harlowcomehome · 8 days
Pheromone perfume:
Requested by @exoticr0ses
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You finished packing Jade's bag when Jack rushed into the room frantically checking his watch. “We have to go, like now!” His face was flushed and he was worried about being late, which wasn’t abnormal.
“Daddy we have plenty of time!” Jade giggled as she patted her dad’s leg. She was right, the drive was only about five minutes to Maggie and Brian’s house.
Jack cracked a smile, “I just don’t want to keep grandma and grandpa waiting” he told a white lie as he grabbed both Hazel and Jade's bag before running out to the car.
You grabbed your purse, spritzing on a new perfume before rushing to put it in your pocket and get both of the girls out of the door behind their dad.
“Did you remember the bag that was in the bedroom?” You raised your voice slightly so Jack could hear you over the car as you checked over the bags in the trunk before shutting it.
“It’s down here mom!” Hazel pointed to the bag under her feet as you slid into the passenger side of the car.
Jack had a lot on his mind lately and hadn’t heard you so you thanked Hazel as you started to make your way to Maggie and Brian’s place.
Jack smelled the air, side-eyeing you through his sunglasses. You hid a smile as you noticed before turning to the girls, “You two have to be on your best behavior this weekend okay?”
“I’ll be on my best behavior but I can’t make any promises for Hazey” Jade giggled poking fun at her older sister.
“I think it’s the other way around!” Hazel teased back making Jade giggle in her seat.
“What are you wearing?” Jack interrupted unable to pinpoint which one of your usual perfumes you had on.
“It’s new! A sample I got in the mail. Do you like it?” You batted your eyelashes dramatically at him as he readjusted in his seat.
“It’s different” he bit his lip as he pulled into his parent's driveway, they were waiting in the garage for the girls.
You and Jack gave both of the girls a hug and kiss goodbye, thanking his parents a final time for watching them for the weekend.
The both of you got back into the car and Jack was wearing a huge smile on his face, “Baby what is that? You smell so damn good.” He leaned over the center console to kiss your neck and breathe you in.
“Our windows are tinted but they aren’t that tinted, go!” You felt your face get warm as Jack let out a low raspy chuckle, putting the car in reverse.
The drive to the private airport felt like it was miles and miles away as Jack readjusted in his seat.
“Are you okay? You seem distracted” You tried to hide a smile, knowing exactly what you were doing as you fingered a stray curl that sat against his neck.
“Mhm,” he ran his tongue across the inside of his cheek, wondering exactly what you were up to.
When you pulled into the parking garage you got out of the car first, taking the small bottle of perfume out of your pocket and spritzing it on you again.
Jack walked around the back of the car, getting both of your suitcases as you got the bag from the backseat.
“I heard that” he leaned against the car, blocking you from walking past him. “What are you putting on?” He was eyeing you up and down, feeling overwhelmed by the thoughts swirling around in his head.
You couldn’t hold in your giggles as you reluctantly handed him the perfume bottle.
“Pheromone perfume? Is this that tiktok perfume?” His eyes got wide as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. He walked over to you, smelling you again before he started to kiss your neck. He dropped the bags beside the two of you, causing an echo.
“Is it working?” You played coy, knowing it clearly was.
He leaned you up against the car, knowing the two of you were the only people in the parking garage. His hands explored your body, resting on your ass as he started passionately kissing you.
“I’m trying to get into the mile-high club on this PJ,” you said only half-jokingly through breaths.
“I can make that happen… again” he smirked reminding you it had already happened a time or twelve before.
“Oh yeah? Promise?” You looked into his eyes, knowing all too well with the look on his face that he wasn’t in the least bit joking.
“It’s our anniversary weekend, you already know you were getting this di-” he grabbed his crotch knowing there wasn’t anyone around to see.
“Jack!” You playfully slapped his chest before the two of you broke into a fit of laughter. You grabbed your bag and started to run to the plane with him following close behind you, his eyes zeroed in on your figure.
“You know damn well you don’t carry your own bags” he huffed as he followed you up the narrow steps into the private jet.
“Maybe I’m purposely pushing your buttons” you winked as he followed you to your seat.
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Little Ez hyping his mom up “You look so cute” 🥺💙
“Where you going momma?”
“I’m going out with your aunts, baby.” You finish tying your heel and go stand in front of the mirror to look at your entire outfit for the night.
EZ comes to stand next to you, looking at you through the mirror “You look so cute”
You can’t help but smile “Thank you my sweet boy.”
“Stay here with us?” He pouts
“Oh baby, I promised your tias I would go out.” You kneel to be eye level with him. “Tomorrow I’ll stay home all day and we’ll do some fun stuff.”
He shakes his head and looks at his Jack. “Daddy, tell momma she stays here wiff us.”
“Your mom deserves some time out with her friends.”
“B-but she looks too cute.”
You can’t help but chuckle and stand up, Jack winks at you from his spot on the bed, “He’s definitely my son.”
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
fl and Jack cuddling on the couch and triplets join them!
Jack had just gotten back from being away for two weeks and the two of you were cuddling on the couch in a comfortable silence. You were getting better with handling the triplets by yourself since they’ve gotten older and can be a little bit more independent.
It was around midnight when he had gotten back and he knew that they were fast asleep, so decided that he would spend more time with them in the morning before they went to school and would get them ice cream for when he picked them up.
You weren’t expecting him until tomorrow morning, so you were excited when you were just on the couch watching a movie and heard his footsteps come through the door.
“I missed you, but you already knew that since I’ve told you about a hundred times since you’ve been back.” You said while picking your head up from his chest to look at him.
Jack simply smiled before pressing a kiss to your temple and squeezing you tighter.
“And I missed you too. I tried to get back here as soon as possible because I don’t like leaving you by yourself with them for long stretches of time. I know you can handle it and you have plenty of people to help you when I’m not here, but still.”
“I get it, but we were fine. No temper tantrums or meltdowns in the past two weeks surprisingly. Although Autumn had a mini one when she couldn’t find her Goldfish and Axel had eaten them. You would have thought someone was trying to murder her with how loud she screamed.”
“Sounds like something your daughter would do.”
“Don’t start, Jackman. She’s yours when she acts up, she’s mine when she’s on her best behavior.”
“That’s hilarious because when is she ever on her best behavior?”
“She’s gotten better!”
Just then the two of you heard the pitter patter of little feet and Jack turned behind him to see all three of them on the steps looking at the both of you.
“What are you three doing awake when you have to go to school tomorrow?” Jack curiously asked.
“Mommy gets cuddles, so we do too.” Axel said while peeking from behind Ivy who was nodding her head in agreement while Autumn was already making her way to the couch to join the two of you, not even bothering to wait for her siblings.
“The three of you can stay awake for thirty minutes and then back to bed you go.”
“Fine, daddy, move over and make room!” Ivy said and you couldn’t help but laugh. You picked up Autumn first and Jack held onto her with his right arm, while Axel was next and got put in the middle, while Ivy climbed up herself and was laying the closest to you and Jack ended up putting his arms around all four of you. 
“We missed you daddy. We heard you talking to mommy.”
“So we had to get a hug from you.”
“I missed all four of you and you know how much I hate being away for long periods of time.”
“You gone for like a whole year.”
“Autumn, baby, I was gone for two weeks, not a year.” Jack said before laughing and kissing the top of her head.
“Feels like year.”
“That sounds like exactly something your mother would say.”
“We don't like being away from you and we're not afraid to admit it. Besides you know you love it.” You said while looking up at him.
"Wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world." Jack replied as he leaned to kiss you.
Looking back on it, Jack didn't think that this would ever happen with how at odds you two were, but he was forever grateful that you gave him a second chance to get it right.
Now that he had his perfect family, he knew that he would do anything to protect the four of you and to make sure none of you wanted for anything.
"Mommy, daddy, I want a brother." Ivy quietly said and you did a double take to look at her.
"What the? IVY, you have one!" Jack exclaimed while gesturing towards Axel who had drifted off to sleep.
"I want another one!"
"Well, that's up to mommy so you need to take that up with her."
"You'll get another brother or sister when you're 20."
"That's too long from now!"
"Take it or leave it kid, what mommy says, goes."
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jackharloww · 2 years
i cant wait to experience this with my man , especially with him on top of me ❤️🥹
Ahhhhh that was so cute, I want that🥲
Also I can definitely see Jack doing that, just being a big cuddly baby🥺 Waking up after a late night, just wanting cuddles from you😫
He brings you closer to him in a spooning position, a leg over your body, bringing you impossibly closer.
“Mmm let me love on you mamas” he says and brings you on your back before laying on top of you, snuggling his head in the crook of your neck, Planting gentle wet kisses. Your hands rubbing along his naked back.
“Come on let’s go eat” he says after a few minutes. He gets up from bed and drags you up behind him.
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mattspoetdepartment · 6 months
Tbhhhh I feel like after hearing drive safe ,he loves the presence of a woman including being intimate with them which he also said in Alex Cooper’s podcast but just doesn’t wanna commit. I wonder why.
He always came off as the romantic type to me but I guess we don’t know him that well 😂
I think he can definitely be romantic if he wanted too
I think the main thing is commitment
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a-moment-captured · 1 year
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out!😘💛
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takecareluv · 2 years
🎧record shop
okay so i love nature , anything having to do with flowers and plants ( probably because I'm an earth sign) lol anyway I love productivity I actually hate being bored and feeling like there's nothing to do . I also like to think I'm an independent person always striving towards my goals I don't like depending on people too much. With that independency comes protectiveness, sometimes I feel like the world is out to get me. But I love to dance , read, and travel. The love I hope for is one where I can be myself around my partner, someone who brings out the best in me.One where we can both be vulnerable because i have a hard time opening up to people and showing emotions.But I really wanna enjoy the fun things in life with my s/o , i'm all for cute dates, picnics, love letters, adventures, all that!
HII i am so sorry this took so long. this has been in my drafts forever & i had completely forgot about it. i hope you like some of these songs !! i really tried to go with one’s i thought fit your energy & the presence u have on tumblr if that makes sense (along with the description you sent ofc) so i hope you like them !!! lots of love <3
harmony hall by vampire weekend
waves (tame impala remix) by miguel
fine china by erik mayers
face by brockhampton
are you bored yet? by wallows (feat. clario)
she’s a riot by the jungle giants
after the storm by kali uchis (feat. tyler the creator)
adorn by miguel
phone numbers by dominic fike & kenny beats
ocean~ by kuwada (feat. cameron kuwada)
paradise by khalid
pineapple skies by miguel
sativa by jhene aiko (feat. swae lee)
while we’re young by jhene aiko
karma by summer walker
too fast by sonder
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moody4world · 2 years
(its done)
@exoticr0ses its your request 🫶🏾
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I really grew to love the name olive. It’s so pretty !🩵
Thank you!! That is such a big compliment because I spent so much time picking out the names haha
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harlowsbby · 2 years
happy birthday sweetheart !!! i love reading your fantastic stories and i hope that you have a fantastic day pookie 🥹❤️🤭✨!
Thank you cutie! 🥹💗 I love how much you love all my work and appreciate it so much!
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harlowcomehome · 7 months
Silent treatment with Jade Harlow:
Requested by @exoticr0ses!
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Hazel and Jack sat on the couch watching a movie as Jade was coloring at the kitchen table.
Jade being a toddler got restless quick, standing on the kitchen chair for no real reason.
“Jade Harper! Don’t stand on that!” Jack's voice boomed throughout the house as he shouted. It was a sudden reflex, he was deeply worried she was going to fall and get hurt and didn’t have time to react.
“Don’t yell!” She loudly yelled back before grabbing her ear, annoyed at her dad’s tone as she slowly climbed back down from the chair.
“You have to be careful bug” Jack stood up and rushed over, pushing her chair in so she would be able to reach the table better.
“Do you want a snack or something?” Jack questioned, walking into the kitchen and wondering why she was standing up in the first place.
Jade huffed, getting out of the chair before she ignored her dad and walked to her bedroom.
“Why is he yelling at me, why is he always yelling?” She mumbled to herself, grabbing her stuffed unicorn from the table before officially making her exit.
Hazel sat back on the couch next to Jack, stifling a giggle at her little sister's attitude.
“What’s going on with her?” Jack questioned, having a seat next to Hazel unsure if he should follow Jade or give her a second.
“She’s going through her terrible fours” Hazel joked, shrugging as she took in another handful of popcorn.
Jack sat back with his oldest, sharing the popcorn but worried about Jade in the back of his mind.
A few minutes went by and Jade had come out of her room, returning to the kitchen table now with two stuffed animals. She had brought her tea party set with her and was mumbling to herself at the table.
Jack smiled at Hazel before standing up and walking over to Jade to see what was going on.
“Whatcha playing?” Jack asked in a sing-songy tone.
“Are you having a tea party?”
Met with more silence.
Hazel paused the movie, walking over to the both of them.
“Jade? Dad is talking to you” Hazel's brow furrowed, looking up at her dad who had one hand on his hip and the other arm leaning against the table.
“Tell daddy I’m not talking to him until I get an apol-“ she paused thinking of the right words to say.
“Until he says sorry for yelling” She wouldn’t look in Jack's direction, giving him the cold shoulder.
Jack's heart broke, realizing that he had hurt her feelings and that she was upset with him. He motioned for Hazel to go sit on the couch, and she nodded in response.
Jack bent down, getting more on Jade's level so that he could speak to her.
“Jade, can you please look at me?” He spoke softly.
Jade turned to look at him, clutching her stuffed unicorn for comfort. Her eyes were teary, and she had snot coming out of her nose.
“I’m very sorry that I yelled, I was startled because I was worried you’d fall and get hurt. That's no excuse, I am very sorry that I hurt your feelings and that’s never what I intend to do” he kept eye contact with her as she took what he was saying in.
“Your yelling scared me. I didn’t like that. It’s mean” she sighed.
“I know sweetheart, I’m sorry. Do you think you can forgive me?”
“Okay, only cause you’re my favorite daddy” she giggled lunging at him and wrapping her arms around his neck.
“I’m your only daddy” Jack chuckled, carrying her in his arms to the couch.
“I know silly! That's why you’re my favorite!” Jade shook her head and giggled as she sat in his lap and began to watch the movie with her dad and older sister.
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nattinatalia · 10 months
STOPPP this is everything from him telling his dad that mama wants donuts to him actually going to get it despite the long line and then warming them for her ?!
too precious 🥺🥺💕
Definitely EZ and Jack vibes 🥺🫶🏼
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
the way he put on her seatbelt and then kissed her! and then she ran her hands through his fluffy hair 🥺🥺🥺🥺 ree i cant take this cuteness
I want this princess treatment 😩
(You always send me the cutest things 🥺)
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babyharleezy · 2 years
bloooooo 🐬🐬🐬
hello! hi!
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jackharloww · 1 year
when are you posting your wip that you gave us a preview of ma?😏 lol i’m so curious about what happened between reader and jack ( post soon pls <3 )
Hmm without giving away too much I will post it on his birthday….?🤭😂 or maybe the day before
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hoodharlow · 1 year
babe! i love your layout ! the colors are everything, queen sam and the jack gif?! just chef's kiss
Omg tyyyy 🥺🥺🥺
Sam is literally mother to me like <3 that Jack gif.... 🥴🥴🥴
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