fanficrocks · 2 months
Pylon and its various Morsetache moods
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The Morsetache of exclusion....
But all too soon, it is back to snarkstache!
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Poor Fred - his expression says it all.
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metamatar · 1 year
it is a tiny bit frustrating when even trans folk implicitly exclude all cis women's bodies from the possibility of variance from the imagined white woman normal. when you're south asian for eg, you have very dark hair on your body and fuzzy tits and often even a bit of a stache! this is the case for every woman i know irl! they get so much grief for it!
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katieskarlette · 2 years
Between having Covid and then being laid off from my job (sorta...long story), I’ve had a incredibly shitty time lately and I needed a new mindless distraction.  After watching CallMeKevin on YouTube play Stardew Valley, and talking to a couple RL friends who have played it, I decided to give it a shot.  Instant addiction.
Cut for off-topicness.
The game appeals to my love of collecting stuff, organizing stuff, and exploring.  I’m too ace to care about the dating aspect, and so far I suck at fishing, but the rest is right up my alley.
I haven’t even visited the desert yet despite unlocking the bus ages ago because there’s just so much to do.
I started with the beach farm because A.) tropical beaches are my favorite aesthetic (even though it turns out this one isn’t tropical), and B.) that’s the one I watched CallMeKevin play.  I’ve learned since that it’s an annoying choice because you can’t use sprinklers on the sand terrain, but since I’ve never known anything else I don’t mind it that much.
I have cows, goats, pigs, ducks, chickens, rabbits, and a horse.  I want ostriches but haven’t gotten to the place where I can get them.  I named my rabbits after Watership Down characters, and my ducks are named for Donald Duck’s family members.  I had to turn off breeding for my goats because they kept having babies.  I tried to be patient and wait for my pig to reproduce because they’re so expensive, but after a year in-game I gave up and bought a second one.  Yay, Truffle$!
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I made the tier list here, but excluded characters I haven’t met yet.
Linus is a pure cinnamon roll.  Krobus is the cutest sewer-dwelling shadow creature I’ve ever met and now I feel bad any time I have to kill one of his kind in the mines.  Marlon gives me serious World of Warcraft character vibes for some reason...possibly the beard/’stache combo. Evelyn is everyone’s grandma and she sends me baked goods in the mail.  Willy is super nice, too, and I have to like someone who’s that obsessed with fish.
Harvey is shy and socially awkward in an endearing way, even if he’s a bit of a stick-in-the-mud.  Penny is a sweetie who homeschools (er...librarymuseumschools) other people’s kids out of the kindness of her heart.  Robin built most of my farm and was nice enough to sell me a catalog that essentially puts her out business as far as furniture making.  Abigail has gorgeous hair and I like how early on she has some grouchy interactions and some friendly ones instead of being all grouchy or all cheerful like some others.  Gus is super friendly and helpful.  I’m still a mage at heart even when I’m not playing WoW, so I have a soft spot for the wizard, plus he’s mysterious so I can imagine him being cooler than he probably is.  Elliot is a pretentious snob but in a fun way and reminds me of an old OC of mine.
Lewis is an interesting character but he’s a politician...with all that implies.  Emily was the first person to start sending me random gifts in the mail and her smile is infectious.  Gunther has my dream job, running a combination museum/library.  George ranks this high because grumpy old men in video games are much more fun that they are in RL.  Marnie provides me with adorable animals. Vincent is one of those rare child characters who isn’t cloying or annoying.  Alex is nicer than I expected a jock to be.  I liked Clint to begin with but after he turned up his nose at several gifts that I thought he’d like, had a pity party for himself at every holiday gathering, gave off incel vibes, and closed his shop stupidly early in the day...yeah, not such a fav anymore.  Gil doesn’t say much but I have to respect a guy who  sits back and orders others to kill huge numbers of slimes...Khadgar vibes, you could say.  ;)
Demetrius is smart and gave me ‘shrooms.  Leah seems nice but I don’t know her that well.  Sam is pretty nice but I can’t take him seriously with that anime hair.  Caroline is pretty boring except for that whole rumor about her having an affair with the wizard.  Pierre charges an arm and a leg for inventory upgrades and is kind of cocky.  Kent is okay, if standoffish for understandable reasons.  I feel guilty ranking Grandpa so low, but he looks like Santa Claus went through a machine spraying fake snow, and he didn’t cut me any slack for not having a perfect farm on my first playthrough.  Shane is rude, and although I’ve read up on his backstory and his demons I still don’t like him, and I hate his frayed hoodie.
I haven’t interacted with Maru much but haven’t really been inspired to, either.  Pam is okay but I can’t condone drunk bus driving.  Sebastian is a cliche emo kid and that’s never been my thing.  Jas has stupid hair, and I gave her a nice gift once but the next time I interacted with her she said she’d never met me...ungrateful brat.  Haley is vain, said I was smelly, and has outright ignored me multiple times.  I don’t know why Jodi annoys me, but she does.  I ranked the Governor so low because he didn’t like my contributions to the stew the first two years, when I was actually trying, and the third year when I almost forgot and just threw in a random item he actually liked it.  The dwarf ranks low because I sold off all the scrolls I should have given to him, and of course now they won’t drop for me again.  
Morris is an evil corporate scumbag and has a stupid bowtie.
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xiazats-mind · 2 years
Rating the 2022 Smissmas Cosmetics cause why not
Previous rating (Also if your interested in me doing previous year’s crates let me know and I’ll get around to it eventually)
The scale
0 Absolute Garbage      5 Average     10 Must Have
Motley Sleeves
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A solid slot filler; can easily fit into many outfits. I feels a bit too summer themed for a winter cosmetic, but I’m not letting that impact the rating
Bulb Bonnet
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Not bad; Definitely beats the 4-5 elf cosmetics we got last year (seriously, why did we get so many elf cosmetics?)
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Oh boy, I hope you like winter coats/sweaters, because their is a lot of them in this crate. This isn’t a bad thing though (see above hat rating).
Anyway, this is a pretty good pyro coat, the anarchist symbol pin is a nice touch, and imagine pairing this with a winter hat, like the head warmer or the winter wonderland wrap
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The pouch also contains a molotov cocktail (not shown, the other picture doesn’t show placement on pyro)
ehh, its fine, definitely one of the weaker hats in this crate (and inferior to the firebrand), it just doesn’t appeal to me
Glasgow Bankroll
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Man, this is nice suit for demo; I don’t believe the classes excluding spy have many ‘suit’ cosmetics, and I feel that they’re missing out. The three styles also help if you’re not into plaid
Plaid Lad
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Another fine hat for Demo; this one embracing the man’s Scottish nationality, plus it has styles removing the ‘stache, and one removing all facial hair.
Heavy Heating
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My problem with this is with the arctic camo style (pictured above) it might make it hard to discern team affiliation. Also, I don’t like the arctic camo style, the others are fine though
6/10 for other styles, 3/10 for arctic camo style
Ol’ Reliable
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Heavy wearing a normal combat helmet just...works (the other helmet doesn’t hit the same satisfaction feel, cause its too tall)
Arctic Mole
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The goggles give this one weird vibes. I don’t hate it, but its just...strange
Cool Warm Sweater
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I love how its designed to look like engi’s overall, too the point where the style with the overalls feels like sacrilege
 Soft Hard Hat
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I love the little wordplay in the name, plus it looks comfy as hell
Underminer’s Overcoat
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It’s a winter coat that would be probably be warm; I don’t have much too say about it. Looks pretty practical though
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A very nice hat embracing Medic’s german nationality.
Wooly Pulli
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A medic-themed sweater, don’t got much too say
Crosshair Cardigan
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Same deal as the above, ‘cept sniper
Cold Blooded Coat
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When I look at this, I think of last crate’s turncoat. This one appeals to me more due to its more closed design
Frostbite Bonnet
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Not Bad
Infiltrator’s Insulation
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The superior Cold Blooded Coat; If there were a virgin vs chad meme starring this and the other coat, this would be the chad
Battle Bear
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This shoulder mascot is one of the best things in this crate, mostly because it has a style which gives it a unique design for each class.
Colonel Kringel
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This might be the best christmas themed hat in year
Festive Rack
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Pretty similar to other antler hats, the lights are a nice touch
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Trapper’s Flap
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Looks pretty comfy and warm
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444names · 11 months
Names generated out of the entire article on "olivine" from English Wikipedia plus American surnames, German forenames/towns, and the entire article on Three Banners War from the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages, excluding the letter "E"
Abrüch Achrids Aldords Aling Alkirch Almorf Alsna Andly Anitz Antalloa Anting Arbson Arking Arkoch Artlitnum Assot Astaring Aturk Aurian Ayald Bachal Bachl Bacht Backburic Bacon Baculau Baint Bardus Barico Barming Bartatis Bartson Bastädt Batintin Bicharks Binurg Bital Blarphoffy Bocas Bonchns Bonson Bonsont Boodson Borta Boughts Brahl Brick Broing Brons Bruirow Brüttion Butil Byricachs Büdly...
Calbia Caldaloul Caluarg Calus Cannids Canson Carlohn Carwal Cashau Catylard Caval Charyald Chint Chlaus Choming Chsta Chtion Citry Claigns Cling Clisim Cochthau Coladranka Colfstral Colich Coltocurg Comborg Comicooks Conatholl Condsary Conin Consby Conth Conts Cooks Coormar Corduskall Cosaw Cothaw Courg Coutin Coyinast Cranso Cratkirch Cravai Crication Crion Crombs Cuskin Custühling Dahns Darphip Dasst Davas Dingh Dings Dishift Döbachal Fauffy Fichag Ficoullown Filau Finath Firid Fislaption Fitionaus Floomils Folfris Fordau Fordipps Fordsh Forscht Forys Frach Frahna Fralan Fraush Friffir Frott Fultow Gaggsburg Gaitz Galip Gampon Gankars Gatkirch Gibbach Gicham Giciton Gistadt Glibut Glottmoodd Gordna Gountshols Graints Granct Grans Grath Grialt Gring Groins Groldas Grotigs Growson Gruhlim Grundins Grüch Guall Guilsbach Gutch Görtrath Güttons Haling Haufmaill Havastad Hiliz Hilmon Hilpow Hipladt Hisch Hogth Holar Holin Hommons Horch Horkirch Horma Hourg Houshlburf Howald Huthr Inhürn Ining Inlanal Instorchn Intan Jassill Jonst Jorchof Joych Jörsh Jürstadt Kaicon Kanndown Kinch Klanwolk Klard Klibst Kortion Kowlarl Krald Krautz Krazqual Krodguil Kröthmöch Kurgochts Königh Lancons Lanna Larang Laston Lault Likow Linficon Lingly Linmosion Linsiorn Linsling Linstly Lishad Livil Lorinfa Lotholim Lottso Loullau Löhround Lörry Lübbrom Lübich Lüchl Lüdisayth Lüttio Magont Maincips Maindor Mannwal Marry Maxia Maxtrichal Mispuction Mition Mittligh Mning Monsburg Monsi Morgk Morts Mought Mythau Mündott Nacks Nadins Nauck Niath Nicam Nidshard Nigurg Nitircing Niton Noicks Nonshadt Norch Ockly Ofswars Olladt Orsch Orscry Ottra Ounton Pacturg Paich Paihy Paing Paldburt Paling Palling Paparn Papow Parch Paring Parry Patitin Patstadt Pbnitad Pfocks Phown Phston Plation Plats Pling Ploal Polvion Pornismuln Prach Prion Prionsonau Pritscht Pronau Prorm Prostra Proth Protion Prustadt Prüns Pultoch Pulza Puthormard Péric Quirding Racholow Radburg Radomilt Rahmörd Ratzkoct Rhild Rikarn Rilia Rindt Riont Risan Risha Rissibson Rivil Rodorch Rojardt Roparia Rosinnow Rostadt Rottgook Rourth Rumain Röding Sachstio Sactiont Salwoodin Sanda Sants Scard Schan Schim Schly Schma Schman Schorg Schrints Schrovi Schwabmünd Schöniss Shation Shity Shops Sionn Sitty Sitzsch Slanan Slukarmorf Smarich Smatt Smirisch Smort Snorwon Sonau Sonnyo Sonsught Sping Sposim Spostion Stach Stadkird Staisly Stakordy Stallials Stard Staßfurg Stinly Striast Strud Ststad Sudot Suict Supty Surdorf Symig Symonra Tachoungar Tanduck Thanda Thlaul Tiald Tiont Titian Torth Tradt Trany Trauchoutt Trostaing Truch Tößni Unind Unzburt Uough Upyrict Vadorch Vagadt Vaillicatt Viclau Vilitz Volau Voloma Vorms Vöhrodry Walaublin Walfinght Wallaman Wallst Wally Walud Wanau Wanst Warburt Warry Wassinfurg Wathant Wavaurg Whiltion Whing Whold Wigravaltz Wildon Wilinforg Wilitz Willay Willn Winnds Winort Witior Wrion Wuption Wächazings Zacitz
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anaalnathrakhs · 3 years
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i care about mick mars a normal amount
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stay-out-of-the-box · 3 years
Controversial take: my favourite thing in November is hockey players growing a moustache.
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Please add some more, there have to be more 👏🏼
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
fangirlovestuff's masterlist!
*  - indicates smut
all readers are written as female unless specified otherwise
requests are closed!!
Holding Out For a Hero - Steve Rogers x avenger!reader: completed 
ch.1 ch.2 ch.3 ch.4 ch.5 ch.6 ch.7 ch.8 ch.9* ch.10 epilogue
Summary: You get recruited to work for the Avengers, which is really anyone’s dream job. So you’re not going to let your little crush on Captain America get in your way. How hard can that be?
The Heart Wants What it Wants - Chris Evans x actress!reader:  completed
pt.1* pt. 2 pt.3
Summary: You and Chris meet at an after-party and hit it off, but you know the age gap isn’t going to go over well with the media. What can you do when loving someone can potentially destroy your careers?
Random Objects Headcanons - Chris Evans x reader:  completed
Shower*  Sink  Table  Shelves  Bed*  Bonus!
Summary:  Domestic headcanons inspired by random household objects. (less stupid than it sounds, promise, give it a chance!)
Cycle - Steve Rogers x reader:  completed
ch.1 ch.2 ch.3  ch.4* ch.5 
Summary: You want a relationship but keep getting tangled up in one night stands, while Steve just keeps getting himself friendzoned. When pollar opposites with the same desires meet, will you change each other’s lives?
Rumor Has It - Chris Evans x actress!reader:  completed
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
Summary: It’s just lunch with your coworker, until chris thinks it’s not. Angst/breakup fic. check out the playlist:)
A Very Colin Christmas - Colin Shea x reader:  completed  
ch.1  ch.2  ch.3  ch.4  ch.5
Summary: You were planning of spending a low-key Christmas at home, when your neighbor / maybe crush asks you for an interesting favor... for you to pretend to be his girlfriend to get his judgy family off of his back. The results? misundersandings, epiphanies, and some holiday spirit.
Silver Lining - Wanda Maximoff x reader: completed
Silver Lining  Water Under The Bridge  All’s Well That Ends Well
Summary: You’re in a relationship with carol and nat but you were gone for a while on mission. When you get back, the two exclude you from everything, so now, someone new has a chance to enter your life.
friends to lovers - Chris Evans x reader
Hot Pool Stranger - Colin Shea x reader 
Fireworks - Steve Rogers x reader
Romantics- Chris Evans x reader
Undercover - Chris Evans x reader
Night Out - Kyle x reader (The Perfect Score)
Playful - Chris Evans x reader
Shopping With Chris - Chris Evans x reader
Pool Day - Chris Evans x reader
(Extra)ordinary - Chris Evans x reader
Comfort - Chris Evans x reader
Cloud Nine - Chris Evans x reader
To Infinity And Beyond - Chris Evans x reader
Going Public - Chris Evans x reader
Be Mine - Chris Evans x reader
Heal - Natasha Romanoff x reader
‘stache Stories - Chris Evans x reader
Chris dating a writer would include... - Chris Evans x reader
cevans dating a young foreigner - Chris Evans x reader
taking each Avenger to a pride parade would be like... - various characters, relationship unspecified 
Cuddling with Valkyrie - Valkyrie x reader
A Birthday Before - pre serum! Steve Rogers x reader
Take Care - Chris Evans x reader
andy barber whisking you away on vacation would be like... - Andy Barber x reader
Calm Before the Storm - Chris Evans x reader
taking care of sick Loki would look like... - Loki Odinson x reader
Halloween Headcanons - various cevans characters
oneshots / drabbles:
Chris Cross Applesauce- Chris Evans x reader
Take on Me- Chris Evans x reader
His Haven - Chris Evans x reader
Here - “Me” x reader (Playing it Cool)
You Make Me Feel Right - Steve rogers x reader
Queer Eye - Chris Evans x bi!reader, platonic Scott evans x reader
Knocked it Out of the Park - Colin Shea x reader 
Child’s Play - Chris Evans x director!reader
Worth It* - Andy Barber x reader
Family* - Frank Adler x reader
In Your Corner - Chris Evans x reader
A Thin Line || Table For Two - Natasha Romanoff x avenger!reader
Sleepless - Ransom Drysdale x reader
Butterfly Effect || You Give Me Butterflies - Steve Rogers x reader
Loving Him Was Red - Chris Evans x ginger!reader
Don’t Go - Loki Odinson x reader
Home To You - Chris Evans x actress!reader
April Showers Bring May Flowers - Chris Evans x reader
Questioning - Natasha Romanoff x reader
Vacation - Steve Rogers x reader
Spooky Scary Steve - Steve Rogers x reader
Cuddly Chris - Chris Evans x male!reader
An Apple a Day - Ransom Drysdale x doctor!reader
Crazy Ex Boyfriend - dark! Ransom Drysdale x reader
Happy Place - Chris Evans x reader
Magical - Chris Evans x reader
A Tale Of Nephews And Princesses - Chris Evans x reader
Forever - Ari Levinson x male!reader
The Perfect Tree - Jake Jensen x reader
Holding On - Andy Barber x reader
littera scripta manet - Steve Rogers x reader
Everytime - Chris Evans x reader
Wanda Saves Valentine’s - Wanda Maximoff x reader
Smile - Thor Odinson x reader
Chaperone - Chris Evans x reader
Reality TV -  Wanda Maximoff x reader
Seasons of Love - Chris Evans x reader
To Many More - Sam Wilson x reader
One Last Kiss - Steve Rogers x reader
More Than Meets The Eye - Steve Rogers x reader
Together - Chris Evans x reader
Daddy Daughter Day - Andy Barber x daughter!reader
Fears and Furniture - Andy Barber x reader
Never Too Late - Chris Evans x reader
Bad Dream - Agatha Harkness x reader
With Love - Carol Danvers x reader
Bad Day - Bucky Barnes x reader
Scary - Sam Wilson x reader
Mine - Natasha Romanoff x reader x Wanda Maximoff
By Next Winter - Carol Danvers x reader
Too Good at Goodbyes - Frank Adler x reader
Romantic Stylez - Jake Jensen x reader
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince - Bucky Barnes x reader
Tiny Dancer - Killian Jones x Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
I Will Always Find You - Loki Odinson x reader
Invisible Touch - Agatha Harkness x reader
You Have Me, Heart and Soul || And I’m Yours, Forever - Ransom Drysdale x reader
Shadows - Loki Odinson (not reader insert!)
Tolerate It || Happiness || Sad Beautiful Tragic - Ransom Drysdale x reader
I Want More - Natasha Romanoff x reader
Does Your Mother Know - Steve Rogers x reader
Clean Up In Aisle ‘Shut The Fuck Up’ -  Wanda Maximoff x reader
The Good Type Of Pain - Bucky Barnes x reader
Sunsets Don’t Seem As Pretty - Steve Rogers x reader
Harmony - Chris Evans x reader
Cheesy - Agatha Harkness x reader
Sweater Weather - Agatha Harkness x reader
Getaway Car - Wanda Maximoff x reader
Change - Chris Evans x reader
more stuff coming soon!
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theangrycomet · 3 years
Do you have any headcannons on Randy's biological Parents?
Yes actually! And it has mostly to do with hair color and his use of magic.
I'm gonna stretch this across the Disney multiverse here so this gets a little long.
So we know that Randy's hair color is naturally purple as seen in the Secret Stash.
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This isn't wouldn't be that unusual if any of the other students had funky hair colors, but that isn't the case.
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All of his class mates have natural hair colors, (excluding Theresa- it's dark, but distinctly blue, which I'll get to in a minute) so it isn't just an artistic styling choice.
RC9GN is also a show with it's own fair share of interdimensional portals to strange unworldly places, most notably the Realm of Shadows.
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From which you can escape back into Randy's home dimension or other dimensions presumably.
Addtionally, there is something that was outright weird in the show.
Now, the Ninja using magic is normal, but they always are wearing the mask when they do it.
However, there are two instances where Randy isn't wearing it and pulls out some pretty powerful spells.
The Art of Disguise (Secret Stache) and The Earth Attack (Hip Hopocalypse)
Now the Art of Disguise makes sense.
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It's how the Ninja is supposed to go around undetected as a civilian. Being able to used his "Ninja Energy" as himself makes sense.
However, this is the first time he's done this. Every other spell has required multiple renditions and practice runs with in the Nomicon to get it right.
The Art of Disguise he picks up on extraordinarily fast.
Plus, the Art of Disguise never mentioned anything about being weaponized (its a passive move), and yet here Randy is, first time with the spell, doing things like this.
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Granted, here Randy has the Mask so that could just be the natural boost of the Ninja Mask has on the "Ninja Energy" that powers the spell.
But than there's the Earth Attack.
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Why would he be able to do that as a civilian without the mask on? That should be powered by the Ninja Mask only right???
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Yet here he is, doing it as just plain ol' Randy. The Nomicon isn't powering the spell as it's in the possesion of another kid, his Mask is in his pocket so it can't be from that.
So how was he able to cast the Earth Attack?
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So where the heck am I going with this? What the heck does all of this have to do with Randy's biological parents? None of this makes sense.
And you're right. It doesn't.
-Until you look at another show- one with interdimensional portals and magic wielders with strange colored hair.
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We know that there is at least one portal to earth through which Witches from the Boiling Isles can go through (whether they are supposed to or not) if they have. There were likely more at some point before the series seeing as they were able to banish Giraffes to Earth.
So, to answer your question, my headcannon is that Randy is half-witch, likely on his father's side as I don't believe any Witch would stay long enough on earth to give birth to a child.
His ears are round in comparison to most witches is due to his mother (human) side.
And seeing as the source of Boiling Isles Magic is a muscle, that implies it needs practice/training to grow. Since Randy mostly uses Magic from the Nomicon or Ninja mask, his heart looks relatively normal as opposed to this.
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Though if he started practicing Magic more as Randy as opposed to the Ninja, the Magic Bile sack would probably develop more.
This might be a stretch but can you really prove me wrong???
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ssportsnews · 3 years
'Lee Jae-sung bench' Mainz announces starting lineup against Dortmund 먹튀검증
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먹튀검증먹튀사이트먹튀검증사이트먹튀 검증  먹튀 사이트 먹튀 검증 사이트
Mainz, who are aiming to escape a draw, face Dortmund, who continue to compete for the lead. Jae-seong Lee (29), who had high expectations for whether to start or not, starts the game on the bench.
Mainz and Dortmund will face off in the 8th round of the German Bundesliga for the 2021-22 season to be held at Signal Iduna Park in Dortmund, Germany on the 16th at 10:30 pm (Korean time). Currently, Mainz is in 10th place with 10 points (3 wins, 1 draw and 3 losses), while Dortmund is in third place with 15 points (5-2).
Home team Dortmund's starting roster includes Gregor Kobel, Nico Schultz, Mats Hummels, Manuel Arkansie, Marco Reus, Julian Brandt, Jude Bellingham, Emre Chan, Thomas Meunier, Elling Haaland and Doniel Marlon.
The away team will start with Robin Zentner, Stefan Bell, Musa Niakate, Anderson Locoqui, Gilvan Witmer, Jean-Paul Boethius, Anton Stach, Leandro Barheiro, Nicklas Tauer, Karim Onigibo and Markus Ingvartsen. .
Mainz 'NO.7' Jae-seong Lee, who played A-match schedules in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, was included in the bench list. Moreover, it seems that he was excluded from the starting list in terms of player protection and stamina distribution as he started the match against Iran in the 4th game and played close to full-time.
0 notes
cgpfolio · 3 years
“Maybe it’s precisely this idea which constitutes an act of intellectual piracy in the current mentality of the EU.” [en/de]
First pubished in Weltkulturen News 02/2020 "DEDICATION" (PDF Spreadsheet) [Deutschsprachige Originalversion unten.] “Piracy in the early eighteenth century was, at bottom, a struggle for life against socially organized death.” It is unlikely that this definition of piracy, from Marcus Rediker’s “Villains of all Nations”, was going through the mind of the then Italian minister of the interior Matteo Salvini when, in June 2019, he proclaimed that the rescue of 52 people by the crew of Sea-Watch 3 was “yet another act of piracy by an outlaw organization”. And yet a similar battle has been raging on the Mediterranean Sea for the last five years: the European states have created a zone along their shared external border where all the values, citizens’ and human rights proclaimed by the EU have been suspended: a state of exception which degrades the sea to a weapon, people to bargaining chips – and the fluid southern border of the European continent to the most deadly migration route in the world.
Whether viewed from a historical, legal or conceptual perspective, the European activists at Sea-Watch and other rescue organisations which are opposing this development are not pirates: according to Rediker, piracy in the past was a (class) struggle for survival, which presupposed a sheer defiance of death. But civil sea rescue in the Mediterranean Sea is primarily a solidary fight, coming from the privileged position that it is not the rescuers’ own lives on the line. It is thousands of other people – those who are excluded from the European ‘We’ due to the logic of the nation state – whose lives are lost in the Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea, who are left to rot in Libyan detention camps, and whose forced return from the high seas is implemented by the so-called Libyan Coast Guard, which is funded with millions by the EU.
“I do not need to make foreign problems, worries or oppression my own,” explains Pia Klemp, one of the captains of the civil sea rescue fleet, who is facing a court case in Italy for facilitating illegal immigration. “Solidarity means recognizing that all these problems are my very own from the beginning. No matter if the effects of it are noticeable in my everyday life or not.” Maybe it’s precisely this idea that rules out the construction of ‘the Other’, and thus ignorance of their suffering, which constitutes an act of intellectual piracy in the current mentality of the EU.
Since the MS Sea-Watch set sail in 2015 to represent this idea and take action against the dying on the external European border, quite a bit has happened: in 2015 and 2016 the organisation was acclaimed by civil society and integrated into the official search and rescue network by the state authorities, but the political wind in the Mediterranean Sea changed direction swiftly. In the first half of 2017, key figures in European politics began to establish the claim that the civilian rescuers were somehow colluding with the people smugglers in Libya. Based on ‘working hypotheses’ brought forward by the Sicilian public prosecutor Carmelo Zuccaro, the Austrian politician Sebastian Kurz, then foreign minister, declared that the ‘NGO madness’ had to be stopped. The German interior minister Thomas de Maizière similarly accepted Zuccaro’s unfounded claims that “the ships travel to Libyan waters and switch on their floodlights off the beach”. What he didn’t go along with was Zuccaro’s further working hypothesis (and one that was quite possibly more unpopular among politically conservative centrists) that “some aid organisations want to bring migrants to Italy to weaken the economy”.
Parallel to the effective publicity campaign on land, the state-run military and police operations retreated from the search area off the Libyan coast, as Paolo Cuttitta of Oxford University’s Border Criminologies Blog reports, “in order to leave the Libyan Coast Guard free to push back migrants as well as to chase and intimidate NGO vessels”.[3] Finally, in the summer of 2017 the rescue vessel Iuventa was seized from the NGO Jugend Rettet in Italy, which led to several humanitarian organisations abandoning their work altogether in the Mediterranean Sea. Just under a year later, in June 2018, civil sea rescue seemed to be nearing its end when a coalition of the 5-Star Movement and the Lega came to power in Italy, and the extreme right-wing interior minister Matteo Salvini announced that the country’s ports would be closed. Even Malta, a country ruled by Social Democrats which had long been used by NGOs as a base for operations, subsequently shut its harbour, but the other way around: it prevented the rescue boats Lifeline, Seefuchs and Sea-Watch 3 from leaving the port for months on end.
But the humanitarian intervention turned into a resistance movement: the remaining active organisations – Sea-Watch (Germany), Mediterranea (Italy), Proactiva Open Arms (Spain) and Sea-Eye (Germany) – were deterred neither by stand-offs lasting several weeks [4] nor by repeated impoundment of their ships. Even though the civilian rescue fleet was decimated to just a few vessels and left unable to deploy efficiently, it was dubbed the “No Borders Navy” by some activists as it steadfastly continued to “tilt at windmills”: every life in danger at sea has to be rescued and brought to a place of safety on land. “Punto!”, as Matteo Salvini would say.
In his essay “Of Other Spaces”, Michel Foucault describes the ship as “the greatest reserve of the imagination”.[5] Civilian sea rescue has harnessed this abstract potential of ships and positioned it against the deadly bleakness of a Fortress Europe. It has made its boats available not just for people, but also for the notion of an open Europe in solidarity. – and that has been gratefully accepted. As the political theorists Beppe Caccia and Sandro Mezzadra of the Italian sea rescue organisation Mediterranea comment: “Our ship has been appropriated and somehow reinvented from a wide range of standpoints that go from occupied social centres to parishes, universities and schools, from small town circles to metropolitan assemblies.”[6]
The boats, their crews and captains paint a picture that makes presumed other people’s problems our own. At the same time, however, this also turns the solutions into solutions for us. Matteo Salvini’s repeated demand for “confiscation of the pirate ship” merely underlines Foucault’s verdict that: “In civilisations without boats, dreams dry up, espionage takes the place of adventure, and the police take the place of pirates”.
Veröffentlicht in Weltkulturen News 02/2020 'DEDICATION' (PDF Spreadsheet) “Piraterie im frühen achtzehnten Jahrhundert war im Grunde ein Kampf für das Leben, gegen den sozial organisierten Tod.”1 Diese Definition der Piraterie, aus Markus Redikers Villains of all Nations, wird dem damaligen italienischen Innenminister Matteo Salvini wohl kaum durch den Kopf gegangen sein, als er im Juni 2019, angesichts der Rettung von 52 Menschen durch die Crew der Sea-Watch 3, proklamierte: “ein weiterer Akt der Piraterie durch eine geächtete Organisation”. Und doch tobt auf dem Mittelmeer seit mittlerweile fünf Jahren ein ebensolcher Kampf: Die Staaten Europas haben an ihrer gemeinsamen Außengrenze eine Zone erschaffen, in der alle durch die EU proklamierten Werte, ihre Bürger*innen- und Menschenrechte suspendiert sind. Ein Ausnahmezustand, der das Meer zur Waffe degradiert, Menschen zur Verhandlungsmasse – und die fluide Südgrenze des europäischen Kontinents zur tödlichsten Migrationsroute der Welt macht.
Die europäischen Aktivist*innen von Sea-Watch und anderen Rettungsorganisationen, die sich dem widersetzen, sind keine Pirat*innen im historischen, legalen oder ideellen Sinne: Die historische Piraterie war, nach Rediker, ein (Klassen-)Kampf um das eigene Leben, der blanken Trotz dem Tode gegenüber voraussetzte. Die zivile Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer ist in erster Linie ein solidarischer Kampf, aus der privilegierten Position heraus, dass es eben nicht das eigene Leben ist, welches zur Disposition steht. Es sind die Leben der Anderen – also derer, die durch nationalstaatliche Logik aus dem europäischen Wir ausgeschlossen sind – die zehntausendfach in der Sahara und auf dem Mittelmeer verloren gehen, die in libyschen Internierungslagern vor sich hin vegetieren und für deren Rückverschleppung von hoher See die EU eine sogenannte Libysche Küstenwache mit Millionenbeträgen bezahlt.
“Ich brauche mir fremde Probleme, Sorgen und Unterdrückung nicht anzueignen,” erklärte Pia Klemp, eine der Kapitäninnen der zivilen Seenotrettungsflotte, der in Italien ein Prozess wegen Beihilfe zur illegalen Einreise droht: “Solidarität bedeutet, zu erkennen, dass diese Probleme schon von Anfang an meine eigenen sind. Egal, ob sie Auswirkungen auf mein tägliches Leben haben, oder nicht.” Vielleicht ist es genau diese Idee, die eine Konstruktion des Anderen und damit die Ignoranz gegenüber dessen Leid ausschließt und damit in der momentanen Mentalität der EU einen Akt gedanklicher Piraterie darstellt.
Seit die M/S Sea-Watch 2015 in See stach, um diese Idee zu vertreten und dem Sterben an der Außengrenze etwas entgegenzusetzen, hat sich jedenfalls einiges getan: 2015 und 2016 in der Zivilgesellschaft gefeiert und von den staatlichen Stellen in das offizielle Such- und Rettungsnetzwerk eingebunden, drehte der politische Wind im zentralen Mittelmeer schnell. Im ersten Halbjahr 2017 begannen Schlüsselpersonen der europäischen Politik die Behauptung zu etablieren, die zivilen Retter*innen arbeiteten auf die ein oder andere Weise mit den Menschenschmugglern in Libyen zusammen. Gestützt auf  “Arbeitshypothesen” des sizilianischen Staatsanwaltes Carmelo Zuccaro, verkündete beispielsweise der damalige österreichische Außenminister Sebastian Kurz, der “NGO-Wahnsinn” müsse beendet werden. Auch sein deutscher Amtskollege Thomas de Maizière übernahm die unbelegten Behauptungen Zuccaros, “dass die Schiffe in libysche Gewässer fahren und vor dem Strand ihre Positionslichter einschalten” würden. Was er nicht übernahm, war Zuccaros weitere (und in der konservativen, politischen Mitte womöglich unpopulärere) Arbeitshypothese, “dass manche Hilfsorganisationen Migranten nach Italien bringen wollen, um die Wirtschaft zu schwächen”.
Parallel zur öffentlichkeitswirksamen Kampagne an Land, zogen sich die staatlichen Militär- und Polizeioperationen aus dem Suchgebiet vor der libyschen Küste zurück, um, wie Paolo Cuttitta im Border Criminologies Blog der Universität Oxford darlegt, “der libyschen Küstenwache Raum zu geben, Migrant*innen zurück zu verschleppen, sowie NGO-Schiffe zu vertreiben und einzuschüchtern.” Im Sommer 2017 wurde schließlich das Rettungsschiff Iuventa des Vereins Jugend Rettet in Italien beschlagnahmt. Mehrere humanitäre Organisationen stellten daraufhin ihr Engagement im Mittelmeer ein. Als ein knappes Jahr später, im Juni 2018, die Regierungskoalition aus 5-Sterne-Bewegung und Lega in Italien an die Macht kam und der rechtsradikale Innenminister Matteo Salvini verkündete, die Häfen des Landes zu schließen, schien das Ende der zivilen Seenotrettung nahe. Auch das sozialdemokratisch regierte Malta, das den NGOs lange als Operationsbasis gedient hatte, schloss in der Folge seinen Hafen, nur umgekehrt: Es ließ die Rettungsschiffe Lifeline, Seefuchs und Sea-Watch 3 über Monate nicht mehr auslaufen.
Doch aus der humanitären Intervention wurde eine Widerstandsbewegung: Die verbleibenden aktiven Rettungsorganisationen—Sea-Watch (DE), Mediterranea (IT), Open Arms (ES) und Sea-Eye (DE)—ließen sich weder von wochenlangen Stand-Offs noch von den regelmäßig danach blühenden Beschlagnahmungs-Perioden abschrecken. Auch auf ein Minimum an Schiffen dezimiert und jeglicher Effizienz im Einsatz beraubt, führte die von manchen Aktivist*innen No Borders Navy getaufte zivile Rettungsflotte ihren Kampf gegen Windmühlen unbeirrt fort: Jedes Leben, das auf See in Gefahr ist, muss gerettet und an einem sicheren Ort an Land gebracht werden. "Punto!", wie Matteo Salvini sagen würde.
In seinem Essay Of Other Spaces beschreibt Michel Foucault das Schiff als “die größte Reserve der Vorstellungskraft.” Die zivile Seenotrettung hat dieses geistige Potenzial des Schiffes nutzbar gemacht und gegen die tödliche Tristesse einer Festung Europa in Stellung gebracht. Sie haben ihre Schiffe als Vehikel nicht nur für Menschen, sondern für die Idee eines solidarischen, offenen Europa bereitgestellt – und das wurde dankbar angenommen. So schreiben die Politikwissenschaftler Beppe Caccia und Sandro Mezzadra der italienischen Seenotrettungsorganisation Mediterranea: “Unser Schiff wurde von einer Vielzahl von Standpunkten angeeignet und irgendwie neu erfunden. Sie reichen von besetzten Sozialen Zentren bis hin zu Kirchengemeinden, Universitäten und Schulen, von Kleinstadtkreisen bis hin zu Großstadt-Versammlungen.”
Die Schiffe, ihre Crews und Kapitän*innen zeichnen ein Bild, das die Probleme der Anderen zu unseren macht. Gleichzeitig werden damit aber auch die Lösungen zu Lösungen für uns. Matteo Salvinis wiederholte Forderung nach “Beschlagnahmung des Piratenschiffes” unterstreicht daher nur die Foucaultsche Erkenntnis: “In Zivilisationen ohne Schiffe versiegen die Träume, Spionage ersetzt das Abenteuer und die Polizei die Piraten.”
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blue-scorpion-king · 7 years
The Bagklock Races
(Post version for mobile followers)
The 52+ most populous species of Bagklock Earth: Humans, Hutui/Hutus [Eretus descendants], Hubits [Hobbits descendants], Huliaths [Goliaths descandents], Huthals [Neanderthal descendants], Chimans [Ancient chimpanzees descendants], Gorimans [Ancient gorilla descendants], Orangumans [Ancient orangutan descendants], Près des Hommes Extensibles [Stretchy and rubber-like near-humans], Faunus, Therians, who are humanoids with some animal parts; The Kemono race (http://blue-scorpion-king.tumblr.com/kemono-detail), Monster Personas, with categories on the different Monster Personas, excluding some ones, who became their own race not in an category, like the different youkai, the Centaur, the Manticore, the Minotaur, and the Thunderbird Monster Personas (Think of Monster Girls, expect with male individuals of each monster ‘species’), the three types of Anthros, the Kim kind, who is like the most humanoid, the ‘inbetween’ Deviant kind, and the Zoo-Bipedial type, which are basically evolved bipedal animals, but not much is changed, yet are connected as one race [No Pokemon, Digimon, Bakugan, or any of that sort of Anthros exist], Stuck-Trolls, Orcs [Warcraft], Orks [Partially different biology in the Bagklock Universe], Torks [Tolkien kind of orcs] [All three have sub-species], Elves [With the main species calling themselves ‘Eldar’ {Warhammer}; Nifel-Elves {Tolkien}, Night Elves, Blood Elves, Dark Eldar/Drow Eldar, Half-Elves, Sun (High) Elves, Silver Elves, Wood Elves, Avariel (Winged) Elves, Mithral Elves, Green/Greenish Elves, Aqua Elves, Dwemer (Dwarf-like) Elves, Orsimer (Orc-like) Elves, and Snow Elves], Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins, Draenei, Undead, Taurens, Warca-Trolls, Pandarens, Ghouls [From Tokyo Ghoul], Nitros [From Toriko], Eosapiens, Pivots, Inklings, Octolings, Worgen, Vampires, Holves [Jak-verse], Draguns [Humanoid Dragons], Gr-Na'vi [Green Earthling Na'vis], Fishmen, Merfolk, the Atlanteans, Thri-Kreens, Tarkatans, Yoshis, Giants, the Shandorians, Birkans, the Skypieans, Sangheilis, Zabraks, Twi'leks, Wookiees, Mon Calamaris, Ewoks, who are also said to inhabit much of the planetoids and moons of Bagklock Earth, tracing their species’ origin to the ‘Goat-Moon’, Gungans, Dugs, Chagrians, Kaminoans, Genosians, Togrutas, Nautolans, Utapauns, Pyronites, Vulpimancers, Petrosapiens, Kinecelerans, Galvans, Tetramands, Lepidopterrans, Piscciss Volanns, Arburian Pelaroti, Florauni, Loboans, which originate from the ‘Goat-Moon’, Thep Khufans, Transylians, Gourmands, Slipxsons, Opticoids, Spheroids, Methanosians, Sonorosians, Vaxasaurians, Aerophibians, Necrofriggians, Crystalsapiens, Cerebrocrustaceans, Arachnichimps, Biosovortians, Appoplexians, Orishans, Amperis, Talpaedans, Geochelone Aerios, Prypiatosian-Bs, Citrakayahs, Gimlinopithecus, Eatles, Chronosapiens, Conductoids, Segmentasapiens, Galileans, Crashhoppers, Polar Manzardills, Mole-Staches, Kickin’ Hawks, Nosedeenians, Vladats, Fangines, Canigus [Both from Oddworld], Togorians, Bipamammals, who are an invasive immigrants from the 1960’s, 72 years after the Martian invasion of England, but in the U.S.A and ultimately, after six months, got defeated and have to left their traitor prisoners behind, Saurians, Poleepkwa/Prawn, Locusts [Gears of War], Yuzzems, Sullustan, Trandoshan, Matora (Bionicle [Not movie version] species), R'Zahnians, Kluts, Ssi-Ruuk, Whiphids, Rodians, Toydorians, Gamorreans, Ithorians, Bothans, Kaleesh, [Eight sentient and sefl-aware] Rancors, Acklays, Nexus, Reeks, Opees, Wampas, Metriadleys (Ripley’s species, from Metroid), Andorians, Horaxes, the Chirmaerea [Traitor Chimeras of the ‘horde’, from the ‘Resistance’], Cybertronians, that came from the mechanic planetoid of Bagklock Earth several billions of years ago, Cybertron [The smaller Beast Wars kind, without the large vehicle alternate modes, and most small vehicle alt. modes, not just 2 factions, but with “Titan Bots”, “Combiners”, “Mini-Cons”, and some other sub-groups, even with the sub-sub-group of the Fuzors; They are still connected to the spirituality of their ancestors’ culture back in Cybertron, like the Matrix and Primus, and can ‘evolve’ further by adding more ‘bulk’/parts either the Real Robot way {Like Gundam: Thunderbolt or some parts of Evangelion} or the Super Robot way {like GaoGaiGar or Gaiking},, into Transmetals, to Transmetal 2, and even Transmetal 3. Though, there are only 20 Transmetal 3 Cybertronians EVER in the race’s history {Also, this comic and the comments below it clears up Cybertronian intercourse} Also also, the general term for the transformation of Cybertronians, even among factions, split since the 3rd Great Cybertronian War and 4th Great Cybertronian War so long ago {Both G1 and Beast Wars/Machines, expect with no terraforming Cybertron, with the time shenanigans}, is “Rollaize”, which “Rollaizing” being before the faction’s own transformation phrase like ‘Primaize’, ‘Maximize’, ‘Demolitionize’, ‘Wreckaize’, ‘Terrorize’, “Titanize’, ‘Pygmyize’, or ‘Armadize’], Boomop-Boomops [The Boom Booms and Pom Poms from Mario], Ferengi, Kenku (DN’D), Elcors, Marts, who claim to be descendants of Martians from Mars, that are not like the Martians that tried to invade Earth in very late 1800’s (Looney Tunes/Duck Dodgers In The 24th & ½ Century), Orions, Mazones (Harlock; With an history of being left by ‘something’ in their extremely early history), Ctarl-Ctarls, Lyca-morphs, who are a moth-like race, Modrons, Zoqs, Fots, Piks, [sentient griffiths] Criffiths, Xextos, Iyras, Baabians, Killiks, Labois, P'we'cks, Xi'Decs, Niktos, Mossies, Seksis, Gelflings, Mogwais, the Smurfs, the Snorks, the Muppets, including the entire Sesame Street, Qberts, Lombaxes, Pacs [The species of Pac-Man], Gorns, Asaris, Turians, Volus, Krogans, Quarians, Yahgs, Drells, Exos, Cabals, Eliksni, Asogians, who are all immigrant races from 1970, Apostles, who are descendants of the ones from the medieval times, starting at Midland {Berserk}, Herglics, Majins, Kousou-Akuryo, meaning ‘Frost Demons’ [Descendants of Frieza’s Race from long ago], Yordles, Gorons, Hylians, Zoras, Dekus, Gerudos, Au Ra, Bangaa, Elezen, Mithras, Tarutarus, Moogles, Vestals, Neathians, Gundalins, the Viera, Candy People, [less hostile] Earth-Daleks, along with Earth-Cybermen, Flame People, Ooo-Dogs, Rainicorns, Lemon People, Lumpy Space People, Nut People, Tree People, Exceeds, and [Immigrant descendants] Klingons, Chiss, Anzati, Quarrens, Balosars, Nosaurians, Devaronians, the Fosh, Iktotchi, Horusians, Huks [A race extremely similar to the Hulk/Bruce Banner, expect not created by gamma radiation], Florans, Apex, Avivans, Hylotl, Novakids, Vipers [X-Com-like], Garmillas, Xens [Near-human Gijinka-like Xenomorphs], Centurians, Centurii, Krylorians, Kt'kns, Kymellians, Landlaks, Nibelungs [Harlock], ‘White Walkers’, Taurians, Xixix, Stenth, Lava-Min {Marvel’s Lava Men}, Glx, Kawas, Z'Nox, Zundamites, Thranx, {D&D} Garrgoyyles, Charr, Saiyans, from one groups of crashed pods during the Ice Age [There are more females Saiyans than males on Bagklock Earth], Hyleks, Quaggans, Norn, Slyvari, Djinn, Myconids, Weav-Spiders, Kobolds, Elins, Accretians, Omnics, Anodites, Incurseans, Stits (Tummyhead’s species), Nemuinas, Falleens, Miralukas, Nagaii, Rakatas, Talz, Ishi Tibs, Decapodians [Zoidberg’s race], Detrovites, Trumbipuai (Humanoid elephants with bat wing-like ears), Thundragohs (Humanoid warthogs), Planchakoles, Cephalod-ae, Basalts, Ickthyperambuloids, Zaroffians, Gelamen [Gang Beasts-like], Argonians, Khajiits, the Skaven, the Ratonaga, and the soon-to-be merging Newtypes & Coordinators in the future. {2 not registered races; Which only has three billion sightings total, but no solid proof of their existence, from the 1900’s to 2042, are the so called ‘Mudokons’, and the Henries of Earthland}. Plus, ‘Minions’, of different colors, like the Pikmin, are a part of the races that live on Bagklock Earth, but choose not to be registered in the documented races, that are most populous. 44+ minor races, that are registered, are the Olympians, Steefs, the four human subspecies; Ogryns, Ratlings, Squats, & Beastmen, the Lemurians, earthling Chozos, Shokans, Gnolls, the Blueys, [Earthling Grey Aliens descendants, supposedly, expect dark blue in skin color and about 6 to 7 feet tall, on average], the Kongou, the Yodalili [Yoda’s Species], Earthling Sligs (Oddworld), the Gour-Ogres [Gourmet Ogres], the Goombas, the Kerbals, the Yautjae, who are immigrants from very long ago, the Hirogens, and the Namekians, who are also immigrants from long, long ago, Minks (Not Zou-born), Trills, [Runaway] Geems, [A bit smaller] Yithians, Chevins, Crites, Zeti, Toads [Mario] {Are a race who has multiple genders, like funguses}, Thunderians, Zanburgs, Twilis, Aegyls, Beastmen, & their tribes [Final Fantasy], Burmecians, Cleyrans, Clavats, Selkies, Yukes, Lillties, Dragoniers, Galkas, Garifs, Genomes, Hummingways, Hypello, Lalafells, Nu Mou, Peruperu, Qu, Roegadyn, Seeq, Shumi, Zilarts, Breakfast People, Cloud People, Crystal People, Cube People, Cuties, Earclopses, Grass People, Hot People, House People, Mushroom People, MOs, Peanut People, Pillow People, Rock People, Rump People, Sand People, Slime Princess, Soft People, Spiky People, Turtle People, Veggie People, Wildberry People, Worm People, E-Vulcans [from Earthland], Kyuzos, Aqualish, Draethos, Gotals, Harchs, Noghris, Nelvaanians, Vulptereens, Stenax, Sluissi, Junkers, ZeHethbras, Critokians, Squalrises, Adarians, Lutrillians, Niktos, Ryns, Glymphids, Keroidens, Roclites, Yirbeks, Yrds, Kineticlops [A race that are a giant organic sphere, with a eye pupil, and electricity that lifts them up on two legs and with two arms], Atsts [Organic sentient versions of the AT-STs], Xwaings [Organic sentient versions of the X-Wings], Tivdes [Organic sentient versions of the TIE Fighters], Atats [Organic, giraffe-size sentient versions of the AT-ATs], Agamo [A 15 foot tall rock golem-like race from both Central America and the South Pacific, with eons of evolution behind them], Magmo [A 15 foot tall, four-armed rock golem-like race, evolved from various volcanoes’ magma chambers at the beginning of their existence, during the vague-known ‘Deep-Time Missing Period’, in the range of 100 billions and 4 billions, at the creation of Bagklock Earth, that even they can hardly remember], Vuvrians, Nekghouls, Skritts, Margonites, Mursaats, Grawls, Streearks, Marmice, Batttoads, X-Mutants, Metahumans, Kelari, Talarians, Feeorins, Khils, Massassi, Houks, Selkaths, Snivvians, Shistavanens, Swoke-Swokes, Kian'thar, Farghuls, Cathars, Arconas, Defels, Chadra Fans, Skakoans, Talortai, Selonians, Colicoids, Cragmoloids, & Codru-Ji. The Diclonius and the Ajins are an emerging, but not registered within populations, race ever since 2005.
=+Most of the races on Bagklock Earth evolved on the planet, alongside humans.
+-The ‘almost’ extinct Vegeta-Saiyans are on the other side of the planet, but in the single digits and are very certain individuals, who do not know of the Bagklock!Saiyans.
+-Like in Disney movies, there are in fact talking animals as well, but only to themselves.
All of the races’ blood are a few colors: Pink, Blue, Purple, Orange, or Black. But, not red, like the Bagklock water. Black, blue, pink, and orange are the four most common blood colors.
Every race on Bagklock Earth, unlike real life Earth, would feel, and resist, that normal 111.8 degree temperature of an mortal Olympian like you would feel someone’s very high fever, expect it is normal.
~The Bat~
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johnvonstach · 7 years
Some Simple Insights Into Handy Solutions For Vsp North America
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No matter the real estate costs, solar energy can reduce your energy bill. Over a ten year span, energy costs will double. Solar energy can offer many benefits for business or homeowners. Read on to learn more about solar energy usage.
You can integrate solar energy into your home’s current energy source. Install some pathway lights. You can find these at many retail establishments. Installing these isn’t terribly difficult, you just place them where you want them.
If your solar panels should fail, you need to have a backup plan in place. Depending on your situation you might want to stay connected with the local power grid, or invest in a generator for when problems occur with your system. If you choose to get a generator, keep a few on hand and test them on a routine basis.
After you recoup your initial investment, you can save a lot of money using solar energy. This can help you go green and reduce your energy bill. If you’re not prepared to settle down, solar panels probably aren’t the best decision.
If you want to by a solar power system, steer clear of pushy salespeople. You are the only one who can make this decision, and you must do so by obtaining all the necessary information and weighing the costs and benefits. Buying immediately from any high pressure salesperson may result in making the wrong decision and wasting your money.
A great option for solar electricity would be a sun-tracking panel system. These systems follow the movement of the sun across the sky throughout the day and the seasons. This may cost you a little more at first, but the results in the end are worth it.
You could get a tax credit if you switch to solar power. These rebates can reduce your installation costs by almost thirty percent. Check online to learn more.
Outdoor lighting is among the simplest methods of implementing solar energy in your home. Pathway lights glean energy from sun during the daylight and use it to light up at night. Installation is easy, and there’s an added aesthetic factor.
Life can improve and the planet can be saved by those who use solar energy. Adopting a green mindset will benefit your life. This article is a great place to start with learning about solar power but there is so much more to learn about how solar power can help you.
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But that’s OK, most everything is temporary, so instead of just forgetting certain things (like our workouts), let them shift a bit as well so they fit into our crazy schedule. Our move today is called surrender. It is a move going down on to the knees and back up to the feet, relying on core strength and balance. All you need is a flat surface. And the bonus is that it can be done anywhere. Begin this move by placing your hands gently behind your head, pushing the elbows to the outside. Stand tall, chest up, with your feet underneath your hips and your core engaged, you are ready to move. Keeping your whole upper body upright and strong, proceed to bend in the knees, placing your left knee on the floor. As soon as your first knee finds placement on the floor, follow with the second knee. Keeping your upper body form throughout the move, you will find yourself perched on both knees on the floor for a brief moment. Keeping your body in motion, return to a standing motion, by leading with the left leg, following up with the right. Once you return to a standing position again, repeat the same movement, only starting with your right knee first on this set. Shoot for at least 10 surrenders per set, five leading with the left, and five leading with the right. Take a small breather in between sets, then continue with your next set, for three to five sets. You will find that this exercise has a huge emphasis and focus on the lower body, quadriceps and hamstrings — but without core strength and balance, it would be extremely difficult. If you are a beginner, you could use a chair arm or broomstick for added balance.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.sooeveningnews.com/lifestyle/20171215/todays-workout-surrender-works-lower-body-and-core
Locating Help On Intelligent Sault Ste Marie Strategies
“To us, it’s discouraging,” Steve Summers, Knights of Columbus Council 932 Grand Knight, told The Sault Star Thursday. “I suspect the pendulum’s swinging a little bit too far, to the point we’re being so accommodating that we’re giving away our own culture. Our moral values, our Christian values, are being eroded in the name of freedom.” Sault Area Hospital denies this, contending its ultimate aim is to take everyone into consideration. “The hospital is not trying to exclude Christmas, but be inclusive and make sure that we’re reflective and thinking about everybody,” Brandy Sharp Young, SAH manager of communications and volunteer resources, told The Sault Star Thursday. For instance, the hospital’s foundation has its Tree of Hope up, decorations can be found in some areas of the Great Northern Road facility and there is talk that Old St. Nick, himself, may make an appearance, possibly Friday. “The intention of the policy was we’re reflective of who is coming into our hospital and being inclusive,” Sharp Young said. The policy, not provincially mandated but part of a revised SAH signage guidelines ushered in last August, outlines an “overall direction and process” for the displaying of signage, and includes a process for the displaying of holiday and seasonal decorations. Limiting ornaments pegging any number of events or holidays in areas often visited by the general public, the hospital says, fosters a “safe and welcoming” space. Exceptions must be approved by management, including holiday-themed fundraising, and Christmas decorations in inpatient units and areas not regularly used by the public must also be approved by SAH brass. “By having an approval process for the displaying of holiday and seasonal decorations, we ensure that we are inclusive and respectful of the diversity of our staff, patients, families, physicians and volunteers,” Sharp Young said. Knights of Columbus, a fraternal service club for Roman Catholic men, is a strong advocate of the “Keep Christ in Christmas” theme; ads can be scene here on city buses and there are signs throughout the community. “The general feeling” with K of C, Summers said, is that the hospital’s policy is “some form of overreaction.” “We’d like to see the idea of Christmas and Christianity protected in this country,” he added. “And what we see is that our moral structure is being eroded. I think maybe we’ve gone a little bit too far in welcoming people, to the point that we’re willing to give up what we’ve worked hard to create in this country.” Summers said he would fully understand if such a policy were based strictly on safety and fire code considerations. “I don’t disagree with the hospital’s right to have certain policies to maybe restrict how much is done,” he said, adding common sense ought to prevail. “I don’t think the hospital should allow (a patient) to put a six- or eight-foot tree in the room.
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Practical Guidelines For Wise Solar Power Sault Ste Marie Secrets
Solar power can seem quite complex if you are not familiar with the technology and products used. You just need the appropriate information to make the most of the choices that you have. Continue reading in order to learn what solar can do for you.
How dense a panel is determines its efficiency. Getting high density solar panels may cost you quite a bit, but after a while they’ll pay for themselves because they produce more power. Compare a variety of panel densities prior to making a purchase decision.
You can reduce your energy bills and protect the environment by using solar panels to heat water. You can choose from several different types of solar water tanks. A sunny area on your roof is the optimal spot for installation.
If you cannot afford a full-scale solar energy system, invest in small-scale appliances. There are two ways to do this. First, get solar paneling that can be mounted on windows as a means to recharge electronic devices. Camping equipment that is solar powered is also very helpful. Even small amounts of saving add up over time.
If you are moving toward leasing your solar panels instead of buying them, be sure that your contract lets you transfer your lease. If you end up selling your home, you could be paying for a solar energy system you are not using. This can pass the benefits of a solar energy system to the next homeowner and save you money in the process.
Assess your needs and budget to determine whether or not solar power is a good option for you. A few factors need to be considered. If your area is remote, you may want to invest in solar energy. Choose this option to lower your project’s environmental impact and can afford the greater initial cost.
You could get a tax credit if you switch to solar power. You may receive tax breaks up to 30 percent of the initial cost of the system. Just look online to find more information on the subject, or you could contact the local representative.
If you do not want to make a total commitment to solar power, think about using some solar-energized attic fans. Solar-powered attic fans have temperature sensors that will turn your fan on and off automatically based on the attic’s temperature. You’ll reduce the cost of cooling your home by having this solar-powered attic fan remove hot air from your home. The fan itself will not increase your electric bill since it is solar-powered.
You can now feel better about the knowledge you’ve gained about solar energy. The more information you have, the more confident you can feel when dealing with solar energy. It’s a smart choice, and you now have some advice to help you along the way.
To learn more about vpowerenergy solar home generators for power outages Sault Ste Marie visit https://www.johnvonstach.com/vpowerenergy/
The post Some Simple Insights Into Handy Solutions For Vsp North America appeared first on VSP North America.
from VSP North America https://www.johnvonstach.com/vs-products-inc/some-simple-insights-into-handy-solutions-for-vsp-north-america/
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jackintheirbox-blog · 8 years
SSB RPG: Stats (Part One)
Whether you’re building a house, making a sandwich or creating a tabletop RPG system, you have to start with a foundation.
Because tabletop RPG systems are almost primarily dictated by that son of a bitch we call Math, I’ve decided to start by establishing what the stats for the system will be, since they’re involved in almost every calculation. They’re crucial to how the game operates on a fundamental level, so they’re a tad important to say the least, and it’ll be very hard to develop anything without them firmly in place first. It’s also important as, given that our system is based on Super Smash Bros., a large amount of its appeal will be in the characters, and we want to make sure we have enough variables to work with so that each of them can be sufficiently fleshed out. We don’t want a system without SPD when people want to play as Sonic, now do I?
As to how we will decide these stats, I’ve taken an empirical approach (read: lazy) and studied the RPG systems of the Super Smash Bros. cast itself (excluding the third-party kids - they can sit in the corner.) This includes:
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
The Mario & Luigi series
The Paper Mario series
The Earthbound series
The Fire Emblem series
The Pokemon series
The Xenoblade series
The procedure here is:
List each game and the stats that it uses.
Find out the average number of stats used in a game.
Tally them up in a nice handy table.
We’re excluding XP (Experience Points) from this because, while it’s definitely going to be in the system, it’s a whole other animal and we need to hunt it down at a later time.
Are you bored yet? I don’t blame you.
Maybe some lists will get your knickers in a twist.
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars:
HP (Hit Points)
FP (Flower Points)
Magic Attack
Special Defense
Mario & Luigi series:
HP (Heart Points)
BP / SP (Bros. Points / Special Points)
POW (Power)
DEF (Defense)
SPEED (Speed)
Paper Mario series:
HP (Heart Points)
AP (Attack Power)
DP (Defense Power)
FP (Flower Points)
BP (Badge Points)
SP (Star Power)
Earthbound series:
HP (Hit Points)
PP (Psychic Points)
IQ (Psychic Attack)
Guts (Crit Chance / Crit Resistance)
Luck (Evade)
(Vitality has been excluded since it’s a stat that purely exists for determining HP gain, so it’s not cool enough to stand on its own.)
Fire Emblem series:
HP (Hit Points)
Strength (Physical Attack)
Magic (Magic Attack)
Skill (Crit Chance / Effect Chance)
Luck (Hit Chance / Crit Resistance)
Defense (Physical Defense)
Resistance (Magical Defense)
Pokemon series:
HP (Hit Points)
Attack (Physical Attack)
Defense (Physical Defense)
Sp. Attack (Special Attack)
Sp. Defense (Special Defense)
Xenoblades series:
Ranged Attack
Ranged Accuracy
Melee Attack
Melee Accuracy
Potential (TP Damage)
First things first - what’s our average?
Our average number of stats used per game is seven (50 / 7 = 7.142, rounded down) so that’s going to be our ‘target’ for the number of stats we want to end up with after all this is said and done. If it lands in six or eight, it’s acceptable, while anything less or more is too deviant from the norm and we’ll need to start bringing more stats off the bench or sending them back on the bus if that’s the case.
We’ll examine each stat in detail in a second post.
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