themassmaster · 4 months
Pari hadn't been working for the company for long, but her boss was more than happy to get her involved in meeting the up and coming Sumo wrestler he was sponsoring. A huge talent, so she'd been told.
Sitting in the private room in the Izakaya alongside the gentleman in the business suit, she quietly awaited the entrance of the person her boss had spoken so highly of.
Granted it was all very much new to Pari, she'd been just as excited. However, she'd remain a little subdued.
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A long day of training and Hiroyuki was tired. It wasn't exactly the end of his day. However, the young man still had to go and meet his sponsor for dinner and a drink. He dressed in his best. A kimono with a simple design, wooden geta and his long hair tied back.
Hiroyuki slipped into the private room. Offering both the businessman and what seemed to be his guest, a smile. "Good evening." He'd begin to say before he would bow slightly. "Thank you for having me." He'd say quietly.
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dispsii · 2 months
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Doing some big stuff guys
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casanovasadmiral · 1 year
Daddy void darkleer?
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Here you go!! Orlund Zahhak, aka The E%ecutor, Darkleer.
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Junk (@the-expatriate)
Ender didn't go out all that much after settling down in this universe. He was done roaming the stars and the worlds of here and not there to find answers and such. It was tiring, trying to find meaning in everything. How long had it been since he flew up into space? Being an accountant wasn't something he was quite fond of, but at least it gave some semblance of meaning into his rather meager existence. He sighs at the thought as he makes his way into the bar he'd been hearing from the grapevine.
It seemed like a slow night, not many people around and it was pretty quiet minus the music. Ender goes up and takes a seat at the bar. He wasn't sure what to order as he looks at his phone to see what he could get.
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burdened-android · 9 months
Excess, pt. X
"Here it is," the android murmured, sticking her key into the lock, and unceremoniously body-slamming her front door ajar, "Home sweet home, as they say."
The sun was slowly setting, and Arma's half of the rental house (the basement portion, of course) offered shelter from the grinding, over-stimulating implements of her world. Even as she beckoned for Pari to follow, a massive, hulking street sweeper slid past on the street, a monolith of flashing lights and horns.
While the android's apartment, like her car, cast the debonair and sultry woman in a slightly more austere light, Arma had done her best to make it at least somewhat inviting, without endangering her security deposit.
"Would you like something to eat?" she purred, slipping out of her giant fur coat. Arma also seemed to drop a meter in stature as she took her high heels off. "I was planning on making some soup."
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niteshade925 · 4 months
Combed through the drama and found a few (major) translation errors. Will be putting the worst ones in the post as well.
The thing about shows like these is that how a non-Chinese speaking audience will interpret it almost solely depends on the quality of the translation. When I said the translation for this show is okay, that's compared to other truly bad translations out there, and doesn't mean the translation for this drama is great by any means.
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theancientpowerawoken · 7 months
"Into The Blue" Closed RP With @the-expatriate
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Tonight was dragging on like always. Every major hunt was like that. So much work, tracking, note taking, double checking to make sure no detail was missed. The man was methodical at the very least. That's what made him good at his job. Usually a thankless endeavor, but it kept people safe.
Tonight's quarry wasn't your usual animal, beast, or any relatively sane creature. The man was hunting a vampire. A lesser vampire to be exact, but one that had been encroaching on a town. It was getting all too comfortable with being around civilians. That made it dangerous. People would chalk it up to a serial killer. It was hard for people to see the truth, and those who did were labeled as crazy. It was easier than accepting the fact that they weren't at the top of the food chain.
The man had been tracking his quarry for two days. Something seemed off about this specimen. It wasn't behaving as it should. This made the man's usual hunting method less effective than it should be. The monster shouldn't be acting this way, it had some sort of secret... Though that didn't make any sense. These things ran on pure instinct, hunt and eat people. Sure they were a little more careful than say a ghoul... But they didn't have a mind, or thoughts. The man jotted his thoughts down in his notebook.
He sniffed the air, smelling a coming storm. He had to act quickly before the rain came down and he lost the vampire's trail. He followed the trail to the edge of town, cursing under his breath. The beast was in town. He had to act quickly or someone else was going to die.
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itisweselton · 5 months
Another formal ball, another situation where Pari very much felt out of her depth. While she was no stranger to social gatherings, she'd never been to something so.. formal.
Accompanying a friend who had since deserted her, Pari would try to weave her way through the crowd. Politely asking to be let through until she inevitably bumped into someone. Someone who looked a hell of a lot more important than she did.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so so sorry! Are you quite alright?"
At least she was ridiculously polite, if not completely sticking out like a sore thumb. Her elegant blue dress matching the colour of her hair.
"I'm fine. Please watch where you're going, Miss?" Edgar at last asked the lady who bumped into him. He noted her blue hair which made her stand out more among the other guests at the ball.
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
Amporas x Zahhaks aka "Hoofbeasts and Skyhorses" aka "Landwellers vs Seadwellers" aka "Weird Science" aka "STRONG Beliefs" aka "Giddyup Gills" aka "Thoroughbred Purebloods" aka "Pride and Prejudice" is better than davekat
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Amporas x Zahhaks aka STRONG Beliefs is better than Davekat. Background from Distantquest.
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monmuses · 5 months
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@the-expatriate continued from here
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He wasn't the best in the "comfort" area with things like this, but... he could somewhat understand, right? "I'm... sorry to hear that," he muttered. "Here, I can, uh... help out in some way. I got time on my hands... is there anything I can do?"
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red-man-of-mustache · 7 months
@the-expatriate liked the starter call!
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Giddy plumber inbound-- "Another human!" An odd thing to just blurt out at someone but humans weren't too common in the Mushroom Kingdom. Luigi,Peach, and Daisy were the ones he knew best. Wario & Waluigi weren't human. He refused to acknowledge them as such. "You must have-a just moved here, I'm-a Mario!" He took a few short leaps towards the female to close the distance and introduce himself. "I like-a the hair by the way, it sets you apart."
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booksofadventures · 4 months
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It didn't matter the season of the year, the twilight hours between sunset and dusk, though he did like the ones between dawn and sunrise when he could be awake for it, was his favourite time of the day. As long as the weather was clear and no threat of rain, he'd hate to damage his violin that way.
He sat on the bench in a quiet corner of this park as he careful took the violin case at his side and place it delicately onto his lap. Opening it up to let his fingers carefully run over the instrument inside.
This was his treasure and most prized possession.
He put the case back onto the bench at his side and took the instrument and bow out from the case. Resting it into the position to play it, it looked like another part of him like an extension of his being.
And then he began to play to himself mostly but he didn't mind if anyone else heard within the park, it was quiet this time of night and he loved the way the small wind and breeze would carry his music now as he slowly stood from the bench as he got lost in his music.
@the-expatriate // you found the musician!
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kayforpay · 11 months
indigos are my second favorite caste, and I really love all of them, even the ones who suck lmao
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sergeantsporks · 5 months
I think the witch switch rebel group will be called the MONGEESE. This is an unfortunate number of letters for me to make an acronym with, but I like the idea of Steve picking the name because the Empress’ main symbol is a snake
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[ COMFORT ]: sender, after a challenging and emotionally draining experience, settles into the receiver's lap in search of a feeling of comfort.
Nautilus gently wrapped his arms around Pari, acting as a big blanket for her if she wished. "So... did you enjoy your first test dive?" he asked as he looked down at her.
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et-omniam · 9 months
We killed native Americans. We killed people in the Philippines. We killed Haitians. We committed heinous, disgusting war crimes in okinawa. We killed italian civilians and POW. Over 400 recorded rapes in England by American servicemen. We killed Nicaraguans. We killed Vietnamese people. We killed Panamanians. Look up Abu ghraib. Anyone forget about the blackwater guys that killed 24 women and children and just got pardoned by Trump like no biggy. Obviously, our government would never do anything even remotely close to this awful shit to it's own people. Even if it meant that we would have justification to take back control of all the opium farms that were burned somewhere that's definitely not in the Middle East. Now we're killing Palestinians. If you think this was Israel's idea all along, I would ask that you direct your attention to literally America's favorite move: getting someone else to do it so they take the blame. Most of the wars America has caused were over natives not wanting to buy or produce heroin. We are the biggest, most evil company in the world, and I'm leaving one day. Once I know I'm not a citizen of this country anymore, I might breathe a little easier knowing that at least I'm not benefitting from hate and hell untold put unto the rest of the world. If you think you can defend this country's honor somehow, you are just as morally bankrupt as it is.
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