#except maybe jo's lmaoo
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skatehepburn · 4 months
💗 Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love! 💗
okay i famously am not a joiner so i don't know that i will reciprocate (but open call to @skyirons my fandom hopping bestie ilu) but thank you for asking!
i think most people on here followed me originally for hacks but i am a bit of a fandom hopper and a rarepair lover so this list will run the gamut:
"Til Sunbeams Find You," Dead to Me. Jen/Judy summer camp counselor AU.
I don't love this fic for the writing, but for the fact that someone hopped into the comments and asked me if i was on stan twitter (i was not, but i made a fuckin' account), and thereby introduced me to some of my now very dear friends. Was DTM fandom a hot fucking mess? Yes. Do we ever need to talk about s3 Again? No. Did my DTM standom give me MS? Inconclusive. But this silly show and trying to make these two characters kiss got me through some hard times and i'll always be grateful!
2. "5 Times Mary Jo Shively Almost Kissed Julia Sugarbaker (and One Time She Did)," Designing Women, Mary Jo/Julia (natch)
Just what it says on the tin! Someone commented on this fic recently so I reread it (love to never recall anything I've ever written) and it was fun! THE SUBTEXT IS SO STRONG in canon and yet there's not near enough fic imo. Due for a DW rewatch, is what I'm saying. I always enjoy getting to write southern characters as someone who's lived in Appalachia all my life 🫡
(this fic is also one i could show my twin without having to redact the smutty bits lmaooooo)
3. "who's gonna lay in your lonely bed, who's gonna love you like me?" Dragon Age, Bethany/Isabela
I'm sure Dreadwolf will get me back into the DA trenches but Bethany/Isabela has gotta be my rarepair otp. I seldom want to read a player character fic for an RPG (with the exception of maybe FemShep); I'm always drawn to pairing off the sidekicks. There's just so much AFFECTION between Isabela and Bethany in the party banter, and Bethany gets such a short end of the stick by the narrative that I really had to let her get her world rocked by the swarthy sailor with a heart of gold.
4. "in the morning i will sing," Baldur's Gate 3, Jaheira/Karlach
Most recent fic is always gonna be on the fave fic list, that's just the way it goes. In my first playthrough of bg3 my character pined for Jaheira unrequitedly and in my second I'm romancing Karlach as Shadowheart, so why not combine the two into some smut with a side of party banter! And I clearly have a thing for a bit of an age gap/hero worship dynamic as evidenced by *gestures at ao3 account*
(also tr*cy w*les's chronically online era is not helping my jaheira fixation... love that she ships her with everybody tho we stan an absolute icon)
5. "ring the bells that still can ring," Hacks, Deborah/Ava
firstly: i wrote this fic so i could make that shrek/leonard cohen joke. i'm sorry, or you're welcome, as appropriate.
secondly: i wrote this fic before so many things happened! hacks season 2, developing an incurable progressive chronic illness, getting married myself!
my wife rarely reads my fic (they support it fully! including meeting fandom friends on our honeymoon lmaoo luv u [redacted]). but i will occasionally gently ask if they'll take a peek at something, because, well, they're the person that taught me everything i know about love, so it goes into the writing!
it took them a long time to read this fic (or it at least felt like it), but when they did, they sent me a notesapp full of annotated reactions... 6 months later , after a decade together, they proposed in a drivethru.
which is to say: i'm pretty sure this fic is the reason i'm currently married, so it will always be my favorite <3
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claireraffertys · 7 years
hey! would u mind giving a quick rundown/intro to the engwnt roster? thanks :)
i’ll answer seriously this time lol
GOALKEEPERSKaren Bardsley - Makes world class saves. Good punch on the ball when a cross comes into the penalty box. Could work on catching and not missing the ball when a Belgian is a metre away but overall very confident with her in net.
Siobhan Chamberlain - Has had to play back up for a long time but is a solid keeper and a good shot-stopper.
Carly Telford - Haven’t actually seen much of her so not really got much to say but she made some incredible saves in last seasons wsl
DEFENDERSSteph Houghton - Brilliant leader and CB. Stays calm in pressured situations (like goal line clearances). Good in the air and at free kicks too.
Casey Stoney - Very experienced CB with excellent vision of the game. I think other players feel very comfortable with her on the pitch.
Laura Bassett - A CB who plays with no fear. Solid at the back (except that one time lol)
Millie Bright - Absolute tank of a CB/CDM. Produces crunching, well timed tackles and pops up with a headed goal on occasions.
Jo Potter - Good passer of the ball. A versatile player between MF and DF.
Lucy Bronze - Just an incredible RB. Can perform in all areas of the pitch. Bombs down the right to provide options in attack and scores some wonder goals. Absolutely key to the team.
Demi Stokes - Very fast LB who also is good at getting forward and helping put balls in the box.
Alex Scott - Might not play as much these days but when she does she offers speed and experience.
Alex Greenwood - Wonder of a left foot which takes very good set pieces. Good amount of aggression to push opponents off the ball (henlo shoulder barge)
MIDFIELDERSJade Moore- Another tank in midfield who will not pull out of a tackle no matter the risk.
Fara Williams - Cool, calm and collected, especially from the penalty spot. Very experienced with an incredible passing range.
Jordan Nobbs - The engine of the team. Her energy never lets up and so she constantly bosses the middle of the pitch. Also a wonderful striker of the ball. Future captain.
Jill Scott - 86th minute tap in merchant. Obviously very good when it comes to heading.
Izzy Christiansen - Very energetic player who makes good runs off the ball. Finds space where many wouldn’t.
Karen Carney - Tricky player who can often make something from a seemingly impossible position. Work rate is second to none.
FORWARDSFran Kirby - Clever player who makes clever runs and scores clever goals.
Nikita Parris - FAST. Makes nifty runs down the wings and provides many assists.
Ellen White - Never second to the ball. Gets herself into great positions to get shots away and does not miss very often. Top rate fitness levels too.
Toni Duggan - Likes to go through periods of time where she cannot stop scoring screamers.Very talented but just needs to improve her shooting under pressure.
Jodie Taylor- Incredible work rate, a player that doesn’t stop until the final whistle. Very clinical in front of goal.
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 7X4 Defending Your Life
I'm making an exception today, because I've figured out QUITE a bit about my own stress response
oh right the monster Dean killed
also to recap: my period has every sign of starting(including cramps) but nothing, I've been horribly nauseous all day, I feel a hunger response when I'm DEFINITELY not hungry(stress eating and it's the only thing that makes the nausea subside) and headache(altho that could be the lack of sleep). Also emotions all over the place(Crying, happy, very on the hat etc)
ooo chase scene
ooo good segway into intro
that cut coping mechanism does NOT seem like it's healthy
the visuals are cool
"license to kill"
no come on sam that was a good one.
"dead and sober, dead and crappy" no Dean, please, you need to figure that out
ah yes tortured soul
that was suspicious
it's just because she's dead and dead at 10
the CAr
"makes you wonder if the guy who was drunk ran her over" *drinks beer*
at least I know they're nerds, whoever wrote this
is it manifesting their guilty conscience
aw but the dog is so fluffy
*lies down, bounces back up again* lmaooo
Dean is Tired
didn't they DEAL With a ghost car?
it's people that kept going?
that took me as second
"If I ate apples" DEAN
also they're really doing license plate shots above how Cool the Impala is shots now, lil thing
"you won't even believe me" ahaha
we kind of specialize in crazy ahaaha
"except that's complete crap"
"everyone judges all day long"
He just..takes punishment?
ahahah N O P E GREY AREA
no this is way more watchable
*whispers* "stay put"
he DOES look good though
ok fine just gonna tune out the flirting
they ARE both pretty
is it that guy
the creepy guy in the shadows
how much is in scotch I have no idea
ah the red, what people were clawing
THAT'S NOT HOW OSIRIS WORKS but fine ok let's go
ok fine
"it hones in on people who feel guilty, N OW WHO DOES THAT SOUND LIKE TO YOU" oh boy literally both of them got it that was hilarious
this does seem like he's talking himself into a role
the salt...might not work for osiris
shit she really is pretty
AH RED SAND ok ok yeah I see it ok
a h egyptian shit
He's cool though, I like the pagan shit
"Sam, you're not a lawyer" "yes I was pre law" "pre"
"good one" "I saw that on the good wife"
oh no
the mining itself sucks but this concept is good
took his breathing away?
It reads a bit as excusing them for everything
She backs them up at least?
I miss her
see here's the thing, it kinda reads like they're out of ideas, but like...it's a good concept
ah so the stuff at the beginning was them showing their guilt
I like how he just says "them's the breaks"
yeah like Dean is ever gonna believe he's innocent
"dog food" oh they so desperately wanna say dog shit
"they want to be judged" echoes Dean
"that it just...blows"
no one, including Dean, ever questions it, so the grief stews
he does actually have some way with words
Dean please tell the truth
mate I get the impulse but still
ahaha Temporary but Long Temporary
"make sure it's a sharp piece" lmaoo
man I miss Jo
ah here we go
sam: u h
"you deserve better" on both ends
Dean Eldest Daughter Syndrome
"hunters are never kids, I never was"
he does Internalize things
that's why we kin
90% crap
"i get rid of that what then" "you really wanna die not knowing" HOLY SHIT
ah the gas stove
"he's making me do this" oH NO
"just kind of faded...maybe a little bit happier"
hell was Sam's slate? huh
"I kind of feel good, Dean" I am glad he's happy, I don't know if I agree with the message
1. SAMMM. Dean was acting off the shits, so he had to step up and exasperatedly handle everything, and piece stuff together. Like mans is actually quite smart and quite resourceful when he has to be, and it's nice seeing that. It's also fun FINALLY seeing him lighthearted again, even if I don't like how.
2. Dean's guilt complex. Man internalizes a lot of things, and while they BARELY make sense(thin veneer, easily cracked) he hides it enough so that no one asks(and he represses so he certainly doesn't), and he can continue feeling guilty. Now here's the thing. He feels guilty, Sam doesn't, the middle ground is where they should be(taking responsibility) and they like...never do it.
3. monster of the week. No but having monsters switch to grey instead of black and white, and having Dean comment on it is SO good, because he's like...that Masculine Parody/Ideal depending on who's writing him, and like he was written to be the hero. any gray was always overridden by that. But with kripke gone, they start actually doing grey, and there's nothing simple anymore. Like I like with how off the shits it got, they still kept the theme of "it's more grey now" but like kinda for real(where Dean and Osiris said the same thing). ALSO, I think it would be useful as a scale back. I know they'll not do it because EVEN BIGGER DBZ LAZER is fun, but I think having more monsters of the week by choice and not "oh god we have runtime" would be really good, because that's where this storyline SHINES! it's got a lot of characters, a lot of lore, and a lot of issues to pick through, a monster of the week is WAY more effective than a longer story, and would help the scaling back issue.
4. pontificating about the season/why it's easier to watch. Like is this season as good/vibey? probably not really, but honestly I can actually stand watching it. Like it's very cringe in places but also, it doesn't hurt me or make me feel uncomfortable as kripke stuff does. It matches the vibe of "after work/school show" perfectly for what it is.
5. the vibes/Osiris. I like the idea of osiris and going to the bars, and the courtroom and the RED! SAND!! I got that one. But I'd also like to say that Dean saying the SAME thing that osiris said was like...he's not villainized, but I think they're trying to make him slowly grow as a character. It's like sympathy/he sucks kinda/we like him for him a sa character and I think that was really neat.
also barkeep lady pretty holy hell
6. it felt a little bit like excusing tho. Like if Sam is the good one, then it felt like excusing them of the harm they cause people. I want them to change their behavior! not beat themselves up over it or think it's fine cuz he went to hell because of it!
I'm so glad Sam is happy again but N O
7. J O. the "no autonomy, he's making me do this," the being able to see through things(and no longer hungering for something that she doesn't really know) (like...she wants SOMETHING, has it crawling under her skin but doesn't know what, and that's gone when she's dead) and that whole thing where she asked Dean if he wanted to die as a persona. Oh my god.
8. Dean persona. Yeah the whole thing where he had to convince himself to be a womanizer, the "I"m 90% crap line" OH MY GODD THAT HIT. That man is also a persona. maybe a commentary on american masculinity in general, maybe not. Also, eldest daughter syndrome, he internalizes everything and everything is his responsibility("I didn't get a childhood")
I feel like you can also make an argument how trauma makes you the extreme of something(uncaring for smol sam, internalizing for Eldest Dean), and it breaks your ability to do what you need to(empathetically do your fucking job and not be pieces of shit).
I see why this show was so popular amongst mentally ill people(myself included) holy christ
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fmjoanna · 4 years
hola , mamakeishas ! 😍 i’m claire, and we love a good repurposing of intro posts. no but seriously, i’m really excited that this is finally open. i’m also really excited to meet all of your muses & write with youuuu. so without further ado, lemme introduce you to jo. aka my stupid, stubborn child who i love so much.  like this & i’ll swoop into your dms for some plots. 👉👈
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☆ . · . cindy kimberly, twenty-one, cisfemale, she/her . · . ☆ JOANNA “JO” VASQUEZ lives in that huge mansion over there! no, not that one. look for PERFECTLY TRIMMED HEDGES and that’ll be it. the ACTRESS has offered occasional glimpses of MAROON walls and an impressive collection of WINE in the background of social media posts, but all of that is nothing compared to seeing the opulence in person. they’ve remained DILIGENT as ever since moving to tercet court FOUR MONTHS AGO, but it seems like they might’ve gotten a little more RESERVED too. maybe that’s why they’re rumored to have such a CAUTIOUS relationship with everyone else who lives on this street.
tw. mentions of drugs & death.
from  the  beginning  ,  it  was  never  jo’s  dream  to  be  famous.  while  most  girls  were  at  home  playing  with  toys,  jo  was  getting  prepped  for  auditions  by  her  parents.  they  had  ambitions   ————  to  get  filthy  stinkin’  rich  off  the  back  of  their  daughter,  and  for  the  most  part,  it  worked.
jo  landed  a  major  role  in  a  disney  show  (  think  like  hannah  montanna  or  wizards  of  waverly  place,  that  kinda  cultural  impact  ),  and  quickly,  she  became  one  of  america’s  sweethearts.  that  was  a  lot  for  one  kid  to  handle, with  all  the  filming,  press,  etc.  her  parents,  of  course,  ate  up  the  attention  and  capitalized  off  it  fairly  quickly.  brand  deals,  interviews,  anything  you  could  find  a  child  star  on  at  that  time.  it  pretty  quickly  became  overwhelming,  but  she  was  definitely  raking  in  the  dough.  that  meant  she  was  to  continue,  no  matter  how  tired  of  it  she  was.
which  is  where  her  perfectionism  comes  in  to  play,  she  had  a  lot  of  people  relying  on  her  ————  her  parents,  who  she  loved  regardless  of  the  stress  they  put  her  through,  director,  costars,  company,  etc.  jo  was  definitely  a  natural  when  it  came  to  acting.  she  knew  how  deliver  line  after  line,  emote,  and  successfully  pull  off   a  comedic  moment.  on  screen,  she  played  a  charismatic,  social butterfly,  which  was  the  exact  opposite  of  who  she  really was,  a  quiet,  nervous  girl  who  valued  her  privacy  and  just  wanted  to  live  a  normal  life.
which  began  to  take  it’s  toll  on  her.  the  older  the  she  became,  the  less  she  liked  being  seen  as  the  sweet  girl  next  door,  so  she  completely  had  a  breaking  out  of  that  mold  phase ( ala  like  miley  cyrus  or  britney  spears )  around  the  time  her  disney  show  came  to  an  end.  much  to  her  parents  dismay,  she  became  known  more  for  her  off-screen  antics  than  her  onscreen  one  &  definitely  kept  the  paparazzi’s  pockets  fat.  “jo  vasquez  spotted  (fill  in  the  blank  with  something  controversial)”  filled  the  pages  of  magazines  for  a  lot  of  her  17-18  years,  and  she  went  from  america’s  sweetheart  to  probably  one  of  america’s  most  hated lol.  it  had  a  negative  impact  on  her  career  as  well,  which  she  was  happy  about  for  awhile.  that  is,  until  she  realized  that  most  of the  money  she  made  as  a  child  was  collected  by  her  parents  &  not  her.
with  no  money  coming  in  &  the  relationship  with  her  parents  souring,  she  left  home  &  avoided  the  spotlight  for  around  three  years.  probably  lost  contact  with  a  lot  of  people  then  too.  she  thought  a  nice,  quiet  time  by  herself  &  without  paparazzi  following  her  24/7  would  be  healthy.  
&  it  was.  jo  used  the  last  bit  of  her  childhood  savings  to  fund  her  time  away,  but  with  money  tight ,  she  was  a  bit  unsure  of  what  was  left  to  do.  that’s  where  her  great  aunt  came  in.  her  great  aunt  had  gotten  rich  of  her  stocks  in  a  successful  makeup  line  when  she  was  in  her  late  30′s  ( something  that  joanna’s  parents  were  super  jealous  of ).  with  that  kind  of  money,  she  was  able  to  move  to  the  hills  and  purchase  a  beautiful  home.  joanna  had  met  her  only  once  or  twice,  but  there  was  definite  tension  between  her  parents  and  her  aunt.  the  only  thing  she  really knew  about  her  was  that  she  was  wealthy  and  lived  alone,  no  kids  or  significant  other. 
unexpectedly,  her  great  aunt  passed  away,  news  that  didn’t  reach  jo  until  she  got  a  letter  from  her  aunt’s  lawyer,  saying  that  since  her  great  aunt  didn’t  have  kids  &  didn’t  want  to  leave  her  belongings  to  her  niece  (  jo’s  mother  ),  she  had  left  everything  to  jo.  it  completely  caught  her  off  guard,  and  she  considers  herself  pretty  lucky.  
she  knew  that  she  couldn’t  stay  in  the  hills  forever  without  some  income,  and  because  she  feels  like  acting  is  what  she’s  best  at,  she  decided  to  contact  her  old  manager,  and  together,  they  came  up  with  a  plan  to  revive  her  career.
sooooo ,  now  she’s  back  in  los  angeles.  media  has  def  heard  of  her  return  (  apart  of  her  manager’s  plan  )  &  there’s  been  a  small  amount  of  buzz  around  it.  she’s  more  of  a  former  a-list,  so  she’s  really  not  that  in  demand.  however,  she  did  manage  to  land  a  supporting  role  in  a  major  blockbuster  (   something  like  a  marvel  movie  probs  )  so  she’s  hoping  that’ll  change  fairly  soon.
probably  fake  lol.  let’s  just  be  honest.  kinda  hates  the  celebrity  lifestyle  &  is  cautious  when  it  comes  to  other people  in  the  industry  so  yeah,  she’s  the  type  to  smile  in  your  face  and  then  glare  when  your  backs  turned.  she  knows  how  important  connections  are  in  this  business  &  word  travels  fast  so  she’s  probably  not  “real”  except  with  the  people  she’s  closest  to.  also  the  type  to  be  like  “OMG ofc  i  know  what  that  is. 😍  it’s  my  fave”  but  then  have  absolutely  no  clue  what  the  fuck  it  is  lmaoo  a  tragedy
she’s  a  hard  worker  &  def  a  perfectionist.  everything  has  to  be  perfect,  and  she’ll  do  as  much  as  she  can  to  get  it  right.  it’s  probs  the  reason  she  stuck  with  acting  b/c  the  trial  and  error  of  learning  something  new  would  be  way  too  much  for  her  lol.
but  also  enjoys  time  out  a  lil  too  much  prolly.  is  a  regular  to  night  life  &  partying  (  more  under  wraps  now  than  back  in  the  day  )  &  will  out  drink  just  about  anyone  you  know.  it  makes  her  a  bit  more  brave  &  she  believes   ppl  bare  their  souls  when  they’re  inebriated  so  it’s  easier  to  get  to  know  ppl.  what  a  weirdo.  also  partakes  in  her  fair  share  of  prolly  just  weed.  no  hard  drugs  tbh  she’s  not  the  one
your  average  gal  just  looking  to  have  fun ,  but  could  def  potentially  catch  feelings  that  she  would  deny  til  she  can’t  anymore  or  until  it’s  too late. 🤪  lowkey  wants  someone  to  just  sweep  her  off  her  feet,  but  she’s  blind  to  the  reality  that  she  always  be  making  things  complicated.
behind  the  facade,  she’s  a  bit  stubborn.  probably  also  a  side  effect  of  being  a  perfectionist  &  also  her  need  for  control  ( since  she  lacked  that  when  she  was  young )  so  be  prepared  for  that
ok  but  plots  really  do  be  making  my  world  go  ‘round. 😳 i  love  em,  so  literally  hmu  with  anything  you’re  feeling,  and  i’ll  be  down.  just  wanna  plot  &  write  with  everyone 💕  but  here’s  a  couple  of  wanted  connections  for  y’all.  i’ll prolly  have  a  most  wanted  tag  sooner  or  later  &  i’ma  be  make  a  plot  page  soon.  
best  friend  /  friend  group:  there’s  no  way  jo  could  function  without  friends,  so  pls  give  her  some  good  ass  platonic  tingz.  these  are  the  people  she  can  be  herself  around,  so  she  holds  them  really  dear.
people  from  the  past:  someone  she  knew  from  the  past.  could  be  friends,  enemies,  lovers,  costars,  etc.  she  didn’t  really  let  that  many  people  know  that  she  was  leaving  so  now  that  she’s  back  it  could  be  like  👀  dramatic.
unrequited love / crush:  these  are  fun.  joanna  doesn’t  really  know  how  to  handle  her  romantic  feelings  so  it’d  probably  be  her  getting  the  cold  shoulder .
hookups / fwb:  past,  present,  future.  fwb  would  probs  get  messy.  maybe  she  caught  feelings  or  sumn.
former  friends:  something  happened  &  they’re  no  longer  friends.  we  can  plot  it  all  out . :^)
childhood  friends  to  lovers  to  exes  that  ended  on  bad  terms:  saw  this  on  a  plot  masterlist  &  it  sounds  fun  so  i  thought  i’d  put  it  here lol.
literally anything  your  heart  desires: a  lot  could  work.  we  could  even  just  start  from  nowhere  &  have  them  meet  for  the  first  time  b/c  jo’s  only  been  back  for  a  couple  of  months.
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sitaaronkepaar · 7 years
  Daily Rikara Ramblings
What? you thought i was kidding? grow up.🙄🙄🙄🙄
But why the fuck would you end Rikara on a cliffhanger and not show what happens next??! Just ….I don’t even know what to say except what the fuck. God, I hate this stupid disappointing show. Unlike Gauri, it doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt. I can’t believe I keep defending this shit time and again, and yet, it keeps disappointing me every.single.time. I’m a fucking idiot is2g. 😡😡😡😡
I guess I should just be glad Gauri got a new suit that’s 😡not a tent? Fuck this show. Ugh. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Lol @ these Kaali t-shirt wale. 😂😂😂😂😂
Hain? Richa ki shaadi Gauri k ghar se kyu ho rahi hai? Doesn’t she have her own home?🤔🤔🤔🤔
Lol @this extra as fuck fucker. Har jagah tadi se entry maarta hai, chahe phir apna ghar ho, ya kisi aur ka 😂 😂😂😂😂😂
Kunal’s looking kinda cute as a Sardaar😍😍😍
Hahaha BadassRi 💝💝💝💝
Awww Omkara ka khoon khaul uth raha hai.😏😏😏
Ugh, this kali t-shirt wala dude is so creepy. 😓😓😓
“o ji ek mint, gal karne do na”
Dilpreet, your Omkara is showing 😂😂😂😂😂
Wtf is Gauri’s mom though? Kisi se bhi paise bhi le legi?😐😐😐
Oh god, this Singh is king shit is annoying but funny lmaoo.  😂😂😂😂😂
Hahaha, Gauri Omkara ki class ke rahi hai. Lmaoo 😂😂😂
God, Omkara is such a bad liar, lmao. He’s gonna get caught soon 😂
Gauri’s face!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 She’s like yeh kaun mental piece hai??? 😂?
Awwww, shit! Gauri shut him down. Is bichare ko ek din me hi mehnat karni pad rahi hai. Aur kitne din chalayega yeh jhooth? He’s going to lose it in a week! Ab pata chala Gauri jo kitni mehnat karni padi to fool you?! Maybe now he’ll appreciate Chulbul more. Imao.
Omg imagine Rikara bonding over their Chulbul-Dilpreet lies and discussing how easy hard it was to fool each other 😂😂😂😂
Awww Richa bringing in the big guns aka Shankarji. Gauri be like shankarji ne last time jisko bheja tha uski wajah se hi toh life itni jhand ho gayi hai.
My god, rudra is such a fucking asshole. Go die in a ditch you sicko.😡😡😡
No, bhavya, don’t control yourself. Kick his ass.(╯°□°)╯︵( .o.) (╯°□°)╯︵( .o.)  (╯°□°)╯︵( .o.)
God, he’s giving me so much michmichi, I might reach into my laptop and strangle him myself. GO DIE YOU FUCKERRRRR!!!  😡🔫🔫🔫🔫
I’m ffwding. I can’t watch queen’s humiliation. 😭
Moving on to Omkara, who for once is not being an utter abomination.
“Kal ki tarah sofe pe so sakte hai?”
Matlab maana queenie acche acchon ko pachad deti hai, but this is a bit much. What about basic common sense, Gauri?😒😒
Gauri’s so serious lmaooo. She’s not giving him an inch. baahahhahhahahhahahah. Keep trying you fucker!!😂😂😂😂
Hahaha, she shot him down. Ofc tumhe yaad nahi karna chahti asshole.🙄 🙄🙄
Ugh, no his teary eyes kill me 😭😭😭
Fucker singh oberoi is back. Imma skip.🙄🙄🙄
Omg he took bribe in mithai ka dabba. She gon figure it out?😟😟😟
I thought Bhavya was just suspended? She’s actual me fired kya?
“Niche dekho.”
OH.NO.YOU.DIDN’T. GOD SOMEONE HOLD ME BACK IMMA KILL THIS FUCKER. DIE BITCH DIE!  ̿'̿’\̵͇̿̿\з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/‘̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿   ̿ ̿̿'̿’\̵͇̿̿\з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿   ̿  ̿'̿’\̵͇̿̿\з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿    ̿'̿’\̵͇̿̿\з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
Voldemort never saw any love in his life, he was so fucked up, but Rudra doesn’t even have that excuse. He was raised by two loving brothers and his daadi. Spoilt brat is one thing, but this utter inhumane behaviour is something else. Gosh, He has no excuse to act like this. I’m raging so hard rn. 😡😡😡😡😡
Ugh, Thank God, Omkara is here. Imma stare at his beautiful face and try to calm down. 😅😅😅😅
“paani do ghante, macchar 24 ghante”
Lmaooo. Aur papad bel asshole.😂😂😂😂
Omg lol. I thought, Gauri said itna zyada khana, and her mom was like jo ghar me tha woh bana diya. Lmaoooo.
I was like wtf, mana ki guest hai but ek bande pe sara ration pani khatam karne ki zaroorat nahi hai Maa. 😂😂😂😂
You know what, I’m act😘ually loving this ott hasmukh dilpreet. Can he stay forever?😘😘
“humne aap se sorry kyunki KAL aapne humein gundon se bachaya”
But he just did that today? Like a couple of hours ago? Gosh, omkara k break up ne Gauri ko aisa sadma diya hai that she’s forgotten the concept of time.😰😰😰
For real though, what is this garbage writing? Ek toh koi continuation nahi hai upar se itne bade bloopers? Who okays this shit?🙄
Lol, stupidass hotstar started buffering at the wrong moment and OMG Omkara looks like such a cutie patootie!! No wonder I always want to kiss his stupid face 😭😭😭
“Ek nahi hazaar wajah hai Gauri, main saari zindagi tumhe sorry bolta rahun toh bhi kam padega”
At least he realizes the magnitude of his mistake. Chalo, I hate you a little less now. But you better make up to my queen in a spectacular way you ass. She deserves the sun, the moon, the stars, EVERYTHING. 💕💕💕
But I love how dismissive Gauri is of him lmao. Kuch zyada hi bhav deti thi usey, tabhi he took you for granted. Super sardarji ko ab pata chalega what it’s like to be a normal peasant dealing with the Queen. 😎😎😎
“oh ji waada hai, dulhan hum le jayenge”
Like I low-key want Rikara remarriage in this track. I know hoga nahi, but god, this is more than enough.😊😊😊
Ugh, aagaya ye asshole to ruin my feels. I can literally feel my blood boiling whenever he’s on my screen.😤😤😤😤
My gawd, he looks creepy af. I need him to stop smirking or so help me god, he’ll be going home without a limb or two.🗡️🗡️🗡️🗡️
Man, this guy has crossed all limits. All cause he can’t take no for an answer. Matlab problem kya hai iski? First, he insulted her, then he got drunk at her wedding and slut-shamed her, then he got her fired, and now he’s trapped her with him? Like this is legit how acid attackers are born? Just tell me what’s the difference? They attack physically, and he’s attacking her psychologically, making her life hell. How on earth does Gul think it’s good storytelling? This is a character assassination of the worst sort. Rudra literally went from an adorable, albeit unintentionally misogynistic idiot, to something sinister. Redemption toh I know will never happen, but I don’t even want to know how or why Bhayva will forgive him for this. This ship has sunk before it could even set sail. R.I.P RuVya.⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️
“In short meri ghulam banke raho”
I’m just glad Bhavya ain’t backing down. Attitude hi sahi, give something back to him *while we plan how to kill him in his sleep, hush*
“Ye awaz kaisi?”
Beeeech, yeh dhuan kaisa? Ghar pe aag lag gayi hai kaa?😥😥😥
Lmao. Jaldi bandh omkara. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Yeah Gauri, gooo. There’s a fire @ur home.😥😥😥
Omg, I’m so here for Omkara silently observing, nay, nihaaring Gauri 😭😭 😭 😭
I love how he literally has a physical reaction whenever she gets hurt.
“woh kahan kuch bolti hai, bas chup chaap sehti rehti hai sab kuch. Pata hai aaj tak maine sirf khuddari ka bare me suna tha toh mujhe  laga maine khuddari dekhi hain, main khuddari jaanta hu, lekin nahi, asli khuddari main aaj dekh raha hu”
Ughhhh yessss. Finally, you’re learning what a beautiful selfless soul your wife is 😭😭 😭 😭
Lol @Shivaay giving gyan to Omkara. Don’t throw away your notes Shivaay, same lecture Abhi rudy ko bhi dena hai.
“Wahi toh baat hain na Shivaay, mujhe abhi sirf uska dil nahi jeetna hain. Usey itni khushiyan deni hai, itni khushiyan, jiski woh haqdaar hai. Aaj tak maine sirf, sirf usey aasun hi diye hai lekin ab, ab main uski zindagi mein khushiyan hi khushiyan bharna chahta hun ”
WHAT? I’M NOT CRYING, YOU’RE CRYING. THERE’S A BRANCH, NAY, THERE’S AN ENTIRE TREE IN MY EYE. *sobs internally, externally, everything-ly* 😭😭 😭😭 😭 😭 😭😭 😭 😭
Lol, Kalyani Mills bakwas. Who the fuck cares.
Wow, Richa k sasural wale shakal se hi evil dikh rahe hai. 
Lmao Gauri doing her bezaati 😂😂
Okay, why is she judging Gauri’s ghar? Like she isn’t even Richa’s relative? She’s just her friend. 🤔🤔🤔
God, this showoff, I can’t. She’s pissing me off so much. 😡😡😡😡😡
Richa ki shaadi Gauri k ghar se kyu hone wali hai though? Idgi. 🤔🤔🤔
Ugh, maan na maan main tera mehman.🙄🙄
God, she better not ask for dowry.😡😡😡
Omg she is  😡😡😡😡😡
Wtfffff 😡😡😡😡😡
Sare relatives k liye saree and gehne and kapde and 1kg ladoo. dafuq you think this is bitchhhhh? Shaadi tere bete ki hai ya tere saare relatives ki hai? My god this bhukkhad aurat. Koi jail bhejo isey. 😡😡😡😡😡
Yes, Gauri, why are you listening to this bitch? Call the police and send her ass to jail. 😡😡
I hope Gauri actually has a plan and isn’t just bowing down to society’s pressures.  
OMG, what if in typical bollywood fashion the baraat goes home on the wedding day and Rikara get married on the madap instead? Too much? han mujhe bhi laga.😂😂😂😂
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 5x18: “Point of No Return”
Quite the interesting song choice. “The Man Upstairs” by Kay Starr.
Bummed out Zachariah at a bar.
“That’s all they care about upstairs, ain’t it? Results, results, results. They don’t know. They’re not down on the ground, in the mud, nose to nose with all you pig-filthy humans, am I right?”
“Absolute—filthy what?”
lmao, poor guy catching what Zachariah said.
Another gif I’d seen often without knowing what the context was.
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RIP Stuart and the bartender. Killed by Zachariah’s “boss”...whoever that is.
Preparing to leave.
I”m trying to pause the screen to read this letter Dean is writing. I can make out the words “you’ll look after her” which is probably referring to Baby (tho I did initially think it was about Lisa, as he had told her last episode that “they” won’t get what they want from him without agreeing to something first...aka protection for her and Ben.) Also before that statement, it looks like Dean made a Back to the Future reference (which, of course he would) “Where we’re going, we don’t need  no roads”
He also mentions someone (or something?) being an “honorary Winchester in my book” and I hope he means Cas.
[After episode edit: Supernatural Wiki is awesome and provides a transcript to a good chunk of the letter. It confirms most of my guesses except the “honorary Winchester” is Bobby; I ain’t even mad about that.]
It was about to be sent to Bobby.
“It’s not too hard to figure out the stops on the Farewell Tour.” Well thank god Sam knows Dean so well.
“How could you do that?”
“How could I? All you’ve ever done is walk away.”
“And I was wrong. Every single time I did.” 
“You know I have to stop you.”
“Yeah, well, you can try. Just remember: You’re not all hopped up on demon blood this time.”
Dean delivering some low blows here...and he’s just getting started.
Who is phenomenally pissed and staring daggers at Dean.
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“But if Lucifer burns this mother down, and I coulda done something about it, guess what? That’s on me.” Huh, that’s still part of the reason Dean says yes to Michael in S13.
“You’re not my father. And you ain’t in my shoes.”
It would’ve been kinda hilarious if Bobby had shot Dean for that alone.
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“That’s the round I mean to put through my skull. Every morning, I look at it. I think, ‘Maybe today’s the day I flip the lights out.’ But I don’t do it. I never do it. You know why? Because I promised you I wouldn’t give up!”
RIP 2 angels. Killed by Cas.
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Will the real Adam Milligan please rise?
Cas wards Adam.
My god, Adam sounds so much like Dean.
Whoomp, there it is. Adm was brought back to replace Dean as Michael's vessel.
Cas shading Dean, lol.
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“Why would they do this?”
“Maybe they’re desperate. Maybe they wrongly assumed Dean would be brave enough to withstand them.”
“Alright, you know what? Blow me, Cas.”   
Adam even acts like Dean, whereas Ghoul!Adam was more like Sam...
“Please, just trust me. Give me some time.”
“Give me one good reason.”
“Because we’re blood.”
Yeah, that ain’t gonna cut it.
“No, John Winchester was some guy who took me to a baseball game once a year. I don't have a dad. So we may be blood, but we are not family. My mom is my family. And if I do my job, I get to see her again. So no offense, but she's the one I give a rat's ass about, not you.”
Dude, it’s not their fault they never found out about you.
Jeez, what a dick.
Not that easy to escape, pal.
“The one thing worse than seeing dad once a year was seeing him all year.”
“Do you know how full of crap you are?”
“Really. You see, it was me and it was my mom. That's it. She worked the graveyard shift at the hospital. I cooked my own dinners. I put myself to bed. So you can say whatever you want about our dad, but the truth is, I would have taken anything.”
 Does Adam ever stop with the smartass remarks?
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“I mean, think about how many people we've gotten killed, Sam. Mom, Dad, Jess, Jo, Ellen. Should I keep going?” None of those deaths were your own fault, you’re reaching for straws here pal.
“I just…I—I don’t believe.” 
“In what?”
“In you.”
I hate Dean’s campaign of driving people away so they’ll let him go, I h a t e t h i s.
“You’re angry, you’re self-righteous. Lucifer's gonna wear you to the prom, man. It's just a matter of time.” 
“Don’t say that to me. Not you...of all people.”
Omg, an almost direct parallel from “When the Levee Breaks”.
You made Sam cry, you asshole.
I love Bobby checking in on his sons :’)
How did Dean know Cas was gonna come down to check in on him? That crash was well timed.
And Cas actually showed concern for him!!
Dean, you fucking asshole.
“Cuff him to your chair.” lmao
Adam, meet Zachariah.
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The other time where I can’t even argue against Zachariah...except for the “erotically” bit.
“Trust me, kid, when the heat gets hot, they're not gonna give a flying crap about you. Hell, they'd rather save each other's sweet bacon than save the planet.” Oh wait, there’s another time he’s just...kinda right. Tho I’d kinda argue that they’ve come a long way from that.
OOOHHH HERE IT COMES. ONE OF MY FAVORITE SCENES IN THE SERIES...and the reason I started shipping Destiel full time.
El Sol!
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It is so satisfying to see Cas beat the shit out of Dean after everything he’s said and done in this episode.
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Also, how are NONE of the passing civilians noticing this fight???
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I just...get a huge kick out of that scene. 
And now, I attempt to explain why this scene (of all scenes) was the reason I started shipping Destiel:
To me, there were two stages of Destiel; 1. Dean’s in love with Cas and 2. Cas is in love with Dean. For whatever reason, this was the moment I realized Cas had very deep feelings for Dean. 
The level of betrayal he was feeling from Dean seemed much more personal than just ‘I went to bat for the guy and he struck out, wah wah”. 
Also, the fact that he emphasized that he did/gave EVERYTHING for solely Dean definitely came off more than platonic to me. 
(Not to mention how close their faces were to each other; almost every time I watch this scene, I half expect them to start making out with each other.)
All I know is that from there on out, I looked forward to their interactions--well, even more than I already did-- and that I was looking at them in a different light.
“Bobby, what do you mean ‘Adam is gone’?”
“Should I say it in Spanish?”
lmaoo. Knowing Bobby, he probably could.
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“What the hell happened to him?”
Unceremoniously dumped on the couch, lmao.
And I also kinda love that they asked about what happened to Dean only once, then proceeded to talk more about Adam. It may be because he’s the bigger fish to fry, but it kinda reads to me that Bobby and Sam are in silent agreement that Dean had that beating coming, so they won’t even ask more about it.
The Green Room.
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Oh, Persephone move there bro.
“So you lied...about everything.”
“We didn’t lie. We just avoided certain truths to manipulate you.”
Adam, you poor fool.
i wonder who carried Dean down to the panic room.
“Word to the wise: don’t piss off the nerd angels.”
“Either it’s a trap to get me there to make me say yes, or it’s not a trap and I’m gonna say yes anyway. And I will. I’ll do it. Fair warning.” No, you won’t.
“When push shoves, you’ll make the right call.” Sam’s right.
“I—I don’t get it. Sam, why are you doing this?“
“Because… you’re still my big brother.”
I am like, Sam’s #1 fan when it comes to this episode. I am rooting like hell for him.
Van Nuys, California.
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I love Dean’s reaction as Cas takes off his tie; he even looks over to Sam like “you seeing this?”
“Whoa, wait. You’re gonna take on five angels?”
“Isn’t that suicide?”
“Maybe it is. But then I won’t have to watch you fail.”
RIP Dean, torn a new one by Cas.
Dean looked at Cas like he thought the box-cutter was for him.
RIP angel. Killed by Cas.
One down, four to go.
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What a badass move.
“You came for me.”
“Yeah, well, you’re family.”
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Zachariah’s just twisting the knife.
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“Damn it, Zachariah. Stop it, please. I’ll do it.”
“I’m sorry. What was that?”
“Okay, yes. The answer is yes.”
You can literally pinpoint the moment Dean changes his mind.
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“I said…before Michael gets one piece of this sweet ass…he has to turn you into a piece of charcoal.” There’s the Dean I love.
“Michael’s not gonna kill me.” Zachariah’s last words.
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RIP Zachariah. Killed by Dean. Still such a satisfying death!
Whoa, just realized Dean watched Zachariah die...and he still has eyeballs.
Dean lets go of Adam to help Sam. That one little decision with such huge consequences...
“Dean! Help! Deean!” 
Poor Adam. I really do feel sorry that he got caught up in all this. I’m kinda hoping they’ll address him a bit in S14.
“You think Adam’s okay?”
“Doubt it. Cas either. But we’ll get ‘em.” aww.
“So, what changed your mind?”
“Honestly? The damnedest thing. I mean, the world’s ending. The walls are coming down on us, and I look over to you and all I can think about is, ‘This stupid son of a bitch brought me here.’ I just didn’t want to let you down.” 
“Just...let me say this. I don't know if it's being a big brother or what, but to me, you've always been this snot-nosed kid that I've had to keep on the straight and narrow. I think we both know that that's not you anymore. I mean, hell, if you're grown-up enough to find faith in me…the least I can do is return the favor. So screw destiny, right in the face. I say we take the fight to them, and do it our way.”
That meant the universe to Sam.
HELL FUCKING YES DEAN. You are forgiven for the bull you pulled this episode.
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fmjoanna · 4 years
heyyyyyyy there, friends ! my name’s claire, and i’m the bitch who’s always late to the party. but, HEY, at least i made it. ¯\_( ᵔ︠ ͜ʖ ︡ᵔ)_/¯ i’m 21, go by she/her, and i live in the est timezone. i don’t sleep tho, so i’ll be around late into the night. without further ado, lemme tell you about jo. she’s kind of a new muse, so i’m getting used to her. i’m excited about it thoooo.
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cindy kimberly, twenty-one, cisfemale, she/her. —  JOANNA “JO” VASQUEZ was just spotted out and about in los angeles with their signature LIMITED EDITION BIRKIN BAG. the paparazzi tried to be subtle, but the FORMER CHILD STAR caught them snapping pictures and SHIELDED HER FACE FROM THE CAMERAS. they jetted off to AN AUDITION before getting asked about HER UPCOMING RETURN TO ACTING this time, which kinda coincides with their notorious CAUTIOUS attitude towards fame, doesn’t it? 
tw. mentions of drugs.
from  the  beginning  ,  it  was  never  jo’s  dream  to  be  famous.  while  most  girls  were  at  home  playing  with  toys,  jo  was  getting  prepped  for  auditions  by  her  parents.  they  had  ambitions   ————  to  get  filthy  stinkin’  rich  off  the  back  of  their  daughter,  and  for  the  most  part,  it  worked. 
jo  landed  a  major  role  in  a  disney  show  (  think  like  hannah  montanna  or  wizards  of  waverly  place,  that  kinda  cultural  impact  ),  and  quickly,  she  became  one  of  america’s  sweethearts.  that  was  a  lot  for  one  kid  to  handle, with  all  the  filming,  press,  etc.  her  parents,  of  course,  ate  up  the  attention  and  capitalized  off  it  fairly  quickly.  brand  deals,  interviews,  anything  you  could  find  a  child  star  on  at  that  time.  it  pretty  quickly  became  overwhelming,  but  she  was  definitely  raking  in  the  dough.  that  meant  she  was  to  continue,  no  matter  how  tired  of  it  she  was.
which  is  where  her  perfectionism  comes  in  to  play,  she  had  a  lot  of  people  relying  on  her  ————  her  parents,  who  she  loved  regardless  of  the  stress  they  put  her  through,  director,  costars,  company,  etc.  jo  was  definitely  a  natural  when  it  came  to  acting.  she  knew  how  deliver  line  after  line,  emote,  and  successfully  pull  off   a  comedic  moment.  on  screen,  she  played  a  charismatic,  social butterfly,  which  was  the  exact  opposite  of  who  she  really was,  a  quiet,  nervous  girl  who  valued  her  privacy  and  just  wanted  to  live  a  normal  life.
which  began  to  take  it’s  toll  on  her.  the  older  the  she  became,  the  less  she  liked  being  seen  as  the  sweet  girl  next  door,  so  she  completely  had  a  breaking  out  of  that  mold  phase ( ala  like  miley  cyrus  or  britney  spears )  around  the  time  her  disney  show  came  to  an  end.  much  to  her  parents  dismay,  she  became  known  more  for  her  off-screen  antics  than  her  onscreen  one  &  definitely  kept  the  paparazzi’s  pockets  fat.  “jo  vasquez  spotted  (fill  in  the  blank  with  something  controversial)”  filled  the  pages  of  magazines  for  a  lot  of  her  17-18  years,  and  she  went  from  america’s  sweetheart  to  probably  one  of  america’s  most  hated lol.  it  had  a  negative  impact  on  her  career  as  well,  which  she  was  happy  about  for  awhile.  that  is,  until  she  realized  that  most  of the  money  she  made  as  a  child  was  collected  by  her  parents  &  not  her. 
with  no  money  coming  in  &  the  relationship  with  her  parents  souring,  she  left  home  &  avoided  the  spotlight  for  around  three  years.  probably  lost  contact  with  a  lot  of  people  then  too.  she  thought  a  nice,  quiet  time  by  herself  &  without  paparazzi  following  her  24/7  would  be  healthy.  
&  it  was.  jo  used  the  last  bit  of  her  childhood  savings  to  fund  her  time  away,  but  with  money  tight  &  believing  that  she  had  no  other  talent  than  acting,  she  contacted  her  old  manager,  and  together,  they  planned  out  the  future  of  her  career. 
sooooo ,  now  she’s  back  in  los  angeles.  media  has  def  heard  of  her  return  (  apart  of  her  manager’s  plan  )  &  there’s  been  a  small  amount  of  buzz  around  it.  she’s  more  of  a  former  a-list,  so  she’s  really  not  that  in  demand.  however,  she  did  manage  to  land  a  supporting  role  in  a  major  blockbuster  (   something  like  a  marvel  movie  probs  )  so  she’s  hoping  that’ll  change  fairly  soon. 
probably  fake  lol.  let’s  just  be  honest.  kinda  hates  the  celebrity  lifestyle  &  is  cautious  when  it  comes  to  other people  in  the  industry  so  yeah,  she’s  the  type  to  smile  in  your  face  and  then  glare  when  your  backs  turned.  she  knows  how  important  connections  are  in  this  business  &  word  travels  fast  so  she’s  probably  not  “real”  except  with  the  people  she’s  closest  to.  also  the  type  to  be  like  “OMG ofc  i  know  what  that  is. 😍  it’s  my  fave”  but  then  have  absolutely  no  clue  what  the  fuck  it  is  lmaoo  a  tragedy 
she’s  a  hard  worker  &  def  a  perfectionist.  everything  has  to  be  perfect,  and  she’ll  do  as  much  as  she  can  to  get  it  right.  it’s  probs  the  reason  she  stuck  with  acting  b/c  the  trial  and  error  of  learning  something  new  would  be  way  too  much  for  her  lol. 
but  also  enjoys  time  out  a  lil  too  much  prolly.  is  a  regular  to  night  life  &  partying  (  more  under  wraps  now  than  back  in  the  day  )  &  will  out  drink  just  about  anyone  you  know.  it  makes  her  a  bit  more  brave  &  she  believes   ppl  bare  their  souls  when  they’re  inebriated  so  it’s  easier  to  get  to  know  ppl.  what  a  weirdo.  also  partakes  in  her  fair  share  of  prolly  just  weed.  no  hard  drugs  tbh  she’s  not  the  one
your  average  gal  just  looking  to  have  fun ,  but  could  def  potentially  catch  feelings  that  she  would  deny  til  she  can’t  anymore  or  until  it’s  too late. 🤪  lowkey  wants  someone  to  just  sweep  her  off  her  feet,  but  she’s  blind  to  the  reality  that  she  always  be  making  things  complicated.
behind  the  facade,  she’s  a  bit  stubborn.  probably  also  a  side  effect  of  being  a  perfectionist  &  also  her  need  for  control  ( since  she  lacked  that  when  she  was  young )  so  be  prepared  for  that
ok  but  plots  really  do  be  making  my  world  go  ‘round. 😳 i  love  em,  so  literally  hmu  with  anything  you’re  feeling,  and  i’ll  be  down.  just  wanna  plot  &  write  with  everyone 💕  but  here’s  a  couple  of  wanted  connections  for  y’all.  i’ll prolly  have  a  most  wanted  tag  sooner  or  later  &  i’ma  be  make  a  plot  page  soon.  
best  friend  /  friend  group:  there’s  no  way  jo  could  function  without  friends,  so  pls  give  her  some  good  ass  platonic  tingz.  these  are  the  people  she  can  be  herself  around,  so  she  holds  them  really  dear. 
people  from  the  past:  someone  she  knew  from  the  past.  could  be  friends,  enemies,  lovers,  costars,  etc.  she  didn’t  really  let  that  many  people  know  that  she  was  leaving  so  now  that  she’s  back  it  could  be  like  👀  dramatic.
unrequited love / crush:  these  are  fun.  joanna  doesn’t  really  know  how  to  handle  her  romantic  feelings  so  it’d  probably  be  her  getting  the  cold  shoulder . 
hookups / fwb:  past,  present,  future.  fwb  would  probs  get  messy.  maybe  she  caught  feelings  or  sumn. 
former  friends:  something  happened  &  they’re  no  longer  friends.  we  can  plot  it  all  out . :^)
childhood  friends  to  lovers  to  exes  that  ended  on  bad  terms:  saw  this  on  a  plot  masterlist  &  it  sounds  fun  so  i  thought  i’d  put  it  here lol. 
literally anything  your  heart  desires:  a  lot  could  work.  we  could  even  just  start  from  nowhere  &  have  them  meet  for  the  first  time  b/c  jo’s  only  been  back  for  a  couple  of  months.
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