#except its not going to just be a weekend its gonna be a few years
The bad batch is like a recently divorced family. Season 3 is gonna be the perspective of going over to the other parents house for the weekend
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huuuuughes · 2 months
First Time Feeling - Mat Barzal x Reader
Pairing: Mat Barzal x Fem!Reader
Word count: 6.4k
Warnings: so much fluff, did i go overboard? maybe lol
A/N: this was my first time participating in a fic exchange and i honestly had so much fun. this is for the summer fic exchange 2k24 hosted by the lovely @wyattjohnston. it is written for the also fantastic @ahockeywrites! i am your friendly neighborhood exchange writer. i hope you enjoy it as much as i did writing it!
also i used google translate for the french. pls dont come for me if its not right im doing my best
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It’s that time of year, when hockey pauses and every hockey player you know has a wedding because they scarcely get to have them in season. Growing up a coach's daughter, you were not unfamiliar with NHL weddings, and it meant your best friends were other kids from the organization your dad was in at the time. Now that you were getting to be that age it meant everyone you knew was having weddings.
Except you.
You were the one single person remaining in the bridal party for your best friend. Everyone did their best to try and include you without making it feel like third wheeling but sometimes it felt like that anyway. It wasn’t like they could help it and you were always happy for them. Weddings just seemed to rub salt in a wound now. Being alone scared you more than a lot of things. Which is why you were taking this bachelorette weekend to let loose and have fun. At least more than you usually let yourself. Your ability to do shots at a fast pace and without hesitation got you to that buzzed feeling a little too quickly.
But everyone was having fun. The band that was playing for the bar was insanely good and every song kept making you wanna dance. You managed to drag a few of your friends out onto the dance floor with you and it was the first time you felt free in a very long time.
“We’re gonna go get a drink, do you want something?!” Hannah attempts to yell over the volume of the music.
“YEAH, just water is good! Thanks!” You didn’t want to leave the dance floor- you were having a really good time. You let the music be your happy place for the moment, forgetting any problem you had before coming in the door. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed a trio of men looking at you. And then you have to do a double take, because you’d just seen those same 3 men at the previous bar, and the one before that…
Moving to a different spot on the dance floor didn’t seem to help. Hannah still wasn’t back from the bar and you were starting to think that these creeps were trying to form some kind of blockade. It was unsettling, but your usual fears were blurred by the alcohol that was currently coursing through your veins. You had forgotten there was a reason you didn’t like to drink that often. Then there was a tap on your shoulder, and as you turned around one of them was right there.
“You wanna dance sweetheart?” He screamed in your ear.
“No thanks! Just waiting for a friend!”
“I don’t see that friend anywhere right now, why don’t you want to dance?” Attempting to get closer to you, he moved forward causing you to back up into a stranger. Another one of his friends, you discovered, once you saw the first one smirk like there was some kind of inside joke that you weren’t in on.
“I said no.”
“That’s not what that outfit says.”
“Get away from me you fucking creep.” Your voice was firm, attempting to just go back to having fun. You closed your eyes, trying to let the music flow through you again. When you opened them there was yet another man coming at you, but this one didn’t feel threatening. He looked familiar, like you had maybe seen him before in passing. You couldn’t place it sober, and you definitely couldn’t in the current state you were in. He was making a beeline for you, pushing the first creep out of his way and almost onto the ground.
“Holy shit babe, there you are!You, my love, are too drunk! Time to go home!” Before you knew it he was reaching for your waist and your feet were no longer touching the ground. He throws you over his shoulder like you were nothing but a paper weight. Instead of the panic you should have felt, you relaxed over him. You didn’t fight the motion, it felt good to just stop for a moment. But then you realized that you really didn’t know who this was either and you just let a strange man pick you up and carry you out of the dance floor area.
“UM YEA HI, WHO ARE YOU?” You attempted to yell at him but the music was still loud. He either didn’t hear you or chose not to respond because you didn’t receive a response.
“Excuse me! Sir! I demand to know who you are please!”
Still nothing from him. He was like a big brick wall.
But then you were on the ground again. It had felt like years before he set you down again but when he did you were once again reunited with your friends. You finally had a chance to get a good look at the stranger who carried you. He was definitely over six feet tall, and was honestly the hottest man you’d ever seen in your life. His eyes were a soft brown color that you could almost drown in. His hair was also brown, and fell in different directions all over his head. The expression on his face was a neutral one, but you felt drawn to him.
“Girl holy shit, why didn’t you tell us those creeps were still following you?!”
“Stop shouting at him babe, you are FINE!”
“You guys failed to mention your friend was such a chatterbox when she’s intoxicated.” The man laughed, but you could barely focus on anything with the way the world seemed to be swaying about.
“Thanks so much Mat, for rescuing our friend. She’s kind of key to the wedding festivities this weekend.”
“No problem. I hope your night gets better from here. Tell Coach I said hi. Maybe I’ll see you this weekend ladies.” He winked, like he knew he was going to but was just saying that to be clever. He looked like he felt accomplished about your frustrated state. As if he found it cute or endearing that you were so small yet had so much anger.
“You know she’s single Mat!” One of your friends interjected. And with that the handsome stranger who now had a name walked off and out of the bar, and you wondered who his friends were. You watched as a smile broke out on his face again, as if he was thinking hard about the proposition just said to him.
“Have a safe night ladies.” He lifted his head in a nod and you watched him walk out of the bar and out of your sight.
Everyone in your group had also decided that they had enough for the night and you booked it back to your hotel. The wedding was in 2 days, and the rehearsal dinner is tomorrow evening. Tonight was the last night to let loose and perhaps you had come too loose.
The next morning…
Your head was pounding. Opening your eyes was a no go, the light too painful to look at. It was like your entire head was pulsing. Liquor should definitely not be mixed with any other type of alcohol, you thought.
“WAKEY WAKEY BITCH, UP AND AT EM!” The bride came into your room, clearly more ready to tackle the day than you were.
“Oh my god Hannah. STOP YELLING. My head is killing me…” you groaned.
“Oh I know, I was there too, bestie. I’ve brought Tylenol and water, and there’s breakfast in my room. Oh and here’s some sunglasses. Those might help for a bit.” She thrust all of the items in your arms and helped you sit up without dying.
“Come on, we have a bridal party meeting, maid of honor!”
You loved Hannah, you really did, but if she didn’t lower her volume you thought your head might explode. After a quick shower, some meds, and an outfit change you were ready for the bridal party meeting there was to be had. When you walked into the room it was a mixture of excitement and groaning. All of the bridesmaids looked like they’d been through it, but the groomsmen were relaxed. The groom had his party a few weeks ago, just in case any shenanigans ensued.
“There she is!”
That voice. You knew that voice…God why did you know that voice?
You almost dropped the plate of food in your hands. When you turned around the shock of who it was rendered you speechless. It was the man who carried you across the bar last night. The man you thought you’d never see again after that embarrassing spectacle you’d caused. The memory was slowly coming back to you, and you really, really hoped there wasn’t video evidence.
“Good to see you survived your journey home.” He smirked.
“Wait! Do you know Mat?!” Clutterbuck asked. You knew Cal from your dad’s years in the league. You knew most of the people in the room, but Mat had been a pretty private guy. You didn’t really know much about him other than he was damn good at hockey and had pretty nice eyes. Since you only knew him in passing, you had never heard him talk much and drunk, you definitely did not recognize him. You felt like the blood had entirely drained from your face all you could think of was how quickly you could get out of that room.
“Apparently I do.” Your eyes tried to stay fixed on the ground as the meeting got started. It was basically just going over who was going to walk down the aisle with who and what everyone’s entrances would be for the reception.
“So, you’ll be with Mat. You guys good with that?” You locked eyes with your best friend. You knew exactly what she was doing. She was trying to play matchmaker without even asking you first. How would she even know if he was your type?
“I mean I-,” You stammered.
“Yeah, it sounds great to me.”
Finally you had to look at him. Of course he would say that, maybe he was in on it, you were being tortured by all of your friends. You had to begin lining up to practice, making sure you didn’t fall flat on your face and embarrass the bride. They all knew him, there was definitely an underlying motive. You had a feeling it was because they didn’t want everyone to pair up and you were left by yourself. It was a nice gesture, but being filled in would have felt nice so you did not in fact have a strange man picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder in a bar.
Being the maid of honor, you were last in the order to go. You waited patiently in the back of the line, the only one who was not linked in arms with their partner. Mat offered his arm to you, attempting to show some good will.
“You gonna take it?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Listen, I’m sorry about last night. Your friends told me to come get you by whatever means necessary so that is what I did.”
“So you decided the only way was to pick me up with no warning? Who taught you to do that?” You threw your arms up in the air almost in defeat, you didn’t know what to make of what he did. You may have been drunk but you were never going to forget looking down at the ground when being carried across the room.
“I don’t know what you want me to tell you.” He shrugged and still somehow managed to look smug. He knows what he’s doing, and he definitely thought that he was being charming by doing so.
“I want you to tell me why you did that! All you had to do was grab my hand and lead me away!” You’d had enough of his games. You were going to get some answers before the night was over and done with.
“They all seem to know you, but I don’t. Why is that?” You had turned to face him, staring him down in order to get him to crack. It was almost your turn. You’d run into a slight issue when the bride decided she wanted to switch up the order of things before the honors of maid of honor and best man. All this meant was more time to get him to crack, which if he had known any better, would not take you very long. His resolve was weakening, and quickly.
“I’ve been around. You just haven’t noticed me.”
“I think I would have noticed you.” It would be hard to miss someone as pretty as he was. Did you really just admit that? Your dad hadn’t been with the Islanders for several years, but you still knew who most of the team was. Based on what you had managed to Google on the walk from the meeting to the present rehearsal location was that he was a pretty damn good hockey player.
“I don’t think so sweetheart. Your friends have told me all about you too, you know.”
“Oh yeah? What did they tell you?” You were almost angry but didn’t know why.
“Well for starters they just want you to be happy. They know you haven’t been happy for a little while now.” He smiled at you, and you tried not to melt in response. The way your body reacted so physically to him when all he did was smile was not something that you could ignore.
“And what else?” You prompted.
“My last relationship was some time ago, and let’s just say it didn’t end that well. They’ve noticed I haven’t been happy either.”
“You look happy to me.”
“Looks can be deceiving. The cameras and the media pick up only what they want to see.” This time he didn’t meet your eye. Which told you everything you needed to know. You would never understand how strangers and the media thought they knew someone just by what you see them do as an athlete. As if they don’t have personal lives or things that are important to them. Your suspicions were confirmed, but not in the way you thought. Of course your friends wanted to set you up with someone. Not to be funny or to try and make a joke, but they hated to see you so unhappy. Things were starting to make a little more sense.
“So you knew their motives?” You asked, feeling bad about how you had sort of gone at him without knowing why. You couldn’t undo the years of crappy guys that you had to deal with in the past, but now you could learn to give Mat a better chance.
“Partially. I knew they wanted to set me up with someone, but I don’t enjoy the anxiety of blind dates. They didn’t want me to say anything to you- they wanted to protect you. Based on your reaction I’m guessing you don’t enjoy surprises either.”
“Correct. So what would you like to do about this?” You asked, hopeful.
“I think we should see where the weekend takes us, and go from there. How’s that sound?”
You hoped that he couldn’t see the blush starting to appear in your cheeks. Your friends did this on purpose. They wouldn’t just set you up with some hockey player they didn’t know or trust, they knew he had to be vetted first. They also knew that you wouldn’t just take being set up with someone due to your stubbornness, so this was the only way they knew how to get to you.
“I’d like that.” His smile was infectious and you could feel yourself reciprocating.
Once the rehearsal dinner was figured out, the rest of the evening seemed to go as planned. Most importantly, the bride was happy. You noticed Mat across the room, smiling at you. You were alone at the bar, and watched him excuse himself from the conversation he was having to walk your direction.
“You wanna get out of here?” It was almost a whisper, so only you could hear it. You looked around the room to make sure that your absence wouldn’t be noticed.
“I thought you’d never ask.” You took the hand that he offered you and followed him out of the room. His car was already waiting, the perks of having the wedding on Long Island was a lot of the wedding guests already lived in the area.
“I feel like a teenager sneaking out when I’m not supposed to!” He held the door open for you as you slid in, and he climbed into the driver’s seat, “Where are you taking me sir?”
The sun was starting to set, making the sky an orangish pink color. It was like all of the colors of the sky melting together, painting a beautiful scene that no camera could ever do justice. He reached over and grabbed your hand as he began to drive. It looked like he was going nowhere in particular, and he squeezed your hand gently. You appreciated a first move when you saw one, it took the anxiety out of the way and you instantly felt more relaxed around him.
“There’s somewhere I want to show you. It’s not that far from here, is that okay?” You nodded. According to maps, the destination was only a few miles away. It was almost dark out, but not quite. The sun rested quietly in the sky, hovering just above the skyline ready to disappear. Mat still held your hand in his, gently squeezing every so often as if to reassure you of something but you weren’t quite sure what yet. When you arrived at your destination, there wasn’t another car to be seen. The only sound came from a distance, and then you looked around.
“Where are we?” You asked.
“Crescent Beach. I used to come here a lot when I first came to New York. The city can be overwhelming sometimes, but out here you can actually hear yourself think. The sunset’s here are something to behold, I’ve heard.” He held out his hand for you to take, and led you on to the beach. He had already grabbed two blankets from his trunk. You laughed a little bit, you always kept blankets and towels in the back of your car just in case too.
“It looks like we’re just in time for sunset.” Mat laid down one of the blankets on the sand. You were close enough to the water to be able to smell it, but not close enough that the tide could touch you. He placed the other blanket over the two of you, sitting down beside you after you got comfortable.
“The sky looks beautiful right now. I would have never thought a sunset in Long Island could look like this!” You closed your eyes for a second, taking in the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves. It was the peace you were looking for during the wedding weekend.
“New York can be beautiful when it wants to be. You just have to know where to look.”
“I like to think that whenever there is a sunset this beautiful, it’s just someone you lost saying hello. Like a little wave from the sky, you know?” You asked him. He nodded, looking out across the horizon. “Tell me about you Mat.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Why did our friends want to set you up with someone?” You were curious.
“I’d been on and off with someone for a long time. It was unhealthy for me, and for anyone to be around me. Let’s just say I wasn’t always the most pleasant person. I want to start a family one day. With as much as players can move around, my home is with a person. Not a place or anything like that, if that makes any sense at all.”
“I was the same way with my dad. We moved around every few years, it felt like I could never really put down roots in one place.”
“What’s your favorite color?” He asked, seemingly out of nowhere.
“What does my favorite color have to do with anything?”
“It says a lot about a person to me.”
“You’re a little strange, has anyone ever told you that?” You both laughed, his was infectious.
“Just answer the question!”
You tell him your favorite color, smiling.
“Don’t you want to know what mine is?” He asked.
“Tell me.”
“It’s blue.”
“Like Islanders blue?”
“Any blue, but right now, blue like the ocean.” The breeze started to blow hard, quickly reminding you that you were in fact in New York, not a beach somewhere tropical. Mat was good at making you feel like you were somewhere else but in a good way.
“Tell me something else about you Mr. Barzal.”
“Is this 20 questions or something?”
“It is now!” You playfully smacked his thigh, you were so close together it wouldn’t take much for you to lean in and kiss him.
“Tes yeux sont les plus beaux que j'ai jamais vus.” You could tell he was speaking French just from the way he changed his accent. Since when could this beautiful man speak french?!
“You can speak french?”
“A hobby of mine, you could say.” From the way the words flowed out of his mouth, you knew it wasn’t just a hobby.
“What did you say?” You turned to look at him, slightly shorter so that you had to look up to look at each other. Everything else seemed to disappear behind him. There could have been roars of people around you, but you wouldn’t have been able to hear them. It was true what they said, when you found the right person it was like everything else melted away.
“I said you have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.” You couldn’t even attempt to hide the blush you could feel forming in your cheeks.
“Is that how you get all the ladies?” You managed to speak finally, after gaining your composure again. But your voice was quiet, like you didn’t want to know the answer.
“Tu es le seul que je veux.” His forehead came to rest against yours. You could feel his hot breath against your face, lighting the nerves in your body on fire.
“Tell me what you said.” You breathed out, trying to catch your breath as if it had been taken from you.
“You are the only one I want.”
“Okay.” You didn’t know why you were saying it. But he seemed to know why, and crashed his lips against yours. His hand came up to cup the back of your head, bringing you as close to him as you could get. The ocean breeze no longer seemed to matter as you began exploring each other’s bodies. He pulls you onto his lap, wrapping the blanket around you in one fluid motion. His lips tasted slightly of whiskey and chocolate, inviting and warm. Warmth blossomed in your chest, like you wanted to be engulfed in each other. You could feel his hands wanting to go under your shirt, and you nodded into the kiss to let him know that it was okay.
You pulled back just for a moment to catch your breath, but not letting your forehead leave his. You were breathing hard against each other as one, in sync already after the slightest touch. His eyes told you everything you needed to know, and you felt safe in his arms. Mat placed his hands on either side of your face, allowing you to feel just how much the moment meant to him. To him, he was holding his world in his hands and now he never wanted to let you go. His next kiss felt like fireworks, and now you knew what it felt like when people said they never wanted something to end. A kiss like the two of your lives depended on it, and you wanted to get lost in him. His kisses were soft at first and increased in intensity every time you drew back for a breath. You wanted more, you wanted all of him.
He breathed your name, realizing that it was in fact now dark outside. The only light came from the street lights in the parking lot and the small flashlight Mat had brought from his car. He brought you in for a hug against him, tucking your head into the nape of his neck. You fit there perfectly, and the smell of his cologne engulfed all of your senses.
“We should probably head back to the hotel.” He whispered, but didn’t make any moves to let go of you.
“That doesn’t mean we have to be alone tonight.” He squeezed you, the reassurance washing over you. You nod, and get up off the ground. Mat shakes off the blankets, trying to get rid of as much sand as possible. But you knew that there would be sand all over you for days, in places you never think sand would end up. He got you settled in the car, placing the supplies back where he got them from. Once back in the car, he took your hand once more and you drove quietly back to the hotel.
“Where do we go from here?” You asked.
“I like you.” Another hand squeeze. You didn’t know what to say back to him, too afraid that anything would scare him off just like the other guys you’d dated. “You don’t have to say it back yet, I just didn’t want this night to end without telling you that. When I know I want something, I won’t stop until I can have it. If you’ll let me, that is.”
“What about tonight?” He didn’t answer you, but that was okay. It was unspoken, hanging in the air like a cloud, but you knew you weren’t going to be alone that night. Or the rest of the weekend, if Mat had anything to say about it. Arriving back at the hotel, Mat handed his keys off to the valet and led you inside.
“Is there anything you need to get from your room?” He asked once in the elevator.
“Not that I can think of.”
“Good.” Once the elevator doors opened to his floor, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder once again. But this time you were more than okay with it. He had to set you down in order to open his room, but picked you up again once you were inside. He laid you down on the freshly laundered bed, throwing your shoes across the room and his along with them. You crawled under the covers together, and all he did was hold you. There were the occasional make out sessions throughout the night, but nothing more. He told you about his childhood and growing up playing hockey, and you told him about the life of being a coach's daughter.
He told you about the way he likes his eggs cooked, his pregame rituals, and all the movies he liked to watch. You talked about anything and everything that came to mind, eventually falling asleep in his arms. When you woke up it didn’t feel strange, it felt like you were supposed to be there. The morning after was always an awkward moment, falling over your words and trying to sneak out without the other person noticing. There was no sneaking out this time, instead you woke up with a kiss from Mat being planted on the top of your head.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He whispered, kissing around your neck and cheeks as much as he could.
“It’s wedding day today.” You smiled, you were excited to get your best friend in the world down the aisle. In helping her find her happiness, you had also managed to find some of yours.
“I’m guessing you have to go soon?” He asked, looking down at you.
“Well I am the maid of honor you know, I think someone will notice if I’m not there.”
“But what if I told you I just wanted to hold you all day instead?” He smirked. The hold that this man already had over you..
“What if I told you, that starting tomorrow you never had to let go of me again?” He sat up quickly and looked down at you.
“You mean it?”
“Well I don’t just spend the night with anyone, Mathew. I think our friends might just be right…” You smiled, he came down to kiss you so fast you didn’t even know what hit you. Was it crazy to rush into something so fast? Maybe. But did it feel right? Absolutely. You’d read all the romance novels of quick relationships, always telling yourself it wasn’t actually like that. Those were just fairy tales you could read about, nothing like that would ever happen in real life.
It took a little more convincing for him to actually let you get out of bed and go to the bridal suite where everyone was getting ready. Of course he had to be with the grooms party, but somehow it never took guys quite as long to get ready.
“Are you sure you have to go right now?” He asked once he pulled away from you. You didn’t want to get out of the nice comfy bed with a pretty man laying in it but duty called.
“Yessss, do you think you’ll be able to survive without me for a few hours?” You started to throw off the covers, but he pulled you back in.
“No, I don’t actually. I might just lay here and cry all day!” You laughed, knowing that both the bride and groom would come for him but let him pretend.
“You’ll be fine, I promise. If you let me go, I’ll let you grab my butt when we dance later.”
“DEAL!” One more quick kiss, and you were finally able to get up. One wave goodbye as you opened the door to leave, and you were off. You had to stop by your own room to get your dress and makeup, and then it was off to the bridal suite. You were surprisingly one of the first ones to arrive, and were able to eat a little bit of breakfast for once. Everyone in the bridal party got to choose their own dress as long as it was within the color palette, and yours was your favorite shade of blue. It fits you in all of the right places, just the way that it should. The bride paid for everyone’s hair to be done, and once everyone was all finished getting ready it was time to take pictures of the bridal party. The photographer seemed to be on her A-game, and for once things were running on time in your life. Anthony already gone to take his place
Finally you got to have a moment just you and your best friend on her big day. The day both of you had talked about since you were kids, the one that you spent planning on pinterest for hours without even a thought of someone in the picture.
“Hannah… you look stunning! I hope today is everything you ever dreamed it would be. I can’t wait to see the look on Anthony’s face when he sees you today. I’ll still beat him up if he ever hurts you though. Are you ready?”
“Have I told you I love you yet today?”
“I love you too girl. Let’s get you married!” Each bridesmaid had their groomsman, and you took your place at the end. Mat walked around the corner and paused when he saw you, stopping him dead in his tracks.
“You like something you see sir?” He offered up his arm for you to take once he made his way to you.
“Tu es le seul que je veux.” He repeated his words from last night, kissing your cheek.
“Me too.” You’d learn how to say it in french, one day at least.
Of course there wasn’t a dry eye in the house after the ceremony. After all of the guests made their way to the reception hall and the rest of the wedding party photos were taken, the evening seemed to go rather smoothly. You may or may not have felt Mat’s hand graze across your butt a few times during pictures, but you kindly reminded him that he wasn’t allowed to feel your butt until you got to dance. He acted like you were torturing him though, depriving him of a dream.
You wanted to get your wedding mingling out of the way first, so that you could enjoy the night with who you wanted. It did not go without notice that Mat’s eyes were following you around the room in a very flirty kind of way. You hadn’t felt like this in a really long time, like you could relax because you were finally comfortable with someone.
“Hey bestie, how is your night going?” Hannah found her way over to you, and more of your friends noticed. You recognized what was happening, they wanted to get all of the dirty details about you and Mat. Of course their plan was successful, but you were also a proud individual. All of them were smiling a little too big at you, asking without actually asking.
“I know what you’re trying to do here!” You accused her.
“Don’t waste time woman, we wanna know! How’s it going with Mat?” Hannah asked.
“I saw you going into his room last night!”
“We know you two snuck off last night, don’t even lie.”
“Where did he take you! Was it romantic?”
“One question at a time!” You were only one person after all, “It’s still very new, we just met this weekend.”
“That smile doesn’t lie sweetie.” You were a bad liar and they knew it.
“Okay fine. Yes we snuck off last night, yes I was in his room but we didn’t do anything but talk and make out, he took me to a beach, and yes it was romantic! Now if you don’t mind, I promised my man a dance and that he could touch my butt. I always keep my promises!”
You ran before they could question you further, right towards Mat, who held his arms open for you. Hiding things was never your strong suit, so you two had decided to not even bother.
“They look like you just told them the world is going to end tonight, what happened?” He asked, bringing you into his arms for all the world to see. Clearly he was ready to make everyone aware you were an item, and you weren’t going to object.
“I called you my man, and then immediately walked away.” You smiled up at him.
“Oh you did?”
“Yes sir.”
“I guess that does leave us with the big question.”
“What question?”
“What are we going to do with us? Did this weekend make you want to see me again?” Great opportunities rarely presented themselves at your doorstep. Mat had treated you better in the last 24 hours than a lot of people and you already knew your loved ones approved. It felt right, your gut always had a good feeling about these things. It would always be fun to tell the grandkids you met at a wedding, you’d tell them the part about the bar when they were old enough.
“I said you were my man, did I not?”
“Well you did keep me waiting ma’am, that’s a criminal offense. I’m not sure if I’m your man yet.” He said through a smile.
“Oh is that so?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Nah I’m just fuckin with you, I’ve been dying to kiss you all night.” He brought his hands up to cup either side of your face, and kissed you in a way that shouldn’t be in the middle of your best friends wedding reception.
“You don’t want to touch my butt?” You ask when you finally pull apart.
“Of course I do, but if I touch your butt right now we would be leaving this party within the next few minutes and I believe we both have important things to do.” He whispered in your ear, giving him a look. A look that said I know you want to take my clothes off right now, so I’m going to do my best to tease you. After pulling away, Mat offered you his hand for the dance you had promised.
Standing in the middle of the dance floor with him, while looking at your surroundings and seeing how happy your best friend was, kind of hit you like a sack of bricks. A few years ago if someone had told you this was where your life would end up, you’d have called them crazy. You felt him kiss your forehead as you danced, and you felt yourself melt into him a little. You had no defenses against him, your walls suddenly disappeared when he was near. If he was out of your sight, suddenly the world wasn’t as clear anymore. Maybe summer wasn’t just a time for flings, because this one felt different. Who would have thought just one summer weekend could be so life changing.
Half a summer and one year later…
You couldn’t believe you were standing where you were. Summer was starting to become your favorite season. The only thing that brought you back down to earth was the squeeze you felt on your hand from your new husband. The look of reassurance on his face told you all that you needed to know, that he loved you and that you’d be fine. Crowds weren’t always your thing, even if it was your own wedding.
“You ready?”
He knew the timing of your entrance better than anyone, and you could hear Tito start to speak from the other side of the door. The doors opened, blinding you with light. You felt one last squeeze, and then your brain managed to get your feet to start moving again.
“My friends, it is my honor and great pleasure to introduce to you for the very first time… MR. AND MRS. MATHEW BARZAL!”
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mxstellatayte · 3 months
fuck me up, florida.
warnings: angst for the majority of it, sex at the end though, legal use of alcohol (reader and logan are both 23,) mentions of gunshot wounds, minor character death, based on a taylor swift song, childhood (middle/high school) friends to lovers, idiots in love, "you came" "you called," reader is half mexican (mom's side), slightly inaccurate bc i know carola wasn't at the miami gp but just go with it for the plot, reader's last name is rodriguez,
author's note: y'all i apologize if any of the spanish grammar is a little weird. my spanish is rusty, pls don't hate me for it
logan sargeant x female reader
Tumblr media
i need to forget so
tuesday, april 30th.
you scan your ticket, the screen displaying your name and seat number. 12A. at least it'll be easy to sleep, you think.
after shoving your suitcase above your seat, you shuffle your way to the window and buckle yourself in.
are you really doing this? flying a couple thousand miles to visit your childhood best friend who, up until recently, had you convinced that his newfound fame that he'd gathered by announcing his enrollment in the williams driver's academy made him too good for you.
the only thing that made you think otherwise was the instagram dm he'd sent you five weeks prior, asking if you'd be able to make it to the miami grand prix. instead of a simple yes or no, you responded with the heaviest three words you've ever seen in order.
can we call?
logan picked up on the second ring.
"how's texas?"
you smile. "hot. sunny. flat. beachless."
"so... it's good?" you hate that you can still picture his facial expressions even after not seeing him for years except for on tv.
"'s okay, but it's not home, y'know?"
"definitely. it doesn't matter how much i decorate my place in england, it's never florida."
"nothing besides florida is ever florida," you sigh, looking out the window of your apartment. "how's the season been?" you don't exactly know why you're asking. you know exactly how his season's gone. you keep every single detail of every single race weekend meticulously catalogued in a journal that you take everywhere with you. no matter what, you've stayed up late or woken up early to watch every race, as if your hopeful energy would make its way across the world to him in time.
"honestly? it's been pretty shit. the car handles really badly and wasn't really even ready for the first few hours of testing in bahrain. i can't get it to perform and maybe that's just because i haven't linked with the car yet, but it still really sucks."
you sigh, hoping logan can't tell how disappointed you are with his team and engineers. "you need a better team, lo."
"i know." there's silence between you for a few moments, and every second that passes makes it grow heavier on your chest. "will you come to miami?"
there it is. the reason you called him.
"i don't know, lo. don't get me wrong, i'd love to, but it's really short notice and i don't know if i could afford the trip. i might be able to make it to austin, but i'll need the time to save the money for the trip."
"i'll fly you out," logan immediately says, his tone almost desperate. longing. "i'll pay for your flight, your hotel, everything. please?"
that last word hit you like a punch in the gut. you only had one more reason to not go and you weren't about to tell him that reason. it was a shitty excuse anyways.
you're not about to tell him that the reason you moved to texas was to give him the space he needed to be able to succeed in his career and for you to succeed in yours.
take me to florida
you're jolted awake by the force of the plane landing, if you can call the awkward limbo you were stuck in sleep. immediately, your stomach twists with anxiety. logan had offered to pick you up from the airport, but you refused.
"i'll just take an uber," you'd said. "i'm gonna want to relax a bit after the flight, y'know?"
his only trade-off? you met him for dinner. simple enough, right?
in theory.
now, standing in front of the full-length mirror in your hotel room, you debate between a floral sundress and a pair of denim shorts, a tank top, and a white button-up t-shirt with a colorful inkblot pattern.
you decide on the sundress.
fifteen minutes later, you're pushing earrings through your piercings, silver abstract shapes you'd bought on a trip to europe with your mother. you have to leave, but the situation you're in sucks. your hair won't sit right on your head, either being too frizzy from the humidity or losing any and all volume, and your makeup just doesn't seem like it'll last in the miami heat.
fuck it.
who are you dressing for, anyways?
logan's seen you at your absolute worst. he was the only one you let yourself cry in front of after your father died. he was the one that held you for what seemed like hours while you sobbed into his chest and he told you that none of it was your fault- that you never could have known that, when you hugged him before he left for the police station, told him you loved him, and slipped a note into his lunch box, the next time you would see him, he would be laying in a casket. he was the only one that could make you smile in the weeks following his funeral, dropping his entire schedule if you simply sent him a text that said "can you come over?"
the restaurant logan found isn't too far from your hotel, so you ultimately decide to walk. your walk is over before you're able to process that it even started and you're taking out your earbuds and putting them in your bag, taking out your phone instead to text logan.
i'm here.
i've got some regrets
were you always this breathtakingly beautiful?
logan's phone buzzes in his front pocket, but he knows it's you texting him. he doesn't even bother taking it out of his pocket before standing up from his seat at the bar and walking over to you, and when you see him, your smile almost makes his heart melt.
"hey," he says, and he hopes his voice doesn't waver from how nervous he is.
"hey. i missed you," you respond, dodging the hand he holds out and going in for a hug. "i've known you since middle school, logan, i'm not shaking your hand."
your arms around him and your body pressed against his almost makes logan short circuit. thankfully, he's able to regain control of his brain and hug you back, hopefully before you realize he isn't hugging you back.
when you pull back, the hug seeming way too brief for logan's preference, you're looking up and smiling with a sparkle in your eyes that makes him regret not making enough time for you. "thanks for bringing me out here."
"thanks for coming. do you want a drink?"
"sure. do you have a table yet?"
"i was waiting for you."
"in that case, lead the way." you gesture towards the restaurant, and logan shows you to a booth in the corner. soon enough, a waiter comes over to you and sets down two glasses of water and two menus.
"welcome in, y'all. do we need a bit of time to look at the menu or do we know what we want to get started?" his southern drawl is thick, and it reminds you of texas. but you're in florida now.
"i think we'll look at the menu for a minute, thanks," logan says, and the waiter nods and walks away. as you open the menu and begin looking, logan points out something you might like and you do the same for him. conversation begins to flow freely between you, and it reminds you of the times in high school when you would go out with friends.
eventually, you decide on a plate of nachos and logan gets a plate of wings. as you wait for your food, you catch up on everything: your move to texas, logan's racing career, your work volunteering with the austin philharmonic, his homesickness from living in england, and everything in between. you crack stupid jokes, share bites of food, and steal sips of each other's drinks.
it's like old times.
i'll bury them in florida
on wednesday, you and logan drive up to visit your father's headstone. it's difficult. it's only the third time you've visited him since he was buried three years ago. the first time you visited him was a year after he died. even a year later, you still carried so much anger and hatred towards the doctors and nurses that were operating on him, trying desperately to save his life after two bullets hit him- one in his leg, one in his torso.
he died on the table.
the second time was just a few months after, and you were still wearing your cap, gown, and stole from your graduation ceremony. by then, you had been able to forgive the doctors and had graduated in the top 10% of your class. four years of hell had finally rewarded you with a degree in instrumental performance and an internship at the south florida symphony orchestra.
now, the third time, you have a picnic blanket and lunch packed into the backseat of logan's car, the windows are rolled down, and your favorite playlist is shuffled on the aux. it's a beautiful day, too; it isn't too hot (even with the humidity,) there's a gentle breeze in the air, and clouds occasionally cover the sun. when logan pulls into the parking lot of the cemetery and you sling your tote bag full of food over your shoulder, your hands start shaking.
of course, logan notices.
his hand slides into your own, and you look up at him. his eyes meet yours and you smile. "thank you for coming with me," you say.
"of course. i didn't want you to have to do this alone."
you look back at the gate into the cemetery, the black bars menacingly sleek and very, very terrifying. you chew your lower lip in anxiety. "i don't know if i can do it, logan."
"i'm here with you. i know you. you're strong. you aren't the kind of person to let a gate scare you." you laugh lightly, looking down at the ground. the gravel of the parking lot, your scuffed, beat-up high top purple converse, and logan's nike dunks make up what you have to describe as a perfect picture. your phone is in your free hand before you know it, and you're lining up the shot. "still into photography, huh?"
"yep. i have some cameras in my suitcase at the hotel." when you pocket your phone and look back up at him, logan's heart melts. the shine in your eyes and the passion in your smile is enough to soften anyone's heart, but for him, as someone who's known you for years and has been there for you through thick and thin, it touches him in such a special way. "i'm hoping to get some good photos of the races. but enough delaying. let's go visit my dad."
the creak of the gates opening makes your ears bleed, and you laugh at how logan is making the exact same face as you in reaction to such a shrill sound. despite only having visited his headstone twice before, you remember exactly where in the cemetery it is and are able to find it within five minutes.
"hi, dad," you begin, your voice already wavering just the slightest and tears beginning to well in your eyes. logan's hand squeezes yours, though, and you're reminded that he's right there. he always will be. you take a deep breath and continue. "i miss you. we all do. i know i haven't visited you in a while, and i'm sorry about that. i really do have to come stop by every now and then. i moved to austin and have a volunteering gig with the austin philharmonic at almost every show and i have a job at a company that helps students with learning disabilities learn instruments. it's really fun." you pause to wipe the tears off of your cheeks, your nose beginning to drip. "sam is in his junior year of college, and he's majoring in engineering. he flew the coop, but he still comes home for the summers. he, uh, he actually got in to c.u. boulder, like he always talked about. that kid was always thinking about college, even in middle school.
"i'm actually here with logan, too, if you hadn't noticed. do you, uh, do you want to fill him in on what's going on with you, or should i keep going?"
"whatever you prefer."
"okay, i'm going to keep talking, because i think if i don't, i'm going to completely break down. logan finally signed with williams to drive on their formula 1 team last year, like i always said he would. i'm really proud of him and really regret not telling him that more, and now that i'm saying it out loud i'm promising both you and him that i'll tell him that more often. the race this weekend is actually here, in florida. miami, specifically. it's always a celebrity shit show that no one really wants to see, but it's the main opportunity for the celebrity sponsors to actually go to a race.
"what else has been going on? oh, mom is still a therapist. i can't tell you much about that because of hipaa, but she always comes home saying that she's glad that she could help someone. i'm gonna have dinner with her tomorrow night, and then i'm going back into miami to watch logan's practice sessions."
you pause your rambling, thinking about what there is to say next, but your thought is interrupted by your stomach grumbling. loud. you and logan laugh just as loudly, the sound echoing through the grass field and stone gravesites. "oh, yeah, that's another thing. we brought lunch. i also got you pink tulips, because i know they're your favorite." you delicately rest the bouquet on your father's headstone as you sit down, then pull out the different plastic containers filled with food you'd stolen from the williams hospitality. "you'd be proud of me, dad. i smuggled this entire picnic out of the wiliams motorhome without a hiccup. robin hood style."
logan laughs, and you turn to him. he's mirrored your position, sitting cross-legged on the grass. "apple?"
"nah, i'm gonna start with my sandwich. i did grab you some of the salt and vinegar chips i know you like."
the look logan gives you can only be described as pure adoration. "you," he says, pointing a finger at you in an incredibly sassy manner, "are an absolute goddess."
"i know," you respond cheekily, tossing some hair over your shoulder.
the banter between the two of you continues through your picnic, laughter and smiles erasing the dried tracks of tears on your cheeks and on logan's. you're almost able to forget where you are.
tell me i'm despicable
almost two hours later, the two of you are laying in a nearby park underneath a tree, peacefully observing the clouds that pass overhead and talking even more about any topic that comes to your mind. the question that's been gnawing at you since your plane landed in miami eventually bubbles to the surface, and it tumbles past your lips before you can stop it.
"did you ever wonder why i moved to texas?" you look to your left where logan rests, but he keeps looking up at the sky. you mirror him.
"i always assumed it was just because you needed a change of scenery. after everything that happened and your music career taking off, it would make sense that you would relocate to somewhere better suited for you."
"that's the thing, though. if i'm being entirely honest with you, lo, i hate texas. i hate the whole state. i hate how hot it is all the time without even being humid, i hate not being able to go to the beach. i hate how dry it is. i hate how flat it is. i hate the monotony of it. i hate not being here."
logan hesitates for a moment before speaking, and it's the longest moment you've ever experienced. "why did you move to austin, then?"
when he looks over at you, you're chewing your lower lip. it's a nervous tic, logan's noticed. he's not even sure if you know you do it. "honestly? i thought you moved on from our friendship. i thought everything with f1 suddenly got so big and important and famous that maybe i wasn't... enough? i thought that being a police officer's daughter from the same town as you that was studying to teach people how to understand and play music maybe just wasn't cool enough to be friends with a world-renowned formula 1 driver."
logan's heart almost shatters when he hears the weakness in your voice. you sound so broken and so alone. he knew that, when you lost your father, you isolated yourself from a lot of people, even your best friend from high school and through your first year of college. he was the only person outside of your immediate family that you spent a decent amount of time with, but when he was admitted to the driver's academy he had to move to england. he abandoned you.
"i didn't. i never forgot about you. sometimes i still look through the photos we have together because i miss you that much."
you sit up, tears pricking your eyes for the second time that day. "really?"
"yeah. maybe once a week?"
when you look down at logan, you're suddenly starstruck. you can't help but notice all of his little features that you wouldn't see if you didn't know to look for them. his freckles that are so light you'd have to squint to see them if you didn't know them like the back of your hand. the mole on his chin that he'd always been self-conscious about but you've always seen it as beautiful. the lines from where his eyes crinkle when he smiles. the annoyingly perfect flop of his hair that he's styled almost the exact same way since you started high school together. an urge you haven't felt in years suddenly bubbles, white-hot in the pit of your stomach, and it's boiling over before you can stop it. your eyes are closed and your lips are on his. finally. after years of wanting, of stares that lasted just a bit too long to be just friendly, of flushed faces and nervous excuses, you're finally kissing him.
but he's not kissing you back.
you pull back immediately, panicked that you read something wrong. you turn away, hiding your face in your hands out of shame. "shit, logan, i'm so sorry. i thought-"
"kiss me again." logan sits up, and when you turn around, the look he's giving you can only be described as completely and entirely fucked. you don't question his statement, just lean forward, placing your lips on his, and letting yourself melt. he moans softly into the kiss, his right arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you impossibly closer. when you pull away and open your eyes, your breath catches in your throat. he looks beautiful. his eyes remain closed, but when they flutter open, you see colors in them that you've never seen before. sure, you've always seen the darker rim of blue that outlines his irises, but now that you're so close to him, you can see the flecks of green and grey in them. it's the most stunning thing you've ever seen.
eventually, you break the silence between the two of you. "i've wanted to kiss you for so long," you whisper, so quiet you're not sure logan heard it.
but he did.
"me, too," he says, and after a beat of silence between you two, you both burst out laughing. the laugh he hears from you is the pure, bright laugh that logan's missed so dearly, the laugh that you only really let him hear. the laugh that has tears in your eyes and makes you snort because you're laughing so hard you can't even breathe properly.
eventually, when you're able to calm down, your head resting on logan's shoulder, your hand holding his, you're able to process what just happened. you just hope logan is processing it, too.
"we just kissed."
"yes. we did."
"how long have you held out on me?"
"since christmas of sophomore year. when you made me the chevron bracelet with my favorite colors."
you laugh, then lift your head to look at him. "i fell for you in october of that year. when you convinced your mom to drive two and a half hours for the marching band state finals. just so you could be there with me."
"god, we're idiots," logan laughs. you can't help but lean forward and press another kiss to his lips, lingering there and just breathing him in.
say it's unforgivable
the next two days fly by. thursday, you spend the day with your mother. she asks all sorts of questions as if she doesn't know the answers, and you answer each one with a smile on your face. when she asks about logan, you smile sheepishly. she figures out what the smile means.
"took you two long enough."
normally you'd still be in bed at 9:30 am on a friday, but today, you walk into the miami paddock clutching logan's hand for dear life. your neon green pass hangs from your neck, a white williams cap atop your head. you can't help but feel out of place, but someone calls logan's name and you both turn. your stomach drops when you see who's called his name. his hair is styled similarly to logan's, and he sports a papaya polo.
you'd know him anywhere. it's oscar piastri.
you're standing there a bit awkwardly as logan greets his friend, but your heart stops when oscar turns to you. "oscar, this is my girlfriend." he introduces you by your name to the mclaren driver and you wipe your hands on your denim shorts before shaking his hand firmly, exchanging "nice to meet you"s. the three of you chat for a few minutes before oscar is summoned by his pr manager.
"girlfriend, huh?" you look up at logan with a smile on your face, lacing his fingers with yours.
"i didn't mean to overstep, but i kind of assumed that's what this is now. is it?" he looks a bit nervous asking that, and if you thought your love for him couldn't grow any more, you thought wrong.
"that's absolutely what we are, lo. you're my boyfriend. i'm your girlfriend." you can tell just how hard logan's trying to not let the smile on his face show just how happy he is to hear you say that, and you stand on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips briefly. "you have a prep meeting to get to, don't you?"
"i do. come with me, though. i need to introduce you to alex and lily. she can show you around."
"sounds like a plan. i need to learn how to do all of..." you gesture around you, the white tents and media carts all seeming suddenly too intimidating. "...this."
logan laughs, placing a hand on the small of your back to guide you towards the williams hospitality. when you're next to him, though, despite the cameras around you and your proximity to some of the world's biggest stars, you feel safe and protected.
after meeting logan's teammate and the thai driver's girlfriend, who you quickly realize is one of the sweetest people you've ever had the pleasure of meeting, you're shown around the williams hospitality and, eventually, the paddock. lily introduces you to the other drivers' wives and girlfriends that have made it to the weekend, and when you hear a certain last name, your ears perk up.
"martinez? is she latina?"
"yeah," kika, pierre's girlfriend, says. "she's checo's wife. i'm pretty sure she's in the red bull hospitality right now, though."
"ah, speak of the devil," lily says. you see carola walking up to the five of you, alexandra ("please, honey, call me alex," she'd said, bringing you in for a kiss on your cheek,) having walked away to get a drink and escape into the sweet air conditioning. "carola, there's a new couple on the paddock."
"you're kidding," the latina answers, her accent apparent. "who?"
"logan found himself a girlfriend. allow me to introduce her." lily turns to you and introduces you by your full name, last name and all. it seems that carola has a similar reaction to your last name as you did to hers, and her head tilts to the side.
"ya no eres la única mexicana aquí," you say, and her eyebrows raise. (you aren't the only mexican here anymore.)
"hablas español, también?" (you speak spanish, too?) when you nod, her smile brightens. "hay, chica, creo que nosotras dos nos vamos a llevar muy bien." (oh, girl, i think we're going to get along very well.)
on saturday, you find yourself back in the williams motorhome, except this time, you wear a second badge, the neon green lanyard reading grid access in bold black lettering. like the day before, you clutch logan's hand for your own comfort until, much to your dismay, he's summoned for driver duties. you place a quick kiss on his cheek, and when you pull back, you aren't sure if the flush on his cheeks is from the affection or the miami heat. probably both.
"in case i don't see you before sprint. for luck."
"oh, you'll be in the garage. that's what this pass is for," logan says, holding your second badge in front of your face. "lily will show you where to go. i'll take a kiss anyways, though." you smile, stand on your toes, and kiss him, pulling back before he can wrap an arm around your waist. (that was a trick he very much enjoyed, as you'd learned the night before. there was something in him that needed you as close to him as possible, and it covered every nerve ending in your body in liquid fire.)
"off you go. you need to get race ready. i'll see you before you go out on the grid. don't worry." you gently shove him away with a smile, and you'd stare at him longer if your ankles weren't suddenly being attacked. you look down and squeal. "hi, leo! did your dad let you run free?" you squat down and scratch the mini daschund behind his disproportionally large ears, and he barks excitedly.
someone curses in french to your right, and you look up from the little golden ball of energy to see none other than charles leclerc frantically searching around. leo barks again, and the monégasque whips around, then locks eyes on you first, then his dog.
"merde, leo. you have too much energy for it being this early in the morning," he laughs as he walks over to you.
"i apologize, it appears i've unintentionally kidnapped your dog." you stand, and leo jumps at your calves again.
"ah, no harm, no foul," charles replies, picking up his dog and holding him close to his chest. "i will say, though, you look strangely familiar. have we met? my name is charles."
"we have not." you extend your hand and offer your name, and, when charles' eyebrows furrow and his head tilts in confusion, you realize that means nothing to him. "i'm logan's girlfriend."
"ah! yes, of course! he has a photo of the two of you at your high school graduation in his wallet. that's where i knew you from. well, it's nice to meet you!" that was news to you. logan has a picture of you in his wallet? either way, you just casually met one of the most famous people in the world like it was a standard tuesday.
if this is what i signed up for by being logan's girlfriend, then it is absolutely wild.
you're able to catch another good luck kiss with logan as he's almost fully suited up, and fuck, does he look good. his fireproof suit hangs low on his hips, the arms tied together in front of him. dark blue is a good color on him, and his facial hair is grown out in just the slightest. you can't lie, he looks hot as hell.
you cross your legs in an attempt to curb the heat that creeps down your tummy and between them. it doesn't work.
you amend it that night in logan's hotel room following his p10 in the sprint.
on sunday, you try to avoid thinking about the night before as you follow the same routine as the two days before- arriving early in the day, checking in at the williams motorhome, and then killing time until the driver's parade at 2:00 PM. you spend time with your new group of friends, spending the three remaining hours before the parade in the paddock club. rebecca, carlos' girlfriend, snickers at your shocked face when you see some of your idols and favorite celebrities casually walking around, gladly taking some photos for you as you're practically buzzing with excitement.
after the driver's parade, it's a whirlwind. you're swept back into the williams garage and find logan's driver's room relatively easily thanks to the help of some of the engineers and mechanics, but one of them stops you before you can venture too far into the depths of the hallways.
"could you tell him we have the pre-race strategy meeting in twenty minutes?"
"yeah, for sure." as you approach logan's door, you have to bite down on your lower lip to stifle the grin that wants to split your face. you knock on his door, and when he opens it, you know something's wrong. "lo, are you okay?" his eyes are red and his hand shakes on the doorknob. instead of a verbal response, he just opens the door a bit further to let you in, and, as soon as it shuts behind you, he sobs, and your heart shatters.
"i'm so scared. i'm so scared that something's going to happen and i'm going to let all of these people down and-" you gather him into your arms and he cries into the crook of your neck, your williams crewneck shirt now damp with his tears. you couldn't care less.
"you're going to do amazing, logie. i know you will." with your arms wrapped around him, it's almost like a weighted blanket of safety has encompassed him, and his sobs slow, his breaths growing deeper and more even. you continue murmuring words of confidence into his shoulder, and not a single word you say is empty.
"hey. look at me." you lean back and gently cup his cheek with your right palm, and when his eyes meet yours, you know that he needed to cry that one out. "do you feel a little bit better?" logan nods, tilting his head ever so slightly to kiss your palm, his own hand coming up to rest over yours. it's a cute, sappy, stupidly romantic moment that you from three weeks ago would've probably thought was the grossest thing known to mankind, but you can't help but bask in the moment. "is there anything i can do to help you feel better right now?" your voice is a soothing balm over logan's agitated nerves, and he slowly untangles himself from you and guides you over to the couch that's against the back wall, where he sits down and you curl up to his left side.
"can you just... talk? about anything?"
"are you seriously asking if me, the person with the most rampant adhd you've ever met, can talk about something? yes, logan, i absolutely can. what to talk about, though?"
as you talk, deciding to info dump about your favorite classical music piece, logan can't help but watch it unfold. he doesn't know jack shit about music theory, but listening to you ramble about something you're passionate about brings him so much peace. you're disturbed about fifteen minutes later by a knock at the door, promptly followed by a disembodied voice telling logan that it was time for the strategy meeting.
"aw, shit," he says, leaning his head back and rubbing at his eyes. "i have that to go to now."
"yeah, sorry. i was supposed to tell you about that but we had a bigger problem on our hands." your voice is sheepish now that your info dump has been cut short, but logan leans over to you and kisses you, soft and slow, just like the first time he kissed you properly in the park. when he pulls away, he looks so much calmer than he was twenty minutes before. "is there anything else i can do?"
"go have some fun in the paddock. and please drink some water." you roll your eyes and stand, bringing him in for another hug before you slip out of the door.
almost two hours later, you're back in the williams garage with a guest headset over your ears. your stomach twists with nerves as the national anthem concludes. lily's hand is clasped with yours.
"the first lap is the worst. after that, you lose a lot of the anxiety," she assures you, noticing how you chew your lower lip.
"thanks." you pause for a moment, contemplating another question. "does it ever get easier? seeing how they go out there and drive like absolute maniacs for fun?"
"it does. it took me a couple of months, but after alex showed me all of the safety features in the car and in his fireproofs, it definitely helped."
it's the moment you've been dreading.
one red light.
and then none.
the engines roar and the race has begun. lily didn't lie to you- the first lap is excruciatingly long, but when everyone's completed their first loop around the circuit, you let yourself breathe. your eyes are trained on the screen above you, and the laps are flying by so quickly that you barely process that the race is nearly halfway over.
but then logan's car is in the wall. fuck.
as you watch the replay of his crash, you can feel white-hot rage burning in your body. after the race stewards only declare a ten-second penalty and two super license points, though, you're fuming. "two penalty points and a ten-second penalty? magnussen caused logan's race to end, and they just let him go? they just forgive him and move on? how can he get away with that? this is bullshit!"
what a crash, what a rush
the first person logan looks for when he walks back into the williams garage, his visor still low over his eyes in shame, is you. when you see him walking towards the room where you and lily watch the race, you tear the headset off of your ears and run to him. the feeling of his arms wrapping around your shoulders and hearing his heartbeat even through your musician's earplugs soothes your agitated nerves. he's okay. he's alive. he isn't hurt. "thank fuck you're okay," you say, even though he definitely can't hear you through his helmet and over the roar of passing engines. when you pull away, you press a kiss to his knuckles and hope he understands how much love you're trying to convey through such a small gesture.
fuck me up, florida!
one of logan's best friends on the grid is oscar. oscar's teammate got his maiden win after almost five years of waiting in miami.
like any sensible person, you celebrate with him.
you have no idea what the name of the club is, much less how many drinks you've had so far, but what you do know is that lando has commandeered the dj station and logan is pressed against your back, his hands resting on your hips. the air is hot and thick, your heartbeat pounds in your head. the opening notes of bad bunny's tití me preguntó begin playing through the massive speakers, and you shoot a glare up to lando that he doesn't see, his focus instead on the equipment in front of him. when the bass hits, though, you let all apprehensiveness go and your genetics take the reins. your hips sway and swing to the beat, your hands wander up and down your torso, and logan simply follows your lead. it takes you a moment to realize that, if you want to get a rise out of him, you're going to have to spin around and face him.
with your hips swaying against his and how unbearably beautiful you look in the dim light, your skin glowing with sweat and your hair up in a high ponytail, logan can't help but lean down and kiss you when you finally turn around. you reciprocate gladly, your right leg slotting between both of his, and...
he's hard.
you pull away slightly, barely an inch between your lips. "slow your roll there, tiger."
"i don't want to." fire zips down your spine at the sound of his voice, low and breathy and so, so desperate. "need to fuck you."
"should we get outta here, then?"
"i thought you'd never ask." you smile and kiss him quickly, then take his hand and weave your way through the crowded dance floor. as the miami night air hits your face, you immediately feel cooler. you sigh, taking a moment to breathe and regulate your heart rate and body temperature, but you can't breathe for that long before logan wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you back against him and kissing your neck. you laugh, running your hands along his forearms.
"logan, not here. the hotel is two blocks away."
"i can't help it, baby, you just look so pretty," he hums, kissing the back of your neck once more before pulling away and stepping around to face you. "you look so pretty, and you're mine."
his possessiveness of you makes more heat zip down your spine, and you almost drool at how he's looking at you. his eyes, normally a beautiful mix between the blues of the sky and sea, ar"e almost completely dark, only a small sliver of his irises remaining, and the muscles in his jaw tick. "hotel. now."
by the time you reach the door to logan's hotel room, you're both out of breath from how hard he kissed you in the elevator and the arousal and need between your legs won't be stopped unless he replaces it. you stumble through the door and try to kiss logan again, matching the vigor he showed you in the elevator, but he stops you. "wanna take my time with you tonight."
"yeah?" you raise an eyebrow and inspect his face. the blinds are open but no lights are on, so all you can see is the side of his face that's illuminated by the lights from the streets of miami. it's an unusually beautiful sight.
"yeah. nothing about what i'm about to do to you is going to be fast. i'm gonna make you feel good tonight. how's that sound?"
"that sounds amazing, logan." you lean forward and kiss him gently, your lips slotting together as if you were made for each other. who knows, maybe you were. the next five minutes are a blur, but before you know it, you're laying back against the pillows on logan's bed and his face is buried between your thighs, his tongue working magic on your clit. the air in the hotel room is filled with your moans and the sounds of logan devouring you like a man starved, and it's the most beautiful mix of sounds you've ever heard. when he flicks his tongue oh-so-perfectly against your entrance, his nose brushing over your clit, you moan and pull his hair hard, which, in turn, makes him moan against you.
you aren't sure how much time passes or how many orgasms logan pulls from you with just his tongue and his fingers, but when you feel completely and entirely spent, your chest heaving and your hairline sparkling with tiny beads of sweat, you pull logan up to you by his shoulders, and he looks completely and entirely fucked. "need you inside of me," you mumble, wiping at the mix of spit and cum that coats the entire bottom half of his face with your thumbs. as if on instinct, you bring your hands to your mouth and lick them clean, and logan groans at the sight. "inside. now."
"as you wish, baby." logan's hands fumble at his boxers, the only item of clothing he was left wearing, and when he finally, finally pushes himself into you, you both moan. your hands scrabble at his shoulders and back, most definitely leaving red marks that will raise later, and his mouth latches onto your neck, biting down and then gently kissing over the red spot.
"nngh, lo-" your brain is short circuiting, logan's cock filling you up so perfectly and absolutely ruining you for any other man ever.
"yeah? you okay, baby?" he pulls back from your neck and scans your face for any sign of discomfort of pain, his sky blue eyes searching your own. the feeling of safety you get from just that one action is almost enough to make you sob from how good you feel because of him, both physically and emotionally.
"feels so good, lo. j'st... move, please."
"you sure? i don't wanna hurt you."
"positive. now please." you reach a hand up and pull him down towards you by the back of his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair and pulling hard. "fuck me properly." without wasting a second, logan reaches a hand down and hooks it under your left thigh, bringing your leg up to rest around his waist, then pulling back and thrusting back in fast. the moan that rips itself from your throat is sinful, and your breath is being punched from your lungs at the downright brutal pace logan's setting. your right leg finds itself locking around his waist, only bringing him infinitely closer, and now, each time he thrusts back into you, your clit bumps against his pelvis. within minutes, you're embarrassingly close to cumming again, and through your garbled mumbling and clawing at his shoulders, he understands, reaching his right hand down to gently press against your clit.
"cum for me, baby, please, need to feel you cum for me just one more time, just let go, i've got you." it's logan's voice that ultimately sends you pummelling over the edge into an orgasm that makes your back arch and your vision fuzz at the edges, and you cum with a cry of his name. his hips slow and his fingers maintain a steady rhythm on your clit, but you can tell it's taking its toll on him. "where- where do you want me to cum?"
"i'm on the pill, lo. inside, baby, please," you whine, and it takes two more thrusts before logan groans, his hips coming to a shuddering halt as he cums inside of you. it's a beautiful sight, too- his eyes scrunched closed and his eyebrows drawn together, his hair a complete mess from where your hands had pulled at it. your hands run through his hair and along his back, and you patiently wait as he comes back to earth.
"hi," he murmurs, opening his eyes and smiling down at you.
"hi," you respond.
no other words need to be said. you know you love him, and he knows he loves you.
and you're both okay with that.
this took me way longer to write than i thought it would, but i absolutely love it! reminder that my asks and requests are open, and i always get excited when i get feedback! take care of urselves lovies <3
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solarmorrigan · 4 months
39 + 95, ship of your choice
Fanfiction Trope Mashup: 39. Survival/Wilderness Fic + 95. Sleep Intimacy
Hello! So I'm going to be honest with you and say that survival/wilderness stories have always given me anxiety and I've never enjoyed reading them, so the closest I got in writing one was a camping fic. I know it's not the same, but hopefully this is alright <3 (ship of choice was Steddie)
You might not know it to look at him, but Eddie had been an outdoorsy kind of kid.
He’d loved playing outside (he’s still the king of finding cool sticks to use as wizard staffs) and he’d always looked forward to his and Wayne’s annual camping trips. Wayne had taught him a lot about surviving in the wilderness on those long weekends, and Eddie had looked at them as grand adventures.
Eventually, of course, Eddie had gained other interests, and Wayne’s hours at the plant had changed, and the camping trips had petered to a stop. Eddie looks on the memories fondly, but doesn’t necessarily feel the need to go back and relive them (particularly not after the days he spent roughing it during the spring break from Hell). He’s happy to leave the outdoorsy activities to Steve these days. Steve loves going hiking, loves swimming, doesn’t even mind doing yardwork; he’s the one people would look at and assume he’d spent his childhood outdoors, except–
“You’ve never been camping?” Eddie asks, sitting up to look down at Steve where he’s squished in beside Eddie on a pool lounger that is absolutely not meant to fit two people.
Steve shrugs. “I always wanted to go, used to ask my dad a lot, and he used to promise he’d take me when he could get the time off of work,” he says. “I think he got pretty fed up with my asking, though, so I just kinda… stopped.”
Well, damn, if that doesn’t poke at a soft spot in Eddie’s hardened little heart.
“We could go,” Eddie blurts.
Steve blinks up at him. “What?”
“Me and Wayne used to go camping every year. I remember a lot of how it’s done, so… you and I could go,” Eddie offers. “If you want.”
“Yeah?” Steve asks, a smile blooming across his face.
Eddie can’t help his answering smile. “Shit, yeah. Let’s go.”
If it makes Steve this happy, Eddie thinks in between Steve’s excited little kisses of thanks, then even if it goes terribly, Eddie won’t regret offering.
It takes a little bit to finagle their schedules and get time off together, but they manage it on the first nice weekend in spring. They pack Steve’s car up with a tent and sleeping bags and provisions and everything else Eddie can remember them needing (and a few things Wayne helpfully reminds him of), and they set off on their adventure.
The weekend starts off well. They set up the tent with minimal swearing, and manage to get a fire going, and explore the trails surrounding their camp, and spend the first night looking at the stars that shine brighter here than they do over Hawkins, and it’s nice.
It’s nice right up until Midwestern weather rears its unpredictable head while Eddie and Steve are out hiking on Saturday afternoon. The clouds roll in fast, rain-scented wind kicking up and shaking the limbs of the trees above them; they turn around to head back to camp, but they aren’t quick enough to beat the incoming rainstorm.
They’re soaked by the time they reach the tent, running and spluttering and laughing breathlessly, zipping the flap shut behind them and shucking their wet clothes before they can drip all over everything. They leave them in a heap off to the side, hopefully to be line-dried later, and do their best to dry off in the confined space.
“Gonna be hard to warm up without the fire,” Steve comments as he tries to scrub the rainwater out of his hair.
The weather has been nice, but not so nice that standing around damp and in their underwear is particularly comfortable. Even in the close space of the tent, the air isn’t warm, and Eddie eyes the goosebumps texturing the bare expanse of Steve’s tanned skin.
“I have an idea,” Eddie says, and Steve looks up at him expectantly. “C’mere.”
Eddie nods to the little nest they’d made the previous night by zipping two sleeping bags together and covering it with a couple of extra blankets. They don’t bother with dry clothes – isn’t skin-to-skin contact better for warming up, after all? Eddie slides in first and Steve joins him, immediately pressing the line of his body up against Eddie’s, curling an arm around his waist, tangling their legs, and resting his cheek against Eddie’s chest. Eddie tucks the blankets up a little closer around the both of them and settles down, wrapping both arms around Steve’s back.
“How’s this?” he asks.
He can feel Steve’s contented sigh as much as he can hear it, and Steve wiggles a little against Eddie’s front, as if there’s any space left between them to eliminate.
“This is good,” Steve says softly.
And it is, Eddie decides. He presses a kiss to the top of Steve’s head, where the earthy smell of the rain lingers, underscored by the faint, familiar scent of Steve’s shampoo. Rain continues to patter against the roof of their tent, and the soft, dim afternoon light does nothing to discourage either of them from beginning to drift.
If it can always be like this, Eddie doesn’t think he’d mind making camping an annual thing again. He wouldn’t mind at all.
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markrosewater · 7 months
Im just gonna say I know my community is beyond sick of all these new keywords and actions and whatever you wanna call them. Like all excitement for Thunder Junction was sucked out the window when we read the phrase "commit a crime". Because we knew it was gonna grind another dozen games to a halt as we were going to have to look up the exact phrasing, because somebody was going to make some weird play.
The same as its been with discover, and historic, and reconfigure. I've even had to stop and explain surveil. Even playing a precon took way longer because I had to essentially keep one card in my hand to make sure I was doing disguise right. And keep explaining it. And while I am it, ward. We had to reiterate all weekend what ward did, so people knew "cant be countered" got around it.
And these are tournament players Mr. Rosewater. Some of us have been playing since 93. You cannot get more ingrained than our community. And we are so ingrained we know nothing can change for years. We know how design works. But we are begging you. Soon, please. Stop with the keywords. Just put the text on the card. None of us like having to pull out our phones to add more text to the effects.
The text for all non-evergreen mechanics *is* on the card, with the sole exception of a few high rarity cards where the reminder text doesn’t fit. And that’s been true for decades.
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invertedheaven · 1 month
If You Really Love Nothing
chapter 5: maybe next year
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As satoru walked to his car ready to leave work, drained and annoyed from the day he looked forward to it being Friday and at least he’d be able to slack off this weekend, his mood quickly worsened as his phone started ringing and he saw who was calling
“Is there a reason you passed this deal onto me?” Gojo Sr. asks with an attitude
Anger started swelling up in satoru because it was his birthday and of course his father wouldn’t be calling to say that
“Well hello to you too dad” satoru said bitterly “Its personal, at least for right now I can’t take initiative on it”
“This is a business satoru, how do I know if I can leave it to you if you have ‘personal’ problems”
Satoru scoffed “Im well aware of what my job is, I do It everyday and better than you might I add, I’m asking you just this once until I’m able to”
Gojo Sr. couldn’t really argue with that, he was aware that their clients and investors loved Satoru he was funny, charismatic and most of all smart. He could threaten all he wants but this job was always going to go to satoru whether he liked it or not— he doesn’t. And to think he almost lost Satoru to that annoying friend he had who tried to convince Satoru that he didn’t need to take over the company.
“Can I ask why you can’t?” Gojo Sr. asked after a few moments of silence
“Fine, Ill take over just this once, anything after and it is your job. Consider this a birthday gift”
Satoru rolled his eyes so hard he’s sure his dad could feel it “geez thanks, i’m honored” he hung up and threw the phone on the passenger seat as he got in the car.
Every day at this job was just a bitter reminder that this wasn’t a life he chose, and he understands while it could be worse than inheriting a successful company he finds he was never treated as anything more than heir. His parents, his family, and every adult around him spent their every minute telling Satoru how lucky he was to inherit the business and that he was gonna do great and how he must be so happy. Never if he wanted to, if he was happy or if he was actually capable it was just expected.
For a while the only time he felt like a person was when he became friends with Suguru who tried so hard to show satoru by example that he should just up and leave his family and live a life he wanted. But satoru was simply not born with that same freedom when every aspect of his life was dependent on his family (their money mainly) and he could never get suguru to understand that
And then when megumi landed in Satorus care he truly found himself unable to abandon all responsibility. He refused to let his father have a hand in it because that old bastard would probably just crush another young persons soul. And sure maybe leaving an 18 year old in charge of a kid is stupid, yet in his final days Toji Fushiguro signed off on leaving megumi to gojo.
Toji was a friend of Gojo Sr. and had a sketchy past, as far as satoru knew he had no family, no one except megumi. He died from an accident, passing away due to complications and it did make satoru a bit sad because by the time he hit high school and after he graduated he got to know toji better. Toji would give genuinely good advice to satoru, yet he seemed lifeless, no spark in his eyes. To this day Satoru can’t understand why he was chosen for megumis guardian, especially because the kid was only 8 years old, but to his surprise it's been rewarding.
So, no… birthdays never felt like a happy day for him. Yet the birthdays he has with you, megumi and now airi was a nice reminder that he was loved as a person and not as an heir. He thinks maybe next year he’d try something other than the beach he just finds he clings to it so much because it’s the last of his youth. Before he knows it, Satoru is pulling up to the drive way and by the time he enters his house he’s greeted by airi shouting
“Happy birthday uncle toru!” As she runs to him giving him the biggest hug she can, he picks her up and hugs her back
And as you give him a hug, he thinks next year he’d do something different for sure.
“Not hanging out with that fushiguro brat today?” Sukuna asks as he’s leaving the house, it’s Saturday night and of course he’s not spending it at home
“Nah it was gojos birthday yesterday, so they had plans” yuji responds lazily as he watches the tv from the couch in their living room
Sukuna feels sick just thinking that you’re running around spending the day with gojo, even if he knows you live with him theres something about you actively celebrating him that gets under his skin
“I’ll be out, I left money on the table so you can order food or whatever” sukuna grumbles out before slamming the door shut
Yuji just sits staring at the wall no longer really paying attention to the movie but instead thinking about how during these times he feels truly alone. Even if fushiguros family wasn’t perfect and didn’t spend all their time together maybe they felt alone together which beats whatever the hell his loneliness was. What’s worse is that he’s had friends before, this concept isn’t new to him but maybe its knowing if sukuna was still with you he’d have some sense of normalcy too.
Sukunas a regular at the bar he walks into, so much to the point that he’s built a reputation. He orders his drink before going to sit in his usual corner, what sukuna loves about this place is he never has to try. Women come up to him hoping for an ounce of attention from him, it was pathetic in his opinion but it makes it easy. Yet what infuriated him was that he couldn’t even pretend to be interested in the lady chatting his ear off because he’s thinking of you, this is exactly what he wanted to prevent so he decides to drink enough to get you off his mind
That’ll do it (it doesn't) and if he squints hard enough he can pretend the woman in front of him looked like you sort of, and if he zoned out enough he could pretend her laugh wasn’t like nails on a chalkboard to his ears, he pretended it was your infectious laugh. He settled with the fact that he’d never hear it again, at least not in the way he used to
You curled up beside him, laughing at the complaints he would make during the shows you’d watch together
Laughing at him whenever he’d get upset at something small, you always claimed he made a funny face and he never understood what you meant
Worst of all for him but possibly the most memorable, in a room of people your laugh stood out and anyone who was talking to you couldn’t help but smile and laugh too. There was something about you that sukuna always struggled to accept, that people loved being around you, even if they hated sukuna or vice versa they were always there for you.
The memories flood his mind and add to the haze in his brain thats been induced by the alcohol he’s been drinking for the past hour. The bitterness of the last months with you seeping through his veins, you’d never smile at him like that again and if you did he wouldn’t know what to do. He’s never been one to feel regret, yet when it came to you it was the strongest emotion he felt.
He wanted more than he could give to you, he wanted you to be his but he didn’t know how to be yours, he never cheated while he was with you but you were always on another plane he could never quite match up with. He hated how none of these thoughts were things that lingered with him when it came to literally anyone else and yet with you, you couldn’t just leave his thoughts alone even if it had been years.
Even with all this he still couldn’t bring himself to the idea of apologizing because he doesn’t think theres anything to apologize for. He simply acted on how he felt at the time and even if he regretted it after he wouldn’t apologize for it, especially if it seemed like you’ve moved on
All this and he’s only brought back to the present by the rude snapping of the woman who is still surprisingly here considering he hasn’t been listening to a word she’s been saying. She snapped in his face to get his attention just to tell him he was an asshole before walking away. He came with the intention of getting laid and instead sat pissed off that you ruined this for him too.
He stays at the bar drinking until his face becomes warm, his eyes become a bit blurred and until he swears he can feel you wrapping your arms around his shoulders from behind, the way you used to hug him.
The dining room filled with claps as you, megumi and airi clapped for satoru after he blew out the candles on his sundae. This year he chose to make sundaes for dessert and much to your dismay airi asked for extra everything on hers which meant she would be extra hyper. Yet you were too happy focused on how for the first time in years satorus smile seemed genuine, like he wasn’t completely sad the whole time.
This was also one of the rare times megumi would try to refrain from any negative comments or from being annoyed by gojo. Key word is try… yet even with all his struggles with gojo he knows it probably wasn’t easy taking care of a kid when gojo was a kid himself and for that he’ll always be thankful. And he felt a little more thankful when you came along because you seemed to balance everything out like a puzzle piece that was missing for him and gojo, he feels guilty thinking that because you probably feel your life is missing something even with them thanks to sukunas absence.
Satoru felt a little happier this year and maybe its because time has helped or because airi can actually join in on his birthday for the most part it feels a little brighter
The night ended with satoru and airi knocked out on the couch during the movie they chose while you and megumi cleaned up all the dishes taking them to the kitchen
“Satoru looked happier this year” you started
“Yeah I guess he did” megumi responded not sure why you’re bringing it up
You shook your head slightly “sorry, I guess im just thankful for you guys, especially for being so kind with airi”
Megumi didn’t really know how to respond so he just gave a small smile back while he took some plates from your hands
Around the holidays it’s usually hard for you, you never had a “real family” by any traditional means growing up. With sukuna you truly felt happy, not that you weren’t happy with your small family now. Especially since airi was born you never thought you’d love someone so much, to the point where it hurt, she was truly your world. You just find yourself reminiscing for the days you spent with sukuna more than usual, no matter how much time went by you still felt like something was missing. You would love him always, but you weren't the same person that you were when you were with him. In a sense you felt like you were mourning who you used to be too. Sure, you never tried to move on but its not like it was on your mind, airi has and always will be your number one priority.
“You should take airi to bed, I can finish up here” megumi interrupted your train of thought while gesturing to the dishes in the sink
You give him a sincere smile “thank you”
As you head back into the living room, satoru was starting to wake up and move around so you had to act fast in moving airi before she woke up too. You’re glad you made her brush her teeth before the movie cause she would’ve been too tired to do it now.
Satoru sits up definitely awake now seeing that you’re trying to make sure airi stays asleep “Oh my bad, here I’ll help you” he took airi from your arms, not that you couldn’t carry her he just wanted to help
As you both walked into airis room you got her bed ready for her and satoru placed her down, you spoke up
“Thank you, for everything satoru” you say before bending down to place a kiss on airis forehead and tucking her in
He stared down at you a little caught off guard before smiling “I’d do it all again, you know that” and you felt your eyes tear up a little at his response
As he leaves the room you follow, deciding to speak up “I feel bad about yuji”
“What for?” Satoru furrowed his brows as he watches you close the door behind you quietly
“I don’t know, he just spends a lot of weekends here I can imagine he’s alone a lot”
“You want to tell him?”
“No not at all, it’s just I feel guilty y’know? he’d probably be able to come around more if it wasn’t such a hassle and I feel even worse about the pressure it puts on megumi” You shrugged
“You have no reason to feel bad for something that happened because sukuna decided to be an asshole. Yujis lucky that you even treat him as kind as you do, not a lot of people in your shoes would” satoru stated in a stern tone before continuing “and megumi won't tell you this but because its you and airi he’d do whatever if it meant you guys would be happy”
You nod your head “I guess, yeah”
“So airis Christmas present” satoru began changing the subject, seeing as you were getting closer to the kitchen and he didn't think you'd want megumi to overhear
“Why do you ask when you just spoil her anyways, you should be focusing on megumis birthday present” you laughed
“Im not getting megumi anything!” Satoru said jokingly as you both entered the kitchen
“What happened to you being asleep” megumi mumbled without even turning around from the sink
“What happened to you being nice to me” satoru dramatically responded
And all he got from megumi was a glare and him rolling his eyes, which caused you to laugh. In moments like this it was easy to forget why you felt sad in the first place
The next day, yuji wakes up to see sukuna sprawled out on the couch knocked out cold from the night before. For some reason Yuji feels his irritation thats been festering for the past few weeks reach a breaking point. He doesn’t care if sukuna would probably disapprove he wants to ask you about sukuna, he wants to know if his brother was capable of being normal or as close to normal as possible
He had plans to hang out with megumi so he threw a blanket over his brother before heading out. As he heads to megumis house, he uses the walk to the bus to help sort out his thoughts. He wonders what your dynamic is with gojo, he’s sure his brother would lose his shit if you two were dating. Even though yuji knows thats not likely because you said gojo was like a sibling and megumi doesn’t seem to give any hints that you two are a thing. And all the past times he’s visited, he’s wondered how often you baby sit your niece because the house always seemed to have some trace of a kid being there yet he’s never actually seen her. Not that it matters much he’s just curious, finding the dynamic megumis family has interesting, vastly different from his own.
Yuji has also been able to pick up on some awkwardness and maybe it’s obvious to you that he’s sukunas brother. That’s part of the reason he wants to ask because he feels like you already know, it feels like theres an elephant in the room so to say and he hates that feeling. So screw it, he thinks it’s not like sukuna even has to know he asked.
Satoru had taken airi out for lunch a little while ago, planning to take her to the store after to buy megumi his birthday gift because she insisted on helping him. You told him she'd probably spoil the surprise and gojo shrugged only responding that he'd bribe her to stay quiet with a new toy.
You were in the kitchen making some tea, you’d been feeling a bit under the weather and planned on relaxing for a few hours. Since you were fortunate enough not to worry about bills or a job all your focus has always been being the best possible mom for your daughter. That requires all your energy it can be tiring even more now from the stress of yujis presence and the constant hiding builds up to a lot mentally.
While waiting for the water to boil, you hear the front door ring so you shout out to megumi who was still upstairs letting him know about yujis arrival. Not wanting yuji to wait in the cold, you leave the kitchen to open the door and before you had the chance to greet him, he blurted out
“Did you know someone named ryomen sukuna?”
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
goodbye... for awhile
∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞ 
warnings- swearing, fluffy, emotional, 16years old
words- 1.8k
a/n-I had this idea last night while watching something on insta so here's my go at it! just pretend thats you and Tom 🫡 and for when they preform in class for the lesson I know 'all I wanted' is a song by Paramore (love them sm) but lets say for the sake of this Y/n, Bill and Tom created it okay?
(editing B here may I say I cried while writing this... and editing this so if you ever need to cry, this has you covered)
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I woke up and my mood dropped immediately, it was Friday which most people would be excited obviously- the weekend was on it's way, but the thought of today created a pit in my stomach, my last day with the Kaulitz twins, they were my best friends since we began at the school, Bill and I would meet up after lessons everyday and walk home together sometimes even staying at his for dinner, then Tom began hanging with us and 5 years later we've been all best friends and me and Tom started dating we were 14 and now we're 16 and only me, him, our parents, Bill and his other bandmates know about us- but after today....what was us going to become.
I got ready wearing some jeans, a top which tucked neatly to my sides and some shoes I got for my birthday, I decided to go simple with make up, I already was crying so I didn't need mascara dripping down my cheeks. I looked to the mirror and smiled taking a breath "honey?" my moms voice appeared around the corner and then her face with a small smile "oh sweetheart" she cooed walking in a wrapping her arms around me rubbing my back "I know you're gonna miss them, but I promise you'll see them when they're back- it's okay" I sighed to her shoulder letting my tears go down my face before we pulled away
"I'm just scared to be on my own mom and I'll miss them both so much and... I don't want them to leave but I know they have to" I breathed shakily trying to stop the cries before my mom spoke the bell rang making my heart sink instantly
"we'll talk after okay, lets go to them" I nodded grabbing my bag and walking down the stairs as she opened the door "oh boys" she sighed pulling the two for a hug "I'm so proud of you both but gosh we're going to miss you sweets, but you'll be amazing" she spoke pressing a kiss to both their cheeks, letting them out her arms and I finally looked to their faces which looked sadder and I just looked down and covered my face "talk to her boys" my mom said patting their shoulders and soon I felt hands wrap around me
"I'm gonna miss you two so much" I managed to say between my sobs "but I'm so excited for you, I just don't know what I'm gonna do without you guys" we all pulled away and I saw tears slipping from the brown eyed twins "I'm sorry" a small laughed left my lips
"making us cry Y/n" Bill grinned wiping his eyes "I just... I wish we could bring you along with us" he said while looking to Tom who was looking to me, I turned to him and saw tears streaming down his skin
"oh Tom-" I stood taking him into my arms letting his face go to the crook of my neck "its okay- you're okay"
"I-i'm gonna miss you so much" he whimpered to me his hands clinging to me "I don't wanna leave you Y/n" he whispered
"I know" I breathed pressing a kiss to his cheek "I'm going to watch all your interviews though, and anything I find of your band and I'll try come to a few shows I promise" Bill came over and hugged me along with his brother and my arms curled around the two as we all really excepted it was happening
"darlings- lets get a last photo together, for memories" my mom's smooth voice broke us apart and I stood between the two still crying with a painful hiccup every few seconds but smiling non the less "okay 1...2...3" the camera flashed a few times before she started to well up "beautiful, you... you three need to go to school no...now" her voice broke "Y/n I'll see you after and... oh boys" she sighed as the two came to her arms again "love you two so much"
"love you Y/M/N" they answered coming away and taking a breath "ready?" Tom looked to me giving his hand which I took and I said goodbye to my mom and walked out the house for the last time with them.
∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞ 
1-3rd period flew by and three o'clock was near approaching, our last class together was music which is were we all first met, Tom was already sat at the table when me and Bill walked in from our last lesson and we pulled out chairs out from the desk "last hour" Bill spoke looking to his brother who nodded "I think we get to finish our pieces today- I need the paper" Bill rose and went to the teachers desk leaving me and Tom
"you okay?" I spoke shuffling my chair closer to him and he just shook his head "same, b..but we need to just enjoy this okay- I love you so much" I whispered hitting his leg with my foot
"love you too" a smile appeared to his lips as he playfully kicked me back laughing as I missed my shot "idiot" he spat seeing me huff in annoyance
"got the papers!" Bill cheered coming back and placing the sheet music in front of us, our song 'all I wanted', I was singing along with Bill who was playing the piano and Tom was doing acoustic guitar for the background "okay so we need to practise the end bit and Y/n you can do the 'you' bit okay the really long one" I nodded listening to him speak over what we both had to do, through his speech I felt Toms hand search under the table for mine so quickly when I realised I grabbed his palm and held it under the table giving him the 3 squeeze 'I...Love...you'
Time flew by and it got to our time to perform, we stood in from of our class and teacher who was smiling "before we begin, this is Tom and Bills last day with us before they leave to go on tour! congratulations boys so this people is like a free concert, along with Y/n of course" hearing another person say it was their last day hit my heart in a way I didn't know it could be hit and my eyes teared up "ready?" we all nodded and started our song , throughout the song I could feel a pair of eyes on my side, Tom who sat with a proud smile as I actually hit the note with a tear falling from my eye and then hearing gasps from the class
"all I wanted was you!" we ended and the crowd before us applauded, our teacher clapping too, we all hugged before going to our seats, me and Bill highfived as we sat down and I quickly rubbed the tears from my eyes Tom through me a wink and then the bell sounded meaning time for last lesson where I'm with neither of the boys "I'll see you outside" I turned to the two who nodded and Bill was pulled into a conversation with our teacher and Tom turned to me
"we'll be picked up by this bus thing and Georg and Gustav will be in there so if you wanna say goodbye to them too you can" he smiled wrapping his one arm over my shoulders
"great more crying" I giggled leaning to his arm "I don't want you to go Tom" my voice was calm but inside I was falling apart already
"I don't wanna either... mhh- want me and Bill to walk you to your lesson for the last time? like the old times" he spoke changing the subject before we both started to cry again
"yeah...yes please"
∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞ 
"have a good weekend everyone!" my teacher announced meaning it was our time to leave, I hurriedly grabbed my things and rushed out the room and sprinted down the corridor to the outside where I could see a mass of people and camera's pointed to two people and a tall man, fuck
"move! please move!" I shouted shoving the crowd as I realised it was Tom and Bill being escorted to the bus that was taking them away "BILL! WAIT BILL PLEASE WAIT" I screamed before finally getting out of the sea of bodies seeing him turn around to me and I rushed into his arms "I'm gonna miss you Bill- fuck I don't want you to leave me here, but do us all proud okay?"
I felt another pair of hands try to pry me away "excuse me ma'am" it was their bodyguard which Bill quickly brushed away before bringing me close again
"we will call- every day, I'll miss you so much- do us proud here too! you'll be amazing okay? come to our shows to see us, scream us I'll know its you okay?" I nodded as tears fell down our cheeks "bye Y/n/n" I sobbed hearing him say it
"bye Billy" I spoke before he let go and I saw Tom rush toward me and I just jumped to his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and crying into his skin "I love you so much Tom- I love you so so much, you'll do amazing out there, and call me okay- please call me my love and...and don't forget about me " I cried to him and I felt his chest stutter
"I will baby I promise I'll call every night, I'm so sorry we need to go, I love you so much my sweet girl, I promise I will visit when I can and I'm telling you now I wont forget you- how could I?" we pulled apart but still in each others arms "I love you so fucking much baby- so much"
"I love you Tom" we forgot about the crowd and our lips pressed together, it was a kiss I never wanted to leave because I knew leaving it meant I had to let go of him, my boy- I could taste our tears mixing on our lips as we breathed unsteadily before the horn of the car honked "you'll be so good out there... I love you Tom- I love you so much"
"fuck I love you so much Y/n"
we hugged once more before he climbed into the van, I quickly waved to Georg and Gustav who sat patting Tom's back as I watched him sob into his hands, Bill held a heart up as the engine purred awake "DO YOURSELF AND US PROUD AND I PROMISE I'LL COME SEE YOU GUYS- LOVE YOU SO MUCH" I yelled as the began to drive, Tom blew me a kiss before they began to speed up down the road and then they were gone and I just the tears slide down my face until mom showed up coming out the car and wrapping me in a hug "they're gone- they're gone mom" I welped
"I know darling- I know" she held me so tight and brushed the tears from my face "you'll see them again- all of them, and they'll make us all so happy- trust me"
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httpiastri · 1 month
also omg spill the tea on meeting the drivers in spa!!! (only if you want to ofc, ignore this if you don’t 🙏)
aaaaaa okay its time!!!!!! dont grill me if my opinions don't match someone else's, i tried to be as kind as i can 🙏 gonna divide this into categories bcs i met some ppl who are not currently on the f2/f3 grids aaaaa but yeah here we go 🤭
(i saw and was close to pretty much all drivers, but im only including the ones that stood out to me in certain ways here 😊 in order of their racing numbers !!)
f3 !!!
dino beganovic - okayyy soooo. this and paul's will go kinda in the same direction… like i was not surprised to see him act not like super happily lol. i understand! when around fans or just people he doesn't know too well, he was not very excited. but when he was talking to jamie (ollie's... idk what he is? manager ish?), he was that cute happy self he can be! but most of the time, it was the dino we get to see in most prema videos from this year (like the "how well do you know your teammates" one) where he's just…. idk :/ dont blame him tho, im sure he's a great guy once you get to know him!!
gabriele mini - honestly i feel like i barely saw him, except when he and his gf were leaving 😭 welp. but he seemed happy to carry around his trophy!!
arvid lindblad - saw him already on thursday and was shocked both because i couldn't believe my eyes (it's him!! he actually exists!!!!!) and bcs he was much shorter than i had anticipated 😭 sorry arvid
sami meguetounif - i didn't see him around a lot but i saw him on the friday helping his team pack up the tent (carrying big things and such), while all other drivers seemed to not really care (from what i could see)(not just trident, but all teams). respect !!!!!!
tim tramnitz - i knew he was tall but he looked even taller irl!!!! i was so shocked, i felt so tiny
ollie goethe - seemed really happy and lowkey surprised when fans wanted to take pics with him 🥺 had a terrible haircut tho lmao i felt so bad for him... but he seemed so sweet all weekend!!! rlly wish i had talked to him aaaaaa
sebastian montoya - saw him around a lot talking to all kinds of drivers, seems very social butterfly-y :) he seemed very happy after the feature, and he seemed to definitely bring up pepe's mood too because they were talking and joking around for a long time 🥺 his sister (paulina) is also even more gorgeous irl omfg i didn't even think that would be possible…. like we always talk about how amazing she looks in pics but she was so so gorgeous irl (sadly didn't get to see her interact with nikita but 💔 i'll live ig)
luke browning - saw him tons and !! why is he so handsome ?!?!?!! genuinely fell in love all over again. what even. like i keep constantly thinking back to the eye contact we shared and im just. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 seemed sweet with fans too, not super energetic but agreed to pics and such. wish i had shown him my browning bracelet or asked him to sign my sm shirt but i was too shy 💔
christian mansell - saw him get really happy when fans recognized and talked to him, i wanted to show him my mewsell bracelet but didn't have the courage 💔 but sweet and happy as usual!! no surprises there
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f2 !!!
victor martins - actually dont think i saw him all weekend 😭 idk how i managed that
zak o'sullivan - i saw him a few times, he seemed like a bit down ?? very understandable considering how he had glandular fever ?!?!?!?!!! poor boy :( but god did he look good despite it lmao
ollie bearman - very tall and definitely very popular, always ppl waiting to take pics with him lol! didnt speak to him and wasnt very close to him either but he seemed smiley and happy :) tbh i think i saw jamie more than i saw ollie himself ?? lmao
kimi antonelli - tiny!! and the hair is so so curly!!!! he was actually cuter irl, dont understand how he can do that but yeah. also very popular, and was very happy and kind when fans wanted pics hehe
zane maloney - think this guy had like a magnet attached to me or something because i saw him everywhere all the time 😭 like even when there were no other f2 drivers left, he was there… seemed sweet, his freckles are really cute irl too :)
jak crawford - so so tall!!! and the hair looked even better irl oh my god
juan manuel correa - was a second away from asking him for an autograph but he started talking on the phone at that exact moment 😶 seemed so sweet tho!
gabriel bortoleto - aka bortolotti as the commentators said 😐 saw him chatting with a bunch of different drivers, very much a social butterfly like sebas (or is it just because he's very liked in the paddock? likely both). wanted to go up to him when he was talking to luke (they stood outside their hospitality for a long time just talking) and ask for autographs on my sm tshirt (and to tell them that i loved their appearances on the pod) but was too nervous shdjdhdj
enzo fittipaldi - he had the cutest interaction ever with his gf, i nearly melted at the sight of them 🥺 and big bro was there supporting him all weekend too which was cute lol
paul aron - the driver i think most ppl are gonna read and ignore all other drivers lol. i only saw him on the friday and… well….. i wasnt surprised because i had not expected him to be the most open and excited etc. 🤷‍♀️ like he did agree to take pics and such! he put on a little smile for the fans! but there was nothing extra, which i understand. i think we all know the kind of expression he puts on and how "neutral" he looks at most times? like, when he's not around a close friend etc then he seems a little cold. to me, i feel like it just makes his smiles much more valuable in some way!! he wasnt very smiley even with karl or ralf, ig maybe he was focused on qualifying, but he didnt give anything extra and i dont blame him for that. still owns my heart !!!! <33 and i think that the difference from dino is that he seemed more focused and more ig neutral than cold like dino. paul didnt seem neither happy nor mad etc, just blank. 😌 (but god did he look SO GOOD, his hair was so light and my heart wanted to jump out of my chest istg. he looked so so good that i was too shy to even look too much at him 😭)
is*ck h*djar - pls i dont wanna say what i actually think but. his mom was so sweet 😭 my dad (who, for context, does hobby photography) held his camera aimed to the campos truck door in case pepe would come out, but she came out instead and like apologized and stuff for being in the way? so cute :((
pepe marti - 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 how do i even begin to describe him? when there aren't enough words in the entire world? the most gentle and sweet person ever actually, he seemed so tired and just done with the weekend when i talked to him but he still made time for me and tried to stay optimistic. sweetest boy ever <33333333 (i actually still cant really believe i met him and talked to him. like my brain still short-circuits a bit when i think about it. he was just truly an angel and i miss him so much <//3 i also cried a ton after that lol but he didn't see it so that's okay)(also his hands look even bigger irl 😁 sorry gtg)
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former drivers/others !!!
fred vesti - like 10 minutes after the gp had finished, i just happened to accidentally run into him? like he was just heading out of the gate i was going into and so i stopped and gasped and just!!!!! and no one around me even looked at him (we were walking around general admission yk, just a big crowd all heading out on the track) which made me really sad but it was so cool to see him irl!!! he was taller than i had expected awww and so pretty
ralf aron - the only sentence that's still swirling around in my head: "is it possible to fall in love at first sight if you're already a fan?"....... because i think i fell in love 🫠🫠 when i tell you he was gorgeous, i mean it on a NEW LEVEL. like im obsessed. i was obsessed before but now im obsessed^2. actually insane. and he has the exact same voice as paul omg i would not be able to tell them apart irl. i love him so much, please help
adrian campos (jr) - sorry for including two team principals but 😭 idk where i get my shyness and social anxiety from because my dad has some kind of talent with people. he talks to everyone and everyone like him ??? anyways so he just randomly went up to the campos team principal and asked about pepe and they had a short but very friendly discussion 😭 and then he even came up to my dad later for new pepe updates lmao so he was a really sweet guy!!!
rene rosin - i didnt speak to him, saw him around a lot tho, but pt 2 of "my dad collecting team principals"…. my dad went to the f3 paddock and came back to tell me that he talked to "some prema dude" about dino's car… the convo went my dad: "is dino's car perfect now?". prema dude: "perfect for what?!". dad: "perfect for winning, of course!". prema dude: "yes, of course!!" and they had laughed and joked around and what not. i thought it was a funny interaction but didnt think more about that. until a while later, my dad pointed at rene and went "there's my friend from before!!" and i just ?!? you asked RENE if dino's car was good????? so yeah thumbs up to rene for being a funny dude 😁
sacha fouquet - sorry for including this but he also looked very good irl 😶 alsoooo like when i was hurrying to the f3 feature (i was running very late and wanted to be there for the start), i had to go under this tunnel to get from the paddock to the grandstands?? like a pretty narrow tunnel, only like 2-3 ppl width... and guess tho were heading to the paddock right when i was rushing away? all of the prema performance/race engineers! lovely timing! because they're all so so cool and made me so so so nervous 😭 (and the way i was just having to pretend like i haven't seen them all in 100 vids and even made gifs of them lmao what)
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gold star to anyone who made it this far ⭐️ sorry for the random yapping lol and for saying everyone looked better irl but it is true!!!! this isnt proofread so i apologize for any mistakes etc, pls feel free to ask if anyone has any questions... <3<3
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woojungz · 10 months
how xikers would confess to you! 🍃💐
❝ xikers x gn!reader
𓂃𓈒 this is part 1. members included: minjae, junmin, sumin, jinsik, hyunwoo. i will make a part 2 soon with the rest of the other members (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
( likes and reblogs appreciated!♡ )
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you met him through your dance troupe from school. he was a year older than you, and everyone else admired him for his dependable and leader-like qualities. everyone loves him to the point that your cute puppy love towards him goes unnoticed. it's just normal for people to love minjae that much at your school.
but then suddenly during practice everyone was sad, it's because minjae's gonna be graduating soon. it's never gonna be the same without him in the troupe. you started to brush off your feelings for him, and planned to give him a small little goodbye just like everyone else. until he asked you to stay after class because he wanted to show you something.
and inside your heart was beating really fast, cuz why the hell would your crush ask you to stay after everyone has left. you were starting to think he was mad at you (for absolutely no reason?!) until he told you he wants to show you some dance he made.
at first it was just him dancing while you cheered him on (he told you it was some new choreography he practiced last weekend). you were caught off guard when he suddenly grabs your hand and makes you dance with him! you got shy at first, but as time passed by, you were having fun with minjae, freestyling moves and whatnot.
once you guys got tired, the both of you just sat down on some corner to drink water and refresh. the silence was broken by minjae, asking you if you wanted to go to han river with him to hang out for awhile. you knew he loved it there, one of his favorite hangout spots with junmin (a really close friend of his). so when he invited you to go, it was probably the hundredth time your heart beat really fast for the day…
he brings you to han river after buying a few snacks, then resting at a lone bench beside some tree. it was really quiet, except for the cool breeze and the distant sound of other people around the area. you were caught out of your daze when minjae suddenly took your hand in his. of course you looked at him, wide-eyed.
"you know how much this place means a lot to me right?" minjae asks you, and you nod in return.
"i think it's the best place for me to tell you how special you are to me. i'm not gonna beat around the bush anymore, i really like you, y/n."
you were almost speechless, but thankfully you managed to atleast nod at him. embarrassingly stuttering out words, telling him you reciprocate his feelings, and that you really really like him too.
let's just say han river became your usual hanging out spot once you guys became a couple♡
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your dog was one peculiar creature, the moment you step foot outside, the little cutie wouldn't stop sniffing every single thing around him. when you finally managed to bring your dog to the park, you sigh in relief. surely he would wanna explore now since you guys were in an open space. but no, apparently some random bush was far more interesting than whatever else was at the park.
until you were suprised when a brown fluffy poodle approached your pup. it was collared, your sight following its leash until you lock eyes with a guy in a cozy sweater.
"kong!! don't go running into random dogs out of nowhere!"
you assumed kong was the name of the friendly dog that approached yours.
"no don't worry! it's completely alright, i think my dog could use a few friends anyway, everytime i walk him, he doesn't even move an inch and keeps smelling things!"
"well, looks like the both of them are getting along. oh, junmin's the name by the way!"
he introduces himself, and soon you follow, beginning a small talk between each other as your dogs mingled along. the conversation must've been so good that junmin didn't realize his grip on the leash loosened, and kong suddenly bolts, your dog following suit.
the both of you didn't expect to be caught in a chase real quick, and even if those dogs were quite small, they're still pretty damn fast. after a few minutes of running around the park, your pets grew tired, finally. so that's how you find yourself beside junmin sitting on the unoccupied swings, your dog sleeping soundly on your lap.
that meeting was the first of many as you continued hanging out with junmin everytime you walk your dog at the park. leading to meet ups where you guys bought pet treats, cute clothes for your dogs, and even left them at a doggy daycare for the rest of the day so you guys can hang out alone with each other.
another day passes, the sky clear. as usual, you were with junmin again, but he looked like he was in deep thought. so you asked him if something was bothering him, staring at the way he takes a deep breath before staring right at your eyes. some otherworldly force must've been helping him, suddenly no one else was around this area of the park. he cheers for himself inside, he can do it. a perfect moment as your two dogs are busy playing with each other at a corner.
"y/n, we've been hanging out with each other for quite some time now. i really got to know you well these past months, and i really enjoy spending time with you."
junmin starts, avoiding your gaze. he can't see it, but you smile at him. "me too junmin, i really enjoy your company."
"well, i don't wanna dwell on it much anymore. so i'm just gonna say it. y/n, you mean a lot to me, and… and i like you alot—"
you were about to take a step closer to him until kong parks his butt right at junmin's feet, and suddenly starts pissing all over him, a loud screech resounding throughout the park.
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you wanted a change of pace for now, so you decided it would be nice to take tours of the different art galleries in your city. all was going well, when after a few trips to different galleries… you started to notice this one dude with a very striking fashion sense. as the coincidences of you guys visiting the same galleries at the same time continue, you really can't help but notice him. i mean, who wouldn't turn their head towards someone wearing a bunch of layered clothing with different patterns and textures—but somehow still make it work.
one day, you finally knew what to call him. sumin, he says, officially became your unofficial tour buddy as you continue to plan a lot more trips for next time. that's how you find out what a surprisingly chill guy he is, a huge contrast to how he dresses. sumin had mentioned his daily life consisted of making art, paintings, lounging around parks, and of course, visiting art galleries.
"it's honestly kinda boring though." sumin stares off at a distance as he stirs some of the hot chocolate he had ordered at this cafe you chose to rest at for awhile, after a long session of looking at paintings and whatnot.
"boring?! i'd kill to have a life like that. i only go to art galleries as some kind of escape from my hectic schedules,"
you continue to rant as sumin listens carefully. this was the cycle for about a long time, enough for sumin to know almost every single thing about you now. so does his feelings for you grow by time. he only ever comes around to check out pretty paintings, but instead he's found someone like you, the prettiest he's ever met. just as how unpredictable he was, you weren't expecting him to tell you his feelings anytime soon.
starting the day as usual, you guys meet up at another art gallery that just opened, somewhere beyond the city you reside in. you were quite excited about this one, having seen how popular it got on the internet that you just have to really see it for yourself. as you walk around the gallery, stopping by each painting to tell a bunch of stuff you've read about it to sumin, you can't miss the way he intensely looks at you, his eyes tracing your own up until he's scanned your whole face. honestly it was kind of odd, but you brushed it off. he must've been trying to focus, seeing the way he scribbles on to the paper really hard.
"it's really interesting right?" you ask, totally oblivious to whatever sumin was doing.
"yeah, totally."
an hour passes and you reach the exit of the gallery, but sumin still seems to be busy with his damn paper…
"dude… i literally stopped talking like fifteen minutes ago, what could you possibly be taking notes of. like i get that the paintings were interesting, but were they really that interesting for you to keep writing until—"
sumin finally hands you the piece of paper. you flip it over, your eyes widening before looking back up at him.
"you did this?!" he only replies with a hum, flashing you that cute smile of his.
you couldn't help but feel your heart warm at the sight, all this time he was sketching a beautiful portrait of you. it doesn't look polished, the strokes were the kind of messy that worked together. despite the lack of color, the ink of his pen was enough to convey the way he sees you through his eyes. suddenly your gaze flickers towards the bottom of the page, a little scribble of handwriting made by sumin
i like you, y/n <3
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finals were nearing, spending most of your days at the cafe near your university. even before, you loved to hang out here, to the point that the baristas already recognize you as a regular. it's just that these days, you were needing coffee more than usual, or else you won't survive by the end of the semester.
so when you order the 'usual' this afternoon, you weren't expecting such a different flavor to meet your tongue, fighting not to spit it out and make a scene. internally you were asking yourself what went wrong, approaching your barista friends to ask them if they accidentally gave you the wrong order. but your name was on the cup, so that couldn't be the case, right?
instead, you found out that a newly hired barista made your order. 'jinsik' he introduces himself, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as he looks down at the floor. and boy did you really forget about the bad drink the moment you laid your eyes on him.
thank god you were able to blink yourself free from the stare you held on him, he's quite literally the most charming barista you've ever seen around here. once he finds out he messed up your order, he apologizes cutely… almost bows to the floor but you stop him.
ever since then, he makes it a point to leave messages on your cup. he's so sweet really, he found out that you were hanging out here for longer because you're studying for your finals. leaves cute messages that cheers you on for the rest of your study time :(
eventually he finally mixes your drinks really well. you often stay during weekends, sometimes staying until the cafe closes, this is usually the time where no one really orders or comes in. jinsik takes it as a chance to leave the counter and sit around with you while you study (mostly just him distracting you because how could you not devote your full attention to someone like him?!)
by the day of your finals, you make one last stop by the cafe to get a drink for the morning.
"hey, y/n! d-day right? there's this drink i've been seeing around everywhere, i heard it's mixed with ingredients that are good for focus. want me to make it for you?"
you curiously agree, taking the cup from him once he's had it done. taking a sip from the drink, your eyes widen because it's a flavor you recognize, something you've brought up with him before, and he remembered it :(
but you wonder how the hell he made it taste so good, taking a peek at the sticker on the cup that showed the drink add-ons. strangely there was none, turning the cup around until you see his message scribbled with a marker.
i like you y/n♡ let's hang out after your exams, yeah? early celebration bc i know you'll ace it!
you can't help but feel your cheeks heat up at his words, he wasn't even saying it directly to you, but your heart feels like it's gonna jump out of your chest. you immediately look for him, spotting him behind the counter, already looking at you fondly with a smile on his face :(
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it was the most awaited night of all time, your school's prom night. everything was perfect, from your outfit, and your friends that are coming with you. but as the event dragged on, your friends wanted to go on their own ways and spend time with their dates. personally you didn't mind, they'd already brought it up before, and you were completely fine with it.
as you sit by the snacks and drinks, you begin to wonder if you should've taken the time to ask your long-time crush to be your date for prom night. hyunwoo, his name was, the main vocalist of your school band that was quite popular with the students. to you he was just the coolest, especially when he sings everytime they perform. but because of that, you assumed that there must be other people that were already hitting on him too. he probably already has a date, someone much better than you, even.
you silently sulk at the corner, busying yourself with the cup of fruit punch you grabbed awhile ago. that was until someone announced through the microphone for everyone to gather by the stage. hyunwoo's band was performing, of course you rushed towards the crowd that also came to watch. right, not only was he gonna be busy with his date for tonight, they were also preparing to perform. must've been why you weren't able to see him around the moment you step foot in here.
and they begin, the band playing their original song. well, it was the perfect song for couples, everyone linking up with their dates to slow dance with each other, making you feel out of place. you left your spot at the middle. forget about watching hyunwoo sing at the stage. you disappear at the back of the crowd, hand still holding the cup of punch from awhile ago. the ice had already melted, you didn't even bother to drink it, probably tasted bad already. just like how you felt watching everyone dance with their partners, you would be lying if you said you weren't jealous at all.
though you decided to distract yourself for awhile, you can't help but think about hyunwoo while you were alone. i mean, his voice is literally the only thing you can hear from the speakers right now. every single line he sings, you can't help but look back on your memories with him. he was one of your close friends, sometimes you guys spend afternoons alone, by the bleachers or maybe helping him with some songwriting and practice. minutes pass by, the band was done, but hyunwoo's voice suddenly saying your name through the microphone caught your attention.
"this song is actually dedicated to someone who's very close to me. y/n, if you're listening, i want you to know that i really really like you."
the crowd suddenly cheers, the band taking their time to leave the stage. at the back, the stage lights were blinding to you. you can't really see hyunwoo. not until you hear a shout of your name, turning to meet his eyes.
"y/n. you're here! i was looking for you everywhere, i wasn't able to see you among the crowd." he begins, panting a bit as he ran from the stage towards where you are.
you weren't able to stop him from suddenly dragging you outside, right at the garden of the venue. it was only the two of you here, sounds of the crickets were doing a little bit to ease your nervousness.
"um, i really enjoyed your performance awhile ago." you began, staring up at his eyes.
"of course, i practiced really hard… for you."
hyunwoo takes your hand in his, fingers tangling with each other. "hyunwoo, i really like you too. a lot."
he blushed at the statement, the both of you avoiding each other's gaze. there was a moment of silence that fell upon the both of you, but your linked hands weren't budging at all. until you hear the faint start of a song from the venue, still quite loud even though you were at the garden.
"want to dance with me y/n? i wasn't able to be with you awhile ago." you weren't able to say no, facing him as he rests a gentle hand on you waist, looking straight into your eyes as the both of you begin a slow rhythm of dancing to the song. it was the best ending you could ever ask for, officially sealing the endless pining the both of you endured, the perfect night made under the dozens of stars and the cozy moonlight.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
reader has a breakdown ab something and mark is there
This was a little longer than intended
It’s their fourth year, and normalcy is starting to work its way back into the little family.
Philippe has moved on with his crush, realizing that Mom is happy with Mark and that maybe they were just meant to stay friends. He’s happy for Mom and Mark and had really matured in the past few months. The co-parents were back to being best friends once again, her moving in with Mark after dating for a few months helped relieve the strain that had been put on their friendship.
Philippe had let one of the sophomore’s girlfriends set him up with a girl who was seemingly super sweet, Jess was in her third year and was really good to Phil, she was super understanding of his situation and was extremely patient with him, even when it seemed like he was being the most shit boyfriend in the world.
She was perfect, in every aspect, except for the fact that she hated one of the most important individuals in his life. The woman wasn’t sure if it was because Jess saw her as a threat or if it was just because she hated the relationship that the two shared, but she knew that Phil’s girlfriend wanted nothing to do with her. So she held her tongue, she knew that this relationship was important to him, and he was accepting of her and Mark so she let the comments and stares roll off her back.
On the other hand, Mark hated listening to this girl make comments about his girlfriend’s parenting, her relationships, and other big things that the girl was insecure about. It was hard because he knew that she wanted to stay quiet, hoping that the tension between them would die off once she was no longer deemed a threat.
It all went to shit at the first hockey party of the year, the now Juniors decided to hold the first party of the year, meaning Mark, Ethan, and Dylan had accumulated as much beer as possible and were ready for a rager.
“Phil it’s no problem really,” she said trying to convince him to go out, “I heard Jess was going, go be with your girlfriend” She smiled as he rolled his eyes and sunk deeper into the couch cushion, his year-old daughter squished against his chest. “Y’know its okay for you to go out and have fun too” he deadpanned, “besides it’s my weekend with our daughter so I’m gonna sit here watch Disney movies and go to sleep at a reasonable time,” he said motioning to the paused movie on the screen, his new favourite ‘Tangled.’
“Boo you’re no fun” “I’m no fun? You need to go out and get sloppy drunk with your boyfriend, you’ve earned it!” He exclaimed and pointed towards the front door.
And that’s what led to now, the first real-time she’s been out and socialized since she had Florence.
“I forgot how good I was at beer pong” She smiled and turned to Luca whose jaw dropped, she had sunk the pong ball in 5 different cups on her first round. “Drink” she reminded the stunned boys with a smile, Gavin and Seamus who stood on the other side of the long table widened their eyes they took turns drinking the cups she had knocked off the table. “I like this version of you” Luca grinned as he high-fived her. “This feels like frosh year all over again,” she said as she watched both Seamus and Gavin throw the balls and miss the cups.
“Hey, Jess” Seamus greeted as she maneuvered her way around the kitchen, her friends just behind her as she searched the house for someone. She stopped and smiled at the two sophomores, “Oh hey boys, have you guys seen Phil?” “He not here, he’s at home with Flo” Gavin smiled and nodded over to the woman who stood at the other end of the table with a soft smile on her lips, awkward tension filling her chest.
“Why are you here?” Jess’ brows furrowed as she fully came to a stop and turned her whole body to the group. “I live here?” She said confused looking at the boys whom all shrugged at the weird feeling in the air.
She smiled innocently before ushering for her friends to continue looking for the rest of their group, “Shouldn’t you be the one with Flo, you are her mother?”  “Philippe is with her, trust me she’s in good hands” she joked as the boys all smiled, everyone quietly praying that this interaction would end soon and put them all out of their misery. Jess smiled sweetly once more, “I’m just saying, you do put a lot of pressure on him, you think you’d at least let him go out with his friends once in a while” Luca’s jaw dropped and looked over to the girl standing next to him whose eyes just glossed over with tears, “Thank you for the suggestion Jess, really, I’ll take it into account next time I decide to put my needs over his and my daughters” her tone wavering between venomous and tearful as Jess nodded and walked away.
A laugh left the girl’s mouth as she shook her head, “I can’t believe she just said that to me” she said with a soft but shocked tone before excusing herself to go upstairs to her and Mark’s room.
Mark knocked gently on the door and opened it to see her sitting on the edge of her bed, changed into her pyjamas, looking up at Mark with smudged makeup under her eyes, “I can’t do a single thing for myself without feeling like I’m being judged for it” she said quietly as he sat next to her, his arms wrapped around her shoulders to pull her closer, “I feel like such a bad mom all the time lately.” “You’re allowed to have a life, I know you feel like you can’t, but you are allowed to have fun,” he said lowly as she nodded into his frame, her hands gently making their way around his torso as she hugs him, “and trust me there is no better mother out there, Flo is so lucky to have you as her mom, you cherish that little girl more than life itself”.
“Is there anything I can do to make it feel better?” He whispers, his fingers drawing circles on her back as she pulled away with a serious look on her face.
“Have you drank anything tonight?” He shook his head, “No, not yet” She smiled and placed a short kiss on his lips “Grab your keys, we need to go see Flo” She smiled and grabbed him by the hand to pull him to his feet.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Hi! need some reassurance here. Am i the only one who is sad because we don’t know if we are gonna to see Michael and David working together again? Between the strike (which I totally support) and amazon not renewing GO, nothing is certain right now. I just miss them, i miss the interviews and i need new content. Note aside, I really don’t like the personal content that GT is posting on IG, like the video of David at the festival. Maybe it’s because I’m still new to the fandom and I’m not British, so i’ve a very different kind of humor, but her content somehow irk me… I don’t know. And don’t let me start talking about AL: she seems so phony and rude and i get nothing but bad vibes from her. Why does she always mock Michael’s appearance? I know, it’s none of my business 😅 So yeah… sorry about the rant!
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Hi there! Grouping these together, since I'm a bit overdue in addressing some of this.
So as of this writing, the WGA strike has been resolved (hooray!) and the writers are back to work (including Neil, whom I believe is returning to writing GO season 3). SAG-AFTRA (of which Michael and David are both members) is continuing its strike, however, but hopefully it will also be resolved soon.
That said, I am definitely with you in feeling sad about not knowing when Michael and David will work together again. I believe the renewal for S3 is still pending, so it is indeed a time of uncertainty. My hope is that if/when the SAG strike is resolved, we might perhaps get some interviews with Michael and David that we otherwise were unable to get when GO 2 first came out. It may be too late to promote the season, of course, but we have to remember that earlier this year, Michael was popping up on nearly all of David's TV appearances (The Last Leg, Have I Got News For You), so even if a formal project isn't currently in the works, it hopefully won't be too long before we have the chance to see them together again.
To the rest of your Ask and @phantomstars24's, I've had multiple people asking me about what happened with Anna and her being called out, so for those who might've missed it, what occurred was that two weeks ago, someone left a comment on one of AL's Insta posts (the one with the photos from the "family holiday" in Sweden the weekend prior) calling her out for her repeated comments about Michael's appearance over the last few years:
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Several comments from people defending AL/attacking the commenter followed these, and the next morning, she responded with this comment (not on the chain of already existing comments, but separately):
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My initial impression was to be surprised that she responded at all. If the callout commenter's words truly meant nothing and weren't worth responding to, why say anything? But AL chose to reply, and that was her decision, so here we are. What is strange to me, though, is that she also chose to flat-out lie about something easily provable, given that her comments about Michael's appearance have all been well-documented on her Insta and Twitter over the past three years.
The second thought that came to mind is that this seemed like another attempt on her part at being Georgia--i.e., wanting/trying to give a witty "clapback" to a criticism. Instead, her comment comes across as insecure and insincere, with "magnificent hair growth" being a particularly egregious example of laying it on thick (who even talks like that? No one talks like that.). I was truly surprised to realize this comment was written by an almost 30-year-old woman, as it reads more like a teenager having a fit--though in fairness, there are plenty of teenagers who are far more mature than this.
There is also the notion that we are or somehow should be jealous of the "banter" in her and Michael's relationship, except that this misses two key points. One, that it's one thing for Michael to be self-deprecating about his looks--and that even if he is, it doesn't mean he doesn't feel hurt and is therefore possibly making those comments as a deflection--but it's something else entirely for her to make them. It speaks volumes about her character that she would see/hear him saying these things about himself and instead of wondering if he is okay, decides that it gives her the go-ahead to add to it and snark about his appearance. So many of us have felt self-conscious about our looks at one time or another, but without any response from him, it comes across less like "mutual banter" and more like "one person progressively making passive-aggressive cutting comments over time about the other." Which brings us to the second key point, which is that "in-jokes" are only funny to the people who are in on them, and similarly, banter is only mutual if we are able to see his end of it. The problem is, we never do. Michael does not interact with her on social media (even from his "private account," which many of us have known about for years, as he used to use it to interact with Kate, Sarah, and Lily all the time, yet he doesn't use it to interact with AL, for some reason).
Curiously, this would have been a perfect moment for Michael to do exactly that, or to say something on Twitter in her defense. Of course it is entirely possible that he felt he didn't need to say anything--which is his prerogative, just as it was AL's prerogative to respond. But it's quite interesting to realize that at the same exact time AL wrote that comment, Michael was on Twitter talking about touching David's chest and referring to him as the Thin Dark Duke, and then kept tweeting about GO fandom stuff for the next three hours. Choices.
All this to say that, in my opinion, there was nothing genuine or graceful about AL's comment. And again, you could say well sure, she felt attacked, so there was no obligation to stand on ceremony or mince words. It's just interesting that her comment went in the direction of defensive and sarcastic instead of saying something like, "Michael and I love each other and can handle a bit of teasing." And I truly do hope Michael's fans who rushed to her defense take a step back and realize that she is not a nice person. This is not how a nice person, regardless of who they are dating, talks to other human beings. And she will never reply to them or thank them for doing so because to her, they are a means to an end.
In any case, there was a recap of the callout/clapback situation with AL, for anyone who missed it. To your comments @nightingalecottage, please do not apologize for ranting. As I've said before, I want my blog to be somewhere folks can have these discussions calmly and civilly, and I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to message me with your thoughts. And as always, I'm very aware that I could be wrong about all of this, so I urge folks to read what is here and decide for themselves. Thanks for writing in! x
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lovelylusts · 1 year
cloud nine // csb // 03 - d-day
summary: a group of friends form on nsfw twitter, and hijinks ensue. but when jisu starts catching feelings for soobin after filming with him, she has to grapple with her feelings while assuring her close bond with him doesn’t die.
general warnings: choi soobin x oc (moon jisu), smau, smut, fluff, angst, crack, the rest of txt is here too, aespa is also here just bc they serve, no relationships or events in this story reflect real ships and are just for the story, this is a pro sex-work story obv, lowkey probably gonna be filthy as hell considering it’s a sex work au, vague relationships lmao, she/they oc because i’m projecting, genderfluid yeonjun agenda, oc has a not-so-secret thing for soobin’s hands, they use fake names on twt :)
chapter warnings: this one is written!!, there’s a lot of warnings i’m sorry 😭, hard?dom!soobin (with mildly sub thoughts), sub!oc (with mildly dom thoughts), jisu uses she/they pronouns but i only used she while writing this to make reading more seamless, lots of mentions of sexting and nudes and sex work onlyfans and nsfwtwt as per the last chapters), grey sweatpants deserves its own warning tbh, she wears a collar and cat ears but there’s no petplay, filming, dry humping, biting + hickeys, brief mention of edging, obscene amounts of precum mentioned a few times, they’re both pretty needy and fucked out, some pretty messy deepthroating, very brief and vague comparison of jisu to succubus, consensual !! head-pushing, face-fucking, makeup kink?????? idk he likes seeing her makeup get more and more messed up, praise, the tearing of clothes, nipple play, pussy eating, fingering, squirting, protected!!!!! vaginal sex (cowgirl), lil bit of possessiveness but it’s just dirty talk, multiple orgasms (jisu), aftercare
word count: 4.5k
series masterlist // general masterlist
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the weekend came sooner than jisu had expected. she had spent the past couple of days making overpriced coffee for broke college students like herself, and her nights going over video ideas with soobin that led to steamy phone calls. it wasn’t the first time the two had had a sexual exchange - in the early days of being mutuals, as was common in their sphere, they had numerous sporadic conversations that veered into late nights filled with hasty texts riddled with misspellings from having to text with one hand as they aided in getting each other off.
it was always funny to jisu how her friendship with soobin started, and how their group of friends formed. they were all strangers from the internet who all, except for yizhuo, lived in seoul for various reasons, be it living the former idol trainee lifestyle or having been born and raised there. if anything, jisu had been more intimate with these friends than any partner in the past couple of years since she had created her twitter account. their group chats were filled with opinions on racy photos, exchanging stories of hookups, and shamelessly flirting with each other on a platonic level.
so why was jisu so nervous right now? this wasn’t the first collaboration she had ever done - her most popular post to date was a collection of photos of herself and minjeong posing lewdly together in skimpy witch costumes for halloween. was it his height? his versatile personality in sexual situations? jisu eventually landed on the idea that this would be the first time she filmed herself having sex for profit. the idea made her stomach flutter.
soobin lived a short drive away from her, and it was a drive she had been well acquainted with for a while now. beside her in the passenger seat sat a backpack that, during nine months of the year, was filled with textbooks and folders, but was now housing a collection of objects that her fans knew well - some pastel pink rope, a small black bullet vibrator, fluffy pink cat ears with a dainty collar to match, and so on.
neatly on top of these items was a folded set of lingerie. the previous night, while on facetime with soobin, she rummaged through her extensive collection of sexy garments, looking for sets she wouldn’t miss if something were to happen to them. it was a hard decision, but they eventually agreed on a simple lacey set that was quite see-through - there wasn’t really anything special about it, but it still hugged jisu’s body perfectly and made the blood rush out of soobin’s head down to his dick.
jisu felt her heart thumping harshly as she navigated her way around soobin’s apartment complex until she ultimately reached his place, her hand firm against the pale grey door as she knocked three times, the door opening only moments later to reveal her tall friend.
she was always shocked when she saw him in person because, in her words, “he’s basically a giraffe.” she couldn’t help but gaze over him, noticing that he was wearing those damn grey sweatpants that she recognized from late-night photo exchanges. oftentimes, he would be wearing those well-loved sweats when he sent her photos of him grabbing the outline of his hard member. this has to be on purpose, she thought to herself.
“hey, jisu,” he said sweetly as he pulled her in for a hug, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist as she did the same. he couldn’t help but take in her signature scent, a soft mix of vanilla and lavender, and he held her close. maybe it had been due to the days of anticipation and planning, but he could already feels the butterflies in his stomach and the blood rushing down to his cock as he pulled away from her. “you ready?”
“let’s do this.”
⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆
jisu thought that she’d be prepared for this. after so long of filming and taking photos of herself in compromising situations, she truly thought she was ready for this. but as she sat on soobin’s lap on his bed, grinding against him with her back arched away from the rolling camera and her covered chest against his bare one, she had never felt so vulnerable in her entire life - not when she opened her twitter account, not when she sexted a stranger in her dms for the first time, not when she first posted on onlyfans. it seemed that it was soobin’s large hands gripping her ass as he rocked her lace-covered clit against the monster in his precum-soaked boxers that made her feel more exposed than ever. it was her long dyed hair swept over one shoulder so the camera could capture soobin biting and sucking on the sensitive skin of her neck that adorned a fluffy baby pink choker. it was the fact that she was unsure if she had ever been this aroused in her entire life.
soobin himself wasn’t holding up too well either. it was as if there was no blood left in his brain because it had all flowed down to his other head. through all the grinding and grabbing and heavy breathing and sighing against each other, he felt that he could finish at any moment - he was so thankful that he had trained himself in the art of edging, because he was certain that he would have cum at least twice already had that not been the case.
“s-onyx,” she sighed out, being careful to only refer to him as his social media name. “i-i wanna suck your cock. please.” jisu couldn’t help that her request came out as a breathy whimper. she was familiar with his dick from photos and videos, but she had never seen it in person. the thought of finally being able to touch him made her mouth water.
soobin’s brain almost short-circuited upon hearing those words leave her perfect lips, the lips that he had seen wrapped around her own fingers, candies, and sex toys that made him think god, i would give anything to feel them around me. his head lolled back, his teeth digging into his bottom lip due to the combination of her dirty words and a particularly delicious roll of her hips against his own. “fuck, yes.” he almost let a please roll out as well, but with what little control he had over himself at the time, he knew he couldn’t. he couldn’t slip out of the dominant role after all the planning that went into this video of him ruining her.
jisu slid off of his lap, looking down and smirking when she saw the large wet patch that covered his boxers, then grabbed the secondary camera and handed it to soobin as she fixed her lingerie and hair while he turned on the camera, fumbling a little bit due to the arousal that made his brain feel foggy. the camera soon switched on as he held it at his chest, looking into the view finder to see the perfect image of jisu between his thighs, somehow looking so innocent yet so seductive, her nipples poking at the thin lace of the bra she chose for the shoot, and fluffy pink cat ears pinned to her lightly curled hair - he soon decided that no matter how incredible she looked at that moment, her appearance wouldn’t matter by the time he was done with her. his goal was smeared mascara, torn clothes, and cum covering her face and bleached bangs.
her intimidation was overshadowed only by her excitement as she began to tug down the waistband of his underwear, watching as he lightly lifted his hips up to help her, until they were off and discarded somewhere in his bedroom. she swore she could sense soobin’s heart racing as she eyed him up and down with dark eyes before wrapping her right hand around the base of his cock, her other hand resting on his hip bone. she looked up at him through her mascara-coated lashes - she made sure to forgo her usual waterproof mascara in favor of letting the black run down her face in streaks and splotches, maybe even some staining the light blue quilt below her. their eyes met, both of them smiling at each other briefly, before she stuck her tongue out to lick a stripe from right above her hand all the way to his leaking tip. upon her tongue reaching his head, she began to slowly glide her hand up and down his cock, the movements made easy by the obscene amounts of precum released only minutes earlier, while wrapping her lips around the head of his cock, moaning lightly as she took in the taste.
soobin threw his head back, an obscene moan leaving his mouth as his right hand instinctively reached ouch for her, his fingers lacing in the strands of her hair close to her scalp. he wasn’t going to force her movements, not yet at least, though it took everything in him to not do so. they had talked about it - face-fucking, that is - and while she was, to quote, “so down,” he wanted to take in the moment. he wanted to know what she would do while she was in charge of the moment.
jisu was a bit worried about how much of him she could fit in her mouth. she knew he was huge, but seeing it in person, having it in her hands, was way different. fuck it, she decided, and decided to surprise him by taking him as far as she could down his throat, which was considerably far for how long and thick he was, and a loud gag erupted from her throat as she tried to hold his member in place for a second, pulling away when she felt it was too much, an obscene amount of saliva following her lips. she took the moment to recover a bit, stroking her right hand along his length and spreading her saliva as she lightly twisted her wrist.
she reveled in the sight of soobin’s reactions as she did this, seeing that he was already struggling a bit. his cheeks were red, and despite him biting his lip, he was still making quite a bit of sound. she realized that he had never actually filmed with anyone before. she had gotten so used to him either doing fan-service content in the form of dirty talk audios or photos of his really pretty hands, or videos of him simply jerking off, but she had never actually seen or heard him with another person. for a second she tried to convince herself that it was the excitement of not always being able to expect what a partner may do that made him react in such a way, but, for the sake of her ego as well as the throbbing between her thighs, she told herself it was all because of herself. she shot him a small smirk before taking his length back into her mouth, this time bobbing her head, a soft gag leaving her throat each time she took him.
his grip on her hair tightened a bit as he struggled to breathe properly. he had had many sexual ventures in his time being a college student, but this was different. he swore that she was secretly a fuck, what are they called? those hot sex demons. suck something. suck. suck. holy fuck she’s sucking me off so good. he couldn’t think straight as he felt her hot, wet mouth around his painfully hard cock. he was still gripping the camera with one hand, though he no longer cared if the shot was clear or not, whether it was even pointing at her or if the had angle shifted while he struggled to not writhe under her touch. “fuck, baby, it feels so fucking good,” he groaned out.
jisu could feel her cheeks heat up ever-so-slightly at the praise. this entire situation was really bad for her ego. she pulled off of him with a deep, loud inhale, even more saliva pooling around her mouth and fist, as well as along soobin’s length. her momentary stop gave him the slightest moment of clarity, checking to make sure the camera was focused and looking at the view finder to see jisu with flakes of mascara beneath her eyes, the small bit of eyeliner smudged, and the cat ears lopsided from where he had grabbed the hair next to it. he also used this moment of clarity to go through the mental list he had made of things they thought about including - they hadn’t decided on anything concrete, deciding to go with the flow and do whatever felt natural. so jisu wasn’t exactly surprised that soobin had moved his fingers closer to the back of her head to push her down towards his cock. she eagerly let him take control, at first only lightly guiding her movements as she returned to her previous routine of taking him down her throat.
soobin was able to focus better this time around, the small pause having helped him compose himself. he was nearly convinced that this is what heaven felt like. her lips looked so perfect around him, her eyes looked so perfect as they met his with a devious innocence - which was something he was sure would never exist until he saw jisu peer up at him so sweetly while doing such sinful things to him. that’s when he decided to fully grab her hair and hold her head in place, instead pushing his hips up towards her face. the gagging sounds intensified and became shorter as he went at a pace quicker than what she had previously set.
she was loving every second of this. it was fun to be in control, even if just for a moment, to make him lose his mind, but she had to admit that being used as a fucktoy suited her just as well. she felt the tears that had already formed along her waterline begin to drip down her face, her eyes stinging a bit as her mascara began to face its demise. but much to her disappointment he soon pulled his cock out of her mouth, looking at the mess of saliva in awe.
“you did so good for me, jiu,” he said, trying not to sound as breathless as he felt for the sake of his ego. “wanna taste you.” he quickly saved the video and turned the camera off before pulling her back towards him, delivering a hard smack to her ass before pushing her down on the bed, making sure in the view finder that a good amount of her body was shown, then reaching for her lacey bra.
he had pulled at the seam between her breasts until it tore, pushing the two pieces to the side to reveal her nipples, perky from the cool air now meeting them. he grabbed her soft tits in his hands, lightly squeezing them and running the pads of his thumbs over her nipples, which, judging by the slight whine that came from her, were sensitive. he reached over to suck on one nipple while pinching the other, reveling in the small sounds she made as he did so, switching sides to assure they were both equally loved, before trailing his lips down her torso, making sure to leave hickeys here and there before reaching the waistband of her underwear.
jisu knew was to expect when he sat up briefly, quickly tearing the other half of the lingerie set and letting it fall against the bed before he leaned over, wasting no time and diving in, slipping his tongue between her sticky folds to collect some of the wetness leaking from her pussy. she let out a whiny moan, her hips jerking lightly. he was barely starting, and she was already infatuated by his tongue.
“god, you taste so fucking good,” he growled against her, pushing her legs further apart and bringing her legs over his broad shoulders. he was fully addicted to this, there was no doubt. he felt as good giving her head as he did receiving it from her - how could he not when she tasted that good? and she was so sensitive too, practically just as much of a mess as he was minutes earlier, but way more vocal about it too. her soft, high-pitched moans were so filthy, so pornographic, they were music to his ears. he didn’t care how messy his sheets were becoming beneath him as he lightly ground his cock against the fabric, surely leaving behind a large puddle of saliva and precum as he stimulated his painfully hard cock.
she was sure she had never been this sensitive before. like soobin, she had also had her fair share of sexual escapades in her time as an undergrad student, but nothing was comparable to this. not even close. his tongue moved flawlessly against her wet heat as his large hands dug into her hips as she bucked against him. she felt like she couldn’t even control her hips as her hips lightly jerked, which eventually turned into full-blown grinding against his face when he decided to wrap his plush lips around her clit. she was so far gone that she hadn’t even noticed his right hand leaving her hip, only noticing when she felt a finger or two teasing the entrance of her tight cunt.
the sound she released as he inserted a finger into her pussy was probably the best sound he thought he would ever hear, though this was quickly replaced by the sound she released as he curled the finger against her g-spot. he swore he almost came from taking in her reaction alone. her fingers were entangled in his soft black hair, desperately moving her hips to make him go faster. this only led to another slap being delivered to her ass.
“you’re gonna take what i give you when i give it to you, or else you’re not cumming. have i made myself clear?” he talked to her sternly, making her head spin so much that she could barely let out a cohesive sentence. “i asked you a question, baby.”
“yes,” she squeaked. “i’ll be good, i promise.”
“good girl,” he muttered as he reconnected his lips to her swollen clit, entering another finger into her wet cunt and continuing to finger-fuck her with his digits perfectly angled against her sweet spot. “you’re such a fucking mess for me. i wonder how many times i can make you cum tonight. wanna find out, baby? hm?” his deep voice almost sounded condescending, laced with so much arousal that he was sure he barely sounded like himself.
“please make me cum,” she repeated over and over again like a mantra, more and more tears spilling from her eyes and falling down her temples, her head thrown back against his comforter as she felt the knot in her stomach begin to tighten. already? fuck, how is he capable of this?
her pleading only encouraged him as he sucked harder on her clit and pushed a third finger inside of her, fingers hitting against her g-spot at a pace he didn’t think he was capable of.
“fuck,” she squealed, her first orgasm of the night crashing down on her like a tsunami. she didn’t even notice the wetness that was gushing out of her, hitting not only soobin’s face but also his blanket.
“fuck, jiu, that was so fucking hot. you did so fucking good,” he rambled as he brought his face back closer to hers, pressing a kiss against her lips. the kisses were messy and needy, moaning into each other as they tasted themselves on each other’s tongues. “i need to be inside you, holy fuck.” he wasted no time standing up, making sure to take the scraps of fabric off of jisu’s body and throw them haphazardly across the room before walking towards the camera set-up, making sure that everything was in place for the last scene.
the view finder showed that the camera couldn’t even capture how incredible, how erotic jisu looked to him. hickeys littered her collared neck and pale torso, her eye makeup was everywhere except where it was meant to be, her ass was a soft red from where his hand had met the smooth skin, and a thick sheen of ejaculate and precum slicked her inner thighs. the most devilish angel he could even dream of.
he walked back towards the bed and sat back against the pillows, pulling her towards him to sit her in his lap, both of them shivering as they lightly brushed against each other. he was quick to grab the condom off his nightstand and roll it on his cock before tightly grabbing jisu’s hips and pulling her down to sit on it, watching with a dark gaze as his length disappeared into her pussy. he couldn’t help but pull her close against him, moaning into her neck as her tight, warm, wet walls fluttered around him.
“fuck, you’re so fucking big,” she whined out, raising her hips until he was mostly unsheathed before lowering her hips once again. his cock was filling her perfectly in every way, brushing just right against her g-spot and even hitting lightly against her cervix. it was at that moment that she was almost certain she could die happily.
“you’re so fucking tight. god, this pussy was made just for me, yeah?” soobin kept rambling as she bounced on his cock, her tits jiggling and her perky nipples brushing against his chest every so often. these words weren’t just taken from the random audios he would post - well, he had probably said those words before, but he didn’t actually mean it. this time, though it wasn’t evident to him due to how little he felt his brain worked from how good she felt, he really did mean it. sex was ruined for him forever, he was convinced. no one could make him feel as good as jisu was.
jisu was fairing far worse, basically unable to form words and instead whining an affirmative against the skin of his neck, where she couldn’t even bring herself to return the favor of the numerous bruises littering the skin of her neck, instead pressing soft yet messy kissed in an identical spot. she wasn’t sure if it was her lack of clarity or something else, but his words sparked something in her. it really did feel like he was speaking the truth, after all, she couldn’t disagree that she had never been filled up so perfectly before, how no one had made her feel so incredible it was basically unreal. the feeling, rather than any of this actually forming a coherent thought in her fucked-our brain, was interrupted by soobin’s hand colliding with her ass yet again.
“use your words,” he demanded before bringing his hand down on her once again. as much as he loved hearing her pathetic little sounds, he craved hearing the words struggle to come from her mouth. yeah, this shoot was definitely unhealthy for his ego, but he couldn’t have cared any less when her pussy hugged his throbbing cock so nicely.
“y-yes. my pussy was made just for you.” saying the words out loud brought back the funny feeling, though it was quickly replaced by the rubber band inside of her snapping once again, crying out as she came. soobin lifted her hips up so the camera could see as he reached his fingers between her legs as her orgasm rippled through her, rubbing his fingers against her at a furious speed, making another round of fluids gush out of her hole again. soobin’s cock, thighs, and any of the surrounding blanket was absolutely soaked, but god, they both loved it.
he brought her hips back down, this time taking control completely when he realized she could barely move by herself. his grip on her was intoxicating, sending shivers down her spine as she cried from the overstimulation. “please,” she cried out to him, “i need to cum again.”
he grinned deviously at her. “anything for you, babygirl.” he brought her hips down against his faster and harder, addicted to the way her walls kept constricting around him. his words aided in bringing her closer again already, her moans becoming more and more frequent with her volume becoming harder and harder to control. then he brought his fingers back to her clit and rubbed in small circles.
“fuck, fuck, fuck,” jisu kept crying out against him, cumming hard around him once again, squirting all over him before falling limp against his chest. he took the opportunity her current state gave him to push her backwards, making sure her legs weren’t in too uncomfortable of a position before he ripped the condom off and sat his knees on either side of her neck, and began quickly stroke his aching cock. finally, after forcing himself to hold it in for the duration of their filming, soobin finally let go, his cum spurting out and painting her face, hair, and clip-in cat ears in what felt like ounces of cum. he ran his fingers through as much of his cum as he could gather before shoving them in her mouth, whispering praises to her as she licked it all off.
⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆
jisu soon learned that soobin was not only incredible at fucking, but incredible at after care. shortly after removing his fingers from her mouth and taking a moment to regulate his breathing, he got off the bed and made his way to the bathroom connected to his room, coming back with some wet washcloths to clean the messy mix of saliva, precum, and cum off of both of them, making sure to get as much cum out of jisu’s hair as possible so washing it later wouldn’t be as difficult for her. he threw both of the dirty towels somewhere in the room, deciding to pick up the loose articles of clothing later. right now he had to focus on jisu. he grabbed the extra pair of clothes she had packed and helped her put on the pair of boyshorts and the loose t-shirt, though he couldn’t help but notice the many other goodies she brought that they didn’t use.
“i don’t think we needed them,” she said with a small shrug as she sat on the chair he had placed her in so he could change out the sheets on his bed. “you were… wow. i don’t think i can ever sleep with anyone else ever again.”
“same,” he said with a chuckle. “we should do this again. with or without a camera.”
“yeah, i would really like that,” she said with a smile. the entire time he helped her unwind after they finished, she couldn’t help but notice that the weird feelings of butterflies that she had gotten earlier had returned. but they were done filming, there was nothing sexual going on. so what did it mean?
⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆
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josephseedismyfather · 6 months
5 songs, 3 outfits
Many thanks to @carlosoliveiraa, @g0dspeeed, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @inafieldofdaisies, @the-silver-chronicles, @noodlecupcakes and @la-grosse-patate, for tagging me in this!🥰 It was really fun! Sorry for the delay, I know it's a reallllly old tag!
Rules: Post 5 songs associated with your OC(s), followed by 3 outfits they would wear.
Harley Jane ❤️
Anyone - Demi Lovato I feel stupid when I pray Why the fuck am I praying anyway? If nobody's listening
Gasoline - Halsey I think there's a flaw in my code These voices won't leave me alone Well, my heart is gold and my hands are cold
I Like It Rough - Lady Gaga Is it 'cause you don't mean it, or because I don't feel it unless it's rough?
FU In My Head - Cloudy June Take me closer, take my clothes off, oh I fantasize If I'm honest, it's more fun when you can't read my mind
Sappy - Nirvana And if you fool yourself You will make him happy
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Evangeline Rose 💛
From The Dining Table - Harry Styles I see it's written, it's all over his face Comfortable silence is so overrated Why won't you ever say what you want to say? Even my phone misses your call, by the way
Hymm For The Weekend - Coldplay When I was down, when I was hurt You came to lift me up When I was a river, dried up You came to rain a flood
Hands Clean - Alanis Morissette Ooh, this could be messy but But you don't seem to mind and Ooh, don't go telling everybody And overlook this supposed crime We'll fast forward to a few years later And no one knows except the both of us And I have honored your request for silence And you've washed your hands clean of this
Prodigal - One Republic I'm on the road to who knows where? Look ahead, not behind, I keep saying There's no place to go where you're not there On your rope, I hold tight, but it's fraying
Selling Faith - Matchbox Twenty And I know I ain't been righteous But there ain't nowhere to turn I'm falling, but I don't know how far down I don't need to understand it I just need a guiding light
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Austin Randal 💙
Here I Go Again - Whitesnake Though I keep searching for an answer I never seem to find what I'm looking for
I Go To Extremes - Billy Joel Sometimes I lie awake, night after night Coming apart at the seams Eager to please, ready to fight
Sin - Nine Inch Nails It comes down to this, your kiss, your fist, and your strain It gets under my skin, within, take in the extent of my sin
Painkiller - Judas Priest Mankind's on its knees A savior comes from out the skies In answer to their pleas
Wasted Time - Skid Row Paranoid delusions, they haunt you Where's my friend I used to know? He's all alone, he's buried deep within A carcass searching for a soul Can you feel me inside your heart as it's bleeding? Why can't you believe you can be loved?
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Even though it's old, gonna send it out. Apologies for doubles and no pressure as always! @wrathfulrook, @trench-rot, @ladyoriza, @cassietrn, @redreart, @hotmessteaparty, @v0idbuggy, @insanityofvaas, @malefiquinn, @strangefable, @chazz-anova, @aristomal, @ocdemon-747, @omen-speaker and anybody else who wants to play. Tag me! 😘
Be added/removed from the tag list here.
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boilingcowboy · 5 months
my post agad head canons:
if these don't make sense or are out of character im sorry lol haven't read the books in a while
-it takes pip and ravi about a year to get where they were before and about two years to make it official to other people
-for everyone else it also takes at least a year if not almost two for pip to restore her relationships with her family and friends, except cara for cara its only about a year
-the hole process of restoring her relationships and why it took that long is mainly cus pip is still pretty cautious about not wanting to raise suspicion
-two years after agad pip cuts her hair (about shoulder length so she can still put it up and out of her face) or rather cara cuts pips hair while they're having a sleepover, its a bit choppy and messy but that's okay (yes this is a hint at the series lol) but also hair has memories and even tho pip knows it's silly but she dose feel a bit lighter
-the first time pip and ravi meet in person its two months after the "hey sarge, remember me ?" text and they agree for ravi to visit pip
-the plan was that they meet up, get food and then go back to pips dorm room to talk about everything they didn't on the phone but the plan kinda goes sideways because both of them end up trying and failing not to cry while sitting in ravis car for an hour after again failing to fully let go of each other after being near each other for the first time in what felt like years
-it takes both of them a while to realise that they can now text, call or see each other if they miss the other person after not being able to but after they realise "oh we are in each others life again like fully" that's when they become the most clingiest bitches to ever exist especially when they start to see each other in person more often
-and when I say clingy I mean CLINGY in like a "somehow they manage to touch each other every 5 fucking seconds" way like they'll be standing next to each other and one of them will loop a finger through the other persons belt loops, bumping into each other while walking, adjusting the other persons clothes/hair, sitting so close their thighs are touching, leaning on each other and that's like only in public it gets worse when it's just the two of them
-they do become less extremely clingy after a few months when they both realise "okay you're not going anywhere, you're not gonna leave me again, at least in the near future" and they feel more comfortable and less anxious (for the most part)
-after pip fully comes back into everyones life again her and cara have a shit ton of sleepovers, both of them sleep better at those sleepovers
-also on that note pip and ravi rarely sleep on different beds, they always end up sharing a bed no matter what cus one of them will wake up during the night and join the other
-the first time ravi stays the weekend at pips he gets one of those blow up mattresses (cus it's like both aren't sure how comfortable the other is and shit and it's all confusing) and they fall asleep talking only for ravi to wake up in the middle of the night to find pip awake (cus one nightmares and two insomnia) and when they notice the other is awake they kinda stare at each other for a sec before pip is like "ah fuck it, can- do you- uh ?" she doesn't even need to finish her sentence
-nightmares!!!! both of them have them and sleeping next to each other helps a lot cus a lot of the time their nightmares are about losing each other so waking up and immediately having that person there definitely helps!!!
-expect that one time ravi got up to get water and while coming back pip woke up from a nightmare and pip still in the nightmare seeing almost nothing but pitch black and a shadow over her punched ravi in the face, they got a night light to turn on whenever one of the got up in the night after that
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underacalicosky · 10 months
For the soft dialogue - 41, 46, or 47. Or all of them, or a combination of them, I'll take what I can get. Lol. 💖
Thanks for the prompts! ❤️ I posted my response for #46 earlier today. @sky-kenobye also asked for #41.
I decided to make #41 part of the Heartbreak Prince AU. It happens the same night as when Anakin asks Obi-Wan to re-pierce his ear for him.
41. “Is that my shirt?” “Is… is that okay?”
And #47 is part of The Next Model universe (aka Top Model AU) and takes place a few weeks after the epilogue.
47. “Have you eaten today?” “Am I gonna get in trouble if I say no?”
Like Old Times
Obi-Wan flips the light switch off as he leaves the bathroom and shuffles over to his living room where Anakin is staying on his pullout couch to see if he needs anything before bed. The apartment is mainly dark except for the light from the kitchen, and that’s where Obi-Wan finds him putting another ice cube into a ziplock bag.
“Does it still hurt a lot?” Obi-Wan winces when his eyes land on Anakin’s red earlobe newly adorned with the shiny metal hoop.
“It’s not too bad,” Anakin says and give him a reassuring smile. He closes the freezer door.
“We should put more antibacterial cream on it,” Obi-Wan suggests. “It’s going to get infected. Again.”
Anakin laughs and the sound is comforting and familiar as it wraps around Obi-Wan. “I’m sure it’ll be fine,” he says and presses the ice cube to his ear.
“Alright, well, let me know if you need anything in the middle of the night. Like a trip to urgent care for antibiotics.”
“You’re so dramatic,” Anakin chuckles and rolls his eyes.
As he’s pivoting and about to walk back to his bedroom, Obi-Wan pauses, his eyes roaming over Anakin.
“Is that my shirt?”
“Is... is that okay?” Anakin glances down at himself before looking up at Obi-Wan. “I forgot to pack a sleep shirt because I usually sleep without a shirt on.” He blushes adorably and his hand drops from his ear. “I found this on the hook behind the bathroom door and it felt really soft so I figured I could borrow it?” he adds, shrugging one shoulder. “Sorry, I should’ve asked first,” he mumbles and the way he casts his eyes away and tips his head down hasn’t changed in ten years. Except now, his hair is long enough for a wayward curl to fall across his forehead.
“No, I don’t mind that you’re borrowing it,” Obi-Wan says and a flush begins to crawl its way up his chest and neck as he takes in the sight of Anakin wearing his shirt. “I could get you a clean one.” Obi-Wan wore it to bed the night before and it’s not terribly dirty, but the fact that Anakin knew it was a worn shirt stirs something in him.
“This one’s okay,” Anakin says quickly. “We used to share clothes all the time.”
“Yeah, we did, didn’t we?” Memories of them from high school flood his mind and Obi-Wan takes a deep breath. “We used to sleep over at each other’s houses every weekend,” he says softly. “Your mom made the best meatloaf and potatoes.”
“She did,” Anakin agrees wistfully. For a moment, they’re both lost in thought. “I have her recipe.”
Studying Anakin’s face, Obi-Wan reads every emotion that dances across his features. So much has changed in their lives in the past decade. So much time has slipped away.
“Well, I know what we’re making for dinner tomorrow,” Obi-Wan tells him.
It earns him a bright smile and he’s swept away by nostalgia as he reaches out to squeeze Anakin’s shoulder.
“Come on,” Obi-Wan says, his voice soft. “Sleepover’s in my room. Just like we did when I visited you.” He tugs on Anakin’s arm and is met with little resistance. “But same rules apply. I will knock you to the floor if you fart on me.”
With another laugh, Anakin follows him down the hallway, the bag of melting ice still in his hand.
* * *
When he catches sight of the auburn hair, Anakin flips his turn signal on and guides the car over to the curb. He parks their sensible and affordably-priced used hybrid vehicle in an empty space, switching on the hazards before he steps out.
Logically, it made sense to not lease a new sports car. They simply weren’t in the financial situation to do so, with both of them still a couple years away from finishing graduate school while planning a small wedding for the summer.
Anakin sees Obi-Wan’s face light up and he laughs, hurrying over to wrap him up in a hug.
“Hi,” Anakin whispers into the neck of Obi-Wan’s puffy winter coat.
“Hi,” Obi-Wan responds and places a small kiss on Anakin’s cheek. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.” Anakin straightens up enough to cup Obi-Wan’s clean-shaven face and brings their lips together. “How was your flight?”
Anakin smiles, happy that Obi-Wan was back from his conference. Grabbing the rolling suitcase, he pops open the trunk of the hatchback and places it inside. Obi-Wan tosses in his duffle bag and backpack.
“Thanks for picking me up,” Obi-Wan says.
“No need to thank me. I wanted to see you as soon as I could,” Anakin replies.
After they settle into the car and buckle in, Anakin pulls away from the curb and into airport traffic, checking his mirrors.
“Have you eaten today?” Obi-Wan asks.
“Am I gonna get in trouble if I say no?” Anakin grins as he glances over at him.
“Wait, Anakin, you missed the exit.”
But Anakin just bites his lip and continues to the left, toward short-term parking. Beside him, Obi-Wan is silently trying to figure out what Anakin is doing. The scent of Obi-Wan’s aftershave wafts over as the car turns and it make Anakin’s heart beat faster in anticipation.
They pull up to the ticket kiosk and Anakin punches the button to get a slip of paper. The gate lifts and he pulls through.
“It’s almost noon,” Obi-Wan observes. “You really haven’t eaten anything yet today?”
“The only thing I want in my mouth right now is your dick.”
“I see.”
Anakin winds the car around the parking complex and into a spot in a dark corner. His fingers unfasten his seat belt and he quickly gets out of the car. A beat later, he opens the door to the backseat and waits.
“Are you coming?”
Turning his head hesitantly, Obi-Wan looks up at him. “You’re serious?” But he doesn’t wait for an answer and opens the passenger side door to shuffle out, closing it behind him before he crawls into the backseat. “There’s not enough room back here,” Obi-Wan notes.
Anakin slides in from the other side and closes the door. A second later, his hands are in Obi-Wan’s hair, crushing their mouths together. He feels Obi-Wan moan against his lips and attempts to rearrange their limbs to fit in the cramped space so that he can grind his hips down on his fiancé.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan pants between kisses. “You couldn’t have waited until we got home?”
Sometimes Obi-Wan could be such a troll. Anakin palms and squeezes at the obvious arousal in Obi-Wan’s pants, making him gasp.
“No, I couldn’t wait.” His hands work to peel Obi-Wan’s coat off him while his mouth sucks on the little silver hoop earring, then latching onto that spot right behind his ear.
“But now we’ll have to pay for parking,” Obi-Wan protests breathlessly.
“Under thirty minutes is free,” Anakin says, pulling back from him. His fingers begin unzipping Obi-Wan’s fly. “And I only need about five,” he adds with a grin and shimmies down Obi-Wan’s body.
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════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Light CW: This story contains an eerie atmosphere and suspense. ════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Prompt: You've never felt the same after learning Morse Code. The rain keeps telling you to run. ════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Word count: 1316 ════════════════════════════════════════════════════
Back in high school, our class learnt about Morse Code during history class. My friends and I put our heart and souls into learning the entire Morse alphabet. By the end of the year, we could hold hour-long conversations through pen clicks, or tapping on our notebooks. It got us out of trouble and kept our secrets safe. As the seasons changed and we grew up, the skill was lost amongst the group. Except for me. During my university exams, I familiarised myself with it all again. It was something to do to keep me sane between lectures and lonely weekends. To my surprise, I retained most of my understanding from when I was younger.
Thank God that I did.
The storm thundered over the horizon. Lightening cracked through the blackened clouds like streaks of silver in stone. An intimidating gust blew through my hair, carrying the earth scent of rain. I snapped a few photos of the electrifying weather phenomenon. “It’s gonna be a big one folks. Better hunker down for the night and pray that the gutters don’t overflow.” The weatherman’s voice crackled out of the speaker of my little green radio. “It won’t be that bad,” I turned up the volume dial. “It’s a great night for rain.” So far it was the driest winter in the last decade. It was a welcomed change. I bent down and switched off the news report, scooping it and my camera back into my bag. I waded back through the plain of tall grass and back to my cabin. Pines lined the back of it; black, spindly figures stretching into the soft pink sky. CRACK. The storm approached, creeping up behind me.
“Power outages have-… Be advised that in the case of-… residents should stay-….” I grunted and fiddled with the television antenna. The interior and appliances in the cabin were terribly outdated. Gorgeous to look at, but with a storm coming, I was more worried about losing power than admiring its aesthetics. My radio kicked the bucket a few minutes after I got inside. It’s solar and battery powered. Most of today was cloudy, and it used the last of my spare batteries. The cabin’s backup generator would kick in if my main power shorted; but that would mean going outside to start the old thing. Tree branches snapped and thrashed around against the roof. “Screw this.” I whipped the curtains shut, stacked some logs on the fireplace and prepared for the night.
I usually loved the rain. Tonight it didn’t soothe me. Something felt wrong, a tight knot wriggled around in my stomach and throat. I focused on the rain until it filled my ears. It was soon interrupted by something tapping on the window… hit, stop, hit- CRACK. I rolled over and cracked my back. God I hated sleeping on the couch, but my bed was too far away from my only heat source. The rain seemed to calm down a tad, at least enough to stop the gutters from collapsing. I rolled over and glared at the fireplace. Smouldering embers cried out for help, a lone flame slowly flickered out. “Ugh…” I craned my neck to check the wood pile I stashed next to the mantle. “Just my luck.” I used up the last logs to start the fire. I rolled myself off the couch, slamming myself into the floorboards. After a thirty second adult tantrum, I forced myself up. I slipped into my boots and pinched my raincoat from the hanger by the door. “There has to be a few logs left. Maybe the ones underneath the heap are dry?” I peeked through the curtain of the front window, trying to catch a glimpse outside. I mustn’t have been asleep for that long; the sky was a dusty grey blue, the sun giving out its last ray of light before ducking behind the grass. Sadly, it was dark enough that I couldn’t see my log stash from inside.
Against my better judgement, I put on a brave face and stepped outside. The wind fought against the hood of my raincoat, wildly assaulting my bed hair. The glow from my window was just enough to illuminate the corner of the cabin. I could make out the silhouette of the log pile. I pushed myself against the cabin to anchor myself. I trembled at the thought of the wind dragging me away. I fumbled with the slippery logs, digging through the heap looking for the driest ones. I tucked a few under my arm and battled against the wind back onto the porch. I turned to face the open expanse before me. 
The storm swirled and boiled out there, waiting to burst again in a flash of heat. The sound of squelching mud tore my attention away. It began to speed up, bursting into a full sprint towards me. Adrenaline kicked in. I flew up the porch stairs, burst through the door, tossed myself inside and slammed it shut. I held my breath and listened hard. Nothing. My heartbeat finally settled down. Just the rain. It pitter pattered against the window panes. Hit, hit, stop- Was it just my imagination? Could it have been a wolf or a bear? I convinced myself that it was just an animal or sleep deprivation catching up to me. Too many restless nights spent on my photography portfolio.
Something rumbled overhead. CRACK. It lit up the entire cabin. My camera sat patiently on the end table beside the couch. I watched the sun, through the curtain, sink behind the grass. A thick black cloud growled furiously towards the cabin, lighting up the plain as it crawled onwards. “Might as well put that waterproof lens to use.” The cautious words from the weather man gnawed at the back of my head as I screwed the lens on. “Just a few snaps to fill the blank pages in my portfolio.” The camera beeped in agreement. I pulled the strap of it over my head. I ventured outside once again, against my better judgement. I flashed my camera a couple of times to scare off anything lurking in the mud. I caught a few bolts of lightning from my porch. The rain sounded louder than before, but it didn’t feel heavier. I closed my eyes and listened carefully. Was the storm moving away or closer? Stop, hit- The storm roared and crashed bolts into the plain ahead. My eyes snapped open and I cursed myself for missing such a good shot. “I need to get closer.” The battery on my camera flashed red and warned me.
Make it quick then.
Drenched boots and itchy legs, I waded back through the tall grass. The rain engulfed my ears. The wind passed right through me. I could feel in my bones that I had reached the centre of the storm. I held my camera up and positioned myself. “This will be epic-” CRACK. The sky lit up brighter than the camera flash. “Yes!” I squinted at the camera screen to check the results. It was exactly what I had expected, except for… 
I froze. It stood in front of the storm. The grass cut off at its knees. Cut off at my chest. I raised my head in a panic. It was only a few metres in front of me. It towered over me. Lightning cracked, the sky glowed. Its elongated shadow enveloped me. It stood too still and stared at me for far too long. The rain bore down on me, pelting my back with heavy drops, grabbing at my raincoat. That’s all I could feel and hear, rhythmically bombarding me. Wait… Hit, stop, hit. “No it can’t…” My heart fell out of my chest. The figure craned towards me. Hit, stop, hit. “The rain…” 
Dot, dash, dot. Dot, dot, dash. Dash, dot.
The rain had been telling me to run.
════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. ════════════════════════════════════════════════════
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