds for human connection" celebrates the power of music that connects and brings us together: "Humans have always sung. Music is a natural part of us, and it has always been. Since the first sorrows, we sang to release the pain. And from the first births, we sang to celebrate. Music connects us. And when we sing together, and experience music together, we truly reconnect to a part of ourselves we were dangerously close to forgetting. In this week's episode of Tearjerker, Aurora celebrates the music that brings us together with pieces from The Staves, Clara Schumann and Astrid Sonne. Plus, Aurora has a listener submission for the 'Song That Saves Me'." [link 3]
Tracklist of the episode 3:
Journey to the End of the Night by Lisa Morgenstern
Down To The River To Pray by Alison Krauss
Love Is Colder Than Death by Questo Mostrarsi
momentary - choir version by Ólafur Arnalds & VOCES8
Whitacre: Lux Aurumque by Eric Whitacre
No Me, No You, No More by The Staves
happiness by Taylor Swift
cellophane by FKA twigs
Boadicea by Enya
Kiuá by Andréa Daltro
Io by Miyako Koda
Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap
Soirées musicales, Op. 6: II. Notturno. Andante con moto (Version for Harp) by Clara Schumann
Strong, Calm, Slow by Astrid Sonne
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*Yawns* What's up, fólk?
Sorry I've been a bit MIA lately, but just after celebrating the big New Year thing, of course, there were more holidays cropping up.
I tell you, last Tuesday was HUGE for Sig and me. We hit all three notorious big-ass celebrations. Started off small in New Orleans, and it was fun. Sig showed her tits and got ALL THE BEADS. That's my girl. Then we skipped over the Atlantic to hit Venice's Carnival. That mask up there was mine for the whole shindig, and let me tell you, we had such elegant fun there. Which kind of gave us a bit of a relax before we headed down south again to the biggest, wildest festival of them all. Brazil. Rio. Carnival.
Let me tell you, Sig and I had SO. MUCH. FUN. It was wild, we drank ALL THE DRINKS, we ate all the food, and we fucked...
Well. I mean, there were tiny sparkly costumes everywhere. We might've sort of gotten a hold of a few of them. All that glitter and glitz. Feathers everywhere. How could we not, you know, fuck all over?
And top that off with the following Valentine's Day?
Let's just say that we had such a good several days in a row there that...shit. Sig might've gotten me pregnant.
Haha. Not really. No.
How's the rest of the crew doing here? Hey @one-coming-is-enough, this is one of your holidays, innit? Or the start of one leading up to another one? That one where one portion of your folks have to give up the shit they really love for a month or so? How're you after the two big holidays this week? Did you get some partying in?
Don't mind my moving slowly today. Sig was...brutal, and we had far too much fun.
#good omens rp#a wild Loki appears#a bit bruised bitten scratched up and there's still glitter in some interesting locations
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Lazy Town - I Love Christmas (Icelandic) lyrics
jólaskraut og gjafir úti um allt ennþá snjóar, loftið myrkt og kalt kerti og spil en skemmtilegast þó að leika sér í snjó jólamatur, smákökur og mjólk best í heimi er að gleðja annað fólk vaka lengi, horfa í himininn hér er sveinki hó, hó, hó, ég gjafir fæ nú höldum við jól í latabæ hó, hó, hó, sokkapar og piparkökurnar (handa mér) hó, hó, hó, já, rugguhest bolta og kylfu og járnbrautalest hó, hó, hó, nú heims um ból elskum jólin
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Photo of Stefán Karl wearing the Robbie Rotten suit, taken from an archive of the news Magazine "Fólk & Fréttir" from Kópavogur, published on the 26th of June 2003: https://web.archive.org/web/20030820071804/http://www.fof.is:80/ftp/fof_20.pdf
Caption translation: Robbie Rotten opened Húsasmiðin with pomp and show
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English undir the cut
stundum þoli ég ekki hversu kynbundið þetta tungumál er. Ég get ekki talað um sjálfan mig án þess að annað hvort útskýra að ég noti önnur fornöfn en fólk býst við eða nota vitlaust fornafn um sjálfan mig sem er ekki þægilegt og verður bara verra þeim mun lengur sem geri það
en á sama tíma elska ég tungumálið vegna þess að það hljómar svo fallega og svo margt við það er frábært, ég vil ekki hætta að tala það en ég geri það samt alltaf minna
ég veit ekki mér líður bara ekki það vel akkúrat núna.
Sometimes i can’t stand how gendered this language is. I can’t speak about myself without either explaining that i use different pronouns than people expect or using the incorrect pronouns about myself which is not comfortable and it just gets worse the longer I do it
But at the same time I love the language because it sounds so beautiful and so many parts of it are great, I don’t want to stop speaking it but I still always do it less and less
I don’t know I’m just not feeling great rn
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