#except when ecco's on the case
about my new icon/pfp: it's my headcanon that jerome would not only send this exact photo to jeremiah(full bodied, hella naked) but also cut, edit and turn it into a .PNG that he uses all. the. goddamn. time. in their texts solely because he knows that
one look at it and jeremiah gets reminded of the OG picture
it annoys his twin so fucking much for absolutely no reason in such efficient way and he can't argue with shit that works
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blazehedgehog · 8 months
Do you have any idea why Tim Follin got stuck working on games that are almost all considered to be bad (except for possibly Plok! and Ecco)? I thought it would have been something about the British games industry, but Grant Kirkhope got to work on games that are considered at least flawed classics.
Because at the time the games didn't seem to be bad.
Like that's the thing to always keep in mind with old games that seem bad. It was the wild west. Nobody knew anything. When you're trying to establish what the idea of "fun" is, well, what is fun?
You can clone another game wholesale because you already know that game is fun, but why is it fun? What elements about it make it fun? When you slice away all the characters, all the graphics, all the music and presentation, what is the core gameplay heart that generates the fun?
Nowadays you have endless hours of video essays and entire books written on individual games. But back then? None of that existed. If you were lucky and rich enough maybe there was a BBS you could connect to that would let you chat with a few other garage developers, or maybe you'd meet up for drinks with some industry folks at a convention or whatever, but it's nothing like it is today. The resources and knowledge base were extremely small.
So you made a guess, and made a game around that guess, put that out into the world and observed what happened. If it sold well, you made more.
But sales have never been an indicator of quality. They're just sales. Maybe people buy it because they think the character looks funny, maybe the marketing hit really well, maybe you've got a license people have prior interest in, etc.
Which naturally leads to the next problem, which is trying to understand what you did right and how to expand and evolve on what you did right. And if you don't actually know what you're doing right, it could lead you in some very strange directions. With each game you stray, and stray, and stray...
And the public doesn't know either! Both the developer and the people buying the game could be completely wrong, but at this specific time, this specific place, with the standards and understanding of the era, nobody knows better. In the moment, it seems fun! It's not until 10, 15, 25+ years later that anyone realizes "Wow, this was actually awful."
Sometimes it wasn't awful! Sometimes one of those games got it right and the bar got raised a little bit. But it was a different time and standards were nothing like they are today.
And with Tim Follin specifically, he also notes that he wrote a lot of his music before the game itself had even been made. From Wikipedia:
"Particularly in the earlier days of his career, Follin often composed game soundtracks while the games themselves were still in the writing stages, meaning that there was usually no frame of reference or genre objective in mind."
So in a lot of cases he was just making whatever he thought sounded nice, and as long as he got paid for his work, nothing else really mattered.
Honestly? There's not much more you could ask for in life.
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Maybe I Was Jealous || Jeremiah Valeska Imagine Part 2
Jeremiah Valeska x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Jeremiah has decided to confess his feelings to you. He has made an elaborate plan and has considered everything... except human error. Ecco and Jerome keep interrupting him, and then there’s even an attack on the bunker. In the end, Jeremiah confesses to you in the worst way he could’ve imagined - but you don’t react like he expected.
Words: 2.47k
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Requested by: @one-obsession-at-a-time-people  @samantharaevelcher  @eovjjj  @la-reina-de-mi-viva 
Here it is! I hope everyone likes it, and that you guys are happy about this sequel.  :) You can find part 1 here.
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Jeremiah stared at the office wall where he’d hung up the big map of Gotham. Tiny colorful dots were scattered across it, each little dot a pin that he’d meticulously placed. They showed attack scenarios, possible targets, anything important about the city, really.
There were red pins, which showed targets and attack strategies - red being the main color on the map. The green pins were for observations, like a list of Jerome’s hideouts and some of Penguin’s main locations.
And then there were the yellow ones, just two or three amidst so much red and green.
Yellow meant Y/n. The pins symbolized your favorite places in Gotham, just in case Jeremiah ever needed the information. In case you disappeared and he needed to find you.
In case he finally managed to confess to you. So far, Jeremiah hadn’t been lucky in that regard.
And it wasn’t like he hadn’t tried, either, no matter what Jerome kept saying whenever the two of them crossed paths.
Jeremiah had tried, multiple times, in fact. But unfortunately, something had always gotten in his way. Be it the few times he’d been interrupted by Jerome himself barging into the room, or Ecco coming in to ask something or to inform him about new developments just when Jeremiah had tried to get the words out.
It was as if the two of them somehow knew, through some inexplicable link.
Not only did it frustrate Jeremiah to no end, but it also worried him a lot. He really didn’t know how many more times he’d manage to get you alone before you’d grow suspicious or annoyed with him. Or, worst case scenario, you’d tell him to leave you alone, that you didn't want anything to do with him.
The thought was so painful, and yet, it kept gnawing on him constantly. He had Jerome to thank for that. He’d been the one to plant it in his head, after all.
Jeremiah just couldn’t imagine a life without you in it, without your presence around. Sometimes, when the doubts became too much and clouded his mind, he’d find himself looking for those little signs that you were still here. Like the packaging of your favorite food in the garbage, or papers in his office where you’d been scribbling random notes or thoughts, or maybe even little drawings.
Seeing these little signs calmed Jeremiah’s fear. Y/n was still here, and she wouldn’t leave anytime soon, either.
At least he hoped so.
Still, it didn’t solve Jeremiah’s problem. He still hadn’t confessed to you, after weeks of trying his best to make it happen. He was slowly running out of ideas.
This time, Jeremiah had planned to get you alone in his office while Ecco was completing a task he’d given her and Jerome was spying on Penguin. It was the perfect plan, with every obstacle out of the way.
Nobody could get into the bunker, after all, it was the perfect safe space. Or so he’d thought.
You were sitting on his desk, your legs hanging from the edge as you listened to him talk. Jeremiah had decided to ask you about one of his plans to attack the Penguin, hoping it would catch your attention so he could then confess to you.
“Well, but you leave yourself open for an attack from Riddler like that, right?,” you asked, pointing out a hole in his plan that he genuinely hadn’t considered before.
Jeremiah stared at you for a moment before he nodded, scribbling a note onto his papers to not forget Riddler in his equations.
“Alright, so I’ll have to take care of Riddler first to not have that happen.,” he said, almost like the thought had just come to his mind.
You just smiled at him and nodded. Jeremiah would never grow tired of seeing you smile like that, he’d do anything to watch that expression grow on your face once again.
He snapped himself out of it with effort and looked down at his plan to remember where he’d left off. It was as if seeing you smile had deleted any previous thoughts from his mind.
“After the Riddler, I’d have to take care of Bargara Kean and Tabitha Galavan. Probably Galavan first, she’d notice immediately if something is off.”
You nodded along, tilting your head to the side as you considered his words.
“And Barbara is easier to distract than Tabitha. Tabitha first makes the most sense.”
Jeremiah looked up from his notes once again, finding himself easily distracted by the sound of your voice. He tried his best not to stare at you too obviously. It was so unlike him to be distractible like this, to lose focus of the important things so quickly.
Well, you were important to him, after all.
You looked at him, a little bit of concern etched into the way your mouth was slightly twisted, or the expression in your eyes. The sound of your voice when you addressed him with that nickname, that special nickname only you used for him, had goosebumps breaking out all the way down his arms.
Jeremiah took a deep breath. It was now or never…
He reached for your hand, something so unlike him. In any other situation, he would’ve cringed at similar behavior, but this was you. And you mattered.
“Y/n, I--”
The office door slammed open.
Jeremiah let go of your hand as if he had burned himself, snapping his head around to whomever was standing in the doorway. Whoever dared to interrupt him, again.
It was Ecco, because of course it would be. But her face was twisted in something almost akin to panic, and that was entirely new.
Before she could say a word, the sirens started blaring.
Jeremiah exchanged a quick look with Ecco, finding her nodding to confirm his unspoken suspicion.
Security breach.
You looked in between them with a frown, confusion written all over your face. In the years you’d been living here, nothing like this had ever happened.
“What is it?,” you asked after nobody offered an explanation. You had to raise your voice due to the siren.
Jeremiah’s gaze snapped to you, and he was struck by an emotion almost unknown to him. Fear.
This wasn’t your fight, you had nothing to do with any of this. If you were to die…
He couldn’t allow himself to finish that thought. He needed his mind to work, for it to be as sharp as usual, and you were a distraction he didn’t need. So, he spoke the words he’d never expected to say.
“Ecco, find my brother! I need him to take Y/n away from here.”
His assistant looked at him with shock written all over her features, but she complied after a moment and hurried out of the office.
Jeremiah turned to you, finding you wide-eyed, your teeth gnawing on your lip in worry. He reached out to you, taking hold of one of your arms with a rough grip. A second later, he realized and let go of you a little bit, making sure he wasn’t squishing your arm.
“That siren means security breach. We’re under attack.”
Your eyes widened, beautiful eyes that he loved to watch as you looked over one of his new projects, or while you were concentrated on your notes. Your eyebrows would furrow together then, just like they did now. But this was unfortunately not a look of concentration.
“By who?,” you asked, your voice shaking as you leaned closer to him. It was very likely something you weren’t even aware of, and that realization hit Jeremiah right in the chest. You trusted him so much that he was the first source of protection you sought out in the case of danger.
Or he was simply the only person here who could protect you right now.
Jeremiah suppressed a growl at the little voice in his head that just wouldn’t shut up. Usually, he would rely on it to keep himself thinking realistically. When it came to you, however, he had long since come to hate that little voice.
“We don’t know,” he answered your question, trying to keep his voice as stable as possible. He couldn’t allow weakness right now, for his own sake as well as for yours. You’d only worry more, and he didn’t want you to be anxious.
Jeremiah would protect you, no matter what.
The door to his office flew open again, and Ecco entered with Jerome at her heels. Jerome didn’t even pay attention to anyone, heading right for the table you were sitting on, as if you were his main priority.
“Heya, dollface!,” he greeted you, his usual smile on his face.
You relaxed just a little bit at the sight of him, and Jeremiah’s teeth ground together.
Jerome quickly reached for you, lifting you up into his arms. You raised your own arms and secured them around his neck to keep yourself upright. But there was still that worried look on your face, and your eyes still searched for Jeremiah as you were in his brothers arms.
Jeremiah nodded at you, the sirens still blaring in his ears. He shot you a tiny smile, hoping to calm you down just enough.
You nodded in response before Ecco ushered everyone to the secret tunnels. It was the last Jeremiah saw of your face, before the doors closed behind all of them and the only thing on his mind was survival.
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The fight lasted for ages. Jeremiah didn’t know what had prompted Penguin’s little goons to attack him this time. Maybe it was the destruction of their newest loot from last week, or maybe Jerome had been spotted while he spied on them today. Ultimately, it didn’t matter.
Penguin had new weapons at his disposal now, and they looked very similar to the ones the GCPD were using at Haven to keep people just like them away. Jeremiah wondered if they had joined forces. That would surely be a problem.
After hours of mindless shooting, Penguin’s little army ran out of bullets. Jeremiah exchanged a look with Ecco next to him, who simply nodded. Sometimes, it was truly useful to have someone who could read his thoughts so easily.
Jeremiah grabbed the rocket launcher she handed him, aiming at the enemy with almost careless eyes.
No matter where he shot, they’d suffer.
Screams erupted once he pulled the trigger and the weapon fired, hitting right into Penguin’s goons. Jeremiah watched the destruction with a grin on his face. Maybe now they’d stop coming after him. Maybe they’d finally realized he was unbeatable.
Jeremiah shot once more, this time blowing up the trucks that held Penguin’s remaining weaponry arsenal. He watched it all go up in flames and grinned to himself.
After that demonstration of strength, the enemy quickly retreated. A few minutes later, the blaring of the sirens stopped, showing that Penguin’s little army had disappeared. The threat had been evaded.
Jeremiah and Ecco waited a few minutes longer to make sure there wasn’t a second, surprise attack planned, before they made their way back inside to the secret door in his office.
The moment the door opened, you stormed outside, wrapping your arms around Jeremiah as you pulled him into a hug.
Jeremiah froze for a second before he pulled you against him, his hands carefully running over your back. He caught Jerome’s grin over your shoulder, and his brother gestured towards you in a way that didn’t need words.
You had buried your face in his neck, breathing shakily.
Jeremiah took a deep breath himself, before he pulled back from the hug just enough to look at you.
You frowned at him in confusion, tears glistening in your eyes. You’d really been that worried about him…
Jeremiah found that he didn’t know how to say it, now that the moment was there. He’d spent weeks coming up with intricate ways to confess to you, but now, none of those pre-planned words made it past his lips.
You only looked at him expectantly, one of your hands coming up to cup his cheek. Jeremiah shivered.
“Y/n, I--”
He took a deep breath and decided that fancy words weren’t necessary this time. Damn them all to hell. This was you, and you had never needed his intricate planning to be impressed by him.
You liked him for who he was.
“Y/n, I love you.”
Your eyes widened before you wrapped your arms tighter around him, pulling him into a hug that rendered him immobile just by the pure warmth it held. Jeremiah’s eyes fell shut as he buried his face in the side of your neck. He found he didn’t need confirmation that you felt the same way, something he’d never expected to happen.
Just holding you in his arms like this was enough.
“I love you too, ‘Miah,” you whispered into his ear.
Jeremiah froze, his eyes wide open the moment he processed the words. He looked at you in surprise when you slowly let him go, a smile spreading over your face that warmed his heart deep in his chest, even though he’d long since considered it dead.
Instead of saying anything, he simply pulled you back into his arms.
Jeremiah caught Jerome’s wide grin over your shoulder, and he rolled his eyes.
“Alright, maybe I was jealous,” he admitted in the heat of the moment, knowing once the words left his lips that he’d vehemently deny ever having spoken them if the topic came up again.
Jerome just grinned at him knowingly, as if he could tell. The bastard could read him like a book, it seemed.
Your lips connecting with his pulled Jeremiah out of his sulking. He stared at you for a second, shocked, before his eyes fell shut and he returned your kiss. Your hands buried themselves in his hair, and Jeremiah shivered against your body.
A noise echoed in his ears, and he couldn’t tell where it had come from. He didn’t care, either.
All that mattered was you. The way you pulled him as close as possible, the soft touch of your lips against his own, your fingers in his hair.
Jeremiah never wanted the moment to end.
Your eyes were shining brightly as you broke the kiss, one of your hands stroking over his cheek while the other one was still buried in his hair. He smiled at you, for once not caring that Ecco and Jerome were seeing this softer side of him. They didn’t matter.
All that mattered was you in his arms.
Jeremiah pulled you into another hug, his eyes falling shut as he buried his face in your neck once again. He swore to himself right then that he’d never let you go, no matter what happened.
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b-rainlet · 3 years
Gotham for the fandom ask thingy.
(I ran here so fuckin fast you have no clue)
Hello anon! :D I will answer this now, so you don't have to wait any longer but also....this would be very nice to answer through gifsets...(maybe when I am feeling up for it).
For now, have this:
(It's not proof read because I just sat at this for several hours and I don't wanna look at it anymore).
Favourite Male Character
You mean...besides the obvious answers?? :D
Ngl, it's S2 Jerome. I love that little twink with his parental issues and his tragic backstory and I wanna see him happy. There's a reason I have a bunch of AUs where he ends up having a family (mostly in the form of Lee as his Mother) and gets some actual help instead of being ostracized for being a mentally ill person snapping after years of abuse.
(This also ties into my very strong feelings regarding the fact that nobody actually helps the people at Arkham. And I don't mean the main villains there, I mean all the inmates who get treated like shit and are left behind on the regurlar (remember in S2 when Arkham was about to explode and nobody was talking about evacuating the inmates???? I do).
Other than that, one of my faves is also Jonathan. Which may be a little surprising because I barely talk about him but he was my favourite character throughout the show and he had way too little scenes.
(Kinda telling that the characters I latched onto are both helpless teens who were fucked over by the people who were supposed to protect them and can both trace their villain origin story back to Jim Gordon not caring enough about them lmao).
But the cast is big and varied enough that I actually like everyone? Butch, Zsazs, Penguin, S1 and 2 Ed, Jervis, Harvey, Jim......I like them all!!
(Special shoutout to 514A too, he was soft and baby and I wanted to keep him safe and sound really desperately).
(Another special shoutout to Barnes!! I didn't expect to like him when I first saw him, given he looked like he was gonna be mean and stoic and all, but I ended up really liking him and his story!)
Favourite Female Character
Let's just pretend Ecco doesn't exist for this answer ajdkaskaslj.
I fell in love immediately upon seeing Ecco but all! the women! are so!!! good!!!!
I especially have a soft spot for the side characters. I mean, upon first watching I got attached to Alice (even though she only features in two episodes lmao), and also Kristen Kringle - who isn't talked about much within Fandom, but she was pretty and her and Ed were actually quite cute but then she had to die for him to become the Riddler which was...pretty much telling us from the beginnning 'The woman here die to advance the men's plots'.
Barbara was also a big surprise to me because I figured she'd be the female love interest and nothing more but!! her and Jerome were the best thing in S2 and also the most entertaining thing about the Maniax Plot. (In several ways, I think I had the most fun watching this show during S2 , it was just. Good).
Also upon being in this Fandom and thinking about certain characters a bit longer I also really like Vicky Vale. And Montoya. And I wish they had kept both around for longer.
(I also wish they wouldn't have made Vicky a love interest for Jim. Or Sofia. No love interests for Jim except Lee and Barbara please).
Also Selina!! I love both Selina and Tabitha with all my heart - which may also be surprising because I barely ever talk about Tabby but I contain multitudes aklskddsm, and while I like sharing my horny thoughts about Ecco, I also love to think about Tabby and daydream about her being happy and exploring her (and Selina's) issues with showing weakness and affection and their strong loyalty regarding people that they trust.
I just.....women. Women good.
(Women also deserve to have more character than just being somebody's love interests and I have enough wips that completely sideline the guys to focus on the woman instead lmao).
Least Favourite Character
I don't have many characters that I hate??
I generally tend to instantly love everybody unless they are specifically made to be unlikeable. (I also spite-like characters who are hated for petty reasons, I just have a lot of love in my heart and not much energy for hate lmao).
But there were characters who annoyed me while I was watching.
For one, I think Gotham has a variety of super entertaining villains, but the main villains of each season tend to be....boring.
Safe for Strange they all kinda fell flat for me. Theo. Kathryn. Ra's Al Ghul. His Daughter. Mostly because their plotlines were less exciting than stuff like Jerome's carnival or Mother and Orphan's Hotel of Horrors.
Or their motives seemed a lot less understandable than the ones of the other Batman villains who pretty much always come from a place of suffering and abuse and break/snap under the pressure that's put on them (continuing this take of Gotham creating its own villains by leaving behind - mentally ill - people that need help, which I think is very true to most - if not all - Batman villains).
And then you have some characters that simply suffer from the fact that the show was cut short - which is pretty much any and every S5 character that had way too little screentime, but in this specific case means Jeremiah.
Because I disliked Jeremiah a lot while watching.
Without wanting to step on anybody's toes, him and Nygma are probably the two characters on this show I ended up disliking the most.
Mostly because Miah felt like a very cheap copy of Jerome and to this day I think it was a bad idea to replace Jerome with him, since Jeremiah - to me - seems like a super flat character.
Maybe if we had gotten him without meeting Jerome first, just having a Joker character introduced in S4, maybe I would've adored him, who knows.
But in comparison to Jerome...no. Just no.
(I will spare you from any longer rambles, but I think if you follow me, I talked about the ways Miah is lacking for me before).
My made up version of Miah though? I love him.
With Nygma it's even worse because I adored him. I instantly liked him. I was 100% behind him right up until the godawful Isabella plot happened and then it just all went to shit so quickly, I couldn't stand seeing him on screen anymore.
It's surprising that I didn't stop liking Oswald but to me, Oswald pretty much stayed the same while Ed became all bitter and hard and I just miss dorky S2 Ed you know?
It actually got so bad, I completely turned my back on Nygm/obblepot as a ship because I was so severly disappointed and I barely talk about Ed because I just can't stand what they did with him.
(Another victim of bad writing).
Favourite Ship
I'm just gonna stick to canon ships because I don't ever shut up about my Fanon ships so you probably know which ones I love the most :D
There isn't much romance going on within Gotham if I think about it - apart from Jim - which I definitely prefer. You wouldnt guess it from my blog, but I am not a fan of too shippy stuff because in most cases it just means sex scenes and I can live without those. I want action! Blood! Dead People! Not a two minute make-out session between two bland characters!
I gotta admit that Ed and Lee have some cute scenes and I would definitely ship them if I didn't dislike S4 Ed so much (S2 EdLee tho?? Yes).
Also I thought Jim and Lee was okay and Baby Batcat was quite cute at times but mostly I don't care about the canon ships.
I do ship Barbara and Jim though :D
I remember right before they hooked up in S5 I was like: 'I wouldn't mind if they got back together' and then went 'yay!' when they did and I wouldn't have minded a little more 'Will they?? Won't they??' between those two and them just having the mother of unhealthy relationships on this show.
(Also Jim/Barbara/Lee poly relationship but we can't have everything).
Favourite Friendship
So many good relationships on this show!
I need to rewatch the show soon because I probably already forgot about most of them but from the top of my head: Oswald/Butch and Oswald/Zsazs
Which were both then done dirty lmao. One by having Oswald be overly petty (one of the few times I was like...Pengy...wtf...) and the other by passing up the obvious opportunity to have Zsazs find out who really killed Falcone and just...letting Oswald and Victor never interact again. 
Then of course Ivy and Selina which also gloriously fell apart. Just like Ivy and Oswald. 
(Gotham isn’t the best when it comes to maintaining friendships). 
And the biggest and most grandious friendship of them all: J Squad. 
(Who have too little scenes together honestly and then also simply fell apart after Jerome died. Consistency who?)
Favourite Quote
I don’t know, I don’t have many quotes in my head from the show. Me and my niece mostly reference: “Yeah, that’s a spoon.” - “IT IS ALSO A FORK!!1!!!”
Also: “Gotta Go! Gotta Go! They’re after me and the Scarecrow!”
(There are some dialogue blurps I have written down somewhere because they are inspriration for gifsets but in order to be able to just recite some of them from Memory, I would have to watch this show way more obsessively). 
Worst Character Death
I don’t even gotta say anything do I? :D
But I think the character death that actually made me cry was Jerome’s first death. I clearly remember crying because...he just wanted recognition! And praise! And instead he was used as a pawn and betrayed by someone he idolized and he was only 18! My poor little meow-meow!
Seriously, the only things that make me cry on this show: Jerome’s first death, any and all mention of Bruce as a baby - told by an emotional Alfred, any and all Bruce/Alfred interaction at all and Solomon Grundy. 
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
I seriously need to rewatch this show, it’s been so long :D
But I remember being pretty excited for the J Squad Team Up - because I was like ‘If I were Jerome I would definitely work with Tetch and Scarecrow since they’re also in Arkham atm’ and then he did!!
And I also distinctly remember in S3 that I was close to falling asleep right when they scene came on where Oswald realizes his feelings for Nygma and let me tell you - it caught me so off guard, I was awake instantly lmao. 
(I knew that people shipped them but I was so used to mlm ships being popular when they only have a handful of scenes and are platonic friends that I didn’t expect them to actually have a possibility of being canon). 
From then on I was super pumped for them to deliver on that ship but well....we all knew what happened asnksnndk. 
Saddest Moment
Aside from the already mentioned scenes in the character death column, the scene where Bruce leaves and Selina runs to the airport. I always liked Selina but she wasn’t a priority character of mine (much like Bruce isn’t) but then that scene happened and in an instant, I felt super protective over her. 
She is now my baby. My daughter. My beloved wife. She deserves everything and most importantly she deserves better than Bruce Wayne. 
(Coincidentally that was also the scene where I decided I don’t care much about Bruce asldjkjlj. I absolutely adore early seasons Bruce though). 
Favourite Location
There are so many different locations, I don’t think I can adequately answer this with my spotty memory :D
But I always loved the few episodes where Alice features, because I love how her scenes are shot so probably the little carnival Jervis prepares for her.
Also!! Jeremiah's church!
Or Commissioner Loeb's secret house (Especially the Attic).
There are a lot of cool locations, I gotta gif some of them soon :D
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skamamoroma · 4 years
Hi meg I love so much reading your posts about learning Italian and so earlier on the summer I started to learn and I wanted to ask about your advice for basic steps for me to learn easier? Thank you so much! Sorry english is not my first language 🤗
Helllooo! Ah don’t you worry, your English is fine! ❤️
Yey for you learning Italian!!!! I am no expert at all but I can pass on some tips for how I’ve learned the basics and some things that have really helped me put stuff together and especially to be able to read and pronounce. I may be stating the obvious here but I thought I’d include a total noob’s version as that’s what I was!!
First thing, learn the alphabet and letter sounds. Italian has a total benefit of being pronounced via each letter (except for some v specific exceptions) so going from English and other languages which are full of silent letters and complex sounds made by a collection of letters, Italian is a JOY! It’s mainly pronounced as per each letter and it makes reading it much easier (and is part of what makes it sounds so pretty!). To start, learn the exceptions for letters C and G and the SC sound... alongside approaching double letters! Also learn the letters that Italian DOESN’T have and what they use to make those sounds aka “Y” (unless they use foreign words)
Learn basic words. Sounds obvious as hell but when I say that, I don’t mean “hello”, I mean stuff like “sometimes”, “maybe” “often”, “only”... that was the damn key for me! Learn the top 1000 words used in Italian! Honestly, this was the gateway for me in terms of reading. It makes Italian subs easier to read too. For me, the verb is the key and then all these extra words slowly slot into place. Learning specific to Italian words too helps massively like those classics like “allora” and “ecco” etc help woth conversational stuff
Obviously the basics of language learning, you’ll need the question words and basics in articles but with Italian it’s MUCH harder than in English but it depends what your mother tongue is because, to you, masc and fem articles etc may be normal. If not, LEARN. Just practice with tons of words. Duolingo is good for this practice. So you want to know the definites and indefinites for each and the exception (damn you words beginning with vowels!)
Verbs. God I don’t even know where to start but, for basics, learn the common verbs ending in ARE, IRE and ERE in basic present tense and then learn basic regular conjugation. This is kinda obvious for learning languages but again, it depends what your mother tongue is! English is kinda simple in many ways for this aka “I do, you do, they do” but if you learn conjugation tables then you’re onto a winner! For irregular verbs... lord, it’s a case of just learning them. (For example, MORIRE can get screwed! I forget it all the time). Verbs like essere, avere, uscire, andare, potere, sapere, stare, prendere are a MUST as a start. They’re the foundation on which it’s all built tbh!
I found it VERY helpful in the early days trying to just create basic sentences like “the cat is called Bob” hahaha and then changing it to “I am called Bob” and then “they have a cat called Bob” and from there you get good practice.
Learn some fun vocab! Look at foods and drinks and animals and clothes and body parts and furniture and you can start using them in sentences. Duolingo sucks for quite a bit but it’s VERY good for this stuff
Buy some Italian task books! Instructional books are great but exercises are the best for me and you can work through them bit by bit as you progress
Learn numbers - just stick to 1-100 first (it’s pretty simple tbh) and learn days of the week (obvs) but when you have done that you can move to TIME and places in time.... which will the lead onto the past tenses but the present tense is good for now and in Italian you can kinda use the present for the future in many circumstances!
Listen to a podcast called Coffee Break Italian. It’s brilliant!
Listen to italian music, watch tv shows (Skam It was a total key for pronunciation for me... and now I can hear the accents it’s so weird for me to watch it back! My teacher speaks northern italian and sounds v different to most of the Skam It folks) and movies. Read poetry. There’s a website that has Italian fairytale videos (google is your friend) which helped me a lot as it’s simple language but it’s also good for practice
That’s about it, for a start! Once you have the basics like introducing yourself, as you learn the other stuff it’ll all slot into place. Like, learning “mi chiamo” in lesson 1 meant nothing to me other than oh that’s how you say “I’m called” but it wasn’t until I did verbs I realised why you say “chiamo” and why that changes to “chiami” or “chiama” etc... and slowly it all pieces together like a puzzle.
A MAJOR PLUS with Italian is that the words are mainly ordered in the same order as English... for the most part. So if you can speak/know English then it’s fab! There’s obviously differences but generally, it’s not too tough to construct a sentence as you develop! German, for example, used to drive me mental with verbs all over the shop! Haha
I hope this helps in some way! If you have the means, I’d absolutely suggest taking classes. They’ve helped me so so much as I get to speak much more and make all those silly mistakes and actually try to speak on the fly which has made it so fun. At the start my teacher would ask us to say “my name is Megan and I live in London”..... now, it’s like “ok Megan, I want you to tell me how you felt when you graduated, where you were, who attended, what you wore and tell me about your friend’s last birthday party and give me directions from your home to a nearby church and tell me what you’re having for dinner and how to cook it then tell me about your entire family and tell me how to give instructions to citizens in a local park” and I’m like 😑😑😑😑 hahaha
Sending love to you! I hope you love learning it as much as I do!
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sunlitroom · 4 years
pt 2. So I kinda gravitated towards this idea of what Jerome was saying. That there is a killer inside him, and he needs a push to let it out. But then, in my perspective it's kinda "comforting" to take that stance, rather than except the alternative of this mousey man who wants to do good(as good as he can at least) and doesn't want to be like his brother, and wants to be Bruce's friend-end up bad anyway. So maybe I don't choose that option? Because it's more uncomfortable in a way cont..
pt 3. Sorry stupid character limit XD I mean, rather I lean towards that he was dark and as you said there was a lot of tension with him..but that the gas freed all of that darkness uninhibited. He's really just kind of a walking mass of contradictions I feel. I don't think he was a boy scout. But I think he could have been a better man without the gas. Completely avoiding darkness? No XD (because what would be the fun in that really) But KINDA like Will Graham maybe. Sorta.
pt 4.? One last thing and I swear this'll be it XD You dont' have to post all these. I notice he is sorta hot/cold. In the sense that..I read an article about him stating that it's sorta unclear how he felt about Ecco. Like did he really care about her as a person or more as an asset, and to protect him. They noted it wasn't clear if he was relieved to see HER unharmed specifically, or he was just glad his protection was ok. And about the death of his boss he just says 'tragic'. Coldlike?
 Hey again anon :)  I spliced your posts together, if that’s OK.
I can see what you mean about finding it more comforting to believe that there was some kind of deep wrongness in Jeremiah – because the alternative: that he had a difficult past, but was trying to do the best he could, and fell head over heels for Bruce – only to wind up losing his sanity to the gas….that’s pretty tragic.  I think that’s the way I read it, but I agree – it’s horribly sad.
I suppose if you prefer that ‘killer inside him’ idea, then it could come down to which Gotham philosophy you like best about good vs bad, and what makes a criminal.
On one side, you have Barnes and Ed.  They both talk with Jim about darkness, and violence and monsters, and essentially say the same thing:
Jim and Barnes
Jim – I nearly crossed the line
Barnes - Let me tell you something about the line…. I’m just a man.  And at the right moment, a man might do anything.  Any man. There is no line.  There’s just the law, that‘s what separates us from the animals.  There is no line.
Jim and Ed
Jim - How did this happen to you? How did you become this?
Ed - You dummy. This is who I am. It was just finally admitting the truth to myself. Well, that and murdering some people.
Jim - I don't believe that.
Ed - You don't believe it. Why, Jim?  ‘Cause it would make you incompetent to know that I was right under your nose the whole time? Or you don't want to admit that there's a monster in all of us? Because you, of all people, should know that!
Jim - You're completely insane.
Ed - Yeah. It's probably easier for you to think that.
To Barnes and Ed, every single person has the capacity for villainy – even the best of us.  To Barnes, the only thing that keeps everyone in line is the law.  
On the other side, you’ve got Jim.  Jim doesn’t like that. He wants to understand what ‘makes’ someone like that: what’s the difference between ‘us’ and ‘them’? What happened to them?  Could you have avoided it?
To see Jeremiah as having a killer inside him, you could take a middle path, I suppose – which is sort of what Jerome does?  You might have something monstrous inside you, but it takes one bad day to let it free. The gas might be the final push, but let’s face it: there’s been a slow, steady drip, drip, drip throughout his whole life.
Look to their childhood.  We know that Jeremiah was the favourite, and Jerome was seen as beyond redemption after Jeremiah left – but that doesn’t mean things were idyllic before that. Jerome paints a chaotic, violent, upsetting picture of life at the circus.  Jeremiah might not have borne the brunt of the neglect and abuse, but it’s certainly likely he saw things a child shouldn’t have seen.  
Also – just because Jeremiah was ‘the favourite’ – that doesn’t mean there wasn’t an enormous amount of strain placed on him.  It’s possible Jeremiah was the conscientious ‘good’ one that Jerome described because Jeremiah saw that as a strategy for avoiding abuse. Be good, be clever, keep your room clean, do as you’re told – and you won’t be screamed at, or hit, or neglected.  
So by the time he escapes life at the circus, there’s already possibly a lot of repressed rage built up – and really carefully repressed in Jeremiah’s case, because being angry is dangerous – being angry might make you Jerome, whom he hates and fears.  Being angry might mean you’re not the ‘good boy’ anymore, and leave you vulnerable to your mother’s neglect and abuse.
Then you’ve got his time at school.  Goodness knows what that was like.  A ‘good’ school with lots of well-heeled Gotham children, and a preternaturally intelligent little boy, who behaves oddly, and is secretive about his background shows up?  That’s unlikely to have gone well.  Even worse if they found out about his family and past.
Even as an adult, when we meet him – his life doesn’t look too fun. His indulgences aside – his home looks dark and dreary.  There’s no evidence of friends or lovers – no sign that he’s in touch with family.  He’s learned that his mother was killed.  He’s living with the constant fear that his brother will find him and murder him.
So yes – if you want to see him as someone who has a lot of darkness and rage banked down - someone who is maybe harbouring murderous feelings, I think it’s definitely plausible.
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jinxofthedesert · 4 years
Hi there! Annoying anon that loves rambling about the Valeska twins is here again 🤣 Let the discussion continue! 😂 Yeah, I totally get your point of writing such stories as a means of fulfilling wishes. I guess it makes sense from the writer's pov that they want to give these characters a different (better) treatment. Valid point, but still, they don't feel real to me.
(Below this is the rest of the messages, put together. Farther down, below the line, are my responses)
It's like I'm reading a story with a character that's called Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska and looks exactly like him, but it's not truly him (just like you said, at their cores they are bad guys). But it's perfectly understandable and all right that people want to give them a rest from their chaotic lives haha 😊 everybody’s got their cup of tea ☕
Damn, yes, these stories are so hard to find! I imagine that writing something of the sort and investing so much in such complex characters can be draining and daunting, so yeah I get the reason why there are not so many fics out there... and OCs are so difficult to write haha you are right. They take too much time and effort 🤣
Yeah, I guess Ecco was not the best example. It's very true what you say about Jeremiah's and Ecco's relationship. In the show it was portrayed as a professional one. So we don't really know if there's anything else beyond that, save for some level of concern. So I guess I should have gone with Bruce instead because, just like you said, Jeremiah went totally bonkers when he realized that Bruce was the only one who saw past his resemblance to Jerome.
Basically, what I was trying to say is that in these fics there's not really that same vibe of evil obsession and lunacy from the twin's side. Maybe just some sort of heightened jealousy when their partner is addressed by other characters, but not in a really "Valeska" way. In fact, it is also strange when Bruce is completely absent in these stories when the twins' obsession revolves around him.
Yeah, there is sooo much to explore, so that is why I am very curious to see how people construe their backgrounds, but usually it's just the repetition of the show with some added scenes and dialogues here and there 😅 I would love to see something a bit different, but well, I guess I am being very demanding 🤣 Don't worry about it and thanks so much for replying! 😘 I am now doing some research in different sites 🤣
It's a bit weird because even though I enjoyed the show, I have to say I merely watched it to see ma broski boys in action 🤣 so If I wasn't so lazy (and didn't have other unfinished projects) I would try to write something (my mind is already full of vague ideas OMGGG 😏🤔😂), but I don't really know much about other characters or subplots, so I would not be sure how to tackle it 🤔 Thanks again for the lovely discussion! 😊
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Hi anon! Don’t you worry about your rambles, they’re not at all annoying! I find it rather fun to discuss the twins. 
I’m sorry you’ve not been able to find the content you’re looking for; usually, I always run into comments on Tumblr or Pinterest about how you look for certain fics and when you can’t find them, then it’s time to try a hand at writing it yourself. I’ve done that and, even though I enjoy writing, it’s still pretty hard, especially to find a drive to do it when I really am not feeling it.  With the twins not feeling real, I understand, ‘course I now think I’m at the point where I might read anything if I’m gifted with more content lol (though there are some tags that, if I see them, I don’t touch if I can help it). 
I think, usually, with most writers, it’s easier to take a character like Jerome/Jeremiah and, instead of doing the tremendous work that comes with trying (emphasis trying) to change them, they do a few things and that’s enough for a road to recovery. Because, most of the time, they’re not writing to change the character, or even to make it realistic; sometimes they’re just writing, or they wanted to try a different aspect. There can be so many reasons and sometimes digging deep and getting a character 100% correct isn’t at the top of the list of what you want in that story. Personally, I’ve learned to broaden my sense of disbelief with characters and just enjoy what I manage to find, especially since the Gotham fic-oriented content is sooooo small 😢
After reading your last message, I actually went onto Ao3 and searched ‘character studies’ under the characters and yeah, there’s not much, I read a few and I honestly wasn’t sure what to think (not to call anyone out). It reminded me a lot of my years reading batjokes on fanfiction or, again, Ao3 where, if you search long enough, there’s a fic for almost all your needs. There have been some good gems in there that delve into character studies and helping these characters try and become better. Comparing that to Gotham’s arrangement of fics is sad, to say the least, but batjokes in all media have a lottttt of years to have such a collection of wonderful content. (Even if you’re only a Gotham fan, stretching out into the actual Batman fandom can be very rewarding, even if your next step is into the Nolan movies or even Batman in general cause you can replace the characters in your head if you really want too)  I think one big problem with Oc’s is that, in a way, they’re easy to make, but in the worst way. You can create a character to put in the place you want, a blank space and they’re just nothing. This comes up a lot in anime type works, where the main character is so blah for the purpose of the audience (reader in our other case) to put themselves in the place of the main character. This also happens in a lot of movies as well, instead of fleshing the character out and allowing them to move and breathe the way THEY would and not how the audience thinks they themselves would. Because of this, oc’s can be very flat. There are the exception, of course although I have no examples since I don’t remember the last Oc story I read . . .  *wracks brain* yeah no idea. Though I’m sure it’s somewhere in my saves.
Even if one doesn’t ship Jeremiah with Bruce, it’s very difficult to ignore/brush under the rug that there was definitely an obsession and that originally, during their weeks of spending time together, building the generator, there started a friendship. The first is very obvious, show-wise (and friendship kinda came with the territory) and the gay subtext can be there if you look at it that way. As much as an interesting character Ecco is, she’s both not important enough in the show (sorry Ecco lovers) or to Jeremiah or to anyone for that matter. While with Bruce and Jeremiah, with how their first meeting go’s and all the meetings that follow after (very willingly on Jeremiah’s part even though I’m sure before this NO ONE was allowed in the inner parts of his bunker for long periods. Probably not even Ecco) the relationship is much more pronounced than anything we’re given prior.  I like to think that even though Bruce was manipulating Jeremiah when they first met, he actually did see him as his own person. Even though he, like Jim and Harvey, have personally bore witness to Jerome’s tyranny. (And that only twists the knife harder when Jeremiah eventually loses his mind because both him and Jeremiah saw him as his own person and in a way Jeremiah doesn’t become like Jerome, he becomes worse)
One could argue that since we didn’t see a ‘true’ way the Valeska’s love that any type of them showing affection might never seem very Valeska. Unless one looks at their reactions and interactions with Bruce as something more than just ‘wanting to kill him’ or ‘obsession’. This would be another reason I’m don’t read much in the oc-area or out of the romantic’s lol mainly because the moment they take Bruce out of the picture, everything seems off. Jerome, while willing to divide his attention, only does it with specific people, who are: Jim, Bruce, Jeremiah, and, on occasion, Oswald (though he’s much less in comparison to the ‘big three’). Other then them, we don’t see him hyper-focus on anyone else in the show, and if he does, it’s for a second and to simply kill them after. If these three aren’t integral to his behavior and actions then things feel flat and out-right ignoring his obsession with Bruce and his inner darkness can be unrealistic. With Jeremiah, this is much worse because in canon, once No Man’s Land starts, all he can think about is Bruce. Everything he does in that setting and before this even started was for Bruce. This type of obsession is . . . well, something that can’t simply be ignored, it’s a big part of his character and also very integral to just who he is after the spray. It may not be as bad at the start of the spray (because he’s too busy rebuilding Gotham in his image) but literally second to that desire is his connection with Bruce. If there were a summary of Jeremiah as a character it would be IMPOSSIBLE to write it without Bruce (same with Jerome though his might be a footnote, depending). So him suddenly focusing on someone else is . . . odd (even with Jim he doesn’t give his full attention too and, in the finale, Jeremiah only starts moving around and doing shit when he realizes that Bruce has come home early and that it’s time to finally come back to the spotlight). Especially since he’s supposed to be the ‘Joker’ in the Gotham world, which, technically speaking, means this obsession with the Bat (a.k.a Bruce) will only ever get worse from here (not to mention the fact he knows Batman is Bruce because he remembers the prophecy Ra’s told him, which we’re shown in the finale when he first sees the Bat and comment’s ‘you’ in a knowing way; this can be argued he’s just recognizing that this is what the prophecy was talking about or that it’s Bruce but personally I think both cause the prophecy was about both of them.).
It’s hard not to repeat things in canon though, believe me, I know and if you ever try writing a time travel story, it’s much worse cause then you have to change literally everything if you’re doing it that way.  Nah, you know what you like; the only problem with that is it’ll be hard to find it most of the time. I wish you luck in searching! Hopefully, you’ll find something.
Same. My older brother introduced me to the show and his way of doing so was first telling me it was a batman show, that I would LOVE Oswald’s aesthetic and that there was a Joker-type character just introduced. I was sold lol. There’s been a lot of drama with the show though, concerning the twins and I honestly wish they’d just stuck with Jerome or if they did still use Jeremiah that he wasn't just . . . a backup plan for killing Jerome off. And, if they’d been allowed to go on for a few more seasons, I wouldn’t have been surprised if they would have also killed Jeremiah and a third (never heard of) Valeska twin (triplet) would show up, playing into the overall Joker lore about there having been three. 😒🤨😑 Which I find humorous because they did so well with Jerome, he was a well-rounded, fleshed out character and, as much as I love Jeremiah, it’s hard not to consider what we could have gotten if Jerome had lived *wistful sigh* I won’t lie that the drama hasn’t affected how I watch it too these days, or at least left me with a lasting impression.  I was very invested in the first few seasons, it was a good show, minus the plot-holes and annoying characters (yes, some annoy me and there are some I can’t stand) but when the twins were on screen, it was probably the show at its best. If they had implicated them more so into the main story I probably would have watched all the way to the end (I can admit, I’ve never seen season five, but I saw many clips, have been completely spoiled and DID watch the finale lol and . . . I think I saw some of season four? Maybe, not sure anymore.) because when they’re also interacting with Bruce, perfection. I could watch that shit for days. 
Also, if you did write it, it wouldn’t have to be about other characters if you don’t want it to be. You’re talking to me, who has never seen the last few seasons and when I wrote my first fic ‘Blindly Evident’ literally all my scenes I had to LOOK UP because I only knew the base of what the scene was even about lol. So sometimes, you can totally bullshit your way lol and somehow it turns out to be really good and you like it. Or it’s just snippets of small scenes with your characters (I’ve been writing a fic like that for awhile because it’s fun and easy and yet you can make it so thought provoking because these snippets are so smallll.) I would implore you to give it a go. Even if you have no idea what the other characters are doing or even what their names are. 
I feel like this has just become me rambling about Gotham and writing tips at this point lol but you’re welcome~ I am here to try and help and always willing to listen about Gotham and talk (or rant, I’m not picky lol). Thanks again for your ask, anon! Hope you find that content you’re looking for 🥰🧡💛
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barefoot-joker · 5 years
Yandere!Jeremiah Valeska X Reader One Shot Pt 7 (Pt 1)
Hey, guys! Welcome back to Part 1 of the finale of my Yandere!Jeremiah story! Things are going down so be prepared! :) As always feedback is appreciated so comment below any thoughts or ideas. I will see you in the next installment of Yandere!Jeremiah!
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My body shook as I quickly sat up in bed, my heart beating fast and sweat decorating my flesh. I had just woken up from another nightmare, the seventh one in a row. I raked my fingers through my hair and gulped before taking in a deep breath and putting my head in my hands. Deciding I wasn't going to be sleeping anytime soon I slowly got out of bed, put on my silky robe and made my way down to Jeremiah's study and our shared library. Whenever I couldn't sleep I would go there, the words seemingly bringing me out of my prison for a little bit.
Upon entering the room the only light source was the moon, the only sounds being my bare feet upon the creaky floorboards and the grandfather clock ticking away. Stopping by the leather armchair near the corner I turned on the lamp before walking to Jeremiah's desk and turning on that light. Just as I was about to look for a book a cream envelope on my husband's desk caught my eye. Picking it up I saw my name as the addressee, the information being written in a familiar hand. There was no return address on it but my curiosity got the better of me. Why in the world did Jeremiah have my mail on his desk?
Silently I sat in his black leather chair before opening it and reading.
Y/n, You haven't been replying to any of my letters so I'm going to assume Jeremiah has hidden them from you. If this is your first time reading just know I'm coming and I haven't abandoned you. Alfred, Jim and I have been gathering tools and skills to take your "husband" down. Help is on the way I promise. Expect to be out of there soon and enjoying life, not hating it. Together we'll overcome whatever he's done to you. Anyway I love you and stay strong, dear. Soon you'll be free. Sincerely, Bruce Wayne
My lips parted and I had to cover my mouth before I let out any kind of sound. My eyes scanned the page again and again, rereading every detail to make sure it was correct. I couldn't believe it. Bruce didn't forget me and he was coming. I could feel a shiver of happiness come over me as I realized my chains would soon be off and I'd be able to fly once more. I almost jumped in joy but my mind went to finding those others letters that Bruce mentioned. Quietly I dug through my husband's desk before coming upon a stack of the same opened cream envelope in the same handwriting at the very bottom of the last drawer to the right. No wonder I thought my friend forgot me, the stack was at least ten envelopes. Silently I read through them all, interested in the news Bruce gave me. By the time I finished it was 3:30 in the morning and I could feel my lids grow heavier. Placing the envelopes back where they were I turned off each lamp and then headed back to bed, my sleep filled with dreams for once in a lifetime.
I yawned as I sat up, my back cracking as I stretched. I smiled as I actually had gotten a decent amount of rest. However that moment was ruined when I felt hands rubbing my shoulders. "Good morning, dearest. How did you sleep?"
"Fine. You?"
His lips gave a peck to my cheek and forehead before he nuzzled my neck. I dared not turn my head away in fear of what he would do if I would, so I remained still. "I'm sorry I'm leaving you but important business has come up recently. I promise I'll make it up to you though."
“There’s no need-”
“Yes there is.”
He trailed his lips up to my ear and nipped the shell before he gave a low laugh. Uncomfortable, I slowly got out of bed but had to sit back down as a wave of exhaustion hit me head on. Jeremiah was used to these things as lately it’s been occurring more, the doctor telling him just to make me rest and relax (that is before he murdered the poor soul for touching me). Getting up he went into the closet and pulled out one of his three piece suits and a simple green dress with a floral pattern on it for me. “Do you need help getting dressed, dear?”
“N-no. I think I can manage.”
“Alright. Holler if you need me.”
I nodded and he headed into the bathroom, leaving the door open a smidge in case he needed to come out and aid me. Grunting I stood back up and slid off my nightgown, took a minute to breathe and then pulled on the roomy green daywear. Silently I walked to the door but stopped to look at myself in the full length mirror. My eyes immediately went to my bulging stomach, my branded hand coming up to rub it. Inside I was conflicted. True, I hated the fact that my enemy was the one who gave me this child but on the other end my motherly instincts loved that I was going to be giving the gift of life. I sighed and slowly made my way downstairs to the kitchen, Ecco already in there making breakfast. “Good morning, puddin! How’re you feeling?”
“Exhausted and sore.”
“Then sit, sweetie! We don’t need you or the baby hurting.”
I did as she commanded and silently watched her fry some sausages, my thoughts going to the letters I found in my husband’s desk. I needed to send Bruce some kind of sign that I did in fact receive his message, the only problem being Jeremiah and Ecco intercepting it. “Here you go. Extra strength on a plate!”
I blinked and looked down, the eggs and sausages made to look like a happy face. “Something wrong, puddin?”
Yes. This whole situation is wrong!
“I-I’m fine.”
I picked up my fork and dug in, Jeremiah coming in as soon as I was done. “No breakfast for me today, Ecco. I’m in a rush. You’ll run those documents and make sure the employees are up to date?”
“Yes, boss.”
He hummed and gave my cheek a peck. “I’ll call later to see how you’re doing, darling. Rest if you need to. I love you.”
I didn’t respond.
Even though I had been forced to do things in the name of “love” with Jeremiah I could never allow those words to be spilt out for him. No, they were only reserved for people who truly deserved them. The greenette sighed before he left, the front door slamming shut behind him. “I think I’ll go take a walk.”
“Alright, hon. If you need anything-”
“I know.”
Slowly I got up from my perch and made my way to the back of the house, I passing a few guards on the way. It always made me sick to my stomach the way they bowed to me as if I was some sort of goddess, their expressions too happy for me. I knew my husband had ordered them to be this way as he considered us deities that needed to be worshiped. I just continued my way to the back door and out into the small garden of flowers and food. To most this would have been an escape from reality as it was outside and nature surrounded the area but it was still part of my prison. Walls blocked the rest of the city from us, the sounds of honking cars and daily conversation the only things I could hear. Silently I walked along the wall, humming a bit to myself when a whisper brought me out. Confused I looked around but saw no one, I blaming it on my imagination. Just as I took another step I heard it again except this time it uttered my name. That voice. No...it couldn’t be!
“Bruce? Is that you?”
“Yes. It’s me, Y/n!”
My heart danced with excitement as I placed my palms against the wall, wishing it were transparent so I could see my dark haired friend. “Oh my god, I thought I’d never hear from you again!”
“Haven’t you been getting my letters?”
“No. Jeremiah has been intercepting them. I only found out last night as one was on his desk.”
“I thought so. Y/n, you sound...different. Is everything okay?”
I didn’t reply immediately. How in the world was I supposed to tell my loved one what has happened?
“A lot has been going on Bruce, but I don’t have time to explain.”
“Neither do I. I just came to reassure you I’m still alive and am going to get you out. Soon we’ll be together again.”
“Whatever Jeremiah does to me...promise you won’t leave.”
“I would never! None of this is your fault, dearest. I know that.”
“Look Bruce, I have to go. Stay here okay?”
I heard the sound of him giving an air kiss and the crunching of cold grass beneath his feet. Though our encounter was small I was filled with new found hope because of my friend. “Y/N! Where are you?”
Quickly I looked back at the stone wall and smiled before waddling up to the back door where Ecco stood. “There you are! I ‘ve been calling you for quite a while.”
“Sorry, is there something you needed?”
“I need to go out and do some things for the boss man so you’ll be here alone with some guards. The doors will be locked and so are all the windows so you should be safe. I’ll have a cell phone on me so call the number next to the phone if you need anything, alright.”
“When do you think you’ll be back?”
“This shouldn’t take more than an hour but I’ll call to tell you if I’ll be later.”
“Stay safe.”
She gave the top of my head a kiss before heading out and locking the door behind her, I running back to the wall in need of talking to my friend. “Bruce? Are you still there?”
“I’m here, Y/n.”
I sighed in relief. “Ecco’s gone now and the guards are off upstairs by now. Can you come around front? I’ll let you in.”
I heard the sound of his footsteps receding away so I quickly rushed to the front and unlocked the door, Bruce standing there with a smile on his face. “Y/n!”
He grabbed me in a tight embrace and I quickly reached up did the same, tears coming. Standing on my toes I gave him a great big kiss and laughed as he peppered my face with his version of light kisses. “Come on, let’s get you sitting down.”
I gently grabbed his hand and led him into the living room, both of us snuggling on the couch. Bruce leaned in to give me another kiss but I felt his hand halt on my stomach, sadness written in his eyes as he slowly peeled away and looked down. “Y/n, did he do this to you?”
I gulped but nodded, too afraid of what he’d do. Bruce sighed and pulled me in close, his voice next to my ear, “I knew I should have come sooner. None of this would have happened if I-”
“Bruce, this isn’t your fault.”
“Yes it is! If I had protected you then you wouldn’t be stuck pregnant and married to the most evil villain in all of Gotham!”
The room went dead quiet as I pulled away to look into my love’s eyes. In his dark orbs I could see what I constantly felt: sadness, anger, disappointment and fear. “You’re doing the best you can do, Bruce. I’ve been surviving so far.”
He sighed and caressed my cheek. “I don’t know how you do it.”
“I just think about you and my friends.”
With that I leaned up and gave him a kiss, my pent up passion letting loose. Bruce let his hands rummage through my hair, our hearts connecting as one once again. Our moment seemed to last forever but as we pulled away with half lidded eyes I realized it was only a few minutes. Just as I was about to say something the phone rang in the hallway so I begrudgingly got up and answered it. “Hello?”
“Y/n, it’s me.”
“...Hello, Jeremiah.”
“How are you doing, honey?”
“Fine. Is there something you needed?”
“I just wanted to see how you were and that I’ll be home in just a few minutes.”
“Alright. Goodbye.”
“See you soon, dearest. I love you.”
I slammed the phone down to hang it up. No way was I telling him that phrase when my true love was in the other room. Silently I walked back into the living room to find Bruce standing and looking at our “family” pictures, a grimace on his face. “You’d better get going, love. Jeremiah will be here any minute and I don’t want you getting caught.”
“I understand.”
He turned to me before embracing me close, his scent of peppermint wafting into my nose. “I’ll get you out of here, dearest. Soon.”
I smiled as his lips gave me a quick peck to the cheek before he quickly went out the door. And just as soon as my fantasies left, my hell entered. “Y/n, I’m home!”
I didn’t turn around as I knew he would find me right away. Sure enough I felt his arms wrap around me within a few seconds, his scent of spice overpowering Bruce’s. “I trust things were fine while I was gone.”
“Yes. Ecco left a little bit ago. She said she would return within the hour.”
He hummed in response before twirling me to face him. “Then we’ll have some alone time before she gets back~”
His gloved hands trailed down to my hips but I silently pushed away, not in the mood. I heard him growl in response but override it with a sigh. His dress shoes scuffed the floor as glasses clinked and liquid was poured, him returning to my side with two wine glasses in his hands. He held it forward for me to take so reluctantly I did, a smile coming to those red lips of his. As I looked down at the glass I was surprised to see it was white wine instead of red, his attempt of lightening up the mood small smile worthy. “I told you I was going to make it up to you.”
He took a sip and gestured for me to do the same. “Isn’t it a bit too early for alcohol?”
“Oh come on, Y/n.”
“I’m not in the mood.”
“Not even one little sip?”
“I said no, Jeremiah.”
“It’ll be fun~”
“I don’t want to.”
I closed my eyes and flinched, my experience with his temper not a great one. In an act of comfort his hand touched my shoulder but the texture of the leather from his glove made it seem unholy. “I apologize for yelling, dearest. Work was just stressful for me today.”
I didn’t reply. There was no need for me to. However my husband was not in that mood for he gently turned my head towards him by my chin and gave me a smile. “Dance with me, honey?”
I nodded once and was immediately pulled to his chest, our arms entangled as we began a slow waltz. While we danced my mind went back to the good old days, the times when Jeremiah wasn’t the monster that he was now.
I nervously tapped my fingers together as I looked around the room. Jeremiah promised he would take me out dancing tonight but he was nowhere to be found. I bit my lip and hugged my shawl closer as I waited, the stares from the other men unnerving. In my mind I thought I should leave the party but just as thought entered it left when a warm hand met my bare shoulder. My eyes caught sight of Jeremiah’s ginger hair and black glasses, the disappointment leaving. “For a second I thought you weren’t coming and that I got dressed up for nothing.”
“And why would I leave a beautiful woman like you alone?”
I smiled as he took my hand and led us to the floor, our hands going to the right places for the waltz music playing. Slowly the ginger started us and my nerves past as I got the hang of it. “You look lovely tonight, you know that.”
I blushed. “You do as well.”
I laughed as he spun me and in the moment everything seemed to fade away, just like the end of Sleeping Beauty. I felt the two of us on clouds, it seeming like a dream.
{End Flashback}
My lip tugged upwards as the happy memory stayed with me, the slow rhythm of us dancing lulling me into sleepiness. I could feel my husband’s chest rumble with light laughter as my grip loosened and my body began to slip. My heart and mind screamed at me to stay awake, to not be left in such a vulnerable position but my body hushed back ‘what was the point’. As the three fought for dominance my eyes closed and for once a fuzzy feeling burned inside my chest.
                       That fuzzy feeling reserved for Jeremiah Valeska.
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Gotham s4ep17 “Mandatory Brunch Meeting”  Personal Reviewish 
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“You hear that? That's the sound of democracy.”   Warning spoilers below
Okay I´m still not really back in review mode, maybe it´s because I couldn´t stay away from tumblr and scrolled quickly, but not quickly enough to completely go past a lot of complaints about Lee/Ed and Jeremiah and I expected so much worse?
* I actually found the JEREMIAH VALESKA plot potentially really interesting. They´ve pretty much managed to continue the thing where they give you some compassion for Jerome just to take it away the next second and do it all over again. I´m really curious if we get to know more what Jeremiah actually did to make Jerome´s family believe he wanted to kill him, or if this was indeed more or less the truth anyway. I actually like it that they put something personal into Jerome´s storyline than just have him run “crazy” and be themadmanthatwant´sthecitygomadTM. I´m also wondering about ECCO. Having her defeat Jerome so easily, already having the cage at hand was a nice moment. (Again something that went against the big scary escaped baddie thing.) That Jeremiah didn´t want to leave without her was a nice touch but the “She's devoted her life to me.” gives me the creeps. * I wish they had done more with the shot where Jerome wakes up in Jeremiah´s lair! When they made him pat the walls going round it looked like the start of a really awesome shot that´s both playing at the mime motive (just with real walls this time) and a really claustrophobic atmosphere. Just imagine Jerome locked away in a grey cubicle, with no audience, no entertainment, just himself. But then, the promptly showed the camera. I think they could have done much more with that moment. The initial reaction of him waking up, laughing and going “interesting” could have just faded into a moment of severe doubt, fear and dread that this, would indeed not be so interesting at all. Just a tiny moment of that please. * “Oh, pun worthy. Excellent.”  Yes! Loved all of that. Jerome was rally entertaining in this. Just right to the bit where they remind you of all the horrible stuff he did and does, like when he plays Russian roulette with an Arkham inmate and kill off all compassion again. Ugh. “Damn. Doesn't even make me feel better at all.”  (< how did this one line manage to restore 0,3% compassion with him tough ??!)  * “Oh, hell no! You are not hypnotizing me again! (shouting)” “That's one way to do it.” “Must go, must go, must go, must go!” also I love how he, even stressed Tetch set that up to rhyme with “they are after me and the scarecrow” * “Why have I gathered this legion of Horribles? That has a nice ring to it.  Write that down, will ya?” Is this a writer indirectly patting it´s own shoulder? What is it with the reccuring titles  now the one from 2x21  and before the “The Demon's Head” 4x4. Also on a sidenote I like that Jerome is like “write that down” every 10 minutes, very relateable * “Put all questions on ice until the end. Danke schön.” Danekschön? Is that a jab at Arnold Schwarzenegger (again) ?! * “You hear that? That's the sound of democracy.”  “Our leader, Doc Thompkins she thinks that she knows what's good for you. She thinks stapling a live barracuda to someone's face isn't damn good entertainment.”   I was absolutely on board with LESLIE THOMPKINS saying the crowd is solely there because of the money, and the whole show felt certainly more like a dream of Ed than something that would really happen, like they are only putting up with the Riddle stuff for violent entertainment and money but then again couldn´t they just robbed him and gone back to their fighting business, seems there was something about the show and performance as well.  The point where EDWARD NYGMA juxtaposed Queen Lee and the “democratic” will of the people was an interesting one. Leslie´s been certainly showing some “saviour complex” moments, but she´s also always made sure to incorporate the people of the Narrows. So I don´t quite agree with The Riddler´s “propaganda” but it´s a good try. And Leslie will have a hard time changing the place to what she thinks is best, or what arguably is best. Srsly stapling a live barracuda to someone´s face, if you don´t care about the people then you gotta at least see the animal cruelty.. * “Okay, I'll join you. But you better deliver. I'm not your friend.” “I can live with those terms.”   Butch Gilzean/Solomon Grundy must loathe that word at that point. There´s again someone wanting stuff from him calling him a friend. Also I´m still not getting that whole Oswald/Butch friendship at all, I´m still not over Butch sticking with Oswald in Theo Galavan plot. Oswald cut off his hand. They were only a “team” in the first place because Zsasz tortured him and Oswald took extensive advantage of it. Also okay, so him treating his condition is indeed about Tabitha. Given that they again portrayed him as someone just pale and strong this still feels like a sever case of “What condition?” and isn´t it great you can pop off heads like flowers now? Also still liking that other theory why Tabs took a step back better. * OSWALD COBBLEPOT looked so soft and worried the whole episode. And so oddly gentle, except that moment where he´s spilling out the I´m gonna be on top script again. I´m not yet quite sure what to make of this plot wise, but I´m sure gonna look at some gifs for a long while because damn pretty. * So when will someone tell VICTOR ZSASZ that Oswald didn´t do the thing he thought he did? * “And you? Did you know he was going after Jerome?” “Indeed, I did, yes.” Oh, Alfred, Oh Jim .. * I miss Bridgit´s and Jonathan´s old personalities
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A Case for AtGames
Hey. It’s been a while, huh?
I didn’t mean to abandon this blog: it’s just that having both an idea and time to write about that idea is pretty rare for me. This time, however, I’ve got a pretty good and relevant idea.
If you’ve been in the retro gaming community for the past few years, you’ve probably heard of AtGames. If you haven’t, they make “flashback” consoles, versions of old video game consoles with built-in games, as well as the option to put in your own cartridges (usually).
AtGames gets a lot of flack for faulty emulation, but I own four AtGames consoles, and all but one of them has provided me with sufficient retro fun. With AtGames working on Sega’s upcoming Mega Drive Mini, I decided I might as well talk about this. Today, I’m going to talk about the four flashback consoles I own and why I feel AtGames isn’t as bad as it’s cracked up to be.
Sega Genesis Classic Game Console
This is the first AtGames console I ever owned. I don’t remember how I got it, but I was pleased with it back then. Now, about two years later, let’s take a look at how it holds up.
Game Selection
Lots of great Genesis titles are included in this collection. If you’re looking for Altered Beast, Alex Kidd, Sonic, Ecco, or another classic Genesis star, they’re all here. However, no third-party titles are included (this means no NBA Jam or Mortal Kombat), but you could use the cartridge slot to play those games on this console (except those with special conditions, such as the Game Genie and Sonic 3 & Knuckles). Also, you can’t use the Sega CD or 32X with this.
The console advertises itself as having 80 classic Genesis titles. However, this isn’t exactly true. Around 40 of the games are Genesis titles, but the other 40 are mediocre stock games. If you’re only interested in Genesis games, you’ll be getting around 40 of them for $60 (roughly $1.50 per game). You could do much worse, but you could also do much better.
The emulation is pretty solid. I never ran into any serious slowdown the original Genesis didn’t suffer from, and the aspect ratio was authentic, at least on my old CRT TV. This may be different if you’re playing on a newer TV, but at least from my experience, the console emulated its titles very well.
If you’re expecting great audio that does the Genesis’ greatest hits justice, well... prepare to be disappointed.
The sound on this console is HORRENDOUS. I can’t pinpoint exactly what the problem is, but the music is much lower-pitched and distorted. It might have something to do with the console having stereo audio, but there’s no denying the quality ruins the audio of the games.
Final Verdict
All in all, the Sega Genesis Classic Games Console isn’t too bad. Sure, the sound is completely ruined, but if you don’t mind that, you can get a decent experience. Today, I wouldn’t recommend this console, but it’s at least decent.
Atari Flashback 7
This is the second AtGames console I got. I got it for my birthday a couple of years ago, and was my first time really trying out an Atari console.
Game Selection
Unlike the Genesis Classic Console, the Atari Flashback 7 has absolutely no homebrew games. All 101 games on this console are authentic Atari 2600 titles. However, yet again, there are no third-party titles, which means no Activision titles. To make matters worse, there’s no cartridge slot on this console, which means what the console has is all you get.
However, the price for this is fairly solid: 101 games for $40 calculates to about 39 cents per game. This is great, considering that this console includes some valuable games, such as the entire Swordquest trilogy and Save Mary. If you don’t mind missing out on Pitfall and Kaboom, this console has outstanding value.
Once again, the emulation is fairly solid. I ran into no slowdown issues, and the games ran almost exactly like how they did on the original Atari 2600. This might have something to do with the primitive nature of these titles, but as long as they run well, I’m not going to question it.
There doesn’t seem to be any distortion with the audio, at least not any that has come to my attention. Of course, these being Atari 2600 games, there’s not exactly much to hear, but the classic explosion sounds are as good as they’ve always been.
Final Verdict
The Atari Flashback 7 is a great console. You get 101 games for a great price, and the games run great. Although it could have benefited from a cartridge port, the console has tons of first-party hits from Atari’s first console. Although newer models of this console (with Activision titles, I might add) do exist, I can’t speak for those, as I don’t own them. However, I must say the Atari Flashback 7 holds up as nice as it did when I first got it
Genesis Flashback HD
AtGames recently tried again at making a great Genesis console. This time, however, they fixed most of the issues gamers had with the original, and even went above and beyond in some areas.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: This console only works with HD TVs.)
Game Selection
The game selection has greatly improved from the first Genesis Flashback. Out of the 45 games included, here’s what you’ll be getting.
45 Genesis titles
3 Mortal Kombat games
12 Master System/Game Gear games
28 homebrews
This means you’ll be getting 60 Sega titles for around $70 (around $1.16 per game). This is only a slightly better deal than the original Genesis Flashback, but at least this isn’t 50% homebrews.
Even though there is a cartridge port, you still can’t use the Sega CD, 32X, Power Base Adapter, or special cartridges with this console, but if you have one of the first three, you likely have a Genesis compatible with them, so it’s not that huge of an issue.
The emulation is just as good as the original Genesis Flashback, so I’m not gonna go on about that again. However, I would like to note two things:
1. The (wireless) controllers have a rewind feature. This lets you go back 6 seconds each time it is used. I didn’t use it too much, but if you’re having trouble in a game, it can be useful.
2. The console allows you to put scanlines on the Genesis games. Since this console is only compatible with HD TVs, it was nice to have the option to have the games (mostly) resemble how they appeared back in the 1990′s.
Thankfully, the sound on this console is much better than the original Genesis Flashback. In fact, it’s just as great as the original Genesis. ...Not much to add,really.
Final Verdict
The Genesis Flashback HD is a great improvement over the original. With more games and better audio, it stands out as AtGames’ best Sega console to date, at least in my opinion.
Atari Flashback Portable
Last but not least, this is the latest AtGames console I got my hands on, and the only one in their portable series I have.
Game Selection
This console features 70 Atari 2600 titles, including Activision titles, Namco titles, and even a recreation of the arcade Pac-Man. I don’t blame AtGames for not using the original Atari 2600 version, since that wasn’t very good.
Also, you can use a SD card to load up Atari 2600 games downloaded online. I don’t have much use for this, but others might, so it was a nice addition.
Without counting the SD card feature, you’re getting 70 games for $60 (85 cents per game). This is slightly less value than the Flashback 7, but that’s probably to account for the portability of the system.
The emulation is run on the same engine as the Flashback 7, so the emulation’s just as great. So instead of talking about the emulation, I wanna talk about the battery.
The system has a built-in battery, but this drains pretty quick. I remember getting around 2-3 hours of gameplay before it died. On a good note, the console comes with a charging port, and charges fairly quickly.
Same case as the Flashback 7: pretty close to the original system.
Final Verdict
The Atari Flashback Portable is a great console. It has pretty good value, and the selection of games will please most people who yearned for third-party titles with the Flashback 7.
Welp, that’s my four AtGames consoles I own, and my thoughts on them. You don’t have to agree with me. I know that for die-hard retro gamers, you want to get as close to the original feel as possible. However, if you don’t care about aspect ratios or scanlines, AtGames may provide just what you’re looking for.
Hopefully, with Sega’s help, AtGames’ upcoming console, the Mega Drive Mini (Japan exclusive for now) can become something great and put AtGames in a better light.
AtGames, I don’t know what’s next for you, but I hope you keep up the good work.
See you next time!
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bestbootsbrand · 3 years
Shoes To Wear In The Rain Besides Rain Boots Review
The Best Shoes To Wear In The Rain Besides Rain Boots
Love being in the downpour? Or on the other hand Live in a space known for stormy days? Assuming this is the case, you more in likely might want to fill your storage room with some different option from the regular downpour boot, am I right?!
Try not to misunderstand me, downpour boots aren't care for they used to be, they are entirely sharp nowadays and are a made to be much more agreeable than in occasions past (take these for instance), yet except if you live in a desert or are adequately lucky to just get a shower or two in the spring, you no uncertainty might want a couple of alternatives to destroy an about, rather than those hefty, knee high rubbers. In the event that that is the situation, look at my picks beneath.
I give you a few of my #1 choices of shoes to wear in the downpour other than downpour boots. Look at them and let me understand your opinion in the remarks underneath!
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My Top Picks For Women
Blondo Women's Villa Waterproof Ankle Bootie
Alright, so for those stormy days where you don't have the advantage of simply remaining in and watching your number one film, these Blondo Villa Ankle Booties will have you covered.
They are flawlessly developed with either a calfskin or softened cowhide upper (contingent upon the style you picked) in an assortment of exemplary shadings. The outsole is made of elastic and furthermore includes a stacked impact point, which adds to style, yet additionally praises the held underside to help you stay on your feet even on those elusive, blustery days. Also, the removable insole and gel-cushion in the impact point will keep your feet comfortable in these in vogue shoes.
In any case, what settles on these lower leg booties a superb decision for any woman needing to remain ensured on those wet days is the AquaProtect seal that safeguards these delightful shoes from the hurtful results salt, calcium and water can have on your footwear.
In this manner, rather than agonizing over the climate, be guaranteed that you will get the best security against those wet components as conceivable in these Blondo booties.
Sloggers Women's Waterproof Rain and Garden Shoe
Commonly we need a couple of protectant shoes to do those exceptional errands and undertakings around the house, yet we need them to in any case be wearable when going making the rounds. Yet, that is not all, we need something that will be agreeable and for this situation, water-safe as well.
Look no further, Sloggers brand have come out with an extraordinary answer for fit your "inside and out"' needs. Look at these incredible waterproof advance in shoes. As the name infers, they can be utilized for planting, yet that is not all. They can truly be worn anyplace whether that is in your nursery, while taking your canine for a walk or as a style proclamation, as they are accessible in more than 20 cool and peculiar plans.
Be that as it may, as I referenced previously, the most amazing part about these slick shoes is their capacity to keep your feet quite dry during any movement. The shoe is produced using 100% recyclable material, an outsole that is intended to get a decent grasp on those sloppy surfaces and insoles that will make your feet exceptionally cheerful the entire day.
The development of these sluggers was so thoroughly examined, that they can without much of a stretch be washed off when you are finished wearing them and you will not need to stress over demolishing the material. How's that for a downpour shoe?!
Blondo Women's Dale Waterproof Driving Style Loafer
Blondo kills it again with these charming and popular waterproof driving style loafers. With a softened cowhide upper, adaptable, yet thick elastic outsole and solid development, these loafers will keep going you quite a while.
They aren't only a tough pair of shoes however, they are additionally trustworthy! Indeed, they are waterproof and are the ideal 'go-to' on a stormy day. These stunning calfskin shoes will keep your feet fulfilled as they are safeguarded from that sudden downpour shower, despite the fact that they have all the earmarks of being your normal slip-on shoe.
What's more, with accessibility in those standard tones we've come to adore, these Dale loafers by Blondo will be a certain hit on those not exactly bright days.
My Top Picks For Men
Dunham Men's Litchfield Waterproof Slip-On Loafer
You all out there most likely love the look and feel of an exemplary loafer, as they can be worn in a wide range of settings-at work, at school, in the workplace or on an easygoing stroll in and out of town. So what better answer for the downpour boot issue, than to look at these waterproof Litchfield loafers from Dunham.
For one thing, they are slip-ons, which makes them very advantageous to bounce into, yet additionally escape in the wake of a difficult day. Built of nubuck cowhide, they have a removable EVA footbed, making these loafers extra agreeable and a Tru Track outsole that will help you keep your grasp on those wet surfaces.
These loafers are completely protected and in particular, water-safe, extraordinary from those blustery days where boots are impossible.
Available in dark or earthy colored, these exemplary slip-on make certain to remain in style for quite a long time to come.
UGG Men's Leighton Waterproof Chukka Boot
On the off chance that you haven't heard, UGG likewise makes some incredible choices to rain boots, and one of them is this Leighton Chukka boot. Very polished, and in accordance with the patterns during the current year, these waterproof boots make certain to not just keep you dry in those wet conditions, yet the jealousy of every one of your amigos.
As referenced, the calfskin upper has a lavish look, yet is waterproof also. The enerG solace insole is likewise an esteemed element of these Chukka boots with the twofold layer padding, for a torment free step with each progression.
ECCO Men's Cool 2.0 Leather Gore-Tex Fashion Sneaker
ECCO has probably the best shoes out there and these Cool 2.0 cowhide Gore-Tex design tennis shoes from the European brand are really smart, yet are the ideal easygoing shoe for those stormy days.
The shoes are fitted with a punctured calfskin upper, includes direct-infuse froth to give prevalent padding and solace and thermoplastic urethane,a material that is a few times more grounded than your overall elastic outsole. The outsole likewise has unique vent tubes which help keep your feet new the entire day too.
In any case, the best motivation to pick these tennis shoes is the GORE-TEX encompass waterproof plan, which will keep your feet liberated from dampness and all the more significantly that shower that can discourage anybody's day.
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judefan845-blog · 4 years
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Everything You Need to Know About the Sega Genesis Mini
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-sega-genesis-mini/
Everything You Need to Know About the Sega Genesis Mini
The full Sega Genesis Mini games list was announced June 4, and to the surprise of everyone, not only did Sega add more games than initially promised, but also announcing some rare Genesis gems, including games that never came to the US version of the Sega Genesis.
Our Pick
Sega Genesis Mini
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Sega Genesis Mini preorders are $79.99 with a September 19, 2019 release date: M2 is handling the Genesis Mini software and emulation, and if you’re familiar with M2, you know it has a storied history of going above and beyond when it comes to bringing old games to modern hardware. A port of the arcade game Darius is packed inside the Genesis Mini, a game that never existed for Sega Genesis in an official capacity. The Genesis version of Tetris is also part of the 42 games coming to Sega Genesis Mini, as well as Monster World IV, both of which never released in the US for the console.
With a September 19 release date and a $79.99 price tag, there’s plenty of time to grab one for yourself, and the good news is you can preorder the Sega Genesis Mini right now.
It looks like the Genesis Mini will be closer to Nintendo’s offerings with the NES Classic and Super NES Classic than to Sony’s misstep with the PlayStation Classic. The Sega Genesis Mini game list is chock full of popular classics, rare gems, and even a wholly new port. It could very well be the new gold standard when it comes to retro all-in-one consoles.
Sega Genesis Mini Games List
Some of the best Sega Genesis classics are coming to the Sega Genesis Mini. All told, it has 42 games, 2 more than initially promised.
Here is the full list of Sega Genesis Mini games:
Ecco the Dolphin
Castlevania: Bloodlines (Castlevania: The New Generation in AU/UK)
Space Harrier 2
Shining Force
Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine
Toe Jam & Earl
Comix Zone
Sonic the Hedgehog
Altered Beast
Gunstar Heroes
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Earthworm Jim
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
Thunder Force III
Super Fantasy Zone
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Streets of Rage 2
Contra Hard Corps (Probotector in AU/UK)
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition
Sonic Spinball
Phantasy Star IV
Beyond Oasis (The Story of Thor in AU/UK)
Ghouls ‘N Ghosts
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Golden Axe
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Virtua Fighter 2
Alisia Dragoon
Monster World IV
Kid Chameleon
Road Rash II
Eternal Champions
Dynamite Headdy
Light Crusader
Every Confirmed Game for Sega Genesis Mini
If you’re unfamiliar with M2, it handled the excellent Sega Ages Collections and also the delightful Sega 3D Classics Collection for Nintendo 3DS. It would be hard to find a developer with a better pedigree to handle the software for the first-party Sega Genesis Mini, so these Sega Genesis classics should get the respect they deserve.
6-Button Controller?
The 6-button controller doesn’t ship with the Genesis Mini. If you want a Genesis Mini 6-button controller from Sega, you’ll have to import a Mega Drive Mini. However, Retro-Bit makes an officially licensed 6-button Sega Genesis controller that looks and feels everything the part of a first-party controller. Better still, it’s available in cool styles like translucent blue.
What to Look Out For
Navigating the world of Sega Genesis Mini retail is something of a minefield. Sega played fast and loose with its licensing in the past. Be advised: there are a lot of third-party “mini Sega Genesis” consoles already on the market, but only one official Sega Genesis Mini, coming out September 19, 2019.
The third-party Sega Genesis mini consoles seem like a good value, packed with tons of games, but they have poor emulation and most don’t output a high-definition signal. In fact, some of them ONLY output using A/V cables, a feature increasingly absent from modern television sets. Don’t be fooled!
Sega Genesis Mini
The good news when it comes to supply is it doesn’t look as though the Sega Genesis Mini is in danger of selling out immediately, as was the case with the first runs of the NES and Super NES Classics from Nintendo.
Sega has M2 working on the emulation for its mini console.
The Sega Genesis Mini has been selling so strongly since its announcement, it was the top-selling video game items on Amazon when first announced. That’s a tall feat: the spot is almost the exclusive domain of the $10 Sony PlayStation Store gift card. Fortunately, it’s been available since its initial announcement, so it looks like it won’t suffer the same supply issues as the Super NES Classic and NES Classic. At least, for now.
Sega Genesis Mini at a Glance:
Price: $79.99
Release Date: September 19, 2019
Included Games: 40 total, 30 confirmed
Number of Controllers: 2 (3-button)
AC Adapter: Included
Output: HDMI
All in all, it looks like this will be a hit, unlike Sony’s PlayStation Classic mini console, which is regarded by almost everyone (except emulation hackers) as a complete disappointment. Its weird selection of games, emulation problems, PAL versions of some games, and a $99 price tag turned people off. It’s also now almost always on sale for more than 60% off its original price.
Japanese Mega Drive Mini Games List
If you’re the sort of person who drops extra money to get the Japanese versions of your favorite mini-consoles, here’s the full list of games coming to the Mega Drive Mini, also releasing on September 19, 2019. If it’s anything like the Famicom and Super Famicom Mini, you should eventually be able to order them directly from Amazon, although probably through a 3rd party seller. Or you can order directly from Amazon.jp and have it shipped to the states.
Here is the fill list of Mega Drive Mini games coming to Japan:
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Comix Zone
Gunstar Heroes
Madou Monogatari I
Puyo Puyo Tsu
Shining Force
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Space Harrier 2
Thunder Force III
Super Fantasy Zone
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
Streets of Rage 2
The Hybrid Front
Contra: Hard Corps
Dyna Brothers 2
Game no Kanzume Otokuyou
Ghouls ‘n Ghosts
Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Golden Axe
The Revenge of Shinobi
Phantasy Star IV
Beyond Oasis (The Story of Thor: A Successor of The Light)
Puzzle & Action: Tant-R
Party Quiz Mega Q
Yu Yu Hakusho: Makyou Touitsusen
Virtua Fighter 2
Alisia Dragoon
Monster World IV
Kid Chameleon
Road Rash II
Eternal Champions
Dynamite Headdy
Light Crusader
Mega Drive Mini Tower of Power
The Mega Drive Mini is getting an extra bonus in the way of a purely cosmetic “Megadora Tower Mini,” also known as the Sega Tower of Power. While real life versions can get even more ridiculous, this beastly amalgam is comprised of miniature, official hardware replicas. It’s extremely cool and limited-edition, and so far it looks like only Japan is getting the add-on. The Mega Drive Mini tower releases in Japan on September 19, the same say as the Sega Genesis Mini and Mega Drive Mini.
Seth Macy is IGN’s tech and commerce editor and just wants to be your friend. Find him on Twitter @sethmacy.
Source : IGN
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