#expressing my love for this show. literally No One was doing it like this canonly gnc mlm queer couple back in 2016 and i love them so much
maigetheplatypus57 · 5 months
ngl as sad as i am about the yoi ice ado cancellation it IS making me rediscover my love for the anime and like. i just adore how canonly gnc both viktor and yuuri are.
in hindsight however it is HILARIOUS how I didn't figure out I was genderqueer/fluid/gnc/some flavor of gender fuckery until now despite the fact that i was head over heels obsessed with viktor "had long hair as a teen and canonly experimented with his androgyny by wearing a skating costume with a half-skirt in front of an INTERNATIONAL audience" nikiforov and yuuri "I'm the most beautiful woman in town not the playboy and I'll express that by wearing the aforementioned androgynous costume" katsuki
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NOS4A2 --- easily one of the most canonly cross over works of Joe Hill ; Stephen King’s own son. Yet no one who role plays the King characters and the verses they interweave, wishes to interact or take interest for plausible future installments of the main antagonist within that story. The very same whom was mentioned in the beginning of Doctor Sleep. Which can be said in same with NOS4A2 making a flurry of easter egg mentions custom to Derry, Maine and Pennywise along with the True Knot in this shared union between father and son. Am I annoyed ? A lil.  Saddened  ?  I’d be lying to you if I said no. I mean, I’ve been trying for a year and a half to get a good crossover going. Sure , I understand that some people just don’t want to take on new partners. Or their real life suddenly prevents them from taking on new partners. I get that. Boy ! do I ever. I’ll be one to admit my mental state often makes me anxious to interact with anyone and everyone on here. Am I underwhelming them ?  Or am I overwhelming them ?  Am I a bother ?  Am I just a pity call ?  Thoughts that I often get overwhelmed and sometimes shut down completely over until a day or two later.  The point is, I still interact. I don’t shun people and I often try to let them know of my mental state as often as I can. That I’m not perfect nor am I fast. That if I add you, I am 101% interested in role playing with your muse(s) not keeping you as some number. My complaint at it’s whole is toward those who plead for new partners but literally don’t give your ass a chance to showcase a single paragraph. Yeah, it’s their right to refuse whoever they wish without reason.  Sure, but it’s also my right to express my concerns within a fandom that is often low in numbers as is. How does one grow without word of mouth ? The book is done.  The show ran it’s course, though shorter than we all would have liked. It’s literally up to us, the psychos , the fans that just won’t let go, to spread that obsession around like an infectious bite out of love. So yes, it both saddens and annoys me that more often than not the role play community on tumblr never wishes to take a gamble anymore on the unfamiliar. To get acquainted with a character that quite possibly could work out for them and their muse. It’s like playing tag .. but with yourself. Or being the only one left for a team already low in numbers and still not getting plucked from the side lines. I play with characters I have no idea about almost every chance I get, cause you know.. I read their about section.  Treat them like I would an original character, get to know them through how the mun portrays them.  You know, what role play is intended to be at it’s core  ? Or rather what it use to be.  It’s often through those muns that my interest grows and I take to looking up books or films/series ; the very story that originated their character. Hell, most of us are willing to work with our partners to make them more comfortable. It’s growth. We don’t get that much nowadays..
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thenovelartist · 3 years
ABC Fluff Headcanons - Vyn Richter - Tears of Themis
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
If this was a fairytale, it would be Beauty and the Beast. Except he was simply the Beast and you were his magic rose he got to watch bloom. But instead of watching you under glass, he preferred it to be removed, even if it shredded your innocence in the process, but oh, watching you grow anyways, both blooming beautifully while growing fierce thorns to warn anyone before they touch, just to spite the adversity you were faced with was his truest pleasure. Your fortitude; that was what he truly admired about you.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
You’d think it’s your eyes, being the windows to the soul and all. But you’d be wrong; it’s your hands. Specifically, your tender touch. It’s gentle, warm, and safe. Being able to hold your hand feels intimate for him, and he actually enjoys when you tap his arm to get his attention, then let your hand linger when he gives it. It’s like a reward and a comfort all in one.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
He does enjoy a good cuddle, but hugging you from behind might be his favorite. Whether sitting together on the couch with you on his lap or spooning you in bed, he likes when he can nuzzle the side of your head or rest his chin on your shoulder.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
He will have planned this to a T because he’s not much for spontaneity. And it would involve a walk together, flowers, and he will either have made you a dessert or the two of you will make something together. It’s something quiet and intimate for you to enjoy time together, talking about anything and nothing while the date is riddled with affectionate touches and some kisses.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Good grief, this man’s emotions are… complicated. He’s very logical, but he’s not ignorant to his emotions. It doesn’t seem like it, but he frequently tempers them, only to bring them up again in full when he records his diary so that he’s able to manage them.
But you have ruined him. His carefully kept emotional balance has been thrown to the wind. You make him feel intensely and strongly, to the point it almost trumps his logic, which makes him uncomfortable. His diaries have been getting longer as his inner turmoil increases, and that’s all your fault. It’s something you notice, too, watching his even temperament waver more and more frequently around you as the emotion inside him wars with his rationality. You will have to give this man time. Time to open up and be honest with himself, and you, about his emotions. Be prepared to validate his emotions in his moments of weakness. It’s the only way he’ll get better about honestly expressing them to you.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
He wouldn’t be opposed to staying childless. He also wouldn’t be opposed to having a child, and you could probably talk him into two if the first goes well. Little humans would be fascinating studies, after all. (“Dear, do not psycho-analyze the children.”)
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He does not care for trinkets. Nor does he care about giving you them. Gifts should be practical.
At least… that’s what he likes to think. His one exception to this is when he gives you something to wear. It’s his way of marking you and wearing it will spark a possessive streak in him.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
He likes—no, needs to be either touching or holding your hand in quiet, private moments. And he wants to hold your hand when he’s jealous. Especially when he’s jealous. And you know when he is because he holds tight as though reminding you that you’re his while also sending passive-aggressive signals to the cause of his jealousy. When you’re just out walking, he will sometimes hold your hand, but he also likes when you loop your hands over his elbow and he can escort you like a proper gentleman. (It also causes you to pull yourself in close to him, so he actually quite enjoys when you do that.)
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Depends. Minor cuts or burns are treated with care and, occasionally, a kiss. Get into an accident, and he gets shockingly worried about you. However, if you end up hurt because of a reason to do with NXX, he’ll be sick with emotions. Guilt, fear, anger; all of them brew for a deadly concoction. He will not rest, even to the point of abusing his own body, until he finds the person who hurt you and sees to it they are paying dearly for their crime.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
He doesn’t always joke around, but when he does… this man is a wicked tease. Don’t expect to get off the hook easily. You better learn how to tease back, or he’ll use words and puzzles to twist you exactly where he wants you, which normally is you as a blushing, stuttering mess.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Sweet kisses off-the-cuff are quite nice, and so are the passionate ones, but the ones he likes best are the slow, lingering ones that take place hidden away in your own world. They convey so much with no words. There’s no frantic holding or clinginess. Rather, it feels like a moment of security, coming together and staying. He likes the comfort they provide him and the way they actually settle his heart.
L = Love Confession (how do they confess?)
He actually was super nervous to confess. He’ll have practiced and planned this confession before it happens. Which you never would have guessed because it was in such a smooth conversation during one of your outings that he admitted he held feelings of a romantic nature for you.
M = Marriage (What does the wedding look like?)
He wants it small, intimate, and preferably outdoors in a garden. He wants it nice but not overly fancy. He won’t fuss over the smaller details. Besides, he doesn’t realize it yet, but he will barely remember anything beyond how utterly stunning you look in your wedding dress, anyway.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
He hates being a failure, but if he’s everput in a position where he fails you, he will never forgive himself.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
This man has literal decks of cards of only one kind of card. You want a 52 card deck with all ace of hearts? He has that. Ten of spades? He has that too. Four of clubs? Yup. You don’t know why he has them, and he won’t tell you, but you think it’s literally just because he’s highly amused the way you wrack your brain over it.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
He’s classic. Love, Dear, Darling, Sweetheart. But he’s half-German (At least, that is my best speculation considering he was called “Vilhelm” and is canonly mixed-race), so “Liebling” is also an endearment he calls you, and my guess is he saves that one strictly for the sweetest, most tender moments you share.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Calm setting, electronics put away, and preferably some form of physical contact with you. This could be working together in the garden, side by side, or going out to walk around town together, but those are not his favorite. Baking with you is one of his top ones, though. Expect him to tap some sort of batter or frosting on your nose. His other favorite is lounging together on the couch, your back leaning against his chest, and just talking. Communication is important to any relationship, and he finds it a joy to communicate with you.
R = Romance (how do they show their love and affection?)
He’s the kind that shows his affection by giving you his time and attention. He’ll show it in the little touches exchanged back and forth and in the way he’s attentive to your well-being, particularly your mental well-being.
He’ll also show he loves you by playing mind games on you until you’re a blushy, stuttering mess. He’s usually forgiven with a kiss and “I love you”. You know you’re too soft on him, but whattcha gonna do?
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
He is an onion you have to peel back layer by layer to get to open up to you. And like an onion, there’s likely going to be some tears shed as you do that. Time will determine how many secrets he’s willing to share with you, and it’s likely going to take years for him to fully open up to you. But keep at it. You will be rewarded with his innermost thoughts and feelings and the discovery of how insecure this seemingly unflappable man is.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
This man doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but falling hard and fast for you? That he did. One of his biggest hurdles he had to get over was logically evaluating his feelings and what he thought your feelings for him were as well as coming to terms with the way he’s been treated in past relationships (And not just romantic ones. He has an… interesting way of creating carefully crafted ties to people.) So it might take a little time for him to get comfortable enough to ask you out. And throughout the relationship, he’ll probably still be working with his past demons, so be prepared for that.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He’ll comfort you the best way he can if you’re a sad upset. A mad upset, and he’ll probably give you a little space to work yourself out while offering his guidance. And upset at him? This is where a good chunk of your arguments happen, to be honest. So then you both have to calm down before coming together again and talking it out. But you always do and are stronger for it.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He’ll never admit it, but he loveswhen he can leave you impressed. It thrills him if he can show off a trick or his general intelligence and have you praise him for it. Occasionally, he’ll search for ways to impress you just because he wants that attention. But never will he admit it.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Well…he’s all okay with fighting as long as it’s not physical fighting. If you’re going to verbally spar with someone, he’s more than happy to let you go, and he takes pride in the fact you usually wipe the floor with your opponent. But the moment it’s going to turn into a physical altercation, he’s your shield. Part of him thinks that in times he is unfortunately not around, it might be good to have some self-defense under your belt, but at the same time, he’d rather you just flee instead of fight. Because he knows you well enough that if you had the ability, you’d probably knock someone’s lights out if they came at you.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He’s a psychologist; he can already read you well. But on top of that, you are his favorite study, and he will catalogue everything he learns about you away to pull out for future reference. So while he already reads you well early on into your relationship, give it a few years and you have basically no secrets from this man.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
He will never forget the “surprise over romance” opinion on proposals you shared with him. So, determined to give you the best, he sets up an elaborate puzzle for you, getting all the important people in your life to get in on it. Together, the two of you will trapeze the town hunting down little clues—in places, that you only realize later, hold significance to both of you—before he’ll “conveniently” take his leave so you can finish out the last leg, which ultimately ends up leading you to his office, the place you first met. And there he is, sitting behind a house of cards sits made solely from the Ace of Hearts with a ring in the middle of the top tier which was made from two different cards: the king and queen. Only once you realize that and he revels in your joy and tears will he properly get on one knee and ask you to marry him.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
When everything is “right” in his world. His patients are doing well, he’s got no massive cases on his plate, nothing requires his immediate attention, and you are close by, doing well in your own right.
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phoenixdnasty · 4 years
The Problem with Season Five
this is already going to have a lot of you in the replies yelling at me. obviously, massive SPOILERS for s5 of she ra and the princesses of power if you haven't already seen it.
okay, so She Ra is definitely a kids' show, but it has a lot of themes aimed towards an older audience: abuse, war, found family, destiny and knowing who you are. I loved She Ra because it made me feel empowered, made me feel seen. after this last season, however, I don't feel the same. I will, however, talk about what it did well.
What She-Ra s5 did RIGHT
I very much enjoyed seeing the character development for most characters come to the forefront here. For example, SW returned to her original motivations. When she lived in Mystacor with the other sorcerers, her thirst for power was borne of a desire to fight the Horde. When she was rejected, then she chose to do what she did. We see a return to that in s5, where she takes a stand against Prime by enlisting Castaspella to stop her if she tries to take any power for herself. She ends up just wanting to help, to do what she can, which was excellent. Glimmer, Bow and a bunch of other characters are given some love here as well. I especially enjoyed seeing Bow and Mermista take on leadership positions in the absence of Adora; it was an excellent look into another facet of their personalities.
Character interactions in non-serious moments were, for the most part, good. Swift Wind and Scorpia being bros was not something I knew I needed but something I want more of. Netossa basically being Batman and knowing the weaknesses of everyone around her was great and an iconic scene. Bow thinking Catra was super adorable was also an excellent moment in the season and I could watch 9 more seasons worth of that. Something that surprised me was Entrapta's "not good with people"-ness being talked about and addressed by the other characters and explained by her; I wasn't sure if that was ever gonna be talked about in the show.
Side note: thank you Crew-Ra for giving Scorpia her own musical number, it was great.
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Prime was also a fascinating enemy. He's this sort of religious figure, this world destroyer who's been around for seemingly centuries, maybe much longer. He's cold, calm and calculated. I've seen it pointed out that he's everything Hordak is not. He's manipulative, knows body language and facial expressions, and has a perfect grasp on how to get exactly what we wants. My favorite aspect of this season was the hive mind control. This was a very interesting plotline to me, and I thoroughly enjoyed HiveMind!Catra as well as Wrong Hordak. I loved the idea of pitting allies against each other and the angst and emotional weight that carried.
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Going to use that point to segue into one of this season's strengths: Netossa and Spinnerella. Wow! We get a chance to see what a healthy queer/wlw relationship looks like, and two background characters get major upgrades in relevance. Two diversity points for one being a big girl and for the couple being interracial (in our world anyway), but diversity is the norm is SPOP and we might have to stan forever. It was extremely heartwarming and resulted in one of my favorite scenes to ever show up in animated media (one which I'll be stealing to add to my vows if I ever get married):
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It was beautiful and I will absolutely never shut up about it.
There were some beautiful moments this season!! Absolutely gorgeous. A highlight for me cinematically was episode 5, which will probably bother some people when I say what I will below. I will be honest, the new transformation sequence and the scene of Adora holding Catra as She-Ra was powerful and had my heart pounding with excitement. It was awesome.
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On the other hand...
What She-Ra s5 did WRONG
I'm going to break my issues with the final season down one by one, starting with the narrative of abuse.
From the very beginning, abuse is the most prevalent theme in the show. Prime (HP) abuses Hordak, Hordak abuses SW, SW abuses both Adora and Catra, and Catra abuses Adora. I liked the Crew-Ra tackling this issue. Abused people abuse people, right?
Why was everyone redeemed in s5? (Well, except for Prime, he was blasted away by She-Ra.) Hordak was given a blank slate to start over, even though he was the reason Etheria was war torn for at least a few decades; SW was given a hero's sacrifice, where at the end of her life she finally decides to do some good; and Catra is immediately forgiven for doing one good thing and all trust in placed in her simultaneously.
Hordak and H. Prime as abusers are pretty cut and dry; at no point are they ever remorseful for their actions, except for Hordak in the case of being abusive to Entrapta. SW is much more of an interesting character to analyze, because her motivations are geared directly towards herself. This seems to change in the final season, when she returns to her original motivations from back when she was in Mystacor. Defending her home. In her pursuit of the power needed to defend Etheria from the Horde, she fell into darkness. She began to abuse Adora and Catra.
One could argue that the hero's sacrifice she was given for redemption was unneeded. SW was an individual addicted to power. She was manipulative, using fake affection as a means to control. She didn't deserve a redemption. The only evidence we have of this supposed change of heart is a line to Castaspella: "...and stop me if I try to take the power for myself." Okay... so, SW, um... what changed your mind? Was it Micah? Because at no point has he forgiven you. In fact, there should've been much more hostility between the two of you (which is a point I'll address in a moment). In all honesty, the relationship between SW and Micah reminds me of what should've happened between Catra and Glimmer, or Catra and Scorpia.
And Catra... My problem with her story is that she was kinda just... forgiven? instantly. no repercussions, no long talks about feelings, no... consequences. Catra got the girl and that was it. A small list of things she did over 4 seasons, in no certain order:
Scratched what was implied were scarring marks down Adora's back
Was the cause of Angella's "death" #angelladeservedbetter
Kidnapped both Glimmer and Bow
Opened a world-ending portal all to ensure Adora failed
Also pushed Adora into what looked like an abyss
Verbally abused Scorpia into leaving
Wanted to pit Corrupted!She-Ra against her friends (dehumanization)
Got Entrapta sent to Beast Island, a deadly place no one ever returns from
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And this is just the stuff off the top of my head. We all knew Catra was going to get a redemption, but this one was completely undeserved. She apologized to Adora and Entrapta. Two very short apologies for what canonly was at minimum, months of abuse, manipulation, intent to kill (which is literally mentioned by Adora) and general disregard for anyone or anything but revenge for something that didn't even deserve it. The entire cast should've been outraged. Glimmer in particular had a very big reason not to ever forgive Catra ("I'm not losing another parent!"), but it was all glossed over.
The biggest issue with season 5 was the abuse plotline completely dropped. You can't spend 4 seasons explaining how the cycle of abuse affects you and everyone around you... and shelve it. And we know the reason why it was shelved.
Let me first preface this with the fact that I am super happy we got representation. As a queer nblw who grew up feeling alone, it's so good to see things changing in media. An onscreen wlw kiss on a kids' show is groundbreaking and I'm very happy that She-Ra broke this barrier.
But all representation is not good representation. Catra and Adora is not a good representation of a healthy relationship.
Catra is shown throughout the series to be very unstable. This is even prevalent in season 5, when Adora "chooses SW" over Catra, she runs away. This breaks Adora's heart. The last thing that Catra needs is a relationship when she hasn't even confronted the issues that she has. There's no healing done in season 5, no therapy as the fandom loved to meme about, no long talks about forgiveness and the hurt caused. There's no callback to any of the pain and anguish that Catra put Adora through. Catra may love Adora, but if there is no healing done for the both of them, their relationship will fail. They will fall into the same cycle again. Adora will do something Catra doesn't like, Catra will do what she's done for all of the show, and it will repeat until something breaks.
I'm going to talk about the implications of the ending we have now, and feel free to argue with me.
She-Ra is a kids' show. Abuse is one of the main themes. Catra is shown to be an abuser. Here's what we are teaching younger audiences:
a. if you love someone enough, maybe they'll change
b. everyone deserves a second chance
c. your abuser will change as long as you're loyal and never stop trying to love them
d. things someone does to hurt you mean nothing in the wake of forgiveness
e. if someone who hurt you changes suddenly and wants to be back in your life, you should let them back in
Character interactions for the things that mattered (plot threads from previous seasons, general personality clashes, etc) were absent this season, in the moments where they mattered the most. (The best three in my opinion were Scorpia and Perfuma, the BFS inviting Catra in, and Mermista and Entrapta.) Glimmer and Adora should've had their time to talk. Scorpia should've gotten to say her piece to Catra. SW and Micah should've interacted more. Micah and Glimmer should've gotten more than an introduction!
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I'm not going to get into how the entire final season was wrapped around making Catra and Adora get together (a fundamental writing no-no; it never ends up working), or how it was bad writing. I just want everyone to think critically for one moment. There are so many other glaring issues in what was, overall, a stellar show. If there was another season, or some mini episodes where the characters talk out their problems and past transgressions against each other, then I could excuse She-Ra. But I doubt we're going to get any of that. So I won't.
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herotheshiro · 3 years
so i reread all of behind the desks today lol bc i was thinking abt it last night as i was going to sleep, and also fully read through the epilogue chapters which i don’t think i had done before. which means i read through all of the plot points all at once this time around. i think my thoughts for this readthrough might end up being the length of a regular post so i’m just writing up a new post instead of reblogging my old review of this manhwa. obviously spoilers for the story below the cut
again i like this manhwa mainly bc of 2 things:
i like the juxtaposition of young’s obviously manipulative language with taesung’s innocent language that also sounds suspiciously the same. obviously you know taesung has positive intentions and isn’t a controlling freak like young but it’s such an interesting way to depict the aftermath of an abusive relationship and the difference in intentions despite the same words even though in retrospect that probably wasn’t what the author was trying to do. unless... ?
sunny seo as a character!! on the surface he definitely seems to fall under the standard BL uke tropes of being clumsy and looking pretty and stuck in a love triangle as the shared obj of affection but from the very beginning you already know he’s not a pushover but he just seems like that bc he doesn’t really have or express strong opinions. a lot of BLs tend to have the shared obj of affection be like oh nooo i can’t pick bw the 2 of them... but i mean from the start sunny doesn’t want to be w young and his fear of backlash and change is what motivates his secret-keeping from taesung... also throughout the story they imply that he’s a good match for taesung who canonly likes action stuff by being someone who actually likes high-energy activities/vibes. tl;dr sunny is generally a good character who also has a lot of foreshadowing done for him to reveal aspects of his personality that contribute to the story
anyway onto my thoughts that i had during this specific readthrough
jaeyoon. anyone who read my prev review for this manhwa knows that i had beef w how they used him during the conclusion to young and sunny’s relationship. i now realize that maybe they DID actually give him a face reveal during his wedding when young and sunny split off to chat with a friend each and the friend who spoke to sunny was actually jaeyoon himself... BUT YOU GOTTA FUCKING SAY THAT!! i suspected they were the same guy bc of the hair color and them always hiding jaeyoon’s face until that “random” moment where they give this character who looks like him a face but like i was never sure... no offense to the author or anything but i think you have to put in-text that it’s jaeyoon and not assume readers will know based on your art that it’s him... there are too many side characters who show up so it’s not like we’ve ONLY seen taesung/sunny/young so far so now this 4th person who shows up has to be jaeyoon... i mean maybe other readers ID-ed it as him w no issue esp since he shows up being like ‘dude...’ when that other friend is like ‘well jaeyoon was in rehab and stuff’ but i personally think it should’ve been mentioned in-text esp since that face reveal wasn’t nearly dramatic enough to 100% capture readers’ attentions.
otherwise i think the fact that jaeyoon and taesung are similar is a great plot point. jaeyoon was clearly the only friend in that group who saw young and sunny’s relationship accurately so i’m glad sunny had at least one GOOD friend then. jaeyoon is implied to be someone who takes care of others similar to taesung (even if it’s only sunny he dotes over the most) too. other than young’s general possessiveness of sunny, them being similar also explains why young saw jaeyoon as such a threat. but yeah unfortunately i still don’t think it was handled as well as it could have been.
young’s explanation for his behavior towards sunny... i hesitate to say it was the standard “villain redemption” but tbf i think it was a good explanation for his actions even if it felt a little too clean of a conclusion (young letting go of sunny so easily and also apparently realizing and accepting how damaging he was to him). i say it’s partially redeeming bc it shows that young was kind of trapped in such a specific and damaging way of thinking abt life that it affected how he treated sunny but it’s also not really redeeming him bc like. be normal man lol you don’t have to be like that to others.
separate but related note but young’s mindgaming of taesung... when he was like oh everything abt sunny seo you like is bc of me... like DAMN that’s evil and good (writing-wise). although the thing is that young and sunny also haven’t interacted apparently for 5 years so i mean you do have to realize that by the time taesung reunites w him, sunny has developed enough of an individual personality so it’s not ALL young’s shit. 
in my last review i said i felt like i wanted more of young and sunny’s history... tbh i think they gave us enough actually. all we really need to know is that they’ve known each other for a very long time and that young manipulated sunny enough during an impressionable time (young age, college. ppl know how college can be lol) that sunny felt that young was the only one for him. i was actually surprised jaeyoon’s story/details came up so quick in the story (i think it showed up in the 1st half of the manhwa) but i think it was a good point bc the story had to move on to the middle/2nd half of sunny and taesung trying to get their relationship to work. past me was also apparently looking for this scene in the bar apparently where young explains his “reasons” to taesung lol
not really much to say this time abt the hosung x young endgame. still don’t think they should’ve done it or had hosung have unrequited feelings but whatever i guess. tbh i didn’t really realize/connect until this time around that hosung actually was in freelancing art/publishing which was why taesung had him look at sunny’s work lol... i think last time that part in the epilogue hadn’t been translated yet so i just didn’t have the room to make the connection maybs
the epilogue ending... so i actually never read the epilogue ending or at least its eng translation, and i was like hell yea at the full circle shit w sunny being like ‘oh the cherry blossom petals are falling just like when i first met taesung in the infirmary’ but then the ch kept going w taesung and sunny on the beach... idk i think ending it literally at sunny being like ‘w you i feel alive’ was such an abrupt ending... like maybe if they added another panel of them smiling at each other it could’ve been fine but if the author was running low on time i honestly think they could’ve ended it at the scene of sunny accepting his contest award
also when sunny was like ‘yeah lol all my classmates at the children’s book program also get sick all the time’.... i was like bruh this author is prob speaking from actual experience lmao
the other thing abt the ending that was a little random was the quick aside abt taesung’s mom being against their relationship... i mean it was a reference to the mom wanting taesung to get married in the main story but then they dropped it and then suddenly brought it back up again... randomly adding that taesung had a sister who was his contact w their mom... like i get it, it wraps up the loose end of his mom but wow i was uh ok random ch abt potential family conflicts. also where are sunny’s parents lol but that would’ve been too much to get into too regardless of homophobia or not lol
overall it’s still a pretty solid manhwa. stuff proceeds at a good pace and the conflicts/misunderstandings make sense. i said before it’s kinda like a love triangle but it’s really not which works w me bc i don’t like love triangles that much (they stress me out lol); it’s also good bc young is clearly toxic for sunny and it’s good that sunny knows that rather than sunny being like “oh i know he’s bad but also... hmm maybe i can overlook it”. the manhwa’s not perfect -- i still get the sense the writing could be better even if i can’t really enunciate why -- but enough details are tied together that there’s nothing major i have to extrapolate bw (like i can overlook the jooyeon mishap even though it legit threw me off the 1st time i read through). also yes i know the manhwa is based off of a game w characters essentially already established but my understanding is that the author/artist essentially had to write up a lot of the actual story themselves even if they had a general plotline provided to follow
also the final author’s note abt the author personally preferring fucked up stories... when i started rereading i was like wait isn’t this the same artist for that one manhwa where the characters look like the k!lling st@lking? mains and even if i didn’t remember i would’ve realized w that author’s note lol. i think fortunately for them that sunny isn’t an entirely “pure” character so they had enough room to make him a little more twisted.
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fromzerotoeuphoria · 4 years
my feelings on rinharu & makoharu
So as I said in my last post, I wanted to make a separate post adding my own commentary on this response thread made by @melancholycheer​ @chensim​ and @thenakedbloger​ to an anon who had bashed melancholycheer for shipping RinHaru. They end up saying (almost) exactly how I feel about both RinHaru and MakoHaru, and I was just applauding them along as I was reading their post!
Their reasons for not shipping MakoHaru are pretty much mine as well, and their viewpoint on how both friendships are valid are the same as mine, too. Yes, OP hates MakoHaru as a ship, but OP also respects and cares for ALL three characters, and they also respect how others may have a different ship than they do, and that’s pretty much how I view it, too (even if the ship doesn’t make sense to me) (as long as people are respectful back).
I wanted to share this convo because so many of the points made are exactly how I feel, from why RinHaru is such a dynamic ship to how I only can see MakoHaru as best friends/brothers. The things said are just 💯.
MakoHaru isn’t canon. Neither is RinHaru. Fighting about it, or acting like your ship is superior, is not only rude, but also pointless.
EXACTLY. Neither ship is canon romantically. You know what is canon? The special friendship Haru has with his best friend Makoto and the uniquely special friendship Haru has with Rin. Does he love and care for both of his friends? YES HE FREAKIN DOES.
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The directors and writers purposefully give service to each pairing to attract and keep viewers and customers.
Hate to tell ya, but MakoHaru isn’t canon and it never will be. They’ve already invested too much into both ships; if they set one in stone they’d lose a lot of fans. They won’t do that. 
People need to think—there's no way the creators are going to have an entire show based on the relationship between two characters who are driven by each other and are specially connected to one another, then boldly push fan service between them just to suddenly cut off a huge portion of their fandom by officially, "canonly" pairing one side of that relationship (Haru) with a totally different character (Makoto). Same goes for the fanservice they've been pushing between the Main Character (Haru) and his best friend (Makoto)—they wouldn't do the reverse (RinHaru) and cut off the other huge portion of the fandom like that, either (at least, not while the show is still has future seasons and is profitable).
Though I believe RinHaru is the closest Haru-ship to canon, KyoAni hasn’t made any romantic ship canon yet, and as this isn’t a BL anime, I doubt they ever will.
I don’t like MakoHaru. I have tried, tbh. I’ve read essays supporting makoharu and gone into the tag and looked at fanart and it all felt so weird. I can’t see them as more than friends. They have such a precious, special friendship and making them into anything more just cheapens it for me personally. It just feels…gross. i don’t mean that in an offensive way; i just can’t ship it… I can’t see them as more than friends. I just can’t.
...but honestly just watching the series, Makoto and Haru were just friends, in my opinion. Yeah, they got fan service, but even that seemed like just what it was: fan service. It seemed out of place to me. And more than that, even the fan service didn’t convince me that there was something between them. I’m not saying there’s not; don’t get mad lol, I’m just saying that for me personally I don’t see anything.
Literally exactly how I feel about Makoto and Haru's friendship. Yes, FRIENDSHIP. Makoto cares so much about Haru in a deeply loving way—it's obvious to everyone just how much Haru means to Makoto. And those who know Haru enough can also tell that Makoto means so much to Haru (S02E11 alone is proof). Makoto is such a sweet, soft-hearted, caring guy and the friendship between him and Haru is truly something special.
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But okay, in all honestly and as much as Makoto is my big-lil squish, MakoHaru seems just a bit...unbalanced, like Makoto is more concerned for Haru than Haru is concerned for him. Not that Haru doesn't care deeply for Makoto because he does—it just seems like Makoto cares more because he's very demonstrative about it while Haru's personality doesn't show his emotions or feelings often. I'm very fair with that; it doesn't mean that their friendship is in any way one-sided. They just have different personalities. But in all honestly it rather comes across like Makoto has a one-sided crush on Haru (while Haru has a reciprocated crush on Rin)—that’s where the “imbalance” comes in.
That’s a huge reason why I just don't see their relationship as anything other than a close friendship (with Makoto more than likely having a crush on Haru...OR his super caring Type 2 personality could misconstrue his rock-solid love and support for his friend as a crush. That’s very possible, too). Like honestly, there’s nothing remotely passionate about their friendship with one another, nothing that would suggest they both have deeper feelings than brotherhood for one another (again, Makoto does suggest this because boy cares so strongly, ngl it be borderline smothering—but then again he does just have a soft boi personality—but Haru definitely doesn’t suggest this, not with Makoto. With Rin, however...👀).
I mean, even Will and Jem from The Infernal Devices had a more emo-dynamic-passionate brotherhood/friendship than Makoto and Haru do, and Will and Jem were in love with the same girl, not with each other. So people trying to convince others that MakoHaru is a legitimate, canon romantic OTP endgame are just...I just cannot fathom that realistically happening.
RinHaru, on the other hand, has so much passion and rawness and depth. [...] And I know some people feel that way about MakoHaru, and that’s fine, but personally, Makoto and Haruka are just best friends, but when it comes to Rin and Haru’s relationship, there’s something more urgent and pressing and desperate.
THIS! Omg thisssss x10000. URGENT. PRESSING. DESPERATE. You feel this from not only Rin, but from Haru as well. This is HUGE: here you have a kid who’s disinterested in almost everything aside from swimming, a kid who rarely expresses his emotions and runs away from things he finds “troublesome.” He relies on Makoto to handle things for him when he doesn’t feel like bothering, and at the beginning of the anime, he couldn’t wait for time to hurry up and pass so he could become “ordinary.” And I hate to point this out, but that was Haru with Makoto in his life (again, no hate towards Makoto, it doesn’t say anything about Makoto as a character, just about Haru’s feelings towards Makoto). Yet when Rin enters into Haru’s life, the apathetic, rarely-expresses-emotions kid becomes urgent, pressing, desperate to have Rin back into his life no matter how little it is.
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(this got longer than I anticipated—I could talk about Haru x Rin ‘til the stars died out, for real—so I’ll put the rest under a cut)
“Well, of course you’d say that, you bias Rin!!” you may say. But see, here's the thing: I wasn't even a big fan of Rin when I was first watching the series (except for shota!Rin because I fell in love with him instantly lol). High school-Rin annoyed me with how unnecessarily rude he was to Haru and the others, and I was Team Iwatobi for a good part of Season 1. If anything, I wanted to see Rin get all emotional about and care for the other guys. I wanted to see this red-haired jerk show emotions I knew he had deep down for my guys. But then, the more I saw the dynamics between Rina and Haru play out, the more the rawness between them and that fire when they interacted with each other drew me in. I came to care about Rin the more Haru was confronted with the feelings he had towards Rin. And when Haru bolted to find Rin after Rin failed his race in S01E12, that desperation emanating from Haru—and this is HARU we're talking about, the guy who rarely shows any emotion—made me just as desperate as Haru was for him to find Rin, to make sure Rin was okay.
The dynamic between Rin and Haru is just something totally different. It's just as one of the OPs said: urgent and pressing and desperate.
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Another thing about Rin is that he was barely even in Haru's life and yet he left SUCH a huge impact on it. Rin probably spent half a semester of elementary school with Haru and the boys, yet in those few months he managed to touch something so deep in Haru that our independent, aloof and inexpressive Haru...
1) started running home from swim practice because Rin did
2) went against his own policy of only swimming free because Rin got him to
3) became so saddened that Rin moved overseas that everyone around him noticed (and it was one of the first things Kisumi mentioned when he ran into Haru in high school after all those years)
4) would fall apart when swimming freestyle in a team relay because Rin wasn't part of the team,
5) had Rin always lingering in his mind all throughout middle school,
6) said that he wanted "to swim like you too, Rin" after reading Rin's letter from Australia,
7) quit competitive swimming altogether because he thought he had hurt Rin by winning the race against him that one winter break,
8) was so rattled when Rin said that he never was going to swim with him again after Rin beat him in the freestyle race at one of the tournaments that he went into a trance-like state,
9) basically collapsed after hearing Rin say that he was quitting swimming,
10) was actually on the verge of CRYING after hearing Rin say that because Haru was heartbroken at the thought that he wouldn't ever swim with Rin again
11) said that all he wanted to do was to swim with Rin when Rei asked him what he wanted
There's no way anyone can tell me RinHaru isn't a powerful, uniquely special relationship that legitimately dances in the realm of the non-platonic. No other relationship in Free! compares to the dynamic of their friendship, to the complexity of their relationship.† They're not the closest friends—Makoto is Haru's best friend and Sousuke is Rin's—but they need each other. Are driven by each other. Are lowkey consumed by one another.
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If you read my initial reaction to watching Free!, you’ll know that I knew nothing of this anime before going into it. I also actually thought I wouldn’t fall for the characters (I was too hung up on my Haikyuu!! babies), nor would even really be into it. I went into this whole thing so unbiased and knowing absolutely nothing of the anime or the characters or the ships or that there was even a fandom. I knew NOTHING, so everything I experienced was on my own and for myself. I didn't care for Rin in the beginning, but Haru's complex relationship with Rin sucked me in and was the very reason why I even binged the last 9 episodes in one night; I was so enthralled by RinHaru, and I didn't even realize it until ep12 when Haru ran after Rin like that. There's just something so special and intense about the relationship between RinHaru that it will forever be my ult OTP in the Free! universe.
I actually read a comment on a forum that touched on how Rin was in Haru's life for a fleeting moment yet left such a huge and deep mark in his life and psyche, and I was so happy someone else noticed that. I saved it somewhere, and I'll paste it below because it too sums up so well my thoughts on the dynamic relationship that is RinHaru:
RinHaru 100%...They have such a deep and real chemistry I don't even know where to begin. I could talk for hours about them, but lets keep this short and sweet. Haruka and Rin met in the last year of elementary school (roughly 12) for only (about) the last 3 months of the school year. In those 3 months they managed to create a bond so strong that Haruka never forgot about the red-haired shark-toothed boy in all the years to pass. Rin had such a strong pull on Haruka that when they met in middle school and raced against each other, Haruka quit swimming competitively just because he thought he hurt Rin. Now in high school, Haruka still wants to remember the sight Rin had showed him, and still cares about him just as deeply as his other friends. With Rin he had only been with him for a mere 3 months and managed to create such a deep bond with him, whereas with Makoto he was with him for basically his whole life. While I am in no way discrediting MH, Rinharu managed to create still as strong a bond as they did in such a short period of time. The way they admire each other and strive to be better because of each other just... // too perfect to describe. It's a beautiful dynamic, not abusive in any way as some haters call them. Their relationship focuses on growth, passion, and inspiration, always being able to light a fire in each other, always the person to spur them on and make them go just a little farther. A truly spectacular dynamic, Rinharu will always be my second favorite ship.
Modified by Baki-san, Feb 28, 2018 11:23 AM
With that being said, I honestly don’t care who you ship. Yeah, there are ships I utterly hate (*cough* Rintori *cough*), but in the end the beauty of shipping is that anyone can ship anyone. What frustrates me and pisses me off is when RinHaru—the Haru ship that’s closest to canon because their feelings for each other are actually reciprocated—is not only attempted to be discredited, but Rin is accused of all sorts of heinous things (like being abusive) just so people can fluff up their own ship. But that’s a different post; for now, this is why I ship RinHaru and they’ll forever be my Free! OTP <3
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† this post was written for my original blog on July 27, 2020 before I’d watched Season 3. So, pre-drama-with-Ikuya and Hiyori’s-obsession-with-Ikuya. Those are some pretty complex relationships, too
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@otomeramblings said,
I'm a girl, 23 years old, around 162 cm, with medium length dark brown hair (almost black) and brown eyes. I'm one of those people who are often asked "are you okay? Are you mad?" and no, more often than not that's just how my resting face looks lol
I'm a Scorpio and an INFP. According to my friends, I'm usually very sweet but no one likes to be around me when I get seriously angry ^^; I guess it's because i'm generally very soft spoken and I try to avoid conflict as much as I can, and when I'm upset is one of the times when I actually raise my voice. I have people tell me that I'm smart, but I just consider myself to be an overall average person. It usually takes me a while to fully trust someone but once they've earned my trust, I cherish their friendship for life.
I can fluently speak English and Spanish, and I recently got my English Translation degree. I love to read (both novels and manga) and to discover new music, I also really like dancing (I did ten years of ballet) and I recently rediscovered my love for drawing and writing.
Qualities I would like in a s/o:
-passionate, about anything, really. I'm usually very reserved unless I have something I really want to talk about and I appreciate when others listen, and for that reason I love to listen to people talk about things they're passionate about
-mature, not in relation to his hobbies bit more so in the sense that he can have a serious conversation when needed and take responsibility for his actions.
-patient. Being introverted and kinda awkward, I usually need time to recharge after being social and even while spending time together there will probably be silences when I think of what to say or even times when I'd just rather we spent it doing our own thing while being together.
Qualities I don't like:
-shouting. I hate it when people shout at me when they're mad because it makes me tear up immediately, I would much rather you tell why you're mad in a calm tone so we can work things out.
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✧ The way I scREAMED when I saw your url 🤭 I love your writing so much skdhksdhksjd thank you for requesting a matchup. 😳💞 Stay safe! I hope all goes well for you!
I’d match you with: . . .
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➜ HOW YOU TWO FIRST MET ; The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze while you were on your way to buy new drawing pencils. Your current ones were not exactly in the best condition after being used too many times. A sigh escaped from you as you fastened your pace. In all honesty, you would rather stay at home and maybe watch one of your shows but you knew if you didn’t go out to buy those now, you never would. As one particular building came to your sight, you suddenly stopped in your tracks. It was a flower shop. The vibrant display of flowers covered the table outside. Bold purple, soft pink and light lavender flowers sat right in front of you as well as some others you didn’t know the names of. The sweet smell of blossomed flowers filled your nose as you inhaled and exhaled. They were so beautiful that you couldn’t help but to reach at a lavender, the purple petals felt like soft velvet against your skin. The chime of the door opening ringed into your ears, drawing your attention away from the flowers in front of you. A man with a blue striped T-shirt, a pair of black pants and black leather shoes came out of the building with a bag you thought had flower seeds in it. A brown trench coat with a blue inner lining slung over his shoulder, beautiful, dark blue hair rustling as he gave his thanks to the employee before closing the door. The man turned around and you swear you stop breathing for a moment, because oh my god how dare someone this handsome come in to your field of view without a warning. After realizing that you’ve been staring at a stranger for a good seconds, you hesitantly looked away. But just your luck, while you decided that it was the time to carry on with your mission, you dropped your purse to the ground. You groaned before bending over to pick it up but to your surprise, you see another hand reaching over it? And most importantly, you saw that it was that handsome stranger when you looked up??? He gave you a kind but awkward smile as he hold out your bag to you. You muttered a “thank you” before grabbing it. After that cliche moment, there was an awkward silence between you and the man, but he decided to speak up to start a conversation by asking if you liked flowers. The conversation smoothly flowed from there. He just had that aura of gentleness radiating that you couldn’t help but warm up to the stranger, who you later learned the name of, quickly. He even offered to accompany you to the shop you were going, which you agreed if he didn’t mind. Your relationship steadily developed from there. To be honest, it wouldn't be obvious at all that Tsumugi has a crush on you. He's friendly and sweet to everyone he meets most of the time so nobody thinks twice whenever he's with you, except maybe Tasuku. His underlying feelings for you would show in the little things he does, the way his eyes shine whenever you laugh, how his ears perk up whenever he hears your name, how he somehow memorized all your favorite foods after you offhandedly mentioned it once before. For someone who majored in psychology, it’s kind of hilarious how dense he is regarding his own feelings. He would mistake those feelings of his as a weirdly strong platonic attraction for you and continue spending time with you in hopes to appease the feeling but be confused as to why he always felt unsatisfied. He finally realizes how smitten he is for you after a long internal monologue he had after he almost had a heart attack when you hugged him once for whatever reason.
➜ PERSONALITY COMPATIBILITY ; Tsumugi is the walking epitome of every single thing you’re looking in a S/O. You want someone passionate about something? This man literally couldn’t give up on his dream and love for the performance art. He’d be more than willing to talk about how acting involved a broad range of skills, including a well-developed imagination, emotional facility, physical expressivity, vocal projection, clarity of speech, the ability to interpret drama etc. He’d try bunch of different gestures in front of you and ask you which one you liked the best. He also absolutely loves it when you are the one who does the talking. His strength is CANONLY listening to others after all. He just gives off this aura that compels you to think that you can talk about anything and everything with him. Just like you, Tsumugi has a great need for harmony and dislikes any conflict so if there were to be any fights, they would be resolved in a day or two with the two of you talking it out. He majored in Psychology in university, and is very good at reading people so if you’re both in a social gathering and he senses you need to take a break, he will hold your hand and walk you somewhere with less crowd and noise. When you want to be alone, he’d give you the space you need and if you want to spend time he would be there. He is a pretty clueless baby at the start and would try to ask people for help on dating advice. He will however remember every single memory you two will and have made. You’ll never see him forgetting any milestones in your guys’ relationship. His way of saying “I love you” is through the flowers he picks and grows. As someone who can be shy to vocally express his love for you, he handpicks each flower based on their meanings with the hope that they could accurately convey the emotions he holds for you. The very sight of your smile as you watch each tiny plant grow kindles a budding warmth inside him, as if he’s a bee intoxicated by the nectar of your happiness. And to him, the vision of you happy is prettier than any flower in his garden, pushing him to always keep you bright and blooming.
➜ SHARED ACTIVITIES ; Tsumugi canonly moon/stargazes with Misumi so why wouldn’t he do the same with his S/O? It’s a cool, romantic and surprisingly unique activity to do together. There aren’t many activities one can plan for a date that are sweeter or more intimate than a night spent together under a beautiful, sparkling sky. You would ask each other questions about one another, without being afraid of letting the conversation slow down. This is a date to relax and linger over. If not that, I can totally see him taking you to a botanical garden. These places are beautiful and not too busy in general. Bonus points if you bring a camera and get some nice photos together as a couple. i’m so soft rn 🥺 But I feel like your most common date would be either tending the garden in the mankai dorm or just doing your own little things while being together. You might be writing on the table while he’s going over his script for the winter troupe’s newest play one more time or he might be grading his student’s test, since he’s a tutor and all, while you’re drawing. I see Tsumugi as someone who reads a lot so maybe both of you can read the same book together and discuss it afterwards. These types of dates are great for discovering how the other person views the world. One might learn that their significant other is passionate about a social justice cause, their favorite author, or their philosophy of beauty. These dates are great for sparking good conversations and they are introvert friendly. Or something even better: reading aloud. Reading out loud to each other can be incredibly sweet. And, as spiritual counselor Davida Rappaport says, "just the fact that you are both close and sharing space is ... a nice way to spend an evening."
➜ ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY ; Tsumugi is a Capricorn, his birthday being December 28th. When Scorpio and Capricorn make a love match, they get an opportunity to not only enjoy a loving relationship and learn the value of being a pair, but also to grow and mature as individuals. These two may be wary about sharing themselves with one another at first, and this emotional caution may dampen the initial impact of this relationship. These two tend to be a bit cautious (Capricorn) and pensive (Scorpio), and it takes a while for them to feel comfortable with a significant other. Though they may be shy of getting involved and not the quickest to trust and share, these two Signs will discover that they can have quite a profound connection — one of friendship and deep loyalty. What’s the best thing about the Scorpio-Capricorn love match? Their determination toward shared ideas and their strong devotion to one another. They can open doors to one another’s souls and show one another new ways of perceiving and feeling.
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storiesofwildfire · 5 years
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So, I’m running on a couple hours of sleep and I can’t figure out why I’m unable to go back to sleep, but I guess I’m just awake for the time being...
Anyways, I saw Endgame again for the second time last night, and I gotta admit, I disliked it just as much the second time as I did the first time.
Now, I’m not saying the entire movie was garbage. There were definitely some highlights, some fun moments, and some great character development (shoutout to my girl, Nebula, whom I love with all my heart), but honestly? The film left me overall extremely disappointed. Considering I went in with no expectations and still left disappointed, that’s saying something.
Consider this a warning because Endgame spoilers under the cut:
There are so many things about the movie that were rushed, poorly executed, sloppy, or just overall confusing (looking at you, bullshit explanation of time travel). And as much as I’d like to go through the movie and dissect everything scene-by-scene, I just don’t have the energy for that.
What I wanna do instead is talk about Loki’s very minimal role in it, because I am extremely upset and disappointed in Loki’s story arc or lack thereof. 
Because the few scenes Loki was in were a few one-off jokes to get the audience’s attention and nothing more. We see him in his cell on Asgard in 2013 when Thor and Rocket go back for the Aether. The pair literally sneak by his cell, but they do nothing with the scene. Loki doesn’t notice them (as he really fucking should, because Loki is one of the most observant characters in Asgard) and Thor doesn’t hesitate for even a moment to look back at his now-dead brother.
Throughout the entire movie, Thor says nothing about Loki’s death, nothing about missing Loki even though Loki’s death (and Heimdall’s death) was a huge catalyst for the depression that he fell into. He watched Thanos murder his brother after Loki tried to stop him, after losing Heimdall and half of the Asgardians, after sacrificing the Tesseract and himself so Thor could live. Loki’s death shakes him (as it usually does, but this time, it’s supposedly authentically real). And yet, throughout the entire movie, he never once mentions Loki, doesn’t even pay attention to Loki when he gets to see his brother alive, and hyper-focused on his mother instead. Yes, I get that her death stung, but her death is also over a decade old. He’s processed it, been through a lot more since then, and while I understand him having issues with visiting the day she died, there is so much more for Thor to think about, to worry about, to mourn.
And Loki should have been at the top of that list. They were finally reconciling, finally getting back to a decent place as brothers and friends... 
Then we have the scenes from the first Avengers film in 2012. Where Loki is literally just in the background, making jokes while in chains. He’s been defeated, he knows what’s going to happen next, and he’s just? Making jokes? Even though that was, quite literally, one of the worst times in Loki’s life physically, mentally, and emotionally. He would not have been turning his defeat and inevitable demise into one massive joke. He barely even got a line at all (half of his only line was as Captain America, so I mean... Because Cap definitely needed more screentime, am I right?) and while yes, his expressions and little tidbits in the background were funny, the entire film seemed to turn him into a giant joke.
Given what they did to Thor, I shouldn’t be surprised. Someone who values appearances and being well-received as much as Thor is thrown into such a horrible depression that he puts on a ton of weight, becomes nothing more than a drunk hermit, and doesn’t take care of himself because of the guilt, trauma, PTSD, and panic attacks that came along with the events of Infinity War and they turned him into a walking, talking fat joke who cried the whole time... mkay.
But anyway, back to the point I’m making. Which is how disappointed in Loki’s arc I am.
Yes, they do go out of their way to show off Tony losing the Tesseract, which skitters over to Loki’s feet, and he quickly picks it up and vanishes. I’ll give the film that, but earlier in the movie, they put so much emphasis on making sure the audience understood that changing the past doesn’t change the future with some sort of ridiculous “when you travel back in time, that becomes your future and you in the present becomes your past” logic. 
Later, we see the Ancient One discussing how taking an Infinity Stone out of its proper place in the timeline can create varying alternate timelines, but that seemed very specific to the removal of the Infinity Stones, but nothing else.
So, worst case scenario is that Loki taking the Tesseract and darting off actually meant nothing because changing the past doesn’t change the future (I am still having such a hard time wrapping my mind around that because it doesn’t make sense). Best case scenario is that it does matter because an alternate timeline was created, but if that’s the case, there’s a very distinct possibility that Loki only still exists in that alternate timeline. And if by some defiance of canon, Loki taking the Tesseract and running does allow him to show up again later in the same timeline, literally all of his character development since The Avengers would have been undone...
But what was really, honestly heartbreaking? Watching all of the portals open at the final battle and watching all of the vanished walk through them. We see all of our favorites and in the theater, I was holding my breath, waiting for Loki to come through one of them. 
And he never did.
It was a heartbreaking moment because in Infinity War, they killed him off so quickly in such a ridiculous way. I’m so sorry, but Loki canonly knows more about Thanos than 98% of the MCU characters. He would not attempt to kill Thanos with a concealed dagger while Thanos is wielding more than one Infinity Stone. It’s just? Not going to happen, honestly. Loki’s far too clever, far too sneaky, and far too knowledgable on Thanos to pull something that stupid.
Not to mention, more powerful. While MCU has never really developed Loki’s abilities to their fullest potential, Loki has so many tools and resources in magic, combat, and strategizing that what he did literally makes no sense. It was almost set up to look like a fake death, but they’re trying to sell it like it was real.
Please tell me how a God--someone who has survived multiple times in space without the ability to breathe, who has suffered fatal wounds and lived to tell the tale--dies from being choked out? That doesn’t even begin to feel or look authentic, and yet, the Russos will claim that it is.
Loki died at the hands of one of his greatest abusers. He deserved to come back, to walk through one of those portals and stand up against Thanos.
If they weren’t going to make him more important to the story by playing off his death as part of a bigger plan, they at least owed him that. Loki could have been such a valuable asset in the fight against Thanos because he literally knows so much about him, but that potential was pissed on. 
But no, he didn’t get that chance. Heimdall didn’t get it. Vision didn’t get it. Anyone who died pre-snap didn’t get it.
And that’s what gets me the most? Because with the Infinity Stones, you can do literally anything, especially while wielding all of them. If Thanos could destroy an entire universe and make a new one as he was planning to do in Endgame, there is no reason you couldn’t bring other people back. There was no reason that those who died pre-snap couldn’t have come back as well. The only people I can justify being gone for good, honestly, are those that were sacrificed for the Soul Stone, because you must exchange a soul for a soul. Loki and Heimdall and Vision were not such people, so they should have been given the same chances that everyone else were given.
But they didn’t get that chance and I am heartbroken by what I saw in that movie.
I didn’t expect Loki to be a huge part of Endgame, but I was hopeful that they would at least give him some validation and a chance to fight back. Instead, we may never see him again going forward because of the blatant disrespect to his character. Yes, I know they’re making a Loki show, and while I’m tentatively excited for it, that’s not the same as seeing Loki survive Endgame and continue forward in MCU.
Honestly? It’s really fucking depressing that a character so wildly loved by so many has been reduced to this. I’ve spent seven years of my life writing and developing this character on my own ever since I fell in love with him. Loki’s such a huge and important part of my life and that love for him is not reflected in MCU.
And I’m really angry and bitter about that.
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wabbitseezonarchive · 5 years
Hi yes you ARE Daffy and sometimes I feel like you should canonly write him. You get him down perfectly! You write out his flaws, you explain them, you don’t sugarcoat that he can be a jerk!! I like that he’s got depth!! Showing off his good, his bad, his neutral traits!! You don’t portray him as some PERFECT being but one that’s flawed. You explain WHY he is the way he is!! You capture that ‘I just wanna be loved’ desperation perfectly!! YOU ARE DAFFY. You know him so well!! 💕
what about my portrayal attracted you to my blog?
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honestly, you’re my bff!!! YOU NERD!!!!!  I already flipped shit at you earlier in the thing I sent you but??? more opportunity to gush about Amanda?? I’LL TAKE IT!! you are a freakin’ genius okay? and i’m not just saying that because i’m biased as hell. YOU. ARE. A. GENIUS.
The amount of detail you put into your writing??? my god. and the amount of research you do?? on EVERY topic relating to your muses?? WOW. and the level of passion and excitement you have when you dig up a search of some vintage merch that you haven’t seen, and you share it with me and then we both freak out??! ♥ MWAH! 👌😭
I send you a clip that’s literally (and i mean literally) 84 years old, and you get just as excited about it as I am!!! you order old comics from the 40s and take pics and send them to me so we can be excited over our dorks together!! the most random things and I LOVE IT!!!! ♥
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badgertablet · 6 years
but snad is the best tho!!!!!!!1 jk i like him but hes a trash monster
MOOD. i love him a lot; he was really important to me when i was younger because we were both pretty similar (ex, made a lot of funny puns, pretty lazy, a total goober, etc) and because the whole fandom seemed to totally love him
im not trying to like…. totally desecrate his character, but aside from the whole fandom making him into like,,, a sex god,, i have problems with his canon character? 
like in the first interaction you see of him with pap pap says ‘why does someone as great as me have to do so much for some recognition???’  and sans just makes a pun. sans knows the context of this– pap doesn’t have any friends, he doesn’t even have a proper sentry station, and usually has to push and push for people to acknowledge him (him staying all night outside of undyne’s house). in my opinion papyrus is actually genuinely upset and sensitive about his lack of ‘recognition’ (aka social interaction and acceptance) but is just trying to play it off as banter. and sans has all the context fir this!!! and he doesn’t comfort him or anything just makes a very obvious reused joke !!! then when sans is supposed to have a puzzle prepared for the human there’s just a newspaper crossword/puzzle on the ground… papyrus was totally expecting sans to actually have done something and sans just,,, lets him down? and pap just lets it slide??? 
AND THEN when pap says that he thinks the junior jumble is much more difficult than a crossword sans says ‘woah, really dude? that easy-peasy word scramble? that’s for baby bones.’ which is just. insulting. considering that papyrus most likely has poor eyesight (him not seeing the human next to the lamp, mistaking the human for a rock, etc) the junior jumble would be so much more difficult for him because all of the letters are smushed close together while the crossword simply has boxes that he can easily count and a prompt for a word. lemme just say that the junior jumble being easier isn’t an intellect thing because papyrus says that compared to a crossword it’s much more difficult which is ridiculous bc crosswords require literacy, linguistics, and being able to think of context/similarities for prompts. (also i know i KNOW pap says he ‘fills the squares with z’s’ but that’s just the lead up to the joke of ‘all i can do is snore!!’ its a joke guys im like 100% sure he actually does crosswords) 
there are literally so many other examples but what i’m trying to say through all my angry ranting about misconceptions about pap is that sans is kinda a crappy brother. he doesn’t really comfort his bro, and only gives him really general compliments like ‘my bro is so cool’ which is like… nice and loving but he could be more specific lmao? (i don’t doubt sans actually thinks that pap is great, he just sucks at showing it) he gets much better at expressing his gratitude and love towards pap when pap isn’t around, like how when he takes you to grillby’s he says ‘he’s a real star’ and ‘it’s nice to have someone call you out on your laziness’  and he literally spends the majority of the day at grillby’s. (’nah, i haven’t had breakfast in at least half an hour. you must be thinking of brunch.’ how he very casually says ‘hey, everyone’ and everyone responds. how he has a tab that has presumably being added on for a while. his dying line of ‘welp. i’m going to grillby’s. papyrus, do you want anything?’ instead of like wanting to go home/see papyrus one last time/literally anything except grillby’s. /also the ‘do u want anything’ line is literally so dumb because pap canonly hates grillby’s and the only thing he ever orders when he goes there is a glass of milk so WHY would sans ask that? sans knows that bc the only way pap would ever set foot into that greasetrap would be because of sans!!!! it just seems condescending bc he’s ignoring pap’s personal preferences. i kind of think he only said that to try and tug on the human’s heartstrings so they would reset bc ‘ohhhh he misses his brother the last thing on his mind was papyrusssssss!!’/) 
he’s kinda a sucky brother but he really does love pap, and that’s what makes him such an interesting, 3-d character!! i love this bony gremlin 
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enkelimagnus · 6 years
I honestly never saw any comment harrassing Alisha or Alberto or Maia coming from sizzy and i follow a lot of them, i agree commeting 'what about sizzy' under saia tweets its bullshit but every fandom have a shipper who does, every fandom have shippers who do that bullshit, either the writters or crew, in my opinion we been very respectful with the writters but trying to tell them we want scenes, some malec fans wanted to boycott a heavely maia and simon centric episode on season 2b but thats+
+for years is really hard, i'm not asking you to like them or even love them but use that a few of stupids is a reason to hate them its truly sad, i'm a black latina and i been waiting for them for years now and honestly i never see anything but the comments under the tweets that are stupid i know but 5 stupid tweets shouldn't be a reason to treat a ship like that, a ship that doesn't even happend yet, if you give the chance to every ship to happend why not sizzy, there is 0 proof they will+
+happend in 3b, is all theories and stuff...i don't know, i'm not hating or waiting to fight, but i think is really ridiculous how you treat them as a couple when they on canon did nothing wrong
1: Because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. I’ve seen people call Alisha “ugly looking pig”, commenting on her skin tone and making racist remarks about it (they were all Sizzy shippers). They also made comments that made her feel bad about shipping Saia, and same with Alberto. He’s said that he felt shamed because he ships Saia. 
2. You are not being respectful, if for 3 seasons, all you can say is how everything is bullshit except Sizzy. 
3. I never said all malec fans are angels, if you knew everything about me you’d know I do NOT think that. 
4. I said it was ONE of the reasons. The other reasons are as follows: Simon is in a committed happy relationship, in love with another woman. Simon never expressed interest towards Izzy as more than a passing crush. He found her beautiful, and that’s pretty much it. They are friends. Izzy is a Saia shipper herself, she helped them get together, and is genuinely happy for the both of them. Izzy never showed romantic interest towards Simon. She found him cute, and became his friends, that’s all. Literally all of their scenes have been truly friend-oriented. If you wish for Simon to have been cheating on his girlfriend for a while, then you’re truly a very on-respectful person. 
5. “how I treat them as a couple”. They are not a couple. They are canonly friends. I am entitled to not liking them. me not shipping them is not me treating them badly. Simon is in a happy relationship with a woman he loves, and Izzy is currently finding herself after a battle with addiction and problems at work. I do not think they are a couple. 
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kiramxchis · 6 years
Seido Female Manager Headcanons
I want a Daiya no A spin-off focusing on the managers. We’ll call it Daiya no Queens (Queens of the Diamond in English officially)
The managers for Act II are also included, and they will be put under a cut for anyone who doesn’t want spoilers (I’m sorry mobile users). I also might end up writing about some of these, so keep an eye out for those if I ever do
One, overall Headcanon (I didn’t know who to put this under):
Sawamura can not for the life of him remember any of the managers names outside of Haruno, so to hide the fact that he can’t remember (despite being told several times by his team mates), he refers to them with nobility titles, such as “My Lady” “Your Highness” and “Princess” (since Takako’s the head manager, she and Rei are refereed to as “My Queen”). This catches on with the others, and soon every girl is called by such names, even the new mangers
Fujiwara Takako
Takako is Biromantic Bisexual, but has more of preference for boys
Because she is considered the prettiest girl in school, she gets lots of confessions, from both boys and girls alike, but she always politely rejects them.
It’s not that she wouldn’t love to be in a relationship (she has a lot of love with no where to go), but taking care of the team is usually her top priority, so she doesn’t have time to (she keeps telling herself it would be much more easier to date a member of the team, but a good majority of potential partners face the same problem as her with the sport being more important to them) (I’ll date you Takako)
She adores cute phone charms. For her 18th birthday, Chris gave her a My Melody charm for her phone and a matching case. She still uses them to this day
All the boys in her year are very protective of her, and ever since her first year it’s not unusual to see some of the boys (both on and off the bench) glaring and chasing off anyone who gets to close (Especially Jun. You might as well prepare to die if Jun catches you so much as breathing in her general direction)
Her best subject is English, and acts as a tutor for those on the team who suck at English and don’t wanna ask Rei for help
She still visits the other managers after graduating. It’s pretty common to see her, Yui, Sachiko and Haruno at a cafe near her school, drinking their coffee (hot cocoa for Haruno) and talking about the shenanigans their teams are up to
Natsukawa Yui:
Yui is Panromantic Asexual with more of a preference for girls (yet I always write her with boys)
She’s known Sachiko since middle school, they attended the same school as Chris and Shirakawa, so their route to school is longer and the have to take the train
One time, during their first year, everyone in her year got curious to see what Yui looked like without her bang covering her eye. Zono volunteered for the job (aka: everyone was too chicken shit to do it and they forced him to), and to this day when someone asks him what she looks like, his only response is “It’s like the physical manifest of what a choir of angels sound like” (Kuramochi did it once as well, and he can confirm Zono is right. Yui’s just getting tired of people pulling her bangs back, standing there for five minutes as their face turns red and then run off)
She’s one of those girls who bring the tall bottles of Bath and Body Works perfume to school. She never uses it during school hours (unless someone stunk up the bathroom), only after school in the girls locker room after a long day of practice. Her favorite scent is Dark Kiss
While it’s not mandatory the managers help out during morning practice during the summer and winter camps, they do anyway. Meaning they get up earlier than the boys, and sometimes they’re not fully awake when they get there. Sawamura had to learn the hard way not to talk to Yui unless your a faculty member until she finished the coffee she brings with her (she brings like, three of those Starbucks frappuccino bottles). She is a demon before she has had her coffee
Her family owns two Doberman's, one with and without docked and cropped ears and tail. They are the sweetest dogs in the world, and love to play with their owners
She is the only manager to not be refereed to by nobility titles. She is instead refereed to as “Heiress” or “Mistress” because Sawamura originally confused her father to being a member of the Yakuza (her family owning two Dobermans did not help in the slightest either)
Umemoto Sachiko:
Sachiko is Aromantic Asexual
Commonly refereed to as the Kuramochi of the managers, Sachiko is very protective of her friends, especially her fellow managers
You dared to hit on Takako? You’re gonna get ambushed by both her and Jun. Made fun of Haruno? Sorry honey, only she’s allowed to do that. Breathed in Yui’s general direction? She’s gonna leave you black and blue
Remember how in the 3rd ODA “Boys Be...” Sachiko joked about her fans ganging up on Nori if he got a crush on her? She wasn’t lying about having fans. Of course there are no where near as many as Takako and Yui have, but a good majority of her fans are usually range from shy and sweet to total sports geek. There is no one who doesn’t fall for Sachiko’s charm (like me)
A total gamer, she loves to play First Person Shooters (she can totally kick Kuramochi’s ass in them), but she has a secret weak spot for games like Animal Crossing and literally any Kirby game
She’s listed at number 3 in the Skillful Singers list in the Seido Baseball Club Secret Rankings ( [x] ) and is secretly referred to as Seido’s Lorelei among both her class and teammates. The choir kids want to steal her from the team
She has a collection of baseball caps she’s collected over the years of teams in both the NPB and the MLB. She has to order her MLB caps online, but it’s money well spent in her opinon
Yoshikawa Haruno:
Haruno is Biromantic Demisexual with no set preference
Because of her clumsy nature, she always carries band-aids with her. Usually cute band-aids with Sanrio characters on them. Furuya secretly adores them and whenever he gets a cut and needs a band-aid, he asks Haruno for one
It’s also not unusual for whenever she does trip and fall and scrapes her knee that all of the members of the First String in her year drop whatever they’re doing and rush over to her to make sure she’s okay. Sawamura and Kanemaru look like overprotective mothers, acting like she’s dying, Toujou and Haruichi go to get the first aid kit while Furuya is standing about a foot away with this aura flaring, not sure what to do (imagine what would happen she actually got seriously injured)
She’s a KPop fan, and her favorite groups are EXO and Pristin (yes I know the series canonly takes place in 2006-2007 leave me alone)
Another sucker for cute things, Haruno’s whole room is practically overflowing with stuffed animals
She’s the youngest of four older brothers who put the babying of the First String First Years to shame. She’s not even allowed to hold a butter knife
Another gamer, Haruno loves to play relaxing and collecting games like Pokemon and Neko Atsume
Kuroki Anna (Tall, long black hair):
Anna is a Lesbian
She has a habit of unintentionally putting small things in her mouth and chewing on them, things like earring backings and sometimes even the earring itself. As a kid, she would sometimes chew all of the shoes of her Barbie dolls
Yet, for some reason, she always swollows gum
She is the only member of the current team to be able to watch horror movies with a straight face (fssh just imagine Ryo and Anna watching horror movies together and booing at it)
There is a current bet going around at who has the best dead eyes, her, Mogami or Okumura (currently, Okumura is winning)
She currently has no interest in dating, but has expressed she would date Haruno if given the opportunity too (honey wait until you meet Wakana)
There is a member of Yakushi in her year with the same family name as her and I am fully convinced they are twins
Oda Akane (Short, blonde hair):
Akane is Demiromantic Demisexual
She’s the chubbiest manager out of the current ones, but it’s okay because there’s just more of her to love. It also contrasts Anna’s body type, which is thin and lanky (they’re just like Popuko and Pipimi)
She and Anna have known each other since childhood. The reason Anna holds no romantic interest in Akane is because she cherishes their friendship more than anything in the world and thinks a relationship would ruin it. Akane on the other hand, has a giant crush on Anna that she does not act upon (think of it like Chinatsu and Akira’s relationship, only more stable and less hostile)
When her bangs are down, the fall very similarly to Sawamura’s. She keeps them tied up because she thinks they get in the way, but doesn’t want to cut them
She has to wear glasses, but usually wears contacts because she hates how they look on her (baby girl show me your glasses)
A gigantic anime fan, she loves Magical Girl and Sports Anime the most
She is both asthmatic, and dyslexic. Probably not a very good combination set for a manager
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plac3h0lder · 7 years
Later Chapter Summary (Don't have to post, just review and please give me your honest opinion)
Warning: This chapter summary contains blood, suicide mentions, HIV references, and angst. If you are uncomfortable reading this, it is understandable and I do not want to offend anyone
On an rainy April evening, Dib is home alone (Dad is working over hours and Gaz is off at Zim’s house since they are dating). He is geniunely happy, watching TV and eating Chinese take out. He then hears the doorbell ringing and he answers it. It is Fox, crying and shaking her head in denial. She then begs Dib “Please tell me you don’t have it”. He is confused and asks what she means. She then tells him that Jessica told her that he has HIV and is angered at him for not telling her in the beginning. He then tries to tell her that Jessica is lying, but Fox screams at him for being dishonest, breaks up with him, and tells him that she hates him (she feels shocked afterwards). 
After Fox leaves, Dib goes upstairs and starts writing a suicide note to his father and sister and other friends. Afterwards, he runs hot water in his bathtub and takes off his coat. He takes out a pair of scissors from his drawers and starts cutting himself with a smile on his face.
When Gaz comes home later on that night, she notices that it’s too quiet and investigates the house. She then goes upstairs and find Dib in his bloody bathtub with open slits from his arms. Her heart drops and she calls an ambulance to come and pick him up. While the ambulance drives Dib to the hospital, Gaz goes to her father’s office and attempts to see him. She blocks off his workers and security and angrily confronts her father about what happened. Professor Membrane brushes the incident off (he doesn’t really like Dib anymore due to him being Bisexual and has once even sent him to conversion camp) and orders for Gaz to leave now. When she does leave, Gaz sees a stone and throws it at a window, screaming that he never cared about her and Dib. She then runs to the hospital with tears running down her face.
The next day, Fox notices that Dib is absent and later on overhears Gaz talking to Zim, Keef, Tak, Gretchen, and Zita that they will visit him at the hospital after school. She then shows up at the hospital with a vase full of roses and asks what happened to Dib. Gaz explains everything to Fox, but then she blames her for making Dib’s last minutes of his life miserable (Spoiler: Don’t worry. He will survive). Fox then tries to tell them that she never meant what she said to Dib, but Gaz shuts her down by saying that she can’t take her words back and that she has done nothing but made their lives more miserable when she came into their lives. Everyone agrees with her (Including Tak and Zita and Keef) and walks away from Fox, looking at her with anger.
Fox then drops the vase of roses and smiles blankly. She walks out of the hospital with the same expression, but when she gets to the isolated part of town (where her base is located at), she deactivates her disguise and goes to the bathroom in tears. She looks at her reflection in disgust and punches the mirror, making her fist bleed. She then gets a baseball bat and starts smashing everything in sight, screaming that she is sorry to Dib. After her meltdown, she packs a bag, gets Snowflake, and burns down the base. She then collapse to the ground in tears, saying that she is sorry for everything and that she wishes to go back and take back everything she has said to him. 
(A/N: Please forgive my cruddy writing on summaries. I can write stories way better than summaries. So, what is your HONEST opinion?)
//... HONEST opinion? Well.. If you’re asking for my critique, I’ll give it.
I will be going off the actual canon to the show/comics. If i were to go off my blog, that’d be INCREDIBLY WEIRD/CREEPY because there’s a bit of ME in all of my Muses, so I’ll stray from that.
I’m not big on the idea of Dib and or/Fox having a sexual relationship as implied. Considering Dib is still canonly a child, it makes me very uncomfortable. If this is in an older!AU, go ahead, but i still feel... Personally bad about it. But hey, this is just my opinion. I also don’t see Dib being the type of person to be into that stuff whatsoever. (I would highly recommend removing any kind of sexual activity from any story you write/become involved in if you’re a minor. Not my life, not my call, but even so, it’s illegal and i just want the best for you.)
Next. Considering Fox is an Irken, i don’t see why she would be concerned with HIV or any kind of human disease seeing as how Irkens versus humans both have very different illnesses and cures. Not to mention that Irkens canonly don’t have any kind of genitalia, i also don’t really see how any kind of sexual activity could be possible. But, whatever you headcanon, i suppose.
Next. For Dib to give literally everything up because he lost one person seems a little?.. Off. He still has his career, Gaz, entertainment and full life ahead of himself. To be so unbelievably dedicated to one person that he tried to kill himself seems incredibly OOC and just plainly unrealistic and like an unbalanced thing for him to do.
Next. I feel like Professor Membrane would care a lot, a lot more for his children than that considering they’re all he has to give for the future. Without them, he can collapse under his own castle in a matter of seconds. There wouldn’t be hope for the future generations of science, nor would there be anything to look forward too after he gave up his position. Not only this, but the fact that Dib’s bi.. I just don’t feel like he as a father would care? He doesn’t care too much that he’s into the paranormal, he doesn’t try to convert his mind to real science, he just heavily encourages it.
Next. If Dib were to create a relationship with an Irken, call me crazy or ship-delusional, but i feel like if it were remotely ANY IRKEN, it’d be with Zim. Reasons are, they’ve known one another. They literally need one another to be satisfied. This is shown and displayed more than once in both the show and the comic. The other reason is that Dib may have hopes that he could change Zims mind about the earth dominating thing. Even if it’s not a relationship, it could be a friendship. I don’t see him just saying ‘okay I’ll date you’ to some female Irken who just shows up into his life.
Next... The overall story.
Listen, buddy. ..This.. Entire thing.. Is just a mess, i feel?.. Don’t let me discourage you, if you like it you keep writing it, and don’t you DARE let my words get in the way of that. But, for me, it’s.. WAAAY too edgy. I get that angst is a lovely topic and should be appreciated, but, this gives me a vibe that yells ‘I’m trying to be serious and sharp as a razor blade.’
That’s.. Not really a vibe you want your stories to give people. It sounds like all the ‘high tech’ computer gaming gear in the form of an IZ fic. An angst story doesn’t need to include every single tragedy that could ever occur to be angsty or sad. In fact, the simpler, smaller stories are usually the more deepening. I mean... If i wrote both of these on an article title, which would sound more emotional?
‘Kid attempts to runaway eight times after incredible school bullying and parental neglect.’
‘Kid gets abused and neglected after family hears of their eighteen suicide attempts after public embarrassment. Family gets together before the child ends it in front of their entire family at thanksgiving dinner, causing them to blame themselves and each other.’
One seems straight to the point and realistic, other seems over done and jumbled. You don’t need a severely depressing story to make the readers severely depressed. It just kind of makes them sigh, roll their eyes and claim it’s cheesy. When people read angst and sad fics, they just want a snack. And it’s your job to make sure you don’t use too much baking soda.
For you, hun, if you’d like to make this a public story, I’d suggest fixing it up and using a bit of references. There are many mary sue-ish focuses here and there, very unlikely events, everything moves too fast, I’m sorry. But, this is my honest opinion.
However! If you’re writing this for fun, please continue to do as you do! Write for you, don’t let anyone else control that! But.. If you want to make it public, you know...
Just.. Tone down on the baking soda, okay?
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