#excuse me while i go bark at the moon
cursedonyx · 9 months
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Ominis got caught out in the rain and could do with a rub-down.
Merry fuckin' Christmas 💕
Full version here (MDNI 🔞 - fuck off children)
Password: yes (no caps)
Aged up 21+
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coywolfsyndicate · 10 months
Everytime I read someone's DNI, I learn new terms I've never heard of before
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dystopic-view · 5 days
I hate his guts 18+
Akaza x fem/afab reader
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: You and Akaza share the Upper Moon 3 title, but you absolutely can't stand each other. One night, while walking through the woods back to the Infinity Castle, you cross paths with Akaza, who’s bored and itching for a fight. You try to ignore him, not interested in wasting your time, but Akaza won’t let it go, accusing you of being scared of facing him. What starts as more usual bickering between the two of you turns into a tension filled exchange, where his arrogance clashes with your indifference, setting the stage for more than just a physical fight.
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒: nsfw, enemies to lovers, bickering, mocking, teasing, descriptions of violence, mentions of blood, suggestive content, fluff, smut, fingering, mild degradation, possessiveness, aggressiveness, hate fucking, choking
𝐖.𝐂: 5.6K
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The moon was shining brightly up in the sky as you made your way through the familiar dark woods. You were returning to the Infinity Castle, casually walking underneath the moonlight. When you heard it. The snapping of branches, coming from the trees surrounding you. Your eyebrows furrowed, and the scent of a familiar presence entered your nostrils. Upper Moon 3, Akaza.
The one demon you had to share your rank with.
And the one demon which you could not stand.
You loathed him and his smugness, always so full of himself.
You briefly looked around, but you weren’t able to spot him.
“What do you want Akaza, don’t you have Demon Slayers to kill?’’ You spoke into the shadows in an unamused tone and continued walking forward, fully aware you were being watched from above.
You heard a loud thud a few feet behind you, and assumed he might’ve leapt down to be on your level.
You stopped walking, and turned around, facing him directly.
"Come on, let’s fight," he replied, almost bouncing on his feet, that insufferable excitement radiating off him.
His fists clenched and unclenched as though they couldn’t stand being still for too long.
"I’m bored. You’re here. Perfect match."
You rolled your eyes and turned your back to him, like the conversation was over. "I’m not interested."
The bickering between the both of you was unfortunately constant.
Akaza was always rude and arrogant towards the other Upper Moons and demons, but ever since you quickly scaled the ranks and started sharing the title of Upper Moon 3 with him, all of a sudden, his jabs were solely directed towards you.
You suspected he acted that way out of jealousy.
Or maybe he was just angry that he wasn’t able to defeat you or Doma to surpass you in the ranks, but it was still extremely annoying nonetheless.
"Not interested?" His voice took on that mocking tone he always used when he didn’t get his way. "Are you scared you’ll lose? Scared of me?"
A chuckle was heard from behind you, and footsteps approached as you walked away.
"Scared?" You barked out a laugh, shaking your head. "I just don’t feel like wasting my time with you."
Akaza appeared in front of you in a flash, moving faster than you could blink. "What, you have something better to do out here? Staring at trees is more exciting than a fight with me?"
You shoved him away with a scoff, your patience already wearing thin. "Yes, actually. Trees don’t talk."
Akaza stumbled back, but the grin on his face only grew wider, like he found your annoyance entertaining. "You’re just making excuses."
"And you’re just desperate for attention."
His smile faltered for just a second, but it was noticeable enough to catch.
Akaza’s eyes darkened, the playful glint vanishing as he straightened, his posture growing more rigid.
"Desperate for attention?" His voice was quieter now, lower.
He took a step closer, his presence looming, suffocating. "You think I'm the one desperate here?"
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest, but didn’t back down. "If the shoe fits, Akaza. You’re always provoking me, always pushing for a fight. It's like you can’t stand being ignored."
His eyes narrowed, the tension between you thickening like a storm about to break.
For once, he wasn’t smirking. "You think too highly of yourself."
His voice dripped with venom now, any trace of his usual bratty demeanor gone. "Maybe I just want to remind you of your place."
Your pulse quickened, but you forced yourself to stay calm, even as his energy became heavier. "And what place is that? Beneath you?"
He scoffed, his jaw tightening as he took a few steps forward, now standing directly in front of you. "You act like you’re above everything. Me, fighting, all of it. But let me remind you something, you're no different. We’re both demons, and no matter how much you pretend you're better than me, we’re the same. You can’t change that."
You clenched your fists, biting back the urge to lash out, his words stinging more than they should have.
"And here it is," you said nonchalantly, keeping your voice steady. "The real reason you’re here. It’s not actually about a fight, is it? You just can’t stand the idea that I might not care about you at all."
That for sure struck a nerve.
Akaza’s eyes flashed, his fists clenching tight enough that his knuckles cracked. "Shut up."
You took a step closer, refusing to be intimidated, your voice dropping into a low whisper.
"I hit a sore spot, didn’t I? Despite all your strength, all your arrogance, you're just looking for someone to notice you. That’s why you keep annoying me."
Akaza’s hand shot out, grabbing your wrist with a force that could’ve shattered your bones if you hadn’t snatched it away from his grasp quickly enough, jumping away from him, keeping your distance.
His eyes bore into yours, the barely-contained fury in them making your breath hitch.
"You don’t know anything about me," he growled, his posture shifting into an attack stance. "And you’re not as untouchable as you think. Keep pushing, and I’ll make you regret it."
For a moment, you just stared at him, the intensity of his gaze challenging you to react. Then, slowly, deliberately, you took a few steps forward, your eyes never leaving his.
"Go ahead and try." You uttered, bracing yourself for his impending attack.
You faced him once again, an angry expression on your features, and 4 tendril-like black appendages popped out from your back in a defensive stance.
He didn’t waste any time, smirking before launching himself in your direction, his body rapidly approaching as he closed the distance between you.
You dodged his lunge with precision, your tendrils moving faster than his fists.
In a heartbeat, you wrapped them around his arms tightly until his movements were restricted.
Before he could react, you lifted him off the ground, suspending him in the air.
He glared at you, his muscles tensing against your hold, testing your grip.
"Impressive," he hissed, struggling to pull his arms free. "Didn’t think you had it in you."
"You don’t think," you replied coldly, pulling the tendrils tighter, "That’s your problem."
His smirk faded into a look of discomfort, but you could see the defiance still blazing in his eyes.
Akaza’s jaw clenched as he fought against your hold.
You felt the power rising in his body, his muscles tensing as he fought back.
But you weren’t giving him any chance to escape.
You’d had enough of his provocations."What's wrong?" you taunted, narrowing your eyes, and pouting your lips. "Not as easy as you thought?"
"You’re enjoying this a little too much," he grunted, his voice laced with irritation.
Even bound, even suspended in the air, he still managed to sound infuriatingly smug.
But there was something satisfying in the way he writhed under your control, no longer in command of the fight.
You stepped forward, tightening your tendrils again, watching as his smirk trembled for a moment.
"What's wrong, Akaza? Not so tough when you can’t punch your way out of everything?" You insisted, your voice dripping with mockery.
His eyes flashed with fury, a low growl rumbling in his throat.
He twisted violently in your grip, and for a second, you felt the pressure of his strength pushing back against your tendrils.
But you held firm, refusing to let him free.
"You think this will stop me, demoness?" he spat, his voice strained but defiant. "You’re only making me want to crush you more."
"I’m not here to entertain your bruised ego.’’ You shot back, taking another step closer.
You leaned in, your gaze piercing into his. "But maybe now you’ll learn to shut up."
For a brief moment, the world seemed to hold its breath.
Akaza’s struggles completely stopped, his eyes locking with yours in a dangerous, electric stare.
"Absolutely not," he snarled.
In a sudden, violent burst of strength, Akaza slipped one arm free, the force of his movement so powerful it sent a shockwave up your tendril, causing you to lose balance.
Before you could react, he grabbed hold of the one that had bound his other arm, yanking you forward with terrifying speed.
The ground beneath you seemed to disappear as you were pulled into him.
His free hand darted toward your arm, his fingers wrapping around your wrist.
He twisted his body mid-air as you unwillingly released him, and before you knew it, the positions were reversed.
He smirked, now gripping you tightly, pulling you closer with that infuriating grin plastered on his face. "Nice try," he breathed, his eyes flashing with satisfaction. "But it’s going to take more than that."
You scoffed, your tendrils lashing out in an attempt to break free, but he managed to grab them fast, his grip unyielding.
His body was pressed against yours, too close for comfort, the air between you charged with tension.
Both physical and something else.
"You actually thought you had me, didn’t you?" he taunted, his breath warm against your skin, his voice dangerously low. "Did you really think you could control me?"
Your tendrils twitched with agitation, but his grip was unrelenting.
He leaned in, his face inches from yours, his tone low and mocking. "You can bind me all you want, but I’ll break free every time."
His voice dropped to a dangerous whisper, as if daring you to try again. "You’re strong, but I’m stronger."
You could feel your blood boiling, adrenaline running through your veins as your anger grew. The arrogance, the way he loomed over you, all of it was infuriating.
But you weren’t going to let him see that.
Not yet.
"Stronger?" you sneered, your tendrils curling tighter around his arms, still attempting to force them back down. "All I see is someone who can’t stop fighting for my attention."
His smirk faltered just for a second, but you saw the look on his face, like his pride had been wounded.
So you decided to press harder.
"Is this what it takes for you to feel important, Akaza? Throwing yourself at me over and over like a desperate puppy?’’
Akaza’s eyes darkened instantly, the playful glint replaced by something far more dangerous. His grip shifted, fingers tightening with enough force that if you weren’t a demon, your skin would have bruised instantly.
His breath was faster now, frustration radiating off him, but beneath the anger, you could feel something more.
Something simmering just under the surface.
"You’re really pushing it," he growled, his voice a low, dangerous rumble.
His face was so close now you could feel his breath against your lips, his gaze burning into yours. "You think you can talk down to me like that and walk away? You think I need your attention?"
You leaned in closer, refusing to break eye contact, daring him to go further. "Yes. Yes, I do."
Akaza’s grip tightened even more, his fingers pressing into your skin with bruising force.
His entire body tensed, the air between you crackling with raw, palpable energy.
His smirk had long vanished, replaced by a hard, intense expression, his jaw clenched as if he was fighting against something he couldn’t control.
And then, without warning, he pulled you even closer, his lips hovering just a breath away from yours, his voice dark and unsteady. "Careful," he hissed, his eyes locked on yours, the tension so thick it was suffocating. "You might get more than you bargained for."
Your heart pounded in your chest, the heat between you almost unbearable, but you refused to flinch, refused to give him the satisfaction.
Instead, you allowed a smirk of your own to creep onto your lips.
"Funny," you murmured, your voice calm despite the storm raging around you, "I was about to say the same thing."
Akaza’s eyes flared with rage, and in a blur of motion, he slammed your back against a tree, pinning you there with his body.
His chest pressed hard against yours, his breath hot against your neck as he leaned in even closer, his voice a growl. "You think you can handle this?"
Your tendrils shot out again, wrapping around him tighter, pulling him closer until there was no space left between you.
You could feel the rapid beating of his heart against your chest, matching your own, and for the first time, his exterior cracked.
His eyes widened just slightly, the raw tension now boiling over into something far more dangerous.
"I can handle anything you throw at me," you breathed, your voice low but steady, your gaze locked with his. "The real question is, can you?’’
For a split second, you saw the look in Akaza’s eyes shift.
The rage, the frustration, it was all still there, but beneath it was something else.
His lips curled back into a feral grin, but this time it wasn’t cocky or playful.
"You have no idea what you’re getting into," he whispered, his voice rough, his body still pressed tightly against yours.
His hand moved up, trailing along your arm until it reached your neck wrapping around it, his touch firm but not quite painful.
His thumb brushed your skin as his eyes bore into you with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. "But you’re about to find out.’’
You felt your breath catch in your throat as the weight of his words sank in, but you didn’t flinch, didn’t move.
Instead, you let the tension build, let it grow between you like a volcano about to erupt.
"Then stop talking," you whispered, your voice barely audible, "And show me.’
His grip on your neck tightened, just enough to remind you of his power, but not enough to truly hurt.
His eyes, wild and hungry, flickered with something unspoken, his body pressed so close that it felt like he was trying to consume you.
The tension between you burned hotter, the space between your bodies practically nonexistent, and every nerve in your body screamed to push him back, to do anything but let him have this moment of control.
But you didn’t move.
Something inside of you craved this feeling.
"I see that look in your eyes," he growled, his voice low and dangerous as his thumb pressed slightly against the racing heartbeat in your neck. "You’re pretending you hate me, but deep down, I know you’re enjoying this."
His lips curled into a grin as his thumb lingered against your pulse, feeling the rapid beat beneath your skin. "Admit it," he whispered, leaning in closer until his breath ghosted over your ear.
Your breath hitched, your body betraying you in ways you couldn’t fully control.
Every nerve was on fire, and though you hated him, though you truly hated him, there was something undeniably intoxicating about the way he hovered over you, dominating the space between you both.
"I don’t need to admit anything to you," you hissed back, voice tight, as if trying to keep the truth buried deep.
Akaza chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "You’re not as good at hiding it as you think."
His fingers slid from your neck, trailing lightly down your collarbone, a gesture so gentle it sent a shiver through you, in stark contrast to the intensity of his words. "You can keep lying to yourself, but your body’s already told me everything I need to know."
Your tendrils twitched, overwhelmed with the urge to fight back, to stop this never ending power trip. But something was keeping you there, on the fine line between desire and hatred, unable to fully break away
And Akaza could see it in your eyes, how you were coming to terms with what you were feeling. "You don’t have to fight it," he whispered, his voice like silk wrapping around you. "You won’t win."
He smirked, his lips curling in satisfaction as if he had already won. "You can’t hide it from me, not when your heart’s racing like that."
His lips were close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off them, but still, he didn’t close the distance.
He was toying with you, daring you to break first.
Your tendrils coiled tighter around his body as they responded to your growing frustration. "I know exactly what you are," you spat, keeping your voice steady despite the heat rushing through your veins. "A broken, pathetic demon who needs a fight just to feel alive."
Akaza’s eyes flashed with anger, his fingers tightening briefly on your neck before relaxing, his control wavering for just a moment. "And you’re a coward who hides behind her words because she’s afraid to actually fight."
You scoffed, glaring at him even as his body pressed harder against yours. "I could crush you right now if I wanted to."
"Then why haven’t you?" His smirk returned, that insufferable arrogance coating his words. He leaned closer, his lips brushing your ear as he whispered, "Maybe you don’t hate me as much as you think.’’
Your heart slammed against your chest, but you refused to let him see any hint of weakness. "Or maybe I’m just waiting for the right moment to put you in your place."
Akaza chuckled darkly, his breath hot against your skin. "Sure you are."
He pulled back slightly, his gaze locking onto yours again, the fire in his eyes burning hotter. "But if you’re waiting for me to break, it’s not going to happen."
Without warning, his other hand shot up, gripping one of your tendrils with crushing force. You winced as he twisted it, pulling you even closer.
His face was a mask of intensity, the air between you so thick with tension it was nearly unbearable.
But he wasn’t just trying to hurt you.
He was testing you, pushing you to see how far you’d let him go before you fought back.
"I can feel it," he murmured, his eyes boring into yours with a kind of dark fascination. "You’re holding back. Afraid of what happens if you let yourself go."
You gritted your teeth, fury bubbling beneath the surface, but you couldn’t deny the truth in his words.
You truly were holding back.
The power in your veins pulsed with dangerous potential, the need to fight, to hurt, burning just beneath your skin.
But something about this moment.
About him,
Made you hesitate.
"Don’t mistake control for fear," you shot back, your voice sharp, though you could feel the tension building in your muscles, your body screaming to react.
Akaza’s grin widened, that infuriating, reckless energy radiating off him. "Oh, so you think you’re in control, huh?" he whispered, his lips hovering just a breath away from yours. "Then prove it."
His words were a challenge, daring you to act, to push him off and reclaim the fight.
But the air between you wasn’t just filled with violence anymore.
It was charged with something neither of you wanted to admit.
The proximity, the heat, the way his breath mingled with yours, it all made the line between hate and lust blur.
“Careful what you ask for,” you warned, your voice low, your tendrils twitching in response to your rising anger..
“Or what?” Akaza shot back, his eyes narrowing.
His hand still gripped your tendril, but now his thumb traced your skin, a deliberate, slow movement that made your pulse spike. “You’ll finally do something?”
Your breath hitched, your body tensing as the air around you crackled with a mixture of anger and a feeling much harder to control.
Every fiber of your being screamed to fight, to tear him apart, to stop this unbearable tension, but these odd feelings were holding you in place.
The thrill of the fight, the twisted connection between you both, kept you unbearably on edge.
Then, without warning, you leaned forward.
Your lips collided with his, harsh and desperate, the force of it startling even you.
It wasn’t soft or tender.
It was raw, violent, fueled by the tension that had been building between you for far too long. Your tendrils retracted, and you wrapped your arms around him pulling him impossibly close, and he responded in the same manner, his grip on you fierce as if this was just another form of combat.
Akaza growled against your lips, his hands tangling in your hair as he kissed you back with equal ferocity, matching your intensity.
His teeth grazed your bottom lip, and you could feel the frustration and anger in every movement.
You pulled back just enough to breathe, your forehead still pressed against his, both of you panting from the sudden explosion of energy.
His eyes were wild, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he stared at you with a mixture of shock and desire.
"You wanted me to prove it," you whispered, your voice low and breathless. "How’s that for control?"
Surprisingly, Akaza didn’t have a snarky retort.
His lips parted, but no words came out.
Instead, he just stared at you, his expression confused.
But the moment didn’t last long.
Before you could fully process what had just happened, Akaza’s lips were on yours again, more aggressive this time, like he was trying to reclaim control.
His hands gripped your waist, pulling you hard against him as his mouth moved hungrily against yours, his breath hot and frantic.
You couldn’t resist.
You matched his energy, kiss for kiss, both of you locked in a battle that had nothing to do with fists or power but was just as violent.
You found yourselves now laying on the ground, his body hovering over yours, pinning you down.
There you laid under him, unbothered by the danger, unbroken by his attempts.
A look of defiance, of challenge.
A spark of desire ignited within him.
He leaned down once more, trailing kisses down your neck.
You so desperately wanted to feel repulsed by what you two were doing, but you made no effort to fight back, instead letting out a low moan, your eyes fluttering shut.
While it confused you, you couldn’t deny that there was something about the situation that left you wanting more.
He pulled away from your neck, and stared into your eyes intensely.
You parted your lips, slightly bewildered, lust and need plastered all over your face.
His desire for you was equally growing with every passing moment.
He had never wanted someone so fiercely before, and the fact this feeling was caused by someone he hated was driving him wild.
He claimed your mouth in a brutal kiss, his tongue forcing his way between your lips.
You responded eagerly, kissing him back fervently, your tongues battling for dominance with each other, your hatred for each other fueling this intense desire as your body pressed against his.
His hand trailed down your neck, his fingers slipping beneath your clothing to caress your bare skin.
He could feel your heartbeat racing, your body responding to his touch.
He broke the kiss, his breathing coming in ragged pants. “Tell me you’re mine.’’ He demanded, his voice hoarse. “Say it.’’
You raised your eyebrow, surprised at the demand.
“I’m not yours, nor will I ever be.’’ You growled between breaths, daring to defy him.
You pressed your lips against his aggressively, flipping him on his back quickly, straddling him.
His eyes flashed with surprise as you took control, pinning him down to the ground with a fierce kiss.
He could taste how much you wanted him, he could feel your body’s hunger against his own.
But he wouldn’t back down so easily.
As soon as you pulled away, he rolled you onto your back, his body hovering over yours again..
His hand gripped your wrists tightly, holding them above your head.
“You’re mine.’’ He whispered, his voice low and possessive. “Admit it, demoness.’’ He smirked, grinding his hips against you, his erection seeking entrance.
He could feel your wetness through his pants, your body’s response to him undeniable.
The air between you crackled with tension, your breaths tangling as you stared into each other's eyes.
“Never.’’ You smirked, throwing your head back as he ground against you, soft moans escaping your lips in response to the sensation.
His lips curled into a victorious grin as he heard the sounds coming out of your mouth, knowing he had you right where he wanted you.
“Never?’’ He repeated, his voice thick with need. “Is that so?’’
He began grinding his hips against you harder, his erection growing with each second that passed.
He felt your body responding to him once more, your hips bucking involuntarily.
With that he tore off your clothing, exposing your bare breasts to the cool night air.
He leaned in, his lips closing around your nipple as he sucked and nibbled on it,
Your back arched off the ground, your hips thrusting upwards to meet his touch.
Akaza’s hand trailed down your body until it reached your waistband, his finger slipping underneath it to find you wet and waiting.
You let out a breathy moan as his fingers slowly made their way inside of you, your arms still pinned above your head.
“I’ll never be yours.’’ You repeated teasingly.
His hand stilled and hovered over your wetness as he grinned wickedly, eliciting a frustrated sigh out of you at the sudden stop.
“You’re quite the feisty one, aren��t you?’’ He said, his voice husky. “Always defying me, even when you clearly want me.’’
With a swift motion, he slid down his pants freeing his length.
He positioned himself between your legs, his tip glistening with pre-cum.
When he finally entered you, you let out a satisfied gasp overwhelmed with the feeling.
He began to move, his hips pounding into you in a relentless rhythm.
Each thrust sent shockwaves through your body, his grin widening as he watched your body tremble beneath him, your breath hitching every time he moved in and out of you.
He pulled out, your juices dripping down his shaft.
“Just admit it. I know you want me.’’
He started to trail his fingers down your stomach, using his cock to tease your clit with light strokes.
“Wanting you, doesn’t make me yours.’’ You mocked back, gasping as he made contact with you.
His grin widened with each of your gasps and moans.
He loved this feeling of control.
“You’re so wet for me.’’ He taunted, still teasing you. “Tell me demoness, does this mean that I’m not as indifferent to you as you’ve been making me out to be?’’
He thrusted back into you, his hips quickly picking up the previous pace.
He leaned down, his lips brushing against your ear.
“You can try to resist, but you can’t hide it. You’re mine.’’
He nipped at your earlobe, eliciting a shudder from your body.
“Fuck you, Akaz-’’ You try to speak, being interrupted by your own moans, the feeling too intense to muster up any words.
His lips crashed against yours as he pounded into you mercilessly.
He could taste your defiance, your stubborn refusal to submit completely.
But despite your efforts to hide it, he could also feel your body’s surrender, your walls clenching around him in need.
“Shit.’’ He growled, breaking the kiss, “You feel so fucking good.’’
His fingers dug into your hips as he picked up the pace, his cock sliding in and out of you with ease.
He could feel your climax building, your body tensing with each thrust.
His eyes hooded with lust as he watched your face contorted in pleasure.
He leaned down close to your ear. “You can’t deny it, can you? You’re mine. You need me.’’
You hated what he was saying, hated that he was right, hated to admit he was the one making you feel like this, hated the fact that those same words you despised were affecting you so much, feeling yourself closer and closer to coming, your legs twitching, wrapping around his torso.
“I need you Akaza.’’ You moan out, finally saying out loud what you had been dreading to admit, your breathing ragged and erratic.
He smiled wickedly, satisfied with your confession.
“You do, don’t you?’’ He taunted, his voice low. “Look at you, letting someone you despise fuck you like this. Look how much you’re enjoying it, you slut.’’ He gripped your cheeks, forcing your eyes to stare back into his.
His hips picked up speed, his cock slamming into you with abandon, your cries echoing throughout the silent woods.
“I want you to come for me.’’ His voice was a growl, his movements becoming more urgent.
Driven by his words, you were sent over the edge, climaxing intensely, throwing your head back in pleasure as you pulled him in for an intense kiss.
You moaned his name into his mouth, your nails digging into his back with so much force it drew blood.
He couldn’t hold back any longer, your own orgasm causing him to empty himself into you with a shaky groan, his breathing coming in pants.
His body went limp with satisfaction as he collapsed over you, his heart pounding in his ears.
He leaned in close to your ear, your body still trembling with aftershocks.
“I knew you’d change your mind eventually.’’ He whispered, mocking you.
You try to regain your breath, and just lay there with him over you for a few moments.
“Fuck you, Akaza.’’ You spit out chuckling, pushing him off of you.
He chuckled back, placing his hand on your hip.
“Is that any way to talk to someone who just made you come?’’ He raised an eyebrow playfully, his fingers tracing lazy circles over your skin.
“That was the first, and last time you made me come.’’ You say teasingly, swatting his hand away from your hip.
He sat up, reaching for his discarded clothing to wipe away the dirt and leaves from them.
He held his hand out, helping you to your feet.
He adjusted his pants, his eyes scanning the forest surrounding you.
“Although I do have to admit, hate-fucking is a wonderful thing.’’ You chuckled, taking his hand and getting up from the ground, wiping the dirt away from your body.
“You’re insatiable, you know that, right?” He teased, a hint of amusement in his voice.
“I’m insatiable?” you scoffed, raising an eyebrow. “You’re the one that was practically begging me to say I was yours. What’s the matter, Akaza? Can’t handle a little rejection?”
His grin faltered just slightly, and you seized the opportunity to press harder.
“Admit it,” you said, your tone dripping with sarcasm, “you keep acting all tough, and what do you really want? A little validation? A pat on the head? Maybe a ‘good boy’ for fucking me so well?’’
His eyes narrowed, clearly annoyed, but he quickly masked it with his usual infuriating smirk.
“Poor Akaza,” you continued mockingly, leaning in just enough to make him uncomfortable. “Desperate for approval, but too proud to ask nicely.’’ You mocked, grabbing your clothes and putting them back on.
His brows furrowed as you spoke.
He couldn't help but feel a tinge of irritation.
He gave you what you wanted and this is how you repaid him?
By making fun of him?
“You’re lucky I didn’t just kill you immediately for speaking like that to me.’’ He spoke, his voice low.
He put his vest back on, turning his back towards you, his movements stiff.
He wasn’t going to let you see how much your words were affecting him.
“And don’t pretend like you didn’t enjoy it, demoness. I saw your face.’’
“Oh I did enjoy it, and i’ll admit it.’’ You chuckled. “I literally just said hate-fucking was a wonderfull thing, don’t you agree?’’
You finished fixing your clothes and hair, and turned towards him.
His eyes narrowed at your words, but he couldn’t ignore the truth they held.
He did enjoy the confrontation, the chase, and the ultimate outcome.
“I agree.’’ He admitted, his voice rough. “But don’t get any ideas, you’re nothing to me..’’
Spoken by the one begging you to say you belonged to him 10 minutes ago.
You raised an eyebrow at that remark, crossing your arms over your chest with a teasing grin on your face.
He turned to face you, his body still tense with lingering desire.
“And this isn’t happening again anytime soon. Not unless you beg.’’ He smirked mischievously, his eyes never leaving your face.
“Fine.’’ You replied, dryly. Unaffected. “I’ll see you later then.’’
With a final teasing glare, you released your tendrils, one of them tapping him on his forehead lightly before you jumped upwards, landing in a tree above, leaving him in the middle of the woods by himself.
You waved him goodbye, still smirking smugly at him, before you disappeared into the night.
He watched as your form grew smaller and smaller in the distance until you were just a speck of darkness against the starlit sky.
The quiet of the woods crept back in, filling up the space you’d left behind, but his mind was still racing with the remnants of your encounter.
He ran a hand through his hair, letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, a mixture of frustration and intrigue swirling in his chest.
He was lying when he said you were nothing to him, there was no denying that.
And as much as he hated to admit it, he was already anticipating the next time you’d cross paths.
With one final glance at the sky where you’d disappeared, he turned on his heel and vanished into the shadows of the forest, his thoughts still lingering on your teasing words, and the heat of your touch.
Whatever this was between the two of you, it was far from over.
And he knew, deep down, neither of you would be able to stay away for long.
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elliebarker · 1 year
you are absolutely insane. + ( e. williams )
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category: lifeguard!ellie x competitive swimmer!female!reader oneshot
summary: since your school’s swim season has been let out you convince yourself to get off your couch and go to your local rec-center to get some practice in. ellie has just moved into an off-campus apartment and needs to get a night job in order to keep up with her rent. 
warnings: suggestive, implied smut, use of the word “baby”, mentions of alcohol usage, overall cringy
word count: 2.7k
author's note: as 68..1% of you requested,
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“just…just give me a couple more weeks man.” ellie pinched the space in between her brows, very obviously annoyed.
“i’m not doing this again ellie,” a robotic voice came from the speaker of her phone, “i can’t keep covering for you. get a fucking job.”
“but– i’m in class all day! when the hell am i supposed to work?” ellie barked into her phone, dreading the noise complaints she’d get from her neighbors. maybe the size of her apartment was a glow-up from her dorm, but the people living around her sure weren’t. 
“i- i don’t fucking know. drop a class or something? work at night?”
that conversation is how she landed here. clocking in at 6 at a rec center not too far from campus to sit and watch senior citizens go back and forth in a pool and hope they don’t drown so she doesn’t actually have to do her job. decked out in red and white ellie propped herself up onto the towering “LIFEGUARD” chair and watched each of the seconds pass on the big red digital clock displayed on the wall. little did she know today was the day she’d meet you.
you walked, well, rather you were being pulled into the pool by your friend olivia. you guys had been on your school’s swim team together and after mopping around your dorm for almost 2 weeks after your final meet she decided you, and a couple other girls from the team, would meet up at the pool a couple days after school and just, “have fun,” as she had called it. and you decided to go along with it, you could use the excuse to get out of the house once in a while without getting absolutely hammered. you served the area of the pool: a couple lanes taken up, a brunette lifeguard scooping out the newcomers (you and your friends), a bunch of lockers scattering the west wall, holy shit that lifeguard was hot. 
you immediately turned your head back to take in the entirety of the brunette lifeguard, freckled and blush-dusted face with a set of emerald eyes. you noticed a crooked name tag that read “ellie'' before hearing your name being called by our team mates.
“coming!” you called to your friends and jogged over to grab your stuff before heading to lane 6 (the one closest to ellie) next to ashley and began your workout.
ellie was flabbergasted, astonished, she touched god. never in all her years of living had she been so…drawn…to a girl. okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic, but by the moon and the earth you were gorgeous. the way your hair fell on your shoulders, the way your smile shines in the echo-y pool’s fluorescent lights, the way your eyes lingered on her for the right amount of time. she was shamelessly gawking at you. i mean– she had too. it was her job!!! nevermind the lame-o senior citizens in lane 2 that were statistically more likely to drown…she just had to look at the way your arms cut through the water.
the hours lingered on, and to your surprise you had no idea what a couple weeks off would do to you. you were practically panting after each 100. and, obviously, olivia and ashley had finished before you.
“go home,” you said, “i’ve just got a cool down left.” your friends agreed and you turned around to face the flags again. a loud clash, the doors closing, made itself noted behind you before you began the last part of your set.
then, finally, after many flip turns and a few glances at the rec’s lifeguard you were done. you pulled your cap off and slipped out of the pool, gathering all your stuff and heading back. after you finished drying yourself off you looked back at the pool, all the lane lines stripped, holy fuck that was fast to see ellie rolling a cart of flippers back into the storage closet. 
“haven’t seen you around here before,” she smiled. ellie was walking toward you as you finished stuffing your (still soaking) kick-board in your bag.
“my school season is out so i’m just practicing here, when my schedule allows me, before short course starts up again.” you explain, tucking your hair behind your ear. and then realizing how fucking dorky and cheesy it was and how you totally embarrassed yourself in front of your very hot lifeguard.
“cool, cool, cool, cool” you hear her answer, and you could swear you felt her eyes scanning you. you finished zipping up your bag, its ziiip echoing throughout the large and empty pool, having been deserted by all your teammates. wait. all your teammates? like- even your-ride-home-olivia was gone. 
“shit.” you muttered.
“huh? oh, sorry!” ellie stuttered out, realizing how stupid and awkward and probably unprofessional her talking to you was. UGH! I’M SO STUPID she mentally slapped herself convincing herself that it was just her delusion that had pictured up any image of you actually acknowledging her existence.
“no–no, it's not,” you began, “i lost my ride– i– my ride left, i’m…stranded.”
“yeah,” you nervously chuckled
“i mean, this sounds weird, but,” she said, “i could drive you?”
“getting into a stranger's car late at night…” you questioned, like you were pondering it, “why not?”
“okay don’t put it like that,” she giggled.
“nah, man. that would actually be a lifesaver! and i’ve seen you around campus, you don’t give me any reason to suspect you’d axe murder me so…”
“alright,” she smirked, grabbing her keys from the knob of the storage closet door and heading out the door, with you not far behind.
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you don’t know how it happened but what was going to a quick drop off at your place from your rec-center’s lifeguard turned into a dance party and the two of you screaming lyrics and hollering out of her window, having the time of your lives. earlier that night, when you first got in the car, ellie figured to blur any awkward silence she’d hand you the aux. turns out, you both had crazy similar music tastes and after that you guys clicked instantly. you were having so much fun and that's why when the bright familiar lights of home appeared in the rear-view mirror you kind of wished you lived somewhere else, farther away.
“thanks, again,” you looked at ellie.
“anytime,” she said, smiling at you. with regret that you didn’t say anything else you closed the car door and walked over to your front door and spent that whole night thinking over her.
unbeknownst to you, ellie would be thinking about you too, not only thinking about you but talking about you to the one person who would always lend an ear to all her girl problems: dina.
“she’s just so” “so what ellie? i need details.”
“pretty? beautiful? gorgeous? perfect?”
“did you at least get her number?”
“oh what ellie? oh my god you dumba–” her NUMBER! ellie thought of course! duh! i’m. so. stupid!!! 
that was her next mission. get your number, your instagram, your anything, hold onto anything to be able to get to know you better. luckily for her, it wasn’t that hard, your visit to the rec-center had not been a one-time thing, in fact you and your teammates had begun a routine. and ellie drank up every glance she got at you. she had gone over and over different scenarios in which she’d ask for your number, “if you ever need a ride again,” “thought you could use this,” and after surveying that they were all equally cringy and accepting the fact she’d never have the same confidence as she did the day she met you she realized, she didn’t have to get your number, she could just give you hers. so, it was a nice surprise to see a little yellow slip, a post-it note, atop your bag adorned with her number and a little “ellie :)” as soon as you were home, showered, and ready for bed you opened your phone, sending a quick, “hey!” and introducing yourself before plugging in your phone and dozing off. ellie would deny it to anyone she knew but she totally responded immediately after you texted her and were, to say the least, disappointed when you didn’t text back after 10 minutes, half an hour, 2 hours. ellie decided to not let her stupid crush affect her and let sleep consume her. needless to say, when she woke up to see a “new message” notification she nearly leapt out of bed.
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after the whole olivia-leaving-you-alone situation ellie had offered to drive you home from practice and who wouldn’t take her up on that offer? not to mention that driving home with her was fucking awesome. you got to play anything you wanted on aux and she would always get food with you. it was like meeting your soulmate, you guys had almost everything in common you could talk about whatever you wanted. she was the yin to your yang. whatever foods or things disgusted you, she loved, and she would be happy to take them off your hands. there was no awkward stage, you guys were practically meant for each other.
it had been barely a month yet every time you walked into your rec-center you were greeted with the yelling of your name and ellie sloppily climbing off her lifeguard chair to come up and hug you. you had met dina and jesse, ellie’s best friends, and ellie had met yours. it seems that nearly every waking moment of your day was spent in her company, not that you were complaining. you were sitting on ellie’s bed while she was scrolling on her phone on the floor, back propped up against her bed’s frame.
“hey,” she began, “dina’s inviting me to a party, wanna go?” she asked, turning her head to look at you.
“sure, why not?”
“sick,” she smiled and turned back to her phone, texting back dina, you assumed. a couple hours passed and you were in the bathroom, adjusting your outfit and making sure everything looked good. ellie stepped into the door frame, keys giggling on her fingers.
“ready to go?” she asked, smirking at you. you nodded and followed her out the front door.
noise was blaring and people clambered all around some kid’s dorm. to say the party was full of life was an understatement. you and ellie made your way over to the party’s make-shift bar and poured yourself a cup of your designated drinks. you didn’t have to do much looking to find dina, who was dancing in the middle of the living room. she immediately spotted you guys, deserting the group of girls she was hanging out with, and ran over to you.
“hey guys!” she greeted. lets just say whatever-the-fuck you were drinking worked, fast, because next thing you knew you were dancing, laughing, and joking about things you never would sober. so was ellie. so much so, you don’t know how much time had passed, but you were having the time of your life on the dance floor with some random feel-good song in the background. and ellie pressed up against your back. and you sure as hell weren’t complaining.
you turned around and wrapped your arms around her neck and continued to dance (grind) into her lap. and somewhere though your drunken haze her arms were on your arms, hips, totally feeling you up. and then her lips were alternating between yours and your neck. you both stumbled from the middle of the dance floor, lips still connected, to some wall off to the side. from then on, ellie got more adventurous, for lack of a better word. hands moving every ten seconds. they were cupping your face, then your tits, hips, ass, and then your face again. you couldn’t say you weren’t, either, hands went from delicately perched on her shoulders to the back of her head to desperately grasping for handfuls of her hair. the two of you barely came up for air until–
“let’s move this,” she practically panted, “somewhere else,” pulling you in the nearest unoccupied room. and as suddenly as her hands and lips had left you, they were back on you again. she began wondering again, this time however, her hand pulled at your waistband, waiting for you to nod or acknowledge what she was trying to do. it was you who parted your guys’ lips this time.
“you.” you began, making sure to catch your breath, “are absolutely,” you continued, “insane,” you finally huffed out, before smashing your lips back together and pulling your own hands at your waistband.
(fade to black bc i can’t write smuttttttt)
ellie woke up, groaning, with an awful headache. then, when she finally regained consciousness, she surveyed the room she was in. definitely not hers. her clothes, party clothes, were scattered on the floor and the only thing that remained was her black sports bra. she didn’t even realize there was another living human being next to her until she felt the cool breeze of your peaceful sleepy breath. you were lying next to her, presumably naked under the covers. your hair was messy and knotted and taking up all of the pillow and your makeup had worn off. and you were utterly gorgeous. ellie couldn’t help but smile. bask in the moment. the little time she had left to admire before she realized you were literally sitting next to her, unconscious and topless.
“fuck.” that's all she said. that's all she could say. she was so ready to run, let her flight kick in. and she would’ve, had you not wrapped your arms around her and pulled her back down. you, unconsciously (totally), rested your head in between her shoulder and neck and sighed. yeah ellie thought i could get used to this. 
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shoes squeaked and whistles blew. eveything was hectic. you were just trying to get into meet-mentality when a familiar, comforting, voice came from behind you.
“hey baby,” ellie, your girlfriend of 2 months, came up and hugged you. “came to wish you good luck,” she smiled as you turned to face her, catching a glimpse of dina and jesse waving from the corner of your eye.
“aww,” you leaned up to kiss her, “that's so sweet! thank you ellie. and i love you, but, i have to go warm up i’ll be right back.” you said.
“yeah, yeah, babe, don’t let me hold you back.” ellie chuckled and went back to find her seat next to jesse and dina. a couple hours had passed and your first event was coming up shortly. you stretched and made your way over to the blocks. and as soon as the microphone sounded, you were off, you were trying your absolute hardest. and it definitely paid off. when you looked up at the scoreboard next to your lane you checked your time. and you shaved 8 whole seconds. you could barely contain your excitement. once you were out of the water you ran to hug ellie, not caring if you got her wet. (in more ways than one iykwim lol) (im sorry) (that was uncalled for) 
“i’m so sorry baby,” ellie said.
“your 200? you added like, a minute.”
“what?” you were so utterly confused, “oh my god! no,” you laughed in realization, “ellie, that was my 100. it's long course season. i didn’t add anything, i literally went 8 seconds faster!”
“ohh!” ellie said, nodding, pretending she understood anything you just said but congratulated you anyway.
and for being a lifeguard, your girlfriend was a shit swimmer.
“how the fuck did you even get this job.”
“shut up.” ellie was only halfway in, red “LIFEGUARD” swimsuit and trunks on, and she was already turning a ghostly white. “i can… function… in the water perfectly fine.” she said, trying not to chatter her teeth. you reached for her hand to pull her into you.
“your hands are literally purple.”
“well maybe your just super-human and can’t feel how f-fucking cold it is.” that night after you guys drove home ellie was cuddled up by the fireplace, a little cold already forming. you had just exited your after-practice hot shower and were nice and cozy, there was just one thing– person– you were missing. you laid down facing ellie and snuggled up to her. it was the mundane nights like this that were the ones worth living for.
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khonshus-stardust · 9 months
It’s just you in your room and Khonshu shows up and pent up and wants to do something now. But is also upset (for whatever reason) so he makes you finger your self on your bed and just watches you while rubbing himself through his lines and talks you through it, then after your first 0rgasm he’s just suddenly right in front of you and begins too overstimulate you by fingering you and degrading you for listening to him so easily and calling you his dirty little bug🫶🤭
Take It
Pairing: Khonshu x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, dirty talking, fingering, overstimulating, name calling (dirty little bug, slut, etc.)
Word Count: 2735
Summary: In a fit of rage, the god appears in your room while you're in the middle of reading. Used to this behavior, you don't act different until he orders you to strip. He's tense and needs release.
Author Note: I sent a screenshot of this to my bestie. The two of us were freaking out because this is fucking gold! Thank you for being my first ask on this blog! I'm glad to see you return as well
Air swirled harshly around your lax form reading on the bed. After the countless times the god has appeared in your room time and time again, you’ve grown accustomed to this. Your eyes don’t leave the entertaining pages before you.
A cold hand encases your bare ankle and yanked you closer to the foot of your bed. The yelp that left your lips couldn’t be helped. Your eyes snapped to the imposing ancient Egyptian god that stood your room. A glare was easily set on his tattered form. “What is wrong with you?” you snarked before shaking your head. “Don’t answer that. I know: it’s a lot.”
His grasp let go of your ankle. Khonshu, known for being the god of the moon, towered in over your form. Despite having no muscles and only cloth to make up his frame, he held himself tensely. His hands were balled into fists at his sides; shoulders slightly bunched up; and he just stood there, looking at you. As if one more wrong thing could send him into a frenzy.
It was a sight you were familiar with. Dealing with Khonshu was a full-time job that was unpaid.
Despite having a hate-love relationship with the dead bird god, that didn’t stop you from being concerned about him. The book in hand was marked then set to the side, on the nearby nightstand. You go to sit up on your knees when the god finally spoke up.
“Don’t move,” Khonshu barked, body growing even tenser. You turned your head to the side and looked at him suspiciously. The god took a step back and rested a hand on the end board of your bed. The walls of your room not tall enough to allow him full freedom to stand tall.
The metal creaked precariously under his massive, lithe hands. “Strip.” Your head jolted yet your thighs clenched together.
“Excuse me?” you sputtered with your lips parting afterwards. His hand tightened again. Khonshu took a step forward to further crowd into your space. His long beak surging passed any boundaries. The soulless, empty sockets of the skull of his head bore holes into your head.
“I said strip,” he growled, voice ringing in your head. The lump in your throat was hard to swallow. Your tongue darted out and coated your dry lips. “Don’t make me say it again.” Your whole body shuttered.
Timidly, you reached for the hem of your shirt before finding somewhere else to look at. The fabric was pulled over your head and tossed to the side.
Khonshu hummed. “Don’t stop.” Like the good follower of the moon god you are, you listened to his demands. The rest of your clothing is pulled off and thrown off to the side of the bed. He observed the entire time, enjoying the exposed skin you relented to him.
This wasn’t the first time you’ve been naked before the god. Like mentioned before, you had a love-hate relationship with him. Both sides of the coin included letting him use you for his own pleasure. A life you enjoyed with little complaint.
“Scoot back, up against the headboard, little bug,” he ordered and stepped back, hand leaving the end board. Timidly, you followed the instructions and used the pillows as a comfortable rest and barrier from the cool material. Throughout the times you’ve done this with him, you kept your legs closed with anxiety driving you. His never-ending gaze caused your heart to flutter like the wings of a bird.
The god himself sat himself down in the only chair in your bedroom, legs spread wide. His imposing frame purposefully taking in all the space it could.
One of his legs was jutting out while the other was bent at the knee. An elbow was perched on the armrest at an acute angle, wrist hanging loosely. His other arm hung loosely off the other armrest, palm touching his thigh. A relaxed form for the god who looked ready to tear into something less than two minutes ago.
His long beak tilted up and slightly to the side to show off his nonexistent throat. “Look at you,” he mused. If his face wasn’t stagnant, you believed a carefree smirk would be etched into his features. With his arm jutting into the air, he lazily wiggled his pointer finger side to side at you. “Open those legs for me.”
You bite at your bottom lip then let your legs spread open. “A sight for sore eyes,” Khonshu groaned and shifted his hips. You sucked in a quick breath at the sight and had to stop yourself from mewling at the move.
But the god noticed the way your empty pussy clenched and chuckled lowly. His voice continuously swirling inside of your head. “Touch your clit, little one.” This side of Khonshu wasn’t what you were used to but fuck, you felt your body heat up at it.
One of your hands drifted between your spread legs and pressed against your clit. It throbbed against your fingertips. You leaned your head back and started to softly rub circles.
“Did I say move?” Khonshu growled and leaned forward in his seat. You whined and gave the god a frown, hand stilling. “Pout all you want, slut. Only I get to tell you what to do.” The god scoffed and returned his relaxed posture from before.
With that same finger pointing in your general direction, he used two to show a spreading movement. “Spread more. I want to see every little flutter, every little throb.” You huffed but listened to him, letting your legs open further for his gaze.
A cool breeze drifted over your exposed moist labia. You shuttered, thighs tensing. “Poor thing, already getting wet all because of my words. Isn’t that right, little bug?” All you could do was nod softly. He dipped his massive skull. “Now, you may play with your clit. Go slowly, light pressure.”
Now with permission, you started an even pace. Your walls constructed for a moment at the new source of pleasure. You groaned and rested your head back against the headboard. It offered relief to the building lust in the pit of your stomach.
You knew what to do. The movements familiar and memory this long into your life. The way you flicked your wrist into perfect motion, albeit slower than you would like.
More of your arousal began shine in the low light of the room at the beginning of your entrance. “Stop.” In the haze of your pleasure, you didn’t realize he had even said anything to you the first time. “I said stop!” You jolted and removed your hand unwillingly with a mewl. Your clit flutter, demanding for you return to your former movements.
Slightly dazed, you eyed the god still in his chair, position barely even changed. The hand on his thigh had slide up further to rest close to where his thighs meets his waist. “With one finger, push into that tight little cunt,” he instructed.
Happily, you followed through with just your middle finger entering you. The simply yet obscene noise had you whining, but you knew it wouldn’t be enough. The god had ruined you since the first time he drove into you. You looked at him with sweet doe-eyes and silently pleaded for more.
“Hm, look how good you take it,” he groaned. His hand slid up only a couple more inches and cupped a lump under the wrappings that covered his form. It took you longer than you would have admitted to realize he was palming himself. Your walls pulsed around the finger buried into your soaked cunt. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”
All you could offer was a mewl. The god tsked. “Use your thumb to rub at your clit and curl your middle finger. Find your g-spot.”
Instantly, you listened, desperate for whatever he allowed. Your finger curled deep inside of you and easily found that spongy spot. A shock of pleasure was sent up your spine to dwell in the pit of stomach. “Oh, fuck,” you moaned and used your thumb to draw tight circles around your engorged clit. It pulsed against your thumbpad.
Your jaw dropped with airily, breathless pants and whines. Clear, stick arousal freely drips from your slightly filled entrance and rolls down the swell of your ass cheeks before soaking into the bedsheets. Your other hand trembled on the mattress, gripping the blankets tightly.
Involuntarily, you couldn’t control your hips squirming, trying to add fuel to the growing embers. “Stay still, don’t move your hips,” Khonshu growled, voice huskier than before. You reopened your eyes and find the god rubbing at his clothed cock. It strained for release. You could imagine the feel of it. The head popping past your labia and stretching your walls to accommodate him all over again. The way the tip slammed against your cervix at each hard thrust, trying to fight every inch inside your smaller body.
The hand on the bed slapped against your mouth, sealing the whimpers beginning to spill freely from your loose lips. You locked your teeth down on a knuckle as the pleasure began to build further in the pits of stomach.
“Let me hear you. Don’t you dare hide anything from me, little bug!” the god snarled and was on the verge of leaping from his seat to tear your hand from your mouth. His free palm slammed against the armrest, balled into a fist. He continued to rub himself harder, using the heel of his hand.
Your unfocused eyes found the empty, dark sockets of his. The knuckle fell away to rest on your thigh. Khonshu growled and grabbed the end of the armrest righter. “Don’t stop. Keep going. Just like that. Look at all that mess. So messy,” he rambled and stayed leaning forward, ready to leap to action.
A strewn of whines and mewl filled the rooms vacant air as you grew closer, velvet walls tightening around your single finger. “Feels-“ he groans “-good doesn’t it?” Your toes begin to curl, legs growing taunt. “I want to see you, watch you come just at the sound of my voice, little one.” You do your best to keep your eyes on the tense god before you. Anything to please him.
“You going to come, sweet little mortal?” his voice echoes inside of your head, bouncing off of the walls. You rapidly nodded your head and couldn’t help but fasten your fingers, needing quicker movements. He doesn’t stop you, watching as your head pitched back with a cry of his name.
The soft, ribbed walls of your pussy constricted around your finger, locking down on the intrusion. They begin to flutter, like bird wings.  You rubbed fiercely at that spongy spot just shy of your entrance, inside of you.
As the crescendo helped drag your mind back to the depths of your body, you felt large, lithe hands wrapped around your wrist. Your digit was pulled free, only connected with a clear strong of your slick for a moment before it was laid to rest at your side. A whine pulled free from your throat, eyes flickering open. You gasped at the imposing form of Khonshu kneeling on the bed, between your spread legs. “Khonshu?” you whispered his name after moments ago screaming it to his fellow gods.
He didn’t answer and cupped your sex, easily dwarfing it in his palm. Still in the downfall of your orgasm, you yelped but jerked your hips up to gain friction. His other hand entered your vision and took hold of your hip, now pinned to the mattress.
Two fingers prodded at your dripping folds before pushing in. Your head smacked against the headboard but the pain was brushed to the side. The digits press against your cervix before they were pulled out enough to touch at your G-spot only an inch or two passed your labia.
Pleasure filled your veins, turning your mind slowly into slush at the sudden stimulation. You were still trying to reel yourself in from the last orgasm. “You’re so wet, little bug. All just from me telling you to fuck yourself with your fingers. Such a dirty little bug listening to their god,” he purred inside of your mind. His voice velvet in the depths of your brain.
The hand that had brought you to your first orgasm shakily wrapped around his thin wrist for support. Khonshu continued to fuck you with two of his fingers, stretching you more than what any of your own digits could. “You take my fingers so well. I’ve ruined you for any mortal. You’re all mine, little mortal. All mine to ruin and dirty.” Your cunt fluttered again. “Such a dirty little bug liking me destroying you.”
You panted and tried to thrust your hips up for more, anything to drag his fingers deeper into you. “Please, Khon. More, more,” you pleaded the god of the moon, eyes hazing over, pupils blown wide. None of the iris able to peek through in the low light.
Khonshu chuckled, vibrating your mind. “Such a slut, begging for more.” This own thumb covered the entirety of your engorged clit and pressed against the sensitive nub. You gasped and shuttered at the tingling feeling overestimating your nerves. Your hand tightened. Khonshu scoffed. “You asked for it. Now, you’re going to take what I give.”
Once more, you clenched down on him. He gave a particular hard thrust of his digits into you g-spot that had trying to lift off of the bed. He just laughed then started to rub circles on clit.
The texture of the cloth that encased his body dragged across the sensitive flesh of your nub. You whined and attempted to pull at his wrist. But the god was situated where he wanted to be.
He continued onward and picked up a pace that had you squirming wildly underneath him. It was to the point he used his own legs to pin down yours to control your lower half. “You’re going to take what I give,” he reiterated.
The overstimulation created arcs of electricity across your skin, making your entire body not only feel alive but on fire. One of your hands clawed and fisted the bedsheets, desperate for purchase the closer you got to exploding.
Your nerves had been burned, filled with too much energy than they could handle. Like the pleasure, you consumed the pain all the same, wanting more. “Dirty little bug, letting a god ruin them, fucking them with his fingers.”
White blinded you as you screamed out a pathetic cry and arched your back. Khonshu did not stop. He used his fingers to draw your orgasm out as long as possible. Your nerves were lit on fire, burning fiercely just under your skin. They were being rubbed raw, bare for him to play with as he pleases. Your screams began to turn into whimpers and mewls. You fell flat back to the bed in heap of mush and ecstasy.
Khonshu finally relented when your body gave its last shuttered. His thin digits were pulled free from the depths of you used cunt. You twitched one more time. He held up his hand and spread his two fingers apart. They were connected at the tips by a clear, sticky string of your slick. “One of these days, I’ll take a mortal form so I can taste your sweet essence,” he muttered more to himself than the room.
Tiredly, you huffed through your nose and looked at him, eyes still dazed over. Khonshu leaned over and cupped your cheek in his clean hand. “You did so well for me, my little dirty bug,” he whispered and pressed the tip of his beak to your forehead. You smiled weakly at him.
“Are you going to tell me what had you in a tissy when you arrived?” you asked him in a soft voice and nuzzled into his palm. The god shook his head.
“Nothing you need to worry that pretty little head over. God issues,” he stated then reached over, pulling a towel hanging from end board of the bed. The god carefully used it to clean off the inside of your thighs and his fingers. He pecked your forehead again. “Till we meet again, my dear mortal.” Then, in rush of wind, the god was gone from sight.
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ariesqueencobra · 10 months
what we used to be | lV
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Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your first lessons at Cobra Kai are what you expected, though, what your boyfriend does was the last thing you thought you'd ever see.
Warnings: bullying, name calling, violence
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: Hawk has arrived! Make sure that if you want to see more of this story to comment and reblog! Comments let me know what you like about the story and reblogs help others see the story! Thanks!
I don't consent to this work being copied, translated or reposted.
“C’mon you saw Miguel kicked ass,” Eli attempted to get Demetri on board with the whole karate thing.
“It’ll be fun,” you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder before he had the chance to knock down any positive thought.
You stayed huddled together, your shoulder brushing with Eli’s every so often.
“Quiet!” a loud voice shouted and you all flinched, the dojo dying down. “Face front,” he scanned over the group before he began snaking through, taking a look at all of you. 
You felt a little self-conscious when he approached, your gaze trying not to meet his.
“Nice shirt,” he complimented Demetri and you were taken aback. “I’m joking. It sucks,” he was quick to take it back after Demetri thanked him.
He then went on, telling someone he had terrible teeth and calling another a virgin. 
“When I look around this dojo, I don’t see Cobra Kai material,” he began. “I see losers, I see nerds,” he added.
You glanced down, regretting you showed up. If he was just going to bully you like Yasmine and Moon, then what was the point?
“But in my short time as a sensei, I’ve also seen some miracles,” he looked over to his first two students; Aisha and Miguel. 
You smiled slightly at that, maybe you were too quick to judge just like he was.
“So maybe there’s some hope for you yet,” he did another scan. “But first I need to see where everybody is at, so fall in!” he ordered. 
You all glanced at each other, murmuring in confusion. 
“Line up!” he clarified.
Thinking he meant to lind up behind Aisha and Miguel, you followed the crowed. You stood between Eli and Demetri while you awaited the next orders.
“No lines,” he sighed out, running a hand over his face.
“You mean rows?” Demetri spoke up. 
You stifled a laugh. This was exactly what you expected when you decided to join Cobra Kai.
The next day at practice, you all managed to get into rows. 
You stood behind Miguel. Demetri and Eli stood next to you in the row. 
“Fighting positions,” Sensei barked.
You got into position, raising your fists and making sure your stance was proper. 
“Jab punch,” he said but didn’t order to go so you waited, though a few didn’t listen. “No, not until I say go,” he added for clarity. “Hiya,” he gave the all-clear.
You followed through with the motion, left fist then right, making sure you used the weight of your body to help. 
He went around, correcting students until he came to the front. “Hey, Lip,” he called out and immediately your blood rushed cold. “Yeah, you. The one with the freaky lip, who do you think I’m talking about?” 
Eli faltered, his gaze dropping. 
“Excuse me, Mr. Lawrence,” Demetri spoke up. 
You inhaled, not knowing if that was a good idea or a bad idea. As much as you wanted to stand up for Eli, your boyfriend for crying out loud, you also knew Sensei was kind of a bully. You didn’t know how to stand up to them yet…
“Sensei Lawrence,” Aisha corrected. 
“Okay,” Demetri chuckled. “You really shouldn’t make fun of someone’s physical appearance,” he explained.
You agreed wholeheartedly but that feeling in your stomach told you he should shut up.
“Is that so?” Sensei’s brows raised. “So I’m not supposed to mention his lip at all?” he pointed at Eli. 
His brows creased together, biting down when the entire class’s attention fell on him. 
“Well, yeah,” Demetri said point-blankly. 
“Maybe that’s what they teach you in school, but out in the real world, you can’t expect people to do what they’re supposed to do,” Sensei pointed. 
You felt inclined to agree but at the same time, you wanted him to stop making fun of Eli. There was no harm in being nice.
“You hear that lip?” Sensei called Eli’s attention again. “If you can’t handle someone making fun of you, how are you gonna handle an elbow to the teeth?” he asked.
Are those equivalent though? You asked yourself. You bit down on your lip, holding your hands behind you as you watched as a bystander.
“By calling the police,” Demetri suggested.
You glanced at Miguel as he told him to knock it off and you couldn’t help but agree. Still, you didn’t say anything. 
Speaking up will only make it worse.
“Why should I be scared of him? Because he’s got a snake on the wall?” Demetri gestured. “It’s not like he can give us a bad grade, we’re paying him,” he made a note to emphasize. “He can’t actually hurt us”.
The feeling in your gut grew, something bad definitely was going to happen.
You were right.
Sensei stayed quiet but stalked over to your best friend. 
“Are you done?” he came face to face with him. 
Demetri looked confused, the rest of the students circling around. You sent Eli a worried look, one he returned.
“Go on, hit me,” Sensei ordered. 
Demetri got into the stance and attempted to throw a punch but was easily blocked, the hit not even hard.
“Harder,” he said. 
Reluctantly, Demetri did again but failed. The third time, Sensei actually flipped him onto his back. 
Demetri huffed out in pain and most likely embarrassed.
“Let that be a lesson to all of you,” Sensei pointed a finger around. 
You averted your gaze, fidgeting on your feet. You weren’t sure whether or not to call that a close one.
“Do you still want to go?” you asked Eli as you sat in study hall.
You felt more at ease now, Kyler not messing with any of you now knowing Miguel would beat his ass if he got caught messing with his friends. 
“Yeah,” he set his pen down. “I think what Sensei says is a little true,” he shrugged. 
“Me too,” you agreed. “I’m not happy about what he did to Demetri though,” you shrugged.
“He quit, so I don’t think that’ll be a problem anymore,” he responded. 
You nodded, deciding maybe it was for the best. He had a bad experience, but it was clear you two wanted to learn self-defense. 
“What about you though? He calls you “Lip”,” you furrowed your brows. 
“I can take it,” he averted your gaze, voice softening. “I want to go back,” he reassured.
You pressed your lips together. 
It was an easy answer, you were going back.
The third time’s a charm, right?
“Okay, everybody, fall in,” Sensei walked out of his office.
You and Eli took your places. 
“Where is everyone?” Sensei glanced around the emptier dojo. 
You glanced over your shoulder as he named out the hurtful nicknames he called out. 
Gee, wonder why they left. 
Part of you was proud of Eli, even after the bullying he received, he had the desire to come back. That took guts and it only made you like him more. 
“They quit, Sensei,” Miguel answered.
“Are you serious?” he dropped his arms to his side. “I mean, good, that was a test,” he recovered. “I wanted to see who the quitters were. Not you guys, you’re in it to win it, right?” he attempted to encourage and you gave in, nodding slightly. 
He went on, saying how you could be doing other things but instead chose to learn how to fight. Which you figured was a good thing.
“Lip. Look. Even Lip’s tougher than those guys,” he pointed at Eli.
You sighed out. This could have been better. 
“Could you please not call me that?” Eli spoke up, which caught you by surprise but your pride grew even though you weren’t sure how this would go again. 
He repeated what he said after Sensei didn’t catch it but Miguel butted in, hoping to diverge the situation.
“No, Lip has something he wants to say,” Sensei brushed off. “Sorry, speak up, Lip. Or is your tongue messed up too?” He taunted.
You saw the way Eli’s demeanor changed but you were unsure how to help. But your eyes widened when Sensei made a comment that didn’t sit well with you.
“Um, the doctor said I could be on the spectrum,” Eli reluctantly responded. 
Your heart fell. He shouldn’t have had to explain himself. 
Sensei made an obscure suggestion for him to “get off it pronto” and then followed with him getting surgery to “fix” his lip.
“I was born with a cleft lip. This is the scar from the surgery,” Eli explained. 
Part of you wanted to go up and kiss him right there to prove to everyone he wasn’t a loser. But you couldn’t find any ounce of courage within you to do it. 
“You mean it looked worse before?” Sensei’s brows rose.
“Can we change the subject?” Eli’s eyes darted across the room, unsure of how to diffuse the conversation. 
“I want to but it’s right in front of me,” Sensei made the situation worse. “If you don’t want to just be a nerd with a scar on his lip, then you gotta flip the script, okay?” He told him, bringing up more suggestions of getting a tattoo or a patch. 
The more he spoke, the more Eli got nervous. Without another thought, he walked out of the dojo through the back.
You hesitated running after him, but you were honestly afraid to face the scrutiny of Sensei. 
You would check on him after class you told yourself. 
And you did. 
You rode your bike to his house first thing after class.
Knocking on the front door, you wrung your lip between your teeth as you waited in anticipation.
“Hi, Mrs. Moskowitz, is Eli here? He left his shoes and bag at the dojo,” you held up his items. “He also hasn’t been responding to my messages,” you pulled your sleeves over your hands after she took his belongings from you.
“Hi, hon,” she greeted. “He’s not really up for company at the moment, I’m sure once he feels better he’ll talk,” she pressed her lips in a reassuring smile. 
“Okay, thanks. Can you let him know I just hope he’s okay?” you asked.
“For sure, but can you tell me what happened? He won’t talk,” her face pinched in concern as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“The teacher is a little tougher than we thought,” you shrugged, not wanting to give too much away since you knew Eli’s mom would blow things out of proportion.
You also knew Eli would rather forget about this ever happening. 
“Thanks for stopping by,” his mom nodded before shutting the door.
He wasn’t at school the next day either. 
You stared at your phone, going through the unreceived messages before locking it and throwing it in your bag. 
A few minutes later, class started. 
You were lined up next to Miguel when Sensei walked out in front of you. 
“Three more absences,” Miguel sighed.
“A bunch of pussies,” Aisha mocked.
“No, it’s my fault,” Sensei admitted and you were shocked. “Since you joined, I’ve been hard on you. But Cobra Kai is about strength. If you’re not strong on the inside, you can’t be strong on the outside,”
He went on to say that he once used to be a loser until he shed his skin and became badass.
You nodded along, each word hitting. You knew he was right and maybe that’s why you decided to come back even though your friend and boyfriend decided to quit. 
You didn’t want to be a loser anymore that was an easy target for Yasmine or Moon. You wanted to be the badass who knew how to stand up for herself. 
You knew deep down this is what you needed to do to get to that point.
Just then someone entered.
Your eyes widened in shock, heart rate rising as you stared at the boy with the blue mohawk. 
He radiated such confidence that you gravitated towards him. When you glanced into his eyes, that’s when you realized who it was.
“Eli?” you furrowed your brows, staring at the boy you fell in love with in kindergarten who looked entirely different.
“I took your advice, and decided to flip the script,” he smirked.
The tone of his voice, his stance, his gaze—he was an entirely different person.
You were taken aback…in a good way. 
“Woah, you’re the kid with the lip?” Sensei Lawrence pointed at him. “You see, this is what I’m talking about,” he smiled as he pumped his fist. “Hawk,” he snapped his fingers. “Fall in”.
The name was fitting.
He stood next to Aisha.
Sensei scanned across the room before he opened his mouth, standing in front of Hawk.
“Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?” he asked him.
“No, Sensei,” Hawk squared his shoulders. 
“Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?” 
“No, Sensei,” Aisha shook her head.
“Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?” 
“No, Sensei,” Miguel affirmed.
With approval, Sensei turned around before he shouted, “Class, are you ready to learn the way of the fist?”
You all responded firmly.
“Yes, Sensei!”
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negansbackdoorwhore · 2 years
The Cell Pt. 1
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Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing
“Don’t tell me. You’re back again?” It was late at night and everyone was asleep. Except for Negan and her. The girl who would visit everyday and talk until someone told her to get back to work. At least twice a day and once in a while there would three visits. Negan never minded it since it got lonely and how staring at the same walls was boring.
“Yeah. It’s me.” She says as she snuck into the dark area and the moon light hit past his small window.
“Well, what is it now?” He asked while sitting up on his bed and looking through the bars. His elbows rested on his knees as he looked at her. She stood before him again, she looked more nervous this time.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s just, I think I’ve given all the advice I have. And all the bitching I could spew about being stuck here. So what else is there?” His hand scratched his bearded cheek and watched her come closer to the bars.
“Well I just like talking to you.” She said and raised a hand to hold onto one of the cold bars.
“Yeah? Or are you just tugging my nuts to hear whatever bullshit those assholes want to know?” He saw the immediate panic at how her hand visibly tightened around the metal.
“No way. I would never do that and I…” Negan started to giggle and stood up from his bed.
“Just fucking with you. I know you’re not like that, if you were I’d be more passive with you.” She relaxed and let out a breath.
“But I’m still curious, why are you always here? Why do you keep wasting your time by coming down here?” Negan stared at her while her fingers started to play along the bar.
“I don’t think it’s a waste of time. I like you, I like you a lot.”
He eyes widened and immediately started laughing. Partially because of how sudden it came out and how it seemed to be a lie. His hand ran down his face and he looked toward the window.
“You think you can just play with me because you’re bored?” She stood a bit taken back from his words.
“Y/N. Do you seriously have nothing better to do?”
“What do you mean? I come here because I like you and want to spend time with you.” His hands were on his hips and he looked toward her. She stood still but he felt as if he was looking a barking dog with their tail held low. She stood her ground and felt so nervous. He stepped toward the bars and watched her tighten up.
“So, you care about me in that kind of way.”
“Yes.” She spoke up and flinched when he leaned to rest his elbows on the bars.
“Do you have any idea what the people will think if they find that shit out? They will hate you, not as much as they hate me but still.” He licked his lips and looked at her up and down.
“I don’t care about that. I care about you.”
“Why would you want someone like me? I know they probably told you about all the things I’ve done. All the people I hurt…” His head going down as hs felt the pain of living with the shit I did.
“I just can’t believe you have those feelings for me. I can’t believe it, how am I supposed to know that you’re telling the truth.”
“Sometimes you just don’t know.” She said above a whisper.
“Prove it.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me Y/N. Prove to me that you actually feel this way about me.” She hesitated and Negan scoffed at her changing her demeanor.
“Guess it was bullshit afterall.” He sighed and moved away from the bars to lean on the cold wall. “Just when I thought there was some excitement.”
She shook her head and started to fiddle with her pocket. Negan noticed and his eyes widened to see her pulling out a key. He watched her unlock the cell door to take one step inside.
“Holy shit. Aren’t you fucking brave. How did you know I won’t just run off or something?”
“I don’t. But I’m willing to prove my feelings for you.”
He started to laugh as he just couldn’t believe what was happening. Especially with the options given before him, does he run or stay.
“I’m just not understanding why you want me. Someone who’s fucked up and has done so many fucked up things.” He sat back down on his bed as his mind ran with all the memories.
“The thing is that, you can do so much better than me.”
“I don’t want anyone else.” She says and holds her ground.
“I’ve always felt so grateful because of the way you treated me and how I enjoyed every little conversation we’ve shared.” Negan steps closer and is only mere inches from her.
“Grateful, for you. Only you.” He says as he reached to hold her face between his hands. He then leaned down to kiss her lips. She was startled at first but made no move to pull away. He savored this moment as he slowly took control. For one because she deserved it and second was because he’s missed the touch of a woman. Her hands held onto the fabric of his shirt as he held her close.
“I still think you’re crazy for this.” He mentioned and gently nuzzled his nose into your neck. He was holding onto your waist and your arms held on his shoulders.
“Can I be yours?” He chuckled and placed a chaste kiss on your neck.
“Only if you let me be yours in return.”
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koko-doodle · 6 months
Demon Vamp AU: Chapter 4
Summary: You’ve met two monsters now, brothers as it seems. What happens next, what kind of impression will you get from these strange monster twins?
Words: 3,136
Chapter 1: Life’s End
Chapter 2: Life Anew
Chapter 3: The Meeting
Chapter 4: First Impressions
AO3 Link
“You’ve been through a lot in the past 24 hours, I am certain you must be hungry or thirsty at least.” The monster in front of you says.
”No.” You quickly respond, hearing the word thirsty made you uncomfortable. You had only been a hybrid vampire for an hour, drinking blood…. was the last thing you wanted to do, now or anytime in the future. The monster seemed to understand where your thoughts were and his smile softened.
“I meant food dear, regular food. And a drink of water maybe? Or milk, we might even have some juice too if you’d prefer that.” He taps a finger on his temple while he looks over to the fridge with a thoughtful gaze. “I have quite a few things I can make; are you in the mood for some breakfast food or would you like something more like lunch? It may be afternoon already but you are just getting up.” He chuckles.
“You mean… you aren’t going to force me to…” You trial off, not even wanting to say the words out loud.
“Drink blood?” He finishes for you. “No, you will need to at some point but not right at this moment. You have enough to try and digest already, we don’t need to push things so quickly. Let’s just take things one step at a time, okay friend?”
You hear the vampire mutter something to himself across the room, glaring unhappily at the monster in front of you. It didn’t seem like he liked the idea of taking things slow but the monster simply waved a hand at him without turning to look at him.
“And don’t mind him, his bark is worse than his bite. He’s really just a shy monster with terrible social skills.”
“Excuse me?!” The vampire snaps.
“You know, we haven’t even had a proper introduction! How rude of me, terribly sorry friend. My name is Sun, the grump over there is my brother Moon. And you are?”
You give him your name and he gives you a small bow.
“Well it is lovely to meet you, albeit under…. troublesome circumstances.” You must have had an unpleasant look on your face because he nervously adjusted his collar and cleared his throat with an awkward smile.
“So, back to business! If you could have any kind of food right now what would it be? What sounds good to you? What are you craving right this very second?” Sun says, apparently still focused on feeding you.
“I don’t understand… Why would a vampire need food?” You ask confused. Moon bursts into laughter and Sun stifles a laugh himself.
“Vampires don’t only drink blood dear, that’s a human myth. We need it to survive, yes, but we can’t survive on blood alone. We eat food just like any other monster or human.” Sun replies, hiding his laughter behind a soft smile.
“I find human knowledge of monsters so funny, like, how did you manage to get the biology of monsters so wrong over the past 500 years? Did your ancestors not write that down somewhere?” Snarks moon in between laughs.
“It’s not- ahem. It’s not funny” Sun corrects, clearing laughter from his own throat. “Don’t be afraid to ask questions, I encourage you to. I uh, apologize for the inappropriate reaction, your question just caught us off guard.”
Moon is still chuckling in the corner, amused. You frown, diverting your gaze from the brothers. If they were human you might have been embarrassed by them laughing at you but they weren’t, it only made you mad and uncomfortable.
“So, food?” Sun asks again.
You sigh. “Anything?” You ask, figuring he wouldn’t stop asking til you answer. “Mmhm!” He nods. It took you a moment to think of something but an answer did eventually come to you. “French toast kind of sounds good...” You reply softly.
“Mmm good choice!” He claps, making his way to the fridge. “I have some eggs I actually need to use up so that works out perfectly. Do you want a drink while you are waiting? It will only take me a few minutes to whip it up for you.” He pulls a carton of eggs and milk out of the fridge and sets them on the counter.
”Just some water…” You respond, watching him busy at work gathering more things from various cabinets.
“Make me some too while you’re at it, that sounds good.” Moon chimes in with a mouthful of chips, shoving the bag back into the cabinet he was digging through.
“You can make your own, I’m still mad at you.” Sun retorts, cracking eggs into a bowl.
“Wha- seriously?! You are going to be all petty over this?” Moon says annoyed.
”We will discuss this later when we don’t have a guest listening.” Sun replies.
“You’re joking right? You’re really that mad?” Moon jests.
“LATER Moon.” Sun snaps back in a sharp tone. “Now be useful and get our friend a drink please.”
Moon grumbles angrily but eventually walks to a cabinet and grabs a glass, he then fills it with water from a pitcher he pulled from the fridge and slams the door shut making glass clink loudly together from within. When Sun shoots an unpleasant glance at him he just responds “Oops” and makes his way to you to hand you the drink. So far these two act like a pair of young teenagers or children, you had seen similar behavior in the youth around the towns you patrolled. You never had siblings so you can’t relate to the feeling of sibling rivalry but you at least know what it looks like. You can’t tell their age exactly but you guess they might be just a bit older than you, in appearance at least. Or were they younger than you? How do you even tell a monster's age?
”You are welcome to have a seat at the table while things cook, don’t feel like you have to stand there the whole time.” Sun says cheerily while whisking the egg mixture together with some spices.
You comply, sitting down at the small table that is directly across from the island that sat at the center of the room. You take small sips of the water and the cool sensation feels good against your dry throat and mouth. Moon takes a seat at a chair across the table from you and fiddles with the bell on his hood, soft chimes echoing in the room occasionally. He doesn’t look at you directly, he steals glances when you are busy observing other things around the room but as soon as you start to look back his way he shifts his gaze in the opposite direction. This went on for several minutes, the only sound was the sizzling of the stove Sun was cooking on and Moon’s bell. It was weird and kind of annoying. He clearly isn’t afraid to speak his mind so why he was avoiding you now is odd.
“What?” You bark after having enough of his strange staring. “What yourself, what’s your problem now?” He retorts.
”You’re staring at me, stop it.” You grumble.
“Don’t flatter yourself, I’m not staring at you. I’m simply observing you.” His bell jingles and he gives a sly smile.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I’m able to see you in more detail with the light, I can see better how inhuman you look now.” He places an elbow on the table and leans his head into his hand. “How does it feel to be a monster now dearest?” He sneers with a wicked smile.
You were about to protest with a snide remark when a wet towel hits him right in the face with a loud SMACK. He jolts back in his chair and rips the towel off his face in surprise, turning his head to glare angrily at Sun who was approaching with a plate in hand.
“Oops.” Sun says dully. “My hand slipped.” He sets the plate in front of you where two pieces of French toast were stacked artfully on top of another with a light dust of powdered sugar on each piece. There was a little square of butter on the top that was starting to melt into the bread, it smelled delicious and looked like something you would be served at a fancy diner of some sort.
“Here you go! It’s my mother’s special recipe, perfectly sweet but a hint of spice for some extra flavor. One of my favorite breakfast go-to’s as well.” He smiles down at you. “Oops! I forgot the syrup, silly me.” He makes his way back to the counter grabbing a bottle of syrup, some utensils, and another plate. He places the bottle and utensils in front of you then sets the other plate down in front of a chair next to you. He looks over to Moon who is still wiping the water from his face with a displeased look. “There is batter and bread on the counter, feel free to cook it yourself.” Sun says with a passive aggressive tone as he sits down.
Moon growls yet again glaring daggers at his brother who gives no reaction of course, until he finally relents and gets up to begin cooking his own breakfast for lunch. Sun waited patiently for you to pour the syrup on your plate before he did the same, although he didn’t start eating right away. He watches you with an eager expression as you take your first bite, that is, after he stared at you awkwardly enough for you to understand that he wanted you to start eating first. The taste was sweet mostly from the syrup and had the classic French toast flavor you were familiar with but there was a hint of something else. A spice taste lingered in your mouth after you had swallowed but it was not a hot kind of spice, it was a nutty and woody kind of flavor that reminded you of Christmas time. It was delicious.
“Sooooo? What do you think? And be honest, I haven’t cooked for many humans before so I don’t know if it’s an acquired taste or not.” He says.
”It’s good, I don’t think I’ve had any French toast that tastes like this before. What is that aftertaste?” You ask.
“Ground cinnamon and vanilla with a hint of nutmeg. Gives a little more kick to the flavor besides just eggs, milk, and bread.” He hums a soft laugh. “If you want more just let me know, I’m happy to get it for you.”
”Thanks…” You say softly.
It felt odd to thank a monster but he had been nothing but kind to you since you met, it seemed rude to not say something for preparing you a meal. Your head starts to spin with questions, not like you didn’t have many before but now it was hard to get your mind to focus on just one. Why was this monster being so nice to you? His brother was threatening to kill you moments earlier, didn’t he feel the same way? What did he mean when he said he ‘hasn’t cooked for a lot of humans’, were other humans down here? Where exactly is here anyway? And what was going to happen after you finished eating? It didn’t seem like Sun was going to let Moon treat you poorly at least, but he also gave no indication you could go back to the small village you patrolled. What would Jeremy or Mike think if they saw you, would they even recognize you? Probably not… Your life as a human is gone, even if you could manage to escape any knight would drive a blade straight through your heart the moment they see you.
Sun notices you stop eating and stare blankly at your plate, a hollow expression on your face. He sets his fork down gently.
“Hey, I know this is a lot to process and I can’t even imagine how you feel right now…” He pauses giving you a saddened look as if he is searching for the right words to say. “Why would you care how I feel? You don’t even know me…” You whisper, not sure if you even said it out loud or not.
“You’re right, I don’t. But I would like to.” He replies. “I know humans and monsters haven’t gotten along in the past but that doesn’t mean that is how it has to be. A lot of us don’t want a war, we don’t take pleasure in killing or fighting any more than humans do. We may be different in appearance and ability but that doesn’t make us evil. We aren’t soulless killers.”
”But villages and cities… they are being attacked by monsters, I’ve fought in them first hand I know what it looks like. Supplies are stolen, houses raided, humans injured or killed, brutally most of the time. How can you say you aren’t evil when you’ve only shown hostility towards us?” You ask.
”Have you ever given us a chance to speak for ourselves?” Moon says, placing his plate on the table loudly. “Your kind locked us down here under a barrier for 5 centuries, did you really think that wouldn’t cause hard feelings if the barrier were to ever break?” He sits, snatching the bottle of syrup.
”What my brother means is, yes there are some monsters who do resent humans for what they did but it is a small minority. Most of us just want to live in peace, to coexist once again like we had before the war.” Sun states.
“But you humans made your assumptions about all monsters based on the actions of a few. You’ve put your defenses up so high, we couldn’t approach you even if we tried. You’re humans, we’re monsters, you don’t care if we want to be friends; you strike first and ask questions later.” Moon shoves a big bite of French toast in his mouth and Sun sighs.
“That’s not true!” You argue.
”Isn’t it?” Moon says with a mouthful.
“Moon, manners.” Sun jabs a glare at him but he just shrugs.
You think about what he was saying and the more you think about it, the more you realize it might be true. You were told from the beginning that monsters were bad, that they want nothing more to enslave humanity but that was based on knowledge from hundreds of years ago. If people can change so can monsters, maybe humans had thrown up their defenses too quickly. Moon might have a point, and that thought filled you with rage.
“If you want to be friends with humans so bad then why would you turn one? Why threaten to kill them moments after you claim you ‘saved’ their life. If being forced to become your play thing is what you call friendship then I’ll gladly decline your generous offer.” You hiss, your mind flitting back to earlier when he threw you against the wall. “If you truly want to make peace then reverse what you did and let me go.”
Moon only smiles and chuckles sinisterly, taking another bite of his food.
“I’m afraid that isn’t possible…” laments Sun. You look at him, trying not to let a pleading expression cross your face. “Vampire blood now runs in your veins and it’s bonded to your soul, your body has undergone a permanent physical transition. There is no way to undo it, even if we could you would go back to how you were before the blood entered your system which means you would be dead. What's done cannot be undone… I’m sorry…” He reaches out a hand and places it gently on yours, trying to comfort you.
You pull your hand away from his.
”So that’s it then. I’m stuck like this with no choice but to be some sort of hybrid pet for you to play with? Just some- some THING that isn’t supposed to even exist. Something to keep you entertained from your boring lives!” You huff, your gaze looking coldly across the table at Moon. “I’d rather be dead.”
They both say nothing. Moon stops eating and fiddles with the fork in his hand, your stare seeming to make him consider the situation for the first time. Sun looks at you, to his brother, then resigns to staring at his plate. You all sat in silence for what seemed like forever, not knowing what to say next. It was taking everything in you not to let all the weight of your thoughts come crashing down on you. You feel helpless and vulnerable, the same feelings you felt when your parents died. You’re alone again. The unknown of the future and great burden from the events unfolding, it was making you feel sick to your stomach.
“I don’t know what my brother has said to you but I do know that what he did was wrong and unfair. He had no right to do what he did to you but I can promise that you are not going to be some pet.” Sun says softly, his words feeling like they echo through the room. “We’ll help you through this, teach you what you need to know and answer any questions you have. We will go at your pace, whatever you feel comfortable with. You have my word that no harm will come to you while you are here. You will not be forced to do anything you don’t want to.”
Sun’s eyes lock with yours and you can see very faint indications of pale irises that you hadn’t noticed before. His expression is genuine, showing no sign of ill intent or hostility. He has a softer aura about him that Moon doesn’t have, a friendly and inviting one that makes you feel like you can truly trust him and his word. His actions in the short time you’ve known each other have been nothing but kind, maybe this monster really could be trusted. Perhaps even a chance that you could be friends.
“Is that enough to put your mind at ease at least a little?” Sun asks, concern in his voice.
You look over to Moon, his eyes narrow as his gaze was set on his brother then briefly flits to you. There was an expression there that only lasted a split second, so brief that you feel you could have imagined it. It wasn’t a look of frustration or anger, when his eyes shifted between the two of you, it was… softer. Guilt maybe? Concern? Confusion? No. Whatever it was it was hidden well behind his cold, sharp eyes. He was heartless, he made that very clear already.
You take a deep, shaky breath.
“It’s a start.”
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themirokai · 11 months
Too Much To Drink
A Mystrade Fic by MiroKai
Around Halloween 2021, the @mystradepromptsandscenarios prompt was "I'm not drunk enough for this" and I wrote Not Drunk Enough (which didn't get posted until December of that year but who's counting?). When this week's prompt was "I've had too much to drink tonight" I knew I had to do a follow up. You can probably read this as a standalone, but the other one is short, so consider reading that one first if you like context.
Mycroft has a bit too much to drink at a Halloween fancy dress party.
You can read the whole story here or on AO3.
Mycroft Holmes had a rather absurd amount of self-control, Greg reflected as he watched his husband from across the fancy dress party. To most of the guests - everyone but him and Anthea, probably - Mycroft probably appeared a bit reserved and quiet. Greg was impressed. He had seen Mycroft drunk plenty of times, but almost all of those were in private and the few times when they had overindulged at a restaurant there was no one else around who they knew, and they generally went straight from their table to the car. 
But here, Mycroft was holding it together in front of a number of Greg’s and Sally’s colleagues, and while Greg hadn’t been watching Mycroft’s glass all night, he’d seen it refilled a number of times and he knew how light his flask was from the drive over. 
Mycroft was betrayed - to Greg, at least - by a looseness, a softness that usually only came out when he and Greg were alone, secluded in the privacy of their home, the work of a nation set aside. Greg could see it in how Mycroft held his glass, how he leaned against the wall, how his eyes - far from their usual sharpness - roamed the room aimlessly. 
“Oh, you’ve got it bad.” 
Greg, startled, turned back to the sergeant he had ostensibly been talking to. “What’s that?” 
The sergeant nodded at Mycroft. “How long you been married to Mr. Mystery, Boss?” 
“Two years,” Greg answered automatically, still not sure how the conversation had gotten here. “Three in May.” 
The sergeant took a swig from their drink. “Yeah? And how long together before you tied the knot?” 
“About five years. Why-” 
“Seven years?” The sergeant whistled. “And you’re still mooning after him like a smitten teenager? I gotta find me someone like that.” 
Greg realized that he had completely zoned out on their conversation and grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, Sarge.” 
The sergeant waved that away, then pointed a finger at him. “I’m gonna tell you the same thing I would tell you if you were a smitten teenager. Go make a pass. At least you know he’s going home with you.” The sergeant barked a laugh, then clapped Greg on the arm and went off, presumably to talk to someone more attentive. 
Smiling, Greg threaded his way through the room to Mycroft’s side. A smile spread across Mycroft’s face as he saw Greg approach. It wasn’t a normal smile Mycroft would use in public: calculated to the millimeter. Instead it was a sleepy, languid thing that nearly stole Greg’s breath. Smitten teenager indeed. 
“Hello, darlin’,” Greg beamed at him. Up close he could see a bright flush on Mycroft’s cheeks and he strongly suspected it was from more than just the warmth of the great coat. 
“Gre- HIC! Mm, excuse me.” Mycroft pressed his slender fingers to his mouth. 
Greg couldn’t help but laugh as he wrapped his arm around Mycroft’s waist. “How are you doing?”
Mycroft blinked. “I am perfectly satisfactory. Thank you.” He spoke a bit slowly, but his diction was perfect. Suspiciously perfect. 
Greg raised an eyebrow at him. “Perfectly satisfactory, hm?” 
Mycroft hiccuped again then leaned forward conspiratorially. “Gregory, do you see the young woman in the blue cape?” 
Greg had seen her earlier. “Yes…” 
“It is a - HIC! - lovely garment. I think I should get a cape. I would look quite fesshhn…” Mycroft frowned. “Fechn.” His brow wrinkled in concentration. “Fetching. I would look quite fetching. HIC!” 
Greg grinned and reached up to brush his fingers over a flushed cheek. “Yeah, you’d look gorgeous in a cape, darlin’.” Greg kissed his cheek. “Seems you got drunk enough for this party.” 
Mycroft sniffed and turned up his nose. “I’ve no idea wha- HIC! - what you mean.” 
“Uh huh.” Greg ran his tongue over his teeth. “Care to walk a straight line for me, darlin’?” 
“‘S ‘mpossible.” Mycroft gestured vaguely at the room. “Too many people. And objess. HIC!” 
“That,” Greg said, “and you’re well and truly pissed.” 
Before Mycroft could retort, Sally stopped in front of them, smiling broadly. Her eyes were a little glassy and her flower crown was askew. “You lot alright?” she asked. 
“Yeah, all good, Sal.” Greg smiled at her warmly. “The party’s great, but we’re going to head home.” 
“Aww,” Sally pouted, then threw her arms around Greg’s neck. “Thanks for coming, Lestrade.” 
“My pleasure,” he told her, patting her back.
Sally released him and turned to Mycroft. “C’mere, Posh!” 
She grabbed him in a hug around his chest and Mycroft was surprised into a hiccup. Sally released him and Mycroft swayed a little, blinking slowly. He focused on Sally determinedly. 
“Sargenn Dono… Donvin. This ‘s been a verr charming party. HIC!” 
Sally’s jaw dropped and her eyes grew wide as she looked between Greg and Mycroft. 
Mycroft swayed a bit more and Greg wrapped an arm around him. 
“Feeling a bit worse for wear, Mr. Holmes?” Sally asked. 
“Nonsense. Perfec… perfeckly satsfactry.”
Sally’s grin could only be described as ‘shit-eating’. 
“I’m gonna get him home, Sal,” Greg said as Mycroft leaned against him more heavily. 
“That seems like a good idea,” she said. “Let me get Thea to say goodbye.” 
Sally moved off and Greg pulled out his mobile to text their driver. Text sent and acknowledged, Greg positioned himself under Mycroft’s arm, with a hand on his chest and his arm around his back. 
“Come on, darlin’. Let’s get you out of here.” 
Mycroft hiccuped again and muttered something about the room being too wobbly. Greg started towards the door, compensating for Mycroft’s unsteady gait. 
They were almost there when Anthea stepped in front of them. A slight smirk broke her normal impassive expression. “You enjoyed yourself?” she asked Mycroft. 
“You have verr. Very good Scotch. HIC! An you gave me quite a lot of it,” Mycroft said, clearly making an effort to keep his diction under control. 
“I did promise to get you drunk enough for the experience,” she said, then turned to Greg. “I hope you enjoyed yourself as well, Lestrade.”
“Yeah, really good time. Wonderful party. Thanks, Anthea.”
She slipped one water bottle into the pocket of Mycroft’s great coat and another into Greg’s jacket pocket, then kissed Greg on the cheek. 
“Do you need any help getting him to the car?” 
“Nah.” Greg looked up at Mycroft who hiccuped. “You can walk, can’t you, darlin’? Just a bit wobbly.” 
“Alright, safe travels then,” Anthea said, opening the door for them. 
“Good night, Anthea,” Greg said. 
“HIC! G’night my dear.” 
Greg guided Mycroft out of the building and into the cool October air. The street was empty and Greg took his hand off Mycroft’s chest to pull out his mobile. The car should be there in another minute or two. He looked back at Mycroft to see him smiling at Greg blearily. 
“Yur verrr pretty,” Mycroft slurred. 
Greg chuckled. “Thanks, love. You’re not so bad yourself.” 
“Gregry, ‘s posssbl I’ve had - HIC! - too mussh to drink tonight.”
“You don’t say?” Greg laughed. “You’re so much drunker than I realized, just seeing you from across the room. You were really keeping it together.” 
“Speaking’s more difficult than standing. HIC! An I knew you’d take care ‘f me. Knew I could...” Mycroft gestured vaguely. "Let go. HIC!" 
Greg swallowed down a lump in his throat. It may have been seven years, but it never ceased to astonish him that this secretive, polished man had chosen Greg as the person he let see his frailties and flaws. As the one person who he let care for him. “Yeah, darlin’,” Greg said as the car pulled up. “I’ve got you.” 
Once in the back seat, Mycroft quickly settled with his head on Greg’s shoulder. 
“Love you, Gregry,” he mumbled as he fell asleep. 
Greg kissed the top of his head. “Love you too.” 
Thanks for reading! Writing Mystrade always feels like coming home for me.
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annkous · 1 year
Here we are on lesson 24, also known as: Asmo's Mess.
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Solmare's still mean with cliffhangers btw o(-<
Lesson 23 here, where we helped Mammon settle with his Greed and it ended with us seeing Lust/Desire creeping up on Asmo.
We start the lesson with all of them in a RAD classrom with Diavolo announcing they'll be getting a full day of mock classes, taught by... Lucifer. None's happy about it. People get distracted, erasers fly around hitting people and as always, you're caught in the middle of some mess as Asmo passes you a note. Lucifer's not happy, but Asmo's bored out of his mind and just charms Lucifer so he cuts class short.
Not a good sign that he can do that to Lucifer. here's where I wondered if Asmo being able to charm us some lessons prior was due to his growth in power or because we were really weak.
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It doesn't end there, though. Asmo immediately puts his charms to work on everyone to do his bidding. He makes Beel stay put as a windshield, he makes Belphie run for drinks, he makes Satan do his homework, Mammon go fetch nailpolish...
You can call him out on what he's doing is wrong, but he's not listening. Asmo tries to use the charm again on Lucifer to make him bark like a dog, but Lucifer being Lucifer, has built up a resistance and is very pissed off at Asmo and the treatment he's giving his brothers.
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For some reason I can't comprehend, he's also pissed at the others for not being able to resist Asmo, nor building up a resistance just like he did, and pins the blame on every single soul around.
I think it's a bit of foreshadowing on his own shit coming up, because this makes no sense to me whatsoever. The brothers even call him out on it, but he's not having it. You're all punished with going to take care of Cerberus. That's a gift for me tbh. But goddamn. He's such a dick in this scene. I can think he's worried his brothers are not growing strong enough, but that's not how you do it. He gets no excuse.
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Welp, off to go take care of a big dog. You all have to clean and feed him. None wants to be there, not even you, and you can complain about it lol but hey, we're the devilsitter. We have to be with them, even when they're sent to do their punishment.
Down there in the catacombs where Cerberus is, we get the "this menacing growling noise isn't actually Beel's stomach" gag that never gets old to me.
There's some minor complications while doing the Cerberus task, as expected, and Asmo gets fed up. However since it's his fault you're all stuck down there and he's even saying "you should all be grateful to be around me", a full fight ensues where Mammon just snaps at him and says he's not beautiful at all. Asmo immediately goes berserk.
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Thankfully, the rest recognize it's the same power/breakdown that had happened to Mammon and try to run, but Asmo charms them all in place. You're the only one who's able to run away, and Asmo's hot on your heels, trying to charm you as well.
Lucifer appears right in the nick of time, just like last time with Mammon, but this time it's not easy for him. Asmo's power is out of control, and not even Lucifer can withstand it this time just like before. He tries to snap Asmo out of it, but it doesn't work.
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Lucifer tells you that he won't be able to resist for much longer, and that you should go get Solomon.
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You can try and say "no!" to avoid leaving him behind, but knowing how Lucifer thinks, it's better if you just listen to him and go since it's the only way out. If you stay, the time he wins might be for nothing. Look what I'm saying is just say "got it" when he tells you to go to gain some points with him www
Lucifer successfully teleports you away from Asmo and to Cocytus Hall, where Solomon is "cooking" in peace.
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I love Sol to the moon and back but my mc's a disaster gremlin. It was obvious what I was gonna pick. Anyways after almost snapping his neck (deserved /j), he agrees to help, so off you two go back to the House of Lamentation, where things have gotten pretty bad now that Asmo has all the brothers under his charm.
(You can ask about Simeon and Luke for points, and Solomon will tell you that they're at the Demon Lord's Castle, so they're safe. He also texted them to stay the night there for good measure.)
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You try reaching out to Asmo, but there's still no change. The brothers, however, do hear you, but they can do nothing. All they do is tell you to run before he gets you, but Asmo hears this and is not happy that, even when they're supposed to be serving him, they're thinking about you.
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I loved this confrontation with Asmo. He zeroes on you and the attention the brothers give you. He outright calls you a nuisance, and oh boy, Solomon hears that and immediately springs into action with a smile on his face.
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I personally like how unhinged Solomon gets if anyone dares to lay a hand on you. Not even that, this was just an insult. One of my fav changes from the og game to nightbringer. Anyways-
Both go on a full showdown, fighting left and right. Solomon's more weak than usual (as we already know), which is not good considering Asmo's the one with the power boost right now. Solomon tries to subdue Asmo, but it doesn't work, so he decides to do "something I really didn't want to have to do, because know I will get yelled at later."
And he just summons Barbatos, who knows Asmodeus out flat with one hit.
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Well, that worked.
After bringing a knocked out Asmo to his room to rest (and ordering everyone else to rest too after being under Asmo's charm) you hear that Barbatos is not happy about being summoned by Solomon, even if it was an emergency, and is making sure Solomon knows about it lmao.
He's also worried his sudden disappearance has scared Luke. You see, it's moments like these that make me think that even if Barbatos is Nightbringer, he's not bad, and I'd trust his reasoning for doing this with my life. He'd still the scolding of a lifetime, though.
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Anyways they keep fighting- please stop-
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They eventually realize they need Little D. Nº. 5 to help Asmo the same way they've helped Mammon, so off you three go to the Demon's Lord Castle.
Little D. Nº5 is in the Secret Flower Garden, which is not a Fun Place, apparently. But you're willing to go there to save Asmo (yay! points with Asmo AND Solomon ;u; you can tell they care about each other a lot more than they show)
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And so we go in with an entourage... made of Barbatos and Solomon. Not a good combo, considering they're in bad terms lmao so off you go again, except it's awkward because they're not talking and we don't seem to like the silence. So we try filling it with talk and then-
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-AAAAAAND HERE ENDS THE LESSON, GIVING US A CLIFFHANGER. I haven't been frustrated with a cliffhanger in this game for a while aaAAAAAAAAAAA UGH. ANYWAYS. We have a video call, but since it's related to a chat you get after finishing hard mode, so I'll put both together at the end.
The extra lesson is right after the charm effects wear off on Lucifer in the class at the beginning of the Lesson. As revenge, he turns Asmo into a frog. I have to admit it was kinda funny, until he turned everyone else into a frog because they were laughing at Asmo.
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BITCH WHY?????? WHAT DID I EVEN DO?????? See what I mean when I said he's acting a bit more of an asshole than ususal-
The rest just beg Lucifer to spare you, so he does. But he's not done messing with everyone. He says kissing the frogs is the only way to undo the curse and asks you if you're willing to kiss these frogs to help them...
But the effects wear out on their own, and Lucifer admits he was just joking about needing to kiss them. Satan's the one that looks the most disappointed at the revelation, mind you wwww
The extra scene in hard mode is Simeon with Diavolo, commenting about the Founding Ceremony. Simeon says he can hardly wait, and Diavolo asks about if it would be possible for Michael to attend (!!!) and Simeon answers "he's too lazy to make the trip". I nearly screamed remembering he's been down here already as Raphael just to see Lucifer. I'm gonna cry.
Simeon does think that Michael might come just to see Lucifer. They're really hinting at him attending the Founding Ceremony, so I've got to wonder if he's really gonna show up, or if we're gonna do the Ceremony and THEN he will appear the next season as an exchange student. Simeon also comments that he wasn't the one supposed to come down to the Devildom-Raphael was, but he just begged and begged until he was given permission. He really wanted to see Lucifer so badly ;;
But then they comment on Lucifer and you, and how you two might be really important to the bridge they're trying to form between the Devildom and the Celestial Realm, and just about the Three Realms alltogether.
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The scene ends with Luke running at them in a panic because Barbatos has just disappeared on him as they were baking together. Well, we know now at which exact moment this scene takes place lol.
So, the video call that you get at the end of the normal lesson AND the chat you get at the end of the hard mode...
The video call is all the brothers (sans Asmo, because he's conked out) commenting on various things, namely how they're on different rooms in case Asmo wakes up before you manage to grab the Little D. so he can't get to all of them at the same time, how they're worried about you (aw) even if you're with Solomon and Barbatos, and Lucifer with a really soft voice wondering how's Asmo. I'm not biased I swear-uh. Since Asmo's asleep, the brothers joke around about taking revenge about the charm thing, and how painting on his face might do the trick.
Beel, being the voice of reason, (and I'd like to point out he's the voice of reason a lot of times throughout the games, and I don't think it gets addressed enough) tells Lucifer he should stop them...
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I enjoyed this call a lot. Every extra voice acting we get is a blessing. I feel like TWST has spoiled me on that regard lol
Then we have the group chat, where the brothers are writing to Asmo for when he wakes up and... well, I'll just show you. I said it was related to the video call, so you can get an idea of what's going on in there. It really made me laugh because I'm always happy to see them act as siblings lol
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The chat made everything end in a lighter note for me. You really can't help but love them.
I get that Asmo's problem feels different and more fast-paced because it didn't have the same build-up as Mammon's issue did, but seeing the limited number of lessons we get per season, it's understandable. I'm wondering if they can fit the five remaining brothers' issues and resolutions in the lessons that are left before we reach Lesson 30... They could put Beel and Belphie together to save time, but I feel like Beel deserves a bit more of spotlight so I want him to have his own miniplot here with his Sin.
Looks like we're miles away from the Founding Ceremony still, but we need all the pacts before the date arrives, so I guess it's a good thing lol. Anyways, that's all for the week! And go drink water.
Oh and the new German titles on the normal version cards (which I just put here for the fun of it) are: Bright Elf (Simeon) and Divergent Zwölf (Solomon). Then they go back to Prideful Eins with Lucifer. I kinda wanted to see Raphael, Mephisto and Thirteen, but I guess they don't get any cool German titles yet.
Edit: Lesson 25 is up!!
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https-furina · 1 year
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sugar ‘n’ spice — the official masterlist. gn!reader.
welcome to the official masterlist of my 100 follower celebration event! all prompts requested during the event’s span can be found here. characters are in no specific order.
to be continued means that there is prompts requested for them! the number in brackets is how many requests there are for them.
if it is marked with an asterisk * then it is platonic.
all my sugar ‘n’ spice works are tagged with — 🧁 sugar ‘n’ spice.
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♡ kaedehara kazuha | scarlet leaves pursue wild waves
✎ just a nightmare - [4] "it was just a nightmare, it's okay." ✎ the moon - [15] "look at the moon." ✎ one step at a time - [28] "gimme your hand." ✎ last minute decisions - [17] "i don't wanna go without you." ✎ the comfort only brothers give* - [4] "it was just a nightmare, it's okay."
♡ childe | tartaglia
✎ i wouldn't wanna fight you - [35] "i wouldn't wanna fight you. you're pretty feisty."
♡ albedo | kreideprinz
✎ the artist's model - [14] "your eyes are beautiful." ✎ trivial problems - [30] "thanks for marrying me."
♡ kaeya | frostwind swordsman
✎ nothing else matters - [19] "when i'm with you, nothing else matters." ✎ all bark, no bite - [35] "i wouldn't wanna fight you. you're pretty feisty."
♡ cyno | judicator of secrets
✎ tough crowd - [43] "that was the worst joke i've ever heard." ✎ excuses, excuses - [23] "my hands are cold" "is that a pickup line?"
♡ tighnari | verdant strider
✎ strong noise, stronger scents - [29] "you smell fantastic."
♡ scaramouche | balladeer
✎ grumpy meets clingy - [32] “don’t touch me while i’m trying to fall asleep.” ✎ means of silence - [26] "i love you, but you need to shut up."
♡ heizou | analytical harmony
✎ crime scene aftermath - [4] "it was just a nightmare." ✎ i want you instead - [38] "they're coming. kiss me!"
♡ alhaitham | admonishing instruction
✎ the books hold secrets untold - [45] “if i kiss you right now, i won’t be able to stop.”
♡ wanderer | eons adrift
✎ wish upon a star - [15] "look at the moon."
♡ venti | windborne bard
✎ the wind whispers secrets - [3] "well, if i tell you, then it wouldn't be a secret."
♡ thoma | protector from afar
✎ my favourite distraction - [22] "stop making me laugh!"
♡ xiao | vigilant yaksha
✎ a yaksha's comfort - [11] "you mean more than anything."
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© https-furina 2023.
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From this post: Reblog this if you want readers to come into your ask box and ask for the “director’s commentary” on a particular story, section of a story, or set of lines. 
Or, send in a ⭐star⭐  to have the author select a section they’ve been dying to talk about!
So I would love to talk about Get My Pretty Name Outta Your Mouth. One of my favorite stories I’ve written. Below the cut is an excerpt followed by some notes.
“I can’t let you take that with so little sleep. It’s dangerous for both of us. Trust me, one slip up, and one of us is down,” he warns, holding his ground.
“Marshall, get out of my way. We have a job to do.”
“No, I have a job to do. You’re off the clock. Go home, kid,” he urged, holding his position.
“You’re gonna have to take me out of this mission by force, Marshall. Otherwise, I’m-”
You did not get to finish that sentence before Walter was taking you down on your stomach. A strong arm fully extended holding your left shoulder, while your right wrist is being restrained, would have been enough. But, this was Marshall after all and if he was anything, he was thorough. He straddles your hips, with just enough pressure to keep you down, but not enough to scratch a certain itch.
“I didn’t wanna have to do that,” Walter breathes, winded slightly from the takedown, “but you gave me no choice.”
“Marshall, get the fuck off of me,” you growl, trying to buck him off.
“Yeah, kid, that’s not happening,” he spits, hooking his ankles over your thighs, “You’re lucky I don’t cuff you to keep you down.”
“So, what? You just looking for a reason to get me to obey you?” you challenge, struggling under his weight.
“As if you needed an excuse,” he laughs, straightening himself above you.
“Please! If you honestly think-”
“Give it a rest, I can smell your arousal from here,” he teased, lowering his hips a fraction and watching your squirm, “And before you say it’s not because of me, why couldn’t I smell it until after I had taken you down?”
“Fuck you, Marshall,” you scoff, trying to hold some semblance
“Yeah, maybe if you did, you could get some fucking sleep,” he offers, his left hand moving from your shoulder down your arm, “But here you are, stubborn as hell.”
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This story was a prompt fill for “enemies to lovers” (which I had never written before) and my oh my I had fun writing it. I wrote it while also writing the beginning of my series Bright Like The Moon, which also features Walter Marshall. But, a different version. In my opinion, these are different men.
It’s one of my most popular works and I love that for Walter. I hope more people realize how fucking amazing his character is. Watch Night Hunter if you haven’t. Walter is delicious.
I looked at Walter sort of like a wolf in this story, I even refer to him as "top dog" early in the story. Barking out orders, growling in your ear, holding you while he fucked you in the mating press. He was an animal. Smelling your arousal was another thing I added during the proofreading read-through.
I actually spoke with someone I used to work security with to find out what was the best tackle approach if you're straddling someone. Needless to say, that interaction started and ended a bit weirdly lol.
The whole calling you "kid" thing just came from me not liking when men called me something condescending like something you would call a small child. And Walter delivered his lines so well.
I love this story and love that people are still finding it months after I wrote it. This is one of my "put it on the fridge" works. LOL
Thank you for the ask, my love!!! And I hope you enjoyed a look into this story.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 5 months
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 28 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Dane Hunter
With a sharp bark to Freya, I circle behind a clump of bushes and Shift.
She does the same, emerging with her long hair pulled over her shoulders.
We keep a good distance between us, clothing ourselves in shadow.
Growing up in a family of Wolves, nudity is no big deal but we're still more modest in human form.
"What the fuck?" she mutters under her breath, turning in a slow circle.
The two moons are directly opposite one another, so we can't look at one while simultaneously looking at the other.
"Come here."
I beckon to her.
"Stand next to me but face the other way."
She obeys, so we stand shoulder to shoulder, facing opposite directions.
"What do you see?"
"The fuckin' moon," she says.
"Me, too."
Bypassing the fact that this is impossible, she remarks.
"It was higher than before."
"It's an illusion."
She huffs a laugh.
"I sure as hell hope so. I ain't ready for an alien incursion or broken reality or whatever else it might be."
"If I'm right, this isn't much better."
"The Fae?"
I nod.
"Mom mentioned something like it once."
I scratch the back of my head, wishing Noah was here.
He'd paid much better attention to all the Wolf-Fae lore than I ever had and I'd trusted him to have my back with the info in the unlikely event something like this came up.
Unfortunately, he's far away, absorbed with writing the book he hopes will make him famous or as famous as professors of linguistics can get.
"It's called a 'Confusion,'" I say.
"It happens when Fae magic is used to bend the rules of our world. Stories of people who get lost and end up miles from where they thought they were or who feel as if they've been gone only minutes but were missing for hours or days? Those people probably walked into something like this."
"You think it's Halloran?" I shake my head.
"Maybe but if so, he's not working alone. This is seriously complex magic. Come on... we need to find Ingrid and Julian."
"Human or Wolf?" she asks, meaning which form we ought to take. I think for a moment.
"Human. If there are other Fae here, especially Rhiannon, we don't want to give them any excuse not to try diplomacy first."
She scoffs under her breath.
"Kinda late for that, isn't it? This is an act of war."
"No, it's not," I mutter, eyes scanning the shadows beneath the trees.
"The ritual's not completed yet. Until it is, anyone has the right to challenge my claim... the Fae included."
"Shit. We don't even know which direction we're going. Should we split up?"
I growl in frustration.
"No. That's the worst thing we can do. We need to stick together and stay quiet."
"What about Ingrid?" Freya's whisper sounds strangely loud and I realize it's because the rest of the forest is silent.
"She's a Wolf. She can handle herself."
"She's just a kid," Freya hisses.
"And she's never been in a situation like this."
"Neither have we," I point out.
My voice sounds strangely calm in my own ears but the adrenaline in my veins is like fire as fear for my sister and Julian threatens to eclipse the rational part of my brain.
"Come on. We know the steep side of the ridge faces south and if we know we're looking south, we know the rest. Just ignore what's in the sky and focus on landmarks. We've been over this area enough in the last few days to have it memorized."
"Yeah," she grumbles as she falls into step at my side, keeping a few arm's lengths between us.
"That's probably what everyone who gets stuck in one of these things says."
I grunt a reply, most of my attention on our surroundings.
She's right, and no matter how careful we are or how certain of our location, we can't completely trust our senses.
Which is why, despite a burning desire to find my Mate, I don't call out to him.
If I hear his voice, I know I won 't be able to stop myself from bolting off towards the sound, despite the probability I'd be heading in the wrong direction.
We walk in silence for several minutes but we hear no further sounds... of Ingrid, Julian or otherwise... and the eerie stillness begins to grate on my nerves.
Worse, it already feels like we've been walking too long without coming across the familiar landmarks that we should have seen by now.
I'm about to say as much, when Freya stops in her tracks, staring straight ahead.
I follow the direction of her gaze and stop short as well as a shape emerges from the shadows at the base of a tree.
I've never seen her before but I recognize Rhiannon easily enough.
Freya stiffens, ready to Shift and attack at my sign but Rhiannon steps forward with raised hands.
She stops a dozen paces from us and looks between us with wide, familiar amethyst eyes.
Her resemblance to Julian is striking.
"Rhiannon," I state.
"Is this your doing?"
Slowly, she shakes her head, keeping her eyes locked with mine.
She flinches at his name but again shakes her head.
"Who, then?"
She begins to gesture with her hands... quick, flowing motions as Julian described.
It's clearly a kind of sign language but I have no clue what it means.
"I'm sorry. I don't understand."
Becoming agitated, she repeats the gestures and begins to back away.
"I think she wants us to follow her," Freya says, staring at the other woman with an intent, curious look.
I glance back at Rhiannon, who nods eagerly and beckons.
"Could be a trap," Freya cautions.
I shake my head.
"Something tells me it's not."
"And if you're wrong?"
"Then we'll find out," I say, and follow the Fae into the trees.
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sharannya · 5 months
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So our heroine Swamini is with me we have planed to go out together, we are at a place for our dinner we are like wearing mast clothes and all (Swamini looking phataka) so we sat on our table and as I was glaring here and there while mini was ordering for us mujhe kya dikhta hai pata hai ki ek ladka duur se humare auur dekh raha hai maine dhyan se usse dekha toh samajh Aaree yeh toh sahil hai swamini ka guum hua tha woh pehela pyaar. I saw him and I was confused to tell Swamini or not. Cuz I was tensed if she will get shocked and all the trauma will hit her badly and her healed wound would open up again. So I chose to keep quite as we finished our meal , Sahil approached towards us I glanced at mini if she's ok and she was surprised but in good way , cuz she had got over her feelings about him and was doing very well. Sahil came talked to her and I was kabab mein hadi between do bichade premi . Toh maine Swamini ko ishara kiya ki tu handle kar main jaa rahi hu . So I made up some excuse and left.
Sahil and swamini were overwhelmed to see each other after so many years ( raaz ki baat dono bhi single hai) they felt lil bit awkward but Sahil tried to break the awkwardness and started talking about their old days and they got into a cab and reached marines. Nighty night and moon seeing down towards both of them and smiling , stars glittering road was lil bit chaos but as the night was getting darker the atmosphere was getting more quiter , there was only light of street lamps throughout the road they are walking on the upper path where couples sit doing shit . the cold breeze is doing it's job greatly . both are walkin and talking he's listening while adoring her adorable cute face and smiling in his mouth trying not to show it. Mini is talking and talking they sat after a while and while mini is talking and he's listening they look into each others eyes, deeply drown into each others eyes swamini 's hairs come into action and they comes slightly on her face Sahil with the help of his masculine hand puts them back across her ear (romance is in the air) they are so close to each other that they can feel each others breathe phir piche jor se horn bajta hai aur tum dono hosh main tum dono niche paani ko dekh rahe hote ho Sahil uth ta hai aur chai bechne wale se tum dono ke liye do coffee lata hai . Tum dono coffee pite hue marines pai baithe hue chain se at midnight without any disturbance baas peace aur pani ki leheron ki aawaj (just imagine so wow!) Chalte chalte tum log train se jaane ke liye station ki auur nikalte ho puri raat raste pe koi nahi bus tum dono aur street lamp ki roshni .All of sudden Some dogs bark kahi duur aur tum yaha darti ho and he startled and woh tume aapni bahoon (he takes you in his warmth of Arms)
mein leta hai as a feeling of safety ki kuch nahi tum safe ho mere sath background mein violin bajna shuru hota hai "tik tik vajate dokyata dhad dhad vadhate dokyata"... Again dog barks and you come into real life again. Station pe jate ho aur without ticket train mein chadhate ho , because of your habit you enter into ladies daaba and then realise he's not with you you search for him and gets tensed and he pops up in the gents daba which are exactly adjacent to each other and at next station you change into his raha he walks you to your house and says bye while you are going inside he's looking you from back and shouts out your name ,u turn around and he says "Phir kab milenge? " and you two exchanges your numbers and talk whole night..
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parkerbombshell · 2 years
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He continued to stare blankly at her as she talked. After she had finished, he tried to take in everything she had said, but he was just so confused. "You are a weird little chick...but uh...I guess I get it a little bit? So you were born and raised here? Like not in Hawkins right? Never seen you before..." Turning, he continued to walk, "I'd be happy to sell for your brother. My guy has been in jail for a while, so I haven't been making much money. It's my only source of income, and my uncle just can't do it all by himself." Shrugging, he stopped as he got to his van. "Anyway, it was cool hanging out with you, and thanks for the grinder and stuff...definitely going to put it to use." Thinking for a minute, he took a sharpie out of his pocket and grabbed her arm, scribbling his number onto it. "If you want to hang out some time, maybe explain your whole...wolf thing in more detail, call me." Smiling, he climbed into his van and started it up, pulling away.
She waved and walked backwards towards the van leisurely before turning on her heel and doing a playful prance to the car.
Well he didn’t run. Her smile was quite victorious when she got in the van.
“Well?” Gabriel asked tilting his head
“He wants to know more.” She raised a brow.
“Did you ask?”
“Patience!! This is why you are horrible at tracking you rush in too quick.” Lilith snaps as she starts the van. “I’m not trying to spook him.”
“Well if he didn’t run at the pelts and wolf masks I doubt he’ll run when he sees sparring.” Gabriel shrugged, “I think if anything like little Dustin he may find it interesting.”
“He gave me his number.” Lilith paused. “…… I need to ask Bella how long other-kin wait to respond.” She chewed her lip and her eyebrows drew down. “Volkai are easier.” She blew her hair out of her face as she blazed down the road as Master of Puppets blasted out of the windows speeding by Eddie’s van at light speed cackling as her brother nearly toppled into the backseat cursing his head off with laughter.
Back at the lodge, her voice echoed in the entry way. “BELLA!!!!!!!”
“WHAT?!” Her Bond-Sister screamed back.
Lilith walked into the living room. “Is it taboo to message them after a day or should one do so quickly.”
The thick Scottish accent sounded exasperated. “Oh for fucks sake c’mere she-wolf.” The curly red headed young woman was leaning against Lilith’s third eldest brother Belial, who didn’t even bother asking as he knew.
“It went well?” Mikhail asked and popped his head up from his spot at the dining room table— which currently housed eighteen different strains of weed plants that he was gathering samples from for testing.
“WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT TRIMMING IN THE DINING ROOM.” Their mother shouted walking past with a basket of clothing.
“……. Clean up after?” Mikhail said dodging a slipper and chuckled. “Text him and ask if we can come by with product tomorrow. It is a day off hm?”
“Obviously.” Lilith chewed her lip. It WAS an excuse to see him. She pondered and sighed. Plus Mikhail was always a curiosity to look at if anything a conversation starter. “DON’T scare him.”
“I’m not going to scare him.” Mikhail growled frowning. “I am nice!!!”
Lilith reached for her phone:
Hi Eddie this is Lilith, could my brother Mikhail and I visit tomorrow afternoon? He has some questions about the local area that you may be able to assist him with. We would greatly appreciate your time.
“Why are ye nervous?” Bella asked pulling Lily into her side as they all sat down.
“What if he doesn’t like me?”
“Then I’ll eat his spleen. OUCH DINNAE BITE ME SHE-BITCH what?!” Bella barked a laugh. “Ooo can I go?”
“NO!!! Mikhail is going be more than enoigh— LOOK at him.” Lilith waved her hand at her second eldest brother, “it would only be worse if it was Levi!”
The man in question at the age of thirty five, a whole fifteen years older than Lilith— currently sat his massive six-foot-five bulk on a bar stool, with a pair of dainty clippers in a big hand, and half moon specs as he carefully looked over buds and the leaves. “What?” He asked glancing up. “I take pride in my work.” His stark white shoulder length mohawk was braided back on his skull as the skin under was tattooed with intricate patterns going down into his high collar button up, red eyes glanced at his sister in a scowl only made angrier by the cropped beard.
“Illegal work.” Bella snorts.
“Fuck you it makes good money. And most of MY fucking clients are the entire forsaken D.A!” Mikhail snorts. “But thank the gods Lilith met a good dealer.”
“You give him a good percentage or I’ll rip your throat open.” Lily snaps.
“Bah it’s good but not the top tier, I don’t even need the money from it but to not take a cut would be insulting, ten percent.” Mikhail knew he had good product— if this helped Lilith feel more at ease providing a outlet of income through him he was happy to have the distribution.
Lilith waited by the phone chewing her lip nervous. It was difficult indeed. Papa had warned her as much, outsiders didn’t usually understand how they worked. But with patience and explanation she hoped it would work out.
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