#ex marido au
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todo7roki · 8 months ago
you're my favorite girl.
ex!marido jaehyun x leitor feminino.
CONTEUDO: namorado!jaehyun (passado), menções de johnny, smut, dirtytalk, romacezinho de leve, algo meio fofo.
parte 1.
leiam também: melhoramigo!jay (enhypen)
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Os raios de sol batiam em seu rosto, indicando que mais uma manhã estava chegando e a cama parecia te segurar, seu corpo estava super relaxado, porém, era necessário levantar e começar sua rotina em mais um sábado.
Ao coçar seus olhos, sua visão ficou limitada para ver a silhueta de um homem alto e bonito ao seu lado, só era possível sentir ele se mexendo pela cama e resmungando baixinho.
"Amor, volte a deitar por favor, não é necessário acordar tão cedo em um fim de semana."
Você não se esqueceu da sua noite maravilhosa com seu ex marido, mas uma única noite não podia mudar tudo que aconteceu entre vocês. "Jae, você precisa levantar." Ele olhou para seu rosto, um feição engraçada de uma pessoa que acabou de acordar.
"Como pode você pesar o clima tão rápido? Pensei que nossa noite tinha sido especial." Jaehyun dramaqueen era a última coisa que você queria aturar nessa manhã, então simplesmente você se levantou da cama e andou até o banheiro enquanto falava com ele. "Só não quero passar pelo momento constrangedor de explicar para seu filho o motivo do papai e mamãe estarem dormindo na mesma cama. Não depois do trabalhão que tivemos para explicar o término."
Ele riu da sua frase, ele realmente não estava preocupado com isso, ele sabe que o filho de vocês é uma criança inteligente e entenderia muito bem que os pais se amam. Jae se aproximou de você, te pressionando contra a pia e beijando seu pescoço. "Sabe, nosso casamento ainda não acabou. Eu ainda te amo tanto e sei que você me ama."
"Podemos conversar isso depois?" Era difícil para você falar sobre 'reatar o casamento'. Fodas rápidas era bom, mas você não sabe se aguentaria passar por todas as brigas e crises de ciúmes de novo, Vocês são duas pessoas explosivas, brigam atoa e não era um ambiente saudável para o pequeno.
Graças aos céus o seu menino entrou pela porta de seu quarto e se deparou com a cena de vocês dois no banheiro, agarrados como um casal.
"Mamãe." Ele disse, com seus olhos escuros vidrados em seu pai. "Papai, você dormiu aqui em casa essa noite?"
Vocês dois se olharam, o nervosismo atacou seu corpo pois aquela não era uma situação legal. "Sim garotão, papai estava cansado para ir para casa e sua mãe me convidou para tirar uma soneca por aqui." Jaehyun era bem melhor nisso do que você.
Vocês três caminharam juntos até a cama, seu menino sentando no colo do pai enquanto você se então ao lado de Jaehyun e acaba reparando o quanto os dois são bem parecidos, quase gêmeos. "Podemos ir ao parque hoje? Todos juntos?"
"Claro baby, vamos adorar passar um tempo juntos. Em família."
"Você adorava parque, principalmente aquele que tinha perto da faculdade." Jaehyun falou enquanto passava os dedos por seu cabelo.
Seu filho viu essa ação e sorriu, ele estava com cinco anos e estava no auge da curiosidade e entao olhou para você e perguntou: "Mamãe, como você conheceu o papai?"
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"Você precisa falar com ele logo, se depender desse cara, vocês não vão trocar uma palavra se quer." Sua amiga disse, e você sabia que era verdade, mas coragem faltava em você. "É o último ano da faculdade, você precisa tomar uma atitude."
"Ela tem razão, se você nao chegar nele, alguém vai." Sua outra amiga disse.
"Então eu vou agarrar esse homem pra mim."
"Você fala isso, mas não tem coragem de falar com ele. Fala sobre qualquer coisa, ele é bom em álgebra e você é péssima, pede ajuda a ele."
Suas amigas não eram as melhores nesse quesito, mas aquilo era melhor do que nada.
Chegar em Jaehyun e falar com ele não foi uma tarefa fácil. No inicio você teve medo, nao sabia como falar com o gato e inteligente Jaehyun, ele parecia ser super sociável, com o ciclo dele.
Você resolveu seguir ele no Instagram, una conversa online seria bem menos vergonhosa do que gaguejar em público. Era o que você imaginou.
"Olá, sou da sua turma de álgebra e queria saber se você poderia me ajudar? estou com um pouco de dificuldade nessa nova matéria."
Seus dedos freneticamente abria e fechava o aplicativo, esperando um retorno dele. Jaehyun não era cronicamente online.
Na verdade, ele tinha visto sua mensagem pela barra de notificações e não sabia como responder, a garota gostosa da faculdade tinha mandado mensagem e ele não sabia o que falar.
O Jaehyun mulherengo não sabia o que falar, aquilo era completamente novo, mesmo sendo bem sem vergonha, ele ainda não sabia como abordar garotas bonitas.
E com você não seria diferente, é claro que ele já tinha reparado em você, a garota que Johnny vive falando que é 'gostosa' e bonita.
Ele bisbilhotava suas fotos antes de responder sua mensagem e Johnny tinha razão, você era realmente isso tudo.
"Oi, claro, talvez amanhã podemos marcar um horário bom para que eu possa te ajudar."
Vocês marcaram e agora vocês estão sentados na biblioteca enquanto ele te ensina, você não queria aprender álgebra, odiava essa matéria, porém passar um tempo com ele era tão bom.
Tão bom que vocês começaram a marcar mais sessões de estudos, que da biblioteca passou para cafeterias, depois as sessões viraram pequenos encontros e no fim terminou com uma tarde de estudos na sua casa.
"Então você pega esse resultado, ele será a sua determinante." Mas um fim de tutoria tinha acabado, sua cabeça estava explodindo com tanta informação. "Acho que você está pronta para a prova."
"Será? As vezes acho que não sou capaz, mesmo estudando muito."
"Você é inteligente, minha favorita." Aquela foi a primeira vez que ele tinha te chamado por esse apelido.
Na hora você ficou parada, olhando nos olhos dele e ele percebeu o que disse. "Quis dizer, você é minha aluna favorita."
"E você já teve outras?"
"Você é a primeira então, acho que é minha favorita."
E você escutaria aquele apelido milhares de vezes, durante os encontros, durante as aulas, quando ele se sentava em uma cadeira atrás de vode e ficava sussurrando em seus ouvidos e até durante o sexo.
"Você sabe que é minha favorita, não sabe amor?" A voz dele deixava você cada vez mais molhada, o tesão eletrificava seu corpo, te deixando com sede de mais.
Mesmo antes do pedido de namoro, vocês começaram a sair, se tornaram ficantes e o sexo era regular e em todo lugar possível. Você se lembrou da vez que ele te comeu no carro de Johnny durante uma festa da faculdade.
Ele cobriu sua boca enquanto ia fundo em você, os dedos fazendo pressão em sua cintura e o cabelo grudado na testa por conta do suor. "Gata, você geme tão gostoso mas eu preciso que você faça isso baixinho pra mim, não quero ninguém atrapalhando nosso momento."
Os dedos dele foi para seu clitóris e foi a melhor sensação do mundo, ele masturbava enquanto te fodia. Suas mãos estavam puxando os lindos cabelos loiros de Jaehyun.
A sensação de adrenalina de transar em um carro era a melhor.
Jae estava vidrado em você, ele jura que poderia gozar só de olhar para você, a garota mais linda que ele já teve, a mulher perfeita para ele. "Eu juro.." quase sem fôlego, ele tenta falar em seu ouvido. "Eu juro que te comeria todos os dias sem cansar, olha para você."
"Minha linda garota fica ainda mais bonita quando está levando pau." Ele te deixava envergonhada, mas tão excitada. "Cara, tô tão apaixonado por você."
"Eu te amo." Você disse.
Dias depois ele te pediu em namoro, vocês estavam apaixonados.
"Eu ainda não acredito que Jung Jaehyun me pediu em namoro. Sério, o que eu mereci para ser a escolhida?"
"É porque você é minha favorita!"
É claro que você não contou tudo isso para seu filho, então você apenas riu depois de pensar em tudo que vocês passaram e respondeu: "éramos amigos na faculdade, eu me apaixonei por um príncipe encatando inteligente e acho que ainda estou apaixonada por ele."
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xuxuzinhoo · 1 year ago
meu (ex) marido é meu marido - Na Jaemin
Jaemin como seu ex marido que faz de tudo para ser seu marido de novo.
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avisos: jaemim! ex marido! pai da sua filha • sujestivo • e um pouco de br!au
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* * *
□ Você se separou do nana por conta do homem focar demais no trabalho; dois empregos e pouco tempo com a família. Estão separados mas não divorciados ainda.
□ Você se separou do Nana mas não consegue se afastar da vida dele, pois o moreno não deixa. Qualquer oportunidade ele consegue te subornar a sair com ele com a filha de vocês como pretexto.
"Se arruma lá, que tua sogra quer te ver." ' - ele diz enquanto você leva a filha ao portão dando os últimos toques no penteadinho que fez. Fecha a cara e cruza os braços na calçada quando escuta a falácia de Na, dizendo que não tinha sentido aparecer em aniversário de ex sogra, mas como sempre jaemin usa a filha de vocês como desculpa.
- Você é mãe da neta dela! dá na mesma. agora vai logo mulher! filhota apressa a mamãe que a gente não tem o dia todo.
□Que não deixa de reclamar sobre você ter bloqueado ele nas redes sociais e ainda te chama de mulher dele.
□ Que vive te dando satisfação da vida só pra mostrar que não tá com ninguém, que o coração ainda tá preso em ti.
□ Te convida pra sair só pra conversar sobre a filha de vocês mas no final acabam em uma roda de pagode se beijando cantando sorriso maroto, e ele pedindo perdão enquanto canta "sinais" e "brigas por nada" quase chorando no pé do teu ouvido.
□Que não deixa passar um oportunidade de entrar na sua casa quando leva a filha adormecida para a cama na noitinha de volta do passeio, e de quebra vai te levando na lábia e quando vê tá te metendo no quarto .
"Shii!! Jaemin vai devagar, nossa filha vai acordar! "
"só quando eu terminar de fazer outro em você, pra tú tomar vergonha nessa cara e voltar pra mim."
□Que é viciado em te mimar, te busca no trabalho toda sexta com um copão de açaí porque sabe que você vai tá cansada.
□Mostra que mudou com gestos e nunca perde oportunidade de pedir uma nova chance.
"-mulher eu te amo pra caralho. Volta pra mim, tô cheio de saudade, doido pra ficar contigo faz assim com gente não"
"eu larguei o outro emprego amor, faço o que tú quiser mas não me abandona não. volta pra mim."
□Toda vez que você aceita ir a uma festa de família e o começa a xoxar ele só ri e continua bebendo a cerveja, sentado e caladinho como "mulher fala eu sento e escuto"
"Pode juntar dinheiro pra fralda gente Ela late mas não morde. Daqui a pouco dou um chá de pica pra acalmar e a gente faz o Miguel hoje a noite"
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kpujing · 24 days ago
AU onde Hoseok finalmente retornou do serviço militar para alegria de todos... Menos de sua (ex)namorada, que aparentemente está decidida a evitá-lo.
Portuguese version | English version
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Original Character ((é a Naná aqui ok? Ok!))
Side Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Original Characters ((self insert, EU AMO MEU MARIDO TÁ BOM????))
Genre: Fluff, Comédia, Angst [era pra ser só um tantinho mas de repente eu fiquei completamente depressiva??? um tantinho de nada de angst ((E EU DETESTO TRISTEZA))], EU JURO QUE O FINAL É FELIZ!!!
A/N: AU de aniversário ((MUITO atrasado)) pra @naah-eps
FELIZ ANIVERSÁRIOOOO!! 🎉🎊🎉 [por favor não me mate pq começa triste do nada].
EPÍLOGO: Cause Ur Hot and Ur Cold.
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rickmcbonnes · 2 years ago
Contenido de los ex-maridos en humanos (? 😔👌
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Tengo como canon que Juan (EDOMEX) no era muy atento a sus acciones y ocupaba de conejillo de indias a Xavier cuando se dejaba (?) Soportar a Juan en los descansos debio ser horrible 😔✌
Aqui ya anda mas crecido ¿?
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De igual forma, tanto en el canon como en el au no se lleva bien con Jalisco (?)
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basilepesso · 2 years ago
Probablement un des meilleurs arrières latéraux de l'Histoire du foot, du FC Séville au FC Barcelone.
L'international brésilien, accusé de viol dans une boîte de nuit barcelonaise et incarcéré, est défendu par sa mère et son ex-femme, mais lâché par sa femme exactement comme Palmipède par certains de ses amis.
BP. >>>> "Una de las personas que se ha mantenido en su defensa al jugador ha sido su exmujer, Dinorah Santana. La mujer cree en su inocencia, así lo aseguraba en El Programa de Ana Rosa hace unas semanas. En dicho espacio insistió en que "no hay nada que le incrimine". "Dani no es violador, ¿Cómo está en prisión? Eso es lo que no me entra en la cabeza. Toda la vida ha tenido su imagen impecable, porque es una persona impecable", decía. Una posición totalmente distinta a la de su actual mujer, la modelo Joana Sanz, quien se ha mantenido al margen durante todo este tiempo. De hecho, la canaria no solo ha preferido mantenerse en silencio, sino que también se ha especulado con que podría estar iniciando los trámites de divorcio. Algo que jamás se ha llegado a confirmar, pero que no sería de extrañar teniendo en cuanta que tan solo ha visitado a su marido en la cárcel una vez y que ha borrado todas las publicaciones junto a él de su perfil de Instagram." 13 mars 2 023 (Fb) Articulo de La Vanguardia : “La madre de Dani Alves se pronuncia sobre el caso de su hijo: "Los traidores de Judas me lo quitaron"”
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sugarushsuga · 3 years ago
In Your Own Words - CH. 13
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Genre/Au's: Rom-Com, fluff with bits of angst - Coworkers!AU; enemies to lovers; Journalist!AU
Paring: RM x Reader
Words count: 6.588
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Cursing; Mentions of pregnancy;
Synopsis: After graduating your dream was to become a journalist and work to one of the biggest magazines in the country. But that pretty dream does not translate perfectly to reality. The magazine is on verge of bankruptcy, great journalists are moving the rival magazines and not being replaced, your boss is a jerk who doesn't even know your name. Fate seems to be toying you around to its own pleasure, can you take control of your life and achieve your dreams, or you are going to be carried away by fate's plans?
Author note: This fanfic follows the world of the Brazilian production Procura-se um marido series. I do not own the series or original content.
@hannahbee12719 always making the best banners for me❤️
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It's okay, calm down. Everything will be fine. It's going to be okay! You repeat non-stop that Monday, while You are untangling your hair, getting ready to go to work. You made the right decision. You mean, break up with Namjoon before the situation got even worse, you mean. End whatever it was that was going on between you before you got even more involved and ended this story in a pile of shards instead of a heart in your chest.
You know that, technically speaking, he was the one who put a full stop, but this detail is irrelevant.
Namjoon disappeared from the wedding after the argument. As far as you know, he hitchhiked back with Hoseok, which only proved your theory that something was wrong, very wrong in the world. Sabrina and you stayed for the lunch wedding on Sunday even though You were too moody and depressed to have fun. Delilah tried to talk to you a few times, but you dodged, that beautiful reminder of long legs how the devil flees the cross. No, you didn’t want to talk to her. You wanted to talk to your grandmother, but she was too busy—or too furious that you broke the cup—to give you attention.
You couldn't tell Sabrina anything because you knew what she would say: you ruined everything! Just like grandma said you would.
Shit! sometimes Grandma Cecilia scares you with her prophecies. So, there you are, getting ready for the moment you dread so much. Finding your ex-lover in the terrifying boss form.
You arrive a little late, but you notice the tense atmosphere as soon as you set a foot in the newsroom.
“What happened? Any new tragedy?” You ask Natacha.
She looks up from the computer screen. “Before it was! Is Namjoon…" She hesitates for a moment, looking for the right word, but ended up shaking her pink hair. “I don’t know what he is. It's not even nine in the morning, and he already yelled at the top of his lungs, yelled into the phone, kicked over a chair and told Yoongi to shut up twice.”
"Hmm... he looks depressed," You cheer. Not that You want to see him suffering or anything like that.
Cracks of shards came from the head-editor's office. Through the window that separate his space from the rest of the mortals, you see Namjoon gesturing, and he looks like yelling at someone on the phone.
"I think it's more like the son of the devil," counters Natacha.
“The agenda meeting is going to be great,” Ella grumbles as she passes.
You go to your desk, occasionally glancing at your boss, who is still arguing on the phone. You slung your bag over the back of your chair, smooth out your pencil skirt before sitting down and crossing your legs under the table. While waiting for the computer to come to life, you discreetly watch his office out of the corner of your eye. Namjoon has turned off the phone and stares at something on the back wall, hands on his narrow hips. He leans his head back, aiming at the ceiling, then rubs his hand over his face, as if trying to get rid of something that torments him. Then he turns around and his gaze meets yours. You shiver at the coldness in him. He looks away and gather some papers, heading for the meeting room.
You quickly divert your attention, trying to look busy and praying that he won’t come talk to you—although a little bit of anticipation burns in your heart.
Namjoon heads straight for the meeting room, through the door almost with a bang, and disappears inside. You looked at the clock. There are still fifteen minutes before the meeting starts.
Ella gives you a questioning look, Yoongi is looking at Julia without understandment, Natacha looks around the room with wide eyes. Irene and Youngjae abandon the new toys sent by a sex shop. Where it is Hani?
"What do we do now?" Natasha whispers to you.
"I think..."
The meeting room door swings open. Namjoon shoots the team with the look. "Is it too much to ask for my incompetent journalists to show up to the fucking meeting?"
"... we should go there. Like, right now" — You end up pouting.
In exactly twenty-three seconds, all the reporters are seated around the long table. Namjoon is at the head, standing.
"I hope you understand that I'm the boss of this shit, not the owner of it." he starts.
Everyone nods, afraid to open their mouths. Even Yoongi looks apprehensive.
"Veiga just called," he goes on. “For the second time today. The article about the diversion of money from the public coffers to the senator's account was vetoed."
"What?!" Yoongi spreads his hands on the table.
"It seems that Veiga and our corrupt senator are close" — Namjoon explains, turning over some papers in front of him. "He doesn't want anything related to the case to appear in the magazine."
"It's an absurd! This is hiding the facts from the people. It's censorship!
"And what do you think I was doing until now, yelling into the phone, Yoongi?" Namjoon spits through his teeth. "Veiga doesn't want to know. The magazine is his. Nothing about the case will appear on our pages. But look from the positive side. He wants the magazine full of trivia. Even suggested an article about traffic,” he finishes, smiling wryly.
"He must be crazy!" Yoongi mutter, flushed with anger.
"Yes. But it's the madman who pays your salary, so unless you want to put your notice, as Hani did, do as he order."
"Did Hani quit?" Irene asks, dumbfounded.
"She got an offer from her competitor," Namjoon explains impatiently.
"Oh no! Did she go to TopNews too?" Ella wants to know.
Namjoon just nods.
You're not sure why that bothers you so much. You liked Hani, she is fun and would definitely be missed, but that isn't what pesters. Suddenly TopNews seems almost a physical presence in Just-Facts, like an executioner ready to do its duty.
"Holy shit!" Yoongi lets go, dropping into his chair. "Everyone is going to disband for that shit magazine?"
"Is it?" Namjoon questions, placing his hands on the table and staring fixedly to his most renowned journalist.
"No, and you know it," Yoongi answers firmly. "But you can't be serious about vetoing the article. You know it's good, I have evidence, one exclusive with the senator. I bet Veiga has his ass stuck."
"It's no use, Yoongi. I tried, believe me. Just prepare an article about anything else. Now the next subject." He turns his head until he finds you. There is nothing but professionalism there. "Y/n, do you think you're fit to take on a column?"
You blink. About five times.
"What's it?"
He huffs, avoiding your gaping gaze. "Do you think you're ready to take on a column?"
"Y-yes." - Oh my God! Is this really happening?
"Excellent. I want you to take over Hani's column."
You stop breathing.
"Hani's?" You ask too loudly. “Like… writing about sex?"
"Some problem?"
Oh, none. As long as Hoseok, Uncle Vlad and Grandma Cecilia didn't read the column. Maybe if you use another alias...
“The Zodiac continues to get rave reviews,” he continues. —"You'll have to stick with both tasks for a while, until I find a substitutes for both."
That's when you understand where he is going.
"And once you find it, you'll fire me," You manage to say without screaming.
"You'll know if I ever intend to fire you, you can be sure of that,” he snaps, avoiding eye contact. "I'm planning to open a new space, something current that talks about nothing, about everything, anything of interest of young people. From the emails I've been reading, I think you have a direct channel with them. When I find an astrologer and someone with at least the basic knowledge of sexual behavior, we will discuss the matter again."
You blush for a number of reasons, but mostly because Namjoon has hinted you don't know anything about the topic. Yoongi doesn't even have the decency of trying to stifle his laughter, as Ella and Irene did. Namjoon pulls out one of his sheets and huffs angrily.
“Ella, please, what were you thinking when you wrote about Angela Kim's mustache?"
"Hey, she has a mustache!" Ella replies, balancing the pen on her finger’s lips drawn in line.
"And six lawyers too," Namjoon continues. "Congratulations, you got another case."
"But she has a mustache! Just because she's rich, I must pretend I don't see that caterpillar. Do me a favor..."
“You already know the procedure. Our lawyers will guide you, from that you don't throw shit on the fan anymore. Julia, stop crying or get out of the room, for God's sake! It's getting on my nerves."
Julia sobs loudly, covering her mouth with her hands and tries to compose herself. At the end of the meeting, people elbow their way out of the room before Namjoon remembers something else and decides to give more scolding. Staying at the end of the line, looking at the man making notes in the margins of a document, oblivious to everything around.
Ella is the last to pass, and you already have your hand on the doorknob to close the door after leaving, but you can't move on. Not before asking:
“Why are you doing this?
“Be more specific, Y/n. I don't have time for guess games" — he grunts, not bothering to lift his head.
"I'm talking about the column. Why did you decide to hit me right now?"
He doesn't take his eyes off the paper to answer. "It makes a difference?"
"For me it does. It seems very strange that just now you are willing to give me what I always wanted. Are you trying...”? You don’t have the courage to continue.
"Trying what, Y/n?" He lifts his head and looks at you with contempt. "Oh! Do you think I'm trying to pamper you for some reason? I don't want anything from you. You clarified your point on Saturday, and I finally understood. I'm giving you the opportunity to take over Hani's column because I thought that text of yours was good enough. And, as you can imagine, we don't have cash for immediate hires."
"Only that?"
His eyes narrow behind his glasses. "You are funny. When we were involved, you didn't want to talk with me about work, because you were afraid of taking advantage of being my lover. Now that all that hell is over, you complain that you don't need to worry about that detail. Do you know what you want, Y/n?"
The sadness you feel at the resentful tone in his voice eclipses your pride. “I was hoping that we could live together in peace, continue to be friends,” you mutter.
“You don't want me as a friend. Neither as a lover, boyfriend, neighbor, or anything that puts you within five meters of me." — he remembers, without even blinking. "Close the door behind you."
You throat feels tight, as if a block clogged the air passage. You don't want things to end this way. However, you can't close your eyes. You can't pretend you didn't hear him say to Delilah, he didn't want you. What is happening now, that devastation inside you, as if all your pillars are crumbling, is proof that if you had let your relationship go deeper, the end of it would have killed you.
It was the right thing to do, but doing the right thing isn't always painless. On the contrary, hurts, bleeds, burns.
You miss him. Not the man who had just spoken to you in that room, but the fun, caring guy you had grown to like and to admire. The world won't end because he is walking out of your life, but it will become cold and empty.
Your eyes start to itch, you hurry out of the meeting room, heading straight to the bathroom. You go into a stall and sit on the toilet seat, hugging yourself and sobbing loudly, trying to ease that burning in your chest, but to no avail.
You reach for the metal paper bin to get a piece of toilet paper to blow your nose, but it’s empty. "Damn it!" you cry even louder.
A thin, delicate hand appears from under the cabin partition. "Don't cry, Y/n."
"Oh, Julia." You take the roll of paper she offers you and hug it, as if that would make you feel better.
“He's been treating everyone badly today. Must have had an awful weekend.” she assures you.
Then the next door opens and seconds later you hear a knock at the door of the booth you are in. You release the latch, still sitting on the toilet.
"You look… awful," she notes as she opens the cabin door.
You shrug.
“I've discovered that I'm not lucky with men. I decided to become a lesbian."
She laughs lightly, leaning back against the partition. “Namjoon must mean a lot to you. Did he... go back to Alexia?"
You shake your head as you blow your nose. “He got involved with a cousin of mine. You believe? The guy goes with me to a party and melts into smiles for another woman! But that wasn't the worst. I heard Namjoon say he doesn't want me. Not that it was a surprise, I already kind of knew, it's just that... deep down, I was hoping that... you know." — you lift your shoulders, desolate. "I'm an idiot, aren't I? Only myself to fall in love with someone I know will come to nothing."
“You need to cool off,” Julia says, dampening a paper towel on the sink. "Get royally drunk, lick your wounds, and move on."
“What bad advice."
"I thought so too." She approaches and carefully pass the moist paper under your eyes, probably smudged with mascara. "But it was you who
told me that, remember? And, amazingly enough, it worked. I am fine, much better now. You will stay too."
You suddenly feel like you were going back in time. As if the months didn't have passed, everyone saying you would be fine, right after you caught Jimin between the neighbor's breasts. And, amazingly, people were right. You were fine. Not right away, but after a while. After Namjoon
invaded your life. And now he is leaving, and you would have to start it all again. Only this time alone.
Completely alone.
"You didn't look good in the meeting room" you tell Julia. "The Hani's exit shook you up a lot."
“I wasn't prepared to lose another friend. she didn't tell me anything. I was taken by surprise."
"Me too."
Deciding to forget about Namjoon, you get up with Julia's help and, after redoing your makeup, you dive into work and spend the rest of the day keeping busy. Which isn't so difficult, since Liz has received over two thousand messages, and you need to think about the article about
sex. But you can’t concentrate. You scrolled through the mailing list without actually seeing nothing for like five minutes. A little pink square on the left side of the screen warns you that you have to cover the car repair check that day.
Yeah, as if money popped into your account like that, out of nowhere...
You watch the calendar more closely. Two lines up, the number five is highlighted. Oh, crap! What did you miss?
You click on the number and look at the caption.
"Oh. My. God."
You do and redo the math at a frantic pace. For eight times! You are on the 17th, that is, twelve days away from the 5th.
Twelve days.
Two whole weeks.
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The days drag on. The hours do not pass. You don't want to live anymore. You suspect that your co-workers think you are with intestinal disarray. That alone would explain the thousands of times you run to the toilet for the past three days, hoping to find something that didn't have slightest sign that it would appear.
You are late. Fifteen days. The rectangular box with the pregnancy test is still intact inside your bag. You can't even look at it! You didn't tell Sabrina about the delay, as she didn't sleep at home for the last two nights. You also can't talk about it with anyone at work for several reasons. And you can't bring yourself to go into the bathroom and put an end to that uncertainty of fearing the result.
Namjoon remains in his furious state, yelling and lashing out his frustrations in anyone who looks at him. At that Thursday meeting, he looks even more disgusted than on Monday—especially after that you told him that you haven't done the zodiac or came up with anything for Hani's ex-column, but luckily the redhead had left two articles to cover her abrupt departure —and talking to him about what is troubling you seems like such a good idea just as committing suicide.
But it is your only alternative. Besides, if you really are... Oh my God, you can't even think about it... But if you were, he'd is also responsible. It isn't fair to have to deal with everything alone. He has the right to know and to decide whether or not to be part of the life of the...
Images of a chubby little baby plays in your mind: fair skin with fine brown tufts on her perfect head, large, round, eyes like yours, the half-debauched smile — still toothless — just like her father's, the plump little fingers...
You shake your head, determined to put an end to this situation. Regardless of the outcome, you are adults to bear the consequences. At least you hope you are.
You discreetly watched you colleagues. Everyone looks busy. You launch a look at Namjoon's room. He is engrossed in something on the screen of the computer. Keeping your eyes on him, you get up and grab some old papers from your table and head to his room. You stop in front of the door, steeling yourself. Your hands are shaking slightly, and you have no idea how you are going to get into it.
You hit.
Namjoon looks up from the monitor and, after a moment's hesitation, orders you in. You close the door carefully as you walk through it, hugging the papers you have in your hands, as if they could protect you from the icy gaze of the man behind the desk.
"Is that the Zodiac?" he asks sharply, indicating the papers on your arms.
“No.” It is irrelevant to tell him I haven't even started. How could you? You head was turned to your uterus and what could be inside. “I need to talk to you, Namjoon."
He looks at you, an eyebrow raised. "That I had already deduced."
You look back at the closed door, wondering if you haven't made a mistake and what were the chances of slipping out of there without him noticing. The odds aren't very good. So, you approach the table and settled into the chair in front of him. The brown eyes are glued to you, curious and impatiently, his fingers drum on the table.
"And then...?" he urges.
"I don't know how to start…" You declare, staring at your knees.
“You had no difficulty in verbalizing what was going on in your head last Saturday. Nothing you say will surprise me."
"Then well, I'm late,” you blurt out, your voice cracking.
He just smiles, ironic. Nothing worried. “I was at the meeting, Y/n. I already told you I want the zodiac by six. So, I think you better get back to your desk and get started."
"No." You shake your head apprehensively. "I'm not talking about the column, although it is also late. I mean I'm late, Namjoon. My... period."
"Aaaah." And then his eyes lose focus.
It seems you are still able to surprise him, after all.
You wait restlessly for an answer, whatever it is, but it doesn't come. He just looks at you as if he doesn't see you. You realize that you are holding your breath in anticipation and let it out forcefully. It brings him back from wherever he was.
"How much time?" He wants to know.
"Fifteen days."
"That much?"
You nod.
"Have you taken a test yet?" he asks, in an almost complacent voice.
You shake your head.
"And why not, Y/n?" And there goes the complacency.
“Because I was scared."
He takes a deep breath, the features of his face softening slightly. “Don't worry,” he says in a gentle voice. The one he used with you when you were out of the magazine. The one you haven't heard in the last week and which you have missed so much. “You're not alone in this."
You stare at him, dumbfounded. You knew he is a guy of principles and such, but you are no longer together — even though you have never been in fact—and he knows you had made plans with Jungkook in the past, so you were already more than ready to respond, with the greatest outrage, that yes, he is the father—that is, in case you are really pregnant.
"What's it?" Namjoon asks, scrutinizing your face carefully.
"You... aren't you going to make a scene and rant that you have nothing to do with that, that the father can be anyone and I should be damned?"
"No," he replies simply, folding his hands on the table.
"Why not?"
“Because if you're really pregnant, that child is mine."
"How can you be so sure?" — Oh, shut up! Which side are you on?
He fights a smile but ends up losing the battle. “Because I know you, Y/n. Because despite all the madness that happened between us, I know I was the only man who came to your bed in the last months."
“I thought you were going to yell at me when I told you,” You confess, running your fingers along the edges of the pages in your lap.
"You didn't think so, or you wouldn't be here now. How about I buy one those drug tests and put an end to the suspense once and for all?"
You curl up in the seat. “I have one in my bag. I've been walking it up and down since I realized the delay."
"Well... what are you waiting for?"
"But what if it's positive, Namjoon? What if I'm... pregnant?"
He stares at you for a long moment, and you try to guess the direction of his thoughts, but his face remains impassive, giving nothing back.
"Then you and I are going to sit down and talk," he clarifies under his breath.
"And then you're going to yell at me?" You want to know, hopefully.
He pursues his lips, holding back a stubborn smile. "Why do you want me to yell at you?"
"I don't know. I think because I saw how Hoseok reacted when he found out about Lorena's pregnancy"
“I would never yell at you for that. I already told you, you didn't do anything alone. I'm as responsible as you are. This is" — he pushes his glasses up using the indicator — "if there is anything to be held responsible for. And we will only know the answer if you take the test."
It's cool. You can do that. Just go into the bathroom and that's it. You don't even have to look at the result. Namjoon can do that for you. You get up hurriedly and is surprised when he does the same.
"I'll walk you to the bathroom," he warns.
“Oh, I don't think so. People will be surprised."
He frowns. "You're right." He looks at his watch. “Get your things. Go home. It's almost the end of the day anyway."
"Uh... not to be boring, but that will also make people wonder."
Then Namjoon says the only thing that would make you agree to leave early and with him, leaving a trail of gossip that only God would know what consequences would bring.
“We'll do this together, Y/n. I don't care what others think. You are all that matters to me now."
You nod and let him approach, opening the door and stepping to the side, giving you passage. You stop at your desk just to turn off the computer and get the bag. As you had predicted, all eyes are on you, even more so after Namjoon takes you by the elbow with touching gentleness and leads to the elevator. It is a relief when you enter the metal box and the doors slam shut, exiling you from the band of onlookers who, you are sure, will call the bets.
You are shaking from head to toe, absurdly tense at the prospect of the result to be positive. What are you going to do? How will you face a pregnancy alone? How can you have a child with a man who doesn't want you? You don't even have a career, damn it!
Namjoon heads towards your car.
"Keep calm." He strokes your arm gently, as if he wants to warm you up with it.
“It's easy to say. It's not you who's going to throw up for nine months and then have a baby ripping your body to get out."
You get in the car and unlock the passenger door. He sits next to you, slamming the door hard. You start up and start to maneuver.
"You're right," he agrees. "But I'll be by your side to hold your hair when you're throwing up, and when it's time to give birth, I'll force the doctor to fill you up on pain drugs. Then I'll hold your hand until you wake up."
You are already on the busy avenue. You want him to continue talking. Its sooths you.
"And how are you going to make the doctor dope me?" — you want to know.
“I'll threaten to put an embarrassing picture of him in the magazine, of course."
You end up laughing.
"And how are you going to get that picture?"
“Breaking into his house in the middle of the night while he's on call. I'm going to take advantage and hijack his diploma. In case he doesn't give in to the blackmail with just the photo."
"It's a good plan, but after that you'd be arrested, and the baby and I would have to bring you cigarettes on Sundays."
“That I would trade for prison security, to keep my masculinity intact. You know how it is. I'm a very attractive man,” he jokes.
Oh, you know that very well.
“Three years later,” You say, “you would get out of jail for good behavior and would be unemployed. Baby and I would have to sell candy at the light sign."
“And no serious media outlet would give me a job, which would force me to accept the offer of some unreliable rag."
“But since you made a lot of contacts while you were in jail, you would investigate an old unsolved case and find out the whole truth."
"What kind of case?" he wants to know.
“Hmm… a crime involving a famous football player of fifty's...?"
"Nice!" His eyes gleam. "And I'd get good money for it, because it would sell it to all the media and recover my good name. But I would not accept any of the millionaire job proposals, because after being in prison, I would want to see the world. So, I would take you and the baby and take you to live with me in Indianapolis. Where a scout would see me riding through the city streets in my Ducati and invite me to be a MotoGP rider. But I wouldn't win a single race."
“I'm not so sure about that. You drive like crazy. I think you would be a good pilot, but I wouldn't like it very much. I would be worried if you got hurt."
"Would you?" He asks, looking surprised.
“Of course, Namjoon! Do you think I wouldn't get mess up every time you climb on one of those things that fly at two hundred miles an hour, protected only by a helmet? I am already distressed here where, thank God, there are traffic laws to stop you from going over 120 an hour."
"Are you distressed? Because?"
Because that's what a woman in love does, you want to add. You blush when you feel his eyes on you, waiting for the answer.
“Because… I… It doesn't matter, Namjoon." You shake your head.
The silence that follows is harrowing. You try to pay attention to the traffic and not further worsen the situation by crashing the car. Twenty minutes later you park in front of the building. You turn the key and pulls the handbrake, but you don't move an inch more. Your life could be about to change, how can you get out of the car and face what is to come? having a baby is part of your dreams, but at a more opportune time. When you are financial stable, with a job you are proud of and a man who knead, for example.
“Let's go upstairs and get this over with, Y/n. You look about to fall apart, and I'm not the right guy to pick up your wreckage."
Only at that moment the coldness of the last few days become perceptible in his tone of voice. And it is a shame because you were missing him to death.
Namjoon. Oh my God, you separated the two. Bad Namjoon and Good Namjoon. How the Doctor and the Monster. Or Clark Kent and Superman. Although the last ones are pretty cool... and very cute. Just like Namjoon.
You follow him out of the car, always keeping one step behind, until you arrive at Bea's apartment. Yeotan greet you, and you take all the time in the world to play with him.
"Come on, Y/n, don't be a coward," he teases, nodding his head to the bathroom at the end of the hall.
“I'm scared,” You whisper.
He seems to understand the torment inside of you, his face darkens but his voice is sweet by saying: "Want me to come in with you?"
“Oh my God, Namjoon. Of course not!" But that is all that you needed.
"I'll stay at the door then, ready to greet you when you leave."
"No. I can't do that," You object, embarrassed. "You wait for me here in the room. I'll be back when everything's ready."
The exam box feels like a tambourine in your shaking hands as you make your way to the bathroom. Two minutes later, you return to the living room, where Namjoon is waiting for you on his feet, trying to look calm and collected, but that little V between his brows he gives it away.
"What's up?"
"You have to wait three minutes. I can't look." You hand him the baton.
He takes it, calmly. You back away, standing in front of the window, next to the still messed up by the plastic parts, dining table counting the seconds. When you reach one hundred eighty, you force yourself to face your future, literally in Namjoon's hands.
"Positive or negative?"
He is studying the white stick from different angles, then scratches his head, He adjusts his glasses with his index finger and frowns. "Hmm... I'm not sure. How do I know if it's positive?"
“One line and I'm screwed,” you explain. “Two, we're free."
"Right. And a line and a half?" He raises his confused eyes to find yours.
"How so?"
“There's a line and a half here."
You hurry across the room, picking up the baton, and studies it. "Shit! Didn't work."
"Are you sure you did it right?"
You narrow your eyes. “Peeing on a fucking stick is no secret, Namjoon."
He shrugs. "It must be defective. I'm going to buy another."
You drop on the couch and buries your head in your hands. "I can't believe that when I finally got up the courage, this crap decided to fail."
"It happens. Wait here. I'll go to the pharmacy and be right back."
He is already leaving when you call him back.
“Namjoon…” He turns, eyes bright, anxious. It looks like he is hoping for something, but you have no idea what it could be. "Thanks."
The glow fades a little. “The responsibility is also mine. You didn't do anything alone. I am not going leave you alone at a time like this."
In that instant, you feel proud to have slept with Namjoon.
All seven times.
Namjoon walks into the house with the bag on his wrist and, without saying anything, hands you the test.
"Ah, well... it's just that I don't feel like peeing right now."
"Y/n!" he scolds, frowning.
"What can I do? I just did it now. Nature needs to act huh?"
“Let's give nature a hand."
And with that, he makes you drink two big glasses of water and a can of soda. About half an hour later, you go to the bathroom again, but this time he follows.
“I can't with you here." You stand still, hips resting on the sink, arms crossed, looking at the huge man inside the cramped bathroom.
"It's ridiculous for you to have a fit of embarrassment over a pee, considering everything we've done in bed."
Your face heats up until you can feel all the veins pulsing under your skin.
“I'm not going to pee with you looking at me and that's it."
“I'll never understand you…” He shakes his head, but leaves. "I will stay out here. Do everything right this time."
"I did everything right the first time!" But just in case, you read the instructions that came with the test.
This time, when you open the bathroom door, Namjoon is waiting for you there and he just stretches out his hand, aware that you won't be able to look at the stick that can change your whole life in three measly minutes.
Too impatiently, you go to Bea's tidy kitchen, opening the cupboards looking for something to eat, and you end up getting a tin of biscuits. Namjoon follows you, standing there leaning against the doorway, arms crossed, watching you swallow one cookie after another.
"I eat when I'm nervous," You explain with your mouth full, and he chuckles softly.
"You can relax. Two lines,” he mutters a minute later.
"Oh my God. I'm not pregnant!" You sink into the cream chair, dizzy with relief, and let your head drop to the massive table. A hint of disappointment lurks in your heart as the image of the perfect baby starts fade from your mind until it disappears for complete.
“This deserves a celebration,” you say, straightening up, but your voice sounds a little... despondent.
“Of course, of course. Let's celebrate." Namjoon is still staring at the stick and doesn't look relieved. He looks…disappointed too. But he quickly composes himself and smiles, only it is a kind of weird smile, it doesn't reach his eyes.
"Thank you for being a nice guy and sticking by my side all the time." You thank in a whisper.
“I couldn't have acted any different."
"I know it. You're a decent guy, Namjoon."
"Am I?" His forehead creases. "Are you sure? because on Saturday you didn't seem to know about it. By the way, on Saturday you seemed to believe that I was everything, but decent."
“Look, let's not talk about this now, okay? “You stand up. "I do not want fight with you again."
“Just explain your logic to me, Y/n. I need to understand. How can I be decent now and such a scoundrel on Saturday?"
Here's something you also want to understand.
“You were such a sweetheart to me today, and I hated these last few days, the way how you treated me. Please, can't we forget a little bit about what happened and continue as we were a minute before?"
He blocks the way with his body when you try to pass him. "Answer my question."
"I don't know, okay?" You yell. "I can't understand you. Simply I don't understand you! Maybe you're crazy, maybe bipolar. Or maybe the problem is in me. Maybe I'm really the immature girl you keep saying that I am."
"I'm glad you finally realized that" he says, and the defiance gleams in his sneer.
He is teasing you on purpose. And you, stupid, fall for it.
"Yeah, I figured it out," You roar, feeling the blood bubbling in your veins. "I realized that you're a cocky, too old asshole for me. Who is looking for a mature woman, someone on your level? Like Alexia, for example. I imagine kidnapping a dog sure tops the list of mature acts of an adult. Or maybe you prefer Delilah. You looked like you have a lot in common at my cousin's wedding, a party at which you were my companion. You two have more in common than I realized. Especially the taste for boredom!"
"That's what I intend to do," he replies, straightening his shoulders, looking very pleased. “I can't wait to have a grown-up conversation. Something that hasn't happened since you came into my life!"
“Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Kim! My sincere apologies for my youth. I can't do much about it. As for the mater of me in your life, I can solve it right now." You walk past him with your head held high, glaring at him.
He doesn't return nothing, just that coldness that drives you crazy. A slight pull on his jaw betrays that something in him is also about to overflow. And because of it you stop, realizing that there is nothing you can say, it will do no good to offend him, hurt him—or punch him so that he can stop being such an idiot. None of that would make you happy.
"I sincerely hope that one day someone can make you truly happy." Your voice shakes. “I always knew that this someone wouldn't be me."
Something changes in his face, in his posture. It is as if he had been punched in the stomach. You walk past him, heading over to the couch to grab your bag.
"Wait, Y/n," he calls in a gentle tone, sounding almost regretful.
"No." And you run away before he sees the tears that are starting sting your eyes, behaving just like the immature little girl he believes that you are.
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Ⓒ 2022 Sugarushsuga, do not copy, translate or repost.
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bts-scenarios-br · 4 years ago
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Fluff -> fofo/romântico/final feliz
Angst -> drama
Smut -> hot/conteúdo explícito
Crack -> comédia/engraçado/bobo
》Kim Seokjin
Temas: angst, fluff
Gênero: feminino
Sinopse: "Oh, aí vai ela de novo
Todas as manhãs é a mesma coisa
Você passa na frente da minha casa
Eu quero chamar seu nome
Eu quero te dizer o quão linda você é
De onde estou observando
Você me faz pensar
No que poderíamos ser "
(Imagination - Shawn Mendes)
》Min Yoongi:
◇They’re not wrong
Temas: angst
Genero: feminino
Sinopse: Às vezes, tudo o que você precisa é que seu namorado fique do seu lado. Acontece que nem sempre ele entende a importância disso.
◇I F*cking Love You
Temas: smut, fluff (friends to lovers)
Gênero: feminino (cisgênero)
Sinopse: Depois de descobrir que seu namorado dava mais importância em satisfazer suas "necessidades" do que em ser fiel à você, a última coisa que queria era que seu melhor amigo brincasse com seus sentimentos. Mas, talvez não seja uma brincadeira.
》Jung Hoseok:
Temas: sobrenatural, angst, fluff
Gênero: feminino
Sinopse: Depois de ter sido tirada do mundo que conhecemos pelo seu pai, rei dos Demônios, você tem a chance de retornar à vida que tanto amava apenas uma vez por ano, no dia trinta e um de outubro, halloween. Mas as coisas começam a desandar quando seu descuidado faz com que uma paixão do passado te reencontre. Será que seus sentimentos são mais fortes do que seu destino?
》Kim Namjoon:
◇No Judgment
Temas: fluff (friends to lovers)
Gênero: feminino
Sinopse: Seu relacionamento com o Namjoon é... inusitado. Não importa se vocês se encontram todos os dias durante semanas ou passam meses sem se falar, sempre podem contar um com o outro para quando precisam. (Inspirado na música "No Judgment" - Niall Horan)
》Park Jimin:
◇Life Goes On
Temas: fluff, angst, leve smut
Gênero: feminino
Sinopse: A vida às vezes acontece mais rápido do que gostaríamos. Mas, no final das contas, o que importa mesmo é que aproveitemos dos seus melhores momentos, especialmente se for ao lado daqueles que mais amamos.
》Kim Taehyung:
◇La Vie En Rose
Temas: angst, fluff
Gênero: feminino
Sinopse: Seu casamento com o Taehyung acabou de uma maneira que destruiu ambos, e a única coisa que ainda os conectava era seu bebê. Bom, pelo menos era o que pensavam, até uma certa música despertar lembranças fortes demais para serem ignoradas pelo seu ex-marido.
Temas: smut, angst, fluff
Gênero: feminino (cisgênero)
Sinopse: Uma briga boba por um motivo idiota foi o suficiente para deixar você e o Taehyung completamente para baixo. Mal sabiam vocês que um banho compartilhado era tudo o que precisavam para resolver seus desentendimentos.
》Jeon Jungkook:
◇Not important
Temas: angst (idol!au)
Gênero: feminino
Sinopse: Seu passado com o Jungkook foi doloroso, mas fez quem se tornou hoje. Conseguiu o superar mesmo com inevitáveis encontros dentro da indústria, mas quando seus grupos são os únicos coreanos em um evento estrangeiro, acabam se vendo obrigados a interagirem mais do que o esperado. Será que os sentimentos do passado vão voltar à tona? E se sim, por parte de quem?
◇Make It Right
Temas: angst, fluff
Gênero: feminino
Sinopse: Namorar um Idol jamais será algo fácil, e você já sabia disso quando decidiu entrar em um relacionamento com o Jungkook. Mas ás vezes, certas coisas ultrapassam alguns limites... como ele esquecer uma promessa especial.
◇Let's Make Love Tonight
Temas: angst, smut, fluff (friends to lovers)
Gênero: feminino (cisgênero)
Sinopse: O que poderia dar errado em uma amizade colorida com o seu melhor amigo mundialmente famoso? Com certeza, se apaixonar por ele não era a resposta que tinha em mente quando fez a proposta... e muito menos não ser correspondida.
◇I'll Protect You
Temas: Angst, fluff
Gênero: Feminino
Sinopse: Alguns podem até achar que, por ser a chefe de segurança do grupo, jamais algo aconteceria com você. Mas certas pessoas deixam suas obsessões a levarem à fazer coisas surreais.
◇Yes or No
Temas: Fluff Gênero: Feminino Sinopse: Are we Falling in Love? If so, then I think I know What´s Going on
◇We are not seven with you…
Temas: fluff (não-romantico)
Gênero: feminino
Sinopse: "A música é nosso idioma e nossos sonhos são os nossos mapas. Cada um de nós segurando bandeiras com cores diferentes, cantando contos diferentes em idiomas diferentes, marcharemos juntos até o fim dos tempos. BTS não é apenas uma história de 7 pessoas. É uma história de você, eu e todos"   -Namjoon
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Domestic Bangtan:
Maratonando uma série com o Namjoon
Volta de carro noturna para comprar làmen com o Jin
Café da manhã na cama em um dia preguiçoso com o Jimin
Banho de banheira com o Tae
Acampando com o Jungkook
Spa day em casa com o Hobi
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Especiais de Natal 2020:
Stars (Kim Namjoon)
Hot Chocolate (Kim Seokjin)
Candles & Wine (Min Yoongi)
Part of The Family (Jung Hoseok)
Christmas Tree (Park Jimin)
Cookies and Socks (Kim Taehyung)
My Present (Jeon Jungkook)
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ninasousa21 · 5 years ago
Chapters: 2/7 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Laura Barton Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Maria Hill, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne Additional Tags: Romanogers Appreciation Week 2020, Tony é o irmão que Natasha nunca teve, Wanda e Pietro são Romanoff, Romanogers Queima lenta, Todos são protetores de Nat, Clint e Laura são policiais, Fury é... Fury Series: Part 1 of Recomeço Summary:
Natasha finalmente está de volta após um divórcio conturbado e ainda o congelamento de seus bens pelas acusações contra seu ex marido. Decidida a se estabilizar em NY, ela está contente, pois tem o apoio não apenas de seus irmãos, Pietro e Wanda, como seus amigos, inclusive Tony que insiste para que tenha uma vaga em sua empresa, acreditando que assim, poderá salvá-la.
Enquanto Steve está amargurado, mesmo após anos depois de um acidente no Afeganistão que o levou ao coma, ele se concentrou em seu trabalho, tentando e fazendo o possível para ajudar seu amigo Tony, e tentar esquecer a traição sofrida pelo amor de seu passado.
Poderiam essas duas almas tão diferentes e tão parecidas, não apenas resolverem as diferenças e desconfianças como acreditarem no amor de novo?
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ao3feed-stevenatasha · 5 years ago
Duas almas
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2EDY4er
by Marisousa3
Natasha finalmente está de volta após um divórcio conturbado e ainda o congelamento de seus bens pelas acusações contra seu ex marido. Decidida a se estabilizar em NY, ela está contente, pois tem o apoio não apenas de seus irmãos, Pietro e Wanda, como seus amigos, inclusive Tony que insiste para que tenha uma vaga em sua empresa, acreditando que assim, poderá salvá-la.
Enquanto Steve está amargurado, mesmo após anos depois de um acidente no Afeganistão que o levou ao coma, ele se concentrou em seu trabalho, tentando e fazendo o possível para ajudar seu amigo Tony, e tentar esquecer a traição sofrida pelo amor de seu passado.
Poderiam essas duas almas tão diferentes e tão parecidas, não apenas resolverem as diferenças e desconfianças como acreditarem no amor de novo?
Words: 3918, Chapters: 1/7, Language: Português brasileiro
Series: Part 1 of Romanogers Recomeço
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Maria Hill, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Laura Barton
Additional Tags: Romanogers Appreciation Week 2020, Tony é o irmão que Natasha nunca teve, Wanda e Pietro são Romanoff, Romanogers Queima lenta, Todos são protetores de Nat, Clint e Laura são policiais, Fury é... Fury
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2EDY4er
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todo7roki · 2 years ago
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jaehyun x leitor
gênero: smut, ex marido!au, exes to lovers.
conteúdo: jaehyun pai, leitor mãe, linguagem imprópria, dirty talk, breathing kink, sexo sem proteção (usem camisinha), menç��o de gravidez, oral feminino.
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jaehyun é um bom pai, ele sempre foi, você não costuma elogiar o seu ex marido porém, você precisava assumir que ele fazia muito bem para seu filho de cinco anos.
ele estava saindo do carro, com o filho de vocês nos braços, adormecido, e com a mochila do homem-aranha em uma de suas mãos desocupada. você já estava com sua roupa de dormir, apenas esperando jaehyun chegar com seu príncipe.
— parece que alguém se divertiu hoje, nunca vi esse menino dormindo antes das nove da noite. — você disse enquanto passava as mãos pelo seu braço, você estava arrepiada por conta do frio que estava fazendo naquela noite.
— ele se divertiu muito na casa da minha mãe, meu sobrinho estava lá então ele brincou bastante. — jaehyun olhou para seus braços e viu que você está a arrepiada, ele sabia que você estava sentindo frio. — posso entrar para deixá-lo na cama? quero me despedir do meu garotão e não quero que você congele nesse frio.
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não foi apenas uma despedida inocente, após deixar o filho no quarto dormindo, você e jaehyun estavam fazendo o que sempre acontece quando ele coloca os pés em sua casa, a recaída de um casal que ainda sente atração um pelo outro.
— você sabe o quanto eu amo te comer? mesmo você me deixando, você sempre será minha buceta preferida. — ele falava enquanto te chupava, ele parou e olhou no fundo de seus olhos. — você sempre será minha favorita.
estava tão bom, era gostoso sentir a língua de jaehyun em você.
— por isso não estamos juntos, seu canalha. — você falava entre gemidos. — eu sempre vou ser a favorita, mas você sempre terá outras.
jaehyun sempre foi mulherengo e sempre foi bom de lábia, ele te conquistou em alguns dias e um ano depois vocês se casaram e meses depois você estava grávida de seu príncipe. jaehyun pode ser o homem mais babaca do mundo, porém ele te deu o presente mais precioso do mundo.
vocês estão separados a alguns meses devido a brigas, para não tornar o ambiente tóxico para o filho de vocês, a melhor decisão foi morar separados por um tempo.
mas o tesão que vocês sentiam um pelo outro nunca passou.
— eu quero de foder com força, beijar você até tirar sua respiração, quero fazer você sentir meu pau indo fundo dentro de você. — você estava montada no pau dele, subindo e descendo lentamente enquanto ele sussurrava em seu ouvido.
— amor você é tão bom...
— eu sou assim pra você, mesmo você me achando um babaca, eu sempre vou ser bom pra você. você quer que eu vá mais forte em você? mais fundo? quer que eu te engravide de novo? você ficou tão linda grávida.
seus gemidos estavam se tornando mais altos, então jaehyun pegou você e te deitou de bruços em sua cama, forçando sua cabeça contra o colchão.
— linda, apesar de amar seus gemidos e amar o quão gostosa você fica, eu preciso mesmo que você faça isso bem baixinho aqui no meu ouvido, não se esqueça que nosso menino está dormindo no outro quarto. — ele falou enquanto enfiava em você e beijava lentamente seu pescoço.
— você consegue fazer isso por mim, minha favorita?
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clique aqui e me mande as ideias que passa na sua cabecinha, vamos conversar?
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O cenário era familiar, a cama grande de lençóis brancos, a sacada com vista para o mar esmeralda e areia de cascalhos brancos. No céu escuro de poucas estrelas havia uma lua tímida brilhando por trás de algumas poucas nuvens, a brisa era quente e tinha cheiro de sal, passava pela porta balcão aberta balançando de leve as cortinas de tecido leve.
Ao longe o som do mar quebrando na praia me deixava com uma sensação leve como se estivesse flutuando. Era uma lembrança viva como eu nunca havia tido antes, desde a madeira rangendo de leve sobre meus pés até os cabelos balançando nas costas.
Foi a primeira viagem que fiz com Tooru, estamos num período de calor ele queria conhecer o resort então nos planejamos por alguns meses. Também me lembrava daquela noite, porque foi a primeira que ele me tomou, eu fiquei observando do balcão à vista enquanto ele resolvia algo em relação a chave do quarto na recepção.
Depois de algum tempo o rapaz voltaria, reclamando do atendimento e eu tentaria o acalmar falando que não precisava de tudo aquilo. As mãos subiriam devagar pela minha lateral enquanto o espa��o entre nossos corpos diminuía, beijos preguiçosos sendo depositados na pele acompanhada de carícias sedutoras.
Ele estava ali, sentia seu tronco batendo contra as minhas costas, o calor da pele irradiando através das roupas e os dedos que encontraram o caminho por debaixo da barra da camisa para tocar minha cintura. Suspirei pela dor da lembrança tomando coragem para ir contra o próprio sonho e virar.
Enganada estava quando achei que veria o meu ex. O rapaz que mantinha as mãos na minha cintura era mais alto, tinha os cabelos cor de tinta nanquim e os olhos afiados num tom de amarelo cintilante, os lábios eram rosados e se levantavam num sorriso debochado deixando levemente a mostra uma fileira de dentes brancos. Ele era lindo, uma beleza deslumbrante que nunca tinha visto antes.
-O que foi meu amor? - a voz dele calma e profunda me alcançou os ouvidos enquanto franzia de leve a testa - Cansada demais pra nossa lua de mel?
Na mão esquerda, no dedo anelar um filete de ouro que nunca esteve lá antes. A mão dele se ergueu na direção do meu rosto e ajustando alguns fios atrás da minha orelha estendeu o carinho para a nuca puxando a minha cabeça de leve para trás deixando o caminho para o meu pescoço livre.
-Eu não sou casada.
A risada rouca roçou contra a minha pele - Não, mas não ligo de brincar de marido de alguém tão deliciosa como você. - se pressionando mais contra mim senti seu membro rijo na minha perna. - Já faz tanto tempo, eu estou faminto.
Essa última fala veio acompanhada de um grunhido quase animalesco, levantando o rosto apenas para me encarar nos olhos.
-[Nome] [Sobrenome] a partir de agora você é minha.
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Aestethic Au! Ticket para Estocolmo Kuroo x Leitora(+18) Alerta: Abuso psicológico, Shibari, Palavras de Baixo Calão.
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kpujing · 1 month ago
AU onde Hoseok finalmente retornou do serviço militar para alegria de todos... Menos de sua (ex)namorada, que aparentemente está decidida a evitá-lo.
Portuguese version | English version
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Original Character ((é a Naná aqui ok? Ok!))
Side Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Original Characters ((self insert, EU AMO MEU MARIDO TÁ BOM????))
Genre: Fluff, Comédia, Angst [era pra ser só um tantinho mas de repente eu fiquei completamente depressiva??? um tantinho de nada de angst ((E EU DETESTO TRISTEZA))], EU JURO QUE O FINAL É FELIZ!!!
A/N: AU de aniversário ((MUITO atrasado)) pra @naah-eps
FELIZ ANIVERSÁRIOOOO!! 🎉🎊🎉 [por favor não me mate pq começa triste do nada].
MASTERLIST | Anterior | Capítulo 5 | Próximo
ATO 1: The Interlude.
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MASTERLIST | Anterior | Capítulo 5 | Próximo
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elcinelateleymickyandonie · 4 years ago
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1943: La Boîte aux rêves de Yves Allégret: una silueta en la película"
1943: Les Petites du quai aux fleurs de Marc Allégret : Jérôme Hardy
1945: Le Pays sans étoiles de Georges Lacombe : Simon Le Gouge y Frédéric Talacayud
1945: El idiota de Georges Lampin : El príncipe Muychkine, inocente de espíritu
1945: Schéma d'une identification, cortometraje inédito de Alain Resnais
1946: Ouvert pour cause d'inventaire, cortometraje inédito de Alain Resnais
1947: Le Diable au corps de Claude Autant-Lara: François Jaubert
1947: La cartuja de Parma de Christian-Jaque: El marqués Fabrice Del Dongo
1947: Les Drames du bois de Boulogne, cortometraje de Jacques Loew: comentario
1948: Une si jolie petite plage de Yves Allégret: Pierre Monet, el viajero
1948: Tous les chemins mènent à Rome de Jean Boyer: Gabriel Pégase, geómetra
1949: La Beauté du diable de René Clair: Enrique y Fausto joven
1949: Visite à Picasso, cortometraje documental de Paul Haesaerts: récitant du film
1950: Souvenirs perdus de Christian-Jaque : Gérard de Narcay, el loco evadido del asilo
1950: Juliette ou la Clé des songes de Marcel Carné: Michel, el soñador que busca a Juliette
1950: La Ronde de Max Ophüls: El Conde
1950: Saint-Louis, ou L'Ange de la paix, cortometraje, documental de Robert Darène: comentario
1950: La paix vaincra, documental polaca de Joris Ivens: comentario de la versión francesa
1950: Avec André Gide, documental de Marc Allégret: comentario
1951: Avignon, bastion de la provence, cortometraje de James Guenet: él mismo
1951: Vedettes sans maquillage, cortometraje de Jacques Guillon: él mismo
1951: Fanfan la Tulipe de Christian-Jaque: Fanfan la Tulipe
1951: Los siete pecados capitales, sketch El octavo pecado de Georges Lacombe
1951: Fêtes galantes : Le peintre Watteau, cortometraje, documental de Jean Aurel : comentario
1952 : Les Belles de nuit de René Clair: Claude, compositor oscuro de música
1952: Les Amants de la villa Borghèse, sketch La Rupture de Gianni Franciolini: El joven en el banco
1953: Les Orgueilleux de Yves Allégret: Georges, ex médico alcohólico
1953: Monsieur Ripois de René Clément: Mr André Ripois, marido de Catherine.
1942: Une grande fille toute simple de André Roussin, casino de Nice: Mick
1943: Une jeune fille savait de André Haguet, tournée Rasimi.
1942: Sodome et Gomorrhe de Jean Giraudoux, Georges Douking, Théâtre Hébertot: l'Ange
1944: Au petit bonheur de Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon, Pasquali, Théâtre Gramont
1945: Fédérigo de René Laporte, Théâtre des Mathurins: prince blanc
1945: Calígula de Albert Camus, Paul Œttly, Théâtre Hébertot: Caligula
1947: Les Épiphanies d'Henri Pichette, Georges Vitaly, Théâtre des Noctambules: le Poète
1948: K.M.X , Jacques Deval, Théâtre de la Michodière: Harold Britton.
1949: Le Figurant de la gaité de Alfred Savoir, Théâtre Montparnasse.
1951: Le Cid de Pierre Corneille, mise en scène Jean Vilar, Festival de Aviñón: Rodrigue
1951: Le Prince de Hombourg d'Heinrich von Kleist, Jean Vilar, Festival de Aviñón: Prince Frédéric
1951: Mère courage de Bertolt Brecht, Suresnes: Eilif, l'un des fils.
1951: La Calandria de Bernardo da Bibbiena, René Dupuy, Festival de Aviñón: Artemona.
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lainfaustus · 4 years ago
Fictober Day 26
Prompt number: "how about you trust me for once?"
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia AU
Rating: Teen+
Warning/Tags: None
Count word: 1544
(NOTA: He estado viendo La Ley Y El Orden, así que eso explica porque tanto lenguaje florido 😅)
El Verdadero Sentimiento del Alma IV
—“¿Qué tal si confías en mí por una vez?” —dijo Iida molesto.
—Será porque te acostaste con él.
—Ya te lo dije, él casi me obligó.
Shinsou abrazó a su marido y lo besó.
—¿Quieres un hijo, no? —dijo Iida.
—Sí, lo quiero mucho, pero él dijo que tenía pruebas de violación…
—Eso, o pruebas de que le gusta el sexo duro.
—Sí, supongo, pero… 
—Debes ayudarme a hacer esto, y si dices exactamente lo que te diré, tendremos un hermoso niño de cuatro años.
—¿Y crees que te creerán si dices que fue consensual?
—Piénsalo, quién le va a creer a alguien con esa espantosa sonrisa.
—Cierto… Al menos nuestro hijo no será rubio.
Monoma llevaba a su hijo al pre-escolar. Aun seguía inseguro con lo de su sonrisa así que a veces llevaba un cubrebocas, pero no volvió a tocar el tema con su hijo, siempre alegre, siempre sonriente, brincando y corriendo. Era un niño muy activo.
Después de dejarlo, fue al trabajo. Estaba un poco corto de dinero, no ganaba lo suficiente, y tenía que comprar algunas cosas para la casa, como una cama para Kaito, su hijo, pues ya no podían dormir juntos. Ahora que tenía ese tipo de problemas, había dejado de pensar en Shinsou e Iida, hasta se creyó libre, pero ese día, al volver a casa después de hacer unas compras, sus miedos volvieron.
Mientras Kaito miraba la TV, el revisaba el correo, cuando vio una carta del juzgado familiar. Sintió que el corazón le dolía, y sus miembros fríos. Lo abrió, y palideció: ese hombre quería quitarle a su hijo.
—Papi —dijo Kaito—, te ves asustado, ¿viste un fantasma?
—No… No, nene, yo… Necesitamos hablar.
Monoma apagó la televisión y lo sentó de frente a él.
—Kaito, sabes que yo soy tu papi, verdad? Y sabes que los otros niños tienen un papi y una mami, o dos papás, o dos mamás…
—Eso sí lo sé.
—Bien… Tú…tienes otro papi.
—Ah… —dijo sin mucha emoción.
—Pero él no vive con nosotros porque se casó con un hombre muy amable.
—¿Por qué no se casó contigo?
—Él no me amaba… Él me lastimó mucho… Y luego tú naciste.
—¿Yo también te lastimé?
—No —lo abrazó—, tú curaste todas las heridas que me hizo —le besó el rostro haciendo reír al niño.
—¿Y papá vendrá a vernos?
Monoma perdió su sonrisa.
—Él quiere llevarte con él y con su esposo.
—¿Para visitarlos?
—Para vivir con ellos.
—¡No! —gritó asustado y se abrazó a él— No dejes que me lleven, papi, yo no quiero irme de aquí, yo no quiero otro papi, sólo te quiero a ti.
Comenzó a llorar. Monoma lo consoló, abrazándolo.
—No llores, Kaito, yo jamás permitiré que te alejen de mí lado, no llores, papá va a cuidarte.
Monoma dejó a Kaito en el preescolar, y fue a buscar a un abogado barato. Aizawa Shōta era el indicado, era bueno y aceptó que Monoma le pagara de a poco, dada su situación.
Ambos fueron a la cita, dónde Monoma volvió a ver a Iida y Shinsou, junto con un atractivo abogado de nombre Hizachi Yamada, que, según decían, era un abogado cruel.
Aizawa-san mostró que Monoma no tenía deudas, tenía un departamento propio, y su hijo contaba con buena salud. También mostró los documentos que demostraban la tortura y violación que Monoma vivió tres días seguidos. Pero Yamada-san mostró que la evidencia policial podía mostrar también los gustos sadomasoquistas de Monoma, que, según ex compañeros, decían que eso era normal en Monoma, quien miró indignado a la pareja.
Yamada-san continuó diciendo que el departamento era pequeño, pedía que otro doctor revisara la salud del niño, pues, según decían, se veía muy delgado y pequeño para tener cinco años, y que Iida y Shinsou le darían una mejor vida, con más oportunidades a Kaito, sobre todo porque Monoma trabajaba hasta tres horas después de que las clases de Kaito terminaban, y el niño se quedaba en la dirección de la escuela.
El juez dio por terminada la sesión y los citaron para otro día.
Al salir, Monoma los miró.
—¿Cómo se atreven…? —quiso acercarse, pero Aizawa-san lo detuvo— ¡Es mi hijo!
—También es mío —dijo Iida con tranquilidad, mientras Shinsou se abrazaba a su brazo, sonriendo—, tengo derecho a darle lo mejor, y eso no está a tu lado.
—Él está bien, yo lo he protegido, lo he cuidado, ¡tú me violaste!
—Si te lastimé, no lo hubieras tenido.
Monoma quiso lanzarse a él, pero Aizawa-san logró meterlo al elevador, cerrando las puertas.
—No hagas eso —le dijo—, tratan de hacer que parezcas inestable.
—¡No es justo! Yo no quiero que Kaito…
—¿Hay algo que le falte a tu casa? ¿Lavadora, estufa, ropa?
—Ah… Una cama, para Kaito, duerme conmigo, pero le compraré una cama para él solo.
—Hazlo pronto, quizás envíen a una trabajadora social, y ellos utilizarán cualquier cosa, hasta una ventana sin cortinas.
Monoma fue a recoger temprano a su hijo y lo llevó con él a comprar una pequeña cama y un colchón que entregarían más tarde ese día, y luego fueron por algunas cosas más.
En casa, Kaito observó a su padre pintar la única habitación, y luego la sala. No había muchos muebles, salvo el sofá y en la pequeña cocina, una mesa con dos sillas. Sólo para ellos.
Cuando llegó la cama, Monoma la acomodó, puso el colchón y mientras, Kaito pintaba la barra de la cocina. Monoma terminó con las paredes cuando ya era de noche, así que pidieron comida.
—Fuí a ver a tu papá, su nombre es Iida Tenya, y su esposo se llama Hitoshi Shinsou… Ellos se aman.
Kaito se sentó al lado de su padre.
—Yo te amo, papi.
—Lo sé.
Lo sentó en sus piernas y terminaron de comer. Se dieron una ducha, dónde Monoma puso incluso calcomanías para evitar que el niño resbalara con el agua.
Kaito estrenó su cama, durmiendo en el momento en que se acostó. Estaba cansado. Monoma también, pero no durmió. No dejaba de pensar en la horrible posibilidad de perder contra el poderoso Iida Tenya.
La trabajadora social llegó dos días después. Revisó el refrigerador, la habitación, el baño, y hasta el diminuto balcón donde Monoma colgaba la ropa y sólo tenía espacio para una persona y la lavadora. Revisó los contactos, la sala y la cocina y hasta las dos sillas. Las ventanas, las puertas, y miró el techo unos segundos. Le hizo unas preguntas a Monoma, y luego a Kaito. Agradeció y se fue. Monoma no comió ese día, ni un día antes. Sólo miraba a su hijo, sin saber qué haría si decidían que Iida podía visitarlo, o se lo darían definitivamente. Y él se quedaría sólo nuevamente.
Al día siguiente, Aizawa-san fue a recogerlo. Debía llevar a Kaito.
El juez habló con Kaito a solas. Monoma estaba desesperado, no podía creer que Iida y Shinsou estuviesen tan tranquilos. Quizás sabían que iban a ganar.
Kaito volvió a los brazos de su padre. Miró sobre el hombro de su papá al hombre de anteojos que lo miró y le sonrió. Kaito se escondió en el pecho de su padre.
—Tengo miedo, —dijo— quiero irme a casa.
—En un momento.
El juez volvió. Parecía pensativo. Dio un discurso sobre la familia, y la importancia del desarrollo mental de los niños.
—Con eso en mente, declaro que el señor Iida Tenya puede visitar a su hijo…
Monoma estrechó a su hijo.
—… pero será una visita supervisada, dado el trauma evidente en el joven Monoma Neito. Iida Tenya deberá darle una pensión para el niño, pero tiene prohibido llevar al niño a su casa.
—¿QUÉ? —gritó indignado Iida— Eso no es justo, es mi hijo, no es seguro que esté con ese hombre, mírelo, ¿cree que alguien con esa horrible sonrisa merece tener a un niño?
—Señor, desde que comenzó este juicio nunca he visto sonreír a Monoma Neito.
—No debería verlo porque es horrible.
—Esa no es forma de hablar de su madre frente al niño que trata de proteger, le recuerdo que está aún en juicio, cuide sus palabras.
—No, quiero a mi hijo, y no quiero tener que ver a ese horrible tipo.
Shinsou y Yamada-san miraron a Kaito, asustado en los brazos de Monoma, que tenía la mirada baja. Esto no terminaría bien.
—¡Basta! —gritó el juez— Si no se calma, revocaré sus derechos de paternidad.
—¡No puede hacerlo! Ese niño es mi hijo, nadie puede quitármelo, nadie y si es necesario me lo llevaré ¡y no lo encontrarán jamás!
El juez lo miró.
—Su paternidad está revocada, Iida Tenya, tiene prohibido acercarse a Monoma Neito y a Kaito Neito, de lo contrario irá a prisión.
Como Iida continuaba con su discusión, los guardias tuvieron que sacarlo. Monoma agradeció y salió acompañado de Aizawa-san. Monoma y Kaito volvieron a casa, pero Monoma no estaba tranquilo. Quizá era hora de huir de nuevo, lejos de todos los que lo conocían.
Lain Faustus 🍁
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sugarushsuga · 3 years ago
In Your Own Words - CH. 18
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Genre/Au's: Rom-Com, fluff with bits of angst - Coworkers!AU; enemies to lovers; Journalist!AU
Paring: RM x Reader
Words count: 8.606
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Cursing; Angry Namjoon; ANGST
Tigering: Mentions of cheating; Fist fight (violence is never the answer); Drinking to cope;
Synopsis: After graduating your dream was to become a journalist and work to one of the biggest magazines in the country. But that pretty dream does not translate perfectly to reality. The magazine is on verge of bankruptcy, great journalists are moving the rival magazines and not being replaced, your boss is a jerk who doesn't even know your name. Fate seems to be toying you around to its own pleasure, can you take control of your life and achieve your dreams, or you are going to be carried away by fate's plans?
Author note: This fanfic follows the world of the Brazilian production Procura-se um marido series. I do not own the series or original content.
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You look at the latest issue of Just Facts with a frown. There's the zodiac that should put an end to all that mess. You have no feelings of victory, relief, ecstasy, or anything. All you feel is fear, dread, pure and simple terror. What will Namjoon do when he finds out you had switched the zodiac? What will he say when he realizes that all zodiacs have the same message?
You tried to tell him a few times, but you lost courage and... deep down you hope nothing will change between you. Vanda had said that what's real will resist, and at times you are so sure that Namjoon it's part of your destiny that it hurts.
Like yesterday afternoon. You wanted to avoid Namjoon as much as possible on Friday, at least until you found a way of saying what you had done and why. You owed it to him —and to your guilty conscience. In the late afternoon, the heaviest rain of the year fell, and you ran out of electricity, even though no one left the magazine before six. Some — Natacha, Irene, and Yoongi — killed time playing cards, others — Ella and Youngjae — filing their nails.
So, when the clock struck six o'clock, you ran to the elevator, mad to get to the car before Namjoon and get rid of the copy of TopNews before he remembered that and returned to the subject. The hall of the building was crowded with people wanting to go home.
You didn't even realize you were being followed.
You turned on your heel and searched the room. Jimin waved at you, diving into the sea of ​​heads.
"Oh, it can only be a joke!" You muttered. You already have too many problems to have to deal with your ex right then and there.
"I really thought it was you," Jimin said, a little tired after he has passed through to trying to reach you.
“Well, it's no surprise, since you know I work here."
He smiled apologetically. His pale hair is plastered to his forehead, his eyes glued to yours. And that itch you felt whenever you saw him has completely disappeared. For the first time since... There is long time you don't tremble in Jimin's presence.
"What are you doing here?"
"I was passing, then the rain caught me." He eyed your body.
Funny, you didn't have that urge to run your hands through your hair, which was probably bristled from the humidity.
"You look great…" he said, after a close examination. "Wonderful, in fact."
"Jimin, what are you really doing here?" You repeated, annoyed. You needed to get rid of that magazine before Namjoon comes down.
"I just wanted to see you." He shrugged. “Apologizing for Tatiana. I didn't know she was going to invite you to the wedding."
“That was kind of her. Send her my regards. Now, if you'll excuse me..."
You walked back towards the door that led to the parking. Before you could escape, he grabbed you by the arm, spinning you around until you are facing him.
"I miss you, Y/n. This thing that's going on with Tati... I think, I let myself go. I just wanted... I found out she's not the right girl for me. You are. We on match everything, we like the same things, we think the same way..."
“We don't think anything a like. You think it's normal to cheat, and I abhor it." You tried to free yourself from that hand, but he tightened his grip. "Let go of me, Jimin."
"I was wrong, Y/n! But I learned from my mistake. If you say you accept me back, I'll call Tatiana now and cancel all this fucking wedding. You just need to say a word and I'll be yours again. I was always yours."
Dumbfounded, you stared at him like an idiot. You had dreamed of hearing him say that so many times that you had lost count. Now that the thing was finally real, you didn't want to hear it anymore. A little abruptly, he pulled you against his chest. It was to be expected that you'd feel something, for old times’ sake at least, but all you felt was a violent indignation at him touching you like that.
“Jimin, take your hands off me." You struggled under his grip, which was getting harder, more threatening.
“You still love me, Y/n. I know you love me!" He raised his arm in an attempt to touch your face.
“Unless you want to end up in the hospital, you better let the girl go now." Namjoon came out of nowhere and grabbed him by the wrist in a way that made shivers run up your spine.
"Get your hands off me, you crazy!" - Jimin complained, trying to free his wrist from Namjoon's grip and letting go of you. "What's up man? I'm just talking to my girlfriend!"
Namjoon shot me a questioning look.
“Ex-girlfriend,” You hurried on, noticing the tension exuding from every pore of his body. Namjoon looked highly dangerous. And beautiful! He relaxed a little, releasing Jimin with a jerk.
"I'll walk you to the car," Namjoon told you, taking your elbow with delicacy.
"Hey, don't touch her!" Jimin intervened, pushing Namjoon away. "Who do you think you..."
"I'm the guy who's going to break your face if you don't get out of here now and leave Y/n alone!"
Jimin took a step back, frowning at you.
"The doctor...?" And then he measured Namjoon like a boxer does.
"And if I am?" Namjoon gritted his teeth and seemed to grow taller and wider.
Oh shit, why did Jimin have to show up? Why couldn't he just be... mute?
“You're not her type." Jimin crossed his arms.
"You don't know her as well as you think," Namjoon snapped.
“She's not the saint she appears to be."
"I know." Namjoon flashed a wide smile. "And I thank God all the time we're together for that."
Ever since you caught Jimin cheating on you, you had tried to put on that expression of pain and defeat in his face, to no avail. And Namjoon, with half a dozen words, managed to do it. But now it made no difference.
"All right. You can have her." Jimin gave in disdainfully. "She always goes with whoever pays the most."
You are not a violent person. You've never thought you could solve anything thing in a fight—except when it came to Hoseok— but, you know, a girl can change her mind at any time. You advanced on him, only, unfortunately, Namjoon was faster and hit a punch on Jimin's jaw. Off guard, your ex's head lolled back, and he fell awkwardly to the floor. Namjoon was already on to him again, and even though you'd like to see him like that - you know, dangerous, defending you and everything else— you didn't want to get him into trouble. And that's why you stopped him, interposing between the two, and you were only able to keep him in place thanks to Yoongi, who took him by the forearms.
“No, Namjoon,” you pleaded.
“That's enough, Namjoon. The guy already understood,” Yoongi said.
Namjoon gritted his teeth, bulging eyes glued to the guy on the floor. "I'm going to kill this guy, I swear..."
"Okay, okay!" You assured him, trying to calm him down. "I don't care for what he says. Just... take me home. Please, Namjoon, take me home!"
At some cost, he tried to control himself, ceasing to struggle to rid himself of Yoongi, but he looked at Jimin so hard that even you cringed.
"Don't approach her again," he warned.
"Come on, Namjoon. Forget this guy." Yoongi pulled him back, dragging him across the marble floor.
Namjoon eventually gave in and let go of Yoongi.
“Alright, you can let go of me. I'm not going to kill anyone today," he assured him, and you breathed a sigh of relief.
You thanked Yoongi for his help, but you know how journalists are. They always want something in return.
“Fine, doll, but everything has a price. And you know well what I want to know, although after today I don't think there’s, any doubt left. It's all very clear."
"Leave Y/n alone, Yoongi," Namjoon warned.
"And who's asking this, Namjoon? The boss or the lover?" The reporter provoked.
Namjoon let out a long sigh, shook his head, and, catching you by surprise, he clasped your hand. Yoongi's eyes did not miss a single movement.
"It's her boyfriend asking," Namjoon said simply.
Yoongi opened a huge mocking smile and, before he could say something, Namjoon took you to the car. As soon as you settled down, you turned to face him.
"Are you okay?" he muttered, looking worried.
You thought for a moment. Were you fine? Regarding Jimin, yes, but with Namjoon...
“I'm sorry about this mess. I didn't know he was going to show up here. And I'm sorry he thought you were a doctor. The last time we met was at your hotel's restaurant, I had just been stood up and meet his fiancée. I invented an imaginary boyfriend." you shrugged your shoulders embarrassed.
"I imagined." And he smiled a little crookedly.
"You shouldn't have told Yoongi that we're dating."
"Yes, I should. If I don't make it clear what's been going on between us, I'll open up space for another guy to approach you, like this asshole, Jimin, and I don't want it."
He fixed his eyes on yours, with such disconcerting sincerity in them, that all you could do was stare at him dumbly.
"Because?" You asked. The car windows were starting to fog up.
"Because..." He ran his fingers through his slightly damp hair from the rain. “My palms sweat when you arrive, my chest expands, my mouth tingles with longing for yours, for your skin, for your taste... Have you already told me a million times that you don't want to get involved with your boss, let's not mention that you are not in favor of large age differences in a relationship, and I'm seven years older than you. But we can't keep on hiding that we're together," he muttered in a very hoarse sexy voice. You tried to ignore the fact that your insides were twisting. "What happened just now made it clear that I won't be able to pretend that you're not important to me."
A lump formed in your throat. Namjoon was opening up to you, inviting you in, confirming that he's allowing you to be part of his world. And how did you repay? Lying to him, cheating on him, changing the zodiac without explaining anything.
You opened your mouth, willing to tell the truth and face his anger. But he spoke before.
"I'm really looking forward to making this work, Y/n, and I hope you also. We fit into bed in a way that... I've been with other women, and I've never felt what I feel with you. What we have is explosive and sweet at the same time, and I want to go deeper, I want to unravel you, each corner, every thought, dream, disappointment, I want it all."
You wanted too. You wanted all that, but you wanted even more, in a desperate way, what he left out: his love.
And with the realization that Namjoon didn't love you, you backed away, unable to tell the truth to him. Or yourself. So, after you'd spent the night together once more—and the blame was on you.
Namjoon leaves your apartment early the next morning. Yeotan needs to walk a little, and he would take the opportunity to stop by the market to prepare a special dinner. You left soon after, just to run to the corner stall and make sure the horoscope had been exchanged.
And there you are, face down in the magazine, praying that Namjoon won't discover. It's the weekend, you think hopefully. Why the hell would he check if the magazine been published as he had ordered? You mean, he doesn't check all the issues, right? There is a possibility he won't even know. That is, if Ella cooperates.
Besides, if he didn't read the text that undoes the magic, you don't know, maybe the spell remains, at least until he starts to really love you. And then, a while later, you could make him read the message by chance, so that the spell breaks — of course you aren't willing to spend your whole life living in make-believe — but then it would be too late, not even the breaking of the spell would be able to destroy his feelings for you.
Yeah, and maybe pigs lay golden eggs...
You let out a sigh, tossing the magazine onto the couch and sinking your head into the back. Of course, he would find out. Namjoon is anything but silly. What if you want his forgiveness, spell or not, you know you have to tell him everything. And there's always the possibility that you are wrong. You just remembered the way how he had looked at you under the rain of fireworks at his parents’ house to you heart fill with certainty and hope...
The door suddenly opened. Namjoon stomp in. You jumped.
"What a scare, Namjoon!" you say, putting your hand to your chest.
He doesn't bother to apologize. In fact, you don't even know if came to hear you. He's different. A different bad, very bad. There's an icy, furious aura around him, and it spread across the room, leaving your hair standing.
He knows.
"How much did she offer you?" Namjoon asked in a low, monotone voice eyes opaque, pointing a copy of Just Facts in your face.
You take a step back. "She who?"
“Don't play innocent, Y/n. I don't fall for it anymore," he spits, still in that terrifying murmur. "How much did Jessy offer you for you to sabotage my magazine?"
"What?!" You exclaim, surprised. “Neither Jessy nor anyone else has anything to do with what I did."
“Very flattering to know that you think I'm a complete idiot." He showed a smile, but it was cruel, vile... and a little agonized. "That article from TopNews, the girl who exchanges letters. L. Lovari." He hits the back of his hand in the magazine. "Would it be Y/n Lovari?"
You throat closes up.
"You weren't supposed to find out like this," You whisper, pulling away a little more. All that anger made you nauseous.
“Oh, wasn't it?" he yelled, coming towards you with long strides, but stopped a few centimeters away. "And how am I supposed to know that you were sabotaging me, Y/n? Perhaps on the next issue of TopNews? What else did you set up? Did you pass on any important information to her? Were you who gave Jessy the contact details of my journalists? How much did she pay you?"
"Jessy has nothing to do with what I did!" You snap, startled by those wrong conclusions. "I never gave any information to Jessy or anyone else! When I accepted to do the articles as a freelancer, I was still on the phone at Just Facts, I thought I would never have an opportunity and..."
"You're right, you won't have," he cut you off, his glacial eyes were just contempt.
You sigh, exhausted.
“Listen, Namjoon, you got it all wrong. Jessy has nothing to do with what I did in this week's Zodiac. I had..."
"Listen to you, Y/n!" He interrupts you, yelling, walking away. When you try to reach for him. "Nothing, absolutely nothing you say will have any credibility! You're nothing but a treacherous rat that I let in too close. You don't know how sorry I am about that."
"No! Please, Namjoon, just listen to me, okay?" You beg, approaching him hesitantly. “I never meant to harm you. Just the opposite, I wanted to get things right. And I had to change the files for that. I couldn't bear to know that I had messed with so many people's lives and... It wasn't sabotage! I swear!" You are shaking. “But Sabrina was right, Namjoon! what I wrote was happening in the lives of the column's readers. That's why I made this last reading. To undo all the harm, I've caused."
He just stares at you, his revulsion as sharp as a razor. And hurts you a hundred times more.
“The deck has magical powers,” you continue. "You may not believe me. It took me a while to convince myself that the deck has that power but is the truth! It's powerful, it belonged to a famous Romani who always got it right simply because the deck was in charge of making everything, she said true. And I didn't know that! I ruined my friend's life and many other people because of it. Including yours,” You conclude, looking at your own feet. “Alexia dumped you because of what I wrote for her sign."
A loud laughter ripples through the walls of the room.
“So creative and ingenious. I should expect an excuse like that. Given that you wove a web of lies in which I, very stupid, allowed myself to be entangled."
Building up courage, you lift you head to meet his fiery eyes. "Stop saying that! I never did anything to screw you. This has to do with the lives I manipulated. I interfered and changed the fates of hundreds of people, and not always for the better!"
His jaw throbs. “You really think I'm an idiot. And with good reason. I gave you all the reasons to believe this."
"Don't talk like that!" You try to touch his arm, but he recoils, looking disgusted. “Don't do that, Namjoon. I never did anything to harm you. You know that I lo..."
"Don't you dare," he snaps. "Don't you dare say you love me! Never!"
"But I love!" You lift your chin in defiance. He could doubt all the rest, but not what you feel for him. Not that. "I've loved you since my car broke down and you gave me a ride. Since I really met you."
“My God, you don't even blink,” he grumbles contemptuously. "Your lies are so natural that it seems sincere. You have the appearance of an angel, but inside you're ugly and... rotten." His voice cracks. He looks away from just a moment, he balls his hands into fists and clears his throat. When he lifts his eyes at you, you have to take a step back, it is as if thousands of needles pierce you flesh. "Jimin was right. You always stay with who pays more. I hate you for everything you've done. For having deceived me to get where you wanted. I hope it was worth it."
Assessing you from head to toe, you see a spark in his dark eyes. Minuscule of something you aren't quick enough to identify. His voice is morbidly cold when he speaks again.
“Starting today, I want you to stay away from me and my team. I hope I never have to look at you again."
"What?" You gasp.
"You are fired."
At that point, you don't really care about the job, but he is too angry to notice.
"Are you…breaking up with me again?" You ask, and a sob escapes you.
He laughs out loud. A kind of laugh that makes your whole-body twitch. “I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You can't finish something that never existed." He turns and walks out of the room, slamming the door.
But you aren't going to let him walk out of your life like that. You go after him, clumsily descending the steps, tripping over your own feet to try to keep up with him.
"Namjoon, wait!" You try to stop him, holding him by the elbow, but all what you get is a push. "I won't let you out of my life, so, you have to believe me. Where are you going?"
“Anywhere away from your fake crying."
Only when another sob reverberates in your throat you do realize you are crying. But what did he expect? He is leaving thinking horrible things about you. Blinded by tears and staggering with fear, you lose your step in a step, knocking you down the stairs. You just have time to close your eyes and pray, you don't roll down to the lobby. But before you crash in the steps, strong hands hold you, pulling you back.
"Bloody hell, Y/n!" He growls furiously, trapping your body between his and the wall. "What are you trying to do?"
"I-I just want you to listen to me. The deck is magical. I swear! I can prove you. If you let me show you the texts, you'll see that..."
He closes his eyes, shaking his head, his face contorted with anguish.
"Enough!" he begs on a painful groan.
“Please believe me."
You try to hug him, but he takes your wrists, pinning them against the cold wall, while his body hold you in place.
“I bought this deck because I lied to you when I said I understood something zodiac. I even tried to learn how a birth chart works, but I couldn't, so I went to this little shop to look for something easier, because I wanted to go back to reception. Then Vanda showed me the deck and said that it had belonged to a famous Romani who never missed a prediction in all her life. I didn't believe her, but the deck looked a lot simpler than the maps. I used it to create my texts. But everything I write happens for real for those who read. It happened to hundreds of people. You said you read some emails, destined for Liz, you must have noticed that. Happened to Sabrina, with these people, with me. And with you too."
He stares at you, sinking his fingers into your wrists.
“It doesn't make any difference to me if the fucking deck is magic, Y/n. You betrayed me by siding with Jessy. Can't you understand? You... cheated on me!" His voice sounds loud, but it shakes at the end, and for a brief second, he lets that mask of fury slip. There's heartache, agony, and devastation in his eyes. And they are so deep, so exposed, that they bled, as does your heart. "Can you at least once be honest with me?" He asks in a low voice, body still glued to yours.
"I've always been honest with you!"
He huffed in disgust, and you wish you were dead.
"Were you the one who gave Jessy Yoongi's contact?"
You blink. Hot tears roll down your cheeks.
"No! I didn't give her anything other than my article. A single freelance article, Namjoon. And I only did it because I didn't want to be a receptionist forever. You can accuse me of being ambitious if you like, but I've always been loyal to you, even when you didn't deserve it. I didn't betray you. Never could. I changed the horoscopes without saying anything because I was afraid you wouldn't publish them, and I had to put an end to that crap."
His gaze searches your face, lingering on your lips for a second, and you even think he's going to kiss you. He wants to kiss you. You see how his eyes warm and his mouth part. You also see the effort he makes to stay in control. He keeps you immobilized by his fists, his body still crushing yours, so all you have to do is crane your neck and kiss him. Namjoon stiffens as soon as your lips touch, but a second later, he relaxes the fingers on your wrist twitch, his hip presses on yours, his mouth open to yours.
Unexpectedly, he walks away, staggering a few steps until he imposed a certain distance. He watches you with anger, fear, passion, disgust.
"I love you," You whisper, knowing you have lost him.
“I would give anything to believe you right now." He looks at you for what it feels like an entire century. All those conflicting emotions warred
in his face. Eventually, fury and bitterness prevail. "Stay away from my magazine."
With that, he turns his back on you and practically runs the two sets of missing ladders.
You stand there, pressed against the wall, fat tears running down your cheeks. As much as you screamed the truth in big letters, Namjoon have already decided to not believe. He's a journalist, he believes in facts, not in stupid arguments based on Romani magic.
Namjoon will never believe you.
And cut you out of his life forever.
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You open one of the kitchen cupboards and finds the bottle of rum Sabrina has saved it for occasions like this.
You best friend, who is probably somewhere in that exact moment taking a drink too. You wish you could comfort her. Wanting to be comforted by her. You wish you haven't screwed up.
You empty the bottle, and all you know is that you wake up the next day with a headache next to the washing machine. Breaking all etiquette rules pertaining to relationship purposes, you send two text messages to Namjoon. And a dozen of them to Sabrina.
Neither of them answers you.
It's late afternoon, you are trying to get your thoughts in order, convince yourself that things aren't as ugly as they look, that maybe Namjoon needs some time to cool off. He has just heard about the article at TopNews, about the exchange of zodiacs and, apparently, Yoongi is also leaving to join the competitor. You have to admit that the conclusion which he has arrived at is the most plausible. It even seems, from his point of view, that you are working for Jessy. But that means nothing. Life is not always black and white. It is sometimes gray and, very rarely, colored. How it was those few days with Namjoon.
You hear the slamming of door in the apartment opposite echo down the hall. Without think twice, you run over to his house, hair disheveled and clothes crumpled, ready to do anything to make him believe you.
You knock on the door non-stop. Almost falling backwards when it opens.
"I know you don't want to see me, but..."
"And why wouldn't I want to see you, girl?" Taehyung smiles.
"Oh... hi! You guys came back!" You hug him. "How was the trip?"
“Very well, at least until we came home. Beatriz is in the room crying. She just saw what her brother did to Yeotan. Namjoon has no heart."
"Uh… he had to have him shaved like that. It wasn't out of meaningless. Tell Bea that I'm sorry and that I miss you. And... can I talk with Namjoon?"
“He isn't here. He met us at the airport and said he was sorting it out a problem."
"Right." You avert your eyes to Taehyung's mint green sneakers. "As soon as he gets back, can you tell him I really need to talk to him? And what... if he doesn't show up, I'll... blow up his bike with blue paint."
“You'll have to get in line. Bea wants to do the same. But I tell him with the greatest pleasure if I see him."
Shit, where did he go?
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The hours pass and nothing from Namjoon. At the beginning of the night, you decide to go down and wait on the sidewalk, in case he isn't intimidated by your threat, but someone knocks on the door before you can leave.
You heart skip a beat and speeds up so fast you thought it's going to explode with such excitement. Namjoon is there. He will listen to you, and everything will be fine. You open the door in a rush and a shy smile plaster your lips. Your smile trembles.
It isn't him.
However, it's just as good.
You both stared at each other for a full minute without saying anything until...
"I'm sorry!" you say together, throwing yourselves against each other.
Sabrina hugs you around the neck, burying her head in your hair as she steps in, you stand on tiptoes, resting your head on her shoulder.
"I was so cruel to you…" she whimpers.
"Forgive me, Sam. I did not know! Didn't believe I could be messing around with the fate of people."
She shakes her head and straightens up, still holding you by the shoulders.
“Of course, you didn't. You never believed in anything! You are the first tarot reader I know that doesn't believe in mystical forces."
“Maybe is because I'm not really a tarot reader." You pull yourself together to look at your friend's face. The face that you missed so much these last few days.
There are deep dark circles there, and she looks like she had lost weight. "Damn it, Sabrina! You are a horror!"
"Look who's talking!" She laughs. "That zombie face of yours is because of me, or did something else go wrong?"
"You have no idea what a mess I've gotten myself into."
She closes the door, and you walk to the couch together, her arm around your shoulders, yours on her waist. You give her a brief overview of the conversation with Vanda, in the esoteric, about the magic of the Romani deck.
“Gee, it's amazing… and dangerous. But I was an idiot when I told you that bunch of bullshit. I forgot that your brother was in the hospital and that you didn't even realize what you wrote. I was so upset when I found out that Seokjin had a fiancée that I took all my anger out on you. You and I always take it out on the people we love."
“I was so worried about you! I wanted so much to be around for you to drown on chocolate..."
She lets out a long breath. "I'm fine, as far as possible."
So, Sabrina tells you about her last days. Seokjin had the audacity of calling her every two hours, into the night. She stayed with her sister, who
not only had allowed her to get royally drunk like she deserved, but she also insisted on you being innocent. Sabrina had gone to work all these days, as it was the only time she didn't want to die. Or kill someone. And you know exactly how she was feeling.
"I missed you so much!" She leans her head against yours. "I can live knowing that I was involved with an asshole but staying away from my best friend can't. Sorry for everything I said, Y/n. It was just lip service."
"If you hadn't said all that, I might still be manipulating the lives of people I don't even know."
"Aren't you going to write the zodiac anymore?"
You sat down lightly.
"Thanks to you. And... to Alexia."
"Which Alexia?" She releases you, her voice rising a few octaves.
"How many do we know?" You moan, running your hand over your face.
Is Namjoon with her now?
"Y/n! I do not believe this! I'm gone for a few days, and you make a fool of yourself like that? Why the hell did you go talk to Alexia?"
"I did not go. It was by chance..."
You open your mouth and let it all out. From lunch with Jessy and Alexia, to the scene with Namjoon in that same room. Your telling is biased, you are not sure if you tell all the details.
"Fuck!" She clicks her tongue. “But I can understand Namjoon. Not everything is lost. He's crazy about you. I bet if he hears you for real, he will understand that you never betrayed him, and everything will go back to the way it was before."
Everything will go back to what it was before.
That's when you realize. Only then do you understand what has happened.
Namjoon treating you coldly again. Sabrina back like she never had been absent. Taehyung and Bea at home again.
The article worked. The spell broke.
Namjoon isn't on your destiny after all.
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Everything returned to what it was before.
Well... almost. You still love Namjoon. The feeling that burns in you did not disappear as if by magic, but apparently his did.
You didn't see him that fateful weekend, he didn't come back to his sister's place, and you wondered where he was. In a hotel? In Alexia's bed? You didn't know how the end of the spell had affected him, but you suspected it wouldn't take a long time for him and the model to settle down, and that's what is killing you. To think that in a matter of hours he could forget you, as if he was forgetting to water the plants.
That's why you go to the magazine Monday morning. You want to see him, you need to look into his brown eyes and reassure yourself that not even a little part of him, however tiny, had gotten really involved with you.
But any fantasies you had about it disappeared in the moment you stepped into the newsroom. Natacha comes to meet you, her face confused, a paper in her hands.
“I'm sorry, Y/n,” she says, handing you the document. Your letter of resignation, already signed by Namjoon.
You are not surprised, but sad. That's the impetuous head editor you met long ago. You just nod to the colored haired girl and go to your table to collect your belongings. You peek through the glassed-in window into the office and... your heart stop.
Namjoon is at his desk, the phone wedged between his shoulder and ear, the glasses slipping down the nose. He hasn’t shaved, his hair is disheveled, clothes wrinkled —that is natural— but crescents dark under his eyes betray that he has slept little, and that is not normal.
Is he suffering too? You wonder, with a twinge of hope. Your eyes met and for a fleeting moment you come to believe that he seems in deep agony. He gets up and comes to the door. You hold your breath.
“Natacha,” he called loudly, covering the mouth of the phone with his hand. "Make sure that woman doesn't take anything that isn't hers."
Never in your entire life you felt so humiliated. And furious. He gives you one last icy look before closing the door and lowering the blinds on the window.
"Don't cry," Natacha asks, touching your arm.
You didn't even realize you were crying. You don't know exactly the reason for the tears. If it's pain and regret for not having explained everything before he found out for himself and came to the conclusions he had, or anger, which fought fiercely inside of you to reach the surface.
"Today he's worse than ever," Natacha complains, trying to console you. “He was here very early. Ella thinks he slept in the office."
Drying your face with the back of your hands and sniffling lightly, you turn at her and try to smile.
"Well, I better get out of here soon, before he decides to take it out on you." Unfortunately, your voice shakes, and Natacha's face takes pity.
Fuck the timing when Namjoon decided to open the game to Yoongi. Everyone knows of your involvement at that point, and the pitying looks makes everything even worse.
You clear your desk in less than ten minutes. You don't have much there. Besides, staying in the newsroom only would feed the agony you are in. Natacha helps you without saying anything, which is very kind of her. In a newsroom in which gossip is more than just fun, it's work, an attitude like hers comes to be touching.
You have already packed everything when Julia appears, crying.
"I never imagined what we did would end up like this," she whimpers on your neck.
“What I did, Julia. You didn't do anything. And I knew there was this possibility."
"Worth it?" She wants to know, releasing you to look you in the eyes.
You smile unhappily, shrugging your shoulders. “No, but it was the right thing to do."
You say goodbye to both of them and send a collective goodbye to the rest of the team. Some, like Youngjae, seems to disapprove of what you have done, others, like Yoongi, Irene and Ella didn't exactly seem to support you, but you felt their sadness to see you go.
You go to the elevator and press the button, balancing the box in your hands as you wait. You turn to scan the newsroom one last time. Many dreams, so many expectations and frustrations, all of that is being left behind. Not to mention your heart, which at that moment is locked in the head editor's room. The pale wood blinds shake slightly as you turn to face them. He isn't fast enough. Just at a glance, a brown blur of lenses and black plastic, but you see him.
The elevator doors opened with a thump, and out comes the most beautiful woman you have ever seen in your life. Restless, she straightens her long hair, runs a delicate hand over her forehead, smoothed her draped perfect designer dress and straightened her shoulders. The woman looks nervous, maybe even scared, but definitely wants to make a good impression. The resolution in her eyes is startling. She starts to move, not noticing you —which, frankly, it isn't even news anymore — and she walks, elegant and purposeful, towards Namjoon's office. Alexia is back where she has always belonged.
You enter the elevator with your eyes still on the model, until the metal doors close, putting a definitive end point. And that's it.
Moments later, without feeling anything below the neck, the doors open again as they reached the ground floor, heralding a new beginning. Only you don't want a fresh start. You want to go up to the eighth floor, run to Namjoon, keep him from Alexia's perfection and beg him to believe in you.
"Are you going out, or up again?" a familiar voice ask.
Jungkook is standing in front of the elevator, holding the door, watching you with a quiet disinterest. You lift your head, feeling out of place, weird, awkward, and so many other things.
"I'm going out," you muttered.
He stares at you until he finally sighs. "And you intend to do it soon?"
"Do what?"
"Exit the elevator." He rolls his eyes.
Taking a deep breath and building up courage, you move your feet, taking the first step towards your new... nothing. Funny that, in those stupid movies that Sabrina made you watch, whenever the young lady is faced with a fresh start, soft, hopeful music plays in the background. Usually the sound of a piano, never a depressing country song on Josemar's battery radio, like it happens to you.
Jungkook lets you pass, stepping to one side, and then walks into the elevator.
"Bye, Y/n. See you." The doors began to close, but the tattooed hand of Jungkook stop them. "Are you crying?"
"It's possible. I... don't know what I'm supposed to do now," You confess in a semi-catatonic state.
"What do you mean, don't you know? Where are you going with this box?"
You look at the stuff in your hands, frowning. "I am not sure."
“Why do you… Ah! Did you resin?" He gets out of the elevator that immediately close and climbs in search of passengers.
“Namjoon fired me,” you say. "He thinks I was spying on magazine for the competitor."
Jungkook tilts his head, making the long hair cover his eyes.
"And you were spying?" he asks in a weird way.
"Of course not! But Namjoon didn't believe me. And now his ex is up there, probably saying all the right words, and tomorrow Namjoon won't even remember me anymore." Then you start laughing, shaking your head. "Tomorrow... what a pretense of mine. He no longer remembers me. The spell ended for him, but not for me."
"Okay, you're a little hysterical and you look like you're going to make a huge bullshit." He takes the box from your hands, tucking it under the arm. Then he takes you by the elbow and leads you out of the building. "We'll make you calm down before you tell me what's going on."
It's still early and the only places that sell alcohol at that time would be not very hygienic pubs. That's why you allow him to take you to the cafe on the corner, where you had left the car that morning. Ah, but you don't have a job anymore, right? Not boyfriend. You don't need to go home right away. By the way, you have nothing to do for the rest of your life. You need to occupy yourself. Or maybe you'd stop by Hobi's house later. You brother didn't have a lot to do until he's fully recovered from the accident. Oh no. Now he has. Or will have. His girlfriend is pregnant. He won't be unoccupied for the next twenty years. Maybe twenty-five if the baby is a boy.
You don't complain when Jungkook orders chamomile tea and cookies. You sit at the back of the cafe, you have your back to the entrance, with him in front of you. He waits for you to have some tea to start making questions.
“Now, calmly and coherently, tell me what happened."
You don't want to talk to Jungkook about the affair with Namjoon, especially not after having hurt him because of the man in question, but you need to vent in that instant, or you'll will explode into a million shares.
Building up courage and avoiding eye contact, you tell everything from the beginning of your affair with Namjoon to the end, adding all the details about the spell of the zodiac. He listened in silence, and the only time his brow furrowed is when you said that you haven't realized the zodiac worked because it was him, Jungkook, who you thought that was your happy ending.
"Then I did everything I did," You continued, "but I believed that what we had was true, that it would resist, but it wasn't. And now Namjoon will get back with Alexia and I will die."
"What to die for!" He grumbles, laughing. "You have your whole life ahead. You will love many more times."
"No! Not like I love Namjoon."
"Maybe not, but that doesn't mean you won't have a good time and be happy again."
"It sucks when we're down and someone keeps saying it's all going to be okay. Well, especially with nothing alcoholic around,” You grumble.
He laughs again. "It sucks to see such a beautiful and smart girl talking nonsense because she's heartbroken."
"What do you want me to do? Dance out there?"
"It's an idea. If you want, I'll accompany you. We can have dinner or just drink something. What do you prefer.”?
You look at him, really look at the absurdly sexy god and that makes panties explode within a mile radius in 0.3 second and that he doesn't seem to be aware of it. But when admiring that overwhelming beauty, you feel nothing but a mad desire for him to transmute into a disheveled geek with brown eyes and a lazy smile.
You shake your head.
“I'm sorry, Jungkook. I like you a lot, but it's not a good idea."
"I like you too. I'm talking about hanging out as friends, just that, but if you don't want me to keep you company, fine. Invite someone, maybe Julia or Natacha. Go drink until you drop, and tomorrow you can think about what to do out of life. It just doesn’t get all tearful around the corners. I understand you, Y/n, really. But I can also understand Namjoon's reaction. All this plot that you invented it sounds like a conspiracy. You should have told him before."
"I know! But I got scared, then he found out on his own, which, honestly, it wasn't part of my plans."
He studies you for a moment, watching every feature of your face.
“You don't seem to have let go of Namjoon."
You roll your eyes.
"Tell me something I still don't know. I love Namjoon, Jungkook. How could I forget how I feel about him all of a sudden?"
“That's exactly what I'm asking myself." He smiles. "Haven't you stopped to think that this spell story might be in your head, that you did let that crazy woman influence you? Because, as I understand it, if you undid the “magic,” everything should have returned to normal. That includes you."
"Yeah, but she said what was meant to be, what was meant to be, wasn't going to change. I think my destiny was to love Namjoon. And besides, I know it was all the deck's fault. I had evidence that I messed with the lives of many people."
"That's not always a bad thing," he comments cautiously.
“In some cases, it was very bad, yes. My best friend is still devastated by what I put her through, unaware of it, of course."
He snorts, shaking his head. “The more you talk, the more absurd it all sounds. If there was a spell and it was undone, and your friend is still suffering. She should be well, no?"
You frown.
"Maybe Sa's destiny was to love Seokjin too. And stop trying to confuse me! You said you believed in these cosmic things, why did you change your mind now?"
"It's one thing to believe that there are forces that guide us, it's another to believe that a girl like you can control them using an old deck and some texts. Answer me one thing, Y/n." He leans closer, getting closer hands on the tabletop. “Why the hell did you want to go out with me?"
"You're handsome. I looked at you and wanted you. I am really sorry."
He smiles. “Oh no, girl. Can stop. I endured all this story of yours in silence bewitched zodiac freak but apologizing for being interested in me is already too much. I won't be quiet this time."
You laugh, as does he.
“You know, I thought you'd never look me in the face again,” you admit.
"And I wasn't," he agrees. "Until I realized that you were really in love with the guy and didn't like it at all."
"I hated. Both having fallen in love with my boss and having you hurt. I never wanted this, Jungkook, you have to believe me."
"I believe. You're a good girl,” he says in a low voice. "People don't choose who to fall in love with, right?"
“If I could, I would have chosen you." Everything would have been simpler if you had fallen in love with Jungkook.
"I'm flattered." He looks at you for a moment before asking: "Can I take a test?"
"What test?" You want to know, meeting his gaze, which is suddenly stuck to your lips.
“I just want to check something."
To your utter bewilderment, he leans across the table and grabs your head, crushing your lips with his. You blink, eyes widening. How many times have you longed for that kiss? How many times have you thought about what Jungkook would taste and smell like so close? But in person and in color and flavor, things are… normal. That sudden kiss takes you by surprise, and it isn't unpleasant. Contrary! Despite the brutality with which he grabbed you, his lips are sweet, soft as velvet and very careful. But that's it. Nothing inside of you stirred or exploded, you don't melt, you don't think you'd pass out if he doesn't stop, nor die if he walks away.
Jungkook releases you suddenly and stare at you in amusement.
“Exactly as I suspected."
“Uh… I'm not sure what you mean by that,” you say, stunned.
"Precisely! You didn't feel anything."
“Well…no, but you caught me off guard, didn't you?" You justify, dismayed that, it seemed, you haven't passed the test, whatever it was.
"Think with me, Y/n. No one here is under the effect of the “spell.” At the very least, you should feel something, at least a little butterfly in your stomach, and all I can see on his face now is surprised."
"I didn't think you were going to kiss me. Especially as we passed the last half hour talking about another guy,” You snap, a little annoyed.
“That's not the point." He shakes his head. "You might have thought that you were attracted to me, but your body disagrees with that. It wants Namjoon. You weren't attracted to him because of a crappy Romani deck. And I bet he wasn't either."
"I don't understand." But at that point, you don't even understand yourself.
Your tea ends, you are already calmer, although you feel the agony bubbling inside of you, desperate to find an outlet.
“I suppose not. But think about it.” He opens his wallet and leaves the money under your saucer. Then he gets to his feet and, very gently, helps you get up. "Call me if you want to discuss the matter."
"Thank you, Jungkook. You were the best today. I didn't deserve such kindness and consideration."
"Oh, Y/n, you deserve it." He hugs you tenderly and kisses the top of your head. “You are such a sweet girl. Just being too stupid to believe you could get involved in editorial espionage."
“You almost believed it."
“That's what I said, just being really stupid." He makes a face, and you laugh still hugging him.
Something catches Jungkook's eye at the entrance of the cafe. He freezes and his amused expression disappears. You turn your head and meets Namjoon's gaze.
He isn't alone.
Your eyes remain locked for a moment, then descends to your waist, where Jungkook's hands are. Rage, contempt, grief gleam in his brown eyes. You let go of him abruptly, but that's already late, the damage has already been done.
Namjoon turned his attention to Alexia and laughs at something the model is saying. With a delicacy that makes your heart stop, leaving you with the feeling of having turned into a zombie, he places his hand on her back and guides her to one of the tables. You stand there looking at that big, smooth hand that so often had caressed your skin, the same skin that had wrapped itself around yours when you made love.
"Move, Y/n." Jungkook nudge you on the shoulder. "Or you'll let that the guy see you crying?"
You get out of the cafe so fast that you nearly run over an elderly couple who's entering. You stride to your car and Jungkook has to run to reach you.
"I don't think you should be driving in these conditions," he says, handing over the box with your belongings.
You toss it into the backseat with little care. "I'm great. See you around."
You take off, making the tires squeal, and turn the radio to full volume. Kind of on automatic you manage to get home, go up the three flights of stairs, enter and close the door. You lean against it, slipping through the wood until you collide with the cold floor. You are devastated. Hollow and broken, like the shell of an old peanut, with no prospect of ever being able to gather your pieces again.
At least that's what you think at that moment, not knowing that fate - whose existence until recently you didn't know — has other plans for you.
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Author note: JK is such a sweetheart in this chapter. Also, sorry not sorry about it.
Feedback is always appreciated.
Ⓒ 2022 Sugarushsuga, do not copy, translate or repost.
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mechanicalrebellion · 7 years ago
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La siguiente es una pequeña búsqueda que hago por relaciones con mis personajes, pongo una breve introducción y lo que buscó, algunos son de temáticas algo apretadas pero bien se pueden hacer AUs/Verses o hacer algunas adaptaciones, siempre estoy abierto a cosas para armar algo interesante.
Si alguno de los personajes te llama la atención puedes dejarme un mensaje por ask o por chat, quizá tarde en responder pero ten por segur@ que lo hare.
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Kim Jae Sehun
― Trama Moderna / Futurista ― Bromista, inteligente, un poco retraido pero una vez que se le encuentra la mano se puede tener conversaciones largas con el. ― Una persona con dos fachadas, por un lado, es una popular estrella de pop seguida por miles de seguidores alrededor del mundo, su otra cara es la de un hacker que en últimos años se ha encargado de poner en jaque a políticos corruptos, acciones cuestionables del gobierno y demás bajo el seudónimo de “Libra”. ¿Qué busco?  ― Amigos, Conocidos, tanto de su lado conocido como el que mantiene entre las sombras. Quizá una relación con alguien que sepa su secreto y sea su confidente y quizá cómplice.
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Anri Sugura
― Trama de mitología moderna. ― Juguetona, bromista, picara pero que guarda un dolor muy grande en ella. Dragón proveniente de un grupo de guardianes que se oponen a la corrupción del Yomi. ― Leal compañera, buena cómplice y una magnifica peleadora todo eso oculto bajo la fachada de una maestra de preparatoria. ¿Que busco? ― Romance, quizá alguien que haga que le brote la lesbovena o un hombre, aunque en este caso deberá de enfrentar la sombra de su ex-marido Daichi. ―  Un chico estudiante suyo que la vea como su crush, quizá sea que no pase nada entre ambos o quizá si.
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Neeve Huxley
― Trama Sci-Fi Espacial ― Una mujer inteligente, demasiado para su propio bien, desapareció cuando vio que sus creaciones eran usadas como armas biológicas, aunque esto ha provocado que sea perseguida por la ley. ― Sarcástica, de humor ácido pero es todo un amor con la persona con las personas que se ganan su confianza. ¿Que busco? ― Amistades de todo tipo. ― Relación sentimental con una mujer.
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Sonya Romanova
― Trama Sci-Fi Espacial ― Mujer fuerte de carácter y físico, antiguamente participante de una competencia de MECHAS actualmente perseguida por la ley. ― Tiene un lado dulce y bastante femenino. ¿Que busco? ― Amistades de todo tipo. ― Relación sentimental hombre o mujer esta bien.
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Nanami Hiroko
― Trama Slice of Life ― Alguien que es completamente un dulce pero que guarda bastante tristeza en su corazón por la muerte de su esposo por un ataque al corazón. ― Ha llevado el sueño de ella y su esposo de hacer un lindo restaurante. ¿Qué busco? ― Amistades de todo tipo. ― Una personita que le enseñe a enamorarse de nuevo, hombre o mujer.
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