#exam story in hindi
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tuteehub-blog · 5 months ago
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indianfasttrack · 3 days ago
Mumbai School: क्लास रूम में बैठने की जगह को लेकर हुई झड़प पेट में घूसा दिया चाकू
मुंबई के एक स्कूल से सनसनीखेज मामला सामने आया है। परीक्षा दे दौरान बैठने की व्यवस्था को लेकर चार बच्चों में झड़प हो गई। इसी बीच एक ने अपने स्कूली बैग से चाकू निकालकर हमला कर दिया। घायल बच्चों का सायन के सरकारी अस्पताल में इलाज चल रहा है। (Mumbai School Clash broke out over seating space in class room, knife stabbed in stomach) इस्माईल शेखमुंबई- प्रीमियर बोर्ड परीक्षा के दौरान मुंबई के एक स्कूल…
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hindistoryok01 · 2 years ago
NEET Success Story in Hindi Dev Bhatiya
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Dev Bhatia NEET Gujarat Topper, Bhatia Classes for NEET pg, NEET Success Story Quora, neet repeaters success stories quora, NEET Failure Stories, NEET Success Story.
NEET Success Story in Hindi Dev Bhatiya, सफलता की मिशाल जितनी दी जाये उतनी कम है पेश है आपके सामने एक और सफलता की कहानी जो देव भाटिया की है
NEET UG AIR 18 देव भाटिया ने साझा किया अपनी सफलता का राज, कहा 'अपने रास्ते पर बने रहो'
प्रभावशाली AIR 18 हासिल करने वाले NEET टॉपर ने NEET की तैयारी यात्रा के दौरान तनाव को प्रभावी ढंग से प्रबंधित करने और प्रेरणा बनाए रखने के बारे में अमूल्य सुझाव साझा किए हैं।
राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण एजेंसी (एनटीए) ने 13 जून को राष्ट्रीय पात्रता सह प्रवेश परीक्षा (एनईईटी) यूजी 2023 के नतीजे घोषित किए। एनईईटी यूजी 2023 में, अहमदाबाद के देव भाटिया ने 712 अंक हासिल करके प्रभावशाली अखिल भारतीय रैंक (एआईआर) 18 हासिल की। 720 का.
देव भाटिया, जिन्होंने एनईईटी में एआईआर 18 हासिल किया, ने अपनी तैयारी के दौरान अपनी अध्ययन दिनचर्या और समय प्रबंधन रणनीतियों पर अंतर्दृष्टि साझा की। उन्होंने सेल्फ स्टडी के लिए प्रतिदिन लगभग 7-8 घंटे समर्पित करने का उल्लेख किया।
नीट टॉपर देव भाटिया विविध विशेषज्ञता वाले परिवार से आते हैं। उनके पिता एक चार्टर्ड अकाउंटेंट हैं, जो वित्तीय कौशल और विशेषज्ञता लाते हैं। दूसरी ओर, देव की मां पारंपरिक भारतीय वास्तुशिल्प अभ्यास "वास्तुशास्त्र" में विशेषज्ञ हैं।
देव ने अपने स्कूल के शिक्षकों के साथ-साथ एक प्रसिद्ध शैक्षिक मंच आकाश बायजूस डिजिटल के संकाय से मिले बहुमूल्य समर्थन को स्वीकार किया। उनके मार्गदर्शन और संसाधनों ने उनकी प्रभावी NEET तैयारी में बहुत योगदान दिया।
अपनी NEET की तैयारी के दौरान, देव भाटिया ने बताया कि उन्हें किसी विशेष चुनौती या कठिनाइयों का सामना नहीं करना पड़ा।
नीट की तैयारी के दौरान तनाव को प्रबंधित करना और प्रेरित रहना
NEET की तैयारी के दौरान तनाव को प्रबंधित करने और प्रेरित रहने के लिए, देव भाटिया ने इन रणनीतियों का पालन किया:
मैं पर्याप्त आराम और व्यायाम के साथ एक संतुलित दिनचर्या बनाए रखें।
अध्ययन सत्रों को छोटे, प्रबंधनीय कार्यों में विभाजित करें।
अपने आप को चिकित्सा क्षेत्र के प्रति जुनून और बदलाव लाने की क्षमता की याद दिलाते हुए, अंतिम लक्ष्य पर ध्यान केंद्रित रखें।
स्कूल/कॉलेज की पढ़ाई के साथ नीट की तैयारी को संतुलित करना
स्कूल या कॉलेज की पढ़ाई के साथ एनईईटी की तैयारी को संतुलित करने के लिए प्रभावी समय प्रबंधन, प्राथमिकता ��र एक सुनियोजित अध्ययन कार्यक्रम की आवश्यकता होती है। “इस संतुलन को प्राप्त करने के लिए,
मैंने अपने नियमित स्कूल/कॉलेज की पढ़ाई के साथ-साथ NEET की तैयारी के लिए विशिष्ट घंटे आवंटित किए। मैंने एक अध्ययन कार्यक्रम बनाया जिसमें दोनों पहलुओं पर विचार किया गया, यह सुनिश्चित करते हुए कि मैंने प्रत्येक क्षेत्र को पर्याप्त समय समर्पित किया।
उन्होंने आगे कहा, "कुशलतापूर्वक योजना बनाकर और खुद को अनुशासित करके, मैं इस संतुलन को बनाए रखने में सक्षम था, जिसने अंततः मुझे एनईईटी की तैयारी और स्कूल/कॉलेज परीक्षाओं दोनों में उत्कृष्टता हासिल करने की अनुमति दी।"
मैं सभी उम्मीदवारों को सुझाव दूंगा कि वे अधिकतम टेस्ट सीरीज और मॉक टेस्ट का अभ्यास करें। आकाश BYJU'S डिजिटल द्वारा प्रदान किए गए सैंपल पेपर और मॉक टेस्ट ने वास्तव में मेरी तैयारी की यात्रा में मेरी मदद की, ”देव भाटिया उन इच्छुक NEET उम्मीदवारों के लिए टिप्स साझा करते हुए कहते हैं, जो परीक्षा में उत्कृष्टता प्राप्त करने का लक्ष्य रखते हैं।
एक न्यूरोसर्जन के रूप में अपना करियर बनाना
देव भाटिया ने मस्तिष्क की जटिलताओं और पेचीदगियों के प्रति स्थायी आकर्षण से प्रेरित होकर, एक न्यूरोसर्जन बनने की अपनी करियर आकांक्षा व्यक्त की। शरीर के कार्यों के समन्वय में इसकी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका को पहचानते हुए, देव को इस अंग का अध्ययन दिलचस्प लगता है। न्यूरोसर्जरी में अपना करियर बनाकर, देव का लक्ष्य क्षेत्र में प्रगति में योगदान देना और रोगियों के जीवन पर सार्थक प्रभाव डालना है।
शिक्षा और छेत्र
देव भाटिया की शैक्षिक पृष्ठभूमि मजबूत है। उन्होंने अपनी 10वीं और 12वीं दोनों कक्षाएं केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड (सीबीएसई) बोर्ड से पूरी कीं। अपनी 10वीं कक्षा में, उन्होंने अपनी शैक्षणिक उत्कृष्टता का प्रदर्शन करते हुए 97 प्रतिशत का प्रभावशाली स्कोर हासिल किया।
इसी तरह, अपनी 12वीं कक्षा में, देव ने 96.8 प्रतिशत का उल्लेखनीय अंक प्राप्त किया। ये उत्कृष्ट परिणाम उनकी पढ़ाई के प्रति समर्पण और प्रतिबद्धता को उजागर करते हैं, जिससे उनकी शैक्षणिक गतिविधियों के लिए एक ठोस आधार तैयार होता है, जिसमें एनईईटी परीक्षा में उनकी सफलता भी शामिल है।
स्वास्थ्य सेवा क्षेत्र में चुनौतियाँ और अवसर
“उनका मानना यह है की हमारे देश में स्वास्थ्य सेवा क्षेत्र के सामने एक बड़ी चुनौती आम जनता के बीच जागरूकता की कमी है। हमारे आसपास बहुत से लोग पुरानी जीवनशैली संबंधी विकारों से पीड़ित हैं,
जिन्हें थो��़ी सी जागरूकता फैला कर रोका जा सकता था और अब उन्हें बहुत सारी दवाएं खानी पड़ती हैं, ”नीट टॉपर का कहना है। उन्होंने आगे कहा, "एक और समस्या जो मुझे लगता है वह सामर्थ्य है, क्योंकि कई बेहद गंभीर बीमारियों के इलाज के लिए बहुत जयादा पैसो की जरूरत पड़ती है जिनकी गिनती लाखो मै होती है
अन्य भी पढ़े  :-
नई नई जादुई कहानिया 2023
पंचतंत्र की कहानिया
Source link:-https://hindistoryok.com/neet-success-story-in-hindi-dev-bhatiya/
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khwxbeeda · 1 year ago
Indian Dark Academia: Pune
(all of these are my experiences since moving to the city at the end of July this year)
The Peth areas are convoluted, haphazardly arranged and teeming with life. You walk through a lane crammed with stalls of fake jewellery, and you want to buy every pair of jhumka and bugdi you can see. You raise your phone and take a close up, deciding that you're gonna post it. (You never do. That picture feels personal, somehow, in a way you cannot explain.)
There is a plaza in Good Luck Chowk on FC road whose basement has a somewhat hidden bookshop. The books there are both fresh and second hand. You make your way to the second-hand shelves and breathe in deeply, savouring the smell of old books and yellowing paper. You want to buy all of them, but you take home the worn copy of a collection of Marathi stories. The old man at the counter gives you a bookmark and tells you to be back with a wide smile and crinkling eyes. (You go back within the week.)
You stand under the dubious protection of a patryacha chhat, cold fingers wrapped around a mud tumbler full of steaming aalyacha chaha. The rain does not look like it will stop anytime soon, but you're not worried. Your best friend is standing next to you with her own tumbler, and both of you are giggling at a story she tells you about her own college— she lives in Mumbai and is visiting for a day, just to spend time with you because she missed you. You silently hope the rain does not stop for a while yet; you're having too much fun.
The sun is high in the sky, but it hides behind rain clouds. You take a step, the soles of your sports shoes scraping over the uneven rock of the tekdi that you decided to explore on an impulse. You're alone, with only the trees and the dog that randomly decided to follow you up the hill in sight. Invisible birds chirp and sing, and you slide your phone out of your pocket to take a photo of the unbeaten path. A little part of you fears getting lost in an unknown place. The bigger, more curious part of you wants to know why the wind sounds so melodious when it slips between the leaves of the trees. You'll post the photo, you think, once you're home.
The college is quiet. It's seven in the morning, and you're already on campus, and have climbed up the walls of the main building to reach that unreachable part of the roof. Except it isn't as unreachable as you thought it to be— the walls are engraved with little messages from the students who came here before you, and you brush your fingers over the letters with a secret smirk. Someone had enough love in their heart to carve a short Urdu love poem for their partner. You search up the words on Google, but the results are inconclusive. An original piece, then. Shame, you think. That is beautiful wordplay. You take a photo, then go back to your book. Class starts at half past seven, and you want to finish at least this chapter.
The library is packed with people, but all of them are silent. It's eerie, but you've been living in libraries for as long as you can remember, and you're perfectly at home in this silence. It feels like being in a temple— there is a awed, almost devotional hush in the air, and you fear that you will breathe too loud. You slip between two darkwood shelves, and brush your fingers over the spine of an old hardbound collection of the works of Pu La Deshpande that looks like it will fall apart any second. You've read this one before, but you check it out anyway.
The exam is tomorrow, but you're sitting in the light of three diyas and feverishly flicking your eyes over the pages of your tattered copy of the Hindi translation of Chokher Bali. This is the eleventh time you're reading the book, but you're still obsessed with it for reasons unknown. Pariksha gayi bhaad mein, you think, and flip the page. The next day, you turn up at the exam hall with bags under your eyes, a completed book, and not a second of studying. You walk out with a score of 19 out of 20, and promptly fall asleep under the shade in the bamboo garden with your head on a friend's lap.
Tag list: @musaafir-hun-yaaron @hum-suffer @patriphagy @orgasming-caterpillar @mad-who-ra @kanha-sakhi @yehsahihai @h0bg0blin-meat
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kaiserkisser · 2 months ago
OHHH MY GOD I HAVE A STORY ABOUT DIWALI. when i first joined tumblr it was like a month or so out from the festival and i posted abt it cause my aunt follows hinduism (we have a rlly mixed family so like im russian and part chinese and we. we have hannukah cause my other aunt is jewish…my chinese side of the family follows hinduism so like its a super weird melting pot but only a few of my mutuals knew this at the time) and for some reason everyone thought i was desi out of nowhere????? i got so many asks until ganeshas BIRTHDAY about being desi or following hinduism and the one that stuck with me the most was my friend going “are you excited for holi” and i was like “im a white man” THE ASKS NEVER STOPPED. SOMETIMES I STILL GET THEM LIKE I DONT MIND BUT THIS ISNT WHAT I PRACTICE…my holidays are filled with menorahs😭
HELP OMFG WHAT thats if hotpot existed in families and this one was made by thoma /j/j/j (RUSSIAN AND CHINESE WHAT HOLY SHIT DHSHXHSH /pos) and omggggg did random people talk to u in hindi or smth djshdgdhxh BAHAHAHA tbh tho i dont play holi these days cause it always falls smack dab in the middle of my exams 😭😭😭 LAUGHING SO HARD RN THO YEAH I THINK WE DESIS GET EXCITED IF WE THINK WE FOUND A FELLOW DESI OR SMTH LMAOOOO i dont talk abt being desi much (apart from if theres a cricket match -_-) but i get that hahahaha BUT NO WAY YOU *STILL* GET ASKS???? WHEN DID YOU EVEN FIRST JOIN TUMBLR WHAT
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shadowseductress · 10 months ago
It's been quite a while since our paths first crossed. Despite attending the same university, we've pursued different majors, and surprisingly, we've never had the chance to cross each other's physical paths. We forged a strong online friendship, sharing photos and exchanging admiration. Our conversations spanned topics from academic pursuits to the quirkiest of interests, and we found common ground amid it all. Our bond grew stronger through shared music sessions, thanks to our similar tastes. Additionally, our mutual passion for writing further connected us, even though he expressed himself in Hindi while I favored English. As time passed, our online connection deepened. He displayed genuine concern during my difficult moments, offering comfort during cramps and nightmares, while I reciprocated by being a supportive listener as he shared his past experiences. Our exam schedules coincided, and we developed a study routine where we not only focused on our own preparation but also supported and encouraged each other throughout the process. We both possess a unique blend of assertiveness and tranquility, which occasionally led to spirited discussions between us. However, our ability to communicate effectively always helped us resolve any conflicts that arose. With time, our understanding of each other deepened, and it's at this point that an unexpected twist enters the story. It felt truly surreal, like it emerged out of thin air, catching us completely off guard. Our luck took a turn for the better during the university's cultural fest – a rare moment when our paths were destined to converge, and we were on the brink of meeting face to face for the very first time. Surprisingly, despite my introverted tendencies and his extroverted nature, the prospect of meeting him in person and attending the musical fest, which featured our beloved singer, filled me with immense excitement. I opted for an all-black ensemble, pairing a black dress with matching heels, fishnet stockings, and an open hairstyle. Completing the look, I added black boots, carried a black bag, and topped it off with a stylish black coat.We had arranged to rendezvous outside the concert venue before entering together. As I was about to meet him, my heart raced with anticipation, and my introverted tendencies suddenly felt more pronounced. Our meeting began with a handshake, but in that moment, it felt like electricity surged through my veins. Then, he held onto my hands, and his gaze traced a path from head to toe. I initiated the conversation by saying, "Thank you, thank you," as I embraced him in a warm hug, feeling the pounding of his heart against my skin. His voice is husky and throaty as he asks, "For what?" while gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I pulled back slightly, cupping his face in my hands, and said, "For being here, for being my friend, for everything." His eyes glisten before he crashes his lips to mine, growling low in his throat as he does so. He urges me to wrap my arms around him and I do so.
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ghelgheli · 10 months ago
Stuff I Read In February 2024
bold indicates favourites
The Mantle of the Prophet, Roy Mottahedeh
Serious Weakness, Porpentine Charity Heartscape
The Traitor Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson
Pamphlets, Zines, etc.
Queer Fire: The George Jackson Brigade, Men Against Sexism, and Gay Struggle Against Prison [link]
Reform or Revolution? Rosa Luxemburg
Armed Joy, Alfredo M. Bonanno [link]
Designing Freedom, Stafford Beer [link]
Kill Switch, 1172
Immortal Parody, Kim Jong Geon
Her Tale of Shim Chong, Seri & Biwan
There's Weird Voices Coming from the Room Next Door! Suzuki Senpai
An Easy Introduction to Love Triangles (To Pass the Exam!) / Goukaku no Tame no! Yasashii Sankaku Kankei Nyuumon, Canno
Gentle Flutters, One Useless Dogggg
What Does the Fox Say? Gyeomji & Gaji
Our Dreams at Dusk / Shimanami Tasogare, Yuhki Kamatani
There Is No Love Wishing Upon a Star / Kono Koi wo Hoshi ni wa Negawanai, murasakino/Shinoa
Short Fiction
Serious Weakness but with Girls, Porpentine Charity Heartscape [link]
Dirty Wi-Fi, Porpentine Charity Heartscape [link]
Bist-o-chār sā'at dar xāb o bidāri / 24 Restless Hours, Samad Behrangi [link]
Yek hulu o hezār hulu / One Peach and a Thousand Peaches, Samad Behrangi [link]
What Does It Mean To Be Palestinian Now? Noura Erakat, Ahmed Moor, Noor Hindi, Mohammed El-Kurd, Laila Al-Arian 01/25/2024 [link]
"If You Say Anything to Anyone, a Zaka Van Will Run You Over", Brad Pearce 10/18/2023 [link]
The Epistemicide of the Palestinians, Abdulla Moaswes 02/02/2024 [link]
Manufacturing Content, Nora Barrows-Friedman & Matt Lieb [link]
Comparison is the Way We Know the World, Masha Gessen 12/19/2023 [link]
The Story Behind the New York Times October 7 Exposé, Jeremy Scahill, Ryan Grim, Daniel Boguslaw 02/28/2024 [link]
Queer &c
Hands off our lives, our stories, and our bodies, AC 06/10/2022 [link]
Trapped in the Wrong Theory: Rethinking Trans Oppression and Resistance, Talia Mae Bettcher [doi]
A Cyborg Manifesto, Donna Haraway
Why Are "Gender Critical" Activists So Fond of Gametes? Julia Serano 02/13/2024 [link]
Why I Left the PSL… or the DSA or Socialist Alternative or whatever, filler kid 07/20/2021 [link]
Allies Not Accomplices: An Indigenous Perspective & Provocation, 05/02/2014 [link]
Basic Program of the Bureau of Unitary Urbanism, Attila Kotányi & Raoul Vaneigem 1961 [link]
Abolition, Nsámbu Za Suékama 06/06/2020 [link]
The Eye Upon Us Has Turned Upon Them, Nsámbu Za Suékama 07/16/2023 [link]
The Hindu Nationalists Using the Pro-Israel Playbook, Aparna Gopalan 06/28/2023 [link]
Ram Mandir and Hindutva Fascist Myth of Decolonisation, Rida Fathima 02/07/2024 [link]
How the United States Crippled Haiti's Rice Industry, Leslie Mullin [link]
A Talk to Teachers, James Baldwin [link]
Stranger in the Village, James Baldwin [link]
no good alone, Rayne Fisher-Quann 04/03/2021 [link]
Everyone's A Critic, Richard Joseph 01/13/2022 [link]
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you’ve been traumatized into hating reading, Ismatu Gwendolyn 02/15/2024 [link]
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sharmakanika · 4 months ago
Stay Updated with Top Hindi news live updates in India from Oneindianews
In the fast-paced world of news, staying updated with the latest happenings is crucial. Top Hindi news live updates in India from Oneindianews for Hindi-speaking audiences. Oneindianews is a premier destination for Hindi or Gujarati breaking news that offering comprehensive coverage on a wide range of topics. Whether it’s politics, sports, entertainment, or world events, Oneindianews ensures you are always in the know.
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For top hindi news live updates in India from Oneindianews a reliable source for an excellent choice. With its comprehensive coverage, real-time updates, user-friendly interface, engaging multimedia content and strong social media presence ensures that you are always informed about the latest happenings. Stay connected with Oneindianews to navigate the world of news effortlessly.
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lostwandererb0y · 7 months ago
Henlo, how have you been?
For me, honestly, the month of May had been good to me. A lot of things that I wasn’t expecting happened.
After for working so hard for more than a year to my current employer, I have been promoted. I poured my sweat and tears for this I greatly deserved this one. Long overdue na nga ito eh. Was not surprised for this one but was not expected too.
Moving forward, an ordinary day for me, I woke up from my lunch break nap. I was casually browsing the stories of my moots since I was groggy and sleepy pa pero napabaligwas ako sa bangon when I saw na may results na pala ng CSE and I passed!! I swear was not expecting this one kasi wala akong prep, walang review, sobrang busy sa work even weekends I was working, and the night before the exam was very stressful huhu nung gabi lang din yon sinabi ko sa fam na mag exam ako. Only 3 of my closest friends knew para kung hindi man pumasa ay keri lang.
Do you guys remember the job application I was talking about? I GOT THE JOB!!! And the offer was huhu laking jump sa current ko huhu pero uy ha, maliit lang sahod ko sa current ko kaya naghanap din talaga ako ng malilipatan but ayon, huhu tuwang tuwa me for this one. I got it!! Rendering na aq HAHAHAHAHA I am really happy kasi yung inincrease ko ay hindi ko na need mag OT para makapag kape kape at samgyup huhu
It is indeed to trust the process lang mga sister ko. Grabe din pala bumawi si universe noh? Laban lang tayo!
Happy Pride Month pala mga bading!! ;)
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the-prophecy · 1 year ago
Story time (this is the craziest thing of my college experience till date)
Our hod today at 1 came to our batch of 16 students and went "i know we told u that y'all have exam on Saturday BUT there has been an issue so what if you give exam today"
ALL OF US AT THAT POINT: *no response* *stares at her for a minute straight* one of us says "WE HAVEN'T PREPARED ANYTHING YET WHAT DO WE EVEN DO"
Ma'am making her sweetest face to make us melt and even talking in Hindi "areee you have done it in lab naa I'll even tell u the experiment we're asking just learn the formula we provide protocalls anyways....AND you'll get a leave on Saturday longgg weekend imagine👀👀"
Majority agreeing to her ki it's ok we'll have time till lunch break and we can learns
Her: OKAY THEN you have half an hour to learn a formula see the graphs you'll have to do this experiment of enzymo it'll take 4-5 hours call your parents inform you're late have lunch and assemble in labs
Me: @ bestie "I HAVEN'T HELD A PIPETTE IN A MONTB WHAR THE ABSOLUTELY FUCKITY FUVK JIST HAPPENED" and ofc there was no time for lunch i stuffed a paratha into my mouth
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jaembilog · 2 years ago
bugso – pt. 1
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bugso /bug·soʔ/ ngalan. biglaang pagmamadali; pagsabog (ng ulan, hangin, bagyo, apoy, sakit, atbp.) biglaang pagsiklab; matindi (ng damdamin)
character: boyfriend!jungwoo x reader
genre: angst
a/n: written in tagalog and english. this is merely a sliver of my imagination. the fictional character in this story do not, in any way, represent any idol. and nobody deserves to be in a relationship where they feel unloved. :)
gustong-gusto mong sinusuot ang mga damit ni jungwoo, lalo na ang mga hoodie niya. imposible naman kasing kayanin ng isang layer lang ng damit ang lamig ng silid-aralan ninyo. iba pa ang comfort na dulot ng mga damit niya; parang ramdam mo ang mga yakap niya sa lambot at bango.
parehas niyong hindi alam kung ilang damit na niya ang nasa cabinet mo, at sa totoo lang, wala ka namang pake dahil hindi naman din niya hinahanap.
'yon ang akala mo.
sa punto de vista ni jungwoo, medyo nakakairita na ang gawain mong ito. ang mga paborito niyang suotin ay unti-unti nang nawawala. iniisip niya na kung magpapatuloy ang ganito, wala na talagang matitira sa kaniya. kaya naman naisipan niyang pagsabihan ka tungkol dito.
kausap mo ang mga kagrupo mo tungkol sa isang group activity nang maramdaman mong nagvibrate ang cellphone mo sa kaliwang bulsa ng iyong pantalon. napangiti ka naman agad dahil alam mong si jungwoo ito.
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nawala saglit ang iyong kilig at napalitan ng kaba. pero sinubukan mong huwag mag-isip nang masyado at nagreply na lang.
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nagkita kayo ni jungwoo sa ground floor malapit sa entrance ng cafeteria. "ang daming tao," isip mo. napalingon naman agad sa'yo ang nobyo mo, sabay higit sa'yo papunta sa gilid niya at inakbayan ka naman nito agad. napalakas pala ang pagkakasabi mo.
pagkatapos niyong pumila para bumili ng kakainin ninyo, agad naman kayong umupo sa usual spot niyo sa cafeteria. "kumusta exam mo kanina?" tanong mo agad sa kaniya, alam mo kasing ilang araw na niyang pinaghahandaan ang long exam nila sa isang professional course.
"ok lang," maikli niyang sagot, sabay tuloy sa pagnguya.
ni hindi ka man lang tiningnan, ang cold pa ng pagsagot. ano kayang problema nito? tumagilid naman ang ulo mo na para bang nagpapacute, sabay subok ulit na kausapin siya. "ang lambot nitong hoodie mo, baka pwedeng akin na lang?" biro mo sa kaniya.
"bakit, sa lahat ba ng hiniram mo may binalik ka na? kulang na lang iuwi mo buong cabinet ko, nahiya ka pa. pwede bang kumain ka na lang? nakakapagod ka."
nakakapagod ka. nakakapagod ka. nakakapagod ka.
paulit-ulit ang sinabi ni jungwoo sa utak mo. hindi mo alam kung paano ka magrereact o sasagot man lang. akala mo kasi natutuwa siya tuwing suot mo ang mga gamit niya. nabanggit niya kasi noon na kinikilig siya tuwing may ginagamit kang kaniya, dahil para bang pwedeng-pwede niyang ipagmayabang sa iba na ikaw mismo ay pagmamay-ari niya.
nagulat din ang nobyo mo sa mga salitang lumabas sa bibig niya. pero hindi na rin niya alam kung paano ito babawiin, dahil kung meron mang paligsahan pagdating sa pataasan ng pride, baka tanghalin pa siyang kampyon. wala ka nang narinig sa kaniya kaya tumungo ka na lang at binilisang ubusin ang pagkain mo habang pinipigilang maiyak sa harap niya at ng sandamakmak na tao sa loob ng cafeteria.
naunahan mo siyang matapos kumain kaya tumayo ka na agad. hindi mo alam kung tama bang iwanan mo lang siya sa lamesa pero hindi mo na kayang magtagal pa dahil baka maiyak ka pa at maging topic pa ng mga chismoso't chismosa niyong schoolmates. agad ka namang dumiretso sa restroom at hinubad ang hoodie niya. maigi na lang at walang ibang estudyante sa loob dahil nakakahiya kung maririnig nila ang mga hikbi mo. pagkatapos mo ay dumiretso ka sa sink para ayusin ulit ang sarili at maghilamos ng mukha.
maayos mo namang tinupi ang hoodie ni jungwoo at nilagay ito sa locker niya. matapos nito, bumalik ka na rin agad sa classroom niyo.
pagkatapos kumain ni jungwoo, dumiretso rin siyang restroom nila at naghilamos na rin ng mukha. nahimasmasan siya at naisip niyang dapat inayos niya ang pagsabi sa'yo. pero wala na, huli na, nasaktan ka na niya nang sobra.
nang kukunin na niya ang textbook niya para sa next period nila, tumambad sa kaniya ang hoodie na kanina lang ay suot-suot mo. kanina nung nakangiti ka pa at masayang sinusubukan na makipag-usap sa kaniya. nagambala ang iniisip niya nang makatanggap siya ng text mula sa'yo.
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he fucked up, big time. at alam niyang mahihirapan siyang mabuo ang winasak niyang self-esteem mo.
pt. 2 here !
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tuteehub-blog · 5 months ago
🍎 Fal Ka Shabd Roop: Hindi Word Form Guide 📝
Master Hindi grammar quickly and effectively with this comprehensive guide on "Fal Ka Shabd Roop." Whether you're a student, teacher, or language enthusiast, this resource will help you understand and use Hindi word forms with confidence.
👉 Read the full article here https://2ly.link/1zP66 and take your Hindi language skills to the next level!
#HindiGrammar #LanguageLearning #HindiGuide #EducationalResources #MasterHindi
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0lympian-c0uncil · 1 year ago
(random, but u gotta learn Hindi coz I've sent asks to Meat and Sneha in Hindi, so... or maybe just ask them to translate lol)
(aka, all my friends are writing stories, and I'm just listening to them, which is really cool)
Also I want to but... I'm not finding any good places to learn it. Also you could just send me asks in Hindi and I can just translate them but I don't know...
The story...... I've been trying but no motivation yet.
We need a person to Just listen to our stories and give us feedback. You are a lifesaver!
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hindistoryok01 · 2 years ago
NEET Success Story चरवाहेकीबेटीरितु, करीनाजिन्होंनेबिनाकोचिंगकेमेडिकलमेंकापेपरपासकिया
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NEET Success Story Ritu Kareena, NEET Repeaters Success Stories, NEET Success Stories Without Coaching, neet success stories in hindi,
एक और मिसाल पेश करने जा रहा हूँ आपको एक लड़की जिन्होंने NEET का पेपर पास कर के दिखाया वो भी मोबाइल से पढ़ के
चचेरे भाइयों ने कहा कि वे स्मार्टफोन का इस्तेमाल करने से बचते हैं और दिन में कम से कम 12 घंटे सेल्फ स्टडी में बिताते हैं। उनके माता-पिता ने उनसे घर के कामकाज में मदद करने के लिए भी नहीं कहा।
चरवाहों के एक गरीब परिवार से आने वाली चचेरी बहनें रितु यादव और करीना यादव ने सफलता के मार्ग के रूप में शिक्षा के महत्व को समझा।
लड़कियों ने स्कूल ख़त्म होते ही अपने चाचा, एक सेवानिवृत्त विज्ञान शिक्षक और परिवार के एकमात्र साक्षर सदस्य के मार्गदर्शन में NEET की तैयारी शुरू कर दी।
जयपुर जिले के जामवा रामगढ़ के नांगल तुलसीदास गांव की रितु यादव (19) और करीना यादव (20) ने बाधाओं को पार किया और प्रतिष्ठित मेडिकल प्रवेश परीक्षा में अपने दूसरे और चौथे प्रयास में सफल रहीं।
680 अंक हासिल किए और 1621 की अखिल भारतीय रैंक हासिल की।
2020 में अपना पहला प्रयास देने के बाद मुझे सफल होने का भरोसा था। मैंने अच्छे मेडिकल कॉलेज में प्रवेश के लिए अर्हता प्राप्त करने के बजाय अपने स्कोर में सुधार करने पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया, "करीना यादव ने कहा, जिन्होंने 680 अंक हासिल किए और 1621 की अखिल भारतीय रैंक हासिल की। और परीक्षा में श्रेणी रैंक 432 है।
उन्होंने कहा, "मैं एक न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट बनना चाहती हूं और समुदाय की सेवा करना चाहती हूं।"
रितु यादव, जिन्होंने 2022 में अपना पहला प्रयास किया, ने 645 अंक हासिल किए और अखिल भारतीय रैंक 8179 और श्रेणी रैंक 3027 हासिल की।
NEET Success Stories Without Coaching
चचेरे भाइयों ने कहा कि वे स्मार्टफोन का इस्तेमाल करने से बचते हैं और दिन में कम से कम 12 घंटे सेल्फ स्टडी में बिताते हैं। उनके माता-पिता ने उनसे घर के कामकाज में मदद करने के लिए भी नहीं कहा।
1983-84 में मेडिकल प्रवेश परीक्षा में असफल होने के बाद मैंने अपने बच्चों को डॉक्टर बनते देखने का सपना संजोया। लड़कियों के चाचा ठाकरसी यादव ने कहा, ''किसी को स्टेथोस्कोप पहने हुए देखना मुझे प्रेरित करेगा।''
उन्होंने कहा कि जहां लड़कियों ने वर्षों तक खुद तैयारी की, वहीं पेशेवर मार्गदर्शन की आवश्यकता को महसूस करने के बाद उन्होंने सात महीने पहले उन्हें सीकर में कोचिंग कक्षाओं में दा��िला दिलाया।
बड़े पापा (चाचा) ने न केवल हमारा मार्गदर्शन किया और पढ़ाया, बल्कि सीकर में छात्रावास में हमारे साथ रहे और खाना पकाने सहित सभी नियमित काम किए, ताकि हम निर्बाध रूप से पढ़ सकें, ”करीना यादव ने कहा।
अब चरवाहे के परिवार में दो डॉक्टर होंगे, ठाकरसी यादव ने गर्व और खुशी से झूमते हुए कहा।
ठाकरसी यादव ने कहा, करीना यादव के पिता नन्चू राम और रितु यादव के पिता हनुमान सहाय के पास दो-दो बीघे जमीन के अलावा कुछ बकरियां भी हैं, जो परिवार की आय का मुख्य स्रोत हैं।
यह भी पढ़े - मजेदार पहेलिया हिंदी में
Source link:- https://hindistoryok.com/neet-success-story
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alicenowonderland · 10 months ago
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Unlike any other people, I have an idea what a Social Worker is. Pero ang alam ko lang ay taga-bigay sila ng relief goods kapag may kalamidad, taga-tulong sa mga nangangailangan lalo na sa mga kinapos sa pambayad sa ospital at mag-bigay ng edukasyon sa mga Mangyan.
Both my parents are community organizers and community developers. Kaya siguro hindi gaanong bago sa akin ang magtrabaho kasama ang mga nasa laylayan ng lipunan at mga considered “vulnerable” sectors.
I finished my degree after 5 and a half years. Hehe 😅 Oo, hindi ako on time grumaduate. Sobrang pressure pa noong Board Exam dahil mag-isa akong nag-take sa school namin, so it 0% or 100%. Pero syempre hindi ako na-pressure, nag-inom ako 😂😅
Matapos ang exam, pag-uwi sa Calapan, nag-volunteer ako bilang community profiler sa Conservation Innovation Philippines. Noong pumasa ako ng board exam, kinabukasan nag-apply kaagad ako sa mga field na interesado ako. Pero naka-set talaga noon ang mind ko na sa Province ako mag-wowork.
Kasama ng ilang mga Social Workers kong naging kaibigan sa Luna Goco (hindi ako don graduate pero naging friends ko sila) nag-apply kami ng trabaho sa probinsya. Hanggang sa nakapasok ako bilang Medical Social Worker sa MMG Hospital sa amin. After 3 months, tumawag ang Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office.
Naaalala ko pa noong nag-aapply ako sa PSWDO, pinasulat ako ni Mam Zarah kung alin sa tatlong method ng Social Work ang strength at weakness ko. Syempre, strength ko ang community organizing at weakness ko ang Case Work. Bakit? Siguro dahil mas nababad ako sa komunidad. Mula sa mga magulang ko, hanggang sa mga gawain sa simbahan, pulos pag-oorganisa. Isa siguro sa dahilan kaya ako mahina sa Case Work ay dahil tamad akong mag-sulat (nang hindi literary fiction) at medyo hindi fruitful ang experience ko during my Field Instruction 1 and 2. Nahirapan ako sa Case Work.
Surprisingly, inilagay ako ni Mam Zarah sa Bahay Kanlungan. Isang temporary shelter para sa mga abused and neglected women and children. In other words, maraming Case Work. Maraming Case Management. Tamad na tamad ako nung una pero pipilit kong mag-trabaho. Ina-apply ko iyong mga mga bagay na napag-aralan ko. May times pa na kapag uuwi ako matapos kong gumawa ng Case Study Report ay masusuka ako o lalagnatin dahil sa stess sa mga cases na nababasa at napapakinggan ko. Sa kakapilit ko sa sarili ko, sa kakapush nila Ate Net at Ate Mira sa akin, sa tiwala nilang tatlo ni Mam Zarah at nang mga kasama namin sa BK, masasabi kong nag-improve ako sa pag-gawa ng CSR at Case Management.
Habang nasa BK, naranasan ko rin na maging taga-balot ng relief goods at mag-monitor ng bagyo. HINDI KA SOCIAL WORKER PAG HINDI KA NAKARAMAS NG RELIEF OP! HAHAHAHA!!! Naranasan kong pumasok ng 2pm to 10pm para dumuty sa pier para mag-bigay ayuda sa mga Locally Stranded Individuals noong kasagsagan ng Pandemic.
Nag-part time ako bilang Research Assistant sa project ng USAID at Ateneo de Manila tungkol sa epekto ng illegal drugs sa relasyon ng mga substance abuse users at sa kanilang mga pamilya.
Sa BK ko naranasan maging Nanay, Ate, Tita at maging warrior rawr 😂 Nang-aaway nang mga guardian na nagpapa-urong ng kaso ng mga bata. Sa BK ko nadevelop ang marami kong skills tulad ng courage, patience... OO PATIENCE na laging paalala ni Ate Nen dahil mainitin ang ulo ko at ang Integrity. Always na paalala ni Mam Zarah at kahit saako makarating naririnig ko ang bilin niyang INTEGRITY. 😇 Blessed to have a boss like her. Blessed to have colleagues like them.
May part time din ako noon na counseling. May bata akong na basic counseling cause she seems like lost. She has plans for herself, hindi niya lang ma express and I am happy to see that she is okay now. She is vocal and an achiever sa school 😭🥰
After almost 4 years sa Bahay Kanlungan, I tried new venture. I worked at TeleCPU. A project by Child Protection Network (#AkoParaSaBata) and Unicef. 🩵 A Multi-disciplinary team na ang focus din is crisis intervention to abused children. Child Protection Unit (CPU) is a "one stop shop" for the children victims of abuse. Dream job ko ang Philippine General Hospital (PGH) but knowing na mataas ang standards nila, I did not go for it at balak ko nga sa Province lang mag work, but then, God really has plans. God really knows our greatest desires. Pinagtrabaho niya ako sa PGH-CPU. 💙 A dream job. A dream team (SHOUTOUT MGA WENGWENG!) Dito ko na experience kumausap sa mga Barangay Officials at Barangay Workers. Na-experience makipag deal sa mga tao, sumagot ng helpline calls at maging MASTER TYPER sa APSB 😂 🧡 Naranasan ko rin tumulong mag-organize ng big events, gumising nang maaga at matulog ng late 😂 kahit na tinulugan ko si Doc at si Papi nung sinabi kong tutulong ako 😂 BEST BOSS SI DOC MARIANNE. 🤍 Natutunan ko maging organized (medyo) at mas maging professional sa working place. FOCUS kung FOCUS. Higit sa lahat natutunan kong respetuhin na may iba't iba tayong working styles at working phase. 🥰
Pero sabi ko nga, may plano si Lord. AT syempre, darating ang time na kinakailangan kong umuwi ulit sa province dahil ni Tala. Kung pwede ko nga lang siyang dalhin sa Manila eh. Honestly, ito na yata ang pinaka-challenging na trabaho para sa akin. After almost 5 years of working with child abuse cases, sea abuse naman 😅
I am currently employed at Malampaya Foundation. Isang napaka-generous na NGO. Wala akong masabi, bigay talaga sila ng incentives sa employees. Hindi ka tatamarin ng work, sa halip ma momotivate kang pataasin ang incentives at bonus mo. 🤣 #MukhangPeraWithAHeart Isa naman akong community organizer dito. Ang funny noh? Ang sabi ko ang strength ko ay COMMUNITY ORGANIZING pero heto ako ngayon sobrang nag-aadjust at hirap na hirap 😅 Kaya ko naman. I know I can pero dumarating talaga tayo sa career life natin na nalilito tayo at nahihirapan sa ginagawa natin. I am convincing myself to strive, to be better. Alam kong kaya ko and I am doing my best to help the communities na maiangat iyong livelihood nila at matulungan sila sa Marine Conservation kahit na basic lang ang alam ko.
Siguro isa sa kalakasan ko iyong adventurous akong tao. Tuwang tuwa ako noong nag-training ng Mangrove Assessment, wala man akong naintindihan sa terms pero noong practical na super go na go ako. Nag-enjoy akong mag-lakad sa putik at mag-sukat ng mangroves. Na-eenjoy ko na tuwing pupunta ako ng communities ay may mga kwento sila at naka-ngiti ko silang iiwan matapos ko silang matulungan kung paano nila matutulungan ang mga sarili nila. ❤️💙💛 Sa trabaho ko ngayon nahahasa ang resource mobilization skills ko at ang mediation skills.
I have a looooong way to go.
Marami pa akong gustong field na maranasan.
Ang pangarap ko talaga ay maging doctor. Pero one way or another, na realize ko na nanggagamot din ako, hindi man ng lagnat o anumang pisikal na sakit, pero nakakagamot ako sa kalidad at estado ng buhay ng mga tao. Nakakagaling ako ng mga emosyonal na sakit.
Masaya akong naging Social Worker ako.
Kahit minsan, litong lito na ako sa buhay ko.
HAPPY WORLD SOCIAL WORK'S DAY 💜 Maligayang Araw sa atin mga Manggagawang Panlipunan 💜 Nag-iba ka man ng landas, successful o nagiging successful ka pa lang
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disneyprincemuke · 10 months ago
it is almost 4 am. i stayed up to study for my upcoming hindi exam(its a shit subject for me and this is my final paper), but instead of studying i have been on tumblr and pinterest.
my tutor is gonna be quizzing me in the afternoon about the stories and poems and i haven't done shit😭
i feel like a car that is running on a risky amount of fuel while trying to reach the destination. i am kinda burnt out, but i still have two papers left. i cried before my history paper(literally sat on the steps outside my exam hall and bawled my eyes out for like 10-15 minutes) and stayed up for over 30 hours studying for economics, gave the paper and then slept.
i am so close to giving up, i'm fed up, burnt out, tired and just wanna spend my days working on my wips, go shopping for my cousin's wedding and wait for my sister to come home.
sorry for dumping this on you. i just needed to vent, and no one i know is awake at this hour.
i enjoy reading your work noelle. it can take my distracted brain a good few seconds to comprehend what is happening in the fic, but i love it. i hate having to take time to process a chapter before reading the next one cause i wanna read the chapters you are putting out as well. (i'm getting pumped up for macky)
duno how to feel about you knowing damn well i’m up at 4am and you being right about it
are you- are you okay? is there anything i can help you with to make you feel better dawg 😭 you’re kinda real for wanting to just do your wips, and if i had more going on besides being a bum right now, i’d probs be like you rn
UGGGH thank you for loving my work fr,, i eat that shit up actually and it’s ok…….. it’s pretty chaotic anD THANKS I LOVE MACKY WITH MY WHOLE CHEST
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