#exausted lol
boringmarinn · 2 years
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@fransweek – Day 1: Sweet Gesture!
my internal theme this year was: "Slow Burn" since it's my favorite cliché (hehe), soooo, besides the prompt of the day, I tried to make entries that matched the "slowly falling in love" vibe ~ :3
YEEESS im so excited so here we go!! I hope you can enjoy this week as much as I do ~~
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fiendishartist2 · 1 year
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today i bring you random tma doodles. tomorrow? who knows.......
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keeps-ache · 11 months
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flowerscentedartist · 2 years
Something I think would happen one day or another:
Ink: I don't understand how it's raining
Blue: Because... The clouds got full?...
Ink: No I know that but I thought it couldn't rain today
Blue: Today's weather prognosis was literally 98% risk of rain
Ink: But isn't it Sunday?
Blue: And?
Ink: It's supposed to be sunny
Blue: Do you believe the moon is always full on mondays?
Ink: Wait it's not?!
Dream, sighing: Every day....
Dream: Every. Single. Day.
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adore-gregor · 5 months
my football team is so hopeless
#not dortmund lol i mean the club i play at myself#it makes me want to quit ngl#there are just so many things i'm fed up with#at times it's not fun anymore#i like playing football but there's just a lot wrong with this team#but i'm mostly just hanging around because i don't want to let my coach down like he cares and genuinly seems like a good coach#the only thing which gives me a bit of hope#and i hate letting people down 😅 that and also i hate giving up#but i have never seen a team more hopeless or felt more hopeless playing a sport 😅#and he apparently thinks i'm kind of important to the team which i kind of get but also it doesn't really make a difference...#we're just so hopeless i can’t turn this around lol#i always start and i hope it continues but there's not much i can do#we just have too many people who don't care last match so many have given up#some of our team just refuse to run or move at some point it's awful#like why can't you try#we always loose so high like what's the point but still don't give up#besides that the endurance (and also sprint speed) of most is awful which could be trained to a point#but whenever the coach tries to do that almost no one shows up 💀#and i usually play wing or outside midfielder but i'm supposed to also be a defender apparently what#whenever we get a goal on my side and i'm not back in defence someone moans at me like that's my fault#i get working back but i can’t be everywhere especially when some people don't move#and i actually try to get the ball foreward or try to get the ball back in the front because i don't give up when we're behind#i want to score goals and not settle with loosing and only sit back to do defence anymore#naturally there will be open spaces when i try to do that but how is giving up better even when it's hopeless we could still try scoring#and i can't be everywhere they should try my position they would never last 90min running like i do#besides i'm already exausted each week from my training before like i do sports 2-3 hours 6 or 7 days a week#unfortunately i have to because once again i'm trying some entrance exam (for sports to become a teach in sports and english hopefully)#asides from that i don't like most of the people at my club 😅 it feels a bit like highschool again and i didn't like highschool#so many are ignorant and judgemental#like the girl i told you about with her comment about the cleaning lady instead of wanting to clean up her stuff herself 🙄
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what is this??? a crumb of hope???? in the fuking mess of a healthcare system??????? a good gp who listened to me and consulted her senior??? who offered to do tests for things she though was unlikely anyway, just for my peace of mind???????? who said i should have a full screening for inflammation and other stuff as i was gonna have a blood test anyway?? and she would go over it with her senior and see what they could do from there?????
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mdshh · 1 year
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Girl went into labour in the evening and Elli had to leave work early (that's why he is in the work clothes) to come with her and go through this together ✨
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theshebinator · 7 months
I miss that one server I was on about VeggieTales I miss those guys
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spideysatan · 1 year
im so // lucky // my life was such a mess that i confused confort with falling in love
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princemick · 1 year
I think im to exausted to truly go as insane abt that video as I normally wud
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edlucavalden · 11 days
Idrk the general consensus for thistles post dungeon personality. But i personally think he would reject any form of support completely. (Aka caretaking him would be a NIGHTMARE.)
He wouldnt be complacent like mithrun was. Thistle would be bed-bound and definitly still need support BUT would be violent when getting it.
In the start he would be complacent though, letting people feed him bathe him talk to him n stuff (BUT he doesnt like it like at fucking all, but he csnt reallt do anything about it, he doesnt that big of a desire to stop it. Hes jusy to mentallt exausted to enforce his boundaries so he kinda lets it happen)
Eventually though his patience would definitly run thin. (Its not like its him gaining the desire to enforce his boundry per say—more like this body physically cannot handle being pushed to his uncomfortable limit)
And it just translates to lashing out in general. He may not have desire but that doesnt change the fact that he can still feel emotion and your body having a psycical reaction.
He doesnt like relying on other people for support because that's what put him in this state in the first place. (Aka thistle becoming super hyperindepend. Lol) but now hed put in a state where the only way to live is to... rely on other people... do you see why thistle would lash tf out...
Im not saying thistle doesnt WANT help. Oh he definitly does and he needs it. But trauma is like a muscle memory. Even when you dont thinkthat way anymore, mb you dont care, or have a different mindset. Your body remembers and reacts.
I think helping people like thistle is to give them the illusion of independacy while also helping them in thr sidelines, giving them a sense of autonomy can help them gain your trust.
(Oh and i wanna compare this to mithruns behavior... dgmw theyre both suicidal in some capacity but the reson why mithrun so complacent. imo. Is bc he passively WANTS TO DIE, by being complacent youre being vunerable, and being vunerable can kill you; he is not afraid of pain. While thisle just wants the pain to be OVER. If you fight back hard enough maybe itll be over. reject and push people away ypu wouldve have to get hurt again. But they are still passively suicidal bc theve accepted death hes accepted that is his fate..
Mithrun seeks after death , while thistle runs away from it. But they have both accepted that it is their fate.
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captainsophiestark · 6 months
Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Requested by @flowers-and-fichte! Hope you enjoy, Novalis, and thanks for the request!
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Bucky's gotten close with Peggy's best friend, the two bonding over the reckless mavericks they both chose to care so much about. But Steve and Peggy aren't the only couple dancing around each other in this war.
Word Count: 1,396
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: I can't believe this is my first time writing for Bucky, lol. Most of the rest of the fandom has been here since Winter Soldier, but better late than never I guess!
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I shook my head as I barely managed to put one foot in front of the other, heading through the front door of my favorite dive bar. The Howling Commandos and I had spent many a night here, toasting success or planning our next move, but tonight I was without the rest of my group.
Peggy Carter was going to well and truly kill me, and I needed a night to process that.
She'd been my best friend for just about as long as I could remember; we'd joined SOE together, and somehow managed to end up on General Philips' staff, two of the only women getting as close to combat as we did. We made an excellent team, and normally, I had no complaints. But sometimes she could just be so reckless, flying head first into insane danger, that my heart needed a break lest it burst on the spot.
Tonight had been no exception. Peggy and Steve Rogers, the one and only Captain America, had worked together on a Commandos mission just across enemy lines. We'd been successful, and the two of them together had made an incredible difference in the war effort, but damned if I didn't also rue the day they'd met.
I slumped into a stool at the bar, barely registering my surroundings until someone slid a glass of my favorite drink in front of me. I frowned at it, then turned to my left to see who exactly it had come from.
Sargeant Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers' best friend, stared back at me with a faint smile on his face. He looked almost as tired as I felt.
"You look like you could use this," he said. I huffed.
"Thanks. How'd you know what I liked?"
He just shrugged, his eyes never once leaving mine as I took a drink, the corner of his mouth gently tugging up.
"I usually pay attention to the drink orders of pretty girls."
I snorted so hard a bit of my drink came out of my nose. It burned like hell, so it took me a few moments to recover myself enough to meet Bucky's gaze again. He'd leaned forward a bit, one eyebrow raised, looking a bit concerned.
"You alright there, sweetheart?"
"Yeah, fine. Just wasn't expecting you to hit on me, especially with that lame ass pickup line."
"Lame?" Bucky asked, a hand flying to his heart in mock-outrage. "That hurts."
I just rolled my eyes. "Knock it off, Barnes. We've quite literally been through hell together, I think we're a little past you trying to get my number in a bar."
"Well then how would you suggest I get your number?"
I paused, drink halfway to my lips again, and cut my eyes towards Bucky to let him know how truly ridiculous I thought the question was.
"You already have my number. It's the same one for Peggy and all the Commandos, as long as we're all stationed at the same camp."
Bucky just stared at me for a long moment. I sipped my drink and set it back down on the bar before he finally spoke again.
"Yeah. Nice try though."
Bucky huffed a laugh and took a sip of his own drink, then turned back to me with renewed energy and a bright, charming smile. I held up a hand before he could launch into whatever he was planning to say next.
"Okay Buck, why don't you just tell me what this is about. Because I came in here exausted after dealing with our best friends, and I don't have the energy to coach your rusty ass on how to flirt, if that's what you're trying to practice."
Bucky cleared his throat, deflating a little, but not all the way. He sighed, then set his shoulders and met my stare again with a determined expression.
"Actually, I'm trying to ask you on a date."
I laughed, until I realized Bucky wasn't laughing.
"Wait, are you serious?"
"Very. Although you're really testing my resolve, since you've now laughed in my face twice. You know I used to be good at this before the war?"
I shook my head, a disbelieving smile subconsciously forcing its way onto my face.
"Bucky... I'm not saying no, but... I mean, why? Why me, why now? We've known each other and been working on missions since Steve got you out of that prison... what changed to make you think this was a good idea all of a sudden?"
He sighed heavily, the muscles in his jaw working as he apparently forced the words to come.
"I've been feeling like I wanted to ask you out since I saw you, honestly. But we were going to have to work together, and I think it's pretty clear I'm a little rusty. So I waited, and I was just starting to convince myself to wait all the way to the end of the war, until I tried to get Steve to ask Peggy on a date."
My eyebrows shot up. "You did? How did that go? Those two have been dancing around each other for way too long, I've been trying to tell Peggy the same thing-"
"Well, maybe between the two of us we can actually get them to take the leap. But I realized when I was talking to Steve that I can't expect him to take my advice when I won't take it myself. I'm turning into the biggest hypocrite in the world encouraging him to talk to Peggy while chickening out on talking to you. So... here we are."
"Here we are..." I repeated, my voice a little faint as the full weight of Bucky's confession sank in. He had feelings for me, and apparently had for a while now. And now he was asking me on a date, the fact that we were in the middle of a war be damned.
I grinned.
"Is that a good sign? That looks like a good sign, but now I'm not sure..."
"It's a great sign, Bucky," I said, meeting his eyes and feeling a spark of excitement in my chest. "I'm glad you decided to take your own advice."
"So that's a yes?"
"That's absolutely a yes." Bucky's shoulders finally relaxed, a smile appearing on his face to match my own. "So... when do we do this? Do we call tonight our first date? We're out together, the two of us, at a bar..."
"No. No way," Bucky quickly decided. I raised an eyebrow at him, so he continued. "Tonight's not a date, sweetheart. Even in the middle of a war, I can find a way to make our night on the town something special. A little magical, and definitely just about the two of us. Tonight might be just the two of us, but it's about the two reckless idiots we call friends."
I laughed, then reached for my drink and raised it towards Bucky.
"I'll toast to that. To taking tonight to cope with the people we care about, and putting something on the books for a real night out together soon."
"Hear hear."
Bucky and I shared a smile, then each took a drink. I finished mine off, then sat back in my chair and stared at the man before me.
"So... how do you feel about a game of darts? Person who's not throwing is allowed to distract the other person, but only by relating the most insane shit our friends have done lately. True stories only."
"Bring it on. I've known Steve long enough that nothing's gonna surprise me anymore."
I snorted as the two of us grabbed another round of drinks and headed for the dartboard at the back of the bar.
"Look, Peggy might've gone through a phase of trying to be a proper lady, but she's been making up for it by doing even more ridiculous nonsense lately. Your boy's got nothing on her."
"I guess we'll just have to see about that, won't we?"
Bucky and I shared another smile. The routine was familiar, but now, there was an extra spark attached that hadn't really been there before. Even though tonight wasn't a date, spending time with Bucky felt a little different, now, in a very good way.
Maybe this could be the silver lining I held on to the next time Peggy tried to kill me via heart attack, until the end of the war and beyond.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @songbirdcannabe @infinetlyforgotten @coinsublime
If your name is crossed out, Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you for some reason
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colorful-horses · 1 year
How is Miraculous compared to High Guardian Spice?
I know I always lump them together when I'm talking about "poorly written shows that I unironically love," but in reality, they aren't really comparable.
High Guardian Spice is interesting to me because it has literally nothing going for it. No plot hooks, no unique concepts, generic characters, etc. I like it because it's like........ you'd think they would've stumbled across SOMETHING interesting at SOME POINT, even on accident, but they just never do. If you wanted to restructure HGS, you'd have to add some new ingredient to make it work.
Miraculous Ladybug is interesting to me because it has so many interesting plot hooks and unique concepts at all times and just absolutely refuses to elaborate on ANY OF THEM. Or, when it does get into them, it is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS reversed by the end of the episode. It's a wash, rinse, repeat kind of show. Their aversion to the general idea of Actions Having Consequences is just so funny to me, I've never seen a show try to stick so hard to the status quo while simultaneously trying to act like it Isn't doing that. Events rarely have any meaningful impact on the characters, and when they ARE impacted, it just becomes their entire personality (S5 Adrien literally only ever thinks about Marinette. She is his every waking thought. Its exausting.).
It's just strange to see all of these horrible things happen to these characters (Adrien), and the show will treat these horrible things with the huge magnitude they deserve (Cat Blanc), but they're always forgotten by the next episode. It turns what should've been a Major Character Turning Point into ......... nothing. Sometimes they TRY to follow up on major events, but they never have anything new or meaningful to say about them, so it just feels like the show is saying "yeah we remember that too. moving on".
My hot take is that I kind of love that ML does this, lol. I really enjoy The Episodic Drama of early ML; it's strange, ridiculous, and didn't take itself too seriously, and I'm honestly so here for it.
Tl;dr, High Guardian Spice is a glass of water that acts like its a full 3 course meal, and Miraculous Ladybug is a buffet of extremely unique ideas that all have absolutely 0 seasoning or flavor. Pick ur poison
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 2 years
Emmet breaks spacetime to find his brother this, Emmet goes feral without his brother that (which you shouldn't take too far btw), where are the Ingo goes apeshit fics. Where are the fics where Ingo single handedly corrals the gods into getting him (and Akari, if she's tired of being in charge after having to save the world) home. This man is depressed one day about his memories and then his unovan religion socialization kicks in subconsciously and he goes 'no fuck this. I am going to get my memories back whether they comply or not' and that escalates into 'i am going home no matter what' and also 'i am going to be happy. I will make it so'. This man didn't get raised with the values of TRUTH and IDEALS for nothing. That shit sticks in your mind so much even if you don't personally think about it much. Have you seen how many times unovans mention truth or ideals in the games. They're important to them. And they're important to him.
I don't even mean that Ingo becomes a villain or anything. I just mean to say he sees a child befriending gods and goes 'hey what the fuck. If they can do that i can do something about my own situation as well for sure' and don't try to tell me the gods wouldn't listen to him. First off i believe Arceus and everyone else do love their creation, they just sometimes don't understand it. Second of all even if that wasn't true not all the gods agree with each other. If Arceus couldn't or didn't want to do anything he could just ask giratina. Or dialga and palkia. How would palkia help? They bring him to celebi. There's no way he wouldn't get celebis approval especially with palkias help.
What? The Pearl clan wouldn't let him go? Lmao what are you even talking about. Even if they didn't want him to leave the position of warden they value space very much. They'd want him to find his own before all else, and even if they didn't Irida would and her judgement is the most important one in the clan. I'm pretty sure she mentions wanting to travel, too, so she might join Ingo for a time as well.
Something is wrong in Unova upon his arrival? Impossible. Unova loves their Subway bosses and Emmet loves and trusts Ingo enough for that not to be a problem. Even if he didn't Chandelure would be proof enough of something off. i don't think she would just feel her trainer's soul disappear in a split second and not cause a commotion, she'd immediatly begin to freak out. Even without that you know what always fixes shit? Communication baby. This man will not let something go until they've properly discussed it. If the other's opinion is still the same after they've all explained themselves, then fine. But i guarantee you it won't be. If communication is difficult for some reason there is nothing that stops him from making it easier or doing it anyway. He can also go to a god again and have them help out of it's something he can't do anything about himself. Grudge? Gone. Death? Xerneas'd. Legal trouble? Over.
There is nothing that can't be fixed, especially in the pokemon world. It's going to be exausting, and probably very taxing on the mind, but it would be worth it so much. And there is no way Ingo and Emmet aren't both going to go to therapy anyway in the end.
Even if the gods couldn't fix it and send him home, they'd at least grant them both peace of mind. A letter, a picture, sent back or forward in time. With proof that it's real, obviously, and that yes it is god that brought this to you, so there's no misunderstandings. And don't tell me they can't do that, you've seen the arc phone. A space time distortion, conveniently timed on both sides, courtesy of dialga and palkia. They're going to get to be happy eventually, whether that means moving on or being reunited. Though there's like no way they don't get reunited lol
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ratsoh-writes · 1 month
(The pranking red story)
*ann and basil are on his sofa, gossiping about yet another book they both read together. They're basically a book club at this point. Sometimes, Ann gets passionate and switches languages real quick because she can with Basil lol
A while passes with the three being cuddly bros on the sofa, and they hear an angry chihuahua screech outside. Ann smiles*
Rusty, I believe our little boy is calling for you~
They actually heard the pop first. It sounds as if a can exploded outside. It makes basil jump a bit startled, and even though he was expecting it, rust can’t help but jump too
Then they hear the cursing
Rust turns to you with a big grin
Rust: nah, I think we should just let him yell it out~
Basil gives you both a wide eyed look quickly realizing you two must be the cause
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strugglingatart · 8 months
Jr year ep 2
This is me live blogging bc I need to get thoughts out also would love fandom friends full spoilers bellow the cut just so no one accidentally reads anything they don't want to this will be long
No shenanigans at the begining way lowkey sad I love our intrepid heroes being dumb
Siobhan and Zac kick it off with SUCH good turns straight away we love (also emily's cutting words? delicious)
Them all discussing more stuff mid battle is so nice I love but also not Ally forgetting they could try to heal lol
"playing with you all at level 10 has never convinced me more that this game is unplayable at level 20. fucking unplayable" Brennan the man who I 100% have seen play att level 20. But we HAVE to stan the complaing I love them so much Murph especially I always laugh so much
Siobhan please we cannot be confident before rolls they go bad then
we were doing so well like seconds ago and now everything feels terrible
ARMOR OF AYDA omg my loves
Kristen and Riz are me when my friends are being to sexual but also Kristen please remember you and tracker?
NOT FABIAN FALLING AGAIN, and his idea was real good as well, but Ally yeeting the dice also a big mood
Lou's sass was so good I love im so much
only one person saving out of everyone is brutal why do dice currenntly hate them
Murph loosing it at Ally's saving throws being empty is so funny, and poor them gatting so defensive (also have they been doing it wrong this whole time then? has it never been written down? was is just a mistake on their season prep?)
Zac and Lou killed that look at me bit I'm sorry they are geniuses
I truly thought Brennan was gonna make this fight SO much easier and in many ways I get why he didn't but I'm not over it
Listen Murph is looking SO GOOD this season it legit distracted me for a few seconds I had to go back to understand what Brenan said about the van flipping I am a disaster queer through and through
this is so intense all of a sudden omgggg
Poor hangvan ily and know Gorgug will fix you tho
Oh no Kristen, but also the die deadass turned on them, sad vibes (also I miss good rolling Murph I know we had him for one ep but I loved him)
once again yeeting the dice is a mood and then the whole if i hit anyone bit, art tbh
AHHHHH that nat 1 followed by a nat 20 was magical, also Em is wearing the naddpod live shirt 😍 I was 110% with her tho I wanted Gorgug to get it so bad so that deception roll was EVERYTHING TO ME, Ayda claming Gorgug as the greatest wizard is legit one of my favorite things whenever they bring it up and support that theory my heart is so happy
Brenan just being like yes these npcs i made up for the media res are just for that they will die even if they don't
Zac has what healing thing? again not knowing enough about DnD makes me bad at knowing who can do what
shoutout to the two crew
listen this theme of exaustion specifically with school will end me like i cannot it hits too close
Moggy the doggy! we stan Adaine the little guys guy(gal?)
Did Cassandra text you? Nonstop
this flourish lacks flourish (me giving the finishing touches to art projects for university)
LISTEN Fig asking about first day of school outfit was literally Emily choosing violence omg I felt that deeply
I still have jump and i haven't used it so I'm just gonna... I love Zac
They all LOOSE IT at two more guys and I know it was mostly the players but honestly having an absolute laughing fit out of exaustion is another big mood and I felt both seen and called out (I have STROIES about this) and like it just fit the theme so well
there's two nat 1's, Lou's full discociated, Murph's loosing it, it's pure chaos for a bit but whoever did the closed captions? A+++ job
Kristen taking ths ice cream sandwich out and going to the hangman is gold (also I remember the pouch of ice cream sandwiches existing like I fully remeber Kristen usinf it before but i don't remeber when/where she gets it despite having just rewatched both freshman and sophomore years and it's bothering me)
I want the so tactical so late t-shirt
Fabian passed so I legit thought that was gonna work but you know what? it's funnier that it didn't
"I was a turncoat the whole time" is so funny for no reason, also Fabian babe, ily but like why do you wanna kiss a mirror it will not be enjoyable (also at this point Lou is either feeding into all the comp-het queer theories or is like the queer whisperer)
The father the son and the balthazar made me cackle
I have said this before in a post somewhere but while I get where Kristen is coming from so much like truly I'm right there with her but also I kinda hate how she's avoiding Cassandra but also I get it baby but also pls do better (or at least change tactics in odrer to to it lowkey unhealthily)
Fabian I promise you you can do better LMAO Riz, you are correct
Again to me Fig's hypothetical is like fighting words I'd be pissed and depressed
But also high school me would have loved a dance camp tbh (also to be able to dance in general rip my dancing dreams, taken away by a chronic issue and over protective parents)
"I think I do a really half hearted prayer of healling just because I don't.. trust you" I love Ally so much
ah yes the silliness is back but they are so tired
wanna stay at our place? we have so many beds
The entire ecaf bit was so good i cannot deal
Hallariel is saying Fabian's name more like the elves or am I tripping?
Gillear is slightly less pathetic! he won a cruise! oh and they are engaged, full step sibblings Fig and Fabian
also poor Fabian like he needs his parental figures here... Cathilda better stay or I'm personally gonna have words with Brennan, stop making them suffer they fuck up things alone
ALSOOO there is no way Gillear would not want to talk to Fig omg I'm fighting brennan again
Gillear luck... did Fig uncurse him by taking that deal and is she about to get his bad luck?
SKLONDA we stan
Brennan I swear to god this tiny goblin has saved the world three times what do you mean he cannot go to college I will fight you, this scene hit me so hard omg we were promised silliness not heart wrenching reality in my fantasy
I think Zac legitimately forgot the mirror didn't run away for like a second which makes it funnier but Fig IS just that good. 32 decepetion fool the character and the player
BRENAN what do you mean Zelda gave back his stuff this is DURING the seven where they are still TOGETHER I swear I will riot
Frosty fair mentioned twice it's connected to or the big thing this season
The Thistlespring are SO PRECIOUS
Jawbone and Sandra Lynn made a cake I can't deal, and it's belated birthdays omg the way I would cry
the justaposition of Emily's cackle and Ally's face to the dangers Fig and Kristen are dangerously and/or wildly close to being expell is so good
Lou choking on water at "we're allowed to fail a certain number of classes each semester" also real good treiler editing bc I thought that was 10000% connected to the you let your god die line that comes right before it on there
Fig's been multiclass since start of sophmore year, does she do warlock classes sometimes I wonder
I like that Jawbone is not judging here he's just like facts: you are failing and this is why, now we can see what we do about it
ouch that whole im swimming my head is liquid kristen thing felt dangerously close to me... I usually relate to gorgug and riz like i adore kristen but she's never me what is happening (this is not bad just me having like my 10th identity mini crisis this year)
THE AYDA ART she looks so bummed but so pretty.. but also Brenan I feel like I said I'll fight you a couple of times here but if we get no ayda I will fly to LA and fight you
I reached text limit will do a part two
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