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louzit · 1 year ago
Discover the Perfect Time to Explore Colombia's Diverse Landscapes
Discover the best times to explore Colombia's diverse landscapes, from national park hikes to vibrant festivals. Plan your Colombian adventure today.
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Embark on a year-round journey through Colombia, a land of diverse landscapes and vibrant culture. This comprehensive guide is your key to finding the perfect time for your Colombian adventure. Whether you're an avid hiker seeking national park treks or a culture enthusiast eager to partake in lively festivals, Colombia has something for every traveler. From the sun-kissed Andes to the pristine Caribbean coast, explore this South American gem and create unforgettable memories in a place where the ideal time to visit is any time.
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heycarrrl · 6 years ago
Mountains smokin’ outside Bogotá #traveladventures . . . . ____________________________________ #explorecolombia #nofunforlitt #sonyalpha6500 #tourcolombia #igtones #travelbloggerlife #visualambassadors #blogto #visualgrams #creative_ace #bogota #beautifuldestinations #leagueoflenses #gramslayers #artofvisuals #lifeonthemove #nomatic #bealpha #travelcolombia #hyperlapse #djimavicpro2 #droneoftheday #colombia ---------------- @519shooters @sonyalpha @colombia.travel @natgeotravel @travelawesome @djiglobal https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwe0e2eHJNJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1voxaorg5v7j1
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foodtravelanddrinks · 6 years ago
Dope tapas. Food is awesome. The ribeye tacos, fried shrimp wontons, and garlic shrimp. If ever in Cartagena visit them Baruco by @restaurantecuzco. They have two restaurants next to each other. Both are nice experience. #colombia #cartagenacolombia #cartagena #foodtravelanddrinks #rossylsd #eatwithme #eatingincartagena #foodincolombia #barsincartagena #myviews #explorecolombia #explorecartagena # (at Baruco by Cuzco) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJmpAPgh3A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19aejmco0wioj
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itaglobal · 6 years ago
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Cartagena will have you seeing stars with it’s gorgeous architecture and amazing history. #cathedral #lights #church #stars #cartagena #colombia #travel #visitcolombia #explorecolombia #knowcartagena #visitcartagena #christmastime #christmaslight #illumination #thewalledcity #crownjewel 📷@cdepew (at Catedral De Santa Catalina De Alejandría) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrtWZM0jPRd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1eh9ce049pxx3
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sylvana-alexa-blog · 7 years ago
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#Cartagena #cartagenacolombia #cartagenadeindias #colombia #colombify #colombiatravel #colombia_greatshots #colombiana #fruta #fruit #Colorful #color #streetfood #ExploreColombia #explore #travel #TravelColombia #visit #visitcolombia #theonlyriskiswantingtostay #airbnbphoto #airbnb #photography #peopleofcolombia #papaya #palenqueras #palenquerascartagena #exploringcolombia #ig_colombia #greatcolombia (at Cartagena De Indias, Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BbYW2ftAwB_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=t9ma7u73h5mp
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guidecuador-travel · 3 years ago
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Ready for #bestofcolombia10DaysTour 😉 🇨🇴 . . . @guidecuador 🎥 . . . #guidecuadortravel #guidelatam #guideinsouthamerica #travelwiththelocalexpert #colombia #colombiabylocalexperts #travelwithme #bestvacations #explorecolombia (en Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWM5YkEMAoe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lowestflightfares · 4 years ago
Explore Colombia with Lowest Flight Fares travel agency. We are providing best deals and offers for flight booking. So what are you waiting for book your flight now contact +1 (323) 220 8411. Follow us on  linktr.ee/Lowestflightfares
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africanberberwoman · 7 years ago
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I fell in love with You Cartagena 🇨🇴 . . . . . . #cartagena #colombia #visitcolombia #explorecolombia #travelingcolombia #cartagenacolombia #southamerica #hbslife #travelcommunity #femmetravel #tioh #welivetoexplore #blogger #travelblogger #blog #instatravel #earth #photography #presets #latinamerica #latin (at Cartagena, Colombia)
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onearmbandito · 7 years ago
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Memories of our Colombia trip. A street in Candelaria in Bogotá #bogota #candelaria #candelariabogota #oldbogota #ilovecolombia #explorecolombia #latinamerica #southamerica #colombiana #colombian @bogotasticblog
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andymunera · 4 years ago
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En la Fonda de Chota, el mejor Grafitero de Colombia #Graffitour #Graffititour #Grafitur #comuna13 #Colombia #medellin #estacionmetrosanjavier #Operacionorion #barriosdemedellin #visitcolombia #southamerica #discoversouthamerica #travelcolombia #explorecolombia #colors #antioquia #Graffitourcolombia #colorful #Paisajes #paisajescolombianos #beautifuldestinations #colombiahermosa #beautifulcolombia https://www.instagram.com/p/CJr-ELuhTxD/?igshid=1v8a4lbiiqo98
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heycarrrl · 6 years ago
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Tourin Bogotá - #colombia . . . . ____________________________________ #adventure #fun #instagram #cityscape #digitalnomad #explorecolombia #igtones #nofunforlitt #visualambassadors #blogto #visualgrams #creative_ace #sonya6500 #instravel #beautifuldestinations #leagueoflenses #gramslayers #traveladventure #artofvisuals #bealpha #travelcolombia #sonyalpha #bogota ---------------- @travelawesome @natgeotravel @travelawesome @sonyalpha @livetheadventure @colombia.travel (at Bogotá, Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwQa9H6nKus/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l7hyx6ptcbrx
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jphvm-blog · 7 years ago
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All shot on 35mm film: Leica M4-2 / Kodak Portra 400
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paradizzcolombia · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @sabine.at.besabine Colombia is in het gelukkige bezit van 2 woestijnen: La Guajira en Desierto de Tatacoa (foto). Of nouja: officieel is de Tatacoa Woestijn geen echte woestijn, maar een tropisch droog bos. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Wel of geen echte woestijn: Tatacoa is bijzonder. Een mengelmoes van rode rotsformaties, knalgroene cactussen met roze bloemetjes, grijze vlaktes en droge groene bossen. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Ik krijg vaak de vraag: is Tatacoa de omweg waard? Mijn antwoord: ja en nee. Tatacoa is mooi en sommige reizigers denken dat het ver buiten de gebaande paden ligt, maar niets is minder waar. Kom op het verkeerde moment en je ziet alleen maar toeristen. En dat verkeerde moment is precies wanneer de meeste reizigers hier zijn: juli, augustus en van medio december tot medio januari. Buiten dat hoogseizoen en buiten lange weekenden waarop Colombianen er zelf opuit trekken zul je deze 'woestijn' echter vooral voor jezelf hebben. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Naast de bijzondere rode rotsformaties staat Tatacoa om nog iets bekend: de prachtige sterrenhemel. In de avond kun je bij het astronomie observatiecentrum de sterrenhemel bewonderen inclusief uitleg. Dit gaat alleen door als het niet bewolkt is en regent en je kunt dus net pech hebben, want ook hier regent het soms. Zoals toen ik er was bijvoorbeeld... ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Gaat je reisroute door Colombia langs Tatacoa: zéker bezoeken! Lees hier alle informatie voor een bezoekje aan deze net-niet-woestijn: LINK IN BIO >> UITGELICHT 2. ❤🇨🇴 . . . . . . . #colombiaespasion #rondreizen #naturephotograpy #desertlandscape #desiertodelatatacoa #deserttrip #tatacoadesert #tatacoa #natureloversgallery #colombia_greatshots #dutchblogger #travelloversofinstagram #yovoy  #colombiatravelbloggers  #colombiatravel #idcolombia #lovecolombia #travelcolombia  #visitcolombia #explorecolombia #colombiatravellers  #enmicolombia  #lomejordecolombia #teamocolombia #reisblog #visitacolombia #travelinspirations #reisblogger #reizen  #instagrammable (en Desierto De La Tatacoa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCP-r-LDVNC/?igshid=1o8xw22krdd7r
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sylvana-alexa-blog · 7 years ago
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Founded in 1705 #barichara #baricharacolombia #baricharasantander #colombia #santander #santandercolombia #explore #explorecolombia #colombify #colombiatravel #ig_colombia #colombiainstagram #history #colonialstreet #cobblestone #cobblestonestreets #town #pueblo #pueblito #visitcolombia #travel #travelcolombia #historical #historicaltown #southamerica #southamericatravel #travelsouthamerica #ExploreSouthAmerica #followthejourney @colombia @colombify (at Barichara) https://www.instagram.com/p/BdGmvG3gam1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kb257q2ms1ej
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giannichavez · 5 years ago
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A•N•U•N•C•I•O . . Feliz de Ser parte de esta Iniciativa juntos increíbles Hombres de Cambio! . . SHAMBHALA EL CAMINO SAGRADO DEL GUERRERO · Te invitamos a unirte a nuestro próximo festival en línea #Shambahla - El Camino Sagrado del Guerrero. Tendremos distintas clases y talleres para trabajar y celebrar el despertar colectivo de la humanidad y la energía masculina. Dirigido para todo público y liderado por grandes guerreros: 🔸 @agus_amarillo 🔹 @juanrespira 🔸 @giannichavez 🔹 #SantiagoUrrego 🔸 @justincaruso 🔹 @pablo_saldarriaga_ 🔸 @juangomezamor 🔹 @krisomyoga 🔸 @dishesdelicious 🔹 @tavo_g_yoga 🔸 @prana.pacifico · ➡️Envíanos un mensaje para recibir nuestro programa completo y tu acceso a 10 sesiones íntimas en línea de 9 am a 9 pm el próximo Domingo 21 de Junio. -------- SHAMBHALA THE SACRED PATH OF THE WARRIOR · We invite you to join our next online festival #Shambahla - The Sacred Way of the Warrior. We will have different classes and workshops to work and celebrate the collective awakening of humanity and masculine energy. Directed for all audiences and led by great warriors: 🔸 @agus_amarillo 🔹 @juanrespira 🔸 @giannichavez 🔹 #SantiagoUrrego 🔸 @justincaruso 🔹 @pablo_saldarriaga_ 🔸 @juangomezamor 🔹 @krisomyoga 🔸 @dishesdelicious 🔹 @tavo_g_yoga 🔸 @prana.pacifico · ➡️Send us a DM to receive the full schedule and your all access day pass to 10 intimate online sessions from 9 am to 9 pm, Sunday June 21st. · · · · #PranaPacífico #Chocó #TravelColombia #ExploreColombia #Nuquí #CírculoDeHombres #EnergíaMasculina #OnlineFestival #HombresConscientes #Yoga #Respiración #EcstaticDance #Meditation #YogaChallenge #YogaLife #YogaMan #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryday #InstaYoga #YogaVibes #MedicinaChina https://www.instagram.com/p/CBG7O1WD275/?igshid=1dy35fyhbo12p
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charlierobstravels · 5 years ago
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Candelaria, Bogotá, Colombia . . . #colombia #travelcolombia #explorecolombia #lovecolombia #worldtrip #exploretheworld #travelgram #travelpics #discoversouthamerica #bogota #city #cityscape #streets #colorfulstreets #streetart #clouds (à La Candelaria, Bogotá) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5X2CFEJsP9/?igshid=1qgbrnkwciyor
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