sspacegodd · 1 month
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In a sparsely populated dense forest, far from civilization, we find signs that animals are evolving on their own.
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And what strange animal left THIS trail?
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hoelko · 1 year
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something something twisting canon
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purpletrashsnake · 3 months
Noah posting on main.
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lilbittymonster · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the love ❤️
Thank you so much for the ask Amon! I also got tagged by @crackinglamb for this so I'll just combine them here.
Tagging @piratekenway @crystallineconflict @captainsparklefingers @myreia @allycryz (zero pressure as always!)
Extinguishing the Last Light - G, oneshot, 4.1k. The bad timeline where the Scions fail to stop the final Lightwarden atop Mt. Gulg, and another hero from history is called to the First to try and finish the job. While not the first FFXIV fic I wrote, it's the one I find myself rereading the most, so it gets first place here. Every time I come back to it I think "how did I write something this good?"
An Owl In Limsa - E, 5/5, 6.8k. Modern AU take on the ARR DRG quests but this time involve more Scions and throw in some smut for flavour. Baby's first published explicit fic. I had fun playing with my "in every universe these two idiots will find each other" sandbox. And speaking of dragoons...
Dragoon Age: Origins - M, 4/4, 16.2k. It's exactly what it says on the tin, this is the story of how Kitali became a dragoon told almost entirely from every POV but hers. She tends to be a very closed off person, and so it's a fun character study exercise for myself to write her from the outside instead of the inside.
Walk to the Water - G, oneshot, 10k. Gaingel mermay summer romance. If you remember when I was a Borderlands blog, you qualify for a veterans discount. This was my biggest work for several years and took me the better part of May to write, and rereading it took me down a long nostalgia walk.
This Is Home - G, oneshot, 2k. Comfy fluffy Mighty Nein group home that I did for the Mollymauk Lives fest.....several years ago now. The ideal mental happy place and a good note to end the event on.
Honourable mention to Sometimes Goodbye Is A Second Chance, which was a canon divergent BL2 fic I had started, got a few chapters into, and then fandom drift hit. I still have the outline for it, I still think about it to this day, but I'm not sure when, if ever, I'll work on it again. For now it can just live in my head.
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airs-headspace · 6 days
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milkyvast · 10 months
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Villa second attempted
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objects version
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dkniade · 4 months
Hi. This is a drawing with rather dark undertones (implications of Old Mondstadt) but also hope (Venti) in its symbolism and prose. Its theme is similar to the ones you might find in most of my poetry, so please take this as a warning.
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Dear friend, your song lives on
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Here are some process versions
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Originally this was just in greyscale but I wanted to add some colour and adjust the values in editing. Still, the slight tints and darkness/brightness changed the meaning in ways I didn’t like, so I left it in near greyscale.
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liamthemarowak · 4 months
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Liam is battling Evolved Stacey in the Evolved portal while Jack Cheers.
Liam The Marowak and Jack the Cubone Belongs to me
Evovled Form Stacey Belongs to Mrsilveralpha on Deviantart
Pokemon Belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak
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cecilioque · 2 years
Mantit Monday next week it is
Absolutely. I will be there. Mantits ready
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lapsedcatholic · 7 months
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Jennifer Connolly the perfect example of judea- European beauty!!!!
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c0nnverse · 2 years
hey. what's going on with that tera raid cinderace. i'm scared
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ascendandt · 2 years
i will be real here and say that my worldbuilding project was heavily inspired by the studiorat extended universe . which is why rajo my oc was named after ganondorf
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selfundiagnosed · 2 years
I cried to my mom about how i felt like i have a mental illness they havent discovered yet and she went quiet for a second and finally said “yeah you probably do”
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red-wolf-youtube · 1 year
ARK: Survival Evolved //Part 4// - Short Stream But Interesting Things O...
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redysetdare · 2 years
Honestly it makes me sad how little thought seemed to go into the violet paradox pokemon. I was really hoping to see some like biological evolution happening but instead all we got were robots with the same "Iron [blank]" names. talk about disappointing.
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aaronymous999 · 2 years
Okay imma explain something here, basically my opinion on newer Pokemon designs.
The new designs aren’t bad. They just don’t feel like pokemon. Certain designs do feel like pokemon but recently, it feels less like they’re designing fantasy monsters/animal species and more like they’re designing feral/monster/furry characters with personality and backstory. Which to be fair, is cool! But it doesn’t feel like pokemon. It feels more like digimon than anything else or someone’s oc, which isn’t a bad thing but it’s not the direction pokemon character design should be going in. ( designing for characters instead of fantasy creatures in pokemon really only works with legendaries like Mewtwo, who is actually just a character or Arceus who there is only one of, because he is GOD. )
This problem I’m describing started popping up in Gen 7 in my opinion, and while I’m a certified gen 7 defender, I will say that designs like Litten’s final evolution feel much more like a character in a kids tv show than a pokemon if that makes sense?
This is probably all worthless rambling, again I do not think the designs are straight up bad, but the less memorable designs that have come out as late don’t feel like pokemon. ( also I will mention that another thing that’s bothering me is how cluttered the designs are getting. Fuecoco’s final evolution would have been perfect if not for the sheer amount of clutter on it’s pattern and design. )
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