#except for thelast one i hate that they did that on a cliffhanger literally no reason for that and it pisses me off
spiderman616 · 3 months
do u have an arc in archie that you wish got fleshed out more? maybe it should have been longer, or should have been done differently, or whatever?
ummm well obviously the last one ended on a cliffhanger so id like if they resolved that. i made a post before complaining about tossed in space. the space adventures were cool and i liked them but archie sonic as a comic has a big focus on the supporting cast beyond sonic too and it was super weird that we didnt get to see literally anybodys reaction to sonics death or their perspective during the year he was gone. ummm i think a lot of old stories couldve been longer. since they were kind of just 1 or 2 issues and were pretty simplistic. like while mecha madness is kind of cool it is also really short and i think didnt really use the potential of sonic being roboticized as well as it could have. although we did kind of get to see something similar w mecha/metal sally so its not too bad i guess. ummm i also wish the game adaptations couldve been longer but i get why they werent. a proper sa2 adaptation with all the characters and such would have been extremely cool but considering how the sa1 adaptation went the current route is probably for the best.
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