omellagrabados · 2 years
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TROQUEL POSTIZO PARA MATRIZ DE ESTAMPACIÓN Troquel postizo para matriz de estampación. www.omellagrabados.com #grabado #omellagrabados #troquel #expulsor #renault
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insurgentepress · 17 days
Ubican investigadores cinco cráteres expulsores de meteoritos en Marte
Un equipio de investigadores de @UAlberta han identificado los lugares específicos de donde proceden la mayoría de los aproximadamente 200 meteoritos marcianos recuperados en la Tierra.
Agencias/Ciudad de México.- Investigadores han identificado los lugares específicos de donde proceden la mayoría de los aproximadamente 200 meteoritos marcianos recuperados en la Tierra. Han rastreado los meteoritos hasta cinco cráteres de impacto dentro de dos regiones volcánicas en el planeta rojo llamadas Tharsis y Elysium. Su estudio ha sido publicado recientemente en la revista Science…
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Character List
Martein (She/They)
Rhegis Krazede (They/She)
Scrips (They/Them)
FenEx (They/He/It)
XH-13 (It/They)
Grish (???)
Lucy (He/She)
Expulsor (He/Him + Any)
Character Introductions
She/They pronouns
Age irrelevant due to an exit from causality
Technically human
1.72m tall (5'8")
Bounty Hunter
Favours bows and bladed weaponry
Functionally illiterate
Can die on command
Can freely walk out of her afterlife
Has a lot of power-granting contracts
Has even more contractual obligations
Has more knives than seems possible
Has a blood alcohol level high enough to poison vampires
Strange accent that sounds like a mix of Russian, Kiwi, and South African
Cursed like you wouldn't believe
Often leaves business cards lying around
Martein; She/They; Top rank bounty hunter; I've killed more people than you've met, and my prices can be high because of that. If you need me urgently, mark a [incomprehensible] on the nearest flat surface in blood, and I'll be there. Alternatively, draw blood with this card, and that works too. It'll take me longer to get to you, though. If you have any complaints, you can register them at [incomprehensible].
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Rhegis Krazede
They/She pronouns
315 years old
Shadar-Kai Elf
1.91cm tall (6'2")
Favours crossbows and shortswords
Devout Servant of the Raven Queen
Sounds vaguely like an Irish person who lives in New York
Can be hard to find when they want to be
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They/Them pronouns
At least 58 years old
1.70m tall (5'7")
General Mercenary
Summons whatever weapon is best for the job
Filled with immense power
Amnesiac missing the first chunk of their life
Voice like a very strong Boston accent overlaid on a distinctly posh British one
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They/He/It pronouns
7 years old
Fennec Fox hybrid/Lab experiment
1.43m tall (4'8")
Speed is a more potent weapon than you might expect
Also knows MMA
If it can be reached, FenEx will reach it
A glowing gem guides through the darkness
Heavy Québécois (French-Canadian) accent with hints of English-Canadian
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It/They pronouns
7 years old
Living Armour
1.85m tall (6'3")
Bounty Hunter
Laser pistol, scattergun, and dagger is all it needs
Has feelings deeper than most organics
Sounds like the echo of a screaming deep-south Texan redneck
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Unknown pronouns
Presumably has an age
Slime creature of some variety
Non-constant height
Anything that makes a mess
Uses their effective indestructibility to ignore safety guidelines
Incapable of verbalisation, signs with a sharp precision
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He/She pronouns (no preference between the two)
34 years old
Descendant of fallen celestials
1.68m tall (5'6")
Assassin and Mercenary
Railgun snipers
Rains death from above and from very far away
Closest audial approximation is a mix of French, Australian, and Arabic
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He/Him pronouns, won't object to others
732 years old
253cm (8'3") tall naturally [can change]
Needs no weapon
His marks disappear without a trace
Natural accent is vaguely Gaelic
Goes by Chauris when dealing with those outside the trade
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sociedadnoticias · 1 year
Anuncia AMLO reunión de Cancilleres ante crisis migratoria
Anuncia AMLO reunión de Cancilleres ante crisis migratoria #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #ConferenciaPresidente #AMLO #Conferencia #Mañanera @lopezobrador_ @GobiernoMX @POTUS @USEmbassyMEX
López Obrador adelantó que el encuentro será en 10 días y se convocará a todas las naciones expulsoras de migrantes. Por Carlos Lara Moreno | Reportero                                     Ante la crisis migratoria que se registra en el país; México convocará a una reunión de cancilleres de países expulsores de personas para analizar está problemática. En conferencia de prensa, López Obrador…
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timriva-blog · 1 year
México y las políticas de criminalización hacia los migrantes del norte de Centroamérica
  Escrito por Guillermo Castillo Ramírez Por muchos años se pensó en México como un país expulsor de migrantes. Un territorio del que, sobre todo por cuestiones económicas y desde diferentes regiones del país (especialmente del occidente), emigraban sin documentos miles de personas anualmente y se dirigían a Estados Unidos, donde había salarios reales mucho más altos. No obstante, esta narrativa…
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Exper Zenon Online fácil
Assistir Filme Exper Zenon Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/exper-zenon/
Exper Zenon - Filmes Online Fácil
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Zenno, um mestre jogador, foi oferecido a chance de jogar o jogo recém-liberado, expulsores. Mas quando uma garota nua aparece em sua sala de aula para dar-lhe seu terno se adequar, completo com superpoderadores reais, ele aprende que os expansão não é apenas um simples jogo de computador - é um pvp de matança de vida real ou mortal (jogador versus Jogador) jogo. Apenas o personagem principal do jogo pode sobreviver até o final - mas quem é o personagem principal? E, talvez mais importante, quem está controlando o jogo?
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mateo393 · 4 years
herramientas taller mecanico 
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allaboutblackmetal · 5 years
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Expulser - The Unholy One (1992). Classic black/death metal in the vein of Sarcofago mixed with their own style. Mandatory! #southamericanblackmetal #brazillianblackmetal #blackmetal #trueblackmetal #cultblackmetal #blackmetalcult #expulsor #sarcofago #oldschoolblackmetal #allaboutblackmetal ##blackmetalcult #werewolfrecords #satyr #blackmetalrecommendations #cogumelo #listentblackmetal #iloveblackmetal #blackmetalsearch https://www.instagram.com/p/B4q6NDMg67m/?igshid=4bhombysjpch
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theprissythumbelina · 2 years
Hi, I'm back!!!
Hit me with a piece of Military Hardware, which doesn't necessarily have to be a weapon, that caused a massive change in tactics and doctrine across militaries when it was released?
Hello! I do love your asks, somehow they always managed to hit on something I was trying to work out already.
I have two actually, the aeroplane and the expulsor. Both are used in conjunction with a witch's natural talents.
The aeroplane is a construction of metal and magic, more of a vehicle than a weapon. These planes are capable of powered flight, with a tiny pair of jets and limited fuel supply. Originally developed as recreation, the Ritanian military quickly realized that the barely-useful aeroplanes became swift, agile, long-ranged tools when paired with a wind mage. The witch sits in the second seat, manipulating currents and drafts in conjunction with the pilot's control of the plane. The distance and speed of an aeroplane depends on the strength of the witch inside, with some rumored to have flown over the capital city of Bresia. Unfortunately, aeroplane pairs have high attrition rates, since most any impact with the ground tends to be fatal.
The aeroplane is responsible for major advancements in intelligence, as pilots are able to scout behind enemy lines, directing the field of battle and cutting off supply lines with precision. Areoplane squadrons are usually the first to enter an area, and the resulting dogfights are fierce, brief, and bloody. Since wind witches can sense another manipulating the winds currents, they hunt down each other, sending other planes crashing to the ground with a sudden downdraft. By the time ground troops move in, the field of battle may be littered with remains of both sides, slowing movement, but giving the air victor a huge advantage.
The expulsor is a weapon, through and through. Fire mages are outfitted with these packs of fuel and combustible gases for disastrous effect in close combat situations. The pack is worn on the witch's back, with a heat-resistant tubing linked to their dominant arm below the elbow, ending just past the wrist. In the non-dominant hand, the witch wears a button that pushes fuel out from the pack, and literally into the witch's waiting hand. Depending on the mixtures used, fire from this weapon can soften metal, or spark the explosion of an entire building. Witches with a touch of finess can control the blast as if it were a part of them, directing fire around allies and into the barrels of rapidguns, but only so long as the fuel burns.
Fire witches and their expulsors are exterminators on the battlefield. Expulsors took a dangerous type of witch and made them nearly atomic. Entire trench lines can be pumped full of oderless fuel, only to light with a snap of the fire witch's fingers. In urban warfare a fire mage can roast entire platoons without ever being seen. As the war rages on and supplies back home begin to dwindle, fire witches are used more and more to decimate urban battlefields, with high civilian casualties and the leveling of cities. The use of the expulsor has given new meaning to the term "scorched earth". However, this power comes at a high cost. Fire witches are second only to air mages in casualty rates, but by far the leader in combat fatigue. The power generated from the expulsor can easily overwhelm a witch. When a fire witch loses control, everything and everyone nearby burns. There are rumors on all sides of witches being used as walking explosives, but platoon commanders squash these whenever they are heard.
Incidentally, Alyss is a fire witch, and was outfitted with an expulsor during her service. She will tell you that, while sitting in a metal cockpit in the sky seems like torture, air mages have the luxury of never seeing their enemies' faces; fire witches do not.
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interretialia · 5 years
Suffixa Nominum Agentium Sunt “-tor” et “-trix” neque “-or” et “-rix” / The Agent Noun Suffixes Are “-tor” and “-trix” and Not “-or” and “-rix”
There is the common idea that -or and -rix are the agent-noun-forming suffixes in Latin. In this essay I explain why exactly we should consider -tor and -trix the proper forms of Latin’s agent-noun-forming suffixes.
(The original version of this essay is here.)
Apparent Formation Procedures
Problems with the Apparent Formation Procedures
Feminine Agent Nouns Differ
No or Different Perfect Participles
-or and -rix Are Not Independent
No Real Derivational Link
What All This Means
Why the Suffixes Are Actually -tor and -trix
The Suffixes with Verb Stems and Roots
Verb-Suffix Interactions
Structure of Suffixes
“Families” of Suffixes
Suffixes, Parts of Verbs, and Actual Procedures
Stems Ending in Long -a-, -e-, -i-
Roots with Added Short -i-
Roots with Added Long -i-
U-Final Stems and Roots
Other Vowel-Final Roots
Consonant-Final Roots: Overview
Consonant-Final Roots: No Phonetic Changes
Consonant-Final Roots: Phonetic Change Types
Consonant-Final Roots: More about Assimilation
Consonant-Final Roots: S-Initial Suffixes
Consonant-Final Roots: The -tr- Combination
Analogical Forms with Short -i-
Compound Suffixes
Verb Roots Not Easily Discernible
What the Phonetic Concepts and Examples Show
My Idea Explains the Material Better
Examples of Words Which We Can Create
1. Apparent Formation Procedures
The Latin language has many nouns that denote the agent of an action. Examples of such words appear below (and throughout this article) in red:
altrix, “nourisher,” “one who nourishes”;
amator, “lover,” “one who loves”;
auditor, “hearer,” “one who hears”;
victrix, “winner,” “victress,” “one who is victorious.”
The agent nouns that end in -or are mostly masculine, but a few like auctor can be masculine or feminine. Those that end in -rix are all feminine.
The four agent nouns which I cited above appear to have been created by removing the -us ending of a perfect participle (p.p.) and then adding either -or or -rix to the base of the perfect participle which ends in -t. So:
altrix = alt- (from altus, p.p. of alere, “to nourish”) + -rix;
amator = amat- (from amatus, p.p. of amare, “to love”) + -or;
auditor = audit- (from auditus, p.p. of audire, “to hear”) + -or;
victrix = vict- (from victus, p.p. of vincere, “to conquer”) + -rix.
Other agent nouns appear to have been created in the same way:
actor and actrix, “driver,” “one who drives,”
actor = act- (from actus, p.p. of agere, “to drive”) + -or,
actrix = act- (from actus, p.p. of agere, “to drive”) + -rix;
rector and rectrix, “leader,” “one who leads,”
rector = rect- (from rectus, p.p. of regere, “to lead”) + -or,
rectrix = rect- (from rectus, p.p. of regere, “to lead”) + -rix.
When the base of a perfect participle ends in -s instead of -t, the -or appears to have been added to that base of that participle in the same way as usual, and so the masculine agent noun has an -s- before -or instead of -t. Moreover, the feminine agent nouns corresponding to these masculine agent nouns ending in -sor appear to have been created the same way as the other feminine agent nouns in -rix, except a -t- was added either because of euphony or because there is a -t- in words like altrix and victrix.
defensor and defenstrix, “defender,” “one who defends,”
defensor = defens- (from defensus, p.p. of defendere, “to defend”) + -or,
defenstrix = defens- (from defensus, p.p. of defendere, “to defend”) + -t- + -rix;
tonsor and tonstrix, “shearer,” “one who shears,”
tonsor = tons- (from tonsus, p.p. of tondere, “to shear”) + -or,
tonstrix = tons- (from tonsus, p.p. of tondere, “to shear”) + -t- + -rix.
We may ask ourselves: “What do the Latin grammarians themselves have to say about the formation of such agent nouns?” We can cite the Late Latin grammarian Priscian, who discusses this subject in the Partitiones:
Fac nomen verbale a participio praeteriti temporis. Armator et armatrix. Cur? Quia omnia participia praeteriti temporis us in or convertentia faciunt nomen verbale in omni coniugatione masculinum ex quo iterum or in rix mutantes facimus femininum, nisi euphonia, id est sonus, prohibeat, quod evenit in illis quae in sor desinunt ut pransor, cursor, tonsor. Nemo enim dicit pransrix, cursrix, tonsrix, propter asperitatem pronuntiationis. Unde et Terentius tonstrina dixit euphoniae causa addens contra regulam t. sicut enim a doctore doctrina consonantes eas habuit quas suum primitivum, sic debuit etiam tonstrina absque t esse nisi sonoritas coegisset. Defenstrix quoque Cicero in Timaeo protulit addita t.
Make a verbal noun from the perfect participle. Armator and armatrix. Why? Because all perfect participles, when converting -us to -or, make a masculine verbal noun in every conjugation, from which, in turn, when changing -or to -trix, we make a feminine one, unless euphony, in other words sound, prevents it, which happens in those nouns which end in -sor, as pransor, cursor, tonsor. For no one says pransrix, cursrix, tonsrix on account of the harshness of pronunciation. Because of this Terence even said tonstrina, adding -t- against the rule for the sake of euphony. For just as doctrina had gotten from doctor those consonants which its primitive had, so tonstrina also should have been without a -t- if sound had not made it a necessity. Cicero produced the word defenstrix also in the Timaeus after adding a -t-.
This passage shows us that Priscian basically agrees with the formation procedures which I discussed above. He, however, promotes the particular view that the -or nouns are created from the perfect participles of verbs while the -rix nouns are in turn created from the -or ones in the following ways:
pransor and pranstrix, “one who eats breakfast,” where
pransor came from pransus (p.p. of prandere, “to have breakfast”), and
pranstrix came from pransor;
cursor and curstrix, “runner,” where
cursor came from cursus (p.p. of currere, “to run”), and
curstrix came from cursor;
tonsor and tonstrix, “shearer,” where
tonsor came from tonsus (p.p. of tondere, “to shear”), and
tonstrix came from tonsor.
In any case, this “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” idea appears to be accurate in describing the creation of these agent nouns in Latin.
2. Problems with the Apparent Formation Procedures
That “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” idea is neat, tidy, straightforward—and wrong. I see four major problems with it.
2.A. Feminine Agent Nouns Differ
First, that idea cannot account for the forms of feminine agent nouns when both the corresponding masculine agent nouns and the corresponding participial bases show -s- or -ss- while the feminine agent nouns themselves do not also show that letter or letter combination. Some examples are:
assestrix, “assessor,” but we also have
assessor, and
assessus, p.p. of assidere, “to sit near”;
expultrix, “expeller,” but we also have
expulsor, and
expulsus, p.p. of expellere, “to expel”;
possestrix, “possessor,” but we also have
possessor, and
possessus, p.p. of possidere, “to possess.”
Since we have assessor and assessus, and possessor and possessus, the “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” idea tells us that we surely should have *assesstrix and *possesstrix instead of the existing words assestrix and possestrix. In reality, however, feminine agent nouns never end in -sstrix. While the “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” idea can account for repulstrix (the feminine of repulsor, corresponding to the perfect participle repulsus, from repellere, “to repel”), it cannot explain the feminine agent noun expultrix when the masculine agent noun expulsor and the perfect participle expulsus (from expellere, “to expel”) indicate an *expulstrix.
2.B. No or Different Perfect Participles
The second problem with the “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” idea is that it cannot account for agent nouns which either a) come from verbs that lack perfect participles or b) have different letters corresponding to the final letters of the bases of perfect participles. Some examples are:
converritor, “one who sweeps together,” where
*converritus is implied, but
conversus is the p.p. of converrere, “to sweep together”;
bibitor, “drinker,” where
*bibitus is implied, but
there is no p.p. of bibere, “to drink”;
delitor, “obliterator,” where
delitus is implied, but
deletus is the usual p.p. of delere, “to obliterate”;
favitor, “supporter,” where
*favitus is implied, but
there is no p.p. of favere, “to support,” although
fautum is the verb’s accusative supine;
fugitor, “one who flees,” where
*fugitus is implied, but
there is no p.p. of fugere, “to flee”;
libritor, “hurler,” where
*libritus is implied, but
libratus is the p.p. of librare, “to hurl.”
The “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” idea fails once again because bibere and fugere lack perfect participles, and so there is no base to which -or and -rix can attach. Converrere and librare have the participles conversus and libratus, respectively, not *converritus and *libritus, as converritor and libritor seem to suggest according to the “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” idea. Although delere does have the participle form delitus, it is by no means as commonly used as the typical form deletus. Favere does not have a perfect participle, so there is again a lack of a base to which -or and -rix can attach. But it is astounding that favere provides us with the agent nouns fautor and favitor, the former suggesting an imaginary perfect participle *fautus, which looks similar to fautum, the verb’s actual accusative supine.
Two other words are relevant here:
meretrix, “courtesan,” where
*meretus is implied, but
meritus is the p.p. of merere, “to merit”;
obstetrix, “midwife,” where
*obstetus is implied, but
there is no p.p. of obstare, “to stand before,” although
obstatum is the verb’s accusative supine.
These also either come from verbs that lack perfect participles or have different letters corresponding to the final letters of the bases of perfect participles. Merere uses the perfect participle meritus, not meretus as meretrix seems to suggest. I could not find an attestation for *obstatus as the perfect participle of obstare, but the accusative supine is obstatum and not *obstetum as one might think after looking at obstetrix and using the “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” idea to suggest a participle *obstetus. What is also interesting about the words meretrix and obstetrix is that they lack masculine forms in -or. These two words are relevant to professions that were restricted to women, so it is not likely that the masculine words existed. If such masculine words in fact did not ever exist, then these two words in -rix were created on their own without corresponding words in -or. The independent creation of these words goes against Priscian’s particular view of the “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” idea which says that the feminine agent nouns in -rix derive from the masculine ones in -or.
2.C. -or and -rix Are Not Independent
A third problem with the “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” idea is that it cannot account for the lack of clear uses of -or and -rix as entirely independent suffixes. Whenever these suffixes appear, some form of -t- or -s- (even hidden in the combination -x-) always appears right before them.
While we do have the agent nouns actor, possestrix, and converritor, we do not have *agor, *possidrix, or *converror, which we would expect to exist if the suffixes were independent. The latter three forms are not entirely farfetched when we consider that another suffix which also appears to be attached to participial bases, -io, can even be attached to the present stems of verbs. For example, regere, “to lead,” yields both rectio, “a guiding,” and regio, “a direction.” Agent nouns like *regor and *regrix therefore seem plausible, but they are not found. We have just the words rector and rectrix.
One might argue that ludor is indeed an agent noun which was created by attaching the (apparently) independent agent-noun-forming suffix -or to the present stem of the verb ludere. There are good reasons to reject this claim, however. The passage in which this ludor appears (Schol. ad Iuven. 6, 105) is unclear and doubtful. There is also the issue of whether the word actually comes from ludere. It may well derive from the noun ludus, which appears in the phrase in ludo which appears in the passage. Even if the word did come from ludere, there is the possibility that the -or is not the agent-noun-forming suffix at all. There is a suffix -or that is attached to the roots or present stems of verbs, but it is entirely different from the agent-noun-forming suffix because it forms abstract nouns, as seen in amor, “love,” from amare, “to love.” Ludor looks less like an agent noun and more like an abstract noun that means “play” or “playing.” These uncertainties concerning the suffixal identity and meaning of this ludor are enough to reject it as a clear example of -or as an independent agent-noun-forming suffix.
We have seen the suffixes -or and -rix appear in agent nouns which derive from verbs, but we should understand that they also appear in agent nouns which derive from nominal stems. When these suffixes interact with nominal stems, they never appear just as -or and -rix. They actually all have -t-:
ficitor, “fig planter” (from ficus, “fig”);
funditor, “slinger” (from funda, “sling”);
ianitor, “gatekeeper” (from ianus, “covered passageway”);
ianitrix, “gatekeeper” (from ianus, “covered passageway”);
olivitor, “olive tree planter” (from oliva, “olive”).
We do not find agent nouns like *ficor, *fundor, and *iantrix. We would surely expect these forms, or forms like it, if -or and -rix were independent suffixes attached to parts of words which are not participial bases.
Someone could argue that ficitor, funditor, ianitrix, and the others were not created by adding the suffixes to nominal bases, but actually came from attested, unattested, or imagined denominative verbs just like these three:
finitor, “limiter” (from finire, “to limit,” from finis);
gladiator, “gladiator” (from *gladiare, “to wield a sword,” from gladius);
viator, “traveller” (from viare, “to travel,” from via).
And yet there is a difference between these three agent nouns and the ones in the group which includes ficitor, funditor, and ianitrix. In finitor, gladiator, and viator, the i or a before the -tor part is long, indicating the long stem vowels used in the denominative-verb-forming suffixes -are and -ire:
finīre = fini- + denominative-verb-forming suffix -ī-re;
*gladiāre = gladio- + denominative-verb-forming suffix -ā-re;
viāre = via- + denominative-verb-forming suffix -ā-re.
Ficitor, funditor, ianitrix, and the others have a short i before the -tor part, and this -i- corresponds to no stem vowel used in any of the denominative-verb-forming suffixes. Instead, this -i- is a connecting vowel that is also sometimes found before other consonant-initial derivational suffixes which are added to nouns, as seen in words like Ianiculum (broken down into Ian-i-culum), from Ianus, and olivitas (broken down into oliv-i-tas), from oliva.
2.D. No Real Derivational Link
Finally, the “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” idea cannot explain how there is any derivational link between the agent nouns formed from these -or and -rix suffixes and the corresponding perfect participles from which those agent nouns derive. This is the case whether we want to look at this alleged derivational link either in terms of semantics or morphology.
Let us look at the semantic aspect first. While deponent verbs typically do have active perfect participles (e.g., locutus, “having spoken”), non-deponent verbs have perfect participles which are passive (e.g., amatus, “having been loved”), and yet the agent nouns always have active or causative meanings but never passive meanings. Thus, for example, the active participle locutus seems to correspond to the active-in-meaning locutor, but the passive amatus does not correspond to the active-in-meaning amator. Moreover, locutor cannot mean “he who is spoken of,” nor can amator mean “he who is loved.” The temporal significance between the agent nouns and the participles also do not match. The words do not mean, respectively, “he who has been spoken of” and “he who has been loved,” according to the perfect-tense meaning of the participles. The agent noun suffixes then have semantic meanings which are irrelevant to the significance of the perfect participles.
Now let us consider the morphological aspect. Although -or can be added to the stem of a perfect participle such that the stem vowel -o- is elided to form a typical agent noun, things are not so tidy when -rix is added to the stem of a perfect participle. When suffixes beginning with consonants are added to o-stem nouns and adjectives, there is typically a connecting vowel between the remaining part of the stem of the noun or adjective and the suffix. Thus, for example, amato- and -or can plausibly yield amator (i.e., amat-or, -o- elided), but amato- and -rix would yield *amaterix (i.e., amato-rix, -o- becoming -e- before -r-). The combination -eri- is entirely allowable in Latin (e.g., aperis), and so there would not be any need for a euphonic -t- in words like tonstrix. Neither Latin phonetics in general nor the “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” idea itself offers any rationale for that lack of -e-.
2.E. What All This Means
What then do these four problems suggest to us? My argument here is that this “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” idea must be rejected because the suffixes in Latin are not actually -or and -rix. The suffixes are in fact -tor and -trix. I shall now cite several ways to show that this is the case.
3. Why the Suffixes Are Actually -tor and -trix
That -t- element is historically a part of the suffixes -tor and -trix. Agentive nouns in Indo-European ended in either -tor or -ter (see: Miller, Latin Suffixal Derivatives in English, section 3.7). The -ter version appears in Latin within the words mater, pater, and frater, but the -tor became the basis of the -tor and -trix suffixes. Figuring out where the suffixes came from is simple enough, but in order to show that the suffixes are actually -tor and -trix, I must show how the Romans actually used them to form words.
3.A. The Suffixes with Verb Stems and Roots
Let us begin by becoming acquainted with the types of word parts to which the Romans typically attached these suffixes. While it was possible in Latin to add the agent-forming suffixes -tor or -trix to nominal stems, the suffixes were much more usually added to verb stems and roots, hence the large class of verb-derived words which includes altrix, amator, auditor, and victrix.
In theory, any verb could interact with the suffixes to produce agent nouns in -tor and -trix, but according to a formal understanding of “agent,” only eventive verbs whose semantics allow for an agent noun can produce such words, while stative and unaccusative verbs cannot produce them because they do not have agents (Miller, Latin Suffixal Derivatives in English, section 3.7). Even so, it is difficult to determine whether the Romans themselves consciously classified verbs in such ways or viewed the idea of “agent” so narrowly instead of interpreting the agent nouns in -tor and -trix simply as “individual who relates to the verbal notion of the word from which it derives.” (In fact, as we have seen, Priscian refers to each of these words as a nomen verbale, “verbal noun,” rather than, say, a nomen agentis, “agent noun.” Moreover, Priscian’s omnia participia description suggests that any verb can interact with the agent noun suffixes.) This looser understanding of “agent” is sufficient when analyzing any agent noun in -tor or trix. This helps us analyze a word like senator (“he who is a magistrate in the senate”) whose base word, senatus, suggests a more obvious stative notion (i.e., *senare, “to be a magistrate in the senate”) than an eventive one. It also allows us to work with non-eventive verbs to produce words like *sordetor or *sorditor (“one who is filthy,” from sordere), *putetor or *putretor (“rotter,” from putere and putrere, respectively), *collapsor (“collapser,” from collabi), *exsistitor (“ariser,” from exsistitere), and even *futor (“one who exists,” from esse).
3.B. Verb-Suffix Interactions
The true nature of the -tor and -trix suffixes will become clear once I have explained how they actually interacted with their respective verbs to create the various agent nouns. Such interactions involve three important concepts:
the structure of the suffixes themselves,
the relationship between these suffixes and several other suffixes, and
the actual parts of the verbs to which these suffixes are added.
I shall explain all three of these in detail below.
3.B.a. Structure of Suffixes
First, we should get to understand the structure of the suffixes themselves. While it is the case that the suffixes are exactly -tor and -trix, the Romans used them in such a way that they are bipartite in a certain sense—they comprise the -or and -rix elements on the one hand, and the -t- section on the other hand. That bipartite nature, however, does not imply that the two parts are wholly discrete or independent. The parts are ultimately indivisible because each part relies on the existence of the other. The -or and -rix elements themselves have no meaning at all and need their initial -t- to be complete, and the -t- element cannot stand alone nor can it readily function as an infix. That bipartite nature of the suffixes explains Priscian’s misinterpretation of their forms. He mistakingly interprets that nature as implying that the two parts of the suffixes are entirely separate entities.
The -t- section of the suffixes in fact was used as a linguistic marker common to the perfect-participle-forming suffix -tus. What this means is that -or and -rix are not separate extensions of the bases of perfect participles, as Priscian and others believe, but rather the suffixes are -tor and -trix and are parallel to the suffix -tus, which is involved in the creation of those participles.
3.B.b. “Families” of Suffixes
Next, we must understand the relationship between the suffixes -tor and -trix and several other suffixes. The -tor and -trix, and even the perfect-participle-forming -tus, are members of a “family” of t-initial suffixes that were regularly attached to the same parts of verbs to create different sorts of words. Some important members of this “family” of suffixes are:
-tus, creating the perfect participle, e.g., amatus from amare;
-tum, creating the supine, e.g., amatum from amare;
-turus, creating the future active participle, e.g., amaturus from amare;
-tor, creating the masculine agent noun, e.g., amator from amare;
-trix, creating the feminine agent noun, e.g., amatrix from amare;
-tus, creating a noun denoting action or result, e.g., ornatus from onare;
-tio, creating a noun denoting quality, e.g., amatio from amare;
-tura, creating a noun denoting result, e.g., creatura from creare;
-turire, creating a desiderative verb, e.g., amaturire from amare;
-tare, creating an intensive or iterative verb, e.g., iactare from iacere;
-tivus, creating a verbal adjective, e.g., indicativus from indicare;
-tim, creating an adverb, e.g., certatim from certare;
-trum, creating a noun denoting instrument, e.g., aratrum from arare;
-trina, creating a noun denoting activity or locality, e.g., lavatrina from lavare.
When these suffixes are added to certain parts of a verb, they produce the corresponding verb-derived forms and words in the follow ways:
ama- + -tus → amatus;
ama- + -tum → amatum;
ama- + -turus → amaturus;
ama- + -tor → amator;
ama- + -trix → amatrix;
and so on.
It is crucial that we notice that these suffixes were all added to the same particular part of their respective verb to create those forms and words.
Various sorts of phonetic changes occurred to produce an s-initial variant of this “family” of suffixes, and this variant is used for certain verbs. Thus, for example, the verb manere, “to remain,” uses suffixes that begin with -s-:
man- + -sus → mansus;
man- + -sum → mansum;
man- + -surus → mansurus;
man- + -sor → mansor;
man- + -sio → mansio.
3.B.c. Suffixes, Parts of Verbs, and Actual Procedures
Let us now study the third important concept: the question of which actual parts of the verbs Latin uses when adding on these suffixes. It turns out that these suffixes are not added indiscriminately to verb stems and roots. On the contrary, there is a complex system of interaction between these word-forming suffixes and verbs. The next few sections provide explanations of the actual procedures of how such interaction occurs. A complete list of the minutiae relevant to these procedures would be very long, but there are some typical key facts which we should learn about and then keep in mind.
3.B.c.i. Stems Ending in Long -a-, -e-, -i-
The members of the “family” of t-initial suffixes are simply added to the stems of most verbs of the first conjugation, a few verbs of the second conjugation, and many verbs of the fourth conjugation, and the long stem vowels, a and e and i, remain unchanged before the suffixes:
amare, “to love,” stem ama-, which yields
ama- + -tus → amatus,
ama- + -turus → amaturus,
ama- + -tor → amator,
ama- + -trix → amatrix;
complere, “to fulfill,” stem comple-, which yields
comple- + -tus → completus,
comple- + -turus → completurus,
comple- + -tor → completor,
comple- + -tio → completio;
finire, “to limit,” stem fini-, which yields
fini- + -tus → finitus,
fini- + -turus → finiturus,
fini- + -tor → finitor,
fini- + -tio → finitio.
3.B.c.ii. Roots with Added Short -i-
For some verbs, a short -i- appears after the root of the verbs, and then those members of the “family” of t-initial suffixes appear after that vowel:
domare, “to tame,” stem domare, root DOM, which yields
DOM + -i- + -tus → domitus,
DOM + -i- + -turus → domiturus,
DOM + -i- + -tor → domitor,
DOM + -i- + -trix → domitrix;
monere, “to warn,” stem mone-, root MON, which yields
MON + -i- + -tus → monitus,
MON + -i- + -turus → moniturus,
MON + -i- + -tor → monitor,
MON + -i- + -tio → monitio.
3.B.c.iii. Roots with Added Long -i-
For some verbs which are not of the fourth conjugation, a long -i- appears before the suffixes, on the analogy of the usual fourth-conjugation verbs:
cupere, “to desire,” stem cupe-, root CUP, which yields
CUP + -i- + -tus → cupitus,
CUP + -i- + -turus → cupiturus,
CUP + -i- + -tor → cupitor;
petere, “to seek,” stem pete-, root PET, which yields
PET + -i- + -tus → petitus,
PET + -i- + -turus → petiturus,
PET + -i- + -tor → petitor,
PET + -i- + -tio → petitio.
3.B.c.iv. U-Final Stems and Roots
In third-conjugation verbs made from u-stem nouns, and primary verbs whose roots end in -u-, the suffixes are added, and the -u- appears long:
statuere, “to set up,” stem statue-, root STATU, which yields
STATU + -tus → statutus,
STATU + -turus → statuturus,
STATU + -tio → statutio;
suere, “to sew,” stem sue-, root SU, which yields
SU + -tus → sutus,
SU + -turus → suturus,
SU + -tor → sutor,
SU + -tura → sutura;
tribuere, “to allot,” stem tribue-, root TRIBU, which yields
TRIBU + -tus → tributus,
TRIBU + -turus → tributurus,
TRIBU + -tor → tributor,
TRIBU + -tio → tributio.
3.B.c.v. Other Vowel-Final Roots
Verb roots ending in a vowel other than -u- may keep that vowel or change it (i.e., by weakening it to another vowel), and then add the suffixes:
dare, “to give,” stem da-, root DA, which yields
DA + -tum → datum,
DA + -turus → daturus,
DA + -tor → dator;
ire, “to go,” stem i-, roots EI and I, which yields
I + -tum → itum,
I + -turus → iturus,
I + -tare → itare;
prodere, “to betray,” stem prode-, root PRODA, which yields
PRODA + -tus → *prodatus → proditus,
PRODA + -turus → *prodaturus → proditurus,
PRODA + -tor → *prodator → proditor,
PRODA + -trix → *prodatrix → proditrix;
praestare, “to give,” stem praesta-, root PRAESTA, which yields
PRAESTA + -tum → *praestatum → praestitum,
PRAESTA + -turus → *praestaturus → praestiturus,
PRAESTA + -tor → *praestator → praestitor.
3.B.c.vi. Consonant-Final Roots: Overview
When the suffixes are added to verb roots ending in a consonant, various consonant-based phonetic changes may or may not occur within the verb root and the suffixes. These phonetic changes, when they do occur, involve one or more of the consonants of the root and the first letter of the suffixes.
3.B.c.vii. Consonant-Final Roots: No Phonetic Changes
Here are some examples of consonant-final verbs for which the addition of the suffixes does not produce consonant-based phonetic changes:
capere, “to take,” stem cape-, root CAP, which yields
CAP + -tus → captus,
CAP + -turus → capturus,
CAP + -tor → captor,
CAP + -tio → captio;
ducere, “to lead,” stem duce-, root DUC, which yields
DUC + -tus → ductus,
DUC + -turus → ducturus,
DUC + -tor → ductor,
DUC + -tio → ductio.
3.B.c.viii. Consonant-Final Roots: Phonetic Change Types
When phonetic changes do occur, they can be of various types. Some especially important and typical types of phonetic changes are:
assimilation of consonants (i.e., sounds becoming more similar), e.g.,
FRAG (root of frangere, “to break”) + -tus → fractus,
SCRIB (root of scribere, “to write”) + -tus → scriptus;
loss of letters, e.g.,
TORCV (root of torquere, “to twist”) + -tus → *torcutus → tortus,
SPARG (root of spargere, “to scatter”) + -sus → *spargsus → sparsus;
addition of letters, e.g.,
EM (root of emere, “to buy”) + -p- + -tus → emptus,
CONTEM (root of contemnere, “to despise”) + -p- + -tus → contemptus;
metathesis (i.e., rearrangement of letters), e.g.,
MISC (root of miscere, “to mix”) + -tus → *misctus → mixtus,
STER (root of sternere, “to spread”) + -tus → *stertus → stratus;
change from [q]u/v to u, e.g.,
LOQU (root of loqui, “to talk”) + -tus → *loqutus → locutus,
VOLV (root of volvere, “to roll”) + -tus → *volvtus → volutus;
suppletion (i.e., use of different roots), e.g.,
FU (root of esse, “to be”) + -turus → futurus,
TLA (root of ferre, “to bear”) + -tus → *tlatus → latus;
-c- or -g- and -s- combining into -x-, e.g.,
FIG (root of figere, “to fix”) + -sus → *figsus → fixus,
NEC (root of nectere, “to weave”) + -sus → *necsus → nexus;
combinations of any of the above, e.g.,
FLUGV (root of fluere, “to flow”) + -sus → *flugvsus → *flugsus → fluxus,
PLAG (root of plangere, “to beat”) + -n- + -tus → *plangtus → planctus,
STRUGV (root of struere, “to build”) + -tus → *strugvtus → *strugtus → structus,
TUD (root of tundere, “to beat”) + -n- + -tus → *tundtus → *tunssus → tunsus,
VID (root of videre, “to see”) + -tus → *vidtus → *vissus → visus.
3.B.c.ix. Consonant-Final Roots: More about Assimilation
Among these phonetic change types, assimilation is an especially notable one not only because of its ubiquity, but also because of the apparently drastic changes in sounds which occur. So, for example, a -g- becomes -c- before -t-, but this apparently strange sort of change is natural because a voiced mute becomes unvoiced when it appears before another unvoiced mute. Moreover, the loss of a letter or letters may accompany assimilation. So, -ss- (which came about from the assimiliation of consonants) is often simplified to just -s-. Here are some examples which feature the relevant phonetic changes:
agere, “to drive,” stem age-, root AG, which yields
AG + -tus → *agtus → actus,
AG + -turus → *agturus → acturus,
AG + -tor → *agtor → actor,
AG + -tio → *agtio → actio;
caedere, “to cut,” stem caede-, root CAED, which yields
CAED + -tus → *caedtus → *caessus → caesus,
CAED + -turus → *caedturus → *caessurus → caesurus,
CAED + -tor → *caedtor → *caessor → caesor,
CAED + -tio → *caedtio → *caessio → caesio;
possidere, “to possess,” stem posside-, root POSSID, which yields
POSSID + -tus → *possidtus → *possissus → possessus,
POSSID + -turus → *possidturus → *possissurus → possessurus,
POSSID + -tor → *possidtor → *possissor → possessor,
POSSID + -tio → *possidtio → *possissio → possessio;
regere, “to direct,” stem rege-, root REG, which yields
REG + -tus → *regtus → rectus,
REG + -turus → *regturus → recturus,
REG + -tor → *regtor → rector,
REG + -trix → *regtrix → rectrix;
scribere, “to write,” stem scribe-, root SCRIB, which yields
SCRIB + -tus → *scribtus → scriptus,
SCRIB + -turus → *scribturus → scripturus,
SCRIB + -tor → *scribtor → scriptor,
SCRIB + -tura → *scribtura → scriptura;
videre, “to see,” stem vide-, root VID, which yields
VID + -tus → *vidtus → *vissus → visus,
VID + -turus → *vidturus → *vissurus → visurus,
VID + -tor → *vidtor → *vissor → visor,
VID + -tio → *vidtio → *vissio → visio.
3.B.c.x. Consonant-Final Roots: S-Initial Suffixes
Because of the ubiquity of the change of the initial -t- of the suffixes to -s- through assimilation, there was produced the s-initial variants of the “family” of suffixes. These s-initial variants, much like the original t-initial ones, are liable to bring about other types of phonetic change. Some examples of verbs which use these s-initial variants are:
censere, “to assess,” stem cense-, root CENS, which yields
CENS + -sus → *censsus → census,
CENS + -surus → *censsurus → censurus,
CENS + -sor → *censsor → censor,
CENS + -sio → *censsio → censio;
fallere, “to deceive,” stem falle-, root FAL, which yields
FAL + -sus → falsus,
FAL + -surus → falsurus,
FAL + -sor → falsor,
FAL + -sum → falsum;
figere, “to fix,” stem fige-, root FIG, which yields
FIG + -sus → *figsus → fixus,
FIG + -surus → *figsurus → fixurus,
FIG + -sor → *figsor → -fixor in crucifixor,
FIG + -sura → *figsura → fixura.
3.B.c.xi. Consonant-Final Roots: The -tr- Combination
There is one notable combination of consonants in which one consonant keeps another consonant from changing. Latin does not allow a -t- to become -s- when an ­-r- appears immediately after that -t-. We can see this when the stems equit- and -tri- produced equestri-, the stem of equester, instead of equessri-. Due to such phonetic behavior, in the formation of derivative words, the final letters of a root may change before members of this “family” of t-initial suffixes, but the -tr- part which appears in members of this “family” (e.g., -trix, -trina, and -trum) does not change to -sr-.
edere, “to eat,” stem ede-, root ED, which yields
ED + -tor → *edtor → *essor → esor,
ED + -trix → *edtrix → estrix;
pinsere, “to bruise,” stem pinse-, root PIS, which yields
PIS + -tor → pistor,
PIS + -n- + -tor → *pinstor → *pinssor → pinsor,
PIS + -trina → pistrina;
radere, “to shave,” stem rade-, root RAD, which yields
RAD + -tor → *radtor → *rassor → rasor,
RAD + -trum → *radtrum → rastrum.
3.B.c.xii. Analogical Forms with Short -i-
Words like domare and monere are the basis of the analogy where a connecting vowel -i- appears between the present stem of a verb and one of the members of a “family” of t-initial suffixes. This irregular and optional procedure can apply even if the suffixes normally attach to different parts of a particular verb, or if the verb does not normally even use the suffixes at all.
agere, “to drive,” stem age-, root AG, which yields
age- + -i- + -tare → agitare;
converrere, “to sweep together,” stem converre-, root CONVERS, which yields
converr- + -i- + -tor → converritor;
pavere, “to be struck with fear,” stem pave-, root PAV, which yields
pave- + -i- + -tare → pavitare.
According to the standard rules, agere yields words like actus, actio, and actor, but this analogous procedure brought about agitare, which implies imaginary words like the participle *agitus, the supine *agitum, the agent nouns *agitor and *agitrix, and the noun *agitio. Pavere does not normally take any of these suffixes, and yet this analogical procedure has produced pavitare, which itself implies other words produced from the “family” of t-initial suffixes such as *pavitus, *pavitum, *pavitor, *pavitrix, and *pavitio.
This is the procedure which produced words like converritor and favitor. Such forms, of course, imply words like *converritus, and *favitio.
This procedure was not especially common, but it had enough productivity to move its focus of application from verb stems to noun stems, and so it produced noun-derived words like ficitor, ianitor, and olivitor.
3.B.c.xiii. Compound Suffixes
The -str- combination of letters appears so often in such derivative words that the -s- was thought to be part of the suffix, and so compound suffixes such as -strix and -strum were created though resegmentation. These suffixes were then added to the relevant stem or root of the verb.
capere, “to take,” stem cape-, root CAP, which yields
cape- + -i- + -strum → capistrum;
impellere, “to impel,” stem impelle-, root IMPUL, which yields
IMPUL + -strix → impulstrix;
monere, “to warn,” stem mone-, root MON, which yields
MON + -strum → monstrum.
The use of these compound suffixes with the verbs is not at all common. Capere, impellere, and monere would have yielded the words *captrum, *impultrix, and *montrum, respectively, according to the more typical rules.
3.B.c.xiv. Verb Roots Not Easily Discernible
Very often the root of a verb is not easily discernible from the principal parts of that verb. I have decided to include many examples of such roots here:
currere, “to run,” stem curre-, root CURS, which yields
CURS + -sum → *curssum → cursum,
CURS + -surus → *curssurus → cursurus,
CURS + -sor → *curssor → cursor,
CURS + -sio → *curssio → cursio;
emere, “to buy,” stem eme-, root EM, which yields
EM + -p- + -tus → emptus,
EM + -p- + -turus → empturus,
EM + -p- + -tor → emptor,
EM + -p- + -tio → emptio;
esse, “to be,” stem es-/s-, roots ES and FU, which yields
FU + -turus → futurus;
ferre, “to bear,” stem fer-, roots FER and TLA, which yields
TLA + -tus → *tlatus → latus,
TLA + -turus → *tlaturus → laturus,
TLA + -tura → *tlatura → latura,
TLA + -tio → *tlatio → latio;
flectere, “to bend,” stem flecte-, root FLEC, which yields
FLEC + -sus → *flecsus → flexus,
FLEC + -surus → *flecsurus → flexurus,
FLEC + -sor → *flecsor → flexor,
FLEC + -sio → *flecsio → flexio;
fluere, “to flow,” stem flue-, root FLUGV, which yields
FLUGV + -sum → *flugvsum → *flugsum → fluxum,
FLUGV + -sus → *flugvsus → *flugsus → fluxus,
FLUGV + -sura → *flugvsura → *flugsura → fluxura,
FLUGV + -sio → *flugvsio → *flugsio → fluxio;
frangere, “to break,” stem frange-, root FRAG, which yields
FRAG + -tus → *fragtus → fractus,
FRAG + -turus → *fragturus → fracturus,
FRAG + -tor → *fragtor → fractor,
FRAG + -tura → *fragtura → fractura;
fulcire, “to support,” stem fulci-, root FULC, which yields
FULC + -tus → *fulctus → fultus,
FULC + -turus → *fulcturus → fulturus,
FULC + -tor → *fulctor → fultor,
FULC + -tura → *fulctura → fultura;
gerere, “to carry,” stem gere-, root GES, which yields
GES + -tus → gestus,
GES + -turus → gesturus,
GES + -tor → gestor,
GES + -tio → gestio;
iubere, “to order,” stem iube-, root IUD, which yields
IUD + -tus → *iudtus → iussus,
IUD + -tum → *iudtum → iussum,
IUD + -turus → *iudturus → iussurus;
labi, “to slip,” stem labe-, root LAB, which yields
LAB + -sus → *labsus → lapsus,
LAB + -surus → *labsurus → lapsurus,
LAB + -sio → *labsio → lapsio;
loqui, “to talk,” stem loque-, root LOQU, which yields
LOQU + -tus → *loqutus → locutus,
LOQU + -turus → *loquturus → locuturus,
LOQU + -tor → *loqutor → locutor,
LOQU + -tio → *loqutio → locutio;
miscere, “to mix,” stem misce-, root MISC, which yields
MISC + -tus → *misctus → *micstus → mixtus,
MISC + -turus → *miscturus → *micsturus → mixturus,
MISC + -tor → *misctor → *micstor → mixtor,
MISC + -tura → *misctura → *micstura → mixtura;
mulcere, “to stroke,” stem mulce-, root MULC, which yields
MULC + -sus → *mulcsus → mulsus,
MULC + -tus → mulctus,
MULC + -tus → *mulctus → multus,
MULC + -surus → *mulcsurus → mulsurus,
MULC + -turus → mulcturus,
MULC + -turus → *mulcturus → multurus;
mulgere, “to milk,” stem mulge-, root MULG, which yields
MULG + -sus → *mulgsus → mulsus,
MULG + -tus → *mulgtus → mulctus,
MULG + -surus → *mulgsurus → mulsurus,
MULG + -turus → *mulgturus → mulcturus,
MULG + -trum → *mulgtrum → mulctrum,
MULG + -sura → *mulgsura → mulsura;
noscere, “to get to know,” stem nosce-, root NO, which yields
NO + -tus → notus,
NO + -turus → noturus,
NO + -tor → notor,
NO + -tio → notio;
pellere, “to push,” stem pelle-, root PUL, which yields
PUL + -sus → pulsus,
PUL + -surus → pulsurus,
PUL + -sor → pulsor,
PUL + -sio → pulsio;
percellere, “to beat down,” stem percelle-, root PERCUL, which yields
PERCUL + -sus → perculsus,
PERCUL + -surus → perculsurus;
pinsere, “to bruise,” stem pinse-, root PIS, which yields
PIS + -tus → pistus,
PIS + -n- + -tus → *pinstus → *pinssus → pinsus,
PIS + -n- + -i- + -tus → pinsitus,
PIS + -turus → pisturus,
PIS + -n- + -turus → *pinsturus → *pinssurus → pinsurus,
PIS + -n- + -i- + -turus → pinsiturus,
PIS + -tor → pistor,
PIS + -n- + -tor → *pinstor → *pinssor → pinsor;
plangere, “to beat,” stem plange-, root PLAG, which yields
PLAG + -n- + -tus → planctus,
PLAG + -n- + -turus → plancturus;
potare, “to drink,” stem pota-, root PO, which yields
pota- + -tus → potatus,
pota- + -turus → potaturus,
PO + -tus → potus,
PO + -tor → potor;
premere, “to press,” stem preme-, root PRES, which yields
PRES + -sus → pressus,
PRES + -surus → pressurus,
PRES + -sor → pressor,
PRES + -sura → pressura;
scire, “to know,” stem sci-, root SCI, which yields
sci- + -tum → scitum,
sci- + -turus → sciturus,
sci- + -tari → scitari;
sequi, “to follow,” stem seque-, root SEQU, which yields
SEQU + -tus → *sequtus → secutus,
SEQU + -turus → *sequturus → secuturus,
SEQU + -tor → *sequtor → secutor,
SEQU + -tio → *sequtio → secutio;
solvere, “to loosen,” stem solve-, root SOLV, which yields
SOLV + -tus → *solvtus → solutus,
SOLV + -turus → *solvturus → soluturus,
SOLV + -tor → *solvtor → solutor,
SOLV + -tio → *solvtio → solutio;
spargere, “to scatter,” stem sparge-, root SPARG, which yields
SPARG + -sus → *spargsus → sparsus,
SPARG + -surus → *spargsurus → sparsurus,
SPARG + -sor → *spargsor → sparsor,
SPARG + -sio → *spargsio → sparsio;
sternere, “to spread,” stem sterne-, root STER, which yields
STER + -tus → *stertus → stratus,
STER + -turus → *sterturus → straturus,
STER + -tor → *stertor → strator,
STER + -tura → *stertura → stratura;
struere, “to build,” stem strue-, root STRUGV, which yields
STRUGV + -tus → *strugvtus → *strugtus → structus,
STRUGV + -turus → *strugvturus → *strugturus → structurus,
STRUGV + -tor → *strugvtor → *strugtor → structor,
STRUGV + -tura → *strugvtura → *strugtura → structura;
torquere, “to twist,” stem torque-, root TORCU, which yields
TORCU + -tus → *torcutus → tortus,
TORCU + -turus → *torcuturus → torturus,
TORCU + -tor → *torcutor → tortor,
TORCU + -tura → *torcutura → tortura;
trahere, “to drag,” stem trahe-, root TRAGH, which yields
TRAGH + -tus → *traghtus → *tragtus → tractus,
TRAGH + -turus → *traghturus → *tragturus → tracturus,
TRAGH + -tor → *traghtor → *tragtor → tractor,
TRAGH + -tim → *traghtim → *tragtim → tractim;
unguere, “to anoint,” stem ungue-, root UNGV, which yields
UNGV + -tus → *ungutus → *ungtus → unctus,
UNGV + -turus → *unguturus → *ungturus → uncturus,
UNGV + -tor → *ungutor → *ungtor → unctor,
UNGV + -tio → *ungutio → *ungtio → unctio;
urere, “to burn,” stem ure-, root US, which yields
US + -tus → ustus,
US + -turus → usturus,
US + -tor → ustor,
US + -tio → ustio;
vehere, “to carry,” stem vehe-, root VEGH, which yields
VEGH + -tus → *veghtus → *vegtus → vectus,
VEGH + -turus → *veghturus → *vegturus → vecturus,
VEGH + -tor → *veghtor → *vegtor → vector,
VEGH + -tura → *veghtura → *vegtura → vectura;
vellere, “to pull,” stem velle-, root VUL, which yields
VUL + -sus → vulsus,
VUL + -surus → vulsurus,
VUL + -sor → vulsor,
VUL + -sura → vulsura;
volvere, “to roll,” stem volve-, root VOLV, which yields
VOLV + -tus → *volvtus → volutus,
VOLV + -turus → *volvturus → voluturus.
3.C. What the Phonetic Concepts and Examples Show
Having shown how the -tor and -trix suffixes interacted with their respective verbs, I believe my explanations of the phonetic concepts and my many examples should now have revealed the true nature of the suffixes.
4. My Idea Explains the Material Better
My “add -tor and -trix to verb stems and roots” idea can explain everything that the “add -or and -rix to the participial bases” one can and cannot. We should note these words and the processes through which they were formed:
assidere, “to sit near,” stem asside-, root ASSID, which yields
ASSID + -tor → *assidtor → *assissor → assessor,
ASSID + -trix → *assidtrix → *assistrix → assestrix;
expellere, “to expel,” stem expelle-, root EXPUL, which yields
EXPUL + -sor → expulsor,
EXPUL + -trix → expultrix;
possidere, “to possess,” stem posside-, root POSSID, which yields
POSSID + -tor → *possidtor → *possissor → possessor,
POSSID + -trix → *possidtrix → *possistrix → possestrix;
converrere, “to sweep together,” stem converre-, root CONVERS, which yields
converre- + -i- + -tor → converritor;
bibere, “to drink,” stem bibe-, root BIB, which yields
bibe- + -i- + -tor → bibitor;
delere, “to obliterate,” stem dele-, root DEL, which yields
dele- + -i- + -tor → delitor;
favere, “to support,” stem fave-, root FAV, which yields
fave- + -i- + -tor → favitor;
fugere, “to flee,” stem fuge-, FUG, which yields
fuge- + -i- + -tor → fugitor;
librare, “to hurl,” stem libra-, which yields
libra- + -i- + -tor → libritor;
merere, “to merit,” stem mere-, root MER, which yields
mere- + -trix → meretrix;
obstare, “to stand before,” stem obsta-, root OBSTA, which yields
OBSTA + -trix → *obstatrix → obstetrix;
ficus, “fig,” stem fico-/ficu-, which yields
fico-/ficu- + -i- + -tor → ficitor;
funda, “sling,” stem funda-, which yields
funda- + -i- + -tor → funditor;
ianus, “covered passageway,” stem iano-, which yields
iano- + -i- + -tor → ianitor,
iano- + -i- + -trix → ianitrix;
oliva, “olive,” stem oliva-, which yields
oliva- + -i- + -tor → olivitor.
My idea can also explain the forms that Priscian mentions:
armare, “to arm,” stem arma-, root ARM, which yields
arma- + -tor → armator,
arma- + -trix → armatrix;
prandere, “to have breakfast,” stem prande-, root PRAND, which yields
PRAND + -tor → *prandtor → *pranssor → pransor,
PRAND + -trix → *prandtrix → pranstrix;
currere, “to run,” stem curre-, root CURS, which yields
CURS + -sor → *curssor → cursor,
CURS + -trix → curstrix;
tondere, “to shear,” stem tonde-, root TOND, which yields
TOND + -tor → *tondtor → *tonssor → tonsor,
TOND + -trix → *tondtrix → tonstrix,
TOND + -trina → *tondtrina → tonstrina;
docere, “to teach,” stem doce-, root DOC, which yields
DOC + -tor → doctor,
DOC + -trix → doctrix,
DOC + -trina → doctrina;
defendere, “to defend,” stem defende-, root DEFEND, which yields
DEFEND + -tor → *defendtor → *defenssor → defensor,
DEFEND + -trix → *defendtrix → defenstrix.
5. Examples of Words Which We Can Create
We can use my “add -tor and -trix to verb stems and roots” idea to create the agent nouns from the other verbs. Below is a long list of agent nouns which either indeed already exist or can be produced by using my idea.
Neologisms with a † were created through a particular analogy.
alere, “to nourish,” stem ale-, root AL, which yields
AL + -tor → altor,
ale- + -i- + -tor → *†alitor,
AL + -trix → altrix,
ale- + -i- + -trix → *†alitrix;
audire, “to hear,” stem audi-, which yields
audi- + -tor → audītor,
audi- + -i- + -tor → *†audĭtor,
audi- + -trix → *audītrix,
audi- + -i- + -trix → *†audĭtrix;
bibere, “to drink,” stem bibe-, root BIB, which yields
bibe- + -i- + -tor → bibitor,
bibe- + -i- + -trix → *†bibitrix;
caedere, “to cut,” stem caede-, root CAED, which yields
CAED + -tor → *caedtor → *caessor → caesor,
caede- + -i- + -tor → *†caeditor,
CAED + -trix → *caedtrix → *caestrix,
caede- + -i- + -trix → *†caeditrix;
capere, “to take,” stem cape-, root CAP, which yields
CAP + -tor → captor,
cape- + -i- + -tor → *†capitor,
CAP + -trix → captrix,
cape- + -i- + -trix → *†capitrix;
censere, “to assess,” stem cense-, root CENS, which yields
CENS + -sor → *censsor → censor,
cense- + -i- + -tor → *†censitor,
CENS + -trix → *censtrix,
cense- + -i- + -trix → *†censitrix;
converrere, “to sweep together,” stem converre-, root CONVERS, which yields
CONVERS + -sor → *converssor → *conversor,
converre- + -i- + -tor → converritor,
CONVERS + -trix → *converstrix,
converre- + -i- + -trix → *†converritrix;
cupere, “to desire,” stem cupe-, root CUP, which yields
CUP + -i- + -tor → cupītor,
cupe- + -i- + -tor → *†cupĭtor,
CUP + -i- + -trix → *cupītrix,
cupe- + -i- + -trix → *†cupĭtrix;
delere, “to obliterate,” stem dele-, root DEL, which yields
dele- + -tor → *deletor,
dele- + -i- + -tor → delitor,
dele- + -trix → deletrix,
dele- + -i- + -trix → *†delitrix;
ducere, “to lead,” stem duce-, root DUC, which yields
DUC + -tor → ductor,
duce- + -i- + -tor → *†ducitor,
DUC + -trix → ductrix,
duce- + -i- + -trix → *†ducitrix;
emere, “to buy,” stem eme-, root EM, which yields
EM + -p- + -tor → emptor,
eme- + -i- + -tor → *†emitor,
EM + -p- + -trix → emptrix,
eme- + -i- + -trix → *†emitrix;
eradere, “to rub away,” stem erade-, root ERAD, which yields
ERAD + -tor → *eradtor → *erassor → *erasor,
erade- + -i- + -tor → *†eraditor,
ERAD + -trix → *eradtrix → *erastrix,
erade- + -i- + -trix → *†eraditrix;
esse, “to be,” stem es-/s-, roots ES and FU, which yields
FU + -tor → *futor,
s- + -i- + -tor → *†sitor,
FU + -trix → *futrix,
s- + -i- + -trix → *†sitrix;
expellere, “to expel,” stem expelle-, root EXPUL, which yields
EXPUL + -sor → expulsor,
expelle- + -i- + -tor → *†expellitor,
EXPUL + -trix → expultrix,
EXPUL + -strix → *expulstrix,
expelle- + -i- + -trix → *†expellitrix;
favere, “to support,” stem fave-, root FAV, which yields
FAV + -tor → fautor,
fave- + -i- + -tor → favitor,
FAV + -trix → fautrix,
fave- + -i- + -trix → *†favitrix;
fallere, “to deceive,” stem falle-, root FAL, which yields
FAL + -sor → *falsor,
falle- + -i- + -tor → *†fallitor,
FAL + -trix → *faltrix,
FAL + -strix → *falstrix,
falle- + -i- + -trix → *†fallitrix;
figere, “to fix,” stem fige-, root FIG, which yields
FIG + -sor → *figsor → *fixor,
fige- + -i- + -tor → *†figitor,
FIG + -trix → *figtrix → *fictrix,
fige- + -i- + -trix → *†figitrix;
finire, “to limit,” stem fini-, which yields
fini- + -tor → finītor,
fini- + -i- + -tor → *†finĭtor,
fini- + -trix → *finītrix,
fini- + -i- + -trix → *†finĭtrix;
ferre, “to bear,” stem fer-, roots FER and TLA, which yields
TLA + -tor → *tlator → lator,
fer- + -i- + -tor → *†feritor,
TLA + -trix → *tlatrix → *latrix,
fer- + -i- + -trix → *†feritrix;
flectere, “to bend,” stem flecte-, root FLEC, which yields
FLEC + -sor → *flecsor → *flexor,
flecte- + -i- + -tor → *†flectitor,
FLEC + -trix → *flectrix,
flecte- + -i- + -trix → *†flectitrix;
fluere, “to flow,” stem flue-, root FLUGV, which yields
FLUGV + -sor → *flugvsor → *flugsor → *fluxor,
flue- + -i- + -tor → *†fluitor,
FLUGV + -trix → *flugvtrix → *flugtrix → *fluctrix,
flue- + -i- + -trix → *†fluitrix;
frangere, “to break,” stem frange-, root FRAG, which yields
FRAG + -tor → *fragtor → fractor,
frange- + -i- + -tor → *†frangitor,
FRAG + -trix → *fragtrix → *fractrix,
frange- + -i- + -trix → *†frangitrix;
fugere, “to flee,” stem fuge-, FUG, which yields
fuge- + -i- + -tor → fugitor,
fuge- + -i- + -trix → *†fugitrix;
fulcire, “to support,” stem fulci-, root FULC, which yields
FULC + -tor → *fulctor → fultor,
fulci- + -i- + -tor → *†fulcitor,
FULC + -trix → *fulctrix → *fultrix,
FULC + -strix → *fulcstrix → *fulstrix,
fulci- + -i- + -trix → *†fulcitrix;
gerere, “to carry,” stem gere-, root GES, which yields
GES + -tor → gestor,
gere + -i- + -tor → *†geritor,
GES + -trix → *gestrix,
gere- + -i- + -trix → *†geritrix;
*gladiare, “to wield a sword,” stem gladia-, which yields
gladia- + -tor → gladiator,
gladia- + -trix → *gladiatrix;
impellere, “to impel,” stem impelle-, root IMPUL, which yields
IMPUL + -sor → impulsor,
impelle- + -i- + -tor → *†impellitor,
IMPUL + -trix → *impultrix,
IMPUL + -strix → impulstrix,
impelle- + -i- + -trix → *†impellitrix;
ire, “to go,” stem i-, roots EI and I, which yields
I + -tor → *itor,
I + -trix → *itrix;
iubere, “to order,” stem iube-, root IUD, which yields
IUD + -tor → *iudtor → *iussor,
iube- + -i- + -tor → *†iubitor,
IUD + -trix → *iudtrix → *iustrix,
iube- + -i- + -trix → *†iubitrix;
labi, “to slip,” stem labe-, root LAB, which yields
LAB + -sor → *labsor → *lapsor,
labe- + -i- + -tor → *†labitor,
LAB + -trix → *labtrix → *laptrix,
LAB + -strix → *labstrix → *lapstrix,
labe- + -i- + -trix → *†labitrix;
librare, “to hurl,” stem libra-, which yields
libra- + -tor → librator,
libra- + -i- + -tor → libritor,
libra- + -trix → *libratrix,
libra- + -i- + -trix → *†libritrix;
loqui, “to talk,” stem loque-, root LOQU, which yields
LOQU + -tor → *loqutor → locutor,
loque + -i- + -tor → *†loquitor,
LOQU + -trix → *loqutrix → *locutrix,
loque + -i- + -trix → *†loquitrix;
manere, “to remain,” stem mane-, root MAN, which yields
MAN + -sor → mansor,
mane- + -i- + -tor → *†manitor,
MAN + -trix → *mantrix,
MAN + -strix → *manstrix,
mane- + -i- + -trix → *†manitrix;
merere, “to merit,” stem mere-, root MER, which yields
mere- + -i- + -tor → *meritor,
mere- + -tor → *meretor,
mere- + -i- + -trix → *meritrix,
mere- + -trix → meretrix;
miscere, “to mix,” stem misce-, root MISC, which yields
MISC + -tor → *misctor → *micstor → *mixtor,
misce- + -i- + -tor → *†miscitor,
MISC + -trix → *misctrix → *micstrix → *mixtrix,
misce- + -i- + -trix → *†miscitrix;
monere, “to warn,” stem mone-, root MON, which yields
MON + -i- + -tor → monitor,
MON + -i- + -trix → *monitrix,
MON + -trix → *montrix,
MON + -strix → *monstrix;
mori, “to die,” stem more-, root MOR, which yields
MOR + -tor → *mortor,
more- + -i- + -tor → *†moritor,
MOR + -trix → *mortrix,
more- + -i- + -trix → *†moritrix;
movere, “to move,” stem move-, root MOV, which yields
MOV + -tor → *movtor → motor,
move- + -i- + -tor → *†movitor,
MOV + -trix → *movtrix → *motrix,
move- + -i- + -trix → *†movitrix;
mulcere, “to stroke,” stem mulce-, root MULC, which yields
MULC + -sor → *mulcsor → *mulsor,
MULC + -tor → *mulctor,
MULC + -tor → *mulctor → *multor,
mulce- + -i- + -tor → *†mulcitor,
MULC + -trix → *mulctrix → *multrix,
MULC + -trix → *mulctrix,
MULC + -strix → *mulcstrix → *mulstrix,
mulce- + -i- + -trix → *†mulcitrix;
mulgere, “to milk,” stem mulge-, root MULG, which yields
MULG + -sor → *mulgsor → *mulsor,
MULG + -tor → *mulgtor → *mulctor,
mulge- + -i- + -tor → *†mulgitor,
MULG + -trix → *mulgtrix → *multrix,
MULG + -trix → *mulgtrix → *mulctrix,
MULG + -strix → *mulgstrix → *mulstrix,
mulge- + -i- + -trix → *†mulgitrix;
noscere, “to get to know,” stem nosce-, root NO, which yields
NO + -tor → notor,
nosce- + -i- + -tor → *†noscitor,
NO + -trix → *notrix,
nosce- + -i- + -trix → *†noscitrix;
obstare, “to stand before,” stem obsta-, root OBSTA, which yields
OBSTA + -tor → *obstator,
OBSTA + -tor → *obstator → *obstetor,
OBSTA + -trix → *obstatrix,
OBSTA + -trix → *obstatrix → obstetrix;
pavere, “to be struck with fear,” stem pave-, root PAV, which yields
pave- + -i- + -tor → *†pavitor,
pave- + -i- + -trix → *†pavitrix;
pellere, “to push,” stem pelle-, root PUL, which yields
PUL + -sor → *pulsor,
pelle- + -i- + -tor → *†pellitor,
PUL + -trix → *pultrix,
PUL + -strix → *pulstrix,
pelle- + -i- + -trix → *†pellitrix;
percellere, “to beat down,” stem percelle-, root PERCUL, which yields
PERCUL + -sor → *perculsor,
percelle- + -i- + -tor → *†percellitor,
PERCUL + -trix → *percultrix,
PERCUL + -strix → *perculstrix,
percelle- + -i- + -trix → *†percellitrix;
petere, “to seek,” stem pete-, root PET, which yields
PET + -i- + -tor → petītor,
pete- + -i- + -tor → *†petĭtor,
PET + -i- + -trix → petītrix,
pete- + -i- + -trix → *†petĭtrix;
pinsere, “to bruise,” stem pinse-, root PIS, which yields
PIS + -tor → pistor,
PIS + -n- + -tor → *pinstor → *pinssor → pinsor,
PIS + -n- + -i- + -tor → *pinsitor,
PIS + -trix → *pistrix,
PIS + -n- + -trix → *pinstrix,
PIS + -n- + -i- + -trix → *pinsitrix;
posse, “to be able,” stem poss-/potes-/pote-, root POTES, which yields
pote- + -i- + -tor → *†potitor,
pote- + -i- + -trix → *†potitrix;
potare, “to drink,” stem pota-, root PO, which yields
pota- + -tor → potator,
PO + -tor → potor,
pota- + -i- + -tor → *†potitor,
pota- + -trix → *potatrix,
PO + -trix → potrix,
pota- + -i- + -trix → *†potitrix;
praestare, “to give,” stem praesta-, root PRAESTA, which yields
PRAESTA + -tor → *praestator → praestitor,
PRAESTA + -trix → *praestatrix → *praestitrix;
premere, “to press,” stem preme-, root PRES, which yields
PRES + -sor → pressor,
preme- + -i- + -tor → *†premitor,
PRES + -trix → *prestrix,
preme- + -i- + -trix → *†premitrix;
radere, “to shave,” stem rade-, root RAD, which yields
RAD + -tor → *radtor → *rassor → rasor,
rade- + -i- + -tor → *†raditor,
RAD + -trix → *radtrix → *rastrix,
rade- + -i- + -trix → *†raditrix;
scire, “to know,” stem sci-, root SCI, which yields
sci- + -tor → *scītor,
sci- + -i- + -tor → *scīĭtor → *scĭĭtor → *†scĭtor,
sci- -trix → *scītrix,
sci- + -trix → *scīĭtrix → *scĭĭtrix → *†scĭtrix;
scribere, “to write,” stem scribe-, root SCRIB, which yields
SCRIB + -tor → *scribtor → scriptor,
scribe- + -i- + -tor → *†scribitor,
SCRIB + -trix → *scribtrix → *scriptrix,
scribe- + -i- + -trix → *†scribitrix;
sequi, “to follow,” stem seque-, root SEQU, which yields
SEQU + -tor → *sequtor → secutor,
seque- + -i- + -tor → *†sequitor,
SEQU + -trix → *sequtrix → secutrix,
seque- + -i- + -trix → *†sequitrix;
solvere, “to loosen,” stem solve-, root SOLV, which yields
SOLV + -tor → *solvtor → solutor,
solve- + -i- + -tor → *†solvitor,
SOLV + -trix → *solvtrix → solutrix,
solve- + -i- + -trix → *†solvitrix;
spargere, “to scatter,” stem sparge-, root SPARG, which yields
SPARG + -sor → *spargsor → *sparsor,
sparge- + -i- + -tor → *†spargitor,
SPARG + -trix → *spargtrix → *spartrix,
SPARG + -strix → *spargstrix → *sparstrix,
sparge- + -i- + -trix → *†spargitrix;
statuere, “to set up,” stem statue-, root STATU, which yields
STATU + -tor → *statutor,
statue- + -i- + -tor → *†statuitor,
STATU + -trix → *statutrix,
statue- + -i- + -trix → *†statuitrix;
sternere, “to spread,” stem sterne-, root STER, which yields
STER + -tor → *stertor → strator,
sterne- + -i- + -tor → *†sternitor,
STER + -trix → *stertrix → *stratrix,
sterne- + -i- + -trix → *†sternitrix;
struere, “to build,” stem strue-, root STRUGV, which yields
STRUGV + -tor → *strugvtor → *strugtor → structor,
strue- + -i- + -tor → *†struitor,
STRUGV + -trix → *strugvtrix → *strugtrix → *structrix,
strue- + -i- + -trix→ *†struitrix;
suere, “to sew,” stem sue-, root SU, which yields
SU + -tor → sutor,
sue- + -i- + -tor → *†suitor,
SU + -trix → sutrix,
sue- + -i- + -trix → *†suitrix;
torquere, “to twist,” stem torque-, root TORCU, which yields
TORCU + -tor → *torcutor → tortor,
torque- + -i- + -tor → *†torquitor,
TORCU + -trix → *torcutrix → *tortrix,
torque- + -i- + -trix → *†torquitrix;
trahere, “to drag,” stem trahe-, root TRAGH, which yields
TRAGH + -tor → *traghtor → *tragtor → *tractor,
trahe- + -i- + -tor → *†trahitor,
TRAGH + -trix → *traghtrix → *tragtrix → *tractrix,
trahe- + -i- + -trix → *†trahitrix;
tribuere, “to allot,” stem tribue-, root TRIBU, which yields
TRIBU + -tor → tributor,
tribue- + -i- + -tor → *†tribuitor,
TRIBU + -trix → *tributrix,
tribue- + -i- + -trix → *†tribuitrix;
unguere, “to anoint,” stem ungue-, root UNGV, which yields
UNGV + -tor → *ungutor → *ungtor → unctor,
ungue- + -i- + -tor → *†unguitor,
UNGV + -trix → *ungutrix → *ungtrix → *unctrix,
ungue- + -i- + -trix → *†unguitrix;
urere, “to burn,” stem ure-, root US, which yields
US + -tor → ustor,
ure- + -i- + -tor → *†uritor,
US + -trix → *ustrix,
ure- + -i- + -trix → *†uritrix;
vehere, “to carry,” stem vehe-, root VEGH, which yields
VEGH + -tor → *veghtor → *vegtor → vector,
vehe- + -i- + -tor → *†vehitor,
VEGH + -trix → *veghtrix → *vegtrix → vectrix,
vehe- + -i- + -trix → *†vehitrix;
velle, “to want,” stem vol-/vel-, root VOL, which yields
VOL + -i- + -tor → *†volitor,
VOL + -i- + -trix → *†volitrix;
vellere, “to pull,” stem velle-, root VUL, which yields
VUL + -sor → *vulsor,
velle- + -i- + -tor → *†vellitor,
VUL + -trix → *vultrix,
VUL + -strix → *vulstrix,
velle- + -i- + -trix → *†vellitrix;
viare, “to travel,” stem via-, which yields
via- + -tor → viator,
via - + -trix → viatrix;
videre, “to see,” stem vide-, root VID, which yields
VID + -tor → *vidtor → *vissor → visor,
vide- + -i- + -tor → *†viditor,
VID + -trix → *vidtrix → *vistrix,
vide- + -i- + -trix → *†viditrix;
vincere, “to conquer,” stem vince-, root VIC, which yields
VIC + -tor → victor,
vince- + -i- + -tor → *†vincitor,
VIC + -trix → victrix,
vince- + -i- + -trix → *†vincitrix;
volvere, “to roll,” stem volve-, root VOLV, which yields
VOLV + -tor → *volvtor → *volutor,
volve- + -i- + -tor → *†volvitor,
VOLV + -trix → *volvtrix → *volutrix,
volve- + -i- + -trix → *†volvitrix.
By using the “add -tor and -trix to verb stems and roots” idea that I explained, and by having a good idea of how such verb forms were created, the reader can create agent nouns from practically any other Latin verb.
6. Sources
A Latin Grammar, George M. Lane;
A Manual of Latin Word Formation, Paul Rockwell Jenks;
Gildersleeve’s Latin Grammar, B. L. Gildersleeve and G. Lodge;
Latin Suffixal Derivatives in English, D. Gary Miller;
Latin Suffixes, John Tahourdin White;
New Latin Grammar, Allen and Greenough;
Outline of the Historical and Comparative Grammar of Latin, Michael Weiss;
The Morphome Debate, Ana Luís and Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero;
“The Suffix -tor-: Agent-Noun Formation in Latin and the Other Italic Languages,” Margaret M. T. Watmough.
     - Ian Andreas “Diaphanus” Miller
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anutoapp · 5 years
Venta Expulsores cilíndricos y cónicos - Sucre (Caracas, venezuela) - Otros (Compraventa) [Anuto]
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costomicropipeta · 2 years
Calibracion de una micropipeta disponible en nuestra tienda
¿Qué es una micropipeta? Una micropipeta es un instrumento de laboratorio común, pero fundamental , que se usa para transferir con precisión y precisión volúmenes de líquido en el rango de los microlitros. Las micropipetas están disponibles en variantes de un solo canal y de varios canales. Al tiempo que las micropipetas monocanal se usan en los laboratorios que efectúan indagaciones similares con la biología molecular, la microbiología, la inmunología, los cultivos celulares, la química analítica, la bioquímica y la genética, las micropipetas multicanal se aconsejan para el ELISA (prueba de diagnóstico), el cribado molecular, los estudios cinéticos y la amplificación del ADN. Elementos de una micropipeta: Las micropipetas están libres en distintas diseños y tamaños. Sin embargo , hay algunos elementos que son básicos y recurrentes a todas las micropipetas. Estos incluyen el émbolo, la pantalla digital, el cono de la punta, el eyector de la punta y la pinza. Ciertas micropipetas se proveen con una herramienta de medición y un soporte para micropipetas como accesorio, al cual se le realiza calibracion de una micropipeta. Ingrediente de la pipeta Émbolo: El émbolo efectúa ámbas funcionalidades siguientes Ajuste del volumen: Gire el émbolo en el sentido de las agujas del reloj o en sentido opuesto para reducir o acrecentar el volumen. Un sonido de click propio en cada modificación de volumen asegura un ajuste de volumen especial y evita cualquier cambio de volumen accidental. Aspiración/dispensación de líquido: Pulse y presione el émbolo para aspirar o dispensar líquido. Expulsor de puntas: El mecanismo de adentro de la micropipeta no entra en contacto directo con la muestra /líquido. En su sitio , se emplea una punta de pipeta desechable para aspirar el líquido y dispensarlo desde la micropipeta. Por este motivo , para permitir la expulsión segura, sin esfuerzo y rápida de las puntas, las micropipetas están provistas de un sistema de expulsión de puntas. Las puntas pueden extraerse fácilmente de la micropipeta pulsando el botón de expulsión de puntas.
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edgaryamilyitani · 3 years
El Centro Médico Sourasky, en Tel Aviv, desarrolló un fármaco para inhalarse llamado EXO-CD24, que elimina el Covid.
El Centro Médico Sourasky, en Tel Aviv, desarrolló un fármaco para inhalarse llamado EXO-CD24, que elimina el Covid.
A este medicamento (israelí) le toma solo 5 días curar el COVID más grave, según ensayo publicado en Israel, sin que un solo paciente terminara con un ventilador o intubado. Bastaría con que los gobiernos pusieran centros adaptados con expulsores de este medicamento en diferentes lugares y zonas, en donde con solo inhalarse por la población, esta se recupere y este sana, o que se hagan tubos de…
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elblogdefashart · 4 years
Este aceite se deriva de una variedad de semillas de girasol con alto contenido de ácido graso oleico aprobada por el USDA. Expulsor prensado, refinado, blanqueado, preparado para el invierno y desodorizado. Tiene un alto nivel de grasas monoinsaturadas. Se considera vegano, sin lactosa, sin gluten, sin glutamato, sin EEB, sin hidrogenados .
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roizcriteriodigital · 4 years
l éxodo nicaragüense “da testimonio de la crisis de derechos humanos”, afirma una ONG (Criterio: los nicas no tienen necesidad de andar exiliados, tienen patria. OEA, ONU, AYUDENLES A REGRESAR DESCONOCIENDO A ORTEGA Y MURILLO)
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EFE).- El éxodo de más de 100,000 nicaragüenses en los últimos dos años son un “testimonio de la crisis de derechos humanos” que vive su país desde el estallido social contra el presidente Daniel Ortega, proclamó este sábado el Colectivo de Derechos Humanos Nicaragua Nunca Más, a propósito del Día Mundial de los Refugiados.
“En este día debemos recordar los graves desplazamientos forzados de personas (…), la gran cantidad de nicaragüenses expulsados son una evidencia, y dan testimonio, de la crisis de derechos humanos que existe en Nicaragua, (donde) se sigue consolidando un Estado expulsor de sus ciudadanos”, dijo a Efe, el abogado de la organización no gubernamental, Carlos Guadamuz.LEER MAS https://www.trincheraonline.com/2020/06/20/el-exodo-nicaraguense-da-testimonio-de-la-crisis-de-derechos-humanos-afirma-una-ong/
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alexrosales967-blog · 4 years
Truco de 7 segundos para Imán Cerraduras De La Puerta a un precio bastante bueno
FC-280SC-20150 Motor eléctrico cerradura de la puerta del vehículo del eje del Motor longitud 22mm vehículo de Motor de ventana/esp...
Más o menos 5 por cien de estos productos son cerraduras, 2 por cien son materiales imantados y 1 por cien son otros artículos y productos para bebé. Ideal para emplear en puertas de armarios y vestidores, casas rodantes, hogar, oficina y tienda. Puede ser utilizado en la puerta, el gabinete, el gabinete de la estantería, la cocina, el guardarropa y otros muebles para el hogar. ✅Ofrece la seguridad y la protección para los niños - Mantiene siempre y en toda circunstancia a sus pequeños curiosos estar lejos de cajones y armarios llenos de las herramientas peligrosas o bien los productos químicos. Se ponen en el marco de la puerta y una contra-placa pertinente a esa cerradura se instala en la puerta.
Chapa Cerradura Puerta Corrediza 504tt Austral Tetra Llave
Cuando el imán está encendido y la puerta está cerrada, la contra-placa se mantiene firme al imán. Hay que desbloquear la cerradura electromagnética tanto para entrar como para salir.
Agregue elementos de seguridad auxiliares a su hogar con nuestros seguros cierres imantados para gabinetes. CompraFun 12Pcs Cerraduras de Seguridad para Pequeños, Cierre Alargado Seguridad Bebés, Bloqueo de Seguridad para Guardarropas Cajones Puertas Electrodomésticos Adhesivo 3M, Cuidado para Bebé Niños. Hemos visto ciertas cerraduras magnéticas realmente buenas en carpintería fina. Nuestros clientes han instalado imanes en guardarropas, puertas e inclusive pequeños joyeros.
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En ImagnetShop, los expertos trataron el tema y resumieron las ventajas y ejemplos de aplicación para los interesados.
Los imanes de neodimio deben ocuparse de que las puertas se mantengan cerradas y bien apretadas.
Cuando nos aseguramos que hemos escogido la cerradura eléctrica concreta podemos proceder a su instalación.
Este tipo de cerraduras permite supervisar automáticamente las puertas, aun a la distancia.
Se introduce en la cerradura una especie de llave maestra que, al darle un pequeño golpe en la parte trasera, hace saltar los cilindros del bombín.
uds. FC280-PC Motor eléctrico de 12V CC 12500rpm Micro Motor de gran velocidad para cerraduras de puerta de turismo electrónico ...
También, estos ofrecen garantías de sobra y son excelentes para prevenir los actos vandálicos perpetrados con palillos o pegamento en la boca de la cerradura. En la gama de protectores para puertas existen algunos que son catalogados de “inviolables” esto es, que primero se cae la puerta antes que la cerradura sea desmontada y en las mejores marcas del mercado están los antirrobo de DISEC. Tristemente, a veces adquirir solo una buena cerradura de seguridad anti bumping no es suficiente, puesto que como siempre afirmamos, el ladrón es insistente y se arma de herramientas para poder violar la seguridad. No pienses que un ladrón va por allá robando al azar, sabe qué agredir, cómo agredir y en qué momento agredir.
Iman Reten Expulsor Puerta Mueble Push On Mini Latch
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Las cerraduras electromagnéticas también son conocidas como ventosas, electromagnets, electro-imán… son un tipo de cerraduras bastante modernas que permiten aumentar la seguridad en la puerta donde se colocan y son simples de instalar, durables, fiables y muy resistentes. Solo acá hallarás las mejores marcas para tus productos favoritos de imán cerraduras de la puerta, desde KAK , LPSECURITY, y muchas otras marcas más, para que la excelencia esté siempre y en toda circunstancia contigo.
Para esto montamos sobre el marco de la puerta la platina base, fijándola con tornillos. Sobre la puerta, enfrentada con la cerradura, montamos la pieza polar, la cual se ubica sobre la goma de base, atornillándola pero sin que quede demasiado ajustada, a fin de que permita cierta oscilación que va a facilitar su ajuste con la cerradura. A continuación, se colocó un disco de acero NSW82 (sin imán) en la parte posterior de la puerta.
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