#expect more Titania from me
kiffyjessi · 3 months
My favourite Girl!!! Titania !!!❄️
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Oh Titania... They could never make me hate you
I'll be your forever defender and a fan.‼️
I love you, you need more scenes to shine ✨
I also wanna see more of the ice giants and their moons in general, because their my special interests even before encountering this show.
For the time being I'm successfully converting my friends to watch the show (not that hard, they love me too much) and I can definitely say they loved it. (I absolutely love my friends, wouldn't trade it for anything <3)
Also... The russian dub is so amazing I might like it even more than the original - it's really so well done, the voices are superb
(and no don't assume I'm russian or speak russian, I just have the super mega privizof being Slavic 🎉)
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trashybugs · 9 months
[Fanservant] Pan-Human-History Fairy King Oberon
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PHH Fairy King Oberon
Class: Ruler
The great fairy king and the ruler of the Seelie court. Different from his Lostbelt counterpart who was born as a doomsday terminal, this fairy king lives just to enjoy life and be happy.
Although he was born as the elven king Alberich from the Germanic folklore Nibelungenlied, as time progresses, he has incarnated into a more famous portrayal from Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night Dream". He loves fame and attention, he doesn't mind shedding his old shell to become a more resplendent butterfly.
He is very capable in combat and holds a great strength, capable of controlling the nature and weather even from a change of mood. Because of his overwhelming strength, he's used to toying with his enemies and underestimating them. He prefers to summon his fae servants to fight for him while he watches from a fair distance with a benevolent (cruel) smile.
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Bond 1:
Height/Weight: 183cm, 60kg (not counting antlers)
Origin: Germanic folklore, medieval European literature
Region: Britain (formerly), Avalon
Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral
Gender: Male
"My my, dearest, pray tell, why are you staring at me with that innocent, doe-eyed eyes look of yours... are you that astonished at how different I am to that pathetic, washed-out mimicry?
As expected, not a single being in any realm could come close to my greatness after all. Of course, there's a limit to what playing pretend could do... Now, come sit beside me. I would love to hear what you think of me."
A flirty, unrestrained, and outgoing monarch. Oberon has gathered a lot of lovers from varying races in his lifetime, and he's still open into adding more to his harem.
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Bond 2:
While he loves gathering beautiful people for himself, he also takes great enjoyment in playing matchmaker and seeing other people's relationship develop, for the best or the worst.
A complete opposite from his other self who appreciates and finds value in everything, this Oberon does not bother attaching meaning in anything he chases. He doesn't view relationships and connections as something that should be cherished, for in the infamous Shakespearian play, his wife has proven to still love him no matter what he does.
He has a great many desires but his motives seem to be empty and short-sighted. As seen in the play, he gave his queen, Titania, a love potion to prank her without thinking much of what will happen after its effects wore off. He received no consequences for his actions and the story eventually brushed aside the quarrel that they had, further enabling his behavior. To him, there never seemed to be a problem that came his way or a moment in the story that criticized his faulty mindset.
His appetite for the world is unquenchable, as he views everything in it as worthy of enjoyment. He seeks to collect everything that shines before his eyes, yet as his collection grows, so does his dissatisfaction. What motives he has to obtain them are but a momentary fancy, but due to his own frivolous nature, he's fundamentally incapable of realizing and fulfilling his desire for a genuine attachment
Oberon lives as any pan-human history fairies will do, living life as he pleases.
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Bond 3:
Being one of the great-father of the fae realm, Oberon, who came from the inner sea of the planet and has no connection with human civilization, is very connected to nature.
This can be seen with his appearance, a large beautiful antlers that attracts birds and insects to land on it, and legs resembling a stag. his outfit and a flowery cloak that is magically created by his fae servants. He’s adorned with jewelries from humans who gave him offering as a way to pass his territory safely. In some legend his pearls are made out of maiden’s tears.
with a face that is blessed to be forever beautiful, he is a king that is fitting to rule the fae realm.
Without his beloved queen Titania to accompany him, he took in her role and personality. He developed more gentle, nurturing, almost motherly role to the fairies around him.
As long there’s nature around him, he could give birth to new fairies on a whim using little bit of mana from his Fairy Patterns. He sires many children from that method of reproduction alone but he also took enjoyment in creating them with others. Such as his consorts and random human maidens.
In some legends he have another famous fairy queen besides Titania, named queen Mab
Bond 4:
Oberon was horrified and amused upon finding out about his other self. A pretend prince in rags and naught a kingdom to speak of. A solitary, spineless insect who is content to forever stare at the star above him instead of dragging it down for himself.
Oberon can't wrap his mind on the way his other self sees the world, and while he agrees that stories should not be forgotten, he thinks they should rightfully be enjoyed forever, else they don't qualify as something interesting. In that case, they might as well be obsolete in his eyes.
In the end he took great enjoyment in observing his other self, and wouldn't even mind extending his affections toward him.
After all, he is still his beloved's master compatriot.
Bond 5:
Though his favor is true in a sense, his seeming infatuation with the Chaldean master urges him to act as though he's madly in love with them. In truth, he initially sees them as a form of entertainment, something to satisfy his curiosity and burgeoning envy as to why his other self-took so much liking towards them.
His yearning for the fictitious Titania might perhaps be even stronger than that of Oberon Vortigern's, for he sees Titania as his rightful wife in the myth, unlike Oberon Vortigern who is simply a pretender. As time goes on, his desperation to have a genuine affection for his master grows, leading him to question why their relationship with his other self seems to flourish more than it does with him. He's failed to understand that his connection with his master is fundamentally different, as the relationship between his other self and the Chaldean master have been forged through a long journey together in Lostbelt Britain.
Despite his strong longing for a true love, he doesn't put much effort in trying to find it nor is his attachment to that desire strong enough to make him hate Pan Human History.
"After all, the world is a beautiful place filled with enjoyment, what would be the point in destroying such things?"
The world is but a playground to him, in the end.
big thanks to my friend @lamunana who helps me brainstorm his lore, write her own ideas and even fix my grammar!
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thenightling · 11 months
Oh, no. It's real. I'm so worried they'll screw it up.
Gargoyles was one of my favorite shows when I was about twelve-years-old.
It was very subversive in how it educated you. You had these Gargoyles from medieval Scotland waking up in modern day New York City and deciding to protect the city as their new home. "Stone by day, warriors by night!" And not only was there an on-going story but there were characters from folklore and literature. The Weird Sisters, MacBeth, Oberon, Titania, Puck... You had to read Shakespeare, King Arthur, and folklore from around the world to understand who or what the characters were interacting with. It tricked kids into being interested in classic literature and I loved it. The show even created a literary / TV writing trope called the Xanatos Gambit. Named for the Gargoyles' main antagonist, David Xanatos (who later redeems himself, more or less) a Xanatos Gambit is when an antagonist has set up a scheme where no matter the outcome he wins on some level. Keith David had voiced Goliath (the main gargoyle) and the main human character was a human, woman detective who was half African and half Native American. And you know if this was made today people would call Elisa's very existence "Woke." My favorite character was the show's depiction of Puck. That was a plot twist I did not expect. To me the episodes The Gathering and The Gathering Part 2 was a big game changer. And they got Broadway icon, Terrence Mann (who I saw live in The Rocky Horror Show in 2001) as Oberon. I really hope this new live-action show is good but it could so easily be a disaster. Please, be good... This show was such a big part of my childhood.
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kumeko · 3 months
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A/N: For the Midsummer Lie’s Dream zine! Oberon just makes me so sad, I want him to find his Titania one day. I’m sure she exists, somewhere, somewhen.
Laughter filled the open plains.
That in itself wasn’t an unusual sound, especially not for Oberon. In his months in this Lostbelt, laughter was the sound that greeted him the most. That and clamoring cries for him to pay his bills, whether it be in a tall tale, a whimsical ditty, or in actual money. A smile and joke was often all he needed to squeeze his way out of those situations.
No, what was unusual was hearing it on the road. Or even actually being on the road, for that matter. Oberon rarely took his time travelling between cities and even then, he never had a travelling companion. Now, though, he was inundated with them. Leaning against the carriage, he idly scanned the open field in front of him. Gareth and Red Hare chatted eagerly about the best restaurants. Muramasa and Da Vinci teased Artoria. Blanca rested for once, taking a break between the errands he tasked her with. A wind blew through long grasses, rippling through them like the sea. There were no Mors, no other Fae, just several ‘friends’ scattered about as though they were out on a picnic and not fulfilling a prophecy.
Months ago, he couldn’t have imagined this scene at all. His trips had been merely a means to an end. They still were, but now they were filled with diversions and pit stops. Trips that would take an hour at most were now days of winding roads. What a ridiculously ordinary, fluffy trip.
It repulsed him.
“What are you thinking of?” Ritsuka asked, popping out of nowhere. For a human, she was oddly quiet, her footsteps light and breathing shallow. Perhaps it was all of her time spent fighting battle after battle, sneaking from one danger to the next. It was a matter of survival that she could hide her presence, at least long enough until she could summon protection.
Oberon plastered a smile out of habit. He couldn’t let his guard down just yet. “Just how ordinary this is. I didn’t think I’d get to travel around with everyone. It’s a lot more fun than I expected.”
Ritsuka studied him, her eyes sharp, her expression unreadable. There were times when he wondered if she could see right through him, if the betrayals and twists she’d witnessed had given her a sixth sense for it. If maybe the wars she’d fought had aged her well beyond her years. But then, just as quickly, she turned away and leaned against the carriage next to him. “I wonder why you got here so early. Tristan appeared when we did.”
“Me too,” Oberon sang, relaxing slightly. It had all been in his imagination. How could she see through him, when all of the Fae here couldn’t? He raised both his hands as though he were balancing an imaginary scale. “Maybe that’s the difference between a knight and a prince? But that gave me time to set everything up.”
“Thanks for that.” Ritsuka smiled appreciatively. She looked worn, no doubt a little depleted from a recent skirmish. Her energy hadn’t yet recharged from her latest summoning. Pushing back a stray red lock, her expression turned wry. “Though…did you really have to rack up all those bills? You don’t even need to eat.”
“It’s fun! They keep coming up with new creations, how can I say no? And it’s not that much,” Oberon denied half-heartedly. It had been all too easy to swindle others. A little smile, a little song, and they all ate out of his hand. Even animals had a better sense of wariness. “Besides, what’s a little debt between friends?”
“I don’t think that constitutes as a little,” Ritsuka replied dryly. Despite her words, she chuckled, her eyes full of mirth. “I’m amazed they still let you in. I think we could buy a country with how much you owe.”
“It’s not like they can deny my face. And I am a prince, even if only in name.” Oberon chuckled and shrugged, dismissing the problem. If things continued as planned, it wouldn’t be long before the whole point became moot. “It’s fine, we’re saving everyone, right? What’s a little money compared to that?”
Ritsuka flinched. She stared at the ground, biting her lip as she scuffed the dirt. “Saving everyone…”
Was that guilt he detected? Oberon repressed a dark smirk. Just how far should he push that feeling? Just how deep should he twist that knife? It was far too late to feel that now, after pruning five possibilities. Ritsuka couldn’t turn back now, and even if she could, Oberon wouldn’t let her. He’d far prefer to let her feelings fester, to have them deepen and darken until they consumed her. Until her appearance matched her deeds.
Yet, he was Oberon right now, and for all of Oberon’s pranks and roguish behaviour, he was not one to let another wallow in guilt.
“You are saving them,” he reminded her gently, resting a hand on her shoulder. Even for a human, she felt small, frail. “Regardless of how it ends, today’s important, right?”
“That…” Ritsuka covered his hand with hers and squeezed it lightly. It didn’t repulse him as much as it should have. “I know. Thanks.”
“Knowing and feeling something are two different things, right? Knowing the truth doesn’t always make it any easier to believe.” Oberon closed his eyes as a light breeze ran through the field, rustling his robes and ruffling his hair. He hadn’t meant to say that. He shouldn’t have said that.
Unbidden, he thought of her once more. What a silly, stupid thought. If only he hadn’t ‘settled’ as Oberon. Naked and fractured, he hadn’t thought of anything more than survival when he’d first surfaced in the forest. And now, he was paying for that weakness with a body that swirled with conflicting wishes and thoughts.
He didn’t need any of this.
He wanted it more than anything. A doomsday device shouldn’t have desire, yet it filled him nonetheless.
How troubling.
“Yeah.” Ritsuka looked at him once more, with those perceptive eyes of hers. For a moment, he thought she’d read his mind.
Before she could say anything, he cut in with a teasing smile. It was far too early for him to lose control like this. “Just look at Artoria.” Oberon gestured at the young woman in front of them, her face bright red from either anger or embarrassment. Or both. It was usually both. Especially when she had to deal with Muramasa, who looked like he was setting up a competition. “She really doesn’t seem like the chosen one, does she? She’s not like the Artoria from our world at all.”
Ritsuka laughed. “Yeah, you’re right. Still…” She pursed her lips as she glanced at their companion, her expression softening. Did she see something of herself in the chosen one? They had both been thrust into a task they hadn’t been ready for, with no way out.
“Still?” Oberon prodded, curious despite himself.
“It’s…uh…it’s corny, but they have the same eyes.” She rubbed her neck sheepishly. An embarrassed flush spread across her nose. “They’re…unwavering. She's not confident, but…it’s like when I talked to Artoria Lily. She’s stronger than she realizes. She just needs a push.”
“Ohhh?” Oberon grinned, steering the conversation back to lighter pastures. It seemed his decision for team building exercises was finally paying off. “Looks like someone has a fan. You should tell her that.”
“That…yeah.” Ritsuka looked even more embarrassed at the thought. “I’ll think about that.” She laughed awkwardly. “It’s like Mash all over again.”
He had seen little of Ritsuka’s preferred Servant. “They’re similar?”
“A bit. I had to praise Mash a lot in the beginning too. She never seemed to believe me or herself.” Ritsuka smiled wistfully as she leaned back, staring up at the sky. “I hope we find her soon.”
“We will.” Oberon tapped Ritsuka’s hand, the master’s seals impossible to miss on her pale skin. “You’re still connected to her, right? And we’ve got everyone searching.”
Softly, she mumbled, “Yeah.”
There was something nostalgic about her expression. Oberon couldn’t quite place where he’d seen it before. It was the most vulnerable he’d seen her.
Ritsuka didn’t look at him as she added, “And you too.”
That caught him off guard. Puzzled, he pointed at himself. “Me?”
Now she turned to him, her gaze thoughtful. “Titania. I’m sure we’ll find her one day.”
Oberon didn’t know what to say to that, whether he should fake a laugh or look appreciative. He should never have let that slip earlier.
Ritsuka didn’t comment on his silence. She clasped her hands in front of her. “There are other servants like that. Nursery Rhyme. Jeanne d’Arc Alter. They didn’t really exist but they also do. It happens sometimes.”
He didn’t need to be a mind reader to guess where this was going. Oberon forced a smile. “If we’re lucky.”
“Well, I think I’ve got that covered.” Ristuka chuckled sardonically. “I mean, all of this is happening, but I made it pretty far. And in one piece. You never know; she might appear one day.”
“I…” It was strange. Ritsuka was consoling him. Oberon had never been consoled before. He had never needed to be consoled either. Even now, he didn’t need to hear those words. Even now, there was something about the whole idea that made his skin crawl.
Yet, hope bloomed within him nonetheless.
It unnerved him. Maybe this was one of her abilities as a Master. Maybe this was the ‘Oberon’ within him. He should have cut this part of himself out long ago.
Ritsuka grasped his hand comfortingly. “You’ll find her. I’m sure of it.”
“Yeah.” He forced himself to stay still, fighting down the urge to recoil. They’d been in this discussion for too long; he needed to change the subject before they delved any deeper. Ritsuka was perceptive in the worst of ways and he didn’t need any more interferences with his plans.
Fortunately, there was an easy target in front of him. Oberon gestured in front of him, at Artoria as she started to swing her wand around like it was a sword. Muramasa drew his sword in response. “Who do you think will win?”
“Is that even a question?” Ristuka laughed before paling. “Wait, do you think he can cut through the Staff of Selection?”
That was a question that had never crossed his mind. Oberon stared blankly at the duel in front of him. “It’s magic.”
“That…hasn’t stopped this before.” Ritsuka jerked away from the carriage and took off like a bullet. “Wait, Artoria!”
Oberon snorted. Somehow, the scene in front of him had become even more ridiculous. Everything to do with Chaldea, with Ritsuka and her entourage, had a way of breaking his expectations in the best ways. Now there was a three-way duel, with Da Vinci and Red Hare laughing as a panicked Gareth tried to pick a side.
How absurd. How annoying. How pointless.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away. The sound of laughter filled the plains once more. For all that Oberon hated people, he didn’t hate the sound of laughter.
I’m sure she exists.
And for all that Oberon hated everything, he didn’t hate Ritsuka.
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becausesomething · 6 days
Fiery is dressed as a woman! (Erza x Reader)
Erza Scarlet is a woman that can face and scare everyone, but not you. You're her constant challenge in public when things get worked out in the guild and the soft spot in private when she needs a shoulder to call home.
WC: 940
Warnings: smut & slightly lemon, mention of lesbian sex
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Out of blue, she approaches me with a look that could kill but her touch is so gentle on my arm. Whisper go around the hall, wondering why the sudden approach, why the rush to get out of there, and ultimately praying for my life. I look around in hope of having some help to stop her, but no one moved. 
With her speed to get to the street, it takes effort to adjust to light and I slow down my peace while rubbing my eyes, and trying to catch my breath to speak.
-Before you ask, you didn't do anything wrong and no you cannot fight me. Just follow me and trust me, ok?
I nod an yes. Today I prefer to just go along, it's been quite some time since we've been alone. And for her to act fearless in public, is something new that left me intrigued. She got my soft spot and I sight followed by a smile gets me. I missed her.
Still, I was at the same level as titania and in every opportunity I would choose to bother her to end up fighting her. It was fun measuring our strength, the slightly touch of the bodies in a match, the exchange of looks fuelled by the adrenaline. Constantly smiling at each other, which was wrecked and full of nonsense. Her sword magic against my make up magic, could be an intense and long or easily end up if I get creative and go for her weakness and make her show a soft side.
Luckily we're not in the same team, and on the contrary of her I could handle the rumours and comments of being more than just a friendship. It would be hard to keep the posture and in secret what we shared with each other when alone. It could be so intense and insanely demanding, as calm and insanely sweet. 
If it wasn't for the writing in my notebook, that she always loved to read after our encounters, what we would not be real for the world. What we share it's a friendship wrapped in affection, different personalities and goals, but that get along last for moments until it don't because of recklessness from both sides, or just a desire trying to speak louder.
"Red hair as fire. White skin as the snow making her a work of art. Curved body in a black lingerie and a lace robe slightly open. An innocent intense look, but a eye gaze in a need for more.
At your mercy, sitting on the sofa, while our eyes heal in the seconds of indecision. Your lips touch mine, craving the desire of undeniable chemistry. Hands searching each others body, yours being faster and restraining mine. Surrended to the touch of your mouth and hands...
Slowly exploring sections, taking my bra while kissing my chest, stroking the boobs, coming back to my neck and lips. While overwhelmed with intensity and losing for a fraction of seconds, I'm able to touch your skin and stole a kiss or bite. Fast enough you control me, pinching me or biting me. Continue to moving lower to my body, feeling your desire in your breath. Wet and dripping, waiting to fell your fingers and your mouth to taste me. Coming back to my mouth and taste both our flavours. Being able to take off your bra and stretch your skin while kissing and feeling you inside of me.
Soon where lost in each other. Exploring both naked bodies, reading the movements, the eye contact. Responding with shivers, pleasure, and moans. A game of hotness, sensuality and deepness. Not expecting enjoying more than fantasies already dreamed."
She was sited at the desk, reading thought my entries. The candle light makes her skin glow, the hair loose and messy over her body dressed only with a robe. She was so passionate in everything that she did, that I could admire and stare at her for hours. 
I wrap my arms around her, closing my eyes. I wanted to enjoy the warm of the body and the smell of strawberries of her perfume. It lasted a few moments until she toss me off and says to stop being so clingy, even thought she smiled with that affection. 
I catch the cape and the sound of adjusting it over my shoulders catches her attention. Not expecting me being dressed, she gets up and hug me allowing her weight to rest on me. I place a kiss on the forehead followed by another full of tenderness on the lips.
-I have a mission, Cana should already be waiting for me at the guild and already drunk. As usual, you make me loose track of the time.
She intertwine the fingers with mine and her cheeks starting to get blushed. That was a side of her that always made me forget how to behave, she was so cute when vulnerable and worried. 
-For how long is the mission?
-Just a few days - the blush on her face gets even prettier with her smile - but I already have another one planned with Laxus and you know how that ends.
Quick her face changes and I could see a bit of sadness. Still with our fingers intertwine, I let go and push her chin with the index finger. 
-I enjoy going along with the stream and luckily I have lots of patience, I'm here with you aren't I? - I pet her in the head and move my body starting walking towards the door, turning one last time -  Is up to you Erza, you just need to face yourself. 
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Find more stories here and here xoxo
english is not my first language, even thought I use it more than my native tongue. I try my best to adapt it 🫣
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anim3-g33k25 · 10 months
Chapter One - Enter Titania
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❝ I don't know you but I think that
we can work together. ❞
↳˳⸙;; ❝ 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲: 𝟮𝟬 ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗:❥
✰ ┊ CH. 1 ┊ ⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆
In the Beratie, which was a high-class restaurant in the middle of the sea, was quiet with constant chattering from guests all around to check out the beautiful restaurant and amazing food, including a certain (h/c) female that was dressed up to the nines with a (f/c) dress that was adorning her curves.
"Wow. This food is amazing." One guest praised the food quite snootily, which wasn't unknown for this type of restaurant.
"Well with this type of restaurant decor, what can you expect?" Another male voice says and they laugh together. Everything was serene in the restaurant and everyone was having a good time.
"Mi'lady~ Would you care for some more wine?" A flirtatious asked and the (h/c) woman looked up at him with a small smile which made the blonde hair swoon with heart in his eyes.
"I think I am good for right now. Thank you for the offer." She says sweetly as she cuts into her strawberry cake and takes a bite. " Of course. A beautiful lady like you needs to quench her thirst." He flirted as he moved closer to her with a small smirk, and (y/n) rolled her eyes at his flirtatious ways, knowing that he was flirting with every other woman in the restaurant.
Everyone went quiet when someone came inside with a beautiful woman and the man stood back up with a straight face, and went off somewhere upstairs to the kitchen, as the couple sat down.
(Y/N) looked over to the couple and her eyes slightly widened as she saw who it was, who was Fullbody, who was the lieutenant commander of Hina. She was hoping that he didn't recognize her because she didn't want to give herself away but just decided to stay quiet and out of the way.
The blonde-haired man came back down the steps and towards the couple with a wine bottle in his hands and started to pour them a glass.
"Wow, that's Lieutenant Fullbody over there." A male guest started in awe and some other guests started to murmur more but (y/n) wasn't paying any mind as she kept her eyes on Fullbody as he ignored them and kept his eyes on the woman then they took a drink of the wine that was served to them.
"Hmm." Fullbody started as he stared at the wine glass quizzically with a smile on his face. "So good!" Then he points his fingers at the blonde-haired waitress as he says smugly "This... flavor... And yes the aroma.. is the unmistakable scent from the soil of Micqou of the North Land." He rambled on as every guest stared at him and he continued, "Bitter with plenty of body, and just a tad sour. This wine... must be... The famous Iturutz Burger Stein." He says confidently trying to impress the lady and (y/n) rolls her eyes.
Just then the waitress slams down the bottle of wine showing him the name of it and Fullbody doesn't notice it at first. "Tell me, waiter, am I right?!" He asked excitedly as he clenched his fist in anticipation.
"Uh-Uh. Not even close, sir." The waiter said bursting Fullbody's confidence and grabbing his hand getting mad at his hand in his face making Fullbody gasp. He then places a spoon in his hand and lets go of it then says "Eat up. This dish is best when it's hot." He finished as he closed his fingers around the spoon, before letting go and starting to walk away leaving a shocked Fullbody. The man then stopped turning his head slightly to address him, "And, sir. My name is Sanji, I'm the sous chef. All the waiters ran off as of yesterday." Sanji finished as he continued to walk. When he went by (y/n)'s table he smirked and gave her a subtle wink when she turned her head to look at him.
The shock on Fullbody's face quickly turned to anger when he heard his date start to giggle underneath her hand which made the other patrons start to laugh and he became even more angry. (Y/N) looked back to Fullbody and couldn't help but to join in on the laughter seeing how embarrassed he looked after being put in his place.
Sanji continued his way up the steps to the kitchen just as another brew was happening upstairs unbeknownst to (y/n).
As (y/n) finished off her wine and cake, and Sanji's constant flirting with her and most of the women in the restaurant (mostly her), Fullbody screamed "Waiter! Hey! Get over here!" Sanji got an annoyed look on his face as he called him a waiter again, and was interrupting his time with the (h/c) haired woman.
Sanji moved to walk toward them as he stated "I believe I've already told you, I'm not a waiter." He stood at his table and then turned to the woman turning on his charms again, as he flirted "What an irresistible beauty you are." He then grabbed her hand holding it in his as he brought her hand up to his lips. "My lady. Would you care to join me elsewhere for a glass of wine?" He flirted heavily which made (y/n) roll her eyes at the sight. Just like a hound dog finding a way to get his lips wet.
She would've fallen for his charms if she didn't see firsthand how much of a flirt he was to every woman that he saw. She was brought out of her thoughts when Fullbody slammed his hand on the table grabbing everyone's attention.
"Hey! What is this?" He asked pointing to his soup angrily which had a dead cockroach in it, that he put in there himself. "Is "bug soup" on the menu today, or did you make it just for me?" He asked trying to get a ride out of Sanji. Everyone started to have a disgusted look on their faces, especially the woman with Fullbody, but it wasn't because of the food but more because of his behavior.
"Bug Soup?" Sanji asked, not where he was coming from. "That's right. What's this bug doing there, waiter?" He asked more smugly hoping that he would treat him better now that he could get the restaurant closed down or ruin their reputation.
"Sorry, sir. Don't know. Looks like he's floating. Then again. Kinda looks like he's drowning. But it's hard to say for sure." Sanji joked which made everyone start to snicker underneath their hands, making Fullbody seethe even more and clench his hand into a fist.
"Don't you mess with me! Waiter!" Fullbody yells angrily as he brings up his fist and brings it down on the table smashing it to pieces and making everyone gasp in horror, and (y/n) stands up in her chair. Sanji says angrily as he got down to his knees to clean it up "You could've eaten it if you took the bug out. It would've been wonderful." He puts his hand on the soup to take out the bug and his hair covers his eyes. "It took three full days of hard work cooking to prepare that soup for you and you wasted it."
(Y/N) eyes softened a little when she heard what he was saying but then they hardened again when she saw Fullbody stomp on his hand angrily, saying "Can't you see that you're biting off more than you can chew?" He says the last part more forcefully as he digs his heel into his hand. Sanji stays quiet as he continues his rant saying "I'm the customer here! Do you understand me?! I'm paying you!"
His lover gets out of her shock and runs over to grab his arm as she pleads, "Stop it! Fullbody!", but he throws her on the ground in rage as he tells her to shut up. (Y/N) couldn't stand by to see anyone else get hurt and with great speed, she was in front of the lady with a dangerous look in her eyes.
"That's enough." She stated calmly as she looked into Fullbody's eyes he looked at her with a questioning look but the rage was still on his face. "And who the hell do you think you are?"
"Can your money truly satisfy your hunger?" Sanji asked in a low tone which made Fullbody look back at him, answering him "Whadya mean?"
"I'm asking... Can it satisfy your hunger?" He asked once again but Fullbody didn't have time to answer as Sanji spun on his hands and kicked Fullbody down to the ground, making everyone shocked at the scene. When Fullbody was on the ground, Sanji picked him by the neck just as the doors opened showing three other people, and some of the chefs came downstairs to see what was going on.
As Fullbody groans in pain under Sanji's touch, Sanji threatens "Don't ever waste food around me again. At sea, if you ever provoke your cook, you're signing your death warrant. Remember that."
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fefuckability · 9 months
The Tellius bracket qualifier! Starts December 29th at 3pm EST
Here's how it's going to work:
There are going to be 14 qualifying polls (ten for the men, four for the women)
Pick your most bangable favorite from each poll
Polls will run for one week (I'd prefer 3 days but alas Tumblr doesn't offer the option yet)
The top 64 male characters and the top 32 female characters will qualify for the men's and women's bracket (there's actually only 32 women total this time so no one is getting cut, the qualifier is more to decide the bracket match-ups)
Qualifier 1 (Ike, Oscar, Boyd, Rhys, Shinon, Gatrie, Isaiya, Zaitan, Burton, Wystan, Laverton, Djur)
Qualifier 2 (Soren, Mordecai, Volke, Kieran, Brom, Zihark, Levail, Alder, Duke Seliora, Lombroso, Septimus, Pugo)
Qualifier 3 (Makalov, Muarim, Stefan, Devdan, Reyson, Janaff, Pelleas, Jarod, Ludveck, Valtome, Numida)
Qualifier 4 (Ulki, Tauroneo, Ranulf, Haar, Bastian, Geoffrey, Danomill, Mackoya, Seeker, Norris, Gashilama, Kimaarsi)
Qualifier 5 (Largo, Nasir, Tibarn, Naesala, Giffca, Oliver, Dakova, Emil, Balmer, Kamura, Kotaff, Nedata)
Qualifier 6 (Shiharam, Bryce, Ashnard, Greil, Caineghis, Dheginsea, Izuka, Zawana, Ikanau, Havetti, Maijin)
Qualifier 7 (Sephiran, Lekain, Hetzel, Nealuchi, Muston, Jorge, Kayachey, Homasa, Kasatai, Schaeffer, Tomenami, Rikard)
Qualifier 8 (Daniel, Gareth, Lotz, Zelgius, Rajaion, Renning, Gromell, Hafedd, Heddwyn, Nolan, Aran, Volug)
Qualifier 9 (Rafiel, Danved, Skrimir, Radmin, Zeffren, Yeardley, Maraj, Tashoria, Silvano, Rommit, Istvan, Veyona)
Qualifier 10 (Sothe, Edward, Leonardo, Kurthnaga, Tormod, Yuma, Callum, Kezhda, Roark, Sergei, Goran)
Qualifier 11 (Micaiah, Laura, Ilyana, Meg, Jill, Fiona, Vika, Nailah)
Qualifier 12 (Elincia, Marcia, Leanne, Nephenee, Heather, Lucia, Lethe, Astrid)
Qualifier 13 (Calil, Titania, Mist, Mia, Lyre, Sigrun, Tanith, Ena)
Qualifier 14 (Ashunera, Almedha, Aimee, Anna, Ashera, Catalena, Elena, Petrine)
I am also adding a Google Form to submit characters for an enby bracket so Limstella, Kyza, and Bramimond don't get left out. These can be characters from any game as long as there is canon basis for them being nonbinary.
Extra notes under the cut
Characters who are excluded from voting:
Anyone who obviously both looks and acts like a literal child. Some characters are borderline so discretion may be used*
Generics and palette swaps (e.g. Pain and Agony, and yes I can't believe they named them that either)
Anyone who lacks either a portrait or a unique name
Kyza (they will be included on the Nonbinary bracket)
Special Notes:
I have no idea what to do with Devdan/Danved. They say they aren't the same character, but they kind of are, but they have different names. So are they palette swaps, or are they the same character with a different name and a palette swap? I would usually just exclude them, but they're playable so that feels like it should hold more weight. And then I was like. Screw it we'll just put both on there whatever.
There are some characters who, for spoiler purposes, technically have two different names and/or portraits. For simplicity sake I just picked one portrait/name to use for them.
All characters use their Radiant Dawn appearances (where applicable). Assume the characters are Radiant Dawn age and appearance if they appear there.
*I have played the Tellius games, but I haven't seen absolutely everything. I'm doing my best here. If there's a character on here who you think should be excluded just shoot me an ask or something with your reasoning and we can DQ them if necessary. Please actually send me an ask or DM with actual reasoning, don't just leave a snarky comment with no details and expect me to know what you expect to see.
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calamitaswrath · 3 months
Cal Lucia plays Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: Chapter 10
Ranulf's back! Does he join us now?
Ohh, catboy's got money for us! That's a start.
Guess he doesn't join us yet. But Lethe and Mordecai do! That's pretty nice. Though I suppose it won't be long now before I have to pick and chose who to deploy for each battle, which is always a bit of a tough one in older FEs. Definitely leaning towards using Lethe in my "main party", though.
Base conversation with a generic soldier that has Ike experience racism. Nothing too noteworthy, but a nice little worldbuilding detail
Marcia continues to flirt with Ike, and he doesn't care. There's no way that this man is straight. Interesting note about Marcia's brother though - I suppose he's encountered later on?
Now that I'm aware that this game also has the five support maximum, I have to admit that I am a bit more hesitant to just do supports as they become available. For example, I have unlocked the C support between Ike and Titania, but I'd really rather not do that one for fear of missing out on others
Mist and Rolf on the other hand, I think I can do. I want to save Mist's A support for another character that joins later and I know about, but she doesn't have any others yet, so I guess I can do this. And it's a pretty cute support - who would've thunk that sending children onto a battlefield could be bad for their mental health, though?
. . .Damn, Begnion takes up a lot of space on the map. Kinda surprised that they only really come up now, but I guess that's sort of to be expected
Ohh, we're actually shown on the map where our route takes us! That's cool.
. . .Wait, so Ranulf's travelling with us, but he's not playable yet? Am I understanding this correctly?
Ah. So, this chapter is basically a new recruit shopping trip? And a stealth mission?
New character, Volker! Goodness, that's a German name if ever I saw one
. . .I better not have to pay those 50.000 in terms of gameplay, or so help me
. . .Okay, that's definitely a unique way to do this. Hiring Volker to open cells. . . well, I haven't really used my funds that much yet, so let's do it
And now we are at the chapters where I have to pick and chose who to bring. . . that's gonna be a tough one, like I said. I'd love to just keep all of Greil's original mercenaries in my active party, but that's probably not very feasible
Now, let's see who I can get on this map. Sephiran - definitely heard of his name before, but I couldn't really put a design to it. Kevin - unfortunate name (and apparently also just a part of the German localization?? Huh??), but I suppose he's Oscar's counterpart. Brom - ohoho, that's peak character design. Nephenee - HER! I've seen her a lot in fanart already. Definitely a cute design.
Okay, after reading up on the recommended strategies for this chapter - which I did precisely due to the supposed stealth elements. . . yeah, screw stealth. Sounds like more of hassle than it is worth. Shame about the bonus experience, but I get a master seal out of it, so that's good.
. . .I did not expect the reinforcements that can move on the same turn as they spawn, and got Mist killed. At least I'm starting over from the first turn, urgh. . .
Okay, Kieran's definitely more out there in terms of personality than I would have expected. Quite the surprise, but a welcome one!
Hah, Soren's retreat quote telling Ike to watch out. . .
. . .Hold on, in order to clear the map I don't actually need to have everyone escape. Just Ike works! That means I can at least get the bonus experience for the turn count, so that's neat.
Due to the strategy aid pointing out that freeing Sephiran is completely optional, I didn't free him. So, his appearance after the chapter is the first thing I'm actually really seeing of him. . . and he is just being ominous for buggering off. Okay.
Oh, we actually get a choice whether Volker (side note, I think this may be another instance of the German localization at work? I think the Wiki calls him Volke) stays with us? I'll let him stay with me, then.
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maelstroms-blog · 1 year
In Beautiful Dreams
In honour of Dreamling’s centennial meeting, please enjoy this fic of Dream and Hob dancing, along with a declaration
Hob really should’ve expected this, he’s known Dream long enough. To be fair, he wasn’t expecting him to say yes, honestly, he thought he would balk at the idea. Especially given how many people would be attending.
Instead, Dream just tilted his head, in that bird-like way of his.
‘A dance?’
Hob shrugged, ‘Sort of.’
There would be dancing, but it was far from the glamorous affair he knew Dream was picturing. Hob’s university was hosting their annual staff do, the heads of each department rubbing elbows with the higher ups. Socialising and lording their profession over others, supplied with cheap champagne and the finest hors d'oeuvres from Tesco. An event that Dream’s sister, Despair, would very much enjoy.
Far from glamorous but wonderfully human. A prime example of humanity to show his Endless partner. Hob explained all this to Dream, waiting for the inevitable protests, or for that rosebud mouth to frown.
But, Dream placed his pale hands on the table top, slender fingers splayed like that of a pianist. Artist fingers.
‘Very well. I shall accompany you.’ He said it with the air of a king deigning to answer a peasant’s request.
Hob blinked, ‘Really?’
‘Is this so surprising?’ he raised an eyebrow, ‘You are my beloved. I believe it goes without saying that we have to attend each other’s social functions,’ he sipped at his wine, pursing his lips,
‘After all, you accompanied me to the faerie delegation.’
Hob couldn’t keep the frown from his face,
‘That was…an experience, to say the least.’ Part of Hob’s philosophy was to try anything once, and in his long life that was a lot of things. He’s pretty sure he had a cheese making degree knocking around in his attic somewhere. But that delegation was a lifetime’s worth of experience. Luckily, Hob had a thousand more.
Dream hummed, ‘Not many mortals can boast of meeting Titania and Oberon, or reject their charms,’
Hob chuckled, ‘Yeah, they were pretty flirty, weren’t they?’
The feeling of the faerie queen’s clawed fingers ghosted against his neck, as did the king’s lips when he lingered on a kiss to his palm. Hob shivered, chasing away the bad taste with a mouthful of beer. He sensed Dream tense up, probably seeing his thoughts. He reached out and entwined his fingers with Dream’s.
‘Don’t be jealous, love, I’m already under the spell of a mysterious creature,’ he winked.
Dream rolled his eyes but he couldn’t stop the blush from tinting his cheeks.
And that was it. Dream appeared on the night, just as Hob got out of the shower, he did his usual shriek, followed by a flail,
‘Christ, Dream!’ he clutched his damp chest, gesturing to the towel around his waist, ‘You’re lucky I didn’t flash you,’ he looked at Dream, then looked again.
Dream, as regal as ever, stood tall, clad in an onyx black suit, similar to the Ralph Lauren piece Hob dreamed him in once. Over his shoulders was long overcoat, black of course, and the star filled lining shining bright. His hair was stylishly spiked, à la Robert Smith, and a silver earring hung from his ear. A small gem caught his eye, something golden. Hob peered closer, pale fingers jumped to toy with it, a gesture he knew was self-conscious.
‘It’s nice, duck, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in any other colour but black,’
Dream just fiddled with his earring, letting it catch the light,
‘I thought…we could match,’ he quietly said. Confused, Hob frowned, and that’s when it hit him. It was amber, a tiny chunk of amber. Dream often likened his eyes to the honey-coloured gem. A lump rose to Hob’s throat,
‘It’s lovely, Dream,’ he said, trying to keep the emotion from his voice,
‘A wonderful idea.’
Without waiting for a response, he closed the distance and pressed his lips to Dream’s. It was only supposed to be a quick peck but Dream wouldn’t let go. He drew him further in, pulling him close like a life preserver to a drowning victim. Hob gladly reciprocated, sinking his fingers into feather soft hair. Dream did the same, toying with the hair on his chest.
His still damp chest.
Hob pulled away with a sigh,
‘I still have to get dressed, love.’
He felt rather than saw Dream’s gaze, travelling up and down his nude body. The hunger in his gaze set his skin alight.
‘Do you?’
The baritone voice settled in the back of his head, shooting down into his body, straight to his heart. Hob bit his lip, he wanted nothing more than to let the towel drop, his flimsy excuse for a shield against Dream’s want, and just have him. But he didn’t. Not yet. He had a function to attend, and he wanted to show off his elegant, enigma of a partner. So, mustering what little willpower he had, he turned, not a word to Dream, and headed for the bedroom, locking the door behind him.
Not that it would stop Dream. More like Jumpscare of the Endless.
Hob chuckled at his own stupid joke.
‘What is so humorous?’ a deep voice asked behind him. This time, Hob fell on his bare ass.
‘Dream! Let me get dressed!’
With a pinch of sand, Dream vanished, the last thing to fade was his satisfied smirk. Hob’s own Cheshire cat.
Once he was fully dressed, in his own midnight blue suit, and with a nod of approval from Dream. He took his arm, fitting perfectly, and they were off.
 An hour passed, filled with mindless chatter, and the buzz of background brainwaves, Hob followed along easily, asking questions here and there. Dream tried his best, nodding along, offering a dry comment along with Hob’s quips. Then, Hob went to get them drinks, Dream was only out of his sight for a second, that was all it took. Like he said earlier, he really should have expected it. He searched up and down the hall, trying to spot that familiar mop of hair. The more the search went on, the more his uneasiness grew. It wiggled its way into his chest, twisting like a knife. Did he get sick of it and teleported away? No, he wouldn’t do that without at least telling Hob. Would he?
Just as his unease bloomed into panic, he heard something, a chittering sound, coming from the open balcony door. Hob poked his head out, there he was. Kneeling down, under the watchful eye of the full moon, was Dream of the Endless, holding court with a group of cats. They gazed up at him, marvelling at the king he was. He touched his knuckles to the nearest cat, mewing in their shared language. The cat purred, accepting her king’s blessing. Warmth filled the vacuum left by the panic, he breathed out, and carefully approached Dream. Even with his quiet footsteps, the cats jumped, hackles raised at the interruption. Dream tilted his head, mewing something that settled his followers. The youngest cat, a tabby kitten, bravely stepped forward, rubbing up against Hob’s leg. Dream gladly took a glass, freeing a hand for Hob to offer head scratches. His hand dwarfed the tiny creature but the kitten showed no fear, happily trying to climb up his leg.
In one swift, elegant movement, Dream was up, leaning against the railing, like the model of a perfume advert. Hob didn’t miss the gleam in his eyes as he cooed over the kitten, the other cats, bored, sneaked off, tails flicking.
‘You alright, love?’ he asked, watching the kitten chase after its friends,
Dream hummed, looking down into his drink,
‘Yes, I am…enjoying myself.’
‘Yeah?’ he slotted himself next to Dream, ‘Are you honestly?’
He could see the slight tremble of his hands, the tightness around his eyes.
‘It is…loud,’ Dream quietly admitted, Hob nodded, he didn’t need him to explain. He explained it all before, it wasn’t just the never-ending chatter, it was the barrage of daydreams, assaulting him from all sides. There didn’t seem to be any reprieve. It sounded like hell, and it explained a lot about Dream. Taking another sip of champagne, he put his arm around his tiny waist, smiling when Dream leaned into his touch.
‘Would you like to leave?’
Dream looked up, eyebrows disappearing into his hair,
‘I thought you wanted to be here,’
Hob gently nudged him, ‘I wanted to come with you.’
Dream just looked at him, not blinking, Hob smiled,
‘Your comfort is more important to me than some staff do, if you want to leave then we’ll leave.’
Dream’s eyes sparkled, sparkled like he was in awe.
‘So,’ he downed the rest of his drink, ‘Let’s go.’
Dream sagged, the tension leaving his body. Just as he was about to pull out his sand, Hob stopped him. A familiar sound reached his ears, a song he hadn’t heard in years, Roy Orbinson’s dulcet tones beckoned to him,
A candy-coloured clown they call the Sandman.
Dream perked up, turning his head to listen. Hob smiled at the sight.
Tiptoes to my room, every night.
Dream closed his eyes, lips twitching minutely.
Just to sprinkle stardust and to whisper-
Hob sang along under his breath,
‘Go to sleep, everything is alright.’
Dream turned to him, surprised, his smile more obvious now,
‘How about one last dance, Mr Sandman?’ he wiggled his eyebrows for good measure. Dream rolled his eyes, failing to hold back his smile.
‘Very well,’ he accepted Hob’s hand, allowing him to lead him back onto the dancefloor.
I close my eyes then I drift away.
Hob pulled Dream close to him, steps he once thought forgotten, came flooding back to him as he led Dream with ease.
Into the magic night, I softly say, a silent prayer like dreamers do.
Dream had his eyes closed, letting the words wash over him. Hob could only imagine what he was thinking. Being separated from his dreamers for over a century, locked away from those he was supposed to nurture and protect. Hell, there were some that never even visited his realm. For someone that took his role so seriously, there must be no greater pain. But, as Hob watched him now, swaying along to the music, gentle smile on his face, he knew what he was realising. That the dreamers missed him just as much.
Then I fall asleep to dream my dreams of you
Dream opened his eyes, tearfully looking at Hob, with his own eyes growing wet, he raised a pale hand and pressed his lips to cold knuckles. Then, he leaned forward, never breaking their easy rhythm and sang softly in his ear.
In dreams I walk with you
In dreams I talk to you.
A sharp inhale was Dream’s only reaction, before melting into his touch.
We’re together in dreams, in dreams.
Hob didn’t want to sing the next part, luckily, Dream didn’t let him. Pressing his lips once again to Hob’s, silencing him. His cold lips tasted cosmic; he knew this was what stardust tasted like.
But just before the dawn, I awake and find you’re gone.
Hob felt Dream’s hands tighten, no doubt thinking the same thing. 1989. Hob rested his chin on his head, gently swaying in time.
I can’t help it
Fixing his stance, taking a chance, he placed his hand on the small of Dream’s back,
I can’t help it
And dipped his sweet Dream.
He overstepped. He knew it. he didn’t have to look at Dream’s wide eyes, or feel his iron grip on his arms, but then, another sound graced his ears, far more beautiful than any song. Laughter. Coming from Dream. It was nothing like his usual amused huff, this was a full bodied, unrestrained laugh that shook his lithe frame. It even ended with a cute snort. Hob found himself joining in. Taking him out of the dip, he gently led the Endless into a spin, watching his eyes crinkle with seldom seen mirth, giggling away like a lovestruck fool. Hob laughed the same way.
It only happens in my dreams, only in dreams
As the song slowed, so did their steps, Dream tilted his head, meeting Hob’s gaze once again, and leaned in close, Hob expected another kiss, instead, he was blessed with three words,
‘I love you.’
In beautiful dreams.
Hob let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Emotion surged through him, heating up his blood. He gazed back at Dream, shock clearly visible in his face. Dream just chuckled, cradling his face carefully,
‘Is it so surprising?’ his words were barely more than a whisper, settling in Hob’s bones, nestling beside the three other words, slotting comfortably in his heart.
‘A wee bit,’ Hob admitted, shyly,
Dream hummed thoughtfully, ‘Then, I have failed as your beloved.’
Before Hob could protest, Dream pulled him close, and pressed his forehead to his. The cold, solid weight grounded him.
‘I shall make it my primary duty to remedy this.’
Hob let out a breathy chuckle, dizzy from the cheap champagne, or the affection Dream was dishing out.
‘You already have, love.’
Dream smiled again, a sight that was becoming less and less rare, thanks to Hob.
‘Perhaps…we could stay for another hour.’
Hob pretended to think about it, running his hands up and down Dream’s back,
‘Nah, let’s get out of here, I’ve had enough socialising.’
Dream beamed. The only way Hob could get a bigger reaction was if he proposed to him. 
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liesmyth · 2 years
the locked tomb holiday exchange rec list (part 2)
Some favourites from a first partial skim of works posted for @tlt-holiday-exchange. Find the entire collection HERE. Find my first rec list HERE.
art fills
Do you know, Ninth, I've always wanted to challenge you? “aka a little sketch of a sweaty mid-practice moment:” Gorgeous, fierce Coronabeth.
hold their lives from a string. “God and his two dead kids.” John, Ulysses & Titania. Haunting and gorgeous.
John is actually cybersmith, send tweet. Or: memes. For the prompt: “ John trying to tell Gideon the specifics of a ten thousand year old internet drama that he thinks people on twitter had incorrect opinions on” :D
oh, to be proud of one's handiwork! Harrow/Ianthe, art of Ianthe’s makeover of Harrow in HtN.
The Birthday Supper. Nona is at the beach. it's her birthday. The composition looks suspiciously reminiscent on da Vinci's The Last Supper. Varun is there.
fic fills
Bar the Doors (Let the Games Begin). Corona/Ianthe, pre-canon, codependent incest ft. vaginal fisting.
bluebells. Modern AU, Mercy/Cytherea. “There is Cristabel, and then there isn't. Mercymorn is in therapy about it when she meets a woman named Cytherea who likes to garden.” Beautifully written, 10/10 will murder you.
Both halves sword and shield. Camilla/Palamedes role reversal; backstory fic up to GtN with necro!Camilla and cavalier Pal.
Can it really hurt you if you’re already dead? HtN canon compliant for the Canaan House river bubble. While Harrow is away, Magnus and the other ghosts have begun to realize what's happened to them. While Harrow is away, the silent specter of her true cavalier drifts through the halls.
composed of shadows, surrenders, offered love. Pre-NtN, Camilla and Palamedes navigate bodysharing and looking after an amnesiac body on a refugee planet. Cam/Pal (bodysharing masturbation ftw).
Elision. Immediately after NtN, Corona/Ianthe. Codependent incesty twins + smutty angst.
i will stay here when she goes. Anastasia/Alecto, set on the Ninth before it was the Ninth and before there was a tomb. Really beautifully written, this is going to stay with me for a while.
i’m almost me again (she’s almost you). The story behind Ianthe and Kiriona’s friendship bracelets. Ft. Gideon/Harrow feelings, pining, tentative friendship of convenience between two deeply messed up women, casual slut shaming of God. I absolutely adored this one!
Incident Report. Judith/Coronabeth, written as a mission report from Judith’s POV of that time Corona seduced her. This is HILARIOUS, in the best possible way.
John 69:420. Look at those numbers. Look at them. This fic is pure delicious crack and Tazmuir would be proud
lay all your love on me. Nona/Camilla, Nona/Palamedes, sort of Camilla/Palamedes. “Palamedes and Camilla exchange more kisses with Nona’s help. The kisses turn into something more.” Set pre NtN, absolutely lovely.
rest your head for just five minutes. Camilla and Palamedes through the years, three first nights spent in new lodgings together. Bittersweet and fluffy, canon compliant.
some assembly required. Paul/Dulcie, Paul and Dulcinea build IKEA furniture in the River. Smut, flesh magic, lots of feelings.
Technically a boner. Gideon/Harrow. “Camilla and Palamedes make an attempt to make Gideon and Harrow be less stupid about their feelings resulting in Harrow making a big dick skeleton to absolutely rail Gideon.” (YES it’s exactly what you’d expect from the summary :D)
ubi tu gaius. John/Alecto, or: a love story to end the universe. “You wrenched out my heart, put out every flame between our joined fingertips. With newly made eyes I raised my gaze to meet you, and I thought—here you are.” Gorgeous writing and wonderful Alecto POV.
you haven’t changed a bit. Jarpedon crack treated seriously, I haven’t laughed this hard at a fic in months. Also it was my gift for the exchange, give it love <3
your churning, wracking wheel. “ Lord Magus John Gaius has some with his entourage come to Rhamnous House because they have miracles, but need money, and the people at Rhamnous House have money, but need a miracle.” John and the Lyctors as a creepy Victorian cult, ft. inhuman Alecto. Temporary death, love as destruction, gorgeous, haunting prose
[recs part one] [exchange wrap post]
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dodger-thirteen · 1 year
On a completely unrelated note:
I finished Sleep No More the other day, and I have been thinking a lot about the former Queen of the Mists. Spoilers below.
...And whether she's Maeve.
The Luidaeg has said many times now that she believes her mother to be in the Bay Area. The Queen is...odd, to say the least. No one knows where she came from. Iirc, the bloodlines Toby felt in her are associated with Maeve's Firstborn children (siren, sea wight, banshee). She's been around since early in the series, which we know is the case with the two other parts of The Three. (Titania as Stacy, Oberon as Officer Thornton)
The thing that really gets me, though, is no one knows her name (or "true parentage"). She is simply "the Queen" to everyone, then "the false Queen" (which is very in line with Titania's attempts to depose Maeve). She just arrived one day after King Gilead's death, and somehow managed to convince the entire Court of the Mists that she was their rightful sovereign.
Now, October did shift the Queen's blood in Chimes at Midnight, which definitely puts a dampener on this theory. But we really don't know much at all about the circumstances of the Queen and where she has been since her broken ride. Perhaps her ride did more harm than expected, especially since she was in the Heart of Faerie for who knows how long, and the only ride broken was her last (before Sleep No More, anyway).
Anyway, the Queen shows up again in Sleep No More (suddenly, and the real one at that), and it got me thinking. Some stuff lines up, whereas other stuff doesn't seem to, but we don't know very much about The Three at all (nor their capabilities). So this kinda started percolating in my brain pan as I think about the latest book and the series so far. It just seemed odd for Toby to casually mention the Queen had been back, and that no one has been convinced to elf-shoot her again, despite all the trouble she has caused.
Anyway, not married to this theory, but thought the potential was there. Curious what others think.
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nczaversnick · 26 days
Writing Share/Out of Context Tag
Thanks to @drchenquill for the tag
This bit is from Chapter 6
Faint background noise echoed from a small, dark room. The only things that could be seen that were illuminated by the flashing images displayed on a 32-inch glass screen
could be heard echoing from a couple of speakers in a small room. Displayed on a 32-inch glass screen were flashing images of an unknown product, neither interesting nor entertaining to the two uniformed figures in the small, dark room.
One of them with wild, ginger hair reached out and plugged in a wire from the glass screen to their laptop to add to their endless collection of several other wires that went this way and that.
“We should really find you a better set up,” the other with golden as the sun hair gruffed, inspecting the tangled mess of rubbered strings.
“Hey, if it works, it works,” the ginger grinned, plugging in yet another wire, this time from their laptop to one of the three computer monitors they had set up in front of them.
The blonde huffed which earned a chuckle from the other.
“Jealous of my awesome setup?”
“Hardly,” he turned his attention back towards the screen, “The news should be coming back any minute now.”
“Don’t worry your pants about it, I’ve got it all taken care of in 3, 2-”
The ginger pointed to the glass screen and, as if right on cue, a brunette woman appeared on the screen with a serious expression plastered on her face. There was a red banner with scrolling white text on the bottom and the letters ‘IN’ were placed in the corner:
TV: “Good evening, this is Truman and you are watching Insider
News, the best news network to bring you the cold, honest
stories from all across Titania. In today’s headlines-”
“The ‘cold, honest stories’, give me a break,” the ginger stuffed a chip inside their mouth as the news anchor wrapped up her introduction and another commercial began to play.
“Hey, I need you to focus.”
“I can’t focus on an empty stomach, it stresses me out.”
The blonde gave them a look.
“Oh, come on, when have I let you down?”
“Exactly. Just let your ‘ol pal do their thing.”
They leaned back in their chair, hands folded behind their head. After another long minute of mindless music passing painfully in the already tense room, the screen finally changed. They peeked one eye open and straightened up in their chair.
Keyboard keys clattered in the background:
TV: “Moreover, the government has decided that all markets and malls in the division should remain closed until the situation gets better. However, the pharmacies and the export industry will remain open.”
TV: “Thank you, Clarkson. At about 18:03 today, officers assigned to District C-7, Bourne, responded to a radio call requesting back-up. On arrival, officers found two hospital security personnel semi-conscious inside of the pharmacy. One of the security members provided information on the possible whereabouts of the suspect. Additional units arrived at the scene and began to search for the suspect and eventually located a male in the city of Dreake.”
The image on the screen froze for a brief moment and a faint bzzt soon followed. A computer mouse clicked in the distance a few times and the images unfroze as the broadcaster continued:
TV: “Officers arrested 47-year-old Riley Clements in front of his home. Clements is expected to be arraigned in Titania District Court on charges of Disorderly Conduct, Aggravated Battery, and Possession of Stolen Property. It’s still unknown whether Clements worked alone or was part of a group, but investigators are working closely with officials to make sure all who were involved are taken in. We will keep you updated on any more information that is brought in. Until then, it’s time for a commercial break. Stay with us!”
A silent wave of relief swept over the room.
“Hah,” the ginger threw their hands up in the air, a wide grin spreading across their face, “maybe this will teach you to stop using crappy security and being so predictable with all your news anchoring, Truman!”
The blonde raised his eyebrow at their fanatics.
“What? I just don’t like her,” they shrugged.
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jiliansky-blog · 10 months
In the dark. Chapter 6. Confrontation
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Pairing: Morpheus x FemaleReader
Rating: Mature
Words: 1900
A few days passed, but Morpheus didn’t come to you again. Perhaps he was indeed angry with you. Or perhaps Titania locked him up. So you waited for the perfect opportunity to look for him. Rose believes that you won’t cause her any trouble.
But you didn’t expect it; Cluracane waited for the opportunity to catch you, too.
“Where do you think you’re going, little mortal?” he asked.
“I am just wondering around”, you replied.
“No, I think you’re looking for something”, he smirked. “And I want to know what you are looking for”.
“It’s the first time I have been in the fairy realm”, you replied. “I’m just curious”.
“I think you are here on purpose”, Cluracane admitted. “You don’t look and behave like something is lost. You behave too bravely”.
“What do you want from me?” you asked.
It’s bad that he suspects something. And it’s no use pretending to be weak now. Maybe you just need to confront him.
“I want you to be my little pet”, he said.
“I’m not an animal”, you said with anger. “I won’t be a pet”.
“Then I will tell the queen that you’re seeing her pet”, he whispered. “I see him leaving your room. And I’m pretty sure that you are looking for him”.
“As far as I know, he is not a pet either,”, you said.
“And how can you know that?” he asked.
“Everyone talks about that”, you replied. “Now I need to return to my room. You can walk me there. But I don’t want to be your pet”.
“Your wish is not important here”, he said, coming closer. “Why are you here? Where do you come from? Tell me, and I can help you”.
“You know that you can’t be trusted, do you?” you asked.
And then you hurried to Rose’s room. You need to be more careful now. Cluracane won’t give up and is probably going to continue watching you.
“What were you doing outside the queen’s chambers?” asked Rose in the morning.
“Walking around”, you replied.
“You promised to be careful”, she said, angry.
“I was careful”, you declined. “I just didn’t expect your friend to spy on me. He wants to make me his toy”.
“Don’t give him a chance”, Rose said. “He will find another thing soon”.
But you can’t wait until he finds another human to play with. You don’t know when the queen will marry Morpheus.
So you risk sneaking out one more time at night, when fairies, as you were thinking, were having a party outside the castle. You were hoping that Cluracane, who likes parties, would also join it. So you're lured to the queen’s chambers.
“Morpheus?’ you whispered.
“What are you doing here?” Suddenly the door opened, and you saw him in his human form.  He was surprised, and this expression made him cute.
“I was looking for you”, you replied.
He suddenly pulled you inside and pressed you against the wall. He was angry but also amused. Was he surprised that you came here for him?
“You are playing a dangerous game”, he hissed. “Titania can return any minute, and Cluracane sneaking around to catch you”.
“Yes, I know”, you said. Now that he is so close to you, you can’t think straight. “But I need to see you and know how to help you”.
And then he kissed you, and all your surroundings stopped to exist. You pulled him closer. His lips were warm and soft. And you didn’t realize it, but you wanted it for so long. You fell for him so hard, you couldn’t imagine.
“Wow, I didn’t realize that you missed me so much”, you whispered.
“You can help me by staying”, he whispered, too. “I was thinking about our nights while I was here. I… I missed them”.
“Oh, Morpheus!”, you said, touching his cool cheek. “I couldn’t even wake up. I couldn’t wait another night to come for you”.
“And now we're both in danger”, he said, pulling you to another room. It was Titania’s bedroom. When you imagined what they were doing here, you felt sick.
“You were with her”, you said quietly. “Here”.  
You didn’t realize that jealousy could hurt. You wanted to destroy everything in this room.
“Are you going to make me forget about this?” he asked with a challenge.
And you kissed him, falling onto the bed. You touched his silky raven hair and his neck. You kissed him like he was your air, and you were suffocating. And he kissed you that passionately too. You are not going to give him up.
His lips found their way to your neck, and you forgot how to breathe. And his hands were studying your body. He put your entire body on flame.
“You are driving me insane”, you whispered.
“I dreamt about it a few nights ago,”, he whispered in response.
“Why didn’t you come?” you asked.
“She forbade me to leave her room”, he pouted.
“Then I will come to you until we figure out what to do”, you said, hugging him.
“No, it’s too dangerous”, he whispered, hiding his face in your neck. “You need to leave the Fairy realm soon”.
“That is not an option”, you declined, kissing his cheek. “That’s my mess, and I will find the way to take you out of this. You can help me”.
“How?” he asked.
“You can tell me everything about fairies and your deal with a queen”, you replied. “There should be a loophole to free you”.
“They love riddles and dangerous jokes”, he said. “For mortals. You can play with them for my kingdom if Titania is interested. But they can give you impossible tasks to solve”.
“Should I confront her?” you asked.
“No, she shouldn’t know that you are the girl I spend nights with”, he replied seriously. “Now I don’t want to talk about her”.
And he kissed you again. In a moment, he was undressed and so are you. You blushed, definitely not expecting such a plot twist.
“Is that okay?” he asked.
“I… Do you think it’s a good idea?” you asked. “We can be too busy to hear her coming. And she will be furious if it finds us”.
“And you are a careful one now”, he smiled.
“Someone should be”, you said, kissing him again. “I can’t let them take you away again”.
“You are too sweet”, Morpheus said. “But you’re right. You need to go before she returns”.
“Let me stay for another hour”, you replied. “We still have time before sunrise”.
And you spend time kissing and lying on the bed. Until the time comes for you to return to Rose’s room, You can’t put your plan at risk.
You didn’t risk visiting him the next time. Instead of this, you were waiting for another party and thinking what you should do. Morpheus said that you shouldn’t challenge the queen directly. That you should wait for the perfect moment. But in the meantime, she can decide to wed him. You can’t wait too long.
“You were too quiet the last few days”, Rose admitted.
“I just…” you're trying to explain without telling her about Morpheus.
“Don’t tell me you fell in love with some fae”, she said.
“I am in love, but not with a fairy”, you replied.
“Then who is he or she?” she asked.
“Can you keep a secret?” you asked her.
“I can try”, she said, very curious.
“I know her cat”, you said. “You were right. But you shouldn’t tell anyone about that. Especially Cluracane. He is spying on me”.
“How interesting!��� she said. “But how is that possible? Wait… Don’t tell me you came here for him. You are indeed here on purpose”.
“Well, partially”, you admitted.
“No, don’t tell me you’re going to steal him”, she whispered. “It’s a very bad idea! Our queen will be so furious”.
“He is not a thing that belongs to her”, you said. “She just put a spell on him. I don’t think she should hold him against his will”.
“And how do you know that?” she asked.
“Because he told me”, you replied.
"Anyway, I don’t think there is something you can do”, Rose admitted. “Her spells are the powerful ones, and a simple human can’t break them.”.
“What about the challenge?” you asked.
“You can’t win her”, she declined.
“We will see”, you replied.
“Why do you even want that?” she asked. “Do you... oh, do you love him? Whoever this cat was, he really gets under your skin”.
“Are you going to help me or not?” you asked, irritatingly.
“It will be dangerous”, she whispered.
“I am aware of it”, you said.
“You don’t”, she said. “You can stay here forever as her servant or pet. And you need to know the terms of her spell to break it”.
You realized it would be difficult. Morpheus doesn’t want to tell you because he doesn’t want to put you in more danger than you already are.
“I will find out these terms”, you replied.
The next night was a great celebration in the palace, and you decided to try to see Morpheus again. He opened the door when you knocked. And immediately pulled you inside and kissed you. You suspected it was desperation.
“Please”, you whispered a few minutes later, because you couldn’t stop kissing him as well. “You need to tell me everything about your agreement with the queen”.
"I won’t let you risk yourself”, he said seriously.
“And I won’t let you marry her”, you replied. “And I don’t let you stay here forever. Please, let me help you”.
“You think you can figure it out when I can't,”, he said, annoyed. “Do you want to stay here with me forever?”
“I want to take you out of here and then spend all the forever I’ve got with you”, you replied.
“She won’t give up easily”, he sighed. “She wanted this for too long. She will pay a high price. Perhaps, she will want you to stay here instead of me. For one hundred years of service, for example”.
“I can’t marry her”, you said.
“It won’t stop her”, he admitted.
“I can’t let you stay here”, you said.
“You don’t know how much time will pass while you are here”, he said. “Some mortals could spend one month here, while it was a year or ten years in their world”.
“I know”, you said. “I read these stories. “Then I need to challenge her. And I should find the way to win her tasks”.
“You are stubborn as hell”, he sighed.
“And so are you”, you replied. “Maybe, you enjoy sharing a bed with her. Maybe, you want to marry her after all”.
His eyes started to shine with inner fire. And he grabbed you tightly and then kissed you. His kiss lit up your entire body. You kissed him hungrily as well.
“I am going to show who I want to share a bed with”, he whispered.
You wanted to say that you already shared the bed in your room, but he was too serious and started to kiss your neck, stealing your breath away. One moment, and you were already on the bed. He looked at you like a predator watching his prey. He caresses your entire body, making you burn with desire. Damn Morpheus.
But then, when you had almost torn out your dress and kissed your breasts, you heard some noise. Like a cough. And then you felt dread when you saw that it was Cluracane and Titania watching you two. You blushed and looked at a pale Morpheus. You were caught.
@shadowqueen1318 @mypsychoticlove @justathirstyhoe​ @ladymoztaza @sapphireonline @deniixlovezelda
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reluctantjoe · 8 months
Interview – A Midsummer Night’s Dream director Eleanor Rhode talks technology and Wonka star Mathew Baynton
Aiming to take the chill off this winter is the RSC’s new production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Ahead of the opening this week, director Eleanor Rhode spoke to Gill Oliver about her take on the Dream and what it’s like working with Wonka star Mathew Baynton.
TECHNOLOGY combined with centuries-old stage illusions are making one of the Bard’s most captivating comedies even more magical.
The RSC’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which opened on Tuesday for an eight-week run, features Ghosts and Wonka star Mathew Baynton as Bottom.
Fresh from his roles as a murderous doctor in the Agatha Christie TV series Murder Is Easy, and an evil chocolatier in hit movie Wonka, Baynton has long been a hero to parents and kids everywhere thanks to his leading role in five series of hugely successful kids’ comedy TV sketch show Horrible Histories and later, its spin-off ‘Bill’, a panto-style take on Shakespeare’s early life.
Also in the cast are Nicholas Armfield as Demetrius, Sirine Saba as Titania and Rosie Sheehy as Puck.
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The equally prestigious creative team line-up includes composer Will Gregory (one half of electronic music duo Goldfrapp), set designer Lucy Osborne and illusion direction and designer John Bulleid, feted for his work on Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and the RSC’s The Magician’s Elephant.
Weaving all these star-studded strands together is director Eleanor Rhode, who describes Baynton as “an absolute genius” and the whole cast as “amazing”.
Ms Rhode made her directorial debut for the RSC in 2019 with a radical re-telling of King John – a production that was cut short due to Covid.
Now back to take on Midsummer’s Night Dream she’s happy to be back in Stratford.
“The company is wonderful, and everyone is working together brilliantly so it’s very exciting to be back up here - it’s a lovely place to work," she said.
She brings a fresh and confident vision to Shakespeare’s popular tale of four young lovers who, faced with the prospect of unhappy marriage flee the court of Athens and stumble into an enchanted forest.
Nearby, a group of amateur actors rehearse a play to celebrate an upcoming royal wedding and when the mortals cross paths with a warring fairy King and Queen, chaos erupts as the real and fairy worlds collide.
Ms Rhode explained: “The thing that’s always interested me more than a literal forest is leaning into the dream of a Midsummer’s Night Dream, so this is very much a dream space.
“The most exciting thing is finding that crossover between contemporary technology and stage illusions and stage tricks that are hundreds of years old, so expect to see a lot of those things combined.”
By the RSC’s standards the production is a short run but there are upsides to this.
“It means some of the people who would love to come and work up here but can’t commit to a year away from the other projects they’re doing, can come, have a really lovely time and be up here for 10-weeks - we wouldn’t necessarily be able to get them for longer, so that’s enormously gratifying,” she pointed out.
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After this run, Ms Rhode, who has a decade's experience of directing, will spend time in developmental workshops before overseeing her second audio play for release on Audible.
She enjoys working in other mediums such as audio, and is excited by the potential that comes with the “pollination of ideas between lots of different disciplines”.
But unlike the RSC, the theatre industry overall tends to be extremely traditional and not geared-up for sweeping change.
She explained: “In terms of creating experiences which are live but also digital at the same time and which have a really broad reach in terms of the audiences, you’re engaging with people who aren’t traditional theatre goers and really broadening the scope of what live story telling can be.
“There’s a whole heap of possibilities and the lovely thing is that a lot of the technology is already there - the technology isn’t the thing - it’s actually the ability to craft brilliant storytelling entwined with the technology that’s sometimes quite scary.”
As for this production of Midsummer Night’s Dream, no one should worry about technology or stage illusions over-shadowing or interfering with the intimacy of live performance.
“You shouldn’t notice the technology and it shouldn’t feel like a standalone thing, in the same way that stage illusions shouldn’t – everything is entwined with the story,” she said.
“My hope is that it’s something the audience don’t really think about, they just enjoy it.”
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She added: “This production is already looking beautiful but it should also be very surprising and, hopefully, keep the audience on their toes with all the amazing magic that’s going on in the show.
“Regardless of that, strip away all the technological and magical surprises and the play is the thing.
“It’s a brilliant show with brilliant actors in it - that’s the key thing."
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cataztrophi · 10 months
TAZ Balance 12: First
Just three more entries to reach my goal for @taznovembercelebration this year! My card for this entry was "first," so this is a silly one about new experiences!
“Oh my God this is a disaster,” Kravitz groaned, doubling over in an attempt to calm his anxious stomach. 
“It doesn’t sound that bad,” Magnus said from his desk chair, where he'd been watching Kravitz pace their dorm room for the past 10 minutes.
“I can't believe I let you talk me into this.”
Magnus shrugged. “You said you wanted to get more confident. I thought trying out for the play would help.”
“I know.” Kravitz sounded miserable. “And it was a good idea, but I thought I'd be getting a bit part! Like one of those fairies with one line, or maybe a tree?”
“Wait, isn't it good that they gave you a bigger part? They liked your audition!”
Kravitz straightened up and started pacing again, his stomach still twisting itself in knots. He'd thought the same thing, too, when he first saw the cast list. Kravitz knew his competitive nature could be a blessing and a curse, but he thought he'd successfully harnessed it for good when he spent hours perfecting his monologue to audition for A Midsummer Night's Dream. Now it felt more like he'd been building his own guillotine. 
“It's not that I don't appreciate being cast as king of the faeries,” Kravitz began slowly, wondering how much he could tell Magnus before triggering his excitable-golden-retriever-man instincts. “It's just that, well, there's the whole thing with Titania, and pretending to be in a relationship thing, and they said there might be a kiss scene….”
Realization dawned on Magnus’s face. “And you think it's going to be weird kissing a girl?”
This was so far away from what Kravitz was worried about that it almost pulled him out of his anxiety spiral. “No! Well, that might have been a little awkward, but….” He was too deep into it now. There was no way he'd avoid spilling his guts. “They didn't cast a girl.”
Magnus frowned. “Oh. Okay, who did they cast, then?”
He looked more confused than ever now. “What’s wrong with Taako?”
Nothing, Kravitz's brain replied instantly. Taako was absolutely perfect, and that was the problem. 
“No, it’s not that there’s something wrong with him, it’s just… well, kissing anyone for a show feels weird to me, and I don’t want to make him uncomfortable, and-” And the thought of kissing Taako made him go weak at the knees.
“Oh. Well, I wouldn’t worry too much about that. Taako’s a professional, he’s been acting since he was like… ten or something? So he’s not gonna feel weird about it.”
Kravitz knew he was a professional, of course; he’d been to every show Taako had been cast in. He’d even worked up the courage to bring flowers to the last one, although he had been so dazzled when Taako came out after the show that he essentially just stood there for five minutes before thrusting them in his direction and walking away. And now Taako had to kiss the guy he probably only knew as “Magnus’s weird roommate who almost hit me in the face with roses and lilies.”
“Maybe I should quit the show?” Kravitz suggested, without much hope.
“Aww, come on, Kravitz!” Magnus said, in his cheerful pep talk voice. “The only way out is through. You’ll be great!”
Kravitz opened his mouth to refute this when he heard a knock at their door. He didn’t think they were expecting anybody. He looked at Magnus, who shrugged. 
Kravitz walked over and peered warily out of the peephole. His heart lurched when he saw Taako’s warm eyes and bright, gap-toothed smile staring back at him.
“It’s Taako,” he hissed, panicked.
Magnus shrugged. “So let him in.” He stood up and began tossing things in his backpack. Kravitz debated whether he could just pretend he wasn’t home until Taako went away.
“Hey, either you let him in or I will, buddy,” Magnus told him. Right, right. He was being silly. He unlocked the door, took a deep breath, and pulled it open.
“What’s up, lover?” Taako asked, then burst into a fit of laughter at Kravitz’s no-doubt panicked face. 
“Uh,” he said as Taako stepped into the room.
“I just thought that, since you’re playing my eternal paramour now, we should, you know, chat a bit. Talk about how we’re seeing the characters.”
“I’m heading to class,” Magnus said cheerily, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. “You two have fun!”
Kravitz knew for a fact that Magnus didn’t have class for another forty minutes, but he couldn’t call attention to that without risking a barrage of pointed questions about why Magnus thought he needed time alone with Taako. Instead he stood there in silent betrayal as Magnus waved goodbye and closed the door behind him.
“Uh,” Kravitz said again. He watched Taako sit down on his bed and smile up at him. Taako had been in their room before, but always as Magnus’s friend, and never with just Kravitz. 
“So, Mags tells me you’ve never really acted before.”
“Yeah,” Kravitz said, grateful to have finally latched onto the English language again. “Just never really got the chance.”
“Well, you clearly blew your audition out of the water! Oberon’s a tough one to land, you gotta have that certain… je ne sais quoi, you know?”
Kravitz nodded like he had any idea what any of that meant. “Right, yeah.”
“Anyway,” Taako dragged the conversation forward valiantly. “I know people can sometimes get hang-ups about touching other actors, romance, kissing, stuff like that.” He said this all very casually, as though he wasn’t cracking open everything Kravitz was currently shaking with anxiety about. “So I just wanted to chat about what you’re comfortable with, any total nopes, whatevs.”
He looked at Kravitz, waiting for a reply. Kravitz couldn’t think of anything he didn’t want to do with Taako, just not necessarily in front of an audience. The problem was trying to find a reasonable human answer to Taako’s question that didn’t make him seem either against the concept of touching in general or just ridiculously horny.
“You okay?” Taako asked, after a few minutes of silence in which Kravitz was completely incapable of developing a non-objectionable response.
“Um, yeah, I’m fine.” Surely the best policy was to be honest, at least to some degree. “You’re right, though, I don’t have a lot of experience with this, so I’m… sort of nervous about all of it.”
“For sure.” He stretched his arms up over his head, his shoulders popping, the motion pulling up his crop top to reveal more of his perfectly freckled stomach. Kravitz fixed his eyes on the wall behind Taako’s head to keep himself from staring at the strip of soft hair that disappeared into his jeans. “If it would help, we could always do a few practice runs before rehearsal.”
“We could- what?” Surely Kravitz had misunderstood him. There was no way this gorgeous man was suggesting they should practice kissing each other.
“Practice it. The physical stuff, so we’re not trying to work it all out during rehearsal.”
“Practice… kissing?”
Taako shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
Kravitz needed to lie down. He needed to lie down with his feet elevated for at least 30 minutes until his brain started getting properly oxygenated again. 
“If it makes you uncomfy we don’t have to,” Taako said, possibly misreading whatever dumbstruck look was on his face at the moment.
“No!” Much too loud, much too fast. What was wrong with him? “I mean, I think it’s a good idea. Get used to it, you know?” He’d definitely like to get used to kissing Taako. But this was a Professional Acting kind of kiss, and he shouldn’t be weird about it! He absolutely shouldn’t be looking at Taako’s lips already and thinking about how soft and kissable they looked.
“Cool, cool, let’s get to it, then!” Taako stood up and clapped his hands together. “Do you wanna take it from your line?”
“Oh, right.” Kravitz cast about his desk for a moment until he located his script. He had already gone through it and highlighted all his lines, plus highlighting his stage directions and cues in different colors. He flipped through the book until he found Act 4 Scene 1, then cleared his throat a few times.
“Don’t be afraid to really go for it, my fella,” Taako said encouragingly. “Taako’s all about enthusiasm.”
Kravitz stared at him, his face burning. “You-” He cleared his throat a final time and tried again. “You mean the lines, right?”
Taako shrugged. “Those too, I guess.”
“Um, right.” Kravitz took a deep breath, praying that he wasn’t about to look like a complete fool, and began. “‘Sound music. Come, my queen, take hands with me, and rock the ground whereon these sleepers be.’” His whole body hot with embarrassment, Kravitz extended a hand. Taako took it delicately, his head held high as he channeled the haughty elegance of a fae queen. Kravitz was already mesmerized by him.
Taako stepped in closer, and Kravitz leaned down to give him a peck on the lips before immediately drawing back again.
“Um, was that okay?” he asked, while Taako looked startled that it had ended so quickly.
“Uh, yeah, my dude, not bad for a first try. But you know, we’re supposed to be like, fae-married, right? You can put a little more oomph in there if you’re comfy with it. Taako’s down with whatever, cha’boy’s pretty chill about this stuff.”
Kravitz could feel himself beginning to spiral again. Was Taako going to think he was a bad actor now? Or a bad kisser? Oh God, was he a bad kisser?
“Hey,” Taako said, his voice gentler now, pulling Kravitz from his thoughts. His face was earnest, and more serious than Kravitz was used to. “It’s okay if it’s weird, alright? This stuff is pretty weird if you think about it too long. But I think you’re a pretty good dude, Krav, and I don’t think you’d make me uncomfortable on purpose. And if you do it on accident? We’ll talk about it and figure it out. Sound good?”
Some of the panic in his chest loosened slightly. He took a deep breath, and let it out. “Yeah, sounds good. Sorry, if I’m–”
Taako shook his head. “Ain’t no sorry, my man. Besides, acting should be fun! You gotta get a little wild with it sometimes, you know?”
Kravitz nodded. “Okay. Okay, I think I’m ready to try it again.”
“Let’s take it from the top, kemosabe!”
He repeated his line, inviting Titania to dance, and held out his hand again. He tried to get more into character this time, imagining himself as a proud and commanding faerie king. When Taako took his hand he pulled him in close, and he heard him let out a soft breath as their chests collided. His other hand went to the small of Taako’s back as though in preparation for a waltz. He took his time, lowering his face slowly towards Taako’s, and he saw Taako’s lips part slightly, his eyes dark and sparkling with something Kravitz couldn’t place. He lingered in the kiss, and this time he allowed himself to savor the feeling of Taako’s lips on his, soft and yielding and perfect. In the instant before he pulled away, he felt Taako’s teeth catch against his lower lip.
“Was that better?” he asked, his voice rough. Taako was breathing hard, open-mouthed, his cheeks turning pink as he looked up at Kravitz.
“Yeah,” he said finally, still breathless. “Much- much better.”
Neither one of them stepped away from the embrace. Kravitz’s heart thundered in his chest as he became aware of the way Taako’s body was pressed into his, with no sign of him wanting to move. All Kravitz wanted was to kiss him again.
“You know,” Taako said after a moment, “they say practice makes perfect.” He leaned up towards Kravitz for another kiss.
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kururu418 · 5 months
Any chance for interactions between Phebe and her older siblings or the other residence of Avalon?
“Hey little sister,” Cressida said, smiling as she looked over the tiny figure. Phebe pouted as her older sister poked her cheek, clearly unamused. “So cute… look at those chubby cheeks.” 
Phebe reached up and then grabbed her finger, and suddenly Cressida felt a biting chill shoot up her finger. “Ow! Hey!” she said, pulling her hand back. “That was rude!” Phebe turned away from her, a look of indifference on her face. Cressida kept pouting at her, but then huffed. “I’m still gonna poke you…” 
She went back to nudging the chubby cheeked child, who narrowed her eyes once more, the frostbite being well worth it. 
“Do not waver, child. You must assert your dominance,” Umbriel said, narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms. 
Phebe held onto the rope toy, slowly being dragged across the room as Boudica gently pulled the other end. It was clear that she was putting in no effort in the ‘game’ they were playing. “Bah, perhaps I expected too much. The Frost Giant’s genes must have diminished those of our bloodline,” he stated. “You take more after Cressdia than I.”
Not understanding the words, but picking up on the insulting tone, Phebe narrowed her eyes and then sat up. She pulled back on the rope, and Boudica began to get excited as she pulled with more force, though Phebe still stayed in place. 
Umbriel rubbed his chin. “Or perhaps not…”
“How come Cordealia never asks us to babysit?” Dawn ask, raising an eyebrow. He, and the rest of their siblings sat outside. Dusk was holding Phebe in his lap, the child looking… well, not pleased, but far less discontent than usual. 
Dusk hummed. “Because I’m the responsible one,” he said, looking down at Phebe. “Isn’t that right?” Phebe just hummed, continuing to play with the toy in her hands.
Rain huffed. “Well, you still shouldn’t get to hog her. Let me hold her.” The moment she took a step forward, Phebe threw her toy at her. Being a simple stuffed animal, it simply bounded off her. But the sentiment was clear. “So mean…” 
“Favorite status, secured,” Dusk said, using his powers to pull the toy back to her. 
Fenrir looked over the tiny figure hesitantly. She was so small. So fragile. Just like Titania’s offspring had been. Of course he didn’t have a blood tie to them. He leaned down and sniffed her, Phebe’s eyes going wide as the action mussed up her hair. 
She looked up at him and frowned. “Bah!” 
Fenrir let out an amused grunt. The resemblance to their father wasn’t strong in appearance, but it certainly was in attitude.
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