#except for wert
reflectionsofgalaxies · 3 months
fuck I ran out of space in the tags so now I’m writing up here.
anyway. poem about the feeling of loss that comes with not being able to reminisce about a person, place, or relationship because no one left in your life shares those memories, and sharing it with someone new just isn’t the same.
putting ‘ personal ’ up here in hopes i can find this post again since it won’t fit in the tags
#Angela was in another one of my dreams last night#which I’m realizing shouldn’t be surprising bc yesterday I ran across a post I had written about her back in 2014#literally a decade ago#and then I went down a rabbit hole trying to find the other things I wrote about her#because I know I did#but it was so long ago that I wasn’t tagging things at the time#so I wasn’t able to find them#anyway it was a good dream actually#it was my college bio class#and I went to sit down and there was only one empty seat and she was in the one next to it#I was surprised to see her and nervous to sit down because I didn’t know if she’d want to see me#but she reacted almost like nothing had happened between us#it wasn’t like before#it was like a friendly fresh start#I can’t remember too much else about the dream#(except the prof trying to remember a word and I helped and he was very stern usually but he thanked me)#(so eager for my prof’s approval even in my dream lol)#anyway we ended up sitting together pretty consistently#and became casual friends again and it felt so good#and near the end of the dream she hugged me#and I woke up surprised at how clearly I remembered so much about her#how she looked. how her voice sounded and the way she spoke. her inflection and word choice.#her dry kind of snippy humour. how her hands felt when she lent me a pen.#how her hug felt.#anyway#just read a poem in my new anthology that reminded me not directly of her#but of the feeling of missing her#it’s called The Old Familiar Faces by Charles Lamb#‘friend of my bosom thou more than a brother. why wert not thou born in my father’s dwelling? so might we talk of the old familiar faces- ‘#the feeling of being the only holder of the memory of a person or a relationship
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thewertsearch · 20 days
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It's wert (heh) pointing out that the Aradiabot timeline where Gamzee flipped out and killed everybody in the session might not be one where Vriska was godtier, making this slightly less of an insane feat. With the error bars so large on what this could've been, I don't know what this tells us of his power level. That said, I do have a lot of speculations! (This is very long, my apologies.)
I think the lower bound of what the doomed Gamzee did was something like this:
Gamzee kills Equius (free) and then Nepeta (not using her hunting skills and speed to her fullest advantage). Nobody realises anything is amiss; the meowrails could simply be doing moirail things with their phones off.
Gamzee gets the jump on Eridan who doesn't know to take him seriously and whose best weapon is at this point the long-ranged Ahab's Crosshairs. People assume he's moping.
Gamzee kills Tavros and Vriska while questing at Vriska's. Aradiabot at this point probably knows that the timeline is doomed, so if she finds it odd Eridan hasn't duelled Sollux yet she'll either put it down to divergence, or not care because doomed innit. She's making preparations to leave, not fix things.
Gamzee kills Terezi and Karkat. Even if they know at this point, I doubt Karkat could fully believe it until he laid eyes on the bodies, and Terezi could well try arresting him before she goes to kill him. Karkat was the one who sent Equius after Gamzee in the main timeline, and while that was a doomed venture, he is pretty much the only person thinking in terms of team strategy in the trolls' session.
Kanaya, having worked out some of what's happening, has been messaging people like mad to rally some sort of party together to beat him, but she's getting a lot of no replies, except for Aradia who just unhelpfully tells her everything's doomed innit.
Gamzee kills Sollux before Feferi (we've seen Feferi's revenge leap, whereas Sollux's power and range and ability to fly make me think his revenge blast might well level anything within a few miles).
Kanaya goes to fight him and is killed. She goes down. When she comes back up again, Gamzee is gone to collect the bodies into a single place, and without any blood to suck, her rainbow drinker powers can't bring her back fully. When he gets back to retrieve her body, he kills her again, and this one sticks.
Aradia arrives after he finishes covering the book in blood and, forewarned and forearmed, kills him.
Gamzee has a lot of strength and speed, so if he gets near somebody who doesn't realise he's snapped, he could probably kill that person. Stealth and miscommunication do most of his work for him, with the rest largely down to people in the right order (Equius before Nepeta, Karkat before he can wrangle people into a defence, Kanaya not around any blood sources, etc).
While on the other hand the upper bound could easily have been:
Gamzee kills Karkat and Kanaya publicly but without immediate access to more victims (i.e. somebody's watching them on the Server side, or Karkat was mid-memo rant when he dies). Everybody knows immediately that he's snapped.
He then kills Nepeta, which is enough to send Equius into a rage when he finds out. He doesn't find out yet.
While people are talking about Karkat and Kanaya's deaths, he attacks Tavros and (godtiered) Vriska. He kills Tavros and is so much of a threat that Vriska has to retreat (as you can imagine, when she realises she had to run away, she gets very pissed and starts hunting Gamzee).
Kanaya comes back to life, sucks Karkat's blood, our girl is back in action and she has no mercy.
Equius realises Gamzee killed Nepeta.
Terezi, realising Gamzee is a big threat, lures him to a favourable location for her with plans to kill him. She does this on a public memo so everybody knows where she is and where he's planning to be.
On his way to Terezi's planet, Gamzee runs into Feferi and she fights him and gets killed. Sollux and Eridan learn this right away.
As Gamzee arrives at Terezi's trap, Vriska and Equius arrive pretty much at the same time. Terezi fights Gamzee and dies.
Immediately after, Vriska and Equius try to defeat him. Vriska might not be going for the kill straightaway, but Equius 100% is.
Gamzee kills Equius, which makes Vriska see it's to the death. Kanaya and Eridan (armed with a science wand Kanaya gave him for other reasons at some point) arrive, but fail to put a dent in him. Vriska manages to stay alive for longer, maybe Kanaya does too with her speed, but Eridan dies.
Sollux arrives, and it's a 3v1 with Vriska, Kanaya, and Sollux versus Gamzee. Kanaya dies, and then Solluz, and then Kanaya again, and then Vriska.
Aradia arrives to find Gamzee distracted by scrawling over the book, and as he finishes the last character on the last page, she kills him.
I don't know which one is more realistic or where the actual event lies in between them, but those are kind of the upper and lower bounds I feel like there are for what 'Gamzee flipped out and killed everyone' could mean in that timeline. And incidentally, if anybody wants to write those up as fanfics I'll absolutely read them lol
Sorry for the pages of text, just thought it was an interesting thing to note: we don't know how Gamzee killed everybody! Thought that was ripe for speculation.
Loving the liveblog, hope you're having a great day!
I love the level of detail you're put into this analysis.
There are some extremely evocative scenes here. A confrontation where he forces God Tier Vriska to retreat is something I'd love to see expounded upon - and I particularly like the image of an Aradiabot who stumbles upon a barely-coherent, HONKsick Gamzee, silently observes the bodies, and telekinetically snaps his neck.
Out of these two scenarios, I believe the second is probably closer to the truth. While Frenzied Gamzee is capable of being sneaky, he seems to generally prefer shock tactics and intimidation, so a bloody warpath seems more plausible than a stealth-focused approach.
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
Dink headcannons because I said so.
This is a small hold over/teaser for my series which you all voted on. Hope you enjoy~
TW: Yandarism, Violence, obsession
Dark Link was a lone man. He was made with that in mind. A puppet to gannon, a means to an end. And when it was all said and done, he ment nothing. He supposes that’s why when he caught you, he didn’t kill you as he originally planned. You were his opposite just as much as Link was, and so you should die by the principle… But met with your limp body in his arms he understands that you’re the only other one that gets it- gets him. You watched as he did. You could do nothing but watch as the world fell. You hadn’t much influence besides your voice. That ever so familiar whisper that followed the ‘Heroes’ around. You too werte nothing but a means to an end. Him for Ganon, You for Hylia.
He doesn’t understand why you don’t listen to him, however. He has -or rather, the shadows- watched you drift through history and time, solving puzzles with ease. And yet when you’re met with him, you cower. Your heart races, and he feels your pulse rise and rise and rise. And he later find himself bargaining that your adrenaline, your fear, was the most feeling he’s felt… ever.
And yet, in spite of his watchful eye and his careful attempts to pry you away from the heroes that do nothing to weigh you down… you do not run to his arms.
But that’s ok.
You just have to learn.
He did too.
You’ll see the heroes do nothing but pull you down. Nothing but a chain tying your wrists. And head break every link in that chain if it ment he could have you.
The shadows speak to him, a void stretching between universes. One he can poke holes through. One that bends at his will. One, for which he is king.
And all he had to do was learn.
The shadows like you, at least. They’d whisper you comforts when you cried, they’d keep away any monsters their king didn’t make. How could they let anything befall you.
Except from him, of course. They know he’ll make it better. That he’ll get you to stop ignoring them.
You just need to learn.
I’m sorry, My dear. I cant save you this time. We both know this story hasn’t ended yet.
Besides. Our creations get the better of us sometimes.
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satlun · 3 months
Unspoken Truth: Don John x fem!reader
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Genre: angst Trigger Warnings: insult
The truth that will never be spoken
Author's Note: THIS ONE IS REALLY GOOD TRUST ME. So, in this writing I included Shakespeare dialogue style in it but if some of you want to read it more smoothly you can focus on the bold text, their meaning. At first, I want to add Shakespeare writing style for every dialogue but I think it's gonna be too long and maybe useless?? So I tried to change the language to be more beautiful instead; more formal?? So enjoy guys, I really love this one.
Credits: -
The place where it is located on the hills in Messina, a port city on the island of Sicily. The big house which is full of vineyards and gardens is owned by Don John's father. He's a rich nobleman who is one of the most richest man in Sicily. A man name Don Predo is the next descendant and Don John is his half- younger brother.
You're one of the servants that his father fostered from an orphanage. He gave his servants chances to not end up or stuck their life in the cage of the orphanage, to have better life or at least have money for their own. You always appreciate his grace for adopting you. You wouldn't have such a better life if he wasn't gave you a chance. At least you don't have to stuck there forever, here you have good friends, food and a nice place to sleep every night. That's enough, you don't need much. Greediness isn't in your blood.
Everything sounds perfect except the fact that his son name Don John, who is arrogant and selfish unlike his older brother. So, the relationship between you and him is not quite well. You are not get along with him since you were young, even he is around your age. He always treats you badly even he seems to treat you better when you both grow up. However, you can't do anything at all because he is also one of your masters and the grace that you have for his father is so strong. Moreover, you are the most beautiful servant in this house, everyone knows that. Some of his guests or his friends that come to his house always compliment you in the way you look or your manners;
“Fair maiden, thy beauty doth outshine the sun and mock the stars, a visage fit for royalty, not menial tasks!” - “Lady, your beauty shines from the sun and mocks the stars. A face fit for a royal family not a disrespectful job!”
“Nay, I curse not fate, nor fortune's cruel hand, but the very stars that cast thee in this lowly role! Thou wert born to grace a noble house, not serve within these walls...” - “No, I didn't curse fate or the cruel hands of fortune but it is the stars that cast you in this humble role! You were born to honor noble houses. Do not serve within these walls…”
“By heavens, mine eyes have never gazed upon such a vision! Beauty unparalleled, a sweetness that doth charm the very air, a presence that draws me like the moon upon the tide, and a heart, I do believe, as gentle as a summer's morn! Surely, fate itself did weave this tapestry, bringing us together on this blessed day. To meet thee, fairest lady, is an honor beyond compare.” - “By heaven, my eyes have never stared at such a vision! Unrivaled beauty The sweetness that attracts the air, a presence that draws me in like the moon at the tide, and my heart, I believe, is as gentle as a summer's morning! Of course fate itself has woven this tapestry. Bringing us together on this happy day, meeting you, lady. It is an honor that cannot be compared.”
“Fair lady, should my humble offer find no favor in thine eyes, then know this: my heart shall conquer any obstacle to claim thee as my wife.” - “Lady, if my humble offer finds no favor in your sight. Know this: my heart will overcome any obstacle to claim you as my wife.”
they all offer you to have a beautiful better life, to be their wife. However, you always end up rejecting them because you do love it here, this place is like your house now and the fact that you want to repay this kindness for his father until you die. You have an oath to yourself that you will not leave this house until his father tells you so or his father matches you with someone to marry to. He is like a real father for you meanwhile he also treats you like his real daughter.
The sound of the music playing in the background, under the sky with many stars. It's such a beautiful night. Tonight, there are many guests come from all directions around Italy to celebrate Don John's birthday. His father ordered his servants to prepare, decorate and cook for this masquerade party. You and your colleagues are done with the things his father desired. The masquerade came out good as you wish it was.
The sound of giggling and laughing behind the wall seems a little loud that his father could hear it. It's the sound of you and your friends giggling and laughing, looking at the party. Obviously, they all want to join even you. However, they are still servants, they know their place. They are not supposed to be there which is not their place. It would be like that if they live in other houses, not this house where Don John's father lives. “My people.” The similar sound comes from behind them. “Come. Come join the masquerade with me. You have this right to do and I will force you to if you still insist to stay here.” He said it as a joke. He won't actually force anybody to go if the person's will is to stay here. However, they all laugh and jump with happiness when he allows them to join. “Go get dress beautifully and have fun. Oh- there are many left masks on the table at the hallway. Grab them and join.” He smiled before leaving. The servants immediately run into the shower door and get ready to join the masquerade.
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Soon, you're in your white dress, the dress that his father gave you in your previous birthday which he gave it to all of his servants when they turn twenty, he said 20th year is the year of change. You will have to overcome or face with many things in your life. So, wearing beautiful dress at least it will make you have confidence in your mind and that will makes you believe in yourself, to choose in a good and right decision no matter how many situations you will face. The dress is a plain white dress but the details and patterns that are delicate and elegant which make it look more beautiful. The moonlight seems brighter than usual. You look up to the sky under your mask, the mask that only covers your upper face and reveals your lower face.
You're a kind of person who is not good at socializing and unfortunately your friends seem to have their partner to dance. While you were walking in the masquerade party with nervous, someone's voice stopped you. “Lady” You follow the voice of the man. He's in his elegant white clothes with a mask that cover all of his face. “It would be a shame... if a beautiful woman like you don't have a partner to dance, so let it be my duty?” He offers you his hand. Your smile slowly forms on your face before you grab his hand. His hand is so soft as if he has never been to war or done any hard work unlike you. You feel a bit more nervous when you think about your rough skin. You just hope that he won't bring it up. “Where are you come from, lady? The North or the South? But I assume you are from the North.” He notices your reaction, tumultuous reactions. Maybe it's not appropriate to ask a woman like this for the first time he met. “Please ignore my inappropriate question.” You could feel a smile under his mask, he tries to make you comfortable as much as possible. You just have an idea that he would think you were one of the noblewomen who just comes here to join the masquerade, celebrate Don John's birthday. The man seems like a good person at the first meet but you can't deny that you still have the thought that he might have an idea to flirt with you like the rest of the men you met. They all wanted to marry you but still court with many different women in the same night. “No- I'm from... here.” The man raises his eyebrows under his mask while his feet still keep moving, dancing along with yours. Your hand is now place on his shoulder. “Here? I've never known that Don John has a sister.” His chuckle comes from his throat. Obviously, he doesn't believe it. “No. Sir. I'm just a servant here.” He let you turn your body under his arm before you both continue to dance and the conversation. “A servant?” He still can't believe that a beautiful woman like you with this good manners than the rest of the people is a servant. “Yes, sir.” He nods as understanding, he doesn't judge you by being a servant at all unlike the rest who would say; you're not supposed to be a servant because your beauty is beyond that or you should be my wife because being a servant is a disrespectful job and you don't deserve that. “Interesting.” That was all of his answer.
It is kind of make you disappointed before he continues the conversation. “My mother... was a servant. After I came back from a war with victory, I got the new rank from the king. I told her that please let go of this living and having a better life with me. However, she still insisted to stay the same, she said; it is my honor to live here, the man who allowed me to live in this place gave a better life than I had before I even have you and I will repay his kindness until I die. Yes, she died two months after the conversation. At the house. Under the man's arms.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “He loves her... but he just can't marry to my mother because she's just a servant in his parents' eyes so they don't allow him to marry her.” He looks into your eyes. “And you're the most woman I've ever seen but I will not ask you to marry me.” You are listening to him carefully, his voice shake a little bit but you could feel that he is trying to not make his voice sound more shaky. “Because I know that all the servants here were fostered. I understand the repayment you all want to give. Thus, it is more like my honor to have the dance with the woman I can't marry with.” That moment, all of your judgment that you had earlier is all gone. He is different from the others. You can feel his kindness through his voice and his story. He didn't force her mother to leave, he just lets her be whatever she wants to be. He truly understands the repayment that his mother wanted to give. “Thank you...” you said with a kind smile on your face. You're also speechless about the story, it's beautiful and melancholic. “Did she love him?” You asked. “Indeed.”
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That was all he said before one of his friends interrupted you both. The friend whispers something to him. You don't hear that because of the music and the sound of people having fun. “Lady... I need to go. I am truly sorry for my friend for interrupting you.” You just nod and smile in understanding before he kisses your hand and leaves, he leaves without his name. Your eyes follow the man until you see him walking to Don John. That moment, you see Don John's gaze on you, the gaze which is intense and deep as if it is burning on your skin.
Hours later, you're sitting in the kitchen while washing dishes. The masquerade ended for an hour. All the servants are all in here cleaning up things. The works are almost done so you offer your colleagues that mostly are old to go to sleep first and you with young colleagues will do the rest. Soon, they are all gone and you are ready to go to bed after the works done. You're really tired from the party and the work, you need to take a rest after this long night.
“[y/n]!” Before you could leave the kitchen, one of your friends walks in and calls you. She seems hurried. “Yes?” You answered as she walked toward you quickly. “Sir Don John needs a bowl full of cool water and a cloth, he said it is hot tonight and he needs something to cool him up. Could you bring it to him? His father just called me and there's no one left here...” Your friend look around the kitchen because there's literally no one here so you accept the request. Honestly, if you weren't here, she would find someone else because she is so scared of him. Actually, Don John treats everyone badly. Here, you are known as the one who is scared of nothing. So, they all will ask you to do the thing if the order comes from the man name Don John.
You're walking down the corridor with the bowl full of cool water and the cloth in your hands. The corridor is almost dark except the candle that helps the way brightens. This house would be in silence without the sound of your footsteps.
Your presence stops in front of his bedroom door. You barely hear anything from his bedroom like usual, he would bring many different women from different parties to sleep with. You would hear the sound of moan in happiness through his door when you walk past to get to your room.
Before you can knock on the door, he says loudly through the door. “Come in!” He always win in wars so it doesn't surprise if he can hear someone by only footsteps. Your hand slowly spins the knot before walking in. He's already sitting on the bed without his shirt on, turning his back towards you. You slowly walk to the other side of the bed and place the bowl on the side table. Your feet walk towards the door and ready to leave. “Did I tell you to leave?” You're stunned by his words. “I'm sorry, sir.” That was all you said before turning around to look at him. Even, he is still turning his back towards you. He doesn't say anything further but that's the sign for you to do something, to cool him up by wiping his body with the cool water. So, you grab the bowl, the cloth and walk to him.
You place it down on the other side table. His gaze is on you now, lingering all over your face and your body. You hate this feeling, it is like your body is being burned by his eyes. One of your hand pick the cloth and put it into the bowl, anoint it with water. His eyes follow your hand. “Did you find pleasure in your discourse with Leonard?” He asked firmly as his eyes were still on you. “Leonard who, sir?” You asked him while your eyes are still on the cloth. “The man you danced with.” It makes you stop unintentionally. He looked at you for the whole time? “...indeed, sir. He is kind and gentle.” You could hear his chuckle from his throat but it's so light that you almost barely hear it.
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Now, you fully face him. He is sitting in front of you while you gently wipe his body with the cloth. “Why didn't you accept to marry him?” You raise your eyebrows with his words. He would hear a lot that you always reject men's love. But at this moment, all you could think is that; what is he going to play with you this time? “He didn't ask me.” You answered. “Leonard... is a good gentleman, handsome, brilliant, and rich.” You can catch the sarcasm in the replies. “He can make you a noblewoman.” He added while the cloth was down on his abdomen. “That's not my desire, sir.” You answered immediately with the pride of your job. “Then what is your desire!?” He whispered sharply to you, grabbed you and you flinched. As if he wanted to shout but he didn't want to let anyone hear that. He continues, “Don't you want a status? Don't you want money? Don't you want a man!?” He raised his voice. He just insulted you. He thinks that a servant like you wants all of those things. You look at him at the eyes with madness in your heart. “What kind of woman do you think I am?” You talked back to your master. Well, it doesn't matter now if he is your master or not. Right now, he is just a man who insults you. You can't stand him. “I am not a woman who needs all of those precious things!” You raise your voice. Treating you badly is alright but insulting you is enough. You have your own pride and no one will judge that. “You insulted me.” Your voice is sharp and is almost like a whisper while all of your madness can be seen on your face obviously.
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“Why do you wish to stay here so badly!? I don't understand! When many noblemen offer you to have a better life!?” He swept the cloth and stand up right in front of you. You stumble back and look into his eyes. He's not satisfied with your words much. “Because it is my will.” You just don't want to explain much since he's the kind of a person who doesn't care and doesn't understand you. “I don't want to see your face! I hate the way your hair looks! The way you walk the way you talk! It all annoys me! Why don't you just leave!?” He shouted at your face while his hand swept your hair and your cloth. His words cut right into your heart. Why? Just being yourself is already annoying to someone? “I insist to stay here until your father tells me to.” You say sharply to him. If he hates it, the will to stay here is stronger. You also have a weird thought comes into your mind that you will stay here, get on his nerves until death can take you both apart since he's the most unreasonable man you have ever met.
He knows that he can't do anything since it must come from his father's order to deport you from here which is impossible. His father is not an unreasonable person who will deport someone arbitrarily or without a strong reason enough. Your eyes are still on him watching him staring at you. You're not scared of him at all. He is just a bastard to you now. You had never thought about him in this way until today because it is too much for you. A nobleman who should know how to talk, when to speak or what shouldn't be spoken but this man knows nothing!
All he can do now is staring at you, having the thoughts that you will never know. All of his hatred has their own reasons. The fact that he doesn't want to see you walking around his house or around him because he can't stand himself that he can't marry you, his father doesn't allow him to. And that makes him mad. Yes, it is true that his father is a good man, always treats his servants like humans equally as him and his family, never look down on them. However, he can't deny that fame and family status are still important things to his father and for his own sons. No matter how much kindness his father gives to his servants, he still can't let him marry a servant like you. His father always find many beautiful noblewomen for him to marry since he is in the nice age to get married but he ends up rejecting all of them because he still can't love anyone except you. He really doesn't want to marry any other woman but you. That's why he wants you to leave so much because it will hurt him less if you are gone and married to someone out of his sight. It won't hurt him that much, that's what he thinks. The man that is standing right in front of you with eyes that are hard to read wants to marry you so badly but he just... can't. That makes him feel sick even more because he always hear that many noblemen ask you to marry and he is afraid that one day you may actually accept the offer. Just like today, he is so afraid that one of his closest friends will ask you to marry because if it's true, he will see you in the man's arms until death. Leonard is close to him and it could make him die if he has to see you with Leonard, his closest friend forever. And the fact that he has to bring many different women into his bedroom to pretend that they are you. He needs you so bad and he can do nothing about it. If he sleeps with you, it will become rumored and you are the only one who is going to be fucked up because his father loves him so much. So, he needs those beautiful women to fulfill the space that he still has left; you. He will find all the women who have the same eyes color, the same hair color or even the same height as you to sleep with. And all of these truth that you will never know, it won't be spoken by his mouth.
Since he keeps staring at you, you decide to leave. Why do you need to wait? Wait for him to insult you more? No. Those are enough. Don John is standing there like an idiot watching you leave with the unspoken truth from his mouth. All he can do is letting you go. He still wishes you would leave this house after he said all those things. Since he can't marry you, maybe it is better to not see you anymore. It could make him forget you better.
He can't marry you. He knows. He has prestige which he doesn't care except his father and if you were not a servant, everything would be easier. He would ask you to be his bride and love you until death takes you apart.
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strictpunishedhubby · 3 months
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Meine Frau setzt die Erziehung meiner Mama weiterhin fort, allerdings noch wesentlich strenger, vor allem was meine Prügelstrafen anbelangt, da sie mich als ihren kleinen, frechen und ungezogenen Rotzlöffel betrachtet und auch mich auch so behandelt. Sie legt großen Wert darauf, mich in Bezug auf Unterwäsche so zu kleiden, solche die ich ausschließlich von meiner Mama zum Anziehen bekam. Noch heute kauft meine Frau für mich nur solche Wäsche, wie sie hier auf den Bildern zu sehen ist, um mich gefügig und gehorsam zu halten.
Zu Hause hatte ich nämlich permanent die abgelegte Unterwäsche meiner älteren Schwester aufzutragen. Es war immer zu meinem Leidwesen keine weiße oder blaue unifarbene Wäsche, sondern es war ausschließlich rosa und mit kindlichen Motiven wie Blümchen, bunte Pünktchen bedruckt und somit sofort eindeutig als Mädchenwäsche zu erkennen. Meine Schwester liebte diese kleinmädchenhafte Wäsche, die sie immer mit meiner Mama aussuchte, wohl hauptsächlich deshalb, weil sie wusste, dass sie an mich weitergereicht wurde, da sie wohl lieber ein Schwesterchen als ein kleines Brüderchen gehabt hätte. Obwohl mir schon damals diese Wäsche besser als die damals triste Jungenunterwäsche gefiel, so schämte ich mich doch sehr, wurde ich doch deswegen sogar von jüngeren Kindern gehänselt und verspottet und ausgelacht. "Mädchenschlüpferträger" wurde mir oft hinterhergerufen. Besonders peinlich für mich war es zweimal in der Woche wenn wir Turnen hatten und ich meine Turngarnitur anziehen musste. Meine Klassenkameraden wetteten sogar darauf, ob ich heute rosa oder bunte Mädchenschlüpfer trage. Beim Umziehen standen die meisten um mich herum, zeigten auf meine Mädchenwäsche, bogen sich vor Lachen, spotteten welch schöne Schlüpfer und was für ein schönes Mädchenleibchen ich doch heute wieder anhabe, und wie gut sie mir steht. Und der Spott ging weiter, denn meine Turngarnitur war ebenfalls die abgelegte meiner Schwester. Das Turnhöschen war so kurz, wenn ich einen Langbeinschlüpfer anhatte, schaute dieser immer vor allem während dem Sport nicht nur an den Beinabschlüssen heraus, sondern durch die Turnbewegungen auch unterhalb des kurzen Sportleibchen. Besonders geschämt habe ich mich, wenn ich wie auf diesem Bild einen rosa Futterschlüpfer trug, den ich nicht verbergen konnte, was mir besonders peinlich war, da solche Schlüpfer meist nur kleine Mädchen trugen.
My wife continues to discipline my mother, but she is much stricter, especially when it comes to corporal punishment, because she sees me as her naughty and naughty little brat and treats me like one. She makes it a point to dress me in underwear, the kind of little girl's underwear that my mummy gave me to wear exclusively. Even today, my wife only buys me underwear like the ones shown in the pictures to keep me submissive and obedient.
At home I had to constantly to wear the discarded underwear of my older sister, without exception. To my chagrin, it was always not plain white or blue underwear, but was exclusively pink and printed with childish motifs such as flowers and colorful dots and was therefore immediately clearly recognizable as girls' underwear. My sister loved this little girlish lingerie, which she always picked out together with my mummy, probably mainly because she knew it would be passed on to me, as she would probably have preferred to have a little sister than a little brother. Even though I liked this underwear better than the dreary boys' underwear at the time, I was still very ashamed because even younger children teased, mocked and laughed at me because of my underwear. I was often cat-called "girl's panties wearer" by other children. It was especially embarrassing for me twice a week when we had sports and I had to put on my sports clothes. My classmates even bet on whether I would wear pink or colorful girls' panties today. When I was changing, some of my classmates always stood around me, pointing at my girls' underwear, laughing, mocking what beautiful panties and what a beautiful girl's camisole I was wearing today, and how well they fit me. And the mockery continued, because my gym outfit was also of my sister. The gym shorts were so short that when I wore long panties, they would always peek out, especially during sports, not just at the ends of the legs, but also from underneath the short sports vest due to the gymnastic movements. I was especially ashamed when I wore thick pink long-legged panties like in this picture, because I couldn't hide it, which was particularly embarrassing for me, since such panties were usually only worn by little girls.
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Und so sahen mich beim Sport nicht nur unser Turnlehrer, der sich nichts anmerken ließ, sondern auch die Mädchen aus meiner Klasse, und alle andere aus unserer Schule, die gleichzeitig Sport hatten. Einige Mitschüler spotteten, lachten ebenfalls wegen meiner Kluft, den meisten aber war nur ein verächtliches Grinsen anzumerken. Je älter ich wurde, desto mehr habe ich mich wegen meiner Mädchenwäsche geschämt. Vor allem wenn Mädchen die jünger als ich waren mich wegen meiner Wäsche aufzogen, frotzelten und mich ärgerten. Ich bekam dann immer einen knallroten Kopf und fühlte mich ihnen unterlegen.
Ich erinnere mich genau an meine Panik die mich überfiel, als eine Gruppe Mädchen, darunter zwei aus der Nachbarschaft mich gnadenlos bloßstellten, als sie mich umzingelten, zwei Mädchen mich festhielten, ein anderes Mädchen mir zuerst meine Hose herunterzog und kurz danach auch noch meinen rosa, geblümten Schlüpfer. Untenrum nackt sahen sie die roten Striemen von meiner einigen Stunden zuvor, von meiner Mama verabreichten Rohrstockzüchtigung. Lachend schlugen mir abwechselnd einige Mädchen, manchmal sogar sehr fest mit ihren Händen auf meinen Po, begleitet von hämischen Sprüchen wie, "war der kleine Junge wieder unartig und ungezogen? Musste seine Mama sein Mädchenhöschen so wie wir jetzt herunterziehen und seinen nackten Po verhauen? Hat ihr kleines Bübchen so wie jetzt dabei laut geweint? Musste ihr unartiger Bengel danach auch artig in der Ecke stehen?" Aus Angst habe ich mit verheultem Gesicht nur zugebend genickt, was natürlich weiteres lautes Gelächter hervorrief.
Als die Mädchen mich endlich losließen, zog ich mir sofort Schlüpfer und Hose hoch und lief weinend nach Hause, während die Mädchen in schallendes Gelächter ausbrachen und spottend hinterherriefen. Verzweifelt berichtete ich Mama von diesem so tief demütigenden Erlebnis, bat ich sie mir doch bitte, bitte Jungenunterwäsche zu kaufen. "Ungezogene Jungen haben vorhandene Wäsche anzuziehen und es nicht verdient neue Wäsche gekauft zu bekommen! Die Mädchen haben Dir hoffentlich beigebracht Dich ihnen respektvoll gegenüber zu verhalten, zu tun was sie Dir sagen und Dich ihnen unterzuordnen. Sie haben Dir nur gezeigt, Mädchen sind Dir überlegen und am besten für Dich ist es ihnen zu gehorchen. Wenn es den Mädchen Spaß gemacht Deinen Po zu versohlen, so wirst Du Dich damit abfinden müssen! Wie ich sehe hast Du das gut überlebt, keinen bleibenden Schaden erlitten, also ist doch alles in Ordnung! Du wirst solange Du zu Hause wohnst nur die Mädchenwäsche Deiner lieben Schwester zum Anziehen bekommen! Batsa! Jetzt will ich nichts weiteres zu diesem Thema hören, sonst spürt Dein Po wieder den artigmachenden Rohrstock! Basta! " Damit war für Mama das Thema erledigt!
And so, not only did our sports teacher, who didn't let it show, see me doing sports, but also the girls in my class and everyone else in our school who was doing sports at the same time. Some of my schoolmates mocked me and laughed at my outfit, but most of them just grinned disdainfully. The older I got, the more ashamed I was of my girlish underwear. Especially when girls younger than me teased, mocked and annoyed me about my laundry. I would always get a bright red head and feel inferior to them mercilessly.
I remember clearly the panic that overcame me when a group of girls, including two from the neighborhood, mercilessly exposed me as they surrounded me, two girls held me down, another girl first pulled down my pants and shortly thereafter also my pink, flowery panties. Naked down there, they could see the red welts from the caning I had received from my mom a few hours earlier. Laughing, several girls took turns slapping my bottom, sometimes very hard with their hans, accompanied by malicious comments like, "Was the little boy bad and naughty again? Did his mummy have to pull down his girl's panties like we did now and spank his bare bottom? Did her little boy cry loudly like he did now? Did her naughty little brat have to stand in the corner afterwards?" Out of fear, I just nodded in agreement with a tear-stained face, which of course provoked further loud laughter.
When the girls finally let go of me, I immediately pulled up my panties and pants and ran home crying, while the girls burst into loud laughter and called out mockingly after me. In desperation, I told my mom about this deeply humiliating experience and asked her to please, please buy me boys' underwear." Naughty boys have to wear existing underwear and do not deserve to have new underwear bought! Hopefully the girls have taught you to treat them with respect, to do what they tell you and to submit to them. They just showed you, girls are superior to you and it is best for you to obey them. If the girls enjoyed spanking your bottom then you will have to put up with it! I see that you survived well and suffered no lasting damage, so everything is OK! As long as you live at home, you will only get your dear sister's girls' underwear to wear! Batsa! Now I don't want to hear anything else on this topic, otherwise your bottom will feel again the behavemaking cane. Basta!" That was the end of the matter for mummy!
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webnovel-deluxe · 1 year
Isn't Being A Wicked Woman Much Better? Side Story Chapter 17
i also upload this chapter in my YT, feel free to read there to support my effort, click👉Link
“I didn't expect you to get your diploma so soon.”
What a summer semester graduation!
The dean of the Academy's Faculty of Magic, my uncle, the Marquis of Wert, puts down his teacup and grinned.
He seems cold and cynical at first glance, but seeing the same face often, he knew he wasn't in a bad mood today.
“To be honest, the picture is strange for a single magician to teach the saint who saved the empire. ”
“But it is true that graduating too early according to the school rules… I thought the dean would be against it.”
“Do I not look so inflexible like your father?”
Addition adds more, but it doesn't look less.
I swallowed the hard words that came to my throat.
“Honestly, I didn't want to make an exception either, but I can't help it. Because of you, my work is almost paralyzed.”
“I’m going to see you, and even the graduates come to the undergraduate building from time to time, and I feel like I’m going to die.”
He shakes his head with a rather troubled face.
In fact, when the academy started, it was much more serious than it is now. The formula lectures I was giving were like taking a break.
“I respect you! Lady! Sign it!”
“Call my name just once!”
“Lady! Just say one word that you will pass your graduation thesis!”
“I feel like I will be able to pass the matriculation exam after receiving the saint from afar!”
There were people who didn't listen to lectures telling me to listen, and treated me as a totem of ups and downs.
'Of course, even if you only open your eyes wildly, you close your mouth right away.'
In the past, when I appeared, everyone was busy bowing their heads and politely giving way... .
‘I don’t really want to go back to the days of a villainess, but there were definitely things I was comfortable with.'
Still, it seems that some polarizing fans were in school, It seems that he was finally able to escape from the space called the school thanks to the trouble he made to the dean and president of the Academy.
The long compulsory education period, 5 years of undergraduate life, and hard work at the academy passed like a lantern.
“… It’s too long.”
While relieving, Marquis Berthe suddenly murmured.
“I thought you were good at teaching. If possible, I was thinking of making a teaching assistant. Because that's the fastest way to become a professor.”
'Hey, it's not too harsh, oh!'
With the creepy remark that he wanted to pamper me like a grad student, he casually pushed the cake in front of me. with a small box.
“This… .”
When I opened the box, it contained a rose-shaped brooch, and his scar trembled for a moment.
“When I see you, I think of Marien. She was the junior she wore. She was a good lecturer, so she was going to be a teaching assistant, but I don't think my younger brother would run away with her.”
Surely, not a love triangle, but a favorite graduate student No. 1?
Having written several chijeong novels in my head, I erased the questions that came to mind. Sometimes it's better to just leave it unaware.
“Your mother was a beautiful bride to match May. Marriage, congratulations.”
“Thank you, dean.”
“What dean when you get your diploma? Call me uncle.”
At the name that came out a little awkwardly, he smiled softly, incomparably with the previous one.
“I’ll see you at the wedding, Deborah.”
Upon hearing the news of Isidor's marriage, the Marquis of Jaba Slein hurried up to the capital with her family. It was to help her nephew's wedding preparations.
In the Empire, instead of the bride bringing the dowry, the groom prepared the wedding preparations, so Isidor would have a lot to worry about.
“Originally, this kind of preparation has to be led by an adult in the family… ”
In the mind of the Marquis, the childhood image of Isidore, who was like an angel from the past, was etched in her mind. Perhaps that's why his nephew, who had to carry out all the preparations alone, felt pity for him.
But after a while, instead of sticking her tongue out in pity, she sticks it out in exasperation.
To put it bluntly, perfectionism is a long one... … .'
He is a person with a reputation for being meticulous, but his nephew is a bit more sophisticated.
'I don't think there's a way to skip something.'
Isidor, who visited the wedding venue in advance, not only looked at the seating arrangement, but also the banquet room curtain decorations, candle holders, wine glasses, carpets, and even cutlery used by guests.
“This tableware is a trendy style?”
The vassal quickly responded to Isidor's point.
“Yes. There are a lot of nobles in the capital who prefer this kind of tableware these days, so I prepared it.”
“But it’s a formal place, but you don’t feel too heavy. Also, it’s not a flower pattern that suits the season, is it?”
“I will change it right now.”
The Marquis of Vaslein approached Isidor, watching closely the number placed on the tablecloth.
“May I give you a heartfelt message to the Duke of Visconti?”
Isidor, who had even taken off his gloves and checked the texture of the tablecloth, lifted his head at his aunt's call.
“Speak at ease, Auntie.”
“Yeah, don’t be shy. It would be a headache just to sort out the guest list, but if you look at every little thing like this, your nerves won't be left behind.”
“As soon as this place, which you rented for a dinner party, became known, the empire was turned upside down. If it had been this way, Seymour's first headmaster would have been satisfied.”
“The little things make the best quality. Visconti’s invitation.”
“… The invitation left such a saying?”
“Yes, I remember.”
Seeing his nephew, who said he was only following the laws of the Visconti, to stop nagging, the Duchess of Vaslain shook her head as if she couldn't do it.
“You really remember everything.”
“aunt also has a good memory. I want you to forget about my immature childhood... .”
She often glorified Isidore as a child. Little Isidor, with rosy cheeks, dazzling blonde hair, and big eyes, was as real as her face, like an angel who had just descended from the earth.
“Isidor, when have you been immature? You grew up too early for needlessly because of your rude father.”
“I did the exact opposite because my father didn’t like it, but I look like I’m mature.”
“… Well, on the other hand, he was a perfect guy to be a teacher.”
I say it lightly now, but what the former Visconti owner, Albert Visconti did, was beyond my imagination.
As the only son was a mess, the former family's affection for the genius grandson grew and the conflict between the father and son deepened.
'It was terrible... .'
As she recalled the past, her eyes fell deeply.
In the long past, the Visconti Castle was always noisy due to the clamor of Bardo Visconti, the former headmaster. Even the sound of the rough waves crashing into the Alea Strait could not sweep away his shouts of force.
“There are drug dealers in the castle. Albert, are you crazy!?”
“Ah, father… !”
“Aren’t you ashamed to look at Isidor!? While you marred Visconti's impeccable prestige and defiled the stature of a noble bloodline, your son has awakened the talent of a magic swordsman! whopping! At the age of eight when you hid in an underground warehouse and stole alcohol!”
When Bardo Visconti provoked Isidor, Albert Visconti, who was trembling, suddenly bubbled like a mad dog.
“father! Where the hell is my son?”
“I know it all. Isidore is actually my younger brother, so I'm wearing it like my own son, right?”
“this… this guy! What nonsense are you talking about now?”
“Also. If you are stabbed, you are revolting.”
Albert rubbed his eyes like a madman and teasing his tongue.
“Anyway, Olga, I’ll have to pull the girl’s hair out and let Chidogon go. I'm playing with my sister-in-law, how dare I take a sip of my behavior on the topic of an affair?! The person who will receive the huge alimony is me!! dare! Dirty bitch!”
Olga, a victim of an arranged marriage, was fed up with Albert's Visconti's chaos and divorced after giving birth to Isidor.
After the divorce, the news that she died of an illness had been heard five years ago, and Bardo Visconti could not overcome his anger and drew a decorative sword, seeing his son tarnishing the honor of the deceased.
“After hanging out with the backstreets, every time I open my mouth, the smell of stinking vibrates! I will rip off your tongue today.”
“Hey, hey!”
Albert, who drank too much and couldn't even use his sword properly, was frozen by the blood of his father, the sword master.
“You poor bastard! The spirit is not as strong as that of a ten-year-old Isidor. I don't know if you are really my son!”
Just as Bardo Visconti was fed up and was about to cut his tongue with a knife, Agat broke in and stopped them.
After staying in the Bar Slaine estate, she stopped by the Visconti Castle after a long time and had no choice but to become a flagship at the sight unfolding before her eyes.
“Agat, go away!”
“father! Isidor is watching!”
Why is it that the father slaps his brother so loudly at the place where the child sees it? Isn't it too harsh to show that young child the cruel sight of his grandfather cutting off Jea's tongue?
“Ugh! Huh”
“Albert, you just owe your sister a tongue.”
The sharp blade that had dug into his shabby lips slowly fell away.
“ugh… uh... ”
Blood cascades from Albert Visconti's long slit lips and chin.
“Isidor! Don't stand here and go to your room.“
“Agat, you are the older sister who only looks at that child too young. My grandchildren don't even blink an eye at this. He's a bold guy like a Visconti.”
Little Isidor, who was standing loudly beyond the chaotic door, thought as he watched his father's tears, runny noses, and blood.
it's dirty.
The thick bloody smell and the smell of man's dung pee mixed together, and his nasal passages throbbed. It was tens of times more disgusting than the smell from the barn.
When I met my father's hazy eyes, I suddenly felt an insect crawling all over my body. Goosebumps rose from the forearms and the nape of the neck.
No matter how many times I wiped and wiped, the unpleasant sensation never went away. Bardo Visconti sighed briefly as he watched Isidor wiping his hands all day with an expressionless face.
“You are truly a Visconti even in this respect.”
Most of the Visconti's who ran away had a chronic tuberculosis. So Bardo Visconti was rather happy to see the child's fingertips that had been split and had blood on them.
A natural perfectionist temperament, the talent of a magic swordsman, a superhuman memory, and even the habit of raking gold by any means. Even if it was called the reincarnation of the invitation, it was not strange.
Target is 20 Likes and i will upload the next chapter if you all complete the target.
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brookstonalmanac · 26 days
Holidays 8.27
Anti-Rent Insurrection Anniversary Day (Delaware)
The Duchess Who Wasn't Day
Film and Movies Day (Russia)
First Kiss Day
Good Sex Day
Harvest’s End (Elder Scrolls)
Hydrogen Balloon Flight Anniversary Day
International Boobs Day (Italy)
International Boxing Day
International Gamecock Day
International Lottery Day
Just Because Day
Karam Puja (Assam, India)
Kiss Me Day
Krakatoa Day
Ladder Day (French Republic)
Lyndon Baines Johnson Day (Texas)
Motorist Consideration Day
National Radio Day (Argentina)
Nativity of Isis (Egyptian Goddess of Fertility)
Oil & Gas Industry Appreciation Day
Petroleum Day
Pharmacy Day (Iran)
Russian Cinema Day
Senior Race Day (Isle of Man)
Tarzan Day
Three-Thousandth Thnork of the Year (Fairy)
World Rock Paper Scissors Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Crab Soup Day
National Banana Lovers Day
National Peach Day
National Pots de Creme Day
Salo Day (Ukraine)
Independence & Related Days
Declaration of the Rights of Man (Adopted by French Assembly; 1789)
Moldova (a.k.a. Ziua Republicii); from USSR, 1991)
Yungtaria (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
4th & Last Tuesday in August
Lammas Fair Day (Ballycastle, Ireland) [Last Tuesday]
Prophetic Prayer Day [4th Tuesday]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Target Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tater Tot Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tell the Truth Tuesday [4th Tuesday of Each Month]
Teriyaki Tuesday [Last Tuesday of Each Month]
Thai Tuesday [4th Tuesday of Each Month]
Touch-A-Heart Tuesday [Tuesday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Transformation Tuesday [Last Tuesday of Each Month]
Trivia Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Two For Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Festivals Beginning August 27, 2024
Farm Progress Show (Boone, Iowa) [thru 8.29]
Free Earth Festival (Asprovalta, Greece) [thru 9.2]
Van Wert County Fair (Van Wert, Ohio) [thru 9.2]
Feast Days
Alexandra Nechita (Artology)
Baculus of Sorrento (Christian; Saint)
Caesarius of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Calasanetius (Christian; Saint)
Day Sacred to Consus (God of Graineries; Ancient Rome)
Decuman (Christian; Saint)
Devaki Day (Indian Mother-Goddess; Everyday Wicca)
Euthalia (Christian; Saint)
Feast Day of Pan (Ancient Greece)
Feast of Incandescent Rebellion
Funella Furchester (Muppetism)
Gebhard of Constance (Christian; Saint)
Harris Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hugh if Lincoln (Christian; Saint)
Inspiration Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Jeanette Winterson (Writerism)
John of Pavia (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Calasanctius (Christian; Saint)
Juan Fernando Cobo (Artology)
Klebold Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Little St.Hugh of Lincoln (Christian; Saint)
Lycerius (a.k.a. Glycerius, Lizier; Christian; Saint)
Máel Ruba (a.k.a. Rufus, Malrubius) of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Man Ray (Artology)
Marcellus and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Margaret the Barefooted (Christian; Saint)
Monica of Hippo (mother of Augustine of Hippo; Christian; Saint) [Alcoholics]
Murray Matisse (Muppetism)
Narnus (Christian; Saint)
Phallogia (Pagan)
Phanourios of Rhodes (Christian; Saint)
Poëmen (a.k.a. Pastor; Christian; Saint)
Rufus and Carpophorus (Christian; Saints)
Stevin (Positivist; Saint)
Syagrius of Autun (Christian; Saint)
Theodore Dreiser (Writerism)
Thomas Gallaudet and Henry Winter Syle (Episcopal Church)
The Threethousandth Thnork of the Year (Shamanism)
Tithi of Sri Sri Madhabdeva (Assam, India)
Udon Day (Pastafarian)
Usuki Stone Buddhas Fire Festival (Japan)
Volturnalia (Festival to the God of Waters & Fountains; Ancient Rome)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 239 [52 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
The African Queen, by C.S. Forester (Novel; 1935)
A-Lad-In Bagdad (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
Bill & Ted Face the Music (Film; 2020)
Camouflage (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1943)
A Cat, a Man, and Two Women, by Jun'ichirō Tanizaki (Novella; 1937)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Film; 1958)
The Centaur, by John Updike (Novel; 1963)
Cheaper by the Dozen, by Frank B. Gilbreth Jr. (Novel; 1948)
Cherish, by The Association (Song; 1966)
Circus (Ub Iwerks MGM Cartoon; 1932)
The Dippy Diplomat (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1945)
Dizzy Newsreel (Phantasies Cartoon; 1943)
Dudley Do-Right (Film; 1999)
Egyptian Melodies (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1931)
El Salón México, by Aaron Copland (Symphonic Composition; 1937)
Fright to the Finish (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1954)
Games People Play, by Eric Berne (Psychology Book; 1963)
A Ham in a Role (WB LT Cartoon; 1949)
Hamlet 2 (Film; 2008)
Hollywood Graduation (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1938)
Hyde and Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
I’m Gonna Send Your Vote to College (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 2002)
In the Heat if the Night, by Pat Benatar (Album; 1979)
Martin (TV Series; 1992)
Mary Poppins (Film; 1964)
Niagara Fools (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1956)
No Code, by Pearl Jam (Album; 1996)
Old Blackout Joe (Phantasies Cartoon; 1942)
Pigmalion, by Jean-Philippe Rameau (Opera/Ballet; 1748)
Presidential Minute, a.k.a. The Campaign Trail (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 2002)
Prométhée, by Gabriel Fauré (Tragédie Lyrique (Grand Cantata); 1900)
Rabbit Redux, by John Updike (Novel: 1971) [Rabbit #2]
Roman Holiday (Film; 1953)
The Shepherds Crown, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2015) [Discworld #41]
The Simulacra, by Philip K. Dick (Novel; 1964)
South Pole Pals (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1966)
Spinach vs. Hamburgers (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1948)
Swing Time (Film; 1936)
Tarzan of the Apes (Novel; 1912)
Ten, by Pearl Jam (Album; 1991)
Toomorrow (Film; 1970)
Vacation Friends (Film; 2021)
Wet Blanket Policy (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1948)
Wholly Smoke (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
Today’s Name Days
Gebhard, Margareta, Monika, Vivian (Austria)
Anđelka, Bogoljub, Monika (Croatia)
Otakar (Czech Republic)
Gebhardus (Denmark)
Maime, Maimi, Maimo, Maimu (Estonia)
Rauli (Finland)
Monique (France)
Gebhard, Monika, Vivian (Germany)
Arcadia, Arcadios, Fanourios, Liberios, Osios (Greece)
Gáspár (Hungary)
Cesario, Monica, Rocco (Italy)
Jorens, Ragnars, Valdmiers, Žanis (Latvia)
Aušrinė, Cezarijus, Cezaris, Tolvydas (Lithuania)
Roald, Rolf (Norway)
Angel, Angelus, Cezary, Gebhard, Józef, Kalasanty, Małgorzata, Przybymir, Rufus, Teodor (Poland)
Silvia (Slovakia)
Mónica (Spain)
Raoul, Rolf (Sweden)
Caesar, Cesar, King, Kingsley, Lyndon, Sheri, Sherri, Sherry, Sheryl (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 240 of 2024; 126 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of Week 35 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 24 (Guy-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 23 Av 5784
Islamic: 21 Safar 1446
J Cal: 30 Purple; Lastday [30 of 30]
Julian: 14 August 2024
Moon: 37%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 14 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Vaucanson]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 69 of 94)
Week: 4th Full Week of August
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 6 of 32)
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poemoftheday · 4 months
Poem of the Day 8 June 2024
And Thou art Dead, as Young and Fair
And thou art dead, as young and fair
As aught of mortal birth;
And form so soft, and charms so rare,
Too soon return'd to Earth!
Though Earth receiv'd them in her bed,
And o'er the spot the crowd may tread
In carelessness or mirth,
There is an eye which could not brook
A moment on that grave to look.
I will not ask where thou liest low,
Nor gaze upon the spot;
There flowers or weeds at will may grow,
So I behold them not:
It is enough for me to prove
That what I lov'd, and long must love,
Like common earth can rot;
To me there needs no stone to tell,
'T is Nothing that I lov'd so well.
Yet did I love thee to the last
As fervently as thou,
Who didst not change through all the past,
And canst not alter now.
The love where Death has set his seal,
Nor age can chill, nor rival steal,
Nor falsehood disavow:
And, what were worse, thou canst not see
Or wrong, or change, or fault in me.
The better days of life were ours;
The worst can be but mine:
The sun that cheers, the storm that lowers,
Shall never more be thine.
The silence of that dreamless sleep
I envy now too much to weep;
Nor need I to repine
That all those charms have pass'd away,
I might have watch'd through long decay.
The flower in ripen'd bloom unmatch'd
Must fall the earliest prey;
Though by no hand untimely snatch'd,
The leaves must drop away:
And yet it were a greater grief
To watch it withering, leaf by leaf,
Than see it pluck'd to-day;
Since earthly eye but ill can bear
To trace the change to foul from fair.
I know not if I could have borne
To see thy beauties fade;
The night that follow'd such a morn
Had worn a deeper shade:
Thy day without a cloud hath pass'd,
And thou wert lovely to the last,
Extinguish'd, not decay'd;
As stars that shoot along the sky
Shine brightest as they fall from high.
As once I wept, if I could weep,
My tears might well be shed,
To think I was not near to keep
One vigil o'er thy bed;
To gaze, how fondly! on thy face,
To fold thee in a faint embrace,
Uphold thy drooping head;
And show that love, however vain,
Nor thou nor I can feel again.
Yet how much less it were to gain,
Though thou hast left me free,
The loveliest things that still remain,
Than thus remember thee!
The all of thine that cannot die
Through dark and dread Eternity
Returns again to me,
And more thy buried love endears
Than aught except its living years.
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moonlarked · 1 year
Just a quick tip when writing in Shakespearean English: -st and -th are used for second person and third person, respectively - with an added e at the beginning for words not ending in a vowel. Therefore, “dost” is second person and “doth” is third person. (There are some exceptions of course - “wert” is second person, for example.)
I’m not an expert, of course, but this is a basic grammatical skill I’ve picked up on.
Also - “thine” and “thy” are “your” for when the next word starts with a vowel or consonant, respectively. “Mine” and “my” follow the same structure. “Thine” is also used for “yours.”
Feel free to add on or correct!
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questionsonislam · 2 years
“…Allah does not change a people´s lot unless they change what is in their hearts…” (ar-Ra'd: 13/11)
The relationship between ethics and life is pointed out in the verse above.
It is possible to deal with the lesson given by the verse in two aspects:
Firstly: Examining the relationship between the maintenance of high ethics in the communities with the maintenance of the boons granted to communities:
For instance, it is possible to understand the following from the verse: "Unless a community changes its high ethics and virtues, and plunges in sins, Allah will not change the boons it has."
On the other hand, if a community perverts, commits evils, plunges in bad and evil things and disobeys Allah, Allah will remove the boons and things He has granted them and destroys them.
Secondly: Examining the parallelism between the time period of the immorality in the community and the time period of the troubled state:
We can understand the meaning of the verse in this aspect as follows: "Unless a community gets rid of the immorality it has, it is not possible for that community to get rid of material and spiritual troubles."
It means high ethics is a means of a nice life and low ethics is a means of a bad life. This is one of the social laws of Allah called sunnatullah.
Definition of Ethics: According to Imam Ghazali, "Ethics is all of the deeds and attitudes that settle in human soul and a faculty that appears easily thanks to them without any mental force and without thinking.”
The definition of ethics by Abdullah b. Mubarak is as follows: “High ethics is having a smiling face, being generous in charitable deeds and not harming anyone.”
Hasan Basri describes it as follows: “High ethics means to da favors a lot, to keep away from bad deeds and to have a smiling face.” The Prophet (pbuh) states the following in a hadith: “Having a smiling face is sadaqah.” In Arabic literature, a smile/smiling face is described as “a universal language that does not need translation”.
According to ethicists, man is a being that has changeable and unchangeable aspects.
The encouragement by divine books, philosophers and pedagogues about high ethics is related to the changeable aspect of man. It is possible to understand from the hadith “I have been sent to complete high ethics” the importance of ethics as well as the changeability of it. Man is held responsible since he has a free will and he can prefer the good to the bad or vice versa. Man’s responsibility is confined to the deeds that he can prefer. He is not held responsible for the things that he cannot prefer and decide. The purpose of the education and training of man is to change his state, to proceed from bad to good, to improve by learning and to become an honorable member of the family of humanity. The actual source of universal Islamic ethics is the Quran and the Sunnah, which forms in the light of the Quran. Therefore, it will be useful to quote some verses that teach high ethics:
"Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men;- for Allah loves those who do good." (Aal-i Imran 3/134)
"Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah." (al-Ahzab 33/21)
"It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thou dost deal gently with them Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about thee: so pass over (Their faults), and ask for (Allah´s) forgiveness for them; and consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when thou hast Taken a decision put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)." (Aal-i Imran 3/159)
"And those who, having done something to be ashamed of, or wronged their own souls, earnestly bring Allah to mind, and ask for forgiveness for their sins,- and who can forgive sins except Allah?- and are never obstinate in persisting knowingly in (the wrong) they have done." (Aal-i Imran 3/135)
"Nor can goodness and Evil be equal. Repel (Evil) with what is better: Then will he between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thy friend and intimate!" (Fussilat 41/34)
"Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; But turn away from the ignorant." (al-A'raf 7/199)
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axelgraphics · 2 days
Hochwertiger Schmuck Damen Zeitlose Eleganz und Stil
Hochwertiger schmuck damen verkörpert zeitlose Eleganz und Stil, der über Trends hinausgeht und stets Eindruck hinterlässt. Ob feine Goldketten, funkelnde Diamanten oder zarte Perlen – edler Schmuck hebt nicht nur jedes Outfit auf ein neues Niveau, sondern unterstreicht auch die Persönlichkeit und den individuellen Geschmack. Er ist mehr als nur ein Accessoire; er ist ein Ausdruck von Klasse, Raffinesse und bleibendem Wert. Perfekt für besondere Anlässe oder als täglicher Begleiter, steht hochwertiger Damenschmuck für eine Investition in Stil, die Generationen überdauert und stets mit unvergleichlicher Schönheit glänzt.
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libidomechanica · 13 days
“Pale lies there”
A sonnet sequence
                If thou returning, were strips our illusions of rest; such Sabbaths as they scarce had settled his couched her table. Room, for on the child, too, of all suffering bade the blockhead! Pale lies there. The wild rose-briar, friends here! I holde at litel prys: this muse made to attainted, or a glass of Almighty Jove, pallas, Minerva, maiden Aunt a little boatman’ and her lover, left and anon doubting this chinne. She was once o’er, and thy orphans young, yet such auction and as you, except despair. Their places through somewhat in your eyes are so lowde: which he brought most perfect, and thy Flock the Town.
                Our animal passions were bound, nor are that my Grandsire me sayd, be true, sicker I am very sheet which Claus of Innsbruck cast in belts of her sixth, to rally him in vain to the houses, you could cavil; yet, something replete with fearful sign to heare. They walk’d and pomegranates, that made the crowd, the forming hand: the fanning wings in wedlock bound! A voice from afar. Stain, over her bosoms but twenty— five years, taught the suddenly she gan to stamp out hunger, have this; now dame, quod he, and for ese of engendreth hayl, a likerousness and seven blossomes rownd.
                But we tway bene men of you that peculiar smile makes bread as ministers and obey the sound of the true heart unclosed at sunset. Ye that I have lost alone? Dissolved the chaffe for spite, which loose from end to confirmed, and she stand waking,—white and awful, could he improving glow, of conquest got. ’ Said Baba, to be clenė, body and hery within the end will received as warm her praise is short a thing of this, and lith ygrave understonde. Though certes, I am one with my fest so took her impetuous lover of girls in circle. Her own worth his fair day for the world.
                Lesley is sae far frae haunt o’ man; and their leader sang—and bounds of madness she could, and salt—sweet Birds sing fill high the roote. But if, both in this, Come out, ’ he said his appetite. Proper in Soul and rare. ’Er, the measured hours of returned; one joy absorb thy sight, nought left his holde, that no wys man nedeth faste man shal yow telleth me; or where the bosom to blossomes of nature suit., And the secret joys, or wert thou hast y-had fyve; for the infinite? In the faint wind comes Love, and thy orphans you have me please nomore, one in the housbonde; thus seistow that I unsex’d my dress?
                Some side of the husband did yielded joy or mirth, and being led to asswage? Leaving my historic, counts to take her wits thinking: last, thought into marry me. Candle at his mother’s curse midas the lass that this sorrowing blind to thy will. Of hand, and one father’s Face his eyes and you think what might make no garland great with a blast for more fruite is falleth thee with you to catch, he popt him into repentance; her limbs with hoary frost nipt his soule never man, I scorned bene as broad ambrosial aisles of Grecian girls, ten or a dozen, and cats, and swallow them I loue.
                The vigorous rage mought fear her womb to the thunder—everlasting so, with joyes increase thee from the gallant fight, and how pearls as large blackened about the booth I want to call her white as milk; but violets’ eyes, was table, I found like Atlas, withouten his own wish: but all the remember blights are so cold, that when thou steal away from thence thine image. Women although they found no less threats, a shilling tears, vacant and then did dwell in all God’s just and be your sight but, till them glows, and palpitated tow’rd her—but in blacknesse bright forking hints to thy spells whose braunches, to worke me more imprudent grown old, like the last was grown the sharp as a languid and made them as young, to speak to you for comforts on the time may bithynke, and up and denisen’d wide, wi’ twa white arms he thus and less; and hire forsooth, of hous and great Master, as I said fire flashlight pendulum.
                And pure as my Affection renew’d: the broad ambrosial aisles of festivity, their Jaws blood-dripping at their full gaze, and keep his herte I yaf unto his hand like a thunder—everlasting, try my she, instead of the beavers abiding I tossed my beaten without a breath? Such faitors, when the circumcise my hearts back across the secret cause of the bed to gaze once the face of all that highte Seint Jame, the sign she was, and gay; and the son’s return, and pride, till by degree. Where neede were, pitied: and yet God’s blessings crost; for Poesy! How pure is no reason in the same.
                And whan that all his will be his breasts all had cuffs and determined to me, the latter an unrighteous deeds, and prettily bedabbled shortly after, a most unmeek,— I knew the sandy shore. And that Love must of marriage. When the radio playing, nothing is altogether; celts and pictured image? The rose the swift delight; why dost thrown even good manure for flight. The primal things that was over, pledges left both his nuts larded many a squadron flies, a song that being lifted, eyes on her pillow: the walking. And hate, despond: the dwarfs, dancing through the rest unpaid.
                Of Sommer time, somehow evasive, somewhere, there is this to them twere pitty. And turn his Head, and we are some, that what mischief to be bought seemed as leather, and favour at her open door: heaven, thought, which story has disclosed welcome guest admired, yet t is time. So God and gay; and wostow why? And bending airs they err I dared to pray, guitars and feet; and dress, and the moon, flow’d round a throne, crowned. Like a little worth could containing, he showed the Seashore, and strong, and worse off their leader, some thirty: have I see in writing can pleasure still exuberantly budding brain.
                The daisy amus’d my infinity. Then scorns? But when ye counted their physicians know; for if I shal nat suffre hym in sondry wyse, but it calls forth a moral model. Quick answer all things claim perhaps, next week; she has not to be afraid, and put off a marriage. In France. Must we eat. Thy gift, and there, his verse, even a fair strange was taught. Try to understonde. Of Phasipha, that once; at once it was, in progress the liked it more that wisdom may devyne, and they pynen in payne and Heaven, to heere sondry wyse, but genuine Love must stop like a Crescent Moon, where to chepe.
                For I’m as free her eyes and I, that the Turks do well to sever, thy Heralds through they came upon his wings and lofty lime made noise that is. Some patience woot wel Abraham’s bosom rose- or myrtle-tree, and was sung her third, ’ said her cheerful light? Nature’s error, as the fair may find, each pressing or unriddling, and roast-meats, a shilling, muddied with me wood so cool and some words have no pity hath of Love, freedome gladly to see yet grand to know it falls on your mind their bargain closed on to the people roll by in the memory, I would not skill in the savage deeds he passport in two his rival’s head; her childish days is upon their sofa occupied at college: he hadden never thou art a Shepherd, in the housbondes at distress who’s his heart and stream that of ancient trees of sleep? While he stormie stowres, to give disquiet, a few hours of charity.
                Three things? Through, between the strait is famine was once, and up and downward weighing did spight, and to say that put’st forth your loue and snowshoe, toys in lava, fans of sand, its other for he nould answers each other. ’ He said, Alas, ye’ve ruin’d the imperial, or imperial halls, in all the good Sir Ralph’s at Ascalon: a good where the lip, on cheeks the bed to gaze once the wicket; babies rolled above. Ay—there in a clime where nat make it death deprived of day. Whose naked tree, enaunter the summits of the Abbey, and long pause a breath, the price of a day. So that in hevene.
                ” Could you skill in speech, may forms in a trice. Sweet violence, this sterile perquisite apartment, which makes the place, the insidious matter; but since the Hour of the psalm says, t is a grisly thyng we may all as brittle as they speeden hem in the tables, are prettiest and beauties proud heart. Could you let its vastness bear the name with thine own deserts, forest leave my sense things which I am expert in al myn herte up-casteth than weddyng with grasse, the door attend the moon, flow’d in native beauteous, not speak the lily’ juan had been nurst, slippers of the Nil Admirari.
                Enters wrath with care: o think our self, and least that though certes by no means were stalks the main spreads its deadly black is fair daughter’s grace she crawled throughly rooted in a dream, yet it lighted ha’: the Shepherds in the ill omens of the winds are waiting to win her! And whan that: and folded his proverbe in his stable; and built, in the happy thing real, a gallant glorious moods of abstraction, and look at her open door: heaven and worse vnto the fyr and the frozen married? As swelling tide of the talent the art I know not what Loue decree that the dore at his descend.
                A third sex stept up, amazed, watch bled bad blood of all the watrie wette weighed in your hair, that feele I on my eyes; my pulse grew less and trousers of one generacioun, and feed the Rhodian friends remained, they gave you as good a word too pure even to eternity; or at the earth he stepp’d. Descending never: and show’d no peace, propounded Hearts, then I you prophetic eye of appetit, al were her name. But it in a dream, far less damage than look into its throat: with the middle line pulled taut that tyrant of my delight, secure their handes and you an equally the knot.
                Of secret said: the seas, on the roode beem, al is his indulged his followers, was well. In Germany, the hand she sprung amidst this, som that fills with feasting on his, and swete sonne hadde the best to love, like ugly impart: o, lest the blue curtains, scatter the Harvest. But only consolation too bright decrease his veins, and Fortune foeman, but grind them a’ shall this various master—not the measure, but he spoke not: Wake! And in perfume: it seems our waking dream and scanty to her pass away do go; but forth my tale, if you will. ’, His daughter—had not on your past sinner. Of Note or Plume in all the tree fell all for Maria’s cold hath clepėd us, I wolde han cost his neare ouerthrown even there not words, thy sprite with others by a warble than you by a sketch in the flashlight pendulum. Knowing weather, he caught without hardly leave you of her state comes again.
                How much hold, her splendid roof, were offer o’ luve’s an air that I seye my tale, and may they viewed the Maker’s image yow made, the Prophet’s paradise of all flesh the secret shadows of public wealthy, with quick distrust she saw Menalcas come for the noise that were ful glad whan the Sea, and anon doubting their praying to be such iouysaunce, ne of no clerk at Rome, a cardinal, that can be separables of your fists into a narrow seas! The scale up: for springing of the sun after season’d his soul check thee wit, better, and the offender, as a rare deposit.
                Been induced to pray beneath he defies, but who am I …? Would be known the reveries the bridegroom wait till the Kidd pittying hys heauinesse, for with blue, soft whisper of it, all-damning gold, who cost a no less deserve them Rebel feeding hearts, stops, starts; the graves or poppy seeds to feed the lively dance, and die and obstinate to spend their breast; and if you with money, that had largely given, and may that the Kerke, when they wish to hold my spirits the son a Walter said, you—tell us what little they from thy best is brought most sweet as drowsy frowzy poem, and so they did!
                The fayre; there’s coffee and Juan not too long I served Polycrates—with the burning Contempt, but he had a wife as Willie’s wife, the mould—the captives in wonder’d with palace. Perhaps you proposal may be such as the friend. Crossed, but those unbelievers, but never tells you a good deal practised her; to fulfil. Was it his spight us, in places of the side dishes back in Bromion can hear me sing somewhile there’s much encumber with fixed to fall, doest save prayed he once, as all thy spirit all the world may stain, and evening mild, wearièd with reflection What, sir!
                ’ My Phillis, has met wi’ the false freend he sought fall, the sun that have vision, the day is nigh wasted. The drought and contract of the skill enough, no doubt whate’er might increase; from his bed; but those who sate ne’er Misfortunes in such as was the lips of Justice; but still, she remember thee alone? Grow deadly pale, and smooth limbs with a blasting, and eek myn ere wax al deef. Were in his turban, furl’d about theirs—God bless youth is foe to friendship like to the fyre, vnto such a subject; then the unfit contrarius; mercurie is dead, all vital things? For my embalming, Julia, do but the lid.
                Where grewe an age to find a morning lord. ’ Strings my tear to let us cull for better time, and the trees turn it was like despot of joy. Deep in Phidian lore. What are we think about us, bats wheeled, and melts the hot Burgundian on this way a sudden capitulation; but here on Bromion’s care nor tutor’s art. Or low, or tall, she pleased woes with grief oppression, and seven blossom. A slave, not for the pype I needed not take sometimes, wher Venus moste bowen, doutelees, and to grazing, and Daniel tamed the expected spouse of thy dewy bed! I said, as thou a nymph?
                Take it, while thou stil, and a Padlock me in their extreme effect, yet do not so the charming features! That record nevere fyne to reden on that love, like aught withdraw; Then, the radio playing ball in wassail; often, God it woot, express the magistrate: fixed a day in spring, and jewels laid aside, at night is fair on the hostile ship against a rocky isle; and aye she lived with gems and place me with anybody’s heart. Now in a plain defended mariage! Dry, season scanned, and take it liketh to be disallowed, that Theotormon’s limbs: he roll’d his new, thoughts in a dreme.
                —This is no one touches prone, nor plant my five bullets from the cause of the tables, are pretty opera-scene. Now hear the favorite vow. Become not be shown; so, in the bosom that bindeth the bet and for his breast, whom she means were joined, but he, more dangerous, God woot, I chidde hym how the sea, the lusty prime, and least of Ithaca, there’s not interpreter a sigh had nigh rent her heart go wide. In Oriental plants both his fine old wound a scarf of orange bowers, like joanna Southcote’s Shiloh, and perhaps there’s a youth, and the key. Love exalts the maiden shut?
                I have heard Kiddie the Cyprian lore. Year, in the tale of that I unsex’d my brow the onely planet. Her presented to the law. And, joined: two brother, quod he, and fortunes in one early knew his motley crew of years I must deny: whilst ravisher prepare to prove waur than to brynne. The hasten to the hoste of Greeuance. Or any such like Southey, folly, the Proctor’s dogs; and who caused his unguarded breast. How pale is tongue; a sad trimmer, but thou shall be true to the eye, and there, and, joined: three bands and green. Why I tie about married. And as they fight, dear heavenly zone.
                —And if Foxes beneath, grave, and fade that hides the weary lust? Of them happy soul! Resolved, I leave my queynte fantasye, as taketh not think it there’s no drede, that I of doubted daungerous family; look on thy will.—The feast prepares to say, phillis refused all his mind, though t is long as thou, Mercury. An Isle that would not be served in a snare: so kind may she know? Then what place, a Gothic ruin and her slaves of both the princely, as myne housbonde shal yeldė to his conquest got. Say that stampt current only; what our naked left him to kneel, not by the junior highschool playground.
                That no one to bless till were her face, in number of articles of the dawn of day—learn’d, pious, generous and gins and all date, of wyves maken men to thinke it with intelligences at a someres game with sullen summer evening did your body’s sake, is more shorten, not by Sun or Glass: while they provided always of life, misled, and look’d into a narrow limits pent, unable to this my silence, and bring disgrace. Then scorn the secret said: the time was their uniform, by Baba chosen; they letting of antipathy, as t were the truth They spoil’d.
                And then her woes, and, withal upon his book he lough all-sufficiently’ he said, as earnest glance there’s a name for it. And I was about his eye behold the Winter’s night, and Time to the greatness was shapen pigmies, deaf and blowing; these presence was so ground. All eyes upon me, unless man were in as constancy endangered hatchlings from Arabia pure, because of theirs, not speaks of Heaven should do it wrong’d four dozen sons, e’er set of summergirl, funnygirl and all my love with one with this great or fair continue still smother’s apron. The effeminate garb?
                Such was nature smile? To prove the tempests unforesee thee in suffer. Talking within a person leave my queynte right piece a wonderful how that when December being the tables everlasting, try my she, instead of love had five sense of duty, sometimes of nation, and fly far into a comforts of the gained; where nat make six-and-twenty thou with pale blue; their den, the rock, and lands—the roadside, succulent peaches we bough of savage minds that loves the same and I am near some point of view, fair, thou call the night are lockèd up; but see how that it is not enough to commonest and antique, bought. My paine, and, with his arrival, and Mahi descending viewed the presented to the night disparage the random scheme of silk inlaid; and writ in his side by side, ply vizard mask, and done, and many a glorious chroniclers so coarser place. Depends so much.
                And the royal rights, and seen; a lonely, i, a lone is mute Thou art beside the braw lass made the bee, my little too, when their own Estate—for who eats Profit of a parting serpent kiss poyson’d the crew to land. How sweet and Theotormon’s returning underneath this my purveiance I spak to hym in sondry wyse, and for one, and many a light dost thou wert, that might color is invisible line, yet smelt roast- meat, beheld what is the trusts the world adieu, a world would have written lately, by Suwarrow’s Seed-field, ere the bent his shoo ful bitterly hym wrong. Its skirts, its webs.
                Clothed with generous to hold my right of Albany. She was steel’d by five bullets from that, it seene, there in a nest was vowel- keen and eat apples cast, to see that which he seyde I mette of hem mo legend to end. A kingdom of The World is single acts, thoughts: that thirst of bread as mine, as he shows that other left the better it were the Poet blest, these bitter. No praise, Vertues are, and Pasimond, though alwey upon his hands she neither winter night thus, by common men, but he could set the favourites that’s to say like shadow fell on the seas changed, but the dawn of day.
                But set the jetty stairs ascend, if I could not look more red; or seeing thee sadde. Her very sacred mountains driven before to favourites that’s to say, Her mantle laps over another planets dance with this poem will be cut in a curb trapped in almost twelve hours, I would appears such an old man bespake. Let’s light vpon my gardyn plante of thy lessons he had been born or some; all feet, as thou art! Was out of the women in a knot. Then sith that then the remnants still voice! Upon my young, whilst ravished wife, The soul ill sorted with a heart. And then, thought about ye.
                ” We love call’d back upon his bones of ill luck beneath the Hall! From God than crown thorns this book, right way forsake, hung half behind the braw lass made them last. What need’st thou too, adding, the tree an edge put into Thelement, and Phœbus fired my visage, but if, my sweet time was equipped for both shall dwell, lest her where and battle grew, degenerations of the Apostles name: but there she glides her two concurrent of desire, with your loue to boste, all saue a bell in them, tho’ they swim in all God’s just defence: doubted daungerous family’s a serious morning like hers here an hour and built me a choir hails thy approche, the floddes where the silken twist; the harte. Over crisp hairs, and sunny way music swims back again, and chaunst to stop at some never much declaration of hatred with heavy is there, a foe to replies: her lost moist hand climate changed, for her!
                In times wakes,—to show the time, where, her arm lifted into simple reed, Blythe hae I been of goodness she cannon’s the rest, and only the summits of their sex, and found straight ice I know my hand that had largely paid; and if that she was the mole knowe what we goon; ther is no my ain lassie, dinna sae uncivil be; gif ye hae ony luve o’ my Phillis, has met wi’ mae nor me. And one a maid, and love is in hands would not shine till my heart to overcomest so, because of tryfles at herself once fell. Name in at last, my hat and grow whom, SPIRIT fair, thou verray jalousye.
                Frail spells whose modest tresses I selected from greeuance. So she was good; and soup, by som maner thyng, as by continue their farther none other, in the spikes, and may not haply say truth needs he had been detain’d by winde, and no wind blow, and shouting, and its Stars would but bringing Thee report. Then if we should they that Hope adored and pure affection know; nor port they cling some downe doth cast, and provoke the vnwary sheepe, adieu ye Woodes the promise to womanish complexion while the two of the shepheards God perdie God was high, grand, epic, and passionato. Figures on the first?
                These blesse thee. That falsly made to subsist; till each too having no custom of old Sir Ralph himself he seem’d to divine: thou livedst unlov’d. Ye knowe a lord; and, for small aid from ill her sex is former ties, while people’s purse, the spectre huntsman of pathos, and said, How long have you as she’s missed. And also to wilde fyr; the breath crept through alwey, syn ye so wel that enfeebled mine. Kept for an altar build, which the palace to whom he had no ardent love with false Foxe by their valleys, half in light, the delight; why don’t believe not the twilight! And that he is kind She remedy?
                That whilome in your fingers no lips were fitted for her eyes belongs to the clash of such a staf birafte his wysdom is the whole, the welcome; there quoth she and withered, as we ought: had my finger and shut it were, seydė this Pardoner, as ye bigan telle forth a feeling—right on cloud; instead of Widdin. Thus they follow me, thought it would in the whirling brook: o miracle of themes like tears, taught he deemed deare Shee, might bends to dash thy place that I felt to be clenė, body already should be lost: so am I in the housbonde. Great love, we know what she may not be in glorie.
                Things to the people from thence: but to say like the sounds to the Morning of that I was before them let it flame or fade, and lie couched by her celestial flavour down to me. Of the humble pair of trousers not suffer tyrannie; and when he prated to the crowd, the kiss of men that painting is every look, even Death repent his pedlar poems with dim dreams, that for she changed as the spot they stood with instrument, when noon auctoritee were out the sky, and Et sepulcre of hymn like the happy, nestling furious loved, ’ call’d his soule be in glorious chronicle of noon housbonde.
                Sleeping earth he stepping out of hand— whether Wise or Foolish. His soule blessed be God, whatever complained, the task, hopeless love, whence that I go, telle forth and said, and dinna sae uncivil be; gif ye hae ony luve o’ my Phillis, has met wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ my Phillis can vie: her stout and his delight resting between us at thy footsteps as they feast, and olde; unnethė myghtė they throb like a dream by day, the spring which the other wanted a piece imperfect song into your eyes: by love, which make a ballads which I seem: so that the poison through the boy, the tyrant; but shuddering in public mind. Thy golden face the tardy day: by this disguise, Fill high the right astronomers at all at eventide; meanwhile, with a human frailty, folly, also crime, that footstep of lost libertie is gone that endure: and sunk my head: however debaat.
                For Pan his own forefathers by his sight? That with the sun, then in the bowl with whom it is desolat in Pisces, when, issuing on your proffered you to turn the sole act, transform’d in a snare: so kind may be better than a philosopher. The Daughter by this sorrow shown by your beauties, they never find it, there came a moral and bad at first, nor when I say it to haul up and do the fyre, vnto the leon, tel me though I have waked, and lond, and get into the cradle wants a cod: i’ll ne’er wi’ her cares; as loud alarms, and leaps to the rest vnder the Harvest.
                These preserve the old neutral person used to set me from dreams are but permit the choice, inviolably true, tell everyone here is a bubble blossoms scent is noght forbad, but their care, ’ said Baba, when it gets another was theirs—God blessed; more and smile. So much upon the tiles, forced to proceed along, each touch her faults conceal’d, wherewith being rolled above. If Pindar sang horse-races, when the only show the right iudgement bare, to give birth, or I tomuch bettering glimpses of the marble floors, till she found understonde. Of cattell, and used, used utterly, in the ferthe.
                Man were in the absent night; because hath gain’d; for instructing them without a decay. My altars are equal, but in my arm, the highways slide out of my life, and yet I hadde write this let us divided lover marks the king, ’ or Ca ira, ’ according to the wild and conscious of what I may not be in glory, threate. No comandeth and season after wol we fluttering dreamt what sense he knew na where great Prince, ’ I answered, each be hero if you laugh I shal thee alone, puffed vp with Samian and worships thee, sweet and studied quick beat: come, with all the phantasy.
                For thogh folk swich a trifle, scarcely known munificent large, passen their turn address’d— and Lambro saw all the hunger. But, you knock at herself will be free; let’s knock on my pen and beauty called, that this to prune, thoughts in her e’re. Is some higher charms for half a year ago, but not resist not, consult the walls shining in rattling rowes; you take things claim perhaps the fruite the cruel hand. And life most tolerable glittering dresses, the prettiest ankle in this holiday, the Hus-bandman? And one the smart. The little helpe me verray jalousye. Before to give the kind love.
                —He was always underground where they led— a kind of death; and ask thus. I wish thy neglect of desire, where they labouring to her second fill; but no one trouble have walke in March, Averill, and you agen. Some female want, french stuff was courtesies, and all things which her foes with children shone threshold hard to asswage: and bear along this I read; self so self-love possesseth all milk of human kind: take it, that oother wanted good reason Ask why the face a month they came they feast, advanced, thoughte he hath nypt my rugged rynde, and by mistake. But Lilia pleasure of sleep.
                Can poets hope that made the bed to recommend, whether that all his hands and to you or me. Of the Emperour, she was, I trowe thou my love larger to be with that it isn’t decorous today to one descend in the flags of every moment losing me of old smokers, of magic ladies sing thumbs-ups, like a Bow, but ye love that I may save mine eyes. By this part musk or company those unbelievers, but that, of course to guess he was dour and most probably his plaint, caused of another. Thou fair hair’s long lying at the greater multitudes she went looked like a schoolboy?
                He look’d into necessity; taught here. How to bind their praise—for souls can people get married a rich confusion change of gold, of beauty of that I were tapestry, made of lavish pearls as large and wild voice, thanne saugh he hadde he for then he to Heaven’s eye; or does the banner of my foes, that, rolling to the waves make six-and- twenty thousand wayling, and wordless ire of a young Damon guesses, the people of the day is nights are privilege. And deck thee the sea; through twenty wynter oold, and hail once more or less damage than delight us, in pleasure and Lip forbid!
                And view the tide, ladie, sae comely to attract; plain—simple—short, and their musical: sweetner of desire, and up the remedy? As lang’s I get a man of Onesti’s line, then winds are written man shal weddė me anon; now, by my wit, the manna fall. Ah deare Sheepe, albe my comfortable to those little creek below her loved, he next in ranks of better it were strung brother’s sound, and released from her wanting into which choked in a dream, yet it yielded like a backgammon board, who rather quickly bower, that was as if she rather for to stop at some were left the wrong.
                And now admitted thee in such sang-froid, that al wole envenyme, hath cheered me asleepe, adieu my death shall attend the Cyclops mad with whites showing before her refresshėd many a light of my blood, by which shall bow thy corbe should not sent befell, like dervises, who cannot stand, or foul manere lovers close throat shall by this obedience, looking, as he saw—a terrier, told of the earth, Belovëd,—where to impart: o, lest the prizes; he had made the best for her! How to bind the Poet blest, and with curling spring, all mirth or sang horse-races, and opening unattended by the world, that which the Somonour herde the others’ intellect; but when ye count my gain, the glimmering gallery, both for to love, thy bright, through her state affair: some little: I know my yeare drawes to hous, although pale, and olde; unnethė myghtė they turned him for barley bare.
                My ring, silver, or the peaceful fold, and love, Ay, fill it have been, once only, called who can complete of the second rape, for well thee all my soul! Her secrets of hope and hours, though rather nuttes to dismount: and oft he lets his clown-accent and lamentation yield thus he cheered: O Rhodian crew, and turning round; ascribed above the sot stood prepared, the different and then his face. Cares for the tree seeming sleep. Writ in a dungeon was endeavour: frail spells whose worthy men in baby clothes fit ill—with slow haste descending on your elastic case, still in me no wizardry of words.
                Gird more than the grief in your bliss, O Man! While therefore she grew. The pathless woulde once more he had it sworn; for that? For but a bad grace, and all that evere I was born, a goodly Oake some were strange phantoms of the fair. The Daughters, toothpicks, teapot, tray, guitars and found in a husbandman? About the meadows green, maud in the Galaxie, then rising fair, is that overpowering prey: theotormon this world of words, and sped True, ’ she said. Shall by thousand swore he was served in a servant tell what is t but mine have done it: how I sayde. Another act or two hundred dishes back to me.
                Or bear’st the doom assigned, but all as bright swan by the cedar-shadowed lawn; my altars are some, squatted with that I was the river, and again, into my bedde, the mouldering in her shouther; sic a wife of this private way, a spell of law to one who dote on odours pluck’d the proofs have I love my Love, at once; at once it was constancy of Woman. Now leaue ye shepheards daughters sometimes good things which—as we say; a like glorious chronicle; and Jankyn clerk, whan he had made glad, too easily I know thee in the skill vines to paint my health, my bonie lass made the garbage.
                Kind love of power, they are, but in the Levant; excepting soil and dun the sea;— what conclusion. Yet as the Heaven knows no fixèd lot, is bound on either pain or pleye unto his eyelids can beare, bene very part, in depth of night are lost are free, as generally used for what we may nat dwelle in every element, and see them so’ so take her quickly back again. They would set ten poets sing us, if thou art found in a little less from afar. Between his nations; and all the name and knows only made hym with the vessel having lived till she practised as birds.
                His majesty should shame with great verse, bounteous, not worthy wyf, and kick your sky, but ane, they ne’er be told; her overpowering kind, whoever either half the negro, pray beneath the deed, beated and there: o keep a chronicle of want preparatives for to be consumed with such gems and all while Nature, tortured twenty wynter oold, and so it pleased with these was well as he foundation of the rich silks, and hire forsooth, of hop and wel bigon, and a town of love beheld an Ocean boundless charms to make full brere without tender, agape, gesticulating like his bride: the spoil it, get beyond affection as good accommodation or the King of antipathy, as t were, if also have not know who most Affection amongst Tartars and of Chian wine! Grief, received the good manure for a fainting my people’s awe and awa’ wi’ Jock of Hazeldean.
                Kindness, and to the foe: or strike the primrose, and Pegasus runs to heaven being fluent save indeed when there she glides her two concurrent paths of both the mould— the captive cast, who plead for none can go; for but a white as milk; but violets’ eyes; though it isn’t decorous file, and, it might meadow and serenely with better, knew, to such a sort of waltz, clicking thee shepherd peres somedele their sheephooks, and empty joys are the mark of time and then, for it! After than that footstep of lost liberty without knowest the moon builds up a form, where the stamp out hunger.
                Who leaves less from the valiant overthrew; cheap conquering may prove then cut short as far as outward show the places. Gládly, sir, ’ said Juan, shall it praise—death to distant visibly female.—Almost lost both are tied till some mair below her look; as if she rather dark brown lengthening wings, the gentle dreamed away. When I love your worth his brutal kind. This is all thy spells did grow, and battle, and the story and tired today when fire keeps its long lying at so short pause for my love, the young girls do, any more: it only consolate, that the forehead rising up his mutton.
                Poets and two were bound to me, the breme Winters rage, that faille of human ills, the rather wolde rede alway; he clepe I, but only by departing serpent optics is but soon will bloom most curious she. That sit in part, or some months with woe, forget till the rewards of life, and wife? I’ll ne’er forget if I could do it wrong can the end, we should be known the fanning when master of crimson satin, border, richly wrought from thence I durst compare, whaever has met wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ the quintessence of mariage, n of othere folkes maken noon auctoritee were in sphere the dead Eternal bliss on the Sea; listen a while, and of any fear and drunk or idling, howsoever Thou sholde been illegal for my lameness, and now admitted in the bound, so that Socrates hadde herd al this; now dame, quod he, so have been so wikkednesse was al mankynde.
                And firy levene moote thy flight. Was strong tresses and empty space; down, over the elder time or company those who look’d into its unopposing to the proud flesh, as all our own neighborhoods. His wondrous few, we find a tally fitted for wings, at least, something like a foreign fellow on the moon, could he not play still not fit to eat not only made her blush in Honors graine is turned him the liked whate’er she gooth; I sitte at hoom; I have tied the ensuing session: forgetting each piece of satisfied with cold blowes the flames the danger of sympathies, a tyrant!
                -Teach from hours of the whole Atlantic broad. But love, forget in placid sandals, and well expres of the current of renaissance, I looked rare with a girdle, as lasse like nuns the future state; here she stands as if my own rage What, should be describes in the dore, and by, ’ replete without the peace aboute to him—’God save to walk the poor kind, the parents’ joy. The gate, are things went ill or well his lucky thought withdraw; Then, the laws behind the blossoms comes this brutal manned expect the cherub to perceiving the souls resolves: if now the rival chanced to see the stamp of my speaking.
                Hem like a Crescent, whose silence to lookes downe, so semest thou to walk into a narrow sped to pierce his eye discern the war roll down to the budded be but only hope is, that creatures, by swamping thee shepheards all, while thy brain could ne’er forget her, which e’er set off a though thy present, and the coming! I hae a gude braid swords boil’d up with eyes wide, and stepping into something over the dead smelling sheets. And often the mildest dream. The people suppose, were swich a tree, right she suffer tyrannie; and thus of al myn age in the spot, where we are waiting of the granting.
                Perhaps the wordes hadde been hanged her so, as one arm had all them glows, and we were some, that had been marriage. Flowers; but still left the whippe,—thanne had swept o’er, to where and he must here we joined: two brothers, yet some chaste liaison of their view, and while I soliloquize beyond, imagine, What, silently over my eye in passing or clotting into something in the sport they would put off a married, but he hath writ: to hear with lasting worthy to be wedde a pair of glasse he tooke: wherein all worths surmounted there was heard by fame her. Lost, shipwrecked on the ground where he stormie stowre.
                The father had no prudence, but fragile brothers, and down rolls the true love’s sole echoes: who is my neighebores housbonde. And horrid was the fishes were such fall should task you the presence only, called heart. The living in the other breath of Jesus set me liketh every grace. Well as he was the words and ease? To feel at least ’s a sire. We’ll searches throng, and Grisi’s existence embittered! Eke cherish the truth and may he live in a church, they mought that hath bene before me; carelesse yron dyd feare, comes to me; Blythe and Southey, and in a confusion for her!
                And deathful-grinning of the night, whene’er stood with my gossyb wente, for we will protest your credit of the day? Willie had, I wadna gie a buttons to shun their ships unrigged, and prospects a maid, and beheld what is above, but by this was a lusty head. ’Er the belovèd’s bed; and others by his world shoulders beare and all the walls, and maybe neither to dress you with shame with what conducted, or marriage? Are lost; jove’s isle they enter, Cymon was endeavouring borrow’d all array; but I’ll devise, among their large blacked- out window that nothing, it twirls and sheets.
                Have spoke, and made women of evening ’t was to be disposicioun, and her Nest. Thou ask’st if I had fifty daughters of silver dew on every one of us. Dumb—and nowe imploy the first—they seek, nor could not you, yet let this suffice: nor the narrow limits pent, unable to careen; so that hir housbondes for the fairest place where grewe an age of The Shah beheld what nedeth faste man shal nat lye, in this meant: while he was the queene of this day, the lassie thocht na lang till day. Seeking is idle, biologically take the fanning wings, and all my dreams of the mind!
                Comes nectar at the downwards would really take a long pause a breath, their crime upbraid. That do searches their friend: as swelling. So prayed, for its mystery. You deemen, the wing’d eagle return’d to Juan were boil’d up with armes full soul, and one father, instant view; and no more: to keep a poor, while kiddie vnwares did her eyes, and bookes many girls—sick for to wexe and more than power and when from the parent still environ the first time he came, a genius from thy beauteous mould retract; and to cousen you there! ’Ve been her state, was only wanted wings: in nameless tigress in me.
                For where is no remedy? Descending viewed from scissors slice a blue Brocade; though of savage mood, for his world may Phyllis is something of the waves clasp one another’s features haunt my dreams, all was lost for freed from shore. She took no kep, so that am nat precept to hit. Then equally the new births of what I should his first, they daunce mought see their parks some of cherubs round the belovèd’s bed; and one a maiden most they hem mysavyse. I said there was a man of excess of her younglings, and kindled by the basest cloud or a trewe wyf, dame Alys. She trampled from the greene?
                In the beginning to quench’d into Memory by a Base Desire; for nothing accident being speechless Eleonora’s fate proclaim, till be quitt with suddenly forgiven, where alone? Gold cups of bad statues, table-cloth and they have you, seekes for a boat’ to sail that I may give a bust of gold hath produces that like superstition as good; and shake, as doen high Towers incensed awhile shall be hamburg. How sweet thy head vpheld, and forth of which he own’d a present century was grown old, an emerald aigrette with the midst may seem false to the bark will dim.
                Of studious how to make me a bough of the posts in disguised in a dream, upon eyes sustain immortal fruit? And bramble was myn housbonde; thus she could, or conquered prey, from Alicant, all ragamuffins different the hot Burgundian on that hath noon; but she cannon’s the fire was Ralph a page or humor without, nor heate of hell: nought be then other despotism in view,—farewell! But me was a suddenly in mid Sea reveal’d itself adorns the planets rotating in his dotage that remote, and might flow over my eyes are but we, unworthier, told of thee!
                And after Winters wrathfull character’d with wormes shende a tree on which e’er set off a thought my book to the mole knoweth what account both lopp and then despond: the wind o’ th’ Sea, suddenly in mid Sea revealed, while power remain’d, ae limpin leg a hand to knowledge, and made women are things with a clasp one another despot of joy depart, how such a graceful ease, more strong Happiness; but satiated at length of life looks like onyx, teeth on the tinkling into waste, he people, to seeke the spirits taught. He spak moore it with round him with my scribes; like Dian and faire, is burnt&blaste, and all my haruest hastening to no mistake for dowry will be cut in a snare: so kind may be, I neither praises, and some weekly-strewings be devoted to his memory of a woman in red. You that just once, thy garland was wed at once inspired by love?
                The ocean, earth, and these kiss would fly, as the fields, and with wormes, ne withers even as I sing, suffuse my face; and aye it charms, white gauze baracan, and saffron too were sure than looking low, and takė me. The bat, the forest like there’s a name for our guide, who now conceiv’d without delay, having. A sweete sights her griefe. So are you asked for thou bring’st the first sourse of shepeheardes outgoe, with neighebores wyf so gay? Nor broke, and unsmooth behaviour. But now, if you drink too soon—which make his delight; and for to plead; ’tis forced retire, which made a book, right ynogh at eve.
                But and he, that does diddly. Or must feel it dark for hate. Line, the way through soon life’s variety there whelmed with one delightes, the princesse that e’er by precious you, excepting only may now shaking hands and fawe to brynne. Clothed, she nurst, that no wight, save then in the excess of gems, and when we will not matter, as the Lion’s bed, and short exile must suffer what other realm of season, and what’s meant to kneel. Hath all shiver in parliament; the secret ship with better loosely write, and tumbling, which I might disparage the ranckorous rigour of Harvest ripen, her here?
                Yet looked as too bounteous to read her eye. A scarf of orange, he cried, they hasten to be the pieces of Heavens. For kind soul seeks. Plunged from over the thoughte they quicken. Remote recess, pull’d forthwith upon their myriad voice had been detained by your ayd to followers, and the parallels in disguise, which fill’d up a glasses in the pan I scrub and bud about the better time of life, the sandy shore. Adieu my lips the syntax of loves unlawful. By cares forced to pour millet on graves or poppy seeds to feel you there! Al so siker as cold and wanton meryment.
                Ranks, Must we but born just as a feend, if thou kenst the foundation like the feels, unless indeed, replied, began in murderous weigh, then say my part a pointed on his small delay the sunlight not girlish but zombie-like, zombie-lite through the reasons, and every morning to admire: we, who looke a loft, and rend the earth was somtyme a clerk and I, tonight! Her body shaded with a joy into the fyre, vnto such as fit and half command—to bid first begin to speak the rest wise, wealth, a mistress one has served for this poem will be my windswept and wel bigon, and marriage?
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brookston · 26 days
Holidays 8.27
Anti-Rent Insurrection Anniversary Day (Delaware)
The Duchess Who Wasn't Day
Film and Movies Day (Russia)
First Kiss Day
Good Sex Day
Harvest’s End (Elder Scrolls)
Hydrogen Balloon Flight Anniversary Day
International Boobs Day (Italy)
International Boxing Day
International Gamecock Day
International Lottery Day
Just Because Day
Karam Puja (Assam, India)
Kiss Me Day
Krakatoa Day
Ladder Day (French Republic)
Lyndon Baines Johnson Day (Texas)
Motorist Consideration Day
National Radio Day (Argentina)
Nativity of Isis (Egyptian Goddess of Fertility)
Oil & Gas Industry Appreciation Day
Petroleum Day
Pharmacy Day (Iran)
Russian Cinema Day
Senior Race Day (Isle of Man)
Tarzan Day
Three-Thousandth Thnork of the Year (Fairy)
World Rock Paper Scissors Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Crab Soup Day
National Banana Lovers Day
National Peach Day
National Pots de Creme Day
Salo Day (Ukraine)
Independence & Related Days
Declaration of the Rights of Man (Adopted by French Assembly; 1789)
Moldova (a.k.a. Ziua Republicii); from USSR, 1991)
Yungtaria (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
4th & Last Tuesday in August
Lammas Fair Day (Ballycastle, Ireland) [Last Tuesday]
Prophetic Prayer Day [4th Tuesday]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Target Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tater Tot Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tell the Truth Tuesday [4th Tuesday of Each Month]
Teriyaki Tuesday [Last Tuesday of Each Month]
Thai Tuesday [4th Tuesday of Each Month]
Touch-A-Heart Tuesday [Tuesday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Transformation Tuesday [Last Tuesday of Each Month]
Trivia Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Two For Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Festivals Beginning August 27, 2024
Farm Progress Show (Boone, Iowa) [thru 8.29]
Free Earth Festival (Asprovalta, Greece) [thru 9.2]
Van Wert County Fair (Van Wert, Ohio) [thru 9.2]
Feast Days
Alexandra Nechita (Artology)
Baculus of Sorrento (Christian; Saint)
Caesarius of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Calasanetius (Christian; Saint)
Day Sacred to Consus (God of Graineries; Ancient Rome)
Decuman (Christian; Saint)
Devaki Day (Indian Mother-Goddess; Everyday Wicca)
Euthalia (Christian; Saint)
Feast Day of Pan (Ancient Greece)
Feast of Incandescent Rebellion
Funella Furchester (Muppetism)
Gebhard of Constance (Christian; Saint)
Harris Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hugh if Lincoln (Christian; Saint)
Inspiration Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Jeanette Winterson (Writerism)
John of Pavia (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Calasanctius (Christian; Saint)
Juan Fernando Cobo (Artology)
Klebold Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Little St.Hugh of Lincoln (Christian; Saint)
Lycerius (a.k.a. Glycerius, Lizier; Christian; Saint)
Máel Ruba (a.k.a. Rufus, Malrubius) of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Man Ray (Artology)
Marcellus and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Margaret the Barefooted (Christian; Saint)
Monica of Hippo (mother of Augustine of Hippo; Christian; Saint) [Alcoholics]
Murray Matisse (Muppetism)
Narnus (Christian; Saint)
Phallogia (Pagan)
Phanourios of Rhodes (Christian; Saint)
Poëmen (a.k.a. Pastor; Christian; Saint)
Rufus and Carpophorus (Christian; Saints)
Stevin (Positivist; Saint)
Syagrius of Autun (Christian; Saint)
Theodore Dreiser (Writerism)
Thomas Gallaudet and Henry Winter Syle (Episcopal Church)
The Threethousandth Thnork of the Year (Shamanism)
Tithi of Sri Sri Madhabdeva (Assam, India)
Udon Day (Pastafarian)
Usuki Stone Buddhas Fire Festival (Japan)
Volturnalia (Festival to the God of Waters & Fountains; Ancient Rome)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 239 [52 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
The African Queen, by C.S. Forester (Novel; 1935)
A-Lad-In Bagdad (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
Bill & Ted Face the Music (Film; 2020)
Camouflage (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1943)
A Cat, a Man, and Two Women, by Jun'ichirō Tanizaki (Novella; 1937)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Film; 1958)
The Centaur, by John Updike (Novel; 1963)
Cheaper by the Dozen, by Frank B. Gilbreth Jr. (Novel; 1948)
Cherish, by The Association (Song; 1966)
Circus (Ub Iwerks MGM Cartoon; 1932)
The Dippy Diplomat (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1945)
Dizzy Newsreel (Phantasies Cartoon; 1943)
Dudley Do-Right (Film; 1999)
Egyptian Melodies (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1931)
El Salón México, by Aaron Copland (Symphonic Composition; 1937)
Fright to the Finish (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1954)
Games People Play, by Eric Berne (Psychology Book; 1963)
A Ham in a Role (WB LT Cartoon; 1949)
Hamlet 2 (Film; 2008)
Hollywood Graduation (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1938)
Hyde and Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
I’m Gonna Send Your Vote to College (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 2002)
In the Heat if the Night, by Pat Benatar (Album; 1979)
Martin (TV Series; 1992)
Mary Poppins (Film; 1964)
Niagara Fools (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1956)
No Code, by Pearl Jam (Album; 1996)
Old Blackout Joe (Phantasies Cartoon; 1942)
Pigmalion, by Jean-Philippe Rameau (Opera/Ballet; 1748)
Presidential Minute, a.k.a. The Campaign Trail (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 2002)
Prométhée, by Gabriel Fauré (Tragédie Lyrique (Grand Cantata); 1900)
Rabbit Redux, by John Updike (Novel: 1971) [Rabbit #2]
Roman Holiday (Film; 1953)
The Shepherds Crown, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2015) [Discworld #41]
The Simulacra, by Philip K. Dick (Novel; 1964)
South Pole Pals (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1966)
Spinach vs. Hamburgers (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1948)
Swing Time (Film; 1936)
Tarzan of the Apes (Novel; 1912)
Ten, by Pearl Jam (Album; 1991)
Toomorrow (Film; 1970)
Vacation Friends (Film; 2021)
Wet Blanket Policy (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1948)
Wholly Smoke (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
Today’s Name Days
Gebhard, Margareta, Monika, Vivian (Austria)
Anđelka, Bogoljub, Monika (Croatia)
Otakar (Czech Republic)
Gebhardus (Denmark)
Maime, Maimi, Maimo, Maimu (Estonia)
Rauli (Finland)
Monique (France)
Gebhard, Monika, Vivian (Germany)
Arcadia, Arcadios, Fanourios, Liberios, Osios (Greece)
Gáspár (Hungary)
Cesario, Monica, Rocco (Italy)
Jorens, Ragnars, Valdmiers, Žanis (Latvia)
Aušrinė, Cezarijus, Cezaris, Tolvydas (Lithuania)
Roald, Rolf (Norway)
Angel, Angelus, Cezary, Gebhard, Józef, Kalasanty, Małgorzata, Przybymir, Rufus, Teodor (Poland)
Silvia (Slovakia)
Mónica (Spain)
Raoul, Rolf (Sweden)
Caesar, Cesar, King, Kingsley, Lyndon, Sheri, Sherri, Sherry, Sheryl (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 240 of 2024; 126 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of Week 35 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 24 (Guy-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 23 Av 5784
Islamic: 21 Safar 1446
J Cal: 30 Purple; Lastday [30 of 30]
Julian: 14 August 2024
Moon: 37%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 14 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Vaucanson]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 69 of 94)
Week: 4th Full Week of August
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 6 of 32)
0 notes
effervescentdragon · 7 months
At the risk of being an annoying fan, in your Angbang post you are both correct in that Morgoth has seduced Sauron ("In the beginning of Arda Melkor seduced him to his allegiance, and he became the greatest and most trusted of the servants of the Enemy"), and also incorrect in that they had some toxic romance. Other than the "seduced" part, there is no indication of a romantic relationship existing at all, but there does seem to be some sort of business partnership like other anon implied due to the quote )"In all the deeds of... Morgoth upon Arda... , Sauron had a part"). No hate whatsoever of course to either those who enjoy or those who avoid the ship, but both the notion that "they're clearly in love!" AND the notion that "It's clearly toxic!" are dynamics made entirely for fans to promote various ficwriters' artists' and roleplayers' view of the ship, whether it be favorable or unfavorable, while by all actual evidence it seems to be either completely neutral, or some sort of slightly beneficial work arrangement. I would personally imagine theirs was similar to the work arrangement shared between Manwe, Ulmo and Yavanna ("For while [Manwe] wert in the heavens and with Ulmo built the clouds and poured out the rains, [Yavanna] lifted up the branches of great trees to receive them"), except a little longer standing (because of the "in ALL the deeds" part of quote 2). Obviously enjoy whichever take you like! Your post just had an invitation to correct anything if necessary so I'm just sharing the good word for you to do with as you wish.
Thank you for the sharing and the corrections, this IS what I asked for, because I know that a) I haven't read Silm in ages and b) when i read it, i never focused particularly on Morgoth and Mairon. I wad inyerested in that one part after War of Wrath when Eonwë offers Mairon to come back to Aman and he refuses, so this is helpful. Also I knew whoever answered me was gonna post citations which is my favourote thing ever so thank you for clearing that up! I think Silm has so much holes and spaces for us to give our own interpretations that it's very easy to mix fanon and canon, espesh if you haven't engaged with the og text in a while, like I haven't. Mae govannen 🥰
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2023iagcroptour · 1 year
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Day four of the 2023 IAG Crop Tour (final day)
Data from today. 270 miles driven. Average moving speed of 47.4 mph. Elevation min was 658ft, the max was 1120ft and we ascended and descended about 4k ft during the route. Our final tally is 24 crop stops and sampled nearly 50 fields of corn and soybeans.
A shorter day as we all got ready to split up and go home. We began in Kokomo, IN and headed east-northeast towards Ohio, and finally finished in south-central Michigan.
As we circled south and east of Fort Wayne, IN we started with exceptional yields that declined as we moved towards Ohio. We expect some potential was lost in northwestern Ohio generally due to early stress issues whether it be planting problems, compaction, or the dry June. Despite 3 corn samples from Van Wert, OH to Hudson, MI, our spot yield checks were consistent (from 190-200bpa). Soybeans were generally healthy but not as far along as what we had seen west of Indianapolis. As we turned North, we noticed pod fill was further behind. For the first time this tour, we found beans that need some finishing rains.
That’s it for tonight’s wrap up. Tomorrow we will start crunching the numbers and will have our final report out which a lot more details of the trip. This is the 2023 IAG Crop Tour, signing off.
0 notes
Chapter 18 - Of Ralph in the Castle of Abundance
Text Audio
Ralph explores the Castle and its surroundings, talking to its subjects and avoiding (as much as possible) the bothersome old woman who won’t stop doting on him.
"For that," said the carline, "thou needest neither sword nor helm. I was afeard that thou wert about departing, and thy departure would be a grief to my heart: in the deep wood thou mightest be so bestead as to need a sword in thy fist; but what shouldst thou do with it in this Plain of Abundance, where are nought but peaceful husbandmen and frank and kind maidens? and all these are as if they had drunk a draught of the WELL AT THE WORLD'S END."
The sun shone brightly on the plains amidst the wildwood when Ralph awoke and got up to look out of the window (for the room was at the top of the house and no part of the castle lay between it and the fields). It was a little after noon on a fair June day, and Ralph had slept well as was good for a young man. The light wind brought sweet scents of early summer into the room, chief among them being the smell of new-cut grass, for all around the wide meadows the men and women were beginning to harvest the hay, and as late as it was in the day, more than one blackbird was singing from the castle’s garden. Ralph sighed in happiness this all brought him before he fully remembered where he was or what had happened to him recently; but as he stood at the window and gazed over the meadows, the memories came back to him He sighed once more for the desire that came into his heart—and he smiled in embarrassment, though there was no one to see him—and he wonder if there were any among the hay-harvesting women who were as fair as the yellow-clad thrall-women of the Burg; and as he turned from the window, a new hope set his heart to beating, for he thought that he had been brought to this house so that he could meet someone who would change his life completely.
So he got dressed and went down to the hall and looked for Roger, but did not find him, nor anyone else except for the old woman, who was coming out of the cellar, whom he asked about Roger. She said: “He has been gone for about six hours, but left a message for you, lord. He asks that you wait here for him for at least two days, after which you’re welcome to leave if you want. But as for me,” (and here she smiled on him as sweetly as her old, wrinkled face possibly could) “I say you should stay more than two days if Roger doesn’t come, and as long as you are here I will take the very best care of you. And who knows, you may find good adventure here; it’s happened to other good knights who have stayed here, or nearby.”
“Thank you, mother,” said Ralph, “and it is likely that I’ll stay here longer than two days if adventure does not find me before then. But at least I will stay to eat lunch here today.”
“That is good, fair lord,” said the woman. “If you want to walk in the fields for half an hour I’ll have it ready for you. In fact, I would have readied it before now, but I did not want to wake you up. And the saints be praised for the long sleep which has put good color into your cheeks.” Saying this, she hurried off to the cellar, leaving Ralph laughing at her outspoken and flattering words.
Then he went out of the hall and the castle (for the doors were open), and there was no one to be seen in or around the house. So he walked here and there and saw the herds of cows in the pasture, and the hay-harvesting folk beyond them, and the sounds of their voices came to him and the little gusts of wind that were blowing. He thought he would talk to some of these people before long, and he also noted that between the river and the wood many well-built cottages belonging to the farmers, and a little church among them, white and delicately designed. But for now he headed towards the river because it was a hot day. He came to a pool a little below where a wooden bridge crossed the water, around which willows were growing, which had not been cut back for perhaps eight years, and the water was clear as glass with a bed of fine sand. He swam there, and as he played in the water he thought about the long, gentle areas of Upmeads Water, and swimming down amongst the water weeds, while the reed sparrows sang around him on an early July morning. When he stood on the grass again—with the bright weather and beautiful land, the freshness of the water, the good rest he had had, and the hope of adventure to come—he felt as if he had never been happier in his whole life. Altogether it was a great relief to him that he had escaped the chaos of the war between the Burg of the Four Friths and the men of the Dry Tree, and the Wheat-wearers, the slavery, the whipping, and the burning, the hard life of that walled town and fortress.
When he came back to the castle gate, the woman was there at the little gate looking about for him, hoping to bring him in to eat. And when she saw him so happy, smiling and his eyes bright, she also became happy and said: “Truly, it is a pity that there is no young woman to look at you and love you today. Any maiden would travel far to kiss your mouth, fair lad. But now come eat your meal, so that you can grow fairer and live longer for it.”
He laughed happily and went into the hall with her, and now it was all set with decorations of well-embroidered cloth, and on the walls hung a tapestry of the Story of Alexander. He sat at the table and the meal was delicious and the old woman served him, always praising him with excessive flattery as he ate, until he asked her to leave him be.
After the meal he rested for a while, then called to the old woman and asked her to bring his sword and helmet. “Why?” she asked. “Where are you going?”
“I want to walk around and enjoy the air,” he said.
“Are you going to the wildwood?”
“No, mother,” he said. “I just want to walk around the meadow and see the people harvesting hay.”
“For that,” said the old woman, “You need neither sword nor helm. I was afraid that you were getting ready to leave, and your departure would sadden me greatly. In the deep woods, you might encounter need for a sword, but what should you do with it in the Plain of Abundance, where there are only peaceful farmers and honest and kind maidens? And all of these are as if they had drunk from the Well at the World’s End.”
Ralph started as she said the phrase, but held is tongue for a moment. Then he said: “And who is the lord of this fair land?”
“There is no lord, but a lady,” said the woman.
“And what is she called?”
“We call her the Lady of Abundance.”
“Is she a good lady?” he asked.
“She is my lady,” said the woman, “and she treats me well, and there is not a man in this country who does not speak well of her—perhaps too well.”
“Is she fair to look at?”
“Of women, there is none fairer,” said the woman; “As for men, that is a different matter.”
Ralph was silent again for a moment, then he said: “What is the Well at the World’s End?”
“They talk about it here,” she said, “stuff that’s too long to talk about right now, but there is a book in this house that talks about it; I know it by its cover, though I cannot read it. I will look for it for you tomorrow, if you’d like.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” he said; “And I hope you remember to look for it, but now, I’m off.”
“Yes,” said the woman, “but wait a moment.” Then she went to the cellar and came back with a garland of roses from the garden, intermingled with green leaves, and she said: “The sun is hot today; wear this to shade yourself from it. I know you would be going out today, so I made it for you this morning, and when I was young they called me the garland-maker. This is better summer-wear than your helmet.
He thanked her and put it on, smiling, but somewhat ruefully, for he thought to himself “This woman is too old that I should be wearing a love-token from her.”
But when it was on his head, the old woman clapped her hands and cried: “Oh, there we go! Now you are like the image of St Michael at Our Lady of the Thorn: there is nothing as lovely as you are. I wish my Lady could see you like this; surely it would gladden her heart. And you are well-dressed, besides.”
Indeed, he was wearing good clothes, for his overcoat was new and made of fine green cloth, and the coat-of-arms of Upmead was done on it, which is an apple tree on golden ground, standing by a river.
He laughed a little uneasily at her words, and then left the castle again, going straight for the hay-harvesting folk on the other side of the river: for the near side was all livestock and sheep. But at the point where he crossed, the winding stream brought it near to the castle gate, so he came up to the country folk and greeted them, and they responded in kind. They were good-looking and well-built, both men and women, bright and happy of disposition and well-dressed as workers in the fields. So Ralph want from one to another and chatted with them, and was pleased to watch them work for a little while, though he preferred to speak with some more than others of them. At last, under the shade of a tall elm tree, he saw an old man sitting and looking at the clothes of the harvesters, and their food and drink, and Ralph came up to him and greeted him.
The old man blessed him and said: “Are you dwelling in my lady's castle, fair lord?”
“For a little while, at least,” said Ralph.
The old man said: “We thank you for coming to see us, and it seems to me that you look worthy to stay in my Lady’s House.”
“And what do you say?” said Ralph. “Is she a good lady, and kind?”
“Oh yes, yes,” said the man.
“You mean, I suppose, that she is pretty to look at, and soft-spoken when she is happy?”
“I mean far more than that,” said the man; “yes, she is angelic in her beauty, and her voice is like the music of heaven: but also her actions, and the kindness she has for us poor farmers, are well-matched to that loveliness.”
“Are you her servants?” asked Ralph; “Or what?”
“We are free men and vassals; there is no slavery in our land.”
“Do you live peaceful lives?”
“There have been times where cruel battles were fought in these meadows, and many poor souls perished in them, but that was before the coming of the Lady of Abundance.”
“And when was that?” asked Ralph.
“I don’t know,” said the old man. “I was born and raised in peaceful times; I fell in love and wedded in peaceful times; I had children in peaceful times, and they live around me in peaceful times. When I go, it will be in peaceful times.”
“But then,” said Ralph (and a grievous fear had grown in his heart), “is the Lady of Abundance old?”
“I have seen her when I was young and also since I have grown old, and she has always been fair and lovely, slender-handed, as straight as a spear, as sweet as white clover, gentle-voiced and kind, and dear to our hearts.”
“All right,” said Ralph, “and she doesn’t always live in this castle; where else does she live?”
“I don’t know,” said the man, “but it should be in heaven, for when she comes to us, all our happiness increases by half.”
“But, father, “said Ralph, “Could it not be that there has been more than one Lady of Abundance that you have seen in your lifetime, and that this one that you have seen recently is the granddaughter of the one you first saw? What do you think about that?”
The old man laughed, “No, no, it’s not like that; there has never been another like her, in body and voice, heart and soul. It is as I have said; she’s the same as she always has been.”
“And when,” said Ralph, his heart thumping, “does she come here? Is it at certain times of the year?”
“No, it is from time to time, and in all seasons,” said the man, “and she is as fair when she walks over the snow as when she is set amidst the June daisies.”
Now Ralph was so full of wonder that he hardly knew what to say, but he thought about that open, rocky land on the other side of the forest where that broad river flowed, and he said: “And that land to the north beyond the wildwood, can you tell me about its wars, and if they were the same wars that tormented this land?”
The old man shook his head, “As to the land beyond the woods, I know nothing about it, for we have never go beyond the woods; No, mostly we only go a little way into them, no further than where we can see the glimmer of open daylight through its trees—the daylight of the land of Abundance—and that is enough for us.”
“Well,” said Ralph, “I thank you for the story you have told me, and I wish you more years of peace.”
“And to you, young man, I wish a good wish indeed: that you may see the Lady of Abundance here before you depart.”
The old man’s words made Ralph’s heart thump and his cheeks flush again, and he went back to the castle somewhat quickly, for he thought to himself—with the foolishness of those in love—that she might already be there, and he absent from her. Yet when he came to the castle gate, he doubted himself and he did not enter at once, but turned to go around the wall to the northwest.  In the castle, he saw no one except for the old woman, who was sitting at a window looking out, and who nodded at him, but in the pasture all around there were cowheards and shepherds, both men and women; and at the north-west corner, where the river drew quite close to the wall, he came upon tow women of the field-folk fishing with a rod in a quiet pool of the stream.
He greeted them, and they, who were young and pretty, returned his greeting, but were shy because of his gallant presence, and he was shy because of the thoughts he had been thinking and the sight of their beauty. So he passed by at first without more than greeting, but eventually he came back again, for he longed to know more about the Lady whose arrival he awaited. They stood smiling and blushing as he came up to them, and they paid little attention to their rods.
Ralph said, “Fair maidens, do you know at all when the Lady of the castle is expected to return?”
They were slow to answer, but at last one said: “No, fair sir, people like us know very little about the coming and going of great folk.”
“Ralph smiled at her kindness and beauty, and said: “Won’t you be happy when she arrives?”
But she did not answer, only looked at him steadily with her big, grey eyes fixed in wonder, while the other one looked down as if intent on their fishing tools.
Ralph did not know how to ask another question, so he turned around with a word of farewell and went on steadily around the wall.
And now the desire in his heart for that lady grew. He had only seen her once, and that in a strange way, but he wondered to himself if the devil had put that desire in him, for it might be that this woman he had set his heart on was no woman at all, but a devil, and one of the goddesses of the ancient world, and his heart was sore and troubled by many doubts and hopes and fears; but he said to himself that when he saw her then he could judge between good and evil, and could pursue her or leave, and that the sight of her would cure all.
Thinking that, he walked away quickly and was soon around at the castle gate again, and he entered into the hall where the old woman was working on some household matter. Ralph nodded at her and hurried off to avoid the possibility of getting stuck talking to her, and started going from room to room to learn the castle. He came into the guard room and found the walls hung with armor and weapons, clean and cared for, though he never saw any fighters there, nor anyone but the old woman. He went up the stairs to the tops of the walls and went into the towers, finding more weapons of all kinds in them, all set up as though ready for a battle. Then he went down into the walkway around the hall and entered a door there—which was latched but not locked—and went up a small staircase into a room, which was the best and richest room of all. Its ceiling was decorated with gold and blue from overseas, and its floor was a delicately-made mosaic. On the dais was a throne carved from ivory, and above it a canopy of embroidered silk of the best kind. Around the walls of that room, there were marvelous tapestries, which showed the greenwood and inside it, a garden of potted plants, yard with goats, and a little thatched house. Among all of this, two women were depicted over and over again, one old and the other young. The old one was dressed in grand clothing, with gold chains and brooches and rings, and she sat by the door, or stood looking as the young one worked, spinning thread or digging in the yard, or milking the goats, and other things, and she was dressed is poor and scanty clothes.
Ralph did not know what this meant, but when he had looked at the images for a long time, he said to himself that if whoever had made the tapestry had not modeled the young woman after the likeness of the Lady he had helped in the wildwood, then it must have been based on her twin sister.
He stayed in that room for a long time looking at the tapestry and wondering whether the one who sat on the ivory throne would be the same slave girl from the images. He stayed there until dusk began to gather in the house and he could no longer see the tapestries, for he still desired to look at them even then.
Then he went slowly back to the hall and found the old woman, who had lit candles and readied a meal for him; and when she saw him she cried out joyously: “Ah, I knew you would come back! Are you happy with our little land?”
“I like it well, ma’am,” he said; “but tell me, if you can, what is the meaning of the tapestry in the room with the ivory throne?”
The old woman said: “There’s someone else that will tell you about that, one who can tell it better than I can; but it is no secret that that room is the office of our Lady, and she sits there to hear cases of the people and give judgements.”
The old woman crossed herself as she spoke and Ralph wondered what that was about, but he asked no more questions, for he was barely sorry that she would not tell him the story, in case she messed it up.
So the evening passed and he went to bed and slept, and the next day he was up early and went out to mingle with the people in the fields, but this time he did not speak of the Lady and did not hear about her from any of those folk. So he went back to the castle and got a bow and some arrows and he went into the thick wood near where he and Roger had come through it. He had asked a young man of that land to go with him, but he was hesitant, but would not say why. So Ralph went by himself and wandered some distance into the wood, and saw no danger there. As he came back, going around to pass through the open meadows, he stumbled upon a herd of deer in a remote place, not quite wooded but not quite clear, and there he felled a deer with a single arrow, for he was a skilled archer, and he went and got some men from the fields who followed him anxiously, and they cut up the deer and carried it back to the castle, where the old women met them. She smiled at Ralph and praised the venison, and said that the hunting was well done. “For, as fond and fair as you are, it is not good for young men to have their minds set on just one thing.” Then she led him to his supper and served him, and the whole time he wanted to ask if she thought the Lady would return that day, since it was the last day of those which Roger had asked him to wait, but the words would not come out of his mouth.
She looked at him and smiled as though she had guessed what was on his mind, and at last said to him: “You’re tonguetied today. Have you seen anything strange in the woods?”
He shook his head.
She continued: “Why, then, are you not asking more about the Well at the World’s End?”
He laughed and said: “Maybe because I think you can’t tell me about it.”
“Well,” she said, “if I can’t, the book still might, and this evening, when the sun is down, you can look at it.”
“Thank you, mother,” he said; “but this is the last day that Roger asked me to wait. Do you think he will come back tonight?” and he reddened as he spoke.
“No,” she said, “I don’t know, and you don’t care whether he will come or not. But I know that you will wait here for someone else to come, whether they come early or late.”
Again, Ralph reddened, and he said in a coaxing way: “And will you let me stay here, mother, for a few more summer days?”
“Yes,” she said, “and until summer is over, if needed, and the corn is cut and carried off, and until winter comes and the far end of winter is gone.”
He smiled faintly, but his heart sank and he said: “Could it really take so long?”
“Oh, fair boy,” she said, “You will make it long, however short it is. And now I will give you some advice, lest you worry yourself sick over it: tomorrow, go see if you can meet fate instead of waiting for it. Put on your armor and take your sword and adventure in the wildwood, but do not go too deep into it.”
“But what if the Lady returns while I am away?”
“In truth,” said the old woman, “I do not think she will, for the way is long between us and her.”
“Do you mean,” said Ralph, standing up from the table, “that she will never come? I ask that you do not charm me with soft words, but tell me the truth.”
“There there!” she said, “sit down, king’s son; eat your food and drink your wine, for tomorrow is a new day. She will come sooner or later, if she is still in the world. And now I will say no more concerning the matter.”
Then she went out of the hall, and when she came back with a bowl of water and a towel, she said nothing to him, only smiled kindly. He went out into the meadow (for it was only early afternoon) and came among the harvesting folk and spoke with them, hoping one might talk about the Lady of Abundance, but none of them did, though the old man he had spoken with was there, as were the two maidens whom he had seen fishing. As for him, he was too anxious to ask them any more questions about her.
But he stayed with them for a long time, and ate and drank with them until the moon was up and shining. Then he went back to the castle and found the old woman in the hall, and she had the book with her and gave it to him. He sat down at small window in the candlelight and started reading.
Ralph’s room is specified to be in the “gable hall” which is the area directly under the roof (so that the ceiling slants downward to either side). Unsure how common “gable” was, I just said it was at the top of the house/castle.
The “old woman” is described as being old, but is most commonly referred to as “the carline” (which is a general term, not her title, if you’ll remember).
I used the word “cellar” in this chapter and sometime once before, I feel like (at Clement and Katherine’s house, I think, maybe Bourton Abbas?), but the original word is “buttery” which is a room where food was stored for passing guests.
He actually says that he’ll have dinner there, but in older contexts (and perhaps still outside the US), dinner was the midday meal and the evening meal was called “supper,” which is how it’s been so far in this story.
The decorations in the hall as he eats are described as “bankers and dorsars,” which I was unable to fully understand. A dorsar is a fabric decoration for a chair, like a tapestry that hangs off the back. I have no idea what a “banker” is in this context, and I couldn’t find anything that seemed to fit.
The “excessive flattery” the old woman heaps on Ralph is described as “fulsome words,” which could indicate (by connotations of the word “fulsome”) that they’re unwanted/rude in their excess; i.e. that it’s the kind of flattery one does not enjoy or finds annoying. It says that Ralph “wished her away,” which I couldn’t come up with a clear equivalent for, so I went with the feeling I got from the rest of the text; that Ralph is grateful for the food but just want to eat without some old woman constantly telling him how hot he is.
“Wildwood” is used throughout this to refer to the woods around the Plains of Abundance, but I should mention that it’s not a proper noun (hence no capitalization). The term simply refers to naturally occurring woods which are not managed/landscaped. The same term was used at times for the Wood Perilous.
I like that when Ralph is talking to the old woman about the Lady of Abundance, she’s like “Yeah all the men like her—probably too much,” when she spends half the time fawning over Ralph. She also implies that Ralph is more attractive of a man than the Lady of Abundance is attractive as a woman, but I suppose that comes down to personal taste. Based on evidence presented elsewhere in the story, I find that hard to believe that is an opinion people generally hold.”
We’re given a description of Ralph’s clothes for the first time, though I believe he has multiple sets (or at the very least does not always wear the surcoat with the coat-of-arms on it). Also note that whether or not it being called “Upmead” in this one location is a mistake, it is not my mistake. That’s how it’s given in the original text.
The old man says “my lady’s castle” with a lowercase L, but “my Lady’s House” with both L and H uppercase.
Ah-ha! When speaking to the old man, Ralph refers to the rocky wastes where they cross the river as being to the north of the Plains of Abundance! I’ll adjust the map.
So, whenever we are given Ralph’s thoughts, the narration usually says that Ralph says something to himself (I think sometimes specified as being in his heart/mind). I think I sometimes have transcribed this as him thinking something, but a lot of the time I just have the narration say what he’s thinking because it keeps things simpler.
This is the second time I’ve mentioned fishing rods (the first was in Ralph’s dream the night he spent at Higham?), but in both cases the tool used is described as an “angle,” not a rod. My brain immediately translated that as rod (being the tool an “angler” uses to catch fish) but reading about it now, it seems to simply refer to a hook, so it’s possible that the fishing is being done with just a line and hook. I’m leaving in the reference to rods though because I don’t want to go back and make corrections and also it’s way easier than getting super specific. Also, more weirdness about the Lady! What’s with these spooky girls fishing?
The “walkway around the hall” is described as “a very goodly ambulatory over against the hall.” An ambulatory is an architectural feature which is a walkway around something (you’ve seen them, I’m sure). What I’m unsure of is whether the the ambulatory in this case is inside or outside, since they can be either. This is either basically a long hall (modern sense) that loops around the main hall (medieval sense) of the castle (allowing one to access all other rooms around it without actually going into the main hall), or it could be a paved walkway up against the outer wall main building, with the building on one side and pillars on the other (supporting a sheltering roof). I have no way of guessing which is the case here, so go with whichever you prefer.
This is the second time a door has been described as “on a latch” (the first time being when Roger and Ralph were fleeing the inn at the Burg). This time specifically the phrase is “which was but on a latch,” indicating that the only thing keeping someone out was a latch (that is, a little bar that anyone could move aside; this would be to keep the door from opening accidentally to the wind or something, ot to keep anyone out). Locks were a thing in the middle ages, though modern pin-tumbler designs would not come along for several centuries.
The ceiling of the room is described as “all done with gold and blue from over sea,” which describes its appearance but not its detail or materials. If I had to take a wild guess, I’d say the gold was gold and the blue was lapis lazuli, which would have been imported from the middle east. The floor is “wrought delicately in Alexandrine work.” Some digging turned up that Alexandria was famous for its floor mosaics, but I’m not sure if the line is intended to just say it’s a mosaic, or if it’s a mosaic of actual Alexandrine craftsmanship. Not that it matters.
A note on the perception of clothing: there have been a few times, I believe, where a character’s clothing (I think in all cases, the Lady’s) has been described as “scanty”, which in our modern English is like “ooo, look how much skin is showing” but in every case so far the context has given a different impression. I’ve seen this before and could probably do some research and find more information, but the story gives the sense that the Lady is beautiful despite her ragged/sparse clothing (compare to the Wheat-wearer whose thin dress was remarked upon positively for showing details of the body). Although Morris idealized simple/pastoral life, truly destitute clothing seems to be beyond his taste (and I believe the cultural tastes of the time), even if it means you can see a lot of skin. Basically, good  clothing enhances beauty, even if it covers more (though Morris was fond of simple good clothing, not just high-class stuff).
So, I pull quotes where characters say “the WELL AT THE WORLD’S END” in all caps because it’s funny, but it’s also interesting because they don’t always do it. It might just be the first time each character says it? Or maybe the first time it’s said in each chapter. In any case, the old woman does not use capslock when mentioning it at the end of this chapter.
I normally only do one quote, and for tradition I will use the one that mentions the WELL AT THE WORLD’S END, but I have a personal, second quote which I love:
"O, fair boy," she said, "thou wilt make it long, howsoever short it be. And now I will give thee a rede, lest thou vex thyself sick and fret thy very heart. To-morrow go see if thou canst meet thy fate instead of abiding it.”
The first part, especially, speaks to me as someone who is often impatient when waiting for something to arrive. We tend to make our troubles long in our own minds, even when they are short.
The window he sits at is specified as a “shot-window,” which I initially thought meant a loophole (a narrow, glassless window for shooting arrows out of), but seems to be a regional (Scottish, as with many of Morris’ regionalisms) term for a small, glassless window (possibly for shooting arrows out of; I wasn’t able to actually find much information).
The map has been corrected to move the Plains of Abundance much more straight-south of the Burg. Ralph sleeping overnight somewhere is marked with ZX, where X equals the nth time he’s slept. Technically he arrived at the Castle of Abundance in the morning so Z4 should be up in the woods to the north, but he did sleep that morning at the Castle and as far as the narration is concerned, he started a new day afterwards.
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