#exchange of bites
Don’t Provoke Dean
Ch 3.
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Y/N found herself lying on Dean's chest naked, his arms wrapped around her as he hummed some rock song she’d heard in the Impala, still on his knot. She smiled to herself feeling the soreness of the bite on her neck. She slowly opened her eyes, shifting her head up and looking at him.
“You’re awake?”
She hummed in response.
“Take your time. Gonna be a while.”
She hummed again and nuzzled against his chest, deeply inhaling his scent. She began to purr loudly against him.
He carded his fingers through her hair and chuckled. He kissed her hair and continued to hum the song.
The purr began to quiet down.
“Did you fall asleep again?” He chuckled, quietly. “I musta tired you out. I got ya, sweetheart.” He placed a kiss on her hair.
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Y/N awoke to be fully dressed and seat belted into the Impala. Dean was driving with his cassettes playing on low. She stretched and yawned, shifting to sit up in the front passenger seat.
Dean grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Hey, Sleepyhead. Nice nap?”
She smiled blushing and nodded. “Yeah,” she confirms, sleepily.
Dean interlaced their fingers as he drove, a small smile on his lips when he glanced at her.
Y/N dozed again, holding Dean’s hand loosely as they headed to the bunker. When the Impala parked, she awakened to find them parked in the Men of Letters garage and her car two spots over. She smiled sleepily upon seeing her car and unbuckled, getting out of the vehicle. Seeing the trunk open, she walked over to help unload but found it empty except for the usual times for hunting. She closed it up and walked inside towards the kitchen. She was parched and starving.
Who knew mating could be so tiresome? Yeesh!
She grabbed a few items and made herself a sandwich along with water from the tap. Sitting down, she ate and drank waiting for Dean and/or Sam to find her. Sam was the first to enter the kitchen.
“Y/N!” He smiled then noticed her neck, his eyes widened followed by a toothy grin. “Congrats!” He walked over with his arms open wide. She chuckled at him and stood up, meeting him halfway for a hug.
“Hey,” called Dean, commandingly. His eyebrows furrowed and frowning. “That’s mine.”
“I’m a she, Dean. Not a ‘that’.” She stepped away from Sam and stepped towards Dean, putting one hand on her hip, quirking a brow challengingly at him.
He walked right over to her, hiding his smile, and picked her up, kissing her. She squealed at the surprise change. “I know,” he mumbled against her lips. “You’re too easy to rile up.”
She grinned at him and shook her head, wrapping her arms and legs around him.
“Congrats, man.” Sam squeezed Dean’s shoulder. “I was just grabbing a bite before doing some research on a potential case.”
Y/N whined. “We just got back.”
“I know, baby,” Dean agreed. “We’ll take a break, I promise.” He pecked a kiss against her lips and set her down. She settled back into the spot and finished her sandwich.
Dean and Sam exchanged a look, which Sam followed with a single nod before making his own sandwich. Y/N just watched the exchange curious about what they discussed. She rubbed her mating bite gently, it was sore when she turned her head too much
“You ok?” Dean asked. He came over, pulled the chair next to her, and scented the bite he left.
She nodded. “Just sore,” she replied before taking the last bite of her sandwich. Dean kissed her claimed mating gland, and licked it, making sure to keep it clean.
Y/N closed her eyes as he cleaned it. It made her feel calm and safe as he did.
“The soreness should go away in a few days,” Sam offered quietly.
“Good to know.” Y/N smiled, glancing up at Sam before looking at her empty plate.
Dean pulled away. “All good. You let me know if it starts hurting.”
She grabbed her plate, drank her water, and got up to put it away in the sink. “Will do, Alpha.”
Sam gave Dean a teasing eyebrow wiggle behind Y/N’s back and a smirk.
“Shut up,” Dean growled quietly at Sam, who just smiled and headed for the library.
Dean watched Sam walk off as Y/N watched him. “Now, what?” She asked.
He looked into her Y/E/C eyes. “Now.” He stood, walking over to her, and picked her up.
“This isn’t fair. You’re bigger and stronger than me.” She wrapped herself around the Alpha once more, pouting.
“You’re the perfect size for me to have my way with you,” he growled into her ear. He felt the shiver that went through her. “How about we finish things up?”
She stiffened slightly as Dean walked towards his…now, their…bedroom.
As he carried her into the bedroom he closed the door with his foot.
“Finish what up?”
He set her back down on her feet, maintaining eye contact. “Mating.” He pulled off his shirts.
Her eyes widened at the sudden amount of skin. Her Omega immediately slid her hands across the freckled expanse of skin, skimming lightly across his nipples pulling a hiss from him. “Ooo, sensitive.”
He pulled her hands away and crossed his arms.
“What?” Her mouth partially opened as she looked up at him, her brows furrowed.
“We aren't fully mated, Y/N.”
She took a step back. “We aren’t?” Her eyes cast to the floor in thought. “You knotted me and bit me.” She looked back up to his green eyes. “How are we not fully mated?”
“It’s an exchange of bites, Y/N.” He couldn’t read the look on her face.
“So, we need to have sex, knot and I bite you?”
He gave her a soft smile and nodded.
“Oh.” She blushed at this new knowledge. “How do I know if I bit you, right?”
“You’re to bite through the mating gland when it’s swollen. It’s a saliva and blood exchange.”
“Break skin, bloody bite, got it.” Her heart began to race at the thought. She walked over to the side of his bed and sat down, toeing off her boots. “I guess being packless has its downsides. I was taught it was just the Alpha bite.”
Dean sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, squeezing her against his side. “It’s ok, Sweetheart.”
“What’s it like being fully mated?” She wondered aloud.
“John once said that he could feel my Mom. Feel her feelings and sometimes even hear her thoughts. He knew where she always was and always felt connected to her.” Dean paused and looked down at the top of Y/N’s hair. “I think it nearly killed him when she died.”
“Is that why you…you didn’t…want me?” She whispered.
Dean took a deep breath and sighed heavily. “Nearly everyone we love is dead. I don’t…I don’t want that for you. I didn’t want you to get hurt because of me.”
She looked up into his face. “You should have let me decide that, Dean. What changed?”
“I know, Y/N. I know but…honestly? I’m not sure what happened .” He paused, looking to the floor. “I was so frustrated at how things went down. You nearly got injured because of me and–”
“That was my choice. You can’t stop me from wanting to keep you safe,” she interrupted.
“I know. I know. I just…” He sighed again.
“When you pushed me, my Alpha seemed to almost take over and saw you challenging me. That’s how it began. It began as a way to force you to submit to me and changed once I held you, smelled your…” he bent down and deeply inhaled at her neck. “Your delicious sweet scent.” He pulled back and looked into her eyes. “I knew I couldn’t keep you at arm’s length anymore. I couldn’t deny who you are to me, anymore. That’s why I sent Sam home with your car. Didn’t think any of us wanted him to witness that.”
“Wait, scenting me…? Was the straw that broke the camel’s back?” Y/N fell onto the bed laughing. “Dean,” she huffed. “If I’d realized you were such a pushover for a pretty scent…” She giggled and held her stomach.
“I am not”, he disagreed and playfully smacked her arm. His Alpha yipped and ran around watching his mate laugh.
“You so are.” She huffed until she was calm and sat back on her hands, looking up at him. “I basically challenged you and you get me in a submissive position only to have my Omega scent drive your Alpha crazy enough to go fuck it, we’re mating?” She closed her eyes and grinned. “Damn, if I had known that years ago, Winchester.” She exhaled sharply. “I’d have done that sooner”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shuddup.”
Y/N looked up at him and then moved up the bed, scooting until she was able to rest her head on a pillow.
Dean quirked a brow at her.
She unbuttoned then pulled down the zipper of her jeans, slowly pushing the fabric off her hips, along her panties down.
Dean smirked at her undressing. He scooted up the bed and pushed up her shirt, pinched and tugged at a nipple. Her breath stuttered with a quiet groan as she bit her lip.
He hummed his disapproval, using his thumb to pull her lip from between her teeth. “I want to hear you.”
She smirked. “How about you lock the door, just in case?”
Dean stood up, a beautifully sized tent in his jeans as he went to make sure he locked his bedroom door.
As Y/N watched his jean-clad ass walk away, she removed her panties, jeans, and socks, then worked on her top. By the time Dean had returned to the bed, she was completely naked in the middle of the bed.
“So,” she began. “Is this our room now? Or should I get the room next to yours?”
Dean crawled up her naked body, boxing her head in with his arms, and pushed her legs apart with his knees to make sure he was between them. Seconds later, the scent of her arousal hit him hard. He could feel himself blurt a dollop of precome at the intensity. “I want to fall asleep and wake up to you in my arms. I don’t care where. I am never letting you go, my Omega.”
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “Good. I’m never letting you go, my Alpha. Ever.”
His eyes softened at her words. The adoration seen in them almost felt too much with how new this whole relationship was.
“Now, where were we?”
“You were working to get me all wet so I could ride you, hop on that fat knot, and bite you to make you…us….mates.” She felt her face warm at the last word and the heat spread down her neck, quickly dissipating.
“Is that so?” He leaned down with a smile and pressed his lips to hers in which she had smiled in turn. He wrapped a hand behind her neck into her hair and the other under her shoulders. With a quick twist, Dean was on the bottom and she was lying across his body. She didn’t squeal this time but giggled as she pressed up on his chest, straddling his abdomen. “Our height difference is either gonna be awesome or a pain”, she observed.
He chuckled deeply, the vibrations spreading through his torso into her thighs and crotch.
“Oh.” She leaked at the tease of vibrations against her folds.
He watched her and hummed curiously at the feel of her wetness on his abdomen. He wrapped his hands around her hips and carefully picked her up, moving her down to sit on his pelvis in front of his hard Alpha cock. Her breath stuttered, instinctively her hands wrapped around his forearms for balance, at the easy show of his strength with a gush of slick leaking onto Dean’s pelvis. Her eyes dilated; the flush slowly moved down to her chest. She was panting, her hands unmoving; her wetness increased at the feeling of Dean’s erection resting between the globes of her ass.
“Gonna ride me, ‘mega?”
She leaned forward, grabbed his cock. Dean aided her to balance as she lined him up with her entrance, slowly sliding down his length. They both groaned in unison. Y/N closed her eyes, savoring the feel of being full and stretched with a slight burn. Her hands moved to hold her breasts, massaging against her areola and nipples. She hummed at the sensation overload.
Dean lightly teased his fingers across her skin as he moved to rub his thumb across her clit.
She flinched, opening her eyes at the unexpected sensation.
Dean grinned over at her as he sped up his thumb. “Well, ‘mega?”
She looked confused, her mouth agape as she sat there full of him with her hands on her perfectly sized breasts. Her scent was sweet with arousal and earthy with contentment.
He grinned and bucked up into her. She caught herself on his abdomen and groaned. She’d forgotten how much she loved her cervix being hit and hard. “Again.”
Dean quirked a brow.
“How…” Y/N sat up and looked at him, trying to figure out the words to say. “I don’t see how I’m supposed to bite you if you’re laying down.”
“Easy.” He grabbed her hips, using his feet he scooted up against the headboard sitting up with her still on his cock at a slightly different angle that felt just as good. Their pelvises touch allowing for her to grind her clit against his with a pleasure hum.
“Much”, she confirmed. Looking up at him, she saw his eyes nearly black and red leaking in. “Oh, Alpha.”
Dean could see she was reciprocating—gold brightening in her eyes. He smirked, grabbed her by her neck as his other hand slid to the middle of her back, and kissed her, putting all he was feeling into it. His scent intensified around her. She could taste his arousal on her tongue, almost like licking well-worked leather with the sweet, earthiness of tobacco. Her hands dove into his hair, her skin tingled from her lips outward, as she shifted her legs and began to slowly roll her hips. She dug her nails into his skin sliding down his neck and across the back of his shoulder, feeling his cock twitch inside her. The kiss became more of a gnashing of teeth and tongue until Dean pulled away, panting for breath. Y/N’s eyes were gold and Dean's were red.
“You’re radiant.” The look on his flushed face was an emotion that she had seen many times when he thought she wasn’t looking but doubted, even now.
“Fuck me, Alpha,” she commanded and pulled Dean down to her. He easily went along with her command, grabbing her hips tightly, and thrusting his hips up into her core. Thrust after thrust with force, quickly bringing them both so close. The slick slide of her tightening channel was a pleasure he wanted to experience again and again. His knot started sliding in and out of her wetness as she grabbed his hair, pulling his head back, exposing his neck for her to nip and suck marks onto him. She licked along his mating gland and bit roughly into it without breaking skin. Dean groaned-growled at the pleasure, thrusting in and out of her waiting for his knot to hold. She licked up his neck until her lips were next to his ear. “You’re mine, Alpha .”
He gasped, digging his nails into her flesh, picking her up, and pulling her down as he thrust up into her. “De. De. De.,” she panted over and over again as her thighs burned trying to keep up with him. Tears began to slip down her face with rapture as she wailed her pleasure. Dean’s knot locked them together; Dean growled deep within his chest as her Omega clamped Y/N’s teeth into his mating gland, coppery taste flooded her mouth as her saliva washed it down her gullet. Her gold eyes glowed with the bond snapping into place, Dean’s pleasure intensifying her own. A rapture feedback loop between the Alpha and Omega took a while to come down from.
When Y/N finally let go some time later, Dean had buried his face into her neck and shoulder, was holding her tight to his body, his back tense with both arms around her. She slowly released her jaw and pulled away slightly, gently scratching her mate’s scalp as she licked the new mating bite clean. She began to slowly rub his back and arm, understanding the intensity of it. She couldn’t tell where Dean began and she ended. She felt so much intensely and yet, she felt so safe, so loved, and fiercely desired. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on their connection, the emotions she could differentiate that was coming from him, and intensified her own emotions for him to cross over the bond.
He pulled up, eyes wide but out of focus, gasping. She cupped his face, rubbing her thumbs along his jawline, and silently watched him, patiently waiting.
Another minute went by before he looked at her, tears in his eyes, and a small smile on his lips.
“Hi,” she whispered, returning the smile.
“Hey,” he croaked, swallowed, then tried again. “Hey.”
Her smile widened. “You okay?”
He barely nodded.
“Me too.”
Thank you to @kazsrm67 for being my beta. ❤️❤️❤️
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come get yer Laughin'stock! get it hot off the press! free Laughin'stock right here!
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danmeichael · 2 months
it's really cute when a character is completely obsessively devoted to someone they are entirely aware is toxic. submissive not because they're naive but because they are completely content with being taken advantage of.
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merakiui · 9 months
what if jade was actually more of a perv than Floyd and Azul combined underneath that (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠) façade
This is exactly how I see him!!!! He's such a freak!!!!!! Even more so than Floyd and Azul. In terms of shamelessness, I like to imagine Jade is at the very top spot. He's just so,,,, depraved. The type of man to shamelessly sport an erection while you're lecturing him about how annoying he is or something degrading like that, and he just stands there like (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) and waits for you to notice LOL. I also just think things like erections in human form aren't something embarrassing for Jade and, by that extension, Floyd because it's something they aren't used to dealing with in mer form and they just don't understand why it's such a big deal if people see because, as Floyd will note, "everyone's got junk, so who cares?" Azul gets flustered over things like that because 1) he's easy to fluster and 2) he wants to actually blend in with human society and not be labeled a pervert right away like a certain pair of eels. ^^;;;
Part of me wants to push the Jade is a feet guy agenda because his dorm groovy is so,,,,, T_T but then I feel like that makes sense for Jade to be the one with the foot/leg fetish??? He's spent all of his life playing the "normal" twin or the "responsible" twin because that's how he was always told apart from Floyd. He's much too calculated to just let loose like Floyd does and he has an image to uphold, so he probably just masks all of his perverted behaviors so well you'll never know. But then he does things like offering to shine your shoes or tie your laces or something silly like that and he's hopelessly hard the entire time. You can't even kick him in his dick because there's a 100% chance he'll just enjoy it. T_T you tell him to go die and he's fanning himself like wooooo teehee :3c it's suddenly so hot in here...
Jade knows exactly what he's doing. He is so down bad for you, too. You could tell him you'll die before you ever go out with him and he just becomes even more invested in playing this long, impossible game of waiting. I like to think he gets creative and humorous with his attempts at flirting. Maybe this makes him look a little pathetic, but is that not part of his charms? That, or it's just another artfully crafted façade meant to hide a much more coy demeanor.
He has a list of things he wants to accomplish with you and within the top five is probably a footjob. You kicked him in his ankles after he showed you the list (complete with a handwritten note asking you if you'd help him study anatomy later), and he had to excuse himself to the bathroom to deal with personal issues. :) your violence is just more fuel for his fantasies.
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Melisandre is one of my favorite minor POVs mostly because of how GRRM plays with the all-powerful mage trope. See the deconstruction with her is that despite her antics, she’s actually very powerful and all her visions are legit. It’s just that she absolutely sucks at interpreting said visions, mostly because she has all these preconceived notions and is very stubborn about them. And even when the answer is staring right at her (literally), she just doubles down. And it can be very frustrating as a reader, to be quite honest.
Like she’s been super gung ho about Stannis Baratheon being Azor Ahai/the Prince that Was Promised, though only R’hllor know why, to the extent that she will flat-out ignore any evidence to the contrary. Her visions in ADWD essentially scream that Azor Ahai is someone different (not Stannis!) but good ol’ Mel just won’t budge.
There’s this very hilarious interaction in Jon’s 10th ADWD chapter that essentially spells out all of her problems with visions and prophecy, with Jon serving as the reader’s proxy in some ways.
This interaction happens during Alys Karstark’s wedding feast and Patchface drops some of his weird jingles, which Mel very unsettled by. So she’s turns to Jon and is like, “ugh that dude is so creepy, all my visions tell me so”. And Jon’s reaction to this is super funny, because he’s like:
“You see fools in your fire, but no hint of Stannis?”
Wow Jon lmao
He just had to call her out like that, unprovoked. But his frustration makes sense. He’s constantly been asking about Stannis’ whereabouts but Mel’s responses just aren’t very satisfactory (in his opinion).
Then we get this next line which really just says everything about Mel’s stubbornness and perfectly embodies the deconstruction of the all-powerful seer trope.
“When I search for him all I see is snow.”
So Mel looks for Stannis, whom she believes to be Azor Ahai, in her fires but doesn’t find him. Instead she sees “snow”. And this part tracks with her POV too. We know from her chapter that she constantly sees Jon in her visions. It’s how we get the very interesting “I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R’hllor shows me only Snow” line.
So one would think that Mel might go: “Hmmm I look for the prophesied savior, but I don’t see Stannis. Instead, I only see Snow. I don’t doubt R’hllor’s power so if my visions are true, then maybe I need to rethink a few things”.
One would think…
But nope!
And Jon’s like “Hey maybe you’re not seeing Stannis because he’s super dead, ever think about that Mel?” And she proceeds to spout the usual Azor Ahai stuff and even mentions Dragonstone:
“When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone. Dragonstone is the place of smoke and salt.”
To which Jon’s replies, “uhhhh news flash Stannis was not born on Dragonstone so that doesn’t track”.
Obviously this is Jon’s skepticism but I like to think that he took the reader’s place here. Because many of us have asked ourselves, why oh why would Mel think of Stannis just because she saw Dragonstone? Like yeah, he’s the Lord of Dragonstone but he wasn’t born there. It’s quite a valid question and how does Mel counter it? She doubles down and twist herself into a pretzel to make Stannis fit (even though he doesn’t fit at all!)
Really, Jon’s reaction is essentially what would happen if someone dropped me into the world of ASOIAF and gave me the chance to meet Mel and ask her a few questions. I’d be quite frustrated, just as Jon is here. And to be fair, the reader has a lot of auxiliary information (e.g., Jon’s parentage) that Mel doesn’t have.
But then the next few lines really illustrate just why poor Mel can be so frustrating. Because Jon’s follow up is,
“And what of Mance? Is he lost as well? What do your fires show?”
And what does Mel say?
“The same, I fear. Only snow.”
Seriously, I cannot! This is the exact same situation as with Stannis. She looks for a king but only sees Snow. This makes me wonder then, based on previous wording, if she’s specifically looking for “the King Beyond the Wall” (not just “Mance”) and only seeing Snow - at this point, Jon has all but supplanted Mance.
So once again, one would think that Mel would go: hmmmm I look for the King Beyond the Wall but I see Jon Snow and not Mance Rayder. Seeing that Mance’s power has been diminished and Jon Snow is now taking control of the wildlings, maybe I should re-evaluate a few things”.
Yeah, one would think…
Homegirl is trying her best, she really is. But sadly, her best can only get E for Effort.
And at this point the reader is just done with Mel, and Jon is too:
“You are seeing cinders dancing in the updraft.”
He doesn’t even bother to phase it as a question lmao. He just calls her out and doesn’t care.
And we’re in his POV so he’s thinking of the lower case “snow”. Also, why in the hell is Mel referring to Jon like this?
Anyway, this is why I think Jon serves as the reader’s proxy in this conversation because it’s like a thinking exercise (facilitated by the narrative) that ultimately goes nowhere because Mel is so, so stubborn.
Because if we really break it down:
R’hllor/the Narrative: Who do you see when you search for the king/Azor Ahai?
Mel: Jon Snow
R’hllor/the Narrative: Ok…and who do you see when you search for the King Beyond the Wall?
Mel: Erm, Jon Snow…
R’hllor/the Narrative/the Reader: Great! So say it with me. The king you’re looking for is J-
R’hllor/the Reader: …?!
And before anyone claims that this is a misdirect, Mel really is seeing Jon Snow. Straight from the horse’s mouth:
“I am seeing skulls. And you. I see your face every time I look into the flames.”
Friend….I don’t even know what to say anymore…
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yabakuboi · 13 days
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To Eddie, it’s weird, almost wrong, that he can do all this now—can run and jump into the water, cannonballing right in the middle of everyone to cause maximum water damage, can dive deep until he pops up in front of Steve to spray water in his face—when just last summer, he couldn’t even get up to the bathroom without help. Months on months of bed rest, nearly a year of physical therapy, what felt like endless nights of sobbing into his pillow from the pain. It doesn’t feel real. It doesn’t feel like he earned it.
It’s the summer of 1987 and Eddie’s still healing, still falling in love.
Read it here!
I was super honored to get to do a pinch hit for the @steddiesummerexchange for the lovely @paceprompting. Please enjoy the many chomps before you!
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improvapocalyps · 1 year
Oh, and I found love where it wasn't supposed to be.
In participation of the Extreme Timed Challenge Gift Exchange hosted by @extremetimedchallengeexchange!
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miahasahardname · 7 months
i’ve had this long list of td surname headcanons (and i guess some of them are nationality headcanons) for a while and haven’t done much about them, so…
here are each generation’s surnames! (except for rr since i’m not too confident about them)
gen 1:
harold norbert cheever doris mcgrady V
cody emmett jameson anderson
lindsay tyson
noah könig (german)
eva barta (czech)
izzy clark
owen fraser
trent evans-grant
gwen kennedy
heather ryeo
bridgette summers
leshawna simelane (south african iirc)
beth spring
devon ‘dj’ joseph
alejandro burromuerto (spanish)
sierra kauffman (german)
tyler wilson
ezekiel miller
courtney cortez (spanish, or from somewhere where they speak spanish primarily)
duncan butcher
katie wan (malaysian)
sadie peterson (originally was gonna give her a romanian surname but here is peterson)
justin kāne (hawaiian)
geoff jasper
gen 2:
josef ‘jo’ kaczmarek (Polish)
brick macarthur
anne-maria chahuán (chilean)
michele ‘mike’ russo
cameron corduroy wilkins
rudolph ‘lightning’ jackson
staci sterling
zoey gates
dawn oakwood
scott brackin (irish)
dakota milton
sam stevens
beverly ‘b’ jones
gen 3:
ella ito-courtemanche (japanese and french)
scarlett montgomery
max mayhem (yes. i’m actually giving him that as his surname. get sillyed)
jasmine reynolds
shawn tremblay
dave korrapati (indian, more commonly in telugu-speaking areas)
sky sanderson (i was a bit uhm. stuck with this one. i looked up ‘cree surnames’ but found only three. i went for this one but i’m still uncertain.)
amy martin
samantha ‘samey’ martin
topher mccann
rodney rogers
sugar silo
beardo mbomio (equatoguinean)
leonard howe
gen 4:
nichelle ladonna (italian)
bowie davis
emma fletcher
julia hartwell-hughes
priya khan (indian)
millie carter
chase boonmee (thai. it means ‘reliable, generous, loyal’. ironic)
raj ghosh (indian)
wayne watterson
mary-kate ‘mk’ yí (chinese. in honour of fai yí, my beloved)
damien reid
hezekias ‘zee’ guzman (argentinian (it means ‘good man’ which is what he is!!!))
rhinffrew ‘ripper’ bowen (welsh (WELSH RIPPER REAL))
caleb garcia (hispanic)
axel sanchez-guðmundsdóttir (hispanic(?) and icelandic. yes, apparently ‘axel’ is an icelandic name!)
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Multifandom: Bite-Sized Fandoms Exchange
Posted by: firebatvillain   Links: bitesizedfandomsex | Rules | AO3 Collection | Tag Set Description: Hello, and welcome to the Bite-Sized Fandoms Exchange! This exchange is for fandoms whose canons can be read, watched, played, or otherwise experienced in 8 or fewer hours. We're here to celebrate fandoms that are easy to pick up and share with others. Short stories, music videos, paintings, commercials, games, movies, standalone novels, and any other fandom that can be experienced in 8 or fewer hours can be eligible. Nominations are currently open! Dates: March 18-30: Nominations April 1-8: Signups April 12: Assignments out by this date May 25: Assignments Due June 1: Work Reveals June 8: Creator reveals comments via The Fandom Calendar https://ift.tt/UPqeEYI
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ghostly-grave · 11 months
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Astarion's worst nightmare
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“Don’t Provoke Dean”
Chapter 2
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She had no idea where she was going, but her Omega told her to run hard from the pack leader. She knew she was faster than him, which meant he had to be smart or wait for her to get tired. She huffed, losing her jacket, she scented the air, searching for water. She moved around trees, avoiding bushes to prevent leaving her scent. Her human mind, still somewhat alert, began to question if she wanted to be caught.
She knew how she felt about him but was uncertain of his current intention. She was scared she pushed him too far and broke their friendship. Her Omega said differently believing this to be a mating run. She disbelieved the hopeful side of her. No one had ever punished her since she was packless. Being packless protected her from a lot of harm, but it also meant if an Alpha tried or did anything, there was no one to protect her or demand recompense on her behalf.
Every time she thought of Dean Winchester, her Omega would whine and whimper, saddened to be away from him. She had never understood the pull toward him, which had always been there. Since he seemed to not show any sign of it, she always assumed it was one-sided and just a biological instinct she ignored.
The run was making her realize just how tired she was of fighting whatever this was between them. She had never been afraid of Dean Winchester since they met. Right now, however, she was afraid of herself, of her Omega, because she wanted to be caught and had no idea what would happen when he did.
Dean, ever the hunter, knew after the first hunt with Y/N, they were scent-bonded. He never told Sam but wouldn’t be surprised if he knew. Sam was psychic and seemed to read people well. He caught her scent again and followed it. Her arousal became stronger, the vanilla becoming more buttery. The Alpha knew their situation was ideal: no wind and weather mild but for the humidity. He knew he could wait her out, but that meant she would stop simply due to her tiredness, he wanted her to want this just as much as him. His Alpha was a simpering mess every time she was near and he was done. Dean was going to mate her, and then neither of them would have this stupid argument ever again. She would be his Omega and he would get to keep her, forever.
Having hunted with her enough, he knew how she thought. He ran along the river, knowing she’d probably try to hide her scent. Oddly, once he was at the river, her scent didn’t lessen, it seemed stronger. He continued to follow it and after a few hundred yards noticed it weakened. He paused, scenting and tasting the air. He backtracked, thinking she must have done so as well. He was very wrong.
Once he was back at the river, where the scent guided him, he was knocked down to the ground. Instantly recognizing his Omega, he rolled to outmaneuver her but failed. She had him trapped in a headlock. He was getting too old to wrestle like a horny teenager. He was horny and knew his eyes were red. He was holding his Alpha from truly surfacing, worried he would scare her. He was a special Alpha who partially changed when completely in sync with his wolf. He was able to get out of her headlock and saw her.
Y/N was like him.
Her gold irises, beautiful in the moonlight that was making her freckles, somehow, glow. Her fangs had dropped as she encircled him. She had short, black claws in place of her fingernails and multiple tuffs of thin fur matching her Y/C hair on both hands, up her upper arms, and he bet it was along her back some too. Her scent wrapped around him: the woodiness of the sandalwood, the light, floral earthiness of strawberry, and the deep butteriness of the vanilla. The image of a sweet, floral strawberry rose pie on a window sill came to mind. It reminded him of the one Missouri made once, he secretly loved it but denied it when he was a kid. He inhaled his mate’s scent deeply.
Y/N growled at the Alpha. She was not some weak Omega waiting to be caught. No, she decided to trick him and get the jump on him before he did on her. Her plan worked perfectly until he got away. Despite her height advantage over him (being nearly a foot shorter than him), he was very good at wrestling and it was something they tended to do when bored at the bunker. She swiped at him, Alpha’s being quick to heal, his chest was already free of the mark by the time she’d knocked him off his feet and began working to pin him to the ground. He easily flipped them with his Alpha strength as his Alpha surfaced and he shifted as well.
Just like Y/N, Dean’s hands were covered in fur matching his dirty blonde hair that went up the back of his arms and down the back of his neck onto his whole back and down. His fangs dropped and he growled, dominantly, demanding her submission. She repositioned her feet and turned within his grasp onto her front but he kept her wrists in his hands. A wrong move for her as it allowed Dean to bite, without breaking skin, the back of her, pinning her Omega in place. Y/N’s Omega had no choice but to obey, and went pliant in his grip. She closed her eyes and waited. Her breathing came out in heavy pants. He carefully released his bite and leaned down next to her ear, licking the tender spot below and back of her ear causing a shiver to run down her body. Dean growled approvingly.
He nosed along her, placing sloppy kisses along her neck and inhaling at her mating gland. He licked and nipped her mating gland, increasing the scent of her Omega arousal. He softened his grip on her wrists as he continued to tease her mating gland. She whined as he continued.
“You have me,” Y/N’s voice broke with the admission. “Please,” she begged and huffed as she pushed her jean-cladded ass and thighs against his abdomen and pelvis.
He smiled, unseen, and kissed the back of her neck. Shivers ran down her spine each time he did. “Good girl.” She whimpered in response.
“Alpha,” she moaned, squeezing her thighs together.
“Impatient,” he stated, thrusting his leg between her legs. He leaned down next to her ear, breathing heavily. “You are mine, Y/N. I know you’ve felt it.”
She could feel tears flooding her eyes. He did. He did, and her mind celebrated.
He placed several kisses on the back of her back and quickly moved to limit his weight on her. “I’m sorry it took me so long to see, Omega,” he half growled and half whined.
She reached back, grabbed his neck, and turned her head into his face, attempting to nuzzle and comfort him. “I’m sorry…I…gave up,” she whispered, nasally from the tears she wouldn’t let fall.
He sat back, allowing her to roll back over. Her shirt and jeans were covered in dirt and grass stains. Dean figured he was the same but ignored it. It doesn’t matter. Red eyes met gold, silence encompassed them for several long moments as Dean looked over her face. Whatever Dean seemed to be searching for in Y/N’s face, he must have found it because the next thing she knew, he surged forward, kissing her. His arms wrapped around her, his leg returned between her thighs, and she reciprocated—one hand in his hair and the other holding the shirt on his back.
Dean pulled back, panting, gasping for breath. “You’re…you’re mine, Y/N.”
“I am,” she agreed, breathlessly. She whined. “Mate me, Alpha. Please,” she panted. “Please, Dean.” Her eyes searched his face.
“You’ll be mine?”
Tears began to fall down her cheeks. “I’ve always been yours, Dean. I—I—I love you.”
Dean passionately kissed her, mostly a gnashing of teeth and tongues. He slipped one hand between them, unsnapping his jeans and then hers, and pulled hers down. She wiggled to help, lips always touching, as he haphazardly pulled her underwear down in the process to where she had one leg out of her underwear and jeans. Dean smiled at this. She let go of his shirt and worked to help him with her jeans, and then when he leaned back, she followed him to help him with his. She reached in and grabbed his thick Alpha cock. He hissed at her touch and moaned as she pulled him out.
Moaning at the sight of Dean’s gorgeous erection, she laid down, grabbed his shirt with both hands and pulled him on her, wrapping her legs around him. “Fuck me, Alpha,” she demanded growling.
His eyebrows rose in surprise at her assertiveness as he went with her, one hand behind her head, leaning on his elbow as he took himself in hand positioning himself at her entrance. He looked down as he slowly pushed into her slick shiny pussy. Y/N groaned, reveling in the stretch. He touched everywhere inside her channel, and she practically purred at the feel.
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Dean grinned, surprised by her sounds, and enjoyed them. “Like that, sweetheart?” His voice was deeper, guttural, and dancing goosebumps along her skin.
“Yes,” she breathed. “Full, so full, oh.”
Dean stilled but Y/N gritted her teeth. “Don’t you stop.”
“Yes ma’am.” He pulled back and thrust hard into her, both moaning in unison. He repeated the motion again and again as he built up a rhythm, both of them groaning in pleasure. Dean watched her writhe on his cock and felt her walls flutter around him. Y/N’s eyes were closed, mouth open panting as she held onto Dean’s biceps, meeting him thrust-for-thrust, over and over and over. Soon, she could feel his enlarging knot teasing her entrance. She tried grinding against him each time he bottomed out, pulling a growl from her when she succeeded
“Knot me,” she begged.
“Hold on, Darlin’,” Dean panted against her open mouth. He thrust harder, forcing his increasing knot in and out of her. Shudder after shudder with each jab of his knot’s partial entering, until his knot reached full size. A handful of thrusts later, he pushed it within her and the pressure against her sweet spot pulled her over the edge. Her walls squeezed around Dean’s knot and he bit into her swollen mating gland, coppery liquid rushing onto his tongue. He growled, feeling spend after spend coat Y/N’s inner walls as she gushed, coating his pelvis and her thighs in her juices, screaming through her orgasm as everything seemed to go dark.
To be continued…Part 3
Part 1
Tag @harmonity-vibes
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salemoleander · 6 months
A fic for @destinys-dragon for the @mcytblrholidayexchange ! I had a lot of fun with your prompts, happy holidays!
Trapped in a cell by Empires False, Grian and Scar are desperate to escape with their heads attached. A magical bond might be the key to getting out, if they can move past the emotions it provokes given their past.
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everymadara · 8 months
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Chapter 691
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undefeatablesin · 2 months
Thinking about your hunter OCs makes me think about my hunter OC and how they might get on.
The problem is that Stella was always more lover than fighter, tends to be more of a nervous wreck than one would expect from a hunter, and I think she'd be secretly scared of Aloysha...
Hey there!! Thanks for popping in!! I always love to discuss Hunter OCs with people lmao ✨️
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But I am not surprised poor Stella would be a little scared of Aloysha though; that's honestly a very reasonable reaction for anyone to have to her company 😂 She can be quite intimidating at face value, given her coarse attitude and the very real threat of her more bestial nature lurking under the surface. She was hounded out of Yharnam in part for that very reason, though the real catalyst for that much was her brother Rain selling out her and her private affairs to his superiors (probably Hradi tbh lmao.) Even Aloysha's employer-turned-hunting partner, Ruza, found her extremely off-putting at first. People generally either find her insufferable or unnerving (or both!) and understandably so, with Aloysha being the sort of creature that she is.
However, Aloysha is definitely not all bad. She's one of the better people you could hope to bump into in Yharnam, honestly! Despite her hard edges and bestial qualities, she's very much lucid and rational; she makes for a valuable (and powerful!) ally if you get on her good side. So your hunter wouldn't have too much to worry about if she ever did cross paths with Aloysha. Sure, she's blunt, curt and a little rude, but she's relatively level-headed, and generally open to rubbing shoulders with other hunters. Her worst qualities only tend to show themselves in full when she is provoked–so a genial hunter will be (mostly) treated genially in return.
Well, except for maybe being teased a bit, but that's just par for the course with this woman 😂
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borom1r · 3 months
ugh I have the text game AND an unfinished Aragorn/Boromir fic sitting in my drafts but doing the costuming document and talking about Faramir and Éowyn’s wedding clothes + sitting there like “man I’m surprised Éowyn doesn’t have her own sword on, its a romanticized invention of the sagas but it would’ve been cool to have them do a sword exchange” has made me wanna write Another Faramir/Éomer fic. because I think they should get to do a sword exchange
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brown-little-robin · 12 days
okay so @quirkle2 sent me an ask about the aftermath of the Teru vs. Mob fight, and I went and wrote out the whole fight in the ask. I'm moving it to this post so that I can answer the Actual Question in the Actual Ask like a normal person. anyway here you go
Teru's Series of Really Bad Decisions
or, How Mob Came Out Of the Teru vs. Mob Fight Completely Unscathed
So here's the thing. Mob's zombie disease colony is pretty invested in keeping its host alive, so even while the fight is happening, he's healing really fast. And despite his top-dog persona, Teru doesn't actually enjoy injuring people. (The sensation of touching another person bothers him—that's why most of his attacks are things like slaps or punches, where he's only in contact with people for a moment before the force of the blow shoves them away. He'll kill or torture people, but he subtly avoids extended contact with them while doing so. It makes him nervous to resort to hands-on violence, because that's how a zombie fights and for his own survival, Teru HAS to act like he's above zombie behavior.)
So it takes Teru a while to work himself up to the point of actually committing to injuring Mob. At first, Teru is just punching him in the chest and stomach, shoving him (he pushes him into the school swimming pool at one point and then has to pull him back out because Mob never learned to swim and is drowning. major L for Teru's pride), taunting him, using blunt force and watching in disbelief while the other boy just takes it and breathes through the pain. He expected Mob to hit back right away, and then Teru would use a bit more strength and intimidate his opponent so much that he'd admit Teru's strength is way beyond him and then they'd be on amicable terms. But that doesn't happen.
Also, Dimple isn't back yet in this AU, so the fight takes place mostly in silence, which weirds Teru out. He's used to fighting with people yelling and screaming around him, and hearing nothing but pained noises and a few confused questions out of his opponent really bothers Teru. He grabs Mob and shakes him, asking why won't you fight back??. He's definitely like Teru! he's got the misty eyes and he's breathing out miasma and he has the healing ability to jerk his arms free of the ropes he was tied with and have the raw rope-scrapes on his arms heal over a minute later, but he won't! fight! back!!
Meanwhile, as Teru is shaking him by the shirt-collars, Mob is having flashbacks to his life wandering as a zombie before the cure. He's remembering Dimple clearer than he ever has before, and he's embracing those memories for once, clinging to his guilt over (he suspects) killing his friend. And, remembering how nice Dimple was to him and Ritsu, how Dimple shared strawberries with them, how he would coax Mob out of the rain, how Dimple reached for Mob's face while Mob's teeth were closing in his arm—he stares at Teru with all the loathing he feels toward himself, for killing Dimple.
Teru says, "What's with that look?"
Mob says, "I was just wondering, why do you feel the need to hurt people who are just trying to live? Do you think you have to, because you're a zombie?"
And Teru, who tries not to think of himself as a zombie, goes, "What?"
"Oh, I was just thinking—there was someone I knew who was a pretty good guy—compared to you. And I hurt him."
That makes Teru drop Mob like a hot potato. He doesn't want to fight like a zombie but he has to get this hypocrite who hurt his own friend and refuses to fight him to DO something—and they happen to be in the home ec room, right by the gas-powered generator for the home ec equipment, so Teru causes a gas explosion on purpose and blocks the door with his body, trying to force Mob to fight his way out to avoid burning alive. That's how Teru ends up losing his perfect hair—he may be special but he's still got zombie disease, his pain receptors don't work right and Mob is coughing too hard in the smoke to warn Teru that the fire ran along the ceiling and got to Teru's hair. The fire is how Mob's clothes get singed. He's not seriously burned, at least not by the time Teru sees him next (Teru rushed to the swimming pool when he realized his hair was on fire), but he's shaken and coughing and smells like smoke.
They both stumble out of the burning school building. Mob has his Moment Of Realization and correctly guesses that Teru's life is completely empty; Teru's acting like this because he's trying to ignore that he's a zombie and has no real friends because everyone is scared of him, and Teru isn't making any effort to live like a person instead of a monster.
That's when Teru just straight-up strangles Mob, throwing away his determination not to fight like a zombie. Mob has already ruined Teru's untouchable appearance and likely condemned Teru to being shot by his own people for causing all this property damage. Teru's life as a human is over already, he thinks. Mob refuses to fight back, passes out, ???% appears, you know how it goes.
And get this: Mob's zombie disease colony has expended a lot of its energy already (consuming its own drones for sheer power) to heal Mob from the blows and the burns, so when ???% puts his body into high gear, the colony registers EMERGENCY CONDITIONS and starts replenishing its energy using anything available—the colony deploys its own disease drones into the entire surrounding area and consumes all of the miasma in the air and water and, STILL not having enough energy for this, dives into Teru's body and eats 90% of Teru's colony. This is the equivalent of ???% absorbing all of the energy in the atmosphere AND Teru's psychic powers, which always makes me hold my breath in canon.
Teru can see this happening, by the way. Like Mob, he can sense the presence of zombie disease in all forms. He senses Kageyama's disease colony suddenly exploding from his body and eating all of the colonies in the area. what a sight to behold.
Anyway, so, yeah, Mob then wakes up with his body fully healed, in front of a burning school building, sensing absolute emptiness all around him.
He can't fix the school building. Not in this au. All he can do is kneel down and cry. He failed to change. He thought he was better now, he thought that he was in control of himself now, but he did it again—he hurt someone on accident again.
And then Teru stumbles over to him with his hip still spasming from where ???% threw him by his leg and goes, "Kageyama, you were right... without our power, we have nothing..."
and Mob looks up to see people stirring around them, and Teru is alive, he didn't kill Teru, he didn't kill anyone, and he goes back to Salt with the Body Improvement Club in a kind of shell-shocked daze.
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