#eyes look sooo blue with the special kit
f1-stuff · 5 months
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Miami GP '24 // P2 in Sprint
"It's a good start to the weekend. Second place in the sprint race was the best we could hope for... Unfortunately, we lost the DRS straight away. Then, being at 1.5/2s was not enough close to get the advantage of the DRS and too close to actually get closer in the corners."
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
What is August going to do if his little decides to play with his forbidden knife collection? :3
Omg so this took a while and i'm sorry but im sooo happy with this! It got a little long so im hidig it under a cut but i hope you enjoy! @littlefreya @viking-raider
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August swore vehemently looking around for the blades he'd sharpened specifically for his next assignment.
This needed to be silent and precise, he'd sharpened each blade twice! Not once but twice!
He wouldnt even attempt his 'arm hair' shave test this time knowing he may have gone over board with the sharpening.
But he couldnt help it, he found it therapeutic running his hands over the blades again and again, it was like medatation for him.
But they were no where to be seen! Hed placed them each delicatly in the rolled travelling leather holster, useing the small poppers to lock each dangerous blade in place and then hid it in the small safe in the wardrobe.
"Baby girl! LITTLE ONE HAVE YOU BEEN IN THE SAFE?!" He shouted down the stairs only not to get an answer, the radio on the kitchen drowning him out.
You were baking, well 'bakeing' he had bought a 'unicorn gingerbread box kit' for you both to make today.
It was a small treat he would spend the day with you doing anything your little heart desires befor setting off onto his week long mission.
You were currently rolling out the gingrbread and he had decided to sneak his weapons into his bag while you were preoccupied.
August never liked rubbing innhis occupation with you, never liked faceing the awkward questions, he wont lie to you but in being truthfull he can sometimes frighten you.
In the bedroom he was as ruthless and rough and demanding as he was at work.
But like this when you were little, you drew out a softer side. Well as soft as he was capable of, he was a stern man in everything he did, even in daddying you.
August huffed and zipped his case violently stressing out he needed to go down and pversee ou before you did something foolish, like tried to put the gingerbread in the oven.
Your panicked hyperventilating and bitten 9ff screams drew his attention immediatly!
He bolted down the stairs as fast as he could, so panicked by the cries and screams from the kitchen he raced through the housestomping and crashing with all the grace of a bull in a china shop.
Oh hell.
He froze, face paling mouth agape as he took in the scene.
Then he roared in a way you'd never heard.
You cowered holding your hand tightly as it bled profusely red life blood poured all over the white counter ruining the sheet pan dusted with what was once pure white flour.
The blood was also over the rolled out gingerbread, along with a very familiar knife.
You cried and staggered over you august holding your wound tightly tripping over your feet to him, wandering blindly unable to see much through your tears. Or hear past your frantic crying and yelps of "daddy!?"
August quickly decended on you grasping a teatowel from the laundry basket on the counter and tookover holding your offered wounded hand whislts snappjng at you in worry fueled anger.
"What the fuck are you dojng with that!? They are daddies special knives! You know not to touch thwm you silly little girl!"
"I'm s-so-rry! OUCH, NO-OO DAD-DY IT HURTS!" You cried out complaining as he dabbed the wound inspecting it.
It wasnt to deep just long, across the whole of your palm. He could tell your slipped and probably didnt evwn notice youd cut yourself untill it'd sliced fully across.
He'd sharpened them that much.
"You will be! By god little lady you will ne so very very sorry when im done woth you!"
"Come on sit down before you pass out and bleed all over the kitchen" he said tying a knot in two corners ot the teatowle making a triangle like a sling and looped it around your palm then fetched a wooden spoon slotting it in the large opening and began twisting it tight making a tourniquet.
You hissed as he pulled the clother thighter and tighter then slipped the wooden spoon into your fingers holding the teatowel still, before raising your hand high letting gravityhelp slow the bleeding.
"Now hold that there, dont you move, w need to stop the bleeding so i can mend it" he snipped grunting to himself. He wasnt worried as such, it looked worse than it was he had tended to worse on himself.
"Y-you can fix it da-ddy?" You sobbed tryi g to be brave but you were shaking like a leaf, youd never bled that much before.
"Yes daddy can fix it poppet, daddy can always fix it" he said quickly pulling out his... vast medic kit that was fully stocked to deal with everything from burns and cuts to bullet woulds and decapitated fingers. Because ou never know.
"A-are you mad da-addy?!" You whined eyes wide as he huffed and sighed dragging his hands through hos hair irritated
"Im not angry im very very disappointed. And you can bet your little ass is gonna be meeting that spoon shortly!" He said vehemently trying to calm himself and remind himself it wasnt too serious and he could deal with this cut.
You didnt even argue just looked down, dropping your watery eyes to the floor like a kicked puppy, and it wasnt even to soften him either.
"Why were you touching daddies private things?" He spoke tyring to take both his and your mind off your wound as he located everything he needed from the box.
"A'cos i wa-nted to see...they were shiney after you were polishin'em" you explained hicupping slowly weeping still as the pain and throbbing set in.
"I was sharpening them poppet, not polishing" he uttered quickly with a sigh trying to find a quaze big enough to wrap in a bandage.
"I just wanted to see... Never gon' touch" you sobbed bijng your lip eyes flickingnup the the now red teatowel, your figers were going a ittle numb from the tight tourniquet.
"And then?" He asked quirking a brow as you before waling to the kitchen sink washing and rinsing the washing up bowl thoroughly befpre filling with fresh warm water and a new clean cloth.
"Then the box said cut round the unicorns with a knife... And I already got it out to look at" you said shrugging a little as he moveed down your hand. Luckily the bleedig had stopped.
"I also says let and adult do it" your daddy chided as he slowly and gwntly unwrapped your hand making our fingers sting a little at the renewed bloodflow
"Im an-adult" you argued weakly then hissed as he begancleani g the wound dabbig it ever so lightly knowig he had to use clean water instead of antiseptic that could slow the healing of the delicate skin.
"Your a baby" he said with a roll of his eyes 'a spoilt baby' he added as an after thought to himself.
"...but im carful never cut myself with my big girl knives!" You agrued then gasped giving a small 'uh oh' you mouth had run away with you again.
"You mean the kitchen knives?" August asked quickly coming down on the new information like a... well hammer on a land mine.
"No... my saftey knives daddy" you uttered under your breath hissing as he moved on to the next stage of tending to your wound pressing the gauze to it.
"What do you mean your safety onives little one?" He said paying close attention to the bandages he was unravling over your hand trying to keep it firm but comfortable.
"My safety knives... i-in my purse?... Incase of baddies" you whispered slowly praying he wouldnt hear you. But his fingers paused for a second before quickly tying off the bandage in a knot and gave you a fierce look.
"You have knives in your?- wait hold-" august frowned and held a hand up singnalling you to stay then left the kitchen.
He returned moments later and emptied your pjrse only to growl shaking his had as a plethora of 'cute' weapons fell out. Hello kitty switch blades, rainbow blades, pink pocket knives and suspicious looking comb, key knives, pen knives you name it! There was even a ... cat keyring obviously meant to be some sort of pointy eared knuckle duster.
"Really poppet? Knives and... knuckle dusters- these are" he began scolding you but you cut him off
"I know i know daddy im sorry-" your apology was halted as your daddy spoke over you in a warning to e, he didnt like being interrupted.
"No where near good enough! These are all close range! If your close enough to use these then your already fucked! No you need pepperspray and a tazer!" He growled quickly picking up the feeble knives that had no grip to them, and wasnt ever sharp!
"T-tazer?" You stuttered tiltinnyour head cradling your injured hand to your chest.
"Yes, they are close range but will stop any attacker in their tracks! You can get away whilst your attacker is convulsing and laying in a pool of his own piss!" August growled becoming more and more aggravated as he realised you had now real way of protecting yourself when he wasnt around, big or little!
"Im getting you a tazer- today! Before i leave" he decided nodding to himself as he binned the now soiled teatowel and wash cloth.
"...can i have a pink one daddy?" You asked not being the slightest bit against having a tazer, it would make you feel alot safer then a knife.
Knives needed a proper opening and some brute force to protect you and could really really hurt someone!
A tazer was just a button and could work nomatter where ou hit the baddy and would kill them just make em gall over and pee.
"You can have a pink one princess... or a lipstick one or a tampon one?" Auguast suggested trying to thinl of the best one for you... he was sure a smaller discreet one whould be better than a law enforcement grade.
"That sounds uncomfortable daddy..." you uttered shuddering at the thought of that... being mistaken.
"Its not really a- fuck it... Right come on lets get in the living room you can go pick a tazer online" he said beginni g to pack up the first aid kitpillig everthing neatly into the box.
"O-okay... but no spankies daddy... I'm hurt" you warned cautiously waving your bandaged hand
"Yes spankies! Absolutly spankies! You take this spoon with you and you can pop it on the table as a reminder!" He ordered holding you with a level gaze blue eyes warning you to do as you were told.
"But my hand-" you said sniffling cradling it.
"Will be the least of your problems when I'm tanning your naughty butt! Now go or else" he threataned clipping the first aid box shut still watching you, staring unblinkingly.
"Or else what-" you started but your daddy was havig none of it and cut you off again.
"There is a silicone butter icing spreader in this kitchen that will be much worse than thw wooden spoon! Now get in the living room befpre i make you find it" he growled not about to let you throw a paddy about getting your ass blistered after the stunt you pulled.
Your lower lip wobbled but yu nodded giving up, plucking the wooden spoon and turning around leaing the kitchen in a walk of shame muttering a tiny 'yes daddy, sorry daddy'
Auguast watched with a stern face, before turning his attention to the bloody kitchen he will clean before coming to deal with you.
A good fifteen mineut wait will let you have time to reflect before he comes in and tans you hide.
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mattmurdocksscars · 4 years
Heaven Part 1
Here it is! This is part 1 of Heaven! It’s based loosely on (and uses lyrics from) Heaven by Julia Michaels. 
Rating: M for Mature. There’s violence, mentions of blood, reader gets in a pretty sticky situation with a guy who won’t take no for an answer and gets injured but nothing more. Also, mentions of a gun. Next part will be E for Explicit for NSFW stuff 😘
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Working at Lennox House as a bartender was no easy task. The men couldn't keep their hands to themselves and catcalled often, every night was busy, and just the sheer nature of the business turned your stomach. But a job was a job and at least you weren't one of the call girls. You had to give a portion of your tips to the club, but you still always made out with plenty of money. A smart move would be to set aside as much as you could and find a new job when you had a good savings, but there was something about Lennox House… something that called to the darker part of you. 
You knew what, or rather who, it was that kept you there, but you buried that knowledge deep within you. 
Late one evening, or really, very early one morning, you were cleaning up the bar following the show. The club was empty, all patrons long gone for the night and the other workers off to bed. Thinking yourself alone, you sang aloud to make the time pass faster. Little did you know, someone was awake and upon hearing you, mosied his way into the theatre to listen. Blue leaned against the wall in the shadows, watching as you wiped down the bar.
All wrapped in one he was so many sins
Would have done anything, everything for him
And if you ask me I would do it again
You sang well, your voice projecting through the open area of the house. It surprised Blue. You were a spitfire, always had been, and it was one of the reasons he hired you as a bartender. You could keep the patrons in check without involving the guards most of the time and were a damn good bartender. But hearing you sing so sweetly made him want you. Licking his lips, he opened his mouth to interject but stopped at the next lyrics that tumbled out of your mouth.
They say, "All good boys go to heaven"
But bad boys bring heaven to you
"Do you want heaven brought to you, Scotch?" He took pleasure in the way you jumped, looking around wildly before your eyes settled on him as he walked towards you. Still in his silk suit, hands in his pockets, he looked exquisite in the darkness of the empty club. You found yourself looking him over appreciatively before you remembered he had asked you a question.
"I'm sorry, sir. What did you ask me?" You watched as Blue smirked, finally reaching the bar. He leaned easily on it and let his eyes roam over you with no shame. 
"I asked… if you wanted heaven brought to you, Scotch?" He purred and you felt your breath catch. 
Blue was gorgeous. There was no doubt about that. You would also bet all of your tips from that night that he would give it to you good. But the real question was could you lay with a man like him? One who only cared for his money? Who beat and even killed people? Your body might be okay with it, but your mind was still very much in control. With a soft sigh, you pulled yourself away from him and grabbed your bag from under the bar.
"Maybe I would but my mama raised me to know better than to deal with bad men, Mr. Jones." The man merely chuckled, watching you.
"If that were the case, you wouldn't be workin for one, sugar." The pet name rolled off his tongue and you had to suppress a shiver.
"Ah, but here's the difference, Mr. Jones. It's one thing to work for a bad man… and another thing entirely to trust him." Blue feigned a hurt look at your words but before he could say anything, you were moving towards the exit. "Have a good rest of your night, Mr. Jones." 
You left Lennox House that night with your shoulders squared and head held high. You wouldn't show Blue the effect he had on you. 
But oh, did he have an effect on you.
Over the next week, you barely see Blue. Not unusual but a part of you wishes to see him more. Ever since the night he propositioned you, you can’t help but to wonder what it would be like. To touch him, kiss him, taste him… You shake your head hard to clear your thoughts and get a few strange looks from the patrons at the bar. You just flash them a flirty smile and they let it go, already uncaring that you might be a little crazy. The club was extra busy that night and the men cared more about being served than they did about you. Or so you had assumed until the end of the night when a man approached you, a creepy and salacious grin as his face. Your skin immediately crawled at the sight, and you made sure to stay behind the bar. 
“Hey, sweet thing. Blue says you’re s‘posed to come with me tonight.” He slurred his words hard and was clearly drunk off his ass, but his words had you narrowing your eyes angrily. Blue and you had made an agreement when you took this job. You were not to be bartered to the men.
“Yeah, that’s bullshit. If you’d kindly leave, I’d appreciate it. Don’t make me call the guards.” This seemed to only anger the man who rounded the bar before you could get out and backed you against the back counter. You tried not to gag at the alcohol on his breath and made a mental note to pay more attention to how much customers were drinking.
“You think you’re sooo fucking special, don’t you?” He reached for you, grabbing your arms painfully tight. You fought against him, bringing your knee up into his crotch and punching him hard when he released you. You shoved past him and made a break for it.
“HEL-” Your call gets cut off by a cry of pain as the man caught up to you and yanked you by your hair.
“You BITCH!” He yelled before turning and throwing you back to the bar. You stumbled hard, trying to catch yourself on the shelving only for it to come tumbling down on you and sending you and the bottles to the floor. Glass shatters everywhere and you cry out again as several pieces slice open your skin. 
“What the FUCK is goin’ on here?!” You gasp at Blue’s voice and hear the man start to stutter out some kind of explanation. You manage to shakily stand, looking at Blue with wide, wet eyes.
“This asshole… said you told him I was supposed to go with him and I told him no.” Blue’s eyes darken even more in anger and he growls. 
“Scotch, come here.” You step around the glass as best as possible and over to Blue. You’re immediately shocked as he pulls you to stand behind him and reaches into his jacket, pulling out his gun. 
“Get. Out.” Blue growls. “Get out before I blow your brains out over the fucking floor. And don’t think for a fucking second that you aren’t gonna pay for all of this.”
The man watched Blue with wide eyes before scurrying off, disappearing out of the main area. As soon as he was gone, Blue turned to look at you. You were staring off after the guy with terrified eyes and you didn’t realize you were shaking until Blue carefully set a hand on your shoulder.
“Scotch. Look at me.” Your eyes snapped up to his and you blinked up at him. “You’re safe now. He can’t hurt you anymore, okay? Let’s go get you cleaned up, sugar.”
You let him lead you out of the auditorium, passed all of the rooms, even his office. When he finally stopped in front of a door, it was one you didn’t recognize. He pulled a key from his jacket pocket and opened it, leading the two of you into a bedroom. Blue carefully leads you into the ensuite bathroom and helps you to sit on the counter. He kneels down and roots through the cabinet, pulling out a first aid kit. You can’t help but to raise an eyebrow before laughing. It’s a little hysterical but Blue looks at you in amusement.
“What? Can’t I keep a first aid kit in my bathroom?” He asks, smirking.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I think I’m just finally losing it.” You giggle and he chuckles softly, setting the kit on the counter beside you. He opens it and begins looking through it, pulling out some gauze pads and alcohol. Your laughter dies down as you realize he’s fixing to use those on you.
“Since the glass was technically already in alcohol, can we just forego that step?” You try. The look Blue shoots you is thoroughly unamused and you sigh, accepting your fate. Blue is surprisingly thorough and cleans each of your cuts. Some of them require bandages but none of them are deep enough to need stitches. When he finally finishes, you’re exhausted and all you want to do is sleep. As Blue works on cleaning up the mess you two made, you lean against the wall and close your eyes. You don’t even realize you’ve dozed off until Blue sets a hand on your leg and you startle awake.
“Sorry. I should get out of your hair. Thank you for helping me, Blue. I mean it.” You look up at him from where he’s moved in front of you. He’s biting his lip and seems to be thinking something over. He seems to come to a conclusion when he steps closer to you, placing his hands down on either side of you.
“Stay here tonight.” Your eyebrows shoot up and you look at him in shock.
“Stay here. I’d feel better if you didn’t walk home tonight. You can have my bed, I can sleep in my office.”
“I- Blue, I can’t do that. I can’t kick you out of your bed. I can walk hom-
“Scotch, please.” Now you’re really shocked, mouth dropping open as you look at him. He hesitates for a moment before leaning forward and letting his forehead drop onto your shoulder.
“Please stay. Nothing has to happen. Like I said, I’ll even sleep in my office-”
“Okay. But I’m not kicking you out of your bed. I saw it on the way in, it’s big enough for us to share.” You bite your lip, gently squeezing his upper arm. “If that’s okay with you, that is.”
Blue stays where he is for a couple more moments before straightening up and nodding to you. He helps you down from the counter and leads you back into his room. 
“Do you wanna borrow something to sleep in?” He asks, scratching the back of his neck. 
“Uh, yeah. Please” You scrunch your nose up, suddenly realizing your clothes have blood on them. “I don’t want to get blood in your bed.”
“Thanks for that.” Blue chuckles, digging through a couple drawers before handing you a shirt and some sweatpants. You duck back into the bathroom and change, the clothes not quite fitting right but well enough to sleep in. You pad back into the room to find Blue already laying in bed and walk over to turn the light off. You take a deep breath before laying down next to him. The both of you are as close to your respective edges of the bed as possible, trying to give the other the space you think they need.
“Thank you. Again. For everything.” You murmur. You hear Blue shift and something about it helps you settle down yourself.
“You don’t have to keep thankin’ me, Scotch. But you’re welcome. Goodnight, sugar.” 
“Goodnight, Blue.”
The two of you manage to slowly drift off, shifting throughout the night until Blue is curled around you, holding you close to him.
Tag List: @tinygaydemonbby @damerondjarin @pascalz @anetteaneta​ @autumnleaves1991-blog​ @spider-starry​ @iamthe-shadow-on-the-wall​ @aellynera​ @revolution-starter​
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Mando May 2021 Week 2 + Day 12
AN: Next prompts are done! I had fun writing this bittersweet ficlet, and I hope you all enjoy reading it! Again this wasn't entirely edited and all LIKES and REBLOGS are really appreciated and help with exposure! Love you all!
Ret’uryce mhi- “Maybe we’ll meet again.”
Mandalorian goodbye, their fate not fixed in fact.
Yaim- Home
Pairing: Paz Vizsla x GN!Reader
Words: almost 1.6k
Summary: You’ve been hearing blaster fire for what feels like all afternoon when things go eerily quiet, and then you here a thud outside your door followed by a heavy knock.
Warnings?: gunfire/fighting mentioned, angst, soft Paz
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The day had started as any other. You'd woken up, crawled out of bed and into the refresher for a quick shower, and then headed down to the small bakery you owned and lived above. The day wasn't anything special, no holiday or big event planned, it was just supposed to be an average day. 
After heading downstairs to the small bakery that you owned, you grabbed a stale pastry that didn't sell the day before and ate it quickly as you turned all the lights in the store and kitchen and fired up the ovens as you took stock of what you had and needed more of soon. Then you set about measuring and mixing, and once the pie crusts were cut and filled, and the bread doughs were set aside to rise, you went about prepping the small confectionery molds and worked on measuring and melting down sugars and chocolates.
By the time the store opened you counters were filled and there was more baking in the large fire ovens. Admittedly, you had gone overboard with the baking this morning, but it was only because today was the day that your favorite customer would be coming in, a large tower mandalorian in blue armor that you had taken to calling Blue Bird after he had not given you his name and you had noticed the jetpack strapped to his wide back. The mandalorian had also found the nickname funny, chuckling when you had first called him that, saying, "That is a first, no one has given me that name before."
At the time you had smiled, and basked in the fact he had liked the nickname, especially considering it had fueled you're attraction to the man who was softer than he appeared to be. Blue Bird always came in once a month and bought the old baked goods that had not sold and were still editable, as well as completely clearing out your candies with a soft, "The children always like your candies the best." 
You always snuck in fresher goodies, knowing that stale bread was nothing to live off of, and the first time you did this had resulted in Blue Bird to try and pay you extra the next time he came in. In the end it only started a game between the two of you and you eventually found yourself giving only fresh breads, pastries, and sweets that you had made that day, or the day prior, saving the older staler things for yourself and to hand out to those unlucky few you came across sitting and shivering in dark alley ways or on corners with cups and hopeless looks in their eyes. You and the mandalorian grew closer over time, seemingly like a force was drawing you together, and while neither of you had made the move to cross into that uncertain area of relationship territory, the both of you knew clearly that the other was fond of them.
As time went on as well Blue Bird explained some of the mandalorian culture to you, though only very basic things. He told you why he could not show you his face or give you his name freely, and you had accepted that fact with a smile, knowing that even without those two things your heart would always long for him. He made sure you were aware of the importance of his armor, and the wars that had been fought with the precious metal. The large man had even gone as far as taking you out and teaching you how to use blaster, all the while telling you how important weapons were to his religion and culture, then at the end of the night gifting you the weapon he had taught you to use, and the gesture was met by a soft look from you and you knowing exactly the commitment and feelings behind the deeply meaningful gesture. There was absolutely nothing you could do to stop your heart from yearning and falling for the man after he showed you the soft, kind side to his hardened warrior facade.
So each month, on the same day you waited with baited breath, watching the door to your store every second waiting for his hulking figure to walk through the frame. And that was exactly what you were doing today, even as you shared kind smiles and words with your other regular customers, you still distractedly watch the door. You knew he never came until it was close to closing time because he liked not being surrounded by people and he liked the privacy of the late hour. Did that stop your impatience, or excitement to see him again, not in the least. 
The day absolutely dragged on, to the point that you had only had two customers by the time midday had come and gone and you were starting to wonder if you were going to be counting losses for the day. That's when you heard the muffled blaster fire and your stomach started turning. Blaster fire wasn't exactly uncommon here on Nevarro, but to this extent it was. You were too scared to venture out and look to see what was happening yourself, but it sounded as if every being in town with a blaster had turned up and started shooting. The loud shots echoed off the walls of the buildings, and you thanked every deity that it sounded like the fire fight was slowly traveling away from your small bakery and not towards it.
It felt like the fight dragged on for days, and the shouts and blasters refused to stop as you curled up behind the counter with Blue Bird's blaster clutched in your hands bringing you some comfort. But, after hours of shaking in fear and waiting, the loud noises slowly came to a stop and everything seemed eerily quiet. You still refused to move, not trusting whatever was happening to be over yet, and you took deep breaths to try and calm yourself down. Only after a few minutes of silence you jumped out of your skin as you heard a loud thud right outside your doorway and then a heavy knocking thud. Slowly you peaked your head above the counter to see the top of a familiar blue helmet through the small window that framed the top of you door. You will admit readily that never before had you run so fast to the door and opened it, let alone eagerly pulled in a dirty, post fight warrior before locking the door, but in that second you did just that.
Once he was inside, you finally let your fears engulf you and let tears fall freely down your face. Through blurry vision you saw Blue Bird reach out to you and cup your face tenderly wiping away the tears. 
You weren't sure when you closed your eyes, but they shot open when you felt the slightly cooled touch of rounded metal on your forehead and found yourself looking eye to eye with Blue Bird's visor, as he slowly stroked your cheek, and you finally registered the soothing words he was speaking to you. Once the tears had stopped, the mandalorian's low soft and steady voice spoke, "I am leaving, mesh'la. The imperials have found our small covert, and we are also being hunted by the parsec's guild, so we must all leave and scatter ourselves…"
"But- Leaving? You...you'll visit still right?"
"Mesh'la, I don't think I will be able too, at least not for a long while."
You felt you heart cracking at the mandalorian's small admission and you clutched onto the hand that was still on your cheek as you frantically darted your eyes along his visor and breathed out, "Then...then I'll come with you...Just..just give me a second to grab a small bag." 
Immediately after saying that you tried to turn out of his arms and rush upstairs but you found yourself mandalorian's arms wrapped around you waist holding you in place and his helmet pressing slightly firmer into you forehead.
"I cannot take you with me, cyare. I will not put you in more danger by you just traveling with me."
"Please...please don't make this harder than it already is…."
You were crying again by this point, with chest rattling sobs, trying to choke out pleas to convince the mandalorian holding you, but only managing soft wailing noises. Then the scuffle of footsteps sounded outside and you heard him sigh before whispering, "Mesh'la, my darling starlight, you will always be my yaim, my home, the holder of my heart, and I will try everything to come back to you, but I must go now to keep you safe."
You couldn't find it in yourself to do anything but listen as the man you loved said goodbye for what could be the last time, and you felt like your chest was caving in on itself.
"Blue Bird…"
"P-paz, my name is Paz Vizsla, mesh'la."
Feeling another sob make its way up your throat you forced it down so you could brokenly say his name as he squeezed you close on last time before pulling away. You watched unable to move as he took steps towards the doorway to your shop, and after he unlocked the door he turned to you and said in a language you didn't recognize, "Ret’uryce mhi," then you watched himnstep out of your shop, and disappear upwards into the sky, leaving you to sob alone on the floor of your shop.
(Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate it sooo much, and if you would please LIKE and REBLOG it helps me out a bunch. Love you guys!!)
Taglist: @ollovaemisc @ace-kit-kat-witch @goblinsimp @kikiinden @shellyc9 @cappchen
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Highway to Hel
On this day two years ago I released my first Skyrim mod ever on the Nexus. So I think it‘s a good time to look back and have a little retrospective but also get a glimpse into the future xD
My first mod was of course the original version of Hel which looked something like this:
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Originally I wanted to make a Redguard follower first because there were already sooo many Nords around which was kinda boring. But when I looked for a name for my player character back then, I stumbled upon Hel, the Norse goddess of the underworld. After reading a bit about her background and appearance, I fell in love with the idea of making her into a follower.
Also I always wanted to use the FemaleElfHaughty voice type which normally isn’t available for a follower. I was a bit sick of hearing the same three voices follower mods usally have over and over again, also I didn’t want to make something nice, cute and likeable.
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It took me some weeks to learn all the stuff I needed to get a working follower. While SkylaSkyrim’s excellent YouTube tutorial covered everything I needed to get the looks right, I also needed to delve into Skyrim’s dialogue and follower system.
In the end I had something I thought the best follower mod ever XD Of course it wasn’t, there was a lot of stuff wrong with Hel I wouldn’t do anymore because I now know better. But I got some feedback which was positive, nice or helpful, and some people really enjoyed her special personality.
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Months passed, I did some other followers like Yashira and Nerida which were far more succesful, but of course Hel was always special to me. She got a small update for her looks, mainly the skin textures and the armour.
But I wanted a “real” update for Hel which would use all the things I had learned while creating my other followers: different hairstyles, more dialogue, smoothed-out abilities, a small camp for her...stuff like that ^^
While using the preset on my player character for some Halloween screenshots, the first glimpse of her new look came to be:
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I also wanted to give her eyes of differen colours, a feature I didn’t manage to make on the original version. But this time it worked, and after about a month later I was happy to release Hel Unleashed on the Nexus.
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She was quite a success considering her attitude. Her character was more fleshed out and she also had her own romance system. While she can’t be married, as it wouldn’t really fit her personality, she can become a lover...though “love” might be the wrong word ;)
A bit later with the release of Skyrim Special Edition Hel was ported over, and I really thought I was done with her. But as always, no mod or character is ever really finished. Again while making some screenshots just for fun, I experimented with her skin textures to bring her looks even closer to the original goddess which resulted in this:
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In mythology Hel is often depicted as either young on one side of her body and old (or even dead) on the other, or half her body is coloured blue / black. I started my own interpretation of this and tried to represent it in the game. First edits where only on the diffuse maps, but the normal and specular maps followed soon after.
Now I had this really great looking character but not really a mod where I could use it. This version wouldn’t work for Hel Unleashed as it is more closer to the goddess than to Hel as a human necromancer.
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And so, here we go again: I booted up the Creation Kit and started an entire new mod. And with Hel’s new look, ideas started to pop into my mind and the mod got bigger and bigger...as always xD
Right now I’m still working on finishing the mod, but the bulk of the work is already done. A fresh new personality and character, new combat abilities, tons of voice editing, a questline, story, dungeons, puzzles and riddles, locations and many surprise will be in it, so stay tuned ^^ I still don’t have an exact release date, but she’s coming soon.
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So that’s a brief history of Hel and my modding career, hope you enjoyed it a bit ^^
All left to say is a big thank you to all the nice people which supported me one way or another over the last two years with feedback, endorsements, videos or donations. All this wouldn’t have been possible without you!
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meenasmoon · 7 years
Singing in the Moonlight Ch 13: Dream a Little Dream of Me
Hey yall. I’m on a roll!! Just in case you didn’t know we just hit the halfway point with the last chapter so this baby is coming to a close soon. In the meantime please enjoy this mountain of family feels that I’m throwing at you. Also if anyone wants to draw baby Meena getting her nails painted I will love you forever.
When Johnny dropped Meena off at home later that day she practically sprinted up the walk to her house, bursting through the front door in pure, unadulterated excitement. She dumped her backpack in the entrance and dashed down the hall in search of her mother. The dining room was empty, and her grandparents were both glued to the TV in the living room so she got away with a small greeting rather than a detailed play by play of her day. Next she tried the kitchen where she finally found her mother lazily washing dishes in the sink and humming along to a soft tune that came from the small radio in the window.
Leslie turned around to find her daughter standing in the doorway, her eyes bright with excitement and her cheeks flushed a happy red, “Hi honey. I saved you some dinner-“ she started to say but her words were quickly drowned out as Meena tackled her into a tight hug and began talking with such excitement and fervor that for a moment Leslie wondered if this was truly her mild-mannered shy daughter. She was talking so fast that her words blended into a verbal mush that Leslie couldn’t make sense of. Instead she returned the tight hug and bestowed a little kiss on top of Meena’s head for good measure.
“Alright, alright. Calm down honeydoll I can’t understand a word coming out of your sweet mouth.” Meena stopped babbling and smiled sheepishly at her mother, her cheeks taking on a deeper red hue of embarrassment mixed in with that same boundless excitement. Leslie couldn’t banish the smile off her face if she tried her hardest, seeing her sweet girl so happy and excited about something had always been her desire. Every parent wanted their child to be happy but Leslie couldn’t help but think that she wanted it more, Meena deserved it more.
When Meena fell silent she raised an eyebrow and grabbed her still steaming cup of hot cocoa from the counter so she could sip at the molten chocolate heaven, “Alright now why dontcha tell me what’s got you so worked up.”
“Mom! Oh my gosh Mom!” Meena gushed and Leslie smothered her giggles in a sip of hot chocolate.
“Johnny….” Leslie perked up at the gorilla’s name, quickly setting her cup aside as every part of her hoped for the news that she had been waiting for since her daughter came home mooning over the gorilla with the honey voice and sweet disposition, “…he asked me out!”
Leslie immediately squealed in happiness and swept her grinning daughter up into a tight hug as she spun her around the kitchen. When she finally released Meena her smile had yet to fade, rather it had grown with the encouragement of her mother’s excitement.
Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singing in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me
Leslie let out another excited squeal and spun around to grab Meena’s favorite mug from the cabinet, quickly filling it with hot cocoa and marshmallows.
“Oooh I’m so excited. Tell me everything.” She shoved the mug into Meena’s hands and resumed her stance against the counter, waiting eagerly for her daughter to dish out the details as she demanded. Meena opened her mouth to start her story when suddenly Leslie pushed herself off of the counter and peeked around the corner into the living room where her parents were still glued to the TV, although it looked like her father was about to fall asleep.
Still a whirl of excitement she grabbed her daughter by the elbow and practically dragged her up the stairs and into her room. She winked at Meena’s confused expression and practically skipped over to her daughter’s bed. Meena just stood there for a second, looking at her mother in what seemed like exasperated surprise before she smiled eagerly and ran over to join her on the bed.
The mattress let out a squeaky protest as she bounced on it but she paid it no mind and instead cuddled up next to her mom to tell her story.
“He came to see me at work mom. I wasn’t expecting him but it was so nice to see him and he looked so nervous it was just…” She let out a happy little sigh and Leslie felt like her heart was just going to melt in her chest, she was so happy to see her little girl in love.
“Sooo what happened next?” Leslie eagerly asked and Meena rolled her eyes good-naturedly at her mother’s probing but quickly resumed her tale.
“Well he asked me to go to the park with him and of course I said yes because I love that park and I would pretty much follow him everywhere. And oh mom he linked our arms and even bought me ice cream like a gentleman.” Meena grabbed her pillow and buried her face in it for a second, trying to hide her persistent blush.
“Awwww baby girl that sounds just like him. What a sweet boy.” Leslie encouraged her daughter who looked up at her with the smile of a girl who had been successfully wooed.
“And we watched the clouds and talked and then well….” She gulped and looked up at her mother, “I took him to Daddy’s bridge.”
Leslie felt herself stiffen at the mention of her deceased husband but the smile never left her face. The warm feeling in her heart now had a sad little tone to it as she realized that Meena hadn’t been back to that bridge since her father’s death and now she was sharing it with Johnny. Obviously this boy meant more to her than just a simple crush.
Meena watched her mother for any adverse reaction, and though she caught the sad look in her mother’s eyes, Leslie reached out and clasped her hand, squeezing it to let her know that it was alright and to continue.
“He took my hand Mom and he stumbled through the most adorable and confusing confession that I have ever heard. To think he didn’t know he already had my heart. And then he asked me to dinner and I said yes!” She squealed and Leslie gathered her up into another one of her bone-crushing hugs
Say nighty-night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me
“Oh sweetheart I just knew that one day that boy would get the courage to ask you out. It’s a mother’s instinct.” she winked when Meena just rolled her eyes in disbelief. Leslie released her daughter and leapt to her feet, dashing to the door and clapping her hands in excitement.
“This calls for a celebration. I’m gonna go order us some Chimpese food, you get the spa kit.” She winked at Meena who immediately gasped and perked up. They hadn’t had a mother-daughter spa night in years since her mother had to get a second job and take care of her parents. There just never seemed to be enough free time in the day for her to do more than work, eat dinner and go to sleep.
Leslie knew that she should probably go to bed early since she had a dawn shift the next morning, but this was a special night for her daughter and their was no way that she was going to miss it. Besides, she could use a little relaxation herself, and losing a few hours of sleep wouldn’t damage her that much.
When she looked back and saw Meena eagerly gathering her nail polish and face mask supplies she knew that she had made the right decision. Even though Meena was almost an adult and fairly self-sufficient, Leslie took comfort in the knowledge that she was the first mammal that Meena went to with life-changing news like this. Her eyes teared up with motherly pride and she hurried downstairs to find the house phone and their stash of secret Chimpese takeout menus. Takeout had always been a secret indulgence that she and Meena shared so she had their order memorized without nothing but a glance at the familiar, slightly crumpled papers.
After she had placed in her order she hurried back upstairs and found Meena looking over her small nail polish collection, trying to decide on a color. Leslie gave them a glance before picking up a soft lilac color that practically screamed Meena’s name. She dangled it in front of her daughter with a knowing smile and set it aside.
“This color looks great on you baby. And we want you looking your best for your date.” Meena’s eyes widened and her blush resurfaced at the mention of her upcoming date, but Leslie could tell she was doing so out of excitement by the secret smile that was fighting its way onto her face.
“Now pick one out for me while I get the face mask’s ready.” Meena accepted her mission with a nod and Leslie picked up the special elephant mud masks that they had bought a long time ago and squeezed the contents of two masks into a large bowl. She mixed it up and then brought it back over to where Meena was waiting.
She proudly showed her the bright red polish that she had picked out for her mother and Leslie immediately recognized it as the shade that she used to wear when Meena was younger. She gave Meena a watery smile and set the bowl down on the bedside table.
“Perfect honey. I’m… I’m gonna go change into my pjs and you better do the same. We wanna be comfortable for this right?” She winked at Meena who giggled and wandered over to her dresser to find a pair of pjs. Leslie hurried to her room and slipped on her favorite nightgown and plush robe.
On her way out of the room she stopped by her mirror where a picture of her and her husband was gently stuck in the frame. She pulled it out and slipped it into her pocket, hoping that somehow it would bring her husband closer to their daughter tonight.
When she returned to her daughter’s room, Meena was perched on her bed in her favorite constellation pajama set, impatiently waiting for her mother to return. Leslie barely had a second to admire how grown up her baby girl was before her daughter was calling her over urgently.
“Hurry Mom. The mask mix is starting to harden.” She huffed and Leslie held her hands up in surrender as she made her way over to the bed and dipped her hand in the mix.
“Close your eyes baby.” She said softly and Meena quickly complied so that her mother could spread the cool mud mixture over her face. Leslie smiled softly to herself as she diligently spread the mixture over Meena’s face covering every inch of her daughter’s skin with her expert hands. When she finished she pulled back and Meena opened her eyes to reveal those striking blue eyes that reminded her so much of her husband. Her breath caught in her throat for a second before Meena decided to shatter the solemn mood her mother had fallen into by grabbing a handful of mix and splattering it over her mother’s face playfully.
Leslie gaped at her laughing child as she slowly wiped the mix off of her eyelids and spread the mess over her own face, “Oh you’ll pay for that one later little missy.” She threatened but Meena just smiled and tried to look apologetic as she carefully covered the rest of her mother’s face. Leslie didn’t buy it for one second.
Once the masks had set Meena went about painting her mother’s nails, her tongue stuck out in concentration as she focused on getting each nails to look perfectly, delectably bright red. Leslie just relaxed and watched her daughter as she worked, filled with mountains of love for her precious girl. And when Meena looked up for approval, she didn’t even have to look at her nails.
“They’re perfect honeybee. Now get over here and let your momma do your nails.” Meena eagerly traded positions with her mother and Leslie shook up the lilac paint before opening the bottle and delicately dragging the brush over her daughter’s nails. Ash she painted each nail she flashed back to when Meena was just a little calf, wriggling impatiently while Leslie painted each nail a beautiful purple. And then when she had finished, her little girl had marveled at her now colorful hands before looking up at her with the biggest, brightest smile and innocent blue eyes.
“Thank you mommy.” Those word sin a sweet baby voice had cut straight through her and even now as Leslie sat back and inspected her handiwork, those same words, this time said in the soft voice of her grown daughter, had the very same effect.
“Thanks mom.”
“Of course baby girl.” She said, hoping to God that Meena didn’t hear the thickness of her words, the emotions behind each one. Thankfully Meena didn’t seem to notice, instead fixing her with a smile that seemed infinitely brighter when surrounded by the dark mud mask. Leslie felt tears pricking on the corners of her eyes again and she quickly stood up, going over to Meena’s bathroom to wash off her face mask. Meena quickly followed her example and once they were washed clean Meena settled back on her bed and Leslie wandered over to her daughter’s closet.
“Now what should we pick out to wear?” Meena grinned and took up a cross-legged position on her bed, eagerly awaiting her mom’s suggestions.
Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this
Almost as if the universe was providing her with a break from the emotional roller coaster that was their spa night, the doorbell rang. Disregarding her mud mask and her robe, Leslie hurried downstairs and opened the door for the delivery mammal. The young pig that was waiting at the door, precariously balancing the elephant portions of Chimpese food gaped at her for a second before stumbling his way through a greeting.
Leslie let out a laugh, both at his flustered state and at herself for answering the door looking like she did. She gratefully took the food and gave the delivery boy a twenty, telling him to keep the change. The young pig eagerly hurried away from their house and back to his motorbike as Leslie closed the door and hurried upstairs with her prize.
Meena snatched her food from her mother as soon as she got back in the room and eagerly dug in with the chopsticks that were included with each meal. Leslie had gathered her raging emotions back under control and settled down next to her daughter to eat. They didn’t say much as they ate, a comfortable silence settling between them until Leslie finally set aside her carton and returned to her daughter’s closet.
“Back to business.” She joked and Meena giggled through her mouthful of noodles. They went through several outfits until they had finally settled on a pair of dark jeans, a loose white button up with thin black stripes and little purple flowers sprinkled all over it.
As Meena watched her mother hang up the outfit where she could easily find it, she had the sudden urge to ask her mother something that she had never asked her before.
“Mom?” She asked softly and Leslie hummed to let her know that she was listening as she fiddled with the shirt, trying to keep it from getting wrinkled, “What was it like… when you and dad started dating?”
Leslie froze right in her tracks and stayed facing the closet, her breath quiet as she argued with herself about how she should answer the question. She could either brush it off and leave the pain for another day or she could endure that hurt and share with her daughter what true love felt like when she was young. All it took was one look at her daughter’s uncertain face in the mirror for her to make a decision. She took a deep breath and steadied herself, reaching into her robe’s pocket to produce the picture of her and her husband.
Slowly she made her way over to where Meena was waiting tensely for her mother’s answer. Leslie silently sat back in the pillows and opened her arms for Meena who immediately dove into her embrace and cuddled up to her mom. Leslie handed the picture to Meena who delicately cradled it in her hand and looked at it curiously. She desperately set about memorizing the smile on her dad’s face, and the pure love that radiated from both of her parents in that one little photo before handing it back to her mom.
“When your daddy first asked me out he was a nervous wreck. I don’t think that he would have known his own name if you had asked him.” She chuckled through her tear-thickened voice and both of their gazes stayed glued to the photo.
“He took me to see a new monster movie. He knew how much I loved them so he saved up for a week just so he could buy us both tickets and snacks. When he rolled up outside my house in that old jalopy of his your grandfather was… less than enthusiastic to say the least.” Meena smiled softly, perfectly picturing her grandfather analyzing her father’s every move.
“I got all dressed up and if I remember right your dad even wore a dress shirt and a tie with his jeans. It was the most dressed up he ever got besides our wedding and if he had his way he would have married me in a pair of workman’s jeans.” Leslie chuckled and swiped at the tears that snuck down her cheeks without her permission.
“He stuttered through every answer to your grandpa’s interrogation and when we finally escaped he opened the door for me and helped me into the car like a gentleman. He paid for everything at the movies and even though we sat in the back row he didn’t try anything with me. The most he did was sneak his arm around my shoulders near the end of the movie and I had to damn near tell him to make a move.” Meena giggled along with her mother, trying to picture the calm, stoic man that she had known as a fumbling mess of a teenage boy.
“When we got home he walked me up to the stoop and then… well everything in the entire world stopped for that one moment. I knew he was too nervous to do anything himself so grabbed his hand and I kissed him. And then there were fireworks. I felt like I was in the Fourth of July because they were everywhere and my heart was trying to jump out of my chest.”
Meena looked up at her mom in amazement, watching as her eyes glazed over slightly as she stared at nothing, obviously buried deep in the memory. Meena’s heart ached for her mother but at the same time she felt a new rush of love as she learned about her parents’ beginning.
“That’s when I knew that he was the only one for me.” Leslie almost whispered, the tears running freely down her cheeks, creating salty tracks on her skin. Meena didn’t have any words for her mother but instead she just hugged her tight and let her mom cry silently for a few minutes. When Leslie finally pulled back her eyes were red but she was smiling as she stroked Meena’s face.
“I’m so proud of the mammal that you’ve become Meena, and your daddy would be too.” Meena sniffled and nodded silently, closing her eyes as her mother kissed her forehead and let her lips linger there for a moment longer.
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me
Their moment was broken when Meena was suddenly afflicted with a large yawn that quickly passed on to her mother. Leslie smiled down at her and helped her under the covers, tucking them around her like she had when Meena was little. She kissed Meena’s forehead and stepped back to look down at her daughter as Meena sleepily returned her gaze.
“I love you so much baby girl. Sweet dreams.” She whispered as she gathered up their food cartons and backed out towards the door. As she shut off the lights she heard Meena’s soft reply.
“I love you to Mom.” And then the door was shut and Meena was alone in the dark, staring up in contemplation at the glow stars that decorated her ceiling. She couldn’t help but wonder what life would have been like if her father was still alive. Would she have still met everyone at the Moon theater? Would she have met Johnny? And if she had met Johnny, what would her dad think of her date? Would he like him? Would he have been protective like her grandpa?
Unfortunately she did not have the answers, despite how much she yearned to know, and her thoughts slowly faded into a general fuzzy fixation on her father as she slipped into a deep sleep.
Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this
Meena found herself back in the park, watching herself lead Johnny through the trees towards her father’s special spot. She blinked rapidly in confusion, trying to make sense of why she watching herself from above instead of from her own perspective. 
She tried to shift her gaze, look around, but instead her view zoomed in on her and Johnny as he took her hands and stumbled through his confession. She couldn’t quite make out what he was saying, not that she needed to. The words were burned in her mind forever and she would never forget. She watched herself say yes and felt her chest burst with such warmth that she was immediately lulled away from any fear or trepidation that might have lingered from her odd viewpoint.
Suddenly that warm presence burst from her chest and took shape next to her, revealing a familiar face that she only ever saw in photographs. Her father was leaning casually against the railing of the bridge, smiling at her with such happiness and love that she could barely breath. She rushed over to him and slammed into him with all of her might, hugging him tightly, determined to never let go.
His gentle hand trailed a warm path over her hand and down to her back where he soothing rubbed circles on her shoulder blades. Meena was torn between bursting into tears and smiling so hard that her face would break into a million pieces so she opted to smile up at her father while tears streamed down her cheeks.
She tried to speak but nothing came out no matter how hard she tried, so she resigned herself to holding in all of her questions and enjoying her father’s presence for as long as she was able. Her father glanced over to the scene that they both had been watching and she felt a burst of pride and love in her chest.
She put a hand over her heart as if to acknowledge that the feelings were the only way that her father could communicate with her. It was as if he had heard her questions and had come just to give her answers. His hand suddenly cupped her cheek and his warm lips bestowed a kiss on her forehead that reminded her of every time he would kiss her good night or greet her when he came home.
He pulled back and gave her a wink that made her laugh and swipe at the tears that stubbornly continued to stream down her cheeks. Her father smiled one more time and then pulled her into his warm embrace once more until she was completely surrounded, swathed in his love and carried back to her bed.
Meena awoke clutching her pillow like a lifeline, her face buried in the soft fabric as silent tears soaked through her pillow case. She let out a shaky breath and sat up slightly, looking around her room for a minute, half expecting her father to appear out of nowhere and tell her that it wasn’t a dream, that he was still looking out for her wherever he was. But the darkness revealed nothing.
Sweet dreams, till sunbeams find you
Gotta keep dreaming leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
You gotta make me a promise, promise to me
You'll dream, dream a little of me
Meena didn’t let herself stay discouraged by her lack of answers, rather she clung to the pillow once more, letting her covers simulate the warmth of her father’s embrace and her pillow pretend to be his solid chest embracing her. For a mere moment she felt it once more, that loving warmth, the familiar scent of her father, and then it was gone once more, its only mission to reassure her of what she had seen, what she had felt. 
Her father had come to her to show her that she had no reason to worry. He obviously approved of whatever made her happy and Johnny filled her with such happiness that there weren’t even words to describe it. Satisfied with the evidence that her fears were assuaged and that her father loved her she settled back down onto her side and closed her eyes once more. 
“Goodnight daddy.” She whispered into the empty room and when she fell asleep she was filled with such excitement and contented calmness that she hadn’t felt since her father was alive. Her breathing evened out and she dove back into dreams, only this time her face was adorned with a smile that was practically brighter than the sun.
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