#evil m&ms
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Vinsmoke spooky combo day 1: zombie/hater
I should thank you @pharaohzeth, this prompt gave me motivation to finally work something for my kingdom hearts x one piece au <3 i mean, in the games Nobodies are kinda described as dead so i think it's close enough to count...
By rules of the games Nobodies should look like normal humans but I like when people make them look like corpses or give them some inhuman traits, so that's what we're going to do here folks

[I.D.: Two-panel drawing of Niji and Sanji from One Piece in my kingdom hearts au. Niji is on the upper panel. His skin is greyish and there are places where it came off, showing muscle and bones. His eyes are almost entirly black, his hair blue with yellow undertones. He's wearing the black zipped coat like the one used by antagonists in Kingdom Hearts games. He's smirking, head tilted to the right, holding his goggles in the left hand. Next to him is his yonger version in similar pose. The kid's eyes are covered by black smear. His hair is yellow with blue undertones. Second panel shows Sanji's shocked face. Panels are separated by words "Oh, come on... Don't you recognize me?" said by Niji. /End I.D.]
Eyes trailing over the places where rotting skin revealed the muscle and bone underneath, Sanji wished he didn't. Wished there was no familiarity in the way the creature tilted its head, that the mocking smirk didn't bring back memories he buried a long time ago.
He remembered how those monsters grabbed Niji, the way life had left his eyes, the way Sanji would have shared his fate if Reiju didn't push him through the window, into the sea. The way she didn't have time to jump after him.
It couldn't be him. Sanji refused it.
More about the au under the cut
So, quick KH lore for those unfamiliar: The universe is made from different worlds and it's difficult to move between them but not impossible. Also, it's possible to separate person's heart and body. When it happens, the heart turns into Heartless - monster of darkness that is drawn towards hearts and attacks people to get them, creating even more Heartless in the process. Meanwhile, the body turns into a Nobody - barely humanoid husk of a person. In some circumstances, Nobodies can retain their memories and looks, but without the heart they still lack emotions (at least at first). One of the main antagonists in the game is organization 13, made of Nobodies whose goal is to recover their hearts. Their motivations range from "I'm so desperate to get the heart I'll do literally anything" to "I don't really care but since I'm not human anymore I don't belong anywhere else". Those are the people I'm basing Vinsmokes role on.

[I.D.: Close-ups of adult and kid Niji's faces. /End I.D.]
Now to the au.
Judge was researching the power of hearts and darkness by conducting experiments on captured Heartless.
One day something goes wrong and the Heartless escape, stealing the hearts of everyone in the castle. Except for Sanji, who falls into the ocean and is carried away by the weaves, washing up on the beach in adjacent realm and meeting Zeff.
Later Sanji joins the Strawhat Pirates, the crew wandering between the realms in search of the legendary treasure - Kingdom Hearts.
Sanji enjoyes the adventures and nowdays barely thinks about what happened to his siblings (and his sperm donor too I guess). At least until something looking a lot like Niji runs into him on the recon mission...
Probably because of the experiments Judge was doing on them ever before the Heartless attack, Ichiji, Niji, Yonji and Reiju kept their memories and looks. They assumed Sanji was just too weak-willed and turned into the mindless Nobody after loosing his heart. Judge continues his experiments, now with a side of figuring out what powers lacking a heart will give you. Which includes sending Heartless into other worlds and observing the carnage...
Reiju didn't tell anyone she managed to get Sanji out of the castle, partly because she's not sure he didn't just drown and partly because she doesn't know what Judge would do if he discovered Sanji's still alive. Her worries are validated when Niji comes back with the news and Judge orders them to bring Sanji back to the 'family'.
Because she was older when she lost her heart, Reiju is better at pretending to be human than her brothers. She remembers having emotions and usually gives more appropiate responses. Ichiji, Niji and Yonji kind of suck in that regard since they barely remember what the appropiate response even is. At first Niji didn't even realize Sanji was scared of him when they met again.
#vinspookycombo 2024#one piece#niji#sanji#kh au#my stufff#katsuart#vinsmoke niji#black leg sanji#evil m&ms#germa 66#vinsmoke family#kingdom hearts#kh x op
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Smoke and mirrors
Also on Ao3
[And then, the faintest thought. He looks like me.
In the aftermatch of Niji and Yonji's capture Reiju reevaluates her relationship with her brothers. Takes place during Germa cover story]
Inspired by @sangerie theories/analyses about ichiji and all the sus things he does during wci, they're awesome :*
(hope this is better present than handsome judge pictures xd)
Stone wall wasn't the most comfortable place to sit, but moving away meant getting her eyes off the horizon. So Reiju stayed.
It’s funny how little it takes to lose sight of another person in the heat of battle. She could swear Yonji was just behind her, covering their retreat with his long-reach attacks. When clouds of smoke billowing from one of the ruined buildings surrounded them, she didn’t look back to see if he was still there. When she saw Ichiji on the other ship, she didn’t check if Niji managed to get on board.
If she was to be honest with herself, she wasn’t thinking about her other brothers in any way, too occupied worrying about whether Sanji and his crew escaped safely or not.
It was only when the fleet reunited that Reiju realized Ichiji assumed their younger brothers went with her. Father was furious, but it was hard to tell if his anger was directed more at two children who returned or the ones that didn’t.
It wasn’t important now. Now, Reiju was sitting in a crenel, cold stone sapping away her body heat. Ichiji on top of a crumbling merlon a few steps away. Father somewhere in the back, out of her field of vision. Silence weighted down on them but no one said a world ever since their lookout started, as if talking would force them to admit-
"They are not coming back."
Trust Ichiji to disregard any emotional tension. Reiju closed her eyes and leaned back, quietly grateful someone else voiced the thoughts plaguing her mind.
"All ships returned or were reported as destroyed," Ichiji continued. "Even if they were not captured, there is very little chance they can come back on their own."
Father grunted something under his breath. He barked at the two soldiers nearby to stand watch before addressing his children.
"Don't tell anyone Niji and Yonji are not back yet, we will deal with that later. Clean yourself before coming to the dining hall, it's unbecoming of royalty to look this disheveled. Don't bring even more shame to our name."
Reiju half-opened her eyes to watch him leave. The nerve of this man. Nothing we could do would give Germa more shame than it already proudly displays.
She threw the sea one last look and get up herself. She was about to reach the stairs when sudden voice stopped her in her tracks.
She looked over her shoulder at Ichiji, still sitting on the wall, his back turned away from her. "Yes?"
"Do you think they are dead?" come a monotone question. Reiju's mood soured even more. He could as well be talking about disappointing weather.
"I don't think so. They-" are probably being experimented on. Big Mom wants to know how to make something like us too much to kill them. That was what she intended to say. But then she looked at Ichiji again, his silhouette cutting out a dark shape against an orange sky. Lone shadow, soon to disappear when the sun finally sets down. And she hesitated. "They are strong."
Reiju waited for any indication he even heard her, but silence was the only response she got.
The situation at the table seemed almost surreal. They were being served at usual hour, in their usual places, with dishes planned for tonight on their plates. None of it masked the smell of smoke in the air or that the meal was clearly not as extravagant as it was supposed to be, even though cooks surely did what they could with inadequate supplies.
Behind her chair father, high above them, was unenthusiastically chewing on his food. Ichiji looked almost unbothered but she could see his head shifting every few minutes, eyes constantly drawn towards empty seats. Almost like a black hole, sucking in any attempts to create normal meal atmosphere.
She was getting tired of pretending.
"Father. What are we going to do about Niji and Yonji?"
The sudden quiet fell on them like a thick, heavy curtain.
"Nothing. At least for now."
Reiju gripped her utensils harder, slightly bending the spoon.
"May I ask why?"
"We just came back, the Charlotte family would expect us. We would gain nothing by charging in and we don't have enough soldiers to send them away from the kingdom. It's best to wait until their guard is down, then I will send the retrieval party."
Of course, what did she expect.
"If our numbers are an issue, maybe Ichiji and I could be of use? Smaller but stronger team could infiltrate and find our brothers with little problem. The two of us have enough manpower to save them and avoid any confrontation with pirates altogether."
"You clearly do not see the full picture, Reiju," Ichiji said in father's place. "We can not leave now either. We will be needed here to fill in for Niji and Yonji's responsibilities."
Father nodded at that, apparently intending to say the same thing.
Reiju ignored how tight her chest felt hearing this. She was almost surprised he spoke up at all instead of waiting and observing like usual. Still, she turned towards father. Ichiji wasn't the one she needed to convince.
"Wouldn't it be better for our image if we rescued them quickly? It would send a message, that anyone who plays havoc with us will get swift comeuppance."
Father, as impenetrable to criticism as always, disregarded her comment with a wave.
"We are not ready, I'm not going to waste resources on this. Besides, it could do us more good if enemy sees how invulnerable to pain and fear they are even when solely on their mercy."
Like you were during the wedding? Reijuthought, but kept to herself.
Logically, it made sense. Those were the words of a king and a scientist, clearly knowing the extent of damage his soldiers, his creations, could take before they would need to be scrapped. The bile come higher up her throat.
"I-" she started.
"It is a good intimidation tactic," Ichiji interrupted her. "If they are truly after our research then they will try to keep Yonji and Niji alive long enough to gain as much as possible from the experience. It should give us enough time to rebuild and regroup. There is no need to rush."
"Exactly," father said. "Ichiji, I trust you to take care of setting the course and dealing with any complications for today. Make sure to quell whispers among the staff, I don't need mass panic on my hands right now. I'm retiring for the evening; that was a long day."
Ichiji gave him a curt nod.
"As you wish, father."
He stood up and turned to her.
"After I relay the orders, I am going to call it a day too. I advise you do the same. Get some rest."
Soon both him and father left the room, leaving Reiju alone.
She looked down at her clenched fists, frustrated scream climbing up. But like always, she swallowed it down before it could reach her mouth.
Maybe I'll feel better after an hour-long shower. Or two.
Hot water didn't bring Reiju a peace of mind she was looking for. She emerged from the bathroom with a head only slightly less heavy than before.
Out of habit, Reiju reached for the curtains to close them shut and block the lights from Niji's rooms. He was always the last one to fall asleep and his castle had annoying habit of flanking hers.
She stopped halfway.
It wasn't that she missed them, exactly. How could you miss someone whose main enjoyment in life were violence and cruelty? How could you miss someone who only knew how to laugh at people's pain?
("They are getting so huge mom! Does that mean I won't be their big sister anymore?" Reiju said, Niji still refusing to let go of her finger, mumbling something in his sleep.
Mother smiled and caressed her head.
"Of course not sweetheart. You will always be their big sister, even if they grow taller."
"Taller than me?" Reiju asked.
"Taller than me!" mother laughed.
"Taller than dad?"
"Taller than all the doors!"
"Taller than the roof!" Reiju played along.
"They will be so big we will have to build a castle for each!
"And I'll still be the biggest sister!" she said with pride, her chest puffed.
"The biggest and the best sister in the entire world!" Mother touched their foreheads together. "Oh darling, they'll be so lucky to have you.")
One hand clutched on the fabric, Reiju felt the bitter laugh building up. Sometimes she wanted to curse mother, for placing this burden on her. For giving all her hopes and desperation to her eldest child, not thinking how much pain it's going to bring her.
But you can't curse the dead, can you? Not truly. Because every word she threw mother's way just seemed to fall back on Reiju anyway.
You failed them. They were yours to protect but the only thing you could think to do for them was dying with them. And you failed to do even that.
I tried! I tried to convince father! I tried to save them! If only Ichiji helped me-
How hypocritical. You were perfectly fine with letting them die earlier. You didn't even try to help, to warn them. How is that any different? Because you can't join them?
And that was it, wasn't it.
The tight feeling in her chest, threatening to choke her. Guilt.
Because she didn't die. Because they won't either, at least for now. No, instead they will be cut open and spread on the table like frogs, kept just alive enough for Big Mom and her children to learn how they work.
And then they'll die.
And she still won't.
And what then? She could vividly imagine father's disappointed face, looking down at what remained of his two perfect soldiers. Maybe he sighs and tells the staff to clean the mess. Maybe he scolds Ichiji for failing his mission. Maybe he even sheds a few tears at seeing his dream destroyed like that. Or maybe some spark appears in his eyes, he points at the blood and gore on the floor, says Take what's still usable and shuts himself in the labs. Maybe months later she sees next batch of soldiers with a familial jawline or flashing a self-assuring smirk that will make her heart clench.
Maybe Ichiji would care. Maybe he wouldn't. It's not like it changed anything.
Her reflection in the glass had red, puffed eyes and wet streak on its cheek.
How proud mother would be of you right now. Crying not because your brothers will die, but because you're left behind to deal with it.
Reiju reached for the handle and opened the window, letting cold night wind dry her tears and blow the thoughts away.
She looked down at the dark weaves below and suddenly felt unbearably tired.
Her hands, propelled at the windowsill, etched closer to the edge. Her body tilted over the threshold, mesmerized by the dance happening before her. Howling air and roaring sea filled her ears, two elements fighting for her attention. She closed her eyes and imagined how unnoticeable a single splash would be.
It could be over so easy...
(Blond hair kind smile gentle hands smelling like antiseptic and cigarettes I love you I love you I love you-)
I should go to sleep.
The moon disappeared behind the castle tower.
Reiju was staring at the darkness behind the window when the footsteps came. Slowly, not to appear startled, she turned her head.
Ichiji was standing in the doorway. Reiju wrinkled her nose. Didn’t even knock, of course.
“Good, you are not asleep. Get ready, we are leaving soon. Be in the strategy room in full gear, fifteen minutes should suffice. We have a job to do.” And before she could respond, he turned around and closed the door behind him.
Reiju rolled her eyes but started preparing. What did father came up with now? New mission so short after the humiliation at the hand of Big Mom Pirates? At this hour no less. The old fool probably wanted to cast an illusion that they weren’t affected by their loses. Or tried to catch any clients before their attempted alliance with pirates puts them on blacklists of most kingdoms associated with World Government.
Well, too little too late; judging by how excitingly Morgan had been taking photos of father's crying face, the news were bound to spread soon. This will only make them seem more desperate and all the more pathetic. Not that she had any energy or will to care about how others perceived this rotten mess of a kingdom.
Yonji probably would care, if only to please father-
She closed her eyes and banished him from her mind before the image of her youngest brother, talking excitedly about new experiment he was a witness of, could turn into a bloody figure pinning her under accusing stare.
Maybe at least this farce will get my thoughts off them.
Reiju run fingers through her hair and looked in the mirror. Standing in the cold did wonders for the puffed skin around her eyes, you could barely tell she was crying before. Her tears had evaporated, leaving behind only slightly sticky trails. She opened the faucet, quickly washed away remaining evidence and reached for the towel.
Dried up, she glanced at the mirror again. Vinsmoke Reiju, the first child of the royal family, the crown princess of the Germa kingdom, stared back at her. The oldest sister retreated behind the steel of her eyes, where she belonged.
She checked the clock. There was still a little time left.
The emptiness of corridors was more unnerving than she expected. Night was the time of rest but there should still be more soldiers around. She could hear the murmur of boilers from lower levels and the staff tiptoeing on carpets, off to finish their chores. Still, it was all too quiet.
Reiju shook her head and pushed the doors of the strategy room. She was met with another surprise, when the only figure greeting her was Ichiji again. Where was father?
Instead of explanation he just gave her a nod and gestured to follow.
She did. As she was supposed to. Reiju wished she could see Ichiji’s face but she settled on gluing her eyes to his back; something fishy was going on.
“What’s the mission?” she said, trying to sound as bored as possible. “You didn’t give me any details.”
“Our main objective is retrieving Yonji and Niji from the pirates.” -Reiju almost missed a step- “Our side objective is to destroy any of their assets if possible, as long as it does not interfere with the main goal.”
Reiju dismissed the terrified servant who almost bumped into them while rounding the corner and used resulting pause to collect herself.
“I see. It is an unusual hour for a takeoff though. Did father tell you this in person? I was under the impression he was against quick action. As were you,” she prodded.
Ichiji stayed silent for a few heartbeats.
“Father focuses his attention on more pressing issues. Our infrastructure, especially research areas, had taken a lot of damage. We also lost a lot of clones, which can not be replenished without functioning laboratories, so that obviously takes priority. However, I established that our defenses are in such state of disarray that some major changes need to be done imminently. Otherwise we will be left unprotected against even minor threats, which is unacceptable. As such, since I have been given certain freedom to handle other subjects, I deemed it necessary to move the rescue mission forward in time. We should be back by tomorrow noon if no complications arise.”
Reiju nodded, not missing that he didn’t actually confirmed what father knows.
Ichiji turned his head slightly, no doubt watching for her reaction now.
“I assumed, given your earlier arguments, that you would be onboard with this plan. But if you continue to dispute my decisions I will have to leave you behind.”
“I’m not disputing you, I agree that getting them back early will work in our favor. I was simply curious; father did make his stance quite clear after all. I was surprised he changed his mind this quickly.”
“Father trusts my judgment,” he said with flat tone.
“Does he now,” she responded.
And then, the faintest thought. He looks like me.
It was silly. Of course there were some similarities. Despite all the experiments and modifications the same blood was still running through their vines.
So why did it fell important?
Apparently satisfied with what he saw, Ichiji faced away from her again. Reiju shook her head, focusing back on the situation.
Ichiji was far from stupid, he had to know Judge wouldn’t approve of what he’s doing, even if her brother claimed he was just making important impromptu decision for the good of the kingdom. None of them could disregard father's orders, and going against his wishes like that…
But he didn’t forbade them from going, did he? It was Ichiji who said they can't leave right now; father only agreed with him. Kinda. Just vague enough to give them some wiggle room.
He said he’s not going to send anyone, not that nobody could go. Reiju looked back at their conversation. Did Ichiji plan for this? Is that why he didn’t push father harder, like she tried?
Had he already make his decision back then and was just waiting for the only person capable of stopping him to fall asleep?
But why? Why would he pretend before her? Why had he tried to make it seem like father’s decision?
Had he thought she wouldn’t agree to go with him otherwise?
What is your game? she thought. What do you have to gain?
It couldn't actually be about their defenses. True, they suffered heavy losses but it wasn't something two more people, even as dangerous as Yonji and Niji, could change.
She briefly entertained the thought of Ichiji trying to spare their brothers unnecessary pain. Reiju had to drag their exhausted bodies away from battlefield too many times to seriously consider it. There were no limits Ichiji would not go right past just to finish the mission.
There was no doubt in her mind that if Ichiji was the one captured he wouldn't expect to be rescued. If he had no regard for his own pain it was unlikely he would have any to spare for the rest of them.
Not valuing our lives seems to be the only thing we all have in common, she thought bitterly. Another great victory for the Kingdom of Germa 66.
Hadn't Sanji's botched wedding prove it? She sill remembered that moment with crystal clarity. Moves restricted by hard candy, guns to her head and the calm that came with the realization that this was it. All the evil of their bloodline contained in one place, destined to end right there and then.
The grating laughs of her brothers, unable to care uncaring about their oncoming deaths only validating her resolve to do nothing-
“Stop crying father, it’s pathetic,” half-remembered words rang in her ears. At the moment she took them as nothing more but another proof of Ichiji’s heartlessness, one even father was not except from. But wasn’t she thinking something of a sort too, back then? Reiju send Ichiji another curious look.
The mere idea of being anything like her brothers normally would make her sick. But if that meant Ichiji could be anything like her… If he… Could they have similar motivations right now?
The new spark of hope was carefully grabbed and stuffed deeper into her heart. Just deep enough to be protected when reality came back to extinguish it.
When she broke out of her thoughts they already reached the docking area. Few soldiers came rushing to their side.
“Prepare the ship. The smallest and fastest the better. And hurry, I do not have time for incompetence,” Ichiji said.
The closest soldier saluted.
“Yes my lord! How many units to prepare for departure?”
Her brother’s frown deepened. He looked back at her. In his usually inexpressive face she read the question, or warning, clear as day: Last call to stay if I can’t count on you.
She nodded.
“Princess Reiju and I will be going alone. Am I clear?” Ichiji snared.
The soldier saluted again and rushed to fulfill new orders.
Their ship was ready in the matter of minutes (for some reason it felt like hours).
After making sure the course was locked onto Toto Island, she found Ichiji leaning against the railing at the front of the ship, eyes fixed on the horizon.
Reiju felt the need to say something. She learned to crush urges like that a long time ago. Especially with Ichiji, who always seemed a little too aware of what she chose to share and what she didn’t.
And yet.
“We will get them back in time. They're going to be fine.”
“Of course. They're strong,” he responded, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Like the option of anything else was so unprobable it wasn’t even worth mulling over.
Reiju felt the corners of her lips twitch upwards, as if pulled by invisible strings, before she schooled her expression out of habit.
And she dared hope the similar movement she glanced on Ichiji’s face was more than just the trick of light.
#my stufff#katsu writes#fanfiction#fanfic#one piece fanfiction#one piece#vinsmoke family#vinsmoke judge#vinsmoke reiju#vinsmoke ichiji#reiju#ichiji#judge#one piece reiju#one piece ichiji#one piece judge#germa 66#evil m&ms
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The Vinsmokes in an alternate time line!
Ps, I hate that I love the vinsmoke brothers. Like I know they're bad but I sometimes think about Niji's voice you know.

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Finally redrew my gals (day 19)
I didn't really know what to do, then i remembered Skittle, my og persona :D
It's wilden how much ocs can change yet stay the exact same
I also need to redraw this lmao
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I was an evil genius of a lil kid,
When I was younger, I turned over M&Ms so that they looked like the first letter of my name, and told my brother that every M&M with a “W” was mine, and every one with his initial was his,
He kept on turning them upside down and going “aw dang it”, the cherry on top? I even said “oh, you didn’t get any, you can have some of mine”
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So imagine the Duke befriending a child and their parents then the child is very sick and he gets the little family out and away to get the child better medicine and it works and the parents keep away from the village only realising how bad it was when they were away
things happen and the child returns battered and bruised and wanting to make a difference somewhere but they can't and they die and then wake up in a strange world and they walk and find a child who has been there for a lot longer and is so weary for one so young and so old at the same time and they gather the child up and take care of her and they go on many years later (and many more children later who grow as people as much as they are able) they find another battered and bruised child who is not sad (yet) but angry at the world and everything in it and the child doesn't want them yet
and then something different happens something changes a rumble across the world and the first child realises her mother is dead and she feels relief utter relief and the weight on their shoulders on all their shoulders lessens and Eva this time leads them to what remains of a battle field and the two figures embracing one glowing and as they watch the one glowing disappears and they watch as the man gets up and smiles and also disappears
they leave and find the angry child but her edges aren't as sharp as they once and now she is just heartsick or heart broken perhaps where this time they don't say anything to her directly they just sit down and Eva for the first time talks about her mother, they were all aware of her mothers efforts to bring her back and as she spoke she used the mold to make a bowl and taking the cue the others did the same trying something that had been brewing since Miranda died the first time and from the bowl a flower grows
Eva is done talking now and another child takes her place all the while Evie watches despite her self and creeps forward curious and asks how to do that pointing at the 7 flowers and they shrug and just go try it its best if you're not really thinking per say just let your hands do what they want- Evie doesn't she grabs a handful and scoots back again (nervous that they would make her talk as well) and she begins to try and fails and tries again and fails getting frustrated and storming off this time Eva follows and finds Evie and just sits with her and goes you don't have to speak but listen to me and Evie is curious so she stays and listens for hours at the end Evie leaves again this time with a handful of mold and they Eva resumes her story as Evie try and manipulate the mold again going through the same cycle but this time Eva intervenes advising her to count and keep trying and on attempt something Evie is somewhat successful in making a vaguely recognisable shape of a dandelion
and Evies ability to see what happens in the world is still there and she doesn't use it as often but she does visit and observe Zoe who as luck would have it was talking about her and she watches it unfold and hears what Zoe has to say about her and Jack (and what Jack said in the mold to Ethan all those years ago) she goes back to mold and the group who now has a garden
Evie speaks now just the begining (before the Baker house) about the song one of the researchers sang near constantly (Go Tell Aunt Rhody)*1 and the many tests and the lives that were changed and her desire for a family only to be rejected by Miranda and later Mia*2
as she talked with Zoe's words in her head she realised that Mia rejecting her fucking hurt and she is still angry*3 and they understood through their own experiences at mother mirandas hands and things
it takes a lot longer for her to feel brave enough to talk about the Baker House and the Winters and Rosemary. Evie is afraid to be rejected again and condemned for her pain and her hate and her anger (they condem Mia yes but understand her to a extent what they heard about Lucas however? well they got pissed more so then ever before)
Evie grows and she wants to see the Winters again and visits one by one starting with Rose and Mia (she does not know how to talk to them yet just wants to see them), then with her family in tow finds Ethan and they talk (and Evie creates flowers) and listen and go their seperate ways and then Evie puts more thought into finding the Bakers and talking through it with them (it was both harder and easier then it was with Ethan... Marge does hold her hand for a short time)
all the while the mold itself changes grows calmer and more peaceful as a whole they find the masked Duke and heal him they heal the monstorous Rose clones (didn't heal more of changed they look like trees now unless you tilt your head in a certain way and you can see faces once contorted in pain and now looking like they sleep)
the inhabitants don't forget their pain and sorrow and some don't forget nor fully forgive but they do attain some semblence of peace
Developer interview
Mia did reject Evie and I will talk more on it when I finish replaying re7 it will be interesting to write to say the least (well it will be more Evie and Mia and Alan then Evie with the Bakers as a whole)
rejection in children link from pysch central
#resident evil#re evieline#resident evil village#short story?#partially inspired by the show for the haunting of hill house#and the good place#and on the other side by carrie hope fletcher#the last two have so many vibes and they kinda fit but not well they're the only two things that I can think off of the top of my head#mold therapy groups are my favourite headcanons#....also para norman I think of Aggie a lot when I think of Eveline (and Eva to a lesser extent)#the theif lord is another thing#also kinda peter pan#what a bizarre hobpodge of things right I mean to quote the good place put the peeps in the chili pot and add the m&ms repeat forever#does evie have an ability to see the outside world? kinda? again its not something I can definently say without playing it myself#i don't even know what made this come into my head at this point here we are#i like it#Imma go and watch that one scene in paranorman again now#ellie rambles in the tags#ethan winters#mia winters#rosemary winters#zoe baker#orignal characters I might have a list of their names i might not#also fuck Lucas#and#capcom if re9 isn't mia and rose I will hunt you for sport#you hear me?#not quite happy with the ending but idea that i wanted to share#long post#am i perfectionist? yes yes I am
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I have two things I've started to do as a tradition for myself every year;
I make sure I do an art in review for myself, to discuss my highs, lows, my desires for the next year - an evaluation of my happiness with art and production.
And since I renewed my love of watching movies in 2020, I make a list of all the new things I've watched! Good and bad lol
It's been fun for me every year seeing how many more I can get, or seeing trends on my list at the end of the year. Seeing days I plowed through five foreign films on the couch, or maybe what actor I was systematically going through their work that year. It's kind of a nice little look at my life and interests.
Or I can pinpoint marathons with people, and think what a disaster some of those are [like the god damn nightmare block of Christmas Carol adaptations....]
It's a fun thing I'm doing for myself, and it gets me seeing a lot of interesting things as I find directors, cinematographers and even actors I didn't know before ;w;/ truly the little things in life.
#kat talks#kat life#I'm fucking nailing through like five actor lists at once right now and it sure is a flavor bucket of mixing m&ms and skittles LMAO#ALSO IT'S REALLY FUNNY TO SEE MY FIRST FIVE FOR EVERY YEAR??#2020 was like fuckin HOW HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THESE with Matt#then 2021 was just MORE OF THAT WITH BECCA#2022 was a fucking MESS with the director of New Years Evil nfjgkh WHICH IS AN INTERESTING LITTLE STUPID FILM TBH I love the premise??#awful rest of his filmography though I just... what was Demonwarp....#This year... I don't even know man... I'm just having a good time
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Ever since the time change on Sunday, nothing has been going well and I want to throw hands with whoever's fault this is lmao
#time change evil#time change bad#fight me#my post#own post#personal#i feel like shit and cannot shake the feeling#everything that can go wrong kinda has been lmao#someone stole my giant bag of m&ms I forgot at walmart yesterday#I literally walked away and was like oh shit and went back and they were gone#and i cried the whole way home lmao that was my breaking point
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Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/95006166

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Happy *checks the watch* *checks the calendar* three-werks-after-birthday! Time is an illusion anyway. As a present I'm giving them the highest honor I can: getting partly redrawn from my family pictures <3
They were supposed to be on their best behavior but Niji ruined it of course (he sneezed 😔)
[ID: Drawing of ichiji, yonji, sanji and niji from one piece. Yonji, sanji and niji are sitting on L-shaped couch, ichiji is standing behind it, left from yonji. Sanji is lunging at Niji with angry expression, arms outstreached and mouth open. He's dressed in grey pants, blue vest and white dress shirt underneath. Niji is pressed into the couch, raising one hand in defense, the other grabbing Sanji's wrist, with one leg raised so that his knee is directed at Sanji's stomach, his teeth are gritted. He's dressed in blue frilly shirt, grey pants and brown shoes. He's got his orange googles and headphones too. Yonji is on the left side, watching it all unfold with distraught expression, partly turned away from the viever. He's dressed in flowy white shirt and black pants. Ichiji is leaning on the couch, one hand covering his face and the other resting on the cusion. He's dressed in pink blouse and black shirt underneath. Before them there is a wooden table and cake on a plate. The cake has three layers, it's yellow with purple and pink decorations. It's partly ruined, as if someone sneezed on it real hard, the third layer is spread on lower layers and even the table. /End ID]
Closeups:evil m&ms

#my stufff#katsuart#one piece#ichiji#niji#sanji#yonji#vinsmoke ichiji#vinsmoke niji#vinsmoke yonji#vinsmoke family#vinsmoke siblings#germa 66#one piece fanart#one piece art#art#fanart#sanji fanart#evil m&ms
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Just rewatched skyfall and man. Truly one of the best bonds ever
#just the characters. the revenge seeking evil bisexual. bisexual bond. ms dark past. m and mallory conflict. mallory being sexy HELLO#the only bad parts were with how they treated what was her name. the woman from the casino. my bond would never ty#me can talk#eve shooting bond in the beginning ??? incredible and then that Opening ugh yes#and then in the end they reveal shes moneypenny ?? chefs kiss#craig bond
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My most famous thing ig Bat inco quotes
Roy: Sorry it took so long to bail you out of jail. Jason: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my phone call to prank call the GCPD.
Dick: Ladies, gentlemen and Dami, I want to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld! Damian: A cat? Dick: No. Damian: A kitten? Dick: No! Damian: A kitten with a little hat on? Dick: NO! Damian: Consider me uninterested
Barbara: I’m not like other girls. I’m way, way worse.
Jason: Come on, B! How any times do I have to apologize? Bruce: Once! Jason: ...No.
Jason: *banging a pen on the table out of frustration* Roy, trying to focus on a project: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table? Jason: I— Jason: I don’t know the correct answer to that question.
Kon: I'm sorry. Please talk to me. Tim: Kon: Hello? World's most amazing person?? Sweet pea? Precious cinnamon roll that's too good for this world, too pure? Tim: 'Sorry' doesn't bring back my fucking M&Ms.
Tim: God has let me live another day and I'm going to make it everyone's problem.
Duke: Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk? Dick: It's Cass' turn. Cass: Don't die. Dick, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
Jon: Fight me! Damian, standing behind him and holding a knife: *mouths* Do not.
*The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one* Bruce: I will not let you down. Steph: Sounds fun. Cass: K. Jason: No, I'm fucking not. Tim: Do I have to be? Dick: Please God, I am so tired.
Steph: I dare you- Dick: Jason is not allowed to accept dares anymore. Steph: Why not? Jason: "I have no regard for my own or others personal safety", as some would say.
Bruce: Tim, is that my mug you’re drinking out of? Tim: No, it’s mine. Bruce: It... looks just like the one I have... Tim: You don’t have one like this anymore.
Damian, eating a meal: I poisoned one of our glasses… but I forgot which one. Jason: The way this dinner is going, I pray to God that it’s mine.
Steph: I think we can be evil. As a treat. Cass: We? Steph: We. :)
Tim: I don’t even have time to tell you how wrong you are. Jason: Okay? Tim: … Tim: … Tim: Actually it’s gonna bug me if I don’t, so—
Dick: Litte Wing, it’s a shooting star, let’s make a wish! Robin!Jason: I wish for good grades. Dick: Nerd. Jason: Nevermind, I wish upon the shooting star to fall down at a 30° velocity aiming for Dick. :) Dick: Jason…
Jason: Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute fuckery, I am going to revoke your life privileges.
#batfamily#batfam#bruce wayne#jason todd#dick grayson#tim drake#damian wayne#stephanie brown#cassandra cain#roy harper#barbara gordon#jonathan kent#timkon#jayroy#signal dc#spoiler dc#oracle dc#red hood#red robin#nightwing#batgirl#batman#red arrow#kon el kent#superboy#incorrect quotes
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Still You Want Me
Main Masterlist - Dean Masterlist
Read on A03!
Tags: Dean Winchester/Female Reader, tooth-rotting fluff, pregnancy, a little angst if you squint, pre-established relationship.
Summary/Warnings: Dean's fought the worst evil in the world, but only one thing has really managed to scare him. His pregnant wife.
Author's Note: Request from an anon!! I got emotional with it, and I'm very sorry about that but I couldn't help myself. Enjoy!
Word Count: 2.9k
“We got three hours left.” Dean returned to the parked Impala, sorting through the bags in his hands. “But we can make it back in two if I-“
Sam shook his head, taking his bag of bird feed—trail mix, but the pointless kind without any M&Ms—from Dean with a frown. “Two’s a bit stretch, don’t you think? I mean even for you, Dean, and it’s not like we’re in a rush-“
“You’re not in a rush, Sammy.” Dean muttered, dumping the rest of the snacks in the backseat. “I got a pregnant wife who’s left me three voicemails about how she’s either gonna castrate me or give me head, and-“
“Gross, dude.” Sam walked around the car, making a scrunched bitch-face of disgusting. “All you needed to say was that’s she’s got mood swings-“
“Don’t call them mood swings.” Dean dropped behind Baby’s wheel, saying Her name with a sigh. “She hates that. And you can’t charm your way out of like I can.”
“I think I could.” Sam shrugged. “She likes me more.”
“She’s my freakin’ wife-“
“She loves you.” Sam grabbed his phone as they pulled out of the lot. “She likes me. I’ve never been threatened with castration-“
“Yet.” Dean muttered. “Cas thought he was safe until he got a shade of yellow that was too red for the nursery. I mean, yellow is yellow, Sammy, but she threatened to cut off his wings-“
Sam frowned. “I don’t think she could do that-“
“Trust me, man.” Dean sighed, running a hand over his face. “She’d find a way.”
Sam just nodded, because they both knew Dean was right. He was pretty goddamn sure that, if She wanted—or if Dean pissed Her off enough—She’d figure out how to send him somewhere worse than the Empty, bring him back, then start sobbing and apologizing on Her knees all within a ten-minute span. Then She’d probably give him a blowjob, he’d saying the exact wrong dirty talk, and she’d bite off Little Dean. Shit, he’d only been gone four days for the hunt, but half that time had been spent on the phone, reassuring Her he was being safe, the hunt wasn’t a part of any world-ending scheme from a new big bad, and he’d be home soon. The time that Dean wasn’t on the phone, Sam was, promising he wouldn’t let anything happen, that Dean was sleeping well and looking at the baby names list She’d sent, and that he’d called Eileen so she wouldn’t worry either.
Annoyingly, Sam had been keeping his promises to Her. Dean read the baby names list because Sam wouldn’t let him leave the table until he did, Eileen had gotten two calls, and Dean was being safer than he’d ever been in his freaking life. At this point, he was pretty sure the pregnancy was just one long scam to make him take care of himself. He was drinking and hunting less after Her breakdown that she’d lose him, driving a little slower—just a little, he wasn’t a blind old lady—after the ice incident got him the silent treatment for three days, and he’d even tried some of Sam’s rabbit food. He’d spat it out, but he’d tried it. For Her, for the baby, and because he was terrified for his life.
Dean loved Her more than every pie in the freaking universe, but She was freaking terrifying right now. She might be the only thing he’d ever really been afraid of. Planes he could avoid. Ghosts and monster he could kill. Hell, even Lucifer had been better. At least the son of a bitch hadn’t begged to give Dean a hand job, then started sobbing because Dean tried to move it to sex and they didn’t feel pretty enough for sex. And if Lucifer had done that, Dean wouldn’t have cared. He didn’t give a shit about Lucifer.
But he gave a shit about Her. Every time She cried it felt like someone was stabbing him, but he had less and less of a damn clue for how to help her the more pregnant She got. She’d said she felt ugly, he’d told Her she was beautiful, and that her tits looked better than ever, and She’d started accusing him of not loving her tits before. He’d missed one phone call and She’d sent Cas to teleport him home. He’d gotten the wrong candy bar and She’d had a breakdown about him not loving her enough to get the right one.
That last one was why the gas station had taken so long. Dean had triple checked every single snack he’d bought, and added a few extras just in case she changed Her mind. He’d even had Cas text him a second list after She’d told him all her requests over the phone, out of fear that he’d missed even a single one. Even now, on the road, he was running through everything one last time, because he’d gotten five different Gatorade colors, but maybe She’d want a sixth, or two of the same color, or only one color and he’d get yelled at because She didn’t even like orange-
“Hey!” Sam pulled Dean out of his thoughts with a shout. “Phone!”
Sam said Her name, holding Dean’s phone in front of his face. “She’s calling you-“
“I got that.” Dean snatched the phone, shooting Sam a glare. “And that’s not safe, Sammy. Gonna get us fuckin’ killed-“
“Yeah, sure, Dean.” Sam just shrugged—even though Dean was right, that was dangerous—and nodded to the phone. “I’d pick up if I were you-“
“Shut up.” Dean muttered, ignoring Sam’s laugh as he answered the call. “Hey, baby, we’re-“
“Dean!” Her voice was a half-shriek through the phone, and Dean winced. “Holy shit, you’re alive, that’s good-“
“Course I’m alive, I promised I would be-“
“But it’s not up to you!” She was pacing. Her voice had grown frantic and high, so She was pacing. “Monsters don’t ask before they kill you, and they’d defiantly want to kill you, and Sam told me he’d take that bullet but I don’t want him to die either, and you’re both amazing hunters but if you die now, you can’t come back, and I’d miss you, I miss you now, why aren’t you home, you dick, I fucking hate you-“
Dean swallowed, saying Her name slowly as Sam snickered at his side. Asshole. “Take a breath-“
“Don’t tell me how to breathe, Winchester, I’ve been breathing my whole fucking life-“
“I know, sweetheart, I have too-“
“You’ve never had to breathe while pregnant-“
“And I’m not planning to, ever, but- just listen-“
“We should get you pregnant, it’s only fair-“
Sam started to cackle, Her voice loud enough he could obviously hear every word. It wasn’t really helpful.
“That’s not gonna happen,” Dean muttered, giving Sam a death glare that just made him laugh more. “Sweetheart, we’ll be there soon. I promise.“
“Okay, but don’t go too fast, if you’re far, because you promised me you’d drive carefully, and you need to be safer. I don’t want to lose you.” She started to sniffle. Shit. “I can’t lose you, De, I need you, the baby needs you, and Sam and Cas are cool but they’re not you and I want you and the baby wants you. It wants you more, it hates when your gone, it just keeps kicking me and if you die I’ll be a terrible mother with a baby who hates me-“
Dean snapped Her name, pressing the Impala’s pedal to the floor. He needed to be home soon. “Listen to me. I’m not gonna do anything stupid like die, and you’re never gonna lose me. Plus, our baby won’t hate you. It’s half me. It can’t.”
There was a slightly static hum from the other side, and Dean sighed.
“I know you miss me, baby, and we can get you whatever you’re craving, but-“
“I do miss you, De.” Her voice was soft and pleading through the phone.
But it wasn’t Her crying voice. That was her-
“I miss your cock, too. I miss touching you, and why is your bed so stupid and big-“
Dean chuckled, shaking off the whiplash. “Because I’m stupid and big-“
He could hear Her pout through the phone. “Don’t say that. You’re not stupid, and our baby’s gonna be a genius-“
“Because they’ll get their brains from you, pretty girl.”
“Shut up.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Dean leaned slightly forward, checking a highway sign. “Hour and a half, okay? Then I’ll be home.”
“Fine.” She mumbled. “I love you. Be careful.”
“I love you too, baby. And I’m always safe.” Dean waited for Her sigh, letting her hang up first. He’d learned to do that the hard way. “Not a word, Sammy, or I’ll shoot you.”
Sam raised his hands, palms up. “I didn’t even open my- got it.”
Dean turned his scowl back to the road, and he could be safe and get home in an hour. Both could be possible, and She’d never have to know that he’d been going 15 over the speed limit. And if She started to catch on, Dean could distract Her with his hands and dick and mouth, because—as hot as she was when she was pissed—Sam said stress wasn’t good for the baby.
They made it forty-five minutes of mostly safe driving—Dean’s hands gripping the wheel and listening to the music at a deafening volume, Sam texting Eileen and pretending he wasn’t bothered by the deafening music—before another incident.
Cas appeared in the back seat, said Her name instead of hello, Dean—already a bad sign—and looked almost genuinely scared. Dean had never seen his face do that before—red and sheepish like a child being scolded by a dinosaur—and it was a little off-putting.
He was used to Cas doing this enough to not swerve off the road, but he was still pissed. “Fucking hell, Cas, a warning would be nice-“
Cas frowned, then leaned forward, turning down the music. “Did you not hear what I said.”
“No, the music was on, I know you said-“
Cas said Her name again with Dean. “It was her message. I would, ah, prefer not to repeat it.”
Sam blinked, turning in his seat. “Why, is she-“
“She is well.” Cas’ eyes stayed on Dean in the rearview mirror. “She is feeling some very… confusing emotions. Towards Dean.”
Sam frowned. “Confusing? How-“
“She told me to relay to Dean that she hates him, and she hates hunting, and if he’s not home in forty-five minutes she’ll leave him, but she can’t leave him because she loves him more than life and she cannot live without him. Specifically his smile, voice, hands, stupid flirting that did this in the first place, and,” Cas swallowed, his voice dropping slightly as his face grew red. “Big cock.”
Dean smirked slightly—she was a menace, but damn it if he didn’t love his girl—as Sam paled next to him.
“By this,” Cas mumbled. “I assume she was referring to the baby. Which is in good health. I checked this morning.”
“Good. Thanks, Cas, but,” Dean sighed. “This could’ve been a phone call-“
“I was instructed to deliver it in person. To make sure you were safe, and driving carefully.” Cas leaned forward with a frown. “The speed limit on this highway is meant to be-“
“I know what the speed limit is.” Dean grumbled, refusing to ease his foot off the gas. “I’m tryin’ to get home, Cas.”
“I believe she would prefer you get home slower, rather than sacrificing your safety.” Cas let out a long sigh. “Although, I will admit I’d prefer you return quickly. I am not equipped to handle a pregnant woman alone, despite reading all of the books on the subject I could find. And, uh,” Cas said Her name with a red face. “Is frightening in this state.”
Dean sighed. “Thirty minutes, dude, can you hold down the fort-“
“He could take you now?” Sam cut in with a small frown. “Cas could zap you back to the bunker, and I could drive Baby home.”
Cas nodded. “I agree with Sam’s plan. If you could pull over, Dean-“
“I’m not gonna pull over!” Dean snapped. “I can get back just fine myself!”
“But I could-“
“You won’t always be there, Cas.” Dean grunted through his teeth. “I gotta be able to take care of my family by myself. Shit, I’m doing all the safety bullcrap for it, and I’m hunting less.” He said Her name, his grip on the wheel painful. “She’s gotta know I can take care of her, and the baby. I said I’d drive home, so-“
Sam cut Dean off a sigh. “Dude, she’s gonna care way more that you’re home with her.”
“Sam is correct.” Cas said, and Dean could feel his gaze through the mirror. “I attempted to make her breakfast this morning, and she started crying. When asked, she told me that you make it better.” Cas frowned. “It was cereal.”
“C’mon, man. Let Cas take you home.”
Dean glanced over to find Sam giving him puppy eyes—the bitch—and groaned. “Fine. But if I see one scratch on Baby-“
“You’ll kill me, yeah, I know.” Sam unbuckled as Dean pulled over, not sounding nearly threatened enough. “Let’s move.”
It took a minute for Dean to get all the snacks, but the moment the last bag was in his arms Cas grabbed him by the shoulder, the world because a spinning rush, and he was home.”
He was barely on steady legs when She slammed into him, sending him stumbling slightly back as his arms wrapped around her, careful not to push too far into the baby bump.
“Hey, Sweetheart. I heard you missed me-“
“Of course I missed you, you asshole!” She pushed off of him, shoving his chest slightly. “Do you have any idea how many pies are just rotting in the fridge for you! You said the hunt would be fast, Dean, but I was stuck alone for four fucking days-“
Dean frowned. “Wasn’t Cas-“
“Cas doesn’t count!” She screamed, and over her shoulder, Cas didn’t look that offended. He’d probably gotten this outburst—and the following, tearful apology—at least twice already. “Cas isn’t you! He didn’t knock me up and then leave me-“
Dean thought about pointing out that he had not left Her, but thought better of it and let her keep shouting. She usually calmed herself down.
“And Cas is an angel, and he’s been okay, and I feel so bad because I was such a bitch to him, but he deserved it! He wasn’t you! And I missed you and I hate you, Dean, I fucking hate you, why weren’t you home-“
Dean caught Her hands in his, pressing a gentle kiss to Her knuckles. “I’m home now, baby-“
“I know.” She whispered, crumbling in half a second into Dean, clinging to him like a koala. “And I missed you so much, De. I can’t do the laundry with this stupid bump, I can’t do anything, I’m useless and I’m a bitch and I think made Cas cry-“
“I’d pay to see you make Cas cry,” Dean muttered Her name, running a slow hand through her hair. “And you’re not useless. You’re growing a person, that freaking awesome and insane-“
She tilted her head back, pretty eyes glossy and wide on Dean’s. “But what if I mess it up? What if I fuck the baby up and you leave me-“
“I’m never gonna leave you.”
“But I’ve been mean-“
“You’re always mean, baby.” Dean grinned at her, letting his affection show in his voice. “And it’s always pretty freakin’ hot. And you aren’t gonna fuck up the baby, and I’m not gonna leave you, but,” he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. “If you wanna make Sammy cry a little more, I think he’ll deserve it.”
She rolled her eyes, but she was smiling again. “I’m not making Sam cry-“
“He said you had mood swings.”
She gasped, hitting Dean’s chest. “You’re a snitch-“
“Gotta spread the love somehow.” Dean shrugged, squeezing his hands on Her as he dropped his voice down. “But I can think of a few other ways, just you and me, to spread some better love.”
She flushed—already putty in Dean’s arms—and almost dragged him back to their room.
And this made it worth it. All the screaming and flying objects and threats, all the living in cautious fear in his own damn home, was more than worth it for this. Not just the awesome sex—sex was always awesome, sex with Her was better than almost anything, and sex with pregnant Her was what Dean imagined crack was like—but the way that, in the end, She smiled at him no matter what. She smiled and giggled and moaned, proving to Dean in a million ways both between the sheets and after that she didn’t really hate him, and he got to rest his head on her stomach and feel a small kick near his brow. Her fingers combed through his hair peacefully, all her noises made of content, and everything was more than worth it.
Worth pushing through the worst of the screaming and moods—just like She’d pushed through all of his world-saving bullshit—to see Her peaceful face as she slept by his side. Worth letting Sam drive the Impala just once, so Dean could get home faster.
Worth the family he was finally getting to have, and being here with them.
End Note: Sam Winchester once again being a true trooper in my stories.
Title from Next to Me by Imagine Dragons
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#x reader#reader insert#romance#canon typical violence#jensen ackles#jensen ackles characters#godmadeaterribleerror#dean winchester x you#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester#dean winchester x reader#supernatural#supernatural fanfiction#sam winchester#dean x reader#dean x you#dean fanfiction#dean if you want a hug I'm free saturday#request#tw blood#pregnancy#tooth rotting fluff#fluff
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I’ve lived all over this big beautiful country and the most chaotic convenience store I’ve ever been in is the 7-11 at to the fort totten metro. Consistently too like the employees bring their dogs in and tie them up in the corner - I’ve seen half eaten donuts on the floor - a guy open the hot case take out a thing of chicken wings take a single bite of one wing then put it all back in the case - children climbing on the shelves - it kind of rules except they NEVER have welchs fruit gummies
#do u guys have any fun convenience store experiences#god the takoma metro 7-11 was so angelic and perfect like a very relaxed friendly atmosphere. but they TORE IT DOWN for condors. evil#fort totten 7-11 had a very different vibe which is fun but its small and they’re always out of my favorite snacks#ive been trying new things but so far the only new thing i i like is peanut butter m&ms
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scary movie marathon - st fic
Written for Day 27 of @steddie-spooktober prompt: scary movies - wc: 1.6k - cw: some cussing
enjoy! 💛
Steve’s idea of a great date night? Scary movie marathon. If you pick the right movies, your date will hide their face in your shoulder and you have an excuse to hold onto them for the duration. If you’re lucky, you might even get them in your lap where you can provide some distraction.
At least, this is how things typically worked when Steve went on dates with the girls of Hawkins High. He should’ve expected that, like most things with Eddie, that wouldn’t be the case with the other boy. When he’d first suggested the movie night, Eddie had assumed it was a group thing and started talking to Robin about what movies she was going to bring. Luckily, Robin can read Steve’s mind, and also his rapid signaling behind Eddie, so she made up an excuse on why she was busy that night. Eddie had shrugged and turned to Steve with a smirk that sent butterflies straight to Steve’s stomach.
The night had come faster than Steve expected and he eyed the movies in his front seat warily when he pulled up to Eddie’s trailer. He knew the other boy would probably like anything they watched, a huge fan of any and all horror no matter how bad. But Eddie also had a habit about seeing Steve more than other people. What if he realized something about him that Steve didn’t mean to reveal? What if he thought the movies he chose were dumb? Or too mainstream to be considered bad enough to loop back to good? This was a terrible idea. Steve’s hand rested on his gear shift, ready to put it in reverse and call Eddie with a fake illness cover story when the boy in question stepped out of the trailer and waved.
Steve had just gotten used to the black jeans and leather jacket Eddie normally wore, but nothing could’ve prepared him for the cropped Black Sabbath shirt displaying the underneath of Eddie’s chest all the way to his navel. The sunset painted the scars adorning his stomach into a soft pink, like a gentle swoop of a paint brush. Steve’s own matching scars never looked so soft, instead red and angry any time he caught a glance of them in the mirror. Eddie’s grin sharpened as he approached Steve’s car, brown eyes alight with something when he cracked open Steve’s door.
“Cat got your tongue there, Stevie?”
If blinks were audible, Steve knows his would’ve been deafening. “Whatever Eddie, hope you’re ready to be scared.” He didn’t dare to look at Eddie when he grabbed the movies, scared the older boy would know what he was thinking.
“Ha! Me, scared? I’m a connoisseur of horror, a weaver of terrible tales, it takes a lot to scare the likes of me!” A cartoonish evil laugh erupted from Eddie as he walked forward, sliding his slippers off at the front door. The trailer felt just as welcoming as it had done all the times before, but now there were orange string lights covering the wall behind the TV and it smelled distinctly of popcorn.
In seemed in the time it had taken Steve to go home and change, Eddie had set up a full array of snacks for them. Popcorn in one bowl, M&Ms in another, even a bag of red vines sat to the side. “I, uh, wasn’t sure what you’d want to drink. We have coke and beer.” Eddie cringes at his words, though Steve can’t imagine why, and he’s already heading to the kitchen.
“I’ll just have what you’re having.” The fridge door opens and Steve sets his movies on the table, eyes catching on the starting menu for The Fly. Eddie comes back with two opened beers, passing Steve’s over by the neck before taking a quick swig of his own.
“Okay, so we’re starting with one of the best horror movies ever.”
“What the fuck?! Eddie, what the fuck?” Steve can’t look at the screen anymore, the transformation from man to fly sending his stomach into a riot. He’s tucked his face behind his hands and leaned towards Eddie like that’ll save him from the screen. Which is when he notices Eddie’s got an arm around his shoulders and he can feel him laughing against him. How did he not realize Eddie using his own moves against him?
“I know. It’s fucked up isn’t it? And the special effects are so good!” Eddie almost sounds excited, which would be nice if Steve couldn’t hear the sound of Jeff Goldblum’s character losing the last of his humanity. He gags and covers his ears instead, leaning fully into Eddie and turning his head towards the cologne he can smell on Eddie’s neck instead of the screen.
“It’s disgusting is what it is.” Steve’s breath ghosts over Eddie’s collarbone and he swears he can see the moment Eddie’s heart starts beating faster. Interesting. He’s hopeful so Steve leans closer and feels Eddie’s arm tighten incrementally around him.
“Steve?” He nods against the metalhead’s neck, newly focused on figuring out just what the older boy smells like under the cigarette smoke that follows him around. “Can I say something crazy?” Eddie’s tense as he talks, arm slipping from Steve’s shoulders so he can reach for the remote. “I mean, maybe it’s not crazy compared to you know, the entire Upside Down and like the last four years of your life. But it’s a big deal to me. Robin said you were fine with her, and clearly you are because she’s like your whole soulmate. Platonic, I know.”
All of the air is stuck in Steve’s lungs, making his chest tight and he’s just waiting for the pit in his stomach to swallow him whole. He’s opened his mouth to speak a couple of times but nothing is coming out – Eddie’s drowning in a sea of insecurities and he’s doing nothing to help.
“Okay. I’m just going to spit it out. I’m gay and I have the biggest crush on you.”
I have the biggest crush on you.
Steve can breathe again. His cheeks are hot and he knows if he looked in a mirror they’d be bright pink.
“Can I kiss you?”
It’s quiet enough in the trailer that Steve can hear when Eddie chokes on his inhale.
“..what?” Eddie’s shoulders aren’t tense anymore, and he tilts his head at Steve with furrowed brows. He almost looks like a puppy.
“Sorry, yeah, totally cool with the gay thing. Even more on board with the crush thing, so can I kiss you?”
Eddie’s still just looking at Steve with wide, brown eyes.
Alright, that’s fine, Steve can close the distance. Steve leans forward slowly and brushes the curls away from Eddie’s face, watches his eyes go wide with wonder before leaning in. Their noses bump when their lips first meet but then Eddie tilts his head and Steve’s world with it. Eddie’s hands come up to cup Steve’s jaw, cold rings sending sparks along his face and Steve smiles into the kiss. They part for a moment, matching grins on their faces. After a beat, Eddie leans in again and Steve shifts closer on the couch.
As soon as he starts shifting, Eddie’s hands start tugging him closer until Steve’s straddling the older boy’s black jean clad lap. Steve boxes him in easily, resting slightly on Eddie’s lap to change the angle again. Eddie nips at his lip, gaining full access to his mouth when Steve gasps at the sensation. The sounds of the movie have completely faded now, Steve more focused on the soft smacking of their lips when they disconnect and meet again.
The need for air causes them to part, but Eddie doesn’t go far, tucking his face into Steve’s neck. If it wasn’t for how warm Steve was already feeling, he might’ve been able to feel the warmth from the blush on Eddie’s face. Instead he feels Eddie’s lips against his skin as the metalhead murmurs. “Holy shit. Holy shit. Am I dreaming right now?”
“Not a dream, baby. If it wasn’t obvious, I have a huge crush on you too.”
Eddie leans more into Steve’s neck, placing a kiss at his pulse point. A couple more kisses are placed on Steve’s neck and he feels himself melt into Eddie’s lap. He feels Eddie’s hands clench slightly at the movement and then they slip under his shirt, fingertips pressing gently at Steve’s lower back and hips. A gasp escapes him when Eddie nibbles at his neck, teeth pulling at the skin in a way that Steve knows will leave a mark.
For a moment he imagines the older boy leaving different marks on him and lending him his signature leather jacket for everyone knows who Steve belongs to. But Steve’s getting ahead of himself, this is only their first kiss. There’s no guarantee that Eddie wants this to be a serious thing.
“Sweetheart?” When Steve glances down, Eddie’s pupils are still blown slightly even though his eyebrows are scrunched in confusion. “Did you hear me?” He must see his answer in Steve’s eyes because the confusion leaves and Steve’s looking at the softest expression he thinks he’s ever seen.
“I asked if you wanted to be my boyfriend?” There’s an edge to Eddie’s voice and his hands tighten for a moment before loosening again. As though he’s worried about Steve’s answer, like Steve’s not already on the precipice of falling in love with he boy in front of him.
“Only if you let me take you on an official date.” All of the tension leaves Eddie and he grins, leaning up towards Steve again.
“I think I can agree with that.”
And what else is Steve supposed to do but lean in for another kiss?
#steve harrington#steddie#eddie munson#stranger things#valentine writes#steddiespooktober#let them makeout!!#they deserve it
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