#exo zombies
nyxthesis · 2 years
Advanced Warfare Carrier Exo Zombies Review:
+Stockpile is a great addition to the perk line up and fixes my issue with the first two maps where you ran out of ammo way too easily
+Easter egg is solid although certain steps can be tedious like fixing the teleporter,have to trading in box weapons to get the parts for the fishing line, and the grenade deposit step while fun lasts a bit too long and digging for the one pad was very tedious but I love the drunk parkour step,the step where you have to lure the shark with zombies blood and the use of the teleport grenade made the egg fun to complete despite how tedious some steps were and speaking of
+teleport grenades might be my fave addition in all of exo zombies it can be used to get to somewhere fast just to save time, it can be used when your surrounded to save you from getting downed and from what I can tell zombies between where you teleport get killed but I only noticed it sometimes
+the addition of Bruce Campbell and him replacing my most hated character oz was a very good change and to me he is by far the most entertaining character to listen too unlike most of exo zombies cast
+has good training spots like the pool and the cargo bay which both function great when going for high rounds and the weapon upgrade station is in a good enough spot if you need ammo mid round that it's possible
+did not get to use the wonder weapon enough but it seemed pretty good ngl and I always had fun anytime I used it
+the two new power ups being explosive touch and free fire or what ever it's called I will just call it unlimited ammo and I like both these drops alot but I do prefer unlimited ammo and it so damn useful for point building on early rounds and for going ham with the s12 or cell 3 on later rounds and explosive touch pretty much just makes you unkillable and lets you save ammo by just running into zombies to kill them
+I know this is minor but the dual wield revolvers are cool af
-while his voice acting is improved oz is still quite annoying and I hate that I have to listen to him no matter what character I'm playing as
-the teleport grenades are so good that the other tactical gernades all feel useless to me in comparison
-the Atlus soldiers that plant the bomb are annoying mainly when you get to round 20+ when the bomb detonation timer is way shorter and I struggle sometimes with finding where the soliders are and by the time I find them I'm swarmed with zombies beacuse they are fast af, but once you find them they die quite easily, even the ones in the armor
-the story I feel is poorly explained like when Bruce Campbell character says gs7 must be messing with his mind I'm sitting here like "gs7 what the fuck is that, first I'm hearing of it" It leaves me to wonder if there was a online component to the story where you could find out more outside of the game beacuse if it's in the game it is told very poorly and confusingly
-the easter egg would have been way less tedious if this game had a mule kick like perk so you could get two box guns at a time to trade into the weapons desposial to get the fishing line parts faster
-once again no indicator where the box/3d printer is spawnes which is worse on this map since you need it for the Easter egg and with the zombies bleeding out automatically after a certain amount of time it makes it much more tidous overall of a step
Overall I may have shit on this map a fair bit and it's egg but I do honestly like the map it's quite a rush when you finally complete it and I think it's the hardest egg I have completed to date honestly and it is not too hard to high round either with it's solid training spaces, this map leaves me somewhat excited for the final exo zombies map and I hope it can build off this solid map
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yixinghoneybee · 3 months
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My favourite songs from June (in no particular order):
Cosmic - Red Velvet IT IS L0VE ♥ - HWI YOUNG XO - EVNNE Right Now - LAY Stupid Cupid - NCT DREAM She A Wolf - WayV hey! hey! - TWS ZOMBIE - EVERGLOW SUPERPOWER - BLITZERS Rainfalls - H1-KEY
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buildingmycottage · 3 months
I have a hard time picking biases for groups I like listening to, but I do have some opinions
(Please keep in mind these are just my opinions and they are based on my experience with said groups, let’s keep discourse to a minimum)
- E:U feels less and less like a part of Everglow every comeback.
- I miss EXO, I’ve barely heard from them and their recent songs have not been my favorite (monster was 10/10 tho)
- heya was the best song ive released in their ep. Blue heart feels like blue blood one step to the left as does Accendio (speaking of, I didn’t like Accendio very much as a song, concept was good tho)
- Zombie was a great song, but Yiren Cant dance very smoothly. She does well in isolated movements but in full she’s very stiff and it’s hard to watch sometimes. That being said I like her singing and she’s quite pretty
- I’m so glad in heya they gave Liz more time to shine
I have more opinions if anyone wants them
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❃Seventeen’s chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse❃
a/n: soooo I wrote this for EXO and thought, well, why not do the same for svt. Anyway, enjoy!
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Scoups/Seungcheol: 8/10
❀ The fists are up and he is ready to fight anyone or anything that gets too close. His physical strength will definitely get him far. At the same time, this man is also a bit, just a bit, of a scaredy-cat when it comes to horror stuff (remember him and DK in the haunted house?). In this case, it might actually help him out, keeping him on his toes constantly.  
❀ He is super competitive too. If anyone lets it slip that he might not survive the apocalypse, he will make it his sole goal in life to out-apocalypse everyone around him.
❀ Then again, as the members like to remind him, he is not the youngest and perhaps doesn’t have the best endurance any more. He needs to sit down every now and then, leaving him prone to zombies.
❀ He will definitely be complaining the entire time. Somehow, he manages to make his situation sound much worse than it really is. 
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Jeonghan: 9/10
❀ Nothing really phases him, I feel like Jeonghan has maxed out all his stats and has, consequently, become unstoppable. He is an absolute ace and makes everyone wonder whether he was born to be in a zombie apocalypse.
❀ The only reason I am docking a point is due to this man’s constant exhaustion and love for sleep. His main motto is “Better be lazy than tired” so I wouldn’t be surprised at Jeonghan trying to find ways to shortcut the most basic of tasks. There is a slight, very tiny, chance for his master-mind plans to go awry.
❀ Once he finds himself in a dangerous situation or on the brink of being eaten, he will simply give up. Maybe life is truly easier as a zombie. At least he won’t have to constantly be on the run.
❀ Still, Jeonghan will be going through this apocalypse in the most efficient way possible, trying to find any loopholes to make his life easier and preserving his energy for those moments when he truly needs it.
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Joshua 5/10
❀ Honestly, Joshua is such a wild card. He would definitely try to employ the “they can’t predict what I am doing if I don’t know what I am doing” tactic. Joshua becomes the definition of “can’t let them know your next move.”
❀ It would work half of the time. Either the zombies get so confused that he catches them off guard, or all he did was inconvenience himself further.
❀ Like, what if, instead of running away from the zombies, he would run towards them? The zombies would definitely not be expecting it but it would make it easier for them to, you know, kill him.
❀ His ideas are borderline insane, and nobody can really tell whether it is due to the apocalypse or because he is Joshua, having always been slightly out of his mind. He will definitely get someone else accidentally killed by suggesting a crazy plan. My money is on Hoshi.
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Jun 4/10
❀ The reason this man has any chance of survival is because Seventeen treats him like a maknae. I am pretty sure they would sacrifice anyone and anything to keep him alive, and he kind of needs it.
❀ Jun isn’t particularly known for his amazing talent at sports. He always gets picked last in any GoSe episode containing physical games which makes his odds of surviving not too great. Like yeah, sure, he is ripped and probably has amazing endurance, but ask him to throw anything and he will miss.
❀ He is also unpredictable and doesn’t really listen to the others. They will tell him not to touch the zombies and he will see it as a challenge, “I can touch a zombie if I want to!”
❀ 10000000% the type to try and communicate with the zombies. He is convinced that if he can learn Korean, he can also learn zombie and ask them if they can become friends.
❀ (Maybe slightly unrelated, but he would be an amazing person to have around for emotional support. He would be great at comforting those feeling pessimistic, scared or upset.)
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Hoshi/Soonyoung: -100000/10 or 100000/10
❀ It can go two ways with Hoshi. Either he hides somewhere and vanishes from the universe until the apocalypse has ended or he gets himself killed within the first day.
❀ Hoshi has proven that if he doesn’t want to be found, you won’t find him. Somehow, this energetic mess of a Gemini is able to turn invisible when he wants to. Depending on how bored he gets, he might be able to stick it out until the apocalypse has ended.
❀ If he doesn’t hide, he is as good as dead. He has the dangerous combination of not being scared of zombies and zero impulse control. He will be trying something stupid without a second thought and would get himself killed.
❀ He growls at the zombies because surely, they would be intimidated by him. He is a tiger, after all.
❀ His members are seriously considering putting a leash on him so that he can’t constantly run off doing god knows what. He just really hates sitting still, let him go risk his life getting provisions.
❀ Honestly, the main reason why Hoshi won’t survive for long is because he would do another impression of Seungkwan, resulting in Seungkwan ‘accidentally’ kicking him into a hoard of zombies.
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Wonwoo: 10/10
❀ He has played enough games and watched enough Netflix to know what to do in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Wonwoo is prepared, well-read and ready to go. He will be the smart one that tries to find out what makes the zombies tick, taking notes on their behaviours and potential weaknesses.
❀ Wonwoo is, furthermore, so incredibly athletic. He can outrun the zombies with ease, not even breaking a sweat when he does.
❀ He also seems to possess brain cells compared to some of the members and a dose of common sense. I know that there is no normal one in Seventeen but he seems to put a lot of thought in his decision-making and seems less inclined to listen to his intrusive thoughts.
❀ Wonwoo could survive on his own, his introverted side ensuring that he doesn’t really feel the need to seek out others and depend on them. The only reason he sticks around the other members is for the drama. He loves watching the others bicker for hours, eating his popcorn as he lurks in the nearby shadows.
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Woozi/Jihoon: ∞/10
❀ He has no idea that there is a zombie apocalypse going on because he hasn’t really gone outside since it started. Yeah sure, the gym he frequents has been really quiet as of late, but that is an absolute win in his book and he is not to going to jinx it by mentioning it.
❀ The world could literally be ending on the other side of his window, and this man would think that the sirens would make for an awesome sample for his song. What do you mean, sirens mean that something is going on outside?
❀ It doesn’t even matter if the other members come to check up on him or try to convince him to leave the studio, informing him the world is ending. “What do you mean it is dangerous outside, it always is dangerous outside.”
❀ He will simply survive the entire apocalypse because he had no awareness of it and it had no awareness of him. Woozi is on another level entirely.
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DK/Seokmin: -1000/10
❀ An absolute mess. Somewhere laying on the ground in the feudal position up for grabs.
❀ He has been screaming since it started. The joke is on him, though. His screaming is precisely what alerts the zombies to his location and he is completely unaware of it. He finds himself in a vicious cycle where he sees a zombie, screams, more zombies appear, screams more, etc.
❀ He is ruled by his fear, trying his hardest not to be scared, but is in dire need of a hug. He needs the other members to comfort him and take the initiative because he is too scared to really do anything. He will definitely get someone else to go first; what do you mean you want him to go into that dark alleyway???
❀ He would not be able to respond well to finding himself cornered by zombies. Rather than fighting back or trying to come up with a plan, DK would most definitely just scream at them to get back and freeze.
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Mingyu 1/10
❀ Technically, Mingyu should be able to survive. He is an excellent cook and can whip up any dish as long as you give him some ingredients. Also, as we have all seen, this man is mostly muscle. He should be able to hold his own in a physical fight.
❀ Not to mention that Mingyu is ridiculously smart. He can come up with a decent plan and have it work out.
❀ But his downfall is, well, literally, him falling down. He is clumsy; he will either accidentally drop something that is important to their survival and break it, or run into a tree as he is trying to make his escape.
❀ He is also not the best when it comes to the scary stuff (though I feel like he did pretty well in GoSe Ego). What do you mean he has to jump down from that ledge in order to escape the zombies? No thank you. Go into that abandoned supermarket, potentially running into zombies because he has run out of food? He would rather starve.
❀ They kind of need to keep him alive to keep Seungkwan from murdering half of the group.
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The8/Minghao: 10000/10
❀ He is not scared of the zombies, the zombies are scared of him. They have interrupted his meditation sessions and are now regretting awakening his anger issues. He hasn’t been chill since the apocalypse started, and is now on a path of vengeance against those who disrupted his meditation.
❀ I know that Vicious Mockery is a D&D spell and, you know, magic, but he would be the one to make it a reality. He is able to emotionally damage the zombies, giving him the ability to attack from afar. As an added bonus, they would become more and more reluctant to get close, afraid to get roasted.
❀ Considering that he is great at martial art, Minghao can beat them up physically if they make the poor decision to get up in his personal space. So yeah, the zombies have learned to avoid him at all costs.
❀ The only thing that could potentially stop his destruction of zombies is the ethics and morals of beating them up. He might get into a debate with Vernon about whether their remaining humanity makes it unethical to hurt them, and ultimately decides that it is bad for his karma to continue his act of wrath.
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Seungkwan: 5/10
❀ Initially, Seungkwan is so scared of them, he won’t get close enough to get killed. He is constantly nagging the zombies from a safe distance, warning them to stay away. All it does is make the zombies more determined to kill him. He keeps asking them to stop, but apparently, the tone he uses is important or something because they keep getting offended.
❀ Honestly, without Seungkwan’s constant nagging, half of the group would be acting on their insane and idiotic ideas. Then again, he would also be the one to ‘accidentally’ sacrifice some of the members when they inevitably get on his nerves.
❀ He would be ready to throw hands if you get him mad enough, forgetting he was scared in the first place. However, where Minghao’s anger issues result in a skilled display of violence, Seungkwan is ready to attack without much thought, considering the consequences later, hence disregarding his own safety in a fight.
❀ Regardless, Seungkwan will go out in a fire of rage, taking an absurd amount of zombies with him as he goes. It is glorious and cinema worthy.
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Vernon: ?/10
❀ He is a npc so he can’t die. That is definitely how that works. Vernon is simply a part of the environment, don’t mind him. The zombies don’t recognize him as someone they can eat because they somehow believe him to be a non-interactable object straight out of a game.
❀ That being said, similarly to Jun, he hasn’t been particularly blessed with amazing motoric skills. I don’t think I have ever seen Vernon properly run, I feel like rather than running he would try to out-speed walk the zombies. Do not expect him to fight, he will try the bare minimum, and even that is too much to ask.
❀ Then again, he has consumed so many films and tv shows that he does have a massive mental archive of everything that has been produced about zombies from which he can draw whenever he finds himself in a pickle. Is fiction reality? No. Is it useful regardless? Yes.
❀ Considering he is Seventeen’s other favourite child, they will try their best to keep him alive. He has them all wrapped around his finger. One little whine and they will bend over backwards to help him with whatever he needs/wants.
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Dino/Chan: -1000000000/10
❀ He is trying his best. If it wasn’t for the others, he would have a decent chance at making it out alive. He is fit, motivated and confident about his own capabilities without being overconfident. On his own, he would be determined to see the apocalypse through.
❀ Pair him up with Wonwoo and nothing can get him killed. Wonwoo will keep his Dino alive even if it costs him his own life.  
❀ That being said, the members would get him 1000% killed. They won’t let him breathe for a second and he has to constantly watch his back. They love him, sure, but they also think his shrieks of panic as they ‘accidentally’ lock him in a room with a zombie are hilarious.
❀ Against all of them, he truly doesn’t stand a chance. They don’t really want to get him killed but they make staying alive arguably much more difficult for him than it needs to be.
❀ At this point, he might simply give up and switch teams. He can get revenge on them by turning into a zombie, finally having the last laugh as he munches on their brains.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 5 months
Saw your Bug!Vicagent.
... could you please give us some more tidbits of them in your Au? Because I've been staring at that post since you posted it lol-
I'm so normal about them /j
Sure! :DD I don't have any references for them on hand, but these two images show their designs pretty decently.
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Agent is a pretty rare case of a tall dragonfly, so he's one of the lucky few bug species who can still fly.
Victim is a very special case: a cordyceps fungus in a locust host. Cordyceps are pretty rare, and locusts are just as rare. Locusts aren't born, they are triggered. Usually from a grasshopper or cricket, after going through an extreme trauma they become locusts, but the only locusts discovered are dead. Victim is no different.
Cordyceps are also pretty weird. Most cordyceps simply take the body and woe. zombug be upon ye. However, ancient Roaches wanted to try and replicate immortality and thus began the kidnapping of other bugs and experimenting on different species and themselves with cordyceps. It IS possible for somebody to live on thanks to the fungus, as the fungus can take and hold memories rather than replacing them. Only thing is, those cases tend to be artificial due to the extremely specific requirements
That being magic and a strong body. Poison and Ice are the easiest kinds of magic to work with, and one of the few species that can physically handle the cordyceps and magic without overloading the fungus are moths.
Victim got lucky. He was Alan's first little experiment when he discovered that bugs come from little larvas and eggs and if he grows his own bug then he can have endless entertainment. Victim couldn't fight back well against Gammas or whatever other Deadlanders Alan threw at him, but Alan is observant. He knows bugs use roach crystals to heal by hitting them. So he basically impales Victim alive with a crystal and murders him lmao
Cordyceps finds Victim's body and attaches to it, and he got lucky enough to where the tiny shards of crystal stuck in his system was just enough for the fungus to hold his memories and self. So victim basically becomes the fungus.
BUT THAT IS STILL NOT GOOD. It was sheer luck and because hes not even a moth the connection is pretty unstable. In a strong bond, there would be no worry about reverting to the zombie-like state, but since his connection is so unstable it can get triggered.
On the bright side, this makes him a living magic detector. Its how he finds one of the shards of the Wasp King's crown so easily, which allows him to brainwash Chosen One. On the ugly side, you get this:
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This happens after Victim tries and fails to kill Alan. He basically gets really pissed that Alan doesn't want to kill him anymore, that he isnt even trying to fight back, and starts mentally spiraling because of it. He compares himself to the other Hollows which are all sorcerers and have magic, and chalks up his failure and lack of control over the situation to that lack of magic.
So to fix that he basically ditches everyone and goes to Snakemouth Den, aka the original lab where the Roaches experiment cause goddamn that place is potent with it you can literally see it in the air. Basically goes there and something something recreating the events of trauma so you can control the outcome, smashes a shit ton of the crystals into smaller shards.
Agent brings the color gang into this (the only mercenary who knows about vics situation) because he had a feeling shit would go wrong and boy was he right. Victim drives the crystals through his exo-skeleton and
he does it. he gets poison magic. but he still gets knocked down easily so rinse and repeat of him attacking, getting beat, healing by impaling with a crystal, and so on. But yeah the more magic he siphons from the roach crystals the more it makes the fungus kinda lose it and slowly but surely the grip the fungus has on his memories and self starts slipping and the instincts from the fungus and the sentience starts getting blurred. Yeah sorry victim in your obsession and greed for control for others you lost control of yourself
Basically a boss fight at that point, feral zombie vic vs his loyal lapdog of a bug and 5 children. At first its just operating off of the instinct of getting them OUT of the territory, but he also burns through the magic really quickly which means he needs more and oh look at that cute little bee hes full of magic. Basically a stalling game of blocking off the exist and making sure he doesnt rip the crystal stuck in seconds head out.
Eventually they win and after a quick revive from Second, an unconscious victim gets carried to an inn by Agent and everyone leaves the caves that day with so much trauma yippeeee
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hyunpic · 1 year
list of songs hyunjin has played on his lives/recommended:
note: im probably missing some & i couldn’t put links to all of them cause apparently tumblr has a link limit 🤨
lauv: julia, lonely eyes, invisible things, paris in the rain, never not, im so tired, the story never ends, i like me better
offonff: photograph, cigarette (ft. miso & tablo), dance, bath
beyoncé: crazy in love (remix)
billie eilish: i love you, &burn, idontwannabeyouanymore, ocean eyes, before i go, tv
honne: day1, la la la that’s how it goes
christina perri: a thousand years
shawn mendes: mercy, treat you better, in my blood
dvwn: phobia
dpr live: jam & butterfly
jehwi: dear moon
leehi: rose
bts: dna, waste it on me, make it right
colde: where love begins, string (ft. sunwoojunga), the museum, wa-r-r, your dog loves you (ft. crush), control me, a song nobody knows, im in love
got7: miracle, hard carry
justin bieber: lonely
josef salvat: call on me
taemin: criminal
night off: sleep
sam kim: make up (ft. crush), like a fool, sunny days summer nights
niki: lowkey
iu: the visitor, lullaby, knees, love poem, give you my heart, my sea
cha ni: starlight
sia: snowman
akmu: happening
sunwoojunga: run with me
the black skirts: everything
korea cracker: ocean (ft. hoyeon kim)
cosmic boy: can i love?
penomeco: no.5 (ft. crush)
yerin baek: blooming memories, limit
10cm: so…., however
day6: i’ll try, love me or leave me, when you love someone, you were beautiful, congratulations, zombie, days gone by, afraid
dean: d (half moon), instagram, what 2 do, bonnie & clyde
exo: first snow, the eve, love shot
sam fischer: this city
jukjae: do you want to walk with me?, lullaby
ph-1: nerdy love (ft. yerin baek), as i told you
baekhyun: love again, un village
amine: blackjack
young k: come as you are, guard you
flume: say it (ft. tove lo)
twice: dance the night away, fancy
ariana grande: thank u, next
hajin: we all lie
about: it has to be you
caroline says: winter is cold
h.e.r: u, wait for it
bol4: to my youth
monday kiz: winter is as i wished
paul kim: the road, additional
sweden laundry: the winter
jung seung hwan: in that winter
chungha: gotta go
zion.t: no make up, snow
airman: gloomy star, i’ll be your spring (ft. j_ust)
motte: dont run away
seventeen: a-teen, super
khalid: location
lukas graham: 7 years
imagine dragons: believer
bo kyung kim: dont think you are alone
jung ilhoon: spoiler (ft. babylon)
davichi: falling in love, 이 사랑
coldplay: everglow, viva la vida
lyn: my destiny
jus2: focus on me, long black, senses (jpn version)
crush: beautiful, you and i
ed sheeran: lego house, perfect, photograph, beautiful people
croosh: why
20 years of age: x
tori kelly: paper hearts
seulgi: always
luna: do you love me? (ft. george)
wisue: someone’s shining
epik high: eternal sunshine
jp saxe: if the world was ending
seori: fairy tale
bruno mars: marry you
the weeknd: earned it, die for you
jung seunghwan: its raining, an ordinary day, dear
sam tinnesz: play with fire
post malone: motley crew
jihyo: stardust love song
kim feel: your voice
sung sikyung: solar system, heejae
younha: stardust
wonpil: a journey
taeyeon: invu, some nights, toddler, drawing our moments
nct dream: boom
ha hyunsang: 3108
huhgak: memory of your scent
se so neon: nan chun, a long dream, midnight train, stranger
umi: remember me
tvxq!: mirotic
johnny balik: honey
red velvet: psycho
new jeans: hype boy
christian kuria: losing you
cigarettes after sex: k. , each time you fall in love, sunsetz, apocalypse
dpr ian: nerves, no blueberries, 1 shot
samm henshaw: broke
woodz: drowning
kelly clarkson: underneath the tree
kimmuseum: to you who cant sleep
taylor swift: betty
lana del rey: young and beautiful
harry styles: watermelon sugar, she
pink sweat$: honesty
masego: tadow
olivia rodrigo: vampire
troye sivan: youth, for him
kai: mmmh
2pm: my house
oasis: wonderwall, hey now
mac miller: that’s on me, everybody
nothing but thieves: amsterdam
bren joy: sweet
back number: i love you
mac ayres: next to you, roses
daniel caesar: blessed, ocho rios, get you (ft. kali uchis), take me away (ft. syd), do you like me?, disillusioned
green day: dilemma
puma blue: already falling
bruno major: nothing, easily, places we won’t walk, the most beautiful thing, old soul
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zombiipcps · 25 days
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( layout ib : @/stcpidcupid )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ˙ ˖ ✘ . . . MEET THE MEMBERS OF ZOMBIE POP !
Are you a new Survivalist who wants to learn the Zombie Pop members? Are you trying to pick a bias? Well, you're in luck! Here is where you can learn about the prettiest brainless boys of STARBORN CREATIVE and CULT CREATIVE!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ˙ ˖ ✘ . . . ETHAN LEE, known professionally as ETHAN, was born as the oldest of three brothers on January 14th, 1997. Growing up, he and his younger brothers developed a love of music through his parents, who were both music historians at a public university in Boston, Massachusetts. In 2014, when he was seventeen, his family moved back to South Korea after his mother was invited to be a guest speaker for a music course at a university in Seoul, giving him and his brothers a chance to audition for entertainment companies, and they were accepted by STARBORN CREATIVE in 2016. Ethan trained for two years before he debuted in Zombie Pop as the main rapper of the group.
FULL NAME › Ethan Lee
KOREAN NAME › Lee Woosung
BIRTHDAY › January 14th, 1997
BIRTHPLACE › Boston, Massachusetts, USA
NATIONALITY › Korean-American
POSITION ›  Main Rapper
FACE CLAIM › Kim Hosung / Lou (VAV)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ˙ ˖ ✘ . . . KIM SEUL-KI, known professionally as SEULKI, was born September 2, 1997 as an only child in Busan, South Korea. Growing up, Seulki was influenced by his father’s intense love for music, something always playing in their home.
With his parent’s support, Seulk started his trainee career at Cult Creative Records in 2014. He was added and removed from serval group line ups throughout his time as a trainee, he was added to his final lineup in 2017 — debuting in 2018 as a main dancer and sub vocalist of the co-managed boy group ZOMBIE POP.
FULL NAME › Kim Seul-ki
BIRTHDAY › September 2nd, 1997
BIRTHPLACE ›  Busan, South Korea
POSITION › Main Dancer, Sub Vocalist
FACE CLAIM › Yoo Taeyang (SF9)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ˙ ˖ ✘    . . .    NATTHAWUT SANGSINGKEO, known professionally as DEAN, was born as an only child on January 8th, 1998. He grew up in a small town, where everyone knew everyone and everyone in the town was deeply religious. Growing up, he had traditional religious beliefs shoved down his throat since he could walk and talk, which did not hinder his love for songwriting. Despite his parents' protests, in 2016, as soon as he turned eighteen, he traveled to South Korea by himself, having been inspired to start his songwriting career thanks to watching BTS and EXO content. He was quickly picked up by STARBORN CREATIVE, and trained to become an idol for two years before debuting in Zombie Pop. 
STAGE NAME  ›  Dean 
FULL NAME  ›  Natthawut Sangsingkeo
BIRTHDAY  ›  January 8th, 1998 
BIRTHPLACE  ›  Phuket, Thailand 
POSITION  ›  Main Vocalist, Composer 
FACE CLAIM  ›  Boun Noppanut (actor)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ˙ ˖ ✘ . . . HONG INSEO, known professionally as INSEO, was born March 23rd in 1998, as the youngest and only boy of four. Inseo grew up around the arts; his sisters all taking part of some form of dance, while his father taught piano. It was his mother who pushed him to become a singer, she’d signed him up for vocal lessons at an early age. It, too, was her idea for him audition for music labels.
After a short stint at Cube Entertainment in 2016, he began training at Cult Creative in 2017; debuting not long after he joined. Inseo debuted as a sub rapper and composer of the Cult Creative and STARBORN CREATIVE boy group ZOMBIE POP in 2018.
FULL NAME › Hong Inseo
BIRTHDAY › March 23rd, 1998
BIRTHPLACE › Seoul, South Korea
NATIONALITY › South Korean
POSITION › Sub Rapper, Composer
FACE CLAIM › Ji Changmin / Q (The Boyz)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ˙ ˖ ✘ . . . CHA DONGYOON, known professionally as ECHO, was born as the middle child of three siblings on April 18th, 1999. Growing up, he didn't see his parents often, as they focused more on work and relied on babysitters and relatives to raise their children as they went to work long hours, leaving him and his older brother and younger sister to rely on everyone but them. He grew up as a shy kid, finding solace in music — more specifically, the orchestra. He quickly developed a love for the violin while in school, eventually moving to Seoul with his aunt and siblings and busking with his siblings in the streets of the city with the violin he received as a birthday gift from his paternal grandparents. They were eventually scouted by STARBORN CREATIVE in 2016, and Dongyoon trained for two years before debuting as the lead vocalist and dancer of Zombie Pop.
FULL NAME › Cha Dongyoon
BIRTHDAY › April 18th, 1999
BIRTHPLACE › Gumi, North Gyeongsang, South Korea
POSITION › Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
FACE CLAIM › Kang Yeosang (ATEEZ)
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( tw. mentions of drugs + alcohol, implied child abandonment + abuse )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ˙ ˖ ✘ . . . YANG HYUNWOO, known professionally as NOIR, was born as the middle child of three brothers on September 15th, 1999. When he was four years old, his father walked out on their family, leaving him to fend for himself as his mother had become addicted to hard drugs and alcoholism and did nothing to care for her three young sons, going as far as to taking out her anger on them daily.
In 2017, Hyunwoo was accepted into STARBORN CREATIVE after he and his younger brother Hyunjae applied in secret. Both were accepted, and Hyunwoo trained for one year before debuting in Zombie Pop.
FULL NAME › Yang Hyunwoo
BIRTHDAY › September 15th, 1999
BIRTHPLACE › Daejeon, South Korea
POSITION › Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist
FACE CLAIM › Yeo Hwanwoong (ONEUS)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ˙ ˖ ✘ . . . HARANO AKIRA, known professionally as AKIRA, was born on August 8th, 2000. Growing up, he was a lonely child, relying only on his mother for everything, and vice versa. His only solace throughout life was music, as he picked up piano, cello, and violin, among other instruments. He also took up songwriting, oftentimes writing more song lyrics than notes in school. In 2016, he and his mother moved to South Korea, and he went to live with some of his friends who ran away and had reunited with him. There, they all shared an apartment together as they looked for jobs, and Akira ended up auditioning for STARBORN CREATIVE to be a composer. The company was more interested in his ability to dance, however, and was accepted as a trainee. He trained for a year before debuting as Zombie Pop's maknae.
FULL NAME › Harano Akira
BIRTHDAY › August 8th, 2000
BIRTHPLACE › Sapporo, Japan
ETHNICITY › Japanese
POSITION › Maknae, Lead Dancer
FACE CLAIM › Kimata Syoya (JO1)
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atinycafe · 1 year
NAVIGATION (ノ´・ᴗ・`)ノ*:・゚✧
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SADE. nineteen (she/her). muslim&brown girl. ateez writing blog. ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧
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As you browse through my posts and dive into the depths of my thoughts, I hope you discover a comfy corner that feels like home in my little account. So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, get comfy, and let's embark on this adventure together. But, before you engage with my blog or delve into my content, I kindly request that you keep the following points in mind. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Much love!
Every single piece you'll find here is a creation of mine. I kindly ask you to refrain from reposting, translating, or copying any of my works. They hold a special place in my heart, and I'd appreciate your respect for my artistic integrity. Thank you for understanding! (」°ロ°)」
As of now, I do create some explicitly NSFW content, so I kindly request that individuals under the age of 18 refrain from engaging with this account. It makes me uncomfy when minors come across this genre of content that I write. (×_×)⌒☆
All my works are female!reader unless stated otherwise ("gn reader" in the tags).
Stan list: Ateez, BtoB, BND, EXO, iKON, ITZY, IVE, KARD, Kiss Of Life, Mamamoo, NCT, NewJeans, P1Harmony, Red Velvet, Riize, Seventeen, SHINee, SNSD, The Boyz, TXT, Twice, XG, Xikers.
hard hours: closed soft hours: closed commissions: open
MASTERLIST [4 works]
LIME SORBET — reader finally comes back to s. korea as she finished her training in los angeles, ready to debut as a solo artist under kq ent! exciting right? well her sunbaes seem to like that idea too. [alpha!ateez x omega!idol!reader]
BENEATH THE SURFACE — mermaid!reader literally gets robbed by ateez and then falls in love w them after like they didn't just steal from her?? [pirate!ateez x mermaid!reader]
APOCALYPTIC AMOUR — a tight-knit friend group's carefree days turn into a fight for survival as they navigate a zombie apocalypse [ot8!ateez x fem!reader]
COMMON MASTERLIST — all of my ateez scenarios
BLOG TAGS [15 tags]
#lime sorbet : only and all the chapters of the lime sorbet fic
#beneath the surface : only and all the chapters of the beneath the surface fic
#apocalyptic amour : only and all the chapters of the apocalyptic amour fic
#limesorbet.asks : any inquiries or questions related to the aforementioned fic
#beneaththesurface.asks : any inquiries or questions related to the aforementioned fic
#apocalypticamour.asks : any inquiries or questions related to the aforementioned fic
#sade.speaks : not related to any fic, just my thoughts.
#sade.requests : requested prompts
#masterlist : all my masterlists will be present under this tag.
TAGLIST HERE RULES HERE (please read my rules before requesting!)
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bluginkgo · 10 months
The ending of season 1 is a pretty common topic right now. Of course, many theories have been said so here I am adding my own jumbled mess of thoughts and probably repeating what other, smarter, people have already said.
Spoilers, duh
The main question I actually kinda wanna take a dive into is why destroy earth?
A parasite on a usual timeline, tries to take over its host and use the host to produce more parasites to infect others. Ok, that's fine. But if absolute solver is like a parasite- which is what it seems to be almost like- why destroy earth? Yes, we saw what it did to the Elliot mansion. That must have been only just the beginning and a small taste of what it's capable.
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So by the parasitic definition, it should try to find more hosts and more zombie drones to expand its reign. But does that really require to make earth into what N saw?
The first time I saw this theory it was pitched by LoreDrone on youtube- they do amazing theories and explanations. Go take a look, they explain it much better than I can. But basically they said that perhaps the true form of the absolute solver isn't this:
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Or this:
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And definetly not this:
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But instead is a black hole AKA this:
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That once the parasitic like nature finally takes complete control of the planet, it will do this and create a black hole.
The insane amount of times absolute solver has referred (or others have) to black holes is crazy. The most direct being: "The Solver of the Absolute Fabric. The void. The exponential end."
Sound familiar? Yeah, sounds like a black hole. It would actually explain some random things that we see throughout the show.
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Like the two black holes that slowly float away after Uzi and N defeat eldrich J.
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And not to mention all of the black holes that are seen in drawings both from Nori and others in eps 4 and 6.
There is an issue here though. The small creatures that we see for eldrich J, the corrupted core plus the small head that was projecting Khan's dead body only have a small impact and therefore produce little black holes. Uzi was able to create- although accidently- black holes throughout Dead End. All of which could not take full form as the first time, she passes out and thus the black hole form disintegrates. And the second time was when N chopped off her arm.
This all means that the absolute solver needs more solver drones like Cyn to create a large enough black hole to take its final form.
Here's the kicker though.
Why send disassembly drones to the planet then? We get a direct quote from Liam himself saying that spoilers! The humans didn't make the disassembly drones- which pretty much leaves Cyn to be the one that made them, and that's pretty true seeing as she was already making prototypes in the library basement in ep 5.
Copper 9 and many other planets (when Tessa explained) were studying absolute solver and trying to use its powers. "But all they did was spread it." Sounds like a perfect plan for the absolute solver, right? Spread the parasites and its hive mind/cloud based nature to overtake galaxies! So then... why send disassembly drones to Copper 9? The main hub where two very powerful solver drones, by the looks of it, that have huge potential! Nori and Yeva.
And both killed by disassembly drones. Sounds counterproductive, doesn't it?
"J, relay hand. Cyn's orders."
"Step 1: Clear drop zone of life and construct spires. Step 2..."
"Enter labs with this symbol."
Ladies and gentlemen, here we are. Idk if it's a commonly accepted theory or take, but I'm on this boat and I will proudly burn down with it.
Cyn is on our side.
Tessa (although she's very sketch) and J are trying to figure out why Cyn sent disassembly drones to other exo-planets. It is also Cyn's administration that's blocking absolute solver from completely corrupting our trio. It was also Cyn that ordered the eradication of all worker drones. We see that many of these worker drones are... by all technicality and for the most part aside from some odd balls- are correctly disposed of. Their bodies are ripped apart, devoured of their oil and cannot reboot as a zombie drone.
If Cyn was completely corrupted by absolute solver, she'd send the disassembly drones to perhaps kill the worker drones to increase the rate of zombie drones to wake up with the absolute solver string in them- just like seen with Cyn. But no. The entire spire is constructed of corpses in pieces.
Now as for my take on the ending (and let me tell you, I bet you I'm 100% wrong and this will probably not happen) I think our trio will beat whatever the f*ck is in Cabin Fever labs and team up with Cyn to then go to other planets and save them from absolute solver. A rather optimistic uptake, I know. But I'm also for a lot of the more bittersweet and not so happy ending theories that are out there.
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I saw it from @villainsrule2018 for the first time. That this image may be Copper 9 by the end of the season. I absolutely love the idea that we might lose Copper 9 but perhaps save other planets. But I have another take on this. This is earth. We've lost earth already, and off to the side we have Copper 9's moons, implying Copper 9 is its next target.
As per usual, there's plenty of holes and inconsistencies in my theories and ramblings. Feel free to expand or go against this, I love hearing other theories on how season 1 will end. ^_^
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aecholapis · 2 months
Thanks to your reblog, I went digging for your OC blog + list that I vaguely recalled seeing before, because I somehow missed the fact that you also have an OC named Zenith.
Tell me more about this little sparkling with a most excellent name :D
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Zenith is a curious little thing, a newspark that was forged in a post-war Cybertron and spared all the trauma and hardships everyone else has been through. It lives a comfortable life as the mentee of both Azimuth and Exopulse and as the sibling of the adolescent Sparkeater twins Munchy and Chomper.
Its friendly nature makes it easy for Zenith to befriend others, a quality Azimuth is trying to erase because that also makes it more susceptible to abuse, betrayal and the likes. He and the twins argue about this often. Azimuth should never be given the sole custody of a child. Ever. But Exopulse is also there and has to play the negotiator. Zenith has come to like Exo a little more than Azimuth and it kills him inside. He's trying to teach all three mentees about life in the only way he knows, but his rigorous mental gymnastics exercises might not be the perfect mentor-student bond building activity. Some of his teaching sticks but it doesn't make him more popular with anyone.
As the student of a ship technician and a professor of mathematics it's not a surprise when Zenith starts showing interest in the more technological side of science. The next part is the least thought-out section of its story and likely to change. Zenith changes its mind later when it realizes how the twins must mask themselves in order to pass in society. Sparkeaters aren't welcomed by everyone on Cybertron and for a very good reason. Most humans wouldn't want to have zombies in their vicinity either. But Zenith wants to change the people's perception of them and goes into sociobiology.
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A sketch of Zenith going on a walk with Munchy and Chomper where Zenith is holding their servos.
*Background information that may be good to know:
Many years ago, Munchy's and Chomper's underdeveloped yet infected protoforms had been extracted from an abandoned neutral outpost by Decepticon researchers. Early on, they noticed that their newest test subjects were docile (unless provoked) and so they decided to run a little experiment and try to assimilate the two Sparkeaters into their ranks. Each chose a mentor to learn from, but they never finished their education. Even as their frames stopped in their growth and hardened out into their adult forms, they were not yet mature by Cybertronian standards. When the rogue Sparkeaters attacked their ship and hunted down every spark on board, the twins hid and waited for help to arrive.
[The rest of the story was part of a fun RP I did with @cyber-streak-2 (who I also share creative custody of Munchy and Chomper with, they're its OCs as much as they're mine).]
Exopulse and Azimuth found the two in the wreckage of their home, a Decepticon research vessel that was now overrun by those hostile Sparkeaters. They helped the twins fend off the other Sparkeaters and took them back to Azimuth's ship. Azimuth and Exopulse became their new mentors, teaching them about life and telling them stories of their achievements. Then they landed on Cybertron and with the war over and the Quintessons defeated, everything seemed to go back to how it was before (that's both a good and a bad thing). The twins now have to mask their ghastly features with kibble that Azimuth has kept, which once belonged to his brother. They visit higher education, as does Exopulse (who has been constructed during the war; he is a technician but he wants to become a mechanic too for which he needs a different skillset), while Azimuth goes back to teaching mathematics at a university.
But the twins aren't quite as happy as they hoped they would be. They ask their mentors if they can have a little sibling and after a while they agree on the terms that they take care of it for the most part. So the four of them go to the Well of All Sparks together. Azimuth and Exopulse harvest a developing spark, picking it right out of its orbit, while Munchy and Chomper gather enough metals that the spark can bind to itself.
Zenith looks nothing like its mentors and siblings. However, it looks a lot like Altitude 😏 That's merely a coincidence, I just thought it would be funny to have it resemble Azimuth's long dead brother for no particular reason.
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nyxthesis · 2 years
Going to be posting my cod zombies reviews that I already posted on twitter here since the transphobia on there with that vtubber's fan so be ready for alot of posts today
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watermellonfizz · 6 months
Итак, сегодня снова меня отметили. Спасибо @thedreaminggoldfinch и @demofanus
W - We're not alone - Coldrain A - At the End of August -36 Crazyfists T - The Eve - EXO E - End of me - Surfact R - RunAway - Linkin Park M - M'abituero - Ligabue E - End of the world - The TRAX L - Loosing your senses - Renegade Five L - Lalalala - Stray Kids O - Orchard of mines - Globus N - Numb - Linkin Park F - Fully Alive - Flyleaf I - In The Darkness - Dead by Sunrise Z - Zombie - The Cranberries Z - Zone - 3RACHA
Ой, а это было капец не просто! За то я прошлась по плейлисту своей любимой музыки. Сколько там разногоооо!
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Not too late | Baekhyun
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Idol!Baekhyun x Idol!Reader Word count: 2409  Genre: pure fluff Author: maari  Warnings: Brief mentions of stalkers and failed relationship, conversation about the lives of two idols idk i think it's a warning lol Note: I couldn't help myself and I needed to make this as cute as possible so enjoy Request: can you write baekhyun's love confession to the friend he met on a varyete show? (Like master key)   ⫷ Exo Masterlist
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Y/N held the belly that hurt to laugh so much, she felt the tears run down her face but had no strength to dry them, just to lean on the wall of the hallway where she was.
She had just recorded an episode of a variety show and although the topic had been a little macabre with zombies, because the new All of Us Are Dead season had already debuted, she had never laughed so much in her life, even though she hated anything involving suspense or terror.
"Oh, I can't breathe." She spoke in the middle of laughter.
"I'm glad I made you laugh even after so long." Baekhyun spoke, putting his hands on his waist as he saw Y/N slip at the floor laughing so much. Although his cheeks were pink and he smiled shyly, he agreed that he had found it funny.
The show brought together some famous actors and singers, with the theme school and zombies. Basically they needed to leave school before they were attacked by the zombies but with some missions that intended to draw the attention of the zombies. They had to sing in silence, finding clues that would make noise but would lead to the key that would free them.
In one of the missions Baekhyun and Y/N had split from the group to look for clues in one of the rooms, which had a trap with a bell to make a shrill noise when they opened the door, it was a trap to capture the zombies in that room but the funny part came when the zombies were running there.
Y/N was stopped in the corner of the room without moving and Baekhyun ... Well, he threw himself on the floor with a face of dread so funny that Y/N needed to control her laughter so as not to leave the character and spoil the show .
But as soon as the recordings were over, she could no longer hold back the laugh as well as the majority of the production team. It was the first time Baekhyun had been alone in a variety show after his return to the Army and Y/N was really excited to record with him, even though she debuted a while after him, they never had the opportunity to be together for more than 5 minutes somewhere. Not to say she never had an interaction with him, they've both been MC's once but that's it. She loved Baekhyun's funny spirit and it was a surprise to also know that he was protective, even in fear. "May I have asked one thing?" She managed to talk after taking a deep breath several times.
Baekhyun nodded and reached out to help her get off the ground, she accepted raising quickly.
"Why did you throw yourself on the floor?" She smiled when she remembered the scene, had no strength to laugh and her cheeks hurt. "I don't know." He admitted, shaking his head. "I was desperate, I thought if I pretended to be dead, they would go straight."
Y/N laughed softly as she held her cheeks, she didn't remember the last time she had laughed that much.
"Didn't you think they could trample you? It was dark!"
"It was instinct, the first thing I thought was that."
It was funny, mainly because he slid to the floor but managed to make no noise so none of the zombies went after him. Even though he was wearing round glasses, she really thought it was going to fall to the floor and ruin the whole plan but somehow the glasses ended up on the end of his nose.
"You know they'll make fun of you for the rest of your life, especially the boys." Y/N spoke as they walked back down the hall, she would go to the dressing room to change clothes.
"I know." He rolled his eyes but laughed. "At least I will ensure the entertainment of the spectators."
Y/N smiled, that was so ... Baekhyun. "Well, that's it." She spoke when stopped at the door of her dressing room.
"Hey, Y/N." Baekhyun called her when she turned to open the door, she looked at the him at the same time. "Are you very busy this week?"
She frowned, looking up trying to remember her schedule.
"Uh tomorrow I have some interviews but then I'm free." She answered, looking back at Baekhyun who had a discreet smile. "Why?"
"I was thinking, we can go out to eat something and talk." He shrugged and put his hands inside his pants pockets to hide his nervousness.
Y/N controlled the huge smile that wanted to appear and nodded.
"Is Thursday good for you?" she asked excitedly and he nodded enthusiastically. “ "You have my phone, don't you?" he asked and saw Y/N smile widely in response.
They had exchanged the numbers at the beginning of the recordings and he was so nervous that he didn't even remember that detail.
"I call you." she warned and he nodded, the two stared at each other without saying anything and suddenly the door of Y/N's dressing room was opened, making her jump in fright.
"I was on my way to look for you." the manager spoke.
"I’m here." Y/N spoke happily and Baekhyun laughed, she looked like a child even though she was a year younger than him she was still cute.
"Well, we'll talk." Baekhyun said goodbye and didn't leave until he saw Y/N wave at him.
One part of the plan had been completed. Now all that was left was the rest.
[...] "I don't believe it!" Y/N said, laughing.
"I'm telling you." Baekhyun tried to convince her. "It was the quietest months of my life."
She sighed, looking up at him.
They were in the restaurant, one in which both were in the most remote part and that almost nobody would see them there, he was telling about the experiences during the time of his enlistment.
Y/N noticed that Baekhyun was different since the day of recording, there was a glow about him that wasn't like before, he looked more mature, more confident. Okay, maybe it had to do with him having to "get into character" that day. There he was just the Baekhyun she was enjoying getting to know.
"Did you miss it?" she asked, wiggling her finger on the rim of the goblet in front of her. Baekhyun cocked his head to the side silently asking what she was referring to. "I mean, this hustle we have."
"Not sleeping, not resting and not eating properly, of course." he replied wryly.
"Oh come on, things are better now than when we were trainees." she spoke and Baekhyun opened his mouth to reply. "And you know it's true!"
"I agree in parts." he shrugged, staring deeply at Y/N. "I liked being able to go places and not have someone follow me around."
She lowered her head for a few seconds. Well, about that nothing really had changed. "The unglamorous part of an artist's life." Y/N spoke uncomfortably and Baekhyun noticed so he tried to change the subject.
"What about you? How have the last few months been?"
She smiled proudly as she remembered her achievements.
"I got a lead role in a movie, it was my first." Baekhyun smiled along with her. "I participated in some fashion campaigns, you know, the basics."
Baekhyun laughed.
"Oh yeah totally." she laughed too. "You were dating when I enlisted, weren't you?"
He had waited all night to ask that. Well, of course the news spread too fast at the time but she didn't know that Baekhyun knew.
Y/N nodded and looked away from Baekhyun's eyes.
"I was. I tried dating someone outside the industry and it didn't work out."
"Why?" he was not only interested but also concerned.
"As much as you date someone understanding, they’re unlikely to continue to understand after a while why you have to go through certain things." she took a deep breath before continuing. "He didn't understand why there were people following us around airports with cameras and why the company didn't do anything. I tried to explain but..." Y/N shrugged and Baekhyun understood perfectly what she meant. "He started to feel uncomfortable and I can't blame him but I couldn't choose between him and my career." "And then you broke up." he concluded and she looked back at him, different from what he imagined she didn't have a sad look. She looked resigned. "I'm so sorry."
"Don’t be." she smiled slightly. "It was on good terms, there was no drama or fighting. He's already engaged so it's fine, I don't hold any grudges."
"I wouldn't expect less from you." Y/N looked confused at him. "I mean, you were always so good."
She laughed in disbelief.
"Not that good."
"You were always unselfish, patient, caring." Baekhyun began to list her qualities, which made her suddenly shy. "And beautiful on top of that."
Y/N felt her ears burn, mainly because he didn't look away from her for even a minute.
"If I'm going to start talking about your qualities, we're going to be up all night on this." she snapped and Baekhyun smirked.
"I don’t mind." he was sincere. "But the restaurant closes soon." he scratched the back of his head and Y/N laughed, throwing her head back.
When she looked back at him, he was looking at her calmly. He liked the sound of her laughter.
"Then I think we should go." she said after taking a look around, even being in the farthest part she could see that the restaurant looked practically empty.
"Of course!" he answered and they both got up.
Baekhyun was gentlemanly with Y/N the whole time, he waited for her to go ahead and she thanked him, he insisted on paying the bill since it was his invitation and she even tried to fight it but he already extended his card before even if she could do anything.
And he insisted on taking her back home, Y/N didn't refuse of course, she loved being in Baekhyun's company, he lightened the atmosphere even when they talked about more serious matters.
Along the way, they kept talking and Y/N realized that she and Baekhyun weren't that different after all. They had never had the opportunity to talk before he enlisted but now it was as if they had known each other all their lives.
"Is here." Y/N said as he stopped the car in front of her dorm. "Thanks for the ride."
"It wasn’t a big deal." he replied, resting his arm on the steering wheel. "I enjoyed talking to you."
"Me too." she smiled nervously and tried to stop her hands from shaking by taking a deep breath, it didn't help much and she was afraid that Baekhyun would notice that she was nervous. "Then I'll go." she took off her belt and was ready to open the door.
"Wait!" Baekhyun touched her arm subtly and she stopped, turning to face him. With eyes so kind he couldn't look away. “I hope it's not too late to do that."
Y/N frowned and tilted her head to the side.
"Do what?" Y/N didn't get any response other than his smirk and then Baekhyun leaned in to kiss her.
She didn't move or stop because she didn't want to, his lips were gentle at first and drew a sigh from her as she dropped her bag in her lap to rest her hands on his shoulder. Baekhyun brought a hand to the back of her neck, bringing her closer as he moved his lips against hers in a shy but firm way. It was new but everything Y/N wanted to do for a long time, he always had the most kissable lips and she always had to control himself not to stare at him too much during the awards or places where they were not to feed any theories. But now, here alone, she could enjoy the time she never had. Tight grip on his jacket as he stroked her skin gently. As soon as they broke apart, he placed two pecks on her lips, and she smirked. He put their foreheads together looking at Y/N with such intensity that she lost the strength in her legs even sitting down. "I've wanted to do this for so long." he whispered and she felt her whole body shiver at his voice. "For the first time I was excited to record a variety show."
"What do you mean?" she narrowed her eyes and Baekhyun pulled back enough to brush Y/N's hair that kept sticking in her face, tucking it behind her ear.
"I've had a crush on you since forever." she felt her jaw drop. It could only be a joke. "But our schedules never helped much, when I came back from enlistment, I thought I couldn't keep seeing you from afar at the awards. And then they told me they wanted to record a variety show and you were on the list, I didn't think twice and accepted."
Y/N laughed in disbelief.
Wasn't it possible, the guy she had a crush on had a crush on her?
"Wait a minute." she moved their foreheads away to face him better. "Are you telling me that you" she pointed her finger at him. "have a crush on me?" and pointed her finger at herself. "Yes!" he confessed, smiling widely. "It was the perfect opportunity to actually talk to you. I literally fell at your feet."
Y/N laughed as she remembered the scene.
"By the way, you have very nice legs so."
She felt her cheeks burn and tapped him lightly on the shoulder, and he jumped to try to defend himself but laughed anyway.
"And I thought you were cute." she said, disbelieving. "You pervert."
Baekhyun kept laughing and moved over to her, hugging her around the waist, Y/N crossed her arms and just pretended to be mad, because she wasn't at all. Quite the contrary, she was happy.
"Did I lied?" he asked, blinking his eyes in mock innocence.
Y/N rolled her eyes and sagged into his arms.
"No and you were right." she looked at his lips, so close and so inviting. "It wasn't too late."
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nuwuna · 1 year
Redacted Bois and Which K-pop Groups They’d Stan
Idk if there are a lot of K-pop+redacted fans there are out there but I made this for funsies 😋🫶🏼
David is more of a casual listener, but whenever he’s working out or doing yard work, he listens to EXO. He got really into it when he was younger and bought one of their albums. He then played it for a whole month. Angel was trying not to laugh when he accidentally played Monster on the speakers near the pool (they secretly liked it tho).
Asher definitely listens to Block B. He likes to blast their music anytime, anywhere. On the way to the grocery store? Absolutely banging to Very Good. Cooking? Accidentally burning the food to Nalili Mambo. Trying to get Babe’s attention? Passionately singing Her. He just gets really hyped when he listens to them.
Milo is secretly an aghase and could talk about GOT7 for hours if you ask him about it. He's really passionate about them and their music. Sometimes he uses Teenager or If You Do as entrance music, like sitting on the bed waiting for Sweetheart to come in. He was pretty upset when they announced that they won't be actively making music together, but he still enjoys all of their solo projects/music.
Vincent is a huge ENHYPEN stan. Their whole concept is vampires but despite that, Vincent really likes their music. He and Lovely started watching their survival show and then became obsessed with them once they debuted. He knows the point dance from each title track and learned the Bite Me partner choreo with Lovely.
Sam listens to Girls’ Generation as a guilty pleasure. He accidentally clicked on the music video for Gee back in 2008 and has followed them ever since. He was pretty embarrassed when Darlin’ caught him listening to it, but he was able to convince them to listen to it with him.
Gavin doesn’t really stan a certain group but likes a lot of solo artists, specifically Taemin, Kai, and Hwa Sa. He just feels so connected to their music and actively follows their releases. He was listening to some of their music one day, Freelancer asked what he was listening to, he showed them and they liked it too. They've definitely listened to Mmmh by Kai while making out. he is mr rover and he is coming over
Lasko doesn't listen to really big groups in the industry and instead likes the K-bands more, specifically Day6. He gets into his feels when he listens to them (especially since i hc that hes a hopeless romantic). He learned Korean just so he could sing Congratulations and Zombie even though theres an english ver.
Damien got really into SHINee in high school. He was kind of a toxic stan though 💀. He would get into fights on Twitter and (almost) physical fights at school. He would stay up until 3 am to start streaming music the moment the MVs would drop and then yell at people online to start streaming. But don't worry, he's calmed down now. He gets pretty nostalgic when Sherlock plays on shuffle.
Huxley really liked GFRIEND and supported them in any way that he could, such as streaming, buying albums, and voting them for MusicBank. He tried to show Damien their songs and played Rough but Damien wasn't really into it. He was devastated when they disbanded and Damien had to comfort him for a whole week. He's just such a wholesome girl group stan, it's adorable.
Caelum likes to dance and sing to a lot of PENTAGON and SEVENTEEN songs, even though he doesn't know what the lyrics mean. His favorite songs are Naughty Boy and Pretty U, respectively. Both groups have a lot of members, but he doesn't know all of them. He likes to watch the MVs with Freelancer and point out the few members he does know.
Elliott likes TXT's more chill songs like Fairy of Shampoo and Ghosting. He's a very relaxed fan when it comes to them. He knows all the members and their songs but isn't super active in the community or when it comes to buying merch. Whenever a new album comes out he'll listen to it for about a week and then put his favorites into a playlist. Sunshine started liking them because of him and probably asked him to make a dreamscape that was a TXT concert.
Blake isn't really into it but randomly listened to Love Scenario by iKON and cried to it after looking up the lyrics. He had it on repeat for a whole week.
Guy fell into the “I just want to know their names” trope with TWICE and BTS. He thought it would be funny if he randomly/ironically knew the members’ names and ended up being a HUGE stan of both. Bought every album, lightstick, and a lot of official merch. He’s been to a lot of their concerts and literally screams the fan chants. He biases Jin and Dahyun and has their photo cards in his phone case, as well as an RJ sticker.
Geordi saw NewJeans in a Coca-cola advertisement, decided to check out their music, and ended up really liking their music. It introduced him to K-pop and he casually listens to a lot of groups, but NewJeans is his ult. Their songs are really catchy so they end up playing in his mind 24/7, sometimes somehow mixing with the Tetris theme. He likes all of their songs but his current favorites are Super Shy and ASAP.
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❃EXO's chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse❃
A/N: because why have your first post be romantic or suggestive when it can be unserious and downright weird.
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Xiumin/Minseok: 9/10
✾ Let’s be honest, this man is way too good at sports not to survive far into a zombie apocalypse. Pretty sure those skills will translate and be useful in some way. He can outrun them so easily that he never truly finds himself in any danger.
✾ Xiumin actually possesses functional brain cells and a good dose of common sense which means he makes good, well thought out, decisions. Unlike the beagle line, he won’t get himself stupidly killed.
✾ Despite all the chaos, he is incredibly organized, keeping precise track of what he has and needs.
✾ He can properly take care of himself and could run this thing solo. He is not dependent on others to do things for him and he strikes me as someone who is perfectly content to be on his own. The only reason he would team up with the others is for the company and because he finds their idiocy amusing.
✾ He has the added bonus that the zombies think he is adorable, like a pet, so they will keep him alive even when he does get caught.
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Suho/Junmyeon: 5/10
✾ Remember that time when Suho fell asleep during carting? Yeah, he is beyond exhausted before the apocalypse even starts and will probably die by accidentally falling asleep. Suho will try to ‘rest his eyes’ and before he knows it a zombie is gnawing on his arm.
✾ Honestly trying his hardest to keep the rest of the members from dying, but instead of appreciating his efforts, they keep making fun of him for it. They are really testing his patience but he feels too responsible for their safety to leave them to fend for themselves.
✾ Not that anything he says matters, they never truly listen to him so instead he has to be the one to get them out of the dangerous situations they get themselves in.
✾ If he doesn’t get eaten due to his permanent exhaustion, he would be the type to accept his fate. The members will drive him insane to the point where he will simply give up and walk into a hoard of zombies with open arms.
✾ If you pair him up with his babies Kai and Sehun his survival rate somehow increases. Nobody touches his babies.
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Baekhyun: ?/10
✾ Okay, so he either survives until the end or does something stupid and gets himself killed.  His survival rate is either 10/10 or 0/10, there is no in-between.
✾ Like Baekhyun is an ace in most games so he has the ability to outsmart the apocalypse if he puts in the effort. He is competitive enough to take it seriously, too.
✾ His survival truly depends on whether he gives in to his intrusive thoughts and let’s be fair, he has many and zero impulse control.
✾ He would, for instance, believe that he can successfully pretend to be a zombie to blend in with them. He has a lot of dumb ideas and will either act on it himself or get someone else to try it out.
✾ Obviously, his plans wouldn’t work and he, or his chosen guinea pig, would get eaten. Then again, it is Baekhyun and somehow he always manages to come out on top, so who knows, he might survive.
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Chen/Jongdae: 6.5/10
✾ Okay, this man is a father so he gets to enjoy the father buff. If his family is with him, he is near unstoppable. Chen can be competitive and has a lot of energy, so technically his chances aren’t too bad.
✾ His main issue is that, well, every zombie and their mother can hear him from the other side of the planet. He is absolutely oblivious as to why the zombies keep finding him.
✾ Like Chen, please use your inner voice, zombies are not deaf and you are giving them your location whenever you talk.
✾ Will ‘accidentally’ push Chanyeol into a zombie when he jokes about being the C in CBX and finally find peace. At this point, he kind of deserves it.
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Chanyeol: -10/10
✾ Hear me out, this man is a mess.
✾ Technically, he could survive but he is another one that for sure will listen to his intrusive thoughts. Like let’s be fair, Chanyeol has mastered an array of weird skills just because he can’t stand being bad at something; he will be just as determined to figure out how to survive during an apocalypse.
✾ The type to “I saw this in a film” and try it. He will quickly discover that most of it won’t work because those are movies and not real life. Still, he will have the biggest motivation to figure things out, even if most of his sources are fiction.
✾ The problem is that he is way too much into this whole apocalypse scenario. He will try to out-apocalypse the others or will make up some sort of stupid competition to kill time because sitting still for five minutes is for losers.
✾ He comes up with the “Who can get closest to the zombie without getting killed” game. Baekhyun might have helped.
✾ To be honest, it doesn’t quite matter how good his cards are in the context of a zombie apocalypse, he will probably die within a day because he has two left feet and a very intimate relationship with the floor.
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D.O./Kyungsoo: 7/10
✾ Pair him up with another member, and suddenly their chances increase.
✾ His cooking skills make him so incredibly valuable. He will make sure no one starves, and can make a decent meal out of pretty much anything you give him.
✾ The others try their hardest to keep him alive because being in an apocalypse does not mean one has to eat grass.
✾ Then again, he would not hesitate to sacrifice the others to the zombies if they annoy him.
✾ The only one able to keep the beagle line from doing stupid shit with his threats.
✾ You can’t really count on him outrunning the zombies, though. We have all seen this man attempt to play soccer, he is not made for physical activity. He will not survive with his physical skills and will absolutely accept his fate rather than try.
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Kai/Jongin: -100000000/10
✾ Listen, this man will die within the first five seconds of the apocalypse.
✾ It is not a question of whether he dies, more so than how. There are so many ways that he can get himself killed, even without the apocalypse playing a major factor.
✾ He could give himself food poisoning when he tries to cook or trip over his own feet when he tries to run away from the zombies. He does not really have a great sense of self-preservation.
✾ 10000% the type to think that they could befriend the zombies because “zombies are people too.” Luckily for him, the zombies do think he is adorable and won’t immediately eat him when he gets too close.
✾ But yeah, if it isn’t for the others constantly monitoring him, he is dead.
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Sehun: 1000/10
✾ Last to die because his members will do everything they can to keep him alive. Maknae privileges and whatnot.
✾ He is very much dependent on his members to do basically anything, but the thing is, they would do it without question.
✾ He will complain the entire time and whine constantly.
✾ If Suho dies, you might as well kill him too. How is he supposed to sleep without his emotional-support-hyung??? So yeah, the only way to really decrease his survival rate is to eliminate his members.
✾ Honestly, we all are simply living in his world, what Sehun wants, Sehun gets. It might even extend to the zombies. He would just ask them to stop trying to eat him and they would oblige because, well, Sehun asked.
✾ He is 1000% responsible for the cure being found. It has nothing to do with Sehun finding it himself. Instead, when/if he gets bitten, the members will stop at nothing to find a way to rid him of the disease. Sleep? Who needs sleep when Oh Sehun is dying!?
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cheeseschess · 7 months
Life smp - Type - Planet - Species
Grian ? - Avian - AV-N - Parrot
Scar Goodrimes - H-M - Goldilocks-Exo - Vex
Jimmy Solidarity - Avian - AV-N - Canary
Joel Beans - Human? - Earth - Wizard
Martyn Wood - P-M - Goldilocks-Exo - Dog
Ren Dog - P-M - Goldilocks-Exo - Wolf
Etho Slab - P-M - Goldilocks-Exo - Arctic Wolf
Bdubs ? - ? - Goldilocks-Exo - Sun? Thing??
Scott Smajor - Fae? - Noefore - Summer Court
Impulse Esvee - Demon - Goldilocks-Int - Night? Dark?
Skizz ? - Angel? - Goldilocks-? - Fallen angel
Mumbo Jumbo - Moth? - Earth - Moth-Human? Thing?
Lizzie? Shadow? - ? - Noefore - ?Shadow Creature?
Gemini Tay - Fae? - Noefore - Summer Court
Pearl Moon - Moth - Goldilocks-Exo - Blue Lunar Moth
Cleo Zombie - H-M - Goldilocks-Exo - Zombie? Dead thing?
BigB ? - Bee - Goldilocks-Exo - Honey Bee
Tango Tek - Blaze - Goldilocks-Int- Fire Creature
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