#eway4 asks
thebasilbuffet · 1 year
I gotchu!
Ok so the anons tortured Pit and Dark Pit, again. Because Judas had to leave. Judas and the two faced anon and Snaley went to kidnap Mari, who was teleported away. Meanwhile, the boys were locked in separate and Faraway cells, and Mari was locked away in a fairly nice room. With camera footage.
Meanwhile, Lucina ran off, and Sonic and Palutena found her, but had to fight 4 mafia members they almost lost too, but they surrendered. So the rest of the rescue squad is on their way to the base. An anon also drugged Pit with a military grade hallucinogen called BZ, and Mari saw this because Cameras, and is making a plan to escape and get the boys out. And Sunny's group is gonna fight Judas. And the rescue squad is on the way to save Pit and Dark Pit
Hs Mari went to Kanna's dimension. She's in Nohr, at the Castle Krakenburg library with a girl named Ophelia, looking for information on her dimensional powers in hopes she can learn to harness them and help her friends
Eway sweetie that just makes me way more confused than I already was
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ultramori · 2 years
Whats the opposite day AU?
I just wanted to expand more on Miko's April Fool's Day AU a bit, it's an AU where Headspace goes flip-flop and that's basically all I have so far???? It's less of "their personalities are switched" and more of "the bad parts of their personalities are amplified" and it's just for funsies and I have no idea for a story so far lolol
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fore-seer · 1 year
Gimme some Ricken!Owain headcanons since you also ship Ricken and Lissa (or was that another Emblem Tumblr person?)
no that was definitely me, or at the very least i am one of them! as for headcanons it’s hard to imagine owain being any different than he is, but i think when he was growing up ricken actually encouraged his antics! i think once he’s an adult ricken realizes he was trying to grow up way too fast, and he doesn’t want that for owain, to the point that owain ends up going a little too far in the other direction sometimes. they don’t have quite the same dynamic when owain travels back to the past, especially since they’re basically the same age there, but they’re still very close; they both know very well how it feels to be dismissed and underestimated by enemies and allies alike, so they lean on each other when it gets rough.
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misty-wisp · 2 years
I just found this! What's Batsu Omori?
My Tsumi to Batsu AU's Omori!! oh, i should explain the au's name. it's japanese for "sin and punishment" hehe
Long story short, the AU's premise is that after the events of the good ending, Headspace catches up to reality's time, 4 years passing by in it. So as an extension, the same goes for Omori, making him the same age as Sunny (which is approximately 16 iirc)
The AU's story takes place in the form of a fanfic I've been writing, Yurushite! And its character study-turned-prequel, Gomenasai. You can check that series out on my AO3 here. It's...practically a watered-down sequel to the game at this point, with how much I have planned...
As for Omori himself, he's a lot different than in canon because listening to (and bearing witness) to the Final Duet got him to basically realize that he's uh. A scumbag. Who's only really hurt not only his dream friends but also Sunny. Badly.
And that messed him up quite a lot!! So now he's really regretful, and sad, and pathetic, and oh god someone give him a hug please
I go a lot more in depth about that here.
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rayless-reblogs · 9 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you to get to know your mutuals and followers!!
Thanks for thinking of me!
Warm bread. I love bread under any circumstances, but warm bread is so comforting and homey. My dad often bakes bread, and I love getting it when it's all fresh and warm and crusty and a little springy in texture -- even better topped with butter and a bit of honey.
Sad piano music. Sad should be the opposite of happy, but it's sort of like when you deliberately put on a horror movie to feel scared without any reality behind it. Pretty sad piano music puts me in a good writing mood, fosters emotion and ideas without any of the pain or exhaustion that comes from truly being sad.
Multiple adaptations of a property I really like. Is there a classic book or film that people keep revisiting every ten or twenty years? If I see one version, I'm going to want to see all of them and compare the different takes and choices and interpretations. I'm still sad there are so many versions of Anne of Green Gables that simply have been lost to time.
The feeling of having written. Writing itself can be difficult, a slow process that involves me feeling things out paragraph by paragraph. Having finished an entire work, whether it's a oneshot or something longer, makes me feel so happy to know it exists, I made it through, I didn't give up or get bored and leave it.
When you listen to a song and it momentarily takes you back to some point in your past -- you can feel yourself as if you're in a different room, far from here, in a different stage of your life.
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freezethunder · 9 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you to get to know your mutuals and followers!!
It’s been a while since I’ve done something like this. Okay!
1. My family
2. My friends
3. Pokemon
4. Writing
5. Hinanami
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a-random-pillow · 7 months
🌈💖✨Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 😎💜💚💙🩷
Thank You! You are so kind!
The first person who I ever really talked to on Tumblr and a great friend!
Keep up the great work!
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omormoment · 1 year
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Oh no! Let him go he's just a lil guy!!!
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How do I add a photo to the submission form?
put a link to the pic (like from a wiki). this part is optional so don’t sweat it! ^^
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thebasilbuffet · 1 year
Melon of water pls
"Of course!"
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(You got watermelon!)
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nonbinaryaubrey · 1 year
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damn.. tragic. skips away
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klavierpanda · 1 year
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!!!!!!! Thank you for sending me this :)))
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fore-seer · 1 year
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[holds him]
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misty-wisp · 2 years
I just hate Hero's portrayal in Pursuit. He's my second favorite Omori character that or feels like character assassination and I can't get behind that. The Omori sub does have issues tho
i get that, but like...it's an au. it's supposed to be a different interpretation of his character. it's not affecting canon in any way.
also, i have better things to worry about than how a fanfic portrays a character.
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requiesticat · 10 months
Hey. Just wanted to apologize. Already did in reblogs but whatever.
I have a habit of being mean to evil characters in the tags. I wasn’t trying to be mean to you. I've been on the receiving end of toxic fans and I would never intentionally make anyone go through that, but it looks like I unintentionally did that to you. And I am sorry. You can block me if you want. I just want you to know I'm sorry.
It's okay. While I accept your apology, going through someone's blog to leave messages wishing harm on characters doesn't fall under proper posting ettiquette. It's a better idea to keep things like this to yourself in the future, or express criticism in a different way to avoid stressing people out
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feaincorrectquotes · 10 months
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Chrom goes to frederick for advice on asking Robin out.
Submitted by @eway4
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