#ewan in this movie? my wife.
chaotictomtom · 1 year
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when your circle small but yall crazy 🤣🤣🤣 (man cursed with thinking about this movie and these characters forever)
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flowerandblood · 2 months
Paradise Fruit (1)
[ Kingdom of Heaven • King Baldwin x female ]
[ warnings: watching each other masturbate, soft, poetic smut, a detailed description of the deadly disease and the unpleasant symptoms associated with it ]
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[ description: After being treated by King Saladin's physicians, King Baldwin begins to leave his chambers. The people of the court whisper around her that the young ruler will not even live to be thirty years old. As a lady of waiting of his sister, she attracts his attention. ]
Author's Note: I said it and I did it: I know this isn't your typical Ewan Mitchell character, but I couldn't resist. I'm glad I wrote this because I had too many thoughts after watching this movie and now my soul is at peace! For those who haven't seen Kingdom of Heaven, I highly recommend it, it's an amazing production.
Word count: 3.900
Part 2 – White Marriage
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
My other works: Masterlist
Jerusalem seemed to her at once a paradise and a hell on earth, both beautiful, sublimely sacred, as much as broken, dirty and cruel. The reign of King Baldwin IV was a reign of restraint and peace, the greatest evidence of which was his rich diplomatic correspondence with King Saladin himself.
Baldwin gave permission for the Muslim part of Jerusalem to hold prayers as it wished, on payment of appropriate taxes – a huge step towards reconciling the city's disparate population and a cause of contention among the Christian knights.
As lady of the court, she accompanied the royal sister, Sibylla, like her shadow, serving her with conversation, reading books in her company, being the equivalent of her friend and confidante, watching over her welfare.
She was the third daughter, and was therefore a burden to her lord father, who sent her to Jerusalem to the royal court when she was thirteen. Her father hoped that Sibylla herself would find her a suitable husband and put up the coins for her dowry, allowing her family to glory on the Old Continent in the fact that her chosen one was favoured by the God in the Holy Land.
Looking at Princess Sibylla's marriage, she prayed that she would never meet her fate, preferring to eventually fade into old age in a monastery.
Her Lady abhorred her husband: not in a physical context, for he was not unlike other great knights in stature or appearance, but in his heart, which was filled with the lust for power.
Although he believed that he was acting in the name of Christ on the Earth, he represented neither his mercy nor his prudence, being a simply unkind and spiteful man.
Sibylla was given in marriage to him at the age of 15, and she watched her sufferings and humiliations in silence, only being able to allow herself occasionally to close her hand on hers, giving her encouragement.
It was known that her husband's dream was the death of the King, for it would then be his wife who would become heir to the throne. Someone might laugh at this wish, knowing that King Baldwin was only 16 years old when she arrived at court.
However, despite such a young age, it was known that the King would probably not live to see his thirtieth year.
The cruel disease that had descended upon his body when he was still a young child, leprosy, was the reason why his whole body was covered, and his face was adorned with a beautiful silver mask – the only thing visible through it were his eyes, bright and wise, the skin around his eyelids all red.
His sister despaired at his undeserved suffering, at the thought that his body was falling apart, his skin peeling and pulling away from his muscles, causing him excruciating pain. He could not touch anyone or be touched directly because his disease was contagious.
Thus, one of the greatest rulers of Jerusalem, a man who had accomplished the impossible and ushered, at least for a while, the Kingdom of Heaven into this forbidden holy land, suffered daily torment.
As she prayed for the health of her family and his sister, she also prayed for him – since Christ was able to miraculously cure lepers, as the Bible itself said, perhaps there was hope for him too.
As a sign of respect and friendship, the Muslim King Saladin sent a retinue of his best physicians to relieve the King of his pain, which must have helped at least to some extent, for although she had previously only seen him in audience standing by his sister's side, now the King began to walk through the palace gardens on his own.
One day, when Sibylla noticed him standing next to one of the monks, she approached him immediately, praising his name, and she moved humbly to follow her, feeling grateful at the thought that the King was indeed feeling better.
That perhaps her prayers had been answered.
"Brother. It rejoices me to see you in the fresh air, away from the suffocating comfort of your chambers full of books and parchments." Sibylla said, pulling her shawl from her mouth, revealing her face to her brother.
As a married woman, she covered her face out of sheer decency, as her husband was a jealous man, but she, as a maiden, in addition almost always being in the presence of her Lady, did not have to do so.
"Your judgement is too harsh, dear sister. Books and parchments are my solace in the hardest of times." He said calmly and lazily, effortlessly – it was the first time she had heard his voice this close and she thought the words coming out of his mouth were like humming.
He had a white linen cloth draped over his head that reminded her of the headgear of the pharaohs, a richly embroidered white robe and gloves on his body, a silver mask portraying the features of a handsome, masculine man on his face.
She swallowed hard as his gaze shifted to her, catching her looking shamelessly at her ruler's face, causing her to lower her head immediately.
"Let's take a walk. We should take advantage of the beautiful weather." Said his sister, wanting to take his arm, he however moved away immediately and shook his head.
Pain and sadness crossed Sibylla's face, but after a moment she only nodded and forced herself to smile, walking ahead with him, letting her and the King's servant walk a few steps behind them.
That evening, for the first time, the King summoned her.
"Do not fret." Sibylla said. "My brother is a man of decency and sensitivity. Rest assured, he will not set upon your virtue or force you to do things unworthy of a lady. He confessed to me that he would like to look at your face for at least a moment longer and asked me to convey his wish to you, indicating that you may refuse."
She looked at her in disbelief, feeling the blush of embarrassment appear on her cheeks at her words, feeling her heart begin to pound like mad.
"If it is the will of our beloved King, I will do so." She said, and Sibylla nodded, giving her one satisfied smile.
She wore her most beautiful robe and hair adornments as if she were about to attend a nuptials – the material cast over her body was blue, fastened at the shoulders and waist with golden buckles, in her hair at the sides jewellery resembling a wreath of laurel leaves.
As she entered his chamber, candles burned all around, she was also struck by the intense scent of lavender – she noticed immediately his white, seated figure bent over thick tomes. His head turned towards her, in his mask she was able to see the reflection of everything around him.
"Do not be afraid. Come closer." He said softly and she nodded, feeling her heart flutter in her chest like a bird.
Her footsteps on the stone floor echoed through his chamber, the rustling of her robe as she sat down opposite him made her sound similar to the rustling of leaves.
She swallowed hard as she watched him sigh and spread out comfortably in his chair, looking her straight in the eye – she immediately looked away, unaccustomed to such confidentiality with anyone.
"No." He said. "Don't deny me this pleasure."
She tightened her fingers on the material of her garment, lifting her gaze to him again, feeling herself involuntarily begin to breathe through her mouth.
She could see the calm and curiosity in his eyes – his head was tilted slightly to one side, as if he was thinking about something, silence all around him.
"I'm making you uncomfortable." He concluded.
She shook her head quickly, horrified, thinking that something in her posture or gaze had discouraged him.
"No, Your Grace. I just don't know how to behave. What is appropriate for me to do or say in your presence. Silence is safe." She confessed in shame, lowering her eyes to her fingers again, reminding herself after a moment that she should not do so.
The King hummed at her words.
"Do not take my words as my attempt to mock you, however, knowing how little time I have left in this wretched world has made me tread lightly in courtly etiquette." He said with amusement, not taking his eyes off her, something flashed in his gaze as if someone had lit a candle inside them.
"We waste time feigning care and respect, hiding what is true, arising from the depths of our hearts, because that is what etiquette demands of us. When we stand before God, will we say to him: I have never really loved or sympathised, but my lips have left many beautiful, great words?" He asked, and she looked at him in disbelief, completely surprised by his approach and what she had heard.
Some part of her knew he was right.
"In this world, only the King can afford to lack beautiful words." She muttered, hearing after a moment that something akin to a chuckle had left his lips.
"You are mistaken. One word from the King can either create or destroy."
She lowered her head, wondering if he had just rebuked her, he, however, seemed satisfied.
"My reign will end with my death, which will be in a few years at the latest. I will not beget an heir to whom I can pass on my philosophy of ruling, the values that are essential. My sister's husband and his greed will sit on the throne, and Jerusalem will fall." He said calmly, as if he were telling her about the weather, his fingers clad in a white silk glove tapping rhythmically against the table top.
She swallowed hard, feeling a squeeze in her heart, wondering if perhaps the reason he had summoned her was quite different from what she had suspected.
"What shall I do, my King?" She asked, and he laughed again, louder this time, looking at her as if something in her question gave him pleasure.
"Your devotion rejoices my heart. Do not think, however, that you will hear from me an order that would condemn you to eternal damnation. I could not then leave this world in peace. No. I wish that when I disappear, someone will watch over my sister. To help her escape when all is lost here, no matter what her husband will desire. Do you understand what I have in mind?" He asked softly, and she nodded, thinking she felt more respect towards him than ever.
"Yes, my King." She replied.
He smiled at her words, she saw it in his gaze. She lifted her gaze higher, towards the windows by which the shoots of dried lavender hung, surrounding them with a pleasant, refreshing scent.
"I had these beautiful flowers brought in from far away. They mask well the unpleasant ailments of my illness on hot days. The smell of rotting flesh is one of the most disgusting to man, for nature equates it with spoiled food from which he can die." He explained, and she looked at him in disbelief, feeling hot shame ripple through her body at his words.
His suffering must have been unimaginable.
"Knights praise their own greatness and bravery during battles wishing for songs to be sung about them. I, for one, hope to hear songs about Baldwin IV, a wise and prudent King, a merciful Monarch who fought each day with his own suffering and triumphed. I do not know the words that can convey my admiration for your person." She mouthed in a trembling voice, feeling that her hands lying on her thighs were quivering all over with emotion, burning tears for some reason squeezed under her eyelids.
The King looked at her for a long moment in silence, something in his gaze that made her feel a pleasant tingling in her fingertips.
"Your soul is as beautiful as your body. You are like a breath of cool wind on a hot day. I am grateful to you for allowing me to experience this joy."
As she left his chamber, for some reason she burst out crying.
She could not understand why: it seemed to her that her heart squeezed all over in pain, not only out of compassion, but also out of a sense of injustice that a man so great and enlightened was experiencing undeserved torment every day.
Or was it through his ordeal that he became such a man, such a King?
If the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven were to open before anyone in the second life, it was before him, she thought.
That night she could not sleep: she was ashamed of herself for thinking about him. She tried not to pay attention to men, knowing their nature, knowing that they might consider it an invitation on her part to sin.
However, the time she spent with him, although she might perceive his words as ambiguous, seemed to her something almost spiritual, a moment of awakening, as if she had been in a half-sleep until the moment she looked into his eyes.
His gaze would find her in the audience among the other servants and ladies of the court. She knew this because his eyes stopped on her face, and although he listened intently to what his subjects were saying to him, she knew that for that one moment he was focused only on her.
The flutter of her heart shamed her, allowing her to realise that, like a flower, a warm and pleasant feeling was blossoming within her, coming from God.
"You occupy my brother's thoughts. He follows you with his eyes." Said Sibylla as they walked together through the corridors of the great, cold stone fortress.
"It was not my desire to distract him from the affairs of the Kingdom." She confessed with shame, entwining her fingers on her womb, looking sadly at her fingers. His sister snorted at her words.
"Jerusalem is destroying him. It is the Kingdom that is his disease. He has taken upon himself all its sins, purified it. He gave it years of peace and dignity." She said with a pain from which she felt a sting in her heart.
Why was it that whenever she thought of him she wanted to cry?
"I want to relieve him." She said finally, looking at her uncertainly, afraid of how the words sounded when they left her mouth. Sibylla stopped, looking at her with furrowed brows.
"Don't be a fool. My brother will not condemn you to a fate similar to his own."
"There are many ways to experience relief. You said so yourself, Princess."
Sibylla looked at her thoughtfully and after a moment nodded, giving her wordless consent to whatever she wished to do.
The trust she had in her intimidated her.
As the siblings' chambers were next to each other, walking along the corridor from one quarters to the other was not a problem for her – Sibylla dismissed her guards so that no one could see in what negligee she went to the king's chamber.
Her long hair was loose, her body covered only by a thin nightgown, rubbed with fragrant oils, on her shoulders a cashmere shawl with which she covered herself to protect herself from the cold.
When she closed the door behind her and turned to face him, his eyes were wide in shock. He was silent for a moment, clearly not knowing what to say.
"No." He said finally. "Go back to your chamber."
"I have not come to you to sin. Does the sight of me disgust you, my King?" She asked in a trembling voice, feeling that she was breathing heavily through her mouth, her heart pounding like mad in her chest.
She saw something in his gaze that looked like he felt pain, his figure creased slightly, as if he had run out of strength.
"God created you to subject me to the ultimate trial. He is torturing me like Job."
She felt a single, warm, heavy tear run down her cheek at his words, her body trembling all over, hot and cold at the same time with desire, though she did not know what kind or what was causing it.
"God sent me to soothe your suffering." She whispered.
They looked at each other like that for a long moment that lasted an eternity, and only after a while did she realise that his silence was due to the fact that he wanted whatever she was going to do to be due to her free will. Therefore, she moved tentatively towards his bed, on which she saw a clean, snow-white sheets, and lay down on her back, putting her shawl aside.
She looked up at him – his gaze was fixed on her, his silhouette sitting in a chair by the window frozen in stillness, the whiteness of his attire seeming to her to shine amidst the candles and the surrounding darkness of the night.
She swallowed hard, feeling the dryness in her throat as her fingers lifted to the ties of her nightgown – she untied the knot, a pleasant squeeze spreading between her thighs, something sticky beginning to leak from it onto the sheet beneath her buttocks.
"– does what I am doing disgust you, my King? – is it a sin? –" She asked, sliding the thin material off her shoulders in a gentle, soft motion, unashamedly revealing her plump, sweet breasts. His gaze fled to them, as if what he had just seen simultaneously terrified and excited him.
"– looking at you, all I feel is desire – it's me sinning in my mind, not you –" He whispered so that she barely heard him, his hand sliding from the table top to his thigh.
Though she knew it was wrong, her whole body screamed, wanting him to touch her, to check for himself how soft and warm her flesh was, her moist, swollen womanhood, pulsing around nothing in desire.
"– not just you, Your Grace –" She muttered in a trembling voice, shamefully mimicking his movements, her long, small fingers sliding down her belly between her thighs, sinking into her warm folds like the moist flesh of an exotic fruit.
His head bowed as they both made a strange, unnatural sound full of surprise at the same moment, a moan as if they had caused each other pain, but yet all she could feel was a wonderful, hot tingling in her quivering womanhood, in her lips, in her nipples, in the tips of her fingertips.
He did not allow her to look at what he was touching under the material of his robe, she could however see the shape of that part of his body outlined on the material – his manhood was long and fat like a piece of stick, growing larger and larger with each squeeze of his hand.
She threw her head back, imagining feeling something that big inside her, in an involuntary reflex finding with her fingertips her puffy slit, slick and tight, resisting her as she tried to slide it inside her.
"– let me see –" He whispered, as if asking for something dirty, disgusting, repulsive.
She, however, felt only the heat of pleasure at his words shake her body – her thighs involuntarily parted, her legs bent at the knees allowing her nightgown to shamelessly reveal all that only her husband should be able to look at.
She felt tears under her eyelids at the thought of wanting to be his wife.
"– you have my love, my King – you have my heart –" She breathed out, digging her fingers deeper into the delicate structure of her folds, teasing again and again the small bud from which her body went through shivers of wonderful, familiar pleasure.
His eyes were fixed on what was between her thighs, his gaze hazy and hot, his breath heavy, the sound of his hand smacking against his flesh sticky and lewd.
"– like the inside of a ripe fruit – like Eve in paradise –" He breathed out, staring at her as if he were looking at something delightful, accelerating the splats of his hand with a low grunt of pleasure. "– so beautiful –"
She felt a thrill of pleasure shake her, shivers ran through her cheeks, breasts and legs at his words, so shameless and yet poetic, beautiful, like the Song of Songs of King David.
"– her breasts are like two fawns –" She hummed, quoting one of the biblical verses, the gaze of her King again fixed on her face, full of fire, heavenly or infernal. "– like twin fawns of a gazelle that browse among the lilies –"
"– her lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb – milk and honey are under her tongue –" He whispered in reply, quoting another of the songs from the manuscript, making her involuntarily allow her own fingers to invade her insides at last.
She threw her head back with a girlish moan, her free hand gripping the frame of his bed, rolling her hips back and forth, stretching her tight interior with the sticky clicks of her wetness.
"– she is a spring enclosed – a sealed fountain –" He muttered and let out a low, helpless groan of relief, leaning down, his hand lying on the table top clenched into a fist.
She felt a wonderful convulsion shake her body at his words, her fleshy, moist walls beginning to throb and clench around her own fingers.
She imagined that her body had just sucked his seed deep inside her, which would take root in her like a tree, giving him a future and an inheritance.
She moaned as she felt her pleasure reach its peak, seeing for a moment only the darkness before her eyes – her fingers, all wet with her moisture stroked for a moment more the little spot deep inside her, her whole body hot and sweaty from the exertion.
Her release was wonderful and sweet, as if she had tasted the most delicious of fruits.
She opened her eyes and met his gaze, his figure relaxed and spread out comfortably on the chair, his hand laid back on its armrest, his glove sticky with something pearly and shiny.
They breathed loudly for a while, just watching each other – she decided not to cover her body, wanting to give him that pleasure, wishing only his gaze could see her like this.
He sighed quietly, cocking his head, his gaze satisfied, indicating that he had clearly made a decision in his heart.
"– I will marry you tomorrow at dawn –"
She blinked and raised herself up on her elbows, horrified.
"– my King – that's not –"
"– I know that this was not your intention – I also know that you will understand that it will be a white marriage, which I will declare to all and sundry – you will not lose your maidenhood – you will not bear me children – the Kingdom will treat you after my death as a saint who stood by the dying King in his misery – when I join my Father in the Heavens, you will be free to remarry –" He explained and she shook her head, feeling offended by his words.
"– I will not take another husband –"
He fell silent and swallowed hard, as if something in the certainty in which she said this moved him deeply.
"– very well – I have only one condition: you will never take off my mask – not even after my death – you will see me as I am only in the Kingdom of Heaven –"
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aemondwhoresworld · 14 days
pairing: dad!ewan mitchell x mom!reader ; husband!ewan mitchell x wife!reader
summary: elowen first role on screen and first appeared on the red carpet with her parents, you and ewan.
word count: 3,1k
part of series: y/n, ewan and elowen mitchell
warning: english is my first language. ewan & reader being a proud parents, fluff, elowen first time on red carpet with her mommy and daddy
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City lights of New York twinkled against the night sky as the excitement of the evening built up in your chest. Tonight was a night of firsts—a night that would be remembered forever in your family. Not only was it the premiere of the movie you and Ewan had worked on for the past year, but it was also the night that your daughter, Elowen, would make her first appearance on the red carpet.
The day had been filled with preparations: getting dressed, having hair and makeup done, and making sure Elowen was comfortable and excited for the big event. But as the sun dipped below the horizon and the lights of the city came to life, the reality of the moment began to sink in.
Standing in the suite of your hotel, you gazed at your reflection in the mirror. Your gown was elegant, perfectly tailored to your figure, and Ewan looked every bit the dashing actor in his suit. But the real star of the evening was Elowen, who stood between the two of you, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in her reflection.
She wore a beautiful dress, custom-made just for her, in a soft shade of blush pink that complimented her rosy cheeks. Her curly hair was styled in soft waves, a sparkly headband keeping it in place. She looked every bit the little star that she was, and your heart swelled with pride.
"Are you ready, sweetheart?" you asked, kneeling down to adjust the hem of her dress.
Elowen nodded, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, Mommy! I’m ready!"
Ewan smiled, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Remember, we’re just going to have fun tonight," he told her, his voice full of warmth and encouragement. "And no matter what, we’re so proud of you."
Elowen grinned, her confidence bolstered by her father’s words. "Okay, Daddy."
With that, the three of you left the hotel suite and made your way to the car waiting to take you to the premiere. The streets of New York buzzed with energy as you arrived at the venue, the bright lights of the red carpet beckoning ahead.
As the car came to a stop, a wave of excitement and anticipation washed over you. This was a big moment for Elowen—her first time on the red carpet, her first small role in a film, and her first interview. But you knew she was ready. She had always been a natural performer, full of charm and charisma, just like her father.
The car door opened, and Ewan stepped out first, extending a hand to help you and Elowen out. The moment your feet touched the carpet, the flashing lights of the cameras began, capturing the three of you in all your glamour.
Elowen held onto both of your hands as you made your way down the red carpet together, her eyes wide as she took in the scene around her. The photographers were calling out, asking for smiles and poses, and you could see the awe in Elowen’s eyes as she realized just how big this moment was.
The three of you posed together, with Elowen standing proudly between you and Ewan, a bright smile on her face as the cameras captured the moment. You could feel the pride radiating off of Ewan as he watched his daughter shine under the spotlight.
After a few more photos, it was time for the interviews. The press had been buzzing about Elowen’s debut for weeks, and there was palpable excitement in the air as you approached the interviewer who was waiting for your family.
"Here they are!" the interviewer greeted, a smile spreading across her face as she saw the three of you approach. "Ewan, Y/n, it’s so wonderful to see you both. And who do we have here?"
Elowen looked up at you and Ewan, and with a little nudge of encouragement from you, she stepped forward and introduced herself with a bright, confident voice. "I’m Elowen Mitchell!"
The interviewer’s smile widened, clearly charmed by Elowen’s enthusiasm. "Elowen, it’s so nice to meet you! This is your first red carpet, isn’t it?"
Elowen nodded eagerly. "Yes! It’s my first time!"
"And how do you feel about it?" the interviewer asked, crouching down slightly to be at eye level with her.
"I’m really excited!" Elowen replied, her eyes sparkling. "I got to be in a movie with Mommy and Daddy, and it was so much fun!"
Ewan and you exchanged a proud glance, your hearts swelling with pride at how well Elowen was handling the attention.
"That’s wonderful!" the interviewer said. "Can you tell us a little bit about your role in the movie?"
Elowen looked thoughtful for a moment, as if choosing her words carefully. "I play a little girl who helps Mommy and Daddy’s characters solve a mystery. It was really fun because I got to pretend to be a detective!"
The interviewer laughed, clearly impressed by Elowen’s enthusiasm. "That sounds amazing! And how was it working with your parents?"
Elowen’s smile widened as she glanced up at you and Ewan. "It was the best! I love working with Mommy and Daddy because they make everything so much fun. And Daddy says I’m a really good actor!”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at her response, reaching out to ruffle her hair affectionately. "She’s a natural," you said, your voice full of pride.
Ewan nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. She did an incredible job, and we’re so proud of her."
The interviewer looked genuinely touched by the exchange. "It’s clear that you’re a very close-knit family. What’s next for you, Elowen? Do you want to do more acting?"
Elowen nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yes! I want to be just like Mommy and Daddy when I grow up."
Your heart swelled with emotion at her words, and you exchanged another loving glance with Ewan. This was a moment you would treasure forever—seeing your daughter take her first steps into a world that had meant so much to both of you.
"Well, I think we’ll be seeing a lot more of you in the future," the interviewer said, smiling warmly at Elowen. "Thank you so much for talking with us, Elowen. And congratulations on your first movie!"
Elowen beamed, clearly proud of herself. "Thank you!"
The interviewer then turned her attention to you and Ewan, asking a few more questions about the movie and your experience working together as a family. But as you spoke, you couldn’t help but glance down at Elowen, who was still basking in the excitement of the moment.
Finally, the interview came to an end, and the three of you made your way into the theater for the premiere. The excitement in the air was palpable as the lights dimmed, and the movie began to play on the big screen.
Sitting between you and Ewan, Elowen watched with wide eyes as the story unfolded. When her scene came on, you could feel her grip tighten on your hand, and you glanced over to see a look of pure joy on her face as she watched herself on screen.
The audience reacted with warmth and applause, and you couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride as you watched your daughter’s debut performance. It was a small role, but she had brought so much heart and energy to it, and you knew that this was only the beginning for her.
As the credits rolled and the lights came back on, the theater erupted in applause. Elowen’s face was flushed with excitement as she looked up at you and Ewan, her eyes shining with happiness.
"You did it, sweetheart," you whispered, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "You were amazing."
Ewan smiled, his voice filled with pride. "We’re so proud of you, El."
Elowen grinned, clearly over the moon with the whole experience. "Can we get ice cream now?" she asked, her eyes full of hope.
You laughed, exchanging a glance with Ewan. "I think that sounds like a great idea," you said, feeling a sense of joy at the thought of continuing the celebration with something as simple and sweet as ice cream.
The three of you made your way out of the theater and into the cool night air. The city was still alive with the energy of the evening, but you decided to slip away from the crowds and head to Elowen’s favorite ice cream shop, a small, cozy place tucked away on a quiet street.
When you arrived, the shop was nearly empty, the soft glow of the lights creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Elowen practically skipped inside, her excitement contagious as she ran up to the counter to pick out her favorite flavor.
You and Ewan followed her, watching with amusement as she carefully considered her options before finally settling on a scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough. Ewan chose a classic vanilla cone, while you opted for a scoop of strawberry.
The three of you found a cozy booth in the corner of the shop, and as you sat down together, the weight of the day’s events began to settle in. It had been a whirlwind, full of excitement and emotion, but now, in the quiet of the ice cream shop, you felt a deep sense of contentment.
Elowen took a big bite of her ice cream, her eyes sparkling with happiness as she looked up at you and Ewan. "This is the best day ever!" she declared, her voice full of sincerity.
Ewan smiled, reaching out to gently squeeze your hand. "It really is," he agreed, his voice soft and full of love.
The morning after Elowen’s first red carpet and film premiere was filled with the gentle hum of the city waking up. The excitement from the previous night had settled into a calm, contented glow as you, Ewan, and Elowen sat down for breakfast at the cozy restaurant inside your hotel. The scent of fresh coffee, pancakes, and scrambled eggs filled the air, a comforting contrast to the high-energy atmosphere of the night before.
Elowen sat between you and Ewan, still beaming with the afterglow of her big night. The sparkle in her eyes hadn’t dimmed, and she was bubbling with excitement as she talked about everything that had happened.
"Mommy, Daddy, do you think I’ll get to do another movie soon?" Elowen asked, her voice full of enthusiasm as she poured syrup over her pancakes.
Ewan smiled warmly, cutting into his own plate of food. "Maybe, love. You did such a great job last night—I’m sure there will be more opportunities. But remember, it’s important to have fun and take it one step at a time."
You nodded in agreement, placing a gentle hand on her back. "And no matter what, we’re always here to support you, El."
Elowen grinned, her cheeks flushing with happiness. "Thanks, Mommy. Thanks, Daddy."
As you enjoyed your breakfast, the soft clinking of dishes and the quiet murmur of other guests filled the room. You were content, enjoying the simple pleasure of being together as a family after such an exciting night.
A familiar voice suddenly broke through the morning calm, and you looked up to see Phia Saban, one of your close friends and a fellow actress who had also been in the film. She was a radiant presence, her golden hair catching the morning light as she approached your table with a warm smile.
"Good morning!" Phia greeted cheerfully, her eyes lighting up as she spotted Elowen. "There’s the little star of the night!"
Elowen’s face lit up with surprise and delight at seeing Phia. "Miss Phia!" she exclaimed, jumping up from her seat to give her a big hug.
Phia laughed softly as she hugged Elowen back, her affection for your daughter clear in the way she gently squeezed her. "I was so happy to see you on the red carpet last night, Elo. You were absolutely brilliant!"
Elowen beamed, her excitement from the night before reigniting. "Thank you! It was so much fun! I got to be on TV and talk to people, and Mommy and Daddy said I did really good!"
Phia smiled warmly as she crouched down to Elowen’s level. "You did more than just good, sweetheart. You were a natural. I could tell how much fun you were having, and that’s the most important thing."
Ewan and you exchanged a glance, both of you touched by Phia’s kindness. She had always been like a big sister to Elowen, and it meant the world to you that she was here to share in this special moment.
"Thank you for being so supportive, Phia," you said, smiling at her as she straightened up. "It was a big night for Elo, and we’re so grateful to have friends like you to celebrate with."
Phia waved off the thanks with a smile. "Of course! I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. And I have a feeling this is just the beginning for our little star here."
Elowen giggled, still glowing with happiness. "Do you really think so, Miss Phia?"
Phia nodded confidently. "I do. But remember, it’s important to stay true to yourself and enjoy the journey. No matter where it takes you, always have fun and be kind—just like you were last night."
Elowen nodded seriously, taking Phia’s words to heart. "I will, I promise."
Phia smiled and gave her another quick hug before standing up. "Good girl. Now, I don’t want to interrupt your breakfast, but I just had to come over and tell you how proud I am of you."
"Thank you, Miss Phia!" Elowen chirped, waving as Phia began to make her way back to her own table.
Phia paused and turned back with a wink. "Anytime, my Elo. And if you ever need any tips or advice, you know where to find me."
As Phia walked away, Elowen climbed back into her seat, still buzzing with excitement. She took a big bite of her pancakes, her eyes sparkling with joy as she looked between you and Ewan.
"Miss Phia is so nice," Elowen said around a mouthful of pancakes, her tone full of admiration.
"She really is," Ewan agreed, smiling as he took a sip of his coffee. "She cares about you a lot, El. And she’s right—you did an amazing job last night."
You reached over to tuck a stray curl behind Elowen’s ear. "We’re so lucky to have such wonderful friends to support us. And we’re especially lucky to have you, sweetheart."
Elowen smiled shyly, clearly touched by the praise. "Thanks, Mommy. I’m really happy."
As you continued your breakfast, the conversation drifted to other topics, but the warmth and love of the morning remained. It was a gentle reminder that no matter how exciting life could get, the simple moments spent together as a family were the ones that truly mattered.
After finishing breakfast, the three of you decided to take a leisurely walk around the hotel’s surrounding area. New York City was bustling with life, and the crisp morning air was invigorating. Elowen skipped along the sidewalk between you and Ewan, her hand held securely in yours as she marveled at the sights and sounds of the city.
"You know," Ewan said as he looked down at Elowen, "I think last night was just the beginning of many more wonderful experiences for you, love."
Elowen grinned up at him. "I hope so! But I’m really happy we’re together right now. That’s the best part."
Your heart swelled with love at her words, and you squeezed her hand gently. "We’re happy too, Elowen. And we’re so proud of you for being such a kind, thoughtful, and talented little girl."
The rest of the morning was spent exploring the city, visiting a few of Elowen’s favorite spots, and enjoying the simple pleasures of being together. It was a beautiful contrast to the high-energy excitement of the previous night—a time to reflect on the special memories you had made and to look forward to the many more that were sure to come.
As the day continue and you eventually returned to the hotel, the three of you felt a deep sense of contentment. The premiere had been a success, and Elowen’s first experience in the spotlight had been everything you had hoped for and more.
Later that evening, as the sun began to set over the city, you found yourselves back in the hotel room, winding down from the day’s adventures. Elowen was tucked into bed, her eyes heavy with sleep after the whirlwind of excitement, but there was a small, satisfied smile on her lips as she drifted off.
Ewan and you stood by her bedside, watching her for a moment, the love you felt for your daughter filling the room with warmth.
"She’s incredible," Ewan whispered, his hand finding yours as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
"She really is," you agreed softly, leaning into him. "I can’t believe how much she’s grown—and how brave she was last night."
Ewan smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. "She gets that from you, you know."
You chuckled quietly, your heart swelling with emotion. "And she gets her charm from you."
As you both stood there, watching your daughter sleep, you couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the life you had built together. It wasn’t just the success of the premiere, or the excitement of the red carpet—it was the love and support that you shared as a family, the knowledge that no matter what happened, you would always be there for each other.
Eventually, Ewan led you out of the room, closing the door quietly behind you. You made your way to the living area of the suite, where you both sank down onto the couch, the events of the past two days still fresh in your minds.
"I can’t believe it’s only been a day since her premiere," Ewan said, his voice full of wonder. "It feels like so much has happened."
You nodded in agreement, resting your head on his shoulder. "It really does. But I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world."
Ewan smiled, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you close. "Neither would I. This—right here—this is everything."
You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying the quiet comfort of being together. The city buzzed outside, the world continuing on, but in that moment, it was just the two of you, reflecting on the beautiful life you had created together.
As the night wore on and the city lights flickered outside the window, you knew that this was only the beginning of many more wonderful moments to come. Elowen’s first red carpet and role had been a resounding success, but it was the love and support you shared as a family that truly made the experience special.
With Ewan by your side, and Elowen tucked safely into bed, you felt a deep sense of peace and contentment.
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TAGLIST: @minami97 ; @hellsingalucard18 ; @champomiel ; @fan-goddess ; @xcharlottemikaelsonx ; @emyswagger ; @k1ttybean ; @callsignwidow ; @barnes70stark ; @ateliefloresdaprimavera ; @beebeechaos ; @targcailee ; @soph995 ; @peachysunrize ; @coffeebooksrain18
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camillecrellin · 10 months
Hi!! I’m not sure if you’re taking requests so if u arnt feel free to ignore this!! <33
Can i request Tao x Fem!Reader (established relationship) on a movie night just then two after the rest of the group couldn’t come?
if you’re comfortable maybe making it poly! with Elle and Tao x reader? but that’s only if you’re comfortable <333
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Movie Night — Tao Xu
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A/N: I'm incredibly sorry how long this took, I lost the love I had for Heartstopper but I am going to get these requests done. That's also why this is short sorry.
Word Count: 302
Warnings: kissing, not an established relationship sorry
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Tao always wanted a movie night just you and him, but he never found the right excuse. Not until one day both, Charlie and Isaac both cancelled.
Tao immediately messaged Elle asking if she could cancel last minute. Elle agreed texting the group chat a few minutes before you agreed to meet up knowing you’d already be at Tao’s.
"I guess it's just us." You laughed, holding up your phone. "Elle's not coming."
"Jesus, that's annoying." Tao sighed, trying to hide his true feelings in his words.
"Eh, it's fine." You shrugged. "We can actually watch what we want to."
"I guess..."
Grabbing Tao's laptop, you laughed. "I know you're not disapointed."
You eyes glanced through the endless content of Netflix, landing on Trainspotting. "Ewan McGregor: yes please."
Tao shook his head at your reaction. "You did not just imply that Ewan McGregor hot?"
"So what if I did?" You challenged, tilting your head towards Tao.
"He has a wife and kids!" Tao shouted.
"He's old enough to be your dad." He added.
"Fair point." You shrugged. "But this is 1996 and he is 25 not 52."
"You know if I squint my eyes, you look almost as hot as him." You joked, looking Tao up and down with your eyes squinting.
Tao gulped, looking down to his lap as he tried to comprehend what you just said.
You, seeing Tao play with his hands, blushed in embrassement. "I'm sorry."
"No, it's fine." Tao looked towards you.
Swalloing the nerves down, you asked. "Can I kiss you?"
Tao nodded, a hand cautiously cupping your face. Before you knew it you both were kissing each other. The sense of longing and dread had finally washed from you both.
Movie Night was bound to get a little bit more interesting thanks to Elle.
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firstly, that ewan x reader fic was SOOO good and so sweet, loved their dynamic!
could I request an ewan x fem!reader where she and ewan are already in an established relationship, she's an actress as well but is also a streamer. she'll chat with fans during some of her streams, maybe watch some videos live or even play a couple games. the first half could maybe be her having her big premiere for her upcoming film, ewan joins her and everybody freaks out and loves them. then maybe afterwards, she does a little stream for her fans and ewan pops up in the background saying a quick hi and, once again, everybody just loves it and all that. then her and ewan cuddle the rest of night and just embrace eachother.
I’m glad you enjoyed the first Ewan story! If you’d like anymore requests of HOTD characters/actors, don’t be afraid to ask! 😌💚
Love of my Life [Ewan Mitchell x Fem!Reader Oneshot]
Other HOTD stories [requests open]
Summary: Being a fairly popular actress, you have grown quite a following between your work and doing various kinds of streams on different platforms. Your fans especially love the relationship you have with your long time boyfriend, another actor by the name of Ewan Mitchell. They are beyond excited to see the two of you attending a premiere together, but that is not the only time they get to see you and Ewan together that night….
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“Do you really need to put on makeup?”
“Yes, Ewan,” You replied, looking in the mirror as you put on your lipstick, a shade of red to match your dress.
Ewan chuckled and shook his head as he walked into the bathroom. He lightly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulling you close, your back against his chest. “You don’t need makeup though, love,” He said leaning down and kissed your cheek with a wide smile on his lips.
You looked up at your boyfriend, smiling lovingly and giggled when he kissed your lips. The two of you had been in a relationship for about three and a half years now, having grown up together. Your parents often teased that you were husband and wife at the young age of ten.
“But I do to feel pretty,” You stated with a pout and smiled getting out of his grasp so you could finish getting ready.
You were attending the premiere of your latest project and you were so thankful for Ewan to be attending with you. He was your biggest supporter through everything whether it be your movies or streaming to your adoring fans.
“Are you ready yet, love?” Ewan called with a slight whine to his tone of voice.
You turned to him with a giggle and nodded, walking over to him. “You are so damn impatient,” You teased with a small smirk.
“Well, I just want to be on time for the premiere,” He replied returning your smirk.
You rolled your eyes, the smile still on your lips as you leaned up kissing him softly on the lips. You released the kiss and giggled, wiping away at his lips where you stained them with your lipstick.
You walked past him to grab your heels and purse. “Okay, Mister Pushy. Let’s go,” You teased with a small smirk.
Ewan chuckled, holding his arm out for you to the rental car that the two of you were going to take to the premiere. You sat next to him in the car, pulling out your phone. You leaned your head against your boyfriend’s with a wide smile on your face and laughed as he kissed your cheek for another selfie.
“I don’t think I have told you how beautiful you look,” Ewan said after a moment.
You looked up at him, smiling at the way he was looking at you. He always seemed to look at you with a love and adoration in his blue eyes. You smiled more when he took your hand and he kissed the back of your hand lightly.
“You always say I’m beautiful,” You said giggling.
“It’s not a lie,” Ewan replied smiling more as he leaned down kissing the side of your head and pulled you close to him.
You could tell you were close to the premiere with the bright and flashing lights. You took a deep breath holding tight onto Ewan’s hand and smiled lightly when he squeezed it.
“You got this, love,” He whispered in your ear kissing the side of your head.
You nodded slowly as the car came to a stop. You took a deep breath and looked over when the door was opened, smiling at the valet. You slowly got out and waved, laughing at how the fans cheered for you before Ewan climbed out, their cheers only seeming to get louder.
You smiled up at Ewan as some girls cheered out his name. “I think they’re here for you, who’s not even in the movie,” You whispered to him with a small smirk.
Ewan snickered as he waved, keeping an arm around your waist tight holding you close. He kissed your cheek only causing the fans to cheer even more. You smiled lightly while making your way down the red carpet, holding tight onto Ewan’s hand so the two of you don’t accidentally separate from each other.
You smiled wide for the cameras, Ewan’s arm wrapped around you, his smile just as wide. He always looked proud to show you off to everyone. It made your stomach do somersaults every time, the way Ewan treated you. He treated you as though you were a queen and he was your king. Some days you truly thought you did not deserve him.
You hooked your pinkie with his as you continued down the carpet, laughing a bit as fans called to you. You walked over, smiling at a young teenage girl as she started to tear up. You began to sign some posters and pictures, Ewan standing beside you.
“I just have to say,” The same teenage girl began. “You and Ewan are so cute. Can I actually take a picture with the two of you?”
You smiled brightly and nodded. “Of course!”
You pulled Ewan close to you as you smiled with the girl for her phone before hugging her and heading back down the carpet with your boyfriend after a few more autographs. You always loved when the fans were so accepting of your relationship, it warmed your heart.
Ewan pulled you close and kissed your cheek with a soft smile on his lips. “Come on, it’s time to go inside soon.”
Your face was makeup free and you were wearing one of Ewan’s shirts and a pair of sweats. The premiere was a success and everyone seemed to enjoy the film. You could already see how excited the fans would be when the premiere pictures come out tomorrow.
“Are you really streaming this late?” Ewan asked in a teasing voice as he came from the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth watching you set up your phone for an Instagram live.
“Only for a little bit.” You waved at your boyfriend a bit with a wide smile.
“Aren’t you tired?” Ewan asked, laughing.
“You know I am always high on life, darling.”
“You’re high on something,” He mumbled walking into the bathroom with a chuckle.
You shook your head and smiled, relaxing on your bed as you set up the Insta Live, pressing the button. “Hi guys!” You greeted waving at the camera. “So, as you all knew tonight was the big premiere of my movie in London. It turned out well and I was so happy to meet as many of you as possible!”
You smiled more while you rambled onto your fans about the night. “Was Ewan with you?” You read a comment and you nodded with a soft smile. “He’s always with me! I honestly don’t think I can do this whole journey without him,” You admitted with a laugh.
You sat up a bit, moving your phone so you could have a better position of your face. “Ewan has been talking about how he has this big project coming up. He won’t even tell me what it is. I don’t remember him going into any auditions.” You furrowed your brows a bit. “He’s so secretive about it and I don’t like it.”
“And it’s going to stay a secret, love,” Ewan said coming into frame while kissing the side of your head. “When we have to leave, I will finally reveal it!”
You smiled up at your boyfriend and looked back at your phone, giggling as the comments blew up. “It’s like Ewan is a popular actor or something,” You said teasingly. “Do you want to tell the fans hi.”
Ewan looked at your phone and smiled waving as heart emojis kept flying on the side of your screen. “Hi fans,” He greeted while chuckling.
“Alright,” You began while sitting up, Ewan getting back out of frame. “Mister Old Man here….”
“I’m only seven months older than you!”
“As I said! Mister Old Man here is getting tired so we are going to head to bed, goodnight all you lovelies!” You waved at the camera while blowing kisses. “And don’t forget to check out my movie when it hits theaters plus eventually find out Ewan’s secret role! Stay tuned!”
“Mister Old Man,” Ewan repeated as you plugged your phone in to charge.
You yelped when he suddenly grabbed you by the waist and you fell back, him hovering over you. “What’s your secret role?”
Ewan smirked. “It’s not very much of a secret if I tell you, now is it?” He teased and leaned down kissing you gently on the lips.
You giggled while returning his kiss. “But the tension is killing me!” You whined before pouting as you looked into his blue eyes. “And you don’t want to kill me now, do you?”
Ewan hummed as though he was in thought and laughed when you hit him in the chest. He laid beside you and moved so the two of you were on the pillows. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, nuzzling lightly into your hair.
You pulled the blankets up around you, content in his arms as he rubbed your arms up and down. You always enjoyed nights like these, where you had nothing to worry about. You always felt safe in his arms.
“You know I love you so much, Ewan,” You said looking up at him with a loving smile.
He returned your smile and leaned down kissing you gently on the lips. “I love you even more, Y/N,” He whispered before laying his head on top of yours.
You closed your eyes, your head on his chest as you listened to his heartbeat. Some days were more difficult than others, but you knew you could always go back to the love of your life.
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divine-donna · 2 years
lights! camera! action!
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in honor of hotd’s golden globe win, have just this random shitpost of an au for the hotd cast.
aka. movie star au! (i also saw someone edit ewan to be aemond on the red carpet so that also inspired me)
anyways where do you see yourself, or your oc, fitting in this au? i’d love to know!!
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ser criston cole
say hello to ser criston! or just cris, as you’ve come to call him. a stuntman making his acting debut in the new drama, house of the dragon. compared to his stoic persona, he is very goofy. laughs a lot and can never do one take. being serious is not his forte which only makes his acting chops a lot more impressive. he also laughs when he’s nervous and he’s constantly nervous around the more experienced people. doing combat scenes with him is super fun and he always makes sure his costars, and even you, are alright. does his own stunts. formerly worked on the game of thrones show (according to rumors at least).
“the princess rhaenyra is brazen and relentless. a spider who, haha. spiders. a spider who strings and sucks her prey dry. hahaha. i’m so sorry guys. can i get some water please?”
daemon targaryen
daemon is an experienced actor with a lot of films under his belt. however, he’s most prominently known to have starred in lots of b movies, particularly of the horror genre. he’s given his characters depth but the critical reception has really shrouded his talent. house of the dragon, then, is proof that he can act. and, most importantly, that he’s a good actor. he acts with professionalism and enjoys spending time with his costars outside of work. he does have a loyal following that are willing to watch anything he is in but also, he’s been single for a long time. dating just isn’t in his mind until he meets you.
“that was a really great shoot today. anyways, (y/n), do you want to join me and the others to grab some food? we’re all quite hungry and want to wish the children goodbye and good luck on future projects. kind of sad they’re leaving.”
rhaenyra targaryen
rhaenyra targaryen is a famed stage actor. outside of theatre and drag, they are not well known. house of the dragon signifies their serious television debut. rhaenyra is queer, using they/she pronouns, and presents masc outside of the show. they bring a unique perspective to their character and are well respected in the theatre and drag scene. they got into performing through drag and was even featured on a reality show for a brief time. they become a queer icon once making their television debut and can’t be any happier with their success.
“are those chocolate covered almonds? can i have one (y/n)?...thanks! say, there’s something i want to try with my character. spare me a minute so i can run it by you?...you’re the best!”
alicent hightower
alicent has quite the filmography to brag about. she’s been an actress since she was a child, thus she has as many films under her belt as daemon despite the latter being much older than her and having more experience. she is especially known from her role on a teen show as the sweet protagonist (who everyone eventually got fed up with after 8 seasons of no character growth). so playing a complex character like alicent lets her show off her acting chops while also metaphorically shedding her image as the good teenage girl. you can find her hanging out with rhaenyra or yourself.
“what made me want to take this role? well, it was a chance to grow, you know. and such a devoted mother, wife, woman, has layers to it. it just goes deeper than what i have done during most of my career. and to bring this woman to life is such a great honor.”
aegon targaryen
aegon targaryen is the leading man with a lot of fans and a role in an ongoing multi-movie franchise. a chris evans, if you will. his most notable role is as a righteous man, someone so morally upstanding. so to play someone like aegon provides him with a challenge. he loves the new material and to finally be something different! he’s also very much like criston, always cracking up during his lines and making jokes. he’s always bringing refreshments to set for everyone and there are nothing but good things said about him.
“oh wow. did you get me a smoothie (y/n)? you didn’t have to, y’know. i don’t mind getting you stuff....oh, you just wanted to? you are very sweet. maybe we can go grab some food after this shoot is done.”
aemond targaryen
the newbie. he’s only acted in soap operas and dramas but he blows up after his debut on house of the dragon. aemond becomes probably one of the most popular actors after his debut. his inexperience makes him nervous and after the takes are done, he’s always apologizing and asking if his costars are okay (like with luke). he’s mostly played sweethearts in his roles, so his character is a new change of pace. sometimes, he does need a pep talk from you because it is very intimidating to be working around such experienced actors and actresses like rhaenyra and alicent!
“i am so sorry if i was too aggressive. are you alright?...okay thank god! i was worried that i had pushed it too far....it was a good take? oh wow! thank you so much for the compliment (y/n)!”
helaena targaryen
the it-girl and a rising new talent, helaena is the hottest new actress. she rose to prominence with rom coms and many people feared she would be categorized as a rom com actress from then on out. however, helaena is not one for formulas! she starred in a tv series that went against her rom com image and a dramatic film that had critics praising her for weeks on end. house of the dragon is one of her many endeavors to expand her craft. she is also on the more famous side compared to some of her other costars and has a large social media following, hailed as a style icon.
“(y/n), you want to take a picture with me on the iron throne?...cool! weirdly enough, this is very comfortable....oh, are you cold? here, you can have my jacket. it gets quite chilly on the sound stage.”
jacaerys velaryon
jace has dipped his toes into acting, mostly in comedies because his comedic timing is amazing. but his primary source of income is as a model and a musician. he’s written a few songs solo and heads a punk band. house of the dragon represents his dramatic debut. and a lot of his fans don’t recognize him at first when he comes on screen until they look at the credits. nevertheless, he brings in new fans for his band and his numbers on social media sky rocket. he is a bit of a goofball like aegon and has a large storage of memes for the groupchats.
“hey (y/n), (y/n). why did the bike fall over? because it’s two tired! hahaha, sorry, sorry. i will stop telling you corny jokes. i know you secretly love them.”
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loycspotting · 6 months
4. Ewan McGregor Movie Review: Nothing but the Truth (1995)
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TRIGGER WARNING: In this review, I mention sexual violence because that is what this movie is about. I don't go into great detail. Still, if the topic of sexual violence/assault is triggering for you then this is your warning to scroll past.
Ewan McGregor's first project of 1995 was the pilot episode of British television series Kavanagh Q.C. titled "Nothing but the Truth." You might be asking yourself, "television series? I thought those were going to be excluded?" You're right and the reason I included this episode in our movie review list is because it has a runtime of an HOUR AND FORTY-ONE MINUTES. Where I come from, we call that a movie. The episode is also a standalone project, meaning that you don't need to watch the whole series or even an additional episode to finish the plot or understand the narrative. Everything you need to know for the episode happens in the episode.
A couple fun facts before we get started!
In this project, Ewan works alongside Geraldine James again. You might remember her from our previous review as the ex-jazz singer in "Doggin' Around." I thought that was cool! Here, she plays Eleanor Harker Q.C. (Queen's Counsel) who is the prosecutor attorney.
If you've ever heard Ewan say that he met his wife while working on a project, THIS is that project! This is where he met his first wife, Eve Mavrakis, who is credited as the Assistant Art Director. The episode aired January 3, 1995 and six months later they were wed.
Let's dive in!
Movie Review: "Nothing but the Truth" stars the late John Thaw as the titular Kavanagh Q.C. James Kavanagh is a senior barrister and arguably the best. While he couldn't be more adept at his job as a barrister, the same cannot be said for his job as a husband and father. The demands of these roles pull him in different directions and cause friction between him and his wife. The main plot is about an affluent young man accused of sexually assaulting the woman for whom he works. Naturally, it's a he said/she said situation. He claims that it was a consensual fling while she claims the opposite. The evidence corroborates both of their stories to an extent which makes it even harder to know who is being honest. As one of the best lawyers in Britain, Kavanagh is tasked with defending the accused. Unfortunately, defending a man accused of rape only creates more cracks in the foundation of his familial relationships. Armed with his intellect and belief in the inherent goodness of man, Kavanagh is determined to find nothing but the truth.
Ewan Review: Ewan plays the character David Armstrong who is our young man accused of sexual assault. He has a posh English accent and is incredibly soft-spoken. He also has a stutter which sounds a bit forced at times. This role is my absolute favorite for his long, silky, hair era! We get a few shots of it in the half-up/half-down style but for the majority of the film it's all down. They must have given him a full on blow out because that hair was thick, long, and luscious! His hair needed it's own acting credit. Ewan also showcases his acting skills really well in this role. I've felt for a long time that Ewan performs best in roles that require subtlety and he does a great job in this one. On a more critical note, even though he often plays characters who are depicted in a negative light, those stories tend to require you to suspend your disbelief. That is not the case with this movie. This is a serious topic and the movie handles it with the seriousness it deserves. If Ewan brings you comfort and you only engage with his more wholesome roles, then this might not be for you. There are no graphic depictions of sex in the movie but there is sexual audio twice and in the court scenes the characters go into detail about the incident.
Screentime Percentage (All numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number): Ewan is on screen for a grand total of 21/101 minutes making his SP 21%.
To Ewan or not to Ewan: Is this movie worth watching for Ewan content alone? Yes, even with the low percentage! Again, his hair is *chef's kiss* 🤌. We get to see him sweaty and working in the dirt as well as dressed up in a three piece suit. There's also a brief makeout scene and shirtless scene. Is the movie worth watching in general? This is very difficult for me to say but my answer is no. My opinion is that the movie is /only/ worth watching for Ewan. If he wasn't in it or was in it even less then it'd be a skip for me. The premise is interesting but the movie can be slow in places. Also, maybe it's just because this was the pilot episode or the legal system being different in Britain, but there were significant issues not addressed in the court scenes that make the ending a little less satisfying. If you like crime shows, then you might like this regardless of the Ewan factor. But be warned, this is not a flashy, fast-paced drama like Law and Order SVU or Criminal Minds. It's an old, British, drama about an old lawyer.
Where to Watch: "Nothing but the Truth" is currently uploaded for free on YouTube through the channel "Ewan McGregor Vault". Just search "Kavanagh Q.C. Nothing But the Truth with Ewan McGregor". If you want to watch the full series, all episodes are also uploaded for free on a YouTube playlist through the channel "o p i u m 1". Just search "Kavanagh Qc".
Conclusion: "Nothing but the Truth" is a hidden gem in Ewan McGregor's career. Unlike other crime shows I've seen, this movie was unique in that there wasn't very much information the audience had that the characters didn't. You really have to pay attention, trust your gut, and hope the verdict is the right one. This also makes the movie great for rewatches because you'll start to notice things in the background that add to the story. I highly suggest watching this with another person because if you're like me, you're going to have a lot to talk about as the truth is revealed.
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rey-jake-therapist · 6 months
Lost Souls: chapter 12 (Sweetbitter)
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Click If you missed the beginning.
"Her stepfather, Mattias, now occupied the player's seat, his gaze fixed upon her as Johnny's melody continued. A gentle smile graced his lips, mirroring the warmth shimmering in his hazel eyes, a sight seldom seen. Clad in the familiar striped shirt with rolled-up sleeves and gray pants from years past, his graying hair appeared so soft that she almost reached out to touch it, Mattias looked the same as she saw him last, years ago. A Danish man adopted by the U.S., he had made the move from Denmark as a young adult, choosing to settle after meeting his first wife. Meeting Mina's mother when Mina was eleven, he swiftly married her, becoming the father figure Mina had always yearned for—or so her mother believed." This chapter is told from Mina's POV. In which is mostly a dream sequence, we get to see glimpses of the past that Mina's ran away from, and of the ghosts that don't let themselves be forgotten.
Note 1: In this chapter there are several links to YouTube videos: it's only music :) Consider them the soundtrack of this chapter, inserted exactly where they fit, as if it was a scene from a movie. Feel free to ignore them if you prefer reading in silence! Note 2: in my head, Mattias (Mina's stepdaughter) is played by the handsome Mads Mikkelsen, Keisha by Lupita Nyong'o and Ewan by Ewan McGregor :) Because why wouldn't I have a 5 stars cast? Notes 3: my playlist for the entire fic is still on and has been updated!
@endlessbittersweetdreams, @writing-for-life , @sylverfaeland , @modest-irish-goddess , @marlowe-zara , @thedaisycrownwitch , @lissysandmanadorer ♥
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
So who was your gay awakening? If your like me and can’t remember one in particular who are some people/characters you can safely point the finger at?
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Okay. Some men that 2008-2014 me was Definitely Not Normal about. I only really realized my own gayness around 2014, so these are the guys it became clear to me that I was actually crushing really hard on but before I realized I liked men in That Way.
Thor/Chris Hemsworth (first appearance 2011) - mythology? love it. hunks? love em. sexy accents? yes please. Put em all together and I'm a goner. Totally in love with Thor from the word go, and Chris Hemsworth was so charming and handsome that I even watched that stupid Red Dawn remake for him.
Gwaine (first appearance 2010) - ahhh, a cute scruffy guy with a playful sense of humor? Yeeeeeee. I was never into Merlin or Arthur the way so many seemed to be, but Gwaine pushed all the buttons I didn't know I had.
Chrom (first appearance 2012) - himbo prince that's moral and loving and even if you play a male Robin, you get a really deep relationship with him that can still read as romantic even with his literal wife right there. I love himmmmmm and he was one of the last nails in the coffin of presumed straightness-until-proven-gay
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans (first appearance 2011) - Steve grew on me over time, mostly due to Chris Evans' charm and sincerity in the character. I think I'd like him as a character less if a different or less-skilled actor played him - I mean, you know, the last part of The First Avenger where Steve sacrifices himself and says goodbye to Peggy is the only MCU movie scene I genuinely cried at. It never occurred to me until later that I had a crush on him.
Prince Phillip (I first remember seeing Sleeping Beauty in 2008) - Okay, he's cute, sweet, funny... and he spends a good portion of the movie tied up, so... yeah.
Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan (2014) - Probably the final nail in my coffin. He's just so cute and hot that I'm still happy about him haha
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Ewan McGregor (first remember seeing Attack of the Clones in 2009-2010) - it was the sexy jedi mullet. He's sooooo pretty and his accent slips through his RP voice as Obi-Wan sometimes and it's yum.
Haru (was only able to watch all the episodes of atla when my family got netflix because we didn't get nick and I had to watch it all scattered at my grandmother's, so around 2009) - hehe, was anyone else really interested in Haru the way I was? Long hair, moral and cute in the right ways. Didn't love his mustache later but he's still a hottie.
August Booth (first appearance 2012) - Forget Hook, August was the bad boy that I fixated on from Once Upon a Time. Not really sure why, but I just liked him a whole lot more.
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 year
Your Pal’s Movie Reviews: Our Kind of Traitor(2016)
Free to stream on Roku, tubi, vudu and Amazon prime video
(Find more of my Ewan movie reviews here!)
Ewan content: (note: I wrote this paragraph while very drunk but I stand by it) crinkle eyed professor Ewan my beloved - who has apparently fucked a student and it’s a shame we didn’t hear more about that - you are my every fanfic waiting to happen. Also in bed with hairy chest on display the first time he’s on screen. Mmmm. Spends almost all of the movie in over his head. He has luscious locks.
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The movie: Professor Ewan and his wife get mixed up on Russian mob business while on holiday. This movie is pretty good, although drags at times and felt long. Stellan Skarsgard is great in his role of mobster/family man. There’s not an extreme amount of violence for a mob movie, but it’s definitely there, people get shot. Husband thoroughly enjoyed this!
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itwasanangryinch · 2 months
wdym bowie tried to sue mcr? When T_T
Sorry for the confusion! David Bowie never tried to sue My Chemical Romance. In the tags, I was referencing that that OP's relationship to a potential MCR bio pic mirrors my relationship watching Velvet Goldmine for the first time in 2013.
Bowie tried to sue the creators of Velvet Goldmine because they reached out ahead of time asking for permission to use his song 'Velvet Goldmine' as part of the soundtrack. He asked what the movie was about and they either gave him a screener or the script. He tried to file first an injunction since the plot is so obviously and heavily based on a sensationalized version of rumours of his life with some of the characters slightly rearranged. For instance:
Jonathan Rhys Meyers and his first glam and then later pop reinvention combining Bowie's dramatic killing off of the Ziggy character with his mass market appeal of the Let's Dance era.
Toni Collette's groupie-sycophant wife mirroring Angela Bowie and her weird parasocial relationship with her own ex-husband. (Whom David did successfully get an injunction against after their divorce, which delayed her biography Backstage Passes by a decade. In the meantime, a friend of hers, Tony Zanetta, released his own Bowie book Stardust: The David Bowie Story. Which takes... liberties, to say the least.)
Ewan McGregor plays a version of Iggy Pop. One notable difference with his character's relation to the source (as it were) is that he does cover an Iggy Pop song 'Gimme Danger,' which ironically, was produced by Bowie. The other notable change is that Velvet Goldmine combines the Iggy figure with the long-standing rumour that Bowie had slept with Mick Jagger--a rumour started and perpetuated almost entirely by Angela Bowie. 🙄🙄🙄 You have a famous bisexual ex-husband! The person you choose to claim he slept with is one of the few people he didn't actually sleep with!! She is a controversial figure amongst Bowie fans/historians for a reason. Namely that the only people who corroborate most of the shit she spews are her own inner circle.
And Eddie Izzard (now Suzie Eddie Izzard.) Her character is a largely unchanged version of Tony DeFries; a man who was in equal part helper and predator to Bowie in that era.
As a separate filing after the injunction failed, iirc, he filed effectively a restraining order against them using any of his music in the film. That step wasn't necessary since as the copyright owner, he could always deny further requests, but it certainly sent a message about what he thought about the film.
Publicly speaking about it, Bowie never directly referred to it as a failed bio pic/rumour mill film, but he wasn't exactly charitable about it.
There's a strong chance, though never expressly said by his estate, that Velvet Goldmine is the reason you'll never see an officially licensed bio pic while Duncan and Iman are still alive.
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me: what was the movie where ewan mcgregor was on meth and bisexual...
my wife: star wars?
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depoteka · 8 months
Ooh, I can ask some questions if you're in the mood. I saw your post about wanting to have that on your blog. Anyway, here it is:
1. What movies make you cry each time you watch them?
2. Who is your favorite book heroine and why?
3. A celebrity crush you had as a teenager and what made them appealing to you?
4. Which is your favorite fashion era and why?
5. Is there something you wish you could do, but never had the chance yet?
that's a lot of questions this is so lovely!! thank you!!!!!
to be frank i don't rewatch movies that often so i cannot really say!!! i've probably cried the hardest watching the bridges of madison county some years ago and i don't want to go through that again hhhh. i think when i decide to rewatch something it's always a movie that won't make me cry. my most rewatched movies are probably stand by me, bill & ted's excellent adventure and napoleon dynamite
going through my goodreads i realized that sooo many of my highest rated books have male protagonists, i need to change it. right now i'm reading myra breckinridge by gore vidal and i adore her. her obsession with gold age of hollywood and her personality are so captivating (and of course i've seen the movie so i just picture raquel welch in wonderful outfits while reading which makes the character even more iconic to me)
for some reason the first person that came to my mind was ewan mcgregor. i became obsessed with him after watching star wars prequels. and tbh what was appealing about him (other than his looks obviously which was a major factor) was the fact that he is goofy and not scared of playing in weird movies and just getting all naked in them from time to time. i lost interest when he started picking more mainstream movies and also when he left his wife aadfdf that was the last straw for me
ooof that's a hard one. probably 50s/60s/70s. i adore the patterns, the colours and the way clothes from this era fit on the body. when it comes to more historical things 19th century also had some gorgeous clothes but i'm not that knowledgeable on that, all i know is that early 19th century empire waist dresses are boring to me
not to be a sad loser on main but go on a date 🤧🤧 i refuse to use tinder so that's not happening anytime soon for me. but a girl can dream
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garaktime · 1 year
Man, as a whole I feel like we should be caring about celebrities personal shit a whole lot less than we do and for most things I'm usually like "this isn't my business" but yesterday i learned Ewan McGregor cheated on his wife a few years back and ngl that got me a bit. I know that has nothing to do with enjoying his movies or whatever but I was still like, man...
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djemsostylist · 1 year
Having recently watched the Star Wars films again, I decided to also tackle the books again as well. I've read most of what Star Wars has to offer, but there are a few I haven't made it to and a few I feel like I don't appreciate the way I should.
I started with the novelization of The Phantom Menace by Terry Brooks, and I'll be honest when I say I didn't expect much. TPM as a movie was boring, and I figured the novel wouldn't be much better.
I was wrong. I was so wrong, in fact, that I'd say I highly recommend it. See, my chief problem with the prequels is a two-fold one: 1, George wrote a truly horrible story, and 2, George hired truly atrocious actors to be the leads. Ewan McGregor not withstanding, the actors he hired were barely able to handle the script he gave them, let alone bring something more to the characters.
Anakin's fall should be slow, steady, bit by bit and then all at once. He should be Anakin, of course, but he should also be Vader. Because that is the thing about Anakin--he was always Vader. He didn't have a nightmare once and wake up Vader, after having been a good man his whole life. Vader's selfishness, his single-mindedness, his fear, his fixations, his rage, and his desire for power and control were always a part of Anakin, as much as his supernatural ability with flying and machines and his visions of the future. Anakin could be kind, he could be selfless, he could be decent, but all of these aspects of Anakin were always entwined with Vader. And as time goes on, it becomes harder and harder to hide the Vader, to pull on Anakin's face and plaster on Anakin's smile and pretend that the fire that rages always is banked, is controlled, is not waiting to consume. So when he takes those final steps, when he kills Mace and kneels before Palpatine and takes the Temple, we should have seen it coming. Not because we've seen the original trilogy and we know that Anakin is Vader, but because we've seen the Vader in him all along. Because this was always how his story was going to end. He was always going to be Vader, forever.
The problem is that the movies don't really give us that, particularly in TPM. I think George sort of wanted to show this kid's super innocence, and it came across as grossly naïve and also almost cloyingly sweet. The Anakin we get in TPM has no hints of Vader, no darkness, no intensity, none of the vices which will plague him for a lifetime. He's sweet and innocent and pure, in a way that's almost annoying its earnestness. He has little to no agency in his own story--he isn't even a POV character. And Padme, who will one day become his future wife, views him with the same sort of feeling one would expect for a 14 year old girl and a precocious little moppet--she thinks he's cute and childish and that's about it. She likes him certainly, but so does everyone he encounters, because he's a caricature of childhood innocence and naivete. There's nothing to him.
Anakin in the novel comes across as older--I'd put him at 12-13, to the movie's 9. (The book does state that he is 9, but I teach 9 year olds--even an incredibly precocious one would not come across like Anakin). In this Anakin, we see shades of Vader. He lives in a constant state of hyper awareness of both his abilities (which he is fully aware of, unlike in the movie where he seems not to notice his skills at all), and he wrestles constantly with a gnawing fear of losing everything he loves. This Anakin is quiet and thoughtful, and though kind and outgoing, is also prone to fits of rage or moments of utter stillness. When Watto is screaming in his face, Anakin sort of checks out, blank faced and staring until Watto exhausts himself and forgets to scream, ostensibly because he knows that arguing is useless, but also because, I think, he isn't sure what will happen if he fights back. He dreams of a life in the stars, but he can't see a future without his mother. He knows that he has abilities others don't, and he knows enough to keep them to himself. He saves the life of a Tusken Raider in the desert because he feels its pain, but he also beats the shit out of a teenage Rodian (a young Greedo as it would happen) because he is mourning the loss of Padme.
And speaking of Padme, their relationship in this is intense. In the movie, Padme pays about as much attention to him as you would expect, given their age difference. It would be weird for her to be as immediately smitten and attached, and likewise Anakin's interest in her seems childish and unremarkable.
In the story, their connection and mutual interest is instant and intense. From the moment they first meet in the junkshop, they are almost always together, and Padme is as fascinated and drawn to him as he is to her. (Which, coincidentally, fits much better if she is 14 and he is only a little younger). They spend all their time together, and are often lost in deep conversations. Anakin can't stop thinking about her, and she doesn't seem to mind when he holds her hand or tells her that he is going to marry her someday (with a flash of foresight). He sees visions of her in his future, leading an army, older and sadder. She seems to have difficulty leaving him (when she climbs on the Eopi to leave, she doesn't make eye contact and refuses to look back) and Anakin is devastated by her loss. He ends up beating the shit out of Greedo for an unrelated offence, and doesn't even seem to realize what he's doing until Qui-Gon shows up to pull him off.
Later, when he finds out the truth about Padme being the queen, she goes out of her way to find him and make sure he still feels the same about her as he did before. She promises him, on the ship when he gives her the Japor carving, that she will never forget him, the way way she feels about him--even makes a callback to his assertion that they will one day be married.
And this works. It works in a way the movie doesn't, because you get these two people who are both more mature, more grounded than anyone else their age, and they immediately share this intense, overwhelming bond that sort of takes both of them by surprise. It makes sense then, why, meeting years later, they are just as instantly drawn back together.
(In my version of the Clones, with an exaggerated timeline, Anakin and Padme would be on Naboo for close to a year, carefully working to bring about an end to the blockade and invasion, Anakin being trained by Qui-Gon on the dl, and they'd grow ever closer. I'd probably even have their first kiss maybe, during this time--she'd be almost 15, he'd be almost 14 (assuming he's almost 13 when we meet him), and this would enforce their bond.)
My point it, that in the novel, Anakin is intense, smart, deeply connected to the Force, and already aware of his abilities, though not in control of them or truly aware of what they mean. He is kind and thoughtful, but he is also prone to rage and fear, and he struggles with both. He is already terrified of loss, and he struggle with it throughout the novel itself. He also has the intensity that Vader has, the fixation--he's obsessed with Padme from the moment he meets her, and though his obsession is reciprocated, it doesn't make it any less intense. The Jedi, too, are concerned about his rage issues in a way the movie doesn't make clear--so much so that in the book they not only defer making a decision about his training on Coruscant, they expressly forbid Qui-Gon from training him. It's the rage as well as the fear that give them pause.
Overall, the novel sets up an Anakin (and a Padme really) that are believable for the people who they will become. There is an obvious through-line from Anakin to Vader, and it makes for a more cohesive character overall. And having Padme be just as drawn to him from the beginning also helps--their relationship has never been sane or healthy, and that is the point. Two early teens sharing an intense bond that only strengthens with time makes a lot more sense than randomly falling in love with the weird teenager you first met a cherubic child.
I'm curious to pay attention the through lines of this as the novels go on. Up next: Rogue Planet and then The Approaching Storm. (collecting all the novels year ago really was a stroke of genius).
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
Please do give us all your underrated romcom recs!!
For sure! Here are some I remember right now.
Ibiza--a Netflix movie, half "female friendship celebration", half romcom, the source of my URL. About an overworked uptight marketing girl (lmao...... real) who goes on business trip to Barcelona; her two best friends tag along and convince her to go to a club, where she has a chance encounter with celebrity DJ Leo West (Richard Madden at his best), after which she becomes convinced to follow him to his next show in Ibiza so they can hook up before her business meeting back in Barcelona. Unhinged, sexy, hilarious, everything people say Bridesmaids is, I love everyone in this movie and somehow none of the women are ever in true peril which is fabulous. Will leave you wanting to fall in love in a club/do something insane with your friends. Encapsulates the feelings of life changing travel better than anything.
Laggies--coming of age romantic comedy with some REEEEAL hits for MILLENNIAL MALLAISE, imo. Keira Knightley dips after freaking out when her boyfriend proposes; she has no life direction and ends up crashing with this teenage girl she just met. Teen girl's lawyer single dad (Sam Rockwell, sooooo sexy for some reason) quickly susses out that Keira is not a fellow teen but lets her stay anyway because she's got good vibes, his daughter clearly is desperate for a maternal figure of some sort, and he wants to bang Keira. Has a GREEEEAT impetuous makeout where he grabs her and she has to be like "I don't think you should fingerbang me in the street".
Down with Love--an early 2000s romcom satire starring Ewan MacGregor and Renee Zellweger at the height of their powers (fact: this movie is the sexiest I've ever found Ewan, as he's generally hit or miss for me). Honestly one of the smartest movies I've ever seen? Satirizes the Doris Day/Rock Hudson sex comedies of the 60s in this hyper-vibrant, gorgeous 1960s New York (the costumes and set design are insane). Puts Catcher Block, the slutty man reporter, in this Battle of the Sexes deal with Barbara Novak, the author of a huge hit book that basically tells women say down with love and prioritize their own pleasures (including sex), during which Barbara trashes Catcher specifically. The plot is iNSANE, I can't even really get into it. But there's also a genuine love story? If you like watching a slutty man get completely Stockholm Syndromed into falling for a crazy woman, this is it. Also, Sarah Paulson and David Hyde Pierce, literal gay icons, play the best friends who also fall in love.
Mrs. Winterbourne. Another fucking bonkers movie that has a bit of drama but also sexy uptight lusting-after-his-brother's-widow-but-not-really Brendan Fraser. This girl, who we're supposed to think is 18 but it's Ricki Lake and she's not, gets abandoned by her boyfriend after she gets pregnant. She ends up on a train with this nice couple, including a woman who's just as pregnant as she is. She admires the woman's wedding ring and the lady is like omg try it on because she's nice and also weird, and then THE TRAIN CRASHES. Our heroine wakes up and she's had her baby and the baby is fine but the nice couple is DEAD and she was wearing the ring and was pregnant so everyone thinks SHEEEE is Mrs. Winterborne. The dead guy's rich family never met his wife, so they welcome her and her baby with open arms and she kinda has to go with it? Anyway, Brendan is the dead guy's IDENTICAL TWIN (which means he was also the dead guy) and he immediately is like "this bitch is lying" but he's also falling for her against his own will??? Truly this movie is reverse Gorilla Twins.
Blast from the Past--another Brendan Fraser movie you kinda have to see to believe. Basically, Sissy Spacek and Christopher Walken are a couple in the early 60s and Walken is a scientist who believes the earth is going to devolve into a nuclear armageddon, so he's built this bunker for him and his pregnant wife underground. He thinks nuclear war has begun, and rushes underground with said wife, and their son is born and raised into this perfectly preserved 1962 world. He's Brendan. Anyway, 30+ years later, he surfaces into the real world as 90s era Brendan Fraser, which means, hot, and is completely naive and gets led around by jaded girl Alicia Silverstone, who falls in love with him and wants to take his virginity REAL BAD.
My Fake Boyfriend. A truly wacky little gay romcom about Keiynan Londsale creating this ideal fake dating profile and his best friend living vicariously through it, which becomes complicated when Keiynan meets a guy he actually wants to be with.
Fire Island. I don't know how underrated this is? Maybe at large. Anyway, it's just a really fun modern queer Pride and Prejudice retelling with multiple super good couples and a greeeat Mr. Darcy.
Bros--I know that Billy Eichner is annoying and went all headass about this... but tbh, though it's not without issues, this is a very fun romcom with a sweet love story at the core that doesn't fuck around with adult issues like questions re: monogamy
Imagine Me and You--again, I don't know how underrated this is, I feel like it's Thee Lesbian Romcom in some circles, and it's imperfect, but I dooo love it. It's one of the few movies that sells love at first sight. It's dated but it's fun. Also. Lena Headey.
Always Be My Maybe--has everything I want; attractive people having sex, drama, childhood friends to "forget my number" to lovers, Keanu Reeves playing hIMSELF. I feel like this got decent recognition, but nowhere near what it deserved. If you haven't seen it, Ali Wong and Randall Park are childhood friends, his mom dies and he becomes super depressed when they're teens, right after they lose their virginities to each other (or she loses it to him? at least one is a virgin and neither knows shit about sex) and then feelings are hurt immediately after and they come back into each other's orbit years later when she's a celerity chef and he's like, her HVAC repairman lol. They rekindle the friendship but there's mooore.
Love, Rosie--I have my quibbles with this one, but I also have a soft spot for it because... childhood friend drama. Sam Claflin and Lily Collins are best friends since literal toddlerhood, he's clearly got feelings for her in high school but she fucks a random on graduation night and gets pregnant and doesn't tell Sam because she doesn't want him to stay behind and help her as he has a scholarship to Harvard med. Sloooow burn with lots of tension and angst and some charming found family vibes.
Palm Springs--again, debatable on how underrated it is because it's very much critically acclaimed, but this movie is never in the conversations Set It Up is waved into and it's actually excellent, so... Cristin Millioti (SHOULD be a romcom queen by RIGHT) is at her sister's wedding and goes off to hook up with random stranger Andy Samberg because she's a messy bitch. After a series of wacky events, she gets sucked into a time loop that Andy has been in for literal years, where they're reliving the same day over and over. A lot of crazy shit happens, hijinks are had, and they fall into (complicated) love. A chaotic favorite.
P.S. I Love You--I feel like this dog has had its day to an extent, but it was actually dragged when it came out, and I remember this because I remember going "why?? It's great". The only Gerard Butler movie worth seeing besides 300, probably, this stars Hilary Swank as a young widow whose husband (said Butler) recently died of a long term illness and left her a letter per month, telling her what to do in the first year after his death. The supporting cast is GREAT (Kathy Bates made me weep), it's both very funny and incredibly sad and uplifting and raw, Hilary fucks Lucky Charms Jeffrey Dean Morgan (the Irish accents in this are Bad but it's much better than Leap Year) and the ending subverts expectations in a great way.
Brown Sugar--This is obviously a very popular movie (MY DIVOOOOORCE) but I don't think it's upheld to the same status as The Best Man franchise and I always see Love & Basketball recommended over it and that seems wrong. Taye Diggs and and Sanaa Lathan play childhood friends who now work in hiphop adjacent industries and struggle with both authenticity and how badly they wanna bone each other. THEN HE GETS ENGAGED. This one is messy, with cheating and hurt feelings and real adult issues, but it also has one of the funniest scenes committed to celluloid so.
Music and Lyrics--a Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore CLASSIC that actually reads like a romance novel onscreen. Hugh Grant is a washed up 80s pop star who wants to land a gig writing a bop for a pop princess, but he can only do the music, not the lyrics. He finds out unexpectedly that the weird chick watering his plants (Drew) is a good little lyricist and they begin working together, which leads to... love. Has a genuinely great grovel, I gotta say.
Just Like Heaven--cheesy, but the spot I have for it is soft (weird). Mark Ruffalo is a sad widower who's moved into a new apartment, only to find out that it is haunted by the GHOOOOST of the woman who was in his apartment beforehand (Reese Witherspoon) (there is a happy ending). It's of AN ERA.
Moonstruck--should not be underrated because Cher won an actual Oscar for it, but many people don't seem to talk about it today? Probably because of the hero, but OVERLOOK THAT. Cher is a widow who's just gotten engaged to this one dude who's Just Fine, and she wants to make sure his brother, one-handed Nicolas Cage, goes to the wedding. Except oops, she ends up fucking him right after they meet because one-handed Nic Cage has the juice, I guess? He gives this big speech, she says he's a wolf, it's great and verrrrrry Eyetalian American.
Faraway--I just saw this and it is PURE. GOLD. A middle-aged wife and mother loses her own mother and finds out her husband is having an emotional affair at the same time. So she goes to this little house in Croatia that her mother secretly owned, without telling ANYONE. Except oops, there is a squatter in the house, and it's a MAAAAN. Funny, sexy, a great example of two attractive middle-aged people who look like attractive middle-aged people falling in love. A real "find yourself at any age", uplifting movie that made my heart so warm.
Austenland--not super underrated, but fun. Keri Russell is a Jane Austen lunatic who goes to an Austen-themed resort and ends up encountering her own Darcy type.... But is he just playing a part??? Jennifer Coolidge is also in this. Being excellent.
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