#except the second board game chapter is like chapter 11
crabbunch · 2 years
fic posting hours !
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cutestkilla · 6 months
An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIP(s)
Thanks for tagging me @theearlgreymage @wellbelesbian @shrekgogurt @orange-peony @bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @youarenevertooold and @thewholelemon!
1. 🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s):
The only WIP I’m really actively working on right now is Hiding Out in the Open.
2. 🍄Describe your WIP/one of your WIP(s) in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
Psychology Podcast Hidden Brain + AU where Simon and Baz never got together but Simon still lost his magic and got spelled by Smith = Non-linear AWTWB-era Baz negging Simon with podcast links but actually secretly being sweet the whole time until they’re having real conversations and like, excavating some trauma until Simon figures himself out (or does he?) (He does, I’m not a monster.)
(I needed more terms for this equation, a few higher powers maybe.)
3. 🌍What tags or warnings will one of your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
Well, so far I’ve warned for anxiety/panic attacks, implied/referenced child abuse, mentions of cannibalism, mentions of eating bugs, AND mentions of animal cruelty. SOUNDS FUN RIGHT?
4. 🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
So this fic is titled after a Feist song. The alternate title was a combination of a Ron Sexmith song that Feist did a great cover of and the name of the fictional podcast in my story:
Secret Heart, Invisible Mind
5. ⚠️Which WIP you're most likely to finish or update next?
Oh, it’ll be this one for sure! I have nothing else even approaching any kind of written state.
6. 💾What is your document of your WIP/ a WIP called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
Well, it’s just titled after the fic. But before I had a title and was just dreaming things up, I had a doc titled “Hidden Brainstorms”. There’s also a doc in the folder for this titled “Enemies Closer” that’s filled with research I did for an episode I have to invent…
7. 🖍Post Any sentence(s) from your WIP.
“You stood him up? What the hell Basil? I cancelled my plans for this.”
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP.
Okay so I am an idea hoarder, I rarely fully scrap an idea until I’m done writing a story, I just park them all in a dumping ground at the end of my doc for ongoing review. But one for sure scrapped idea I had for this back in the start was that Shep would co-host a podcast at some point in this story.
9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Welllllllll, I may have an entire (shared) Trello board for a fic that @artsyunderstudy and I have been excitedly talking about co-writing. I won't say much but it’s a Canonverse AU, featuring older strangers-to-lovers Snowbaz, and it’s a ghost story. Your basic SPOOKY SEXY SAD CATHARSIS type of deal.
10. 🤡How many WIPS are you actively working on?
Actively? One. Two if you count the Trello board which I periodically add ideas to. Three if you count the Wedding fic draft I have 20K written for and could start writing on again at ANY MOMENT.
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
Well, I’m about to be struggling with writing the scene where Baz listens to the podcast episode I have to completely invent. I have a full first rough pass at this chapter done, except that part where I just copy pasted a bunch of research notes to come back to…
12. ❤️Not a question, just a second Kudos to send.
🙏YOU get a kudos, and YOU get a kudos, and YOU get a kudos!
Tags in case you wanna: @artsyunderstudy @hushed-chorus @ivelovedhimthroughworse @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @fatalfangirl @facewithoutheart @skeedelvee @emeryhall @mooncello @monbons @angelsfalling16 @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @run-for-chamo-miles @brilla-brilla-estrellita @best--dress @onepintobean @martsonmars @messofthejess @ileadacharmedlife @urban-sith
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akallabeth-joie · 1 year
The Blue Castle, Chapter 32
After the wide breadth of time and activities last chapter, we now get a more specific set of examples for how Barney and Valancy are enjoying themselves in January. I think my favorite detail is them skating to Port Lawrence for movies & hotdogs, though I also like that Roarin' Abel comes to visit for music & conversation & board games & apples & candy.
I'm amused that it's the cat named "Banjo" that doesn't like the fiddle-playing.
More scenery details that I have no comment on, except that it's nice Valancy gets to enjoy pretty things, like the frost on winter nights (and the cats!). And there's laughter! Nature [read: our protagonist] is healing!
I suppose Barney's putting on a show of bravery, but I think Valancy's completely right to be worried about someone going missing at night in a Canadian winter.
I don't take points off individual Stirlings for the things they do in aggregate, but Cousin Georgiana gets +1 point for being the only one who cares enough about Valancy to worry about her safety and happiness. A good old soul, indeed.
Scoreboard: No change to rankings, but a new high score of 7 for Cousin G.
Mrs. Stirling: -48
Cousin Stickles: -17
Uncle Benjamin: -13
Aunt Wellington: -11
Uncle James: -11
Olive: -7
Uncle Wellington: -4
Byron Stirling: -2
Aunt Isabel: -2
Cousin Gladys: -2
Cousin Betty: -1
Aunt Mildred: -1
Second Cousin Sarah Taylor: -1
Aunt Alberta: 0
Uncle Herbert: 0
Second Cousin Jane: 0
Cousin Georgiana: 7
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xandriagreat · 2 years
The Last Heist
Author’s note: In chapter 11 of The Paw, The Bad Guys told Diane why they left their crime life. This is their full story.
Notice/Warnings: heist, panic/anxiety attack, drinks, change, arson/death mentioned
The Bad Guys smiled as they got home from a big heist. They just got The Five Unique Diamonds from a high security system.
They talked excitedly to each other as they talked about the heist as they entered their home and went to the couch while Moe went to a desk.
Herbert just got the tv on and played the news while Moe looked at the diamonds, to double check.
They’re very real.
He hummed softly and put them in a drawer. It’s for later when they put them into like other jewelry. 
He went to the couch, to join the others. “So, what did I miss?” Moe asked as he sat down. 
“Nothing much.” Lou said, looking at Moe. “Just the news starting to talk about The Crimson Paw and The Lost Girls.”
Moe hummed softly and nodded. “I’m guessing they’re back into the game again.”
“Let’s watch to find out.” Stefaine said. Everyone nodded and looked at the screen. 
A news reporter on screen smiled at the camera. “The rumors of the Paw are true.” the reporter said into the microphone. “The Crimson Paw is back in action after two to three weeks of silence and just got her crown/title of the queen of cons is back. We don’t know if The Lost Girls are back with her. But all that we know is that The Paw is back and is now tied with The Bad Guys.” 
Then the news started to talk about the Golden Dolphin Trophy for the upcoming Good Samaritan Awards
Moe started to get an idea from the news and the upcoming Good Samaritan Awards, making his eyes twinkle like a jewel shining in light. 
Herbert noticed the spark in Moe’s eyes and smiled. “What’s going on in your mind? You got the twinkle in your eye again.” he said, curious about what Moe was planning. 
Moe chuckled as he got up to look at his team. “Well, gang, I got an idea of our next heist.”
Everyone got very interested that Herbert turned the TV off, so everyone could listen to Moe. 
“What’s the next big job?” Stefanie asked, leaning back and smiling. 
Moe walked over to the window blinds and pulled the strings of the blinds to show a billiton board of the The Golden Dolphin Trophy for the Good Samaritan Awards.
Everyone gasps when they realize that their next heist is going to be The Golden Dolphin.
“Moe, are you serious?” Herbert asked, getting up from the couch and slithering over to the wolf. “Do I have to remind you that this job has broken every heist job ever?”
Moe nodded and said, “I know, but I also know that we can do this heist properly.” 
“It's an insane job, Wolf!”
“It’s actually just a bit crazy.” Pepe added. “And I know crazy.”
Lou and Stefaine nodded in agreement with Pepe while Herbert sighed. 
“Moe, look around. We have everything that anyone could ask for.” Herbert said, showing his tail around to show Moe what they have. “Friends. Freedom. And look at all of this loot.”
Moe looked at all of it and sighed. “Alright, I hear ya. The heist is off.”
“Good.” the snake said, smiling a bit as he started to slither back to the couch. 
“Although,” Moe started, a sly smile formed on his face, “you did say one time, during the nine to ten years of working with each other, that whoever gets out at one point and then gets back in at the last second in any ‘game’ is a cheat. Am I right?”
Herbert stopped slithering over to the couch and looked at Moe. “I… Yeah, I did say that.”
“So, tecally The Paw did cheated her way back up since she disappeared for two to three weeks and is at the same place as us.”
Everyone started to see where Moe was heading with this. All, except for Herbert, started to smile and laugh. 
“Alright, fine!” the snake growled. “I see what you mean! If we get this heist, we’ll be over the greatest cons ever.”
“Alright-” Moe started but was interrupted by Herbert saying, “But If we get caught and arrested, I’m blaming you and not talking to you ever again.”
The rest gasped and looked at the wolf. 
Moe nodded and hummed, “Alright. I can agree with that.”
Then everyone got excited as Moe told everyone the plan to get The Golden Dolphin tomorrow.
Everyone got ready for the heist for tonight. 
Everyone was wearing black jumpsuits and masks, except for Lou, who was wearing a security guard uniform.
They went to the Museum of Fine Arts when ready. 
The Golden Dolphin was held on the fourth floor and in a very secure room.
Stefiane was in the cams room and started hacking to get the cams in loop. Lou distracted the other security guards by sending them off to check a different part of the area of the museum, so that Pepe was able to kick open a locked metal door and didn’t bring a lot of attention. Herbert unlocked the door of the secure room, and Moe carefully went to the room where The Golden Dolphin was in. 
“This a ‘very’ secure room-” Moe started as he walked in. But when Moe was in the room, the door quickly closed and locked behind him. 
Moe turned around quickly when the door closed. “Hey! What happened?” he asked confusedly, pressing his earpiece. 
“You opened and entered while I was putting the cams of the room in the loop! It just locked you in, Wolfie, and sent out an emergency call!” Stefiane exclaimed angrily on the coms. Then Stefiane took in a breath before she continued, “I’m slowing the signal down enough to about two minutes, giving you enough time to get the lasers down with the key, get the dolphin. Are there any vents in there that you can fit through, Wolf?”
Moe looked around and saw a big vent that he could fit through. “Yes, there is.” he replied, pressing his earpiece again. 
Moe felt that they’re all going to get caught if they stay in the museum. “Everyone needs to get back to the car. I’ll get the Dolphin and meet up.” Moe said to everyone on the coms.
“What?!” others exclaimed worriedly on the coms.
“Trust me on this.” Moe reassured them.
Everyone was quiet for a moment until Herbert said on the coms, “Be careful, Wolf.”
Moe went to the pedestal where The Golden Dolphin was and was guarded by lasers. He got the key that he got earlier. He turned the lasers off with the key. 
He smiled and his eyes shined as he grabbed The Golden Dolphin. ‘Yes! We got it!’ Moe thought, smiling softly as he held the trophy. Before he went to the vent with it, he looked at his windows that showed him his reflection.
He didn’t recognize himself but the monster that everyone has said. Moe took off his mask to give himself a better look at himself. 
‘… I don’t want to be known as a monster anymore.’ Moe thought, realizing that he had to do the right thing.
He placed The Golden Dolphin back on the pedestal and removed the key to turn the lasers back on. He placed the key on the floor before he entered the vent, his mask in hand, as the two minutes were up. 
Moe didn’t know what he’s going to tell the gang.
Moe quickly got out of the museum and got to the car, where the rest of The Bad Guys were confused when they saw that Moe didn’t have the Dolphin.
“Whoa, Moe! What happened?” Herbert asked worriedly as Moe got the car on. 
“Also where’s the Dolph-?” Pepe, Lou, and Stefiane started but were cut off as Moe quickly drove the car out of the area while cop cars got to the museum. 
Moe drove for a while and the others were just confused about what happened.
He stopped in front of the elevator of the hideout and turned the car off.
Herbert, Pepe, Lou, and Stefiane looked at the wolf. Herbert was about to shout at him but noticed that Moe was crying. 
“Moe? What’s wrong?” Herbert asked, his voice calm instead of full on anger. 
It took Moe a bit to calm down. Thankfully everyone was patient with him. 
“I… I couldn’t… do it…” Moe finally choked out. 
Everyone was surprised by that chunk of information.
“How about we go inside, change into something comfortable, and talk more about this over drinks of choice. Does that sound like a good idea?” Lou suggested looking at everyone from the backseat.
Everyone nodded. 
“That sounds like a plan.” Moe said.
The Bad Guys changed from their jumpsuits/disguises to comfortable cute footie pajamas and are on the couch with some tea.
Everyone drank the tea as Moe told them of what happened and why he put The Golden Dolphin back.
“You guys can leave if you want… I’m not going to stop any of you.” Moe said after telling them what happened.
Everyone looked surprised at him.
“What makes you think that, hermano?” Pepe asked. 
“Because I ruined our heist… We’ve never not finished a job before…” Moe said sadly, sinking down in his seat on the couch. “Also, we’re The Bad Guys. We’ll always be monsters and just be alone-”
“That’s not true.” Herbert spoke up, putting his tail on Moe’s shoulder. Everyone looked at the snake as he continued, “If you’re talking about those news reporters about us and saying that we’re the worst, well, let me tell you, Moe, that they’re wrong. Sure we did some bad things, but at least we didn't commit arson or leave anyone for dead if you know that you all can make it out.”
“Also, we’ve become a family in the last nine to ten years.” Lou added, smiling softly. “It’s a lot better than our… ‘real’ ones…” Stefiane and Pepe said together, both sounding uncomfortable. 
Moe nodded and sighed. “So, we’re still all together, right?”
“Right.” Herbert, Stefiane, Pepe, and Lou said together. Then The Bad Guys hugged each other and fell asleep on the couch. They knew it was going to be hard but at least they’re not going to be alone on this new path of their life.
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thebehindpost · 7 months
Season previews: Western Bulldogs (10th)
Last season: 9th (12 wins, 11 losses, 108.7%) Notable ins: Ryley Sanders (no. 6 draft pick), James Harmes (Melbourne), Nick Coffield (St Kilda) Notable outs: Josh Bruce (retired)
The Bulldogs 2016 premiership was at the time likened to Hawthorn's of 2008 - a young side on the rise that arrived early to kick off a potential dynasty ahead of when anyone expected. The comparison was further cemented when, like Hawthorn in 2009, the Bulldogs missed the eight the next season. Where the similarities now end is that seven years later, there has not been a second successful chapter in this era at Footscray (let alone a third and fourth). Besides that 2016 flag, the balance of coach Luke Beveridge's tenure has been one Grand Final loss, four elimination-final losses and three years missing the finals altogether. In his nine home-and-away seasons, they have not once finished inside the top four.
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The tough question arrived at the end of another middling 2023 season: has Beveridge outstayed his welcome? The answer we got from the board was unconvincing. Immediately complicating matters was that less than 12 months earlier, Beveridge had been handed a two-year contract extension amid (real or imagined) interest in the coach from other clubs and he was now tied to the Bulldogs until the end of 2025. Sacking Beveridge wasn't an option because even if his pay-out clause was favourable to the club, it would mean the board admitting to a big mistake and they are loathe to do that lest they be voted out themselves. So it was time to break glass in case of emergency and announce a review. One review became two reviews when the first wasn't deemed sufficient and a summer of football department upheaval unsettled nearly everyone except the coach and the footy boss, Chris Grant. Beveridge and his Bulldogs now enter a new year under a cloud of tensions and doubt.
10th place is at the lower end of their conceivable ladder range in 2024 (barring complete catastrophe). The list is certainly better than that, not quite among the very best in the competition but with good players across every line. They have Tim English, the number one ruckman in the league, and they have Marcus Bontempelli, regarded by many as the number one player full stop. In fact there are five All-Australians on the list. Their key forward, Aaron Naughton, has just signed a massive eight-year contract and a similarly huge deal beckons for Jamarra Ugle-Hagan. And the Bulldogs are healthy with the exception of Bailey Smith, out for the season with an ACL, but he was at sea last year and doing finer work in underwear advertisements than on the football field.
So there is talent at the Kennel but there was talent last year and the year before that. The problem has been playing a consistent brand of football over a meaningful period of time, without wild fluctuations and radical selection changes at the drop of a hat. Beveridge is an emotional coach and only sometimes a very effective one. It was an extraordinary achievement for him to lead them to that premiership in 2016 and then back to a Grand Final in 2021. During those games, the players looked as if they would run through walls for their coach and there is skill in knowing which buttons to push to achieve that result. The problem arises when after nearly a decade in charge, you are reaching so far into your bag of tricks to get a reaction that analogies to Che Guevara are coming out at the season launch. The mind games stop working and there isn't a system and method to fall back on, the players are running around in circles, racking up possessions but not goals and then… you are losing to West Coast at home in round 23 and your season is over.
Another year out of the finals would be a disaster. English is out of contract and has no shortage of potential suitors to convince him more success lies elsewhere. Bontempelli is 28 and though far from the twilight of his career, would be thinking on his legacy and wondering if he will ever add another premiership to his CV here. The powers that be have made the not-so-bold gambit of sticking fat with the coach and adding some new voices to his staff. If it doesn't work, the question will come again: has Beveridge outstayed his welcome? The answer this time would be far more obvious and the consequences far wider reaching.
0 notes
freyayuki · 1 year
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Rosa and Kurasame Banners
The Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories story chapter event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This story chapter event came with 2 banners.
Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories Banner 1
The Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:
Rosa Joanna Farrell from Final Fantasy IV (#ad) - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, Force or FR, and Burst or BT
Kurasame Susaya from Final Fantasy Type-0 - Force only
Gau from Final Fantasy VI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Kimahri Ronso from Final Fantasy X - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Have everything on this banner except for Rosa’s FR and BT.
Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories Banner 2
The Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons:
Kurasame Susaya from Final Fantasy Type-0 - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, Force or FR, and Burst or BT
Rosa Joanna Farrell from Final Fantasy IV - Force only
Rude from Final Fantasy VII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Wakka from Final Fantasy X - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Have everything on this banner except for Rosa’s FR and Kurasame’s BT.
Thoughts about Rosa Joanna Farrell from Final Fantasy IV
I like Rosa Joanna Farrell from Final Fantasy IV well enough, I suppose, but wouldn’t call her a fave or anything.
Interested in pulling for her though since she’s a pretty good support slash healer slash buffer, and one can never have enough of those. LOL.
Aside from that, after seeing Rosa’s BT animation, became all the more interested in pulling for her.
Rosa’s Burst animation features her alongside Paladin Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV and Ceodore Harvey from Final Fantasy IV. Cecil is Rosa’s husband and Ceodore’s their son. I really like the family theme of Rosa’s BT animation.
On top of that, one of the effects of Rosa’s BT+ has her doing a follow-up attack which features her and Cecil working together.
Anyway, currently have Rosa’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD fully MLB. Her Ex has been Purpled. She has her High Armor and it’s been Realized to 0/3. She has her Bloom Stone as well as triple perfect Artifacts.
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All of her Summon Boards have been completed but she doesn’t have any of her Force Enhancements yet. Unlocked parts of her Character Enhancement Boards, particularly the tiles that would give me her LD Call and LD extension passive.
Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories Banner 2 Free First Multi-Draw Results
As part of some campaign or other, we get a free first multi-draw on both of the Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories banners.
Banner 2’s free pull gave me a dupe of Kurasame’s FR. Ahh, wish this had been my first copy of Rosa’s FR instead.
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Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories Banner 1 Free First Multi-Draw Results
The free first multi-draw on the Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories banner 1 gave me dupes of Rosa’s Ex and Gau’s 35cp. Meh.
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Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories Banner 1 Free Multi-Draw Tickets Results
Have 3 multi-draw tickets that can be used on either of the Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories banners. Decided to use all 3 of these tickets on banner 1.
The first ticket gave me a dupe of Gau’s LD.
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The second ticket gave me dupes of Gau’s Ex and Rosa’s 15cp.
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The third ticket gave me dupes of Gau’s 35cp and Kimahri’s Ex. Welp, what’s with all the Gau dupes? LOL.
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Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results
Currently have 1279860 gems. Here are the results of my multi-draws on the Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories banner 1:
3/11 - 2 dupes of Rosa's 15cp and 1 dupe of Gau's 15cp
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4/11 - 2 dupes of Kimahri's 15cp, 1 dupe of Rosa's 15cp, and 1 dupe of Gau's 15cp
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To my surprise, my next multi-draw gave me a Burst orb.
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Hell, yes! Super pleased to see this. And also really pleased to get my very first copy of Rosa's Burst weapon.
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Now I just need her Force weapon then I can be done with this banner.
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Aside from Rosa's BT, this pull also gave me a dupe of her 35cp.
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2/11 - dupes of Gau's 15cp and Rosa's Ex
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My next multi-draw gave me a Force orb.
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Was really hoping that this would turn into my first copy of Rosa's FR but unfortunately, ended up with a dupe of Kurasame's FR instead. Sigh. Also got dupes of Rosa's 15cp and Kimahri's Ex.
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3/11 - dupes of Rosa's 15cp, Kimahri's 35cp, and Gau's LD
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My next multi-draw gave me a Burst orb again which means just got a dupe of Rosa's BT. At least I can use this dupe to exchange for 5 Burst Tokens but ahh, wish I could have gotten Rosa's FR instead.
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At this point, it feels like I'm gonna end up having to pity Rosa's Force weapon. At least I already got her Burst but still.
1/11 - dupe of Kimahri's 15cp
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2/11 - dupes of Gau's 15cp and Kimahri's 35cp
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Ugh, what crappy pulls. Rosa FR, doko da?
2/11 - dupes of Kimahri's 35cp and Gau's LD
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2/11 - 2 dupes of Rosa's Ex
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And that's it. I now have 300 G Tokens for this banner, the exact amount I need to exchange for Rosa's FR. It's really too bad that her FR didn't show up at all but at least I was able to get her BT already.
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It would have cost me more if I had to pity her Burst instead. And, thanks to the free pulls we got, having to pity Rosa's FR didn't cost me that much.
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Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories Banner 1 Exchange Shop
Anyway, went to the Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories banner 1 G Token exchange shop.
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Exchanged all 300 of my G Tokens for 1 copy of Rosa's FR.
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Rosa Joanna Farrell from Final Fantasy IV
Afterwards, spent the 3 Ingots needed to Blue Rosa's High Armor.
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Then I spent the High Power Stones needed to fully MLB her FR. Also completed the rest of her Char Boards and Force Enhancements.
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Then, also spent the Book and Ingots needed to Green Rosa's BT.
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I always give the chars who I fully build real Spheres so was thinking about what Spheres to equip to Rosa. Her Sphere slots are C, C, and D.
It looks like the best C Spheres for her are 2 copies of Paladin Cecil's Full HP Break Hit BRV Gain All.
Unfortunately, already used my copies of this Sphere and don't have any more extra copies of Cecil's Ex. So rather than equip Rosa with real but inferior C Spheres, opted to just give her 2 copies of Cecil's RF Spheres instead.
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As for Rosa's D slot - equipped her with Deuce's (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Buff Attack Up All 3 D Sphere.
Now my Rosa is fully built and complete. It's just too bad that I don't have a Bow Ultima Weapon to equip to her. Still, can't wait to try her out in some endgame quests and such.
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So, what about you? Did you pull on either of the Act 4, Ch. 3, Pt. 2 Unforgettable Memories banners? What do you think about Rosa, Kurasame, and all the other chars featured on these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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horansqueen · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 32
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Chapter 32: If You Don’t Know
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4  🡪chapter 5  🡪chapter 6  🡪chapter 7  🡪chapter 8  🡪chapter 9  🡪chapter 10  🡪chapter 11 🡪chapter 12 🡪chapter 13 🡪chapter 14 🡪chapter 15 🡪chapter 16 🡪chapter 17 🡪chapter 18 🡪chapter 19 🡪chapter 20 🡪chapter 21 🡪chapter 22 🡪chapter 23 🡪chapter 24 🡪chapter 25 🡪chapter 26 🡪chapter 27 🡪chapter 28 🡪chapter 29 🡪chapter 30 🡪chapter 31
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board
Tonight we're fading fast I just wanna make this last If I could say the things I want to say, I'd find a way to make you stay I'd never let you get away Get you in all the games we play
So go ahead, rip my heart out, Show me what love's all about Go ahead, rip my heart out That's what love's all about
I want you to want me this way, And I need you to need me to stay If you say that you don't feel a thing If you don't know, let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go If you don't know then just let me go
Let's forget the past I swear we'll make this last 'Cause I remember the taste of your skin tonight And the way that you looked, you had those eyes I remember the way I felt inside And the name of the songs that made you cry You would scream, we would fight, you would call me crazy I would laugh, you were mad but you'd always kiss me And the shirt that I had that you always borrowed When I woke, it was gone There was no tomorrow
click here to be on the update list
(check the characters page, i updated it with all the characters!)
                                                  It was extremely hurtful to push her away. In fact, it was horrible, even worse than when I did it in the first few weeks after we met, mostly because now, I loved her, and I knew she loved me too. When she told Abby off, I was a bit surprised. I knew they wouldn't be friends but I didn't think Devon would actually have the guts to say these things in front of everyone but if I had to be honest with myself, I liked it. I did it to her ex boyfriend, she did it to my ex girlfriend... To me, it just showed that we cared about each other and didn't want to other to get hurt again. I also felt like it proved the feelings we had for each other because I could pretend the opposite, but there was also a tiny bit of jealousy in the way we told each other's exes off.
I knew Abby and although I didn't like the way she was acting with me, I was also aware that pushing her away would only make her try harder. She was exactly like a boomerang and even if I had no intention to give in to any of her propositions, not answering was still my best bet. I wanted to tell Devon about it but I didn't have a second alone with her and whenever I tried to talk to her, Abby would interrupt me to get my attention back.
The conversation we had alone in the dark street was rough on my heart and it kept playing over and over again in my head for the rest of the evening. I was lost in my thoughts and even felt bad for Louis when I realized Abby was trying to get his attention. She never really knew what she wanted and to me, it only proved she wanted nothing except feeling special. Perhaps, the way I loved her didn't make her feel special enough but at that point in my life, I didn't give a fuck.
I wanted to talk to Lewis but he was busy pushing Daxia between him and the wall for the rest of the night and when I was about to leave, Abby ran back to me to have an long chat about what she was doing, what she planned on doing, and how we should spend time together again. I also had to walk back to campus, too drunk to take my car, and when I got back in my room, I tried to be quiet but I quickly realized that Devon was not asleep for the simple fact that she was not snoring. She pretended to be asleep though and I decided it meant she didn't want to talk. Anyway, we were both way too fucked to have a discussion. Still, I couldn't help but stand near her for a few minutes, just watching her, as creepy as it sounded. She was obsessing me in a way I didn't understand. I had obsessed over Abby for months, yet it never felt the way it felt with Devon, and I had no idea why.
I woke up early the next morning to go get my car and when I stopped near her bed, she was snoring low. My lips curled sadly on the left when I realized she was wearing my shirt and I took off the hoodie I was wearing to lay it down on my bed, in hope that she'd see it and wear it.
I told her I wasn't going to have sex with her anymore but it was not because I didn't want to. With Abby coming back, it made me realize that perhaps, I was ready for more with Devon, and yelling to her that I loved her had an effect I didn't expect. I could see in her face that she was actually surprised, as if she didn't really think I had these feelings for her. To me it was obvious but perhaps I was not as transparent as I thought.
I spent the morning working on a new song and had to kick myself mentally to make sure I'd go to my classes in the afternoon. I had so many feelings stuck inside me that it was hard to focus on anything else, especially anything school related.
It was only near the end of the afternoon that I saw her and my heart twisted in my chest. It was crazy how much I missed her. After spending so many days together, 24/7, being away from her for almost a whole day seemed impossible but it was still happening. She was laughing with Louis but there was sadness in her eyes and they met mine, her smile fell and her lips parted. She brought her shoulders closer to her face and sent me an embarrassed smile. That's when I realized she was wearing my hoodie and it made me smile.
I didn't know why I expected Devon to be the kind of girl who would scream her feelings. Of course, she had never told me she loved me with words, but just seeing her wearing my clothes even if we were mad at each other told me she had feelings for me. Everyone has their own way to express their feelings. Of course, it's easier when it's clearly said, but words are still just words. Actions speak louder, even if they're made obliviously. She had always been secretive, almost hiding who she was and how she felt. I even wrote a damn song about it, so why was it so surprising that she couldn't tell me that she loved me? And was it selfish to want it anyway? To need it?
Louis made a quick head movement and Devon started nibbling on her bottom lip as I stood there motionless like an idiot. I was thinking I could just grab some food and go back to the music room to write some more or at least, to play something. I knew I could just go back to my room with my guitar but I couldn't seem to clear my mind when I was there, and I knew it would be worse if Devon was there and at the same time, I was desperate to spend time with her or at least, around her. She just moved her hand up as a 'hello' and I did the same. How could you feel so close to someone and at the same time, so far?
I finally sighed and walked back to my room a bit reluctantly. I worked on a school project for about an hour and finally gave up since I was not able to focus at all. I decided to take a shower before to play guitar and a few minutes after I got out, the door opened and Devon appeared. Her lips parted, she held her breath and she quickly closed her eyes, making me chuckle.
"Oh god, I'm sorry!" she let out, shutting her eyes tighter as I grabbed a towel to wrap it around my waist.
"No worries, Devie. You can open your eyes." I said, amused. "Nothing you haven't seen before."
She licked her lips and after a few seconds, her eyes fluttered open only to meet mine. She smiled shyly and I noticed some dark paint on her face. It made me realized she painted a lot with dark blue and greys these days and I was not sure it was a good thing.
"Your turn." I just told, walking past her to give her some privacy.
"You can stay!" she quickly proposed. "Nothing you haven't seen before."
I turned around and she looked nervous, nibbling again on her bottom lip. She grabbed the bottom of my hoodie that she was wearing and when she took it off, my heart skipped a beat as I realized she was wearing nothing under it. I knew it took her a lot to expose herself to me like that, and I was torn between giving her what she was clearly asking, or holding on to what I had told her not even 24 hours before. My eyes roamed on her face and down to her chest despite myself. I wanted to touch her so bad it was driving me a bit insane. I thought about sliding hands on her breasts to feel her hard nipples on my palms but just cleared my throat and blinked a few times, trying to get rid of the images in my head.
I took a step closer and her lips parted. It felt like I didn't have control on my legs anymore and I stopped in front of her, looking down in her eyes. I brought my hand up slowly to push a lock of her hair behind her ear and she raised her eyebrows in surprise.
"I... think I'll just go get dressed."
It was so pathetic. I was there in only a towel and she was standing in front of me, shirtless and literally begging me with her eyes to fuck her, but I was about to leave anyway. The less I was thinking with my head, the more I wondered why the fuck I had decided to stop having sex with her, and I knew that the longer I stayed, the harder it would be to leave. I took a step back but suddenly, she grabbed the towel around my waist and I held my breath.
"Niall!" she almost yelled before swallowing hard. "Please."
I could feel the back of her fingers against my skin as she held me by the towel. They were so close to my dick it actually made my heartbeats accelerate.
"Devie, I can't."
"Niall I fucking miss you."
I put my hand over hers, pulling it away frim me but still squeezed her fingers, my eyes never leaving hers. "I'm sorry."
It took everything in me to just turn around and leave and when I closed the door behind myself, I leaned against it and closed my eyes. My head made a light thud when it fell against the wood and I let out a few curse words under my breath.
My heart dropped in my chest when I heard her sob on the other side of the door but quickly, she started the shower and I couldn't hear anything else.
How could I tell her that if she didn't love me, I couldn't keep having sex with her because it hurt too much? How could I explain to her that I loved her so much that it made me want die thinking I'd never have a chance with her? I stayed against the door for so long what actually took me out of my thoughts was when she stopped the shower. I forced myself to walk to my bed after breathing in deeply and quickly put a pair of sweatpants on and a t-shirt. I sat in my bed just as she got out of the bathroom and I noticed she was wearing my shirt again.
"That's my hoodie." I just said blatantly, running my fingers on the strings of my guitar.
I was sitting with my back against the wall, if only to face her and be able to see her better.
"Oh yea, sorry, let me just grab a new shirt and I'll go get changed."
I frowned a bit, wondering why she'd suddenly feel the need to hide in the bathroom to change but I just licked my lips. "No it's cool you keep it." I sent her a small smile. "Looks better on you anyway."
She pressed her lips together and nodded slowly before sitting on her bed. "Thank you."
I noticed her tired eyes and how sad she seemed to be and remembered the sob I heard through the door. I didn't want to make her sad. In fact, I wanted to make her happy every single day, I just didn't know how without hurting myself in the process, and I didn't want this to be a rerun of the past relationship I had. Abby had fucked me up but at least, now, I knew what I didn't want in a relationship.
I stared at her for a few minutes in silence and she finally leaned against the wall as we faced each other. I wanted to apologize for not touching her earlier but I knew it wouldn't change anything. I could also read on her face that she had so many questions and I was not sure I had the answers. My fingers ran again in the strings as I started a song. I noticed her eyes falling on my hands and I couldn't remember the last time I felt so nervous to sing in front of someone. I was sort of used to it in my classes and I was never the shy type, but she meant so much to me and I wanted her to enjoy everything I wrote, especially if it was about her.
"Someday, it could be more than we intended And we'll be happy that we waited When it's all been said and done Oooh, and you have changed me And we both got what we wanted And looking back it's complicated But we would've happened all along
So keep this open There won't be any more hearts that are broken Hold on, hold on
Don't leave me wastin' all alone Wondering where the time has gone I know it's hard to keep keeping on Don't leave me wasted
Don't leave me wastin' by myself Let's leave emotions on the shelf I swear there ain't nobody else Don't leave me wasted Don't leave me wasted"
I stopped playing and Devon sent me a sad smile, wrapping her arms around her knees and leaning her chin on the top of them.
"It's beautiful." she expressed very low, licking her lips. "Gave me goosebumps."
I wanted her close. I wanted to ask her to come on my bed with me and take her in my arms. I wanted to press her body so hard against mine that I could imagine us melt into each other. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her and hear her say it back. Instead, I smiled slightly at her back.
"Thank you." I whispered and let out a sigh. "You know, I didn't want to hurt you."
"No, it's okay, I'm okay." she quickly replied even if we both knew it was a lie. "I mean, you don't have to want me, or have sex with me. I'm sorry I just got half-naked in front of you, it was wrong of me."
I stared at her a few seconds and  put my guitar away to lean my wrists on my knees. "I was talking about last night."
Her traits softened and her lips parted. She shrugged a shoulder and glanced away before looking back at me. "You didn't hurt me. I was just pissed, in both senses. You can flirt with Abby all you want, you're right, it's none of my business."
"That's not what I said last night and you know it, Devie." I pointed out calmly,
Her face changed and she seemed to tear up and I tried to push away the urge I had to go sit next to her and take her in my arms.
"I know."
Two weeks and a half. That's how long it had been since I had felt Devon's lips against mine. Two weeks and a half since I had told her that I loved her. Two weeks without much interaction with her. It felt like the first few weeks she had moved in, when I desperately tried to hate her without success. I was longing for her in a way I hadn't longed for anyone in a while, if ever, but I resisted.
It was the weekend and all I wanted was to get wasted. We all ended up in a bar but after too many beers, I didn't even feel creepy to stare at her as she danced. It reminded me of that time she danced in my living room wearing only my sweatshirt and panties, right before we danced together on a slow song. Why did it feel like years ago? Why couldn't I just go to her and tell her that it was alright, that we would just keep on having sex and that I'd push all the love I have for her away if I could feel myself inside her again? I scoffed at that thought and shook my head. Why? Because it was impossible for me to ignore these feelings. They were monopolizing my whole heart and mind and there was nothing I could do about it.
I heard a loud laughter near me and I recognized Abby immediately. I had no idea who invited her but I couldn't say I was happy she was here. I got out of my thoughts when someone put an other beer in front of me and Louis finally sat down next to me before glancing a Devon and then back at me again.
"She's a stubborn girl." he let out, turning on his stool to face me. "Trust me, I tried."
"I'm just meant to fall for girls who don't want me. I'm cursed." I explained before swallowing half the beer he had just given me.
"You know she loves you." Louis sighed. "She's just scared, especially of Abby and the feelings you could still have for her."
"I don't give a fuck about Abby."
"I know, but Dev.. she's heard it before, you know? She doesn't want to go through it again. She's trying to spare her heart."
"I should have done that too." I realized, shaking my head as I still stared at her. "Should have tried hating her harder."
"Yea, that wouldn't have worked."
"Fuck, look at her."
I hated what I was seeing in front of me. Devon was with Mandy's brother and she was genuinely laughing at something he said. I could tell in the way he was looking at her that he was interested and suddenly, anger invaded my whole body and I got up quickly, my chair scratching on the floor and making a horrible sound.
"I'm gonna kill him."
Louis jumped up too, grabbing my arm and turning me around to face him. He forced me to move and it was hard for me to fight him since I was already pissed. He tapped my cheek as my back was now facing them and I groaned, moving my head away from his hand.
"Niall, calm the fuck down." Louis let out a bit too loud. "That's not how you're gonna convince her to date you!"
I was about to answer something when I felt someone grab my arm and suddenly tensed. I turned only to see Abby who was sending me a smile and I just shook my head a bit, suddenly extremely annoyed.
"No! Not you and not now!" I yelled, taking a step back.
My ex girlfriend's smile fell and she frowned a bit. I could read in her face that I had hurt her a bit but I was way too hurt myself to care at all.
"Thanks for your advices Louis, but I don't need 'em!"
I turned around and noticed Devon and Noah were already looking at me. Perhaps I had talked louder than I thought and my eyes moved from one to the other before I sighed.
"Fuck that."
I could threaten Noah all I wanted or tell him to fuck off, I knew it wouldn't change anything. It wouldn't make Devon fall in love with me or want to date me and that's all I really wanted. Anything that wouldn't bring me to this goal was counterproductive to me.
I turned around quickly and walked to the toilets, pushing on the door and leaning my hands on the counter, my eyes closed. I was going insane and I knew it felt worse because I was drunk but I couldn't help it and felt my eyes water. Perhaps, getting hammered was a bad idea and I should have known that I always ended up feeling so much when Devon was closed. I heard my phone beep a few times, telling me I had a text message, but I couldn't look at them. I felt my arms started shaking lightly and I swallowed my pain the best I could.
What was there to hope for, now? What could you do when you felt like you tried everything?
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wordsinwinters · 4 years
Then Again, Part 26 (Peter Parker x Reader)
Masterlist (with AO3 links)
Total word count: 50,293
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25,
Summary: After an intense argument and a forced-to-share-the-bed situation during their junior year decathlon trip, Peter and the Reader examine their faults and failings. As they attempt to fix their mistakes and improve their friendship, that friendship quickly begins to evolve into something else.
Slow burn fic in which all characters are included and their dynamics explored; multiple character POVs.
Betas: @girl-tips-from-satan and @fanboyswhereare-you
A/N: This isn’t my favorite chapter, but it’s been sitting in my drafts for over a year and I figured if I don’t post it now, I’ll never move on to the next. Additionally, as always, I live for feedback. 😉
Without further ado,
Then Again Part 26:
(Words: 2,825)
The bus ride will probably get boring soon, or at least as long as the girls stay asleep, but even as quiet as it is, it’s almost a perfect morning. Being early (around 6:00, I think?), there’s barely any light except street lamps and car lights, but some of the clouds on the right have caught a pretty bluish purple tinge. It reminds me of that Rainbow Fish book Aunt May used to read to me as a kid. To make it better, the morning air is chilly enough that the driver turned the heaters on low so it’s wrapped-in-a-blanket-while-it-snows warm in here. Although that also might be why, apart from general dirt and old gum, the strongest smell on the bus is salty grease— since the nearest heater is under the seat Flash spilled french fries and chicken nuggets in yesterday. It could be worse, though. I mean, it’s not necessarily a bad smell and the traffic isn’t horrible. It’s not the best, but it could definitely be louder and a lot slower. The field of flowing red tail lights ahead of us is oddly comforting, like a snail-slow pasture of mechanical color. 
All in all, it’s a pretty cozy start for a dreaded five hour bus ride. It’s giving me quiet time to think. So that’s where I’m at. Or should be. I got some stuff organized in my head last night even if I keep getting distracted now. Well, it was more like a couple hours ago, since I wasn’t able to get to sleep for so long after we said goodnight. But anyway, I’m trying to focus. It’s just hard, even with both of them sleeping.
From my and Ned’s spot behind them, watching the girls’ heads gently shake and bump against each other as the bus shudders through potholes is kind of calming. They seem so peaceful from this angle, like two people who’ve never pranked me and Ned to the point we were nearly suspended, or kept us awake and annoyed by asking paradoxical hypothetical questions because they know how Ned and I will argue for days if we don’t agree on an answer, or anything else like that. It’s like finding two mischievous cats sleeping, curled up on a chair. It’s easier to appreciate them when they aren’t causing chaos. But it’s not that hard to appreciate them when they are anyway.
Though Ned and I won’t admit it when they’re fully awake, seeing their heads smack into the seat in front of them each time the bus lurched to a halt at stoplights (during the first ten minutes after they’d fallen asleep) was funnier than it should’ve been. Even knowing then that we wouldn’t mention it later didn’t stop us from exchanging silent laughs when they leaned back up, muttering unintelligible complaints before settling their heads back onto one another. For the last couple stoplights before the highway, at least, we decided to be better friends. We both stood up with one leg on the floor and one knee on our own seat so we could easily hold their foreheads back each time it happened. Again, I wouldn’t admit this out loud, even to Ned, but it’s a little bit funny that Ned was a split second slower than me, so while I kept catching MJ’s head before the stop, he half-smacked Y/N’s forehead, like a really-close-to-the-floor basketball dribble, and made a wincing face each time. A lot of times. But it did stop her from colliding with the seat, and she didn’t wake up or complain. 
As nice as it is with them and almost everyone else sleeping through the dark, quiet first hour of the bus trek back to New York, I am excited for her and MJ to wake up. Whenever that is. I’ve missed them. 
But anyway, I really need to focus. God. I’m not doing a great job of that this morning. Apparently. So I’m focusing now. It’s like Ned said. I need to be honest with myself. 
No distractions. 
I’m going to set myself straight now, before we get back, so I can make a game plan and be more decisive and make less mistakes. Fewer? Yeah, fewer mistakes. She’s told me that half a dozen times this since she read that grammar book last summer. But that’s not important.
If I’m being honest... I think I’ve avoided the real possibility that things could work out between us because it felt too risky. And I make some dumb, impulsive choices. So that’s saying a lot. If she said no, what’s the worst that could happen? May and Ned have been asking me that for months, and it’s been so frustrating. The answer should be obvious. The worst thing wouldn’t be the rejection, it’d be if it made her uncomfortable and she broke off our friendship. Or, even if she stuck around, if our friendship changed and I had to watch her get more and more distant, knowing it was my fault and nothing would ever go back to normal. 
Those were the worst — and, I thought, most probable — possibilities. For months I’ve been certain that if anything changed, everything would, and it’d all go to shit. So I kept dodging it. And dodging her before the trip. But, then, things did change this weekend. Things are changing. We fought, and it was super shitty and awful and a total nightmare fiasco, but we made up. And she seemed almost as relieved as me when we did. Now we even have this pact about spending more time together. I know it’s officially only in the name of friendship, but something’s… different. I feel it, and I think she does too. And it doesn’t seem bad. That’s the craziest part. I mean, she even kissed me last night. On the cheek, but still. “Keep it.” Maybe May’s not ridiculous: she really might feel the same way. 
I’ve been texting her this morning, actually. Aunt May. I had to admit that I’m happy she forced me to do the forehead kiss thing last night. As annoyed as I was that she and Ned ganged up on me like that, I can’t dispute the results. She kissed me! Kind of. (To be fair, she did hit my mouth a little bit even if it was an accident.) At first it made me wonder if she heard any of Ned’s shout-comments before I could turn the t.v. up to cover what he was saying. But I doubt it. Even if she felt the same way, I know her too well to think she wouldn’t freak out more and enough that it’d be noticable. Yeah, no, I’d definitely have been able to tell if she’d heard him saying things like, “Nobody’s saying you have to tell her that you googled the probability of high school sweethearts getting married that time she saved your ass on that Bronte essay, but yeah, Aunt May’s right! Just ask her to come over and either talk to her or do the hair/forehead thing!” Anyway, May’s on board with her coming over a lot this week and next week and giving us some space. So are Ned and MJ. Ned said they agreed on giving us two weeks (starting tomorrow) without them hanging out after school. And who knows, if the dance goes really well, maybe it’ll be normal for us to hang out, just us, without the whole group. Because… well, I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself. 
I’ll admit, they’re the best friends I could ever have. All three of them. 
And it’s nice to have them all here now, Ned to my left and the girls in front of us. It’s even nicer to be outside of class or the city or crazy study sessions and have had a short breather from all that (despite the shitshow before we smoothed things over and could enjoy it). To be somewhere chill together. Yesterday and today probably feel even better because the last few days, or even weeks… no— months, if I’m being honest— have had me in a kind of less than happy place. But that’s over now. We’re all here and things are finally good. I just wish the girls would wake up, especially since Ned’s back on his phone. Again. 
Yesterday, everybody hung out for most of the afternoon, but being in the whole decathlon group isn’t the same as just being the four of us. Or two. 
Speaking of two— Ned being away during this next week or two is going to make everything so… unfiltered. New. Without his interference and being able to talk to him as often as normal, it’ll mostly just be her and me. Nobody to distract attention or blame stuff on or help me out when I’m doing something dumb (which is often). Like, for example, last night when I maybe let my excitement get the better of me and I might’ve jumped on the bed and thrown a pillow that accidentally broke the lamp on the nightstand. While I don’t really think writing that “Bill Mr. Harrington” note with the school’s address was Ned’s best idea, it helped me not care too much, enough that I didn’t do something dumber like actually tell Mr. Harrington. It might come back to bite us, though. Still, he was genuinely helpful this morning when Flash showed up too. 
While we were hanging out in the girls’ room waiting for them to finish packing, there was a knock on the door. I figured it was Mr. Harrington about to yell at me and Ned for the broken lamp, so I motioned to Ned to shut up and move closer to the head of the bed we were already sitting on where, courtesy of the wall between the bedroom and bathroom, he wouldn’t be able to see us as long as he stayed by the doorway. MJ gave us an odd glance before she got up to answer it. Her annoyed, “What are you doing here?” didn’t immediately disqualify Mr. Harrington, but the sound of Flash’s voice saying, “I, uh, brought you guys some muffins,” made me tense at the first syllable.
“The free muffins they give us for breakfast?”
MJ’s dripping sarcasm nearly made me laugh even though I couldn’t see her, but Y/N turning from her suitcase and walking over to join them killed it still in my throat. 
“Nope,” he said. “They’re fancy muffins from a bakery a few miles away.”
I wanted to roll my eyes out of my skull.
She may not like him, but that doesn’t mean I was wrong about him being into her. What a dumb way to impress someone. “Fancy muffins.”
“Expensive?” MJ asked. Even without seeing her face, I could tell she was giving him the squint death stare. It’s scary to have to respond to that face if you don’t know what the right answer is.
“Yes, especially with the delivery fee,” he said, sounding prepared for the question, “but they’re from a small local place, not a chain, which I figured you guys would appreciate. Actually, I think you’d like the woman who owns it, she was super grouchy and hard to convince.”
“They don’t normally deliver at 5 in the morning.”
“Oh, so you thought you could just—”
“What kind did you get?” 
That’s one of the things I like about Y/N. She knows how to manage tempers and when to jump in; she has Flash and MJ down to a science. In that moment, though, I wanted MJ to fire her most confrontational questions at him with no mercy.
“Well, they’re all apology muffins—” I heard MJ scoff. Exactly. She gets it. “But I got blueberry, chocolate, obviously, coffee, cranberry orange, maple, I think that one has chicken in it or something, and banana nut.”
Ned and I turned towards each other with silent smirks at the last one. It’s a dumb joke, but under normal circumstances we’d never resist—
“Cool. Since you’ve brought so many, you can come in.”
Sometimes MJ drives me up the wall. This was one of those times. 
I mentally took back my agreement with her scoff.
The three of them came into the room, and for a couple seconds, Flash didn’t see us. The girls were closer to the window than they were to the wall and the bed Ned and I were sitting on, and he didn’t look behind him. Until MJ pointed us out directly.
“You can give them some too,” she said, her expression bordering on smug. “Apology muffins, right?”
Flash froze for a second. I straightened my back. Neither Ned or I said anything.
“Yeah, yeah,” he nodded. “Of course.”
Surprisingly, he shook his shoulders like a bug just buzzed by his head and walked over, opening a giant rectangle of a box up to us. 
“Take however many you guys want.”
I stared at him, not moving. Nobody flinched. Then I realized he was tapping the side of the box with his thumb. Not in an asshole come on, hurry up way, but in an anxious way. Just as I started to reach toward the box, Y/N asked:
“Why’d you get so many of the coffee ones?”
Flash looked away at just the right second. 
Did I technically cave first by reaching into the box? Yes. But did anyone see? No.
Although, I guess he technically caved by offering us the muffins in the first place. Ha. All the same, I took a blueberry one. 
“They’re my dad’s favorite. I wanted to surprise him, you know? But I can’t even get a hold of.... Um, are your guys’ parents going to pick you up when we get there, or are you actually staying for school?”
“All of you?” 
He looked around to ask all of us, even me and Ned. We all nodded. When he looked at me, though, his eyes twitched. It’s a face I’ve gotten a lot before. He realized he said parents. 
“You said these are orange cranberry?” Ned asked, pointing. 
Flash nodded. 
“They’re solid, though the banana nut ones are probably the best.”
As I said, under normal circumstances, like if one of the girls had said it, I would’ve laughed right then, but I’m not used to laughing around Flash. Ned, who usually follows that same rule, shook his head and grinned, if a little bit... nervously?
“Hell no!” he said, pretending to be mildly outraged. “I’m not eating banana-bust-a-nut muffins.”
A second surprise: Flash tilted his head and paused, clearly as stunned to be told a joke by Ned as the rest of us were to witness it— and laughed. So did everyone else. It was only for a few seconds, like literally three quick seconds, but for the first time for as long as I can remember, all of us were laughing with Flash. It stopped almost as soon as it started. 
Tension crept back in soon so he left pretty quickly after that with an awkward, “See you guys in a few.” Thank god. 
The girls finished tidying their room and going over the homework that’s due today (which we did last week since we knew we’d never get it done on the trip), before forcing me and Ned into the hallway so Mr. Harrington wouldn’t need to check our room for us and potentially find the broken lamp. 
And then, pretty soon, we ended up on the warm bus, loaded in with everyone else. It seemed like everybody but Ned and I were too quiet and sleepy and squinty to be able to talk much before dozing off or staring blankly out the window or scrolling social media on their phones, the latter two options leading to the first in most cases. At this point, I think Ned, Flash, and I are the only ones still awake. 
I’m going to work at tolerating him. As long as he doesn’t cross any lines with anybody from now on, I won’t bait him either. (Admittedly, I’ve been guilty of that, especially recently.) I mean, his comment about his dad was hard to miss. And even when he said it, it wasn’t a shock. Everyone in our grade at some point has had to listen to Flash’s rambling excuses for his parents ignoring or forgetting to show up for school events. Maybe being a dick is just hereditary for him. Or a family tradition. 
I don’t remember how I got so off track. Where was I before? Oh yeah. Risk. Possibilities. The almost-worst case scenario that turned out not so bad. It’s been a messy weekend with plenty of re-evaluating, but the point is simple: I think I’ve got to give a few new things a try, and I’m excited to have a chance over the next couple weeks.
Next update: God only knows.
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stars-a-n-d-scars · 4 years
10 Days of Summer - Chapter 2
Hey guys! Here is chapter two!!! As always, constructive criticism is welcome, homophobic bitching is not. I love you!!
Sirius had always been an early riser. There was just something about the way the sun shot pink and orange daggers to shatter the impenetrable frost of the night that drew him. Soothed him. He couldn’t count how many mornings he had spent on the roof of Number 12 Grimmauld Place, observing a world rarely seen. Keeping the company of the moon, she who shone her light for unseeing eyes, as she slipped from dark’s cruel grasp and was liberated, to finally rest. Watching as, one by one, the stars faded into nothingness and the great eastern orb returned to claim the sky for its own. And so, it will likely come as no surprise that when we rejoin our protagonist, he is partaking in the same activity as he had every morning for the last 12 years.
The sun had a peculiar way of setting the world on fire. It was never loud or obnoxious. It didn’t burst into the sky in a shower of confetti and yell of its presence for all to hear. It seeped over the horizon, inch by inch, so that even the most attentive of onlookers could never pinpoint the exact moment that night turned to day. Sirius sat perched on the roof of the Potter’s, watching smoke from his cigarette unfurling in that inexplicable, mesmerizing way that it does. But one can only sit alone on a roof for so long before one’s mind starts to wander. In Sirius’ case, it found its way to the boy sleeping on the sofa downstairs.
He had always been drawn by Remus. From the moment they’d met, something about that awkward, scar-ridden 11-year-old had caught his eye. Maybe it was the way his timid hands had quivered when they shook hands for the first time, or the way his eyes gleamed with a type of gold that a thousand goblins couldn’t conjure. Ever since that moment, he always wanted to be around him. To be close to him. It was impossible to explain, but Sirius was under a spell that not even the most powerful wizard in the world could break.
He was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of a window creaking open. He turned around and was shocked by the sight of Remus climbing through the attic window and out onto the roof of the Potter house.
“Morning.” Remus’ morning voice never failed to take Sirius’ breath away. Simultaneously gravelly and soft, it enveloped him in what could only be described as comfort.
“Hey”, Sirius said, and it was frankly impressive how many voice cracks he managed to fit into that one, short word. Clearing his throat, the smitten boy persisted; “I thought you were afraid of heights?”
Nice one Sirius. Make him think you see him as a wimp. That’ll get him to fall in love with you.
Sirius internally cursed himself for his insensitivity, fully expecting Remus to turn right back around and go back inside out of anger. It was to his surprise, therefore, that Remus smiled and settled down next to him.
“I was. But these last few transformations… I don’t know. Every time the wolf rips me apart, I feel like I’m going to die. And so, after I changed back the last time, I decided that I wouldn’t waste whatever time I have left being scared of things that don’t matter. Because there is no way to know which full moon is going to be my last.” A heavy silence settled over the boys. As the weight of Remus’ confession sank in, Sirius found himself on the edge of tears. He knew it was selfish, but he couldn’t help thinking about how he would survive if Remus did die. If, one day, the blood on the floor of the shrieking shack would become too much, and they would all drown in its repercussions.
Wordlessly, Remus reached over and took hold of Sirius’ cigarette. Their fingers brushed only for a second, but it felt like forever and was over too soon. A shiver ran down Sirius’ spine at the feeling of Remus’ cold finger on his. His finger, surprisingly unmarred compared to the rest of his body, seemed to set every nerve in Sirius’ body in fire. That simple act of proximity was enough to set his heart beating at a rate that, frankly, shouldn’t be allowed.
When Remus withdrew his fingers, the cigarette perched between them, Sirius was left tingling in the small but infinite point of contact, and he vowed never to wash that hand again, lest he lose the shimmering ecstasy that the tingling brought. The situation was not improved by Remus’ decision to bring the cigarette to his lips, placing his mouth exactly where Sirius’ had been only seconds before. He took a long, languid drag from the joint, his beautiful lips perfectly shaping to exhale the smoke. Sirius marveled at how this boy could make even an act as simple as taking a puff from a cigarette seem like the most sensual, lascivious experience of his life. Sirius’ mind was flooded with obscene thoughts of what he wanted to do to those lips, what he wanted them to do to him. He felt dizzy at the thought (although that might have also had something to do with the sudden lack of blood in his head; it seemed to have decided that it was needed elsewhere).
The stillness was shattered by a hacking cough.
“Merlin, what the fuck is in this thing?” Remus exclaimed through another shuddering cough.
“It’s only a cigarette”, Sirius answered, confused.
Remus laughed. “I know that, dipshit. But why? What the fuck are you doing out here at bloody six in the morning smoking this cheap shit? Here.”
Sirius watched in bewilderment as Remus reached into his sweater pocket and withdrew a long, hand rolled joint.
“What is it?”, he asked stupidly.
Once again, he found himself blessed by the presence of Remus’ gorgeous laugh. “It’s weed. Marijuana. It’s a muggle drug.”
Sirius was skeptical. “And it’s better than cigarettes?”
“Way better. Here.”
Before Sirius had a chance to say anything, Remus was bringing the joint up to Sirius’ lips. Startled, Sirius instinctively parted them, and let the rough paper of the tip slide in. Then, Remus’ fingers skimmed his lower lip, and he was paralyzed. His mind was plunged into a world of haze, where his lip and Remus’ fingers existed alone. Where all the unsaid words were unimportant, and all that mattered was that Remus was touching him.
But something inside him realized the sheer impossibility of that dream and brought him back to reality. A reality where Remus would never love him back, because why would he? Why would an ethereal creature like Remus Lupin, with all his intangible beauty, pay any attention to a bratty pureblood who couldn’t even tell the difference between a mandrake and a spinach leaf?
Well, Sirius concluded, if this is the closest I ever get to him, I may as well make the most of it.
Sirius sighed, leaning into Remus’ touch. Memorizing the sensation of cold fingers on his skin. But Remus drew back. Sirius supposed he must have angered him with his display of intimacy, because a red flush was creeping up his neck and highlighting his cheeks.
Drawing back, Sirius cleared his throat, which was not an easy feat, due to the joint now in his mouth. When he was satisfied that an ordinary level of awkwardness had been restored between them, he lit his joint. Almost immediately, he felt a wave of relaxation wash over him. It was amazing, the sensation of every muscle in his body loosening, becoming calm. The tension was gone from his shoulders, and he couldn’t even remember why he had been worried about this in the first place. He had never felt anything better.
He felt a tug on the spliff and opened his mouth so it could slide out, the paper sticking to his lips. It was Remus, of course. He took it into those elegant, beautiful fingers and took a puff, closing his eyes as the glorious smoke entered his system. After a couple of seconds, he exhaled again, the smoke rippling through his voluptuous lips and ascending to join the clouds in their endless dance of mesmerising shapeshifting.
The rest of the morning was spent that way, sharing that slice of euphoria, tucked away on a rooftop in a tiny corner of a tiny island in a huge, huge world.
The sun was dipping into the west now, and James and Peter had long since engaged themselves in a fierce game of monopoly. Surprisingly, Peter was doing very well. Although James would later claim that he “let Peter win”, it was clear to see that he was severely frustrated by his lack of success. Although, his agitation might have had something to do with his anticipation of the next day; the girls had agreed to come over in the morning and stay for a couple of nights. Inevitably, James had spent many hours fretting over what to say when Lily arrived, before finally agreeing to partake in a game of monopoly to settle his nerves. Clearly, this hadn’t helped. To their merit, Remus and Sirius had abstained from the activity, aware that an apprehensive James and board games were never a good combination. They had instead elected to watch, which proved to be a far more enjoyable pastime.
“That’s it!”, James exclaimed, throwing his money down on the table. “I don’t get this dumb muggle game. I’m going for a walk.” He pushed back his chair with an unpleasant screech and stormed out the front door, leaving a bewildered Peter in his wake. They didn’t have long to revel in the absence of James’ intense leg-jiggling, however. The door had barely swung close before it was wrenched open again, and James came thundering back in, unchanged, except for the fact that he was now soaking wet.
Fuming, he mumbles something about “s’raining”, and sloshed his way up the stairs. A distant door slammed, and the house was quiet once more.
“Well”, Sirius clapped his hands together. “I’m starving. Dinner?”
Peter perked up at the mention of sustenance but was quickly shot down by Remus’ next statement.
“In case you haven’t noticed, we can’t exactly walk to town in this weather. And the muggle delivery place won’t come out here in the rain.”
But Sirius was unperturbed. “Well I’ll cook something! Peter, why don’t you go make the guest rooms up for the girls, and Remus and I will whip something up for tea.”
Peter quickly scampered upstairs, not one to pass up an opportunity to clean a bedroom (it was one of his many unappreciated blessings; the need for cleanliness).
Left alone now, Sirius turned to Remus. Just being close to him was enough to set his heart racing, but he pushed that down.
Not right now. We’re just cooking. Just two friends, making dinner for their other two, less sophisticated friends.
However, he found himself unsure of how to proceed. So, as a demonstration of his ever-present sophistication, he decided to go with the most refined of communicative methods: finger guns.
Immediately regretting the decision, he dropped his arms to his side and cleared his throat for what was probably nearing the millionth time that day. “Shall we?” Remus nodded.
The Potters’ kitchen was sprawling with innumerable cupboards and drawers, all immaculately designed and painted to create a blend of antique styles and modern methods. There were 3 ovens, and a number of industrial fridges, including a blast-freezer. A mini fridge sat on the bench, containing sodas of all flavours and, further back, expensive alcohols. To Sirius, who had grown up in the dingy prison of Grimmauld Place, it was heaven.
He walked over to the industrial fridge and started pulling out ingredients, ideas flooding his mind. Although he would never admit it, cooking was one of Sirius’ guilty pleasures. The thought of so many elements, things that are seemingly useless of bland, coming together to form a gastronomical masterpiece was something that he enjoyed immensely. Within minutes, he was working away at a bouillabaisse, the pastry for a quiche already in the oven, and an ice-cream mixture chilling in the fridge.
Remus was watching in amazement from his perch on the island bench, a cold raspberry soda in his hand.
“Where did you learn to cook?” he asked, unable to tear his eyes from the mesmerizing bubbling of the bouillabaisse.
Sirius blushed. “Andy taught me, actually. After she moved in with Ted. I would go and visit her every Saturday and help out around the house when Ted was out working.”
Remus was well aware of Sirius’ feelings about Ted Tonks. Although he had not approved of him initially, believing strongly that Andromeda was worthy of someone better, he had seen how passionately he cared for his family, and grown to like the stumpy little man.
“She says she learned from Ted’s mother, who was a chef in France before the Depression. She said that Andy had a knack for it, and so taught her everything she knew. Since no one in the ministry would take her in fear of her parents getting mad, she decided to do everything she can at home, taking care of the house and of little Nymphadora.”
“Oh yeah, how is she going? God, she must be going on a year now!” Remus asked, remembering the pictures Sirius had shown him of his baby cousin when she was born.
“She’s doing good. It really is a breath of fresh air, seeing that even in the midst of the oncoming war, there is still such innocence and good in the world. But at the same time, I’m terrified that she might have to grow up in a world governed by Voldemort.” His voice shook on that last sentence, his throat swelling painfully as tears sprung to his eyes. He tried to blink them back, unwilling to let Remus see that side of him, but they knew each other too well. With two quick strides, Remus was across the room, enveloping him in a hug.
Sirius sank into it, letting himself be consumed by the warmth or Remus. By that comforting smell of nutmeg and tea, coupled with chocolate and books. The brush of leather jacket on woolen sweater, the feeling of heads on shoulders and hands on backs. And he knew that, as long as this boy was in the world, everything would always be okay.
After dinner, the boys had opted to take their dessert into the living room and watch a movie. Remus had suggested Titanic, and James had protested for all of 5 seconds before remembering that Rose bore a slight resemblance to one Lily Evans and supporting the idea wholeheartedly. But now the movie had ended, and the boys found themselves, yet again, in limbo between waking and sleeping. At some point during the movie, Remus had moved over to snuggle next to Sirius, and it hadn’t taken long before they were sprawled out on the sofa, Remus’ head on Sirius’ chest. Sirius had tried no to think anything of it, justifying that Remus was tired and probably didn’t even know what he was doing. But a small part of him couldn’t help but wonder, couldn’t help but hope.
Remus opened his eyes and looked out the window into the dark garden. The night sky was speckled with a tapestry of a thousand stars, each one so small, yet burning with a fire so intense it could consume everything they held dear in less than a second. There was no moon in the sky that night.
Then Remus turned his head to look up at Sirius, his golden eyes meeting grey ones.
“It’s stopped raining”, he said.
Sirius looked up, and saw that the skies had, in fact, cleared.
Glancing down again, he went to reply, but was cut short by the sight before him. Remus was asleep, safe in his best friend’s arms. And so, Sirius spoke his answer for the unlistening ears of the night.
“Yeah. Yeah it has.”
I hope you liked it!! It is up on ao3 as well, and the next chapter will be coming soon! Please reblog is you liked it, I’m smol and would love more people to see it. thankyou!!
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
“For our friends and for our tomorrow!”
aka. Twisted Wonderland MCs Magical Girl/11Eyes AU
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Normal Form
From left to right: Yuuken Enma, Claire Aeon, Finn, Arisu Carol, Gwen Brookes, Jonah Argentum, Sierra, Gohar Bhasin
All characters appeared in Arisu in Alternate Wonderland (it’s rated mature even if nothing is going on yet, but still read with cautions)
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Magical Girl Form
"There’s a strange phenomenon in the small city of Sunnydale. When the sun goes down, it was as if the world crack. The sky turns red and unfamiliar creatures rise from the street. When people get dragged into this Night Light City Frights, they won't be able to get out. But for magical girls, they might survive the red night..."
This is...an interesting au to be created. 
In the Discord Server I join, we were talking about Game Sentinel AU (basically what if the twst boys have a mind of their own and our mcs are the game player).  I thought we’re going to Yu-Gi-Oh! AU territory which I’m on board. But a friend suggested a Kingdom Keeper AU. 
After she told us about it, my first thought was: “This is 11 Eyes.” 11Eyes is like the crappy anime I used to watch because of the concept of the alternate realm. And I was like: “I want to write this.” So, I asked similar to: “Are we going down the card game duels or magical girl fights?” And hell went loose! Everyone was on board with the Magical Girl AU!
While everyone was role-playing, shooting ideas, I’m over here making my own version of the Magical Girl AU using the design we made and the basic concept of alternate night realm. Basically, all of us have our own rendition of the Magical Girl AU.
I decided to make this more based on 11Eyes because I’m pretty sure I can do something about that crappy anime, turning it closer to its visual novel plot. I’m thinking of making two versions: ‘general’ and ‘mature’. They won’t be many differences between the two styles except the ‘mature’ has additional NSFW scenes and the ‘general’ is more lore-centric. But if I’m too lazy, I just make the ‘mature’ one, because smutty magical girls, we ain’t getting much of those.
The first and second chapter is done, but we still have five or six chapters to go before the prologue is done and I can post it.
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karakozakov · 4 years
Fic Rec Time!! Pt.4!
Some really great fanfics are here!
I apologize in advance if I’ve already written some of them in my earlier fic rec posts. Also, this post is very long.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
national hot dad alliance is now calling... by dicaeopolis, owlinaminor
Relationships: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Bokuto Koutarou/Akaashi Keiji, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Kuroo Tetsurou/Kozume Kenma, Ushijima Wakatoshi/Tendou Satori
Words: 58214 | Chapters: 6/6
Sawamura Daichi: What the fuck.
(Or, the captains' squad interactions that definitely happen outside of canon, presented in Skype chat form.)
the dream that wakes you up by rarepairenabler
Relationship: Kuroo Tetsurou/Oikawa Tooru
Words: 38,277 | Chapters: 9/9
Oikawa’s offering a repeat performance of that night, the night that Kuroo’s been replaying in his mind ever since it happened. Fuck.
“You’re not that good,” Kuroo argues weakly but Oikawa looks like he knows he’s already won.
“I am that good.” There isn't a single trace of doubt to it. His confidence would be nauseating if Kuroo didn’t know firsthand that there was good reason for it. Oikawa laughs and outstretches his hand to Kuroo. “So what do you say, Kuroo? Do we have a deal?”
Kuroo sighs before offering a resigned grin. He takes Oikawa’s hand and shakes it firmly. “When do we get started?”
((Pretend Dating AU))
In Another Life by LittleLuxray
Relationship: Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou
Words: 22,995 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warning: Major Character Death
Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too.
The hospital AU that no body asked for, but that I took upon myself to write.
Personal Notes: This is very angsty and you all can have it with Bokuaka. Check Nero’s art too!!
the inherent eroticism of coordinating schedules by mozaikmage
Relationships:  Kuroo Tetsurou/Sawamura Daichi, Oikawa Tooru & Ushijima Wakatoshi
Words: 15,447 | Chapters: 2/2
Tetsurou Kuroo, Editor-in-Chief of the college lit mag "Langue de Chat," thinks the lit mag and the Flying Crows Dance Crew should do an inter-club collaboration. Dance Crew captain Daichi Sawamura isn't sure how that's going to work. Meanwhile, the Environmental Club and Anime Club butt heads over a scheduling conflict involving the school auditorium.
An AU in which all of the Haikyuu!! volleyball teams are instead different school clubs at one university.
Impulse by Metis_Ink
Relationship: Shirabu Kenjirou/Semi Eita
Words: 15,075 | Chapters: 1/1
Semi’s not sure how subtle the team is trying to be, but there must be some ungodly conspiracy pointed against him. It’s working in the sense that Semi is half aware that maybe this rivalry with Shirabu is a lot more troublesome than it seems, but really, that’s all he's getting.
Second year Semi Eita faces the downward spiral that is his life following the arrival of some first year setter who's way too cocky for his own good.
The Five Stages Of Grief by Finnis
Words: 17,150 | Chapters: 5/5
Set of 100 drabbles, Haikyuu!! cast-centric (especially Shiratorizawa). 5 sets of 20.
Shirabu howls in pain as he regards both Tendou and Goshiki with his lethal stare that could probably outmatch Medusa. “Are you both fucking thick?” He asks incredulously, not expecting an actual answer.
Tendou grins, waggling his eyebrows, and playfully slaps his thigh. “Obviously.”
The PDA jar by orphan_account
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Words: 10,480 | Chapters: 1/1
“What is that thing for?”
“I’m glad you asked, captain. This… is the Public Display of Affection jar. Or PDA jar for short.”
“Now whenever you do something that may hurt our children’s innocence, you’ll have to put money in the jar as a punishment."
greek tragedy by ineedmygirl
Relationships: Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Futakuchi Kenji/Tsukishima Kei, Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi
Words: 89,720 | Chapters: 3/3
“I’m Tsukishima Kei, from the Athena cabin.”
Kuroo blinked at him a few times, before cautiously taking Tsukishima’s pale, slender hand into his own much larger, much broader and tanner hand. He had scars and callouses that didn’t come from games of capture the flag.
He didn’t say who his parent was.
or, Tsukishima had seen everything there was to see at Camp Half Blood. That is, until Kuroo Tetsurou fell out of the sky.
The Star-Crossed Voyage by Stacysmash
Relationship: Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou
Words: 109,134 | Chapters: 11/11
As private investigators, Akaashi and Bokuto hardly ever have time for a vacation, no matter how much they need one. After successfully handling an investigation for the wealthy Oikawa Tooru, they're invited on board his yacht for a leisurely three-day cruise with several other guests. Instead of relaxation, however, what they receive is the case of a lifetime.
hachiko by owlinaminor
Relationship: Kuroo Tetsurou/Oikawa Tooru
Words: 12,683 | Chapters: 1/1
Agreeing to watch Iwaizumi's dog for the summer was a bad idea. Not because Oikawa Tooru is a bad caretaker (he isn't), but because of this asshole he keeps running into.
All this time, I have been yours by cathgotyourtongue
Relationship: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa Tooru/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Sugawara Koushi
Words: 8,710 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warning: Major Character Death, Mature Content
Iwaizumi Hajime struggles through the Five Stages of the Hanahaki Disease.
Just a Taste by volleydorkscentral
Relationships: Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei
Words: 213,084 | Chapters: 41/41 | Warning: Mature Content
“If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen,” is a popular saying… heat, however, is the least dangerous thing one should worry about in a kitchen. Between the fire, sharp utensils, red hot pans, the Mandolin God, and lunatic co-workers, Kuroo has his work cut out for him when he returns home from Paris after nine years to open his own restaurant. He’s determined to show off — ahem, to demonstrate all that he’s learned at the helm of world renowned chefs in Michelin Star kitchens.
Bokuto Koutarou tends to have more passion than sense. He joins Kuroo’s brigade on a whim after nearly slicing his hand off… and realizes just how much knowledge he’s actually lacking. He’s worked in kitchens his entire life, but none like Kuroo’s kitchen so, with excitement and trepidation, he throws himself into his work with Kuroo. And when he meets a lovely model named Akaashi, he decides to use his new found knowledge to help Akaashi fall in love with him. After all, the fastest way to a man’s heart is his stomach — right?
I'm sorry by BlazingNerz
Relationships: Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Terushima Yuuji/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Semi Eita/Shirabu Kenjirou, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Words: 6,836 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: Major Character Death
Atsumu didn’t really know when it all started, he just knew he was different. The urges-- They drove him. And did the same for his friends as well. Red, that’s what they would see when they snap, the sound around them would disappear and the background around them faded until their target is the only object clear in their line of sight. The urge grows and grows, their anxiety grows until it is unbearable. Their palms would itch, eyes would twitch and could barely process a thought, they have to do something about it.
So they do.
Atsumu knew that him and his friends weren’t normal, but he didn’t question it. They had a system and it worked, now if only their damn partners would get off their backs. -------------
Aka Atsumu and his friends just try to live normal lives while suffering with a mental illness that urges them to kill
True Colors by DeathBelle 
Relationship: Semi Eita/Tendou Satori
Words: 52,243 | Chapters: 11/11 | Warning: Explicit
Semi has danced at so many clubs that he hardly even notices a difference when he moves from city to city. It's always the same crowds no matter where he goes, and he always has to share a stage with the same backstabbing assholes. That's just how the club scene works, and he knows Plumage won't be any different.
Except instead of talking shit and sabotaging him, the dancers at Plumage initiate a different sort of harassment that involves repeated attempts to befriend him and non-optional invitations out to dinner. It's almost worse this way, because at least in the past, Semi had known what to expect.
The worst of them all is Tendou Satori, who is unrelenting in his pursuit of friendship, despite how many times Semi shoots him down. Tendou is obnoxious and never learned the art of taking a hint, and despite his best efforts, Semi gradually finds himself hating Tendou's company less and less. It's a perilous slope, and Semi keeps sliding.
The Piano Man's Elegy by  SadLesbianPrincess
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa Tooru/Ushijima Wakatoshi
Words: 81,295 | Chapters: 27/27 | Warning: Explicit
Tooru Oikawa, at twenty-four years old, is hailed as one the greatest concert pianists of all time. So when he is forced by extenuating circumstances to give up his career as a pianist, he spirals into hopelessness and confusion. Then, the day after his last concert, he runs into Hajime Iwaizumi--the best friend and lover who he thought was dead for six years. Upon their unexpected reunion, Tooru finds himself thrown into a complicated, emotional web of unrequited love, redemption, longing, and secrets. Things only get more complicated when he meets Hajime's detective partner, the stoic and earnest Wakatoshi Ushijima, and he has to navigate a new world of beauty, pain, and his own selfishness.
Personal Notes: This is heckin’ angsty and has one of the most beautiful writing styles I’ve ever seen. There’s also a sequel told through Kageyama’s POV!
The Daddy of All Lists by bloo_balloon 
Relationships: Semi Eita/Tendou Satori, Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei, Haiba Lev/Yaku Morisuke, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou
Words: 1,917 | Chapters: 2/? | Warning: Work in progress
In which four tired RAs proceed to have a collective brain aneurysm over the boldness, stupidity, ingenuity, extreme thirst and party antics of their dormmates.
Birthed from their pain and suffering is a list of simple, easy to follow dorm rules.
Ladies and gentlemen, The List™. The Daddy of All Lists™.
Personal Notes: This story cracked me up
Eggplant Party by extrastellar
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio ,Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei, Kindaichi Yuutarou/Kunimi Akira, Terushima Yuuji/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Goshiki Tsutomu/Kawanishi Taichi, Kuguri Naoyasu/Numai Kazuma, Onaga Wataru/Suzumeda Kaori, Shirabu Kenjirou/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Daishou Suguru/Yamamoto Taketora, and many many more - Relationship
Words: 81,904 | Chapters: 64/66 | Warning: Work in progress
When Yamaguchi Tadashi decided to follow his senpais' example and created a group chat with the intention of friendly texting about school and volleyball, he didn't expect things to proceed quite like that. With all the first years put together, chaos, memes and shenanigans ensue.
Personal Notes: I know some of you don’t like chatfics but I promise this one’s fun!   
Happier With You by Stacysmash
Relationship: Kuroo Tetsurou/Sawamura Daichi
Words: 24,370 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warning: Explicit
Kuroo loves his job as a live-in tutor, even if the kid can be a little sharp-tongued. The position came with many side-benefits like having a great place to stay and work on his thesis so he can finally graduate. Unfortunately, the biggest perk was also his biggest problem: the kid's hot father, Sawamura Daichi. Between checking him out when he's not looking or battling him with witty banter, Kuroo finds his heart running away with him. Luckily for him, he's not the only one...
Personal Notes: I think y’all know by now I love Stacysmash’s works
All Your Diction Dripping With Disdain by mozaikmage
Relationship: Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei
Words: 12,853 | Chapters: 2/2
"Tsukishima Kei’s 220-character Facebook bio reads: “Don’t talk to me.” There’s an invisible footnote appended to it that says “except if you’re a volleyball teammate or are working on a project with me or something”, but for everyone else it says “don’t talk to me.”
So when Kuroo Tetsurou messages him about something he commented in a Facebook group, Kei screenshots his bio, highlights that sentence, and sends it back to him."
AU in which tsukki is unreasonably popular in a specific part of Facebook and then things happen
originally titled "Everything is Tsuffering"
43 notes · View notes
lailannajacobs · 4 years
Heart to a Gunfight - Chapter 11
Pairing: Bucky x fem!reader
Summary: You didn’t want to help Bucky Barnes make it through the party by pretending to be his fake girlfriend, after all, you had just met him. You also didn’t plan on the charade lasting as long as it did.
Warnings: Lots of fluff!! 
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Hi all! I know it’s been a bit for this series but I finally got some inspiration again for it, so I hope you enjoy! Would love to know what you think! 
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Tuesday Night
You knocked back another shot, “Remind me again why the hell I agreed to this?”
“Because you’re too competitive for your own good and it takes nothing to goad you into something.”
Bucky paused, stared at the dart board and let another one fly. You cursed when it hit the double-twenty, your hand already moving toward your fifth shot of the night. Any hit worth over forty points meant the other person had to drink, and Bucky was deceptively good at darts.
The whiskey no longer burned on the way down and you slammed the shot glass back onto the table. It was a good thing that was his last throw.
“I’m pretty sure I only asked if you wanted to play darts. You wanted to turn it into a drinking game,” You pointed out, leaning back onto your elbows.
He flashed you a wicked grin, “And where would be the fun in that?”
“Well, I’m just glad we’re not playing strip darts,” You muttered, “Or else I’d have been completely naked two shots ago.”
His eyes darkened, raking over your body slowly as if he was trying to count the articles of clothes you’d have taken off. You shivered at the look, extending your hand so he’d give you the darts.
He placed them in your hand but held on for a second, pulling you in a little closer and whispered, “Unfortunately I don’t have a dart board in my apartment.”
You snatched them from his hand and narrowed your eyes at him, “Stop trying to get in my head, Solider. I’m going to make you drink your words.”
His lips only spread further.
Pushing past him, you focused on the board, hoping to match your words with your actions. The odds weren’t in your favour. He’d only taken two shots tonight and both of those times you’d been aiming elsewhere, luck being the only reason you’d hit anything good. There was no way you’d get three perfect shots to tie the game, but you were still hoping to get him to drink at least one. Squinting, you tried to get the board to come into focus. From this point forward, you were only drinking water.
You concentrated with everything you had, seeing nothing but the red dot in the centre of the colourful board. Drawing in a long breath, you paused at the top, about to let it go with your exhale when Bucky’s hand wrapped around your wrist, startling you so much you dropped the dart to the ground.
“Hey!” You turned to face him, but he didn’t let go, your hand held up between your two bodies, “What’s with the cheating?”
He tilted his head, motioning toward the board. An old man walked between you and the target, his head exactly where your shot would have been.
“So, I may have been a little too focused,” You amended.
He raised a brow.
“Okay, so a lot too focused.”
He picked up the dart and handed it over, silently challenging you to do your best.
“Here we go,” You rolled your shoulders, “I got this.”
“You almost killed an old man,” Bucky piped up from behind you.
“Shut up, Barnes.”
He laughed, the sound putting a smile on your face, “You know, I thought maybe your aim would’ve improved with the booze, but apparently not.”
“Your words of encouragement are so heartwarming,” You said, turning to face him with your hands on your hips.
“Just throw already.”
You smiled when your first shot hit the board. It wasn’t worth more than five points but at least you had hit something.
“New deal, Speedy,” Bucky took a sip of his beer, “If the total of your three shots is over forty points then I’ll take a shot.”
You shook your head and sighed, “The fact that you’re drinking right now for the hell of it kinda takes the fun out of it. It’s just not the same.”
“Good point,” He chuckled, “How about this? If it’s over forty, I’ll take a ride with you in your car and I won’t say a damn thing about it.”
You grinned, “Now you’re making things interesting, Soldier.”
Your second shot was just as pathetic as the first one, giving you a total of ten points. Another thirty seemed near impossible, but you weren’t about to lose hope. Not when your car was on the line.
“Just so you know, I have your next shot right here,” Bucky taunted, waving the shot glass in the air.
You smiled sweetly, trying to ignore the shit-eating grin on his own face, “It’s all yours.”
Changing tactics, you decided to throw it without a care in the world. It wasn’t like you were hitting anything when you tried, so maybe doing the exact would pay off. You double checked to make sure there weren’t any old men with the bright idea of crossing the dart board, and when the coast was clear, you whipped it at the board.
The centre lit up red and you blinked in shock.
“That’s fifty points,” You murmured, not quite believing what had just happened. Then it sunk in and you whirled to find Bucky, “That’s fifty points!”
You jumped into his arms, slinging your own around his neck. His grip tightened around your waist, and he pulled you in close. All you could hear was the sound of his laughter in your ear, his breath tickling your shoulder as he tucked his head in to fit beside yours.
“I don’t care that I’ve lost so often I’m a little bit tipsy,” You giggled into his ear, “That’s fifty points and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
He pulled back without pulling away, his arms still strong around you.
“That shot was all you,” The corner of his mouth was quirked up slightly, those blue eyes bright, “And that shot is all mine.”
“Told you I’d do it.”
“I never doubted you for a second.”
You looked to the ground and forced yourself to take a step back, “Your turn to get tipsy.”
“Another round, Speedy?”
You scoffed, “Absolutely not. But there is a pool table over there”
Two Weeks Later
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you tried not to smile, knowing you couldn’t start smiling like an idiot while you were finishing the payment for the customer in front of you. The process seemed to take forever to go through, your phone burning a hole in your pocket.
Only when the customer was out of the shop did you pull it out, knowing exactly whose name you’d find there.
I don’t think you should let me choose movie night anymore. That’s two terrible ones in a row.
You smirked, pulling out your lunch, glad you were now on break.
Good to know you’ve finally seen the light.
Typing bubbles appeared instantly and you waited, a stupid little smile on your lips.
What should I be in charge of now? Bucky asked.
Pizza. You immediately replied. But make sure it’s from Anthony’s.
Because I want soggy pizza? I’m getting Louie’s.
You shook your head, even if he couldn’t see it. Fine but your taste in pizza better be better than your taste in movies.
As long as it’s better than your taste in cars ;)
Idiot, you thought, unable to wipe the smile off your face.
One Week Later
“See, that wasn’t so bad.”
“Says the owner of the crappy car.”
You pulled into the parking lot in front of Bucky’s apartment and turned off the engine, “You’re just being fussy, that’s all.”
“Fine,” He laughed, “I’ll admit it. The drive really wasn’t that bad.”
“And?” You asked, shooting him a pointed look as you waited for him to fulfill the rest of your deal.
“And you’re not a crazy lunatic driver.”
You smacked him on the arm, “That looked like it physically pained you to say.”
“It did,” He said, eyes wide, trying to play the pity card.
You weren’t having any of it, “That’s what you get when you lose a bet, Soldier.”
He turned in his seat to face you, “How was I supposed to know you were going to hustle me?”
“I didn’t hustle you!” He shot you a look of disbelief, “You just assumed I’d be terrible at it. I never corrected you.”
“But you,” He ran a hand through his hair, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, “You asked me how to tie your vest and how the gun worked.”
You grinned.
He let his head flop back onto the head rest, chuckling, “All so I’d underestimate you.”
It seemed like every time the two of you went out, it always ended in a competition, and tonight hadn’t been an exception. Only you had begun to realize how to win the last time the two of you had gone out. Tonight, you had managed to pull ahead by one.
“Turns out my terrible aim does not extend to laser tag,” You bit your lip, failing miserably at wiping the smug look from your face, “I just happened to forget to mention that.”
“I should have known when you put your driving skills and car on the line,” He chided himself, shaking his head.
“You really should have,” You hummed.
“I know. I know you better than that.”
You looked out the windshield, away from the intense look in his eyes, apparent even in the dark, “Well…Goodnight, Soldier.”
He leaned in, giving you a side hug from his side of the car, “See you next week. Thanks for the ride.”
“You’re welcome,” You shrugged, suddenly feeling cool from the lack of his warmth, “Now get out of my car before you do something stupid like insult it.”
He laughed, stepping out. Pausing with his elbows on the edge of the rolled down window, he said, “Night, Speedy. Text me when you get home safe.”
One Week Before the Wedding
“We’ll be right out,” Peggy smiled at Steve and Bucky, motioning for them to wait outside the bar, “We’re just going to go to the bathroom first.”
They shrugged and walked toward the exit as if nothing was amiss, but you knew better. There was nothing casual about the way she grabbed your arm and steered you to the bathroom. What for though, you had no clue.
It had been the first time all four of you had hung out together since the engagement party and now, the wedding was a week away. Sure, you had seen Peggy and Steve on multiple occasions, but your four schedules had never seemed to line up properly until tonight. It was funny that you had thought the reason you’d spend so much time with Bucky would be because of Peggy and Steve, when really you had seen more of him this summer than anyone else.
“What’s up, Peg?” You asked when the two of you marched into the bathroom.
She crossed her arms, “You want to tell to tell me how long this little thing has been going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“You and Bucky,” She shot you a pointed look through the mirror.
You touched up your lipstick, half listening to what she was saying, “What about me and Bucky?”
“How long have you been seeing each other?” She let out an exasperated sigh as if she couldn’t believe how dense you were being.
It took a second for her words to sink in, and you turned shocked, “We’re not seeing each other!”
“Yeah, right.”
“I’m serious!” You protested.
“I saw the two of you tonight, and I’m not blind,” She fixed her hair quickly in the mirror and when she noticed your look of disbelief, she turned her full attention on you, “Oh, come on, YN. No one who’s just friends acts the way you two do.”
It was your turn to cross your arms, not having any of her accusations, “And how is it that we act, Peg?”
“Like the two of you use every excuse just to touch each other. Like the way Bucky’s face lights up when you walk into the room, or the way you look around for him, just to make sure he’s nearby,” She shook her head, probably disappointed that you’d kept something like this from her, “I’m not an idiot. I have eyes.”
Whatever you were going to say next died on your lips. The two of you were just friends, right? So what that you’d gotten close these past months? So what that you texted each other practically every day. So what that you’d caught yourself thinking of him whenever - holy shit.
Peggy must have seen something in your eyes because her expression softened, “So you guys aren’t dating, huh?”
You shook your head, not sure what to do with this newfound revelation. How could you still be friends with Bucky when you obviously had feelings for him? But he clearly didn’t feel the same way. Now that you really thought about, he often commented on your friendship as if…Oh god. Were you so blind that he thought he needed to keep subtly reminding you that any relationship the two of you had was fake? You rubbed your hands over your face and groaned.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better,” Peggy began with a small smile, “I’m pretty sure he feels the same way.”
“Yeah, right,” You scoffed, “I’ve spent enough time with him to know that he doesn’t.”
Peggy was about to say something else, but you shook your head, cutting her off.
“Can we just go?”
She wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you in close, “You good?”
“Yeah, of course,” You forced a laugh for good measure even though you knew Peggy could always see through your lies, “We’re just friends. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Of course you are. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
You shot her an appreciative smile and walked out of the bathroom, head held high.
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
Like a House of Cards Ch. 11: Opposites React
Summary: The heroes go looking for Dark and Logan’s group.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
As they stood on the street, the Anomaly that would appear in a bank vault gone from the Host’s hands, they had to recover from the power of the Anomaly coursing through them for a second time.
Chase collapsed onto his knees, feeling just a soul-deep sorrow. He was crying from memories and loss he couldn’t remember. “Fook.”[1]
“Chase?” Jackie dragged his feet over, he was feeling sluggish but it was thankfully easing from his body quickly.
“I’m fine,” Chase wiped his face with his arm. “I’m fine.”
“We can stop fer[2] a bit,” Jackie promised, helping Chase up.
“I’m grand,”[3] Chase promised.
“The Host and Chase will form one group, and Silver, Ethan, and Jackie will form the other as they try to find Dark’s group. “He asks that the heroes get their outfits back on, and for Silver and Jackie to try not to get themselves into trouble.”
“Ehh, we should be fine,” Jackie promised. “So long as Chase is gonna be okay.”
“We gotta talk anyways,” Chase nodded at the Host. “Try not ta[4] fight a hoard ‘a[5] bears.”
“No promises,” Mark smiled, and then the three of them left.
Silver, Crank, and Jackie waited in the alley for almost five minutes, getting bored. Ethan’s ADHD kicked him in the teeth before Mark’s did. Then a shootout started next to them. Several people were screaming and someone that the heroes thought looked a lot like Dark when he was pretending to be Damien. Except he wasn’t in his typical outfit, his hair was wild, and there was a streak of blue in his hair.
Ethan immediately cloaked them with his invisibility. They began to approach.
Two guys jumped on him and dragged him away. And then someone who looked almost exactly like Chase passed by the mouth of the alley.
“Don’t fookin’[6] let that arsehole[7] escape again!” Chase shouted.
The heroes got closer as the men used magic to tie “Damien” up.
He looked down at the bonds and then smiled at “Chase” which made the other man groan, “Dames, Don’t.”
“Kinky,” Dames smiled, his smile huge, leaning forward as much as the bonds would let him. “Chase. How’s life, doll?”
Chase glared at his captive before leaning in to get close to his face. “What the fook is wrong wit’ yeh?”[8]
The bound man just smiled, shrugging, “You’re going to have to be specific?”
“I meant Marvin, yeh mad fook, are yeh tryin’ ta kill my kid?”[9] Chase spat.
Dames’ only answer was, “If you wanted to get rough in bed, we’d need a bed for that.”
Chase grabbed him by the front of his shirt, “Keep yer[10] brat away from my kid, I don’t want the General killin’[11] him.”
“What’s with all this “killing” business,” Dames chuckled. “You and Gen are worried so much for your little games. They’re old enough to make all kinds of decisions.”
“Yeh taking the boys ta’a whorehouse isn’t a good choice, ya nutter,”[12] Chase spat.
“True,” Dames agreed, “they really had more fun with each other.”
“Fook this,” Jackie finally decided, as his whole body began to shake.
Silver grabbed Ethan and flew up, Ethan keeping them invisible as Jackie punched one of the thugs and then grabbed Dames, racing off with him. Silver flying in to keep up.
“What are you doing?” Silver demanded. “We’re supposed to be laying low.”
“I don’t know, I’m makin’[13] this up as I go along,” Jackie yelled, tugging Dames with them as they ran.
“What are we doing?” Dames asked. “Are we playing tag?”
“Yes!” Jackie yelled before anyone else could speak. “An’[14] Brody back there’s it.”
“Oh,” Dames said with a soft realization, then he smiled and grabbed them. “Well, we won’t win like this.”
Then they suddenly found themselves being slammed into the concrete wall of an alley, Jackie taking an especially hard hit because of his momentum.
Dames was looking them up and down as the heroes regained their composure, the corner of Dames’s mouth twitching a little bit. “You three aren’t from around here.”
“How’d yah[15] guess?” Jackie smiled as he got up, Silver floating before he was able to stand.
“Silly cheaters,” Dames laughed. “Couldn’t win your own game so you jumped to a new board.”
“It is so weird seeing you like this” Silver set his feet on the ground.
Dames shrugged, and then a portal began to twist open. It wasn’t quite like Dark’s dark purple-black Void magic. It was a deep red-magenta that felt more like hands ripping their way free.
Ethan tried to shield them but Dames couldn’t be cloned and excitedly stepped free to meet the man who stepped out of the portal. He had a sharp black suit and a bushy black mustache. A red and magenta aura coming off of him like Dark’s red and blue aura. He had dark red and magenta after images that echoed and stuttered off of him.
“Gen,” Dames smiled excitedly, holding his arms out.
“Where’s Junior?” Gen asked.
“I don’t know,” Dames denied, his good mood quickly starting to evaporate. “Ask your little trackers you put on them.”
General glared at Dames, “What were you two doing?”
“Nothing,” Dames almost giggled.
Dark’s glare became more baleful and he grabbed Dames by the front of his jacket, Dames giggling in response. “Don’t give me that bullshit, Dames. Did you let Bim go off with that hooligan?”
“Mayhaps,” Dames’s smile became almost giddy.
“Dames!” the General pinned him against the closest wall. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten what you did,” Gen spat. “You can waste your time at brothels and clubs all you want, but you leave Junior out of it.”
Dames began giggling, “You have to admit, yours and Chase’s faces when you saw they were gone was pretty hilarious.”
“This isn’t funny!” the Entity snarled. “Bim is impressionable, no thanks to you. It burned down with them still in it!”
“At least I show him how to have a good time,” Dames dared. “You’d have him at a desk working papers until he died. He’s a kid.”
“Not anymore,” the General warned. “He stopped being a child when he turned sixteen. They all did.”
Dames rolled his eyes, “Ughh.”
The General stepped closer, “You cannot insist on treating them all like children, they are not.”
“Only because you wanted them to grow up, they never got to be children in the first place,” Dames argued back.
“You’re absolutely insufferable,” the Entity scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Why is being alive and safe so unfavorable to you.”
“You’d have him die in an office,” Dames spat.
“No I’d have him alive doing something,” the demon spat. “You insist on treating all of them like children. They are not, nor have they been for years.”
“I want my babies back,” Dames looked away, clearly upset. “What was so wrong with them being my babies? You said I could keep them.”
“They are safe, that should be enough. Do I make myself clear, Doomstrum?” Gen spat, his aura coiling just a hair too tight around the mad mayor.
Dames struggled in his hold for a bit before stopping, clearly refusing to look at or answer him.
Mark would have forced himself out of Ethan’s invisibility bubble, but the hero watched the demon’s expression soften for a couple seconds and then sighed before opening up a massive portal to show a relatively spartan office except for a very nice looking desk and a couch that looked extremely comfortable to sleep on. He let Dames go. “Let’s go Dames.”
The madman frowned and took a step before turning around, a smile spreading on his face again, “Oh, Gen, I have to introduce you to my new friends.”
“Your what?” The demon growled in frustration.
“Yeah they’re just,” Dames began, pointing to the three heroes at the end of the alley right before a portal ripped open behind them and a dark purple aura pulled them in and swiftly closed before the General or Dames could really react in more than surprise.
The three heroes landed on their backs around Dark’s feet in a dimly lit room.
“There we go, problem solved,” Dark announced.
“How does this solve our problems, you’ve led him straight to us!”
Jackie looked up in confusion, Virgil didn’t come with us?
When he looked up at Virgil however he was in a huge dark grey-black overcoat. His hair was different, but the eyeshadow still darkened his face.
Dark brought his aura up in time as a red-magenta magic tried to get into the room. He threw his aura against it and it was gone. “Nonsense, I can cloak areas to keep 
 magic from getting in.”
“Andy,” someone in a black beanie insisted, tugging on “Virgil’s” coat. The Side had some vitiligo marks on his face and hands, his eyes a deep golden yellow.
“Dee, not now,” Andy hissed.
“But they’re telling the—” Dee tried to report, before he was protectively pushed behind Andy.
“No,” Andy nudged his companions back and pointed to Dark. “I don’t trust you.”
“I don’t trust you,” he pointed to Wilford.
“And I sure as shit don’t trust you,” Andy spat at the Host. His voice was practically dripping with contempt.
“All we need to get to the next rift and we’re gone,” Dark scoffed. “We don’t need your trust.”
“So what’s the actual plan for getting home?” Silver asked the Host. “Seems like they’ve got a lot to deal with right now.”
“Simple we go into what is probably a horribly designed version of my office, and activate the Anomaly so it takes us home.” Dark dusted off his suit with his aura. “The plan’s already been made if you want to talk to the others.”
The Host dispelled an illusion and they saw the three Sides talking to Glitch Logan, and J.J peacefully napping in the corner. There was no sign of his double anywhere.
“I will have everything under control,” Logan spat at his doppelgänger.
“I don’t need to be reassured of anything,” Glitch Logan dismissed. “I have made redundancies and failsafes to ensure they do not die. If I was not certain, I would have raised my complaints. You will protect them, that is the only objective I need to give. If you work with the heroes, or with Google, I care not. Roman, Virgil, and Patton’s survival is all I care about. We spent a year’s worth of time working for it and I have come too far to fail now.”
“I will do so without needless killing” Logan promised.
Glitch Logan gave an inhuman smile, “We shall see, either way it’s inconsequential to me.”
The Anomaly glowed and it engulfed the two Logans completely before just Logan was standing there. He gave a shudder and a bunch of nanites fell to the ground around him, twitching once and then going offline, their components frying themselves so they couldn’t be used by anyone else.
Logan stiffened and Roman raced in to catch him.
“Lo, sweetheart?” Roman pleaded desperately as Logan blinked and coughed as air returned to his lungs.
The Host used a couple words from his narrations and the nanites were all gone from the floor.
Janus briefly checked on Logan before clearing his throat and drawing attention to himself, summoning his staff.
“The Host allowed us to speak with the other Sides, we got but a minute but we’ve come up with a plan,” Janus reported. “There is one fusion we have that enables us to make as much noise and commotion as possible, while showing that we are different people. I have spoken with this world’s Deceit and they cannot fuse—”
“Please don’t call me that, that’s not all I do,” Dee asked.
Janus paused, looking at Dee, “Of course do you have a preference?”
Andy was just watching Janus, staring at him.
“Dee,” Dee told him.
“Alright,” Janus agreed. “Anyways, I have spoken with Dee and they can’t fuse so it will be the easiest way to get the message across.”
“So we’re gonna use Remy?” Jackie asked.
“No,” Logan cut in. “Even before the merge I was not in the right emotional or mental mindset to fuse. My fusions are impossible without that mindset. My future self hinted the feeling would get worse and unfortunately he was right.”
“Okay, you’ve never exactly told us how fusion works,” Ethan reminded. “But I’m guessing that I’m gonna take a group in?”
“The heroes will not need to cause a distraction because the fusion will be enough to convince the General that they are different. Besides, the General will wish to speak to the Entity.”
“Will he?” Dark asked. “Last time he saw me he tried to take my head off.”
“Maybe we should talk to him,” Wilford smiled. “We never gave them a chance.”
“It is so weird seeing him in pink,” Andy commented.
“Why, what’s wrong with it?” Wil frowned. “Pink is a lovely color.”
“Nothing wrong with it, it’s just you’d rather set yourself on fire than wear pink,” Andy explained.
“No I wouldn’t, I’m wearing pink right now,” Wil gestured to himself.
Dark rubbed at the bridge of his nose, “This is going to take forever now.”
“No, I meant the other you, the douchebag in Armani,” Andy explained.
“Well then he should wear pink too,” Wil decided.
Andy let out a snorting chuckle, “Oh, trust me everyone in this city would love to see that.”
The group started to plan a bit so that Silver and Jackie knew what they were doing, and during that time, Janus leaned over to Roman.
“This means nothing, I’d rather Remus was here,” Janus told Roman.
“Well I'd rather Patton was here,” Roman agreed, emotions still running high from the mess with the doppelgängers.
“Good,” Janus spat.
“Good,” Roman glared at him.
Accessibility Translations
1. Fuck
2. for
3. I’m alright
4. to
5. of
6. fucking
7. asshole
8. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
9. I meant Marvin, you crazy fucker, are you trying to kill my kid?
10. your
11. killing
12. You taking the boys to a whorehouse isn’t a good choice, you nutter
13. making
14. And
15. you
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AU - yes! Time Travel - no? -p. 2
So @barkingbullfrog requested a future bamon daughter time travelling and no one knowing who she is and I said on that post that I might write more if people like it/I feel like it. So this is that! Chapter 1 here. Enjoy part 2!
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Rose was home for the holidays, Easter in just a few days and college too loud to be able to study when she found it. The spell she’d been looking for since that summer 5 years ago when her cousin dared her to find the most powerful spell in her mom’s grimoires and attempt it. She’d had her plans foiled that week, but the idea remained firmly planted in her mind since. Especially since the spell was a dimension travelling one, which sounded just way too much fun not to try at some point just for fun. So when she saw her dad lead her mom to the dance floor, both distracted with their - eww - flirting, she snuck into her mom’s witch’s den - dad’s words not hers, but if it fits ya’know? 
The room was dark, it always was unless her mom was busy training her magic, and then it was just candlelight illuminating it. Rose looked around the corridor for a second, making sure no one had noticed her and come after. When no sound save for the small party downstairs was heard, she uttered a soft incendia, lighting all the hung candles inside. For a few minutes she was stuck in the sheer nostalgia of being in the room. She remembered with sudden clarity all the summer nights, widows open, fresh air coming through mixing with the cinnamon candles her mom prefered as the two of them played around with kiddie magic. She then recalled moving onto more powerful spells, like how to take on villains stronger than her just with a thought just a year ago, to playing hide and seek with her dad and hiding underneath the tablecloth and giggling so much he definitely knew exactly where she was - even if he hadn’t had the advantage of being vampire. It was this same room she’d locked herself in when at 11 her mom and dad sat her down and told her how they were going to adopt her, she’d been living with them for only 3 months at that point. 
Her mom’s old grimoire sat on a shelf that her dad and uncle could never agree on how it had had the top half torn off. She slowly walked over, still so very careful not to let any unnecessary noise be heard. She’d been used to magic, she’d gotten thrown out of 3 foster homes by age 9 due to magic she couldn't even begin to understand before she reached the Salvatore-Bennett’s, but hanging around vampires had taken some adjusting. Luckily her dad enjoyed being chased around the house by a curious 11 year old and then later a rumbustious teen in a variety of always entertaining games to the point she got very used to both making herself as quiet as possible as well as learning what to look for when his turn would come. So she got the grimoire and laid it on the table, flipping through the pages slowly, not wanting to risk missing the one she was looking for. A few others jumped to her as she did so, but she stored the info for later. She wanted to try that dimension spell right now. She reached something about pocket dimensions first - prison worlds and … did that say Hell? - but at least that’s how she knew she was close. The song had changed in the time she’d spent reminiscing, but she could hear her dad downstairs still, aggravating her aunt as per usual so it was all good. 
The words flowed from her lips and for a second she thought she did something wrong since she felt none of the usual surge that came with doing magic, but then something just… pulled at her and she lost consciousness. When she came to next she was in the driveway of her childhood home - if from 11 onward one could call it a childhood home, but it was the closest she ever got - and her head was pounding. She let herself feel the pain a minute or so before she got up and looked around. The sun was up, midday at least, maybe earlier, which was very odd considering it was nearing 11 at night just a few seconds ago. But she figured the spell had worked. Here she was, outside the Boarding House - which she could never understand why it continued to be called that since in all her years there not once was it used as such. 
She almost bounced on the heels of her feet, excited to see what this world had to offer - could she meet herself? Was it weird that she found that exciting? - so she immediately headed to the front door. But as she walked past the car parked in the driveway, her eyes found the newspaper wedged between the drives’ seat and the handbrake and her eyes widened at the date. 
“No.” she whispered in disbelief. “No, no, no nononono!” her heart started beating faster when the realisation dawned on her. She had traveled to a different dimension, but she’d never thought of the very real possibility that the dimension she’d be travelling to would be in the past. “Oh no, mom’s gonna kill me and dad’s gonna let her.” 
She looked around again, making sure no one was around to see her panic nor hear her, who knows what lurked in this dimension, god knows she didn’t think this through enough. She breathed a few seconds, in and out, in and out, then closed her eyes, fully intending on going back home. Except she hadn’t paid any mind to the return spell nor did she even remember the original spell she’d used. Great. Probably better she hadn’t remembered though, who knows where she would end up. At least here it looked vaguely like home. With a little bit of luck, she might even find her parents here, or someone who she could recognize from back home. Eventually her mom would go into her room and see the grimoire and spell and come get her, but who knew how long that’d be. Was time even moving at the same pace here? Sure she’d just gone a few minutes ago, there was no reason to think it wasn’t the same pace, but what if she’s been gone for days at home and mom had tried to bring her back and couldn’t, or what if it was slower at home and she’s just been gone for milliseconds and by the time her mom would find she was gone she’d be old and gray here, would she still be old and gray when she got back? Or would she revert to this age that she left as, and would she even want to go or want to return to a college student home for spring break? Or-
Breathe with me, Rosie-Posie. Just breathe with dad.
Listening to her dad’s voice in her head she did as he bade, closing her eyes almost letting her feel his hand on hers as he’d take her and put it over his chest so they’d sync their breaths when her panic would spiral. He used to joke she’d gotten the anxiety from her mom and uncle Stefan, despite not being related by blood to any of them. It used to make her feel like an impostor the first few times he’d done it, but afterward it just made her feel like belonging. Just like her mom telling her all about grandma Sheila that for some odd twist of fate she just happened to share a name with. Mom called it funny, dad called it fate. She called it sheer dumb luck. But it did make her feel like they really had been a family from the beginning. Hell she even had blue eyes. What were the chances? If she hadn’t remembered her birth dad’s dark skin on her lighter one as he kissed her goodnight the night he left or her birth mom’s watery blue eyes as she lay in the hospital when she was four she’d have agreed with Damon’s theory. 
She sighed, heavy, and put the newspaper back from where she’d gotten it and made her way to the house. It made no sense to get lost in the worry just yet. She’d barely arrived, there was plenty of time for panic later. She was more curious what she could walk into now. She remembered her mom telling her about this time and dad turning these moments into sleeping stories when she was younger. She got only more curious about their pasts the more she grew up until they’d eventually caved and told her everything she’d wanted. Slowly, in bite sized pieces that had frustrated her to no end in the beginning, but she was glad for now since it made remembering everything so much easier.
She walked towards the door the same way she had whenever she played hide and seek with her dad since she figured it was probably a good thing not to be noticed before she could figure out what the hell was going on. She listened once she reached the door and heard what sounded like Elena Gilbert, but she couldn’t bee too sure since a. She’d only met Elena like 3 times in her life and each one for a few minutes at a time, despite her mom still talking to her every week or so and b. Katherine was supposed to be around at this point in time, right? Was Hope’s dad here too yet? Or did she mix up the dates? Only, she reminded herself, Niklaus Mikaelson wasn’t Hope’s dad here, he wasn’t even semi nice if what Alaric’s library books on the great hybrid said was true. Oh boy, she so wasn’t ready for any of this bullshit. Her mom would write the best eulogy for her when she got home, something like “I loved my daughter more than my life, but damn if she didn’t deserve a Bonnie famous lecture and punishment” just after she killed her with her bare hands in a loving manner of course.
She took out her keys and put them in the lock, turned, but the door just opened without any fight and she almost had a heart attack on the spot because what kind of morons were her parents in this time/universe to not lock their doors? She’s still thinking about this when her dad - no, not dad, Damon, and isn’t that the weirdest thing - suddenly pounces at her and tries to strangle her. She reacts immediately, just as her dad - the one back home that loves and knows her - had taught her to do and sends a wave of aneurysms across the room, making sure to hit who’s surely Katherine extra hard via a very advanced spell her mom taught her recently that renders the 500 year old vampire in a mini coma for however long the caster wants. As Damon starts interrogating her, she can’t help putting on a bit of a show. They look so odd like this, weirdly young and very much in shock at her power that isn’t even that much of a big thing. She’s average as far as power goes back home, definitely not the witch goddess her mom is. But her mom isn’t her mom yet and she certainly isn’t yet that strong here… or rather, Bonnie isn’t yet as strong as her mom here. So she enjoys the game she finds herself playing with Damon and later Bonnie when she gets there. 
But she definitely has no clue what she’s gotten herself into yet as she tried to give an abridged version of the story her parents had told her over the course of at least 3 years. She sticks to the basics for them, Klaus is an Original, they’re a whole family that Klaus has the bad habit of fucking over - at least during this time - the Sun and Moon Curse is fake. And really, who the fuck thought that was a legit thing in the first place, seriously now? Klaus sired their whole vampire blood line so they can’t kill him, killing an Original kills their whole blood line, he plans on unleashing his werewolf side to belong, but he’s going to fail because his mom is mean as hell. She honestly isn’t sure what she doesn't say afterward, but the sheer silence brought on after her little tirade has her giddy. She could never get her mom and dad speechless like this, not without serious bodily harm or property damage, usually as a result of Lizzie Saltzman’s plans. She can’t wait to see how much chaos she can cause here by the end of the talk and looking at her mom with this dude that looks to be 14 that apparently is meant to be Jeremy Gilbert - only how can that be, Jeremy is a very strong vampire hunter that looks the part, not this string bean uncooked spaghetti looking child. 
And now she got when her dad meant when he said mom had had terrible taste in men before him - though Rose would argue looking at the Damon across from her that her mom’s taste didn’t so much as get better but simply change. She also couldn’t understand how these two who looked like they both wanted to be anywhere but near each other and yet oddly in sync couldn ever become the Bonnie and Damon that adopted her some odd years in the future/past/other universe. Huh… maybe she could have fun until her mom would come to kill her for being an idiot and dad would give her that look that made her want her mom to kill her. 
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telltheworld-phff · 4 years
Chapter 50: Te puedo escuchar
AUTHOR NOTE: This chapter was based on the song by Anahi called "The puedo escuchar” that means “I can hear you”.
This chapter might also contain some subjects that might be a trigger for some.
To say that Carol's humour was getting better and better by each passing day was the understatement of the year. As the second trimester was looming just a few days away, Harry was getting his girlfriend back.
And actually enjoying her pregnancy.
The love they felt for their unborn child was the strongest experience both had felt in their lives and they knew that they were a team from now on and compromised to be the best possible parents they could be.
They were conversing a lot about their dreams for their child. Harry wanted a girl desperately and Carol felt it was a boy... and they decided to find out when the baby was born.
They were talking about names and Carol was set to name him Henry (should it be a boy) and Harry wanted to name her Carolina (should it be a girl). Carol had gone shopping for maternity clothing as her bump was now impeding all her trousers to close and her breasts were getting bigger. She thought about buying some baby clothing as well, but she had promised Harry that they'd do the first shopping together (at least for the first items and the most important things).
As marriage wasn't on their foreseeable future, this baby wouldn't have a place in the line of succession.
And after many conversations, they decided it'd be better to keep it this way. Of course, they knew that most ghastly people would call their child a bastard but if it meant that no strings would be attached to this kid's future, they'd be game. Even if (and that's a big if) they decided to get married before the birth, the child wouldn't have any royal titles.
Harry had already asked his Grandmother for a private appointment in two weeks and decided to go by himself. The plan was: tell the Queen privately, then his father and then his brother. He knew that afterwards the Queen would request a private meeting with Carol before she let the courtiers know.
They had their speech known by heart and decided what was non-negotiable for them and what they'd be willing to accept should The Crown request. And Harry was counting on his grandmother managing skills to be sensible and understanding and not imposing things that'd make their lives really complicated. They'd show up as a united front and both against the protocols and rules of Harry's family.
Harry was asking Carol to take it slow at work... she was still practically living at the office – as always - and he understood why but now she had a whole team to manage, whose job was to back her up so she needn't to stay there more than eight hours a day.
She didn't really pay attention to his pleas... thinking that he wasn't used to working mums... lots of women did it every day and she wasn't really doing things that'd put their baby at risk. In order to avoid a fight, she'd always give evasive responses to him.
Except today she wasn't feeling well ever since she woke up at Kensington Palace where she had spent the night before. They had gone out to have dinner – thankfully still not spotted – and had amazing sex afterwards. She woke up feeling extremely tired and with a terrible headache. Dismissing it as some of the not-so-nice symptoms, she got ready for the day and left before Harry woke up, Bill driving her to work.
She texted Agnes asking what she could take for the headache and got a quick response of:
A: Headache again? That's the third time this week. I am changing your appointment to tomorrow morning just in case.
Not wanting Harry to get worried, she just texted him the new date and time for next appointment without giving him many details as to why they were anticipating it. She took lots of water and worked at a dimmed office until noon. She tried to remember how she had spent the week before and couldn't remember a day where she didn't feel like she had been run over by a truck or in ache.
She finally saw Harry's point as to why she should start working regular hours instead of the 14-16 she was usually working. Giving up on working at the office and taking into consideration it was Friday, she just let her boss and team know she would be working from home and would be back next Monday.
She took a cab not wanting to bother Bill to come and get her and let Harry know that she was going home and that he should stop by in the evening so they could be together. He was at an engagement and took a while to reply and when he did, was something like: "Will be there. x"
She arrived at home just past 1:00 pm and took another long shower. She applied lotion on her body and took a picture to register how her bump was showing today. She picked her favourite pyjamas of white shirt and shorts from the dryer and got dressed. Quickly fixing something to eat afterwards.
After she ate, she went to her bedroom and sat half leaning on bed board with her laptop on searching for a last-minute flight ticket to Brazil that wouldn't cost her a fortune. She couldn't tell her mother she was pregnant by the phone or video call. Although she knew Maria would be disappointed, she wanted to look into her mother's eyes and say it.
Perhaps, after the initial shock diminished, she'd be able to ask her mom for advice and they'd book Maria's tickets to come and stay with Carol (wherever she'd be living at the time) at the end of pregnancy and first weeks with the baby. She couldn't do it without her mother and she wouldn't.
Caressing her bump, while waiting for emails to come in so she could finalise a few reports and reschedule meetings, she was also reading pregnancy forums about when she could expect to feel the baby move for the first time. She was 11 weeks and 6 days today and was wondering how long it'd take until she could feel the first movements.
She didn't know when and how she fell asleep, she only slightly remembered that her migraine had gotten the best of her. She half woke up with Harry's voice calling her and the noise of his keys locking the door.
She tried to get up and greet him, but she couldn't. She tried to move and her brain only registered pain and still, she didn't have the strength to call for him or wonder why she was feeling this way. It was like her consciousness was coming and going all the time and she couldn't quite grasp the sense of fear. She only wanted to close her eyes and sleep some more.
"Darling?" he called cheerily and she was so very sleepy still that she didn't respond. She had this uneasy feeling on her bump and her eyelids were too heavy to keep open.
She heard when he entered her bedroom and felt his perfume. She smiled at the sound of his teasing.
"Now that's a good life... napping since mid-afternoon." he said, supporting his fists on either side of her body and kissing her temple. "Are you hungry?"
"A little..." she mumbled, her voice weak. Harry took off his jacket and tie and started telling her how the engagements of the day had gone and noticed that she was extremely quiet and sort of unresponsive.
"Carol?" he called for her, sitting by her side on the bed. She didn't reply.
Thinking it was odd, he called her again with no response. He almost left the room assuming she was just tired and needed to sleep a few more hours and determined to get their dinner ordered, he got up and he was taken by a feeling of warning and stopped in the middle of the room.
Dreading it, he turned on the light and the scene before his eyes hurt more than a punch in the gut. He felt all air vanishing from his lungs, the walls closing in, his heart breaking into a million pieces and for a few seconds, he didn't know what to do. He just couldn't afford to not do anything.
He realised Carol wasn't sleeping, she had probably passed out.
Her laptop was still on the bed and she was laying on a fetal position. He approached her, checking her pulse. Her blood pressure was obviously low as she was pale and unresponsive, but what had Harry scared for life was the giant vivid red spot on her white shorts and on the duvet. She had some dried stains on her legs as well.
"No, no, no, no..." he was on the brink of losing it but he had to something. "Carol, wake up. Please, Carol. Wake up." He was gently shaking her and caressing her face.
A little blood is normal, isn't it?
That's not a little, his mind replied.
"Carol... Carol... CAROL!" he yelled, his eyes burning with unshed tears. "Wake up, Carolina!"
He got his phone calling Agnes right away, not knowing what to do.
"Hello, Harry..." Agnes said, immediately thinking he was calling to ask why she had scheduled an appointment on a Saturday.
"Agnes, Carol's bleeding. Like... a lot." he said, making sure her body was turned on her left side, should she puke. "I just got here, Agnes and I don't know what to do. I think she fainted and she's not waking up."
"Get her to St Mary's. NOW!" Agnes said. She was about to leave for the day and went back into her office and changed clothes, already shouting orders and forming a team of nurses to prepare secured a room as an emergency was coming in. She promptly got Carol's file and read it all again, everything was as normal as it should be, except for the excessive tiredness and the headaches.
Without needing to be told twice, Harry got Carol's wallet and checked for her ID and health insurance details. He got her phone and grabbed a coat for her to use later. He was trying to convince himself that this was just a scare and that they'd be back home later.
He called for Bill who was waiting for him outside the flat and as carefully as he could he lifted her from the bed, getting himself stained as well, but he didn't care. He needed to save his girl and their child. Running with her through the steps as it'd be faster than the lift, Bill widened his eyes when he saw Harry leaving the building with Carol.
"St Mary's!" Harry yelled placing Carol on the back seat and jumping on the front seat. Bill had the car in motion before Harry even closed the door. Now worried as to why Carol was bleeding, but knowing this was not the right time to ask anything.
Normally it'd take 11 minutes from Carol's to St. Mary's, which Bill drove in almost 5, breaking an endless number of traffic laws. He parked at the back entrance and Harry was out in a flash, scooping Carol on his arms and trying to wake her up again whilst climbing the stairs of the Maternity wing.
He heard Agnes before he saw her, she was pacing the reception and she pointed to a room closing the door behind them. Harry put Carol on the bed and was out of the way when Agnes started to carefully and quickly examine Carol's condition.
There were three nurses in the room that were doing things at full speed by Agnes' orders. He saw how quickly they'd had hooked an IV of fluids on her hand and meanwhile the other was preparing the meds.
Harry was half relieved that she hadn't asked him to get out – everyone knew he'd be spotted and they shouldn't have added stress on this situation. At the same time, he felt so powerless watching other people taking care of the woman he loved without him being able to do anything else but stay away and let them work. He stayed on the corner of the room, and let them know many times that if they needed help, he was there to see to it.
Agnes then started the ultrasound machine, cleaning as best as she could all the blood to see the baby. She positioned Carol's legs and got the trans-vaginal stick and the now-familiar for him black screen appeared over her head. Harry was watching closely, hoping and praying for the best. He knew that the circumstances weren't favourable, but they were strong. They'd get past this and this would be just a scare.
He was looking at the screen with everything in him asking for his baby to be OK. There was the embryo and he saw Agnes pressing lots of buttons and her face getting more and more concerned by the minute. She re-positioned the stick and tried again, asking something from one of the nurses.
"Is everything alright?" Harry asked. "I can see the embryo. Is it alright?" he had hope in his eyes, he knew it was going to be ok.
"I'm sorry, Harry." Agnes said. "There's no longer a heartbeat."
"You left without notice / I looked for you and you weren't there anymore"
The room went silent for a minute that felt like an eternity.
"Are you sure?" Harry said looking from Carol to Agnes and the screen. "Have you looked closely? You always say sometimes it's difficult to catch a heartbeat."
"Fate wanted it that way / But your soul won't leave"
"At the beginning, yes. But she was almost on her twelfth week. This should be easy to catch."
"It can't be, Agnes. We had an appointment tomorrow. You said everything was fine. Why isn't she waking up?" Harry was clearly nervous and had a million thoughts crossing his mind.
Agnes powered off the ultrasound, scribbled something on a paper and asked the nurses to do something and went to Harry.
"I was seeing the embryo... How come?" Harry asked.
"Unfortunately that is not the embryo. That's some residual tissue of the pregnancy." Agnes took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Harry. But Carol has miscarried the baby."
"You were my accomplice in dreams / We knew that one day / United we would fly"
Harry's world went completely still. This couldn't be happening right now.
The tears started to fall before he could hold them in. He looked at Carol, still pale, hooked to IV and with nurses around her and that unmistakable stain on his shirt, arms, trousers told him that this was really happening.
He couldn't keep his family safe.
He had failed them and this pain was shattering his whole being. He had just lost his child and he didn't know what to do about it. He never properly learned how to mourn and grieve.
Losing his mum and grandpa had been fucking hard and horrible but nothing would ever be compared to the searing pain of losing a child.
"I know your wings will stay with me / That from Heaven your hug is my shelter / divine angel take care of me from evil"
His child, his baby.
The one he had made plans for. The one he wanted to hold on his arms and teach things.
The one that had turned his world upside down.
He no longer would be a father.
"I know I walk with your company / With your voice my days are brightened / Although your door today is beyond / I can hear you"
The sound of his sob took over the room and Agnes hugged him. He cried and sobbed not caring for a single moment of who was there. Not caring that he was a prince and member of the Royal Family. Not caring he had been taught to always hide his feeling. At that moment he was just a father who had lost his child.
"I'm sorry, Harry." Agnes said, trying her best to support him as she knew that not many people were aware of the pregnancy and that they probably wouldn't have a shoulder to cry on.
"I can't answer that now, but I will ask for some exams to be made and try to correlate with the symptoms she was complaining about, but you should know that this is more common than you think. Most of the time we don't have any factor showing us as to why. Sometimes its just nature taking its course."
He was out of the embrace and thanked Agnes, without really knowing what or why he was thanking her for.
"I will have to intervene with medication so we can finish this process as quickly and respectfully as we can. Also so we can guarantee that we won't have any damage to her uterus and that pain will be minimal."
"Why hasn't she woken up?" he asked, voice filled with sadness.
"I remember you very close to me / Sharing your peace / So much joy it was to see you / I won't forget to love you / I still have tears"
"She probably had a case of irregular blood pressure variation during the day. Apparently it went too high and too low in a matter of hours – so her body, to try and estabilize it, kind of shut down. Now I've just given her something to keep her asleep, so we can finish the process."
Agnes gave a gentle squeeze on Harry's hand and apologising went back to work.
He sat on a chair and watched, letting the numbness of the pain take over him. Tears were flowing freely and he didn't want to leave her side for a second. If Carol would have to endure all of this, he might as well be by her side and watch. He didn't care about the fact that he was torturing himself to sit back and watch the woman he loved in that situation. But he didn't want her to wake up alone at a hospital without knowing their child had died.
"Your name is written in every book / In each verse I feel you sing / Your hand takes me directly to your shadow / And I know that one night I will find you"
"Harry?" Carol's voice was hoarse and weak.
He jumped out of the sofa he was laying on her private suite and went to her side. He held her hands.
"I'm here, my love." he said, kissing her temple and breathing relieved for the first time after they had been admitted to the hospital.
"Where am I?" she asked looking around and focusing on his eyes. She saw nothing but pain and fear there and those feelings took over.
"We're in the hospital, darling." He replied, sitting on the edge of her bed.
"Hospital, why?" she asked. "What's going on, Harry?"
"What do you remember?"
"I was home working and with a migraine and then everything went black. I remember some flashes of pain and your voice..." Carol looked at him. "Harry, please, tell me what's wrong. Is our baby ok?"
He took a deep breath and couldn't find the words in him to answer that question. From now on he'd need to be her rock and her safe place and he knew it, but his heart was broken and he was about to break hers. New tears formed on his eyes and he shook his head.
"NO, NO, NO, NO...." she was scared and shocked. "WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR BABY. PLEASE THIS ISN'T FUNNY."
"Darling..." Harry hugged her. "I'm sorry, my love."
"Sorry about what, Henry?" she untangled herself from his embrace. "What happened with our baby? Why are you making this up?"
"Carol..." Harry said crying. "Our baby passed away this evening. We had a miscarriage."
"Nooooooooooooooooo" Carol's cries and shriek brought a cold feeling to Harry's gut. "YOU'RE LYING. IT. CAN'T. BE."
She put her hand on her belly, feeling it way different than this morning, looking the to the IV hooked on her hand, her hospital gown.
"Maybe they're wrong. I am still pregnant. I know it, Harry. Stop making this prank... it's not fun." Carol said and Harry shook his head again, showing her that this wasn't a nightmare. This was the cruel reality and he wouldn't dare to joke on something like this.
"Why?" she was full-on sobbing whilst the truth and the weight of his words were slowly cutting through her heart and mind and body. She was sore, the damn headache still in place. Her stomach had somewhat deflated and she was determined to not believe in his words.
"We don't know for sure, but it happened. I arrived at your place and you were passed out." Harry said, trying to touch her hand.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" she screamed and her sobs now louder and she was trashing on the bed to get as far from his as possible. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU, HARRY. HOW DARE YOU TO TELL ME MY BABY HAS DIED!!"
Agnes entered the room at that moment, having heard Carol's voice three corridors down and knowing this wouldn't be easy.
"Carol, please try to calm down. You're still weak and need your rest."
The doctor checked her signals on the machine nearby and approached the bed, caressing Carol's head and kissing the top of it.
"I'm sorry, sweetie. But we did everything in our power to save your baby, but we couldn't. If Harry hadn't brought you here as soon as he did, you'd have left us as well."
"You're both lying... my baby is fine and healthy."
Carol said trying desperately to hold on on that thread of hope. She couldn't have her biggest dream and world come tumbling down like this. They must be lying about it, making this sick prank about her.
"Darling, I'm really sorry...." Harry tried to hold her hand, but she didn't let him, which saddened him even more. "Our baby is now our guardian angel."
She started trembling, lips quivering and looking at both of them and their tired faces. She looked up to see a clock on the wall and registered the time of when the worst news to any parents had been delivered to her.
Her dream baby had slipped through her fingers, she no longer was a mother and she clearly shouldn't keep her hopes up about trying again because she knew she'd fail. Her body clearly wasn't up for the challenge of growing a human from scratch and she had crushed Harry's dream and Harry's life. Her heart knew that something was wrong but she dismissed it for the past days. It was her fault that she had lost that baby and she'd never forgive herself for it.
"Leave me alone." she said, between sobs.
Harry and Agnes shared a confused look and didn't move.
"LEAVE ME ALONE." she screamed, throwing one of the pillows at them and kept screaming after that.
Carol was heartbroken and clearly grieving, shocked, guilty and confused. Lot's of pieces haven't made it to its place in the puzzle and she was clearly shutting down and wanting to be alone.
And at that moment, Carol was everything Harry wanted and needed, but to respect her wishes and lest Agnes needed to give her some sedatives, he simply nodded and left the room.
"I will be back in the morning." Harry said crying and holding the door. "We will get through this Carol. Please don't shut me out cause I won't survive this pain if you do. Neither will you."
Carol looked at him while angry tears rolled down her cheeks and wet her hospital gown.
"I love you." Harry said, leaving the room and closing the door.
End of Part I
Author Note:
Please, don't kill me because of this chapter. This and the next ones were the hardest I've ever wrote. I cried my eyes out doing that, but it was... necessary.
To my dear and beloved readers my warmest thank you for sticking with me, for liking my babies as much as I do. Thank you for reading, commenting, voting and for all the suggestions that are always welcomed.
My biggest concern on this story is, even though I sometimes use a poetic license, bring as many real places, people, assets and elements. I want this to be a story you, the reader, can identify yourself with and recognise the royal family's modus operandi.
I want this to be a relatable story, one that you read and say: mmm... this could've happened and not one of 100% make-believe stories that although entertaining, don't make you relate to that.
That's why I take too long to write and why I sometimes have serious cases of writer's block. I do my research, I watch tons of videos and documentaries, I see lots of photos (and even blueprints of the palaces sometimes!). When I went to London last year I visited many of the places that I write about here.
The work is though, but the reward is great.
This story will be split into three parts (I might change this in the future, and if so I'll let you know."
Part I tells us how they met, became friends, how the spark appeared and how they started dating.
Parti II will be posted continually after this chapter (I'll probably do an intro and then skip to chapter I). We'll see all the mourning process, self awareness, priorities and overcome. They are pretty strong, but will they be able to survive this pain?
Only time will tell...
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horansqueen · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 21
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Chapter 21: Tell Me
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4  🡪chapter 5  🡪chapter 6   🡪chapter 7  🡪chapter 8  🡪chapter 9  🡪chapter 10  🡪chapter 11 🡪chapter 12 🡪chapter 13 🡪chapter 14 🡪chapter 15 🡪chapter 16 🡪chapter 17 🡪chapter 18 🡪chapter 19 🡪chapter 20
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board
Tell me what it's like to be with you Remind me of the things we use to do And tell me that this time will never end Tell me what it's like, tell me again
Everytime you stay It never feels quite the same And everytime you go It hurts a way you'll never know
Everything I fear Shows itself everytime you're here And everything I know (I know) Leaves with you everytime that you go
click here to be on the update list
                                               It was not easy to ignore her. I had spent days doing exactly that but now that she had pushed me away, I couldn't do it anymore. I felt like a creep whenever I'd find myself staring at her for a bit too long. How could I just forget about her and pretend that nothing had happened between us? How could I just pretend I didn't care about her anymore? That I didn't think about her all the time? That I didn't have feelings for her? It felt completely stupid to go on with my life as if she hadn't been the most important part of it in the last few weeks... as if she was not still a big part of it.
I looked at her as she walked out of our class, laughing with Daxia and Asher about something I didn't hear. She raised her nose up in a grimace and giggled a bit more but I just pushed my hands in my pockets, remaining motionless as she left. She was better than me at pretending, and if I couldn't remember the way she had kissed me in the elevator, or the way she had looked at me when she found out I paid half her rent, I would believe her. Luckily (nor not?) I could clearly remember all of it. The way she had ground on my thighs as we kissed deeply and how she had whimpered when my cock had swollen between her legs... The way she let me touch her, the way she sucked on my tongue when we kissed in our room... but most of all, the way her eyes fluttered when I placed soft and slow kisses on her lips after my claustrophobic crisis... the way she had looked so hurt and sad whenever I left for whatever reason... the way I could hear pain in her voice every time I rejected her. It was all those things that kept hope alive inside me. You can't just forget about someone like that, right? Not someone who had that effect on you, no, I didn't want to believe it.
I waited, hopeful that maybe she'd glance back, giving me just enough fuel to keep hoping for something, but she didn't, and I ended up walking back to my room only to grab my guitar and my notebook. I scribbled a few words quickly, the first things that came to my mind when I thought about Devon, and found a melody just as fast.
I stared at some of the words written and felt my eyes flutter as I breathed in. I tried to stop the tears and swallowed them hard before clearing my throat and rubbing my eyes. It couldn't be the end, I didn't want it to be, and now that Devon was ignoring me the way I had ignored her, I couldn't help but hate myself, knowing it was what I actually put her through, and probably even worse.
I took my phone and snapped a picture of my notebook and my guitar, wondering how Devon would have taken the picture and knowing it would definitely have looked better than the one I was now posting on instagram, but it didn't matter. Somehow, I wished she would see it and realize it was for her, but I knew there was only a tiny chance for that. I hesitated but added a few words from the song I had just written in the description part and blinked a few times staring at it, wondering if it was a mistake.
"Every time we get this close, It's always pulling us apart."
Turns out Devon didn't like the picture or commented on it. I was not really expecting it but I was hoping for it, but if I knew one thing about Devon now, it was that she was really stubborn. It was not what emanated from her the most, in my opinion, and it wasn't as important as her intensity, her feelings, her fiery, her empathy and her sensitivity, but it was still a part of her that I couldn't deny. I couldn't blame her, most artists were stubborn, I was slightly entitled myself, but her stubbornness was strong and I liked it, even if it caused a problem at that exact moment.
When Lewis invited me home to watch the game, I almost refused. I wanted to see Devon, but she had asked not to see me, and it would have been wrong of me to go to her place, knowing she didn't want me around her. I wanted to respect her and what she wanted, even if I was desperate for a conversation with her. I knew I couldn't force her to have feelings for me, or to act on them. It was on her, and begging her or harassing her wouldn't change anything. In fact, it would make things worse and anyway, it was not the kind of things I did. If Devon ended up giving me a chance, it would be her decision, the same way it was my decision to push her away and not take all the chances she already gave me. A bad decision, but it was all mine.
I finally accepted when Lewis told me Devon was leaving for the evening and even if I was disappointed, I didn't show it or mention it. I couldn't stop wondering where she was going and with who as I drove to my friend's and when I parked. I stayed for a few minutes, sitting behind the wheel, trying to stop the erratic beatings of my heart. I hadn't felt like that for so long. It felt like a heartbreak all over again, except this time, the whole break up was my fault and the problem was me. I leaned my forehead on the wheel and sigh until I heard someone chuckle.
"Are you napping before the game?"
I sat up and leaned my head on the bench before sighing loud enough for Louis to hear.
"You’re here for Devon, I'm guessing." I just let out without enthusiasm, not even looking at him.
"Nop, I'm here because Lewis invited me to watch the game."
It made me frown and I turned my head his way as it was still leaning on the bench. "What?"
"Ya head." Louis shrugged, glanced at the door of the building before looking back at me. "I thought Dev was going to watch it with us."
I raised my eyebrows and started my car again, shaking my head slightly as Louis got closer. "Hey, mate, where are you going?"
"Devon doesn't want me near, I'm certainly not going to spend the evening in her vital space and make her uncomfortable." I explained, putting both my hands on the wheel.
"Dev doesn't want you to avoid her."
I sighed again and turned my head only to meet Louis' eyes. "She was pretty clear."
"You know she likes you, right?" Louis raised his eyebrows. "She wants you in her life."
"But she made it clear she didn't want me around. I can't just go with your words, okay? I have to go with hers."
I couldn't pretend it didn't feel good to hear from her best friend that Devon actually liked me, but I was also aware that Louis wanted me happy. He had been taking care of me ever since that story with my ex girlfriend. I didn't know if it was out of guilt or pure friendship but either way, I couldn't deny that he was there for me, no matter what. I had been blabbing and complaining to him every single day since that stupid blind date at the restaurant and even if he was annoyed by all the shit I threw at him, he remained calm and collected, which was a first for him.
"You're right." Louis admitted, taking one last pull at his cigarette and throwing it on the ground. He pushed the smoke out of his lungs on the side to make sure it wouldn't come in my face and licked his lips. "You do give up quite easily though don't you think? She came back every time you pushed her away." he pointed out in a gentle tone.
"No, she didn't." I shrugged a shoulder. "We just ended up being locked together in random places."
"Maybe Lewis' apartment can be that random place."
I moved my head closer to the window and looked up at the building before sighing. "If I have an inkling of a feeling that she's uncomfortable, I'm leaving."
I ended up in the elevator with Louis, rubbing my hands on the back of my jeans. I was more and more nervous as we got closer to his apartment and when Lewis opened the door, I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest by my throat.
I didn't ask about Devon but she didn't seem to be there and we all sat in the living room with a beer. There were a few guys from some of my art classes too, sitting on the floor, but I decided to sit next to Louis on one of the couches. I finished my beer quite fast and got up to grab an other in the fridge. My heart skipped a beat when I closed the door after grabbing a beer and my eyes got slightly bigger.
"Hey, Devie." I let out in a low tone, swallowing hard as my eyes roamed on her. "Uhm you-you look great."
"No need to lie, Niall." she shook her head with a sigh. "I don't know why I let Daxia convince me to wear things like that, this is so uncomfortable."  She pulled on the bottom of her dress roughly but all it did was show part of her bra. She was leaning a bit and I let my eyes roam on her cleavage for less than a second before looking away.
"You shouldn't do that." I pointed out, clearing my throat. "It's- it's pulling it at the top."
She looked down at her breasts and groaned, letting her head fall back on her shoulders. I had to admit I didn't remember her with that much cleavage and I licked my lips.
"Are you.. are you wearing a push-up bra or something?"
She looked up in my eyes with surprise and her lips parted slightly before she moved her head slowly from left to right. "How did you..." she didn't finish her question and shook her head faster. "That's it. That's enough. I'm getting changed!"
"No wait!"
I grabbed her wrist, two of my fingers and my thumb wrapping around it loosely. She stopped and breathed in, and I wondered if it was because she was annoyed that I stopped her, or annoyed because of that electric feeling that probably crossed her body the same way it had crossed mine at the contact of our skin.
"Devie, you look amazing." I admitted in a low and soft tone as she turned around to face me. I hated thinking she was going on a date, and all the scenarios in my head made my heart sink in my chest, but I couldn't lie to her. I would never lie to her again. "You really do. You look beautiful."
She bit her bottom lip and nodded as I let go of her wrist and she pulled on the top of her dress again to cover more of her breasts.
"I'm sorry, Devie. I know you're leaving but, if me being here bothers you, I can leave."
She looked up again and her eyes met mine. She just shrugged and cleared her throat, looking back at everyone in the living room before turning back to me again.
"No it's okay, I know Lewis is your friend." she shrugged, grabbing her purse on the table. "I'm leaving for the evening anyway, so it doesn't really matter."
I remained silent and pushed my hands in my pockets, holding my breath. Was I allowed to look at her the way I was looking at her?
"A pair of shorts."
"What?" she asked with a frown.
"If you wear a pair of shorts under your dress, it'll bother you less that it's short."
"The problem is mostly that I hate my thighs but I guess you're not wrong." she chuckled, raising her eyebrows. "It's a good idea."
I waited patiently until she came back, walking by the kitchen and waving shyly at me. "Bye Niall, thanks for the tip."
It took me a few minutes to go back to the living room. No one had noticed I had left for a while except for Louis, who turned his head my way as soon as I sat next to him. "Did you tell her?"
"Mm? Tell her what?" I asked, staring at the tv as I leaned my elbows on my knees.
"That you love her."
I turned my whole body his way, now only focusing on him, and shook my head. "No, and I don't plan to." I explained slowly. "Louis, she hates me."
"She doesn't hate you and you know it."
I didn't answer and turned back to the tv for a few minutes and finally leaned my back on the couch. "You think she's gonna shag a guy tonight?" I asked low and a bit sad, looking down at my beer as I turned it in my hands.
"Why not."
"I know Dev, she's not like that." Louis explained, letting out a sigh. "Would you shag a girl tonight? A girl that's not her?"
"What does it have to do with anything?"
"Dev is a lot like you." he finally confessed. "I'm sure you've noticed before. You two react the same way, you've been through the same things... both of you gave up on love and both of you are completely in love with each other. You stopped having sex with Mandy because Devon is all you think about. Trust me, you're all Devon thinks about, too."
"She told you that?" I asked, closing my eyes and swallowing hard.
"She'd kill me if she found out I told you."
An other week without Devon, an other week getting drunk and complaining to Louis. I had missed a few classes and always ended up in the music room to write songs on the piano after everyone had left until very late at night. I would probably get denied the access to that room if they found out I was drowning my pain in vodka, beer and rum while I was composing but I didn't care.
On friday night, Louis had begged me to join him in class. He had asked for the keys to classroom to finish his work and apparently, he wanted me to write a song for him that he'd use. I had never written a song for kids before but I was always ready to try new things. Besides, Louis had been there for me a lot in the past few days and I felt like I owed him at least that.
The days were getting shorter and it was already dark outside. Weirdly, the hall was barely lighted but I noticed the open door of a neon-lit room. I walked in and noticed Louis, sitting on one of the desks. His lips curled when he saw me and I realized I hadn't seen a small classroom like that before.
"Neil, hey, I'm glad you're here." he raised his eyebrows, jumping off the desk and walking to me. "I really need you."
"Yea, of course." I frowned, looking around the room. "I mean we could have worked in my room, or yours?"
"Mm no, we couldn't." he replied, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and bringing me closer into a weird hug. "It really had to be here."
"Okay, you're being weird. It sounds like a bad horror movie. Are you gonna kill me or something?"
Louis chuckled as I looked at him and he took a few steps back, throwing his arms in the air.
"I'd never do that, Niall. You're my best friend!"
I took a step closer when he reached the hall and he moved his hand in front of himself, making me stop immediately. "Wait here a minute or two, okay?"
I sighed and sat on a desk, my guitar on my lap, and let my fingers slide on the strings gently. It's only when I heard a voice in the hall that I looked up and frowned. My heart skipped a beat when Devon walked by the door, her eyes covered with Louis' hands but I frowned and raised my hands up when I noticed Lewis, slightly behind them, who was telling me to keep quiet with a finger on his lips.
"Lou, I hate surprises, you know it." she let out, nibbling on her bottom lip.
Despite all the stress my friends were putting me through, I still found myself thinking about kissing her as my eyes fell on her mouth and I held my breath.
"Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them, alright?"
Slowly, he removed his hands from her eyes and I stood there, not really knowing what the hell they were trying to do. Devon didn't want to talk to me, she didn't want to be around me or hear about me, and bringing her here was not going to change anything, I knew it. It's only when Louis closed the door and I heard the lock that I understood.
"No!" I Iet out, jumping off the desk as I gripped my guitar tighter. "NO!"
I hit the door a few times without looking back at Devon but I knew that by now, she had understood what was happening. Our friends had decided to lock us in a room without our consent and I could feel myself get dizzy at that thought.
"It's not funny guys! I'm claustrophobic!" I yelled, hitting the door again with the side of my fist. "Let me out!"
"The room is big enough and there's like, five windows, Niall!"
"Yea!" Lewis agreed. "Feel lucky, at first we had thought about the janitor's closet!"
"Guys, it's not cool!" I begged, leaning my forehead on the door. "And it's useless."
"No it's not!" Louis let out as I closed my eyes and groaned low. "Solve your shit! I'm tired to hear both of you talk about each other!"
"Plus, we stole your phones." Lewis let out with a laughter. "I took Devon's when she was not looking and she just thought she lost it. Louis stole yours a few minutes ago."
I frowned and my hand reached for my pocket, realizing he was right and I just rolled my eyes. My heart was beating so hard I was wondering if it would just stop completely at some point. It was not a claustrophobia crisis though, it was just the fact that once again, I was locked with Devon somewhere but this time, the roles were reversed. She was the one who was avoiding me.
"Neil, tell her, okay?"
I didn't answer him. I just licked my lips and turned around, scared of what was going to happen. Devon raised her eyebrows at me and pressed her lips together, her arms wrapped around herself. She tilted her head and I had to swallow the lump in my throat.
"Tell me what?"
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