#excuse you there is only room for ONE beloved app on my phone that has T in its logo
sarcasticmudkip · 1 year
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Tiktok advertisement on Tumblr…??????
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
May I please request some angst with Kise being busy with basketball and modelling career neglecting his s/o? Additionally his s/o thinks he's cheating on them and just a big misunderstanding. Thank you very much 😊❤️
A/N: Even though I am quite late, happy Valentine’s Day! This actually got longer than I planned it to be, but I hope you’ll like it nonetheless! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Tags: Kise x reader ✅  angst ✅  fluff ✅
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Misunderstanding - Kise x reader
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If someone had told you that you’d become the Kise Ryouta’s girlfriend some time ago, then you wouldn’t have believed it.
Kise was a young face everyone would’ve recognized if they had seen it somewhere in public. His blond hair was partially at fault for that as well, but the main reason for his immense popularity was his side job as a young model for different fashion and makeup brands. On top of that, he had been a part of the legendary Generation of Miracles, a group of six young and talented basketball players who each had an extraordinary and never-seen-before skill that could turn every game around. He was very fond of this sport and wished to steadily improve himself at every possible opportunity so of course, it was a given that he’d continue his training even after middle school.
Thinking about this handsome man and all of his achievements made you wonder just how lucky you were for being able to call him your boyfriend. You still couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that the two of you went to the same school and were in the same grade, but never mind that, what surprised you the most was the moment he’d asked to meet you and then sheepishly confessed his interest in you and the wish to be by your side as your boyfriend. It was such a surreal situation that you couldn’t help but nod throughout the entirety of it.
The two of you didn’t know each other that well at first so the process of finding out everything possible about the other was quite fun and really made both of you forget about the stressful part of your daily lives. At first, you had expected that Kise was your typical playboy who’d just confess to anyone who met his preferences, but as time went on you actually saw past those prejudices of yours and were pleasantly surprised at how different he was than what you had imagined. He was a very caring, gentle, and nice guy who’d do anything to see you smile and hear you laugh or giggle. He made you feel like you were the only person in the entire world and that there was no one else he’d rather spent his time with than you. The surprises he prepared for you on special days such as Valentine’s Day or your own birthday were mind-blowing as well.
You of course made sure to always return that amount of love you’d received and his adorable reactions were the reason you felt like you’d fallen in love with him yet another time.
Everything was working out perfectly and the two of you were as happy as can be, but life, unfortunately, likes to ruin perfect moments like these...
The two of you were now third-years and Kise was slowly starting to think about his future plans, so he began taking on more modeling gigs during his free days, some of these even overlapped with the days on which you had planned a date. You were pretty understanding at first and even told him that you didn’t mind, but as these date reschedulings began occurring every single time it really made you sad. In fact, you were so sad that as soon as Kise mentioned having an upcoming free day you simply nodded and whispered a silent ‘I see.’
Nevertheless, you kept on visiting him during his basketball club’s training sessions and watched him steadily improve his performance with each passing day. His bright smile after every basket made your heart throb and a couple of weeks ago you would’ve interpreted it as a positive feeling but now? It simply pained you. Negative thoughts flooded your mind and is if that wasn’t enough, a group of his fangirls stormed the field moments after the referee had blown his whistle three times.
“Kise-kun, please look this way!!“
“Kise! Can you please sign my t-shirt?“
“C-Can I have your number please!“
Sights like these weren’t uncommon and you were used to ignoring them, knowing that Kise wouldn’t do anything that might upset you or his fans, but as of late situations such as these annoyed you. You sighed, stood up, and left the gym.
“(Y/N)! Wait up!“
At the sound of the familiar voice of your best friend, you obeyed his plea, turning back to the young man who was running up to you.
“Yukio! What’s wrong?”
He stopped right before you, greeting you with a small smile as he rubbed the back of his neck in slight discomfort.
“Is...Is something bothering you? Or more like...has everything been alright as of late? N-No that’s not it...Do you-”
“There’s no need to beat around the bush Yukio and you know it,” you say with a small smile as you gently bump your fist against his arm, “just tell me what’s been bugging you.”
He sighs in relief and you see how some tension leaves his shoulders as he asks you a rather surprising question: “I’ve noticed the tension between Kise and you, so tell me...what’s up with that? Do I need to step in and help you out with something?”
Yukio was quite perceptive, especially when it came to your and Kise’s relationship, he always made sure to keep up with your well-being since he knew how carried away your blond boyfriend could get. If it were any other occasion, you would’ve told your best friend what had bothered you so much, but now that you reflected on it, it seemed a rather meaningless reason for you to be upset over so you just shook your head lightly and brushed it off. Your counterpart on the other hand just squinted his eyes in suspicion but decided to let it go for now.
“Just make sure to tell him if something is worrying you, ok? Remember, communication is the key to every relationship.”
And with those wise words, he bid you farewell and jogged back to the gym...
“Hey...(Y/N)-cchi? Would you like to go on a date next Saturday?”
“..? Excuse me?”
The two of you looked into each other’s eyes with equally surprised expressions and not short after you both burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry Kise, I just didn’t expect you to invite me on a date, that’s all.“
Your boyfriend sat down next to you and took your hand in his own, gently caressing each of your fingers as he let his eyes roam around your facial features. Looking at him being that deeply lost in thought made you wonder just what was going through his mind. Usually, he’d try and avoid dating you in public or when it was still daytime because of the potential rumors and scandals it might start, so you couldn’t help but wonder just what brought this sudden change. With a rather sad-looking smile, he brought your hands to his lips and gently kissed your knuckles, his action causing your cheeks to redden ever so slightly.
“Hehe, sorry (Y/N)-cchi, it’s just...we haven’t been able to spend much time together and I need to tell you something important as well, so I thought that a date might be the best solution for this...”
Nothing he’d just said sounded good to you. Kise was rarely a person who’d organize something according to things he’d like to tell or discuss with you so the idea alone was a massive red flag for you. And yet, you couldn’t ignore the seriousness with which he’d approached you, so despite the uneasy feeling that was building up within you, you put on your best fake smile and nodded.
“Oh my god did you read today’s news?“
Stop it...
“I just can’t believe it and here I thought that he was a down-to-earth type of guy!“
But he is, I swear!
“You guys are exaggerating! He’s a playboy, you can see that from a mile away!“
N-No, you’re wrong!
“Did you guys actually know that these were actually some long-term fans of his from way back when he first debuted?“
So what...? I’m sure there must be some backstory to this...
“They could’ve at least picked a better and more hidden-away location than a love hotel right at the center of Shinjuku...“
Maybe they had a photo shoot around that area!
“Ugh, he makes me sick...and to think that I shared my book with him once.”
Please don’t say that...
“I feel sorry for his managers and teammates. Who knows what these poor souls have to go through because of this.“
No matter how many corners you turned, stairs you climbed, or rooms you entered, everyone was talking about the same thing: Kise. The moment you had woken up, your phone was full of notifications, questions, and missed calls, but before you could even comprehend what was going on, one particular message had caught your attention.
♡ : I’m sorry (Y/N)-cchi but I won’t be coming to school today. This is all just a big misunderstanding...trust me
It was then that you had noticed the big headline of your phone’s news app:
MODEL KISE RYOUTA CAUGHT RED-HANDED! IS ONE NOT ENOUGH? Steamy adventures in front of Shinjuku’s most famous love hotel!
It had been such a massive slap to the face, that the entire morning was foggy to you, reality hit you the moment you had stepped on school grounds.
Gossip. Rumors. Lies. Disgust. Aggression. Madness. Sadness.
No matter how hard you tried to avoid any ill-meant word from your classmates, you just couldn’t escape. Your belief in the man whom you called your beloved, the one who promised you that you’d always be the one in his eyes, the same one who swore that this endeavor was nothing but a misunderstanding, was starting to waver.
Suddenly everything started to make sense.
His distant behavior towards you, the increasing amount of modeling gigs he took on, your surprise visits during his training that he’d loved so much went unnoticed and that important topic he wanted to discuss with you on your next date. Everything.
You felt how all those negative feelings you had accumulated during these past few months started to come forth. Just as you were on the verge of tears and wanted to do nothing but fall to your knees, scream and cry you came across Moriyama and Yukio.
“(Y/N)! There you are! How long do you think I’ve been looking for you?!”
The tall man alongside your best friend was quick to notice that you were quite distraught and immediately took a hold of his captain’s shoulder and squeezed it slightly. You truly appreciated that these two were looking for you and intended to calm you down or encourage you to think positively and rationally about this, but right now you couldn’t manage to listen to their kind and caring words, so you apologized, thanked them, and headed straight towards the rooftop, the place where Kise had confessed to you.
As if on cue, your phone began vibrating and as you looked at the screen you saw that the incoming call was from no other than the man who’d been on your mind since the early morning.
“(Y/N)-cchi! Thank god, you picked up! I’m sorry for the short and sinister message this morning, but I had to clear some things with my managers first bef-“
“So your image was once again more important, huh?”
Before you could stop yourself from saying something you’d regret later, your mouth was unfortunately quicker.
“Lately I hardly recognize you, Kise, it’s as if you’ve become an entirely different person. First, you confess your love to me all sheepishly, blushing from head to toe, then you treat me like I’m the center of the world and the only reason you live for, but as of late you’ve been prioritizing your work more than our joint time. I tried to be understanding, I really did, but if you asked me out just so that you could fulfill some kind of goal and boast to whoever with it, then I’m really the wrong person for this.”
Nothing but silence came from the other end of the line, so you took this as a sign to continue.
“Listen, Kise, I don’t need nor expect you to adore me as if I’m some kind of deity, but I at least would like to know what the backstory to today’s tabloid news meant...and I sincerely hope that you aren’t going to trot out some lame excuse because I wouldn’t be able to handle it.“
“I’ll see you this Saturday Kise.“ you whispered as you ended the call without waiting for his answer.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, dreading what this date would mean for your future with the blond young man. The entire week-long you had deliberately avoided him in order to keep your thoughts as rational as you could and not let them get influenced by neither your feelings for him nor the supporting words of your friends. It was hard to ignore the guilty and worried stares he sent your way and whenever you saw the vicious glares others gave him, it really tugged at your heartstrings, but somehow you managed to withstand any possible temptation.
During the bus drive to the city center, you once again looked at the screenshot you took of the article that had caused you so much despair over the past few days. The blurry photo showed a tall blond man who was without a doubt Kise, trapping some girl whose face was covered by pixels between himself and the wall of the love hotel while the second one was pulling on his dark blue jacket, the same one which you had given him as his last year’s birthday present. Judging by the image alone it did look like Kise and the two girls were on their way to the rather flashy establishment, but your boyfriend couldn’t quite hold himself back and decided to start on the fun beforehand.
Cheating, huh...?
You bit your lip and thought about it. A famous and perky guy like him already had a stable fangirl club that followed him at each step so him feeling tempted during your time as a couple wouldn’t have surprised you in the slightest and yet it pained you so much that you could’ve started crying right then and there in front of all the other people that were sitting in the bus with you.
The city was brimming with people left and right, exiting and entering shops and restaurants. Today should’ve marked a happy occasion since it was the first public date the two of you had ever planned while the streetlights were still off. You had agreed to meet right in front of a small cafe that was close to the station and wasn’t one of the popular hangout spots so that you could at least have some sense of privacy. Each step you took fueled your anxiety of what was about to come and no matter how many deep breaths you took, you just couldn’t calm your raging heart down.
You finally saw a blond head sticking out among the crowd and just as you were about to raise your hand and wave to him, you halted. Kise was apparently not alone and had come alongside yet another girl who was constantly clinging to his arm, trying to get him to move.
“What did I even expect...?”
The crowd before you started to disappear and the two of them finally came into full view, but so did you. His yellow eyes met with your glassy ones and you could immediately see how regret and sorrow distorted his already distressed face.
“(Y/N)-cchi, wait...i-it’s not what it looks like..!”
You felt something warm fall down your cheeks and without paying it any mind you simply turned around and began walking back where you came from. Kise’s desperate calls for you to wait up were ignored and whenever his voice seemed too close to you, you sped up but he was too persistent. Despite the dense crowd you constantly walked amongst he never lost track of you.
(Y/N)-cchi! Please wait!
It’s all a misunderstanding, I promise you!
Listen to me, please!
You were trying to isolate his desperate pleas to such an extent that you hadn’t noticed the park you had just walked in. There were barely any people who strolled around this small yet beautiful piece of nature. The thought of elderly people walking their pets here, children running around and couples occupying the benches made you imagine just what excellent spot this would’ve been for a proper first date...
The young man behind you had used the time you were lost in thoughts to close the distance between you, but as soon as had returned from your small daydream and noticed how close he was to you, your body involuntarily urged you to run. And you did.
N-No, wait...!
You were fully aware of what you were doing, and you felt terrible for it. Kise’s leg had been injured for quite some time and he was told to not overdo it, which meant that he had to renounce running for most of the time so that he had enough energy and leg power left for his basketball matches.
And yet why..?
Why was he running after you as if his life depended on it? As if it was the last point his team needed for victory? Why?
You stopped sprinting and swiftly turned around. The man who had been an arm’s reach from you didn’t expect your sudden halt and collided with you, but luckily he caught you just before you lost your footing and pulled you towards his heaving chest. His trembling arms wrapped around your body and tightened their grip.
The way he hugged you made all the wonderful and sweet memories of your life with him came up, leaving you with no other option but to return his embrace with the same amount of love.
“Kise...are you crazy? Why did you start running after me with your injured leg?” you asked after a short while and even though your question was intended to sound like a lecture, it ended up having a worrisome tone instead.
“This small amount of pain is nothing compared to the pain I made you feel these past few weeks.”
A small smile adorned your lips, but at the same time, you had to continuously think about all the things that had happened in this week alone, causing your smile to vanish almost immediately. You wanted answers and you needed them now.
“Kise, please...I want you to-“
“Explain. Yes, I know.” he interrupted and slowly backed up, looking you directly into your eyes.
After he’d taken hold of your hands, he began by defusing the situation that had transpired some mere seconds ago. The girl that was tugging on him was apparently a fan of his who’d drunk one too many beers. She’d unintentionally run into him and had almost lost her balance, but as caring as he was he held onto her and that’s when she had found out his true identity. Kise tried to keep her as silent and calm as possible, but that was easier said than done. The moment you had arrived was when she had started pulling his clothes, pleading him to come to her house and sign all of her merch.
“So about that article...on that day we had a photo shooting in Shinjuku and I was asked to take a break so I wandered about and that’s when two girls came from the love hotel. I wasn’t disguised so they immediately recognized me and tried to ask me out and whatnot. They were so persistent that I told them about you...they thought I was lying and then...”
You saw his sudden change in demeanor, his jaw muscles had tensed up and his grip on your hands was harder than earlier. Kise was rarely mad at something or someone, but what you saw before you, that anger and unspoken hatred were a first for the normally cheerful young man.
“They began insulting you, saying how you were together with me just because of my looks and nothing more. How dare they talk you down to their level? Just who do they think they are?!”
You expected any random excuse but seeing him get so worked up for your sake made your heart ache and now that you knew the backstory, the pictures made more sense. Your lover explained that he’d lost his temper and had pushed the girl who’d trash-talked you against the wall, warning her to keep her mouth shut before he really lost it. Meanwhile, her friend had tried to get him away from her by pulling on his jacket, and apparently, that’s when one of the passersby shot the photo. He took a short break after telling you that and then out of nowhere he brought his face closer to your own.
“(Y/N)-cchi...that’s not all. Do you remember our phone call when you told me that I’ve changed?“ he asked and waited for your confirmation before continuing, “...well the reason I didn’t call you first and had to deal with my manager is that we considered making my relationship with you public.”
“I’ve had enough of people trying to flirt with me and not believing when I say that I’ve found the perfect partner already. You see...graduation is just a few months away and after that I wanted to concentrate more on our relationship, hoping that maybe you’d like to...to live together with me.“
If you weren’t shocked enough before then his proposal just know had given you the finishing blow. Your heart was beating so fast and so loud that you feared he could’ve heard it.
“Was...was this the reason you took on so many jobs?”
He noded in embarrassment. “I wouldn’t feel confident enough to propose such an idea when it seems so far away and unrealistic, so I wanted to gain some sense of stability and independence before I asked you.”
Kise continued his explanation, but you didn’t catch most of it since you were so lost in your thoughts. The man before you had taken so many overtime shifts, had sacrificed so many of your dates, had gotten himself in a scandal for your sake, and yet here you were doubting him and doing something so childish like running away from him. You bit your lower lip and jumped into his arms, silently apologizing to your lover for your presumptuous behavior. He simply returned your embrace and kissed your temple.
Sometimes, misunderstandings such as these do have their benefits...
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shedobewritingtho · 4 years
To the stars - Park Jinyoung
! nsfw - smut !
2,9 k
Big thanks to @ihateeveryone2021 for requesting this prompt and also for having patience with me all this time. Enjoy reading it!
**also this needs editing and a "read more", I'm mentioning this because I know I have to include this, and for that I'll be back later. Thanks for your patience! 💕
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"Come on, you have to be active in order to learn how to use it properly." Bambam whines while taking Jinyoung"s phone in order to show him how reels work. "I know you are a bit older but I was not expecting you to act as if you were born in the past century."
"Give it back." Jinyoung says on a pouty tone, while reaching out and snatching his phone out of his friend's hand. "I don't need your help if you're going to insult me."
"Well good luck then!" his friend answers while laughing. "You better be coming with me this weekend, I have already bought two tickets."
"Yeah, whatever." the elder says while focusing on his phone.
Bambam's love for fashion was a good excuse for the two to go out and have some fun. There was this upcoming runway show they wanted to attend and it was getting closer and closer, making Bambam act like the fake maknae he is out of excitement.
On the other hand, Jinyoung was getting really bored and thought that a good way to promote himself would be social media, the tool everyone uses lately. There was one problem though. He never found too much interest in this before so he was not the most skilled influencer on the platform. His picture-taking skills were not bad, but when it came to selfies, the poor boy had to try hard. Posting was not a pleasure either, the descriptions not making any sense in his opinion and the commands on instagram not being really easy to follow.
So here comes the deal: Jinyoung agreed to go with Bambam on this runway show as long as Bambam would help him learn how to use instagram and other social media. A deal hard to keep when his friend was getting annoyed at his lack of skill.
After giving it some thought, Jinyoung decided against dissapointing his friend, although the instagram skill-learning process was now a solo battle. So here they were, on a saturday evening, ready to attend this big runway show. At least Jinyoung was ready. Bambam was fashionably late, as always, so his friend was now texting him not very cute invitations.
"I should've known he would be late. Ah, sh*t. He's got both tickets. Amazing." Jinyoung mutters to himself while waiting in front of the big building. Even from outside, everything looked shiny and expensive, as expected. People were entering the building in a calm, calculated manner, no hustle. Everyone was dressed nice and had an exquisite aura. Jinyoung really loved the place, even from outside, so he had a really good idea: what about trying to take a really cool selfie there? The lights were amazing and everyone seemed to think the same.
He took his phone out of his pocket, looked for the instagram app and, after a few taps, he managed to open the app's camera. Here comes the hard part. Jinyoung extends his arm in order to include in the picture the amazing background he had. Because of his poor skills, though, he finds himself stumbling and moving a bit around, trying to get the perfect picture. While taking a step back, he bumps into someone.
"I'm so sorry." he manages to speak after meeting your eyes. You give him a kind and reassuring look.
"No problem, you seem to struggle a bit with that phone." you say chuckling.
"This selfie is harder to take than I thought. I wanted the nice background in the picture, but it seems I was a little bit to greedy, right?" he defends himself while laughing too.
"Mmm, don't think so. Here, let me help." you say while taking his phone. You position the camera in a way that includes everything in frame: Jinyoung, the background and yourself. "Smile. Or pose." you say and then press the button, taking a gorgeous picture.
"Woah, you are good." he exhales while relaxing from the stiff position he was in while the picture was taken. "Thank you so much."
"My pleasure. Here, post it." you say while giving the phone back, then take a quick look at your wristwatch. Another minute and you were late. "I'm sorry, but I have to go." is all you manage to scream while running inside leaving Jinyoung confused.
"Goodbye to you too I guess." he says while following you with his gaze, only now noticing that you were entering the building without the guards checking your ticket. "Now how do I post it?" Jinyoung sighs while tapping again, succeeding right when Bambam came.
"Sorry I'm late Nyoung." he says while hugging Jinyoung's arm.
"Okay, I forgive you. Stop it with the cutesy stuff." the elder says while struggling to get the younger one off his arm.
After admiring the building from the outside, Jinyoung had to admit that the inside was at a whole next level. It perfectly fitted his taste, it was a delight. Shortly after the show started, Jinyoung notices a familiar face walking down the runway stage. Your outfit was one of the most beautiful he had ever seen and your make up was suble, but it revealed your beautiful features. There was a shine all over your body that made you look ethereal. The way the reflector's light fell on your shiny pieces of clothing. He was amazed, looking up at your every step, feeling like in a trance. Everything made sense now, how you approached him out of nowhere and offered to help take a selfie. More than that, you allowed him to post a picture that showed your face without a doubt. Were you expecting him to recognize you? That was confusing.
As you make your way to the backstage, Jinyoung takes his phone out to check on the notifications  which, speaking of, were blowing up. It didn't take him much reading to discover that he has just posted a casual selfie with the hottest model right before you went on stage. Everyone was praising your looks and saying how well your face complimented his. "Jinyoung and Y/N in the same picture? Now my life is complete.", "I didn't know GOT7's Jinyoung is friend with Y/N *shocked face*", "They really look good in this picture." were only a few comments he read before shoving the phone back into his pocket. The rest of the show he spent zoning out while thinking about your looks, wishing you would walk in front of him at least one more time, but you didn't.
"A few days ago you didn't know how to access the search tab and now you just won't stop typing. I'm shocked." Bambam teases his friend.
"Thanks for teaching me." Jinyoung responds without taking his eyes off his phone.
"Okay, I'll go say hi to some friends. Do you want to meet them or I should let you have a few moments alone with that phone?"
"I'll wait here."
How come no verified account shows up when he searches your name? Is there any possibility you don't have an account? No way, you knew exactly how to use instagram earlier and for sure a model like you has to have an account. He just didn't know how to find you. He decided he should look for you in person while still being there. As soon as Bambam came back he asked about you, but no idea. The security guards then said you left early due to an emergency.
"But why are you so eager to find Y/N?" Bambam protests while following his friend through the fancy dressed crowd. "I mean I saw that face so I understand." he then laughs to himself.
Jinyoung stops in front of the building. "Check your instagram." is all he says and the boy opens his app to find the most recent post right on top of his feed. You and Jinyoung smiling right in the same spot they're on right now.
"Oh." silence."I didn't know you knew Y/N."
"I don't, really. I mean I didn't. I don't even know how to find Y/N's instagram account." Jinyoung sighs after his agitated speech.
"I don't know either, Jinyoung. I would've helped you if I knew, sorry." Bambam pats his friend on the back, giving him a sad look.
A few weeks passed and Jinyoung gave up trying to find your account. He posted two more pictures and his fans were now focused on the chemistry he had with Youngjae's beloved dog, Coco. It was as if it never happened, except there was a picture he had posted as evidence of a moment so short it meant nothing.
The boys have just finished practice on a thursday evening when Jinyoung's phone started blowing up with notifications again. As soon as he checks it, he finds his dm flooded with links to an instagram live. He opens the most recent one and reads "Oppa, look! Y/N mentioned you!!". A hot shiver goes through his body as he taps on your face on the screen. "Lueur? What's with this name?"
"It's french." Mark whispers. "It's not a name, Jinyoung." he points out the obvious.
"Since when do you know french?" is his defense. "Anyway thanks. I'll leave first." is the last they hear from Jinyoung as he takes his stuff and leaves.
No patience was as big as his curiosity about your ongoing instagram livestream, so he didn't even bother to drive back home. After throwing his backpack in the backseat, Jinyoung opened your live. You were casually chatting with your fans while relaxing in what looked like a hotel room. As soon as everyone saw he had joined watching the live, the whole comment section was filled with Jinyoung's name. You immediately said hi.
It did not take much for him to panic. As soon as he heard your voice saying his name, he became clumsy. All he wanted to do is to salute, but a few taps on the screen led to "@lueur0 invited you to join their live broadcast!" displaying on his device. He quickly accepted without giving it much tought, but regretted as soon as the screen split in two and showed your face on top and darkness on the bottom part.
"I'm sorry, I'm in the car. Let me turn some lights on." he says with an embarrassed face, being grateful that nobody can actually see him.
As soon as the light makes his features visible, you smile. "Good to see you again. I wasn't expecting you to join my live."
"Ah yeah, that.. I thought I could say a proper hi."
"I'm glad you did." you stop and check the number of views. "Woah the audience has doubled up." you laugh again. "Wow, Jinyoung. Check the comments!"
No reaction for a few seconds as Jinyoung was still analyzing the way his name came out of your mouth. Love at first sight was a lie in his opinion, but what about attraction at the third sight? He couldn't really put his finger on what made him feel like this. Was it your smile? Your laugh? The way you said his name? Your looks? Your kind and laid back vibe? Maybe all of them really. There was no doubt, Jinyoung was enjoying his time on your live and like that both of you told the story of your first encounter, him not bothering to leave the parking lot.
After the live was over, you were not surprised to find out that he followed and texted you as soon as he got home. You followed him back, answer his dm and like that, you spent the whole night talking. The more you talked, the more you felt like you knew each other since forever so you promised to meet up as soon as you returned from a business trip.
As you check youself in the mirror, fixing a strand of hair that was not sitting where it was supposed to, you hear your phone ringing and know immediately it is Jinyoung.
"I'm in front, you can come." his calm voice welcomes you.
"I'll be there in a minute." you say as you grab your keys, exit your apartment and lock the door. Right after leaving the building, you notice an amazing black shiny car waiting for you. Jinyoung gets out and the big smile on his face makes you feel safe.
It has already been a few weeks since the live stream and since then you've been talking almost everyday. It was easy to get in touch, as you exchanged phone numbers and both had days when you were so busy  you forgot about even having a phone. You get to know each other well and it was not really hard. Although he seemed a little bit shy or reserved at first and knowing his rigid approach on social media before, you were really happy to see how much he enjoyed talking to you.
"Hi." you salute with a smile as big as his and he responds while opening the door for you.
The ride was chill, his driving skills made you feel safe once again and the lights of the night life in the city were perfect. You two decided to dine at a fancy restaurant.
"I can't believe we've both been here before so often but never bumped into each other." you laugh and take sip of water.
"I don't know about you, but I felt like I had seen you before." Jinyoung states and he makes you think about the first time you met months ago, at your modelling show.
"Yeah, that's why you looked so confused when we took that photo." you attack.
"I was not expecting you to do it, that's why." he defends himself. "Ah." you hear Jinyoung say as he winces. "There is something I've always wanted to ask you but never remembered to."
You give him a curious look and nod your head as a sign that you are ready to answer. He then proceeds. "What does your instagram name come from?"
You chuckle. "Well.. I've always wanted to shine, no modesty about it. I always wear the most luminous piece when going on the stage, I am known for looking good in those so I chose lueur. It's a french word that means glimmer, glow and yeah, I know it's not used too much nowadays, but I loved the way it is pronounced. As for the 0, it was the only number I thought looked okay with the word, nothing special." you conclude with a shrug.
"Ohh." he says with an impressed face, you smile. "I agree with that." he stops and looks out the window. "I've got an idea that goes perfectly with your lueur."
You both had finished eating so, after paying, you get into his car, the impatience making you shift in your seat. After what it felt like 10 minutes of driving, you arrive near a stadion.
"Are we there?" you ask, trying to hide the surprise in your voice with a cough.
"Yes." is all Jinyoung says right before pressing a button that makes the roof of the car open, exposing to your eyes a sky so clear you can see every little star. "Cliché, but they remind me of you." he says while staring in your eyes.
You feel his eyes all over you and when they finally meet yours, your whole body reacts to it. His gaze turns dark, you know he feels it too. Why are you only now noticing how his lips look? The tension is so thick between you two, it can be only ripped with physical touch. So that's what you do.
You crash into each other's lips, kissing as if you craved it for way too long. Everything is so intense you don't even realise how loud you are moaning when his lips touch your neck. Every piece of clothing that came between you was taken off one by one until you were both naked. You sit on top of him, with your back pressed on the steering wheel, kissing patches on his collarbone, then going lower, on his nipples. You suck and slightly bite them, enjoying every little moan he lets out. He grabs your waist and lifts you, placing you right on top of him. He then tries to thrust inside you but you lift yourself even higher.
"No babe. Let me do it." you say placing a hand on his chest. Your eyes are glued on his as your palm goes lower and lower until you can feel him in your hand. You smirk then rub and sqeeze it lightly, then position yourself over it. You place both your hands  on the roof of the car and slowly go down, hissing through your teeth. You keep going in and out at the same pace, savouring the hunger in his eyes.
His hands grab on your hips and push you down, filling you completely. You faintly scream at the sudden movement and grab one of his nipples, slowly twisting it while going up and down on his lenght. "I said let me do it, Jinyoung." you whisper at his ear. "Tonight I'll shine on you, okay?" you keep whispering going faster and faster. His hands are going up and down your back, grabbing your ass, while kissing your neck and breasts until you come. After that, you go faster, messing with his hair, leaving kisses and moans all over his skin. He starts thrusting inside you harder, but you don't even care anymore. By the time both of you come, you're covered in sweat and collapse over him on his seat, hardly catching your breath.
"Damn it, Y/N."
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kaleidescope-writes · 4 years
Faithfully Yours--Chapter 2: Mornings & Gossip
In partnership with @accio-boys
Billionaire!Tom Hiddleston x Doctor!Reader
Slow Burn! (Yay)
Warnings: Swearing, causing a scene, fluff, and a cliffhanger😈
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“Absolutely not!” you blurted. The guests, who were paying full attention to your mother, turned to look at you. Many of them had a look of surprise from your mother’s announcement, your sudden exclamation added on to their shock and mild confusion. Your mother, on the other hand, quickly changed her expression from shock to mild anger. “Darling,” she began through gritted teeth, “Let’s have a chat. In private.” She turned to the guests, tone going back to what it was before, “As for our guests, you are free to mingle.” She walked over to you, grabbing your arm harshly and leading you to a secluded corner of the room. 
“What the hell was that, YN?” your mother hissed, not letting your arm go. “Mom,” you began, “I’m not going to marry anyone. Especially not him!” She let go of your arm, pushing you back a little in the process, “You have to. This is for the good of the family. Whatever objection you have, suck it up!” You sighed in frustration, “Suck it up? Mom, I’m a top doctor at a hospital! I have zero time to waste on assholes that are charming with everyone else but almost run me over when I get off work!” She took a step closer to you, “This is for the family! You’ll still be a doctor after the wedding! You’re marrying him. That’s final!”  
“No!” you shouted, earning the attention of two particular people you desperately wanted to avoid. “Is there a problem, Y/N?” Mr. Hiddleston asked, approaching you and your mother. She glared at you, silently urging you to answer wisely--deny that there was a problem. You gave her a challenging look, eyes never leaving hers, “Actually, yes there is.” You felt both men get closer to you, yet you didn’t break the visual standoff with your mother. “And what might the problem be?” Tom asked, making your stomach turn. “The problem is that I’m not going to marry you, Tom!” you snapped harshly, “Look, it’s been a long day. I had enough to worry about between my job and the first wedding announcement, I don’t need this.” You motioned to your general area, “If you’ll excuse me, I’m a busy doctor and a lot of patients rely on me to keep doing my job instead of marrying,” you looked Tom up and down, “assholes in black jaguars.”
Before anyone could say anything, you walked over to the counter and picked up your purse, continuing your strut out the door. You didn’t even bother to say goodbye to anyone, too enraged to face anyone else in the room. All you wanted was to go back to your office, bury your face in your frustration pillow, and scream. You had no intention to have any social interactions with anyone for the rest of the night. 
Waking up on the couch in your office was never ideal, but sometimes it was better than being home. Today was sometimes. You sat up, stretching as you slowly opened your eyes to adjust to the light in the room. Letting your arms drop, you looked at the watch on your right wrist. Six A.M. Lovely. You stood up, yawning as you made your way to your personal bathroom. Opening up the mini drawer you kept extra clothes in, you settled on something to wear and placed it on the sink. Looking up to see your reflection in the mirror, you took note of your disheveled hair and decided to braid it today. You let little things occupy your mind, welcoming the temporary distractions before starting the day. You needed a clear mind to keep an excellent job performance.
You walked into the cafeteria, feeling fresh and ready to start the day. Picking up a small breakfast selection and drink, you walked over to a table occupied by some doctors you were close with. “Hide your shit, boss is here!” Isabel gasped playfully. You laughed, “Breaking your commitment, Dr. Teixido?” Lucille scoffed, “Isabel, the poster child? No way.” You sat down, already beginning to dig in to your meal.You silently listened to the conversation around you quietly as you ate, reacting every once in a while. You didn’t know how long you’d been sitting with them, but you unknowingly finished your food. Just as you were about to excuse yourself from the table, you saw someone else approach the table. 
“Y/N! You’re not going to believe this!” Luke said, out of breath from running around looking for his friend. Before you could question what he was talking about, he showed you the article on his phone. Your stomach dropped and you took the phone from him. “What’s going on?” Isabel asked, concerned about your sudden change. “Twitter has been going crazy over the possibility of a romance between a beloved billionaire and the head of New York’s best hospital,” you read, “Billionaire Bachelor Tom William Hiddleston has been shipped with Dr. Y/N L/N from Rose Valley Hospital and Medical Center by thousands of twitter followers, all claiming they’re the “it couple” of the century.” You felt your internal organs begin to turn in discomfort. What the hell?! The other doctors looked at you, all confused as to why you were reacting so negatively. 
“Who the fuck is this guy?” you questioned, frustration returning in full swing. “He’s only the most eligible bachelor by far,” Lucille answered, “His parents are millionaire CEO's of a multi-million dollar company. He works in that company and has a fortune of his own. He’s also incredibly hot.” You gave her a look of absolute disgust, unable to understand her attraction. “He’s also an absolute douche-bag. A rich, cocky, unpleasant douche-bag,” you rebuked. Isabel gave you a look, “Why are you so against him?” 
“I’d rather not give him more attention than he deserves,” you replied bitterly, handing Luke his phone. “He almost hit Y/N with his car,” he said simply. Teigan turned to Luke, finally deciding to join into the conversation, “I’m sorry, he what? When did this happen?” You put your head in your hands, “Yesterday! Right before my mother told me she made arrangements so that I have to marry the guy.” The group fell silent. An uncomfortable tension filled the air around you. Looking up, you gave them all an expectant look, urging them to say something. They were all silent. Luke shook his head, “Now you won’t say something about how dreamy he is?” Isabel opened her mouth to speak, words falling short as she looked between you and Luke. 
You groaned, letting your head fall momentarily before getting up from your seat. “I have work to do. I have to catch up on all the work I put off last night thanks to the damn announcement,” you said as you grabbed your things and walked away from the group. You didn’t think you’d have to tell them so soon, but the article had to exist. Much to your displeasure. Walking out into the hallway, you slowed your pace as your work phone rang. You answered the call, coming to a complete stop near the wall. The voice on the other end of the line made your stomach drop for the second time that morning. 
“How the hell did you get this number?”
Six-thirty A.M. That’s what the clock on the stove read. Meaning that any moment now, Vivienne would come running down the stairs and get her stuff ready for school. Tom went back to preparing her breakfast knowing that he would hear her coming down. Sure enough, he heard the pattering of the eight-year-old coming down the stairs and into the kitchen. “Good morning, uncle Tom!” she greeted in her usual cheery voice. Tom smiled, turning around to face her, “What, no good morning hug? Have you grown out of hugging your uncle already, Vivie?” Vivie smiled at him, running over to him to have him a quick hug. Tom leaned down to hug her back, smile widening as he did. 
“Anything exciting happening in class today?” He asked, pulling away from her and going back to the food. “We’re starting a new book today. The teacher hasn’t told us about it because it’s a surprise,” she smiled as she sat down on a chair, placing her backpack on the counter. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it,” Tom laughed, “You’re just like me, you know. Now sit patiently for a bit while I finish with breakfast.” Vivie nodded, pulling her tablet out of her bag and opening one of the educational game apps. Tom continued with the two omelets as the room filled with the sounds of Vivie’s game. This was his every morning, making sure Vivie was ready for school before the bus picked her up and getting ready for work himself. This was what his life was composed of, and he was happy. He didn’t feel the need to marry a stubborn, know-it-all doctor. Even if his father thought Vivie needed a mother, he could do much better than Y/N L/N. And if they did get married, she would never have time for Vivie like he does. She said it herself, she’s a busy person. She has patients to take care of.Y/N L/N has no time for family whatsoever. Besides, Tom didn’t want Vivie to grow up as bitchy and grouchy as her. 
Deciding the omelets were ready, he grabbed the spatula to his left and took them out of the pan one at a time and placed them onto separate plates. He didn’t notice the sounds from Vivie’s game had gone silent until now and he grew suspicious. Both plates in hand, he turned to the counter where Vivie sat and instantly noticed her reading something. “What’s that you’re reading?” he asked as he put both plates on the counter. Vivie looked up at him confused, “Who’s Y/N?” Tom’s smile faded, holding his hand out to her. Vivie gave him the tablet, still waiting on his answer. 
Tom began reading through the article on the screen, a feeling of dread washing over him. “Shit,” he whispered, looking at the blurry picture of them together. “Is this bad?” Vivie asked, still trying to get him to respond. Tom snapped out of his shock, looking at her before he spoke, “Yes--well, not really. It just means I have to make a call. Keep an eye on my food, please. And don’t even think about switching it with yours while I’m gone.” 
Taking out his phone as he walked over to the window in the kitchen, he dialed the number of his assistant. “James, I need you to find someone’s phone number for me,” Tom ordered as soon as he picked up, “Her name is Dr. Y/N L/N. She works at Rose Valley, I believe.” There was shuffling on the other end before James asked, “Is this about the article?” Tom sighed, “Yes, now please find it for me. It’s urgent.” 
There was a brief silence before James began to read the numbers out to Tom, which he quickly wrote down on the kitchen chalkboard. He thanked James before hanging up and beginning to dial her number. As soon as she picked up, he rushed out, “We need to talk.” 
“How the hell did you get this number?” she asked, sounding surprised and angry all at once. “You’re a famous doctor, I’m surprised you don’t know how easy it is to find it,” Tom scoffed, “Look, that’s not important now. We need to talk in person. There’s an article going around--” “Yes, I know about the article,” Y/N interrupted, “Why does it need to be in person?” Tom sighed, “This is urgent.”
You left the hospital early for the second time this week. It wasn’t your idea, but an article had to appear the day after you were told you’d be forced to marry a millionaire. And now, said millionaire wanted to talk, claiming it was too urgent to talk about over the phone. So you found yourself on an elevator of the Empire State Building, heading up to the balcony at the top. The sun had set earlier, making the city lights shine outside. 
The elevator came to a stop, doors opening and allowing you to continue your journey to meet with him. As soon as you walked out into the balcony, you saw him looking down at the city with his hands in his pockets, back turned to you. You stopped in your tracks, deciding to maintain some distance between the two of you. He sensed your presence and fixed his posture, keeping his back to you. You cleared your throat, preparing yourself for whatever his purpose was. 
“So what do you want to talk about?”
A/N: Done!! It took a while, but it is posted!! I hope you enjoyed today’s Chapter. What did you think? Let me know in the comments as feedback is both appreciated and encouraged. Ok, I promised something else today, and rest assured it will happen. I love you, Stay Safe, Stay Proud, Be careful, and I’ll see you in a bit!! 
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Pride Spam Starts NOW
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xellevexom · 5 years
How to Make Hellfire Mushroom Rolled Cookies
This game has brought me purpose and life so, here, have some not wholesome juicy Luci content.  Also, this isn’t a recipe FYI Please ignore the spelling errors and grammar because I’m writing this on a tiny phone screen. I’m new to Tumblr so please be patient with my tags.
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You heard a message notification from your D.D.D. the moment you stepped out of the shower.
After quickly wrapping your hair up to in a towel, you walked over the bedside table when the device was charging. You carefully picked up the device, unsure how waterproof it was in your damp hands. You pressed the button that automatically woke up to display who sent a message.
It was from Diavolo.
Diavolo? I wonder what he wants.
Not wanting to incur the prince of hell’s wrath by ignoring his texts, you immediately opened the messenger app.
Diavolo: Hey there, MC.
Diavolo: I have a small favor to ask.
Diavolo: It’s about what Lucifer made. You know what I’m talking about.
You took a hot second to recall what he was talking about before sending a prompt response.
You: The hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies?
After a couple of seconds, the pencil icon signaled that Diavolo was writing his reply.
Diavolo: Right, that.
Diavolo: You helped Lucifer make them, right?
You pumped the breaks when panic erupted in your body as you recalled last weekend’s memory. Your fingers trembled as you carefully typed in your reply, making double, triple, even quadruple sure that you were concise with your words.
You: Who told you that?
After suffering an agonizing thirty seconds by the seemingly taunting pencil icon, a message popped up on your screen. You froze, reading his reply.
Diavolo: Why Lucifer, if course.
“Lucifer, stop!” You pleaded as you took away the measuring spoons from his hands.
The first-born demon’s icy stare was cutting you through like paper, but you managed to ignore it as you sort out the mess he created.
“I don’t see how one teaspoon is enough to make this sweet recipe.”
You shot him an incredulous look. “First of all, this a savory recipe. Secondly, just because they’re cookies, that doesn’t mean they’re always sweet, and lastly, for someone who’s a stickler for the rules, you sure do get creative when it comes to following recipes.”
Lucifer folded his arms and glared down at you.
During dinner, Lucifer announced that the kitchen was off-limits to the entire household after dinner until breakfast the next day. Any one caught meandering in the kitchen’s vicinity was going to be thoroughly punished.
Everyone expected Beel to reject, however, it seemed like he was easily bribed with a dozen boxes of these devilishly delicious cheesecakes from this specific cake shop that only made limited quantities of their famous goodies. Beel was never lucky in buying them as they seem to be sold out even before the stores opened .
This, of course, piqued everyone’s curiosity.
Why would Lucifer go through such lengths of secrecy?
Of course, I was roped into Mammon and Levi’s curiosity as they attempted to sneak in the kitchen, blissfully unaware of the consequences. Naturally, we were caught.
Levi managed to slip away whilst Mammon and I were unlucky. Before Lucifer could enact any punishment, Mammon graciously threw me under the bus by claiming that it was all my idea to spy on him.
I thought Lucifer was above Mammon’s horse shit, but that demon actually believed Mammon. He spared the moron on the condition that he remains in his room for the remainder of the evening or else his beloved Goldie would be thrown into the ether.
“I still don’t think it’s enough,” he grumbled.
You squeezed the top bridge of your nose, a clear indication that your brain was running on fumes due to a certain demon’s stubbornness. You cast a tired but serious gaze at him with your hands in the work bench.
“Lucifer, do you want my help or not?” You sighed with exasperation.
The proud demon’s tight-lipped silence was all the response you needed to proceed. You quietly reached for the plastic mixing bowl and bag of flour. Unsatisfied by the measuring cup situation earlier, you asked if they had something akin to a digital weighing scale.
“What’s wrong with measuring cups?”
“It’s not really a big deal for others, but, for me, measuring cups tend to be unreliable. Weighing scales is the only way to avoid any discrepancy in cooking, have consistent results, and yields more product. Not to mention less dishes to wash and less messes to clean up.”
While you were busy prattling off like some TV chef personality, Lucifer regarded you with the same level of respect as he does when observing Barbatos skillfully operating the kitchen. However, you noticed his eyes were not the same eyes of respect he had for the butler. They looked warm, focused, and, dare I say, gentle. The glare was starting to make you uncomfortable.
Finally realizing he was glaring, a flash of pink colored Lucifer’s cheeks as he looked away. “It’s nothing.”
Like hell it was nothing.
Lucifer was, after all, the Avatar of Pride and while the whole affair has left his pride swelling with the darkest of bruises, and my mere presence and earlier schoolteacher scolding was just adding salt to his wounds.
Not wanting to be distracted, you pressed on with your task at hand, quietly referring to the cookbook set on the book stand.
You could have easily done this by yourself, but you were in the Devildom after all, so majority of the ingredients were unfamiliar to you. You often asked Lucifer what the ingredient in question was which he gladly helped in identifying. His careful and gentle nature in explaining was something you weren’t accustomed to. You did your best to execute the recipe with little to no distraction.
However, that peace was disrupted as you took a cup of brown sugar.
“What are you doing?” Lucifer question Ed with narrowed eyes.
“Caramelizing some brown sugar?” you replied innocently, hoping he wouldn’t notice your slight departure in the recipe. He noticed.
“Nowhere in the recipe does it say that.”
“Yes, but if you look at the foot note, the author suggests that adding a texture similar to creme brulee would elevate the dish more.”
It was now his turn to have an incredulous look on his face.
“Now look who’s being a little creative.” Lucifer shook his head. “But that’s what you always do. Disobedience at every turn.”
You noticed the venom in his tone so you put down the saucepan with the brown sugar. You promptly unfastened your apron, but your weakened fingers and the tight knot just became an awkward shuffle for you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Lucifer cocked an eyebrow.
“I did not sign up for this,” you half-yelled as you struggled with the knot some more.
“MC, what are doing?” His tone was wrought with both shock and impatience.
“No, what are you doing, Lucifer?” You spit back.
Lucifer was taken aback by your tone, and you decided to take this chance.
“I don’t know why your even doing this! What even prompted you to do such an uncharacteristic task that you obviously can’t handle?”
“Excuse me—”
“No! No, Lucifer, no!” You cut him off, the frustrations grew worse with the apron’s unrelenting knot. “It’s your fucking pride, isn’t it, Mr. Avatar of Pride?”
“Is it pride if you want to make Lord Diavolo—”
“Oh my god!” You threw your hands up in the air and back at your waist .
“Don’t involve God in—”
“Diavolo this, Diavolo that, your nose is so far up his ass that I wouldn’t be surprised if your wings were shit brown instead of the beautiful black—”
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Lucifer bellowed, his horns and spread-wings hovered over you ominously, curtaining any light around you.
However, that only lasted a moment as he saw terror in your eyes. Lucifer promptly veiled his demon form and regained his composure.
“I apologize. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
It was not the demon form that frightened you. If anything, it was the fire in his eyes that scared you, bringing a lone tear to your eye.
“I apologize—”
Lucifer leaned forward, but you froze. He paused for a moment, silently asking for permission to touch your delicate face. Your stunned silenced allowed him to take a a gloved hand off and wipe that one tear away.
The warmth radiating from his palm made you involuntarily lay on it, producing fresh tears.
“I’m truly sorry.”
His brows knitted in sorrow. He slowly circled his hands behind you, easily unknotting the apron in the opposite direction you were pulling, easily freeing you. He puts the fabric aside as he enveloped you in a sincere, warm, and slightly dizzying hug. His ungloved hand rested on your neck and the gloved one was holding you in the small of your back.
“MC,” he whispered your name softly. “Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to anger or frighten you. You’re too important to me.”
Sincere apologies always fixed the situation, however, Lucifer’s apology only made you sick to the stomach.
“Please don’t be upset with me,” he continued. His grip tightened on you and you could feel the his heart nearly jumping out of his ribs.
“You were right, MC, I can’t let go—”
“Lucifer, stop.”
You pushed yourself off him so that you could reach up and cup his beautiful face in your small hands. “I’m sorry too.”
“I didn’t mean those things. I was just upset that you would put so much attention on a person who doesn’t love you as much as—”
“You do?”
You mentally slapped yourself for spilling your own beans. The hellcat was already out of the sack, so you doubled down and, on your tippy toes, reached for a kiss.
You honestly expected Lucifer to taste like old paper and bitter tea, but his lips had a slight salty but minty taste. His mouth, however, was like expensive chocolate with a rich sweetness melting on your tongue.
You couldn’t imagine being able to reach his impressive height, but the fact that Lucifer bent over to let you reach him was all the confirmation you needed.
After what seemed like an eternity, he broke the kiss, planting a softer one on your forehead, then back on your lips.
“Lucifer…” was all you could say after the heady dose of kisses.
“I’ve never… I’ve never imagined that someone could stir up these emotions in me.”
You lingered in your bubble for a moment, the heavy tension dissipating in seconds. Fully aware of the growing arousal soaking in the air, you gently pushed him away.
“We should, uh, get back to the, um, cookies.”
Cookies weren’t exactly in his mind as you felt the bulge in his slacks poking your hip.
Before you could protest, he gently lifted you off the floor and your legs involuntarily circled his hips. A soft moan escaped your lips when your sensitive crotch made contact with his bulge threatening to destroy any fabric between you.
Lucifer was quick to cover your mouth with his, sucking every last ounce of your pleasured moans. He placed you on top the the work bench, obviously not caring in knocking over the ingredients and making fast work if your button-up shirt and pants while digging his hungry mouth on your collar bone and neck.
“Luci, wait, someone will see me—’
“Nonsense.” Lucifer lifted your chin gently to plant another soft kiss. “I would never let anyone witness how beautiful and precious you are right now.”
My cheeks flushed the brightest red. His compliment would have been more convincing if we weren’t in this very precarious situation.
“Are my black wings really beautiful?” Lucifer asked confidently, but his question laced with doubt.
“They’re the most beautiful thing I’ve seen.”
The memory of his deep kisses was not enough to distract the buzzing device in my hands. Diavolo had sent a string of texts.
Diavolo: …I figured that as long as he made them, I had a right to try them, didn’t I?
Diavolo: When I heard that Lucifer had tried this hand at one of my favorite treats, well…
Diavolo: At first Lucifer was reluctant to let me, but finally he gave in.
Diavolo: He let me have one bite…
Your stomach turned inside out. The steamy feelings of pleasure in your head has transformed into panic, fantasizing on how the prince of hell would utterly annihilated a lowly human for feeding him such garbage.
You: Are you okay?
Diavolo: I wouldn’t say I’m okay… 
Diavolo: In any event, MC, do me a favor, and never let Lucifer make this again.
Diavolo: Please, I beg you.
“What is he begging for?“ 
You nearly dropped your the device as a deep voice echoed from behind you. You manage to shut off the device before turning around.
The fallen angel’s tousled wet hair slowly dripped water onto to his bare chest, forming seductive rivulets leading to his lower half.
“Are you hiding something, MC?” He folded his arms with eyes narrowed at you.
“I’m not sure what you’re t—”
When your gaze looked at his exposed body, fresh from the shower, you suddenly realize you were naked and, therefore, turned around and covered yourself.
“Can we talk about this lat—EEEEIP!”
Your arms covering your chest was pulled aside as he reached from behind you, cupping each soft bread in his hand. You could also feel a warm semi-hard mass lingering between your ass cheeks.
“Have we still not learned our lesson?” Lucifer whispered hotly in your ear, distracting you further. “Were you genetically designed to be this disobedient?”
“Luci, it’s… It’s not… It’s not what— ah!”
Your lack of coherent response prompt a firm nibble at the base of your neck. His hand wandered from your chest, leaving a hot trail on your ribs, stomach, and abdomen.
“It’s not what?”
“It’s not what you think!” You managed to blurted out before the teasing began.
Lucifer roughly, but gently, pushed you on the bed, crashing face-first into your pillows that smelled of this morning’s sweaty wake up call. Lucifer gently rubbed your now wet entrance, stimulating it further with the tip of his throbbing member.
“Being the Avatar of Pride doesn’t mean I’m not prone to jealousy, MC.” Lucifer announced as he teased you some more.
In essence, this text from Diavolo was a not really a big deal, but the jealousy play was massively turning you both on.
“I’ll take this secret to my grave.” You breathed hotly, anticipating Lucifer’s attack.
A playful smirk crossed his lips. “Very well then.”
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Accidently posted this to the wrong blog, but editing on the app is too difficult, so I just reblogged. Please follow @allmightismyghostwriter for more fics, and send requests there if you have some. Thanks!
I know this was a headcanon request, but I couldn't help but write a short fic for it. Its the kind of angst I eat up.
Secrets / Toshinori Yagi x Fem Reader / SFW
“Wh-what are you talking about?” You stuttered out, laughing to hide your fear. “You can't be serious, Toshi.”
You reached out to take the thin blond man’s hand, but he jerked it away, and you couldn't help but gasp. “Y-You can't see me anymore?” Your voice cracked.
He turned his gaze away, unable to look at the tears that he had caused to build in the corners of your eyes.
“Why…?” You clenched your fists, and then stomped you foot to the floor, before shouting at him, “You said you loved me! What that all a lie?” You breath was ragged with turmoil, as your shouts turned into sobs. “Just a lie to get me into bed? I can't believe this…”
“No!” Toshinori finally shouted, and reached his shaking arms around your shoulders, pulling you into his embrace. “It’s because I love you…” He whispered into your hair, “My work is too dangerous, I just… I can't be the reason you're hurt. Or worse.”
“Your work?” You scoffed and pushed him away, leaving him looking down at his empty arms in despair. “You won't even tell me what that ‘work’ is. You won't tell me anything about yourself.” You clenched for fists so hard, that you were sure your fingernails would break the skin of your palm. “I stopped asking questions. I told myself just being with you was enough. But now…” You sucked back a sob, trying to hold together your composure. “But now… can’t you just tell me what it is you're leaving me for?”
You had your eyes to the ground, watching your tears litter the carpet of your foyer. You couldn't look at him. Not now.
“I…” Toshinori squeezed out a single syllable from his throat, “I'm sorry…”
The overwhelming feeling of heartbreak struck through you like a knife to the gut, and you spun your back to him, gasping out a sob you wished he couldn't hear. “Just go!” You shouted.
You heard him utter out your name, and he sounded like he was in pain, but you shook your head, not letting yourself be fooled into facing him again.
“I wont… forget you, my dear.” He whispered, then you heard a few footsteps, and the door shut behind him.
You fell to the floor sobbing. “I would do anything to forget you.”
That was six months past now. Somedays, you only thought about Toshinori for a few seconds. His crooked smile, his lame jokes, his fluffy hair… Then, you would push those thoughts down and continue pushing through your life without him.
But some days, and many nights, you couldn't keep your mind off of him. You didn't date anyone else. You couldn't find it in you to open up to anyone. You feared you might not ever be able to again.
And, though you tried to tell yourself it was just because you lacked the closure you needed, you knew deep down, that it was because you loved him. You loved him too much to stop thinking about him for even a day.
You would have done anything to have a chance to speak to him once again; to just hear his voice; to see his glowing blue eyes and feel his calloused, but gentle hands in yours again.
You were holed up in your room the night of All Might’s fight against All for One. The fight has become too terrifying--too real--and you had turned it off and covered your head with a blanket that you hadn't washed since Toshinori last spent the night.
It still smelt of him, and it eased your worries.
The ringing of your phone caught your ears, and you peaked out from under the blanket to see it vibrating on your nightstand, its screen the only light that illuminated the room.
You stretched out for hand and picked it up, hitting the receive button before holding it to your ear.
“Turn on your TV.” Your best friend spoke before you could even say hello.
You shook your head, though you knew they couldn't see you. “I can’t. It's too frightening.”
“Turn it on.” They ordered you again. “It's your boyfriend.”
You jolted up in bed and frantically searched for the remote tangled up in your covers. Toshinori was in the fight with All Might and that terrifying villain? What was he thinking? He would be killed!
Finally, your fingers grazed your remote control, and you held it to your TV, mashing the power button with your thumb.
The sudden light blinded you, but when your eyes adjusted, you saw him there. Toshinori standing in a crater, covered in blood and bruises, All Might's costume hanging off of him and blowing in the wind.
“T-Toshinori!” you choked on his name. “Wh-Why? What is he doing there? Where's All Might?”
“He is All Might.” The voice on the receiver responded.
Your mind went blank
My work is too dangerous.
It’s because I love you.
I'm sorry…
Toshinori’s last words echoed through your mind, and your eyes were glued to the screen as you watched your beloved bulk up an incredible left hook, but the villain just took it.
You couldn't hear him, but you knew he was fighting with all his might.
“All Might…” You whispered, as your phone slipped from your grasp. “Toshinori is… All Might.”
You watch as he bulked up his right arm again, which already looked beyond mangled, and he slammed a punch so hard into the villain that the helicopter broadcasting the fight was blown out of view, and signal was lost. Your eyes were wide with fear and you began to shake, before taking a deep breath and absolutely screaming, “Don't you dare die, Toshinori!!”
When the fight had ended, and you knew he had survived, you had dashed out of your apartment, tripping down the stairs and running to the hospital in Kamino that he was being held. The press was clogging the entrance, but you ran around the side and squeezed through a window while the nurses were distracted by the press.
You couldn't just ask someone where All Might was, you knew you would just be mistaken for a fan or a reporter and shown out, but you followed the sound of the commotion, until you found a single hospital room which had an entrance just as congested with cameramen as the hospital entrance.
You pushed your way through the press, not afraid to break a camera or two if that's what it took, and broke your way to the front of the crowd.
A female nurse stood between you and a white curtain, hiding the patient. She spoke softly but sternly. “I will not repeat myself again, people. My patient needs rest, and this commotion will not help him!”
“Toshinori!” You shouted at the top of your lungs, causing the nurse to flinch in shock.
“Ma’am, please!” she urged. “The patient has been through a lot. He needs his--" Her words were cut off by the sound of the curtain being pulled back, and revealing Toshinori. His face was covered in scratches, and both of his arms were bandaged, his right one plastered and hung in a sling.
But he was alive.
“Toshinori…” You repeated, much softer this time, as new tears formed in your eyes.
“I'm sorry, nurse. She's with me.”
The nurse fidgeted, seeming shocked and confused, but stepped aside and allowed you to run past her to Toshinori, throwing your arms around him, and him stroking your back with his free hand.
The nurse then apologized to the press, and activated her quirk, summoning a barrier which she used to force them out of the room. She took one glance back at the two of you, and then excused herself as well.
You sobbed into the bandages around Toshinori’s shoulder, wanting hold him tighter, but fearing you would harm him.
“You're an idiot.” You scolded him with a scratchy voice.
“I'm sorry, my dear.” He replied, his voice wracked with guilt.
You jolted up from him, holding his shoulders at arms’ length, and let your frustration explode. “You should be! You didn't trust me enough to tell me you put yourself in danger every day! You just left me, wishing I knew why.” You took a deep, sobbing breath, and hung your head in the air between you, your hair blowing with his breath. “I should hate you. I wish I hated you.” Your adrenaline dissipated and you crumbled, leaning back onto his chest, and listening to his heartbeat; so happy to still be able to hear it. “But I don't. “
“I'm sorry.” Toshinori repeated himself, reaching to stroke his fingers through your hair.
“Stop apologizing.” You told him, “I’m just… I'm so happy you're alive.” You wept into his shoulder again, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I love you so much.”
The gasp he gave off shook the both of you, and he wrapped his usable arm tightly around your shoulders, holding you tightly to his chest. “I love you, too.” He sobbed out, his chin buried in your hair as his tears began to fall. “I've never stopped loving you.”
“No more secrets.” You told him with a sniffle.
“I promise.” He replied.
“Don't ever leave me again.”
“I won't.”
“Kiss me.”
Toshinori’s eyes widened at your words, and you pulled your head up just enough to face him. He could tell, by the look in your eye, that you meant it.
His eyes were glued to your lips, as you leaned back down towards his. You came so close that you could taste his breath in your mouth--a taste you missed more than you could say.
“Please…” You whispered.
Finally, Toshinori leaned forward, and bridged the gap.
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Few TV shows have arrived as confidently as Schitt’s Creek did when it premiered four years ago; after all, the pilot took under two minutes to introduce its four main characters in instantly striking ways. We open in a palatial estate, where members of the filthy rich Rose family are reacting to news they’ve been defrauded by their business manager and left with nothing. Well, except the titular town, which Rose patriarch Johnny bought for his son as a joke birthday present years before. Immediately, there’s Moira (standout Catherina O’Hara), wailing to her husband about how she’s been “stripped of every morsel of pleasure I earned in this life.” In reply, her husband Johnny (Eugene Levy) complains about the shady business manager that landed his family in this mess. Nearby, their daughter Alexis (Annie Murphy) alights from a stately staircase while desperately trying to get the boyfriend she’s on the phone with to step out of the club he’s in and listen to her problems. And by the door, her brother David boldly berates a government official, calling him a “sick person” that “wants to get paid to destroy another person’s life.”
Dan Levy, who plays David and co-created the show alongside his father and co-star Eugene, is far less confrontational than his character, but no less animated. When I meet him in January for a late lunch at a sparsely populated restaurant in Rockefeller Center, the 35-year-old is upbeat and personable, despite the packed schedule he’d been navigating for the previous few days while doing press for the show’s fifth season.
The entire process is somewhat new to the actor, since Schitt’s Creek kept a relatively low profile in its earlier seasons. But as the show’s popularity has grown — with critics now hailing it as “the funniest show on TV right now,” a “gem of a sitcom,” and an “amiable and deliriously funny series” — so has Levy’s. After serving as the official showrunner for four seasons, he’s become a celebrity in his own right. Yet in midtown, as he makes his way through a grilled chicken caesar salad and a Diet Coke, Levy doesn’t appear to exhibit any of those expected pretenses; he’s quite laid-back and surprisingly gregarious, eager to talk about the little show he made which blossomed into something much bigger than he could have ever imagined.
Before Schitt’s Creek, Levy says he spent some time “figuring it out.” Growing up as the son of a comedy legend, it was nearly a given that he would do theater in high school. But when he graduated and actually tried to pursue acting as a career, Levy was held back by the nervousness he routinely felt at auditions. “As you can imagine, that was quite awkward for me as an actor,” he jokes. Instead, he landed at MTV Canada, where he cut his teeth recapping The Hills on the popular The After Show. That experience, he says, was where the idea for Schitt’s Creek was planted. “I was fascinated by these people who were raised around so much wealth,” he tells me. “And I wanted to know what it would be like if someone like that were to lose everything.”
He eventually took that inkling of an idea to his dad, and together, they fleshed it out into the show it is today. In the earliest stages, Levy recalls looking at “sexy and stylish” series like Sex and the City for inspiration, which ultimately lead to his decision to build each character around a distinct style that mirrors their personality type. Artsy David would be into neutral tones and architectural Rick Owens; business-minded Johnny would always wear classic tailored suits; histrionic former soap star Moira would have a flair for the dramatic silhouettes of McQueen; and boho-chic Alexis would be ready to jet off to Coachella at a moment’s notice.
To this day, Dan still takes the lead on much of the show’s wardrobe. It’s one of the most rewarding parts of his job, he tells me, and it’s a good excuse to indulge his shameless shopping addiction. He sources most of the garments seen on the show online, perusing for new duds on designer resale apps like The RealReal and Grailed, but it’s clear that his sartorial eye is just as keen in person. Upon arriving to the restaurant, the first thing Dan does is compliment my sunglasses, which were sitting on the corner of the table. “Congratulations on those boots,” he told me as we left, pointing down at my footwear. The only apparent downside to his side gig as a personal shopper is that it can be difficult to stop himself from getting too out of control. “I just keep buying for future seasons,” he jokes. “If the show ends, I’m just going to have all these random Alexander McQueen pieces in my room! I’ll have to call up some of my friends and ask if they want to come buy some.”
Hopefully, we’ll never reach that point — at least not for a while, now that the show is finally getting the respect it deserves. Days before our lunch, Levy and his fellow cast members had experienced their first A-List red carpet event when they attended the Critics’ Choice Awards, where they were nominated for Best Comedy Series. “It’s so crazy to think that this little show was there amongst all these real celebrities,” he says, emphasizing the word real in a way that lets you know he still doesn’t understand just how famous he actually is — or does a good job pretending not to, at least. The performer says he was most excited to meet Jodie Comer, but in retrospect, he wonders if he maybe went overboard when he approached the Killing Eve actress to “fan out” and enthusiastically tell her how much he loved her.
Schitt’s Creek didn’t win that night. But it’s not difficult to imagine the show becoming a serious awards contender in the future, especially now that it’s established a real audience. Levy and the entire team are rooting particularly hard for Catherine O’Hara, whose indelible, no-holds-barred performance as Moira has rightfully inspired a few internet campaigns to get The Television Academy’s attention.
Yet it’s probably Levy himself who has galvanized the most fervent response from audiences. His character is one of the only pansexual men on TV today, and in the show’s currently-airing fifth season, his same-sex relationship with newly-out Patrick (Noah Reid) is one of the biggest ongoing plot points. As a gay man, he says it was always important to him to bring positive queer representation to his show — which is ironically why he had David sleep with a woman (sardonic motel owner Stevie) before he ever got with a man. “I did want to play with people’s expectations a bit,” he admits. “David is flamboyant and I knew people would assume he was gay, so I wanted to subvert that and show that you can’t always judge a book by its cover.”
Nevertheless, Levy is now fully invested in exploring the much-beloved relationship between David and Patrick, which he’s made a deliberate effort to ensure is not met with any homophobia in the titular small town. It’s what he would’ve done anyway, but it doesn’t hurt that he’s seen firsthand just how much their relationship means to the fans at home watching. When I ask about the response he’s received from the queer community, it’s the first time during our meal that he seems to get really emotional. “I got a letter recently that made me cry,” he begins, tearing up ever so slightly. “This woman wrote to me and told me that her son had just come out. She didn’t have a problem with it, but she was scared about what other people would think. She told me that my show made her feel a little more comfortable.”
It’s surprising how novel it seems to create a show where homophobia is just... not allowed to exist, but it’s comforting to see how normal it actually looks in practice. Just people being themselves without judgment: It’s all part of this world that Dan Levy was inspired to create after watching too many reruns of The Hills. Back then, he set out to create a show that uncovered what would happen when the self-obsessed wealthy wake up to find themselves penniless. If the series’ first five seasons have offered us any sort of answer, it’s that they will learn and grow, facing truths about themselves and their privilege that will only benefit them in the long run. They will form stronger bonds with themselves and with each other. Hell, they might even find true life-fulfilling happiness.
That is, as long as they find their way to Schitt’s Creek.
Schitt’s Creek airs Wednesdays at 10:00pm on Pop.
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The rise and fall of RHTT
A little while ago I had a woman burst into my life. She came on a StormCloud of tears and words of hate for the man she left. She begged for a shoulder to cry on and later a knob to slob on. She filled my days with words of love and desire and my nights with so many blowjobs and orgasms. She was a delight for my days and a match for my nights. We were dynamic and powerful together. Her honeyed words filled my ears as we spoke of tomorrow yet to come. Until they never did... The words were hollow and deceptive. Filling me with words of love at the same time she purchased items of her escape and requested I pick them up for her. Tote bins and packing material... small and innocent in appearance at the time but unusual. Then began the frame up to make herself look the victim as she has so many times before. First, the stage to be set my "unfaithfulness" a catfish on a dating app. a connection but never a conversation. Second the accusation. Accessing my phone to view my text and look for any other "incriminating" information. never to find any evidence of my attempts to have any other relationships. Third the opportunity. The unlucky event that paved her escape unhindered due to her complete cowardice. The passing of my beloved dog and my need to be there for his being put down. Playing the fictitious role of my caring lover she held my hand and drove me to the airport, again with honeyed words of sympathy and concern. On the day he was put down she contacted me minutes later to say "sorry :(" The next words being, "I'm moving out!". Her words of deceit ringing in my ears as she stated quite falsely "I got the keys today. It was a last-minute decision. I just have to do this". Hmm... you can't just rent an apartment the same day. the background check takes 5 working days... not weekends... her plans were to duck out while I was at work. My having to leave to put down a member of my family was a fortuitous happenstance.   Upon my return to the home, we shared, finding the walls and rooms bare of the knickknacks and memories. A few attempts to contact and connect were left with cold and neglected conversations. A week into my return communications was severed. Her reasoning being "your mood swings are erratic!" Hmm, grief has 7 stages, and as a person of such self-vaunted intellect, she knew nothing of them. Her complete lack of empathy in this situation showed her for the cold calculating manipulative individual she was. Reflecting on the statements of the people she touted as being important in her life... she showed massive disdain for all of them. Her self-importance, hubris, and elitist behavior. Her ability to look down her nose at everyone without being able to support herself... The most amazing part of all this incredible woman's tale is this. She came into my life with nothing but a promise to contribute to our lives together. She arrived with nothing, no money, no job, no nothing, just a snotty nose, and her pillow. Promises of getting her job back came true! Promises of her contributions to the bills did not. Every month words of "I'll be able to help" fell from her lips as easily as the words "I love you".  Every month was filled with excuses and more false promises.
As she saw her deception was wearing thin, she sought another avenue of escape. The setup. My attempts to request a repayment fell on deaf ears. My request for my property she "accidentally" took with her as she slipped away, were met with a reply of "you are scaring me". Any attempts to get the requested money or property failed... I walked away. The belief of Karma has always been a strong one of mine. knowing she would get what fate she made on her own was enough... until now... She again intruded on my life. She slandered my name spewed her venom and made herself the victim yet again. passing her woes off and begging for sympathy for those she lied to. But this also brought a point of light to my life. Her fledgling venture into the industry of porn. The prideful words of her attempts to free herself from the shackles of her dead-end career. Her seeking to improve herself with a degree in higher education with a degree that is more useless than the paper it would be printed on. Upon viewing her sad attempts of "work" with her new sap. Watching 2 overweight middle-aged couple try and put on a show... It brought me unending laughter at her poor attempts of acting as though she was enjoying it... The attempts to figure out who had the bigger tits made me laugh as I shared these sad attempts to look erotic... The hilarity of her "gagging" on 4" of semi flaccid penis was so ludicrous!
Seeing the new man in her life and knowing he has failed miserably at several business and personal ventures made me laugh even harder. It more than likely filled a need in her life. She was the one with a place for him to live and play savior to him and hold over his head. She had the power at that time.   Seeing this made my day better. Seeing her beg people to watch her movies so she could "quit her day job" was so much fun to see her beg over and over. Again, using the only thing, she ever has to offer up living off of. Using her cunt as a credit card.
0 notes
leyacer · 7 years
"Medea" -  Yandere Sim P5 AU fanfiction
I love creating new versions of things, and when I designed a Metaverse outfit and Persona for Yandere-chan I couldn’t just drop it after finishing it. So I wrote a fanfic, for fun, about Ayano awakening said Persona. It’s under the cut, because it’s really long.
Ayano didn't think her day could get any worse. She turned out to be horribly wrong.      It had started with that terrible substitute teacher, Mida Rana. Ever since she had come to school after Senpai's teacher had gotten ill, Ayano had seen her try to seduce Senpai time and time again. She did the same with the other boys, but Rana's attention seemed mostly fixed on Senpai. Ayano had already tried many different ways to get rid of that monster, but it always seemed to be one step ahead of her. And because she was a teacher, there was little left that Ayano could do without getting into major trouble if she wasn't careful.     Ayano looked through her phone, seeing if she could perhaps contact Info-chan for help, or find something herself. The only things that caught her eye before she was interrupted, was a text from the girl in question and a strange app she didn't remember installing.    Koharu Hinata, the girl sitting next to her, suddenly shook her shoulder and Ayano became aware of miss Fuka's piercing glare directed at her, and quickly put her phone away.    "Aishi, do not let me see you with your phone in class again, or you'll be wondering where it went the next time I do."    Ayano quickly nodded and apologized. Miss Fuka sighed and turned to the blackboard behind her, which was filled with all kinds of mathematical problems. "Now, Aishi, would you be so kind to as solve this problem for us?" 
After being disrupted from her scheming like that, Ayano wasn't exactly in a good mood. She groaned and started walking over to the courtyard, in the hope that seeing her beloved Senpai would cheer her up. What she didn't expect to see was him and that disgusting woman talking in the hallway.     When she saw the two standing together, Ayano walked in their direction and, when she was within earshot, took her phone from her bookbag and pretended to play a game on it, while truly eavesdropping on the substitute teacher and her pupil. From the corner of her eye she watched them have their conversation.    "Yamada," Rana said. "I've looked at your tests, and..." She made a tutting sound.    "What is it, miss Rana?" Senpai said, sounding slightly worried.     "Oh, Yamada..." Rana turned her head away from the boy in front of her. She looked sad and disappointed, but Ayano knew that had to be fake. That teacher couldn't be trusted.     "Your test scores... They are horrible. With grades like these, if we don't do anything, who knows what will happen... we might have to hold you back a year."     Ayano saw Senpai's eyes widen in surprise, and desperately wanted to run over to him and comfort him, telling him that witch was lying. But she told herself not to act too hastily, and kept listening.     "But miss, I'm sure I did well this year! My grades were perfectly fine a week ago!"     "Oh, Yamada, a lot can change over the course of a single week. Please do not act as if this is completely impossible." That was one of the worst excuses Ayano had ever heard, and she couldn't wrap her head around how people fell for this woman's tricks. One week, and Senpai's grades had dropped to the point where he might have to be held back a year? Ayano gritted her teeth and kept listening.    "Well, Math has been a bit harder lately..." Senpai mumbled.    "There is still hope. I could help you study, and that will get your grades back up in no time. What do you think of that? Would you like me to be your private tutor?"   With that, the woman leaned forward, getting up in poor Senpai's face, who Ayano saw was having a hard time keeping his eyes from wandering anywhere else than his teachers eyes. "I promise it'll really help."    Stammering, Senpai clumsily agreed to his teacher's offer, if it would indeed help him out. Ayano bit her lip while she saw Senpai walk away. Rana, she noticed, turned to a group of boys who had been watching her. "I could be your tutor too, if you want." she said to them, and winked. The girls standing a bit further down the hallway the teacher didn't even acknowlegde.    Ayano couldn't take watching her anymore, and walked away, following Senpai from a distance.
"Ugh!" Ayano groaned once outside the school gates, after she'd watched Senpai leave. Angrily, she tapped the screen of her phone, once she had taken it out of her bookbag again, and opened a random navigation app, not really paying much attention to what she was doing.    "How dare she! Trying to seduce my Senpai and other boys like that! And treating me and other girls like we don't matter!" Her phone buzzed as she kept tapping. "Does she think she can do this just because she's a teacher? Little miss Mida Rana isn't the queen of her own little palace!" Ayano grumbled.    Suddenly, Ayano got a headache for a moment. It wasn't awful, but just enough to make her grab her head for a moment and utter a small groan. But before she had the chance to wonder where it had come from, it was gone again. Ayano shook her head, slightly confused by the sudden headache.    "That was... strange."    She took a step forward, then realized something. "Oh no, I forgot to check near Senpai's locker for anything suspicious! Or something he left behind!" She turned around to head back into the school, but where the school should've been, there now was something completely different.   A giant building resembling a castle had taken the place of Akademi High. It was large and imposing, with dark walls and small towers. Nearly very one if the large windows was covered from the inside with golden curtains, and the glass doors that usually gave way to a school building had their place taken by heavy-looking ebony doors giving way to who knows what. The entire building's atmosphere was radically different from the school's. Whereas the school had radiated cheerfulness and carefreeness, this building that had taken its place had a strange, dangerous feeling to it. The skies above had somehow changed, too, and they were now stormy and dark, instead of sunny and bright.    "What..." Ayano muttered. "Where did the school go? What happened?"    Unable to control her curiosity, Ayano cautiously walked to the ebony doors. After listening for any suspicious sounds, she slowly opened the weighty wooden doors. When she got inside, what she saw went above and beyond her understanding of her already confusing situation. "What the hell is this?" she said, worried and perplexed.    A big hall that seemed to be a reception hall bathed in the dim light from the chandeliers hanging above. A golden staircase was in the centre of the room, leading up to the similarly golden balconies arouns it. The walls were decorated with dozens of paintings that showed off Mida Rana, in all kinds of poses, ranging from smart and scholarly to sensual and seductive. Ayano walked up to the centre of the room and looked around.   "What is up with this place... And those painti-"   "Stop right there!"    A raspy voice interrupted Ayano, and made her turn around. She was faced with a strange creature towering over her threateningly. It looked like a medieval castle guard, with a sword in hand and wearing heavy iron armor, but what was visible of its masked face seemed to be made of a strange red-and-black substance, which swirled about like water in a whirlpool. It was however, much more solid, as Ayano noticed when the creature grabbed her.    "How dare you intrude like this! You should be punished!"    Up until then, Ayano had been too bewildered to react, but when the creature grabbed her like that, she was suddenly pulled back into reality. "No! I don't even know what this is, and yet you want to punish me for mere curiosity? I'll leave, if that's what you want." she said.    The thing laughed, and before Ayano knew what had happened, it had hit her with the hilt of the sword it carried and knocked her out cold. 
 The first thing Ayano noticed when she woke up was the fact that she wasn't in her own room. Her bed was an actual bed, not the bench she was lying on now. Her room's walls were beige-colored, not bare stone walls, with chains hanging off of them. And the entrance to her room was definitely not a jail cell door.     As soon as she noticed this and recalled what had happened, Ayano got up and ran to the bars opposite her bench and shook them, in a weak attempt of trying to open them. After a short while, footsteps could be heard nearing the jail cell, and on the other side of the iron bars, accompanied by two creatures similar to the one from earlier, appeared...    "Mida Rana?"   The woman wore something very different from her usual school outfit. It was even flashier; a black dress with an incredibly low neckline, fishnet stockings and crimson stilettos. On top of her head was a golden tiara, similar to one little girls might play dressup with. It matched well with the red ermine cape hanging from her shoulders. The whole ensemble looked like she wanted to make a noticeable first impression, but didn't care enough in the end and raided her little sister's dress-up box for missing accessories.   The things with her opened the door, letting Rana enter before they did. Ayano quickly stepped back before one of them would walk into her. The creatures stayed near the door, making sure Ayano couldn't escape.    Rana, once inside the room, turned to one of the creatures, and asked with a voice that sounded just a bit off: "Guard, this is the intruder you were speaking of?"    The guard replied: "Yes, my queen. She was discovered nosing around in the reception hall."     Ayano snorted at hearing the guard-things call Rana a 'queen'. Rana seemed to have heard that and walked up to Ayano threateningly, until Ayano was with her back against the wall. Up close, Ayano noticed that her eyes weren't chocolate brown, but a golden yellow. And they were glowing.    "What was that, girl?"    Ayano didn't say anything. She still barely knew what was going on, and realised she only had her wits to help her out, but those were of little use with her being so completely overwhelmed by the events of this odd afternoon. So she simply watched everything play out, trying to make sense of what was happening.   "Wait..." Rana said. "I think I recognize you. You're that girl who's always spying on me and my Taro!"    Something in her expression must've showed some of the surprise and disgust Ayano felt hearing that, and Rana continued.   "Did you seriously think I didn't notice you?" She laughed. The guards laughed with her.    "Oh, but of course I didn't in the beginning. However, when someone always seems to be around at those specific moments and never otherwise..."    Ayano bit her lip and glared at the woman. She hadn't expected her to be so observant.    "And now you suddenly show up in my castle, unannounced, and start snooping around! I do absolutely not acc-"   "My queen?"   Rana's speech was interrupted by a soft, all too familiar voice. The guards who had been standing near the entrance of the cell, stepped aside to make way for a young boy. Behind his black bangs, the boy's stormy grey eyes looked at Ayano and Rana. He wore tight black pants and dress shoes, and a red shirt so thin you could see his bare breast underneath. Just like Rana, a crown was on his head, but it was less impressive -if you could call a dressup tiara impressive- than Rana's. Ayano could barely get the word out of her mouth.    "...S-Senpai?"    Hearing her, Senpai looked at Ayano with a face of contempt and disgust, and it was like someone had just kicked her in the stomach. Then, even worse, he walked over to Rana and stood incredibly close to her, as if he were her boyfriend.    "I have been looking all over for you. I didn't know you were checking on the prisoners."    Prisoner? The bars might've been a dead giveaway, but up until the moment she was actually called a prisoner the reality of it hadn't hit her yet. But now it did, and she was hurt and insulted by it, and by Senpai acting so close to Rana. Trying to keep her nerve in front of him felt like all she could do in this situation.    "This is a unique one, honey. She was found nosing around in the reception hall. What do you think we should do with her?"   Senpai seemed to think for a moment, and then, with a smirk, he said: "The punishment for unlawful entry is death, right? How about you just have her killed, my queen, and be done with it?"   This shocked Ayano to her very core. The Senpai she knew would never just agree to killing someone for trespassing. Trespassing, of all things! Why did he act like this? Why did he call that horrible Mida Rana his queen, and act like he was actually her boyfriend? No... This... This couldn't be her Senpai. No matter how much he looked like him, sounded like him, smelled like him, walked like him... this wasn't Senpai. This was an impudent imposter.   "Good idea, sweetie. I don't know why I even bothered with this. Guards!" Rana called. The guards heaved their swords, came walking at Ayano, the blades glinting menacingly...    "No! Wait!"    Ayano found herself yelling. She felt her panic, surprise, sadness, anger and confusion she had tried to supress suddenly all going wild.   "Being in the dark as to why I'm being punished so harshly for nothing drives me crazy! What did I ever do to you that deserves this treatment?"   Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing, caught off guard by the up until then tacit prisoner's sudden outburst. The prisoner, knowing waiting and watching wouldn't work out anymore, continued.   "Rana, you are not a queen! A queen doesn't act like this. You are merely a selfish girl who spends her time seducing innocent schoolboys for fun, claiming to teach them."    The self-proclaimed queen seemed to not be used to people talking to her like that, her eyes betraying absolute horror at the statements of her prisoner. But Ayano didn't stop there. The words kept coming out of her mouth, like a dam finally breaking and all the water flowing through. She turned her gaze to 'Senpai'.    "They didn't ask for that, and neither did I ask for this!"    It felt surprisingly good to yell out all the things she had been thinking and feeling all that time. It was satisfying.    "This is just you abusing your position, the power it holds! And I have no idea how it came to be in this place, but if at school the other teachers, the counselor, or even the damned headmaster back at school won't stop you, then I'll take it upon myself to make you stop!"   The guards quickly ran to Ayano, protectively stepping in front of their queen. Knowing she was nearing the end of her outburst, Ayano used her momentum to make a final statement.    "I'll tear you down! Starting here, in this miserable cell, all the way back to your miserable classroom from where you first started infesting this school!"
About time.
Suddenly, another woman's voice spoke loud and clear... in Ayano's head.
Are you finally done waiting?
Ayano screamed. Her head was suddenly hurting again, but so much more worse than last time. It was as if a thousand daggers were being thrust into it.
Aren't you tired of dancing to someone else's melody? Of someone else pulling the strings?
She wasn't dreaming. She was actually hearing a voice in her head that wasn't hers. Ayano screamed again, and grabbed her head in frustration and pain.
If someone else is pulling the strings, how about cutting those strings? Or pulling them yourself? Such is the will of your inner self, after all...
The pain wouldn't stop. It wouldn't stop. It was still there, and so was the voice. Ayano's legs were shaking, and would probably fail continuing carrying her soon.
Do you understand? Are you willing to do what it takes? Then, let us forge a contract...
The voice became louder, silencing everything else. Even the pain's chaos became a little less dominant. 
I am thou, thou art I...I will grant you my strength...
   With the voice continuing, oddly enough, within the pain and chaos, Ayano felt an growing feeling of determination, a strange determination she had never felt before.
 ...so that you may orchestrate this world's melody from here on out!
 And then it was gone. The pain, and the voice. In their place, a mask and a newly found determination.    Ayano didn't think or question anything of this. She merely acted out of instinct, and started pulling of the mask. It hurt immensely, but this was a different kind of pain, one she simply endured, and didn't fight against.    The mask came off. A split second after, everything faded to white.     When Ayano's vision and mind cleared up, it felt amazing. She felt a new kind of power at her fingertips, one that would allow her to do all the things she could never have done before. She could take on this miserable excuse for a teacher, and this disgusting imposter claiming to be Senpai.     She laughed. "I see now." She knew where this new power came from. It came not only from herself, but from her Persona as well. Ayano didn't have to look to know what the being now hovering behind her looked like. She knew it was a female humanoid, with light blue skin, her azure hair tied back in a ponytail, a few loose strands here and there. The multi-layered dress made her even more imposing, and beneath the mask similar to the one Ayano had teared off her face, sharp golden eyes that looked in the same direction Ayano's silver eyes did. A smile was on the Persona's lips as she played with the bars she held that controlled the marionettes hanging from them.     Ayano enjoyed seeing the confusion and surprise she had felt this entire afternoon on everyone's faces. She didn't linger on it long, however. She was finally finished waiting, done holding back, and yelled:    "Let's make these puppets dance, Medea! 
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gurukula-blog · 7 years
This Mortal Coil
Mari and I called for an Uber immediately, neither of us having the strength to operate a car.
“How could this have happened?” she sobbed in the backseat of a Ford Focus belonging to Joshua, our driver, a plain looking boy who seemed like he was on the autism spectrum. He drove us through the winding mountain roads to our ashram.
“He was fine. We were all dancing, and then, I blacked out. Did anything happen after I blacked out?”
“No, we wrapped you in a blanket, and he carried you to the Uber. He was the picture of health and beauty, and now, he’s gone.”
“He can’t be dead!” I screamed. “He just can’t be.”
Joshua chimed in. “I don’t have service up here. Do you know how to get there?”
“Of course,” Mari cried. “We go there every day.”
I had a thought. “Maybe it was some kind of a mistake. Maybe it’s a test.”
“A test!” Mari exclaimed. “I suppose it could be a test.”
“So do I take a right?” Joshua asked. “I don’t even have the address saved. I’m so sorry. My phone is not getting any apps.”
Annoyed by the interruption, I remembered what Swami Kurt had to say about annoyances like these. ‘Be kind to the plain. They will remember you a lot longer than you will remember them.’
I said calmly, “I think it’s a left actually.”
Josh turned left and we wound up on a dead-end street.
“We passed it,” Mari sobbed. “Turn around and take right and then another left.”
“Oh, the right was back there,” Joshua answered.
“Yes, it was back there!” She was absolutely inconsolable.
By the time we arrived at the ashram, the police had already cordoned off the house.
“Wait here,” I told Joshua. “We might need you in a few minutes.”
We rushed up to the door but a detective stopped us. I forget his name, but he was short and bald with slender shoulders. I didn’t like the look of him at all. He looked like he couldn’t wait for a murder to go down so he that could get an invite to the Hollywood Hills. He’d never be here otherwise.
“I’m sorry, ladies,” he said, “but this is an active crime scene.”
“We’re family!” I shouted.
“What relation are you to the deceased, a Mr. Kurt Leer?”
“It’s Swami Kurt, and we are his disciples,” I answered.
He snickered. “Blood relatives only.”
“What happened to him, huh? We were with him last night,” I said.
“Was he called by the Brahma?”
“Yea, probably not. Why didn’t you say you were witnesses?” The troll man pulled out a little notebook. “Did you arrive before or after the orgy started?”
I looked to Mari for answers. Orgy?
“There was no orgy!” she exclaimed. “Swami Kurt has taken a vow of celibacy.”
“Oh, there definitely was an orgy.”
“Hey, I’m not a liar. Two paramedics had to free a young man whose genitals had gotten trapped in Mr. Leer when the deceased’s buttocks seized. We got all three talking to PTSD councilors now, and the boy may never get an erection again.”
“It’s not true!” I said.
“So, you weren’t here for the orgy?”
“No, we left after my friend here got sick, around 9:00.”
“And did you see who brought the cocaine?”
“There was no cocaine!” I exclaimed. “Swami Kurt swore off any and all ego-centric drugs. No cocaine. No alcohol. He didn’t even allow mirrors.”
“There was absolutely cocaine. We found powder in seven of his orifices.”
“Seven?!” I screamed. I didn’t realize people had so many orifices.
“And he was found in a room of mirrors!” the officer continued.
“That’s the clown room,” Mari said. “So we can see our inner clown. I’ll never do coke in there the same way again.” She sobbed into my shoulder.
“I think we left before all of that.”
“Then, you’re not going to be much help to us, I’m afraid. We need you to clear the area for our investigators.”
We turned and began to walk towards the car, but even though the detective had been rude, I still needed to warn him.
I turned back. “Don’t be alarmed if he turns into a being of pure light. It’s perfectly natural and it won’t hurt you.”
“Excuse me,” he answered.
“The true Brahman will transform into energy shortly after death, like Jesus did. It’s called rainbow body. When Swami Kurt turns to light, don’t be afraid.”
“Yea. Okay,” he said.
We walked back to Joshua in the Ford Focus, and drove home to await news of the funeral.
Two days later, the troll detective called us to fetch Swami Kurt’s body, even though we weren’t ‘blood relatives.’
We arrived by car. By this point, I had fallen back into the embrace of material food. Swami Kurt’s death had been too big a blow, and I no longer had the strength to maintain a light fast.
Mari was much stronger than I was on this front. She was on day eight of her fast. As I lifted her in and out of the passenger’s seat of my pink Lexus coupe, I could not help but admire her steadfast resolve to the teachings of our beloved guru.
The detective met us in the lobby with a technician, an attractive young Black man in teal scrubs.
“Thank you for coming, Ms. Devine,” the detective said.
“I thought you could only speak to blood relatives,” I answered, Mari being too far into the other realm to mimic our mortal tongue.
“Apparently, he died owing all of his blood relatives money, and they won’t give him another dime. You are the only one who will answer the phone.”
“What is left of him after his ascension?”
The detective looked at the technician with a raised eyebrow. “Like on the autopsy table? His body?”
“Is it a shell? Lotus petals perhaps?” I asked.
Mari rejoined us from heaven. “We will scatter them in the desert at Joshua Tree.”
“Uhhh…” the cute technician mumbled. “He’s a corpse.”
With that word, Mari fell back to the divine city, and I had to catch her and prop her up before returning to speak with the men from Los Angeles city.
“We didn’t get the name of your funeral home you wanted us to send him to,” the detective said.
“Can we see him?”
The technician led us into a cold blue room, the city morgue, a ghastly place with very low energy. He opened a metal door and pulled out the corpse of our beloved guru.
“It’s a body!” I gasped.
“Yea,” the cute technician answered.
“Is it him?” the detective asked.
“It is his corporeal shell,” I answered.
“Ok, so that’s a yes,” the crude little man said. “The official cause of death is listed as heart attack brought on by cocaine use and of course the excessive physical activity of anal sex with an underage boy. We obviously can’t charge him for that now that he’s dead.”
Mari gasped. “You’re wrong! It must have been a kundalini awakening exercise. It’s the only explanation.”
I agreed. “The boy’s soul is trapped!”
“His demons must be very strong to have stopped the ceremony.”
“Alright,” the detective answered.
“You never sent us any directions for delivery. Which funeral home will you be using?”
“We will burn the body by funeral pyre and leave his ashes in our Ganges, the LA River.”
The troll detective did not understand, instead leaning on his bureaucratic masters. “We don’t really allow funeral pyre’s in California because of the threat of wild fires. You can have him cremated though.”
The cute technician backed him up, probably because he felt threatened by his authority. “And you can’t dispose of human remains in the LA River, because there’s usually no water in it, and it’s just going to sit there, and pollute the homes of whatever wildlife do try to live there, like pigeons and ducks.”
Bureaucracy can pollute a mind more than human remains can pollute a river, I thought, but I held my tongue because both men were too deep into their chosen illusions to see the truth.
“I can give you the name of a good funeral home that will give you a no hassle cremation,” the technician added. “They don’t have any religious affiliation either if that’s a problem.”
I nodded, and we left to meet Swami Kurt’s shell at the home. The cost was just over five hundred dollars, which I happily paid from my savings, just like I had always happily paid for the ashram’s needs. I reasoned, whatever I had to pay in worldly dollars was a pittance for the prize of enlightenment.
We arrived at the funeral home half-an-hour later, just after the van which delivered the body. The home was in a 1920’s mansion in Hollywood, very chic. Swami Kurt would have been happy to be handled in a place with such ambiance.
A middle-aged Armenian man named Michel greeted us in the lobby, which had wonderful wallpaper and a fetching chandelier. Very fashionable. We sat in a receiving area where a young woman, his daughter I think, brought us tea.
“The coroner tells me you are looking for a cremation,” Michel said.
“Yes,” I answered.
“No,” Mari interrupted. “We want to see his body go back to the Earth, to be recycled or he will be trapped on the mortal plane.”
I understood what she meant from our lessons with Swami Kurt. “Like in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, where they are fed to vultures. What are your options for something like that?”
“We don’t have a vulture package. You can get a burial or a cremation. If you get a burial, we will have to prepare the body according to California law, and I can do cosmetic things to prepare it for viewing.”
“What sort of cosmetic things?”
“He’ll have to be embalmed. Then, I can give him makeup for the burst blood vessels under his eyes. I can stitch up his anus too. Whatever you need.”
“What sort of viewing do you think this is?!” I exclaimed.
“No, we cannot have him exposed to unnatural chemicals.”
“He died from unnatural chemicals,” Michel’s daughter added quite unprompted.
He shooed her out of the room.
Mari pressed her point. “We may not be able to feed him to vultures, but what about coyotes? We’ve got a lot of coyotes in California.”
“No, we have vultures here too,” Michel responded. “We just can’t feed him to animals.”
“But his soul…”
“No, I get that, but California law won’t let us do it.”
You see: Law. Order. The bureaucracy of the mind.
“Then, give him to us,” I shouted.
“What will you do with him?”
“No, you’re going to feed him to animals, and I can’t allow that.”
“Nuh-uh!” I insisted.
“I don’t believe you,” Michel answered.
Mari scoffed. “Such a waste!”
“Do you want a cremation?” Michel asked.
“I guess if that’s our only option,” I answered.
“Ok, and who is paying for this?”
“I will,” I answered.
“No,” Mari said. “It’s too much, Sage. At the coroner and now this…”
“Just for now. The ashram will pay me back.”
“Ok. I’m just going to need a credit card on file.”
I gladly handed over my Visa for the procedure.
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First Chapter
    There’s nothing like waking up in a strange place, surrounded by strange people, with strange clothes on, tangled together with a strange woman and not knowing what day of the week or even month it is. Will laid there, gathering his consciousness from the void inside his mind. The stale, humid air stuck to his skin made it feel greasy, huffs of breath from the blonde laying on his side made Will feel suffocated. His back was on a hard, cement floor with a cheap carpet on top of it. His legs were loosely up on top of a worn, old couch. Will was parched and dizzy, but he needed to get up and figure out where he was, find his things if he could. One of two things he was required to bring everywhere, no matter what state he was in - a small, black journal was one. He moved his head slowly around as he peered into the dimly lighted room which seemed like a basement of sorts. Will could feel his pulse begin to rise with anxiety. He hated basements. This gave him the energy to move, not caring much if he disturbed the half naked stranger cuddled up to him or the other five strangers passed out in the room.. Will carefully stood up, the blonde girl cured up to the pillow they both had shared. He squinted at himself, pants were on, unbuttoned and unzipped - but on, shirt gone, shoes and one sock missing. He felt his face, finally realizing that his lip felt irritated and itchy. There he felt a lightweight, sticky, false mustache. He carefully peeled it off and sighed. He had his bearings on what might of happened. This was a party room, Leroy made a drop and ended up staying to party. Will was fine. This hadn’t been the first time something similar had happened. He carefully stepped over legs and sleeping people and searched the area for anything Will might recognize. He found a stray sock, might of been his, might not - either way he pulled it on his foot that with each step got something sticky or wet or crumby on it. He located Leroy’s shoes and a shirt that seemed like he’d wear. On the couch’s end table he located his phone, dead, and the black journal under it. Leroy was a hot mess, but at least he followed the important rules. Will tiptoed his way to the stairs, hoping to god there was no one up there. Halfway up the steps Will heard scratching at the door and he didn’t know whether to be relieved or terrified. It could be one of two things - the owner of this house had a dog, mean or nice, or it was his beloved service dog - Peace. He took a second to calm himself, pray for Peace, and head through the door that blinded him with white daylight. Will winced and covered his eyes with his arm. Below him was a happy brown and white pitbull named Peace wagging her whole hind section uncontrollably. She beamed at him the way only a loving dog could at it's person. He smiled with relief and knelt down to praise her with a pet. She licked his face softly, obviously relieved to see him as well. Will checked the pockets of her vest and found his extra phone battery, wallet, and weed. He huffed, switched his phone’s battery, tossed the weed down the stairs, and grabbed Peace’s leash. He was in a dilapidated house of some kind. Everything hung by splinters and thread “Tetanus shot, much?” The little voice in the back of his head grumbled.. It seemed obvious this place belonged to no one and Will needed to get out. Peace whined at him, sensing his nervousness and began to lead him out, the way she was trained to, out of the squatter house.     Once out, Will checked on his phone. It was 10:30 in the morning and it already felt like it was 80 degrees out. He huffed and looked to Peace, who trotted along side him expertly. Will tapped on his map app and programmed the map to walk him home. It was a few mile walk and there was no way he could do it with the way he was feeling and this heat. He glanced around his area as they walked. Center city-ish, around the area where most boarded off houses were. He could find a bus stop and just get home that way. Will found the nearest bus stop using his map app and waited for what seemed to be at least 25 minutes. A few tired looking individuals gathered to the stop as well, never saying a word to him but had the nerve to stare at him and his dog. Finally the bus arrived, Will paid his fee and started on the bus. It was empty for the most part which made him feel safer.     “Look!” said a charming, beautiful voice in his head. He knew exactly where to look. There was a young woman looking out the window. Her dark-chocolate eyes were sad and serious. Chocolate-chestnut locks thrown up in a messy bun. Her skin was sun-kissed olive. Will had stopped walking and people behind him were getting impatient.     “Better start walking there, Will, before someone pushes you.”  Before-first-cup-of-coffee kind of gruff voice warned. He blinked and stepped to the back quickly, sitting down with Peace. The woman turned her head to glance at others getting on. Will wished he had his camera. The way the light came in from the window, the soft features of her face framed with curiosity, the way she looked entirely from her lovely curves, simple style, and elegant paisley tattoos. She was picture perfect for his city concept. Will had only missed about 12 hours of time. He glanced at his black journal.         Leroy Guy - 10:15 PM (TC - Home / DO - 266 Sheridan Ave) Will wrote his own name down.     William Anderson - 10:30 AM (WU - 266 Sheridan Ave, headed Home by bus - beautiful girl) He took a page and began sketching her. He didn’t want to forget or think it was a dream. He tried not to stare at her, or watch her but she was art and his head was spinning and exploding with fireworks - Holly’s doing no doubt. She was the keeper of his heart. She was always trying to push these feelings on him until his chest ached. She told him it wasn’t like that but that’s how Will viewed it.     “Can you just relax, you’re making me anxious, Holly.” He spoke quietly to himself.         “Oh, excuse me, you’re blaming me for this? Just go say ‘hi’ to her!” Holly encouraged inside his head.     “Sure thing, looking like the 70’s threw up on me. Thanks Leroy.” Will huffed. There was a groan in his head and someone shut a door, ignoring his jab. Holly let out an amused laugh. “Fine, whatever. You might not ever see her again though. Will that not that bother you?”     “Only if you let it.” Will looked down at his sketch.     “Hey is that a real service dog?” A soft, musical voice spoke to him. Will looked up, startled, closing his journal tight in his hand. “Yes,” is all Will could manage out. It was her, the beautiful breath of fresh air disguised as moving art. Her hair was thick with false locks, neatly rolled with what he could now see was dashes of gold and copper, beads and pins tucked elegantly into her bun. Up close she had a beautifully round face, cheeks swelling with natural blush, teeth straight and clean, not falsely white. Her eyes weren’t just a warm chocolate brown, they had drips of honey and glints of hidden gold that reflected in the sunlight. Her whole presence was warming and began to melt his anxiety little by little.     “Hey, I’m sorry man. Didn’t mean to make you jump. She’s a beauty. What’s her name?” The woman asked him.     “Peace, “ Will one-word-answered again.     “That’s really sweet. I’m not allowed to pet her right? Cause she’s working?” The girl seemed to know her stuff, it was nice not having the normal idiotic stare, or dumb questions. His anxiety seemed to calm a bit more. Will took a breath and gave the woman a weak smile trying to decide on what to say. “You take too long, Will!”  Holly huffed.     “She is, but I appreciate you knowing that. You can pet her if you like. She’ll love it.” Will’s mouth moved without his doing so much. Thanks to the queen  inside his head. It never fails. She sees a pretty girl and she just has to play match maker. She was incorrigible. He could imagine Holly with popcorn just watching the monitors inside his head from her room like she was watching Ghost or something.     The girl lit up and leaned over to Peace, petting her sweetly, praising her for being such a good girl. Peace ate the love up. He watched her a bit. She was definitely a dog person, or maybe just an all around animal person.     “How long have you had her?” She asked as Peace gave her unending kisses, probably tasting lotion or whatever made her skin look so nice.     “About ten years. My grandmother and I rescued her when she was a pup. We nursed her, trained her - she is my most loyal friend. She could retire as a service dog, but she’s as healthy as ever and willing. We decided in a few more years well retire her, after we train a companion dog - another pit and rescue, just like her.” Will pet Peace lovingly.     “I love that. So many people don’t see pits for the kind of dog they really are. I’ve always wanted one but my mom’s so terrified of them. They’re nanny dogs, right?” Will was a little floored. “Oh I love her. What’s her name? I need to know! Ask you dummy!”  Holly crowded his mind.     Will glanced out the window. Next stop was his. He looked at the girl and smiled. “Can I ask you, uh, your name? I’m Will Anderson. I live by the next stop. I do photography.”     “Oh! It’s Josie Gomez, I’m on my way to work - cars being funny but no time to take it to the shop today. I work part time at a few places, mostly filling in for people who call out. I go to school full time though. It’s nice to meet you, Will, “she extended her hand to him. Her words echoed. Nice to meet you, Will. It echoed in his head, everyone heard. He smiled warmly at Josie, watching her chocolate eyes glint with the golden hue as he shook her hand slowly, taking his time. Her touch naturally gave off a warm nurturing feeling, soft and humble. She was good people. Anyone who could get this close and Peace not push them away was. “So, photography? That’s cool. Are you coming from a project?” She asked him. His stop was coming up in a few minutes. “Why do you ask?” He felt odd and anxious. “Your costume. Are you doing something in the 70’s nature? Great vintage look. What’s the project?” She was funny to assume, but who could blame her. He needed to reply quick but he couldn't gather a response.     “It’s a time lapse piece. How men have changed their look over time.” Thank you Artie. (Check next post)
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