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groomingbyjarred · 7 years ago
Can’t wait til my man @payton_stoner gets back next month from college. The whole MC crew will be back together again. Haircut as always powered by @andisclippers using the Combination of the BGRV detachable to go with the BeautyMaster and T Outliner as well as shear over comb for the volume and straight razor for the lining #barber #barbering #AndisNation #andisnation #east2westcutz #jpthabarber #teampopularnobody #sandiego #sandiegobarber #oceansidebarber #camppendleton #carlsbadbarber #exostraining #americansalon #modernsalon #barbersince98 #barbersinctv (at East 2 West Cutz)
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groomingbyjarred · 6 years ago
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S/O to @anthonythebarber916 for this one. #Repost @anthonythebarber916 with @make_repost ・・・ Look I know how to use the Facetune app to smooth out that fade too. Again it gives customers unrealistic expectations of what their haircut will look like. “Do it for the gram” isn’t something you should apply to your business practices. #anthonythebarber916 #freethefibers #goodbarbering #goodwork #cleanwork #e2wc #jpthabarber #oceansidebarbershop #sandiegobarber #oceansidebarber #exostraining https://www.instagram.com/p/BtpkigiB_Uh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16j2jnhfu48eg
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groomingbyjarred · 7 years ago
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Had to take a break for a second from @andisclippers to tell you about the @clipperedu @kduncangrooming combs by @vincent_yanaki. Great tools that I have used for the last two years. Not just because their shade contrast thru dark hair but because they are carbon and not plastic they’re heat resistant and go thru hair vices pushing hair. If your in San Diego you can only get them @unitedbarberbeautysupply or else you can order from the man @clipperedu himself #kdcollection #kennyduncancombcollection #andisnation #allandisallday #jpthabarber #east2westcutz #teampopularnobody #oceansidebarber #oceansidebarbershop #sanmarcosbarber #exostraining #carlsbad #sandiego #sdbarbershop #sandiegobarber #sandiegobarbershop
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groomingbyjarred · 7 years ago
#AllAndisAllDay Entire cut down with this Andis Nation Cordless Envy Li. Cuts great and Cuts down on time because it’s free of cords. Can use it on wet and dry hair and it’s great as a supplement to the Master . . . East 2 West Cutz 1906 Oceanside Blvd Suite L Oceanside, CA 92054 . . . ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ #Barber #BarberShop #TrustTheProcess #OceansideBarber #VistaBarber #CarlsbadBarber #SanMarcosBarber #CampPendletonBarber #AmericasFinestCity #SDBarber #SDBarbershop #AmericasFinestCityBarber #SanDiegoCA #SDSUAztecs #exostraining #gaslampdistrict #Andis #andisnation #andisclippers
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