theancientpowerawoken · 58 minutes
Garruk grunted in affirmation. He nodded, kneeling by the river. He ran his knife through some belly tracks, giving it a sniff. Most monsters had a very discernible scent. They didn't have scout flies right now, so they would have to make do. "This seems fresh. It should still be nearby. Do you have a flare? We could split up and signal the other if one finds it."
The Two Hunters |MH AU|
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Garruk listened to the man. He was sceptical at first, but the more the man spoke, the more concerned he grew. He knows what or who they were? That was... More than deeply concerning. Did he have information on the other four of The Five?
There were so many questions running through the pairs head. It seemed like it made sense. But Ogistune was sweet and caring. Nothing like what the man described. Could she have been playing them for fools? Garruk's mind was cluttered and clouded.
Garruk nodded. He knew Ogistune would be arriving shortly. Against his better judgment Garruk decided to let the man go. "Go. Keep in touch." Alasdair Protested "Garruk-" The larger man quieted the wolf. "If you are lying. No place will shield you from me."
Strangers in a Strange Land
It was a beautiful day outside and Ogistune felt the need to take advantage of it. Usually, it was too cold or the snow was way too hard but now, the snow was quite soft and pliant with the sun giving a nice bit of heat to the land. These were the days she loved more than anything cause it meant she could go to her favorite hot spring spot and relax for a bit.
Her home was in the middle of a vast field with animals grazing along lazily but surrounding them was a heavy, thick forest that shielded them from the outside. The mountains lining the horizons were massive and all encompassing; meeting in the middle to create the valley she lived in with her father. With a huff, Ogi would grab her clothes and start to get them on. Once she put on her kimono and heavy jacket, all pure white, she would grab a small bag and walked out, blending into the background with ease.
She would hurry into the forested mountainside to the hotsprings.
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theancientpowerawoken · 21 hours
//Not me being so sceptical and not wanting to watch Murder drones. Who then binged the entire series in one night and fell in love.
What? Me? Finding a new hyperfixation? Nah...
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theancientpowerawoken · 22 hours
//Also if anyone knows of of your friends here on Tumblr that would be interested in Roleplaying with me, please feel free to send them my way! ❤️
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theancientpowerawoken · 22 hours
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Hey there! I hope you're all doing well. Again I apologize for being so spotty. Things have not been going well for me. Thankfully I have a fall back plan and I'm going to be moving in with my old group home mother while I find a job and get money and get back up on my feet. So I won't be homeless!
In the future though, feel free to ping me for responses! Or message me, tag me in things, or send me stuff! Anything to remind me to be active! I'm so forgetful... 😅
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theancientpowerawoken · 22 hours
Jace took the note he was handed and stashed it away into a pocket in his pants. He nodded back at her, while tilting his head acknowledging that he needed to clarify what he said.
"Thank you, Though I meant more along the line of you making sure there's nothing keeping me from leaving. You know like any poison left over. I figure you would be the best person to know. While I have notes on various potions, poultices and oils, it's by far not my area of expertise." He admitted.
"The other comment was to make sure you are well equipped to handle another beast like that should the need arise. I can make you some sort of silver based weapon if you need to defend yourself from another creature."
"Into The Blue" Closed RP With @the-expatriate
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Tonight was dragging on like always. Every major hunt was like that. So much work, tracking, note taking, double checking to make sure no detail was missed. The man was methodical at the very least. That's what made him good at his job. Usually a thankless endeavor, but it kept people safe.
Tonight's quarry wasn't your usual animal, beast, or any relatively sane creature. The man was hunting a vampire. A lesser vampire to be exact, but one that had been encroaching on a town. It was getting all too comfortable with being around civilians. That made it dangerous. People would chalk it up to a serial killer. It was hard for people to see the truth, and those who did were labeled as crazy. It was easier than accepting the fact that they weren't at the top of the food chain.
The man had been tracking his quarry for two days. Something seemed off about this specimen. It wasn't behaving as it should. This made the man's usual hunting method less effective than it should be. The monster shouldn't be acting this way, it had some sort of secret... Though that didn't make any sense. These things ran on pure instinct, hunt and eat people. Sure they were a little more careful than say a ghoul... But they didn't have a mind, or thoughts. The man jotted his thoughts down in his notebook.
He sniffed the air, smelling a coming storm. He had to act quickly before the rain came down and he lost the vampire's trail. He followed the trail to the edge of town, cursing under his breath. The beast was in town. He had to act quickly or someone else was going to die.
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theancientpowerawoken · 22 hours
"Wrong." The wolf growled. "We were in her hot spring." By now Garruk had caught up to the pair. Alasdair was sure the fox would be arriving in a moment as well. Had she chosen to follow them.
"I am here! Is this the one you signaled for, Alasdair?" Garruk was intimidating, even up close. Especially up close. He locked eyes with the man, giving him a suspicious grunt before tilting his head slightly to look at Alasdair.
"Correct. He's trying to weasel his way out. How many weasels have you skinned in your time?"
"Thousands upon Thousands. But this is no weasel. It is... Oh! I'm sorry, I understand. You mean coward."
Strangers in a Strange Land
It was a beautiful day outside and Ogistune felt the need to take advantage of it. Usually, it was too cold or the snow was way too hard but now, the snow was quite soft and pliant with the sun giving a nice bit of heat to the land. These were the days she loved more than anything cause it meant she could go to her favorite hot spring spot and relax for a bit.
Her home was in the middle of a vast field with animals grazing along lazily but surrounding them was a heavy, thick forest that shielded them from the outside. The mountains lining the horizons were massive and all encompassing; meeting in the middle to create the valley she lived in with her father. With a huff, Ogi would grab her clothes and start to get them on. Once she put on her kimono and heavy jacket, all pure white, she would grab a small bag and walked out, blending into the background with ease.
She would hurry into the forested mountainside to the hotsprings.
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theancientpowerawoken · 22 hours
Garruk left the base and reached a cliff. He scouted the already first before he climbed down the cliff using some sturdy looking vines. He was looking for any and all tracks that would lead to the Great Jagras' location. Though what he knew of the monster, It would be near a body of water.
Garruk reached the bottom of the short cliff, and walked a few feet to the nearby shallow river. There should be some trace of the monster nearby. Skid or scratch marks from where it had dragged its large body across the ground. Maybe even a corpse of an herbivore? He waited for Ogi to reach his position before searching further.
The Two Hunters |MH AU|
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theancientpowerawoken · 3 months
"Doubtful." The Wolf Growled in old Norse. The language of the Vikings. "An ally wouldn't run then plead for his life. But a coward that has been made, certainly would." Alasdair took a step. Then another. He had the man cornered. He could feel Garruk closing in. A step. Another. A threatening growl from the wolf. He only hoped the fox had sense enough to follow him.
Strangers in a Strange Land
It was a beautiful day outside and Ogistune felt the need to take advantage of it. Usually, it was too cold or the snow was way too hard but now, the snow was quite soft and pliant with the sun giving a nice bit of heat to the land. These were the days she loved more than anything cause it meant she could go to her favorite hot spring spot and relax for a bit.
Her home was in the middle of a vast field with animals grazing along lazily but surrounding them was a heavy, thick forest that shielded them from the outside. The mountains lining the horizons were massive and all encompassing; meeting in the middle to create the valley she lived in with her father. With a huff, Ogi would grab her clothes and start to get them on. Once she put on her kimono and heavy jacket, all pure white, she would grab a small bag and walked out, blending into the background with ease.
She would hurry into the forested mountainside to the hotsprings.
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theancientpowerawoken · 3 months
Garruk nodded as Ogistune spoke. While an admirable answer, it was also a fairly sad answer. A hunter of necessity, but one looking for the chance to grow and have self discovery. It was a good response. "Well, I do hope you find what it is you are looking for." Garruk sighed, stretching on the cot a little as a horn sounded high overhead. Signalling the start of the hunt.
"Ah! The Great Jagras has been spotted in the area! Let us be off!" Garruk stood up, walking past a small bridge over a stream and made a left, looking to go downhill. He awaited Ogistune to follow him, as he seemed to know his way around after the few hunts he had been on.
The Two Hunters |MH AU|
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theancientpowerawoken · 3 months
Jace listened with consideration. "I don't like to hurt people either. Sometimes it's... Unavoidable though... In my line of work anyway. That's what the second sword is for, self defence against humans. It's a standard steel sword compared to the silver one for monsters. Silver turns off a monster's ability to regenerate. Letting us hunters wound them. Which is why you've heard the classic tales of silver bullets killing werewolves." Jace explained.
He thought for a moment. He was pretty sure that that was the last of the Ekimmara in the area. Though he was sure there was something more going on. It would be a few days yet before he would be able to pick up the trail of anything connected.
"I'm free to make sure you can clear me for work." He joked. "Though I have to ask... Do you have any weapons training? I would hate for the town to be defenseless should something like that return. Or have something new move in due to its absence."
"Into The Blue" Closed RP With @the-expatriate
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Tonight was dragging on like always. Every major hunt was like that. So much work, tracking, note taking, double checking to make sure no detail was missed. The man was methodical at the very least. That's what made him good at his job. Usually a thankless endeavor, but it kept people safe.
Tonight's quarry wasn't your usual animal, beast, or any relatively sane creature. The man was hunting a vampire. A lesser vampire to be exact, but one that had been encroaching on a town. It was getting all too comfortable with being around civilians. That made it dangerous. People would chalk it up to a serial killer. It was hard for people to see the truth, and those who did were labeled as crazy. It was easier than accepting the fact that they weren't at the top of the food chain.
The man had been tracking his quarry for two days. Something seemed off about this specimen. It wasn't behaving as it should. This made the man's usual hunting method less effective than it should be. The monster shouldn't be acting this way, it had some sort of secret... Though that didn't make any sense. These things ran on pure instinct, hunt and eat people. Sure they were a little more careful than say a ghoul... But they didn't have a mind, or thoughts. The man jotted his thoughts down in his notebook.
He sniffed the air, smelling a coming storm. He had to act quickly before the rain came down and he lost the vampire's trail. He followed the trail to the edge of town, cursing under his breath. The beast was in town. He had to act quickly or someone else was going to die.
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theancientpowerawoken · 3 months
Jace nodded pondering what the newly introduced Leon had said. "Guild? Huh. I'm not familiar with any guilds. I feel like I would have heard of one operating in the area..." He mused to himself for a moment. "I did come from a town not too far from here. He pulled out his cell phone. No signal. A curse in a foreign language exited the man's lips. "When do I ever have a signal on a hunt? I really should invest in a satellite phone..." He turned his attention back to Leon.
"Well I did come from a town. I usually make it a point to establish a base of operations in a motel or something similar as I work on a hunt. Are you lost? We can go back together."
(continued from here)
The man wiped the viscera off of his blade. Sheathing it on his back next to another similar sword. It had been awhile since he had fought nekkers. Especially a horde of this size. He wondered what brought a group of this size together. Thinking about it only briefly before turning to the guy he had rescued. "Yeah, nekkers can be a real pain in the ass. You need silver to properly kill them, or any other monster. Completely disintegrating them works as well, but that's not feasible with my magic." He shrugged. Holding out a hand. "Jace Beleren. Traveler, monster slayer, practitioner of the old magics."
It almost felt like a honor that the other offered him a handshake, as it became apparent he hesitated for a second before sheepishly accepting it.
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"L-Leon. Leon Reywell. I'm a traveler as well, and I'm also a member of the Liberty Wings. That's a guild I'm with." After their handshake, the brunet looked around the wilderness. It seemed he still had a long way to go before finding a town or city. "Do you know the way around, Jace? I'm not sure which road I should take for the nearest place to stay..."
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theancientpowerawoken · 4 months
Garruk shot the woman a strange glance. It seemed odd that she would speak so fondly of a place so dangerous... But then again, that is part of the reason he became a hunter. The shrine ruins were dangerous to common folk. The only people allowed in were trained hunters. But that was the case for almost every hunting ground ever.
"Do you... Find a thrill from such a dangerous place? Is that why you became a hunter? To... Find more danger er.... To overcome it?" He asked, finished with his item distribution, sitting down on his cot.
The Two Hunters |MH AU|
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theancientpowerawoken · 4 months
Garruk had spotted the man. It was hard not to when they were running and pushing people out of the way. Making a scene like he was is what got him caught. Garruk sent a signal to Alasdair who decided to "bark" for Ogistune before coming to circle behind the man. Attempting to cut the man off. Garruk also had to swim through the sea of people, his large stature not helping his situation.
Strangers in a Strange Land
It was a beautiful day outside and Ogistune felt the need to take advantage of it. Usually, it was too cold or the snow was way too hard but now, the snow was quite soft and pliant with the sun giving a nice bit of heat to the land. These were the days she loved more than anything cause it meant she could go to her favorite hot spring spot and relax for a bit.
Her home was in the middle of a vast field with animals grazing along lazily but surrounding them was a heavy, thick forest that shielded them from the outside. The mountains lining the horizons were massive and all encompassing; meeting in the middle to create the valley she lived in with her father. With a huff, Ogi would grab her clothes and start to get them on. Once she put on her kimono and heavy jacket, all pure white, she would grab a small bag and walked out, blending into the background with ease.
She would hurry into the forested mountainside to the hotsprings.
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theancientpowerawoken · 4 months
Jace listened intently. She was right after all. There was no point beating himself up. He survived after all. And Pari seemed no worse for wear as well. So all in all, a successful hunt. He sighed, giving himself a mental break, accepting that this was a win.
"Ah, so sort of a family business? That's fairly straightforward. Are you happy with this line of work? It seems like you are... As an outsider looking in anyway." He shrugged, though laying on the bed made it an awkward movement.
"Into The Blue" Closed RP With @the-expatriate
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Tonight was dragging on like always. Every major hunt was like that. So much work, tracking, note taking, double checking to make sure no detail was missed. The man was methodical at the very least. That's what made him good at his job. Usually a thankless endeavor, but it kept people safe.
Tonight's quarry wasn't your usual animal, beast, or any relatively sane creature. The man was hunting a vampire. A lesser vampire to be exact, but one that had been encroaching on a town. It was getting all too comfortable with being around civilians. That made it dangerous. People would chalk it up to a serial killer. It was hard for people to see the truth, and those who did were labeled as crazy. It was easier than accepting the fact that they weren't at the top of the food chain.
The man had been tracking his quarry for two days. Something seemed off about this specimen. It wasn't behaving as it should. This made the man's usual hunting method less effective than it should be. The monster shouldn't be acting this way, it had some sort of secret... Though that didn't make any sense. These things ran on pure instinct, hunt and eat people. Sure they were a little more careful than say a ghoul... But they didn't have a mind, or thoughts. The man jotted his thoughts down in his notebook.
He sniffed the air, smelling a coming storm. He had to act quickly before the rain came down and he lost the vampire's trail. He followed the trail to the edge of town, cursing under his breath. The beast was in town. He had to act quickly or someone else was going to die.
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theancientpowerawoken · 4 months
Garruk laughed. "You have no idea! The forest is my element! Trees are where I belong. I could step through some trees and be back here faster than you could farcast here!" That seemed like a jest, but he seemed to be serious about his claim.
(A farcaster was a special smoke bomb that summoned a Wing Drake to take you back to camp in emergencies.)
He smiled. There was a second chest there for Ogistune. It was empty. It seems like the Hunting guild managed to get her one in time for this hunt. Garruk began placing some of his own stockpile of various items into Ogistunes chest when he thought she wasn't looking. Potions, antidotes, throwables of various kinds, if he had extra, it went in her chest. Hopefully this would help her for her future hunts.
The Two Hunters |MH AU|
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theancientpowerawoken · 4 months
Garruk and Alasdair searched for the man. The dire wolf relaying what the man looked like and would try to catch his scent. But in the sea of people, that would be impossible. The pair searched for the man at any possible egress points. Hoping to catch him before he had a moment to slip away. The link between the giant and the wolf would allow them to find each other if either found their prey. It was an efficient hunting strategy that they employed frequently.
Strangers in a Strange Land
It was a beautiful day outside and Ogistune felt the need to take advantage of it. Usually, it was too cold or the snow was way too hard but now, the snow was quite soft and pliant with the sun giving a nice bit of heat to the land. These were the days she loved more than anything cause it meant she could go to her favorite hot spring spot and relax for a bit.
Her home was in the middle of a vast field with animals grazing along lazily but surrounding them was a heavy, thick forest that shielded them from the outside. The mountains lining the horizons were massive and all encompassing; meeting in the middle to create the valley she lived in with her father. With a huff, Ogi would grab her clothes and start to get them on. Once she put on her kimono and heavy jacket, all pure white, she would grab a small bag and walked out, blending into the background with ease.
She would hurry into the forested mountainside to the hotsprings.
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