#everytime they cook something delicious i just feel hungry bro....
fehzsterr · 4 months
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he would be the type to attempt to perform black magic and get away with it..... (i love dungeon meshi guys)
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ashykins · 4 years
The demon bros playing a game of Bean Boozled!
Long story short, you convinced all of them to play the human game “Bean Boozled”. You told them how it works and needless to say....yikes. Don’t worry, they have a bucket in case of you know.....
Based on this post
To be honest, he didn’t want to join
But after you gave him those puppy dog eyes, he finally caved in
Plus, it’s nice to have some fun once in a while and to also please Diavolo
Jelly bean he got: Peach or barf
Oh no...he really hopes he got the peach flavored jelly bean
If he got the good jelly bean: Hm? It tastes really fruity...oh thank Diavolo it’s peach flavored
If he got the bad jelly bean: Oh no...You may not see it, but he is screaming on the inside and trying his best not to puke
Chuckles everytime someone gets a bad jelly bean particularly Mammon and Satan
Glares everytime someone is laughing at him when he gets the bad jelly bean
Might use this game as punishment for his brothers
Oh? His human wants him to join?
Well...fine but only because you need The great Mammon’s presence and not because he wants to be with you!
Sits right beside MC
Jelly bean he got: Tutti-frutti or Stinky socks
Ok first of all, what on earth is Tutti-frutti? And secondly, who decided that making stinky sock flavored jelly beans was a good idea!?
If he got the good jelly bean: Oooo! What an delicious flavor...so that’s what Tutti-frutti tastes like
If he got the bad jelly bean: Ohhh EW! That tasted horrible! He won’t even swallow it, he’ll just spit it out
Laughs everytime Lucifer gets the bad jelly bean
“MAAAMMOOON?” Cue a terrified Mammon hiding behind MC
As soon as MC mentions the game “Bean Boozled”, he’s in!
He already knew about this game from watching videos about it from Deviltube
He’s already live-streaming this on Deviltube
Jelly bean he got: Liquorice or Skunk spray
Yuck...honestly, he doesn’t like either of the flavors but liquorice is much more better than skunk spray...it’s so not fair!
If he got the good jelly bean: Well at least it’s not skunk spray otherwise he’ll have a hard time getting rid of the bad breath
If he got the bad jelly bean: Oh no! Nonono! He spits it out in digust, it’s really not fair!
Laughs everytime someone gets a bad jelly bean except for MC, he feels bad...
Unsurprisingly, he’s pretty good at this game
You want him to join? Sure but only because you asked him
Questions why are there flavors that aren’t even supposed to be in food
He’s getting a bit worried now
Jelly bean he got: Chocolate pudding or Canned dog food
Really hopes he got chocolate pudding
If he got the good jelly bean: Oh Chocolate! Delicious flavor...
If he got the bad jelly bean: No. Just no. He’s not a dog, he’s not Cerberus so why did HE get it? Angy boi.
Gives Lucifer an evil grin every time he gets a good jelly bean while Lucifer doesn’t
What’s this? A human game? Sure!
Although disappointed it isn’t a dirty one 😏
But still, it seems fun! So yeah...
Jelly bean he got: Buttered popcorn or Rotten eggs
“Well what’s the worse that could happen? I’m sure I’ll get buttered popcorn”
If he got the good jelly bean: What a delightful surprise! I knew I’d get it! Overall confident
If he got the bad jelly bean: One bite and that’s all it takes for him to puke into the bucket. Absolutely atrocious!
He’s also filming this and posting it to Devilgram
More followers! Yay!
A human game that involves food!? Immediately joins
Finally! A game that that actually has food!
Oh it’s like Russian roulette? Don’t care, there’s still the chance of getting the good jelly bean
Jelly bean he got: Toasted Marshmallow or Stink bug
Toasted Marahmallow~ Reminds him of s’mores, makes him even more hungry
If he got the good jelly bean: Happy boi. He got what he wanted, and...there he goes to the kitchen to possibly make some s’mores
If he got the bad jelly bean: Absolutely hates it, this is much more worse than Solomon’s cooking. Spits it out and goes to the kitchen to eat something more appetizing. Sad boi
However, he’s surprisingly good at getting the good jelly beans, much to everyone’s dismay
How does he do that?
Can’t be bothered to join...but alright
He expects cuddles later on
The 50/50 chance of either getting a good jelly bean or a bad jelly bean has him getting low-key excited and nervous
Jelly bean he got: Coconut or Spoiled milk
That’s it? Not the extreme flavors his brothers got? Meh...not that he minds
If he got the good jelly bean: Pretty refreshing and tasty, now time for me to take a nap...
If he got the bad jelly bean: Not that upset probably the least upset about it, he has tasted worse things before
Overall, he’s just that chill
Sleepy sleep time! Sleeps on MC’s lap, much to Mammon’s dismay
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